##VIDEO ID:F1oZPYaI-kA## okay good evening um this is the board of Library trustees meeting it is uh Wednesday October 16th we are in the library conference room uh here in East Long Meadow and I would like to call the meeting to order it is 6:04 p.m. I am Amy Paul Vice chair Katie mcgonagal Library director Jean too trustee Nancy oconor trustee David Boucher trustee Larry Bowman secretary uh there are no public comments that I know of there is no one here from the public um can we take a moment to review the minutes of the September 18th meeting our last one thank you Larry can I have a motion to accept the minutes from the September 18th meeting I I'm having a hard time hearing you can I have a motion to accept the minutes from September 18th I'll make a motion to accept the minutes from second September I'll second it all in favor I I thank you now we have the director's report thank you I'm going to start with children's highlights um there were 34 programs 93 8 program attendees for Passive programs there were um 323 participants of the scavenger hunt 197 guesses for the guessing jar 57 people enjoyed the outdoor story and there were 456 people that participate with the Artcraft and then in the children's Department there were 311 reference transactions um exciting happenings were the chicks again um the chicks were back this year thanks to the generosity of the friends of East mon Meadow Public Library they funded that program um it was really fun there was um seven eggs and five hatched and folks were coming from all over to check out the eggs and then the chicks and um so it was really sweet and um they just went back on Tuesday just miss the um The Fall season of programming for the children's department has been very successful patrons are coming in for programs book play and connections with staff and of course to see the drinks uh for teen highlights was very busy with the teen Department there were 14 programs 186 program attendees there was one passive program and there was nine participants for that um the team program is really taken off during the month of September there's a variety of programming offered including B clubs crafter noons and there's the new collaborative teen spot program that we're offering with the park and rack department on Friday afternoons over at Fellowship Hall in the rotary um there's been positive feedback from the team patrons and their families regarding the variety and kind of quantity of programs that are now being offered and Erica provided some pictures for us from a a votive holders craft like craft uh program and then they did a doctor who program as well uh the after school hours are still incredibly busy with Patron visits in the teen area on the second floor often cannot accommodate the number of teen patrons wishing to use that area area um a big draw for that area is the inviting and comfortable seating thanks again to the friends for purchasing that seating for us uh there's computers crafts games and other passive offerings as well plus now there's a area where that teens can grab some free books so that's really nice so it's nice that we are very busy for adult programs there were 10 programs 106 program attendees there were 226 reference transactions on the side second floor there were 263 hours of study room use and 47 requests went unfulfilled usual or is it's how they're Now tracking it oh okay so I I had a conversation with some of the team upstairs and when somebody comes and asks to use a room but we say oh well somebody's in it and they're not going to be available for 45 minutes do you want the next in line like we need to start keeping track of those okay okay so or um if we're getting ready to close and there's not enough time for them to use it so we're we're going to change the way that we're tracking how many requests are going unfulfilled so and we are very busy so 47 thanks for noticing that the Adult Services Department continues to offer a variety of programs connect with other Town departments and Outreach opportunities within the community Mora has reviewed and provided feedback to the coun on aging's age friendly report and draft as well as working with the deputy Town manager Rebecca ly on her book clubs so she did a book club in September and again in October and this is more a Mara correct yeah during the month of September the library hosted a hydrange of paint class with popup art school this was the first time using this vendor and they were great uh the class filled up really fast everyone showed up and the patrons loved it and Mora provided some pictures down here in our report so you can kind of get a glimpse what happen did they paint that is that it's really nice yeah like that that look pretty neat um for the circulation department 8,834 items circulated that was a decrease of 1,824 from August and a decrease of 209 from September 2023 there were however 48 new patr registrations 78 reference transactions eight non- Library meeting room uses 87 volunteer shelving hours and our door count was 10,736 the new adop program is off to a strong start uh the circulation department created a display of books for all ages and patrons have adopted seven titles this month to be added to our shelves with commemorative dedications we've had them adopted for birthdays to share the love of reading and in one a celebr of blue pancakes our library of things has continued to grow and we've added an air compressor for pumping up tires bouncy houses or whatever you have uh and a jewelry making kit we've also had a large number of Library things items checked out this month including our sewing machine bicycle toolkit telescope boom box DVD player switch console and tuble Speech Pathology AIDS if for tech services 883 items were added and 274 items were deleted from the collection during the month of September the tech services department absolutely crushed it that is so many items coming in and through their Department it was phenomenal um due to high demand another hot spot was added to the library collection for Patron use and the adopted book program which I previously mentioned in the surf report uh was launched in collaboration with all the Departments and I provided an image of one of our publicity posts and then I also attached the adopted book form pardon me if you've already mentioned this no um the adopt a book I'm assuming that $15 is not the cost of all of the books no it's just a flat SE to make it easier for patrons and for staff so some books are going to cost a little bit more than that some books might cost a little bit less but basically it evens out oh cool it's easier to manage that way I'm 100% yeah um so you can see that we have the adopted book form here that got set up we're going to talk about this again in a few minutes I think it's two pages after that so that's been going well and the display is in the lobby if you'd like to go see it for Prof professional development during the month of September staff attended the following sessions I curate 101 from Ingram navigating the digital library landscape uh expand Library digital Equity services with new funds now and how to test for accessibility um some of these are for the Ingram one is for staff that are looking for collection development um the expanding Library digital equity Services the library in the town and several other departments are working on digital equity for the community so that's part of that and ADA requirements are changing uh in 2026 so we have to make some changes to our website by the time those requirements go into effect those changes go into effect so there's a lot of um professional development going right now by staff staff are taking quite a few professional development to be prepared for that to make sure that we're compliant um for the friends the national friends of libraries week is October 20th through the 26th um and I have a recommendation that we adopt a book in their honor so last year we did the brick to thank them for all that they do do you remember doing that brick out I was thinking you were not here yet but yes so the friends of East Long meow Public Library are incredibly generous and supportive of our staff of our community of our building of our programming and so last year as a thank you the board adopted a brick from the literacy path which is part of like the friends efforts um now that we have launched our the adopt a book program it's a great opportunity for us to commemorate give thanks dedicate um and so I thought you know books that were adding to our reflection so I thought it would be nice if we did one for the friends from the board so I've already kind of taken the liberty of doing this I hope you're all okay with that and Christina um we picked the book East coasting so this was one of the books that was on our display and we have a little letter here for the friends and then we have a book plate that will go in it so um does somebody want to read this out I'll read it out if on October 16 2024 um a letter from the um East Long meow Library Board of Trustees was sent to the Friends of the East Long Meadow Public Library which um recited in celebration of 2024 National friends of libraries week the East Long Meadow Library Board of Trustees has chosen a book from the library new adop a book program the selected book East coasting the ultimate Road Trippers Guide to the Northeast by Christine is that shitness think shitness is now on our shelves with a commemorative dedication this book has been adopted in celebration of the friends of the East Long Meadow Public Library by the board of Library trustees 2024 happy National friends of Library week this title title is available to be enjoyed by the thousands of patrons who use our library every year which we hope will include members of the f o l p and I'm assuming that's the friends um your support continues to make our library bigger brighter and more able to meet the needs of our diverse Community sincerely the East long metal Library board of Trustees so if I don't know if this is the way to go about doing this but if you are okay with that and I am happy to have you all sign it I brought a pen and that's the letter and then we can get it to them and as a thank you for all that they do yes that's sounds like an interesting book East coting it looks in very yeah I would pick that book up so is that like a a a travel guide it's a brand new book nobody's borrowed it yet what we'll do is Christina's already made the name plate we'll just put that on the inside then we check it in and it goes out into circulation great I'll just pass that so I'll let you all sign it if you're so inclined and you can pass the book around and I've got the dedication um so that's the friends uh and pardon just well you've got a minut everyone so we for the adopted book program we started offer we're kind of ordering them quarterly and we're going to right now we we're trying around 20ish books so there's several for children several for teens several for adults so there's a variety for people to choose from it ranges from picture books to cookbooks to travel guides to the hottest you know book for teens so we're trying to offer variety that people might be interested in if they don't end up getting adopted that's okay we try yeah not every book's for everyone and that's okay once the next shipment comes in those adopted books will just be checked in and sheld and then the next batch will go out for people to choose from so we don't want them sitting out for too long yeah we want them to move and so we're going to try to we're just starting this out so we're that that's a kind of a clever idea where did that originate from so it's um a lot of libraries and um even some museums do things like this where um it's a way to kind of build up your collection their collections MH and people are looking for ways to donate or get involved or to you know say thanks or right um so it's it's a nice way to do that a really okay thanks folks this is great cute illustration so the library staff is also going to give one to the friends on behalf of all they do for the staff the photos look pretty good from here when you were flipping through oh those are illustrations paintings yeah okay little it's like watercolors it was I almost took there's like a Char cuder cookbook out there and they almost went for that one but there's lots of good choices it was hard to choose I thought you know Fall Foliage perect you know the Northeast New England travel yeah great so that's that piece um for the library update the financial report for the state was submitted on October 2nd Cindy came in I reviewed that with her and she signed it and we sent that off that had already been approved by the town manager so we are all set um just upcoming I know I typically reflect back but I just wanted to let you all know that there is early voting that's going to be happening in this room with the the town clerk is overseeing that and early voting is actually going to start on this Saturday and it's going to run through November 1st perfect and then today we're going to do the social media policy review and then our next meeting is going to be Wednesday November 20th okay thank you Katie I pleasure uh we will now old business the social media policy which we did review last time right and now we're reviewing with changes correct so uh I will read or unless someone else would like to thank you I'm the adopt book um I just thought of something is this any book that you yourself select no no no that's a great question um the adoptive books are books that our staff chooses that we would be purchasing for our collection anyway okay all right because we cannot accommodate every request that comes in and part of the reason that we launched the adopted book program is to give folks a way to already have something to choose from because they didn't have an option prior to this right so when people would come in and say I'd like to to donate 15 20 30 $40 to add books to the collection right then it was it was typically it would take a while for us to then get those books in and then get that done so this speeds up that process so now this just makes it easier for people that they have a limited amount of books to choose from and you make a choice yes and those are books that you would like to buy correct they are books that we would already be getting for our collection and sometimes folks come in and there's not one that they're interested in adopting and that's okay because they they can wait until the next quarter when we switch them out and then maybe there's something of interest to them at that point thank you yeah of course okay so the east meow Public Library social media policy purpose the East Long Meadow Public Library uses social media to further extend the library's mission and vision to support lifelong learning literacy and cultural enrichment by providing access to information knowledge and ideas through its collections services and programs the board of Library trustees the library director and Library staff recognized the responsibility of East Long Meadow Public Library to support diverse points of view on different topics the social media policy is intended to provide guidance for the development and presentation of social media content which anticipate and meet the needs of our patrons the American library association's library Bill of Rights the freedom to read statement the freedom to view statement and the First Amendment and censorship have been endorsed by the East Long Meadow Board of Library trustees and are an integral part of this policy C appendix social media definition in the context of this policy social media is defined as any web application site or account created and maintained by the East Long Meadow Public Library which facilitates an environment for Library staff to share information about Library related subjects or issues examples of such sites include but are not limited to Facebook X Tik Tok YouTube and Instagram for purposes of this policy content is anything posted on East Long Meadow Public Library's social media sites including comments articles pictures videos or any other form of communicative information responsibility for social media content the ultimate responsibility for social media content as with all Library resources and services rests with the library director who operates within the framework of policies determined by the East Long Meadow public Board of Library trustees the library director delegates social media content responsibility to other members of the professional staff the process of content development and distribution involves the experience and knowledge of those staff members so designated by the library director the East Long Meadow Public Library Library uses social media to develop and share content about library programs Services resources Collections and Outreach to keep Library patrons informed of Library happenings Library staff will periodically evaluate the role and utility of its online social media sites which may be terminated at any time without notice to users user responsibility as with more traditional resources the library does not act in place of or in the absence of a parent and is not responsible for enforcing any restrictions which a parent or Guardian May place on a Minor's use of the resource responsibility for a child's reading listening or viewing material rests solely with their parent or Guardian as stated in free access to libraries for minors and interpretation of the library Bill of Rights libraries and their governing bodies cannot assume the role of parents or the function of Parental Authority in the private relationship between parent and child libraries and their governing bodies shall ensure that only parents and Guardians have the right and the responsibility to determine their children's and only their childr access to Library resources parents and Guardians who do not want their own who do not want their children to have access to specific Library Services materials or facilities should so advise their own children C appendic there is no expectation of privacy on the East Long Meadow Public Library social media sites users of all ages have a responsibility to protect their privacy users should be aware that third-party websites have their own privacy policies and should proceed accordingly any posting made on the library's social media sites may be used by the library without compensation or liability on the part of the library the library does not collect maintain or otherwise use the personal information stored on any thirdparty social networking site in any way other than to communicate with users on that site unless granted permission by users for Library contact outside the site the purpose for contact outside the site may include program promotion volunteer opportunities reference help or similar activities if any user does not agree to the terms of this policy and all other Library policies they should not use the service disclaimer third-party content found on East Long Meadow Public Library's social media sites do not represent the official views of the East Long Meadow Public Library the East Long Meadow Public Library accepts no liability for such content content perceived as containing any of the following but not limited to inappropriate forms of content shall be considered in violation of this policy conduct and violation of any federal state or local law rule or regulation information that may tend to compromise the safety or security of the public or public systems encouragement of a legal activity private personal information published without consent content that promotes Fosters or perpetuates discrimination on the basis of race color national origin sex gender disability sexual orientation gender identity genetic information religion age family status military status or source of income profane obscene violent or pornographic content and or language personal attacks insults or threatening language potentially lialis statements plagiarized materials content in support of or opposition to any political campaigns or ballot measures commercial promotions or spam comments unrelated to the content of the Forum hyperlinks to material that is not related to the discussion any other content deemed inappropriate by the East Long Meadow Public Library the East Long Meadow Public Library reserves the right to report to the social media platform and or deny access to East Long Meadow Public Library social media sites to any person who violates the East Long meow Public Library's social media policy at any time and without prior notice by posting content the user agrees to indemnify the East Long Meadow public library and its officers and employees from and against all liabilities judgments damages and costs incurred including attorney's fees which arise out of or are related to the posted content the library May disable comments on some Library posts social media policy is subject to review and amendment by the board of Library trustees I think it's great I just have a comment problem I think this comma at the end so the last page four for First full paragraph I think the comma after officers actually belongs after employees so it would say oh I think you're right and its officers and employees from and again yeah I think that was what I was having trouble with um not that one that it there I have another comma that I think on page three okay we have comma discussions my favorite kind that's why I'm bringing it up now I just when you read it I was like oh I don't think that comma I think there either either that comma does not need to be there or there needs to be a second comma so in the 1 2 3 4 fifth bullet point from the bottom content and support of or opposition to Comm uh we got it thanks any political campaigns or ballot measures right I needed to comment I gra it apologies also the appendix is updated oh I'm sorry I didn't read the appendex there are a bunch of URLs here as we discussed for add um just out of curiosity on page two under user responsibility the third line responsibility for a child as in singular their parent regarding you change that the children responsibility for children's I think it's as in plural to I read that there as being the generic the use of because we don't know it could substitute for his or hers oh okay but I see what you're saying you know I have no particular strong I think it needs to be singular okay um yeah any other comments I I don't I I guess I'm missing something did you was it just punctuation that oh okay all right fine we added a comma um we're moving one page three in the bulleted list oh okay um from one two it was fifth From The Bottom the sentence or the Bullet that says content in support of comma or opposition to or adding a comma yep I don't think you're on the right page next page here adding a conition okay I can see it yeah thank you very much and then on the next page D number four um that first that paragraph about indemnification we mooved the comma so it it's by posting content the user agrees to indemnify the East lmow public library and its officers no comma we're taking that one out so it's going to say and we're moving it to after employees so it says and its officers and employees comma from and against all liabilities yada y you see it Nancy is that okay Nancy are you okay with that change yeah no I I I see that thank yes I do see I do see that okay any other discussion can we have a motion to to with the minor discussed punctuation changes to accept sorry someone else should make a motion yes I'd like to make a motion to approve the social media policy with the comma changes uh to the state of uh October 16th uh 2024 I'll second all in favor so motion carries okay huzzah on to the next so now we have uh no new business no new business I actually did not I was just trying to check to see if it come through I do not have you don't have the friends report a friend report sorry okay okay okay did you want to talk about friends meetings have we're going to try to go to them or we don't need to um we discussed it a little bit um in that I think it would be really beneficial for the board and for the friends to kind of build up that relationship and to kind of um have that opportunity to meet and discuss and learn from each other so I reached out to see if any of the Board of Trustees would be interested in like maybe setting up some sort of rotation if you were available to attend one of the friends meetings David has signed up for is it October David this December December just kidding December yes uh just kidding December October de October thanks sorry so um I sent out an email to the board to see if anybody be interested in signing up within the next few months to kind of um kind of rotate through and and meet with the friends and you're going to let us know the dates that are I put it in the email you're going to be handing them out I emailed all of you with the dates already okay okay I put the next three months right November December January January and to see if any of you all would be interested in attending and they run the meeting we are just they are um basically as observers but it at some point they will ask us for an update from the board and typically what that is is if let's say you went to the next meeting yeah the board met we reviewed Katie's director report the highlights were the chicks whatever you want to pull out from that um we discussed the social media policy um that was approved and oh that we have to put that in that that it was amended um that it was amended and we're looking forward to our next meeting in November whatever you know something along those lines so it's just a brief recap of whatever we have discussed okay and we still need someone to go the November I think so yeah okay what day was it I have to check C going to tell you in one minute um it's typically the first Tuesday of the month at 6:30 in the in the community election day it is election day yes oh nice diversion yes so um their meetings are from 6:30 to 7:30ish um and we don't always stay you know the the board members the board of trustee members don't always stay for the entire meeting sometimes they go into like executive sessions or okay yeah so we should all check our emails and see if we can go on this November or you're going in December other one is January January 7th yeah is that what I emailed I'm I think so November December January because we already are halfway through October yeah that okay okay yeah I think a good idea I'm looking backwards for these meetings and they are looking forward so I have to like it's a switch for me yep um thanks yes I'll definitely sign up for one of them okay perfect thank you and and as I get uh as we kind of head into the new year then I'll send out an email for other days if you're interested in available thank you okay um so our next meeting is November 20th 2024 right here at 6: pm and um Can someone like to make a motion to adjourn I'll makeing a motion to I'm turn the me I'll second all in favor all right hi hi