##VIDEO ID:7TOMdu1NarM## 2024 meeting I'm going to call to order the October 15 2024 meeting of the Ean metal planning board to order uh though um I'm required to ask if there's anyone in the audience or by Zoom who might be recording this meeting if so please state your name and the method you're recording the meeting hearing none uh I'm going to do a roll call we'll start with Mr Pon P Pon Cassandra Cher Willam Russell Denver Rob Terrell and we're joined by Rob Pilla thank you rob uh first item is the approval of the September 17 2024 Open Session minutes hopefully people have had an opportunity to review them any corrections edits hearing none do I have a motion to approve a second I'll second any discussion hearing none all in favor say I I and I'll abstain okay so first item Mr clerk case sp-202 4-08 request for amendment of special permit sp-2 2009-11 for Frank Milla Landscaping at 329 westw AV assessor partial ID 52-0 for a homebased trade located in the RB zoning District applicant Francesco rilla 329 Westwood AB East Mass 01028 Contin from 91724 so we continued the public hearing and before we take additional testimony from anyone who might be interested in speaking on this matter just let everyone know that at 5:15 this evening we uh the planning board conducted a site visit uh of the property uh had an opportunity to get in see how everything was structured what was there uh talked a little bit about some potential uh changes that might need to take place uh thank you for allowing us onto the property to kind of do that appreciate it very much so if there's uh anyone who would like to continue or to address this board please step forward no one wants to address the board yeah please step forward oh you want me to sit right here yeah and sign in please oh okay thank you thank you okay and then just for the TV if you could state your name and address that it uh Ronald Jake Bean 23 start Circle uh I'm one of the abuts to the property from Mr Rella I've buil two houses down from uh Mr France okay uh 43 years I worked at M Bry eight years retired I want to address direct your attention to uh zoning analysis number four zoning analysis I don't know I have I don't know if analysis section a number two 45088 noise regulations enumerated in Islam metal General bylaw chapter 363 noise shall be applicable to any special permanent issue uh issued under the section uh vehicles with backup signal alarm should be placed so as not to activate during the early morning or late night hours in case emergency or other weather responses uh the back sent a letter suggesting that nois is a concern and the board should make this a condition of the uh permit so I just want to say what um now that I've been uh retired uh every day is like more precious than ever you know and uh I noticed Mr relle even before 8 o'clock in the morning he's got his Bobcats going he's got his his big uh tractors going uh sometimes before eight sometimes six seven8 till dark Saturdays Sundays holidays uh basically quality of life I can't go on the deck many many times I got to leave the house because I'm I just you know after a while he just had an off I leave the house which is pathetic I can't enjoy my backyard so I leave my house and come back two three hours later it just never ends and uh I just I put up with it so long and I just I got to be true to myself and I just say what I had to say you know I just it's not there's no there's no there's no respect you know and I have all nice Neighbors on my nobody wants to make any waves or anything I haven't done it for 30 something years I've been there since 93 and none of us want to make waves but I have to be you know enough's enough you know and I didn't know about you know like uh home you know the homebased trade or homebased business I didn't know what the rules were back then so I kind of took it took it for granted maybe I If I Was Naive or not but I thought that that was just the way it was and I had just put up with it but now I'm finding out that there's rules of regulations it's ulations about what he's supposed to do like after certain like 5:00 or Saturdays or holidays you not you know what I mean now I'm here and there's all these things he's supposed to buy byy and I let it slide but I had enough right now so the way the bylaw was set up is he came in and he got a special permit yeah and there were conditions placed on that um so he does have the right specifically because you mentioned Saturday Sunday except he does have the right as a condition of a special permit to work on that on Saturdays to work on to work at the properties on Saturday so he does have the right to no when you say properties his property or outside properties his property property his property so if Vehicles need to come and go to pick up materials he can still come and still go okay from that property on a Saturday Okay so on a Sunday if correct me if I'm wrong son he doesn't have the ability to work from that site on Sundays that that correct says in the condition of the permit that it's through Saturday 7 AM to 8: PM yeah 7 to8 yeah yeah and it says as for all work perform offsite with two trips daily between the hours of seven and 8 oh so that's that's some that's that's a Hot Hot Topic right there uh when you say it's isn't supposed to be uh supposed to be offsite right but he still has to be able to pick up his materials get in his Vehicles okay you know and then go out to the sites yeah now how are we gonna how are we gonna monitor this so that's that is a uh wonderful question uh how is this going to be monitored that's town has a position which I don't believe is currently filled uh at least I was told it was not currently filled of of a building inspector slash zoning enforcement officer okay and it is their responsibility to enforce conditions like this okay zoning issues so as of right now that position is vacant I know they're actively trying to resolve that issue and yeah so are you saying right now he can run his big tractors and stuff on Saturdays and uh up to 8 o'clock at night is that what you're telling me Rob do you want to read like he's got tractors you know as tall as a ceiling he can run that from Seven what you say eight again eight to eight to what was the hour so I'll just read the whole condition again so this is the condition from the existing permit that was approved in 2009 it says all work is to to be performed offsite with two trips daily between the hours of 7 AM to 8:00 pm Monday through Saturday allowing pickup and return of trade vehicles okay two trips okay not not 20 trips two trips says two trips right yeah yeah how we going to force that I I I hear you and that's the number one issue that we get from people yeah how do you sometimes you put conditions on things you yeah you are you are having faith in the petitioner to do what condition requires it to do yeah so uh how are we going to address this noise situation so that's the other interesting thing so the town does have a noise ordinance yeah it is not in the zoning ordinance or zoning component it's a general bylaw and it's 7 to 10 7 in the morning to 10: at night what kind of noise are we talking about it's just general it doesn't get specific so you can run he can run his tractors up to 10 o'clock at night no his permit says 8 o'clock right even 8 o'clock he can his condition of the permit that he got back in 2009 wow there are a couple of things so in the site visit that we we are likely to recommend to help reduce the now now the noise now when when he you saying he can run as tractors you're not saying hours upon hours and hours right well I would hope that he would not do that I would hope I would hope and I wouldn't think that would make a lot of business sense for him just to run the vehicles for hours upon I don't know you tell you're gonna have to ask him why is he doing that yeah that's my major concern is the noise and I I can't enjoy my backyard I just quality of life is forget about it I'm not trying I'm not trying to be difficult respons you we're kind of we're kind of hamstrung with some some things that are within our purview and others that are aren't yeah but if you believe that he's operating you know after 8:00 or if you believe that he is you know operating the vehicles excessively and they're impacting your quality of life it's right right that gentleman to the far right is the planning director and you can contact him or if it's after the hours that are on his special permit you have the ability to call the police and file a complaint with them and see if they'll enforce it okay if the noise is excessive you mean like hours and hours and hours if if you believe so yeah maybe I'd like to ask him what what is he doing that's so necessary where he's on his you know his big tractors and then he goes to a bobcat and then he goes for his chipper and for hours and hours I don't know what's going on well he does so on the site visit he does have materials that he uses as part of his business yeah he brings material on site and then he has to move that material off site when he goes to customers okay so there are some materials that are stored there we saw a very large mound of uh lone was one thing there were uh bricks and so forth pallets and things like this that would go that would be brought in yeah stored for however long and then you know used at a customer thereafter so it's going to require a forklift and yeah other things yeah yeah so this homebased business uh was created by town meeting back in I believe they created it in 2008 P to be really close to that and and then actually did the permitting for individual properties in 200 we we did a site visit for every one of them yeah so there was a previous there was a previous planning board hearing yeah for about 13 different businesses that had been in place for quite time on their Residential Properties they each had to come in and get a special permit where conditions could be placed upon their continued operation so basically yeah that's it the uh the uh the amount of time that the noise okay yeah the noise of time you know hours and hours and hours like oh my God give me a break you know and then uh yeah that's it I wasn't I wasn't aware about the hours exactly but you know you said Saturday can do that too Saturday can do that yeah but not Sunday or holidays doesn't specify holidays it just says no Sundays doesn't say anything about holidays either no that fall then under the noise ordinance because doesn't that men the other noise ordinance will take over yeah so what does that mean like so if he were doing it on Christmas yeah You' want to call the police you You' have be a problem yeah holiday a holiday that's not you know yeah yeah yeah so but that's basically it just you know I just can't enjoy my backyard anymore Y and I've been putting up with it so long so if you're two doors down from Mr I'm two houses down so we noticed that there's a someone correct me because maybe I was a little long in my estimate but it appeared to be about 100 feet from the property line and from the property line he's got about 100 feet worth of rows of arbites that he's either growing for use on other properties or or whatever yeah but that appeared to be a pretty decent buffer now that narrowed the further he went away from Westwood yeah and so I think you might find us you know putting a condition on that would uh create additional buffer down there as well yeah yeah but that's just my guess and I'm one vote so there is a comment from Bru fenny yeah uh regarding the drainage and so maybe Felix was the one that that it uh regarding the drainage down the bottom of the property not the plant a lot down there because it'll mess up the drainage so have to consider that yeah I came from Felix or Bru it's in here so like just to refresh Now what are my options now just to get it straight between me and you from what what I just told you okay what are my options all right so he has the right from 7 to 8 Monday through Saturday Okay operate the equipment on his property said hold on hold on all right PE we're going to do this to make it verbatim Rob one more time okay uh so I do want to mention though there's another condition that says he's not allowed to do any fabrication manufacturing retail or wholesale sales on the property so that's one thing to not then this other condition that I just read earlier says all work is to be performed offsite with two trip daily between the hours of 7:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m. Monday through Saturday allowing pickup and return of trade vehicles okay two yeah two not 20 and and I guess my interpretation of doing work offsite is different than loading and unloading materials to take offsite to do that work okay so that's just my interpretation I don't know if someone has something playing with it said Matt tried to get a hold of them I don't know how many times maybe just did you get we did it yeah we got we did we got very well written well did you see what Matt said when he tried to contact him oh maybe you I'll try that again it says I tried several times to address these concerns directly with Mr relle of both in person and over the phone with no response when I call I get no answer and leave messages and I get no return call I've knocked down a store and got no answer even though I can see people are home I am opposed uh to allowing any Amendment to the original permit it says I appealing to the uh planning board to investigate trust the issues above as it relate the original special permit to protect my me and my neighbors's property values and quality of life so I'm in the same boat about quality of life and uh that's why that's why I was here I think everybody should have a conversation your neighbors that's the way I look at it have a constructive com ation withas and you guys I that's just my suggestion I mean we could talk but and maybe say hey could on Sundays could you quiet it down because he has a right on Saturday to work but if it's Sunday to B talk with them that's just my suggestion but I I know know that said and he's not getting anywhere with Matt they're aware now that it's it's come forward to the public and the planning board I wasn't I wasn't even aware of the this until recently just a few weeks ago about well may maybe now that it's all out in the open we talked discussed it that you could revisit that and try to have a conversation with them and everybody be good neighbors to each other during our site visit we expressed concerns of the neighborhood yeah at length yeah what could be done to correct them so all right we are very well aware of what your concern are yeah and I appreciate you coming yeah this been going on though for we know a long time you know and now we're going to try to fix it okay as much as we can best we we appreciate your position yeah absolutely absolutely and we understand believe me we understand this isn't the first time we've dealt with something like this and as noise and lights and things like that you know yeah we deal with it all the time and we come up with yeah Equitable Solutions I mean I got the nicest neighbors I think he's taking advantage of our because everybody's so lenient and everything just a wicked even Matt his business and everything you can't beat for a businessman he's stellar and as a person he's unbelievable to help you do anything for you they he's just unbelievable person you know in my dealings with him both as his business and person you know he's a he's a great great person you know I think just Michelle Mr Michelle is not respecting us at all no respect at all that's all I has to say you well thank you for coming thanks anyone else like to be heard on this matter please step forward ma FR at 15 lard Circle um I just want to bring up a couple things real quick I'm going to be short and sweet in regards to Pete I appreciate your opinion I was very intentional leaving my email and phone number so that the RAS could reach out to me that's open offer I I mean that I really want to work it out I do run several small businesses I would like to see them succeed and work within the community not be a hindrance to it um the only reason we have any reason to look that way is because of smell and sound that's it I was always under the impression that no work to be done on site meant no flipping pile no manufacturing Loom no anerobic Decon composition because we're dumping business waste there um I did have a chance to see because there were some Hedges that were cut very short I don't know much about Landscaping that might have been for the health of them um but that allowed me between that and some trees that were taken down to see clearly over there five years ago I was never able to see what was going on I could only hear noise and smell this smell is very offensive to me other people may find it appeasing um but those are the things I just wanted to bring up real quick I was on the impression no work on site meant no Work loading and unloading is one thing that's a whole different deal than flipping piles moving material so we did ask what they we specifically asked about the pile of loan that appeared to be really substantial substantial and we were told that that was there for use on jobs at other locations okay so well grass breaks down and and material breaks down so that made that made perfect sense for the type of business that they're operating there so it smells for a whole another reason I've done quite a bit of research into yeah um we get it some chemistry and I know way more about it just because I I become interested in a subject sure and I I mean to address you not them but I I would love for them to reach out to find a very appeasable solution for all of us because yep so it works for them is probably gonna work for us Rob is composting allowed in town I don't think it is it it is it is it is encouraged he used they have compost bins at Town Hall every so often doing anerobic uh composting so any Anor robic decomposition you should look into what's involved with that's not allowed most of it is just like grass clippings and leaves and things like that people do like banana peels stuff little stuff not I know what you're talking I know what you're talking about yes that's what's enourage I know that's composting yes right so what are you talking about it's just grass clippings and whatnot if you don't con constantly so that's how like the um West Springfield the dump caught on fire it was because they weren't allowing Amon oxygen to get into the grass exactly they weren't flies and the same thing is going on back there that's why we can smell it so if it's done correctly there's no smell zero so not done correctly there's smell so you constantly have to run builds up ammonia and all that stin it's actually hydrogen sulfide so if you look that up in farms for instance they use it for a power source so they'll they'll recover the methane gas from from cows and everything it's really interesting big over in Europe but not in a correct me if I'm wrong but the only big pile I saw was the Lone pile yeah too that's that's there was some Pine that would been chipped up sitting there smell at all no see a compost pile and when it when it moves when it smells I really appreciate they started moving some piles and everything and I've been ecstatic about that over the past couple weeks even though it made tons and tons of noise and we lost the last few weeks I see the forward progress and that's well we're gonna try to give you some more some more bring up too y so I did some quick research on the town's um bylaws and not seen anything specific that talks about types of composting that's allowed I'm only finding a fee schedule for compost bins yeah Town Hall every so often has compost bins but I'm also not seeing anything about composting out in the open so I guess also just want both of you to to understand so the fact that they have applied for an amendment okay um also allows this board to put some more amendments on it or to change some amendments as conditions and I think that you will find that we're going to do that I mean real reality is if it amends to 50 cars parked on site and they only come and go once a day who's gonna complain with that leave the reverse buzzers on there's kids at the church there supposed to be supposed to be part that they can drive out without any any backup but that's the way it's supposed to be the point is there's always kids around I saw that reverse buzzer thing and I think that should be atin they should have reverse buzzers yeah but if you don't if you don't have to put the truck in reverse to get out of the parking lot then you don't hear it first thing in the morning fair enough so they're supposed to be backed in at night and driven out in the morning I was on the board when we wrote this bylaw much as we did that makes sense but that's that's the way it's supposed to be so you drive out and there's not at 7 o'clock in the morning oock in the morning that's the way that's was the uh the flavor of the law I understand by by law that makes thank you thank you very much guys app anyone else like to be heard on this matter if not do I have a motion to um end the public hearing so moved do I have a second second any further discussion hearing none all in favor of closing the public hearing say I I want oppos hearing none the public hearing is closed I open it to the board well I think that after a visit today the rell's understand what the 200 square feet is for outdoor storage the desire for the old equipment to be gotten rid of um there's a couple of extra loaders that are there that aren't on this so we have to take care of that as far as the dirt and Manufacturing I don't call that manufacturing I mean if you were making cordwood or something like that and selling it that's manufacturing but just moving dirt around putting it in a dump truck and Le leing and not coming back eight times during the day that doesn't seem to be as bad I understand that when you turn the dirt over yet it's got a little bit of a smell to it but is it every day not because we didn't smell anything not recently no it it through the summer they've been I was told they're downsizing too um but I will tell you it it smelled terrible when it wasn't being flipped from about July until the first meeting in August that's the heat the heat will affect it even more but if we just don't like every other landscape okay the public hearing is closed okay so maybe I'll just get the ball rolling a little bit then we we talked about more arbores down right so do you want to make that a condition where do you want to do make a condition that they do a double roll of arbites all along the back of the property but we have to find out where Felix is what is Felix is talking about with the drain that's down there because that's a problem you can see the easement on this yeah goes across where that stump was seems that's kind of a Target is that where the drain is I think I think that's where the Google image picture it's got the easement across the back seems like where that stump was down the back verif to but I agree putting them right where the other ones are is going to be right through so if it's not working proper the town should address thatw if it's not draining corly and I was told that there's water there is water back so there some something's not right can I ask a question about the condition you're proposing PE you're suggesting double Road Ari just along the back or the back and the side where the church is the West pend of their property okay so where where all the new houses are you can see the houses canted they sit okay so along the back facing the houses then where the church not the church not the church on the west west end of their property that goes along with the new developments are yeah I see and I would say they should be at least six seven feet tall they got a ton of them but again taking into account the problem with the drainage back there if the land is not draining and it's stagnant there's a drain there it's supposed to work so that has to be addressed who addresses that be okay so Rob we're gon to ask you to address that issue with the DPW so that might be some of the smell that you're getting so it's wet there it is wet back there if it's not draining properly that that's an issue fix from my window you guys saw more 90 so we're gonna do a double row of our ritis okay um what's that that I'm going to throw this out as a condition to PL it up though that but it's not working the and this is where theil is are going to need some help from you okay so we kept going back and forth on your list of what you want to add replace so yeah and we saw five bucket loaders and there aren't five bucket loaders on this so we talked about hold on one second okay so I'm okay with nine Vehicles sew SE the rear the property the vehicles need to be submitted to the planning department okay no later than October 31st okay and that's going to be your list okay so you decide what they're going to be and then you're going to have to stick with it and under no circumstances should any of the vehicles parked elsewhere in town then be brought back onto that property so this is the list of nine you have to provide it to the planning department by October 31st of this year the other thing is I would like to have um when there is a zoning enforcement officer on um I would like the zoning enforcement officer to be allowed on the property to see that all nonusable um Vehicles because you did have some that didn't have plates you had some that were kind of being cannibalized that they're either in a storage area and out of sight or removed from the property so yes car the regulation on that real quick okay so in residential in districts where residential use are allow which includes this one this one's in the residential district it says you can't keep more than one unregistered or inoperable vehicle so they only can keep one of those vehicles that isn't registered anyways okay have to get rid of all the other ones so that's trying to find the exact statute but there were some part there were some vehicles that you said were you were cannibalizing them for parts so the parts you can just move into the storage units and you know that's fine instead of just hanging around on on the property I mean that's you know you're okay to do that but so and that's under chapter 450 section 3.3 of the to code um that's where I'm pulling this exact regulation from um but yeah if it's a full vehicle it's still works but it's not registered or even if it's a full vehicle put together that's not operable you're only allowed to have up to one on the property just because you're in a residential district that's for everybody residential district yes and Pete I thought you did a really good job on the 200 square feet can you make a condition condition is on that yeah um well they're they're allowed to have outside storage on 200 square feet so 10 x 20 uh they have bricks blocks and some other there there's pallet stacked things like that and I suggested to them they find a spot on their property where they can put it and they said that they want to get a storage container to put it inside of which if that's correct if that's allowable then that's beautiful that's better than outside stor yeah yeah work work to get it done but and that's in the building that way and then just a general cleanup like you had an old basketball rim lying there just you know get rid of it it doesn't need to be there it's just not good what other things did we want to address that all right so so let me just say one thing I was wrong it's a sewer easement that's back there they're going to have to have DPW over there when you go to plant the the double roll arbores it's around it it's on the other side oh you know where it is yeah okay we planted arbes around it okay because that was from that was from Felix yeah just concerned about it the back okay Mr chair yes um do you mind if we go through the lists that I includeds in the project report there's a bunch from perit I think we should reval yep and then a few other ones I that consider it's all highlighted first section there is kind of from that original permit um and those are the ones that um applicable the operation today but we will amend it so not to exceed nine trade vehicles because that's on your list nine okay and it says here that your there applicant Vehicles appear to encroach on the side and rear yard setback so are you familiar with the concept of side and rear yard setbacks Mr I'll make sure that they understand okay okay and you are Mark Tanner from bacon Wilson all right thank you okay so it says you can't have there are rear setbacks and side setbacks from the property lines and so you can't park a vehicle right on the property line they have to be off of the property line so many feet okay okay so trade vehicles side setbacks rear setbacks am I missing something else um so if you go to the um think it's page five of the appliation the Highlight in this condition that were recommended to previous permit and then new conditions to include I should give you mine Mr I got it so I think we should go through that list and decide if we want to keep certain conditions um or if you want to get rid of certain conditions I feel like that'd be the wisest choice to consider all right then do we need to read these into the record uh I would yeah all right first condition from the previous special permit the special permit shall run with the owner and not with the land the special permit is non-transferable the use is only allowed by the owner of the property and the business at all times the owner must live at the premises under the special permit the special permit will expire upon the termination of the existing operation as approved and permitted for upon the sale of the property just outside storage of materials and equipment shall not exceed 6% of the lot size excluding Wetland resource areas outside storage shall always be garaged or properly screened from sight of ab budding properties and ways to the rear of the principal building as specifically approved as follows garage structures measuring 332 ft uh by 26 ft 22t time 62.6 ft and 14 ft by 24 ft outside storage measuring 10 ft x 20 ft no fabrication manufacturing retail or wholesale sales shall take place at the site no signage will be erected at the site any employees that come to the site to pick up vehicles must Park their vehicles in the same location as the vehicles they are picking up no employee Vehicles shall be parked in the driveway or on the street all employee vehicles must be out of sight the number of employee Vehicles is limited to the number of trade Vehicles permitted on the site all work is to be performed offsite with two trips daily between the hours of 7: a.m. 7 AM to 8:00 pm Monday through Saturday allowing pickup and return of trade vehicles no vehicles will be picked up or left off on Sunday with the exception of emergencies or weather responses involving the Health and Welfare of the Town residents the town shall not be altered the site shall not be altered or used accept in conformance with the terms and conditions of the special permit so before I go further do we want to do I have a motion to reaffirm those conditions so moved I have a second second any discussion hearing none all in favor say I I I okay um the uh director of planning is is recommending the following conditions the applicant shall adhere to the noise regulations enumerated in Ean metal General bylaws okay vehicles with backup signal alarm shall be placed so as not to activate during the early morning or late night hours in the case of emergency or weather responses a landscape buffer with vegetative screening shall be kept at all times to Shield the garages and outside storage areas from abing properties no more than 20% of the existing principal structure shall be used in connection to the homebased business people want to adopt those yes I make the motion too okay motion made motion made in second any discussion on those hearing none all in favor say I I and then on the conditions of um already forgotten the vehicle list the vehicle list to be submitted no more than nine vehicles to be submitted to the planning director by end of business on October 31st which I believe is a Wednesday Thursday Thursday Thursday okay um do I have a mo I made the motion anyone want to second that second any further discussion hearing none all in favor of that condition say I I okay uh the Double um ARB requirement along the back of the property and to the rear of the properties of lard where applicable and the side between the church because that is supposed to be screened from the side of the church the dirt piles and so forth okay they've got a plenty a lot of tall AR provides I think that Ro that they have should be reinforced with some taller Abes any discussion yeah ra okay can we um make a motion to combine that with the condition we approved regarding the landscape buffer sure yes yeah okay as amended motion made a second second any further discussion all in favor of that condition say I I okay um did I miss anything else board members I can we say something I mean I know you said something about the cleanup but can we make that a condition are we allowed to do that a condition for screening yeah yeah other word no not for screening not for screening General condition of the property the funk loader in the back it's not registered the the uh chassis of one that's sitting there so you can make a condition as long as it's is to help them make one of the findings of the specifi criteria from our bylaw and one of the specific findings that this could apply to is appropriate screening by walls fences nuisances such as noise safety concerns General appearance um exterior features or appearance not be to the S neighborhood so kind of works to alleviate those and help them meet those criteria then you can include that as a condition talking about General appearance it look like there was an old air compressor parked in between a bunch of stuff that was growing up to get rid of that thing and the other stuff and clean that up that would be it would be really nice you know we talk about all the little saplings going up around that I think it's a compressor right if if you're going to get rid of that clean that up that would help appearance dramatically give you space to use too y yeah mentioning let me just okay thanks ready so essentially I mean the town bage just require the property owner to maintain it in a manner so it doesn't look like a junkyard and essentially that you had Ed Parts hanging around it to me that's kind of a junkyard an interpretation of a junkyard General cleanup of the property if you're going to do the 200 square feet storage all the stuff along the driveway you know the bricks that were there and you know all that that's all gota be put into that 200 foot unit or and that 200 foot area so there was Mr hundson and I believe you raised the issue of a storage unit do you want to have a condition on that allow that is it is it something we can allow I'm not certain so so as of this moment as of this moment in time that is something we can allow okay so if they said they were going to get a a storage container and put all that stuff in there that solves a lot of problems it neatens things up up dramatically and it's you know it'll be in your how big are those things they're about 10 x 20 aren't they you get them any size you want okay yeah load it up yeah um if you're make that condition I suggest saying that it's treated as an accessory structure that's should byby setbacks for accessory structures just so they place it in the correct location so we then let's make a condition that we that this board will approve a the location of a storage unit to um house materials for the use of the business but it needs to adhere to proper setback requirements of the town and and the idea is you get as much out of the open and in a unit that's great we have to keep in mind the 6% total coverage still yeah so Frankie just asked if he could put two of them this all depends of how big it is and square footage of it you have toay you're only allowed 6% of your total square footage So within the proper right stor do I have a motion for that some move and a second second any discussion hearing none all in favor I any other conditions there's there's still the this this may not be right for this time but there's still uh equipment parked over um what is it it's behind your daughter son's house I don't know which ones live over there but there's all that equipment that be seen from um is it what what's the name of the road Brussel is on the little dirt road Wedgewood so that that equipment I don't know if it's yours who owns it but if it if it's yours where's that going to go because it's not supposed to be where it is Mr punderson can I actually ask a question so you know the the hearing was advertised just for this specific property so if we were to question about different properties near it's that's an Enforcement issue yeah that's that's an Enforcement issue that would have to another public hearing at later time I agree I just kind of bringing it out so on the issue of the granting of the special permit for their request for an amendment with all of our amended conditions do I have a motion to approve so moved do I have a second second any further discussion so you you want to approve you want to approve changing of the special permit before we've been shown that things are brought into Conformity good question I would say no not prudent okay you can um require another site visit as a condition you could say within six months another site visit or something like that um just to make sure that they are in compliance I think they'd like to get the equipment straighten out before six months so yeah yeah but it's up to you to decide what that threshold is but you can absolutely require another site visit if you want to especially since we're without a building inspector at the moment well I think that maybe we should have a discussion with the relle is how long will take them to do all this stuff and then you know don't put them in a box they can't in an envelope they can't fulfill you know what I mean we can absolutely do that there's a question for you Frankie do you think it will take you to get what we've asked done working and stuff it's the time get work so because what we'll do is we'll come back and see that everything's conformed and then we will move on with your request December 17th meeting last one in our time frame I don't some kind six months okay or depends on the weather yeah I mean it's it's it's your we're trying to clean it up so I mean so what in six months if we come back and everything is done we're all good you want to wait that long I got before I'm trying to do it before but if things come up we you know so um you know if you were to approve the permit today and make them wait these conditions that we just approved that are new wouldn't be in effect at all right so I recommend make a condition for site visit in a certain amount of time and then you know that could be the contingency you'd have to revoke any special permit they don't listen well he said six months would satisfy itself so up to fine with that I don't know what everybody else thinks but that I would recommend condition so and not to prolong this but there are things that they can do now plan thing well I wasn't even thinking of the plan thing I was thinking of getting the trailer in there taking care of the outside storage removing all the junk that on the property I mean all of that that's what he was saying he's trying to sell some but it's going to take time to do that to me I just have a junkie Comm in there and pick it all up cut the trees down six months puts us at April yeah could you do the plantings in the spring and then everything else before then go back in December if the weather's okay so you want to give them six months to conform to the new conditions and then we do a site visit let me just ask if I can a general basic question I mean how much Landscaping work are you doing between now and December 1 okay nobody does I mean but otherwise what would what what would you normally go to December 1st depends on the weather depends on if it starts snowing yeah and I'm talking Landscaping not plowing let skip end of November end of November yes okay depends you know one week in December yeah okay all right with that I think that'd be okay six months that brings it to April brings it to the work time Mak can work get things going because the ground's going to be frozen in a while maybe that's frozen maybe the tree now you know you know whatever ask me we'll plant the trees before the winner time to do it right now I mean okay now we will have time get everything cleaned up rain I can't go that back so get the trees planted see if you can get the container months but cushion period just okay sure okay well six months six months okay so six mon someone want to make a motion so six months for them to have the work completed or six months for us to do a site visit both yeah yeah so we want to add that to the as a as a condition well it is a condition no we have to add it I know but it is amend we have to add it so amend the motion to add six months okay do I have a second second second in favor of that Mo favor of that motion all in favor say I I okay then the General motion's on the floor right the general motion is on the floor there's a motion been made on the general motion has it been seconded yes yes okay all in any discussion and what's this now the the general whole package all of it you still want to delay that if you delay it they're not going to be able to do any work right because they don't know if we're going to approve it or not right okay but this doesn't consider approving their their request for change afterwards correct confused we said we have six months for them to get it conforming don't then they're in violation of the special permit right and we can hold a hearing on their being in violation of the special permit but they're asking for changes and are we going to say okay the changes are okay right now the changes they've asked for have been for changing the list of equipment of vehicles that's all they ask for that was that's what here yeah but there's extras we put in we put in the extras no but there's extra vehicles that are on that list and they have to submit it yeah one more vehicle by 31st by the 31st okay so all in favor say I I I anyone opposed he none thank you thank you so can I just please please please you have two neighbors here would you please take the time and talk to them and meet with them you may not come to a happy conclusion but the fact that you're going to meet and you're going to talk about it would be wonderful thank you that new position talking about with the zoning person or whatever not a new position position it's just has it's a new hire be find somebody I was told by an email last week that yes it will be filled but they just have to find someone okay apparently in Massachusetts building inspectors are difficult to find good on thank you thank you thank you thank you ex next item Mr clerk case sp-202 d09 request for amendment of special permit sp-202 01 at 621 North Main Street parcel ID 1 A- 5485 business Zing District to allow for outdoor dining and change of restaurant tenant from Toritos Mexican restaurant to thank you Mexican restaurant applicant Barrera Inc Locus Street fouth mask 02540 welcome back thank you very much good to be back um you just uh for the TV let people know who you are my name is Jeff I'm an attorney um my practice is in Falmouth Massachusetts um I'm here uh this evening to underline the importance of this special permit to my clients um and uh I'm with uh our manager Lewis paleo and his s of cousin well you are a translator but also related and works at the restur okay um uh one of the other owners was intending to be here but uh had a medical emergency so he's not able to come this evening um this this uh West this evening is is really quite a limited request um this property has gone through countless special permits um the last time I was here uh with you was in 2021 and that was um uh to request a special permit for the use as a Mexican family restaurant which you granted unanimously I think Mr Denver and Mr punderson were the only two people at that time on the board so uh this may be a new A New U issue for the members of the of the uh board um so the applicant is Barrera and Inc and they're doing business uh now as matalon Mexican Grill and bar and they're seeking specifically uh permission from the board for the use of two outdoor decks which are in existence and have been in existence for quite some years to be used for the service of food and alcoholic beverage at eight Separate Tables of or maximum of 32 people um if the outdoor decks are they would be a seasonal use they're out outside um uh they have umbrellas on these tables um and the use we anticipate being between April and October uh uh an equal number of seats would be not used in the banquet area of this building um so if we have 32 people sitting on the decks we have 32 people less sitting in the banquet area now we may have one banquet a month to you give you some sense of the use of that space um and it's more likely that it's used in the colder months not when it's very nice out because the banquet area has no windows so it's not as pleasant um so we think it would work very well as a matter of fact it has worked very well through the pandemic um we haven't maxed out on our parking uh so um I think you know it's one of those situations where it's almost I think ideal from a planning board point of view because the use has happened you know it's been in use for a couple of years as requesting that you actually now allow by special permit we know of no problems with the use uh we don't believe anything has been reported uh certainly nothing that I'm aware of or nothing that my clients are aware of this is a family restaurant um you know in the past it was a nightclub and there was lots of stuff going on there which we've tried to um overcome on some level you know uh uh in the eyes of of of the Town um and uh I think I think think we've been successful at that so the only change that we would anticipate in the exterior of this building is a a row of plantings facing grandby Street screen the decks from gramby Street which is partially residential partially business and and and the like um and uh so that you know we would anti anticipate it's on our plan we'd anticipate that it would be a condition um and we don't we don't anticipate any other changes to the exterior uh the town has asked for one of the uh uh drainage structures to have a cap on it no problem with that uh we are happy to do that um so um that's essentially what we're requesting um I'm you know very happy to try to answer any of your questions we're not increasing the parking um uh parking uh is is kind of maxed out on the site um and uh I think you're your your planner is aware of that um and we've given you all the calculations the parking calculations on the site plan prepared by our uh architect engineer um ours of operation we don't not changing them um they're Sunday through Thursday from 11: in the morning to 10: in the evening and Friday and Saturday night where things tend to be busier it's 11: in the morning to 12 mid night now if I could go over the uh specifics under the bylaw quickly with you um uh they've been outlined rather expertly by your town planner and I'm going to mention to you what he's mentioned but then I'm going to add in in several cases my own comments the the first item is uh the specific site must be an appropriate location for the use structure or condition and uh Rob says the site is located on a busy commercial Corridor with other business uses surrounding it the site is an appropriate location for the intended restaurant use I would just add to that it has a long history of use as a restaurant um the site including the Dex uh have been used for dining um and the service of alcoholic beverage during the covid pandemic crucial to the um survivability of the restaurant second the second finding is that the use as developed will not adversely affect the neighborhood um the planner says the outdoor dining does not appear to be more detrimental to the neighborhood again we've had a chance to kick the tires here there's been that use um uh we don't believe it will generate noise at 11 at a level that will disturb the neighborhood which was large subject matter of the prior hearing uh the the decks were used during covid without incident third U finding would be that there's no nuisance such as noise um Etc safety hazards created um your planner says that the board should discuss this with us we're prepared to discuss it the outdoor decks have been used in the past prior to covid permitted by this board um for smoking under a special per issued 2008 18 and since the pandemic it has been used for dining and uh the service of alcoholic beverage uh the request is to continue this pandemic level use um there is a staircase that was added um by our clients um for emergency egress from from these decks the next uh area of findings would be the adequacy and the appropriate facilities uh to be provided for the proper operation of of the proposed use uh there appears to be inadequate and appropriate facilities on the site for the operation of the restaurant with outdoor dining that's from your planner and I agree wholeheartedly it it's and been in fact used in that way next uh area of findings are appropriate screening by walls fences plantings or other devices shall be provided for parking areas so along Granby Street and along and along the rear of the parking lot there appears to be no screening there is a partial fence that blocks the view from an abing office building slightly the board should discuss this with the applicant that's uh Rob's um statement to the board um and I I I guess I would reiterate that we are showing our plan a row of arbites planted uh next to the deck facing uh gramby Street exterior features or appearances will not be detrimental to the surrounding neighborhood um the planner says the outdoor dining will be located on an existing back uh he says porch it we consider it deck it appears that the exterior feature and any proposed signage would not be detrimental to the surrounding neighbor neighborhood um I would just add again that there's a set of stairs uh from the decks to the parking area um they have been in existence the the decks have been in existence for a number of years and have been used for smoking since 2018 by a special permit the next condition or next finding would be number and design of access drives and traffic features shall be adequate for intended use um and uh the planner finds that there are three points of Ingress and egress and uh two are located on Granby Street one in the on North Main and there's uh uh no residential driveways located between the business parking lot Long gry Street and North Main Street so we don't contemplate any changes uh to the parking areas or the in erass and uh uh Ingress uh to this site um it has historically been paved essentially to the lot lines as far as I can tell uh next finding is is the use in harmony with the general purpose and intent of the zoning bylaws planner says it appears to be appropriate in location in harmony with your zoning bylaw uh and I would just add several special permits one variance has been granted to the site by the town of East Long Meadow over several decades uh the use of the site as a restaurant banquet facility has been well established as being consistent with your zoning bws and in fact uh the decks have been used during covid without incident the last a finding relates to local licenses state and local licenses and um you should know that uh we applied for a name change and that was approved on October 8th by the Town Council uh we would be going back to the Town Council if you approve uh the use of the decks for food and alcoholic beverage uh to um amend our liquer license and then it would of course go to the abcc after that for approval or not um so we're we understand that process and we're prepared to do it but it would be premature to have done it before we came to you so um before I take your questions comments uh I just would respectfully request the planning board Grant this special permit to to allow the applicant to use the premises for food and alcoholic beverages consistent with their use during the covid pandemic uh I know that the board appreciates uh that uh as a result of the pandemic um uh 130,000 restaurants in our country had to close um because of their inability to provide outdoor dining so um in my experience and I represent a number of restaurants um post pandemic you need to be able to serve food outside uh there are people who are still concerned about exposure to covid uh and will not eat inside but you know even those people are willing to eat inside I think uh it's generally much nicer to be outside if the weather is is nice and it's important from a competitive point of view to be able to do that so we'd appreciate a favorable vote this evening on the special permit if possible and I thank you for your time thank you take a motion to open the appearing don't move second any discussion hearing none all in favor say I I public he is open anyone else in the audience wish to be heard on this matter I'll ask again anyone in the audience wish to be heard on this matter or by Zoom hearing none um we can close the public hearing do have a motion to close the public hearing so moved do have a second uh any discussion hearing none all in favor of closing the public hearing say I I so now we take it back to the board um so I question slash isue is um the hours of operation of the outside deck so um I think I would feel really comfortable um well no before I even say that so I did you might have noticed that in our package we normally get something from the police department and I didn't see anything in our package about this special permit I called Rob and said you know have you heard anything because normally if there were noise complaints or issues there we would hear something from the police department and there were no issues at all raised by police department which I think is a really positive pretty good very very positive thing um but I guess the question is I don't know how the board feels about a time limit on service or operation on the deck outside deck what time of the business what what are business hours staggers business hours uh again Sunday through Thursday um 11: in the morning till 10: at night Friday and Saturday closing at midnight with other ones we've approve we've put time I believe we have so I agree to do the same yeah so if you didn't hear so yeah I didn't hear we we've done another outdoor dining since the state's you know program ended and we did put a time restriction on that what was it 10 o'cl I think it was 10 o' it was 10 o' I think that's reasonable yeah so the only two nights I would affect would be Saturday Friday Satur Friday and Saturday Friday Saturday the only question I had is will all serving and preparing be done inside there won't be any preparing or food or drinks outside the the kitchen's inside the the bar inside and food and beverage would be brought out and it'll be a weight staff outside specifically for that yeah to to take care of those tables one person all right Mr chair I ask a questions operation and so just to clarify the hours of operation from Sunday to Thursday are 11 to 10: and then Friday Saturday from 11:00 a.m. to 11: p.m. is that correct the request for was for 11:00 a.m. midnight and the board seems to want to condition it till 10 on the decks on the deck on the deck we're not changing the hours of operation I was I was asking for the business itself so I know okay so so all we're seeking to amend is you know uh for the use of the decks so um and what I'm hearing is that uh the board might be in favor I won't say anything more uh of using the decks up till 10: in the evening exactly yeah seven days a week seven days a week just trying to be consistent with all the things we've done so one more question Mr I me to keep interrupting the okay I need to out here so I can see it so I guess for if you're G to propose a condition for hours of operation I recommend so they don't have one for the business itself on any of the earlier permits that I could find so you should condition both the regular hours of operation for the business itself also include the hour operation for the outdoor dining as one condition so that was my question is wouldn't that be more of a condition on the liquor license that's what I was thinking I think so too yeah but you could you could do it in zoning if you want as well but you don't want to contradict what the liquor license um what's your liquor you but isn't there a condition in our existing permit indoor use no oh not for General hours of operation it doesn't have like a set Prime okay so in the so it may be that it's it's part of the liquor license probably yeah okay the outdoor seating was not granted right so there'd be no conditions on it it was just a smoking day no I understand I'm just I'm talking about well I think regardless just regardless we're really here to discuss the outdoor outdoor dining it's outdoor dining till 10 o' so I think we're just gonna focus on the outdoor dining so seven days AEK 11 and 10 yes yeah okay yeah sounds good um any other so why don't we just vote on that condition um move that I move to are we saying that people need to be off the deck by 10 or last at what did we do with the last one I thought it was out of there by 10 by 10 by 10 yeah no no use after 10 yeah add the condition of okay done by 10 everyone gone okay shut the deck down one I I can't do that in a motion I can now I can a motion I get it I get it there we go uh do you have a second second any further discussion uh on this condition all in favor say I okay so we we should put in the conditions the um and you've agreed to you're going to do this the um row of our bites yes okay so on grany Street um we should also add just to reaffirm that the existing office space on the second floor must be used solely in conjunction with the operation of the restaurant the maximum number of patrons allowed on the exterior rear deck for outdoor dining shall not exceed 32 patrons at all times that the appan or property owner shall work with the Department of Public Works to have a survey from the town's cross connection and ector conducted to verify if any backflow devices needed for the sewer system this must be done within six months of the filing of the special permit with the town clerk it's been done Mr okay okay we got it done already the applicant or property owner sh install the hood to the hch phasin located between parking spots 19 and 20 is referenced in the approved parking plans we discuss hours of operation change of ownership of restaurant what did you want to discuss with that Rob so uh I don't know if you so technically the applicant is not the property owner right so I know generally for special permits at least in our town we automatically require a transfer special permit if the ownership changes but in this case just the ownership of the business so I don't know if you want a special condition for where if say the business were to change again would you want to do just another amendment leave it the way it is or if you want to make it more specific to this property terms of the process of going from one business to another if was happen sometime in the future and you could just strike that completely and not worry about that's up to you but I figured it's a good thing to think about just in case Mr chairman could I just address that sure so the name changed and not the owners right okay because because of a a claim by a California restaurant that we were using using their name so we were sort of compelled to do this wasn't necessarily something that we were excited to do obviously we've been branded as Toritos and now all of a sudden we have to change our name so um you know in my presentation to the Town Council about the changes in the liquor license if you approve you know they'll they'll know that the shareholders are essentially the same yeah yeah only thing that changes is the name on the liquor license and and the allowance of the use of the rate right so um the conditions I think we've voted on all of no the ones I just read so is there a motion to approve all those second discussion hearing none all in favor say I I and then on the the permit with itions so moved second second second any further discussion hearing none all in favor say I okay thank you very much well set it's a very good restaurant the food is delicious thank you thank you work very hard next item Mr Clark case ZN d224 d04 for consideration of amendments of subsections 450 d10.3 an article X mounted photo bations metal zoning bylaw continued from 9:17 2021 Mr chairman I'm sorry um okay I was just asked um I'm not sure this Falls in your Province but if it does maybe you can help us we were asked to cover our sign because the sign hadn't been permitted I mean we changed the sign it was yeah a little bit at cart before the horse um and you know have matalon on the sign and I I guess it was the Town Council I don't think it was this board that asked us to cover the sign no we're don't do signs anymore so it's the building department uh believe they're in communication with somebody from your team or designer whoever's making the sign or made the sign uh we are so you guys have an active sign permit right now with us it's not been issued yet that's why the sign so be covered we just need like a picture or rendering of what the design is we have tried several times to get that we haven't had much luck so what a photograph do photograph that clearly shows what the sign says and what it looks like that's totally fine soon as we get that we just uncover it take a cover back and then thank you how's AFA working with the planning board yeah that's pretty good Care thank you all right so Rob you uh you opened so uh make a motion to open the public hearing any second I C any further discussion hearing none all in favor say I I I thanks no problem so um it's all yours Rob thank you so uh the changes that I made since our last hearing are highlighted so if you go to the bottom there so for parking canopy I did some research to see how small they actually make these structures and what I came across was that most of them can cover at least six parking spaces so I figured it made sense to kind of use that and then the square footage of 972 square feet which is six parking spaces worth of surface area um to be the minimum threshold for something to be classified as a parking C be solar structure hence requiring a special permit or sorry site plan review from the planning board in that situation and if you go to the next page the um definition of roof mounted solar say I'm just call it PV short it PV installation so I did increas this definition to make it less confusing with parking canopy so basically what I'm saying here is that a solar PV system that structurally mounted to the roof in parentheses solid roof and not an awning material so they're putting into an actual roof and not some temporary structure of a building which includes residential dwellings commercial buildings and garages roof mounted solar pey installations do not include solar PE installations mounted to parking canopies or similar structures and the reason for this definition was so people didn't use the roof mounted solar excuse to put a parking say like one of those uh what they called carports yeah and just put solar panels on top of that and say it's roof mounted so this is to kind of help good luck with the weight steer away from that I know exactly the weight the weight's a big big issue there so that's the reason for including that language in roof mounted solar uh the next area I believe it it's further back no actually think that was it Mr J there are very minor changes um other issues really arose from what I reviewed um and that's pretty much all I have questions from the board so the motion would be to recomend this recommend approval to the Town Council yep for their consideration yep do I have a motion to so moved I have a second second any further discussion all in favor say I I okay that passes next item you have to close the public hearing Mr chair okay so move second discussion no all in favor thank you you're welcome hungry go to Mex yeah there you go all right M Mr clerk new business s-223 d08 to reconsider the expansion of musicians from 3 to 5 at 5555 North Main Street East Village Tavern original expansion was for six months and expired October 1st 2024 John and Joseph Sullivan 53 55 North Main Street M so this came to us as a result of the town clerk who was reviewing all of the renewals of the liquor licenses and she spotted this thankfully and said you need to act on this before they can come in and do the renewal so again I also talk to Rob um really no uh issues with the police department okay so I'm going to make a motion to open the public hearing so moved SEC do have a second second any discussion uh Mr chair it's actually not public hearing okay great plug me good because Pete Pete doesn't have to hear me say it anymore so hi oh how's every doing good thanks good um anyone have any questions kind of straightforward as I said I haven't heard any complaints at all from anybody have you have you done this have you increased the number of musicians we have not oh we don't have plans to do anything big just small things okay um the Irish sessions are huge for us where going to start doing that a little bit and then acoustic every now and again not not really anything planned it's a smaller space so if you put five people in it be totally honest with you it's it's loud so we try and keep it at a you know and do it between the dinner hours between six and nine so nothing nothing out of the ordinary as anything that we haven't already doing so I guess the motion would to be to make this uh permanent yes I have a motion to to do so tell mov a second second any discussion hearing none all in favor say I I I I'll set thank you so much have a great night I do want to make comment so um I noticed that the special permit that was approved for your business was never filed the registry of deeds so technically you have up to two years after the day of following with the town clerk to do so or else the special has not become effective anymore okay so what I recommend doing is going to the town clerk's office if you don't have the original copies handy get certified copies from her and then take that with you to the registry of deeds to be filed and you'll thank me later for it thank you appreciate it I'll take care of that thank you so much everyone take care good heads up on that Rob yeah Rob um old business okay so I just quick update on the accessory dwelling unit bylaw I started on it I'm sure pretty early on but um I should have something ready for the board's review review um November 19th and uh we will definitely trajectory make that November sorry that February 3rd deadline um issues there from our end and then the next thing is the proposed drone bylaw so I did actually include I think it's the last page in your packet a draft mod bylaw that I put together um and the inspiration for this bylaw actually came from chipe and jolio which both have pretty good bylaws themselves on this so essentially all it's doing is just regulating the use of drones where you can do them um it goes slightly beyond the federal regulations for a men aircraft systems they call them uas just just drone um essentially it limits the types of drones you can use um up to 55 pounds and they must be flown below 400 fee at all times uh it gives you process for how you're supposed to register the Drone um you can't go on other people's property without their permission you're not allowed to fly or use it from moving Vehicles so a drone cannot go over a road that has moving Vehicles that's actually illegal um and you can't fly over a building with inhabitants inside of it unless you get the written permission of property owner first I know that's that's federal law actually um your property goes up too you know it does it does does if you go above 400 feet you're technically in federal airspace which is legal unless you have a clear authorization from the FAA um and then in terms of who is going to operate sorry enforce and issue citations for the specific bylaw it would be the police department and the authority to do so would be for non-criminal citations under master General Law chapter 40 section 21d then underneath of that this is the last page on the bottom page two talks about the uh system of offenses and warning so first offense would be a written warning second fine of $100 250 for the third warning and then the fourth or subsequent offense would be $300 so if it goes above four they get fine $300 every time they spend further um this isn't a zoning bylaw this is a general bylaw it's a general bylaw so because I'm chair of the zoning bylaw Review Committee so this may this may come to to that committee it could through the council through the council yeah so it would have to go to the Council no matter what we can say it's from the planing board then the council can do their own process Council will kick it kick it down us and I'll keep this and use this as the guid exactly I'll be pres yeah Rob there's no there's no uh regulations regarding uh airplanes you mean like the model airplanes there is so actually if you go to the definition unmanned aircraft right yep because some of them are 20 feet long have you ever seen these things I have huge yeah so it's basically included um in the definition there's some model aircraft rotocraft unmanned aircraft um and essentially the regulations apply to all those things okay yeah it's just the specific ones for licensing and registering are just for the drones well they're becoming more and more popular so it's time to regulate them yeah I'm surprised there's not stricter regulations regarding some of the big unmanned aircraft that they fly they' got jet engines on them I know I mean they got Bombay doors if they weigh more than 55 pounds they can't be flown in town right if you pass this ball well then it goes to the FAA yeah let them do like number six no it's important to put that in there oh yeah I think all right they they have model airplanes that won't fit in this room yeah I know oh they're big I've watched a ton of it they probably weigh like few hundred pounds at least so that would still be illegal to fly if you were to pass BW were to be passed and I believe what we can do tonight if you guys like this language is to recommend to the Town Council for their recommendation whoever else needs to do it yeah I think that's the next step looks good now better than that yep yeah do you need a formal vote yeah vote and then I can make a memo and S to them so moved second any discussion hearing none on say I nice job just looking out for my buddy are you all with that um I do have a few things I want to I'll be I'll go through his list quick um so I gave the next four meeting dates to the end of the year we don't have the schedule created yet for next year so get your calendars November 5th is canceled due to the federal state elections as you all know um we do have a potential application for November 19th which is our next meeting about a month from now we're still waiting on the materials and has not been filed yet but it's going going to happen I believe it's for another outdoor dining permit I don't remember the exact I get that apping uh three events are coming up just let you all know we do have a um I'm discussing with the Council of Aging folks tomorrow at no sorry not tomorrow Thursday at 9: I'm be talking about the affordable homes act and excep joance with Folks at the senior center we're doing another Centertown District public engagement event uh believe it's next Monday at 6m they'll be discussing the results of the first meeting back in May which had focus groups and then the last thing is that we are having a um speaker Chuck morone um he wrote a book called The strong towns he's also a podcast host uh he'll be giving a Public Presentation with a Q&A um here at the senior center on November 7 68 PM he's going to talk about the housing crisis and then on the back just up we applied for complete streets project grant for sidewalks and westw a from Melwood all the way down to Maple Street uh I will let you know if they get back to me and if we get approved for and then lastly as I mentioned I'm working on Adu bylaw and should be ready for the board toie that's all I have so Mr Terell as a as the planning board rep to the center square or Center found my neighbors have discovered that I'm on the and uh so I live not far from the corner of North Maine and Maple Shade okay and there is unanimous lynching of anybody Associated who wants to extend a commercial zoning all the way down CVS which I think was under you know was one of the original boundaries that was discussed uh yeah IR rationale was essentially once you hit the um the office building at the corner of uh I think it's Brook yeah yeah Brook yeah and then all then all the way down there until you get to like the auto dealership and stuff like this that's all residential property and they are up in ours they believe that is a very big gap so so I we we've I've spoke on this and everyone has spoke on this and it's so that that's not the intent of this the intent is to generally clean up the mismatch hodge podge of zoning in the town so no one's residential property will become commercial and you won't have a Starbucks next to you and so that needs to get out that really needs to get out and I will I mean again not to sound redundant like we we can't say it enough people Juds are just not hearing it right we've every single meeting have shown what we're trying to do explain what we're trying to do and still people are going you know is this affordable housing like oh my gone um we're trying right but then in no way shape or form is that happening but you know we'll continue to do these things till we do something we can also announce at the thing next Monday so yeah okay word out there motion to adjourn moved second in favor thank you