##VIDEO ID:n09obxOMWYM## e e e e e e Brian is Kevin can you hear us I can okay perfect thank you e e e great 3.0 it's roll call of all Schoolboard members and we're all present tonight so 4.0 is communication and reports start with the department head reports superintendent okay and I think the first thing we have um we mooved the audit up there so um Brian if you can hear us um Brian is online and we'll go through do we have the presentation put up or just uh I was just thinking do you want me to share my screen what's easy yeah go ahead please yeah see if we can get it on there for you see it okay you should have it perfect okay ready to go go ahead okay thank you good evening uh Brian stavenger a partner with ID Bailey here to walk you through the results of the fiscal year 24 audit uh this is a a very high level overview of the audited results uh there is a full financial statement that's several pages long um a lot of good detail um but in the uh in the interest of time um and understanding um we like to give this summarized version of that uh full audited financial statement uh certainly ask questions as I'm going through this um I'll pause periodically for those questions as well as an opportunity for any added comments uh here we go uh so a general overview there's really uh a couple different uh standards that we follow um we follow the general General audit standards which is in any external audit that's performed um if it's a a school district a gas station a manufacturing plant uh those are very standardized procedures uh we also then follow government audit standards because of the federal and state dollars that flow through uh the district um it's an extra layer of really control and compliance testing that we do uh and then finally we follow uh the Minnesota legal compliance audit guide for school districts this is put out by uh the state auditor office um in conjunction with the Department of Education really just having us focus on uh things like as if there's any new debt issuance are you following the correct rules uh conflicts of interest U collateral uh things of things of that nature and then ultimately what we're we are tasked with is to perform procedures and to be able to obtain that reasonable assurance that the financial statements are free of material misstatements which uh I'll share those results with you in a couple slides U but we did uh we did accomplish that overall timeline uh very similar to previous years um where we're wrapping this up in November so really not a lot of significant change there here's ultimately the out of opin op uh this is the important one here a clean unmodified audit opinion really means uh three different things one you're following the right accounting rules uh two um everything within the financial statements that full audited financial statement document um does not contain any material misstatements and then all the required disclosures uh are in that audit document So based on our procedures and results um get that clean unmodified opinion that's really what you want when you go through an external audit which you received historically uh and hopefully what you continue to receive into the future we also do a separate audit that's very much in conjunction um with the regular financial statement audit uh anytime any entity expends more than $750,000 in their fiscal year of federal Awards uh it triggers this separate audit just on those federal funds it's very compliance heavy uh as well as looking at internal controls so from the federal government standpoint as they um uh issue all of this this money to various States and local governments they want some level of accountability on an annual basis um and so that's what this accomplishes in 2024 the district expended uh just under $2 million in federal Awards uh related to that audit also that clean unmodified opinion which is very good and before we look at a few numbers um just to summarize the findings which you can see in all three of those areas we did not have any findings to report so there is an opportunity um when we look at the financial statements when we do the federal audit and as mentioned previously when we do that Minnesota legal compliance audit or follow that audit guide um those three areas all have opportunities to report findings um happy to report that we did not have any so before we look at a few numbers uh just want to pause there to see if there's any questions from anyone or or any added comments um anyone would like to make any questions from the board no okay so I apologize these are a lot of numbers uh it's probably pretty small um on the screen that you're looking at but we like do like to give a a quick highlight of the general fund your main operating fund of the district uh you've got several other funds Debt Service dedicated to repaying a debt principle and interest you've got a building construction fund or capital projects fund for significantly sized projects Food Service community service all of those also important funds but your general fund is your main operating fund U the vast majority of the activity and the day-to-day activity flows through there so we like to highlight this uh like I said this has got a lot of numbers on it first two columns represent budget columns the far left is way back in the the spring of 2023 you would have set your original budget as you progress then through the fiscal year you do have the opportunity to revise that really as many times as you want uh just taking in additional information as you learn and understand uh your student body and student counts you can then adjust those uh revenues and in corresponding expenditures so that would be your final amended budget the third column is the actual results so the actual revenues and expenses that flow through the general fund and then the far right column is really what I will focus on which gives you a good s snapshot of how did you do compared to that final budget so on the revenue side uh a positive number there meaning you took in more Revenue than anticipated by just over a million dollars that was within about 3.9% of your final budgeted amount generally speaking we like to see that within 5% revenues can be uh one unpredictable a little bit more unpredictable two a little bit uncontrollable you may expect to receive something but it is you know you're riant a little bit on on third parties to collect Revenue in a lot of instances and three you know just kind of your budgeting strategy do you do you conservatively budget your revenues you know not counting on the uh the student count growing or whatnot you know maybe be a little bit more conservative so really all of that um kind of leads to you know if you're within 5% we're going to be pretty happy from an audit perspective you were within 3.9% U with really the vast majority of the variances coming in other local and County and state sources uh really just a recognition of conservative budgeting uh as well uh as uh State Source budgeting um or I'm sorry actual coming in a little bit more than what you had anticipated so overall very good on the revenue side uh the expenditure side even better I challenge you to become uh uh get even closer uh to a a 26 almost 27 million budget you came within $18,350 uh a very very good job job there you know you look at the different categories they're going to fluctuate that that that is just going to happen but the bottom line is you pretty much spent exactly what you thought you you would uh spent a little bit more but that's within 0.07% uh which is really really good uh generally we like to see that within 2 to 3% a little bit more controllable um you nailed it you really did so overall um in the general fund you actually anticipated a bit of a a deficit spend in the general fund which is represented by this uh number here in parenthesis that was your anticipated or budgeted deficit you actually came in a little bit not a little bit actually a lot uh better than you thought uh by about a million dollars um you were able to then increase your fund balance your fund balance is really your ending reserves uh that you can utilize going forward uh we'll look at a graph that kind of illustrates that but about 4.8 million in fund balance or reserves in the general fund at the end of the fiscal year so overall wonderful results uh great job budgeting um really phenomenal when it comes to the expenditure budget so before we move on I I'll pause to see if there's any questions or comments on the general fund okay just a couple more slides this one also has a lot of numbers this is really just taking a look at really your fund balances at the beginning of the year fund balances are reserves this is broken down into all of those other different funds you've got general fund Food Service community service building construction and Debt Service it just takes you from the beginning of the year lays out all the activity and then you have the end of the year balance so not really going to spend much more time on this slide um just like to point it out it also is in the full audited financial statement um so you can take a closer Peak if you'd like last uh slide with content on it anyways is to take a look at the fund balance in the general fund what we're going to focus on is the uh what's termed the unrestricted fund balance that really means uh there's no external restrictions so at the end of each year you do have a portion of those reserves are restri restricted um into the future to be only utilized on specific items mostly related to state aid that you receive uh so we really exclude those uh the Department of Education when they're analyzing fund balance they exclude those so really uh this is a look at what do you have in those unrestricted fund balance amounts as a percentage of your annual operating uh expenses or your budget uh your target really is about 15% and then you've got some parameters really you don't want it to fall below 8% this is all your internal policy and you really strive to keep it less than 25% um consistency I would say is the the name of the game here uh you are either uh just above your target of 15% or really for the last two years you are right on target so what we like to see here from a from an audit standpoint from an external standpoint is we don't like to see a lot of fluctuation um you know that can really mean you're kind of yo-yoing that budget you're you're having a lot of expenditures one year you're backing them off the next probably not the most healthy way to operate a school district um so nice to see some consistency here um you know really between that 15 to 20% for the last years so very very uh good job sticking to your policy um and very consistent as well so I'll pause again for any final questions or comments and if not uh my last slide just is a thank you so I'll pause there to see if there's anything else any questions from the board one Brian um when we when we're looking at at that pattern going all the way back to 2020 um is the the pattern you know we were above that 15% for a couple years but was that um more Federal does that just mean more Federal monies that were coming in after after covid and then we look at um 23 and 24 we can just make the assumption that those Federal monies why it's showing this is those Federal monies are are uh bleeding out now yeah uh I mean that is a great observation and and you've pretty much nailed it uh in in most school districts this is the pattern um you know if we were to be able to go back back 10 years um I would suspect that prior to 2020 it was probably right around 15% um so yes absolutely there was a two to threee period there with all of the covid money you know the different pandemic funds that were flowing through uh the school district um yeah and then as those ran out or as those were spent um kind of back more to what I would call a more of a normal operation um not relying so much on those one time and fairly significant funds so absolutely uh great observation great point and and really kind of more back to normal is what I would call it now thank you thank you and one thing I guess I would throw we haven't had a ton of time to look at this and obviously there's pieces you want to look at you know why why is this above or below one piece to point out though is if you look at School Readiness which was deficit the last several years and obviously with VPK funding you know that should help it doesn't mean there isn't room to improve clean things up but um we're we're how do you want to say it cautiously optimistic that in of itself could make a significant diff difference in the in that fund so um it's definitely a good pattern to see any questions thank you Brian thank you yes thank you I will make sure to stop sharing if if I can find there we go and then of course the audit does get actually approved later on in the agenda so just make sure thank you yes you're welcome have a great evening thank you thank you um are you okay if I continue on then so um first off on the same note I would thank Carla and her team um the audit process is is a workload in and out of itself so um appreciate that and everyone that put stuff forward um winter activities up and running uh wish them all the best of luck I don't know if any of you got to attend the fall musical this past weekend it was unbelievable um I just my daughter and I went and from where I came from we didn't have numbers you know we can do one act play something smaller but the musical um in my mind was awesome so hats off to all those people involved with that um we are still searching for a fourth grade position for the person leaving us um so we're going to keep working but it's getting closer we also have a long-term sub that um at one of the elementaries we're still looking for a person just to give you heads up we very possibly are going to go after there's there's a social worker we're aware of that could be graduating and we haven't been able to fill a special ed position we have Aluma doing some we're actually going to lose that person in February um so we may go after like I say if you see a posting in the near future we're going to see if they're interested or not we would hire them not so much for a social work but they can use their services to to do the emotional and behavioral pieces that are in IEPs so it would be they couldn't be case manager but they would provide services so it may be an option trying to be creative keep you in the loop um December 4th there is a phase one training in ersin back in person um our two new board members um are signed up and and I'm going to go with them that evening um I'm going to throw it out again msba is January 16th and 17th um I'm going to just open-ended I know um one has said they're going if anyone else if you are or if you aren't I reserved a certain number of rooms and obviously at some point by the end of December we either have to get rid of them or keep them and so um look at that you'll you'll see two policies on the the agenda tonight we got a handful from msba that they recommended said did not need to be reapproved and that's why I'm just pointing them out because they're just like one has a a a statute just the number change um and then the other one was the the link is no longer active so that there's no but I just wanted you if we update it and someone goes well we never had it Paul yeah you know that's what's being done with those um uh where am I at here uh couple thing I'm just going to hit on the committees as as we're at it right now District health and safety did meet on November 14th um we have some things we're working on there there's some things that are bigger issues that I shouldn't say issu bigger planning like replacing cameras um you know that's just not a fixed thing you know there's some doors locks cleanliness things that we're working on now but um met with that group negotiation committee met on a couple items today uh Transportation you'll you'll see a couple items on the agenda tonight we didn't actually meet but had conversation with the three people we're making a recommendation based on there is a um you want to call it uh inventory of our uh buses and vehicles there and recommending to get a used bus to get going and then get a bus ordered um and the last thing is with not being in school for Thursday and Friday I don't plan on doing an update this week so just kind of giving me a heads up obviously always available so that's what I have at this time unless there's questions any questions for Kevin no so we'll move on to the American Indian education coordinator right yeah good e e [Music] all right ready yes all right um I just really want to start off with a compliment to Dara she stepped in and has stepped it up big time uh we had a great um indigenous people's day she put out a ton of resources to staff to get that launched and we had the largest Halloween Pall we've ever had so it was really well attended over 200 people so it was great so just with that but to get us started I just wanted to say that um Governor Tim Walls had signed into legislation last year the um indigenous education for all um students and um really what that was about is the standards have been in reading and social studies and science since about 2017 where we are to be teaching about um their uh the American Indian um history and their um contributions to society and it there just hasn't been really very good resources and when our literacy committee met the elementary committee met one of the things they had talked about was hey we don't even have books that are written by NA American Authors we don't have these things so when we brought that back to the American Indian parent Community um uh group they said hey we'll get some books and we have a really nice set now of books that we can utilize um in schools that are in the libraries and available and Dara has some sets that she can use as well when she's going in and teaching so you know it's about us working together and taking all of these great things and um putting them into place and we've been really fortunate that our American Indian parent group has supported us 100% making this come alive because not only have the resources not been there for teachers but also how do I do this and make sure I'm being culturally sensitive so the education piece too they've supported with r so that's what this is about tonight we're going to talk about this Aid and how this all helps our kids so so it's the time of year that the aid application is due we met with the parents heard what they wanted came up with the application brought it back to them they approved it and so now we're just talking about it and wanting everyone to know um it's through the Minnesota Department of Education when you start out with 20 AI students you get a base Award of $40,000 and each additional student brings in $500 so that's where the amount of funding comes from the purpose of the grant is to support post-secondary preparation for our American Indian students support the academic achievement make curriculum relevant to the needs interests and cultural heritage provide positive reinforcement of the self-image develop Intercultural awareness among pupils parents and staff and supplement state and federal education and co-curricular programs so our smart goals for this year based on what the parents wanted by the end of the 2425 school year 100% of our American Indian students in grade 12 will be prepared for postsecondary Success Through consistent College exposure mentorship and individualized planning as measured by the American Indian portfolio that they will be working on to get them prepared during the school year 100% of teachers will be trained in Native American best practices 100% of all teachers will utilize cultural teaching resources to make curriculum relevant to All American Indian students 100% of All American Indian families will attend at least one of our cultural events and 100% of our American Indian students and families will learn more cultural teachings and oju language and Dakota language content currently we have 12 5 American Indian students K through 2nd 34 3rd through 5th 35 Middle School 27 High School 22 with six graduating and School Readiness Early Childhood seven students we work with Ricky White to infuse the American Indian teachings to ensure that we will meet these goals so he is going to be doing a monthly virtual teachings with Ricky that will go out to all students or all classrooms he is going to to be giving weekly ojibway lessons to all of our American Indian families and all students will get them quarterly he's doing a PD for all employees to support AI coordinator and infusion of the standards he will be mcing the in school po that we're going to do again this spring and other cultural events he was at the Halloween powo and provide instruction to teachers on how to implement standards in the classroom sharing quality resources and feedback and he will be educating this students about the Seven Grandfather teachings which goes along with oural framework that we already do in schools so our parents are happy which means we're happy so yeah that's it does anyone have any questions I do yeah how come the stretch goal I mean you have 100% for everything which is awesome that's a stretch goal so what happens if you don't make it so you have six six a AIS that that are that are going to graduate yes and only five are prepared I mean what's going to happen after that we would revisit the plan make the changes that we need to to you know I'm just curious why the goals are right written at 100% I just when I'm just playing Devil's Advocate should it not be a little bit lower number and just try try to you know you have if you have it at a lower number I'm I'm certainly supportive of this but I'm just when I see 100% okay well it's a stretch goal for sure that we need to make 100% so well that's what we're shooting for always right right that's where we have to shoot for Brandon we just usually when you write goals you don't see 100% that's your stretch goal is to get to 100% so that I'm just just challenging that I support this completely but we've never what are you gonna do if you don't make it well we've never had to rate these goals in this plan before ever yeah it's new um I don't know that the parents were really they were just let's get them done you know it wasn't uh uh you know our graduation rates have been pretty high with our American Indian students we last year we were at 82% our overall graduation rate was 86% but I think we would shoot for 100% of all our kids graduating every year right we we do absolutely so once we have a Baseline and know what those are I'm sure those goals will adjust but this is new there are some schools we talk to that the American Indian parent group said we're not going to put smirk balls in so I'm just curious if you don't make that what's the implications we don't lose funding we have we have to report was so this is the group that's put it together and said yeah we're going to we're going for this okay that's what I was reevaluate what what can we do sure you know we need we didn't make this goal and we think we can and we need to so I think we would just make oh it's awesome put a lot you guys group put a lot of time into it and I appreciate that I just I just wanted to challenge that no and that's fine and I think um the other whole piece of this is we want to make sure that we are striving for the very best and this year we have an opportunity we had carryover money and that's why we're going hard with Ricky this year and with Mark Mint we also consult with the Department of Ed likes when we bring in Specialists outside of the school to help us Implement these things so I think we've got a good plan um I'm excited to get feedback from them because it's adjusted and changed this year because of this indigenous education for all and I mean they're pretty specific about that you know some of the parts that we need to be hitting like the treaties the you know all those parts and pieces so we want to make sure we have good resources for teachers any other questions thank you than all right moving on to 5.0 consent agenda take a motion second any questions or discussion on the consent agenda anything fold all those in favor say I I any oppos consent agenda is approved 6.0 is opportunity for citizens to speak on items not on the agenda I hear that we have some that want to speak on the agenda correct so we can hear those now um I just want to make all those aware we do have a lot of visitors today I think they're going to be talking about some of the services they might provide um we do usually asked for citizens to speak on items not on the agenda but I understand this special circumstances so we will allow representatives from those companies to talk we are setting some ground rules which we've done in the past when we've had people come talk on Co and all of the like where give three minutes per person to talk per party to talk um and we usually don't provide comment or questions at this point we can save that for the agenda topic when we get there so I'm assuming we have Representatives who want to speak or no yes okay if you want to come to the mic and introduce yourself sure Brandon's my timer perfect thank you for your time my name is Brian wesland I'm with Advanced business methods I'm the east region general manager uh just real quick introductions I got five other people with me uh Kyle jordet har Jensen Chang link Ron Van Raiden and Joe kasasa um for those live in east side all their kids went through this program uh went through the school district so we are employee owned and so all of us are owners here and this uh this account means a lot to us um talked with Kevin this morning at length and I appreciate his call um and he told us that the committee has recommended to go away from Advanced business methods we've uh provided copier service for the last 9 and a half years um let's see lots of notes here so I'm trying to get them done in three minutes so um I guess we' just like you to reconsider the committee's um recommendation um uh there was a couple concerns that Kevin brought to my attention one number one was the kioser line that we quoted um we just picked up that line in January and we feel that uh uh it's a good box and with our service that it will be adequate for uh East Grand for schools uh we put a performance guarantee on all of our equipment so if it does not work we will replace it at no cost to the district there was another issue with paper cut we've addressed that uh what happened in this fall will not happen again and and I'm not sure if you guys are all familiar with these these issues that that happened right before school but uh we'll take blame for that and it will not happen again um let's see um just want to uh rear um say that we do give back this community we have the employees that uh live in this community been around for 53 years um and uh we feel that we've done a good job uh taking care of you the last nine and a half years minus the the issue right before school on our paper cut issue so we'd like you to reconsider and take the low bid from Advanced business methods okay thank you any questions okay thank you thanks thank you we have any other speakers this time hi good evening I'm Hunter Baltimore I'm with Marco Technologies um sales manager for for North Dakota and Northwest Minnesota um here with Scott Beaton who is a local account manager for Marco Technologies and uh definitely like to First just say thank you for the opportunity to have a seat at the table to put a solution together that after hearing some of the concerns that the the school district has uh had and and faced through the the start of the school year um we feel like we've put together a very strong uh all-encompassing solution that uh helps provide the post support for any type of problems that should arise while having local service and support here based in in Grand Forks with uh other me members of the Marco team in the community and and surrounding communities as well um Marco's been in business for over 50 years and has grown regionally with adoption of just technology cyber security copier and solutions that go on top of that and when you look at a lot of the long-term relationships that we've had throughout the years and have grown and earned over the uh years it kind of goes back to just the the thought of putting together a in solution that might be a little bit different than what's being done today and historically being done to help school districts and businesses of the lake to help reduce and minimize waste and cost in their environment and we feel like the plan that we have uh put forth today will help do that ongoing for the school district as as well and in the long term um Provide support and a low cost solution so again thank you for your consideration let us know if you have any questions thank you thank you any other speakers for items not on the agenda great 7.0 is to approve the agenda I'll move any questions or discussion all those in favor say I I any oppose motion carries 8.0 is District business 8.1 is to approve the fiscal year 24 School District District audit report as presented and attached and as we heard from Brian today I will move to approve the audit a second any questions or discussion on the audit Kevin yeah we will look for you know the big items um come back to you again well I mean there's two wow yeah it's a swing my goal in the past has been 3% either way now keep in mind 3% of a $30 million budget's 900,000 you know theoretically you know if it flop each way revenue and expense could be pushing two million and that's large now again hopefully it's never that large but um you know student numbers will keep updating you've been getting you know monthly updates and we'll see what we can do um cuz that that looks to be a chunk of it and you know but yeah we'll we'll we'll be back yeah I think uh what I am maybe most excited about is seeing that our reserves didn't dip because I know we were all very worried about that at one time is how far we would have to go into the reserve so to see that just little sco up is pretty nice and Food Service I think was another one just at Quick Glance that produced more which I'm not going to say you know free lunch breakfast yeah you know but we we'll get you some info okay all right all those in favor of approving the audit say I I any oppose motion carries 8.2 is to approve the contract for copy or imprint Service as presented and attached and take a motion and then we can have in a second then we can have any discussion if we want there are things in board book and of course conversation a second questions and discussion so in front of you um attach I I I put a or we put a document together and it it lists going forward um because one of the solutions um is to purchase ABM out if you go with Marco um a few months down the road so that's why list you know we're under contract through um the end of July so that's why on abms um it lists what we're paying right now um for each month and then their proposal going forth um which and again just out um we asked for them to come in uh and give bids both both groups or give proposals I should say with what we have um I I think and I'm going to use the tech committee um you know I I think the number of printers we feel is is sufficient um I think that's a fair fair statement and Jason you can um help me down the road here um so both did um Marco did if you look on the right side down on the bottom they recommended um another copier in three of the buildings um again we didn't ask for it we're not going to turn it down it's included in their price they also um one thing Marco did um they recommended a a I'm going to say a an upgrade at least in their mind an upgrade to the uh printer in The copier printer in the uh counselor's office sorry thank you so that's in there um so we we started looking at price um we have Canon right now that the Canon quote um you know for whatever reason went up so the they actually gave ABM gave two we didn't list Canon on here because we're really not considering it with um uh it just it went up you know things happened and and so we we we accepted the K we accepted both of them but we're comparing to kiasera um they did give uh three companies for us to reach out to or three schools to reach out to we did that and I did um mention to the rep um one and again I'm just it is what it is I'm I'm speaking one said um they would do it again they went from Canon to KERO for the savings they are working they have been serviced but the lady and and Jason and um jyan and uh were in the office when we made that call um another person um was fine with them that we checked up it's the only thing he's ever used you know they work and again we we trust they will work um and then the third one was not happy um and again I didn't talk Jason talked with that person um we did do a little more checking um one place would not recommend and again it's all you know doing check would not recommend for a school our size that's all I can tell you I mean I I trust ABM has serviced if you went that route I trust they will service the Marco um conic Manola they gave us numerous um places to check as well and we did some background for the most part didn't get I mean do they break down everything break down just like a Ford Chevy Dodge you know in the services piece of it um we we got thumbs up um as far as the references we checked we didn't check there were probably eight or nine we didn't check all of them um so um the the group looking at it together um is is is recommending they feel the kser or the kic manota is a higher quality now again it's possibly dis debatable but um and with the extra copiers um felt it was a better deal over the the fiveyear and the the proposal it's off by a month I'm just being honest and that's why if you see in the the money breakdown the the difference is actually um 2749 we tacked one month on um because Marco was I'm not going to say an off but that's the way it ended up overall five years it's 1,400 bucks a a year difference so MoneyWise kind of like the audit that 18,000 on expense it's about as close as you're ever going to get MoneyWise it's it's it's what you think is the um best deal again I'm going to speak both have people locally whether you consider local not I mean employees um I think the districts used both of them in the past I can't speak back to Marco years ago I think they're both good companies but um what's in front of you is what our group um came up with so the main reason not wanting to go with um ABM is just the type of copier type of copier was one um and again there was a piece of service and then again I appre appreciate Brian's you know remark up until the paper cut issue I don't know if we would have had you know ABM and serviced and done their stuff it was a little disappointing if that's the right way to say when again we've spoke to it bygones be bygones two days before school we had a problem and there's a solution that could have been helped um I'll be honest Marco ended up helping us with the solution so I mean that again was a Plus on their side again all they asked is that they could bid next time we don't owe them anything and and obviously that is um was allowed not that we went to allow it anyway but um and again things happen that's not um the end all B but it was a piece of it so I don't think it's the only thing like if you're looking at this analysis sheet or I'm not taking it as the only thing yeah there's you know additional services that you're suggesting would be helpful as far well well I mean it it is the Technology Group who's bringing this forward correct correct so there's you know Five Points here that talk about the different services that they're going to be bringing that we don't currently have correct and and now the comment you know could we go back to ABM would they throw in other printers we didn't do that you know I'm just being honest because it's it's one of those that we asked for proposals this is what we got yeah well I mean um and like I say I'm not going to speak for them because you know yeah they maybe would or won't but this is what each side put forward um um I don't want to get the two companies into a a proposal War so Kevin I'm gonna ask you this question um you know ABM has anal analog lines um for for six 60 months there's a charge to that there's nothing under Marco so what what's the difference they're they're going to they're they're switching to what's called gold fax where you fax Through The copier and again can can ABM do that possibly you know I mean and so in essence you know that's why it's on that side is assuming we continue the way we are it's 140 bucks a month for that fax line um like say I'm guessing their machines could you know if you wanted to go down that road it wasn't put in as part of the proposal to go away from the fax line um and it's one thing marle recommended for fax lines yeah there's one in each building um so we would and and I guess in my mind backing from the scanner you know through email is the way we're going nowadays I mean before the beginning of the year were there any other issues like with service or any of the other items with I or a it's in board book The analysis sheet yeah yeah it was it was attached yep everybody can see it y should be public can see it if it's in board book it's um so why are we allowing a company to buy out one of our other contracts because it's typically what that has happened in the past with copers is they come in you know when you start going if they want to buy it out they can and it would be a you know that piece is a savings to you it it's happen the and I get that butan I don't want the district to get into the business of you have a contract with Brandon know man is going to come in and buy my contract out that's bad business so I just that's that's what where I'm I'm held up here a little bit I don't care how good a business is and you're just doing yeah we're going to keep I mean how often is this going to happen and be in front front of the board again you know two years from now some abm's going to be in front of the board and and say we'll buy Marco and and I was told I was told I mean I know it's a Cutthroat business but yeah no we didn't get any other bids I mean these were the two the two and so the Technology Group is suggesting Mar that is what they recommended correct what if these new lines don't work I just I'm I'm playing Devil's Advocate I'm not you mean the facts thing yep what's it going to cost us a bunch of t a bunch of tnm or can we guarantee that it's not well I mean it's it's over the Internet that's what we're doing is we sit up here and half the time our our email doesn't work either so I'm just ch I'm just challenging that's to challenge no I'm with you I me get the district is in something that I I don't I'm all for going for the recommendation of the tech technology group and I guess on that but I want to make sure that we're that group has thought about every little thing that that that made them don't so in going around to each School they don't track a ton of them it's not like the old days when the TRS always go right so this district office was maybe 10 a month you know the most is the elementary and some schools still send a few records that but now new one that just goes to the email and you send it scan it and it goes to your email corre and I think that's what everybody does in the business world now is moving Direction correct I so I Kevin I'm just playing Dev yeah no I I appreciate certainly when it comes to recommendation from a committee we have committees for a reason so and what about um here if it says we're adding additional printers or copiers and printers it looks like but would don't we be trying to cut costs on but again they're included so theoretically it's it's placement so people don't have to go as far um I don't you know there's no reason our copy number should go up you know because that's what we were ated so many copies you know per contract and again that was updated and and adjusted so I mean it's it's more of a convenience piece for staff you know like I said theoretically we didn't ask for anymore because you know what they've worked and and Jason Jill and the the others that you know were involved the we have you know we have backup in each building because things do break I mean it's just it's irrelevant I don't care what company it is we're going to have some downtime any other questions or discussion on this topic not we're going to take a vote all those in favor of using Marco for copy or and Print Services say I I I any opposed I 5 to one motion carries please okay 8.3 authorize Administration to secure a used School Bus a used 2018 bus from North Central bus and equipment for $31,100 assuming it's approved we will move forward tomorrow you know if it's not available not available but um and the other thing is um like I say it looks good it's coming from a a our bus vendor who we've worked through so Darren will go over take a look at it you know make sure you know it's everything that say I don't think the bus company is really you know looking to give us a limit it was a lease bus is my understanding so it's off lease and um we think a good way to go for starters here and we lost another bus today just for what whatever again I it's just and it was one of the ones that's orange on the sheet um you know again um it's a hose that went but they're just getting wore out would we have to purchase security for these or would we just transfer it over from one of our existing say again purchase cameras security would we have to purchase that in addition to to Services I guess I didn't ask I'm guessing an 18 bus has cameras on it I I guess I didn't ask you know if not technically you could take if one of our older ones take off but and just just so the board's aware um Cody's actually working on a grant to upgrade and again we'll see if we get it some of the C some of our cameras and DVRs and things are old still you know and so I mean it's just like any other technology um you're not going to get probably 15 17 years out of the cameras and Technology on these buses either we're going to have to plan for Replacements just like you do you know cameras in here or the computer so um I didn't ask I can ask but I would guess we would work with you know yeah what's the trade in what are we trading in right now we're not gonna all they give you is a th bucks if we can keep the extra bus for time being as long as we don't have to put a ton of money because like one of these we just can't put you know 10 grand like this one that went down again it's been down several times it's leaking oil but you know we can limp it along even if it's the bus that goes back and forth from CMS you know in the spring we're going to keep it for time being we can trade them at any time we're trading something but you get nothing so my question would be so I made the the motion I'm wondering if I shouldn't amend that motion if this one's not available well keep an eye for something else use that's that's what I mean so okay so if I don't know board members what are your who second Eric I did what are your thoughts if I amend it then we put like a cap on it to look well I mean that would be fine I mean I don't it doesn't have to come then it doesn't have to come back that would be okay unless just if it's gone it's gone well I mean if it's gone we're going to start looking and keep looking yeah we'll look for something else you know I mean we meet I say fairly regularly every two weeks I would think okay I'll leave it as is because I think even knowing if you support it if we could find another around 30,000 I could probably guarantee the group that the board would support it you know I'll just leave it y okay okay all those in favor uh to secure the used School Bus say I hi hi any opposed motion carries .4 is to authorize the administration to place an order for a 2025 Bluebird passenger bus this would be a new one for almost $127,000 as presented an attachment board book all motion for this a second questions and discussion on the new books and again looking at the inventory there's 17 buses right now um we would like to get to 18 there's 12 regular route um we would like like to get to 13 we have two routes that are fairly late um one getting 5:30 to 6:00 and that's just leaving at 3 that's so we'd like to get back to splitting a route and we would take one of our used buses right now our spares put it back in session that's another reason for trying to get it used um we're getting close every time we get close we lose a driver but we have another we have one coming back and we have one actually testing so that's the hope the piece being again used looks good but at some point with 17 buses you almost have to replace one a year you know and so that's the idea there the the quote you have in here is is at least minimum 12 months out is what they're telling us right now so that's the idea of coming to you and I'm guessing this has happened before that you approve before we actually do our budget but um the idea being you know I how many times that's happened but it should so I well I mean I guess I don't know I mean yeah the date down here is February is this price still my understanding it's good it's good so um so if we agree on it and the price is different it would have to come back to you unless it went down or something but I mean um right take a vote all those in favor uh placing an order for a 202 2025 School Bus say I I I I any opposed motion carries being point five is to approve the 2024 2025 seniority list as presented and attached and board book I'll move to approve I'll second any questions or discussion on this was that Josh or Eric I'm sorry Josh great all those in favor say I I I I any oppos motion carries 8.6 is to accept donations to the school district I'll make a motion to accept um a donation from Joyce Zach to the high school um for the Monty Zach scholarship in the amount of $500 all second any questions or discussion all those in favor say I I I any oppos motion carries 9.0 payment of claims and accounts I'll move to approve the payment of K12 bills numbers 128 261 through 128 346 in the amount of $231,800 board member comments Eric I'll start with you um I don't have anything tonight okay I don't have anything Manda just wish everyone a Happy Thanksgiving thanks Brandon i' would say same as Amanda Happy Thanksgiving but uh I guess I think we've only seen the preliminary audit but I thank you should be in order for um not only the board but um Administration um the the building leaders and staff if that indeed is the case that we were able to um hold strong on our budget we've sat here we had to make some difficult decisions but also I'm guessing that the building um leaders have had to made some difficult decisions when it comes to budgets so if the preliminary or the preliminary audit is indeed correct yeah kudos to everybody so thank you I mean that's I'm new this is you guys I'm not taking uh I'd love to take credit but but I mean we're we're holding strong and I think uh you know that's that's that's been a struggle when I had talked about that 2020 moving on and getting those those special funds we brought it down in um in 23 and you can see that it's still that down in 24 so and I think with and I'm just going to say very fair upgrades to contracts last year I think it's a step in the right direction obviously um there's needs going on it's not a big windfall I've told several of you yeah you know I mean we're not holding a huge Reserve we're holding recommended reserves yeah so no it's it's better than an alternative right uh I don't I don't have any more comments either I wish everybody a thanks Happy Thanksgiving as well and Brandon said what I wanted to say about the audit so thank you to everybody 11.0 the next Board of Education meeting is scheduled for December 9th 2024 at 530 and it's the only one in December only one in December yep so 12.0 is to adjourn the meeting I'll take a motion move second any questions or discussion on that hey all those in favor of adjourning say I I I I any oppose motion carries thank you everybody are we doing the working session for the superintendent