##VIDEO ID:Xdm6CIh9uiA## okay thank you Sean Larry Balman secretary I'm Jean Cento trustee uh Amy Paul uh Vice chair I'm Nancy OK Conor trustee uh David Boucher trustee Katie mcgo Library director Cindy MCN Sherman and we call the meeting to order at 606 um I don't think we have any public comments cuz I see no public so uh did anybody read the um meeting minutes I did it look good to me anybody do we have a motion to accept the minutes motion to accept the minute thank you thank you Jean is there a second second uh who got in first okay um do you have the um don't you have to all in favor oh all in favor yeah I just forgot if I was supposed to say I or yay or yay long it's not Mar um Kati do you have the director's report y okay thank you [Applause] so for children's highlights um there were 49 programs 1,131 program attendees 258 reference transactions and for Passive programs there were 311 participants in the scavenger hunt 237 guesses for the guessing jar 21 readers for the outdoor story and 309 participants with the craft in the activity room the children's Department had a very busy programming month including Outreach events at the East Long Meadow fire department's open house on October 6 and the rotaries celebrate East Long Meadow on October 12th the children's Department staff continued uh programming and assisted with publicity communication and displaying the town pumpkin decorating contest I have a tiple there sorry contest and the town hall SL Library trick-or treat Community event uh the chicks program was a hit again this year patrons of all ages enjoyed the stages from eggs to hatching to chicks and five uh hatch chicks were the five that hatched were all adopted by a p oh nice um pza below is a kind of screenshot of the October calendar for the children's department and you can see how many program entries there are it is very busy yeah very and on the next page there's just a couple of pictures so you can see um some of the publicity for the town hall and the libraryies trick-or tree and then the entire town Department's pumpkin decorating contest so we had on display um pumpkins from various Town departments and people could come in or they could vote online for their favorite pumpkin for teen highlights there were 133 teen programs 180 Program attendees and there were zero passive programs this month but the teen Department continues to offer a variety of programs for twin and teens the teen spot with Park and rack continued through October and November and a partnership has been formed with social worker Jamie Frasier from the center for human development for the band Book Club the zombie party in October was a hit drawing a new and familiar team participants every component was utilized including the leaf craft zombie apocalypse apocalypse quiz zombie makeup station and switch games this program will be offered again next year and then there's some pictures you can see for some of the program this is the zombie party yes and this picture of here of this person's hand does not do justice to how good it looked in person it was vile was amazing like it really looked like their hand was cut open and things were like it was really that is realistic really gross what is this uh that was the punch that they had ooh drinkable uh it was very sweet I I popped in for a minute and it was very sweet everyone loved it yeah it's really fun the team programming is really it's really taking off it's great uh for the adult highlights there were 17 programs 23 program attendees 221 reference transactions at the information desk there were 256 hours of study room use uh there were 28 requests for study room use that went unfulfilled because they were already in [Applause] used The Adult Services Department expanded Outreach efforts and made their first visit to Bluebird Estates the Outreach was successful with 15 new Patron registrations numerous reference and readers advisory questions answered and plans to visit monthly in the future and then uh Mora wanted to highlight the ghosts and legends with Jeff Bellinger program um it was very popular and it brought in a lot of patrons that were new to East Long Meadow Public Library so that was very exciting good and she said he was very entertaining for the circulation department there were 14,1 120 items circulated that's an increase of over 5,000 in September w wow and an increase of over 1,300 from the year before wow that's really good wow yep in October there were 7 8 new Patron registrations 82 reference transactions I feel like there were probably more than that but maybe our counting wasn't um maybe a little bit off um or maybe a lot of those reference transactions were related to um the early voting in so count it okay um five non- Library meeting room uses uh 95 volunteer shelving hours and the door count was 12,589 you have some new are these some of these new statistic or metrics yeah Christina is tracking a few other interesting things that we're yeah keeping track of they volunteer shelving hours me that's great it is great go Christina yes um the libraries conference room was used by the town clerk for early voting many community members coming into to vote stay to get new or renew their library cards check out items learn about library programs and Library Services um a requirement of our membership of the Massachusetts library system is to participate in delivery week during which we count all of the items we are sending out and receiving from other libraries elpl tooken 33 bins and sent out 28 with a total of 865 items this is 93 more items than um the previous year with an average of 173 items a day that's and then um it's part of our social media the circulation department posted to Instagram about um some of our library of things so that's an image below I see jewelry making kit cool right somebody's gonna have jewelry oh not me but I know of of people who who might be interested in that um for Technical Services there were 637 items added to the collection and 595 it items deleted from the collection during the month of October the technical services department is working collaboratively with the children's department on reclassifying some of the early reader graphic novels and paperback bin books this reclassification allows for easier access to these items for patrons um during the month of October staff attended the following professional development sessions um the CW Mars director's Round Table aset interactive demos springshare demos Aspen interest group and Aspen website a crash course and horror and com and conflict management and deescalation training with HR Director audre Staples now for the this sorry this is use case for the RO for the ran comma I know it should be right after horror um for the aset interactive and spring shared demos that is in relation to our um like our kind of online calendar and registration system we had been using Plymouth rocket for their event keeper that is no longer in business and so that has ceased and so we are in the process of trying to transition into a whole new system so we are investigating what our options are and that they will will integrate with the Aspen Discovery layer which is the public interface for our online catalog so we are kind of in the final stages of determining if we want to go with aset interactive or springshare for our new calendar and with that we will also bundle in they have options to do library of things and Museum passes so we want to possibly add those modules on which will allow people to reserve items for spe specific time frames so if you know that you want that jewelry making kit in February you could book ahead and place that hold um and for the Museum passes they allow you to do this same thing where you can place a hold for a specific date within a specific time frame and some of them will allow for like printable or downloadable passes so we're exploring that right now so there's kind of a lot that we're kind of looking into and and is there a price tag that's higher or something it's higher yeah yes um are they competitive or the same these two are similar in cost um but they're higher in price and because we're also getting additional modules yeah yeah so we're going Beyond just the calendar registration we're adding on because we think that that will be a great service to our patrons good what is horror conflict crash course and horror I should have had a comma apologies okay no it can be a horror when it's conflict so yes one of the staff members was doing course and horror and conflict have the com but if I thought about it and dis dis um escalation I would and I'm glad to hear was conflict and deescalation Prett been accused of using too many commas in the past no no I'm not sure that I'm honestly I'm not sure there one needed I think it was the way I R I don't think you there's I think not by you I just by not even anyone in this group I like to drop a comma if I don't eat it but my imagination went a little while with that one hor no that was like um readers you know that's actually not a bad idea we could do conflict resolution using horror movies as like the scenario could go together if you're willing to lead that could be done no I'm not good at conflict resolutions um a few updates on the friends group um National friends of libraries week was October 20th through the 26th the friends had their fall basket Raffles October 15th through November 2nd um in November I know I'm kind of jumping ahead into November as opposed to back in October but I still want to share this yeah um the friends launched a new meta account so they have a Facebook page and they're already sharing information about their Raffles their book sale fundraisers membership and more so that's very exciting got that going and um we did some posts on our end about the national friends of libraries week and we have a display set up as well and did they get some new friends to say during what I cannot answer that question I won't ask it okay um they said their membership number at the meeting but I can't remember what it is off that's good but I know that they talked to a lot of folks during that during that time that's and Jean came to her first Friends Meeting it was very nice yeah I like a diverse group agewise which I like yeah that I do too yeah that's really good it's good high energy from The Young and I mean even from everybody but um it it was really nice nice to be there I enjoyed it it's great um and then on the next page if you're oh you're I think you're already all there this is just a picture of the friends Raffles that they had in the lobby okay um for Library updates continuing on uh the financial report was submitted on October 2nd Cindy you came in and sign that I did um it was on time it was we had we were two days early two days early um the website was updated to provide program information and registration with the sun setting of Plymouth Rockets event keeper so now when you go to the library's website we've removed event keeper from all the places we've put um we removed the pictures that were kind of in that Carousel and put like a big banner to be like click here to get our programs because we're kind of working around that we don't have this system anymore so we added a new page on the library website that has programs and then there's calendars that are hyperlink and then patrons can click on the hyperlink calendar click on the event that they're interested get more information and then register so we've kind of found a workaround in the interim who who have keeps the website um me uh Michelle Mora Erica oh you all okay but there's a whole bunch of Staff members that will update the happenings or some of the content so there's just one website coordinator no not at this time okay no and for things that we can't uh do on our own then we either reach out to to usually to the um the web developer oh to have them help we pay for it it's like an outside group oh I see yeah um Library staff attended the town benefits fair for retired staff for like retired Town staff yeah which was held at the Pleasant View Senior Center yeah they did a nice job yeah it a lot of people there there were a lot of people yeah and then the town is in the process of launching a new copier device contract um the second floor device has been switched over and a few of the staff members have had training on that back on October 2nd the children's Department device was also switched over and that happened in early November we're still waiting on the first floor copier the new staff copier and the removal of a lot of other copiers and printers in the building um the IT department has been working very hard on this project and it's been a lot of work and a lot of hours and it's a work in progress okay and then in exciting news the external windows were Washed by the DPW um for Town use the town clerk did early voting um in this room actually from October 19th through November 1st and we think that was part of the reason we had such a huge Spike this month for our door count and our circulations which was great can I ask you a question when when I came here to vote Carol Monroe is here and she just get she just is getting a book published um and she's going to have is she going to do an event here she said of signing yes but she has booked the meeting room like as a patron it's not a library program she is okay for our meting policy meeting room application I thought it was a library program okay she used the new application I think she might have been in before the new application I can't know Has anyone used the new application I I we got a application submitted today which is very exciting yep so it's good we're on our way everybody we're on our way um yeah great question yeah so she had mentioned a date and I is the library going to add advertise that or we don't no because it's private I thought it was going to be a library program okay no she's she's been um she's been working for years to become a children's author and it was very hard to get to get you know an agent and she she finally got it done that's great I'm really proud of of her she's she's worked really nice and she'll be another local author so that's a good thing yeah that's a good thing um that's what I have for this report and just a reminder that our next meeting is December 18 okay I have no policies to bring it this time okay thank you ktie so there's no old business no old business and there's no new business I have no new business then let's move along is anybody else does anybody have any new business they want it to okay um and I think that brings us to the Friends of the library uh Public Library report should I go ahead David you want to do it uh next month is my last meeting I'm uh David retiring what my last well no yes for well yeah forever here forever forever yeah I'm uh you taking a break taking a break congratulations thank you for serving you've been such an asset to this board so and we can't believe you're leaving well it's been I don't know how many years I I know how many has it I don't know okay too many did Julio not make cookies for all of us I feel like we should have had baked goods what are you going to do with your Wednesday nights oh I don't know I'll find something to do work better coming because you don't know what work she's going to have for you yeah right I know oh well congratulations we're very um it's very Bittersweet for all of us because you've been such an intal part of the library through all the years but we're happy for you you're not going to thank you for your time oh no no no and you might get tired of being home Wednesdays and then say I got to go you're going to watch the the video oh yeah yeah we can always go back and look at the video of you yeah the door is open always yes and for any new business old business you can come we'll always have a source right oh yeah okay and Julia can come too oh yeah J she's going to Ireland she's going to irand yeah after school she is when is she going to Ireland January she's going to love it uh God I'm not sure exactly what school she's going to but she is going to school love it yeah she's she's looking forward to it when's she going January January to June pretty soon yeah we wish her well for us okay well tell we're thinking of her well we're sorry to hear that news but we're glad for you okay thank you that's what you want to do it's been very nice I've really enjoyed it so it's been and and you've been a huge help to the library so you're very much appreciated thank you well I think we have to move on and so um we have the we have the friends report if would somebody like to read that J's gonna read the friend unless you'd like to do it two there's two of them oh two okay do you want to split it up and one read one I the other yeah that's you're fine okay okay before I be begin my summary of the friends last meeting on Tuesday October 8th 202 I want to inform the trustees about the resignation of a prominent director I'd rather refer to it as his retiran from active volunteer Duty Tom witowski wowski okay offered his time and talents for over 34 years on different Library boards and committees Tom was a trustee in the 1990s a member of the new building construction committee and eventually transitioned to a director on the Friends board he has served our community quietly and steadfast and his commitment dedication and love of our library has benefited the entire Community we all awe Tom oh oh I'm sorry we all owe Tom a Deb a debt of gratitude our deepest appreciation Tom at the Friends Meeting we discuss the upcoming Autumn basket raffle which is in progress now until Saturday Saturday November 2nd the drawing will take place on Monday November 4th and participants do not have to be present at the time of the drawing as is stated on the flyer on the display table winners are encouraged to pick up their baskets no later than one week of the drawing otherwise otherwise the second place winner will be contacted all information is on the homepage of our website what's printed in the reminder and posted on the town's Facebook Forum we discuss volunteers for the upcoming celebration celebrate East Long Meadow Event for the Ala annual Friends of the library week which is this week very week October 21st to the 26th the friends of East Long Meadow public library has always performed our main membership Drive during the same week it's a time when we try to make people mindful of our organization and explain where the funds generated by membership dues are applied some people join for the first time and sometimes it is a reminder to others to remove to renew their membership at the meeting I propose scheduling our meetings on a Bim monly basis I followed up on the proposal and for the responses I have received via emails the proposal has been accepted and the friends will be meeting every other month starting in January 2025 the next meeting will take place on Tuesday November 5th 2024 in the community room at 6:30 p.m. since that meeting laara Palmer treasurer of the friends and I met with Kate and Tom Christensen and the town manager on Thursday October 10th my analysis of of the meeting is that the four of us are all on the same page when it comes to the library we all want to do what is best for providing Services however clarification was needed to explain each entity role so that there is a cohesive relationship among all of us in order to reach future Library goals I thought it was a worthwhile successful meeting celebrate East LA Meadow arrived on Saturday October 12th it probably was the windiest day of the entire year sunny but blustery the friends set set up a t table next to the library's table and thank goodness Michelle lamir acquired rocks and shared them with us we needed the weight to anchor down our handouts of coloring books bookmarkers and membership brochures finally the friends has a family oriented fundraiser coming up for those who enjoy hockey games we have secured a zone at the Mass Mutual center from March 16th to see a Springfield Thunderbirds game the puck will drop at 3:05 p.m. more information to follow respectfully submitted Diane Thiago pres thank you very much I think we have another friend question unless there was a this meeting that you had with is was the worthwhile and successful in that it achieved the goal of clarifying roles yeah okay were they going to have a mutual um agreement no did they suggest that or not no okay a memorandum Di has suggested that several times yeah I know that yeah okay that was not part of that meeting oh okay it wasn't um that was not the intent no that was not the intent of the meeting I can't remember if she brought it up at the end as we were leaving or not there was just something in here that made me think of that oh being on the same page yes but no that that was not the purpose of the meeting if she brought it up at the end which I can't really remember because okay so so so that's not that's not in the works no okay not on my end right okay um I don't know where she is on her end okay okay and that was not part of that meeting no that was not the intent of that meeting no okay thanks um we do have a report for the trustees from November 5th 20 uh 24 from the friends who would like to read that nobody I can read it okay go ahead no no no you know one thing I want to say this is nothing but you said grammar if you look at the second PR paragraph we're talking about commas it and the first second third line from the bottom it the comma should be after um drawing I can't correct this though because it's their report okay that's their report yeah this is not mine okay very good so we don't have to we don't have to dig into okay yeah um it they they they just are kind enough to share this with us okay to let us know what's happening with the friends yeah okay I and what happens at their meeting all right so we're on the same page as to know what's going on with their help that's fine okay Amy you're on uh a report to the library trustees November 5th 2024 the last meeting of the friends took place on Tuesday November 5th 20124 at 6:30 p.m. in the library's community room the board extended its appreciation to Laura Palmer who creates three newsletters a year we are grateful for her commitment and expertise in providing all of us and our active members another informative newsletter this fall all members who provide an email address receive the newsletters as soon as Laura hits the send key if you did not receive this fall Edition and you are a friend please contact f o LPL gmail.com and let us know that there was an oversight in the meantime you have access to it on our website the main focus of the meeting was on our upcoming major fundraiser since the covid-19 restrictions were lifted we have been looking for something that would attract an entire family in October Arrangements were made with the representatives of the Springfield Thunderbirds of the American Hockey League to designate a game in the name of the friends a ma game that will take place on Sunday March 16th has been chosen and their Rivals will be the Providence Bruins the game will start at or as those familiar with hockey lingo would say the puck drops at 3:05 p.m. it will be a sensory friendly game of the various options offered it was decided to offer the $20 tickets per seats tickets SL seats which are in the Thunderbirds defensive zone for each ticket sold $3 will be donated to the Friends Juliana de gry of the Thunderbirds Administration prepared a flyer for us to see it includes a QR code that hockey enthusiasts will be able to scan and direct them to the correct page to register for tickets our job is to promote the game and to help publicize the fundraiser Kate has informed us that children's librarian Michelle lamir has coordinated with the Thunderbirds a visit to our library by their mascot Boomer Boomer's coming it will take place on Tuesday February 18th at 6m the program will be referred to as special story time with Boomer which will include stories crafts and an opportunity for pictures with Boomer to top all of that the Thunderbirds will provide a pack of four tickets to give away parenthesis I'm so excited so am because of the hockey game event additional ideas for future fundra fundraisers were generated Jen spiter suggested other hands-off fundraising ideas such as Panera Chipotle where a percentage of the sales are donated to the friends or possibly a partnership with the WX baseball in Worcester to help share information and and stimulate interest in the friends events throughout the community Jen has posted our events on the East Long Meadow Town forum and offered to create a friend's Facebook page which she did on November 8th under other business we will discuss potential minor changes to the February chocolate sampling at the January meeting respectfully submitted Diane a Thiago this is so cool yeah I'm glad it's sensory friendly yeah that's really nice yeah that's um I'd like to thank um Amy and and Jean for reading those for us um and here's listed a fire of the Springfield M and a $4 food voucher includes a hot dog popcorn and soda pretty good deal pretty good deal got it in my counter already we're going you're going good good good um okay next we have um uh our next meeting will be on December 18th 2024 at 6 o' uh David are you're not going to be at that meeting yes I will you that's your last one so we'll see I guess I wasn't sure yes I will do well we're glad we clarified that so do I have a motion to adjourn the meeting Mo go ahead Amy you yes do I have a second I'll second it and J thank you the meeting is adjourned at uh what is it 20 can't 640 20 640 640 thank you I can't even see