good I'm sorry Don remind me who's online I can't see that farn fantastic welcome everyone first order of business would be the minutes from March 21st School building committee meeting accept minutes from the March 21st 2024 building meeting second discussion concerns seeing None Shall we do it Mr Smith shall Mr cruel yes sir yes Miss Blair is not here Mr Paige Miss Blair is here oh oh all right Miss Blair you get I got it now all right Miss Blair uh us sry everybody I'm here yes good to hear you hi thank you all right and Miss Hill is online as well yeah I brought before she deine okay M martinin Boucher yes Mr fenny yes Mr Thompson yes Mr Christensen yes Mr kmby yes and circling back Miss Hill yes all right beautiful excellent setting a good press up Don any members of the public besides the committee uh there are two other people Tracy Ru here from Fontaine and Jason also also also Fontaine want to bring them in now or you can certainly bring them in but they won't be raising any issues that I'm aware of again I think that comes to you you to sit next Gordon great thank you is your favorite slide this is won't spend too much time on it today guys um so everybody knows where we're at with uh design development um just this week we completed the uh reconciliation on Tuesday um so Fontaine and uh PM andc is a long day of going back and forth reviewing quantities just kind of scope just uh you know looking under every Rock and uh at the end of the day we were within $90,000 of each other of the two estimates which is fantastic um so we then took that information and uh we're doing the rest of the uh deliverables so the the budget obviously we need to take the uh reconcile work that into that which we'll be seeing today um and then also so that's the cost portion there's also a lot of other deliverables which Christian will be hitting on in his presentation um we've done constructibility reviews uh Fontaine performed that theirs uh got their comments over the design team scans SC performed their own uh we provided our comments as well um so a lot of moving Parts going into this submission but um we're there so where we at so SBC approval that's today and then the submission and then we'll wait to hear back from msba and then we just obviously like I said last time we're not going to wait around to hear from them we start right into to the 60% uh CD phase so I won't spend too much time on the rest of it we can jump into the next slide Gordon great well this is even smaller text than Ben's um so uh this is uh the table of contents for our design development uh submission to the msba um I'm actually going to just quickly run through it line by line and go through a few that have more detail um so OPM covered letter introduction by us uh as Ben was saying we have all these review comments coming in from folks that we include in the submission so from scansa from Fontaine from the commissioning agent and we both have um MEP uh comments from them that are bit more detailed some very rough building envelope ones I'm not too detailed yet those will improve as we get into 60% CDs um the SD msba comments and response that's just something that want to see a copy of that that was easy to include uh designer evaluation SBC minutes that's from this meeting in particular uh project schedule uh that's pretty straightforward um coming from scansa and then um all of the estimates so here we have the reconciled cost estimate from Fontaine the reconciled estimate from pmnc which the numbers we're we'll get into shortly um I'm sure everyone's anxious to take a look at a comparison spreadsheet um and some other kind of summaries then in design deliverables we have our updated work plan that's really kind of our schedule going forward basis of design narrative um which is a focus on kind of the sustainable uh elements of the building uh an updated building code analysis that we've done green communities and Lead scorecards we giving the msba an update on where that is um how that's looking um propose proposed proprietary items and alternates um again something we'll talk about today proprietary items we have from you know a previous SBC uh vote um so that's easy to include a narrative on interior and exterior materials and thank you everybody for that meeting last week that was super helpful and um moving forward on those structural calculations uh independent structural review uh we've just um settled on a uh an independent structural review who will take a look at the structural calculations um provide feedback at both this DD level and then again at the 60% level um that will be a reimbursable service that we'll see build um in the future have that under way who you using it was someone that rsse has worked with before I actually was not that familiar with themg I think we've used them YG right a while back but they're in the mix need them not to much um but very reasonable fee and um that RSC has worked with them before it's always good to have a relationship that it's not it's not combative it's a you know helpful oh have you thought about this aspect and um can be really helpful just to have that outside set of eyes on it um energy calculations life cycle cost analysis um heat gain and loss calculations electrical load calculations all coming from our Engineers on the project um these are not quality control project sign not so important space summary um that was a huge push in schematic design and now we kind of bring it up again and a lot of spaces have shifted slightly as we've dealt with structural issues or as we've talked to the district so nothing super significant has changed with the space summary but there's certainly been changes in almost every room plus or minus 5 or 10 square feet so we have to update all of that and let the msba know about it similarly we have um added two very small new special education spaces um and so we will need to do an updated deese submitt um and that whole package it is not earth shattering but um just something that that we need to update uh both the msba and Dee on um then the msba wants to know how project approvals are going uh you know zoning approvals Etc and we'll talk about that briefly later yeah um cost estimates drawings the project manual the specs and then a project coordination checklist so all of that gets wrapped up into a binder it's actually a smaller binder than what we submitted at schematic design um and uh all of that goes to the state tomorrow than any questions on any of those specific line items or sections I'm sure they took a half hour to put together table of contents took me about a day and then getting into into the formatting it for the PowerPoint was but yes uh it's a lot of moving Parts um so the reconciliation so uh at the top we've shown um kind of where we were at the end of schematic design the total project budget uh so for now we've simplified it into direct trade costs and total construction costs and then just to keep in mind uh from that construction cost we got to our total project budget 177,000 back at schematic design um so when the estimates first came in we you know had that 147.5 37 number in mind um both pmnc and Fontaine came in just a little bit about that um but certainly within Striking Distance um it came in I think on maybe Monday so we reviewed very quickly we had some ideas of potential ve items but we were also able just to review the the estimates in general and provide feedback um I would say probably where the most change happened was before I was there on the reconciliation both within the site costs um some uh you know helpful feedback from OT or geotechnical engineers on the potential for reuse of soils ending up having a pretty substantial Financial impact on the project so after the postd design development reconciliation uh pmncs had come down to 147.5 eight and fontain had come down to process um and we're thrilled to be uh to be where we are now and um I think it's a testament to keeping the budget in mind as you know things uh develop from schematic design to DD and then also a testament to a really just helpful and productive reconciliation process and folks we can um share it sounds like uh different teams are keeping their own kind of value management log so we're going to combine those and I think at some point it make sense just to share with the group not that you need to act on it but should there be a scenario um you know where you need to find some value cut some value I guess um that would be there but like Christian said we're happy where we're at at this Junction and um any questions on kind of that reconciliation process this is the fun I went into the Fontaine uh estimate in more specifics just I thought folks might be interested on kind of where the numbers um you know were generated from so this is the the uni format um where it's divided a little bit differently it's easier to understand in terms of how the building is constructed so substructure shell Interiors Services that's all your mechanical electrical Plumbing equipment and Furnishings uh special construction and Demolition and then site work so those are um direct trade costs comes to 118 million then you add design contingency because again we're not there at our final documents yet so you want to allow um some percentage of design contingency that percentage was much larger at schematic design now it's getting smaller at DD and we'll get even smaller as we go into 60% CDs General conditions bonds and insurance and then the CM fee gets us to a total construction cost of 147 point4 Christian if trying to keep saw in mind I know it's off in the future we think about value engineering now next slide slide nice so good so there it is uh we didn't we kind of had when we gave the DD set to the estimators we had a bunch of line items for different things to get their cost but we decided to simplify it to these three uh official alternates in the estimates that are going to go with our package to the msba so um did look at an additional Sports field storage building um we looked at additional Athletic Field irrigation an additional 245,000 square feet of irrigation and then this is not all of the athletic fields but in talking to the athletic director this was kind of the I think all the athletic fields was somewhere around 680,000 square feet or something like that so a lot of them but not all of them looking at sod and Lou of seed and that was coming in at just under a million dollars so these are certainly alternates that we want to keep tracking um and I think yes to to your question and advents point I think um having a ve list in front of us and then also you know when we get into the 60% CD process um at that point we'll even have some real numbers coming in shortly after that so that's when we can really start making some of these some of these decisions ideally we do it with savings not slashing anything right well so out of the contingency potentially right that's where it would end up I think it could end up being that we have some bid savings obviously we need to given the phasing and when we're going to be buying stuff out um until we buy out um the 100% CDs at the end of or sorry mid December whenever that would be taking place um I guess that would be when we realize our if we have savings or not any potential bid savings typically how msba treats that is if you do have savings you're allowed to either keep it in the project or not if you keep it in the project there's no um reimbursable dollars with it um but if we were to entertain some of these items at that time that money could be used towards that and then anything above and beyond that would be have we established a difference in time for use of fields between sod and seeding have we analyzed that how much time we gain if we go sod it's significant I mean I know on other projects I but uh I think I don't think Eric's with us today but it's usually um two growing seasons for a seated field so you'd need if you seated in the spring you'd need the spring and fall a turf field is one growing season so if he's um put the uh the turf down in the spring you could use it in the fall okay Turf better not be growing nice and some we have run into on previous project where they thought that as soon the side went down you can get on it well that's why I asically speaking got a take and I know Mark was actually he did a good job explaining it anybody about this stuff but um yeah I've heard even that one year thing John um I've heard some skepticism around that you guys also and yeah it's a significant Savings in the seasons the other nice thing with you know the way this is going to be procured is that that whole scope is part of the site contract which is not a filed sub bid so we can negotiate that direct with the contractor which allows us to make that decision you know early like say we get to the next iteration there's you know costs stay steady the contingencies are going to come down naturally that might be a place where you increase the scope at that time we could also wait until December by it we could wait until we're you know a little bit more into the project maybe site work and we can keep it in like as an alternate so like when we buy the landscaper or the psy ey we could say give us a cost if we switch from planting to okay we can have that known that they'll hold and then we can make that decision so the way it's set up towards the back of the project is advantageous because you have more time to make the decision okay great I was think I must have been sleeping but I thought one of our alternates was going to be looking at um adding some sort of insulation to the Fieldhouse there for um not the field house the bathro yeah was that something completely different no we're getting that anyway it's in it's in it's in the base so all right that works for me just because we're on that subject and I was going to ask that question two other things on that building specifically one because I'm working the Snack Shack next Tuesday it would be good to have a a direct line of sight from working The Snack Shack and potentially the ticket booth to the field just so you can watch your kids play as you're working the thing the other thing I wanted to mention on that building in design typically we don't put the bathroom off the kitchen right in the house and I think we're kind of lined up to have that kind of situation with the Snack Shack and entrance to the bathroom I think there's a corridor in between the two kind of stuff put it on another wall though just for that I just mentioned that do with the that's all I have to say about those okay thank you The Snack Shack entrance because that's easier to move the bathroom no I want the bathroom entrance around the back nobody wants to see that stuff I know that with um alternates we don't have to do any kind of ranking right not yet um I'm sure the msba will have one of their comments be please rank your alternates and we will say we will do so at 60% CDs especially that these are not filed sub bid related right these are things that we can kind of work out with the CM um if at 60% CDs something pops up to us it makes sense to start having some alternates that do incorporate filed sub bids that need to be part of the official bid documents that go out that's one we'll really have to think about ranking them and Order and processed me so this is what you were just explaining um ultimately it will go in at in this column as though it's not part of the budget and even know that it's not ranked though right there no there's no particular order it's informal list of the oh yeah okay technically they're one that's oh yeah better than some of them is PB in that last slide with the different breakouts it's in there somewhere right we have a cost in the cost estimate for that find item but also in the keeping an eye on that what's are we uh where are we with that just because I brought it up are we we have a consultant coming soon or yeah um Len Consulting is working on the PV design right now and coordinating with SMA on the electrical department they do that are we going to get a cost breakdown or is that a different I want to know like I know nobody here wants it I want to know like what's it going to cost when we purchase it over 30 years and Disposal and all that kind of stuff and what it's going to cost out and I know nobody wants to hear that but I have a Sony turnon sitting in a landfill right now and I'm still paying on it so I just wanna I guess I it would make me happy to turn around and say we're gonna save oodles and oodles of money by owning them next slide yeah great um so now transitioning to kind of upcoming meetings and next steps um at the top we were just brainstorming with the the design team yesterday um in terms of design team meetings um we'd like to have another security meeting um focus on both building and site um traffic measures we have had a lot of back and forth with um smma and our Traffic Engineers from tyan Bond um and I know there was some feedback about The Pedestrian light that's out there now the plan with that feedback is to have that removed as part of the project and to put up the flashing beacons another set of those as requested um I think we also switched the side of one of the crosswalks but they're looking at all that now they need to do a few more calculations but then they wanted to have a meeting and make sure that the town and the project are on the same page with all of that thank you for that yeah um for furniture fixtures and equipment we have an all day uh meeting plan for April 9th um with our consultant stepura coming down to uh to the high school um we have an idea for a pilot credit through lead for resilience um credit that would be two uh virtual meetings uh with the architect Engineers owner in OPM um we just started talking about that with our lead consultant um recently but that's something if folks are interested in we should start scheduling that soon I think would be a worthwhile Endeavor um and then below that some information from John Hart our our civil engineer on the project from smma um we're getting to the point of um a lot of the permitting process so notice of intent is going in on April 11th um and then the site plan review is going in on April 12th um both of which then kind of kick off those processes um and will help with some of the uh early enabling work that that fontaine's interested summer are those required for the enabling work or can they happen in parallel my understanding is that some of it's required ahead of time and some of it can happen in parallel but that the notice of intent in particular uh needs to happen beforehand no I agreed I was more concerned about spba because it seems like it's drifting well into the summer right and a lot of that is unknown just depending on how that process goes on how many meetings are required and how many times we need to come back so when is I think John's plan painting out a pretty conservative yeah worst case scenario here when when would the enabling work begin after school gets out Memorial Day no yeah so or snow days right hopefully not I think it's the seven has anything to say about it uh so like right after the last day of school Monday yeah Friday the 14th 72 date for planning board shouldn't happen and when's the last day of school the 14th 14th all right Saturday Saturday should have everything in order maybe Monday Monday the 17th who's the applicant it would be fontain would be the applicant for S plan or for should be the town of well that's what I'm saying I is this town of right yes I I actually don't know um typically if hi Dory um anybody that yeah the applicant is usually the owner correct so that might be school committee figure it out sorry we know what over there well that's what yeah not not suggesting we no I think at that point you know the design Review Committee is you know all of our mostly DPW who's on this committee right uh has been involved in site design the entire time right uh storm water also DPW um these are the things get get hung up in site plan and uh at that point traffic would be the last one but yeah Bruce Bruce listening I don't know well he'd make somebody else review it I'm listening so great I just I just wanted to add maybe the only thing missing from the list is um our April 11th Community forum and um we may also want to start thinking about uh hosting a a Butters specific Forum um before school lets out we have a time for that Victoria April 11th PM believe 6m right Gordon 6 PM is what we've done in the past yep theia yeah the cafeteria yes make quick all right it's here though so works it's on our uh it's on our website but it hasn't been sorry I was just gonna say it's it's um listed on our website but I don't think much um announcing of it has gone out yet um and I think now that we're past the vote we can add more imag to our Flyers um so I think now that we're have our DD renderings we can put some images of the uh building and um get a flyer out on the the town Facebook page Ryan I can work with you on that and um potentially Gordon there's a a way you can also send it out through your school network back it Jamie and Andor Dave snail if you're ability to hit the enabling work right after school closes was impacted in any meaningful way how Pro how problematic is that if at all if you had a 30 60-day delay 60 would be a problem because we really I mean by the time we get into the ground we have to put everything back together for school to start um utilities are the big thing right yeah yeah like 30 would be hard probably doable I think 60 would probably pretty much just take that summer almost off the table you think the holding it would turn the utility stuff would turn into like weekends and then the actual sort of like site improvements we' essentially get our fence up and then have to pick away at everything sort of outside the fence after the fact once school's back in you're talking you know vacations weekends nights um so so put another way if anything impacts your ability to get after it right after school closes that's either going to cost money or that's going to be problematic for the schedule and as I think we've all talked about before it's not like you know you miss by seven days right I mean it's you know you're either opening in the summer or you're opening probably winter break at best and your ability to do all that site work is impacted right so now it's it's a it's a host of challenges should we get hung up early on yeah is that fair I'm not trying to put words in your mouth yeah I mean it just it's you know it turns into a snowball you know how it is just yeah as everything slides you're looking to make up days yeah so Tom where I'm going is the dates are meaningful no of course um I don't I don't I don't even I don't obviously don't want to spec speculate or or speak for the planning board but I would assume when that first public hearing happens on May 21st uh the site submitt is going to be pretty tight and been looked at bazillion times and I don't know what comment any Department could make that would slow that process down I mean every yeah it's been designed and overdesigned at this point I I know that's what site plan review is for but we're all going to look through it again we have a month to look through it from the 12th to the 17th that's every Department police fire DPW the manager's office right well I me I think I think this is illustrative of a bigger concept which is you know we're in the funnel right now right and the closer we get to the bottom of the funnel the more every delay takes on new meaning and I'm not suggesting that any of our partners would right you know not be able to comply but at the same time let's not make it impossible correct and I I guess that sort of as we've been talking goes for this group as well right we we need to we need to be thoughtful and expeditious and what we're doing and what we're saying and the direction that we're pointing everyone in right um that's something that we I think as a group probably need to be better about uh sort of taking the direction and taking the information and making decisions and moving on quickly because every day week month now has major impact on not only the project scope but the project cost and the rest of it so um should we ask the planning board exactly what it is they want like you know obviously I mean it's so that they're not you know you could have somebody on that board sitting there thinking GE I'd love to have XYZ and they're only going to get X and Y and they wish they had Z and then they're going to want to well GE I really want to look at that so if at some point you can meet with them and say all right what is it you want from us so that everything's set to go on that first meeting that might be helpful because I think sometimes there's miscommunication they just assume they're going to get something and then they don't and then they wish they had it yeah right so the the the site plan requirements are all obviously laid out in the bylaw so I know but they might want something in addition you know the only thing that they would ask for potentially would be a third-party review of the traffic report since we don't have a traffic engineer on staff but um at that point it's not like we are taking say wait and see it's not like we're taking an abandoned building and putting a warehouse on it for instance I don't know where I would come up with that such anthetic all right I'm just making sure because I know like being on a board myself sometimes we have a school here and we're putting a high school back so the traffic report itself okay the only major change is the signal light that doesn't do anything right yeah is is a crosswalk indicator right I do love that sign so um Bruce Bruce you you got anything to add um yeah I just want to be mindful of my staff um and myself that haven't seen a plan haven't reviewed any of the drawings um to ensure that we get the plans ahead of time so we don't hold up the process as well tomorrow Bruce okay yeah the the whole the the filing date and the public hearing are six weeks apart or so so um I'd be willing to jump in and help too uh I I missed that part of the job uh but I I I think for the most part the design Review Committee can be that can all in that am of time should be so again point taken this is this is a time where sort of indecision is punished so we we all need to be uh sort of better listen to our uh professionals and make oh Jesus Swift uh thoughtful decisions across the board D that could be a new mission statement for FBI I indecision is punished construction industry can I ask one more question about the site itself that we uh you set up your work limit thing is that sort of set in stone yeah more or less we actually have some Logistics slides that'll show the way we're I thought I might have been getting ahead of myself I apologize good great no blood no fall thank you oh more small text um so now turning it over to Fontaine a little bit on the uh early release packages and and the the dates and and how that process is going to go all right so with the uh the DD set and then just the time after our interview to really dig into the the drawings and and the schedule um we kind of came up I know we mentioned them in the interview sort of like early packages use thereof um but we really sort of worked with the team to figure out which ones made the most sense and this is kind of the document that has come out of that that process um so the initial ones are all uh fairly standard these days U eyes are going I can barely read this so but the the big thing is the enabling site work um and we'll we'll show the phasing plan later but again the the real point of that is to get us separated from the school over the summer so when the kids come back next year we can hide in the back and just build our building and be as intrusive as possible um in that is some utility relocations that have to happen uh so they're not in the way of the new building when we start doing foundation work and then uh there's going to be an electrical scope of work in that uh primarily the salvaging of the lights over at the tennis courts um but then we'll also have them uh probably if we can get grid on board essentially have our temp power for construction all kind of set up by them over the summer so that's all in place too when the trades get here um what am I missing Danielle I can't think of that that's big picture I mean there's a lot of words on there but um one thing I would just note with that is that we've been you know coordinating with the Consultants as well as folks on your team kind of about the details of that scope and we're being mindful of fence moves to accommodate things over the summer like the the concert series until it completes and everything so um you know we're getting done what we need to over the summer but we're also falling through on kind of working with accommodating what's in place do you know what plan you're going to use for um like you know the traffic plan for V yeah that's probably the next slide oh it is okay good um so I'll just tear through these packages really quick um so the the next one is Erp 2 which is essentially uh the items that we're looking to release at the 60% drawing phase uh it's the F the site work package for the whole job so the the enabling package and the site workor package are going to be kind of different contracts um the concrete for the building itself so that's all the foundation work and uh slabs and then the actual steel and then the uh Timber framing that's involved for the building itself uh that's that's just really driven by you know lead time and pushing to get the building out of the ground kind of as soon as we can um and again you're you're seeing this more and more now just with the world we live in of of Steel and concrete site kind of going off the 90s or 60s so this is is pretty standard you know from our side of the table um and then there's a material only portion of this uh we're keeping an eye on what what it's really going to be uh right now we're looking at switch gear uh transfer switch and the generator because the lead times on some of those items are still pretty out of control so we've had success on other projects with essentially working with the design team make sure we have exactly what we need we procure it and then we just put it we basically give it to the electrical contractor when when their bid actually happens um so that that'll be sort of a material only we're going to procure the material so all all those lead times start and then once the electrician's on board we kind of just hand it over to him um and then the elevator and Dam proofing for the foundation we'll be in that as well uh elevators really just we need to know what the elevator pit looks like what the the shaft for the elevator is going to look like just to to tie in with the steel um and then the final early release package is essentially all the MEPS so it's fire suppression Plumbing HVAC and electrical the thing that really kind of drove this the more the more we dug into the schedule and and kind of saw where the critical path was and what you know was really pushing everything the the coordination aspect of which we can do some without the subs on board um but the kind of you know we can't design the duck workor for the duck guy you know it's there there's only so much that we can kind of put in place prior so that all kind of trickles back to you know getting their all their hangers up um that all kind of ties to being able to firepro it's just a cascading effect and the more and more we were looking at it we thought it'd be beneficial to essentially have these guys on board um HVAC is a big one also because of the rooftop units uh that plays into sort of the structural side um we need to know exactly what units they're going to be using so we can size the steel appropriately pour all the slabs on the roof appropriately which then ties us getting the roof on the building so again it just kind of just balls up and keeps rolling from there so um we're working with the with the team now sort of on what deliverables you know we're we're all kind of trying to put in place for the enabling package um as that's the first big step but so for the early release packages anybody have questions on that an edorium encompassed in all of these packages and dates or is that completely separate the our goal would be to include that but it's going to be kind of as we go we'll find out but the for the filed Subs we would like to them kind of side by side because we're going to be doing the uh pre-qual process for all of them um so that that's the goal yeah we're working through basically it's always a balance of like the risk of you know releasing something early and then you know obviously with it not 100% design there's going to be some additional you know scope that's got to get completed in some um you know changes and allowance versus with a lot of the mechanical stuff what we're seeing is just getting those orders big manufacturers you know even two three four five weeks ahead gives us that little bit of insurance if they hit delays shipping delays microchips all the stuff that we can't control right once we have it on site we can muster the labor manpower to do that but if you don't have it we can't work around it and I think Jamie's point is we went through this you know this is um similar in the the early packages like the rete steel of how we are looking at it the interview the thing the you know MEP packages um between the interview and now you know we felt really would be beneficial to do with these early packages and you know it's recognize like we're we're asking jwa and their Consultants to push those designs faster um for us and we've worked with them on past projects and I you know it's going to be a team process to make that happen but I think that with doing that we as a team are hoping to buy a little bit of insurance of getting those orders in right getting the materials there and also way that the superr structure of the building is going to be proceeding like was steel showing up you know late this year early next year um getting that information even if we don't have the material of the exact size of the rooftop units um getting information going with the Mechanicals is going to allow us to build a lot more efficiently on site just having those contractors on board Christian what's your date for the remainder 12 something right so just to reiterate that so this was not what we were anticipating earlier on we had site work going off the 60s had structure going off the 90th we had all of our mechanical electrical and plumbing going off the hundreds um on December 2nd so um I I just want to voice that this isn't without a great deal of hand ring and uncomfort on the design team's part to put it mildly um and there will have to be some additional uh kind of overtime hours spent on the design team side this especially hits us because we'll be finishing our 90% CDs we'll be pushing towards our 100% CDs and we'll start being in construction administration at the same time so we'll start getting rfis from the mechanical uh you know filed sub bits um and so you know it's a it's it's an extra push um but I think you know we've talked about it a lot we've had a lot of meetings outside of the school building committee meetings um and I wouldn't say we're feeling comfortable about it but we're we see that we see the Dilemma we see the the goal that's you know always been very evident on the school building committee's part of opening and fall of of 20126 um so we're doing what we can can to meet that um and I think you know looking at the the budget and the allowances and then also uh our time during that crunch period um we'll go we'll go from there are there any new concerns on that opening date after all this I that they I mean I think always right but yeah I mean I think that as you heard from us I'm sure others in the interview and stuff it's a very aggressive schedule I we're it's beginning in 2024 we're not start until after school it's out we got to have the building procured and coordinated and built in you know roughly two years right so it's it's very aggressive um but you know we've spent our our team along with Christian and Dory and the Consultants have had you know probably a dozen plus meetings already so far working through all those details we've got already probably a thousand line item schedule built and everything so um I I think that the fact that there's a concern about it at this state it's it's not going to go away I mean there's going to be a concern for until it's until it's open so there's a sense of urgency we believe it's possible we just have to keep um our piece marging Forward Design pce marging forward and get the right team on board subcontractor wise so and as we go through the process you'll let us know if we need to really be concerned that's I ask that we do that so we can plan accordingly so like I just said we can do our part to not slow anything down we'll do yeah that's I mean you guys will hear that from us all the way through you know throw out what we're worried about a month from now a year from now and what you know everybody can do to help us that thousand light item schedule that Dave referred to is super important because then we can determine oh this little thing early already late what ripple effect does that have we can use that to help great all right so that's the lead into phasing um so that for those who were in the interview uh we had a handful of meetings with with various kind of people on the team uh and we met with Frank a couple times too just to go over some of the you know the school's needs um and we landed on this was option b kind of in our original packet um it kind of went this way it helps maximize the the fields that we can keep online which is basically the soccer field just to the left of the existing building and then the JV baseball field um couple tweets to this uh the road that's go that we're going to be utilizing that area you can see to the left between the neighborhood there's kind of a triangle there that's going to be more fenced off like we'll still have our Access Road there but we're going to kind of widen the fence out there just so we have a place to put snow and stuff like that um the uh on either side of that kind of lower soccer field where the JV baseball field is we're looking at uh possibly stockpiling material kind of on either side of that field which would essentially just be a mound of dirt that would grow grass on um but it it goes back to that Otto kind of trying to find ways that we can keep some of the material which sounds silly but it saves quite a bit of money to be able to to do that so that that's not shown on this drawing but that's what we're working on um right now and then in front of the school uh we're working with the design team kind of finalizing it's just sort of black on here but that that's going to be additional parking uh with the intent of eventually when we need to kind of tear up the the other parking lot uh that gives overflow capacity but also um really just kind of keeps everybody from coming to the back of the building it our goal you know we're trying to separate as much as we can uh the crosswalk that's shown getting to the baseball field that were basically coming up with some type of kind of gated system um we haven't finalized it yet but something to imp traffic when there's going to be pedestrians there um so we're we're working on sort of finalizing that but that'll all be part of the enabling package so this this slide is kind of what it's going to look like you know come first day of school next year and then we putting any kind of formal block at the end of nordon Street there we're going to put like a a pipe gate down there because uh right now all the trash and deliveries will still be there's access to there the back I thought there coming through the no they're they're planning on coming through the back um so we'll have a gate there so we can lock it whenever you know it works for the school but it'll be accessible for for those two things okay can I just make one comment about that front parking I know we haven't fully coordinated it but just to put it again back on your radar that um take a look close look at that site plan there's quite a bit of landscaping that is remaining there so don't get too um too uh invested in the additional parking they're creating and and look closely because like there are six trees yeah yeah yeah we we talked to John about that yeah um so that like again this is kind of we just shaded it black but we're we're taking that into account for sort of what and then there's also the school asked that we can basically leave the flag pole there as well so that's all kind of just getting coordinated behind the scenes um but broad brush this is essentially what it's going to look like and then the uh storing the excuse me the the um walkway the Spartan walkway and then yes yep that that'll basically to one of the classes out on the front of the yeah there there's a list of kind of Salvage items so we'll the walkway will essentially palletize and then store it and then the landscaper when it gets a new home will reinstall it in a year and a half right so was Dory saying they we're going to be able to save a couple of the trees that are in the yeah there there's I believe it's six trees are called out to stay are kind of in that front horseshoe all right um so we're working to finagle our parking plan around that can I assume the ones that are over by the pool the existing pool are doomed because they're right there yes everything near the building I'm happy you saved what you could so takes a long time to grow are you moving those telephone poles that are where the services come in not as part of enabling okay um but they they will go eventually but we're going to get the fiber move coming down that way okay way it's out of your guys way for the back perfect yeah yeah we're not uh touching them in the he been enabling for months and then for I know somebody touched on it for the this summer for the concert series where where you can see kind of like the Yellow conx Boxes up top we're we're going to adjust the fence line to sort of leave that accessible and then after this summer we'll we'll take that kind of back and put it back on our site thanks for not making me a liar to so any work that need to have you know if if we have to do anything I I got to double check where you know where exactly you guys need to be and where the utilities are but if we need to tear something apart we'll obviously put it back together so that area is still usable this summer uh but big picture that is is pretty much the uh the phasing plan that we landed on and then if you go to the next sorry just so we'll have some stockpiling on the JB ball field yeah it'll be outside the actual it the the field will still be usable it's just there's going to be Mount of dirt yeah on either side territory Street down there and over there is that enough I think it is right now because well I I think I think there was probably some talk about you know saving that field at all costs we only have one other 90 foot di yeah but if we're talking about the difference between the cost of trucking dirt off the site just to bring it back and one baseball season yeah no we think because the this is primarily going to be Loom so the the area sort of inside of our fence line is what we're going to B you know scrape all that loan up and that's what we're saving the that's what needs to be stockpiled long term because all the other loan that we need to scrape up is all just going to stay in place until we take that over on the site so it's probably going to be about I think what was it like 12,000 cubic yards I wouldn't even speculate how much that takes to truck off site so yeah if you need more room than you think you need no we think we think again where we're at is we think this can work we think we have enough room to stock pil we can certainly coordinate ball game schedules and whatever else and Kevin and Gordon and we can because I I I assume that would be don't make that face dirt is very expensive to move yes Tom it's only like 550 Tri axles so yeah good morning actually I want another field then too take a bigger picture uh no no no but you see what I'm getting at is that's not a cost we want to incur just to save the ball field and our original when we first really started looking at it we were looking at sort of the the total volume of LOM if we were keeping all on sight and that's our that pushes towards like we might have to take the baseball field but because we're leaving half of it in place okay once we do have to you know we're going to have to uh screen it process it do all that once we start doing that work work is when we're going to be taking the baseball field offline anyway you screen right there yep yeah it all just happen right there great so um as of right now we should be able to keep those online thank you yep and then so just sort of a a broad brush schedule overview um sorry once we get the enabling package kind of kind of put to bed as we said the Erp one's going to have the uh site and then foundation and then steel so we'll get that going right off the bat the site guy will also be doing a bunch of the utility work around the new building all kind of at that time um go to the next slide all right struggling here that it yep yeah and then we got to go into the spring um everything happens kind of slow at that fit you know it'll be just a hole in the ground for a while while we're working on foundations and then the steel will start swinging uh and then come spring of 25 you'll be looking at the exterior Framing and sheathing going up uh you'll start seeing masonry go up so it starts you know starts to really look like a building uh inside you know basically it's it's a race to get the building weathertight so then we can get everything rocking and rolling inside so you'll you'll see the as the walls go up the roof will start going on we'll probably temp uh most of the windows just so we can get enclosed um and start getting going on roughing and fireproofing and all that stuff and if you go to the next slide it's the summer of 26 we Skip One yes yeah I think we skipped one sorry summer 25 summer 25 there it is um so yeah that's summer all of our summers is GNA be really awesome um again we're going to take advantage of of kind of school being out and jump outside the fence line so that's what we're plan on doing the the press back the Press Box the concession stand the new tennis courts um and the majority of the new parking that's kind of up in that right hand corner on there um that'll be that'll be a push we'll get that sort of buttoned up and then once School comes back we'll you know treat back into our fence line while that's happening everything at that point we'll probably have some finishes started in the building we'll still be framing some parts but we'll have uh you'll probably start seeing paint ceilings going in and all that will the concessions building be available to The District in the fall of 25 or is that a later thing just curious because it's I don't remember how we built that I don't know if we'll be able to finish it so we'll have to look at whether or not we leave buildings online um but we'll make that call we had a home game this year I think so yeah because we can go home after yeah it would be yeah we'll have to make that call to see when the entire concession building is done and can get turned over it maybe at some point into the fall and then if that happens we'll leave the other buildings online yeah your way oh thanks was next year we oh no I thought just said next year away no we're home by the before the end of the football that's summer you know of you he'll stand out in the cold just the boosters were asking about the old Snack Shack they're actually putting money into it now unnecessarily well nice they got money a grand money for so when will that come down versus the new one come online do you know that's what we have to look at that access ramp yeah what box our our goal would be to keep that online until the other one's basically ready to use we'd have to you know power requirements and all that we'll have to figure that out uh but in the fall of 25 we're still able to while you're building that we're still able to use that field fall yes yeah we're we're planning on essentially going out there in the summertime so like all the the uh like mid August when teams start practicing okay yeah it's something the two things that we need to drill down more into on that phase because as you can see in the top of the slide right the parking lot ultimately gets reconfigured into obviously a different layout different shape right so we're we're trying to split up and grab scopes of work in multiple Summers is that if we wait until the summer 26 we're going to be doing the abatement demo of the building hauling that out too much there won't be enough time to develop that entire parking lot area right so by grabbing half of it each summer it makes it more feasable toin for that fall the point of the concession building is something that has been on our mind but not fully because it'd be great obviously if we could open it for right you know the the school year before 26 that's great but I think we got to figure out construction durations and then we'd have to look with the Consultants so things like utilities and services and you know because it'll ultimately all be tied into a lot of stuff that will serve the school but I think what we're what we're definitely hearing and shooting for would be if we can turn it over early we definitely will the other thing that we been thinking of and you guys brought up good point is access to the Field Complex during that summer right because essentially all the parking all the circulation everything right up to the fence line right gets redeveloped right so I think that we would want to understand is you know what's the requirement for continued I'll call it 247 access during that summer of 26 to the field to the field yeah because I know there's organized teams and stuff that are going to need it at you know in the fall but it's also Community use you know people right so the community uses the field um pretty much all summer right um but if we're saying that it's not accessible then we would you know Kevin and uh Donna who work on scheduling a lot of that um would have to just stop and groups would have to stop using I think we can work on it with there's that we could probably do that entrance right like do it in some where we know we want to keep it accessible as often as possible in the summer and create even like where the tennis courts go like maybe there's a small parking area that's dedicated for Community use people that walk and run and stuff like that can park there and now we're retreating the fence line back or you could also potentially have folks Park in the the church parking lot if they're amenable to it and create some kind of a we'd have to ask permission um do you think that possibly um Long Meadow I I know they have a practice field and I I know that they might not have room but like if we if they had times where they weren't using it in case we got into August we maybe aren't going to be quite at a good spot do you think maybe there might be I think we're gonna have to develop Partnerships okay not waiting until 26 we're gonna have to start developing Partnerships this this summer you know just thought of thep their practice field for a week or two yeah I know Kevin's working on school start I think it's probably not a bad idea to just I mean if you don't know already we're building a new high school and it will the site will be impacted for many a year and at some point or another there may be a sign that says no access today right it the the the means will justify the end product right yeah and we'll just have to get used to the fact that we have a construction site at the high school yeah um I'm more concerned I think that key will be when they get it they get what you need in the month of um pretty much well late June July and early August in each of the Summers starting in 24 we just have to make sure that Kevin's very aware of that so that we're not signing up you know these are soccer teams and whomever every summer will sign up and use the field and so at different times in addition you know any kind of wreck camp we would have to just say which Donna Donna has been part of this all the way through so be fine with that through have yeah you can yeah just that soccer leagues that just sneak on knock them out you know so we can get it open I don't know where over 28 baseballs going but signs I don't know where they're going come up with a plan we haven't dug that deep to to ensure access um we we know it's a thing so just it'll come up as we kind of scope the site guy because that every single one of these slides is like neat things are happening but there's a million kind of subphases to all of it um we're not at that level I mean we're not even here yet right and we're talking about a year and and how are we going to approach that you know you guys bringing up things that you know you're thinking of because we were saying if we developed essentially you know the first half of the parking lot right like closest to the field yeah but we left some of the parking lot closer to the existing school and we took part of what's in our fence line where you see those Yellow Boxes and created a six or eight foot wide you know temporary binous walkway y right that could be the entrance into the field for a certain amount of time and when we turn over flip the other part of the lot right people pull in closer to the center as normal and park there so you know we can put those types of things in the scope of the way the job's going to go and it's really not a significant can cost if we think of it now and you know just buy it that way next 26 um yeah I mean basically over you know between summer 25 summer 26 the the inside of the building will all be getting finished out you know all the the mill work case work you know kitchen equipment is going to start showing up so that that'll all kind of progress on a normal building timeline um but this summer of 26 is going to be a little busy uh and this slide kind of shows why we're trying to get that parking lot done in the summer of 25 because there's just a lot to do uh the the focus obviously is going to be on uh the area that's gonna have the Bus Loop eventually um so dropping kind of that right side of the existing building and just getting all that material out of there so we can get the site work done uh so we're ready for school the first day of school and if you go to the next slide this is what we're aiming to have the site look like uh for first day of school so it's kind of like the traffic patterns are all there people could start learning the new you know new routine and then we're we're essentially kind of flip-flopping we're retreating to the the fields that we were just kind of hanging out um the moving forward we're looking at trying to get uh the football field like the practice football field the other field next to it we're trying to figure out if we can phase it in a way to get that prepared first like all the baseball and softball fields it there's no way to accelerate those because the building's in the way but if we can get those first two Fields you know a couple Seasons early we're trying to look at how that comes together but I don't want to make any promises yet especially since Mark's not here uh and you get the next slide kind of shows that just the whole thing buttoned up so it's still those kind of fields in the lower right would be that the two that we would probably look to possibly get kind of seated or SED a season earlier than all the other stuff so it just gets one more growing season under the belt and then that pretty much takes us to uh final completion but it I'm glad someone you know they came up about getting on that you know this is final completion in Spring but if you know that grass be ready to roll that spring you know anything that we just planted so it's good to put out that out there because everybody looks at they're like all right we're done in Spring it's like I recommend I recommend we leave a lot of our fencing up I would too you know you you keep it looking like a construction site and leave it but that's a bridge we can cross then but any chance you can do any of that planting in 26 so you're ready for spring 27 is that just crazy talk I don't think so I don't which PL are you talking about the fields Fields because we we pretty much choke of our we'd kill our parking and lay down area so we would have to take other fields offline yeah the soccer field and the JV field to have any chance yeah yeah we can look at that I think one thing to the point you made with planning in advance is we can almost go through and I'm not sure if the fields have numbers that but in our world we kind of Number the existing ones and the new ones and we can give a projected schedule for when they'll need to come off line because then you can see you know part of it's like we're keeping the JB field for a certain amount of time but in the course of it everything comes offline yeah perfect we've got it when they'll come offline and then when they'll be ready for use and then to your point with the sod versus you know it'll be a tangible ears um can I assume the S is just physically on the fields and not the rest the rest is seed or would that save a considerable amount of money if we se you know if we s you understand what I'm saying just SE where the the regular walking area is but saw the actual Fields so I know certainly that like the regular area mud between the parking and stuff like that is all regular seed but I that's a really good question on what if a couple of them we could do and just try to keep I know parents want to sit there and stuff like that but be like you know yeah at least the kids can play sure yeah good point look at that and you're moving that rebounding wall you know about that yeah we don't know how but we're moving I don't know how either I was surprised I just want to throw that out there thank you we were out there looking at it last week yeah there's there's a couple things kind of over that area that will'll work with the school to figure out where they want it you know the temp home to be before we fence it all off and take it away from them that's that's kind of the 20,000 foot just breakdown if anybody's got any questions let us know looks easy yeah the Summers yeah the summers are hard thank you make it first want do it are we ready for that don't be afraid all right the eang metal School building committee has completed its review of the total project budget for the eang metal high school project and approves the submittal to msba for consideration keep going or is it two separate motions two separate MO two separate ones a second is there a second second are you moving that just not to be Technic yes yeah okay sorry second nice discussion has the budget changed much since the last time we saw it it's exactly the same I'm glad you asked that um so ultimately uh the estimate that we plugged into the budget was uh slightly lower but what we do with that is um you know your control budget stays the same what we'll do is essentially we treat that as though you know it came in under bid so that we show in construction contingency so your bottom the number the same it's going to be the same as what you were at for PFA we just got to yeah we have to show them construction bud wise that it did change so up there right we have a motion in a second doesn't appear to be any other questions discussion comments criticisms seeing none all right Mr crucial affirmative all right I'm a yes Miss Blair yes Mr Paige yes Miss Hill yes Miss margin voucher yes Mr fenny yes Mr Thompson yes Mr Christensen yes and Mr quinby yes right have it I do just want to say um the budget itself will not change Ryan until um The Project funding agreement bid adjustment they call it which is ultimately when we bid out we'll get that a littleit we have to vote on it you don't even have to vote on it yeah yeah okay I move that the eang medal School building committee has completed its review of the 100% design development submitt for the eang medal high school project and vote to approve and authorize the project team to submit the design development related submittals to the msba for consideration that's run on on motion you could breathe is that second second it comments like zero Mr okay Mr crucial yes sir yes Miss Blair yes Mr Paige yes Miss Hill yes Miss margin voucher yes Mr fenny yes Mr Thompson yes Mr Christenson yes and Mr quinby yes all right yeses have it excellent Miss that's it for motion really any new business anyone oh I just want to say one thing really quick you know the stairwell because it's been separating at you know how you had the stairwell like the short railing that went along um for safety to keep people from going under the um the stairs yes Inside Yes is there any way that we could without it costing too much put maybe like a bench there instead that could maybe flow into it might work better y thank you I'll stop thinking about it now can sleep I can sleep yeah I mean I understand it's an additional cost but I think it might look nice too rails yeah I know it was a skate good way to I'm waiting yeah I don't know if there's wood or whatever you had in front and they just I don't know thank you yes so it's going to go from we have another meeting set or I don't know we have another meeting set we have the Forum coming all the way up forum is that correct ahead that yeah we're gonna need to we need a meeting before the Forum I don't know that this full committee does um but we definitely need putting together a presentation your parking lot people want to join I don't know if anybody wants to be involved in that presentation I know the yeah let me know Focus will be showcasing our our new CM on left yeah but outside that anybody Tu getting a new one techn you can either pull the fiber for and then you to feed the new building an SLT meeting on the fourth that we're thinking yeah I'm thinking I'll pull together probably an SLT for the next week Gordon um like in the fall we also figure out how we're can't join it'll yeah I'll set that up wireless or sorry discuss on a Jour you good okay second I think we're there Mr okay Mr crucial yes sir I'm yes Miss Blair yes Mr Paige Miss Hill yes Miss Marin voucher yes all right Mr fenny yes Mr Thompson yes Mr Christensen yes Mr gmy yes adjourned thank you everybody