##VIDEO ID:woIOdBxHynM## okay good evening um my name is Amy Paul I'm the vice chair of um the board of Library trustees and we are calling this meeting to order at 6:07 um do I have to say the date it's 6:00 p.m. uh I'm sorry 6:07 p.m. on Wednesday September 18th 2024 we are in the library conference room and I'm Amy Paul and vice chair Jean Cento Katie mcgo Library director David Boucher trustee uh Larry Balman secretary so we have no public here and no public comments that I'm aware of we'll move on then to the meeting minutes from April 21st 2024 thank you Larry do anyone has everyone had a chance to review them yeah any concerns or comments or Corrections on the minutes would anyone like to make a motion to like to make a motion to approve the August 21st 24 uh meeting minutes I'll second it vote please we have to vote right yes I I all right all in favor thank you we G head that part out uh motion carries and now we have Katie with the director's report thank you so I'll start with all ages just kind of give a recap I know we've talked a little bit about the summer reading program but it did end in August and since we are talking about August I just wanted to share that we had a really successful summer reading program um we had over, 1300 people register for the program there was almost 2 million minutes read and we've had such positive feedback from the community we had wonderful support from our friends group from the board from the historical commission a lot of our community was very actively involved and we're just really grateful to everyone who helped make this a success um the team did send thank you letters to the friends and to Our Community Partners for their incredible support and generosity and we'll be planning for next summer shortly um for highlights during August there were 10 programs there were 450 people that attended those 10 programs for the passive programs there were 1,644 participants and the children's Department had 301 reference transactions um due to continued High patronage in the children's department and limited spacing the activity room has been set up for Patron use so staff have kind of restructured that space and now there are toys and games ml has crafts and so patrons can kind of go in as needed and there's been a lot of positive feedback from that um there are still occasions where we have so much programming going on that we do have limited space in the building so they do still use the activity room for some programming so during that time um the room gets kind of shifted back for programming purposes but it's been a really nice uh option for families to go in and get to explore that space um as I mentioned the uh summer programming was really successful but that has now ended and the children's department is full on programming and launching into their fall sessions um and I just wanted to point out that they are continually doing the Thousand books before kindergarten program and um they have a lot of folks that are signed up for that so that's great for teen highlights there were four programs 23 program attendees and there was one passive program and there were 19 participants for that um Erica who is the teen Services Supervisor created a survey to gauge teens interests and uh availability for programming so she has shared that out and that went out through the libraries newsletter their signage in the building it's been distributed during programs and it was emailed to the superintendent of schools to then share out to the principls for the high school and the middle school during the month of August the teen Services Supervisor created three new displays for the teen area bulletin boards um to highlight monthly celebrations like authors literary events um another one is dedicated to Team Art so up in that area during August the kind of theme was pieces of us and there were supplies available for teens to use so that they could uh participate and then another of the bulletin boards was like a welcome back theme to back to school um the Team collections have also been moved to best meet the needs of the space and the team searching for items upstairs um the tween area was moved across from the information desk and it's kind of that first shelving unit right next to where the teen Services Supervisor sits in like that fiction area the new books have been moved to where the tween was so it's right out theide the reference office um teen large print is right next to that so it's kind of the new books and the large print are side by side upstairs and then the manga was moved to the seating area where the new books had been and um Erica did when she was doing all the shifting around she dedicated and organized like a teen games craft shelf where the manga had been um so there's board games and art supplies bracelet making supplies puzzles so we do have a lot of patrons that will be in that area looking for something to do I think there's like a checkered board out there right now um so we're trying to make sure that we have things for folks to do when they come into the building um and there's free books upstairs so uh people are welcome to take those they're up on the window s by the computers and that's separate from the friends sale yes um and there one of the programs that was held during August was about vision boards and here's just some pictures of what that what they were able to create for adult highlights there were 13 programs 118 program partic ipants there were 21 reference transactions up at the information desk there were 242 hours of study room use and five requests went onto the F The Adult Services Department continues their bidy programming schedule including book clubs Friday Flicks craft programs and Outreach into the community um we had planned to be at National Night Out but unfortunately that was canceled due to inclement weather but we hope to be there next year um another successful end of summer program was held with Matt York at the library and this program was funded by a Massachusetts cultural Council Grant and the program was well well attended and um you can see that I took a snip here of Matt York actually sharing out our publicity to help kind of cross promote the program the library in the circulation department 10,658 items were circulated during the month of August this is a decrease of 831 from July but it is an increase of 474 from the previous August there were 82 new patr registrations 90 reference transactions um 16 non Library meeting room usages uses excuse me and um Christina has this is a new stat that we think is very interesting we wanted to include and then another one that we thought was interesting and wanted to include is that we had 87 volunteer shelving hours and is this part of the senior or part of it but other volunteers too yeah so their swap um we have some um local school um volunteers that are looking for service credit hours we have just interested folks from the community that want to come support the library so we're very fortunate um our staff obviously is also shelving all the time but with the amount of items that we are circulating or kind of having to reshelf um it's it's a lot of work so we're really grateful to our volunteers they do a really nice job the library replaced four of the older hotspots with brand new devices and we added one more hotspot to our library of things collection so now there are a total of 10 hotspots these items are very popular especially during the summer when patrons take them on vacations or out camping um the circulation departmentment sent 1,096 items out in delivery during the month of August this is an average of 4 1 daily requests so like when we're doing our poll list so when people place holds on items we're pulling those items to keep here for people to pick up but also they then get sent out through delivery to the other cwmr libraries um excuse me the door count was boosted on August 28th 29th and 30 30th with students returning to the library for visits after school there were many familiar faces and groups of new patrons visiting the library to attend programs using study rooms socialize and check out materials we are very busy for tech services there were 673 items added and just one item deleted from the collection during the month of August there um as you'll recall we as we close out the end of the fiscal year for 24 and we open up the beginning of the fiscal year for 25 we do have a hold on our orders as we're closing out and reopening so there's kind of a a like a pause for a little while and then when we started back up in mid July um a lot of the shipments started coming in end of July beginning of August so a lot of it was just like an onslaught during August to get um there was a lot of items that came in and they they got out almost 700 items just during August which was a lot um uh the tech services department is coordinating with all the other departments to ensure that ordering is running smoothly and Tech Services is working with the circulation department on adding items and creating a new adopter book program that has since launched and I will fill you in on that next one um for professional development during the month of August staff attended the following sessions creating accessible image descriptions from Perkins access quarterly tea with Mod hosting accessible events and meetings creating accessible web content from Perkins access state aid and Financial form training from nblc I stream you stream from the Ala and Pla so American Library Association Public Library Association uh the town it Department know before Uh Kevin mitnik security awareness training and an Envision wear self check stations and external hold lockers [Music] overview any questions so far okay are we getting hold lockers I am exploring the idea of that be very exciting if you did um for Library update the AIS report was submitted on August 9th and the financial report is due on August 4th I'm almost finished with that financial report um we made a change like an update to the library's website and we added a section called Suggest a purchase and it's available actually on two different Loc locations on the website but it'll give folks an opportunity to suggest something that they might like to see added to our collection and it will obviously um be considered and then kind of cross checked against our collection development policy for building updates we have the floors waxed in the lobby and in the children's area looks lovely it's nice and shiny so that was nice um for Town use the town Clerks uh depart the town clerk Department had early voting from August 24th to August 30th and then just as a preview the town cler is also going to do early voting for the election in November so that'll happen here in October today we're going to review the meeting room and social media policies and then for the Strategic plan uh the Strategic plan and executive summary was submitted to and approved by the mass Board of uh Library Commissioners um once it was approved it was shared with the community through a display and flyers in the library email to the town departments and schools posted to the library website blasted to the mailing list and shareed on the socials and just a reminder that our next meeting is Wednesday October 16th thank you K thank you very good report I'm very excited about the lockers too very hopeful it was a very interesting meeting and uh there's other vendors so I'm trying we moved that the 16th was it is it we moved the February meeting I don't know if you had notes on yours yeah you had a sticky note you just had Jean did yes I think it's just February yes okay okay okay I was just complimenting us on having that well in advance to someone else so okay yes thanks yes nicely done is good nicely done okay we have now old business including our meeting room policy which I believe we went through last month and this is the change to the last page there's more changes okay what else is there um should we read it again or do you want to okay has everyone read it I only read the last page because I thought that was the only change we had made oh so true confession I now would be a great time to read it I will read it thank you okay so this is the draft with modifications that we reviewed last month okay uh introduction the East Long Meadow public libraries meeting rooms are used primarily for library and Library sponsored programs Friends of the East Long Meadow public public library and East Long Meadow Town departments library and Library sponsored programs and town of East Long Meadow meetings are exempt from this policy subject to availability the meeting rooms are available for public use by application for free and open one charitable two Civic three cultural four educational or five intellectual activities meeting room facilities shall be made available on an equitable basis the use of the meeting room space must always be subordinate to the Paramount need to provide a safe peaceful and respectful environment in which to read and study meeting rooms available number one community room 50 person capacity tables and chairs drop- down projector screen Podium number two conference room 10 person capacity conference table and chairs that are not removable the library shall follow God Lin set forth by government officials the town manager and the library director as to the number of people who will be permitted to attend an event in either the community room or the conference room including during a public health emergency meeting room scheduling one library library sponsored friends of East Long Meadow public library and town of East Long Meadow programs and meetings have priority over all outside groups the library director reserves the right to reschedule confirmed reservations to accommodate library and town programs and events meeting rooms may be booked for a maximum of two hours which includes setup and takeown time meetings must occur during regular operating Library hours all meetings must end 15 minutes before the library closes meeting rooms may be reserved up to 2 months in advance of the meeting date no more than four reservations per calendar year may be made by any one applicant or group recurring meetings daily weekly monthly will not be permitted guidelines all meetings shall be free of charge and open to the public no fundraising promotions or sales of service or products merchandise materials or other items are allowed unless such promotions or sales are approved in writing in advance by the library director meeting rooms shall not be used for private parties or social Gatherings entrepreneurial or commercial purposes solicitation of business worship services or ceremonies political campaigning or prostatism meeting room reservations must be made by written application completed in full and submitted to the library director or design at least 2 weeks in advance of the requested meeting date applicants will be provided the patron behavior and Safe child policies applicants and attendees are responsible to abide by all Library policies which are listed on the library's website at East Longet library.org the release of all claims form must be completed in full on the day of the scheduled meeting room use applications must be submitted by an East Long Meadow resident who is 18 years or older who will be in attendance at the meeting and is the person held responsible for the conduct of the meeting and adherence to all regulations including Town bylaws and state and federal laws and any resultant damages to library property the application form includes permission to release the applicant's contact information in the event of public inquiries the library reserves the right to require any individual or group to obtain and pay for an East Long Meadow police detail if the library director or town manager deems it to be in the interest of Public Safety failure to comply with this requirement will result in immediate cancellation of the scheduled event when appropriate Advanced application may not be possible as in the case of emergency or call meetings the use of the meeting rooms may be approved at the discretion of the library director or designate meeting rooms are not available for use when the library is closed due to inclement weather or other emergency conditions in the event of an unscheduled Library closing a group May reschedule another meeting time unscheduled closings will be posted on the library's website whenever possible Library staff will notify the applicant of the unscheduled closure should the library deny an application the decision may be appealed in writing to the East Long Meadow Town manager 60 Center Square East Long Meadow Mass 01028 the town manager will render a written decision within 14 days of the appeal conditions of use a library staff member will check the room before and after use Library staff must have access to the meeting room at all times activities for minors age 17 and under must be supervised at a ratio of one responsible adult per 15 minors the applicant must notify the library at library director at East Long Meadow Mass ma.org of any cancellations or requested changes of the schedule at least one business day prior to the scheduled meeting time the applicant must set up and take down the chairs tables and Equipment as needed and clean up all trash from the room placing it in an appropriate placing it in appropriate waste and recycling containers items may not be affixed to the walls trim windows or doors the applicant must report to a library staff member any apparent damage prior to using the room in order to avoid being held responsible for the damage the applicant takes responsibility for any damage to the library or its equipment caused by or resulting from the applicant's use of the room the library is not responsible for items Left Behind or unattended either before during or after an event permission for an individual or group to meet at the library does not constitute or imply an endorsement of policy beliefs practices or programs by the East Long Meadow public library library staff or the town of East Long Meadow all publicity such as advertisements announcements press releases Flyers electronic postings Etc must State the following the meeting SL event is not sponsored by the East Long Meadow Public Library the meeting SL event held in the library does not constitute an endorsement by the library Board of Library trustees Andor town of East Long Meadow of the individuals or groups policies beliefs practices or programs the library director reserves the right to revoke the privilege of an individual or group during the program and or for any future use of the library meeting rooms when it has been determined that there has been a misrepresentation by the applicant stated purpose for a given meeting or for non-compliance with the meeting room policy I stopped any comments I have one correction and then we can go on to the forms but I'm just taking a little break from me yeah it's a lot it's a lot on page three conditions of use number three yep got my email address wrong it's Library director at East longm ma.gov not.org oh well you're welcome yes so Ah that's confusing MH well because I think I had in the previous put eam library.org which is the website exactly that's the confusing part there we go thank you anything else sorry if it was loud no sound good all right let's continue then okay I'm going to do the best I can to read this form thank you application for East Long mow Public Library meeting room use includes date of application meeting date meeting time from and two the name of the applicant and the applicant is the person we refer to in the policy itself okay their phone number email address and address and East Long Meadow Mass is typed out because only residents of East Long Meadow are permitted to apply the anticipated attendance and the room requested conference room or community room is checked off purpose of the meeting check boxes as well charitable must be able to provide 501c3 documentation upon request Civic cultural educational intellectual meeting description and uh blank space and then special requests blank lines the applicant reserving the meeting room must attend the meeting and will be held responsible for any damages incurred and as described in the meeting room policy guidelines and application any comments on that section I guess the presumption I'm sorry it's not really a just to clarify I guess the presumption is that if you check char there has to be sort of a IRS registration for you I think we went back and forth on this one that's where the piece upon request was added those two words upon request right but I don't think we're requiring it oh I see it's not required required it's just upon request if if we request it then they need to be able to but you can provide it but we cannot I cannot request it I'm sorry you cannot what I can you can or can or cannot right yeah yeah and they can choose to select a different option if they are not truly a 501c3 charitable group I just I'm unfamiliar I mean there might be people who hold themselves out as working a charitable effort without necessarily engaging the IRS but like you said can also if you don't ask then that's okay to you can elect not to ask probably right and then finally uh this is the application and release of claims did I print this twice which oh sorry sorry I don't think so it's it's uh wait it's like the next page oh no my fault I read the header incorrectly so this is still going on this is still the application still the application my apologies the release of claims is on the next page my apologies that's my fault so continuing on the application uh the next page says I have read the attached meeting room policy Behavior policy Safe child policy and release of all claims and agree to abide by the terms I also agree to allow Library staff to provide my contact information in the event of public inquiries we have a signature line uh check here option if you would like a photocopy of the signed confirmed application and note that meeting rooms are not officially booked until you receive a written confirmation from the library we have a for Library use only of date application received date confirmed or denied confirmation made via em excuse me email or mail Library staff name and any comments um where it says reviewed by the board of Library trustees we that's March it should be September I think we did review it in March of 202 no we've been doing this for a very long time but I didn't catch this one so that needs to be September 2024 oh okay it's been a very ly process yeah welcome to the board this is a lot okay now any other comments on the application no seeing none I will move to release of all claims which has been trimmed down quite a bit from last time oh yeah it looks like it um do you want to say anything about why it was trimmed down or how or should I just read it just I'll just read it release of all claims I name of individual executing this release being allowed to participate in the use of the East Long Meadow Public Library meeting rooms and Facilities do hereby forever release acquit discharge and Covenant to hold harmless the said East Long Meadow Board of Library trustees and the town of East Long Meadow and their employees of and from any and all debts demands actions causes of actions suits claims and damages on account of or in any way growing out of directly or indirectly all known and unknown personal injuries or property damage resulting from the use of the East L Meadow public library and parking area and any activities and programs offered there executed as an agreement this blank day of blank in the year of blank and then there's a line for a signature and a witness and so the witness is the library director or design so it be either myself or the staff members so to go back to this piece now that you've read it there was some condensing and editing since the last version you saw last month where we really just focused it as opposed to groups or organizations it's the individual right so there is one individual that is applying for use and they are the responsible party this is an admirably long sentence I will say I think it's much better than yeah any comments no it's a little friendlier from the last one yeah what are you thinking D no I don't know I'm just it's it's yeah well that's for lawyers I guess I don't know and this is the town attorney went through this yeah many times and provided this as well yeah okay so taking our feedback from the last meeting right which was very helpful any further feedback on this policy would anyone like to make a motion can we can make a motion to approve this right I'll move to approve I'll second it all in favor hi hi hi thanks everybody check check check long sentence but short and sweet exactly well it's March sorry um with the changes that I'm going to make sorry apologies where I have to make the edit on the dates I will change the dates and I will change um the email address yes with those changes it is approved with those changes correct it is approved with the discussed the discussed uh minor changes okay nice work everyone on to the next which is our social media policy would anyone like to volunteer to read this one sure I'll read it East Long Meadow Public Library social media policy purpose East Long Meadow Public Library uses social media to further extend the library's mission and vision to support lifelong learning literacy and cultural enrichment by providing access to information knowledge and ideas through its collections services and programs the board of Library trustees the library director and Library staff recognize the responsibility of East Long Meadow Public Library to support diverse points of view on different topics the social media policy is intended to provide guidance for the development and presentation of social media content which anticipate and meet the needs of our patrons the American library association's library Bill of Rights the freedom to read statement the freedom to view statement and the First Amendment and censorship have been endorsed by the East Long Meadow Board of Library trustees and are an integral part of this policy social media definition in the context of this policy quote social media close quote is defined as any web application site or account created and maintained by the East Long Meadow Public Library which facilitates an environment for Library staff to share information about Library related subjects or issues examples of such sites include but are not limited to Facebook X Tik Tok YouTube and Instagram for purposes of this policy quote content close quote is any material created by individuals or software pen AI close pen including comments information articles pictures videos or any other form of communicative content posted on East Long Meadow libraryies social media sites responsibility for social media content the ultimate responsibility for social media content as with all Library resources and services rests with the library director who operates within the framework of policies determined by the East Long Meadow Board of Library trustees the library director deleg at social media content responsibility to other members of the professional staff the process of content development and distribution involves the experience and knowledge of those staff members so designated by the library director the East Long Meadow Public Library uses social media to develop and share content about library programs Services resources Collections and Outreach to keep Library patrons informed of Library happenings Library staff will periodically evaluate the role and utility of its online social media sites which may be deter terminated at any time without notice to users user responsibility as with more traditional resources the library does not act in place of or in the absence of a parent and is not respons responsible for enforcing any restrictions which a parent or Guardian May place on a Minor's use of the resource responsibility for a child's reading listening or viewing materials rests solely with their parent or Guardian as stated in free access to libraries for miners colon and interpretation of the library Bill of Rights quote libraries and their governing bodies cannot assume the role of parents or the functions of Parental Authority in the private relationship between parent and child libraries and their governing bodies shall ensure that only parents and Guardians have the right and the responsibility to determine their children's and only their children's access to Library resources parents and Guardians who do not want their children to have access to specific Library Serv Services materials or facilities should so advise their own children close quote C appendix a there is no expectation of privacy on the East Long Meadow Public Library's social media sites users of all ages have a responsibility to protect their privacy by posting on the library social media sites users give the library permission to utilize a user's name Prof profile picture and content of any posting made without compensation or liability on the part of the library the library does not collect maintain or otherwise use the personal information stored on any third-party networking site in any way other than to communicate with users on that site unless granted permission by users for a library content contact outside the site the purpose for contact outside the site may include program promotion volunteer opportunities reference help or other similar activities users should be aware that third-party websites have their own privacy policies and should proceed accordingly if any user does not agree to the terms of this policy pen and all other Library policies Clos pen they should not use the service disclaimer third- party content found on East Meadows public libraries social media sites do not represent the official views of the East Long Meadow Public Library the East Long Meadow Public Library accepts no liability for such content content perceived as containing any of the following but not limited to inappropriate forms of content shall be considered in violation of this policy colon uh and then a sequence of bullet points conduct in violation of any federal state or local law rule or regulation information that may tend to compromise the safety or security of the public or public systems encouragement of illegal activity private personal information published without consent content that promotes Fosters or perpetuates discrimination on the basis of race color national origin sex gender disability sexual orientation gender identity genetic information religion age family status military status or source of income profane obscene violent or pornographic content Andor language personal attacks insults or threatening language potentially liist statements plagarized materials content in support of or opposition to any political campaigns or ballot measures commercial promotions or spam comments unre related to the content of the Forum hyperlinks to material that is not related to the discussion any other content deemed inappropriate by the East Long Meadow Public Library the East Long Meadow Public Library reserves the right to report to the social media platform and or deny access to East Long Meadow public libraryies social media sites to any person who violates the East Long Meadow public libraryies social media policy at any time and without prior notice by posting content the user agrees to indemnify the East Long meow public library and its officers and employees from and against all liabilities judgments damages and costs incurred per n including attorney fees closed peren which arise out of or are related to the posted cont content the library May disable comments on some Library posts the social media policy is subject to review and amendment by the board of Library trustees FY thank you thank oh and uh appendix a is the American library association's free access to libraries for miners colon an interpretation of the library Bill of Rights with the appropriate URL I presume there it is I think we need to remove the ai ai is not really software under social media definition I think we either need to remove that parenthetical or further explain what we mean by AI Larry do you want to discuss because it was your recommendation to put it in we could add more we need to add more detail around it or we need to [Music] um well I or I mean if you does it make it clear if you say um content is any material created by individuals or for artificial intelligence what do you think of that I don't understand why can you say more about what the concern is by having it there is a concern are we concerned about artificial intelligence thank you for example we use Constant Contact for our emails M there is an option that Constant Contact provides where it can help help you generate your email blast your content but we're still responsible for the content rephrase but I'm hope I hope we're not posting anything that a person hasn't reviewed well correct oh yes that's that's true so I don't know why it matters if AI created it as long as a person is reviewing the content prior to it being posted well then does that mean that we need to tweak the prior few words because content is any material created by individuals okay well let's say I I you know go on these I forget what they're called like chat bot things or whatever and I say you know I want a photograph of a cat doing Su somersaults on a beach or something like that I create anything but I may post it I mean that's a pretty benign example but you can then maybe we should change I would add because I think then it would be posted by yeah because there are times where we might share an article from school library journal or the Massachusetts Board of Library Commissioners has uh statistical data that they want to share out to the state so we might share their post we may add a line to it to say hey check this out so then maybe that's a better so maybe that's the word that that's a better designation than just anything that an individual posts yeah rather than creates yeah because that's a good point right because we don't really know necessarily who actually created right and in that case the AI is a good example of right but and like Katie said I mean they could just be like posting somebody else like in support of a particular position they repost something that happens all the time so or is it for purposes of this policy content is any material posted including comments information articles pictures videos yeah I guess it doesn't matter who so who does so we we're the scenario we're talking about is like the Li puts up a post of something and people comment on it and this policy covers both our posting of the original posting and the comments underneath it if we're talking like Facebook right okay so remove by individuals or software including oh for this purpose of the content is any material posted I'll leave the word including right and then post it as later in the sentence too but that's and I'm just that one they Shar maybe it should be sorry lar go purposes of this policy content is anything including comments information articles pictures videos or any other form of communitive content posted on East Long met public go is anything anything is anything any or maybe it should be is anything posted on East Longo Public Library social media sites and then put the including after sites so it would be for purposes of this policy content is anything posted on East Long Meadow Public Library social media sites including comments information articles pictures videos or any other form of communative content period how's that better yeah yep could you write that out for me I'll just put put some diagram yeah yeah um can we I don't want to jump ahead if we're still working on this page I don't have anything else on this P um actually I have I think two things wait uh let's see uh at the end of the second paragraph um there are all these listed things should should there be links appended to them or I feel there's a number I feel like we had I had put those as a appendix entries in one of the other policies so I can add those in to the appendix or I can link it right I mean right because you're saying that these things are an integral part of this policy and if someone's reading that you need to I think you need to provide them with a way to direct them to read these things the Bill of Rights the freedom to read statement the freedom to view statement the First Amendment and censorship do you do you recommend that I link them or include them in the appendix uh how however you'd like I mean I guess you could say in pen uh see appendix links or something like that is that and that way you don't have to I or would you I would also Rec in addition to uh I would put it in the appendix and I would bullet this list instead of having it in the paragraph I think it's too long we have it in a different policy exactly like this and I said that one was okay darn it I try to be so cons consistent I know all right fine then we'll just just put it in the appendix and I had one other thing but let me just reread it in case I had a let's see do I just call it appendix as opposed to appendix a I think it would be appendix if there's only one one it should just beend we could add an appendix B we need to the appendix or you could call it resources or references appendix is fine though yeah don't father never mind I just it was unnecessarily specific okay no I appreciate your spe specificity I have one on page three I have one on page two no one else okay I think that this privacy expectation paragraph is problematic and so we say here we say there is no expectation of privacy on the East Long meow Public Library social media sites that I'm cool with that we don't have control over that that I'm cool with um also users of all ages have a responsibility to protect their own privacy that I'm also cool of I'm not sure about this second this third sentence posting themselves on our site that's a different that's different than a direct message I know so if they're posting um I think it conflicts with the next paragraph because in the next par paragraph we say we don't collect it or use it there's a difference between using it and then storing and collecting it so if somebody posts a comment on one of our let's say we post something on our Facebook page about an upcoming program and then somebody else and this has happened comments on that post and includes a picture or tag somebody else's name to kind of hey you might want to come to this too I'm now tagging you in it we might then respond to that does that make sense or I I don't I don't I might take a screenshot of that and put it in my director's report however you're saying in the in the uh second to last paragraph that the only use you are making of it is to communicate with with the user corre but you just said something that isn't just communicating with the user cuz you're saying that you might want to you know my thinking for this part is like those direct messages somebody might private message the library because they need help registering for an event oh and so there might be communication that's not on like our Facebook page right because we don't that was my thinking for this part here that happens a lot actually where people are trying to ask questions did I register for this we need to then use their information to find out and then we would direct message them back yes you have or no here's the link that's my thought process for this piece okay I like I actually I like the this paragraph the second to last one I think is fine um but I'm struggling with this this sentence here the by posting on the library I'm going to read it out loud just so I can process it by posting on the library social media sites users give the library permission to utilize a user's name profile picture and content of any posting made without compensation or liability on the part of the library I still don't understand what we so it's so that's covers what you just said like if you wanted to you somebody made a good point or something and then you wanted to then go and share it with others I don't know why or somebody else when you're physically in the building there is an expectation of privacy right that what you're doing for the for not like maybe when you're in the bathroom well when you are like let's say the materials that you're borrowing there's an expectation that that is your private no one's going to share that we're not going to share that out with anybody but we can't control what other people are going to post or what's going to happen with that content but we're saying that we're actually actively going to do something with we might we might not necessarily but we might share that out or res respond to it in some way do you think would you like me to go back to the attorney and have him review that I just don't know I just think that I feel like the the second La paragra is enough and I don't know why this is is also necessary because just like a casual reading of it it sounds contradictory like because in one sentence we're saying where the users give the library permission to use their information and then in the next sentence we're saying the library does not use the personal information so the I guess maybe use maybe is it might just be the or maybe not might not be the right word by posting on the library social media sites users give the library users maybe are just they need to be aware if they're posting on our page other people can see it I think it's the the implication in this sentence is that the library is actively doing something unusual like it seems like a normal thing like if you post on the on a cuz we do a good job here of saying third party websites have their own privacy policies right so maybe we should lead with this second to last paragraph because the whole point is that you don't have the same expectation of privacy on our social media Pages because we don't control them right as you do when you're in the building which we do control right so I don't think that these two paragraphs really emphasize that which is a very important point and if you want a and I think it starts out well right there's no expectation of privacy but it's because we don't control the sites correct right and we can't control if you tag you on a social page right we are customers right of these platforms and we use them as stated in the policy to communicate with people because that's how Comm people communicate these days and there is no expectation of privacy which I think is the point so as your recommendation to remove that sentence by posting on the library social media sites in that third paragraph up and then combine those two yeah maybe something like and maybe this is already in here so pardon me if it's not but I think we should emphasize as much as possible that the social media sites are not under our control and um maybe just say well I mean you could say just that what you just said but I guess you have a Facebook page and you are in control of that and am I wrong in thinking that there was a recent case in the news not that long ago that uh like held uh liability for one of these social media platforms and kind of contrasted where you know one I don't know if it was X or I don't remember it was Facebook you like one said you know we don't we're we're absolving ourselves everybody po whatever they post it's what they post whereas another of these platforms has sort of a department they review things they try you know there's an effort made Instagram rolling out the new a new policy there yeah so it but it the decision kind of made me think well maybe they're going to start uh holding people responsible for things posted to the extent that they have some POS potential control over it and you definitely I mean through staff and whatever you have the ability to remove things and kind of review what people are posting you're right you don't have control over the platforms themselves but you have like a subset of a plat platform which is your page and that's where people are posting things so you do have control over that I mean I know it can be honorous the more involved you are in social media and I'm really not the right person to to you know make comment on this because I'm so outside the I don't really have post I don't do any of this stuff and I don't even I don't even know probably half the things that are potentially possible that are possible in this there's a lot out there there's a lot to consider and it's trying to make sure that we are covering our options right right and that we're trying to make it clear to the public to our patrons what we are doing and then what they should be aware of as users of this of our social media sites and we're trying to make them aware that again I'm going to go back to this by posting on the library social media sites let's say we have a big program it's our summer reading program yeah people will share pictures that they've taken at the library right and then we might use that in our thank you letter to our community right thank you for sponsoring our programming it was a wonderful Community event here's a picture to show you how many folks attended so it's it's not I I see what you're saying and I get it but I there was also a reason why I put it in there sure I think it might just be in the wrong place it could be there's a lot in here I think it might belong again we would you know would you like me to go back to the attorney no yes I think so not just yet well I mean not unless we can come up with yeah some ability to focus him on what it is that we're asking him to to express right otherwise he's not going to know I mean you're if you just take it back it'll he'll go well I think this is good it reflects what you want um it sounded like the second to the last paragraph the way you described it was in your mind dealing with a certain issue of a more limited nature at least that's what it sounded like what did you say like messenger when people sometimes um patrons will instead of calling us on the phone for a reference interaction or coming to a public service desk they might send a direct message right to one of our social sites so maybe and it that's what we might describing that makes that and just sort of asking the question and not suggesting anything but does that make it more uh relatable and does it fit better if you you sort of just describe that because when you're saying that the library doesn't uh collect maintain or otherwise use personal information um other than I don't know D do you limit yourself to messenger or and that's the thing is you don't want to I I they might somebody might just post directly to our page you know they just might post something directly on right um it doesn't necessarily need to be right a direct message that's private it could just be something that's open yeah can I provide an alternate wording that might work let's hear it um okay so we have uh so I I think we should do the Privacy part first right and I think so it would be there's no let me just read it there is no expectation of privacy on the East Long Meadow Public Library social media sites users of all ages have a responsibility to protect their privacy and then we skip down to users the library does not collect maintain or otherwise use the personal information stored on any third party social networking site in any way la la la la la and this whole paragraph I think is fine and then I think it should be another little section that says any posting made on the library social media sites may be used by the library without compensation or liability on the part of the library or something like that can I piggyback off that yeah so the last sentence in that third the second paragraph up users should be aware that third party websites have their own privacy policies and should proceed accordingly should that move up after the paragraph above it users of all ages have a responsibility to protect their privacy yes so if this one moves up and then then the live Library does not collect maintainer otherwise goes next and then so oh my gosh then your sentence uh users who post to the libraries say that again for me uh I said any posting made on the library's social media sites may be used by the library without compensation or ability on the part of the library any posting made on the social media site on the library's social media sites may be used by the library without compensation or liability on the part of the library should we read the whole kitten koodle can I do it so I make sure I have there is no expectation of privacy on the East Long meow Public Library social media sites users of all ages have the responsibility to protect their privacy users should be aware that thirdparty websites have their own privacy policies and should proceed accordingly the library does not collect maintain or otherwise use the personal information stored on any third party social networking site in any way other than to communicate with users users on that site could be good unless granted permission by users for Library contact outside the site the purpose for contact outside the site may include program promotion volunteer opportunities reference help or similar activities that's I any posting made on the library social media sites may be used by the library without compensation or liability on the part of the library I think it's good Larry yeah that's good that's good then you can go to the lawyer and make sure it's okay yeah you're just kind of rearranging change anything we just rearranged rearranged it a little yeah that makes sense yeah it makes better sense you've done it good thank you very I have a tiny one on page three oh yeah we're not done yet CL um in that had a bulleted section my last bullet has a period and none of the others do oh well that's the end is wait a minute is that list yes it does but what about I isn't it grammatically correct more correct to say hyper links to material that are because they're plural material is is I think is ital I think it's modif Ying the material not you could have SED me though that's all right you're never going to get it over I'm the worst no this is why you're incredibly helpful yeah okay oh um one two three fourth bullet down is it redundant to say private personal information of others published without their consent or is it okay to just stand the way it is I think it could be their own or somebody else's um I like leaving it okay that's fine I think it's implied maybe it's a good question I think it's I was kind of noodling how these like the order in this we in which these are placed I don't know if it was intentional but it does seem to go from most serious to potentially least serious so and then we wrap it all up with in a bow with and anything else yeah right it's very I think that was nicely done and that's the same for like the behavior policy like in my heart I want to make everything alphabetical but it was kind of based on what are our highest priority needs for Behavior expectations okay okay would you like like what you sorry I want to talk about I want to go back Larry to something you said earlier around um like our responsibility for managing content that is posted on our site and I think that is covered in this section here right the last about the library can disable comments the library is going to remove comments if they don't fit this policy and I think as long as we actually do that yeah we're satisfying what I think you were describing we're kind of giving ourselves different Avenues here we can either report it if it hasn't already been flagged by that social media site itself we could report it and let them handle it if there was a situation where we thought something needed to be removed we would then contact the town manager and the town attorney before doing that if appropriate and or we just might have and there might be social media platforms that don't allow comments or we're going to turn them off for whatever reason so um we're kind of giving ourselves some options okay would you like me to rewrite this and bring it next makes sense bring it for next Amy can you give me your notes for the this piece right here for the social media definition yes for purposes of for sure great thank you all very much okay deep breath now we have any new business I don't see anything on the agenda uh we do have a friends of the East Long Meadow Library report which I see is snuck in at the end of the packet would anyone like to read I'll give it a shot thanks and please correct me if I pronounced someone's name wrong or a word wrong don't worry we'll jump right in the report to the library trustees September 2024 the friends returned from its summer Hiatus and met on Tuesday September 3rd 2024 at 6:30 pm in the libraryies community room our first order of business was to welcome and introduce our two new board members Melanie Convoy and Jennifer schwitzer okay szer thank you that's how I pronounce it no thank you we look forward to their fresh ideas suggestions and recommendations our board is complete with 13 members Kate or is it Katie she calls me Kate oh okay it's me all right I'm glad Kate informed us of the reorganization of the Board of Trustees and the appropriate five-year strategic plan she provided us with one the purpose of updating the library's website to be ADA Compliant two Staffing changes and three the coordinations with the rec department to conduct teen programs at the Congregational Church on Friday afternoon noons Mars in informed the board that the children's Department's baby chicks program that was such a big success last year will return on September 10th at the updated an up excuse me an updated list of the friends officers and directors was distributed prior to the meeting with no changes noted gift basket fundraisers the calendar as to when they will take place was distributed prior to the meeting it was suggested the baskets include a membership brochure and an attempt to inform the community Tony Ras rowski volunteered to give notice to our fundraisers to the the REM reminder a month in advance Lara Palmer and I met with the friends accountant over the summer our tax return indicated that our organization qualified as a quote charitable private Foundation end of quote the change requires us to pay an annual excise tax the board acknowledged a thank you note from scholarship winner Audrey O'Neal the friends also received an email from Mara Mara Erica Petroski and Michelle lamir expressing their appreci apption for the funds received from the friends and shared the impact the contribution made in helping them provide incentives decorations gift cards Etc during the summer in addition they conveyed the number of participant participants number of books and a total number of minutes spent reading which was a clear indication of another outstanding successful summer reading program our community is so fortunate to have a wonderful Library staff that provides them quality programs and events the board discussed the dates in the in the month of October where there will be an overlap of days for the basket fundraiser the celebrate the celebrate East Long Meadow Event National friends of Library weeks our annual membership drive and the early in-person voting at the library I am hoping for some volunteers to cover for some of the activities lastly I have been exploring options to provide a video conferencing platform that is quote userfriendly end of quote for those board members who want to participate but are unable to come to the meeting in person there are 224 members our next meeting will take place on Tuesday October 8th at 6:30 respect respectfully submitted Diane a tag president thank you not like the three or four pages you had to read that was tough okay well thanks everyone our next meeting is October 16th at 600 p.m. right back here in uh the library conference room uh would anyone like to make a motion to adjourn I'll make a motion to adjourn the meeting I'll second all in favor was waiting for some to say no I don't want to go