##VIDEO ID:jR4Dh0u7-qo## yes my computer's gonna die so I'm G to pretend like it's on we always only have one in December right yeah yeah e e e e e e e e e e e e e all right 3.0 roll call of school board members all are present we'll move into 4.0 communication reports and start with admin administration department head reports with superintendent perfect um the first thing I set a copy here of something I was asked to pass on um it comes from the city council and um I've had several people um ask me what my thoughts are from a school standpoint typically a school does not come out and endorse you know whether it's candidates or items but I will um point out a few pieces that um we are a user of several of the city's facilities um main one being the arena or I shouldn't say main one one of the big ones in this deal is the arena and obviously um there are some things depending again I don't plan to or pretend to be an expert like R R22 Refrigeration that has to be replaced okay and there's a cost to it it's um I'm going going to say no longer uh manufactured and so all ice arenas over I don't know if it's been a 10-year period or or some time period have to switch to a different system that's part of what the city is doing there's other Renovations other things um I'll be honest um you know they're they're going to the the the fixes if you will are going to get done one way or the other you know whether the city levies them whether they do a sales tax um from a school standpoint we want our kids using good facilities be it baseball fields be Arenas whatever um I'll be honest from a school I think it's a it's a good it's needed I'm not saying you should vote one way or the other but we were asked to pass some information on more for information um so take it do what you so desire with it if there's questions you know there's the you can can scan the QR code or if people want more information um the city has been nothing but excellent with answering questions that I've had they're out and about um pring it if you will and so um I just throw it out there because the questions come out a few times we will um pass some information along through our media just you know get out and vote there's nothing on there that says yeah you know again we are a user we are I'm going to say a partner with the city in a lot of things and so um it is what it is can have their own stances one way or the other it is on the ballot and just like we would encourage anyone to get out and vote however you're going to vote so um I throw that your way if there's questions um that I can answer by all means ask um if it's that or anything else um you will see on later on your agenda there is an industrial Tech instructor being recommended um this again uh it I'm very pleased that we have a person um longterm it will at least assuming everything goes as planned it would be shared again between the Middle School and the high school um I think don't quote me I think starting out it might just be the high school to get going the plan is to start for second semester but I'm asking the board to approve it with hiring the person two weeks early so when we came back from break the instructor would then start with our instructor and have some to Mentor one-on-one so to speak Mentor because the person will be on a uh a tiered license they have a four-year degree they don't have industrial arts degree the person's father is an industrial arts teacher he comes from a farm family so he according to the interview you know knows welding knows some you know carpentry things like that so that's the important part of starting them early is to make sure he has a safety protocol and this and that when instructing the kids um because he's not coming out of an industrial Tech program he will go and get his license you know as he's working here so um recommend that um any questions on that first of all I it's it was a I'm going to say a good find um wife is in a a college program she plans to do a master's through UND up here so that will work out even nicer for them assuming everything plays out um the only other thing I have um just to report back and I think Lynn will touch on it the Strategic plan survey and my eval I get zero feedback so again l ly can um touch on that as we go on but other than that things are rolling and I'm open for questions I don't have a lot any questions all right uh 4.1.1 point1 is the November board meeting date and our next board meeting falls on Veterans Day in which we can have a board meeting so um I propose that we have a board meeting on November 12th at 700 A.M which would be that Tuesday is everybody good with that yes okay yes will be the next meeting and then 4.1.2 is principles do we have anybody and no where I mean we just forgot to take and then 4.2 committee reports the only thing I have is meet and confer um I I told you I was working on that and I will forward it to the group but oh right here but what they recommended in this is mainly at least for this point um Amanda Lindsay and Josh is they recommended four dates November 25th February 24th March 31st which there's they're only about a month apart but I'm guessing they say these are corresponding dates to what's been done in the last few years and then May 5th um I'm guessing the 24th and 31 um of March you know those are close with uh budgeting and you know if there's reductions or whatever going on so I don't have I just want to get things on the you know something on the calendar and like they said if there's nothing meet about they're open to canceling so again um unless like say Amanda Lindsay and Josh for time being at least November 25th then it would be February 24th March 31st and May 5th um they said typically they did it at four o'clock before the board meeting these are Mondays at four I assume yeah because they said they're before board board meetings so yeah in the past before a board meeting right right after school if if it's needed but yeah that's fine okay so I'm just going to reply we're good to go I mean they're open if something has to other than that I don't have for committee anything right now like I said last time we're working on transportation and some different things and when we're ready we'll throw throw it out to the Committees thank you uh 4.3 we have Kendra Hatcher here to talk to us about prosity you hit the button it'll turn green maybe hold it there you go um I am just I'm returning Jenifer Modine came presented on prosity last year if you need a refresher it is the website or app that connects unmet student needs to our community a community can fill those needs anonymously and then the item was delivered right to our school so I just wanted to give an update on how last year went for us and then um again just ask for um the continued support of the school and also the community this is Kira um so our first need posted on February 28th last school year and we had 14 posts only excuse me only one went unmet the average cost was about 30 $4 that we were asking um items that were requested were hygiene products pillow backpack weighted blanket clothing and our most requested item was shoes um and so we anticipate since we're starting the push out earlier this school year that we will get more requests for boots and winter items than we did starting in late February March last year so that's really I have been working with Mr go and Mr gussel and getting lot out to the community and to our families again for them to sign up I think last I checked we had over a 100 followers still from last year so that's really good um and like I said all but one of the needs were met last year so the the followers that we have were really active in in using the platform so it was all that's great it's awesome oh it's a Nifty little app so yeah glad we have it yes it it's been working out really well thank you thank you I don't all right 5.0 consent agenda take a motion to approve the consent agenda as presented so moved I'll second all those in favor say I I I any abstains or propos proposed don't you have to oh yeah I Aben there's one exension okay all right eyes have it motion approved 6.0 opportunities for citizens to speak any don't think so n for me either 7.0 is to approve the agenda I'll take a motion to approve a second the the only C caveat I just want to point out there was a a late addition the resignation um I don't even have of Molly pool just so that everyone's aware because that was just added this afternoon and there's a letter attached in the consent I did not see that oh sorry that was up sorry yeah sorry I was thinking it was yeah well it's already done sorry approved okay Brandon who did you second Lindsay I did any questions or discussion on the agenda okay all those in favor say I I any oppose motion carries 8.0 District business 8.1 is to approve the special education resolution um I'll move to approve the special education resolution as presented and attached in board book second any questions or discussion we'll need a roll call yes yes yes yes yes six to zero motion carries 9.0 payment of claims and accounts I'll move to approve appr the payment of K2 bills numbers 12864 through 12867 in the amount of $996 77 cents any questions or discussion okay all those in favor say I I I any oppos we are already to board member comments Eric start with you I have no comments tonight no I'm good same don't you want me to get the record come on congratulations that had the best best of luck but good luck good luck in the in the winter sport season that's right around the corner sport season and activities activities thought that was going to be my to was winter winter activities are on their way girls hockey started today yep I think one thing we should just be aware of is don't be afraid to come to us if there's didn't me there's bunch of kids and they don't have enough coaches or and I I guess I forgot to point out and and I didn't think I don't know if you noticed there is one additional girls hockey assistant and the reason being just just so groups aware and I didn't think of mention it but they they practice all as one before and so there were only three coaches and now they're doing like the boys where they're separate so for the equality piece you know you shouldn't just have one coach with and and so there um so there's two for each team so to speak now and um so other than that yeah no if numbers are high that's a good thing it's a large group yeah you know uh I don't have anything else either so the next Bo of the Education meeting is scheduled for Tuesday November 12th at 7 a.m. so I will make a motion to adjourn the meeting I'll second any questions or discussion all those in favor say I I