all right now we're good great thank you Renee good evening everyone um this is the meeting of the East Long Meadow Board of Health on Tuesday April 23rd um and I'm going to call this meeting to order um andan we are meeting tonight uh on a zoom webinar pursuant to former Governor Baker um suspending certain provisions of the open meeting law effective of March 2020 um which was extended by uh Governor Healey um and those are the call to order and the chair announcements um so the first thing on our agenda tonight is to approve the minutes of the previous meeting um ladies did you get a chance to look at the minutes of the last meeting yeah I move as written for approval I had one edit the where it says like the minute the meeting was uh closed it still says 6 PM um so if we could just change that to the meeting was closed at 7 oh I totally missed that absolutely so I'm going to move that we accept the minutes with the uh slight change to have the end time of the meeting be registered at 7M I second all right um and a roll call vote Christine Johnston I Dr Katy jobbins hi and Rebecca torsa hi all right um so minutes are approved with that one slight change um next on our agenda tonight is public comment Renee can you look and see if anyone's here for public comment um I believe uh Mr Christensen is um in attendance uh If he if he has uh any comment or wants to be promoted to um a panelist if you want to raise your hand okay buddy hold on one second all right he's on his way [Music] in hi Tom welcome hi thank you so much I'm sorry I gotta start with a I'm sorry it's taken me this long to get onto a meeting um yeah I just wanted to pop in and say hi and uh let you know that I appreciate uh all that you do and I'd say um if you need anything call me but I work in the same uh space as your staff so I know you won't need any help from me uh but I just wanted to say hi and thanks and uh sorry it's taken me so long to come on I I have bumped into uh Christine around town I haven't had the pleasure uh meeting everyone else but um Tom we had Easter together we did yeah at Twin Hills OH where is my memory it's okay they serve mimosas there it's not my fault when he says bumped into me we all took our kids mini golfing at the same time same yeah it all count It's a Small Town it is very nice to be able to have your ear readily available on most days that we can catch you in the office um whether it's just to verify that we're all doing the right thing or just to get a good kind of sounding board for some of the stuff so it's we do appreciate that and you've been very supportive of us well thank you I like I said I I appreciate all that you do and uh I'm just here to hang out so please go about your business and uh uh appreciate y'all there's no one else as a an attendee so all right thanks thank you so much for joining us all right um with that Tammy the floor is yours to go over business at hand okay I'm going to make um number a letter A sorry uh I'm gonna explain it in like the least painful way possible to un for us to understand because honestly it took me a while to kind of wrap my brain around it when Tom first came to me um when uh will AR will arment is that how do you say Will arment from arment Trucking in Deer Park um asked about whether or not we had a technical fee for um site assignment for a um a waste disposal facility and in this case it's a um construction and demolition debris you call it C and D is that is that the that's the uh uh acronym for it that's going in on Deer Park it's it's gotten through planning and their next step now is they are applying for site assignment to the D Department of Environmental Protection and um it's going to take quite a few months from what I I had a nice talk with kind of like our our regional liais on with d and it could take about six or seven months for them to go through the whole um review of all their documents so in the meantime while they're applying they will also be submitting all of that information um copy of uh all the materials which I've seen it before in the past we're talking a nice big binder they have to submit it to the Board of Health um eventually after DP has approved their application um we are going to have to review that information um make a decision and then we will write up what's called a site assignment document I sent you um guys links to 310 310 CMR um 16 which is is the site assignment regulations for solid waste facilities and I think I just abbreviated it as well as I could um so when we do have make our decision and we're about we're going to put out that document we will have to have a public hearing about it um I don't have any information that would sway us one way or the other uh right now I just have the basic information that they brought into um the uh planning department um which anybody can get on our website because they've done a good job in downloading all the documents but there's really not much environmental impact in that right now so that's the kind of things that we'll be getting um and so uh Tom pointed out to me that if we're going to assess a technical assessment fee because of how we have to have it in our bylaws we'll need to also have it if we approve a fee we'll have to put it up for Town Council um so my suggestion B based off of what I've seen before is that it would be about 10 or so hours of um of review probably at a minimum and I think a $500 onetime uh technical fee doesn't sound very um I don't I don't think it sounds very out of the ordinary um and then we could decide whether or not we also want to assess an annual fee for a waste disposal uh facility um some towns do some towns don't um they will be every year sending those same similar kinds of packets that we'll have to review um so I think that while you know $500 for a initial technical fee might be a decent fee I think something like 250 a year for an annual permit probably wouldn't be a bad like it wouldn't I don't think it would hurt anybody uh on their end I think you know just because of what they do um but I think it would be a good now a good amount fee for it and maybe we could just because of the technical fee we could say the first year we'd wave the fee they apply but wave the fee that s thing Timmy I have a question or Tom what do like our AB budding towns do like wil Bram Long Meadow hamen do they have something similar just so we can kind of reflect closely what they're doing just so we can make sure we're not off base everybody does something completely different is how I'm finding out um there are towns where yeah I've talked to everybody in Hampton County at a minimum and then actually some people in the Hampshire County um some people get very very into uh into the process um kind of similar technical uh fees uh some people get very into also the annual permitting uh chickabee is I think there's the highest at $500 a year for their annual permit for uh the facility over there um some people just say let the the D do it and that's it I think mostly it's because they don't probably have staff to review things like that so there's there's a lot a lot ranging everywhere I go I think uh the closest that I've seen recently was Wilbraham but I haven't been able to find out if they do an annual permit but they've they've been the most recent in our County to um go through the site assignment process um I think that I think that just keeping a reasonable fee isn't a bad idea especially if we're going to be getting the paperwork and we're going to review it every year as long as they exist um I don't think that's a a hard ask uh so I think what I was thinking was so we could we could do just like our regular vote to um approve it and send it to Town Council but I think I'd like to add it to our race our waste regulations so that we have it in there and then maybe I might put some language as to what an annual permit looks like um and then because of that we'd have to do the public hearing even though even though the final um adding it to the bylaws will also be on the Town Council side kind of like how we did it the last time with some of the other ones but I think it just would be good to put it in there and kind of kind of put some guidance for what the document looks like since it's not kind of set in stone like say for our food service or body where they actually tell you what they want to see in a permit um so I want to kind of move that forward quickly so that maybe we can next month make that our month where we have the public hearing um I don't know if we want to do like two public hearings in one month because this if we're if we move on to the next thing after after the waste of spills of site be um to the tobacco that might also require a public hearing so maybe one month one thing one month the next I don't I don't know if I want to bombard oh also because we're gonna have to have a public hearing at some point the technical fee kind of is part if you look in um the 310 CMR 16 it kind of is like you can you can separate those two things out too you could separate a like public hearing fee plus the technical fee I don't really think that's necessary we kind of I mean we do a little bit of budgeting for having a couple public hearings a year so I think just keeping it As One technical fee and then calling in a day is a not a bad idea we need to have the 30-day period right for public hearing uh 14 I believe is it for uh it says in here up to up to 30 days from the date of the public notice that's a public that's the public notice that they're gonna have for their okay yeah so they're gonna have a separate public hearing that's not it it's not has it's not our our Board of Health public hearing um but that one is also going to be for um that's not that's not so that's in relation it's not that what I'm suggesting for next month really has nothing to do with this particular facility it's in addition to our current codes so if another if another facility came in we would do the same thing go through the same process with them um but yeah when you start reading this it gets really really bogged down and I was very happy that um that our D rep just kind of slowly kind of ticked off step by step what it would look like um because yeah looking in this it's very public hearing there public notice there um so I'm kind of kind of glad we've got that down because Tom when you first brought it up to me I'm like I don't even know where to start and while I I picked so many people's brains everybody kind of had a different view of it that like I don't this isn't it's not working um but we we'll have that down I think it'll be great I know that Liz will love to get her hands on any type of recycling facility in town because I know you know we get calls all the time from contractors and whatnot and I think that that'll be great and we um she even saw that there was a class on it was like something about um training for inspections on that I'm like well I guess I'm getting her excited for some new stuff too so anyway so I just kind of wanted this oh does this have any impact if we like with any of this disposal site like with the transfer station um well there are certain things that I mean kind of wouldn't affect the health department but there's ways that say the town could negotiate with them to say maybe getting a better tipping fee for um you know say or maybe for the first five years our you know construction whatever debris but that would be we don't since that's not one of the things that we pay for out of our budget that would be completely DPW related but you know having some a facility like that in town would be good because their um the recycling I I was told like the wood for wood recycling had shut down for a little bit um the facility that they had been using so I don't know like I don't really know how they treat that material when there's nothing close by so so it would be good to have access to that if we kind of negotiate it yeah the wood the wood dumpster more often than not is trash unfortunately well yeah I think that it's hard to really monitor what people are putting in it especially like if you just spend three hours at the transfer station one day a year like I do and that's it like when we do um Earth a yeah it's it is kind of hard to monitor who comes in and and uh what goes in there so so but that's residential I guess but I'm sure there are plenty of people who live in town who have businesses that probably utilize it that's a another issue so that was I just wanted to kind of give this sort of kind of pre- discussion so my next steps are I want to write up um I want to write up kind of a some draft language for our current waste regulation maybe make a little quick Draft application for like the annual I don't know about if it's necessary to do one for the initial site assignment nobody that I talked to had uh had a application for that type of fee it was just something that you know you submit in the paperwork with it but I will continue to keep looking into that and then hopefully we can get a good timeline and then we can um uh put that in the paper and then at our next meeting can do an official vote on it so that's that any questions yay um I know that that was like like five full days of me trying to figure out exactly what we were supposed to do so um in this is this is why we charge fees for your time yeah what we do but it was explained in a 10-minute span and I'm I'm happy with that exactly that that's why we put the fees and you know I don't think that I think that the changes that we've made over the last year to our fee structure I think that they are reasonable and they promote business in town while still covering the amount of work that we do um and that's kind of I think all that we can kind of hope for out of the our program so um so if we don't if we're done with uh waste disposal we can start talking about the sample regulation that they I finally received just a few days ago like I I was waiting to make the agenda and then finally they um they sent us the newest sample regulations um so you guys want to go over it or what do you feel like doing today yeah if you want to talk us through some of the changes um to you know I know it wasn't that long ago that we went through the um the sales I mean it says 2022 so you know feels like it wasn't that long ago but we've been talking about tobacco non-stop so um I know you want to talk us through some of the changes since the last time we uh did a tobacco regulation that would be great Sammy I I'm going to um let's see okay I think I'm gonna skip ahead to the thing that might be uh the most interesting to us is that there is a definition for a bonafied purchaser for Value in here um and they are someone who exchanges value for a property without any reason to expect irregularities in the transaction I don't really love that I don't love that definition but it's better than no definition um especially in what we dealt with with zay's and you know Oli purchasing it um and so just to let everybody know we do not currently have any open permits here um the way the one that we thought was open which was the pride one was relinquished so now there is no additional so Ali cannot apply for a permit in town we can decide to do um this is totally out of uh line with like looking from the first page to continuing in but I think some of more important things we can decide to do a weit list um that's an option we can add into here um I don't know how I feel about that um I talked a while to Sarah Mogan who's come to the meetings and I've heard Cheryl zabara talk and sometimes I feel like they're really Pro tobacco business and I don't I I'm not really sure why I get that sense from what they talk about and you know they're not they don't super love the reducing cap like we have and I I guess maybe there's just a lot of strong lobbying out maybe at near Boston but um I I don't know I I like this idea you lose your license there's no license left it's just that's it and I mean you know as a medical professional I'd love it if people had less access to cigarettes I hate to say that I mean I would I would love it if there was like I don't know I know we've made this joke before I like cumland Farm's coffee okay I mean would I like there to be one in town yeah is there a license open for them if they wanted to sell tobacco no there's not um I guess I mean so if we were to say oh we have a weight list that technically wouldn't be a reducing cap because that would be saying that oh I'm selling my business and you you know you can buy my permit but the way we're doing it is is if you go out of business or you don't transfer your permit goes away right but if Cumberland Farms came in and bought one of the pride stations the way we have it written is that they could transfer the permit with the sale so we could like it's not that the business right like it's not yeah I'm accurate in that correct it would it would it would have to be they're buying the actual facility like so they couldn't say buy a building across the street and take you know someone's license basically um and and we have 19 currently right Tammy 13 13 13 yeah 13 um yeah so I I kind of I kind of don't like the idea of the waiting list for that simple fact is that we really wouldn't be us utilizing the reducing cap um let's see what do other towns do again also just so like I think it's nice to know what if we're comparable to other cities just from like a business attraction standpoint um the towns that are in our um the Pioneer Valley tobacco condol district for the most part behave very similarly to us um they have you know the 36-month tolling period um they keep most of the same find finding structure some of the towns like to do like the Dual so like doing a local fine for the same as the state but I think it's just easier that we have we have the you know we have the our 1, five th wait 1,00 5,000 7,000 what's our finding structure uh I I mean I don't think there's anything wrong with our finding structure we could if we wanted to add like say a local feet on top of that we could but it just seems easier to be like the state law says says it's $1,000 for the first fine that's it if $5,000 for the second Vine that's it $7,000 that's it um let's see the the other things that so if you look I'm I've got a copy of like our 2022 and our 2024 and the things that we didn't end up voting on in 2022 I still don't know if we need to um change some of them like the no new permits within so many feet of an existing permite um I don't think we need to change that because we're not getting new permits so why why why add that to it um the way that um the way that if you go down to 14 the way that the finding structure it the way that it's it's not different than what we have but they're using different language they're calling one the separate state and local and that's what we have and then there's the unified finding structure it's not really different language it's kind of a little different ordering in how they um put it in the paper and uh put it in words basically um I don't I mean I think I like our suspension periods I don't know if you guys I thought I think they're good I think the three-day 3day 7day 30-day I I think that's boy did we use them so fast this summer that was fun I didn't even think we'd ever get more than a than a firsttime violation I cannot believe we had three in so many short month period okay the thing that's different we had a lot of meetings it was so nice to like not talk about not talk about it for only one meeting right I think our February meeting was like the only one where we didn't talk about tobacco and honestly am bringing it up again as a business though like those fines and those those um suspensions are totally avoidable they're very avoidable agreed agreed um the the version of the sample code that um Sarah from M uh M gave us has some like coloring in it where yellow just means that it's copied from the latest version of the state laws and green are like decisions that are unique to us um I I don't think there's too many changes in here and last time we did this again was this one or two years ago now um it was end of 2022 it was really helpful when I'm blanking on her name from The Tobacco Agency for the state came and made suggestions of things that we were missing that we should consider adding did she make any recommendations as well too um she didn't but that's the other thing I was going to ask um if I mean this doesn't have this doesn't have to be something that we do like right away maybe next month we can talk about the wayte stuff then the next meeting we could say have her come in and take a look um because even with Alex being part of the to Tobacco Coalition she hasn't this was all new to her too so they Piner Valley didn't even receive these sample regulations yet um so and Alex is on vacation and you know she's our tobacco Queen um but there's like a couple I I think there's some there's some definition changes that are kind of I don't know they're kind of interesting oh there was something on the list on the checklist um where is it um sorry okay oh number eight oral nicotine pouches um that's basically something that if we decide we're going to ban it we are going to get lobbyists coming so a lot of towns in the Coalition are not are choosing not to ban the nicotine pouches what is an oral nicotine pouch it's like a tiny pouch of is it like a Lipper I don't even know what to call those they're like a like do you know Tom Z Zen's the big one oh okay imagining something like squishy and liquid but it's like the okay I know what it is it's like chewing tobacco but not tobacco and you yeah it's the tobacco pouch without tobacco yeah still nicotine but not tobacco right I think that I think that if we continue to have to keep our tobacco um compliance program as strong as it is we don't need to ban ban the oral nicotine pouches but we can probably have Sarah come and talk about that she gives a great presentation on products which I know this isn't the place for it but I've seen her do it a couple times um and it's it's kind of a it's kind of interesting to hear about there's so many different things out there it just and you know with the flavors which you know we have the band on flavors um it's hard sometimes to distinguish when you're looking at a product to know like it might not have a name but it might just say like red something but really it's like strawberry flavored which um that's actually one of the definitions that they added in here was distinguishable for flavors um it's it it's perceivable by either the sense of smell or taste because sometimes a product might not have something added in to it for a taste which we would call a flavor um but it might be there for the sense of smell which you know they're sort of interchangeable um so you know that's the flavored product basically I like that they kind of added a little bit of that in there um they changed um let's see I think they changed up rolling paper to add in stuff with like Flavor enhancers uh yeah adding the definition will permit Banning flavored non-tobacco non- nicotine wraps such as hemp wraps let's see not a lot there's not a ton of stuff in here but I like I like how they changed a little bit of the the term the wording for um How We Do the reducing cap they changed a little bit of wording about retail density it's not a lot but I think it clears it up let's see and well that sounds like a great idea then to have Sarah or whoever come back in oh and oh and you know why we should clean it up is that when we found out we I cannot believe we all read the last version and there was those four lines that were copied and none of us C it so we can delete those four there's four in one of the last sections under violations in our version it was just the same the same four lines had been copied and like all of us read it and just we put it in there so it would be nice to delete those out of it not they're they just say the exact same thing over again um anyway so that's that's the Le I think that what helped me a little bit was I kind of went I I kind of took the sample side by side with our old regulation and went down I mean it is it's the same it's you know because this is the product the all a cart product that um MHP and mhoa make us it's it's kind of the same as the 2022 but just a couple I think tweaks especially with where we're finding all the issues with flavor um flavor stuff and I love I mean maybe they added the um Bonafide uh for Value because of us I'd like to think I know Westfield had some similar issues too so anyway so that so that's that I think that you know we don't have to move fast on it I just think it's like probably good to like look over it um see if there's anything that maybe we were hung up on more the last time I have a weird glare coming in better than it being dark I feel like the last time we had this meeting it was dark at this time um so you know it kind of give us some time to like look over if we feel like it and then um we can maybe for so this is April so may we do waste disposal June we can talk to Sarah we can decide if there's such a thing as a July meeting feels like a fall thing to do approving some tobacco regulations right the air is crisp let's make sure it's clean anyway well it'd be a good opportunity for all of us to go through the regulations again having the experience that we've had I think we went through that last Revision in 2022 and we're just like okay like this is the recommendations and now reading it with the eyes of what we've had to work through over the last year I think will be really important for all three of us to be able to look at the regulations and say is this going to be helpful like what if we're faced with these situations again how does this help us or make our lives harder right and and make the community better I don't think any active board had to deal with how quickly we had to make decisions over the summer months um with Zayn's we we had zay's we had what was it SE also had a violation but they didn't contest it so we didn't have to have the board hearing for it but like I we just yeah I can't it was so strange how quickly you know I I I thought like I learned a lot with like the first violation I didn't think we'd have to like move on to having a second violation and then a third and then an additional violation from somebody who bought the business and it's so which was a fourth violation basically so I I feel like we wrote those things into our RS but really truly understanding the meaning of them didn't happen and until we actually had to work through it so fun times but I can start talking to either I don't know if I feel like maybe they're transitioning Lisa into the role um because I and then there was somebody else's name so there might be somebody else I don't know it seems like Sarah I'm not sure if she's retiring or whatnot so there might be somebody else that will be able to come talk to us about um that if anything um you know if they if they're not available maybe we can get somebody from the Pioneer Valley tobacco Coalition like Meredith or Donna to come talk to us which is kind of nice so how are we on this topic any more questions okay let's see you want to move on to the recycling and trash program update which I thought would be much more fun until I found out that we weren't able to get our Earth a trash weade yet it wasn't picked up I don't think it so apparently the containers were blocked in over at the transfer station and the people at cassella couldn't pick them up um and they were just moved today so we won't get the weigh in for Earth Day um probably for another week or so so I'm a little bummed about that um I was kind of excited to be able to do the tally but um I think we had a record number of people sign up over 150 people signed up um and we had tons of prizes and we're still trying to get people to come pick them up Tom's like yeah I know they're he's like I'm gonna start eating some of these they're gonna they're going to wind up in the manager's office soon enough they well they look really nice I mean we've had Browns um The Nest shelburn Falls we even had one of the tattoo places but it can it can only go to a the prize can the gift certificate can only go to an adult obviously it's not going to the boys Council um so that was kind of really nice that uh we had that we were trying to see if we could get um a sponsor to donate maybe some um so the Mone doesn't come to the health department there is a special fund that's through um that gets through Park and wreck like I'm not exactly sure what kind the fund but so we were hoping that maybe we could get some donators to um sponsor some recycling bins for Pine null so that might be something we work on a little more aggressively next year um and then you know we could put like a their names or something on the side but that'll be like a next year thing the while we love the gift it it is like this every year we have like a whole stack of them in the office and it's hard to get rid of let's see um other trash recycling not too much I feel like that's been kind of keeping lizz's uh time up quite a bit um Health Department updates so January 1st March 1st and May first are all um there all are like renew dates for a variety of different permits obviously January 1st and March 1 have gone by we are very good I think everybody whose permits ran up in January have paid have applied almost everybody that was up on March first everybody has applied I we're just trying to get some stragglers um pay their uh their fee because of the way the online structure is they can apply uh then we um review after we approve it then we pay the fee unless the collector's office doesn't allow us to move forward because they owe back taxes or they owe some other fee in town um but I've been working with the collector's office um so that if we have some businesses that have exorbitant fees like honestly most of our um most of our uh um long-term care facilities seem for some reason to owe a lot in either taxes water bills or whatnot um basically we're kind of leaning on each other um Health Department sending out a letter stating um you have to have a permit uh unfortunately your permit is goingon to be taken away from you um but I can't give you one unless you have a plan in place to pay these bills so at least to get even if you can't pay the the bill at least to start the plan and that becomes a contract with the collector's office um so we've been working together on that um May 1st is like our next round of uh applications and you typically uh most of the things that we do there are body art and almost everybody's paid up already which is nice and then we have amp season which I finally went live uh last week the week the week before with our new camp um our new online Camp permit which I had to hold off of because of course the State Community sanitation program loves to wait a month before people start submitting permits to send out an entirely new wck camp code that they haven't done since 2018 so I kind of had one week to read the code understand the code redo the what I thought was a beautiful online permit tell everybody hold back don't don't apply yet um and but we've got it out and we're starting to get some camps applying we've got I think two new camps coming in town this year which is really good we have Chris Buffington our nurse which would be great because it's would be so nice to actually have a nurse to review all the medical procedures and um review um Camp uh camper medical forms um which I've had training for and I do myself but I just like the idea of having that backup of having a medical um professional to be able to look at them um they not a lot of change there's some interesting changes where now they have to have an infectious disease policy um uh I can't understand why they didn't make this change like you know three years ago with Co but was better late than never right um so we've got that going on uh with the whole renewal season we had talked to a lot of businesses who their food safety manager CER certifications were up and with that we decided decied to reach out to a company that offers it and we're going to be having a training here in town on May 8th um for food safety managers uh we were also suggesting a lot of the camps send extra people because there's some camps that feed the kids and you know having one person on staff really wasn't you know it doesn't cut it so that yeah that will be um May 8th um if anybody knows anybody their personal life their organizations who'd like to send anybody just send them my way we'll send them the um the registration they're offering it for a reduced price usually it runs about 210 225 and um her name is Kim McCarthy she's offering it for 170 which I've never it wasn't I've never been to a place in the entire my entire career where they offered it for $170 so so we've got that going on um and then U Chris was kind of joking she just got back from vacation so I wasn't expecting her to come to the meeting tonight because I thought that that would be an boss um but um we're calling this section from the desk of the Town health nurse um so Chris has been as as we've already established she's part-time Health Department part-time Conant and aging um but she's been doing some things over at the Council on Aging that she's offering to people of any age so I I kind of think that's a nice way of do it so um uh let's see on the last Monday of every month she offers blood pressure checks the Council on Aging and anyone is welcome to come and get the blood pressure checks you don't need to be a senior um she's also going to be starting a Thursday morning walk on the rail trail um uh let's see at 10: a.m starting May 2nd and anyone of any age can come to that she's also met with the new this so with the whole reorganizing over at dph and with um training and whatnot um we now have a new Chief local public health nurse at the office of local and regional health and her name is Caitlyn P Pettingill and she kind of came in and she reviewed a lot of the stuff that uh that Chris has been doing and her procedures and we are now completely on track with all of our state deliverables for public health when it comes to Public Health nursing um which is fantastic after a year and a half or so of not having a public health nurse um and uh I'm really glad that she's been able to hook up with the local chapter of the Massachusetts Association for public health nurses um I think have meetings like once a month in mllo too so at least you know she can have that kind of camaraderie and kind of learning how things change constantly um and so more of that to come uh maybe we'll get her at our next meeting let's see um mosquito season is upon us uh we did not have a great winter um and so uh the we actually had last week was our first catch Basin treatment uh the bti treatments and those are all right currently we're doing them at the parks and the schools um and this year we're adding to the contract we've added a third treatment in September uh typically we just do two but last year when because we had West Nile Virus samples we had triple E samples let's just add another one into there um and then the I want to work heavily with the state entomologist and see if we can start identifying are other areas outside of the schools and the parks that we might want to hit um based off of any of the test results he gets um but you know I give you my street address just kidding do we get CH wait oh I it's not made public I was say do we catch any uh positive mosquitoes in your neighborhood I hope to not I also like a crazy person on my entire family yeah we're not allowed to release the locations of the testing areas I think I'm getting treated yeah but like just say that if if I if if we say that there is a positive mosquito sample it's going to be in a a a decently Urban neighborhood that that's just how it's going to be because West now virus mosquitoes love the catch basins they love the junk in our backyards the triple mosquitoes will probably find more in like Swamper you know Wetland areas in town um so that being said it's spring get out there you know tip over everything that you know was collecting junk and water over the winter um you know cleaning up extra um you know yard debris whatnot there's also we not even addressing lime yet um a lot of fun little creatures out there that just love to give us diseases so um so we'll you know as things will go uh we'll find out how um this year will fair to others there wasn't a lot of um luckily there wasn't a lot of human spread last year but they're thinking that this might be a bad Triple E year um h on wood hopefully we uh won't have to deal with that let's see and um in I think it was in March we could talk about Co no it's not really Co in March the CDC put out um the respiratory illness guidance and it I feel like it's um so it's covering covid flu and other respiratory viruses I feel like it's more like the common sense approach to how we treat it and how we've treated a how we've treated viruses in the past um let's see my notes um I feel like I get all of the uh all of the Powerpoints from the state start the exact same way they look this blue page um all that so the like the the quick I'll give the quick Spiel for everybody um if you have symptoms of a respiratory virus stay home test if you have tests Mas on others um utilizing hand hygiene respiratory hygiene and cleaning and then making sure that you are fever free for 24 hours um before resuming normal activities um and then also you know without medication Fe yeah fever free without medication um and then they talk about you know if you can wear a mask wear a mask for those first five days um so if you are if you don't have symptoms and you test positive at least for five days avoid crowded areas utilizing good hand hygiene and avoiding others at risk and then you can choose to stay home for the first 20 72 hours this is a recommendation but it's not actually in the CDC guidance so that's a little bit different than what the CDC put out um if you go home um if you develop symptoms you basically revert back to the first thing we said about staying home um see if you were exposed to a virus um have you know having normal activities as long as you're asymptomatic continuing good hand hygiene monitoring symptoms considering masking but it's not required and then if you develop symptoms go back to step number one um and then there some talk you know just you know keeping in mind being around groups of people who are at high risk keeping in mind if you're high risk um you know do you want you know do you want to spread this to people um some of the guidance that's a little simplified are said school guidance um they're not requiring or they're not asking children to mask if they're under the age of two um there's some healthcare setting guidance obviously um a little different than uh what we'd see kind of at the um just the public level and the state has made some changes not changes they've added some clarification in language to uh to Health Care guidance over what the CDC has but it seems like regardless of that like any healthc Care Center makes up their own or adds on to their own protocols uh I feel like we've heard a lot of different things coming from the different hospitals over the last couple months Katie if you'd like to weigh in oh yes all the things all the things I think it's just really the idea of um you know obviously I still mask when I see patients mainly because I want to protect them from getting whatever I potentially have and don't want to give to them um you know and and realistically speaking if it's a stomach virus wash your hands with soap and water you know obviously sanitizer is great but just thinking about that part of it um you know and really that the Nora virus RI through the Northeast I mean that stomach bug when it came through it was multiple classrooms like I he heard about at the middle school they were like we're all cleaning the classroom down today because there's so many people who've been sick so I think really we got into really good practicers during Co about cleaning everything and now we're kind of like this is we're getting a little lazy again so we're seeing a lot of viruses again which is what it was like before Co um and I I really just try to encourage people if you are sick just stay home like don't I don't want you to come to work sick and stuff it out no please don't do that um and the same like when I was talking about the medication part like someone's like well I took a Tylenol and I don't have a fever anymore I'm like that is still a fever so just really being like if you are sick just stay home we can most of us can work remotely unless you are someone like me who has to go take care of patients um but I think if you have the option to work remote and you're not that sick but you're still sick stay home until you're feeling better and we want everyone to feel better you know I don't want people to feel yucky so I'd rather that just be the case too but all the protocols are different across like you said like what the restrictions are so just ask your employer about what they want um again base state is very different than even other places in the area about what we have to do if one of us test positive for Co or flu or things like that so yeah we've always kind of took it as sort of Case by case depending on you know one of my employees in my office can easily hang out alone at their desk away from people um if they've been exposed or whatnot but you know it might be different if say you were at the senior center you know we kind of have to think about different ways you know and be thoughtful of who is who is our who our customers are who are the people around us um so we've always kind of I think since I've been here it's always been Case by case and we laugh because depending on what department or what person's talking to me um it always feels like it's a different incident incidents when it's a it's a different person it doesn't no it's no no two cases of I came I came across somebody with Co are like and no two cases of I have a CO are like and it's uh it's like snowflakes um but it's nice and we have a very good thoughtful group of people who work in town and I'm glad that you know we kind of rely on each other and they always check in with me and even even though I know they know and you know I I feel like especially the senior center like they if anybody knows the rules I know they do but they'll still call just to check to make sure that you know what are our protocols or whatnot now so but that being said uh We've ran out of our last shipment of covid tests uh I put in a request and it wasn't fulfilled I put in a notific I sent in a notification to ask you know will it be filled in a future and they haven't responded I'm guessing that they probably ran out of the State Supply of covid tests so hopefully you know people their supplies they have uh haven't run out and I know that there was a round of um of tests you could get in the mail um if not I know they are available at um pharmacies but hopefully um they'll be able to fill it in for our next respiratory virus season which I'm hoping that Co isn't a summer thing again not my favorite time of year to deal with it uh but that is everything I've got yes on Health Department updates wasn't much question fun things anything else you'd like to see in the next couple of months now I think we've got a couple busy months yeah some good stuff to like work on yeah we'll do the public hearing on the waste disposal site permit and the associated fees and then dive into the updated tobacco regulations and then whatever else comes our way knock on wood yeah no more like yeah no more decisions where it's one month after another month after another month like projects fun projects to work on would be great anything you would like to see anything we can do for you think he froze oh no as a as a as both a resident and somebody who works in the town anything that you'd like to see to enhance your public health uh no I'm I'm feeling pretty healthy right now thank you want me to bring start bringing in some uh healthy snacks like no like I said I think I think um I think we are certainly in good shape with obviously our uh staff um in the building in town hall um and and our our board um I don't I don't think we uh I don't think there's too much I worry about from a health standpoint uh as a resident or the manager so again I I appreciate I appreciate you all so should we book our May meeting then also baseball is life so I have so many like jug Tom knows this too because my husband and him both coach in the town baseball that is insanity right now so it's going to be like Tetris finding a night that there is not a baseball game or something else I'm sure every else is juggling all the things and may I think that um oh boy honestly doing something before May 30th is g to be rough mostly with like having you know creating some of the information and you know putting out two Thursdays or two two weeks in advance in my head I'm just thinking of th I don't know why oh because the paper comes out on Thursday um this might be more of like a and that isend I mean it could be early June doesn't have to be May if we need the time particularly to have a draft and have the post for the meeting um I mean it I would recommend at least on my end I'd recommend the first half of June the kids are out on the 14th and I think after that it's going to get real tight in terms of people just being around agreed and and I'm at a national conference June 7th through the 12th so I could do like the first half of the first week of June so I could either do the third I could do the third I was looking at our practice schedule the third is good we have practice Wednesdays and Thursdays and we have it Tuesdays [Music] so yeah that that rebea what about you yeah I'm fine the third works I'll have to put like a big memo in uh uh in my calendar to make sure that our like the regular posting is actually posted ahead of time okay so we'll go for June 3D yep six sounds good all right uh before we leave we need a motion to close a meeting I believe a motion okay rebecc is gonna motion to close meeting I can second the motion that's okay I already had was unmuted so um Christine Johnston I Dr Katy javins hi Rebecca torsa I all right thanks all bye everybody tomorrow thanks Tom thanks yep good night