um so I'd like to call the May 21st 2024 planning board meeting to order um and I need to ask if anyone in the audience is recording other than elcat no one okay I that's next number two okay number two the call uh the role so on Zoom we have Russell Denver then in person we have say your own name ferson Bill fansa Rob trell and myself Cassandra Sher and Rob oh and Rob um our new director Rob W and Rebecca like I'm um okay moving on to the approval of the minutes uh from the May 7th 2024 Open Session minutes motion to approve the May 7th 2024 Open Session minutes um I would actually like to make a motion to amend a minute entertain a motion second first okay sorry go ahead I said so moved okay um so now I would like to make a motion to amend the minutes on the third page under the planning board generated following conditions the first bullet point should instead read place and enforce no parking signs on Susan Street and nordon Street and then the last bullet point should in said say place and enforce no parking signs on both sides of Melwood have would anyone like to we move thank you second um all those in favor by roll I yes yes you already said it yes and I'm an i as well um so now approve the minutes as a whole okay make the motion to approve the minutes as amended second Russ yes I I I I um the new business Mr clerk number four uh Case Case sd- d223 d01 request for consideration of performance bond ass and Covenant for Oak States applicant Thomas albera 32 Eastwood Drive wam M109 five you sure okay um oh he's there I see him I know but he declined let try again Rob wants to do it say anything who's going to do this you doing I don't know what what do you mean to make the motion now somebody coming up right to present be com discussion okay can you hear me hear you J yes H good evening uh for the record Rob LEC from Mar Le Associates sorry was I was on but I wasn't in I guess um so I'm here to answer any questions you may have uh Mr Brea's attorney has prepared I believe the requisite documents um for the security on the subdivision and again I'm here uh to answer any questions but I believe attorney Jim Mera had put that together and I have been working with the administration on that as well um are there any questions from the board got the indication from uh the ppw saying that the Public Works has prepared the bond for calculation for Oakwood Estates with references to the defender subdivision plan dated 36 2024 so I see no problem we're good I have a question so Rebecca is the town okay with this proposal yeah what we're seeing is that there is a requirement to um put up a performance bond and um part of the the performance bond is going to be met by putting uh the properties in the subdivision into a covenant and then um the remaining balance is covered by the uh irrevocable letter of credit so we're meeting all the performance bond standards and requirements through those two uh items thank you okay any other questions anyone like to make a motion I move to approve the performance brond and Covenant for Oak estate second oh um and all those in favor by roll call R uh yeah yes I I I I okay so that measure passes thank you very much appreciate your time number five a Mr clerk yep uh case ZN d224 D2 for the consideration of the amendment of the town of Isam meow zoning bylaws sub section 450-1201 stking the requirement for the planning board to review the interconnection utility notification for solar petitioner town of eon Meadow 60 Center Square uh isan metal Mass 01028 you explain it fa it's under discussion yeah uh so we had brought this before the Town Council and to you once before but as it's a zone change it requires a public hearing uh there was a conflict in the Solar bylaw and for small rooft mounted solar voic um items uh there's no requirement for a notification of the utility um to be presented to the planning board but for ground mounted there was a requirement that before the building commissioner could issue the permit the planning board had to be notified um which is not consistent with the rooftop and in any case the utility has to be notified um in order to get electricity to the item the the solar array anyhow so um it's creating um a redundancy an inconsistency and another sort of layer of bureaucratic red tape where it's really not necessary so we wanted to just clean it up by striking that requirement it's also something we have no idea about exactly it was really just to to provide you with a letter that says the utility has um notified that there's a hookup here the Building Commissioner I think is more than qualified to right say we understand that I agree been submitted um so this is yeah this is a public hearing so I'd like to um open the public hearing anyone has any comments um I make a motion to open to continue the public hearing to Oh wrong one no no I'm going to make a motion to close it since there's no discussion is there any discussion of the board no else I make a motion to close the public hearing Rob second um by roll call Russ no he's not he's still moving he ever say something no I I I I there he is um would anyone like make a motion on this an affirmative motion to recommend is probably in order make a motion to endorse the request to remove excuse me section 450 D 10.22 section one of the zoning bylaw to have it reviewed by Town Council for their consideration second by roll call vote Russ I I I I Ross Russell Denver now he looks Frozen he looks Frozen yeah that's okay it it passed anyways Rob just to be clear because we have a member online they are roll call votes it's not just a unanimous okay thank you next item right uh B case ZN d224 d03 for consideration of the amendment of the town of Islam Meadow zoning map visit Z Parcels 28 A- 1-53 and 28 a-7 A- a and 28 A- 7-50 and 28 A-6 a-b G to do this 28 a-8 d49 and 28 a-9 d47 and 28 A-10 d46 to become industrial Zone Parcels commercial Zone Parcels 28 a-13 d37 28 a-12 d39 and 28 a-11 d41 to become industrial Zone part petitioner Wellington CSA Holdings LLC 11254 Marina Bay Road Wellington Florida 33449 applicant has submitted a request to withdraw this item all that for nothing do we even have to open the public hearing isra open it right you B have to vote to withdraw can I get a motion on this matter I make a motion to Grant the withdrawal for the petition ZN d224 d03 without prejudice and I'll second right all those in favor rest I I I I I passes um I'd like to ask for a motion to take letter D out of order first so moved second all those in favor by roll Russ I I I I I right ready yep Casp d224 d06 request for special permit for at ease energy a mage therap therapist at 2A North Main Street ID 14-12 DF located commercial zoning District district applicant Amy Pearson 46 Cedar Hill Road East met mass 01028 is here do you want to um come up to the table and sign in and then tell us a little about your application hi um I've been licensed uh to do massage for about 14 years now and um looking to open an establishment here in East Long Meadow it's in the regular 280 billing so yeah um your hours uh basically uh Monday through Saturday um seven actually Wednesday's in admin so I won't be really taking clients on Wednesday the other employes no just myself um well it's a public hearing so there any comments from the public at all no hearing none do I have a motion to close the public hearing uh make a motion to close the public hearing all those in favor by roll call Russ I I I public hearing is closed are there any more questions from the board no do I have a motion on this matter ask one question yeah do you guys want to steal any conditions since this special permit hearing is there anything you think no okay we're good place is built for us uh make a motion to approve the request for the special per nope sorry make a motion Tock am I oh my God I make a motion to approve the request for special permit for massage therapy fail at ease energy 280 North Main Street parcel ID 14-12 DF second all right by roll call vote for yes I I I I that matter passes C okay c224 d05 for special permit for Little Caesar's pizza restaurant at 626 North Main Street sessor parcel ID 1-1 1749 located in the business Zone in samberry 107 a Springfield Mass 01104 hello everyone hello uh could you explain a little bit about your application for us and for those audience yes um I've been in Little Caesar's franchisee for about 16 years um we have six locations in Massachusetts and two in Connecticut um this actually I'm sorry this will be our sixth location in Massachusetts and I have two in Connecticut so I'm seeking to open up in the East Long Meadow um and hopefully uh in the future we could probably open up another one as well um Little Caesars has been around for just about uh 55 years now it's a national brand and hopefully um we can open up in your town before we move on any further I would like to disclose that I live on Van Dyk Road and I contacted Rebecca this morning and through her suggestion I contacted the ethics commission and filed the proper paperwork declaring no financial interest in this matter whatsoever so that I can actively participate and vote on this matter thank you um okay are there any questions from the board yes it's a public hearing so yeah so I have a question before we open it to the public so you haven't really given us a lot about what your anticipation operation of the facil of the business is going to be hours of operation number of employees how is it just going to be delivery so I I think we want a lot more from you than just you know the cursory information you gave us sure um so we will be open from 11:00 a.m. to um 10 p.m. uh Monday through Friday uh dep um actually seven days a week depending on the business sometimes we'll stay open till 11: p.m. um we do usually have um anywhere from four to six employees per shift so on schedule we should usually keep about 15 to 20 employees um I do there will be a manager on site I do have a district manager and then I do visits to the stores um as well so um the operation is not a dinin it's strictly delivery and Carry Out only so about uh probably 60% of our business is delivery and the other 40% would be carry out um our trans trans times is probably about uh 3 minutes 3 to 5 minutes cuz we're hot and ready so that means that the customer comes in um orders the pizzas that are on the menu um and if it's a specialty pizza it's about a 5 to S minute waight if it's hot and ready then it's like 30 seconds so we average about three and a half minutes and and how often are there deliveries to the site and where will the deliveries take place so I'm sorry to the it so where will the deliveries to your store you know your product deliver yeah yes so we will get it once a week and it would be delivered into the back um Pepsi we usually get them once every two weeks and um I always request them to bring it through the back however Pepsi is a very small vendor we get probably 25 cases a week so um hopefully they will listen and bring it into the back and where do you anticipate your employees parking while they're on shift um so the parking lot is big enough we only probably have two to three employees that will probably drive there uh most of our people our crew is like teenagers and college students so they'll either be dropped off by their parents and so on but our managers will have cars so usually there'll be two to three cars um occupying the parking lot for us um the rest again are all teenagers and stuff that usually are dropped off by their parents thank you where exactly in the pride Plaza is this store going to be located right next to JB's Ice Cream right next door actually it used to be the old computer uh PC uh repair shop all right have you done anything as far as the impact that this will have on the traffic in this area which is already heavily congested so due to to the um nature of our business it's not dying in so there I don't see any kind of um traffic other than the door Dash coming up picking up their orders and leaving we probably do 40 to 50 uh online orders a day and we do probably about maybe 20 20 to 25 uh pickups so it's about 100 customers per per day throughout that time period so your biggest um amount of customers come in usually from the hours of uh 4 to 9 which is five hours um and that's where the majority of the you know rush hour and everything comes in so I it's not a big like rush you know with the customers coming in it's spread out four or five hours um and you probably get you know eight nine 10 orders per hour so you don't feel that there'll be an impact on an already congested area is that what you're saying so if it was a din I'd probably say so but because it's many different ways that customers will pick up their orders through door Dash Uber Eats U GrubHub uh customers themselves just coming in dashing in dashing out so yes I I don't feel it would be um an issue but it still impacts the traffic I'm sorry you're talking about a very heavily congested area and you're not addressing the impact that it will have on the traffic they exit by Pride do not stop okay come up Van djk Road there are little kids living on this street okay and you're not addressing any of these issues all you're saying is your door Dashers or whoever are going to scoot in and Scoot out that is going to have an impact on the traffic because they're in a hurry to deliver your product as fresh and hot as possible am I correct yes okay I think there should be something done to address the traffic issues because it will have an impact I I I I agree with your concern I just um I'm trying to categorize it as um the same as like JB's Ice Cream I'm not sure how big of a traffic they would be uh but when we went there and we seen it I looked at uh many different in and outs um so they would you're talking about the pride off of the side I'm not from the area you know for like exactly from the area there's there's access off of Van djk there's access off of North Maine and there's access off of what's the Thompson but they don't use Thompson they use van djk and that's heavily congested yeah now the other problem is you said you're going to get your deliveries once a week from Pepsi let's say or every other week yes now there is very little delivery area in this Plaza so if Pepsi shows up at nine o'clock on a Friday with their delivery for not only your business but pride and they park in the parking lot and Koke shows up 15 minutes later guess what they're parking in the street you can't there's no access for public Vehicles down the street with a tractor trailer park there there there is access in the rear though right there is access in the rear but they don't use it well then they they should be demanded to use it well I mean there's a whole other host of issues here because the traffic in that area is a nightmare I know it is and I'm concerned about again drivers come door Dash whoever it's gonna be quick that's what's going to be it's gonna be quick but it's still gonna have an impact on the traffic I know but it's gonna be quick and dangerous that's what I'm getting okay fly in fly out fly fly out in an already dangerous area I'm not anti- business but I think the traffic needs to be addressed I really do I'm sorry I've seen too many cars Zing up and down that street and it's getting worse again I think something needs to be done to address the traffic and if we need to bring the pride people in then we bring the pride people in but I don't I'm not sure that I can honestly vote on this tonight because we don't have a lot of information because I think the traffic will definitely be impacted here we have some issues also yeah yeah there are other issues read them or you on me too I read them this this is a uh communication from the DPW again it says I review the plans and have the following comments does this facility have an automatic dishwasher if so does it contain an internal backflow device I could not find a definitive hand on the interior plants two is does this facility require a grease trap um don't know if it does if we we have had issues with the subdivided commercial building in regards to me ing water the DPW like to gain access to the property to see how the water be metered for this particular unit so we have those we have to find get an answer for first also sure um so what what was the first topic on there the the automatic dishwasher and does it have an internal backflow device okay so we do not have an automatic dishwashers hence there's no dishes to be washed so we just have our utensils we have a three compartment sink so our utensils consists of um like grippers to grab the Pan um th those pans are uh like Teflon so that they they don't get washed if they get washed then they get ruined so what we do is at the end of each night we wipe them down um and then the only other thing that we wash is literally two pans that we use for our bread bread making those are stainless steel so those can be washed there's two of those and then just the hand utensils the Cutters the C boards um our our machines like the stainless steel augers all that stuff that could not even be put in a dishwasher that have to all be hand washed in the three compartment sink so therefore that's why we don't have a a uh manual washer do you require a grease trap have you spoken to the health department yes I have actually I I spoke with Alex and um we presented to her what kind of grease trap we will be installing um under the sink um grease trap um and and so she said that you know that was fine okay number three uh they want to gain access to see how the water's going to be divided up I personally would have to wait for an answer on all three of these before I to even think about recommending this from the Department of Public Works I mean I I appreciate your explanation but I need to hear from it hear about it from the public work to say that they signed off and everything's okay sure but there is access to the uh building we do have a lock box on there so um I can leave it I can leave the number with anybody or anybody I can meet you there there's access to the building you got to meet the D DPW and then they have to give us a letter saying everything was met all the orders were met and then we would vote on them sure thanks did you um did you receive a copy of this via email these questions and concerns that from the health department department and the water and sewer administrator did you receive a copy of that did you receive an email yeah was it the last yes the last three questions yes yeah okay just checking to make sure that you received it yes any other questions from the board say I I'm I I just counting the parking spots here right so um take the traffic out of the equation right which we've we've already discussed I think I'm counting 40 spots up front right so there's potential for eight businesses maybe I'm miscounting because I think Pride expanded but um you know I'm fam I think there's one A Little Caesars on on Boston Road as well and that's a much different layout right so we and I don't know if that's yours or not but either way you know you're budding a gas station which uh literally has people driving in and out all day long right that's the whole purpose of the gas station um which is not a dead other location um there's a hair salon there's an ice cream place which are somewhat benign but there's cars that will be parked there throughout the day at various times you also have the Redstone place next door that does drift over into this um I'm just struggling to figure out how you know if you have a couple employees door Dashers coming in a delivery person or two uh maybe you're taking up 10 or 12 of those spots at any given time uh that doesn't leave a lot of room for anything else right it just adds a tremendous amount of congestion so I'll Echo that I'm not I'm not anti- business as well I just don't I can't see logically how a second hight trffic business of in and out on a regular basis next to a gas station is gonna function smoothly right it's gonna just the parking lot itself is a concern for me forget van djk forget Thompson forget Main Street that parking lot seems like a hazard in itself um I don't know how to fix it I don't know if Little Caesars can help or the people own the property but maybe Pride you can work with them something in that parking lot has to be fixed again before I think I can also equally too address to address your comment Rob right now people they go to Pride park in front of the building which is a fire lane right there's clearly marked no parking and they just park right in front of the building so people pulling in and out of trying to get gas have a difficulty pulling out so the parking lot to your point Rob the parking lot is too small right now and we're going to add more into it that's why I said I don't know if we need to bring pride in here to discuss these these issues or or what you know you know if you have a coffee shop for example right you have maybe a few people at any given time in there five six reasonable it's not high traffic there's not deliveries going in and out um and then right that brings us to the other piece of where the deliveries the actual product would go that has a whole another uh piece of this I think the parking lot is the issue for me personally so say that's my feedback to you is when you come back is having some thoughts around the actual parking lot and if if this is even feasible in this specific location I just think if if you've come and if you visit if you take a look at it you're here we all know this area very well um it's it's a small spot to high traffic theoretically high traffic business being a gas station and a In-N-Out non-s sitdown pizza delivery place right and the ice cream place is widely popular the summer so another whole piece to this ler um if if you just give me one second um so the one on Boston Road that you're referring to um that's been closed down for like 5 years it didn't do too well there um but I do own the one in chape and you guys are more than welcome to go there there's literally like 12 spots in the whole Plaza there um there's a dentist there's a mobile home park um and then me so if you were to see you know what what we occupy versus what like the dentist and that's a very high uh traffic area as well it's off of Memorial Drive and um you got people like flying up and down but anyway nevertheless um if if I'm doing about 125 to 15 20 30 and if you divided that I'm probably getting maybe 12 to 15 let's say 20 you know customers per hour so again they're they're not coming in there and spending uh you know a bunch of time um so when you say that I might occupy 12 Vehicles I'm sorry how did you come up with that number well interject a little I also own a food service business here in town and I deal with door Dash drivers and I see about 100 120 customer a day and I can tell you right now I don't see 10 customers an hour I know when I have my high points like you pointed out earlier you're four to n o'clock so take away the 10 people an hour you're talking like what 15 20 an hour between 4 and nine and that's also rush hour traffic instead evenly spaced yeah that's my you get you'll get like three four every know 15 minutes or so maybe five but they're not spaced on a schedule it's faradic yeah sure I agree with that um so yeah I mean there's there's not they're not scheduled um and what I'm trying to emphasize is that it's not the restaurant type that you're going to get you know 15 20 cars in there at one time and then they're all going to try to leave because it's an event going on yes I I do agree and I see the concern um and and you know Little Caesar came out and we we we Tred to do our due diligence together and even with the owner of the the plaza um we we all kind of sat there and we brainstormed and we thought about this issue and we all didn't see a problem because it's not it's not like a a McDonald's drive through or we're not doing $3 million a year in business so um although I I I really know what you guys are are trying to say we want to keep the community safe and the last thing that I want is accidents to happen right in front of my store um and then that would cause even more problems so I I wouldn't want to be into this business and then find out later on that it's causing more headaches for me and the city that it was even worth opening to begin with so with the due diligence that was done between three reputable people we kind of figured that it was feasible um I just still stuck on trying to figure out how you're coming up with I'm going to occupy 12 spaces um in the plaza I just don't get so say so here's my thought right so I'll paint you a picture Echo Cat that's exactly where I was going to go with this is uh it's Saturday night uh so it's you know a couple days from now it's Saturday night it's 6:30 at night and you've got 1215 orders coming in it's dinner time it's Saturday night the Redstone place across the way from y our side of Thompson Street is full it's busy right then you've got um people coming in for ice cream maybe coming in early with kids uh the pride station's busy because people are getting out they're coming home from work their people stopping for their whatever ever so now all of a sudden it's busy door Dashers are there your delivery people are there you've got employees there because that's a prime time for you the pride station is full people are dripping over from the restaurant there people are stopping in for ice cream people are still getting their haircuts at their uh I think there's still a haircut place there uh that's your peak time so again spread across the day I don't see an issue with that the the thing that's scaring I think all of us is it's 7 6:30 7 o'clock on a Saturday night in this area that whole Plaza is completely Capac Thursday Friday and Saturday had a the opposite of what you do not an In-N-Out restaurant where people are going in and sitting down I actually think that would be a better design here because people would be going in parking they'd be staying in there for a while it's not in andout In and Out In and Out various people and people that aren't even patrons they're just picking up stuff and running and they don't care anything about Little Caesars they care about making their door Dash money right so it adds a whole another component to this fast delivery in this Plaza with so much other other stuff going on I mentioned the one on Boston Road because there wasn't really much else there right it was it was granted they didn't do well I'm just using an example it was in a hi traffic area it was a fast High Main Highway this is not that this a very different spot right um and even what you just mentioned in chicke you have a dentist office it's you and one other that's very different than this you have a gas station that gas station is a main main concern for this that is a very very busy gas station everybody's coming across that line either coming home or going to spr spr field it's a heavily traveled area that's my concern in here is I just don't see the parking lot working and for all of the reasons that we're concerned add that to the In-N-Out traffic that's a whole second concern as well too so I Sam I again I'm not anti- bus I've just got so many concerns about how this thing lays out on 6:30 on a Saturday night right that's where I'm seeing and again I'll state I'm not anti- business but there are issues that need to be addressed before I think we can move forward and I'm only speaking as one member and you're really talking about the fastest track there is door Dash and those guys in and out Bo in my neighborhood too right I see I agree I agree with everyone on here and I respect everybody's decisions however what I mean what what what's asked of me is to try to um try to foresee the future I I I'm telling you as much as I can about the business and to me it everybody wants a human business everybody wants a business that's you know going to produce money but at the end of the day if it's not going to make sense and cause the Ruckus it's not going to make sense for me either so not just that I'm trying to get a business in here sure I mean if this doesn't uh seem feasible or doesn't work out I mean yeah it just doesn't work out however I'm just trying to see okay well if there's three three ways in and out of this place on the side and the main and on the side of Pride over there and then again if we're getting on a Saturday afternoon or a Friday by the way Thursdays are not that busy for us so you you guys are right about the Friday and Saturday um between the hours of probably uh main the main reason is probably I want to say between 6 and 8 that's where our rush hours are um I can present to you guys ticket counts I can I mean whatever it takes to to to do our new diligence a little bit better I can but I need a direction of what I need to present to you guys in order for us to all be on the same page here um and we're basing it off of a one or two day business I agree those those are the days that we need to resolve so don't you think that maybe if a d Dasher or a customer scen that there's too much congestion over here logically they would want to go the opposite way so they wouldn't cause an accident nobody wants to get into an accident Sam I I'd say for just I will stop after this but I say I I think of a creative idea for you maybe to reach out to Pride which is local there are people in our community to work for Pride have a conversation with them uh and say look I'm this is a high traffic the planning board had concerns about the traffic coming in and out in addition to the gas stations ask Pride when their busiest times are and what they see for volumes so at you know your busiest times five to eight or six seven whatever it is say what are you guys also seeing for traffic coming through your gas stations at this location at that time they say we see 150 people an hour then you can imagine on top of yours we're talking two 300 people coming through that Plaza maybe it's not maybe we're making it a bigger deal but I I think you're going to be shocked at what goes through that Pride station just in itself right and then you can add that to your chicke location or any of your other ones and say at this peak hour that we just talked about Friday Saturday nights here's what we see at all of our locations and we can take an average to that and say look we see 50 people an hour at this point that's one person a minute or whatever it is and then we can have a better feel for what traffic will be going in out of here it maybe a fun experiment he said give ticket her ticket counts yeah are we counting I'm sorry are we are we counting so the pride again yeah they're coming in fueling and leaving but they're not using any of the parking spots so how are we gonna oh they they do yes they are they Park illegally in front because the parking lot is full and even and even to add to that even if they're just coming for gas and leaving that's still another car going through that lot right that's still a you a body or vehicle that we they fueled up they went in the store they didn't it doesn't really matter if a car goes through there and they have a sale and transaction that would count as one how many transactions do they have in the peak times how many people do you have in the peak times and maybe that's 500 people and that's just unmanageable in this lot right why do why does he give us a ticket count and it'll show exactly what he does on every day yes he can't give us a ticket count in that location because it's not open right it's not going to be the same not going to be the same because the demographics are different Graphics are different yeah but if we can get an average if we can get an average of let's say five of your busiest locations then that might clear help us out a bit but I I think there's a common theme here that between the parking and the traffic there are some concerns because we are going to be adding to what is already a heavily congested area so I guess we're we're looking for some help from you Sam and from the owners of the property to see how you can be creative to resolve the issues that have been presented to you this evening sir um go ahead so uh Sam and members of the board so I did take down some pretty good notes from what was discussed in terms of everybody's like concerns so maybe after the meeting I could reach out to you Sam with a list of these concerns just so you can start that process and come back at the next meeting whenever this is continued to with a really good really good answers to um a lot of the questions that are being proposed tonight okay um okay but this is still a public hearing so is there anyone from the public that would like to make a statement phone number serial number rules yeah it'll do you have to sign in yes please good even my name is Rolando I'm a 23 van Dy I'm directly behind the pride station so I see a lot of the traffic a lot of the people that go through on a daily basis even the ones that don't stop my main concern is you're you're saying you're having deliveries once a week you have down you have deliveries daily which is a problem and a noise factor for me secondly your ventilation system I I at the pride station right now I smell nothing but grease from the morning till the evening so I can't even sit out on my porch That's a Subway there right too yeah not just a Subway chicken place in there now the other third question is they also sell pizza so you're G to have competing businesses at both ends I get nothing but cigarette smoke from people sitting outside next to the fence your people I'm sure when they take breaks they're going to be sitting outside in the back I'm getting secondhand smoke your traffic your uh deliveries till 10 11 o'clock at night that's a noise factor and you're going to be delivering sometimes till 11 11:30 that's a noise Factor so I really have big concerns about the traffic behind your station if you have delivering in the front I have have no problem with it yeah but supposed to go in the back so thank you because of the congestion that just the congestion 4:30 in the morning pride has their people coming through emptying the dumpsters well we should know about that I've complained about it nobody done a damn thing about it can I just interject they tell us to call the police department that's very unfair it's not it's told to take pictures to to call the police department sure that was a condition and we okayed that about the the dumpster Bean we got to look at that because I mean we have the ability to change that let's look into that okay they are extremely loud yeah no I know and bang bang go doors and all the stuff and then they and then they're banging it right to empty it I'll go in in my full disclosure here we are C Mr Curtis Mr and Mrs Curtis is next door our neighbors so we hear just about it as much so that's terrible 4:30 in the morning yeah 3:30 whatever yeah and it's sometimes it's three sometimes it's four sometimes it's five but it's like the hell of a way to wake up in morning and it's street so yeah because we would have yeah but the ventilation system really needs to be looked at because are a business cooking things oh God ventilation system needs to be checked out to make sure that it's you know meets code 10 years ago I don't know what they can I share some information about that sir right ahead okay so as far as the dumpster issue I am 100% with you I have no other solution um we we we we would be getting our dumpster dumped once a week um I I don't know any other solution to that whole Plaza everybody has a dumpster back there so I I really don't know that's up to the planning board they can address that to every every other tenant in there and will'll abide by all the rules and to make sure that the community is not at you know I agreee with you 100% um as far as de ventilation we do not have a single thing in our concept that requires frying so we don't even have a ventilation Center like we have a something called a makeup air and because we do baking so that all that does is bring in fresh air from outside and blow out the hot air from the inside so there is no smell of food period because we don't have friers uh we do have a Bui XLT oven that blows um very hot air and Cooks the pizza that way uh versus a flame or a how should I say like a fryer where the grease we have no grease um and that surprises me that they even require Little Caesars to have grease traps maybe it's because and I really don't know the answer to that the the grease trap because we have no grease in our store all them have to have it local yeah and we are we are abiding by it but I'm just letting the gentlemen know that we don't have that smell that's coming out of our ventilation system and then back to the uh the last concern um when you said about the uh uh deliveries maybe you misunderstood so the deliveries would be made in the front the deliveries to the store like our food would be delivered in the back and that's once um once a week and that is during our hours of when people are there so they don't come in the middle of the night it would would be anywhere from 10:00 a.m. uh and then they don't deliver after 5:00 p.m. and I don't think they would want to come in there at 5:00 p.m. so usually in our stores the deliveries are made between like 9:00 a.m. to like 11: a.m. and because there's not so many little Caesar it is scheduled and it's usually within that time frame um they don't come during the day or or you know in the middle of the night although I'm gonna be honest sometimes they do come at 11 o'clock before we close and then you know but that's not two three o'clock in the morning that's a problem we can we we can put conditions on this yeah we have the yeah that's not a problem because Blue Line the company that we get from is owned by Little Caesar so if Little Caesars wants to uh get an area open in this thing I'm sure they would say okay that's fine we'll only do it between these hours and that wouldn't be a problem at all we can take care of that those were my main concerns okay thank you thank you and any other comments I'll let get back to yeah I'm already signed in um just identify yourself please I'm Darlene fansa I'm obviously his wife and neighbor to them Mike I have the exact same concerns that that um Rolando has been expressing you know in regards to you know the the deliveries and everything um at night and everything I and I'm glad you're addressing the fact that you can control that but my major concern is the traffic You by putting this place in and you're adding let's say you know a hundred more customers coming in there per day on on your busiest days okay that is a 100 more cars that are going to be coming in and out of that parking lot doesn't matter which side they come out but if they're doing door Dash I'm going to tell you they're going to do what half the people do coming out of that Pride station they come speeding out they come speeding either up our street they come speeding out and they'll block traffic you can't get down the street um they don't even realize that there's people living on the street because you can't get down the street by them blocking it you can't I mean you can't even go out in the road half the time because they come flying down so much um our daughter was in a had a bad car accident right on the corner there and I'm concerned that there could be more car accidents I myself have almost been in some because of the people speeding out of that lot if there's some way you know I don't care if there what business is in there but again there is the traffic there is the parking there that is a major concern and something has to be done you know if this business is to to go in there something does have to be done to address the traffic coming out of the pride station lot there onto van Dy because that is definitely a hazard and you have people that you know will also go out where the trucks go so if there's if that area if that lane if that driveway there is blocked I've see people come out and come out the other way so you got people coming out of two driveways speeding I you know I'm thinking there's there's a way to to block that off and it wouldn't affect the businesses and see if you can get the people to just to go out onto North Main maybe a couple speed bumps would be good oh seriously very popular now I I don't I don't think we could put them in a parking lot I don't think it would make any access to negras it make you stop I don't even know I don't even know people not gonna get it's a whole different subject you know this is just you know that driveway the way it's designed really causes a hazard on the street and the people coming in and out because there's you know there's more things going on at the pride station you know they they're offering a lot more than what they used to you know years ago so consequently there is more traffic there because they they have food there they have coffee there you know they have they have the subway there um and then plus it's a convenience store for people to go in and and get things so it's it's in and out in and out in and out and people are speeding down that road let's go back 25 years what used to be there it wasn't a pride station what was it think oh you can go back to I'm talking about when when it yes when it when it was uh um The Emporium Emporium all right not nearly as much traffic yeah the whole area is and at that time the gas station was on the other side that's right right you know I think the traffic count is the main problem I agree the traffic that's where we that's right and I think that's question about um the old computer store there does anybody know what their traffic count was because at this point we uh you know we're taking out a business we're adding a business so if we're taking consideration of what you know myund customers what was out of those 100 customers what was the people coming in dropping off their you know their phones or their uh the computers their tablets and coming in and picking up and leaving because you're talking apples and oranges here quite honestly there's no I don't think you can compare the two because it's two it's entirely two different things he couldn't have done very well I to go there and and I mean again bringing it back to Pride I mean Pride would assumably have that traffic count it's their Plaza they own it I pretty sure um on their numbers for you um again deferring back to you I would have a very detailed conversation with them and maybe this isn't this exact spot that would work for you but there is another one in town I mean there's other areas right it's not necessarily this one it's it's the size of this plaz and the location I think we're all kind of coming back to right or question because talking about parking the bicycle and ski shop the people also park in that Pride station yeah they do so they take a lot of the spaces especially in their Peak areas their peak times and now we're going into bike season and bike clubs so you're talking about another hundred slots that have been taken oh yeah yeah there's some work to be done here I think and like I said I'm not anti- bus by any means but we've got to address the concerns well yeah you know you know I just I I have a thought of of you know if there's maybe two driveways on North Main and you block off the side driveways on the side streets to to keep the uh uh traffic from but I understand that the trucks have to have to go through the back there for for their for you know their deliveries so perhaps you could you block access from the parking lot you know with with the Jersey barriers or something like that to keep so that only the delivery trucks go in the back and people can't go scooting out the side driveways that are for the for the trucks and that would eliminate traffic on you know van Dy and on Thompson Street because I'm sure Thompson gets the same thing you know gets gets a a cut through to go into that Plaza and they when when your ring camera doesn't pick up the car that means they're going too fast down your street um okay so I don't think this is going to be V drawn this evening I think we should continue this I think we should continue it so so I will make a motion to continue the public hearing to June 18 2024 six o'clock pm in the Pleasant View senior Senate would that I will second well do you think that he would be able to get the information that we're requesting by that date that's with them yeah so before we vote on it let's ask him if he thinks he can get that by that day mon yes do you think you can get the request information by June 18th yes absolutely okay so was there a second I'm sorry yeah okay so um by what time was it six o'clock six o'clock same time uh I I I I so this motion or this matter has been continue to June 18th at 6 PM did you second that motion by chance I second make sure okay thank you thank you um other visits you have a new planning director yes way welcome aboard yeah hello uh my name is Rob I'm your new plant director um so thanks for inviting me to your first meeting meeting uh GL want so quickly and smoothly but I definitely want to um you know I know you guys are at a time where uh there's some projects coming up in town stuff like that and it's a lot to handle so I'm really here just to try to make your lives a lot easier you know I know you guys come from you know volunteer background for this board like I I'm in the board in South Hy for PL board so I understand how much time it takes to commit to that sort of thing so you know for projects like this I'm hoping I can get more feedback from what the board would like to see different if if anything can help improve your ability to make decisions like you know I can make cheat sheets for you that summarizes all the materials that are submitted like that's why I did my last job and the board members there uh gave me positive feedback so that's an idea I was trying to incorporate and um I look forward to working with all you guys and hope we can you know have a long uh thriving partnership sounds sounds good awesome um so anything else any new business um so is there a motion to adjourn I make a motion to adjourn the May 21st 2024 planning board meeting I'll second um those in favor by roll call just gone so I I iuss is G you guys sign thisen you just approved as your name pass around please and circle it back to thank you