good evening and welcome this is the April 22nd 2024 meeting of the school committee called the meeting to order 502 this meeting is being both audio and video recorded I would ask that everybody please rise from Pledge of Allegiance I pledge of allegiance to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands one nation under God indivisible Liberty Justice for All Sarah is a loud one true it's true no I miss her I miss her yeah uh we will do roll call please Amy start please Gregory Thompson Smith superintendent of schools Pamela Blair assistant superintendent for business okay and we have some minutes approval I would take a motion please minut in both sessions cor we'll just do one at a time if you don't mind session okay motion made by Amy second second by Kate any other discussion all in favor say I I those oppose nay actually yeah you weren't here but are we need your vote so um you can vote at a necessity okay yep so that's three to zero thank you motion made by second by Kate any other discussion all in favor say I I I those oppos nay that carries three to zero we have committee and subcommittee communication sandine would you like to start us out I would there's been aot recently schools there was a high school B in or field trip on April 3rd it went very well uh senior to New York City right yes New York City trip we went to see Back to the Future oh you went yes it was it was a pretty good musical I didn't love it but it was pretty good senior banquet was on April 5th I felt that went very well as well we have the Special Olympics got rescheduled for this Friday because of rain the previous date so this Friday will be the Special Olympics stop the swerve the hom hamen District attorney's office going to be coming to the school tomorrow and Wednesday to do a special event for the seniors who going to be attending prom so the 23rd there will be events in the gym and the 24th there's going to be like a full presentation for Te there was a model Congress event on April 13th I bill passed so is a congratulations congratulations that's awesome there is a concert on May 1st and then there should be another concert I believe on May 8th and today there's actually I believe three sports games do attract me there's a baseball game and there's also a game what was your bill uh Pink tax to eliminate the pink tax oh can you convince the majority of your peers yes I did fantastic good for you that's awesome thank you sry um we met with the ELA committee and they set a date for the we set a date for the teacher recognation ceremony for June 6 3 to5 at e m high school so just sharing with my excellent good excellent thank you Kate Amy the only thing I have to share is that the diversity Equity steering committee is reconvening again on Wednesday um which I think the whole group is really looking forward to it's been a couple of months since we connected so I'm looking forward to attending that on Wednesday great excellent thank you so much okay moving right along we have an opportunity for visitors to address the committee tonight staying on tonight we will continue on we have the fiscal 24 third quarter financial report okay in your packets and on at least two screens unfortunately that screen is not uh working for us tonight uh we have the presentation for fy2 budget and as all of you know um our focus in our smart goals has been around the whole child making sure that we're supporting all of our students academically socially and emotionally I know that's a lot on there so I'll try to summarize but basically we work each year through our smart goals uh to focus on all of our students and make sure that they feel supported that they feel connected to their schools and most importantly and this goes along Miss denta with what you were saying about the equity diversity steering committee making sure there are no barriers for anyone as they access curriculum and other opportunities in elps um so what does that mean well just some bullet points over the last few years that um we've been able to do with our budgets we've been able to implement new curricular materials um basically at the elementary level but we're starting to now move into middle and high and these are highquality curricular materials that uh goes through the vetting process that the department of Elementary and secondary education uses um and that's moved a lot of things that we do in the public schools forward um we continue to use personalized learning software so that as a way to further support students as we're going through different material mostly in ela and math um students who may be struggling on a given concept we can give direct support to that concept and meet students where they are in their learning we also continue to use and you've heard uh us mention it here and sandreen knows them quite well being a senior now uh our climate and well-being surveys we do that three times a year to check in where our student students how are they feeling in terms of their connection with schools and staff curriculum and so forth we also do that um though not as frequently with staff uh to see where they are and how they're feeling as we go through these years um counseling on at all levels not only has uh is present in all of our schools but they are supporting students socially and emotionally and at the youngest levels they are um providing the social curriculum our elementary schools continue to strength and connect with all of their students and families and one of the things they implemented the last couple of years uh Not only was the Second Step curriculum which we purchased a couple years ago but they've started the community circles which is the way they start off each of their days so it's pretty incredible to watch if you get a chance and our students at specifically at the secondary level are stepping into more leadership roles with committees such as um the abar committee at buron Park which is anti bias anti-racist and the student diversity Alliance which you've heard about some of the assemblies they've had at the high school so over the last few years as we've come out of covid um we I think we've done a nice job utilizing the budget to make sure we're connecting with our students and dealing with um challenges that they're seeing in front of them so what does that mean well as we continue to build back uh we know that in fiscal year 21 and 22 and we were right in the heart of the pandemic uh we actually had to reduce by 11 positions 23 and 24 uh we were looking at budget increases of about 3.9% and that's really allowed us to do a lot of the work not only that you saw on the previous slide but it allowed us to expand our preschool at mebrook uh which has uh been hugely needed as now we're seeing much more uh many more students coming to us need of early intervention uh we restored math coaches or academic coaches who work directly with staff and students to make sure that we're putting in place the most um current instructional strategies we saw those restored to Mountain View and Maple Shade we recovered loss full-time employees at birchland and the high school and um something that we've been trying to do for probably close to eight years uh we were able to find um hire another specialist teacher an art teacher so that Maple Shade and Mountain View are no longer sharing specials teachers and what that does is it allows you to not only provide more specials but it also allows you to break out your core um grade level teams and possibly have them meet for common planning time and more collaborative time which uh has been extremely beneficial stop me if there are questions on this something that was interesting because we know that with Esser running out the Esser is the um Federal funding that we've received as we came out of the pandemic um it was interesting as we put our budget together just to get an idea of what people were looking at in terms of increases that they're asking their towns for um this was something that went around um both in the superintendent um list serve but also in the uh business managers list serve these are just towns um in the area or towns that desie compares us to when they uh use their Dart tool so just as you look down um we're sort of in the middle of what um we're requesting agam's requesting you see at the top there 37 8% um deam which is one of the towns that desie compares us to they're asking for 8% yeah so there's I mean there's some interest ing fluctuation going across um the Commonwealth uh so our request right in the middle of a lot of these numbers I say this every year but I think it's worth repeating that you know school systems budget is the most strategic factor to impact every student's success and hopefully reaching his a her full potential while allowing the district to meet its smart goals for all the students this gives you an idea um over the last few fiscal years it's um this is comes from Desi's uh report Pro per expenditure you can find it on their website um and they go up to fiscal year 23 sort of where per pupil spending is State average up at top at the top there and then where the lower Pioneer Valley educational collaborative schools are uh with their per pupil expenditure you can see similar to our request um we're sort of in the Middle with agam leading the way there with their per uh spending and then lllo South wi T and Granville um recently has come up over the last couple years and if you look at fy22 we also um increased our spending uh from fy22 we had gone down 21 at around 18,000 to 177,000 and now we're back in the middle there with 19,000 per pupil interesting enough first time we've seen Long Meadow um at the bottom of this list not that we're competitive um if you look at the start districts so these are the districts if you go to um des's website that they feel are most comparable to East Long Meadow and it's not just um necessarily um student population it's uh test scores it's socioeconomics it's a number of factors and so some towns fall out and others are added but um we've been pretty consistent with the towns uh like sandwich Danvers um East Bridgewater I think is relatively new in belur toown I think is new but um this is where how we compare when you look uh at those communities um so we notched down a little bit with sandwich Triton damers and Norton um above us in that comparison in Dartmouth belter town and East Bridgewater below us looking um over the past 10 years uh back in 2014 we received a budget increase of 4.1% uh in that was the highest over the last 10 years and then we went through a series of um roughly 2% years and then when we got to we talked about early on the earlier slide we got to 21 and 22 we were looking in the um one and change range um and that's where if you look at the 10 years anywhere we get down to 1% or 1% point something we're generally in in need of uh reducing positions to make up that kind of money however East Long meow has always been very supportive and as we came out of Co came out of the pandemic um the last two years we've been able to start to really build back and set a solid foundation uh with 3.9 and 3.9 and this year's request is is right in that line at 3.98% what does that entail first to bring back all of the effective programming from this fiscal year into the next fiscal year that would be staff software programs that were using for students um the different things that seem to be working for students that uh was going to bring us to about a 3.78% um terms of going from fiscal year 24 to fiscal year 25 as you all know we've discussed uh really three maybe four positions here throughout the whole budget development process and ultimately decided that um the one position that is probably going to help really move Meadowbrook forward and therefore set a foundation for a number of students as they go through the grade levels uh is to add an adjustment counselor at metal Brook School um to school that's close to 600 students and um we have two counselors there but the amount of Challenge and demand that they're currently facing we really could use more support and then this would ultimately also support um the social and emotional learning program that we have recently brought back at mebrook so You' have three counselors there working very closely with the grade levels of teachers um and probably specifically uh working very closely with preschool and kindergarten because we're seeing um some interesting challenges that we have not seen before in those grade levels when you add in the adjustment counselor that takes it up to that 3.98% that's a point two so overall the request that was sent to the town um was a 3.98% the budget request um supports we elps students and families for continued growth academically socially and emotionally and would bring us to an overall budget of 35 m995 1226 when you break that down by cost centers um districtwide which not only a central office but it's student Support Services it's contracted Services um which could be anything from additional special education support speech and language uh can also be legal it's everything that we contract for um that uh as you see is around 7 million this year 7,679 th000 metal Brook at 6 million Maple Shade at 3 million Mountain View around 3 million burland at six high school at 8 um that brings us to our current budget at 34 m618 458 and then the proposed budget you can see how that would increase and get us to the $ 35,990 126 I just wanted to add if you don't you know within here see a lot of changes and a lot of things happen behind the scenes there's degree advancements for unit a staff uh retirements I think this year we're at nine right now we just one other one just came in last last week I believe so I don't know if that's the ninth or the 10th but that's we're right around there couple those in shap um yes exactly and contractual increases I want to remind you that PA professionals have a um unusually not typical um higher um increase um in their contract because they were far below where they should be so I just wanted to remind folks because that's about a 7 and a half% increase somewhere around there it's not just a you know two two and a half like you know typically is um and add to that point that's because if you remember we negotiated with PA professionals last year and we really had to move them into a living wage which they had not had previously and you couldn't then just apply you know the 2% or the two and a half half perc uh and even get close over the three-year contract so it was a significant jump but a needed jump given how valuable our par professionals are to make things really function well for our students and uh we were losing par professionals which in my tenure that was the first time uh we started to lose pair of professionals um just looking for districts that were paying more is what they said when they talked to me and one other gentle reminder to everyone is that um we do take all of this into consideration when we are building the budget when there is a vacancy and we might have a teacher at whatever at a 85,000 90,000 at the top of the step we put them in as as a master step eight which I believe is 6 69877 I think um so we're always you know putting that in knowing that some come in a little higher depending on the position and and the school and and what and some come in a little lower so we always build that into our budget and then this is a slide that um we show every year as well because the operational budget that we received the 35 m995 1026 um does not cover everything that we provide in terms of services um throughout the district uh we have to rely on as most districts do um grants like Title One title 2A title four um there's a special education Early Childhood grant that helps out our preschool um and then some of the bigger grants are grants like special education idea where you see you know it's in the 800,000 almost 900,000 range um over each each year that specifically takes care of and um helps us quite a bit with out of District tuitions um we budget a certain amount it's really three-pronged am I right yes that's right you know we budget a certain amount in the operational budget for out of District out of District tuitions we know that we have ID well always very happy that we have Ida that we can apply for and then um circuit breaker which is a program the state has which is more or less like a catchup program because you put in when you get over a certain threshold of spending on a given student and then you hope to get 75% if they're um funding at that level of what you spent over I think the thresholds right around 48,000 yeah it's about 48,000 two times the two and a half times the per pupil expenditure rate I think is so anything um if we're spending on a given student over that 48,000 threshold then we can put in for reimbursement through the circuit breaker system then that money comes in actually the next year but then we utilize that money to offset out of District tuition and other special education um supports that we may need thank you I was glad you added that because yeah we really count on that in the budgeting process um and also as a safe haven because you don't know what's going to happen with um special education things can change very very quickly um there was one year just as a reminder we had to go to Town Council to ask for additional funds which you know we would rather not do we really try to so it's nice for us to be able to um get these funds in and try to roll over as much as we can into the next year so that this is this um pocket of money that can withstand any changes that that the district um you know occurs the following year and the way circuit breaker works the last thing I'll say I'm sorry um the last thing I just wanted to mention was circuit breaker um the way the law works is the revenue comes into a revolving account and we have to expend what what we need to run the programs but we can legally roll over one full Year's circuit breaker Revenue which most districts most business managers are really trying to do because special is you know it's just unpredictable um but in that next year you have to spend and then the next year you have to spend that rollover amount so you roll it over into the next year if you can and but then you have to spend that amount that you rolled over in the following year does that make sense okay thank you you're welcome and circuit breaker and the management so I have to give Mrs Blair a a big compliment the management of circuit breaker as well as Mr fad even no he's not with us tonight um that helped us get through this year when um coming out of the pandemic desie allowed um our out of District um organizations and schools to increase was it 14% yes was 14% 14% so they had been averaging more like a 2% increase um for a number of years but they had approved last year about a 14 % increase which me meant that all of those tuitions for students who are out in these placements um were going up possibly to 14% And in most cases they did but uh that the management um around our circuit breaker account over the last two years all years really but the last two years to navigate through that increase was pretty incredible so thank you you're wel that's for anything under the special ed umbrella or just not just out of District placement not just not a district placement that's our biggest cost so that's what what we usually yeah exactly you can use it for other things as long as it's going towards special okay yeah thank you so um elps as always and will continue to work with the town to be fiscally responsible while also supporting our students continued progress and growth specifically that means that uh we have submitted this to the town manager and it became part of uh his budget that he submitted um earlier this month and we will be meeting with the um Financial oversight committee uh possibly on May 9th to discuss our budget further with them and then ultimately um that goes the Town Council and we'll be uh in that hearing as well so if there are questions from the council themselves we can answer those can I just add one other thing too I just wanted to mention that we did meet with um Tom Christensen about the budget and Rebecca Ley was there as well as Kim Collins and um I personally appreciated a lot of the questions um he had asked he wanted to really understand the school department budget and I just really we appreciated that um you know I always joke that the budget you know the doe codes it's my life I I really um enjoy them and and I just um appreciated him taking the time to to work with us on that we probably met two or three times yeah I think you met um a couple times I was just that last meeting there but it was important so that he understands how our budget works we have a number of accounts the do doe codes themselves can be quite confusing questions great thank you run our away all right we'll move along then we we now have the third quarter financial report yes please yes you do so uh in your packet is the third quarter financial report I always tell you I do this um a a spreadsheet that is designed as a financial update for your fy2 24 school budget it includes your operating budget as well as your grants and your revolving accounts um if you go to page five that's where the spreadsheet is your operational salary budgets are on the top section the spreadsheet I do want to mention that um we have expended or encumbered 97% of the salary side of the budget so that's perfect that's right where we want to be as you work your way down um you're going to see most of these are expended um some of these still have line item um balances because it could be like Athletics you we don't encumber those funds that you know um they're spent as as needed and um but there are a few budget lines that I just want to make mention about um that seem to have a surplus here that I do anticipate will probably end up um using the Surplus on the salary side to help on the expense side uh so the first one is Nurses and the medical staff you'll see that there's $103,000 remaining there um some of those is because it it is not encumbered and it is paid out as as they work some of it is because um we couldn't get the people in the position so we had to go on the uh expense side of the budget and use contracted services so I just want to make mention about that the other one is the par professional line item in the middle of the um top there uh I do we have about 87,000 dollars remaining there now we do encumber um PA professionals uh we had four vac we have I think currently or last week when I did the report four vacancies and there were three leave of absences during the year these types of things make a difference so you know it adds up kind of quickly here so the 87,000 makes sense um the next line item that I just want to make mention of is the teacher uh line item we that has $163,000 um currently there are two vacancies um and we've had throughout the year 10 leave of absences so you know could be shortterm some could be longer again all of that adds up pretty quickly and that's why you see 163,000 there may just add the vacancies especially at the teaching Point those weren't vacancies that uh have been vacant since August when we started the school year they were vacant um when uh individuals chose to either change careers or um go to another district and so those uh have been posted and and we're trying to fill those vacancies thank you so overall on the um salary side you'll see that there's a remaining balance um again this is as of March 31st $795,000 coming so I'm glad you said that great because actually I may wanted to mention that um so in the substitute line item which is $410,000 we did put an allocate $100,000 for the uh permanent building Subs in in there so there is only 28,000 remaining so it is it is something I'm looking at uh and again you know Subs change from year to year and our needs and when you see like how many vacancies you have and things that need to um you know fill you can understand how it's using it up much quicker this year so it is something Greg I am looking out for this last quarter in the fy2 24 is that were you using the 410 number again or the 25 25 um or saying we may need more is I believe I used that number I might have increased it a little knowing that um yeah I'll have to double check that for you are um longterm should that the long terms or the permanent Subs be funded through that line item The Substitute line item it still makes sense to leave it there even though well because still coded that Doe code talk about this quoted as and it's it's all in my reporting if you'd like me to pull that out I can certain no I'm not saying we have to but I'm just if it's a reoccurring cost it's different than a traditional sub but if if it's stilled as a sub still employees that will right right okay so I would and within the subs um Desi does I think it started maybe five years ago when there is a long-term sub I have a different different but similar it's only off one digit um for a long-term sub in the doe code so that is inclusive in the subs when I do the reporting to the state they do want to know short-term versus a longterm in the permanent Subs are classified as long-term in that situation only if they take the role uh exactly so no they they because they're not filling in for someone who is out for they may long specific subre that's correct that's what sometimes so then we classify them as not long-term that's correct okay unless they shift into one of those vacancies that the principal is having a difficult time filling so then they have to shift the person over but then they try to fill the long-term then they try to then they just do daily daily subs yeah yeah okay so I'll go down to the uh bottom of the section of the spreadsheet which is your expense side of the budget and this also is expended and encumbered at 97% um which was interesting but um the only place that I really want to bring your attention to is the contracted Services line you can see that's a negative $148,000 so as I said to you you know we talk about um we have a lot of needs in the district and uh some of those could be to fulfill IEPs IEP needs and um different contracted services and if we don't have staff and we don't want to hire new staff we've got to fulfill the needs somehow so we've talked about this throughout the year contracted Services is up as the salaries might be down so um as I mentioned um soon in a few weeks I'll probably be requesting um end of year transfers um and move some of these uh funds from the salary side over to the expense side to cover this are the nurses uh going back are they completely encumbered so that 103 is left well the nurses are but we might have other staff that that are not because remember we have some atwill employees I know but I'm asking because specifically you mentioned contracted services for the nurses so part of that deficit is that so there's a direct correlation of that 103 and that 148 are we going to look to move the 103 all the way to the contractor Services I I don't know if it'll be entire 103 but it'll be the bulk of that is what I anticipate spay more contracted Services um to come possibly in the next two months though possibly yes and then final question on that the uh operating the fy2 number did you increase that from the 2896 I'm sorry I'm trying to follow your 2896 Contract Services Services uh because there's more things that have to be taken into consideration behind the scenes I'm not positive if it did things such as um transportation is in there and if I behind this so it's more than just one item so I would want to double check that for you so that I give you accurate information um again there's too many moving Parts behind the scenes yeah if we could look at that over time to the contracted Services it just anecdotally sounds like we're using more well and and I remember during it was probably during the time when we did have to go to Town Council I think we did a big chart on contracted Services actually last year was it just last here if if we're going to keep FTE down then we have to um contract out more of these Services rather than have an employee do them and so that's where the um the challenge becomes one of the things we did with the uh the new PA professional contract is um we introduced um an opportunity for pars to get trained and become registered Behavior technicians uh and so we have I think three um in the district who are employees and we're utilizing them that way but in many of our um classrooms where we need a registered Behavior technician if we don't have one of the three then we have to contract outp it in order to meet the IEP um and what we pay in terms of a stipend in addition to the Paris salary is not the same as what a a group outside would charge us who decides to go out for contracted Services the team if we can't meet the IEP then what they do is they'll request uh student Support Services to look at that and then and then Michael approves every thing or well starts there it comes to then it comes to us goes all okay there's a process behind that okay good we work with a couple different um organizations that we have a long relationship with and so which is really helpful because every district is looking to um get at these Services if they're not hiring employees to do them and thankfully we're usually taken care of quite rapidly which is good cool and so at the bottom of that spreadsheet just as a reminder here our budget our current operating budget is 34 million 6184 we have expended 22 milion 452 322 we have still encumbered 11,875 leaving the remaining total balance available balance as of March 31st of 978 636 okay yeah are you anything to worry about between now in the next two months on that 978 I know we got the 148 but I know that's out no I'm not even if we get a little more contracted Services I'm not overly concerned so we go to page six which is your grants are at the top of the page and you're revolving at the bottom we'll start with the grants um Esser uh which of course always makes it a little easier to for me not to be so nervous when little funding source right that could be helpful but that Grant is going away on September 30th um how are we doing with the place so the play gape I'm glad you said that so we hired an engineering Service uh we posted that on comis um uh the company GZA I believe is is the firm and they will do the site plan the surveyors were out there last week and they're coming again this week to do some finish work uh Renee and I have a um kickoff meeting with the engineers on um Thursday I believe and uh Renee has been working behind the scenes um with her staff and creating a plan of what to what we want to purchase because as a reminder it's uh the the turnaround time for us to to try to do this to get to get the engineers to do the site plan to then get um a company to help us put this whole bid package together for um installation and Equipment it would take us too long because it it takes about three to four months at least to get the equipment so we decided um through much discussion that the best way to do this was for us to get the engineering service they do the Sur their surveying do the site plan start working behind the scenes um we come up with the plan we're going to order the equipment directly from State contract and then we in during this time the plans for that will be um given to the engineer so they can help incorporate that into the plan that will then go out to bid for um a company to do the installation so that will come out later this spring so that hopefully the equipment comes in I'm hoping at the end of August so then we can have September October to do the installation and that's our plan and although um the grant does end September 30th the monies need to be obligated meaning the purchase orders and all of that equipment needs to be in place I can't be doing that on October 1st placing an order as long as it's in place and I have this in writing from Desi as well so I made sure doing everything the right way and um and and understand everything the right way we have until December uh 30th to actually pay the invoice so if the installation were to go over and it will you know go beyond September 30th there's no doubt in my mind I'm anticipating the end of October um so we're we're doing just fine and although you see a $500,000 um available balance remaining there the amount for the Engineering Services is already encumbered in that um 178,000 that you see there I think we had talked about the budget for um the playground the anticipated budget was $400 to $450,000 so I feel very comfortable with where we're at here right yeah so is good any other questions on the playground can uh once a plan is developed can we just have a absolutely and that hopefully will be in the next week or so at our next meeting I can hopefully hand that out and share it with everyone i' be very excited to do that uh the next Grant you have um your TI one Grant you'll see that there's an increase of $165 and in fact you're going to see there's four of our grants had um slight increases and just to let you know that th those are final allocations from Desi as they are required to redistribute any funds that were forfeited or unclaimed so they have to then put it back out and distribute it accordingly so I think they call these like tailings and so the title one increase of 165 now brings the grant to 33,6 61 you'll see that there's only 38,000 remaining there right now uh title 2A there was an increase of $720 that brought that Grant to 50, 318 uh there's 29,000 remaining there and I'm working with uh Heather overseas that Grant and um that's professional development mostly title 2way Grant uh your title five Grant um that's 23,000 was no increase there there's still 12,575 um left there special ed idea Grant um that's the big one that Mr Smith was talking about 84282 oh I'm sorry that that was FY 23 Grant and the reason we had that is we um had funds that had to be rolled over to help um trying to think of the pro proper term for it um private schools or homeschooled students that need um assistance uh so we had to roll that over because the funds can only be expended on that so we're closing down on we only have $5,000 remaining to finish expending from the FY 23 Grant um so the fy2 24 Grant there was an increase of $4,055 and that brought the grant to $ 89,1 165 and there's just 36,000 uh remaining there uh special ed Early Childhood Grant as Mr Smith alluded to that um helps to pay a portion of the Early Childhood um coordinator uh salary I think a teacher to right no it's only it's only 19,000 so it just goes towards it's a portion of the uh the teacher salary then we have the state Grant um which is your uh dph comprehensive school health Grant that's uh $80,000 um the administrator of Health Services oversees that and that has 41,000 remaining there I'm working with her on making sure that those be expended by year end and then there's the FY 24 Meco Grant and that had an increase of 789 99 that brought that Grant to 35254 and we have 40,000 remaining last Grant is your private Grant I think that was Cara McBride from uh Maple Shade unify against bullying Grant and that was a $3,000 grant that she received and there's still 727 so I'll be reaching out to her to make sure that we expend those funds as well are there any questions on any of the gr okay your bottom section are your revolving accounts um we have the athletic revolving account it only has 3,200 remaining in there that um that does not have any of the fees that go in you know the last um semester there the last you know quarter for thank you better word last season thank you Mr Smith uh the athletic Stadium rental I don't believe we've had um any rental you'll see there's no receipts there so that has a balance of $6800 there uh the school rental accounts um $177,000 that's a c ative across the the district um that's also where Park and wreck goes in so as custodial staff work um any park and wreck events we pay the custodians up front and then it's kind of backfilled from um the park and wreck uh through an agreement and that revenue is just to cover custodial expenses but just to let you know that's behind the scenes um student mobile Technology Insurance account um we have 27,000 remaining there you'll see that there was 44,8 60 expended this year uh we did uh it purchased um through this account approximately 30 Chromebooks uh they also um purchase screens and chargers and keyboards I think I wrote that in the write up to you all so that you would know um so we're feeling um pretty confident with this this one or two screens a day yeah mostly up bir Park that age group oh really yeah so this insurance programs are Self insurance program has been uh quite good it has it's kept the cost down for families as well as and of course kudos to it they're very good to us and I'm sure we keep them very very busy uh the staff technology um repair account that's for the teachers and the Paras uh $530 again that's a self-funded um Unit A gives us a check so as these uh monies become depleted they'll write us a check I think it's typically 2500 or 35 100 um that they uh give back to this account here to ensure that the staff are all set um the school gift accounts uh you'll see there's 64,000 remaining there I just want to remind you that e leaf um is considered a gift and that's part of that and I just want to remind you that El Leaf this year was $551,000 so um I worked behind the the um scenes with the staff to expend those funds on the different projects that Elie has approved and again thank you Elie we're always very grateful um um the preschool tuition revolving account uh there's $292,000 there uh we will be using those funds to cover uh par that was part of our plan because of losing the Esser account and a reduction in title one next year that we have par professionals on each and as you recall um we're shifting those under the preschool tuition revolving account so and the coordinator right part of the courin I think it is yeah I I didn't go back and pull the file and list them all Paras were just in my mind but I I think you're correct uh the circuit breaker we talked about that um so that comes in quarterly that's $428,000 quarterly uh there's a current balance of $980 there um I'm sorry $980,000 thank you Gordon yes that's a big that's a big difference um transportation revolving account there's uh $52,000 uh you'll see that uh we had uh the receipts were 57,000 we expended 153,000 that helps us pay a portion of the transportation the busing um cost and most of the revenue comes in at the end of each fiscal year because as you can imagine um we put out the bus transportation oh and I have something very exciting to tell everyone we're going to do the bus registrations online this year we are working right now um central office with it department and um it's actually posted on the website in the next week or two we'll be sending out communication to let everybody know so this is a much um more streamlined process and but the revenue for the following year comes in the month of May and June so that's why you see the the revenue is is down there that the expenses out does that make sense to everyone um the school lunch account um she so this is a self-funded program and finally after a couple of years after going through the pandemic when it was not such a successful program for anyone across the state um it now has a $700,000 balance which is which is really great um as I mentioned to you she has a whole list of different things um that need to be done throughout the district um right now she's working on a refrigerator at Meadowbrook that project um has already gone out to bid and will be done this summer when school is out also there's a steam table at Maple Shade together those two projects are a little over $100,000 for just uh yeah the refrigerator's like 75,000 and like 35,000 for the steam table and so you know they're big ticket items and it you know you got to plug away at it a little but um Lorie Paul does a great job and her staff and I have a listing um if anyone ever wants additional information and Lor's always willing to come here to have those conversations as well um that she does have a plan in place and also the way the state works is um because this is federal and state uh Revenue they always want to know what's happening and what kind of Supply so uh Lori has to have like a pre-approval process through the state level as well so rest assured that's being well taken care of um the last one is your school choice account we receive those monies monthly um right now it's 3,775 a month that comes into the town with the Chapter 70 funds and it um so the Chapter 70 goes to the town account and then the um the school choice Revenue comes to the school Department's uh revolving account to be expended um by the school and um right now that's $710,000 um we've talked about the the plan going forward with those the one-time purchases that we can do the summer school the summery um about the other schools that didn't put toward the one time purchases I think most did most most did and we we talk about my next um topic I'm going to suggest school choice for that um also so yeah also though um it's remember summery were being run through Esser and now the school choice money can pick that up so it's no additional cost the operational budget but it has been a pretty significant benefit we feel to the families so yeah so right now the uh principals and Heather curriculum director all Michael foret student services all working to um create and get organized those summer cies across the district so are those numbers similar um year to year I mean it's only terms of students yeah um interest picked up after the first year uh I don't think you've had to cap it yet but um I could be wrong in that at some grade levels we may have had to cap it but I get that information for you for the next meeting if you like yeah there's one more quarter of circuit to come actually I think there might be two you're talking circuit breaking yeah because there's only 8 56,000 there so remember when I do my report it's got to come to the town and then um you know I mean it's a little it's always behind a little so there's two more quarters to come is 17 uh I guess it be 1.7 that's our total circuit that's our total circuit breaker yes but we won't carry forward a full year let me anticipating right now if I had to give you a number and I'm just guess you know doing a best guesstimate I would guess at more like a 1.5 million but I don't know that for sure as as a year um comes comes to closure lot of things change behind the scenes um so I'll keep you posted on there and um you know I just want to remind everyone it's imperative to remember that the balances provided are a snapshot in time and changing constantly thank you any other questions fam if not i' take a motion to accept the orderly do you have to go I just change how come we don't get priority fo G Spot Jam I'm kidding I didn't really expect an answer though but thank you I gotta go to Don for that answer this and I'll Swit over this okay thank you Jamie I move to approve the FY 24 third quarter financial report Mo made by Kate second by Amy discussion all in favor say I I thank you great thank you got get done before Jam gets back you want me to all right we go right to it all right 5.2.2 um so when Mr uh Paige was here uh presenting the program of studies was the discussion about the piano course I wasn't actually at that meeting um so correct me if I wrong yeah no introduce one of the newes for next year say that yeah so um looking to find the uh the cheapest you know out there quality of course but in your package you'll see that there's um this vendor was very very helpful to us and um they take purchase orders and sent me this quote so this this was perfect so $1,522 56 well uh 16 students plus one for the um teacher so 17 um keyboards plus the accessories to go along with it so I would recommend to the committee um it's always your I would recommend school choice it makes perfect sense it's one of those one times um that's why we bring in the school choice revenue and so take a motion to um purchase you school choice please um I motion to approve the purchase of the keyboards for the new piano course for a one time purchase sorry 522 56 522 56 using using motion made by k k second by any any other discussion all in favor say I I I those oppose nay that carries three to zero excellent thank you I'll let Mr paig no we'll get this ordered this week it's very exciting they want to go to Sunny's place yes they got all those a fifth grade field trip uh take place May 21st uh somewhat of a celebration end of the year celebration to Sunny's Place roughly excuse me 85 students and and 35 adults so they'll be well supervised oh wow okay that's more adults than most field trips but uh okay hey it's Sunny's Place everyone's volunteer that's right I might just go too um I take a motion for that please motion to approve field trip to Sun place in Summers Connecticut May 21st 202 motion made by Amy second by Kate discussion all in favor say I I I those oppose nay that motion carries 30 i' love to see this be districtwide son's please I'd love to see it be if it's a fifth grade C the culmination of Elementary see this at Maple Shade as well oh yeah at some point they definely can do it that be nice we can uh we can talk about the AI committee at another meeting probably that you sure yeah okay we good to get input from everyone and we have folks trying to get to another meeting so okay um Mr quby uh certainly will take part in that and okay our thoughts were um you know in addition to school committee drafting at least one um staff member from each building yeah and it doesn't even have to be a school committee unless somebody wants to do it I had just thought with AI coming it's here hello it's here that we should have a good grasp on it in order to have grasp on it we should have a group actually looking at it and seeing what the impacts will be for education and how AI potentially will replace the educator if if we let it so I just wanted to start something so if we could think about that and then maybe the next meeting we could come back with some ideas on what that looks like it may be um helpful to have a school committee member on it because I think coming out of this you're probably going to be um developing policy so at least having one school committee member on that committee that's a huge yeah it's here you it's yeah and see how but they could still use it but how to use it the right way and think for yourself yes all the okay with that if there's no other business I would take a motion to adjourn motion made by Amy second by Kate any other discussion all in favor say I hi n that car zero thank you we are kissing at you