good evening and welcome this is the May 20th 2024 meeting of the school committee call the meeting to order 4M the meeting is being both audio and video recording I would ask that everyone please rise with a pledge of allegiance I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands one nation under indivisible libery and justice for all okay like a roll call please Samantha could you start us off sure Samantha Velasquez secretary Heather Brown director of curriculum C Blair assistant superintendent Antella Gordon Smith superintendent of schools Gregory Thompson Sarah trulio Kate Liden Valenta Audrey O'Neal sandrian alidor Emily Baker full table tonight this is great well honoring our student reps tonight so thank you all for being here um we're actually going to move right into that yeah great right so we have three student Representatives who have been incredible this year and we want to recognize all three okay think s dream thank you thank Emily yours is next thank you than yours may grab one just to show aome go crazy okay so it looks like this wow okay ni and so this is a recognition Award presented to Emily Baker yours are have your name on it as well for student rep El school committee May 20th 2024 and it really although it is pretty doesn't do justice to the incredible job that all three of you done all year so thank you very much you want to yours out just to you may you don't have to it would really make a nice touch for the meeting if we just you're welcome thank we've been uh we've been so appreciative gross of all your efforts and and attending the meetings and your input as a student uh is certainly valuable and all three of you have contributed uh when you when you've been at the meeting so thank you so much for for your time and and efforts and and we all wish you the best going forward thank you thank you okay from there we'll move on we have approval of minutes I take a motion please I move to approve the May 6 2024 regular session meeting minutes motion made by Antella second second by Kate discussion say I I those oppos nay that carries five to zero committee and social Med Communications Emily would you like to start out tonight uh yeah we have a lot going on with sports um track just had their western Mass on Saturday and the boys 4 by8 Rel broke the school record sounds really exciting um baseball has their first round of Western Mass tomorrow at tonic and track States is on Thursday and Saturday um we also have sophomores math mcast going on tomorrow and Wednesday and then last week we had the Panorama survey go out to everybody so everyone had an opportunity to fill that out at the beginning of B Block so hopefully everybody participated I had a Dunkin Donuts card yes for responses great thank you Emily s uh prom was on Friday night actually I think it went very well nice to see everybody go out dress up celebrate graduating the last day for seniors will be this Friday the 24th it's going to be a half day so seniors will just come in sign their yearbooks and then go home and actually the day same day as prom the easto team of for drones competed at the northeast regional in West Virginia and they got second place they missed prom but second place nice that's terrific that that's really good well thank you San Audrey um so so uh obviously we had uh the easta metal art show um that was on May 9th and that generated a lot of very cool artwork um and then the following day the elhs drama club had their um show which is kind of um a very unique and like good thing to be coming back to eastan Meadow because we haven't had a drama club in a little while um and then upcoming events um for the juniors they have their field trip on June 7th so that's going to be a fun outing and then also um something the school sponsors is Toby the hobrien youth leadership award um and so this year's recipient will go to Bentley University um on June 7th as well and it's a 3-day Seminar June 7th to the 9th um and they essentially learn about what it's like to be a good leader and do a lot of different workshops that's really cool and it's a really great thing that the school sponsors and then upcoming will be the summer Elementary Academy which a lot of high schoolers volunteer at and Mr Mack has done a great job about advertising it and getting um High School volunteers great thank you ad am um I've been able to attend last um stering committee meetings I think there's one more to close out the school year is that correct had a last week that was the last one so the next one will be at the beginning of it was a really I think successful with a lot of great um that were generated and big policies coming policy coming and definitely still some collaboration going on throughout the summer I know like the group that I'm in there was a lot of really productive subgroups so it was pretty cool experience this year and then um a couple of weeks ago this might have been mentioned in the last meeting but I wasn't here the Food Services contract was um is coming to you know fruition and successfully um negotiated with that group as well awesome thank you is that coming next meeting um we're going back and forth on the Moa and then once the um MOA has been finalized the Services Group similar to Unit A will ratify first and then it'll come hopefully we can get it for the executive in June ex session in June yeah great thank you am Kate I don't have anything to zero nothing um I actually attended the art show you were talking about and I mean we have a lot of Creative Kids at our school and it looked like it took a lot of time to put up all of the art and present it and in the way that it was presented and I know that I had spoken with um Miss Dixon the art teacher and she's really looking forward to the new school because there's areas in that school to um show the art so but the kids that an amazing job they're pretty respectful I think right um in terms of it hanging on the walls and not touching it as yeah I haven't nothing's been broken yeah not jinx but no people have been very respectful of it and Elie has an event tomorrow night don't they um superintendent of schools is there here yes yes I heard that raising money for our schools at Toritos people awesome thank you Ana okay we have an opportunity for visitors to address the committee seeing tonight we will move right along we have presentation superintendent report athletic department and El Recreation Department revision on elps use of school facilities that policy like to join us at the table please members of our Recreation Department sorry um just in okay so in your pack you have a proposal for taking look at one part of our school use policy uh specifically regarding the Sunday uh use of buildings most specifically uh probably the high school which gets used the most and I think we'll be discussing presenting And discussing that um so I think it's important to know that the High School athletic department and the rec department I think they'll agree we work really closely together I think I think we work really well together uh full transparency for the town anytime that we're using the turf field anytime that we're using the large gym at the high school it's always posted on where you can see the exact hours that the high school is using the turf the exact hours Rec departments using the turf and anytime that's available uh the rec I always say yes to the rec department anytime that they want any of that available time we've been finding the last couple years that there's been times where there's just not enough Turf space not enough gym space and it's been a challenge for both departments to schedule our programming with one turf field the high school gym and then of course birchman Park and other gyms in the town um so it's been a challenge the past couple years being proactive knowing what's coming uh and what has happened the past couple years with construction starting this summer we're going to be losing multiple grass fields in the back which is going to displace some high school teams which will potentially move some W teams around the fact that St Michael's chur which we've the rec department has used for basketball in the past they're no longer using um that gym and they're they've been using uh gym space out of town where they've had to pay a rental fee for that um also the fact that the rec department has used Lennox Fields n Meadow and they'll talk a little bit more about that and the rec department numbers basically doubling in the past four years have all added to the challenge of of turf time and gym time and we try to work so closely together we remind each other that we're um if the rec department is succeeding it's going to help the high school in the future and I know those wck coaches love seeing the high school teams do well so uh knowing all of these challenges with space the current policy is on Sundays there's no school use on um any fields or in any buildings until 1 p.m. on Sundays so there's two different requests that you're going to hear today one of those requests is going to be from The High School athletic department the other request is going to come from the rec department so the first request coming from the high school athletic department is on Sundays I've never had any coach ever say to me I want to play Sunday morning games so it's never an issue about games we we don't want to play games on Sunday mornings um we really don't want to play games on Sundays period but we do want to prepare for those Monday games on Sundays especially at the varsity level so knowing that a lot of our uh teams specifically varsity teams have Monday games uh we want to find more time for them to practice on Sundays which would then allow the rec department to have more time for games and for practices on Sundays so the request from the high school is to allow uh for high school practices to start on Sunday mornings potentially as early as 7: a.m. um the the coaches would talk to their players they would talk about their availability chances are it would change from sport to sport year to year based on the coach's availability the players availability and with all high school sports uh players are never there's never any consequences any day of the week if they ever have to Mis practice for uh miscellaneous family commitments or religious reasons as long as they communicate those to the coach in advance so any day of the week those are always fully excused um but I know our coaches are always trying to choose times that will try to get as many players there as possible whether it's uh CCD or confirmation classes or um different commitments that different players have on their teams they're always trying to choose the times that work the best for their program so that's the request from The High School athletic department is to allow for practices on Sunday mornings uh if the coaches uh and the players wanted to practice at that time the separate request would come from the rec department which is a little bit different so I'll let the department take over with that request yeah sure um thanks we're just trying to get as many kiddos and programs as we can and and um the field situation is getting Tighter and the fields that we do have you know are just overused um during Co we tried to rest birchland but where the kids you know that's the only thing that could do is go outside so we put up fencing and tried to protect some areas and but the point is is just that we have a lot of kiddos in town that want to play sports so that's that's what all we're trying to do I don't like turning kids away but um I also explained to some parents this last basketball season I can't take your money if I can't provide a product and if I can't I can't have 13 14 kids on a team um it never get to play and when it did came come to gym time I I mean game time and then the coaches are direct teams get one practice a week travels get two practices a week and I have why can't W teams get two practices a week and there's just there's just so many days in the week and so many hours in the day so that's just one block of time that we're looking at uh we we do struggle because some of the schools have cap and we can't get into those schools right those couple of those schools and right after school so then we have the littles when I say Littles like first K through two yeah you know these kids can't get in until 5:30 into a gym and then that BR press you know pushes them later on a school night to be out so we're just trying to look at options to serve everyone and yes we did we did use Trinity uh for practices and games uh the trinity church and we also used First Baptist um for practices last year and those you rented not yeah it's kind of a separate topic though since we're on Kevin anything on tennis in terms of uh availability of Courts during our y so we've been working on uh different Financial quotes from indoor tennis options to M tennis courts been getting um quotes for transportation for transporting kids there uh we're in that phase of figuring out what it would look like budget wise uh and I also think one of the things that we're really looking at is you know if a tennis program has 24 kids and they're using six courts it would make a lot of sense to hire two tennis coaches instead of one tennis coach have double sessions one session of 12 kids on three courts next session of the another 12 kids on three courts after that um it's the same amount of Court use where they could stay on site and we could potentially hire a second coach so that's something that we're looking at also but we're also at potential of indoor courts early in the season when it's cold um and also when it gets nicer using some local courts so we're we're putting all the financial Parts together to see what that looks like financially and then will we look through other towns for outside field usage through the construction are we starting to explore that or just would we just in terms of leagues ask for more away games how are we looking at that fieldwise with games I think we're going to be in good shape in the town of East Low but we're going to have some programs practicing potentially at buron Park potentially at Mapleshade those are all things where there are going to be some teams that move offsite to other East schools which will then impact the rec department and the programming that would be there so we've had meetings together looking at those different options football program with field hockey with soccer what that looks like um but I'm confident that all of our Field Sports we can do in the town of East meow by working together with the rec department but again it's going to by doing that it's going to potentially move some teams off of their regular spaces and a great way to to mediate that is to say hey we can get you lots of turf games this year because we have more Turf availability and now we have five maybe six more hours that the rec department can use the turf those teams are playing on the turf when they would normally be playing games on the grass um so it's looking at that potential um where the rec programs will hopefully if if the school committee approves it we'll see more games on the turf on the weekend and we there we're we are in communication with the hamon um uh Rec director and got some fielded space so he's been taking a couple of our teams a little bit more than he would to try to free up some space I've looked into to Springfield schools uh they are outrageously expensive to space both indoors and out that's why I've been looking at at churches primarily they tend to be a little bit cheaper and we've also uh looked at the First Baptist has a piece of property in the back we've looked at those fields but even for practice they're not viable because they're just not smooth currently Saturday uh operating times are at 7 am do we start we start practices as early as 7 on Saturdays a lot of the time the reason why we would start at 7 is uh the players could potentially be requesting that because they have work obligations it also may be um a coach request I know we we try to start at 8 am but there are times that we started at 7 am usually because of availability and the fact that some players want to start a little bit earlier but typically it's an am start the reason I asked is Neighbors abing the fields in terms of Sunday morning at 7 o'clock and having teams you know right outside their window um I suppose if they're just not current complaints on Saturday then maybe it wouldn't be a big deal on Sunday I've been hesitant to change this obviously I've spoken with you about it but I can see the need is there so maybe it is the time any of our students have any thoughts on this so current you understand currently we we don't allow anything till o' on Sunday yeah that they're asking to open it up what do you any thoughts on it um I think as long as the coaches do communicate with the players and they don't get penalized for any uh outside commitments or maybe religious reasons I don't think it's really that big of a problem because they're already getting like like they deal with the same thing on Saturday it is just another weekend day um obviously coaches do need to give players sometime because as much as high school sports are important they definitely need to make sure they're giving players some sort of break but um as a team that does have Monday meets all the time it is very important maybe to have like a meeting on Sunday to like even if it is just a meeting to like recollect because often it's like advis that we run on Sunday or like coaches may tell their players like do this on Sunday but you can't really control it and it does affect performance I think I think even if people don't use it as much I think having the option there is like really nice because I know like I mean like from like my Sport and like my coaches there's definitely been times where like a Sunday practice was definitely necessary but there's nothing that we can like technically do until after 1 and especially with like running like you need the cool air in the morning before it gets like a mess afterwards so I think as long as coaches like what Audrey was saying as long as coaches understand that there are other commitments especially like regarding like religious affiliations on Sundays as long as that's talked through and worked through I feel like having the option there would be like really like sound for coaches thoughts from the committee how feel I think we're going to be in a bind once those fields are gone so I don't know if we have other options yeah we're practicing late at night I forgot about the after school programs that's a huge impact okay I take a motion if somebody wants to make one modify the policies so I move to modify the elhs athletic department and El Recreation Department revision on elps use of school facilities to start is that what you just just you can do the file number too file number KF kf- R to allow the use of athletic fields in court gyms starting at 7 a.m. on Sundays yep perfect good yeah yeah that works for me as presented y even better cover all bases motion made by Kate second second by Sarah any other discussion all in favor say I those opposing n that carries five to zero okay thank you much for your yeah appreciate it yeah oh yeah that's okay we have a request for girls cross country for an eighth grade waiver Mr McGee so this waiver would be just if needed um coach bud is anticipating approximately seven returning cross country Runners the MIAA recommended number to ask for a waiver is if you're 10 or below so we're anti ipating 10 or less of course if the signups were to be 11 12 13 14 9 through 12th graders if we were to go over 10 then we would withdraw that waiver and not use it this is just if we would need to use it uh with 10 or below cross country Runners we had to use this in the past we have not used the cross country one in the past couple years um pretty close though yeah I know coach bud this is the most likely the year that he's going to need it and Emily has spent the past three years recruiting anyone we saw I think we've recruited a total of like six people at this point but the cross country team definitely gets very scarce especially with the girls like I think we've hit 10 like just the past few years all right so um I move to accept or approve yeah sure Pro all right the elhs 8th grade waiver girls cross country if needed motion by second by Kate any other discussion those oppos a that carries 5 to Zero thanks very much you head to the a softball Western M quarterfinal game yeahand vers we have our assistant superintendent Business Report it's an FY 2023 end of the year audit that's right so in your packet um I've given you the endof year report which is the larger document in the month of September every business manager across the state of Massachusetts is working on their end of year financial report for for the school department this is a pretty large report um it's also pretty important which is why I thought it was important that you all have a copy of it uh this is broken down you always hear me talk about doe codes I love my doe codes everything is classified accordingly um and these are driven by the state of Massachusetts uh Department of Elementary and secondary Ed so it's the report is broken down by Doe codes and then further broken down if it is an instructional expenditure or Revenue by location um it's also it is the um expenditures and revenues from the general fund by both the school and the town so any expenditures that the town has as well as grants for the school and the town if they are for the school and um revolving accounts as well I do want you to know that there's over 600 accounts that the school department has so you know like it's pretty significant I guess is just what I want you all to know so after the of bis school year ends on June 30th I you know we we close everything out over the summer and then the month of September I'm running those reports and doing the end of year report and then sometime usually about six months later the Auditors come in and that's that's this report here so I always need to um work with the auditor and anytime that our report School Department financial rep doesn't match the town's financial report then they need to put it into a finding here so that it's it's very transparent because things that are reported can affect um you know revenues that come back to the district so I try really hard and I work really hard on this report I think I always tell you that and you all see me working in the month of September but there's always findings there's there's little things um but it's most important if you go to page four and you just start looking at the different findings there are 10 different items here there are things um what I want you to see is at the end of each one where it says management response under each one you will see that every single one says the school department submitted an amendment with the Massachusetts Department of Elementary and secondary Ed and it gives the date there so this endof year report that I did give you includes any of those um errors that I rectified in in the report um the the items here are things like uh capital projects on the town side that I miss for whatever reason I'm working with um Kim Collins and trying to we are going to come up with a better system because as I said I'm reporting our expenditures but then also I get information from them I just think that there's a better way that we can go about that so she's going to work with me on that um small example the crossing guards I didn't pick up the Medicaid for it so it's little things like that um arpa Grant on the town side that I wasn't aware of um that needed to be reported um prior year encumbrance that was off by $399 none of these are are huge items um one item I had the wrong uh doe code that was reported so you know their job as an auditor is to come in and make sure that everything is reported appropriately so I bring this forward to the school committee to um from the prior year and again this is last year's endof year report for Pam thank you B for keeping track of all the numers welcome I know it's a lot so um I would have Shain a motion to accept I move to accept the fiscal year 2023 end of year audit report as presented made by Sarah okay second by Amy discussion all in favor say I I I those oppose a that carries great thank you hey for the director of curriculum and assessment we have the adoption of elhs new curriculum yes so um high school English Department was up for curriculum renewal and they went through the process recommended by desie and D education High School literacy program um which is rated all green on Ed reports and just as a side note there has been some controvers around Ed reports because they've given some basil all green and so some of the folks who are really concerned about knowledge building curriculum have pointed that out um thankfully this is a uh knowledge building curriculum uh it is not a basil it's actually modular and there's a a good amount of choice for teachers and for students um but it's all around uh grade level rigorous text and the students the idea being that students are getting all the skills that they need um especially those critical thinking skills they'll need for post High Suess um just to give you an idea some of the texts they have Classics like Romeo and Juliet in 1984 and then a lot of contemporary titles um it really aligns well with the the shifts of the Common Core in terms of using text sets to build background knowledge um and um you know a lot more emphasis on Research skills and writing um so um in in addition to the curriculum obviously to implement a new curriculum it's a heavy lift there's some shifts in teaching um so we've contracted with the new teacher Center which is one of the uh two uh recommended or actually Odell approved professional development providers and as you can see if you go through um I've given you the whole packet but basically it's it's pretty comprehensive there systems level consultation uh there will be some one-in-one coaching with teachers we've already had a a a leadership meeting and a launch with all of the English teachers last week um and then there's additional leadership training some walkthroughs and helping them um with what to look for and things like that so um I'm really excited about this because it's not a oneandone kind of professional development and they're feeling much better about knowing that they're going to have put a lot of support considering the fact that we don't have instructional coaches at the high school and so this will really help with that um transition and implementation of the new um materials do they have um common Assessments in this yes um and so one of the things that they're doing right now we set up the leadership team it's made up of department head a teacher um and the principles and assistant principles myself some parameters around which modules are choosing to make sure that students are getting exposed to different genres diff um different kinds of text the Canon text the Contemporary text um and so when they choose those modules they have to choose the same thing so all of the ninth grade kids will be getting the same thing so they all have those common assessments as well and this is just for high school not Middle School the middle school is beginning their um journey into choosing uh selecting high quality instructional materials next year oh so they aware of that and they are going to kind of started the process a little bit early and they're going to be going into that process next year um while there'll be different curricular materials we have wit and wisdom for example as a knowledge building curriculum in the elementary uh the uh the six to8 have their parameters are only knowledge building curriculums so those high quality ones and so and then Odell so the we can after we've implemented kind of tweak some of the routines in language but in terms of the rigor and the expectations that transition will be really nice I let them know that we have Socratic seminars as early as kindergarten with Whitten wisdom so they will have very well prepared students coming to them do we know any other districts that are using this curriculum no and I was really excited because I particularly uh thought this one was uh really high quality for a lot of reasons so I was surprised but then when you do the research even curate doesn't have anything out there for high school high school English I think are going to be the later adopters so we're kind of on the Cutting Edge um so there's a district in Rhode Island and I know U Randol public schools are are using Odell if you look on the curriculum database for high schools you'll see for ELA a lot of teacher develop teacher develop they're they're they're a little slower to that so kind of on the Forefront which is exciting but also you know we don't necessarily have other districts to lean on but um part of what they're doing is helping us network with those folks so any other questions or comments okay I would entertain a motion to adopt the curriculum please new curriculum Odell thank you motion made by Amy second second by Kate other discussion all favor please say i i iose n that carries 5 to zero thank you for that Heather and you have one more Grant yes so this is um a grant that we didn't actually apply for but Springfield Public Schools applied for it's um a competitive grant program that the Springfield Public School's got it's really about creating Partnerships with in districts and also with higher EDS so that we're really making sure that the Educators that we're getting are are prepared to teach uh literacy in the way that has been proven to be most effective um so it's an exciting partnership I've been in meetings with uh Laura Mendes their official title as director of English Language Art literacy um and different heads from the local colleges so it's going to be an opportunity to network around that but also with our recruitment um some of the things that we're trying to do around Recruitment and um Mr lento talked about in the equity diversity committee that's one of the things that we're working on so um it builds off the work of other um of what Springfield Public Schools has already established um they're the lead District on the grant um and we will be hiring five students and I know now that there will be one from El couple from Elms one from AIC and one from West uh Westfield State University that will in addition to the teachers that we hire will be working um in the summer literacy Academy um in a variety of roles some of them will have their own small groups some will be co- teing and we have a coach who we who will work with them as well um and so they'll get to um interact with our students and get the experience working with high quality instructional materials um so so it's it's an exciting collaboration and uh yeah we're excited to be part of it informative uh we did not apply for the grant that's we're we're being we're kind of been asked accepted except is there are we are we receiving funds yeah so I'd take a motion to accept the grant to accept the summer learning Consortium Grant as presented motion made by Antella second second by Amy any other discussion all favor please say I I I those oppos n it carries five and zero thank you heather thanks okay moving right along formation of an elps AI committee you have more information about this um basically the yeah the idea behind the committee is uh if we can get it up and running uh with hopefully at least a one representative maybe two from the school committee but um also with the help of our town IT director Ryan Quimby and then at least one representative from each of the schools what we'd like to do is take a look at how we're currently using some of the AI products and software that um we know have already started to come into schools um get a better understanding as to maybe how as a district we can determine what is the best use of new products as they come online and how should we um look if we're purchasing to determine you know when and um how we purchase these things also to start to put forth just a vision for how to use this in a way that's productive for both the district and for student learning so that we don't get into the Trap which I think people are already getting into and we're probably seeing some of that here in elps where you're sort of punishing your way out of it someone used it they didn't think about you know nor were the consequences communicated uh and so then they failed the assignment because they used AI in terms of finishing that assignment that's not necessarily the most productive way to go about entering into the use of um artificial intelligence so to the extent we can we'd like to move forward and start to put some of these things in place so we don't go down that road too far and you were thinking we may need a stien for at least the we could use the committee rate if uh new contract um uh passes then we'll use that committee rate we'll advertise the committee rate you know basically to earn the committee rate you have to meet 10 times I don't or have 10 hours of work I think this committee is gonna have or qualify for probably 10 or more hours of work and so they would get that that rate yeah and when do we think they might start up next school year yeah if possible we could start it right in September yeah okay great any other questions thoughts Audrey what do you think coming to schools um honestly I think it's good you have a committee because personally I don't really use AI because I know it kind it sounds funky and I don't really like the idea of it but I don't know I think it has positive and benefit like I mentioned this earlier when we first discussed this committee like I think it might have been our first meeting because I swear we were all here together um I've used AI like in classes in which like you write answers to an FR frq and then it grade do based on the College Board rubric so that was definitely very helpful cuz you got instantaneous results the teacher didn't have to waste time and it's a quick activator but then I also think using AI like I've used like the Quizlet AI like in classes just going back and forth with it is kind of very monotonous and boring so you kind of have to find the right ways to do it and obviously learn how to like definitely encourage maybe just to use it to structure your essays if you realize that it's going to be used not allow students to use it entirely so it's going to be a tricky thing to balance and recognize but um I think it's good that there's going to be a committee for it so we can stay on top of it well said thank you Audrey it's too bad you're not gonna be around to be on it no I honestly have a good perspective I think you definitely got to get some students on it because they they definitely know more about it than me like you're student still I know but I I don't mess with AI I kind of like I don't know I don't do it any anybody else on the subject Sarah's going to be volunteering I can tell no sorry this is all you um so what are are we approving the formation of a new committee correct okay then we would have to advertise and get um the school personnel and and advertise for students too so if you you know depending on how many um students you'd like on it we can put that together as well and then we would pick who's on it when we do our reor sure July all right I moveed to approve the creation of an Elsa artificial intelligence committee to become do I need to say who it's going to be comprised of or no no I mean if um if we go with uh at least one staff member from each building and I mean if you want to give a recommendation from how many students you feel should be on it we can certainly do that as well it's okay yeah let's see how it goes we can check with Frank and maybe the committee can meet once and think about it themselves even okay all right for the 20 to start in the 2425 Academic Year okay motion made by Sarah second second by inel any other discussion all in favor say I I I those oppos nay that carries 5 to zero thank you okay thank you and finally we have our annual request for National Night Out for August 6th 2024 from 5: to 8:00 p.m. we would uh Mr Mack you would probably need the fields a little bit earlier for pre be accurate yeah generally I'm out there so for the day of Tuesday August at least 900m probably y thank you you're welcome okay I take a motion for approval of that please I move to accept the request Baseball Field parking lot for the National Night Out on August 6 2024 all day excellent motion made second by K any that to Zer as well with that we' have come to the conclusion of our meeting again sandreen Emily and Audrey thank you so very much we wish you the best we will see you out in the field for graduation we're gonna go right okay maybe I'll give you your diploma too okay with that I would take a motion to adjourn please motion made by an nobody wants to make second by Sarah any discussion all in favor say I I that carries five to zero we are J thank you thank you thank you