##VIDEO ID:p4PcxxJiviM## e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e all right 3.0 roll call of school board members all are present we'll move on to 4.0 communication and reports with 4.1 enrollment update get um should see in in your packet um updated report for the most part it is is accurate this is a headcount it's not completely an FTE but um thank you to Nancy she did go through and you know try pulling for instance like if if we may have someone in our system that we um you know give special ed from one of the private schools for those people are pulled out so for the most part it's it's it's as accurate as we can get um the good thing um I compared I I took and ran it against if you went and looked back at 23 um or last year at this time um it's not completely a 55 student increase because part of you know the trend right now is your classes coming in are slightly larger than your seniors going out so but roughly we're gauging about 39 students up so so that is a good thing and um there's a few more coming yet too supposedly um and that has nothing to do with voluntary prek okay that's just looking at K through 12 and so I mean it it it's it's kind of almost shocking I I compared the best I can you know grade two is up one kid grade three is up five grade four is up four um grade five is up two six is up two seven is up four eight is up five nth grade is up 12 kids um 10th grade is up eight you know and that's compared you know this year's 10th is last year's ninth and then 11th and 12th they're down two kids each but um you know so that is good news for the district um assuming they stay long term and we you know um so uh class sizes you can see some some numbers there um as far as the over um or the younger grades the averages of where they sit um so I know if there's any questions on that or not any questions all right 4.2 Administration and department head reports we'll start with the superintendent okay actually I threw it on I updated I don't know I I threw the principles on first okay and then Sera and then I'll do myself that's doable so I don't know which principle good evening so just a quick update with preschool um our classes are all full we have a waiting list of three for um four year olds and three for threeyear olds um we've been kind of just watching to make sure the first week that everyone shows up that's supposed to show up if we had any more openings or not but um so I'll be reaching out to those families and let them know that they're I mean they know they're on the waiting list but that we didn't have any openings and we'll be going on um going off of that if something opens up or someone moves away or whatever we'll fill them in um and then um after wave uh has a total of 62 kids enrolled in it and um it's up quite a bit from last year we had 42 I think 45 at our height last year so um those enrollments are looking good and so yeah we're getting all the Kinks worked out and the new busing schedule figured out so yeah things are good did we cap after wave last year or did we just have 45 no that yeah we just had well we capped it because that's all the staff we had but we're our our goal this year was to increase enrollment um and so we're kind of at a point now though where um space is an issue you know we don't have a specific classroom so keeping track of 62 kids all at the same time so we're coming up with some different strategies and um trying some different things with groupings and doing things like that to make it more manageable yep any questions thank you thank you um at New Heights so following those numbers that Mr Grover gave you you can add three to kindergarten two to first grade and one to second but we have six over the weekend that registered um so our numbers are continuing to increase um open house went well um obviously taking a look at trying to um a lot of suggestions from parents about doing it two different nights one at New Heights one at Salt Point just so when they have kids back and forth so Melissa and I will take a look at that staff's making adjustments um lots of kids in and out um busing obviously trying to get kindergarteners and first graders and second graders home on the right bus the first day was a a little bit interesting but um with the new system we were able to know where they were how to find them well how to find them um where they got off you know that we knew they got off on one spot so that they were able to pick them up and find them so that worked out pretty well um one concern and we've we've expressed this to is our special ed numbers um an example would be if I had 14 kids walked through the door knew at new heights this year I would say maybe eight to nine of them came with IEPs so our our numbers are continuing to grow special edwise in our lower elementary um I'm sure you're going to hear that from everybody for some reason it see it seems to be a an issue that every kid coming here has an IEP which is not a bad thing it just that creates a little bit more work for our special ed department and our our regular Ed staff so any questions you have needs I I don't want to ask personally I have lots of needs but um no as of right now I mean yeah we we probably gonna have to take a look at you know obviously our Paris staff we do have we need do have needs for par staff we're working on that um the best that we can um I'm begging moms that dro kids off in the morning if I know that they're not working asking um all of those kinds of things just trying to get some people in the door to help us out we do have a a great group of volunteers that come in and help us for our they over our Lunch Period as well so that's been a blessing so are there more parents this year for lunches then um were about the same about the same group uh we added another um regular volunteer okay um and then um Diane's gal that works after wve um is also going to be helping us a little bit in the launch room as well so we've got a few new people in there so these kids with the IEPs coming in are they coming in an open enrollment or how where are they coming from um no they're moving ining in yep um anywhere from South United States to across the river okay so the reason that I asked as that question specifically was about kindergarten because I know that was on the teetering point at one point yeah so um yeah they're getting there yeah so we've just had we we've we got to those numbers and then some you know I'm like oh boy here we go and then a couple had left we had a couple homeschool in second grade they pulled out to home school um different things like that there's some there's some balance that comes in and out sometimes they fill up a form and then they don't show up so we've been working on trying to get those people involved too so okay thank you thank you good evening so I will have a lot to say that's similar to to Mr grassel um looking at our numbers you can add we had I'm not sure if the numbers reflected another fifth grader and another third grader that registered with us with one of them also being on an IEP and so our IEP needs are are quite high as well um our open house went well too but we did hear a lot of conversation as grassel stated about having it on those two different nights um just to accommodate families um we had our first assembly last Friday and that went really well um um it's just really nice to have all the students together um just kick off the year and yeah any questions everything seems to be going really well at South Point everything's in full gear questions okay thank you all right Middle School is lots of fun at the beginning of the year and I really am being truthful when I say that um have some routines and some settling that's going on um like the other buildings we have some pretty large numbers we had um two new students start today we have two more that will start tomorrow and we had two that started with us last Thursday too um so I'm not sure if the numbers are matching there but in in adding that I had shared that our seventh grade class is pretty large um and overall just wanted to share and I'm I'm not asking for any solutions but just awareness right that we have 15 sections of classes that are 28 to 30 students those are not our math and language arts classes because we have more teachers in those departments um they are also not our social and science classes because I was able to to try to balance some things out out um they are our fiad classes our health our facts our um art our Spanish class are all going to have some classes that are larger those are quarter long classes but they do present some challenges so just awareness of that teachers are working and doing a really great job of engaging students um even when their classes are pretty large um that being said I I mentioned that we have um Spanish at the middle school this year so we know that um Tina hav took a position she was our Woods our Tech Teacher and um really proud that she's at New Heights that left us with a a need for our career block class and we were lucky to have Marcelo Campa Verde step in and say I'll I'll be full-time and I'll I'll work with seventh and eighth graders so he started that and that's um been good report so far and and he has good energy and we need that at the middle school too um just want to mention and say thank you to all of the teachers not just at CMS but teachers staff pair professionals bus drivers there is a lot that happens behind the scenes and and in front of all of us on the first day of school but um when kids feel good and feel important and feel happy coming into a building that shows in they're learning too and really the District staff did an excellent job of making kids feel that way from the start um I'll also say too that our senior high students came over to CMS on the first first day of school and we're opening the doors and we had pictures and we had music and we had the armadillo from Texas Roadhouse and it was silly but it was fun and that's good so thank you to all the staff um not just at CMS but all across the district too proud of that work any questions questions for Joe he also had traffic cones yeah traffic we did we had two really special traffic cones that were out front too did you get a picture I did okay good Jill I was going to ask how are the teachers dealing with the like the electives class is being so full are they adjusting or is it getting over so the elective classes aren't as full because they're kind of spotty what what happened because of the scheduling with some elective classes is that it created some other classes as a buy or a byproduct had to be a little bit larger because language arts is across the day elective is only parts of the day band is only parts of the day so it kind of makes so it a schedule is a dance and Brian knows that dance too um so everything that you do as far as what's on paper for a schedule affects everything that goes on to in a building so it's a good dance when we get it figured out huh we know to prove it um just like Chad said um the the number MERS of Mr Grover gave you are um from 1 of of September I have four more that have walked in my building since then one more sophomore uh to make that group 185 uh two more Juniors to make that one 161 and a senior to make it 124 the 9th grade is at 155 so 625 kids in this building we are busting at the seams um we have a number of classes that are 30 plus um which I don't like to do but it's it's the way it is so um we had uh we got four kids that are kind of still awall that we really are try checking on but they're kind of ghosting us so we don't know we just assume that they've gone somewhere but they obviously haven't enrolled in school somewhere or whatever but we're down to four that we don't know of we don't know where they're at if they're if they're here or they're somewhere else or whatever but for the most part that number that I gave you there 625 is pretty firm you know minus give or take four um our biggest biggest thing is uh of the 625 we have 136 kids that are special that's 22% of our population so that's big um we have a couple teachers who are uh the LD teachers that have case holds of 30 plus for them um which is a lot uh and our biggest our other big issue is that we have a lack of paas um technically we have 11 and a half pars if you want to count that but one of them is a librarian pa um and so if you think about that that's uh you know 12 or 133 per par OB obviously not all of those kids need a PA by any means at our level they don't need a PA to you know they just walk around and do their thing and they get their service minutes from their um specializ teacher which is fine but some do so um we got the DCd room covered pretty well but again there some some high needs in there big time high needs so yeah but we're getting along and a lot of people are on day five or six or whatever we are are overwhelmed but it's hopefully getting a little bit smoother but yeah the last week was a little rough but it's getting a little bit better so hopefully yeah other than that we're going to venture into the world of STAR testing which we've never done at the high school so we'll see what that looks like uh this week and so like everybody else is testing so we're going to try that and figure out where where our needs are as far as uh helping kids out so that's our plan questions from you guys St of the week was rough but is it in rougher than any other first week no I wouldn't say so no I mean just getting everybody in their place and their new schedule again with with the early outs and all those different things you know so it's it's just uh getting everybody adjusted to what they're supposed to do and where they're supposed to go and yeah yeah um like Jill said Tina's Tina's loss was not it was it's not a good thing obviously but you know obviously good for her um this year we we have so missing one wood shop class that we just had to jump those dump those 19 kids somewhere else or 18 kids somewhere else Stacy Bach I was able to convince to do the two classes that Tina did uh so she's taking an overage and then uh looking for somebody because next semester we'll have three three Woods classes we need to fill which is about almost 60 kids to try and put somebody somewhere so that's tough way tougher so on the lookout got a couple leads still so we'll check it out see what happens but there you go any others okay thank you thank you hi everybody lots of good stuff going on and student services um first want to talk about the par Educators and um the work we have to do with par professionals this year um according to State Statute and federal law we need to get all our our par professionals who are servicing students um who receive special education services highly qualified and currently according to statute we have 33 par professionals that meet that and what that means is we have um par professionals who either have 60 credits of college um from an accredited college or an associates degree or higher or have taken a test to meet that requirement called um parro or par educator and uh So currently we have 33 stu um 33 Paras who have met that and we have 70 par Paras who have not so um I've been working with the PA professionals to First help them understand what the statute means and how we need to meet it and um there is a um a a program called par educator that we will be using to help get our Paras uh where they need to be uh there is an a tests that they need to take um in math reading and writing that'll help um that that they have to meet uh the requirements of along with some of the instructional pieces that they need to know as a pair as well so uh working hard on that uh Melody Olstead will be joining me to assist with the highly qualified Paris so we can split them into two groups right now uh so I'm really excited and very thankful that you agreed to um get on board with us um also ASAC has offered some of their services as well to help us um continue moving that forward so just a little update there I have one question about the pars yes pars thing so you said that when they have to take that test is that grouped per grade level or is that just a general for all of them yeah it's a general for everyone okay yep and so there's so for example on the assessment there is like some algebra on there some ninth grade algebra okay and you know so they've they've asked well why if I'm working in the preschool why do I have to have that's why I always be like yeah and so well because if we need to assign based on need you know we would that that's why it is the way it is and that's coming from it's a federal requirement that's where that's coming and the other thing not to confuse is your local contract has highly qualified based on you know if you've been that doesn't count you know I mean it counts for pay but as far as the federal requirement our district saying they're highly qualified because they've worked here so many years that doesn't work right when does this when do they have to meet this qualification so by the end of the school year is is our goal and um you know um I'm just very hopeful we're going to start we're going to give the start giving the assessment this week uh the peras really would just like to know a baseline of where they're at we can give the test as many times as we want it has to be proctored but um you know for the most part people have been really great they've had good questions we've had good discussion and I'm excited that we can do a little breakout with the people who are highly qualified and uh do some work around the competencies that they're asking for as well so is this something that as new pairs get hired that we're going to try to get them to do this right away yeah or is it something that we're going to wait a little bit or moving forward you know we basically are going to have 60 days to get them highly qualified as soon as they're like hired that that's our training process or onboarding whatever it is for 60 days and'll get them to that point they don't have to be at that level or no we can still hire but we want to get them there yes yes um there is also there's a local piece that you can also access which is called the you know using the competencies uh but basically it takes three years to get a pair of professional through the competency Road and we don't have that much time this year I'm not saying that um we we don't want to use the competencies down the road to help our pairs grow and develop because I think they're excellent and great but this year we're we've kind of got the fire alarm on a little bit we want to get people across the line and give them what they need so that they can continue working tle coupled with that as well we have um uh nine pair professionals um part of the part of the law also is that they have to um speak fluent English as well so we have a number of Paris on staff who um who are working on their English fluency we worked with adult basic Ed um uh through the Northwest um service Co-op um Kristen falth and uh they are providing eel classes alongside uh the par educator work as well so those folks are working on their English language proficiency as well what's the implications if uh they don't get it it would be an employability piece Brandon we because of because of funding are the feds giving us any money for it I'm just being well no I think we'll end up losing like your title some title F I mean I'm just I just I just want I just want to know the risk versus benefit because we have so much turnover in Paris that's that's my big well already already we've had how many have we heard since school started it's like nine four or five and and probably three out you know what I mean it's already happening brand and you're right so that's where my concern comes from yes of course but also your your federal special ed money is where because you know like if we had a library Pera that was 100% Library they technically would not have to but the problem is you don't know where they're going to be from year to year yeah you know but anyone that's working special ed we're going to have funding issues I don't know exactly what's going to happen yet but yeah all right I'll leave it at that yeah so just update you on that um just a little uh update on Deca Deca has been working as our homeless liaison uh she's just been doing a great job she's worked with a number of families already to um secure housing and to secure school supplies and different things that are needed um and I'll give you more of an update we're just kind of running right now of um those numbers as we move forward but she's doing a really nice job she's helped um get families placed um and um is actually delivering couches right now as we speak to a family that was in need so um just a little update on our eel uh population are English Learners uh currently in the school district we have 14 languages this year uh we have um um between New Heights and um the middle school we will be screening 24 students U as possible English language Learners um in that mix we do have one newcomer from last year and another one from this year and two level ones between the high school and the middle school so that's a group of four students that are going to need some extra Services there uh South Point is screening two students and I am still waiting for the number from the high school how many we are needing to screen there but there is a potential for an increase in Services there and we're going to have to look at our schedules to see with three teachers if it's going to be possible for us to meet that demand so just so that you're aware that that has been an increase uh I wanted to update you as well the redact um learning has begun on um we have 11 uh preschool and paraprofessionals uh going through letters training at uh with Diane uh letters is uh the is was chosen for the preschool because that was the premiere that was offered for preschool and uh they've gotten that kicked off there's been a few glitches with some of these vendors that have been selected I think they're completely overwhelmed by this State um level of Demand right now for getting all of these things kicked off uh so there's been a couple little glitches with rostering and some of those things but for the most part they've been pretty receptive and responsive so we have 80 folks going through um ad teachers and special education teachers and uh admin uh going through the Ola training which is the online literacy and Language Academy which has begun so just so you're aware of that uh title one we are still seeking a non-public um service provider for title one to our non-public um I have a few hopeful things uh hopefully tonight so uh that are in the in the bucket because we would like to start those Services uh next week to our non-public uh friends as well um I will be reaching out also to um Todd Schumacher around mentoring we've talked a little bit him and I we caught each other um on the first day of inservice about um our teacher mentors and and getting that calendar set up and off the ground and running so just a few things going on so just give you a little update any questions questions Foria thank you thank you thanks superintendent I I will Echo just to start off um the the startup I thought was very good obviously the bus scene was was a little bit of hurdle but as I've you know said as we kind of uh uh recouped on Friday or or you know played back through the start there's always going to be a certain amount of issues depending on who you talk to yeah you know was it better was it worse um than years prior um who who knows but we did come up with a few ideas to try yeah you know next year try and get better every year um have heard a lot of positives about the the software um which is a good thing um it does surprise me no one reported on who won the the feud event which was an interesting piece to the um opening day for staff but uh uh it it was good um I will throw out and I I don't know um I know at the high school picture day is on Thursday I don't know if the board has ever gotten pictures and get get a um but you'd be invited in is it in all the buildings Thursday or different days no Wednesday is Middle School okay but if I'm just throwing it out there that where I came from you know the board members got a badge as well if it's something you want um attend one of the sessions and you are technically staffed so um throw it out there um I I got a few things to run through quickly um got asked by the county the county is trying to get um uh dental services in many different places to try and meet a need for mainly the need is looking at um underserved families and students um I don't know if you the district I don't believe has ever participated in anything their their focus is people that don't have insurance can't afford there is still a cost for the families they have to sign up it's at a 70% what they say 70% discount um P county is the one that's bringing it to different schools and City places and so on I'm just asking do you think we're going to get hammered somehow from Community I don't know I got in to get a dental obviously it'd be good for kids and family that don't have insurance and have rotting teeth and this and that it's a good service um but like I say I'm just looking do you have any gut feelings of you know we don't want to step on toes and compete necessarily but on the other hand most communities the dental places are full so to speak at least from where I come from um it happen during a school day it it happens as part of parents have to fill out a form and you know go through that yeah it's done during the school day they come in and use our commitment would be finding a place in each of the buildings you know and do it there's another this is through cosmetic and family dentistry there's another children's family um Network that served the state as well um so it's not a New Concept we be honest we had it in the Falls I actually um you know probably eight years now or something like that they came in and again some families use it some don't you know it wouldn't be you know if you have insurance they will do it but their focus is trying to provide unders Serv you know um so I don't know if you have I think it's a tool a tool out there just are probably going to get upset a little bit but for those that that don't have have coverage they wouldn't go there any right correct but why wouldn't the count why couldn't they use the Family Resource Center or something like that instead of they're just I think they're using many different places you know the county has them in town you know is going to try doing some service schools are just a good place to get kids you know and um yeah it becomes one more thing on our plate but on the other hand the kids here they get the cleaning done or whatever the process is and they don't leave and where you know sometimes when kids leave they don't come back for the day you know so um as long asers talk with to make sure we okay your mic is off by the way somebody ranching on somebody mouth in our buildings that yeah I don't know how I feel I can ask like I said where I came from we had Children's Dental um because they they have legal agreements they sign and so on so I'll keep moving on that um uh quick report on MCA data was publicly released last week um and it's just it is what it is um districtwide for math we were 0.57 of a point lower than the state average so right in the ball game not to say we want to be State average we'd like to be above obviously um reading you're about two points or you were about two points lower than the state average um I don't know why average isn't very high no the state well isn't it no it was I think for I didn't yeah I do have them the state average for math was 42.7 n and 47 for um reading um for this year and so yeah uh again it's a snapshot in time I'm not going to get into a big um the the fast bridge and star that is going on I think is a better way to measure because you're going to see where kids are and see growth over the year but wanted to throw it out as a report um because it is out there if anyone was to um ask um strategic plan I I um we we talked about it with the um administrative group on Friday um I laid out somewhat of a plan and kind of need some dates um what what we're looking at is um for um the admin team in the next week or two to do a review of the current plan mainly looking at what you know has been may be accomplished or not we're going to throw it at our district leadership team which I set the first meeting for September 24th um I know there's a board member might be Lynn that was on it um I don't know like I said um I just ma emailed it to our uh employees and let us take a run at it because the board's going to have a working group I I think at a point but what our plan is to look at mission Mission Vision beliefs and again also get some input on on what you feel is accomplished or not and where we're at so that would kind of be the the first step um what I would like to get set if we could is kind of a makeup um of a a community group and a group for input and I'm just throwing out an idea with four buildings um uh if we got a couple staff members and like three parents so I'm looking at five from each building just hear me out that would be 20 people um need a couple represent representatives from pre school um board could have a working group unless you're going to have official meetings but I figured three board members um when I say admins the principles and assistant principles HR um you know probably 10 to 12 people um uh students two or three students and then if we could get each board member to invite one public person I thought that would get us to about 50 people I mean that's pretty decent SI group to try and you know manage to get some input um but what we need to do I think is set a date of when we're going to have this what I'm going to call a meeting to get input and what I'm thinking of is you know some type of in small groups or somehow do on a board type deal you know give us a couple positive things about the district give us a couple things that you'd like to see improved um and then you know some priorities or non-negotiables of either things that you'd like you know brought in added don't let it slide um but I I don't know how we unless you do multiple nights I don't think we want to get too much bigger than that you know than 50 people that plenty big uh but what if we're going to do some inviting and stuff we need to set a date so I mean I don't I was throwing out something like an October 7th um and and I don't know if Mondays are what you want or not um and then after that we would take the data as an administr cretive team try and put it all together you know in a similar type plan come back to this group community group for a revision process so I think the ask would be could we find people for two nights so to speak and I don't know I picked another Monday like November 4th about a month of of of work time in there and then bring it to the whole board for approval um as quick as possible after that whether it's the 11th or whatever so my thoughts is I would suggest to condense that down okay on the last one and start with the survey that's just my perception start with the survey survey because you can reach more of the populace within the community just as you're identifying okay because the last one we we did you're G to have have two of them just going to be going back and forth and nothing's going to get accomplished unless it's I mean it's it's got to be managed very well and okay I think we'll get more more the better but we've been successful with surveys prior prior to you taking the helm so that's just my suggestion is so don't do a community miror or start I think that's that's appropriate as well but I think to start with a survey and I I'd be looking for feedback from the board but some of our other surveys our surveys have been done amazing lately okay I think just a suggestion let let's run with I mean I'm okay with putting together and pushing it out and seeing what we get and is that might gauge on on putting together the group you might not get anybody okay now we got to read you're gonna get somebody okay yeah we can just Just Thoughts surveys have been working well okay yeah we okay with that start we'll again we'll keep it short I mean you got to ask a certain amount um and probably have a few little demographic because we want to make sure and try and be you know um and then we need to push it out like on the web well it'll have to go out through our you know Synergy with all ours and you know this and that and yeah we'll get it out okay perfect thank you for the input um couple other things you which um I just want to talk about that are coming up later but just so you have a little information prior to um us getting there you see a request in there for a nurse I'm just going to call it Aid that came from a request from one of our administrators going we need help um because not that you know we're we have more people I'm going to say we have more um medical needs over time it's um it's just any of these pulls are pulling on secretaries pulling on peras pulling on whatever um I did reach out just so you're aware Thief River um they have two people one one uh they have three buildings but one uh licensed nurse and then like an RN um uh kton only has the nurse and then secretaries beiji has the nurse and they have a specialist in each building and so again it's just um there's a lot of demand and if you notice um I put my recap um the reason I said six buildings is we have to service the non-public as well so um you know it's it's a lot for one person I mean everything is growing and we have a few higher need diabetes is one of them that is um a young young student right now that has fluctuating a lot so I'm just thrown out that'll come up we can discuss more but I wanted you have a little uh background information um the other piece with a little background information on the at will contracts um we we um offered um we gave however you want to say it they earned whatever 3% is what was offered to each group um there were a couple other um tweaks uh the um Tech director position got a little larger increase because the group felt um it needed a little more adjustment um the bilingual liaison we added as um s s mentioned a homeless lays on assistant to part of that we increased the number of days from 200 to 215 so part of that increas is just that and then there was a little more um added um two other things the maintenance person um to try and get some things in line so they're they're consistent um he only had eight days of vacation instead of nine um it was explained to me that K have the day after Thanksgiving because his staff worked wow I I agreed you can be gone there's other times you're gone and your staff's working so so I added one day to that position in the other piece we um leveled the insurance for all the groups some were getting 825 850 they're all at 900 um so just so you had that in uh information uh there's no Finance report tonight um just so you're aware Carla's hard drive crashed it's in the process of trying to be recovered so she was a little um freaking if you want to say on Friday um but hopefully they can get some recovery if not we'll start where we're at but that's why you don't have something in front of you and the last thing I have is um a a thank you on behalf of the community um the School Board Association uh changed uh School Board appreciation month from January to September so you have maybe noticed there was a a thank you pushed out on our Facebook site there's another one scheduled for later in the month um but on behalf of the families students um staff of the district um I thank you for the time and effort put in um you put a lot of time you get um calls and you know people chatting and it's um often that we don't say thank you um enough and I'm sure the public does not say thank you enough um we did present certificates or print certificates so um thank you and um appreciate everyone's service thank you yep no problem thanks I think that at this point yeah I'm good thank you thank you all right moving on to the consent agenda I'll need a motion to approve the consent agenda as presented so moved I'll second okay any questions or discussion anybody want anything pulled all those in favor I I any oppos motion carries moving on to 6.0 opportunities for citizens to speak on items not on the agenda I didn't have any superintendent did you have any no good moving on to 7.0 to approve the agenda need a motion to approve we're all mve all those in favor I any oppose motion carries okay 8.0 District business need a motion to certify the preliminary 2024 payable 2025 Levy at the maximum amount this is something we we do every year correct you can change it up through December and I'll second who made the all those in favor say I I I any opposed motion carries 8 point2 is to approve the school-based mental health agreement with Aluma need a motion to approve it I'll [Music] move I'll second all those in favor I any opposed motion carries 8.3 is to approve the earned safe and sick time the ESS memorandum of understanding with the East Grand Forks Education Association is uploaded in board book if anybody has questions I'll move to approve I'll second any questions or discussion okay all those in favor say I I any oppos motion carries 8.4 is to approve the Senior High football soccer gym digital sport board purchase in contract with the sports boosters all second I had a question on that yep um so it's going to take 10 years for them to pay the the reality is they hope to have it paid off within five um because they will start getting some advertising other than what is done up front but just to make sure we had funds to cover they have enough in guarantees right now it would take 10 years because of one being a 10-year commitment okay but um I met with Heather um which brought the um signed agreement in on Thursday or Friday and yeah they're committed to paying it off as soon as they can and like you say it could very well before 5 years and we also have language in that agreement because one of the the one that is donating over 10 years that money is coming right to the district so if it does get paid off say in five years five years of donations will continue to the district and they we would have oversight or they would have oversight for that 10,000 a year um you know it has to meet public purpose but um so the reality hopefully five four six you know right in that ball game well I know and I see that they plan on paying for the whole thing but I know and it's awesome that they have the funding but do we have the funding if we're thinking about hiring a health care person maybe a kindergarten teacher do we have the funds to just give $200,000 right now and then take small payments over the next few years I I think it's the right thing to do I mean your commitment is the the financing of it if you will um I mean to replace those even though they're not completely shot we could be on the hook for those if they went you know if you you lost your scoreboard you need and so I mean I think financially it is the right thing you know to do you are correct you know we've talked last month we talked about cash flow being possible something down the road we're looking at but um I'm going to say Pennies on a dollar I think it would be you know it's the right thing to do at this point that's valid question any other questions or discussion all those in favor say I I I I any opposed motion carries 8.5 is to approve a health aid position and authorize the administration to proceed with posting for the position in just of the boards where technically to post we don't have to put some but I want the group on board that if we do go down this road we're going to have backing you know I don't want to post something get someone on board and then it's not supported so that's why we put it on here it' be one year 2024 2025 I'll second questions and discussion I realize the need for it I really do but does it make more sense as we chatted before to hire a license nurse so we can get some State funds to go to that or have we already meet we're using those State funds what Amanda's talking about is the the 40,000 that the legislature in 23 I think it was 23 started where could go for a school nurse psychologist social only do that once like you get it each do it twice you can't have it no well I mean you could you don't get more money it's not 40,000 per you get 40,000 it was to add in those areas and we're we're using the funding on a social worker okay that was where I was okay I just have I have one question I guess so um our school nurse also Services the two private schools correct correct do the private schools give us money right now no it's a legal requirement just like busing is I mean we I'm guessing we get money through like a title you know it's it's part of and we have to service them a proportion of that money um you can contract that piece out you know like I say we're getting the funding through the government for that and understand that those kids need to get taken care of in our community and stuff like that but it's just um we're dealing if we're the ones paying for it you know they're getting all the benefit and they're not but like I say we legally have right and so I mean it's just an additional draw on like I say if we wanted to Outsource that portion and have someone else do it we could to keep you know her hear more but we would pay for it so would we so so I guess my next question is so if we decided that so we are responsible for the private schools and the private schools can't find like a helper that just does the private schools is that correct the government has given us funding to do that to take it's just like the title we have to service them no matter what if we're short we're going to have to provide the them with their allotted hours yeah so I don't know this was a position that we cut um I see you know Chris your letter your microphone's off again no it was a position that we cut but can maybe can you step up and say how this position would be a little bit different than when we had what was her name her name was chrisy as well right um kind of the differences of what was going on during Co and what this one would be used for I like your letter it shows a lot of lot of support but I'm wondering if you need more administrative support or if you just need yeah that's a body and so I guess I from from my my perspective I'm wondering like the rules hold it down you need I mean I think we're prepared to have a conversation to give you what what's needed and we know we know that the other other um building need something but you need that full-time nurse or do you need just a a fulltime nurse around as a secretary type another licensed full nurse would be great um you mean I know that's probably not very realistic so um what this person did during Co is completely different than what she's needed for now or year whatever um not even talking about the health part of the the students I mean I'm I'm swamped with humanizations in the beginning of the year I mean we have all these new kindergartens coming in new requirements for seventh grade and seniors and to try to um you know the no shots no school try to enforce that and then reviewing all of those in a timely manner and then I have to put them all in the computer and I mean that's not even the cas that's more admin though right right but that's still me that's still me yeah so you still have to look at stuff like that I mean at the beginning of this year you were calling and emailing and they ran and done things like that mean that no one else does that because they have their duties so even if a secretary was to do that you would still have to review thatway exactly yeah yeah um you know and then we have diabetics I'm trying to train um peras to take care of them one at New Heights and one at Southpoint well I can't be both places so fortunately um the one at South Point we have that kind of under control now and I kind of check on I'm trying to train someone up here at New Heights and luckily my health aid she's here just helped me out now a person is helping me out so she's on the south end right now um taking care of the kids and helping with um Adit admin stuff and goes over to the Middle School while I'm up here at the at the north end but mostly at New Heights trying to you know keep this Diabetic Type 1 diabetic safe you know because no one you get any help from the so we have in the par contract they get extra money if there's if they're a CRNA do you get any help or are they being utilized what whatsoever I don't know if they have many the problem is we're short you know with Paris too I mean we're short everywhere and that's part of the the drain I mean you know and trying to train people and do the health plans for kids that have you know Celiac food allergies um seizures I mean that's the high school we have three up here that are actually four so that that was the devil advocate in me if we have crnas they should be helping but if we don't have them CN or CNAs not crnas yeah but they also fulltime pars though right so no one sits in my office when I'm not in the building no one sits there sure assigned to um you know my my person that I'm trying to chain train in up at New Heights to take care of this type 1 diabetic she's assigned a different student my he doesn't need a parah he's smart it's just his health need so she has to leave her student and come and take care of him so my last question for you if you were up here and something happened or someone got sick at one of the others you get a phone call and then the expectation is they want you to come back yeah not you have to balance yeah okay yeah I mean if there's an emergency you know they they have a stomach ache and a throwing up that's not an emergency you know what the office handles that it's all these other things that that could come up and do come up seizures and just having to drop everything and to handle over 2,000 students in just me it's it's not safe I mean we're just waiting for something to happen and luckily it hasn't and there's I AP meetings you know that need attendance so the idea in having a conver ation would um you know they would alternate you know have one would be North and one would be South if you want to say and Christie can flipflop you know couple days down there you know whatever couple days up here whatever they work out but um know the health a she can help with everything except you know making care plans um training people you know training how to TU V I mean I have to do all those nurse things but she can help with all the other kids coming into the office with you know bloody nose and and cuts and having to assess oh my gosh does christe need to come and see I mean that arm really looks a little funky so then I would go down but if she's at one end and I'm at the other end and we flipflop those minor things can get taken care of all the meds that we have to give can get taken care of to give the office staff a little a little breather if you got a good qualified health aid let's say like a retired RN or something you're still the the designated school nurse so they that's not what she's hired for okay so you still could split I mean right so of these students with you know all these you've listed all these things that the meds that are administrated people that are needing daily daily meds yeah daily meds how many of them because a lot of this is like you know be allergy and food allergy those right um I think it's on there last year we had I want to say close to 13 up at New Heights and maybe eight or six at Point sorry yeah and that was last last year last year okay yeah and we don't know yet this year no they're still coming in we have I think four up at New Heights and I I haven't been down to South Point to be honest with you to look at the meds Chris's been okay my question is is do you have to offer it at 2781 an hour or can you just leave it open because if you could H does it have to be necessarily a health aid or just like an assistant we felt someone that had medical experience was you know um important you know if possible it's not you know a school nurse cuz obviously you wouldn't get a school nurse at that rate but we're looking for someone and just being honest with some experience it doesn't have to say you know be an RN yeah it could be someone that you know variety there's many different options stay at home mom who's had 10 kids would have a lot of experience with meds and a lot of things that a health aid I would think would have too but you don't necessarily have to start them at 2781 an hour but they're not there's but you should right they're not qualified yeah so this so the health aid position has to be like an RN or no no no no just some medical experience would this be an atwi contract or which contract is this I think that was really I'm gon I'm gonna just be straightforward I was I was against this because we we've cut it um but once you've answered the questions chrisy I think I think it shows in the numbers that we we need to do something we need at least to advertise and hopefully you're able to find somebody I mean I'm guessing you already have somebody in mind or I've talked to some people but I think it's important as we hear from we've heard from all the building um leaders of some of the struggles you know we we've had a couple incidents the first week of school already so I guess well we already I already made yeah so it's just a vote nice any other questions or comments okay all those in favor say I I I any oppose motion carries thank you thank you Christie thank you Christie 8.6 approve the purchase of a provision bus camera upgrade as presented and attached in board book don't mov I'll second any questions or discussion yeah how old is the old system okay so so what this is is this this is adding the um the bus systems um are all all the stop arm cameras um and all the other cameras they're not all the exact same age but what this does is this puts the system in the cloud right now anytime there is an issue Jason has to go out and get the what SD card and get the so for instance we've had six stop arm violations already this year okay without software like this you have to go out each time there's an issue not just stop arm if the principles have a discipline issue to deal with and they want to look at film someone's got to go pull that off so what it does is it takes and puts we consider our computer so to speak in the office and you can get that video right now you know so it's it's an annual it's 30 I think 3600 if I recall we can pay it by the year we don't have to pay it up front um so it's for that system to this covers All Buses All Buses all the cameras on the bus not just the stop arms it's all the cameras on the bus not just a CL service correct instead of having all the memory on an individual SD card on each bus it'll put it on the cloud is that a fair way to yes requested it will upload yeah so already in the bu so it so anybody can pull it any correct so how much time is taken right now to go check the SD cards or do whatever like on average a week uh well this a first full like last year last year I would guess it's take takes 20 minutes video but if there if there's an incident then then the principles can look at it right away too correct and I'm sure there's times they haven't had stuff pulled because of you you know the the the pain of of dealing with and waiting yeah you know um you know yeah um so this is a quote it doesn't it's not a contract but the way I R it its tius into a five it's a five year monthly so what do we do if it who's to say it's going to work every one of us knows that cloud services they don't just automatically fix everything so I guess my concern is is us getting into something that's five years it's not very expensive um I mean I'm sure we can get a I'm guessing we can get a one year two I mean this this is the company we well I I think we should just see I mean I certainly approve of it but we should probably have something to say how we get out of it okay I guess I didn't read I'm read I'm reading I'm guessing if it doesn't work there's got to be a way to get out you know um that's too small for me read it trying to read the terms and there's not much there the quote is valid for 30 days um of 50 50% down for in installation I don't see anything about getting no and again it's not it's not a lot we we need it well unused product in original packaging may be returned or exchanged up to 60 60 days from the invoice date um it's no product it's a service it's service so I don't know how that would work with it though that's what I'm getting out and why would we Cho why did we choose this one aren't there because it's a it's it's the system that Sports cameras yeah you know I mean it's from okay it's from the new system that we have okay so if you if we change cameras we'll end up changing this anyway that was my okay so then is there any thought in the future of changing the cameras on the buses not that I have they seem to like theion and they to work well yeah the last and when the com when the cameras get updated this would still cover that because it's just Serv yeah yeah because at the last transportation meeting this was never even thought of brought up at all no to all the list of all the things that thought needed to be done this was after six stop arm violation and it actually came before the the year even started as an option looking back you know I can't speak last come up yeah well we saw last year the SOP arm violations were absolutely insane and they nothing ever changed all year okay I don't know we have a motion in a second any other questions or discussion okay all those in favor say I I any oppose I five to one motion carries okay 8.7 accept donations to the school School District the of 3800 as presented and attached I will make a motion to accept the following donations and I thing okay following donations from citizen assistant trusted account to CS special ed DCd for a smart Smartboard and interactive TV in the amount of 2,500 a donation from robotics Foundation to Green Wave robotics for greenwave robotics in the amount of $100 a donation from Northland Custom woodworking Incorporated to new heights to convert 11 cabinets into bookshelves for $1,200 and the total amount of donations tonight are $3,800 that's my motion I'll second any questions or discussion all those in favor say I I I I any oppos motion carries all right 9.0 payment of claims and accounts I'll move to approve the payment of K12 bills numbers 1275 34 through 27691 and efts in the amount of [Music] $967,500 board member comments Eric um well I appreciate all the updates today it was a lot of good information um thanks to all staff work that it took to to get through that first week plus I know it was it was it was a big task um you know I wrote a lot of notes it looks like we could have the potential for um you know some ads or you know some discussions so you know um I would just task leadership to continue to those discussions and bring us in as needed so that's all I have uh just a big thank you to everybody um first week we got through the first week so I mean hopefully it's the it's it's easier from it going forward now right after the week one so um nothing new to say other than all of those things I support everything they said there so cheers to the first week being done and going forward Amanda um yeah so yeah thank you to everyone for the start a school and then I was going to mention the Education Foundation um had our first official like second probably um meeting just a couple weeks ago right before school started um and they're looking for a board spot to be filled and also one thing that I wanted to mention is um it's like we have board Liaisons on the Ed Foundation um but currently there's only one or two board members that are actually members of the Ed Foundation um they keep asking me to ask so I thought I would mention it now um Al I think that's all I have thank you Brandon um I'm wondering if as a board we we listen to leadership or the building leaders tonight talk about Paras we can see the Paras we always know we have a perah issue um might have to have to think outside the box and see what we can do to incentivize them I know that fires contracts up um we did it we did it with the bus drivers um they have that in there I know but we need maybe yeah we incentivize the ones that get hired I'm I'm just wondering Brian comes forward and he's he's he's short paas we're listening to all all this stuff about um talk to chrisy you know our pairs the C CNAs we have all that stuff build a new contract we don't have any of them maybe it's time as a board that we sit down and we need to figure out a signing bonus or or or something because every single board meeting we have we have at least well there's more than five every single board meeting people that are quitting yeah and we've sat in these negotiations and I shouldn't be talking about negotiations but I am we sat in these negotiations to get them where they need to be they where they need to be and we still can't we still can't fill the positions so we got we have to do something else because I would have to agree with that my microphone's not on just because of the fact that not only that some of our class sizes are getting up there and so these teachers need help and so any way we can get more paas I think I'm all for that so I don't I mean I can have a let's talk about that a discussion with Lyn and then we can bring it to the next next board meeting but I think it's important that we talk about that we're hearing so those are my only thoughts thank you to everybody for um everything that you guys have done the first week of school and those that have brought um requests forward um I appreciate requests where there's actually uh I don't like to say data but uh you're justifying it for for for a reason you can tell us what it's what it's needed for that I we just need a person well here's why we need a person so so thank you very much for that yeah I second that I appreciate the data I appreciate the letters you know things like that that can help justify those positions um I was going to talk about the lack of peras and give plugs at New Heights and um Senior High especially I'm sure there's others but they I just noted those too um I do want to not be a Debbie Downer but talk about six stop arm issues that's ridiculous we need to do better as a community um because we can't have that that puts kids obviously in danger so that's all I have oh and thank you to all for the first week I know that's a doozy so all right 11.0 the next meeting of the board of education is scheduled for September 23rd at 5:30 and 12.0 is a motion to adjourn the regular meeting so moved all second any questions or discussion on that all right all those in favor say I I hi any oppose motion carries thank you everybody the the heck day is it that's that's what I mean