##VIDEO ID:KCy6YLtX9AE## okay good evening and welcome this is the October 21st meeting of the school committee call the meeting to order 5:00 pm this meeting is being both audio and video recorded I would ask that folks please rise for the Pledge of Allegiance I pledge alance to the flag of the United States of America and to the repblic for it stands one nation under God liberty and justice for all okay roll call Amy if you could start us please Valenta ant Gregory Thompson Sarah Julio Blair assistant superintendent for business secretary okay excellent we have meetings for approval I would entertain a motion please approv the 1024 minutes from The Joint meeting with Town Council second um I was not here for that meeting so I will abstain okay motion made and seconded any other discussion all in favor say I I those oppos nay and one exstension zero wasn't that the meeting where yeah William that's when we you so you could abstain from that that was your the meeting we uh September 10th one yeah yeah that's where you were nominated you came out on the 11th yes so that exension for that yes okay so 302 Samantha thank you yep okay next one move to approve the October 7 2024 executive session meeting minutes made by an second by Sarah discussion all in favor say I I I those opposed nay I and one exstension 401 I move to approve the October 7th 2024 regular session meeting me by second second by Sarah discussion favor say I I I those oppose nay that is unanimous antha for those welcome committee and sub commmittee Communications Sarah would you like to uh none at this time okay no this time this time just in time thing I have is uh junior semi happened Saturday night it was a pretty good A lot of fun where was it at uh El l in Springfield nice great turnout nice okay we have an opportunity for visitors totee seeing none we have the need for an MIA Middle School waiver for the East midd High School athletic program Mr um so a couple updates on Fall Sports happy to say it's probably the best season I've ever experienced as an athletic director uh 100% of our teams have qualified for the western Mass tournament wow and it looks like potentially 100% of our teams potentially qualify for the state tournament the weather's been great participation has been great our fans have been outstanding our parents been great it's been very enjoyable as an athletic director uh so I want to thank the public for that um looking ahead to the winner we do have um about four different sports I'm looking for an eighth grade waiver for all of these Sports the school committee approved a waiver for last year um when we asked for those waivers the participation numbers with the High School athletic program are in your file with numbers that have registered in the past four years so that was something that Mr Smith had asked me to include in your packet so you can see what the registration numbers have looked like during the past four athletic seasons and they're pretty steady over those past four years um the sports that we typically ask for waivers in are more specialized Sports so the four winter sports that we're looking for waiver in are swimming ski team wrestling and ice hockey on in your packet you'll see the number that the Mia suggests buying for a waiver for um and if we went considerably over that number then we would withdraw the waiver but the process is getting school committee approval getting local athletic director approval and then getting Mia approval um so the first ones are for swimming we're anticipating around 11 participants in both both boys and girls swimming um and we're looking for just an eighth grade waiver where those participants would just participate on the varsity team for the ski team that's probably the program that has the least number of participants right now um we're anticipating around four on each team so that we're opening up for the second year in a row to seventh and eighth graders to potentially ski with the varsity team our wrestling numbers have been really good the past couple years we were considering ending that program about six years ago but our numbers have been uh in the 14 to 20 range the past couple years so we're looking to open that up to eighth graders again this year like we did last year and then ice hockey is unique that would just be a JV only waiver and this would be the first year in a couple years that we would be able to we're looking to fill a full schedule with our JB teams so the past couple years we've done some a small number of games with our jvb team but we're looking to do a full schedule with that um so our our anticipated numbers are pretty high uh around 28 or so but this would be JV only and those eighth graders would based on Mia rules would not be allowed to participate on the varsity team for isaki so the Marlins program is pretty robust as far as I know they have a huge team any idea why only 11 out of four grades are signing up for high school there is a good question it does go up and down um I think with the new pool coming I think those numbers will go back up um I don't have a definite answer for you I do know that there's a couple of swimmers that do not swim for the high school and do choose to swim for Club teams um so I think we're losing a couple swimmers there and I think swimmers maybe choosing to do indoor track or maybe choosing to do basketball or other sports besides just swimming um but I I don't have a definite answer for why that no I know obviously because then we could fix it right but yeah I'm just shocked at the size of the the team being so small as a former swimmer too and then for skiing if we're down or lower is there a thought of perhaps rolling that program up I think it's definitely something that I consider from year to year the good thing that we have going for us right now is the skiers that we have are very committed they're very successful we consistently put top three uh ski team members in the western Mass races uh even though our numbers are low the kids who are participating are some of the best in the region um we have very committed coaches past 15 years um and they actively um try to get the younger seventh and eth grid skiers and work with them but it is something that I'm concerned about not necessarily this year but maybe two three years from now about that number so having the seventh and eighth grade waiver hopefully we can potentially recruit some seventh eighth graders that may not normally ski and hopefully the numbers in the future would benefit from that too because they ski four days a week three days four days uh so they practice at least once a week and they compete typically twice a week um so it's usually two races per week at least one practice per week sometimes more do we put them on a full bus if so we we do um we do a smaller bus um but it is a contracted out bus they we contract that out way in advance to get a really good price on that bus with Michaels yes and they give us a reduced rate for uh booking so far in advance with them questions okay I would take a motion to approve the waivers please okay I'd like to make a motion to approve the MIAA Middle School waivers for the elhs athletic program sport yeah please boy swim girl swim boy ski girl ski wrestling and ice hockey excellent motion made by an any other discussion motion please say I I I those oppose nay cares 5 Z thanks Kevin okay moving right along we have the superintendent 2324 evaluation folks had a chance to look that over from last meeting discussion I listed over and I took a opportunity to review our mcast data once more and I think the only question I would put to the committee is under the first goal um instead of having it as goal achieved I would ask that we move that to goal partially achieved student learning goals only because there are six Desy targets I'm just making sure I'm counting right one two three six and hit three out of the six what page are you on page two it says uh team goal Department name teaching and learning there's some asteris there it says desie updated targets so we second page did not meet for non High School Ela we did not meet for non high school math and we did not meet the Dy Target for science I believe I think we met it at high school high school science we did yeah High School science and middle school and uh non- High School science we did I believe it was also math at the high school supposed to be at 5508 and we came in at 5:05 that was Ela sorry and then high school math was 505 and we'll get new targets this year is that the how that works they reset targets every year based on what we achieved this year no no they just they keep matching them yeah yeah it's doesn't even matter and I only say it too because in In fairness when we first talked about this with u Mr Smith and we talked about bringing it into bringing data more comprehensively across the district into goals whether it was administrators or uh Educators Mr Smith rightfully so said if we're going to put that in other people's um evaluations then it should be in mine as well because want to over seeing everything so I think in part we have to also like monitor that and continue to be able to give partially for that I would disagree with you I I believe could still be categorized in the goal achieved section I think we've made substantial progress as a district I think that the data shows that I I don't obviously disagree with you that there's certain components that we still have some work to do but I would I would make the argument that we've made substantial progress to justify marking that goal as having been achieved do we know how often districts hit all those targets consistently does that happen I did put in the um in the shared folder that's the um Dart comparison for all the districts that we are compared to so just it doesn't necessarily give you that exact answer but it gives you how we did uh versus District Essie Compares us to which was pretty comparable yeah in terms of last year we were probably middle of the pack definitely on the high school level it looked like we out performed most of the theuh districts that um outperformed us last year um three through eight as I think Mr J was remarking on we're still probably very close to them right the one area that um I was actually uh very excited about was in many of the areas where improved you saw a reduction in not meeting expectations or failure so anyway so at least we're moving towards the left which which is the left of the graph if you will which uh is something that's exciting we have and we did improve we're I don't I still don't feel like we're where where we really want to be at but we have improved I would agree we want to consistently improve yes this is simply you know an evaluation of last year not necessarily saying that we're seiling you know putting a ceiling in place and it's not necessarily an evaluation of it's an evaluation of the totality of not one individual person and I think that just looking at what the data say I don't know if we can say that we're making substantial progress if we've only met half is that what the numbers were well what I'm saying is actually we made substantial progress barking on the evaluation is goal achieved all I'm saying is we didn't achieve the goal but we did make progress towards the goal I just think rather than saying goal achieved it should say goal partially achieved but that's that's just me like if we don't have data that substantiates that we met in its entirety then it should be goal partial but that's my that's the only piece in terms of the entirety of the evaluation that I'm bringing forward as a question for the group fine with that other discussion topics questions when you say you're fine with that Gordon you that's you're understanding that that might be a partially achieved then if we're not move it to partially achieved student learning goal as how I was looking at I wasn't changing the overall rate like just that one goal I think I think that's fine any other thoughts or changes do you want to make a motion to that effect in terms of approving the whole uh to approve superintendent 2324 evaluation with the one adjustment under progress towards SC student learning goals to shifted from goals achieved to goals partially achieved motion made by Sarah second second discussion all those in favor say I I I those oppose nay stain and abstentions one abstention yep two abstentions um no I'm I'm okay with a yes vote as long as ordance fine with that I'll Z One Sam thank you work this here though it's certainly progress made we to do that well thank you for your leadership Gordon as always team effort yeah totally overall program lot compon to it so yeah thank you you okay we have a capital plan fiveyear plan in front of us today okay so actually um at least for next year it's been trimmed down quite a bit you know from the last meeting that um there are a few projects that right now are ongoing um we have the modular project uh that we hope to get out to bid relatively soon so we can actually break ground this is the modular project I'm sorry at Mountain View so we could actually break ground as soon as school gets out um dpw's working on that uh I believe with Ian Bond get those documents ready um we're waiting on and that's why it's highlighted in here under fiscal year 26 uh the response from the mass school building Authority regarding their accelerated repair program and the Maple Shade replacement um hopefully that's going to be that decision will be out within the next two weeks and we'll have an idea going forward um the reason that it's in it stays in fiscal year 26 is because although the V was supported by the school committee and also by the town Capital planning committee and also the Town Council with the overall budget funding would still need to be voted into place should we be invited into the accelerated repair that funding would be still looking at that figure of $2.9 million um with the idea that they would recalculate they being the msba as to how much would be eligible for reimbursement the percentage of re eligible reimbursement probably around half right we right now the current project are at 56.6% so unless demographics have changed drastically I would say we' stay in the upper portion of the 50% did you say if they voted on how to fund the other half no they talked about no um but it's not allocated yet not allocated correct this would be part of this year's Capital right they would need to um Town Council would need to should we be invited in commit to funding the 2.9 Million and then yeah we would enter into as we've done with other projects with the msba enter into a funding agreement with the msba and then the msba gives the town back the mov correct you can do it as you go through right you just have to um submit reimbursement I think it's in quantities of 20,000 or more right yeah oh and when you go find out when do we find out if hopefully in the next two weeks all right is if I understood it correctly they're looking to invite people to the November board meeting um if you're invited into the accelerator repair the uh Synthetic Turf was there discussion on the funding for that so um in the past there was yeah yes so the Synthetic Turf um that Not only was approved here last year by the then it went to the town Capital planning committee um and the discussion was very supportive there to continue to move forward that two ways in terms of funding it one a certain portion possibly supported through a community preservation um Grant with the rest of it at least this was at the time of the discussion I think coming through um free cash that was the discussion the time ultimately we recommended as a fiscal year 25 project but I think as the budget was discussed at the financial oversight committee level um it was taken out of the the projects so that's why it's back on for fiscal year 26 so we don't lose track um what I should say and I apologize I was going out of order with the Highlight but you have three projects for fiscal year 26 you have the parking lot redesign which is 394,000 that's a a more specific quote that we've gotten through tyan Bond and DPW and then the turf replacement is um an escalation of 15% which is what DPW is putting out projects where they're not getting specific quotes on um so we added the 15% there from last year so you have three projects one of which is uh through the msba we know the what is it actually designed or is that for the cost of for the actual this is 394 would be to take out the the islands um to restripe and repave um I think that's how many more spots would we get that's a good question I do not have that that answer that would be important they did Park we've done some work to it but the island in the Middle where those trees are we could probably put another 20 spots in and they must have some other ideas I'm hoping I think in the back they would like to get rid of both those two islands and um stripe it differently so you can pick up spots there maybe on either side of of the island um are they really short on parking over there yes you park in the playground oh yeah which is coming along nicely the other one I I was there for soccer this weekend and it looks halfway done of you know so P good portion done it looks like everything's there so yeah Rene will give a little bit of an update on November 2nd nice uh so I think it's great but I think we should move a couple more things into year one because we know how the process works and these are all large tickets and I know they are further out but we have three $100,000 so we might be lucky enough to get one or two of them just be as we asked whereas the big projects are tougher to get sometimes so we have uh the the kitchen Hood at Mountain View and the um replace smoke hatch at buron Park and the uh tho floor at Maple Shade I know it's a little bit out of order but I think strategically so because if we don't get into msab ba for some reason we have to push that one off a year then we're down to the two projects so just a word of caution um because they are sitting much further out y they all they've received over the years is that whatever the DPW price escalation last year I think it was 5% year before it was probably 3% this year based on all the changes the cost of living and so forth it went to 15% have been price escalated too then is that what you're saying that's what happens um with the ones that are further out than the next fiscal year just so they were in the ballpark and more than so it's cheaper than this may may or may not be right may or may not may be 25% is that we're saying because it's three years out is that maybe is that how I'm reading you no your one is 15 your two is More Everything got 15% this year so last year's fiveyear plan yeah everything everything got moved all I'm saying is that you know you take something like the mbrook parking lot they went and talked with tyan Bond and got a much more precise quote on that like that's less than 15% of what we had last year see um the turf we just added 15% y to that um and then the rest of them across the board because these aren't projects that um the principles have been discussing for next year yeah we had we continued so that in the ballpark um when you get to that year what do you think about those two or three items Gordon in terms of um asking to see if we can get them funded or would you not want to the ones that are under 100,000 just to get some lower number ones see we know how it goes we're gonna get I mean certainly the Tazo floor I think is one that um is in need yeah you probably need in a few schools but uh certainly that that would be one you could look at I just um sure I'm hoping the cost is in ballpark we get done what we can okay uh what about that smoke hatch on the stage at birchin that is smoke hatch um are they smoking in the stage and blowing it out the hatch I think um it's something that is triggered on the fire alarm and it open um that's a that's a guess let's hold that one off then how about the uh it's not very interesting uh the kitchen Hood and Mount View so that was something that is has been recommended as we when we did the facility study I think for I think everyone's got a kitchen Hood somewhere um now we wouldn't look to replace that with um SCH lunch service yeah possibly is there reasoning for that there is feasible funding go back to Lor's um list that she had and have a conversation with her about that all right let's not put that one on for you so maybe just move the Char with Flor and we can push for that how about that and then we'll have the other three are you okay with that how are folks with that I think that's I think is light to ask I know they're big numbers but what are the other three uh the parking lot redesign at meal Brook yeah the uh Maple Shade roof replacement with msba funding yeah and the oh right there good chance that the turf gets moved well but we if there's money in um Community Pres if they could take half of that it would be substantial have to get done we're have a brand new high school need to get done and that's didn't we say that we were going to do that after the high school was built I think that was the the discussion that took place but we were not involved in that discussion that's not our thought we no no I think that that was the discussion took it out from underneath us given the the amount of use that's going to get over probably two plus years because even um in 26 and 27 you're still redesigning the fields here some cases we may have to be because of either sod or seed right um so you could you could be looking at three years plus okay so else yeah okay I think we leave it on and have that discussion again because even if we fund it this year still be another full school year before you won't get it until they wouldn't start working on until probably the summer right so the three and then the shadeo Flor can we move that over I just make U I just want to remind you what Gordon said that 93460 is not and it does not have that 15% on there it does have the it does have I'm sorry that I misunder it's not a it's not a quote from a flooring company got it originally most likely came from the facility study which we finished in 2013 2014 and we just escalated we've escalated yeah perfect okay I'd take a motion to accept the fiveyear capital plan with the one change moving the 93,000 and change to U for the maple shet tro floor repair to year one Mr Martin I make a motion to accept the 20 2024 2025 District 5year Capital plan with the one change of moving the shade repair to year one excellent motion made by Amy second by William discussion all in favor say I I those oppos nay that carries five to zero on our way oh who's doing this you the best oh yeah so fun I do feel um bad for you because they moved it back to Friday afternoon saw that and it's so the delegate meeting is 3M Friday afternoon didn't they move it to the beginning they had moved it to the beginning left right is that what happened and then well I don't know if everybody left they it at the end I think they tried to move it to the beginning because they left well people yeah so sadly it seems like a g town when by the time they get to that meeting Friday everybody's gone have pulled out o00 on Friday Wednesday right conference wnes I don't know why they moved it back I don't either although it was well attend I thought it was pretty well attended last year it was people were trickling out at the end but um started off be strong with a lot of what are there 10 and so typically we would uh go through all of them and decide how Amy would vote I representative but don't we typically only read the therefore be it resolved okay you want uh you want to take aite out yeah go for it Amy then you can you want me to so resolution one development of an alternative to the high stakes mcast test you want me to just read that yeah then you can go right down to M chooses to develop a wider more comprehens or consensus build strategy for an evaluation system with meaningful input for legitimate stakeholders the mcast urges the state legisl to launch comprehensive evaluation to investigate the extent of biases pertaining to mcast tests and make these results public and the mcast urges messages to enact a moratorium on mcast testing effective immediately wow so I know where you're Stakes alternative an alternative to high stakes alternative to high stakes yep so uh a motion in F would be in favor of the uh resolution or uh a motion against would be against the resolution right so folks have a comprehension of that this is similar to our discussion later I don't know how to vote on this one oh you want an alternative you like the alternative I mean it's I don't know what it is yes create it it'll probably be report something portfolio based or something right what do you think about that oh I think it's great okay I'm going with e is not gonna be in support of resolution one in general but but you are oh for sure yeah well how are you so sure the elel is not I'm making we haven't even finished the discussion yet okay the problem is the moratorium on mcast testing before they even develop a new one right that's why this isn't really telling us anything yeah and it's not just High School I don't know if I mean it depends on what the alternative would be so I can also bring I mean I can bring questions as well oh yeah yeah there's usually like robust discussion really oh yeah about all of these resolutions I can you know if have discussion do people change their vote though I mean why have discussion if there's no already predetermined I don't know I mean some I think that's the idea I think the idea is to have a conversation and some people maybe would change their mind or not yeah um people do get really passionate though when you know especially if it's you know a specific school committee that brought it Forward somebody from that school committee will usually make an impassion statement about it this came from the masc board of directors which is surprising in itself right really our folks ready to go anel is still I can see it good so a I vote would be in the affirmative to for uh our um delegate to vote in the affirmative a a would be to vote in the negative so all those in favor of resolution number one say I I those oppos nay say Nay Nay Nay and those oppos abstain where'd you go William I'm not even sure where I'm at it's not going to matter you can obain yeah I'm gonna for this one all right four uh 31 Z Sam okay wouldn't it be one three three four three oh yeah I'm sorry yes one one yes thank you Gordon you know what I meant Sam probably had it no you fixed it thank you okay okay resolution two is to increase comp attendance age whereas compulsory School attendance reverse the minimum required by each state in which a student must be enrolled in and attending public school or some equivalent accredited education program defined by law and just go down therefore resolve that masc recommends that Massachusetts legislature increase the compulsory age okay all folks on that one still M here yeah I just want to make sure I understand this so if the kids 17 or 18 don't have to go to school no they would have to go to school now they wouldn't be eligible to drop thing right now right now the Dropout age okay surprised they have this one in here and not something about kindergarten being compulsory this is Yeah by they went up okay um all those in favor of resolution number two say I I I those opposed n say NS cares of firearms I believe this one is being brought back I think it was a real hot button issue last year and I don't think that there was any what's that I said Framingham school committee yeah and I and I don't think it I don't remember exactly what happened but it was I think it got tabled yeah it was a really passionate discussion so whereas safety and well-being of our students teachers and staff is top priority in schools and keeping them safe from the threat of gun violence should be the responsibility of all adult stakeholders at each of our school sites um and then down to the end therefore be it resolve that masc recommends all district all districts direct their superintendent and staff to create an appropriate communication importance of firearms of secure firearm storage and protect children and teens right access to unsecured firearms and their legal obligations consistent with the Massachusetts state safe storage law furthermore be a resolve that MC urges other communities to work with their local law enforcement agencies agencies nonprofit organizations to collaborate and increase efforts to inform District parents and guardians of their obligations regarding Secure Storage of firearms and it makes sense but last year I remember people getting you know the logistical piece of it school committee members being very concerned about liability and how do we enforce this and what does this look like in a on a practical you know it seems like yeah that makes good sense but then people did bring up a lot of concerns about yeah but how does this actually look in practice they want to put guns in the school no no no they want they want liter they want it to be the responsibility of the school district to put literature to out to out all of our district families about safely storing firearms and they're and they're proposing that that is a responsibility of the school district to in inform parents of their of their responsibility their gun owners yeah which you can understand because a reminder to store your gun safely May someday be the difference it could you know I'm in favor of it but I'm just sharing that year it was a it was people were very very upset about this think the state could come up with some Universal literature I feel like I feel like flip heaven forbid put out literature and a child reads that literature and goes and touches a gun that wasn't properly stored MH to say if they were checking for safety yeah yeah yeah yeah and now I I don't know if they want something like this then it should be like in the wellness framework or something like that it should be like but I don't know if it should be coming from well it's gonna come from that's the issue patricians can the state mandate pediatricians hand out literature they can do it to schools Universal way to get it out collectively um and I don't I don't know how yeah so maybe yeah maybe the state could come up with something nice if there was some literature or something okay so maybe I I can that's part of the yeah okay I mean because I'm of the theory that more literature never shouldn't hurt but I also see your points here that it brings up the topic and then if that goes home go check like I think about even like fire safety like that Sparks huge conversation at a young age like are smoke detectors working and like there's a big difference between going and pushing the smoke detector button minus the ladder and there is to a child and coming home with a piece of paper that's talking about gun safety and if they know there's a gun in the home heaven forbid I don't know this to me just seems like it's it's a tough one again in principle yes like I think the idea is great but I don't know that it's on the schools to be passing that out what do you think Manny you got on points yeah I agree with Sarah that um could rise that issue to younger kids yeah we do have a a pretty strong partnership with the East long metal police department but it's generally reactive um more around any anything that may have been brought To Us by children or families and then we work to provide education mostly from the police department because it's not our expertise right y but we often are the conduit of communication between the two to at least start that process but it it has been more reactive although more common than you would think [Music] yeah okay ready um all those in favor of resolution number three sayfe Sage of firearms please say uh we make did we make motions before why am I feeling like this is off did I is this how I've been Dove done I thought we just talked about it we were just like all right we're say yes I'm writing down oh we did vote all right I don't know if we need a motion to do it all I'm asking no we generally through okay just like you're doing all in favor of thank you I just felt odd doing it thank you so then affirmative all those in favor of resolution number three please say I I those opposed please say nay nay that motion uh fails one to four four stop B surveillance act and enforcement penalties whereas it is against the law in Massachusetts to pass a stopped school bus with the stop arm extended and flashing lights when student passengers embark andless witnessed by a police officer the penalties for passing a stopped school bus are minimal the danger to passengers is extraordinary and can prove fatal um therefore be it resolved that the Massachusetts Association of school committees calls on the Massachusetts legislature to enact legislation to pass into law the ability for cities and towns to install on all school buses Live digital video detection monitoring systems for the purpose of enforcing violations against the owner of a motor vehicle whose vehicle failed to stop for a school bus when required to do so by law and this comes from the pebody school committee I've seen it happen I've seen people pass buses with us stop sign out and u a student was killed here 30 plus years ago probably uh Crossing from a school bus so it's certainly a real real thing so I'd be in favor of it any other discussion thinking about it answer you starting I am did we have something like this before Massachusetts where where folks were running red lights and they were getting tickets and as a result they were you know a lot of people were fighting the tickets so on and so forth because they felt that it wasn't ticket based on not having an actual police officer to witness the actual act doing it off the cameras that are at exactly I I know in Rhode Island they have that I don't know Massachusetts specifically I thought massachusett fought back on they used to have the um they used to give tickets for speeding on the Mass Pike based on your transponder from one transponder reading to the next but I know they stopped that no they they actually even got what so far is actually giving you tickets if you if you arrived at the destination faster than you should have right that's what I'm saying your average speed ticket you're getting a ticket based off of that think they stopped doing that though yeah so this would be up to the legislature to make it legal I guess would be the point I mean I guess it doesn't it wouldn't hurt to at least make the suggestion mean we have the technology what do Manny think uh yeah bring It Forward yeah if it deters one person from doing it and with the technology we have available I I mean obviously there will be cost Associated but with what's available out there now I wouldn't think it would be astronomical right how it talks like it must be constantly running no as soon as the as soon as the I would assume as soon as the the arm goes arm goes out that's when it starts recording front and back right and then once it closes but then once it's recorded it's a live fee directly to a police department well I think that's I think the driver still would probably have to report it I guess the logistical part would have to take place yeah because would probably talk to the driver and say have a violation record turn it in like like B detection hard enough to okay all in favor motion for please say I I nay say nay carries five to zero solution five aligning taxing Authority with required Massachusetts general laws establishes a required local contribution which defines a minimum appropriation for Education therefore be it resolved that the Massachusetts Association of school committees calls for the enactment of legislation that would increase a municipalities Levy limit by the amount of increase of the required local contribution in excess of 2.5% granting the municipality the ability to raise local revenues mandated by chapter within the body give you examples of the actual increase for local contribution was versus the 2.5 Levy increase so War can you end on that further then so um basically the um the local local contributions outpacing the municipalities can raise their taxes by um even if you add growth in there you're probably still you know somewhere between 2.5 and three um where local contribution was going up the last few years in the neighborhood of five or more percent so how were we doing that within the levy though that's what they're saying is that some some municipalities are not they were those are um overrides you can go the these this is uh the total across Statewide yeah what Pam do you know our number from last year how much uh what percentage I don't know the percentage I I know that I mean East Long Meadows always very generous to the schools and we go like I believe it's a good like million dollars over what has to be given for the minimum and that's closing as this um formula is changing um sorry I don't remember but we stay within the levy every year yes we actually don't maximize the levy every year and our operating budget what was our percentage last year increase ours was uh just around four yeah9 yeah9 so what would this change for us then um luckily right now we're in a good position but there are municipalities that are struggling to meet their local contribution within the L right without going this would allow them to go over the levy correct oh I don't like it why aren't they able to make their local funding though they have all they're spending it on the town side we look at it yeah or it could be that there are costs that they're incurring that year that have just escalated and so it's you know as we look you know we're we're looking at we could have asked for a 5.5% race last year or you know so if towns are looking at that and feeling that oh that's definitely needed yeah and remember a lot of districts um we had that wonderful Esser funding right for a few years that was a significant amount of money and a lot of districts hired Personnel important personnel they you know but then when the grant goes away now some big decisions were made and if they choose to keep those staff not that we were in that same boat but many districts were so I I'm assuming maybe some of that is behind what's happening here yep to Mr Blair point desie is Now tracking and asking each district actually we just did it today um to report the budget in your operational budget the budget amount that goes towards social and emotional support uh and so more or less the way we've been doing it is we look at all the positions that are set in the budget to provide social emotional support and sort of give us guidance as a district um and we calculate that and that's what we report each year but that's been the last at least last two years yeah a couple of years and I think it's was about $2 million right over two million right yeah um my guess a lot of districts used Esser money yeah to fund and increase those positions right um and and we it's not something that we didn't think about we certainly did but uh we discussed you know what that might look like and thankfully um last year we were able to incorporate an additional adjustment counselor at mebrook which certainly is being utilized quite a bit um that position and thankfully all three councilors are working really well together as a team um but yeah so I think that that lends itself to the escalation you see yeah any other discussion all those in favor of resolution five please say I all those opposed please say nay nay any extensions the motion fails Z to five support of legislation to improve health of rural scho districts school districts in massach stunting threats to the ability and thus the ability to provide World students with the same quality of Educational Opportunity by students in other parts of the state therefore be it resolved masc urges legislature to pass con legislation encompassing all recommendations from the legislative Commission on the fiscal health of rural schools report a sustainable future for Rural schools I think rural schools face similar concerns as urbans and they don't have the funding to support them when it comes to like technology internet access like we still don't have high-speed internet in all our locations and things of that nature would help you're saying potentially I mean I haven't read the full commission on fiscal Health based on some of the things that they're cting up above yeah they're not benefiting from the student Opportunity Act Ro where urban districts have benefited um quite considerably from the student Opportunity Act and so they're trying to balance the that [Music] out and there's some areas of rural Massachusetts also have significant levels of poverty as well sure any other discussion all those in favor of resolution six please say I I I those oppose nay any extenstions that varies five to zero yep seven fully adjusting chter 70 a inflation whereas Chapter 70 of the general laws provides a structure for allocation of school aid based on the foundation budgets that reflects the needs and costs for Massachusetts school districts um or be it resolved that ASC calls on the Massachusetts legis legislature to advance legislation mandating inflation index catch-ups to Chapter 70 Foundation Aid that fully accounts for realized inflation that has occurred since the passage of the student Opportunity Act be further resolve MC work with the Massachusetts legislature to ensure in future years where realized inflation is above the 4.5 infation cap subsequent years cetch ups are made to chapter 78 and that realized inflation is used in the formulas to calculate chapter 78 in perpetuity isn't it all political anyway money and can we mandate how they increase it every year a future legislature do that they have capped it though at the 4.5 annual inflation rate last two years that's been well over the inflation has they funded 4.5% they've only um increased it by 4.5% that's the cap right no two years ago we did last year not too much TR I don't know that it's going to change anything uh all in favor of resolution number seven please say I I say n Equitable funding for non-regional school districts with high Transportation costs whereas many non-regional school districts face significant financial burdens due to the extensive Transportation costs and longer routes required to serve their students be it resolve that the state recognizes the financial challenges faced non-regional school districts due to their higher Transportation costs and longer routs the state acknowledges that non-regional school districts should have access to Regional School Regional districts or costs are extraordinary a special fund shall be established to provide financial assistance to Regional School higher Transportation costs extraordinary Roots Relief Fund I don't think we have any of those in e m came from this came from the pth yeah no yeah I'm saying we wouldn't benefit from it so we would just be paying for it don't they have I mean kids from these districts they don't pay for the bus they certainly could so the C more Rider longer routs basically the issue regionals the regional non Regional non Regional Regional already get additional uh transportation funding this asks for additional funding from the state for those that have long routes or wide routes I guess lith is a good example yeah geographical Geographic yeah but yeah so as I said I don't think we so we pay all in favor of that so all in favor of resolution number eight please say I solution n msba grants evaluation for chapter 74 whereas chapter 74 Vocational Technical and agricultural high schools incur higher costs to build chapter 74 educational training spaces therefore for be it resolved that the Massachusetts Association of school committees calls upon the Massachusetts legislature and msba to create and evaluate tiered system to separately assess cost of one Elementary two comprehensive high schools and three Vocational Technical and agricultural schools resulting to true cost reimbursement for each School category huh probably makes sense yeah any discussion all in favor oh no resolution number nine please say I I I where's the middle schools good question I mean it's not gonna change my vote but they don't mention middle there are are there locational middle schools but like the tearing it was like Elementary high school vocational Tech well it's Comprehensive High Schools too it's not high schools maybe it's a different sharing system exion and capacity in chapter 74 Vocational Technical programs whereas chapter 74 vocational technical schools in Massachusetts are experiencing unprecedented applications for admission students from their sending districts are being weight listed be it resolved that the massachus capacity at the current chapter schools and work with districts that lack access to technical schools to create programs I mean we should have more vocational SCH schools I think right yes y all those in favor resolution number 10 please say I I I those [Music] zero you're good thank you Amy for those good luck have a nice trip to the cape wad might be a little cold but yeah you're tough so okay we have discussion of policy khb advertising on School District property packets you have the PHP uh policy on advertising on School District policy or excuse me District property and um pretty much it prohibits any advertising although it does allow for exceptions to be made by the school committee um the question came up regarding is the school committee allowed to um be selective in how if they actually allow for exceptions can they be selective specifically with regard to um advertisers who either are not aligned with the district Mission or um are direct contrast to say items um that are prohibited by the district code of conduct and um attorney Hughes uh gave us this uh recommendation where it looks like the um actual case studies that uh he pulled indicate that if we go or if the school committee decides to allow advertising then it become somewhat of a public form for freedom of speech therefore the recommendation would be to not allow any advertising as the at least the per sentence of the policy currently indicates how then because I know how then did it start it went back to our previous Town manager granting this um so you have two the recreation department on non-school properties correct the town manager did allow for we the town manager has no jurisdiction to allow signage on school property the school committee has sole jurisdiction but wasn't then the process that banners were going to Donna and Don they shouldn't be up there should be no ban banners I think we're going to have a big fight in our hands from people that were breaking school policy if they thought what they were doing was in alignment with the policy but that's what people thought they were doing they didn't ask us at least from what we've been told um the director of uh Recreation has been um letting all booster groups know now um this this is not something that's allowed on school property and so um she has asked them to take it down I'm sure those signs weren't approved by the director of recreation would that be a fair statement no they were approved by the director I think going back a number of years we would have to the one we just P off I didn't say that one well that's what I mean not the only organization who is using them as a revenue source and it's against policy and that's it's for this exact reason not that we're against fundraising just against guns being displayed on our fences don't want it done anymore yeah so we have the attorney that's giving our advice it's a a free free speech issue either allow all or none how does that work with other forms of advertisement like what our schools our yearbooks aren't sponsored or yearbooks um are in within the policy are allowed to um have advertising in the yearbooks they can sell so how then does that differ in terms of freedom of speech um he talks about it I I mean I just think it's going to put us in a very precarious situation especially when you think about the erection of the four outs now at birchland that's not even I don't even that's at no point that they say we must put up signs on our fences to put up these dugouts no one ever said anything that's a part of their fun in Tarra they could be out selling I don't I don't know it's not anything to do with us though I believe that there were processes that they thought they were doing right by they didn't they were wrong they or they were misinformed they're still wrong it's okay regardless right no it's not okay no I'm saying like whe whoever was right or wrong doesn't matter as much as the signs are down they're coming down like it's not permanently up right during the time of sporting events okay so it's going right well that's what I'm saying right but it's been consistent already it's nothing's going to change we're not going to change the policy tonight the policy is what it is and in order to put something on school you have to pass the school like I don't know then I think we have to go back to that meeting where this happened I I where what happened where the recreation department was brought into the conversation because these folks didn't just start soliciting funds from individuals sponsorship yes they did Greg I guarantee you if we went back to that meeting we wouldn't hear that which meeting are you talking about I'm sorry s The Dugout One no I'm talking about going back to like the meeting where this Hannah worms first was opened up and that was on the town manager Town Council side years ago I knew nothing about it if it happened because I totally disagree with that school property is under the sole jurisdiction of the school committee not the town manager has no Authority am I wrong that this came back around from like when Mary was here I I think the town manager did approve it for Town property not school property yeah center of town Heritage Park the the unfortunate thing is is governing that is challenging or policing it I guess in this case so then what hap I'm just asking so then what happens um for the instances of the Spartan sprint we can we can do inhouse ad is that what you're saying you can't do if you're putting it on so distinction to answer your question around um uh school programs and so forth um the second paragraph towards the bottom um see that's half down yeah the distinction however is that school sponsored Publications are considered nonpublic forms that are part of the curriculum and thus might reasonably perceived to Bear the impr premature of the school um here Communications on fences of its property which I didn't read all the case studies there but uh here are case references here are Communications on fenes of its property which are viewable to the public are likely distinguishable from non-public forums such as school Publications so School Publications like the yearbook would be excluded from IDE saying like when we run things like the Spartan sprint and we have sponsorship during those events would that no longer be eligible either because now we're advertising like I go back to the days of for run three didn't they have sponsorship things up at the schools as well when you like passed through wasn't that run by them wasn't Arch you ran through 4113 or 4 run three I'm just saying this is going to set off a domino if we're really adhering to this Sarah are you comfortable with the sign that was on the fence that day no I think so our attorney is saying you cannot discriminate and say you can't put that sign up but you can put that sign up you can't it's free speech your your violation of the first I don't think I'm understanding that then how is accepting funds from someone on the basis of for instance a code of conduct speech someone has to come to one of these Recreation departments and say I would like to sponsor you the recreational facility or board would have the authority to say yes or no we're not saying yes or no yeah so how does that involve us directly can't put a sign up on our fence that's it they can sponsor him they can hear here's $ thousand dollar it's all yours I'm just saying just put a sign on the fence okay I just this is exactly why though this was a complaint that came from citizens that walk by they're not football players they're not football families they don't want to see it I don't disagree with that completely valid but I'm just saying it's going to have a much broader impact than just football a much broader impact including things like the Spartan sprint including even didn't even have they had it on Town property this year it wasn't even on scho proper what happens then when we do National Night Out an advertisements are hung up for that what happens when we adver band concerts what's up for that for advertisements there's nobody puts up advertisements on those on each of the tents um the fireworks we allowed uh thank you to the sponsors of the fireworks but I don't know that National Night Out we've done our uh what's the other one concerts well unfortunately everybody loses now cuz somebody went too far Sarah that's where I'm at I'm just saying like I don't know then if we have nobody can do it anymore Somebody went too far and now nobody can do it that's it Gordon can I ask you a question about something that you said moment ago about you know advertising of items that are not in line with our code of conduct does that piece come in at all no so that was a specific question because we thought as a school department you have a specific Mission and then your code of conduct even becomes more specific because it prohibits certain things um so that was the question that um I had put to our attorneys and um attorney Hughes is saying that uh unfortunately we can't discriminate based on our mission and our code of conduct oh yeah got it the Hope was we could right thank you so what's the teeth here I mean if somebody puts a sign up what's what's the ratifications somebody just go to somebody go to take it down anybody can do yeah anybody can do the things they're not permitted to do and so this would not permit sign putting up so if some puts a sign up it's not permitted so yeah it could be taken down which is what happened in this case but I think the problem is becoming that recreational organizations have accepted donations in order to have and that sponsorship of the team so the sign is going up during an event where that team is using our facilities so now they're in a pinch where they've accepted funds and I disagree Greg I think there was some confusion here because I think some of them were bringing their banners to the rec department as instructor we didn't instruct them to do that and I'm I'm pretty sure the rec department has not given permission for those signs to go up on I didn't say all I'm saying and I'm saying these specific ones that we too then when we allowed the Spartan Sprints we run here we were and we're guilty of it then for National Night Out or the fireworks or all these things so there are going to be ramifications I'm just saying we need to figure out a better solution than just saying nothing the Rotary Club always ask permission and they come here and ask for that they always put it in their their request to use the grounds um so what happens if that starts to change and what they put up all of a sudden includes an arms dealer how are we going to know then we've never seen you can no longer now we stick to the policy tight we have to stick to it Sarah it's it's a or there's no middle you have to allow them all in which the sign that was up we could say nothing about we allow none but this also says that we have the right to say yes or no no it doesn't our policy does well right but he's he's saying the attorney saying polic WR the policy that's too bad that it has to there are no other policies locally that we could look at other school committees I mean you I think other school I think most schools allow advertising but I don't haven't seen any gun advertisings on any other schools yet and I think if they run into that issue they would probably down any other towns right surrounding us that have four gun shops right in town or would East Long be the only one in very hyper local are but it's not just that and you know I'm not I'm not bashing any gun shops it's a it's a valid business it's a legitimate business they have a right to make a living I wasn't bashing it I'm I'm just I'm trying to be because I sounds like I'm B bashing it but it's the subject matter but also you know cigarettes we wouldn't want to advertise um you know yeah any of those absolutely if we can't say no to to some things and not everything we have to say no no to everything I mean it's include like when you pull up schools and there's fairs sponsored or Jost School Rings or I mean those are real signs that you see on school property I'm just saying like if we're that literal then I think we're gonna have a very very very big impact on way more than some other I don't think we're GNA have that big of an impact how much are they getting never put those signs up they get quite a pretty penny for that for those signs they do they get and what are they using the money for what's the money for what do you think helps purchase those dugouts codes and stuff no this is the football team we're talking about but it also impacts other organizations who do the exact same thing there are banners that go up on multiple Fields this town I'm just saying like I can't bring a banner to your house and stick it up on your house because I want to it's the same thing explain though that that was not articulated to individuals I'm not saying it's right or wrong I think they did ask I think they got bad information now that's a funding source that we are cutting off from local organizations that I'm just saying we need to be aware of and we now need to look more critically at all the other things that are placed on school property it's not just as simple as no Banners are going up it's way more than that and who's going to be responsible now for going around and checking this the principles however Sarah the alternative is that sign goes back up you're good with that I didn't say that I a prop s it's not you can't go against the attorney the attorney says it doesn't work we can keep this conversation going and seek advice from other local school committees who are allowing advertising there are other school districts in our very area where advertising is allowed I have personally have never been a proponent of advertising to youth on public grounds so I'm I'm in favor of the policy as it is so but I'm one person so what else what do you want to do I agree with Sarah that maybe looking into what local other local school districts do in terms of their policy would be a helpful thing to do but um yeah I wish there were a little bit more of a gray area on here to help help us the one thing I would say mentioned sort of class rings and yearbooks and so forth that's a vendor that we bring in so they're going to identify themselves I think that's a little bit different than advertising but um certainly the school committee would like to us to look at districts around us we could do that and did the attorney know that these were not permanent fixtures I think it's somewhere in here he talks about temporary banners so if we vote today and say no banners I mean yes Banners are okay that means the banner that was currently taken down gets allow gets allowed to be put back up this requires a vote either allow banners or don't allow banners and you cannot um differentiate on the subject matter no no I understand we can't yes that one could go back up if we allow signs tonight though but for those that are receiving funds or receiving contributions who we not put rules and regulations in for them to be more dis to be more Discerning in who they receive funds that's where I'm lost too like we're not accepting the funds we aren't which is even worse so we're advertising it's not worse it's just as bad because we're advertising for guns and we're not even getting the funds for no I'm not saying the guns no I'm talking about the guns right now I'm not talking about the woman that's everything a banner being put up yeah that somebody the school is receiving funds for that Banner to be allowed to be put up could we not put more controls over the organizations that are receiving funds thus be able to then restrict certain kind of things that we just don't want to be on the right and why I wouldn't want I wouldn't want the guns to I I would say to that that the boosters would be under the same um um we don't have that legal opinion though are boosters under the same uh but but um he is it not Amendment one yeah the first amendment the first amendment applies to all Americans in all groups but an organization has the right to accept money or not from advertisers so that's what I'm saying like as an organization I have the right to solicit you for but we can't make the football organization take money from certain people we can't do it can we I'm not saying make them I'm your but we can also set parameters I think at and give guidance as to what will be permissible and when they get by the guidance that we gave them what do we do we say no Vapes and they go and they get I don't know then we say that has Al say no Vape well no Sarah we can't say that that's the whole point that's the Crux of it you cannot say that sign down are approved by the school committee so we could make an we're gonna change this no we're g this this policy is not good anymore exceptions is the is the new thing that's what you're saying that's what the attorney is saying I I don't know one item that's missed here is that um we've had very few groups come before the school committee to request put up putting up any kind of advertising so I think Julio is saying is that somehow they're bypassing the school committee entirely right and getting approved somewhere or we don't know that though Gordon we don't know that but but they're not coming here so one element correct one element of the policy is not being followed which that should certainly be um widely communicated that any advertising every incident of advertising or request for advertising should come to the school committee that's what the policy basically is saying we could completely ignore the legal advice we were given and say we are not we do not advertise for guns Vapes cannabis or alcohol we won't we won't allow it and wait for the especially because we're on record here with our legal advice I mean we certainly have that right however the signs will come again and then what yeah I don't know that they would come again they came do we know how where they I mean do we know where they came from or do who who solicited this vendor or how this happened a sign popped up and that was it a lot a sign came it was placed on during one of the um Saturday wck games was placed on the athletic fields fence which is a school department fence and so then the complaint came to us so but so they didn't necessarily receive funds or anything that somebody just put the sign up no it's understand they did somebody they there was a donation and this was thanking the sponsor does the w Department I'm legitimately ask Swit do the rec department pay us a rental fee when when Rec when those fields are used for rec purposes they pay an annual uh no they only pay for custodial over time so when the football field is used there's no cost no the policy is such that um what if there was a cost it's irrelevant why same policy but we can not tell them to take that sign down if we allow signs that's why it matters but I'm saying if they are paying for the use of the facility then isn't that under their jurisdiction at that moment and not necessarily ours because the same citizens are going to walk by and say that's public grounds and there's a sign have a gun on it they don't know so I would say no to that you know and it's the policy of the um the school itself you know what school itself the school has a policy for the grounds and so that's what dictates what happens on the grounds it's not like because somebody paid rent for it they can change the policy for the stadium this is a tough F then I'm going to go so then lross they don't have any sponsorship banners when they come and do their big tournament here I'm just saying we have a lot of things that people use this property for that we are then gonna have to really narrow that scope because we host that lacrosse tournament where colleges come for recruitment purposes Every Spring don't we yeah we haven't in a while but uh we did for what four years in a row or four years in a row yeah and I'm guaranteeing there was some kind of power R sign or something up I just don't the black and white making it to be right the member districts and see what policies they may have and bring it back yes so can we table this one yeah is that possible sure okay Sarah good we'll do that we'll talk about it good discussions just getting warmed up too okay we have acceptance of a smart window unit air conditioner for Mount View School Pam if you have that yeah yes in your packet uh from Principal Elaine santanello is requesting uh the school committee approve this air conditioner and the history behind that is that there are air conditioners in each of the classrooms at Mountain View school and most of our classrooms and um this grade five U Mr Tyler's um air conditioner died at the end of the school year and it was after the date where purchases were allowed as you know it's always crazy at the end of the year over the summer also his personally his central air died so he had to he in bought this air conditioner to use personally but then his air conditioning got um fixed so he no longer needs it it was a very nice device so he thought he would donate it to the school if we don't accept this and and it is in his window right now but if you choose not to accept it we would take it out but then we would have to purchase one so my recommendation is to accept it this is not a precedent setting um well in the in the letter it says for the 2425 school year so is this I'm sorry did I miss that there no no this letter oh that one that he wrote so does that mean it's conditional for this year and then we are buying a new one or is this like for purpose donation no once it's a donation it is ours I realize what you're saying that it say I would like to donate this for the 24 25 school year that doesn't read to me like I just want to make sure like if we're accepting this like we're accepting it and it's not like conditional upon employment it's not conditional upon next academic year that make those are valid points you may at least get clarification before acceptance or the vote could be that you would accept it and in upon facts that it is a yeah permanent donation yes because then we would have to have it uninstalled buy a new one and have it reinstalled it says from Mr Sanel with Mount View school would be pleased to accept this AC unit clro for future benefit to our students right but his letter say that but that could be interpreted as he'd like to donate it this year this is your donation but we can ask for cl clarification and make the vote contingent on it be appr okay make a motion please I'd like to make a motion to accept unit air conditioner from school purchased by Mr Tyler a grade five classroom teacher what name by anilla my ADD conditional upon yeah please add up too conditional that's a perent Don as long as it's forever motion made by second second any other discussion all favor say I hi that carries five need re you go back 30 years there'll be some box in the window doesn't work here forever okay we have acceptance of the craft supplies donated by the Mudge family to uh Miss em at Mountain View's school engagment oh so that's it so okay yeah elae santanello principal um Mountain View is again asking um for the school committee to accept these donations for the gifted and talented program was this something the teacher needed or was this something that the family just decided to donate because they had as extra I honestly don't know that but I would think that if it was products that they did not want they wouldn't be asking to accept them but again I can ask that question for you yeah I just would like to mindful of is this a purchase should be budgeted within our budget these aren't I mean an air conditioner this is another like almost $500 here ask that question so again it can be conent upon no no it's not contingent I just am curious like how then are we allocating funds like if this is for a project how would the project have been otherwise funded if not for the donation and the generosity of said family take a motion to accept the donation please I make a motion to accept the supp to motion by Amy discussion all in favor to say iose nay we don't have to do the final one we're gonna miss the final made by Sarah by William to item 7.6 all in favor say I I I those oppos nay that motion carries 5 to zero we have one more before meeting before the oh okay do we I don't know do we I think before yeah you're right M we should talk politics next meeting are coming have them prepared to speak Manny be ready you're gonna be on right okay if we have no other business which I don't believe we do I would entertain a motion to adjourn please motion made by Sarah second by any discussion all in favor say I I five to zero thank you