okay thank you uh this is the board of Library trustees meeting Wednesday January 5th 2024 and it is 6:04 p.m. uh my name is David Boucher I'm the chairman Cindy MCN Nancy o coner trustee Amy Johnson Secretary Larry bman trustee Katy mcal Library director okay and public comments one's here meeting minutes for May [Applause] 15th I found one oh you did under the new business uh it it should I think it's supposed to say is available now and not oh yeah I will correct that before I submit it [Applause] someone like to make a motion to approve the minutes of May 15 2024 I'll make a motion to approve a second I'll second go ahead okay all in favor I I okay okay director's report I'm going to start with children highlights so during the month of May there were 29 programs 838 program attendees 233 people took part in the scavenger hunt 247 guesses were made to the guessing jar uh the outdoor story was enjoyed by 59 and there were 239 reference transactions the children's department has been hard at work preparing for the summer reading program the department has coordinated visits with local schools including field trips to the library and Outreach at actual buildings um below you'll see a screenshot of the May programming that occurred here at the library so you can see it is very build busy for the children's Department um a lot of days there are multiple programs scheduled in order to best meet the needs of that kind of age range based on age interest timing 14 highlights very exciting it's coming soon Erica Petroski has transitioned into the new and reference services supervisor position and that happened on May 20th um Erica has already been collaborating with the Adult and Children's departments on summer reading programming and bean stack so the library will be using bean stack again this year for um activities online logging um entering ra uh entering tickets in for a chance to win prizes for the summer reading program so bean stack is what we're going to use for the summer reading for adult highlights there were nine programs 89 program attendees 290 reference transactions there were 267 a half hours of study room use and there were 57 requests for the study room that went unfulfilled we need several more study rooms I don't disagree with that at all' be really great to have more study room space um you'll see a screenshot below of adult and team programming that occurred during the month of B um to highlight an adult program Dale Monette was a wildlife photographer and author presented photos and stories from his new book I see you most phots were taken at Quin and he explained how he was able to capture the image patrons were really enthused about the program and it did not disappoint he will be back for another program uh all Library programming can be found on the libraries event calendar at event keeper which is linked um on the library website we send it out as a link in in our newsletter blast it goes on our socials um and I've included the link here below for you all as well for tech services there were 514 items added to and 272 items deleted from the collection during the month of May um tech services staff is assisting with building coverage and preparing for end ofe orders my goodness she must be crazy it's very busy around here um when I do my next report you're going to see probably a little bit of a dip from from Tax Services just because we're finishing our fiscal year purchasing um items are kind of just still trickling in at this point but then we'll have another big push come July when the new fiscal year comes through that always happens so um but there's other items that are kind of that will be coming out plus we have some of our E Resources as well that we can still continue to purchase through June so we'll be busy for circulation there were 13,119 items circulated during the month of May this was a decrease of 363 from April but it's an increase of 290 from the May of 2023 um during May there were 56 new Patron registrations 160 reference transactions and the door count was $1,509 um when I was comparing to the previous month I was like wow this is a pretty big jump but I what I found out recently was that um our battery in the door counter had died so it's skewed our numbers the last wonder how long is so that happens on occasion so our numbers were a little bit off I guess the last month the better is when you change the smoke detector back yeah yeah well um circulations been very busy they completed um some major projects so they uh searched for all missing items through eight months ago and deleted the appropriate records for those items that are still missing and as well as they search for all the video games and lost status and deleted appropriate records uh an ongoing circulation project is searching for lost items in the collection over 7 years old um once that is complete the plan is to badge delete with CW Mars so that report will then be shared with CW Mars and they'll help do the badge delete correct running reports and assisting with collection maintenance is an important task of circulation functions the team has worked collaboratively to help clean up our collection and make suggestions for Replacements and new purchases for professional development staff had the opport Unity to and are encouraged to attend professional development training based on the availability and the needs of their Department these training sessions help staff better serve the community um during May staff attended CW Mar's Evergreen reports training CW mr's annual circulation and sharing meetings and massachusett Library systems understanding team behavior training um a little friends update besides what Diana is going to share with her report um the friends have given us the approval to um let them know when we there needs to be a buy one get one sale because there's just so many donations that there's nowhere to store them so um so on occasion there's going to be a buy one get one sale it might be books DVDs CDs or all items just because we have a very thoughtful and generous community that come in and bring donations and sometimes they just there's just too many to store so there was a buy one get one sale recently uh I continue to do the monthly fire extinguisher checks and that goes well squirt it no I go and check all the the fire extinguishers and check the dates and the dial and make sure MH and then um tonight we're going to do a policy review for the donation policy and then an update on the Strategic plan um the Strategic plan Community survey was distributed from May 10th to May 31st the responses are being compiled and data will be used for the next step in the Strategic plan process which includes the library supervisors and the Strategic plan consultant and we'll have a meeting on June 7th during this meeting the group will go over the survey results and prioritize current and new services and begin a draft plan identify areas of core Library functions related to collection development service programs and professional development ensuring all library locations are included in the framework the Mission Vision goals and objectives will also be discussed and there were over 440 surveys that were submitted by the community so that was really exciting did De hotley uh has she come been coming now she comes tomorrow uh uh Friday excuse me she's coming on Friday okay y so she's been more she's been here several times yep so she did um uh she led the Community Focus Group that sore she came for another meeting with me oneon-one she did a zoom with the supervisors of myself and she's going to come again on Friday so you feel a little better about that then yeah yeah it's been going great and we email quite a bit so that's nice and just our next meeting is going to be Wednesday July 17th uh old business I don't think we have any new business uh donation policy right yeah okay so I had brought this um a couple months ago got some really great suggestions thank you for your input I brought this back then to the Director of Finance and the town manager okay so now I'm bringing it back to you again hopefully it's the final dra um purpose the eam metal Public Library is a resource belonging to all members of the community and recognizes the importance of donations to library's future development the library welcomes donations of money books and materials that support the library's Mission guidelines monetary donations unrestricted the library May accept unrestricted monetary donations which may be used to purchase materials equipment Furniture fund programs or support the library in other ways the donation fund is held by the town of East Long Meadow and is managed by Library Administration donations to the library's donation fund are tax deductible restricted the library May accept monetary donations with specific restrictions provided they are submitted in advance and in writing restricted donations require the library director's approval prior to acceptance restricted donations will be accepted on the condition that the specific use is consistent with the library's Mission and does not require expenditure of Library funds Andor staff time to make the donation usable recognition of monetary donation monetary donations may be recognized with book plates if the donor requests or with such other recognition is deemed appropriate by the library director donations in excess of $500 entitle donors to Commemorative Plex on the giving Wall located in the libraryies lobby engraving a commemorative plaque is optional if a donor would like a plaque engraved the individual should make their wishes known at the time the donation is received by the library book and material donations the library May accept donations of books and other materials and reserves the right to refuse any donation that the library director deems not to be in the best interest of the library to accept if the library accepts a donation the donation shall be final and there will be no further conditions on the library's ownership possession use or disposition of the donation donations of books and materials are accepted with the understanding that items not added to the collection will be disposed of at the discretion of the library the library selectively accepts donations of books periodicals CDs DVDs puzzles and other materials for circulation based on the collection development policy items accepted but not added to the library's collection may be given to the Friends of the East long metal public library for sale distributed to patrons as program incentives donated to other libraries or discarded due to limited storage in the building the donation of large quantities of materials is discouraged no more than one box of materials may be offered to the library at one time valuation the East Long Meadow Public Library will provide a timely written acknowledgement of the receipt of the donation to the donor and if desired to a recognized individual or organization income tax regulations leave the determination of the donation monetary value to the donor donors wishing to have an appraisal of Their donation done for income tax purposes should do so prior to donation at their own expense the library donation policy is subject to review an amendment by the board of Library trustees um I have a typo here where it says reviewed by the board of Library trustees it is now June not May oh yeah sorry about that and then on the next page the document of transfer of ownership please complete in return to the East Long meal Public Library at the library's address and then I hereby present Circle one a restricted or unrestricted donation to the East Long meow Public Library is described below so then there's a space for the description of gift then date name address signature and then down below that for Library use only the date the donation was received the date the donation was accepted or refused confirmation made via email or mail the library staff room and [Applause] comments I like it like it too like to I vote to approve yeah would you like would someone like make a motion for for the donation policy I I would like to make it um accept a motion to AC second all in favor thank you thank you all very much for your in and thank you for passing it f some of these take a long time I know it that's good though better just take the time and get it right of course it's with the correction to June yes with the correction of June yes thank thank you very much which I will make and then I will get that up on the library's [Applause] website it um new business I just want to um kind of jump ahead so our kickoff is on June 11th for the summer reading program I'm excited to have several of you attend um we'll have a table out front in the parking lot where uh our board members will help us give out pops to the public so we're really excited um and Michelle just told me that registration opened on June 1st and there's already 356 people that have registered on be stack so we really excited so in 5 days over 350 people have already signed up for our summer meeing program so that's really exciting have they have they already started the volunteer program not yet that's coming or they're just accepting applications no no no this these are people registering to participate in the program no I understand that oh yes but have they um have they opened up the volunteers for people to like the like the um the student volunteers yes yes that's already in the works okay MH how many are they going to accept I don't know off the top okay you don't need to okay yeah um but it's very exciting we're really looking forward to the kickoff um the friends are going to have a table there the historical commission's actually going to um have a table here as well and we'll have um some programmers we'll have if it's Tuesday it'll be good weather let's hope so Thursday that's so much next Tuesday right next Tuesday Tuesday June 11th so we're really excited so that's some upcoming fun sounds nice okay so sorry I'm just was just tacking that on to the new that's good this is the report of the trustees May 6th okay although the friends conducted a meeting on Monday June 3rd 2024 preparation for a report to the trustees is difficult to doe to the proximity of the trustees meeting scheduled for Wednesday June 5th therefore I'm providing you with a report of our meeting that took place on Monday uh May 6th at 6:30 in the community libraries community room our first order of business and main focus of the evening was the presentation of the Bernard and uh Norma vinck Memorial Scholarship Awards our participants recipiant uh for the for this year were Jack TR and audre O'Neal uh two members of the our scholarship committee Betty mle and Michelle O'Hare presented the certificates to Jack and Audrey both members read excerts of each students application which describes their compliments ACC complement and future plans Jack is enrolled at Westfield State University where he will be working towards an undergraduate degree in Communications and digital media audrea will be attending Syracuse University where she will be dual enrolled in international relations and business management later that evening the friends voted to award three scholarships next year that's that's good I think that's really good uh the decision was made that starting in September our new meetings will fall on the first Tuesday of the month at 6:30 and an earlier start for 6: p.m. when executive sessions is scheduled the gift basket fundraiser dates were approved as follows uh fall February 15th November 2nd uh wi January 27th through the February 15th and spring April 28th through May 17th uh Saturday June 28th 2025 will mark the 30th anniversary of establishing the friends a suggestion to conduct a celebration was shared uh ideas about free handouts for the friends table at the community events were discussed the number of members were 234 our next meeting will be June 3rd 2024 at 6:30 it will be our last meeting prior to our two-month Hiatus during the month of July and August with respectively d I to take those that's good they hav have another St yeah no well they're going to be this instead of $21,500 they're going to be 31,000 oh okay yeah which I thought is a good idea I think that's a good idea too yeah so that's so that's so our next meeting is July 17th at 6:00 p.m. and at that meeting the Board needs to reorganize yes y so be prepared for that and someone like to make a motion to adjourn I'll make a motion to adjourn I'll second the motion all in favor I I I okay