make the smaller okay now we're recording in progress um I think we have to start by um okay um by I think Ben sent out the minutes from the last minute meeting did everybody get those yes okay so we're going to vote to approve the minutes first if everyone is good with that I move to approve the pool building committee meeting minutes from January 25th 2024 thank you Gordon is there any um second thank you Steve all right so I'm gonna just go through who I have listed that's actually here that can vote and then we'll go from there so cor I'll say yes um Bruce that's a yes for me okay um GNA yes for me and Gordon yes and uh Steve yes and Greg yes am I missing anybody else that is a voting member I can only see certain amount of people on here who did I miss mat oh Matthew sorry okay now I you're good you're good you're good I'm a yes too okay great so all right cool so that passes any other questions at this point about that okay um and I cannot find the agenda that was sent out so I'm GNA have to look for that for a second and my email did that come from Gordon I can pull it up here cor maybe I should share okay if I share screen sure that's fine thank you see that can folks see that okay yeah super great thank you um so public parti ation uh do we have anybody here that like participate uh it doesn't appear to be Jamie oh no that's not there uh anybody here from the public that would like to participate no think so Cory Jamie's from uh Fontaine just all right okay so we will move on to the scansa update and I will turn it over to whoever is going to speak first thanks Cora all right cool there we go thanks then I was like I don't know who who was going first I'll take it from here uh Christian if you could so kindly just click on to the next uh slide please yeah so good afternoon everyone I know it's been a little bit of time several months since we've uh last met um but just because we haven't had much exposure with you all doesn't mean that our team hasn't been uh busy um so the design and construction planning has been ongoing um since we've last met um and I we've also uh we just completed um the budget verification process uh the cost estimate reconciliation uh based off of the design development documents um so the design team got those to a point where they were shared with the um the estimating team for both the design team as well as uh Fontaine so they dug through those documents and produced uh independent estimates which we just a couple weeks ago um went through and reviewed line by line um and reconciled the two estimates um so what you're seeing up on the screen now is um where the costs what the approved budget uh what is um so at schematic design if you recall the um construction cost total construction costs was uh estimated to be 13 million $997,500 536 um so Christian if you could just go to the next slide to show where we ended up after our cost estimate reconciliation process so um if you take a look at the the number uh outlined in red there there um that's the overall uh cost of the construction um so that was where our estimates came in at so that is slightly below what the control budget was the approved budget um so that's uh great news um for for this uh Milestone um again looking to bid out you know this project uh have everything bid out by the end of the year um so we're kind of closing in on those dates so the the further along we get in the process and and the more we uh repeat this exercise kind of the more honed in we get so we're we're comfortable and confident that that number is inclusive of everything um the estimate is inclusive of everything for the project um and that the you know appropriate contingencies um and escalation are carried uh for for bid day so um we'll continue to do this uh sort of exercise at at further construction document milestones for 60% for 90% we'll report back to your committee um based on where the uh the costs are are are coming up so but for right now uh very good news on the budget front and um that I'll turn it over to Christian unless there's any questions on uh on the budget no everybody all good okay great I mean yeah it's great it's great news um the reconciliation process was helpful we had a number both from Fontaine and from pmnc and uh yeah just thrilled that it came in right at right at where we wanted it to come at the end of schematic design um on the architecture front uh not too much has Chang but we did want to um just kind of update you all on on a few uh minor things actually so let me yeah so on the on the plan this is uh not representative of the colors that we'll be uh will be used on the project but just a a shaded um version of our um our Revit model our 3D model um we've been looking at floor finishes a little bit um and and interior finishes within our team um some changes just to mention we had uh a portion of walk-off um carpet um through these vestibule doors here um looking into it a little bit more and doing some research it seemed like with this wet environment that was probably not the best approach so now we have removable walk-off mats we have a porcelain ceramic tile um that's here in the lobby and that's carried through this Corridor uh to the north as well as the uh pool office room here um we have a separate separate porcelain uh ceramic tile in the bathrooms um and then over in this gray area this is all uh an epoxy uh floor coating um for those uh locker rooms um and that Corridor into the pool area um around the pool itself uh we have again two different types of uh porcelain ceramic tile um and uh and that pretty much covers the floor finishes um any questions on that no Okay Christian I'm assuming there's some kind of anti-slip or aggregate that's going to be embedded in the tile finish itself um given the the wet area yeah we're looking at that for the porcelain ceramic tile trying to get as much texture as we can Bruce and then certainly there's an aggregate in the um in the epoxy floor over in the locker rooms that that helps with that area okay thank you yep and um going into it yeah we can go into a bit more detail and we have a few kind of Representative thumbnails down here um for the wall finishes we're looking at um a a ground face block which is a a concrete masonry unit a CMU um but with a with a nice ground face on it you can see some of the aggregate um and it's a it's a really nice finish um then we have a a glazed um accent stripe above that that you can see here and then painted CMU above um and the painted CMU is a bit less expensive um you know easy to repaint over time um but we find that that uh ground face block really has a nice finish down kind of at the at the level where people can can touch and feel um we have uh soft gray tiles around the pool and then a a warm red tile um right at the right at the edge of the pool um we have some accent uh columns here as well and some of these are structural on this side um that are you know helping the structure above on this side we have them bumped out and they're actually containing some of our uh ducts uh our return ducks in particular um smma has been working on um daylight studies um and looking at different products there um it looks like for the majority of the windows we'll be able to use um an insulated glass product that has kind of a uh a material that goes between the panes of glass that not only helps with the insulation of that glass but also diffuses the Light really helps cut down on the glare um so we're looking at that compared to a lot of exterior fin elements and doing the best we can to control the daylight but I think that that um that insulated glass product is really going to um work work well in in this environment any other questions on finishes there I do Christian sorry to ask all these questions but is great on the um on the daylight will the um swimming instructor and or PE instructors be able to control that daylight or is it going to be just a fixed amount of daylight coming through those those windows that's a great question Bruce we we've been looking into that a little bit we need to do some more diligence on um we would like to have um automatic shades on the inside um the question is how they Faire in that in that pool environment right about that I think I just lost it um so yeah we're still we're still looking into that uh that question okay thank you yep um little bit on the flooring so here's some examples of that so uh Lobby walls again is that ground face block that you see here kind of in the background um Lobby floors is a porcelain ceramic top um toilet room floors uh a lighter uh tile on the um wall on the floors and um we're looking at a a penny tile on the wet walls so we have a lot of concrete uh masonry units in this uh area of the building which is great for longevity and maintenance um so in the bathrooms the majority of the walls will be that painted CMU or that ground face block but then on the wet walls where we have the sinks or toilets um we will apply a a a tile over that um that should really um kind of you know enliven the space um and then over there on the bottom right is the locker room floors is that uh epoxy floors with a with an anti-slip um in terms of some of the electrical coordination going on in the pool um we have been looking at overhead speaker locations um which are right um on the over right above the the deck portion of the of the building um and then we have a combination of lighting with some wall washes um on that Western Wall um as well as overhead uh asymmetric fixtures again over the deck um but that will uh cast light up and reflect it down over over the pool itself I have a question about the speakers are the speak those speakers just from the pool is it connected to anything that will be like out in the lobby or any place else in the school I don't think that was planned for aora I mean in terms of controlling it they were on remotes and we the um the headend of that was going to be in the pool office okay um but do you mean in terms of like can it tie it like broadcasting the same thing through like if we're having a swim meet and people are sitting out in the hallway right and they're not in the pool area but we're making announcements it would only go into the pool area not anywhere past that I know like when we swim at Agawam they swim at their junior high school yeah and the system that they were using a lot of the families and the teams were in the kind of like adjacent I think it's like a cafeteria type area and they could he and there what was happening so they knew like when to send kids in first swimming and and that kind of stuff yeah that's interesting do you think it should tie into the PA system for the school as a whole um I mean I don't think has to go into the whole school the only area I think we would probably use we we asked about I think there's gonna be like a small gym the gym and the all PE area yeah the gym in the PE area so um because I know like also like if there's going to be PE classes in there and if they have to evacuate or do anything it would have to be tied in I would guess I'm not sure I I just don't know how that would work yep yep great okay we'll look into that for sure great Point yeah don't want to speak for the school department Christian but I'm assuming Gordon you would want the PA system interconnected in some way into that area for lockdown situation security and things like that as well yes makes sense Bruce yep absolutely is you're GNA have PE classes in there and I think and and high school team swimming like they'll be in there too so there will be times when it's going to be overlapped with the high school that would need to know what's what's happening so great these are all the great topics you know we keep thinking of this as a separate building but not really and this is right right in that same line of things my this might be not totally related to this I'm not totally sure like there are banners hanging in the pool area and I know a lot of times like in gymnasiums they have like specific like like divots in the wall to hang stuff from I don't know if that's in the plan for any of the walls in the pool area but I know there are past hopefully future banners that will be hanging um from the high school so I don't know if that was plann into any of the wall specs or anything but it I wouldn't want them to be not hung or displayed great I don't know I don't know how that works in the in the gym and how they're all H hung and everything but I know there are ones hanging currently yeah y okay great yeah just to add on that um in addition to the banners some type of record board like we currently have for current school records is very beneficial also you guys think that's something I think it's time to retire the old one that's there it that's what I was wondering not moving the existing over but for a new a new record board updated version would be nice okay great hey cor typically how many different events do you have for records recordkeeping as far as that so Christian can obviously size something properly yeah so for the high school I'm trying to think because they do different events than we do in wreck but they do uh the 200 medley the 200 free relay the 400 free relay 500 free just I just got to write them all down um and then oh there's diving are there Kevin I think they still have the records for both diving or just one on there do you know I'm not sure I think I took a picture of the West Springfield record board I'm trying to find that on my phone um and the one at minog is really good too when they use a local company so when they get if they get updated or the records get broken they just get like new little like stickers that they repost over the old records um but I can definitely get those numbers and send them to like Christian or whoever separately and like they only do three meter diving but I don't know if they have a 10 meter diving record for the school or not I'm not sure right okay yeah that'd be great think about there's at least 11 probably 12 depending on the diving okay but I can I could send exactly what we have and then they usually write the events in the middle and then they put the boys on one side and then the girls on the other side um and with the year and all that kind of stuff so yeah great great well I think that's about all we had for the architecture side the only thing I wanted to mention and I did not include a slide on this in time but that we're basic we're taking the pool was a little bit behind the school that was helpful in the DD pricing uh process and that our cost estimators could focus on the school project first and then focus on this one next now that we're getting to the point of releasing early packages which maybe fontain will talk about we're going to pass it over to them but um we're going to put both of them on the same same timeline the same track um and that's because we're going out for uh an early package that will include site uh site work uh concrete uh steel um and elevator for the for the school um that's going out around kind of late July is uh of this year um and that's so that those contractors can get started um a little bit earlier than everybody else um so that will include include you know all of the foundation work for the school as well as the pool and and the foundation for the pool is a bit more complicated because it's going a little bit a little bit deeper um but so all that's going to get wrapped up um on the same timeline then we have another package going out probably around late October of 2024 that's going to be for mechanical and Electrical Plumbing and Fire Protection um and then we're wrapping up the rest of the construction documents in early December of 2024 um and that's when we'll bring on the kind of the the remaining contractors um and uh and get them involved in both processes as well the really interesting part will be that uh what we're calling early release package number three for the mechanical electrical plumbing and Fire Protection um and how that works between the two different projects um those are called filed sub bids within the state of Massachusetts so um yeah we'll have to look into that going down the road but other than that I think setting both of the projects on the same timeline is really going to help streamline those things and and get uh cost competitive uh proposals from folks and if there's no other questions on that I think I'm ready to turn it over to Fontaine I have one uh question that may be off topic I met with the high school Builders today and I had asked about the storage of the golf cart and they didn't have anything in their plans for the high school and they said there might be something in the pool building for the storage of the golf cart I just wanted to check on that to know to see if there was any cross communication about where we're storing the golf cart the the golf cart is currently being uh shown in the athletic storage area in the um kind of Southeast corner of the gym Wing bwing there's a overhead door that would allow it to come in inside the building there perfect because they said they got rid of that external door so that that confused me too but it sounds like it's going to be a garage door correct there's an Overhead Door perfect yeah I appreciate thank you can you see my screen Kevin yes great so um this is a bad plan because it's this is our Revit model for the pool so it's not that helpful but if you can kind of Orient yourself this is the locker room here um and then this is that storage area and that's the overhead door that Jill was referring to great I appreciate that thank you yep great turn it over to Jamie or Danielle or Jason what else do I see on here thanks Christian yeah I think we have we got a gaggle so um a couple of the other Jamies that are on the call Mark's on site today so he stole my identity and then Danielle's uh sitting next to me and then we also have Jason budro on the call who's a big part of our pre-con team here um that's just an overview for for people who weren't kind of part of the interview process uh this is essentially the rundown of our team with the the kind of core people are myself Danielle Mark and Jason he'll basically be dealing with us for the next two and a half three years um so we wanted just take a minute to to run through uh the big picture schedule for the project and sort of some of the phasing for it so Christian are you controlling the slides I am yeah perfect all right so uh this summer which is coming fast um the this is called our enabling package with the the key thing here is we want to be completely separated from the existing schools operations once the kids come back next year uh so we have a lot of work to do basically just separating the site for the new building and the pool uh from the existing building so you can see kind of where that number two and number four is we're going to be putting in an access road around uh the sort of backside of the site uh we chose this path to try to keep that soccer field lacrosse field online um and and not you know cut right through the middle of it and then that is basically where all of our traffic will go through we won't be using nordon Street and we won't be using uh the school's access off of maple it'll be a dedicated kind of access where that number two is and then the number 10 um it's sort of diagrammatical it's changed a little bit with some iterations there's going to be a bunch of trees up front that are staying so it's not all getting paved but the the parking area up front uh is going to get put in place this summer as well uh we're working with the school to make sure that we we have enough kind of flex parking there as the parking off of nordon is going to be coming offline once we get going and then the uh work there's number three there's a gate there that work has actually been broken into sort of subphases now because we are trying to accommodate the summer concert series and then also the fireworks so that again this this sort of shows what it'll look like first day of school but the the fence line will change a couple times over the course of the summer uh just with the activities that are kind of already happening uh on the site on a normal summer and then if we go to the next slide so this is basically what we're looking at uh when school starts we'll Retreat inside of our fence line there get going on foundations um like Christian said we have uh the foundation starting sort of right off the bat and then steel deliveries will start in the early winter time kind of be swing and steel through December January uh and then if go to the next Slide the exterior envelope starts coming online um this is kind of for for people watching it's always like oh wow the building is going up really fast but you know once we get the envelope on then we have to do all the work on the inside so it it it kind of C pops up really fast and then it seems like it takes forever but there's a lot of work to do in there so but big picture um that envelope work uh we're draw we're driving to get the inside of the building dry so it's the walls Windows roof and then we can start all the mechanical and electrical stuff inside the building uh and then drywall paint all that good stuff so next slide then the summer of 25 once school's out we'll kind of jump outside the fence line again and try to get the new parking area uh that new kind of entrance off Maple the tennis courts and the work around the existing St ium the Press Box and the uh new concession building all of that is going to be summer 25 with most likely the the work inside the concession building kind of lagging into the school year but we'll have all the actual site work in place uh so we can Retreat back into the fence uh come the fall so next slide so the only real change um through the fall will we'll go back inside the fence line and then we basically get to the summer of 26 uh where we're putting the Bus Loop right in front of the the school in kind of the the ringed Road uh over between the school and the stadium trying to get that all online and then the minute that the occupied school is empty we're going to start a batement and demo because that is right in our way so again the all our summers including this one are pretty busy out there um while that focus with the the demo is going on we'll start basically stripping the rest of the site to prepare for all the other fields and if you go to the next slide so fall 26 this is sort of the the first day of school slide as we call it so the the permanent parking and sort of the permanent access for the new school will all be in place so people can start sort of learning traffic flow and how everything works uh while we're still knocking down the remainder of the old building and still working on the fields and then that just goes to the next slide of the final completion um these fields when we put these slides together the drawings have change a little bit so the the field layout is a little different but overall this is essentially kind of what it's going to look like uh summer of 27 uh I always caveat it that the grass will be down but it'll probably still need another growing season or two depending on when we get the seed or saw down so it's not going to be like we you know walk away and there's people playing on all these fields right away I try to set that expectation because everybody sees these slides like oh it's green it's ready to go but it'll really probably be another couple months before you're really planing and using all these fields so that was sort of a a broad brush run through the schedule is anybody have any questions on the schedule or phasing Jamie in terms of the pool focused on that it seems like the only time they'll be down without a pool is that sun of 2026 right that's when we're demolishing the existing one yeah this one's probably not ready to go yet correct so it'll my my guess um you know it'll once school's out so there'll be no impact on the swimming team but I know it's used for a lot of other things so they they'll have it through the T summer of 2026 and then it'll probably be a process bringing everything online into the fall of 26 uh but obviously the the end game is we'll have the pool ready to go for for the winter season for swimming so it'll be that summer fall will be the window kind of that well your substantial completion date is um July 30th so why wouldn't it be done July 30th we're shooting for that okay well there's LDS so if you miss it there's LDS um cor or Kevin does that I don't know any thoughts on that yeah having the pool for summer of 2026 is that Pro yeah programming wise that's best case scenario and the best time for the pool to not have a pool would be summer of 2026 because we do still have the pool at Pine um and we we do use the high school pool in the summer but where near as much as the rest of the Year great and for the Marlins we uh are starting our season next week we stay indoors in the high school until school gets out and then as soon as school gets out we move to Pine null so for swim team we don't use it I know the rec department uses it for swimming lessons and camps and stuff so I think that would have the biggest impact of not having that space available um I know we still have Pineo but trying to I think we could work to finagle like how to do swimming lessons with camp and stuff like that but that would be more like a Donna question and then as far as swim team goes in the fall we don't start our fall season until October so um and then the high school starts in November so I don't know if Donna is still on and wants to speak to programming in the pool in the summertime sure um I yeah that's definitely okay with me I mean that's only one summer and we have the outdoor pool so um that's a pretty good compromise for us great great well that's about all we had for our presentation if there are other questions for the design team or for Fontaine pop back up to the um agenda real quick any other questions for uh any of the parties who are here about the design or the timeline or anything else at this point no okay so I believe that gets us through most everything and then brings us down to new business is there any new business in terms of next meeting dates cor I mean I think you know we've got some detailed questions from today which is great I think if people think of other detailed questions certainly reach out but just in terms of what the committee would like would you like to meet every other month just to check in um how how are things feeling I mean we certainly will meet after we do the 60% uh cost estimate uh so that wouldn't be until again kind of Late Late July um but just wanted to get a feel for the committee yeah I mean if there's nothing you need from us or need for us to decide I think we can wait until that unless there's anything else that people feel like we need to discuss ahead of time I know we had a separate meeting about stuff that was needed specifically for the pool like a group of us met separately about like Lane lines and all that kind of stuff that not everybody else need included on so um I think we got a lot of that stuff covered I don't know if there's anything else um I I don't know I don't think so great well why don't we plan on meeting after that 60 % cost estimate just to keep everyone up to date on that front and um if there's any need to meet ahead of then certainly reach out um and we'll uh keep pushing along great all right um so I will take a motion to [Music] adjourn motion to adjourn Greg I figured you'd be on [Laughter] that uh is there a second second second I got you and I'm just gonna do a Voice vote for this um everyone who's good with ad journeying say I I anyone opposed as I figured all right well great thank you everybody and thanks for the great updates it looks great and we will see you in a couple months great thanks everybody appreciate it take care everyone