##VIDEO ID:whzBoOmFu-M## all right Renee are we ready to go yes ma'am all right thank you everyone tonight is Wednesday September 4th and this is the meeting of the East Long Meadow Board of Health um the Board of Health is recording is anyone else recording okay um so I'm going to call this meeting to order and we are meeting tonight via Zoom webinar pursuant to uh for Governor Baker's um March 2020 order resending certain provisions of the um open meeting law in Massachusetts which is extended by Governor Healey so uh with all those announcements out of the way um first thing on our agenda is to approve the minutes of the prior meeting um so ladies does anybody have any changes to the minutes for the prior meeting no no okay um so I'm going to make a motion that we approve the minutes of the last meeting as written okay I second that all right um and we're going to do a roll call vote So Christine Johnston I Dr Katie jobbins I Rebecca torsa I all right thank you meeting a minutes from the last meeting are approved Renee is anybody here for public comment um we do have some participants um is there anybody that would like to make any type of comment uh I think there's a raiseed hand um option it looks like um it looks like we're good all right um so if we have no one for public comment we are going to move on to the next item on our agenda which is a Title Five variant review for three James Street in East Long Meadow um this variance review is um for the property owner to uh basically install septic versus um connecting to the Sewer so Tammy I'm going to defer to you at this point okay so I'll just explain kind of how it goes these don't happen very often um probably the second one in my 20s something year career so um so whenever there is a new construction ction uh and the owner would like to uh put in a septic system versus a sewer because Title Five says new construction has to be um if there is a feasibility for uh hook up to sewer they have to hook up to sewer um they have to apply for variance if they want to do that and they also have to prove that it's manifestly unjust basically the difference between the price of the sewer and the subject system if it is a large enough difference they could call that manifesting just um so that is what we're doing today we're kind of looking over all we've already looked over the plans um we've looked over the quotes for um the septic and the quotes for the sewer hookup um all that stuff has been on um view at the health department for anybody who want to take a look at it um I have reviewed the plans I've talked with their designer just to make sure everything looks good I've also had the Department of Environmental Protection take a look at the plans too just to make sure that I didn't miss anything um and I think that the plan does provide equal or greater Environmental Protection as to a sewer so um basically the decision would just be um whether or not we think that the difference in the quotes um is manifestly unjust um and I don't think there's really any reason not to approve um uh the variance to allow him to apply for um the Disposal system construction Works permit questions about that I was just gonna say Katie or Rebecca do you have any questions for Tammy um no no I just gonna say why is he applying for the the the septic versus um because of the difference in the price of the hook up from the septic system to um if you have the quotes they're pretty different they are uh I think one's the septic is about 13,000 and the sewer is 40 yeah 1,929 for so 14 about 14,000 for um the septic system and 51,1 3032 cents for the hookup to um to Su Town sewer I think there's like two manhole covers that have to would have to be not installed but you'd have that's the length of how far the hookup would have to be for that property makes sense sure but the plan the plan the plan is has everything it needs uh it fits all of the um requirements of Title 5 even uh if there's you know so if obviously eventually septic um systems have to be replaced there's enough room for a second one if need be and I don't see any reason why we couldn't allow him to apply for it ladies do you have anything other uh before we take a vote no makes sense okay Katie are you good to take a vote yep okay um so I will make a motion um that the that we would allow the owner of three James um to apply for a disposal construction Works permit okay I'll second that all right thank you and we will do a roll call vote um Christine Johnston I Dr Kitty jobbins hi Rebecca torsa hi all right um so that motion um has been approved so the owner three James um is can go ahead and apply for that um disposal construction Works permit um so I don't know if um Mr weer bur is on the um is he on the zoom can you tell uh uh I will have the permit available at the health department at 9:00 a.m. on Friday morning um I just have to kind of redo all of the paperwork and approve it and it will be there for pickup I will also send uh so I'm I'll have to write this up and send it to everybody here and have that um for the minutes but uh I will also be contacting in the morning Mr weerberg just to make sure he knows that his permit will be there to be picked up um I'm sorry U Mr wurn did you did you want to become a um to say anything or is that suffice you're okay all right cool all right thank you Tammy thank you Renee um all right we're gonna move on so the next item on our agenda is um a vote on increasing the mattress disposal fee from $15 to $30 so Tammy I'm going to turn this one back over to you as well okay um so a few things to consider about the mattress um disposal fee So currently it is $15 to dispos of at of a mattress at a transfer station um originally uh the price for the town to dispose of it was $15 um and then it became $15 plus a pickup which the pickup um originally when we started the program um was a little bit less but now it's $250 every time they have to empty the um the container uh we used to be able to cover it by a grant but our grant now doesn't really well the Grant's never increased the RDP Grant has never really increased over the years but uh everything else increases so that's not the fun that's the the bad news when that happens um so in we got a letter was last month I think Renee that they're increasing to $17 a mattress for the pickup that is correct yeah so we felt that the $30 was enough to cover that $17 increase and the um $250 every time they pick up the mattress the mattresses um $300 is still I or $30 it's still pretty low um if you look at I had um sent you um the list of a lot of other towns that municipally pick it up and how much it costs for private pickup um if going to do anything private it's at least $100 100 to 150 I we've um found and 30 to 45 was pretty average for most towns that did Municipal drop off um and I mean some months we get a lot uh some months we don't some other things we have to take in consideration is that there have been um the the uh that the container that they put it in has been uh damaged a little bit over the years just because of it's situated with like the other uh containers in in transfer station so we'll probably have to replace that I'm not sure if it'll be like the next year or a year or two and they originally I think we bought that for $5,000 but that was in 200 I think 17 Liz might have said so we've had it for a bit so I'm guessing that that's not the price of a giant shipping crate anymore um so that is our our uh uh disc or that's what we came up with for the uh fee increase and as always it would be if uh you do approve it or if you approve a different amount because you guys could choose a different amount um it would be a vote to approve the fee to the Town Council for adoption to the um bylaw fee schedule yep um my only question and then I'll defer to the other members um just curious we charge the same fee no matter what size mattress you dump in you bring over there it's just kind of easier for the um person who staffs that front or the little booth it just seems there are towns that do a like a you know 30 for this side for twin 45 but it it doesn't really not it doesn't I don't think it would make it any life any easier for whoever is working at the booth to figure that one out yeah Katy Rebecca any questions for Tammy um no but good question think in a California king versus a twin there is a big difference but yeah makes sense okay I think it might not it might like it used to be like a free takeaway from most places when you got you bought a new mattress but I feel like most places now don't even do that so this is sort of you got your you've got your $50 transfer station sticker it's kind of a no-brainer to still bring it to the transfer station Wednesdays and Saturdays 9 to five if you can not everybody can put a mattress in their car especially not Honda um ladies any other discussion on this item no nope sounds good all right uh Rebecca do you want me to make the motion I'm happy to oh I can make the motion okay a motion go for it then oh the motion to um what's the proper verbage to allow the price to recommend to the the price increase to the Town Council right for inclusion proper okay yeah go ahead and say that motion to recommend the price the pricing increase on the town mattress to the I mean the mattress to the Town Council I second okay all right um roll call vote Christine Johnston I Dr Katy jobbins hi Rebecca torsa hi all right so that motion has passed as well so Timmy you can add that to the minutes and put that on the next time the Town Council is looking at fees perfect all right next thing on here is Recycling and trash program updates so Tammy that is you yeah feel like I feel like there's been so many different events that we're scheduling so let's um put together a nice list of uh um things that have been going actually it starts off um she did do a podcast at the senior center um which you can get on I believe the town's website kind of just to talk about recycling recycling coordinator and if anybody hasn't kind of seen the senior center podcast I highly uh recommend it they just it's kind of a nice little program that they're doing um let's see heart Springs continues to um pick up a second Saturdays of the month at the um the parking lot outside of town hall um in Center Square and I believe this Saturday is the second Saturday of the month um me make sure that before I say that um and so you can bring you can you don't have to bring just clothes like our dropbox behind the fire station um this would be the first Saturday I'm sorry it's the first so next the following Saturday believe the second Saturday um but you can bring HomeGoods um I think like smaller Furniture things not like couches and stuff like that but um you can bring like toys uh kitchen supplies stuff that we don't do at the um at the textiles bin but uh since they have started and I think we started H I feel like we started maybe right before Earth Day this year so that would have been April um they have picked up station that's a lot of that's a lot of things not going in landfill which I think is great um let's see then um so this Saturday the um PTO is having a a recycling event at the high school in the parking lot um I think it's mostly Electronics I yeah I was gonna say I think this one is electronics they're also doing shredding yes um they're not we're not doing it with them but we just kind of um uh promoting uh their event uh but September 14th uh we have um combined with SH with a representative Ash's office and we'll be back at the high school um and they're taking styrofoam dehumidifiers Furniture Electronics clothing and canned goods I think they'll be 10 to two next next Saturday the 14th and I've kind of decided that I like that the residents have the option to go to anyt in Westfield to bring hazardous materials um you know like your oils and your lead base paints and things like that um but I felt that we've gotten enough uh we've gotten enough phone calls and inquiries that I think we should bring back a hazardous a hazardous waste day in town um we're still kind of trying to figure out the details of that we had um asked to do it sometime in early October at the fire station um with Clean Harbors but we haven't heard back from them uh yet so I know this is kind of a I think it's kind of a big time of year where people start doing a lot of cleanout so um that they might already kind of be booked up but I'd really like to bring that back just so that um we can get those people that might not have the access to go to um Westfield to bring those items um but that being said um you know there's you there's so many things that uh an East Long Meadow resident can dispose of for free up to a certain amount um so I I encourage anybody to go on our website um check out how you can go through that process it really isn't all you have to have is your driver's license or maybe some sort of form of identification that says you're an East Long meta resident um but once we get that event I'll uh let everybody know and we'll be um uh posting that online um and then so this is I think this is the third year that uh Liz has been doing the um uh tools for teaching in the schools and so a a big time that waste is generated at the end of the year um at schools is you know when the teachers are cleaning out their classrooms um so this is like one way to kind of prevent that stuff from getting put in the landfill um Liz puts boxes um actually she puts them up in town Hall too just in casee anybody wants to get rid of things like binders and pencils and stuff that they don't use um and they go to um Springfield teachers who need to utilize I think it's um almost like a like a donation store that they use um and I believe let's see um and they had sent us a really big thanks and you could go to facebook.com tools for teaching maos and um you can see some of the photos um from the students who to take advantage of that um so I think it's a really neat event uh and that is Recycling and trash program updates I know that was a lot so if there's any questions just let me know thanks for sharing that any questions ladies no good thank you good awesome um all right Tammy Health Department updates um okay uh so I was going to give uh news from the desk of the Town health nurse but it seems like she's here right now so did do you want to give your uh kind of your summer updates Chris you just have to put your uh volume up hi so I gave you my um little bulletin of what I've been doing and you put me on the spot so everything just kind of goes right out of my head but um I can read read them off if you want oh how about I briefly say a few words and then that'll okay okay bullet point number one de dementa friends Champion oh yeah yep um that was like a three hour Zoom um training well actually it might have been a little bit longer but um through um dementia training the woman's name is Beth I can't think of her last name so I am dementia friendly trained so I can actually go into um actually I'm working on collaborating with Katie at the library to just do my very first training with uh the staff at the library and she said she would give me a date throw a date out for me maybe some time next month so I'll get to put my material to work and they can critique me after um the other thing that I did was through the AARP on the um age am I saying it right age friendly age friendly living what was it tamy uh age friendly communities is that it yeah yeah yeah and that's um kind of an initiative through the COA from Aaron and also through Rebecca to kind of get a little more familiar with our uh Community um and how we can go about making it more of an age-friendly community so um I did that very interesting um so I'm C kind of certified with that I guess it's a certification so I put in like two days of that um let's see what else was on my list uh Michelle Cruz at Michelle oh yeah yeah yeah yeah so I'm going into other areas in town um other than the um I've done the inward Commons fory Hill and Village Green I also contacted Michelle Cruz she is like the activity director for Brownstone Gardens so I've set up with blood pre pressure clinics with them also so I'll go over to Brownstone one and two and do it one month or one day a month there and then the other one over by the police station uh one day a month not such a huge turnout just yet but she puts the um bulletin out there so the residents will come and they know I'm there and um so a little bit of an interest um what else did I do um memory Cafe oh um that's with the COA Aaron put that together with Trinity Health or no I'm sorry Fallon Fallon um they come twice a month and I just basically sit there and kind of I'm more of an observer to see how they run their Cafe um I and then you know I'll talk to the members at the COA that come in um but the last time I was there we only had one resident come in and and uh sit with us and talk about the memory Cafe so hopefully the next meeting there'll be more members coming in um I think that's it and I been doing the classes still no walking trail oh what's that which which classes are you still offering it's kind of like a combination of um it's like Advanced chair we call it but um with the advanced chair and they do very well um lightweights a little bit of cardio a little bit of stretching um I throw in a little bit of bar exercise with it too they don't know that um and kind of like an little bit of ab workout while you're seated and they do really well I'm surprised how well they do um I shouldn't be surprised but they do an a wonderful job and I really that's one of my favorite things to do it's a lot of fun and I think that's it other than going on Maven and checking all that other stuff out the uh you know what I was thinking of you have been um representing the health department on okay what are we calling it um uh our at risk what is it we called what's the new community called we've only formed it a few months ago the town um somebody put in some requests to add people today what do we call that I'm sorry I don't um hold up uh you know with a with the um Senior Center and Senior watch senior watch thank you oh oh oh oh yeah yeah yeah that denell runs that and I participate in that um with a senior watch so it's the um girls at the COA um Alex myself um Chris beer comes in he's pretty much the eyes and ears of who needs a lot of the emerging attention so um he gives us the referrals to go and see if we can connect with these residents in the community and this was sort of like I think it was a there are other towns that do something sort of similar but I think that we've all informally when we do you know when say Health Department gets a hoarding call and it's um you know somebody who's a senior who's living at home you know we kind of individually start um you know contacting fire department contacting Council and aging um and sort of we were doing it kind of desperately but this way we can you know put people who are on our watch maybe they're just starting to get some symptoms um that might have things that you know they can't get in and out of bed they maybe are starting some I don't want to call light hoarding but there are stages to hoarding um that might you know start to steamroll down the line and you know we've had injuries from you know our EMS team going into houses um we've been dealing well not myself but Chris beer has a list of people that are concerned for increased fall risks um and Aaron is aware of that also so we're gonna be working on that see if we can make a connection with them I think go ahead I'm sorry know I was say and so as a physician in the community I think it's important that if people want to know how to do this we should at least say this so then people can read the minutes so how would they get their parent or their loved one or a neighbor added to this list so they can be aware of this I think that's really important that I think the first thing the first thing would not be to add them to the list but I would say to call the Council on Aging to see what's available uh you know it might be something that you might think is on the list but it might not be to that point where it be um but if there if there's something that's a concern to them I think that would be the best place to start because it might just be that maybe um maybe they need a little extra service like um Meals on Wheels or you know um some of the groceries or that that kind of thing and it might not be that to that extent I but I think the the for the most part A lot of the people that we have on the list don't have that family support and that's you know it's unfortunate but that's just kind of the the world we live in these days um but we we also um through I believe it's through some of like the opioid funding that the set opioid settlement funding and some other things that um the town had received um East Long Meadow police department and Long Meadow Police Department were able to hire a social worker um Jamie Razer I believe her name is um and so that is great because I I can talk to somebody you know Ching blue in the face to why you need to why you need to clean your house or you know what this order uh you know to clean up your houses but I think it's better to hear it from an actual social worker um on to why those things are important and kind of to distance you know it it is it's you know it's my inclination even when we were sitting there sending violation letters or orders correct to um want to help the person um but you know legally I have to you know write these orders up or Alex has to do the same thing and and you know we're kind of always trying to um you know buffer that but you know it's still it's still a order of Correction it's still a violation if we come across those things so it's nice to be able to have that kind of level to explain why that has to be done explain why um you might be getting this order um I mean we don't get them a lot but we get them enough that it can become you know it can become s a low on the health department anyway I didn't mean to um steal your thunder chis let's see oh and then I put down an extra note that you and I will be Staffing the health department slfirst a booth on Friday at the little e at the Council on E at the COA come see us yes um and there's usually lots of um activities uh to you know you don't have to be a scer to come to the little e maybe just somebody who doesn't really like the idea of having to walk around the Exposition Center or Park um I know they have lots of they they last year they had a really neat like circus show which was kind of fun um but usually they like to have somebody for when the pie eating contest come to watch out and that can get messy and dangerous depending on how hot it might be on a on a Friday so heway anything else you want to bring up Chris good okay um let's see um and this this will be the I'll um Co I'll bring this up and if um afterwards if Katie like to chime in with anything you're seeing at the hospitals that'd be great um I don't feel like it's probably any surprise to anybody that Co has really been going around the amount of phone calls text messages emails that I've been getting um what do I do where do I get a test um uh what you know are what are the protocols if any um have been the last like three weeks have been pretty steady um the first question I can answer is where can I get a test well right now you can get them for free at the health department um we were able to get a large um supply of them from uh from the federal government um and they are all uh within the expiration they're good um so feel free to come by the health department um if you think you're sick maybe send somebody else or give us a call we are no stranger to going out into the parking lot and roll down your window and we'll hand you a couple um as for what do I do now that I think now that I know that I have covid it's a lot different than it's been in the past now that they've lumped it with uh other respiratory diseases like flu and RSV um but I felt like uh one of uh one of our counterparts in Northampton uh Jennifer Brown she's a public health nurse she uh she's she uh summed it up super quick into two bullet points phase one stay sick until your fever resolves for 24 hours or your symptoms improve um then stay home stay home not stay sick stay home stay home stay home when sick I'm sorry stay home when sick until your fever resolves for 24 hours or your symptoms improve granted that doesn't seem like a real long period of time and without medication so that's the other caveat too so you stay home while sick and have had no fever for 24 hours without taking acetaminophen ibuprofen or anything like that if you are still taking medication you that doesn't count exactly and then for the next five days afterwards we calling that phase two um taking additional precautions and those could be wearing a mask um social distancing increasing handwashing um and then someone wrote or testing to see Grandma at the nursing home um I never noticed that she wrote that in there but I like that it was just you know two points stay home if you're sick stay home if you have a fever until it resolves and then if you have to go back to work do those things that being said whatever your child's schools Protocols are that's your child schools protocols and it could be completely different I've seen some of the ones for eow and they are but that's for that's for East Long Middle Schools to bring up it's also the same for different employers different employers have different return to work dates and if you have to wear a mask so I would just encourage people to ask their employers how to handle it as well too um and Chris you've been reaching out to try to get some uh covid vaccine clinics in the fall we're just waiting to hear back um yes if you're sick and it's not covid stay home anyways yes there's a lot of that going around as well well and just so you all know the um Hospital CH at Bas State we changed our visitor policy again because it was so rampant so we went back to a a stage yellow it's called um and so that way you know everyone all the Physicians and apps or any clinicians who are at the bedside or in patient care we're wearing masks now with direct patient care again um and the same thing applies obviously if we're trying to reduce the number of visitors just from a safety perspective so that way someone from the community does not come in and give it to a patient or their roommate or someone who's working in the hospital as well too um and the other thing I would really encourage people to do especially right now with the mosquitoes is um we've seen a really high influx of um mosquito born illnesses in New England um and that people should be using DEET spray especially now it's like soccer season football season you know all the outdoor sports that are going later in this year um and there's been a really big concern of vector born disease with mosquitoes so making sure people are wearing DEET and lots of bug spray are there any other things that you've been kind of um seeing at the hospital well again all the other things we talked like no no I just I didn't know if there was anything other than you know any other respirator that we should be I mean I think you know we're seeing a lot of still community acquired pneumonia there was a lot of it in June July and August which is very rare but we had a ton of community acquired pneumonias um and it's the classic you know someone gets a little bit of a viral illness it doesn't get better um both of my sons ended up getting pneumonia I know of mult yeah and strep at the same time it was great um so roared through the school system yeah it Ro it went through all the schools um my son wants me to tell you he couldn't play baseball because he was so sick um that is horrible he was devastated um but I think so that thankfully is stabilized um but really I think what we're seeing is the normal pattern now of like the beginning of fall we're starting to see people get respiratory illnesses again so making sure people are getting their flu vaccine and the covid vaccines which I know they're updating coming out with new ones um if you're over um 65 or have imuno compromised States making sure you're getting the pneumonia vaccine which the new one has come out um and then really again hand hygiene and like you all said if you're sick stay home um and I really am encouraging people if they are sick to test for covid just because it is so highly contagious and um many people who have never gotten it before are getting it now I know of at least 10 people in the last two weeks who have never tested positive who are all positive um that's in that's friends family and other people I know not even patients so um I think it's just this is the time that it's now catching up to those people who didn't get it the like the big times we've had surges before so awesome um so speaking of covid and other respiratory diseases we do have our um annual drive-through clinics uh annual flu drive-through clinics scheduled with Big Y um we're not doing them back to back this year uh just because of the way they had to schedule it so we're doing one on October 15th at the fire station from 1: to 6 so typically our families usually tend to do that one or people who um can't make it during the work day and then on October 21st we'll be doing our daytime one from 8 to 1 at the senior center um but anyone fiveing up is welcome to um come to that I'll tell you last year um uh the two vaccinators that they had I've never seen this before and I hope we get them again um they were amazing I saw one of them vaccinated a car with I think three children in it in I under four minutes uh not an exclamation I've never seen that as as a mom of a young child who's been to drive-thru I've never seen that before so I'm hoping we get um especially one of them again because I couldn't believe uh how amazing he was with the kids um so we have those um the registration um it's it's encouraged just to kind of keep it along because sometimes we do have long lines um you can uh find it uh on our website you can find it on the Facebook page um and on it you can download the form just so that you have it ready to go um and you can drive in and drive out so that's um the food clinics um and for folks who have little kids I've already gotten an alert from my pediatrician um that they are starting to set up appointments if your kids's under five um for flu shots they're flu vaccines so just I know that they they have it or they have it on order that's fantastic I know that some of the pharmacies do they now go usually um at three maybe I feel like they've lowered the ages over the last couple years um for the V flu vaccine at the pharmacies but I can't think of how low they go down but it's usually not yeah I think it might be three and up but certain Pharmacy certaines are are able to do that you have to look on their website though and each of them will have the regulations they'll have you put in a date of birth and then they'll tell you which ones you can go to Fantastic so I encourage everybody to get vaccinated let's have a let's have a healthy fall healthy uh healthy winter um and last on my list is I have um just kind of a mosquito season update um I don't know if anybody got um some of the alerts but earlier in the um summer we did have um some positive mosquito um samples for West Nile Virus in town we haven't had one for a while um which I'm hoping is a good sign um now it's Triple B yeah well let's just hope I mean usually if um if we do get Triple E out here um it typically tends to be a mosquito that's traveled really far um because we don't have um we don't have Cedar swamps out here in western Mass which you you've been seeing a lot in um uh the kind of the Worcester Central Corridor right now which they do have like Blackstone is I think a Cedar Swamp um so that's where they're doing spraying um there's really with what we have out here with the mosquitoes that we have um most of our mosquitoes are found you know in catch basins and at the ground level and spraying is really not some it's not the best option for that uh because um as soon as it rains um as soon as it starts to deactivate over the course of a couple hours it stops getting rid of adult mosquitoes um so I um this is our first year where we've automatically decided to do um more than two uh catch Basin treatments throughout Town um we've been doing them typically around the the um the parks and the schools um just to cover people who are out and about at night uh if you are in your you know um own home we're still encouraging the westn virus mosquito is the type of mosquito that um that grows in standing that um develops in standing water so we've said it over and over again check out your backyard make sure that anything that you have with standing wat is tipped over um you know making sure that same thing with Lyme disease cutting and and the mosquitoes you know cutting back any you know weeds grass bushes that need to be cut back just so that you have no places where things could um start collecting standing water right now we are um we're still um we're still only in the moderate uh level for um westal virus and that really just means that um we've had positive sample and that locally which in the county um there's been at least one person that tested positive for West n virus um there was some confusion about uh whether or not they were in East Long meno that is not an information that the state gives out um you just get if it's in if it's in a county um it just so happened that that was a week that we had a positive pool and I think channel 22 confused it and said that we had a positive person um but we wouldn't know that unless that that person decided to blast it over social media um but when you're in the moderate level um let's from the state's risk map um the things that that um basically as you go up a level you're adding a little you're adding levels of um protection unto your general awareness of what you're doing um so like right now um being prepared is the number one you know checking uh the risk map checking uh with your local authorities of where you are um wearing mosquito repellent between Dusk and Dawn wearing long sleeves and long pants From Dusk and Dawn and using on Nets on like carriages and play pens if you're going to be hanging out at night um so when you're at moderate you're just increasing it to wearing mosquito repell it when Outdoors not just between Dusk and Dawn and that you're making sure that you're dumping your standing water um so like I said we're still in that moderate phase um if we were to go up higher that's when we're talking about things where might be like um adjusting outdoor activities with um our parks and wck and our schools um so far we've made it a little bit into September we haven't had to do that um I have been talking to the parks department on ways that maybe for the next season we can um talk about a more of a prevention plan um kind of similar to how um how uh recreational camps do it in the summertime uh with um having sign offs and appropriate ways to use um to use bug repellent because really bug repellent is the number one way that when you're going out to do an activity somewhere that you're going to be keeping yourself safe um I had watched um I watched a u webinar recently about how we really need to start treating bug repellent like we treat uh using a seat belt and it's these these summer um mosquito born diseases tick born diseases they're here to stay uh we we want to enjoy the outdoors we have to do it alongside of them so we have to get used to making it part of like we do with sunblock as well um making it part of it so that's something that we're trying to work on for next year because um I outside of a few school systems I've seen not in massachusett not many programs kind of have u a procedure for that um because it would be you know it would be better to I think it would be better to figure out ways that kids can still do some of these activities than saying hey we're gonna stop you know we're gonna stop playing at all I I think you have to benefit those or um weigh those benefits so that's just something that we're working on first on the year and also um so we still have uh our our risk for tripy still low um we haven't had any positive pools in um our town or local towns um but that's still on the lookout out um it's it's not too late but right now we're um we've kind of typically left what's considered um the Triple E season and we're kind of in heavy West Nile virus season uh but it's still never too late things I feel like with a changing um with our changing climate we never know what to expect when it comes to the bugs in the summertime um so that is a mouthful but I that is all I've got for everybody today any questions comments thanks Tammy Katie Rebecca questions comments thoughts ideas great it's been a busy summer uh but it's kind of September sort of the be it's kind of the beginning of a different I feel season for how we do things we're starting to gear up again for renewals which you know is always a fun but still uh taxing time of year uh having to go through all the permits and everything like that um but it just you know we're gonna we you know poor Alex won't have to do as many food trucks once the weather starts getting a little colder uh taking those inspections indoors um there'll be less uh phone calls about High Grass and uh we'll start moving into nobody's uh raking their lawns to uh what do we do about the snow on the sidewalks so it's kind of a a fun way that the year kind of changes so it kind of keeps us on our toes and keeps us from getting bored should we schedule our next meeting speaking of that sounds so you know one of the things that we had talked about was having someone from um either mhb or mhoa um come but there was nobody available this summer so and then I thought with this meeting that would have been way too much to ask so I can reach back out to them and see if uh one of the people who either come talk to us or somebody else for the next meeting just to talk about those um uh those Mo changes in the model regulations just to see if it's something Worth US kind of looking through and adopting it seems like there might be some things that might benefit us if we change them regulations do we want to look at calendars and give them a date or a couple of dates that's probably better than us yeah saying when are you free I mean they get paid also I'm just warning everyone I have two children who are on competitive travel teams um it's very hard in October got it when this is the I wanted to ask is there another meeting that the town normally has on Mondays Monday is the only day I don't have any I literally have something every day of the week other than Monday so um the the um what's the workaround we have if there if there happens to be another Zoom meeting uh or Zoom webinar so we're in webinar mode um so the other option is to just be in meeting mode um so really the only thing that would require is kind of letting people in and out and if people are coming to view so if we're not having a meeting where we're voting on things um it's probably not a problem uh but if say we are going to do a public hearing to vote on the tobacco regulations that could be a problem that you would want to be able to Wrangle in everybody and keep kind of voices down and whatnot that's the only problem with the webinar or the webinar versus meeting Zoom modes and always use that can we still record we can still record a meeting yeah oh yeah it's it's it would be the same it just um I I think so in order to view the meeting you kind of have to be a participant but you can have people in yeah um uh yeah in silent mode yeah I only have set it up so that you can like you have to ask people like people have to ask to unmute I think I only have five nights in October so should I just tell you guys those days how is your nights Katie okay October 7th October 21st October 22nd the 28th or the 30th no I li yep the 302nd I vote for the 22nd because of all the drive-thru clinics I have work the night of the 22nd it's the only one of Katie's dates that I cannot do well actually no the 21st one ends at 1 p.m never mind that's not the evening one I'm very sorry how does Monday the 21st look then works for it works for me okay I have sports two nights a week as well so don't worry about it well it's funny because but their mind I did well they both are on travel teams and so they have two practices a week and then tomorrow I know so sorry love it 10:21 10 uh yeah that sounds great that's a Monday so Tammy just I think for this meeting it'll be fine because we're not going to be voting on anything um if if the zoom um webinar is not available to just do a meeting yeah Renee sent a reminder that on the 17th I have to have the posting up I'm on it about a Monday meeting you have to really make sure that you've had that 48 hour yeah right now and you'll invite the um the folks from the Tobacco Commission yep I mean even if not I'm sure there'll be plenty of things we can talk about there's always it's October awesome lot of things that make us sick all year or so that will be preventing um yeah then I will make a motion that we close the meeting I'll let Rebecca second that will do a roll call vote to close the meeting uh Christine Johnston I Dr Katy jins I Rebecca torsa I all right ladies the uh Board of Health meeting for tonight is closed have a lovely evening everyone bye everybody bye everybody