##VIDEO ID:_GQp0jJwlro## What Sarah Said tremendous job done by administrators and teachers and students um it was extremely well organized the ones that I went to was also able to do a walkthrough at my partner school with bordon and Greg at berchin and I was just so impressed with the everything from the teaching to um just the student engagement that we were able to it was an excellent walk through AR yes it was thank you Emanuel head big win Friday night they won last week too their next home game is October 4th uh big kids little kids Nursery had their orientation Thursday and they're starting their prechool tomorrow and then October 4th is our club Fair excellent thanks thank you okay we have an opportunity for visitors to address the committee seeing none tonight an update on the East lamento High School construction project Mr Smith okay on the screens and um in your packet I wanted to give the committee an update of what took place this summer you you've seen some of the results and if you were visiting us uh throughout the summer you may have seen some of the uh moments in time as the whole campus transformed so this is what we looked like uh just last year this is a look overhead of the campus um what it did look like and it's changing each day that's ominous this is where we're going that's in a few years remember the building uh the new building will hopefully open for the 26 27 school year and then the old building has to be demolished and that's when they demolish the old building that's when they start to reconfigure all the fields predominantly the fields to the western side so right uh after students left for the summer break so they left on June 14th we had equipment going on I believe Saturday June 15th and then really um rolling on that Monday June 17th and fencing went up all over the campus um um both for safety but also to Mark out where the construction area was going to be um where new parking was going to be and um various locations the biggest item that was installed and it took quite a while was they needed to do some Paving to get a construction access road that starts now up on Maple Street and comes all the way around the perimeter and lands in the the back where the construction zone is going on uh and so that's all fenced off that took quite a while most of the summer and now you have um access that uh does not mix uh if you've looked up front this gives you some idea of the paving that they were doing throughout the summer um with that said as they put all this in they also gave us a crosswalk so the field that remains out the West which uh right now is being utilized as a soccer field uh and the one baseball diamond that's still functional we actually have a crosswalk that staff can cross students um as they're using either the baseball field or coming back from the baseball field back over to the soccer field otherwise everything's fenced off I thought I had a picture that's what I was looking for so I'm jumping ahead a little bit so at the beginning of the school year we had a brand new traffic pattern you can see off in the distance you see the the new parking that was the Horseshoe that was grass and um some trees some trees have been U maintained but there are some trees unfortunately that uh as this project was going forward had to be taken down um so all new parking for staff in the front there is no longer any parking behind the building which used to handle central office used to handle visitors to central office it used to also handle all custodians Food Services um it and um then after hours it used to handle quite a few people who are coming on campus either for games whether they be high school games or later in the evening um Recreation games going back just to give you an idea of uh a lot of the preparation was going on they had to remove two underground oil tanks uh which was no easy task can see how large that's the larger of the two that were underground um that was taken out in July they had to relocate utilities so that was both a gas line water line and um some of the electrical utilities were all relocated you've seen that then just to sort of Bring It All home uh what scansa continues to do for us is on the web page if you go to The District web page uh at the bottom of the page you can click on the elhs project and that will bring you to the monthly updates and there are live links in here for um parent question or excuse me just consistent questions uh Q&A so to speak and um also links to a lot of the videos that were produced earlier and um the previous meeting if that's uh which elcat always films for us so if the building committee has met there uh eventually will be a video of that meeting that will be up on this page but also then up just on the page um that captures for the town all the uh public meetings questions so we are fully into construction of the new building all the prep to get ready took place this summer Gordon is it possible so that construction look ahead month of September 244 like that section up top is it possible to like connect with the reminder and see if they would sure that and have that once a month like in the paper sureet see what they can do once every two mon every six months maybe just thinking for those who aren't necessarily up to date with the website but do lean into the local yeah publication I can uh check with the reporter that um us they I think they watch all our school committee meetings and they're the ones then will generate the article that comes out about anything that school committe is deciding yeah Emanuel are you finding distractions from the uh construction at all um sometimes mly gym class because sometimes like the ball goes over the court and then they got to go get it but other than that not really the noise isn't too bad yet in the classrooms not really okay great thank you I your walls shaking the vibration I've been hear when it's shaking yeah okay excellent thank you for the update sure we have purchased an installation of a vape detection system at e LHS so in your packet you'll see that uh Mr Paige principal school um is asking for uh four Vape detection uh system which is four Vape detection um systems and two corresponding monitoring cameras and how this came about they have done like a pilot program kind of working with it department and they really weren't sure what was going to happen in all honesty um you know it's kind of one of those things it has been a great success um they have detected like right away uh like boom boom like four four students and it became very very apparent that this is something that they're very interested in came to um Mr Smith and myself um about funding for it and uh we suggested it be brought forward to the school committee to per perhaps be uh purchase by school choice funds this is one of those oneoff uh purchases it does let you know that there is an annual um fee for but he will fund that in his operating budget so as part of um the Safety and Security discussion for the new building um Vape detection was something that was discussed and um vetted out a security consultant because we had not been hearing great results with Vape detection systems and so I think because um we have a new building project going this group that uh the security um consultant recommended was willing to do a trial with us currently and just as uh Mrs Blair said it was really successful um it's always the time lag that makes the systems um challenging because they may detect something but by the time the administrator gets it and then gets to the area where it was detected it's gone now it's in combination with um detection on the interior of the bathroom and then a camera that's set up outside the bathroom so if the system goes off inside the bathroom then the camera is um also part of that um alert so that gets timestamped so that you're able to backtrack and see who went in came out when the detection system went off and um you have a much better chance of being successful with the so that those cameras I believe do not run constantly it's just triggered when when the alarm goes off yeah I that was the question so it's like a motion detector once once the cameras are triggered as far as we understand it once the once they're activated inside the bathrooms then the cameras will cameras activated right um and they'll run for a period of time just for the purpose of being that is my understanding yes correct yeah the administrators at the high school um are ecstatic about it it's it's made their job much easier people have been asking about um Vape detection for our bathrooms for a number of years um and the history that we've had um from what we've heard from buildings that have used them it hasn't been all successful so we have not necessarily gone after we had done some research but we haven't gone after it um and invested in it this came to us uh as a free trial right because we talked about it a few years back I remember and there wasn't great you know talk about it and um like I said this was and um right away they they knew that this was something they were very interested in so so began to work with Ryan to get you know more quotes and talk about what they could do and and I think our Middle School might be interested in doing a trial as well yeah that might be coming forward so I was say no when it comes time to move into the new building would the equipment that's been purchased be able to be repurposed at like the middle school I believe so oh at the middle school if the middle school May jump in and want to do it now I think the new stuff will be put in the newb building so this is probably a short term this be a short that's what I mean like at when the new stuff put in could you take stuff that already exists here and put it somewhere else since we're doing our own installation possibly I we'd have to check with the vendor so I think they would do the installation and so they would have to we is is doing it up yeah maybe okay that's why I was curious because we purchase the equipment and Our IT department is installing it could they then remove it when the new equipment is put into the new building and then that could be years away just because it is only going to be two years even at this point who has access to the Camas um only the administrators have access to the ceras yeah and uh you're asking for school choice fund that's what I am recommending um I ran a report before this meeting and there is over $700,000 in that account talked about those one-offs different projects that would help the the school so it made sense to me were students made aware of the Vape detectors being viol and the cameras um that I don't I do not know it's only in one bathroom currently um and is there any announcements there wasn't an announcement like I saw I saw a little camera in there not not the camera inside just theor on the outside okay but there wasn't like an announcement there was not an announcement okay did word get out um I mean like the kids that got caught yeah yeah that's totally got out pretty quick and that's the point right to try to deter use in the first know yeah unfortunately Vapes uh are probably one of our bigger challenges um in the student body and I was surprised to hear that it is at a younger age because like just said I wouldn't be surprised if birchin Park comes back in the near birin really yeah that's what I'm they're very interested in this now yeah so that total amount is 6,318 that we are asking any other questions about this to pay for that wouldn't be all of the bathrooms so it would still be a select it' be a a so they're I think they're looking to do four am I right yeah it says four so it would be your four probably I used bathrooms okay so okay question then four bathrooms with four vexas but only two cameras did I miss something that is what it's saying or they just saying like a boys and a girls bathroom one camera covers that and then two other boy another boy and girl perhaps that's exactly yeah okay and I can follow up to additional details on that says the job as we understand is to provide for Halo smart Vape detector and security sensor and two matching cameras which matches the ls I would I would venture to guess it's probably two in each restroom but I don't know I'm sure I think they're can you get an answer from Ryan just come back we can certainly approve it yeah okay any other questions I was just gonna say if the bathrooms are located next to usually they located next to each other like the one that the camera is right now guys room and and that one's right next to each other yeah okay the one camera just as that you were thinking might capture both both but wouldn't have the sensor in both yes right okay take a motion including the funding source please I'd like to make a motion to purchase and install the Vape detection systems at elhs using the what funds for school choice funds second by Antella second by William any other discussion do we need to adjust any policies then to reflect our monitoring system and then I don't believe so because we already acknowledge that we have cameras on site okay this I think parents are goingon to be happy about this they've been uh I'm not just more students not but uh I can double check that though because we do have the fact that cameras are on site good question any other discussion hearing none all in favor say I I I those oppos nay that motion carries 5 to zero thank you okay moving on we have 7.1 7.1 review and discuss policy recommendations for Section okay so this actually is the fin policy of all the policies that the um diversity and Equity steering committee looked at and over the course of pretty much I want to say from January through June um put a lot of work into researching and um looking at how we can create more welcoming more supportive and um inclusive environment at least from a policy standpoint that sets hopefully the structure from which we all operate um and so this is in section J which uh is basically the section that deals with students and this would be a new policy it's around Equitable educational opportunities basically it's looking at uh making sure that one we're including all of our students and our entire community and that um we're making sure people understand that everyone has access to not only the curriculum but all the programs that we offer and then it also um connects with policies around instructional materials in that as we do reviews of our um curricular materials we're looking at how are we representing um the many perspectives and voices that really make up not only our community but community around us and really for that matter the Commonwealth and the entire country questions or comments i' take a motion folks are ready like to make a motion to accept the policy recommendation for Section J of the policy manual from the LPS diversity and Equity steering committee keep going policy jbb Equitable educational opportunities thank you by Anella second second by Amy any other discussion all favor say I we work on um updated both online and then um put all the policies that improved over the last few meetings out in a a notice to the entire eops community so that people are aware that not only the work that you're doing but also the work that the uh diversity and Equity steering committee are doing as well okay great next up 7.2 requests from raise of Hope to use the high school parking lot Sunday October 27th this is um their the raise of hope uh group their annual request uh for that Sunday when they have the raise of Hope wathon um just to use our parking lot for all the participants they can meet here and then they use a bus to go over to the Forest Park area where the actual um wathon takes place questions comments motion motion to approve the use of the Eon Meadow high school parking lot on Sunday October 2th 2024 for the raise of Hope um walk thank you motion made by Amy second second by we open the building for them for that uh We've they've never requested the building be open uh any other discussion all in favor say I I those n that c z school committee subcommittee and rooll assignments since we have a new member uh we thought we'd bring back the assignments uh specifically the ones the assignments that Kate had prior if anyone just wants to peruse those over real quick um we could certainly open it for discussion William and I have discussed already um Sarah was wondering if she could take the collaborative committee seeing as it meets at 7 in the morning that might work yep anyone else interested in any of other Kate's others I can take the warrant yeah okay we'll probably put William and you maybe just so he has an opportunity to look at it yeah he can take it yeah and we'll take Amy off for a little bit okay we all like we said we all jump on like an do it anyway today but um so we'll make that change and um save schools and the co the lpvc board of directors uh corporation that Willi okay and the policy Review Committee with Amy um she's on that as well so okay everybody cool with those so we make those three changes and be updated though I'm still listed as the vice chair under budget and finance oh yeah okay that's me [Music] and we know when and how often diversity and Equity staring committee is going to meet um once we get rolling if we can start in probably start in November then we try to go once a month and we'll think pick a time and then plot that out for the whole the rest time yeah looking at um not only bringing all these policies out but also um working some more professional development for the leadership team around this work and then hopefully from some of that will help us give us uh as well as our um Equity audit just continued looking at those results what should the committee focus on for the for the year okay so the changes would be warrant review uh William and Sarah uh Corporation William safe schools Sarah William collaborative Sarah and Budget Finance Anella Vice chair you have those Samantha okay and policy revision yeah I'm sorry and policy revision as well for William and I would take a motion to make those official please I make a motion to approve the school committee subcommittee and Ro assignments for 2020 20 2 as discussed as discussed excellent motion made by Amy seconded by William any other discussion all in favor say I I I those nay that carries 5 and finally this evening we have approval of maple shaded third grade field trip to the story Barn in Summers Connecticut October 18th right so in your packets you see a a letter from Mr Martin principal of Maple Shade um outlining their field trip uh for October 18th um to head out around 9:30 and be back at 1:00 um with 11 adults uh chaperoning William all uh field trips that leave the state come to the school committee those that stay in state we don't see yep you're welcome the see yeah hi Nathan any questions comments and a motion please like to make a motion to approve the Maple Shade third grade field trip to the story Barn in Summers Connecticut on October 18th 2024 from 9:30 a.m. to 1: p.m. motion made by second second by William discussion all in favor say I I I those oppos nay that motion carries 5 to Z and with that we have come to the conclusion of our meeting Jamie thank you so much for recording uh Emanuel thank you for being here today as always and I would ENT entertain a motion to adjourn please don't move had to think about that one I was motion made by an waiting for Sarah to second second by am discussion all in favor say I those oppos nay that carries 5 to zero thank you we are adjourned