##VIDEO ID:jfXIpTGYfGM## good afternoon everyone here we are H pouring concrete in a matter of hours it sounds like Friday afternoon iton our first that's very exciting that is exciting first order of business is the minutes from Tomorrow come Friday who gets to do it you yeah teach you you go you can vibrate ready Steve can TR not saying anything his hands look pretty soft your is a plumber man come on I don't know we're on the street of anyway see easy so yeah so meeting of minutes from July 23d is there a motion to approve to approve second question comments anything not seeing none call yes sir all right I'm a yes Miss Blair yes Mr Paige yes Miss Brown yes is not here did Mr fenny show up okay m laar is not here Mr Thompson yes yes Miss Collins yes and Mr grimy yes yes do we have any NOS no extensions okay participation we appear to have no members of the public Us online oh nobody wants to hear from him Le keep on muted M you can promote himote him to yeah he's great if YouTu don't Benjamin that's you hey Co thank you um before I get started I just wanted to introduce everyone to spanic isan I get that down correct by the end of this Lynn is an assistant project manager with us she's going to be helping out um with Victoria having uh this birth of her second child everything was successful there happy to report um but Lynn's going to be helping out um so she'll be a familiar face pretty soon um and just we wanted to just give you kind of some verbal updates here uh fontaine's going to kind of take you through some of the updates on site uh go through an overview of that but we wanted to focus in on some of the um the bidding updates that have taken place um so today tonight you'll be taking a look at um amendment number two to fontaine's contract so if you recall there are certain trades within uh fontaine's contract the general trades that they will be buying out um so for amendment number too that's things like sight steel concrete um the glue land beam so you'll be taking a look at at that kind of stuff but um there are also what we call file sub bid trades um I believe I've explained this to the committee before but just to refresh you there are um 18 trades uh that are kind of protected if you will uh by the state under the procurement laws that need to be um carried out by the awarding authority uh by the district um so they're bid completely separate from the uh the general bid um and so in order to do that it's kind of similar it's a qualifications based uh first uh for the bid and so similar to like this selection process where we went through um reviewed the qualification packages of the construction managers who wanted to uh propose on the project um and deemed whoever qualified through that uh process and from there um so right now um associated with early release package number three um again mechanical electrical plumbing and Fire Protection were the trades the file sub bit trades that um were called out in that early release package um construction team project team felt this necessary to get those uh trades qualified early so that we're ready to bid out the work uh with the issuance of the 90% construction drawings or documents um at the end of the month so uh we did receive the statements of qualifications from contractors we got a good turnout uh for the qualifications portion uh Mechanical Contractors there were eight Plumbing 10 electrical six fire protection 6 which is pretty good um most of the contractors we knew right off the bat or we know are are hopefully going to be qualified um obviously the intent here is to have as many qualified contractors in that pool um for bid day to just get more competitive pricing um so we're definitely that's the mo we're going to be operating under um there might be a couple uh contractors who are just subject based on you know a similar past experience or just their current workload um The Hope is by scansa going through this review and we're going to share our findings um we'll get to this after but there's going to be a a a proposal or recommendation from us uh for this committee to designate a uh a file sub bid pre-qualification subcommittee so similar to what we did for the CMS um you know a couple designes one or two we try to keep it um you know limited to kind of help speed up this process um we ask that it just be somebody who's kind of involved the day to day the OAC meetings or whatever where we have updates and we share those so that you know everybody's on the same page and we don't need to recreate the wheel there um but ultimately that committee will be presented with our findings we'll have conversation regarding any of the yeah contractors who we feel might be worthy of disqualification um and then that committee will essentially vote on it and uh and then we'll we'll go from there we'll send out the qualification letters to whoever is uh qualified to bid the project and the DQ letters to to whoever is not and all that is aimed at um we're going to be electronically bidding the files sub bids because there are so many of them um the bid date is let's see November 21st um so we've spoken with the electronic bid company um we're familiar with their process Mon and the design team was all uh on that call so we're aware of the you know requirements that they have and kind of how to communicate what's going on with the bid to make sure that nothing falls through the cracks um on this first leg um so that's mechanical electrical Plumbing fire protection um we did it as two separate uh requests for qualifications we still need to qualify the remainder of the uh trades so masonry Roofing uh Mis Metals glass and glazing metal windows waterproofing tile acoustic ceilings resilient flooring and painting so those are the remaining trades to get underway um that's actually happening kind of con currently we're issuing the RFQ um that will be going live I believe next week um so that will become available uh contractors will have three weeks to submit their qualifications for those packages and then we'll basically restart the um the review process for for those trades then do you have the me calls in hand or you waiting for them to come in we have them in hand so our Our Hope was by uh forming the prequal subcommittee today we can share the you know we've uploaded everything electronically um we can share the electronic submissions we do have hard copies which we requested which are in our trailer anybody should need to look through those um but the Hope was by scansa getting these early and kind of doing some of the review uh just the cursory level um stuff you know reference calling and and filling out the uh financials and stuff uh stuff like that excuse me um we can give you guys a spreadsheet you know as a prompt to go from and base those uh discussions off of um because we are hoping to meet with the prequel subcommittee relatively quick just to meet our our timeline for bidding and everything and make sure that we're able to notify the uh qualified biders ahead of the actual 90% set coming out and that committee is what you want to establish right here right now yeah it's a good segue into the next one yeah I believe uh you know like I said uh one to two people from this committee or whatever you guys want to work out I there aren't really set parameters around it it's just that's kind of a customary to to how it's been done but the recommendations there's not prors um I was going to say funny you mentioned it Frankie either yourself or somebody ultimately who's going to be like I said involved in the um the every other week OAC meetings that we do have we're probably going to be info sharing anytime that we can over the next couple weeks in those meetings um so maybe we invite you to the Friday check in as well I know you guys have been involved with with some of this to date so um recommend any one of the three of you two of you or three of you um as long as the committee was fine with that but ultimately up to you guys I told doesn't nominate you he said all three all three of us can do it he said if we big word we're not calling you a bottleneck it's fine no I'm happy to do it Frank can do it by himself right is that what we're saying Frank can do it you want him anyway right and this certainly could be a you know an online a zoom thing we can supply the information beforehand go through it just hour read the last yep okay and again the intent here is not to disqualify folks it's really just to take a hard look at it if somebody's not set up for the project that you're you guys are trying to run then we're not going to waste their time we're not going to waste your time um but beyond that we're trying to uh get a good pool so cool so this is for all the varying subcontractors correct um and this will be twofold so we'll be meeting uh for the this is just the file sub bids so that there's remaining uh General trades that Fontaine you know they control that process um which you know they do a good job of keeping keeping us in the loop with that but these are ones we technically we have to qualify them once they're qualified it's open to just the uh the bid you know whoever is the low we're gonna go with need a vote Mr chair probably make a motion to appoint Frank pagee to the filed sub bid pre-qualifications subcommittee second he got I think you got you you want you could you could SP g i 47 next that worked out great all right very good so I'll send out an email just with um sorry didn't doing this leave me on my the motion think somebody else make another motion got to make a second motion right you can make a second but if Frank can do it by himself you gonna make you don't need a committee right just one person is that same thing can be just one why don't you keep it simple then have a backup do it all it's all your fault I can back them up if you want we see it thetion one that times we see two okay um you both want to do it is that what we're saying they don't want to but they will I'll say that I will but then I just won't show up sure that's fine so he's the backup oh you have to though so I I I'll amend my motion to include uh Steve crucial as alternate or as needed uh to the filed sub bid pre-qualification subcommittee second second yourself I'll that one not this early okay we'll do a roll call vote Mr Cru I don't want to like beat this to death but if there a backup to Frank then do they both have to vote together I just want to clarify that I would draw all my motions no I'm I'm not kidding if we have to make a decision it's either one of them or two so you want all right Soo them both to the committee and on the committee outside of so it's it's going to be one from uh the design team the OPM and from the CM so that'll round it out I mean typically how these things go is there's consensus with the group on if somebody is I would draw my objection vot realiz there were others backup is fine with me thankies Frank shoulders thank you yeah Frank's just on the committee with them perfect this work and if Frank can't make it that's that's the intent of my motion that Steve is in okay okay Myan seconded yes got it all right Mr crucial yes sir all right further discussion I'm just kidding keep going crucial look at that it's four o'clock yesy yes Miss Blair yes Mr Paige yes Brown yes margin voucher yes uh Mr fenny's not here is not here Mr Thompson yes Mr chrisan yes Miss Collins yes and Mr quinby yes okay passes I just had one more item under uh my section here so I think we've chatted a little bit about a groundbreaking ceremony in the past but uh never really got to this point so I think we're at a good Point uh on this project customarily there are three big events that msba typically likes to see on their projects the groundbreaking um which just signifies basically the start of construction um you know getting ready for foundation that whole whole shebang um then the topping off the steel topping off which is you know uh signifies the structure being completed in terms of the structural steel um you know oftentimes we don't time that out with the exact last piece of Steel but it's more of a um celebration just of the significance but um then there's ribbon cutting that's at the end of the project um you know at each of these it's usually uh the district will have I don't know two three Representatives who speak at them um msba typically the same um maybe just one speaker um but I would I don't know it's ultimately up to you guys to do this uh select a date and everything but I would just recommend it I know the msba likes to see it and I think it's a good opportunity for the the project team just to connect with the district at large again and just you know hit on a few of the the highlights of the project and uh you know our construction team is here to help organize things we just need to know what you guys want and when and all of that stuff um so in terms of invitations and set up with chairs and food and all that stuff it's you know kind of go as as big or as small as you would like um just put that out there and offer up a discussion around it but if we are going to set a date to it I would recommend that we do that relatively quickly here and that Fontaine and scans and design team start to put together the pieces so but's quickly next 30 days yeah I would say you know if we could do it sometime in November I think that's pretty typical to when we do these uh ceremonies um you know I would say msba needs a few weeks uh notice I don't know how how big you guys are trying to make it if this is going to be the entire School population thing or if it's going to be just you know the the stakeholders and the committee and a few people speaking but um you know I would just game plan around that if you want it to be a big event maybe give it a little more time we broadcast it through um the project website and whatever other avenues you want to hit um or if you want to keep it on the smaller side um I would say in terms of significance usually the ribbon cutting is the largest one of the three um with groundbreaking being second to that so I don't depends across the bo though historically does anybody remember how they did birin know that or me before me you state representatives and such to to sometimes yeah it depends I mean that's been the case in Springfield they have a you know a lot of politicians who like to fill out the docket but you know I've also just been I've been in districts where it's just you know say that's Town manager uh superintendent and that's about it and youba and they get a hard hat and a photo op after that so it's really however you want to tailor it are they like morning afternoon in the evenings just and whenever most of the ones that I've been involved with have been kind of midm morning uh I would say that's kind of The Sweet Spot but how about student participation Ben is that have you seen that had that in theast well I'd like to encourage that so we'll just need to know if that's going to be you know the case I think location wise in terms of safety and when we do things and all that's probably going to uh be a big talking point so I don't know that we need all the information from you folks today but maybe just the date and kind of what you're thinking overall as a plan and then we can take that into our um smaller group and uh work out the details so we're thinking yes to a meeting right okay um we want to Target a date in November um the groundbreaking or the meeting thanking for the groundbreaking is that uh too ambitious of no no November 7th I have no clue why I pick that date start there that's a good day I don't know what day the week is that it's Thursday gives us enough time yeah after the election there's an election that's true that's a bad week probably oh just no no no no we'll after all be calmed down two days after the election be calm down the week after even think of that Yes actually the 11 this day okay yeah I didn't hear objections to the seventh though Beth if you want to stick with that yeah I'm fine with that all right instead of jumping around you know yeah yeah we want early enough students are going to be there 10 up your your lunch longer than 10 minutes right oh yeah I forgot lunch starts at 930 1018 you can think there's a lot of different ways you can do it sometimes a band comes sometimes there's you know somebody will sing and then there'll be you know smaller groups you know you don't to bring the whole population on so you think about it a little bit how you want to do it do the national Anem yeah national anthem you know the bands usually come out a lot of times someone will speak you know stuff like that start for us would be 9:30 does matter to us that would give us 45 minutes and also allow for passing for you know start let the students pour some concrete you may want to generally Ben the msba kind of wants to bless those groundbreaking dates right so you might want to have one or two dates that work so that scansa can check with the msba H good idea yeah I can certainly push for the seventh if that seems to be 14th 14 the date out there because 11th is bad I thought seventh is so second dat second second option yeah yeah yeah so if we wna you want to the 14th as a secondary date on there um if need be they should be able to make one of those work I can prioritize the seventh yeah I won't be able to make the 14th but I'm just one person 14th I would do 9:30 it doesn't necessarily need to be a Thursday if you want if another day that following week works better you're confirm the date with msba that that works um mean thank you know if you want to just start with the seventh I can follow up with msba if they can make that work great if not I can follow the 13th in your pocket for keep it in case we need the seven is the 13th work as a back seventh same time 9:30 all right so hopefully that works for them that's and then we'll just kind of need to know um who from the district speaking we can put together a a program for the uh for the event and then just kind of in terms of the photos typically I'm sure you've seen the photos with the with the shovels and the the amount of dirt in front of it so we'll just need to know who we need space for yep G to go get it gold plated so they're in your budget pleas let us know they in the budget okay check that that might that might have gotten out but um I'm sure there's a bunch of other details we'll be asked asking uh you um you guys want to provide Refreshments uh sometimes we see a finger foods and Cocktails beverages 9:30 9:30 that's late in the lunch getting better and better I don't drink till 10 you by the time daylight savings by them all right so we'll follow up but that's a I think that's a good start for us um that's pretty much all I had yeah it Danielle I think the floor is yours you can share um so not this slide uh amendment number two Ben mentioned that we have amendment number two prepared and ready for review total value for amendment was 30 million, $335 um this is for the early packages so site work which went to gagui building concrete um which was manaport structural steel Norgate with Stellar doing correction glue L beams north and south construction the elevator is Mac Brothers I just sent the letter through on that one we're still working on the generator and the switchboard but we believe it's going to be Ley for the generator and Wesco Eaton for the switch tier um and then for all of those we have some scope gos to take us 60% drawings up to the 100% drawings um because we know there'll be some adjustments that are required um the total budget for this was um 30 million 900 900,000 so about $150,000 difference right now so we can share afterwards with folks just what the summary is but like Daniel said uh it's good news so far with with these General trades um they're coming in under under budget obviously this amendment um includes some bridging and uh holds and allowances if you will um just to protect us but it's a good uh indication uh of where we're at and hopefully the file sub bitting uh goes the same way obviously we have a little less control in that but um you know and doing the whole qualifications and everything and having a good turnout uh hopefully we're we're following that same pattern of uh bids coming and under but anyways good news so far reminder for the committee any of the funds held in holds or allowances or any of these things to fill gaps because the documents are not yet complete any of that money unspent simply returns to the town you're not losing anything by putting that protection into the budget you're only protecting yourself and just a reminder to everyone I know we're proposing amendments and sometimes that's a scary word uh based off of you know the agreements of what already has been set in place um it's not like this is a change order in any means to that 147 million doll construction budget that we have um is essentially an amendment to uh fontaine's contracts uh because until we get to the final bidding until we get to 100% construction documents um and they've completed all of their buyout um they won't have what's known as the the full GMP the guaranteed Max price contract uh in place so uh similar to amendment number one which was for the enabling work uh amendment number two just basically um puts into their schedule of values the money um that was actualized through the bid process but um we're reporting that we're still on budget within that budget um and we're not like changing anything um with that overall number so any questions please feel free to ask otherwise we're recommending approval of amendment number two so if you're getting your me's honor about the 21st so there'll be Amendment Three in December so what I'm thinking I I don't think we're going to want to wait until the we get final it's going to be a couple months for your buyout anyways so yeah there's likely going to be an amendment three um sometime in December and then a full on GMP plus or minus February call it yeah around there right close enough for argument not gonna be a whole heck of a lot left to buy out after that so guess that'll be 2025 that's probably a good thing run out of time as well so good point questions Greg anything good news and we're sticking in the schedule I even put your thing up yet but yeah I think you guys are GNA just do an brief overview schedule but um yeah been good okay is there a motion on the floor uh that we're accepting Amendment number two that's the motion I move to that we uh approve amendment number two second second have a second right you concerns questions already been asked and identified responded to I think we can do the roll call Mr Smith okay Mr crucial yes a yes Miss Blair yes Mr Paige yes had to think about it Miss Brown yes M margin Boucher yes right up your name there apologize uh Mr Thompson yes Mr Christensen yes M Collins yes and M grimy yes okay that's everybody continuing toal forward all right was that it for team Fontaine Amendment um small schedule up on this excuse me with some schedule milestones uh drawing bigger um packages are in there so we expect the 90% msba drawings um just before Halloween we'll get those out for bidding filed sub bids right now I think Ben said we due in um November uh get those contractors on board 100% design docks are early December um that'll kick off the next round of filed sub bid um packages which will be due um right around the new year or just before and then we'll start awarding those contractors and working on a GMP and on site um just a quick overview of what we're working on we've been grading for the building footprint um prepping for foundations um slide next slide next slide uh prepping for foundations you can start to see and this this was taken on um September 23rd you can start to see the outline of the building taking shape um that was before we removed the fiber see that cut through the middle uh and that little arrow in the corner if you go to the next slide that's where we started prepping for foundations and they started form workk this week we'll do our first placement back in this corner on Friday can we look back one please if you don't mind I just want to see that outline again just in general where it's going to land yeah it's almost part more skew than I thought Building A and B we're bring raising that up to grade so like we're starting there and building just daging around the loading dock if you go around that corner there we're heading towards the loading dock area where it's going to go a large duck bank that goes through there too so that kind of is right there is building D go building d and e which is both on the South Side you know South and pushing east to west so that area there will start in those areas there that all that rebar will be on site by uh Friday so for D and and partial C the spine will be on site too so we'll be working on that South section the buildings first um and then we'll move oursel to the north what did you say it's more what excuse me oh I'm sorry I was just saying it's the orientation is more skewed to the existing building than I thought I thought we were going to be Rel up you it's kind of hard and a few more you cut through it yeah we took a little more Drone footage the other day but that's an overview of just bringing in the lower fill as we bring up the grade so you'll see it take shape more in the next few weeks as we actually cut the footings and go through you'll really see how it shapes out and the more the more we move forward but we're really we're at a we're at a 45 degree angle from the existing building good point I I think because a building hasn't been prepped yet it's under that t um it's not hasn't taken shape yet yeah we're kind of over top of the pool in okay right yeah the pool's further south to right where the arrow is the is the educational Wing right and so that's the back of the that the back side that's 45 degre compared to the existing back gym right there right that's fair to say I just didn't know what the orientation relativity would be and this is interesting to see so thank you are you guys going to remove the the small gym is that later or are you gon to be able to maintain it are you giving it to us now part of the original discussion was that take that in the second year that is off the table now thankfully and I appreciate you not taking it I know we're good I'm not giv it yeah have good 12 feet to work within yeah yeah room we work closer Danielle which stocks are you buying the MPS off 90% drawings yeah and we bought Amendment off the 60s off the 60s and you'll buy Amendment four off the finals yes working drawings yep thank you you want to say on this one no you're good fine so to that point maybe it's good to state where we are in the process so the 90% cost estimate set has just been wrapped up is out in the estimator's hands while we're working through cleaning that up so we're on our last phase to prep that 90% set to go out to the biders right now uh and team is racing along U for the filed sub bid Consultants you know me FP that's they're in their 100% set so there there's a lot of uh as we've always mentioned you know challenge for them trying to be sure that they're answering questions from the team now while we're putting those documents together for final review and taking in all the review comments at the same time so that's where we are in the process um when do the 90s go out uh they go out uh 29th 28th is when uh we'd like to have we have our next school building committee meeting that's to approve the 90% that's when we'll have the cost estimate um that goes to the msba also gets uploaded to project dog which is the online distribution we're going to be using they review it for two days so it'll be out to bids on the 31st beote on the street and then they got three weeks okay just to that real quick before I forget we will be setting up a site visit on November 7th I think is what we targeted it for as well uh we'll be here I don't know that anybody from the district be there I do too B that's just for the me and Fire Protection bids should they want to and chat with us but the afternoon if we do the ground breaking in the morning yeah they can come to the ground breaking yeah it's the same same day we didn't announce the seventh to the bid so yeah right we can change we can change that easy enough that's easy enough to so anyways let you know where that lands right as we mentioned all along there's a separate procurement process for furniture fixtures and equipment so that process kind of staggers behind the documents um so everything that's it's attached to the building is in the documents but we're in the process now of uh working through the process of confirming Furniture per room um so we have detailed floor Furniture plant that have been they taken input from the distri gone into the plans those plans are back in Frank's hands and the um faculty are reviewing them again and we have in front of the faculty this process for them to actually uh elect their equipment needs and document that so this process continues on with a back and forth review kind of by Department um through through this process once we um I'll give you an update on the status of that budget tonight just on but we're not at the point of needing to make any major changes but it's good to see just there a check-in where we are um once we have that furniture budget essentially kind of landed where we think we need to be also start ordering sample Furniture to come in so right now it's just a chair a table you know and we'll bring in different options from different companies so that the school can check them out um and Stiffler is more actively involved with the district I'm kind of trying to keep an eye on that but um but Abby from stur is the main con Consulting um advisor to this process of selection so Sora takes care of bringing in those pieces and being sure they're looked at so we're in the middle of that process and this just gives you a sample the kind of information that we're putting in front of um the teachers at the moment and obviously the core classrooms are actually the easiest but this is your typical core classroom layout so you see like the built-in case workk is in Project that's that's the three large wardrobes at the bottom um and the L is the rest of it is loose Furnishings that are uh you know basically similar in every classroom um and um there is also going to be a process which I need to remember to keep speaking about of we need to kind of be clear on what the Salvage needs are for the school so that includes anything built into the school that you intend to salvage so if there's any Memorial information that we need to document on the inside of the building that we need to find a place for again that's something we need to know now but I also been encouraging The Faculty to think in terms of salvaging equipment that they have because some of them have recently purchase things so um we're we're going through that kind of Department by Department as well yeah dor I'm sorry stora is Sephora is f consultant our furniture consultant our it consultant is Advanced Tech yeah or Scott as we how was the FF budget established um so um so the msba allows uh $1,200 per student for furniture $1,200 for it for instructional technology per student um that's they 100% sorry that they fund 100% that is yes that they reimburse but that's never enough um and they have not changed that number for some time so every district is asked to add more to the furniture side of that it works for it pretty well and we've stepped kept 1,200 for it for this school um and that you'll see you have a slide later on that shows where we are on budget um because instructional technology costs generally are going down know relative to what you're getting money whereas the cost of furniture is going up so it's it really is impossible to fully outfit a school um on $1,200 per student um what is our per student number then we have a different number than 12 so yes you do I think it's another uh I think it's 20 if you go got 31 yeah if the slides coming you can get to it so the furniture budget is 2,160 and technology is 1.2 million chair for the school if you go two slides forward actually G get to a summary so this is just giving you a little bit of student information one more I just wanted to ask a question on the first slide so um you were talking about built-ins versus loose Furniture so the the um design work if you would think of offices you had built-in counters where right are the drawers then yes sometimes yeah no the doors are built in as well it's sometimes a combination frankly but for the most part in the admin areas where we have that built-in mill work we have built-in drawers and and underneath underneath that as well and that's part of the construction so that's not something we'd be putting on the furniture no so and part of why we do that is to liberate the the furniture budget as much as we can will the classrooms sorry will the classrooms have any built-ins yes so you see those three large wardrobes okay one is for Teacher belongings and assumes two faculty may be in the room and the other is I can't remember now something like 1500 volumes of books of a certain size fits in it so it's storage um um and their flexible shelving in there that can you can change Heights based on your needs so can any of those just I'm thinking in terms of um locking cabinets for student paperwork that that's that's sensitive that like classroom teachers might have can instead of buying it and like having the separate units like they have now can that get worked into the design of the cabinets you have built in what the uh faculty have requested and admittedly I work in two schools simultaneously right now two high schools so but that has been a concern so um you have a file cabinet um assigned essentially to every faculty member and um and there's uh those are all lockable cabinets and they prefer that those be on Wheels so okay um you also have a teacher planning room right that also has additional storage so some the school might decide some things shouldn't be in the classroom at all yeah and are there different levels of warranty for for furniture is that not even looked at or how long can we expect to get out of them I guess is my question parts of the pieces of furniture of five year or 10 year warranties um and and then the overall administration of the contract is is a year so and sometimes when we are comparing different selections we'll be looking at you you want to take into consideration the warranties of Parts like adjustable chairs for instance something like that have that concern can we assume these things will last as long as the ones we have now or is different these days I mean realistically I want to know as a school committee should we be prepared to it's you know replenish more often it's a little hard to I mean definitely the the lifespan of furniture is not the same as kind of structural steel um and I'd say within the range what you're going to have is the budget's going to feel tight and like you're going to decide do you go with a better vendor better quality chair so that it will last longer and then compromise your selection on something that's less critical than the chair and desk that's of the approach we go um and it and you know it's surprising when you see what the list price on these is but the procurement is through uh a collaborative buying process and and it's just really informational until we get to the final numbers um but that's part of why why it's important to look at the different options because they can look the same and not be the same in quality yeah and I think our goals collectively know Beth has spoken about is quality first because we want them to last as long as possible so these guys are all state bid list right so yes yeah yeah that'll be that and even within that you know you're getting a good discount on on better quality BS and Ki because they're in the procurement list here yeah so I know you're working with the teachers but when you're done with them I'd like to be part of the process after the you know we didn't want to micromanage the teachers but I'd like to have to be on whatever when they sit down and talk about furniture and I don't know if what would be helpful like um today for instance I met with all the education um staff and it's it's actually really been great lately because you go every time you meet with everyone they have a lot of you know requests um but at this point the project we're showing them the plans and we're showing them the furniture plans and they're generally thrilled you know about what they're what's going on and a lot of them are super seriously involved now and now they're hearing that they're going to get things that they never ever imagine they would get so there's a lot of excitement but yesterday with band and chorus new band instructor um they are super psyched um this is probably the happy moment you know then install there's like wait a minute you know maybe this this is I need this but but like the keyboard room and I have to say it happens in every project you have these changes right so faculty turn over suddenly so we're we're looking at the keyboard room as a music text space which is going to have a little bit more capability than just keyboards yep um and we're still able to make those moves um uh so it's all very exciting and I I feel good that every time we review plans everybody's really excited about what they're seeing um and the tweets have been small and sometimes I'm at the point of saying great idea no but not really I haven't had any major moments where we've had to do that it's we're we're really just talking about kind of how they using the room and what kind of furniture so small tweaks in Furniture of the kind of like how do we separate a student has a need for sensory isolation in the classroom what what kind of furniture can we provide so very specific needs rather than Global changes um uh if you go to the the budget list this um so here's a summary of where we are so the budget limit in the 31 the financial agreement equipment is um 2,1 160,000 just based on the furniture requests thus far and how we've organized that at the moment and again that's under review so it's it's not complete um we're at 1.6 million uh plus uh that leaves available within that budget you know what we're estimating at 356,000 so it's a little bit more but just by a little bit but not not at a level we're worried about at all you know 21,00 000 over isn't much because it's well within our contingency and pricing hasn't really happened we're finding right now is when we're finding hey we included this as an assumption and that's going to be Salvage but we did not realize like um today we heard that in uh medically fragile they need those CS to lift okay so those are going to be a higher costs so we're in the middle of just finalizing the actual needs for each room um but I think it's going well I think even better news is that the budget for instructional technology we're still quite healthy in being under it um I do think there will be changes there and they'll be revisiting that number constantly and for instance that musical keyboard room the reason I felt okay about expanding its capacity is that we still have enough money in the it budget for that room to get five music work stations as opposed to just ke which everybody's very excited about D under this scenario just looking at these things in isolation does the does the it wash the furniture overage or not so much that's my feeling is that we're close enough that it's fine for us to to borrow from the it budget if we have a little bit left over there and put that in to cover your your furniture I Tred I was afraid Ryan would be in the room when I said that and have different opinions about it but reason I is because we already have a good replacement program so we don't need to buy student devices there you go that was huge admittedly huge Brian the one thing I'd say you know again that also just I always want to keep checking this is that the that later conversation about um video conferencing That's not including any of that because that's coming out of you all directly that's my current it's not in the budget is that you're saying well the the the the rally bar type stuff yeah that we did not because we' met on that so we have it anticipated but it's I assumed that was not so that's something we going talk about yeah that's something we talk about okay a lot of the rest of it you know is that was that was kind of in your hands but again it all looks fine so far good yes okay Eric I think Eric is on yes yes um Eric bangs Nest landscape architect with smma uh we just wanted to give you a quick update um on a few items site related so what you're looking at right now is a revision we've made uh since the last time we met to the Arts outdoor Courtyard area uh we we' made these updates for a number of reasons and it's based on feedback we've sort of received along the way here and the idea about uh with this is that we really wanted to make the space relate a little bit more to the architecture and sort of open up as you're exiting let's say LGI and and heading to the West we wanted this space to really open up and actually to capture more space that if you see in that image below we Happ computer shut off uh no I didn't does Eric have the file to screen share sorry I um I'll see if I can there it is there we go so you can see we've captured more area uh in the in the new design design uh the other idea here was that uh you know we listen to the ideas about maintenance um for planting so what this design does is it incorporates more usable Hardscape uh for the students um offering more and different seating opportunities uh more opportunities for students to move through the space and also creates very distinct areas that can be planted versus lawn uh and you don't have the you know let's say shovel carved plant beds that you need to work worry about maintaining over time so the the different planting areas are are defined by Hardscape uh this area also provides you know a patio for directly outside LGI um a lawn area that will create more of an open feel uh in the narrowest portion of the space closer to LGI and creates a plaza and focal point as you're exiting the Arts Wing uh but we did maintain the performance areas you can see on the left uh incorporating wheelchairs spaces in the seat walls um so that's still been maintained uh which we had previously you can see so it just provides more more opportunities for students to use the space in in different ways just a quick question in the performance area in like one of those curved areas are you going to have electricity to plug in there's gonna be there's going to be electricity mounted to the walls we're not going to have like um post-mounted electricity out in the space simply because we've found those to be a maintenance headache over time uh but there will be a number of wall uh Outlets uh available for exterior use throughout the space coming from the school yes okay all right Eric just in terms of uh snow and maintenance uh do you foresee the need to clear snow to all of those doors uh but not clear the whole area and and I only ask because we don't have anything like this now um and it's a very complex area any thoughts on that I mean typically I mean if it's the winter and you have a snowstorm I I think you could certainly I mean egress doors I'm not sure what the program is right now but I mean I would think egress doors you'd want to keep open but that typically can just be handled by creating a path out um we would we would presume that the emergency access that goes around the back of the school would also be plowed um so you know a simple path you know from the door out to an egress Point probably would be sufficient yeah yeah I I don't think you have to do the whole performance area and all that other stuff no it's a great it's gonna be a great space I I it looks great thank you for for doing that Eric are those little stars or asteris is that lighting yeah so the um as you come out from LGI those first smaller the five smaller uh light fixtures in the lawn area will be balled lights um and then as you move out and the space gets larger we'll have a total of I think it's four or five um you know pedestrian height poles 12 foot poles just to just to give enough light in there to to kind of capture the space and uh you know and if if emergency Personnel are going around the school at night they'll be able to see in and there'll be good coverage in there plus you'll get ambient light from the building thank you and then uh just sort of an update uh we further developed uh the prek play area uh took the next step on that so what you can see here is uh the the the concept is we've always had a play Mound and what we've done is we've sort of shrunken that play Mound made it a little bit more uh distinct and noticeable and tangible and then Incorporated a few Play Elements such as handholds uh that sort of as you go up the play Mound kids can hold on to and some of these half round domes uh that will also provide a creative way for kids to Traverse the mound but what we've done is we've Shrunk the mound it used to be a central feature we've shrunk it so that we could create more usable flat play Space around it um there will be an accessible route that goes all the way around the the mounding and and then we're going to use different colored surfacing uh that you know reflects the building facade and and goes well with the building facade and even create like a little gathering space uh a smaller space that they could do you know let's say outdoor reading Circle or something like that uh those are the some of the program elements we' further defined we still have a shed um as we always have had um we'd like to incorporate the decorative metal fence back in so so we've done that and um you know we'll see how things go at the 90% estimate but that's that's the plan right now is to re incorporate that and it's it it will all be resilient rubber surfacing so the bottom round thing is like around it's it's within the moding but it's like round circle rug almost Y which is awesome I like that and Eric what's the life expectancy on the rubber surfacing that's a good question I I couldn't tell you off the top of my head it's um we we use it because it's very difficult to have a let's say a softer um accessible surface in a playground so this is the material we use for every playground that we design we don't design playgrounds typically with with engineered wood fiber or wood chips those aren't accessible surfaces um so I I forget what the there is a warranty on this stuff and it's it depends on what system you get but I want to say it's don't quote me on this but I think it's eight or 10 years yeah 10 Eric the fence and shed or aluminum no the fence uh the fence the fence will be a um an industrial aluminum uh is the plan right now the shed is going to be steel how high is that fence Eric uh usually four feet okay because preschool right they have a different height requirement right yes uh say they no because we're going through a playground at at our youngest school um metal Brook with Esser grant funding so we're kind of doing the same like similar like this rubber surfacing and I thought I remembered Renee the principal saying that the fence has to be a certain height because it's preschoolers and these are preschoolers so I just want to throw that out there she did say something yeah there like Desi inspections the width between the actual facing matters and then the does as well but that's do matter so throw that out there and they'll climb too yeah we we've typically used um four feet that that's pretty standard um in in schools that we've done even that are like prek through through five I mean if there's a if there's another height you know feel free to let me know but I I've never heard of four feet not being acceptable for prek and the um the slats th those vertical pickets will be a maximum I think they're usually 3 and 3/4 in on Center so that you don't have to worry about the um you know that meets the maximum four 4 inch you know requ it's like four feet is the minimum plus it's on a roof then it has to be seven feet yeah we try to avoid going too high obviously because we don't want the playground to feel like a you know like you know they're locked in a cage so razor wire yeah Brook Eric with all the things in inside of the fencing how many students roughly would you say would would would be in there safely and no yeah no that's a great question so typically the way it works is when you design a playground it's it's a certain number of square feet per student um that playground is about 1100 square feet um and so you know if you it it it should be able to accommodate you know 10 to 15 which is I think what the design program was um going back to the beginning Eric when you say that number you're talking 10 little guys and 10 big guys no it's by student only um so they they don't as far as I know they don't factor in you know the adults into that so the the areas I'm just let me 1100 divid by yeah so typically it's 75 it's typically 75 square feet per student so if you take 1100 square feet that's good for about 15 students but we know the number was somewhere between 10 and 15 so that should also accommodate some adults yeah so you you'll probably have about 10 to 12 little kids and then we usually have 10 big kids high school so yeah I would imagine sometimes the people on the outside of the fence looking in not all are in there at the same time we don't have we don't have a player fantastic this is gonna be Eric this is gonna be great I'm so excited about this part I hadn't even focused on this and the colorfulness uh it's GNA really step up that program thank you for that yeah absolutely isn't it is the classroom the same asass like 35 by 30 should they're all set they're lucky yeah it was I mean it was a team effort I I jwa had some great thoughts on this too and so it was a it was a nice blending of ideas that led to it so and they they need this for that program right now they're their house inside because there's really no great exterior space to go to before the construction started and there's definitely not now so thank you guys is that's accessible from the classroom as well right there's a door that open yes there's two gates into it um and then you know one of the reasons we cited that other if we can zoom just quickly Zoom back into that slide one of the reasons that we cited the other gate um where we did on that is that it's at that lower left corner because that's sort of beyond the parking so they can bring the kids out that lower left gate and actually bring them onto the Gated emergency access path and that can be used for riding tricycles and things like that as well that's that's another option price goes in the budget do we Love's equipment yes nice is that going to be open for parents to use like eventually dramatic decision that you to make and I know that there had been discuss there was some gonna have a place because if you have parents parking watch games they gonna keep the kids there so that's you guys have to figure out how to deal with that because you will probably have that is it a durability okay no that's fair I I think that is alligators I mean the town end up allows yeah I I know I just want to encourage use of you know the nice facilities that we have like where the new uh play Cape we want to leave open on purpose so that kids can use it all the time but I don't want to also ruin it in a year either yeah yeah I mean there could always be like maybe there's a small summer program and the kids are Littles and maybe they could go in there for summer program but it's very regimen and and organized and that kind of a thing supervised supervised supervised good word yeah it's also just a specific space it's not like it's a playground for second graders third graders fourth graders it's a prek you're talking about space for four or fivey olds you know yeah to see yeah like I I just yeah we're in the same P out is it lockable well that that's what I think can we make it lockable yes we can make it lockable right Eric the one I will say the one at chog is not accessible to the public it's just just designed for that program send them to met Brook yeah we had a brief discussion I'll admit about the the path beyond that he's talking about that that leads out to and you know should we you know put Road uh striping for tricycles on it and I sort of thought we should not because it's a high school but I mean they'll still use it but you know given that you know I've worked in early childhood de I've seen the way that that program can expand Beyond you know quite easily and it you could use chalk out there and other things but right like not not a great idea to start allowing that program to extend beyond the prek teachers will take like they'll draw a line yeah exactly that's more fun anyway yeah quickly yep next so uh another important topic of conversation is right now we own a we own a school ID sign um out at Maple Street that school ID sign does not have a message board component to it so we had a meeting uh since this had come up a while back we had a meeting in the middle of September roughly with uh Rob and with Tom um uh about the potential to provide an electronic Message Board uh somewhere you know between let's say Maple Street and the front of the school and long story short what we what we expected uh is that Rob indicated that that would require a variance so what we'd like to talk with you about today is to see would you um you know as the Comm like to pursue a variance to install a you know an electronic Message Board um some of the that's one question another question is you know what would you like this to be uh since it's not allowed by zoning right now the consensus in the meeting was that it should be something it should probably be something lower key you know um without necessarily much motion if any motion um thank you D so this is a message board we did at our uh School recently that you can see and it's it's very simple there's no pictures or or motion or flashing or bright colors it's simple red text on this one happens to be about 2 and 1 half feet tall by about eight 8 feet long on a base um we would obviously do a base that's you know more in keeping with the school sign here but we just wanted to get your thoughts on you know what you would expect from something like this and if you want to pursue it we talked about having something like that a little closer to the school so we wouldn't have to get a variance if you go back huh turns out it back does not matter how far it is from thead I didn't think it would interesting that was our thought too that if we put it far enough away we could just put it on but no such you need a variance if you want that kind correct have it at the back of yes so the reason why planning doesn't allow them is because the town in general doesn't want these signs all around town six seven years ago Walgreens put one up yeah and the town said take it down so it's hypocritical I think for us to go for a variance and then in the future to say to other companies you can't do it when we put one on our property could have gone for that same variance no that they didn't have option it's not allowed by it's not allowed in the zoning so they're not going to just allow because you ask okay I mean they might be asked as a town they could have gone for a variance it's a told that they had to spend money to take it down yeah right they had to spend money to take it down so I don't know I think it would be a mistake for us to set that precedent because we will see them all around town 10 years from now so I want to ask the sign on the top is okay because it's not lit up is that correct correct not back lit not back lit lit but be lit going up toward it I think that looks nice I think it looks classy nobody has to maintain that once it's there lots of times you get the little lights on the other thing and if they want we could do it closer to the school and that's okay like you have the other Circle but if the light bulbs don't get changed or then you see the little holes in it and someone's got to maintain that who's in charge of making sure that's updated and all that kind of stuff they're nice to have but like if the school I'm on right now it just has welcome to you know the school and they they never change the sign so I think the one on top actually makes me feel like I'm looking like at the Quarry Stone and the one on top is there no matter what that's that's no I like that I think that looks classy so it's not about the motion of the LED it's about the back lit nature of it yeah and I would say if the school and you guys want it the only thing I would argue is that if by putting it further on the site and you're asking for a variance because it is so far on the site that's something that Walgreens could not do or if they you know if they had they put it 20 fet back potentially that's what I'm saying I think we just set that precedent if we go for the variant and we allow the variance how does the planning board say no to anybody in the future the zoning regulations were very broadly written and so it was hard to interpret whether you know putting it 200 feet into the site suddenly okay now so I think we're being very conservative on how we were interpreting that um maybe it would want to get clarified in the future but I don't know of any in do you no so the variance condition would certainly set a press but it would also be site specific to Christian's point it's 300 feet from the street can we put it on the building or in a window of the building to make it comply with the regulations well we're trying to get a message out to the people that driving up right is that what we're trying to do well I think I mean you're concerned is about setting a precedent on the zoning issue but I think from the schools perspective they have an existing message board that was sign by the technology of 1972 and in 2024 that technology would be replaced by this to do the same thing so the function of messaging is what I think we're trying to put in place and would that functionally does do you do you want to replace it with something that is functionally updated to today and go for the variance make that possible and then establish that precedence from the school's perspective I would prefer that the planning board address it and change our planning bylaws to meet the needs if they think it's there but as of now it's not I mean the you know what I'm saying the rules are what they are because that's what the community agrees that's what we want and until the community agrees we want something different which would be a change in the zoning bylaws other towns allow it by right right right I don't think it's I mean it's I guess it would be somebody's got to push it but I don't I don't know I don't want them any some how do you feel as principal so I get where you're saying from the taxpayer perspective from my role I would love to have that signage um the process that we have now is not easy especially now with you know some fencing that's that's out around there um so you mean manually block met letters it's a pain what do you want to tell people though what do you what do you what's the message uh upcoming events you know dates of graduation dates of prom uh nights for sports welcome back messages first day school report cards are coming out like we we put that at the main entrance as people walk in and they could read that I don't know and we do have that yeah where it's located right now is a pain you know and it doesn't get updated about the exist existing sign yeah where not get updated on regular basis because of where it is if I can log into a computer and update it I'll have that updated weekly s you be okay with it up against the school are you hoping parents are going to see it while they're driving by South Aly high school has it I've seen it I I like how they have it out there by the main road so as you're driving by you just have an update it's like a quick hitter of like something good that's happened to the school so you so community members who wouldn't necessarily be entering the school would have access to that that's where I would go with it you know and I people point it out to me all the time your your sign hasn't been updated you know no I think it's great Frank you know one of those people you put next Saturday the concert want to have a nice concerts are coming is a good point me like I send out weekly updates of all different things are happen mity if you're not a if you're not a parent in my school you don't know all the things that are happening you know yeah so that's where it's it's an opportunity to share information with the community where they might not necessarily have access to that information like they can go and find a schedule on Mass Live but they don't know where concerts are yeah and it's cheaper and so you would want it on the road I would but I'm just I'm looking through it like you talk about this being a community resource like let's talk to the community and share our info yeah so the obtrusiveness of this more than Walgreens too would be that it is in a residential Zone and not a commercial zone right which Walgreens is so you're talking about an LED sign that everybody that lives on Maple Street is going to have to look at 247 365 can you can you set times up shut like shut the sign down that is why we were proposing that o' it turns on at 7 A.M web based you can kind of how big the sign that we're putting up because it says on our bylaws we have a 20 square foot maximum area for signs in residential district for a school that's what that one is well that no matter what no matter what adding an LED Message Board is going to make the amount of sign over what is allowed by zoning so right now that the sign on the top there the way the bylaw is written that is the 20 square feet that is allowed by zoning so anything beyond what you see there would would go above what is allowed by zoning and it's only measured on one side having an additional sign makes this go yes yeah be aggregate so we a variance for that as well twice and like I said to them when we had this conversation first as the applicant I'd be happy to go fight for a variance if that's what this committee wants that was where we sort of ended our meeting was we can decide if this is what we want I'll go sit there and take the lumps but it's s manager do you want these all around you so no so how do you say no in the future if we ask for it now it wouldn't be up to me it would be up to the zoning board of appeals but uh that's they're they're allowed to make a decision on a case-by Case basis that that that's their prerogative yeah if somebody else wants to put a high school up then [Laughter] yeah schools if you did go with that um that I like the sign that they do have in West Springfield it it isn't the red it's more I I think it's more like white light it's like subdued I could send a picture I just think it fit and it would fit with this school too it just kind of simp was less and I know that you don't have the colors right and all that on that does that one have a message it just says does yeah it says welcome home of the Terriers that's all it says nobody changes it can they change it I'm assuming they you know it's just whose job is it and if you're willing to do it that's great but is the next principle gonna be willing to do it can I can I speak up on that techology side for second but it does look good yes we had an internal discussion about this and we've been working on specs at the same time and there are two approaches to these types of science when is the more capable LED resolution that looks uh more clear and and the other is the less what we're showing you is the very simple monocolor black yeah red and black the other approach can do a lot of things it can also be simpler it's all depending on what you put on it so in talking with Ryan the school's internal digital signage system that you see will be extended onto new monitors and the school will have the ability to send um you know full color image so you can extend that level of resolution to that sign and it wouldn't look like a Christmas holiday light Message Board the way these do or you can keep it simple I don't know which you prefer visually as an option so that's just one thought to keep in mind the other is I agree with that point it's in a residential area part of why we were thinking of not having it at the road is so that it wasn't annoying to the community that did not like it but it was still giving information to parents and by pulling it into the site and maybe maybe that that question mark site's not the right location it needs to be between parking spes or some that's probably 10% of the families that drive by that every day though that's not right not going to hit a not anybody I don't think a sign internally anywhere I the road H I said we think we should do it at the road well I think it's the yeah I think that's the only Val value is to have it on the RO I think the other thing that would make it less hypocritical is Walgreens is trying to sell things we're trying to communicate with the community yeah I'm against it because I don't want to see Minto and mean to say we're not going to let businesses you know what I mean if we as the town though condone them for our own properties I just don't know how we say no to others I get this for a school that's what I meant like the purpose of it it's not to advertise for profit but the the problem with the sign is the um the Aesthetics of it yeah and so it's still aesthetically the same yeah I don't know I mean I'm sure we could probably get the variant this is why this is why we wanted to have the conversation I'm I'm with Beth first comment I think the the the sign out front is classy and I don't need to communicate with you know that that that's not I didn't want to make that decision but if that's the decision the committee wants to make I'll go sit in front of zoning zoning board and make that argument all day long is there any kind of Trend in the other schools you design do people generally do this it's very dependent on it so we did a an elementary school in grandby that was on a major state route that did not have a bylaw and they wanted the community to feel more part of their school so they put it right there on the state route and it was an elementary school that was right next to a high school so they were able to use it for their whole right come to the football game come to the basketball game um another recent school in Garder the school was much more removed from the main road they had a similar bylaw they didn't want to fight it but they put it towards the top kind of where we're recommending with the with the question mark there so I would say in general here it's a little bit more difficult because you do have the two entrance off of um Maple so which one do you target um but I think they are helpful in getting information out to either the parents or the community as a whole but the zoning do create complications so it's it's very District dependent I was against it till Frank said it was useful so that's why I think it's worth it my concern would be the same thing that just sit there not be updated and say have a nice summer and it's October right well there's fence I me Frank it says says spirit week now doesn't it is the trend do you find that communicating with families is becoming easier through their absorption of the internet that maybe this is less necessary than it was communicating with families is is obviously a priority for me I I constantly um communicating with the community is much harder because I don't have those natural Avenues of doing so um so this is just give that opportunity you know so I'm looking at it through my role as a principal and if you're asking the principal would he want it 100% if it's whether it's me updating it or my other staff like I have people who I can assign this to to update weekly and it'll take these systems are easy to navigate they take five minutes we have somebody who we have screens around our building just like these where we update those weekly with pictures of the Great Stuff our kids are doing and dates of important things happening and like it's a good thing you know so I just see this as an extension of some of the stuff we already do it's not um it's not something new and different it's it's an extension you know other entrance how much room is there is there still the two entrances for Maple yeah there will be yeah so and again like looking at it through my rule as principal if if this committee and you know the community doesn't want it you know it is what it is so what if we go the Northeast Entrance is very just as something to consider that that Northeast Entrance is much closer to a residence whereas you know the main entrance to the school you know uh where the school signs going to be is you know there's a residence across the street on the corner of Melwood and there's residences either side but there's far more green space let's say between the driveway and the and the property lines the planning board would decide on a variance request that goes directly to planning board of appeals what if we go to the planning board and ask for a change to our zoning bylaws based on new technology and we're not going to have enough time before we have to submit to change a zoning bylaw then it's GNA go to council twice right planning board and Council twice so does that answer our question for no they want to go to zba and go right to one no if we wanted if we if we wanted to change the owning bylaw so we didn't need a varess it would take you know discussion from the community in terms of input from those that could you do both one would be faster than the other yeah no I mean we could we could um go for the variance then at after the fact yeah I think we'd actually have to changing the bylaw to we'd have to doing ask for a um Amendment to the site plan at planning board get denied based on zoning and then go to zoning board okay so I mean that's going to take from a oh just to get to zbaa just to get to zpa um I mean that's six just in in advertising because you gotta notify all the abuts um so this is not to change the the zoning just do that fine at that question mark would take at least six weeks because you can't until you get Den n right I'm just clarifying there's two different things you're looking not to the question mark to do it up by the road right if well yeah what either either way unless unless somehow you change the design of the sign at the road to include LED and be less than 20 square feet may comprom go to no I mean if it does that would that would be the only variance would be the L the school can easily adhere to but a business probably would not want to do you get what I'm saying no so if we only run our signs from 7: am to 9:00 P PM a local business might not want to do that and go through the process of putting one in because they have to turn it off every every night or turn it back on every morning you know without that being a zoning law that's not enforceable any saying if you if you were looking to put as a precedent yeah can you change the zoning just to say it's allowed on Town property but not public private property the process of changing a bylaw by the charter is just takes that long no I know but I'm saying if after the you've gone through the Zoning Board of appear and then we decide okay this is a thing now let's get it re so and this is here's what this was the conversation was starting and it was Greg's point at the beginning was we're not g to make up rules for us and make everybody else follow something else that that I don't want to do that yeah which is why we went through site plan review and have gone through the whole process the whole time but again this is a large committee um I will I will push forward their will let me ask a different question do any of these timing variables that you're hearing about do they affect your work in any meaningful way I think we're in the same position we were in before that we can put it into the drawings and apply for the variant and that can take time and it'll be there it'll have been costed out and a part of the drawings um so in terms of the variance path that seems viable to still having it in the project I think the bylaw change thing seems a little bit harder to imagine can can we go to the planning board and I will go if you want and just have a discussion with the planning board and if they are comfortable a majority of them with the idea then perhaps we go for the the zba because I I agree with Frank there is value to it and I want to get people in this building we want to get people to use this building and so if that's going to get them here but can we convince planning board that there's value to that community building right right this is gonna be one of the invites yeah you know can I send you guys a picture I'll I'll take a picture tomorrow and I'll send it it's it's lighter it's less bright it's you could still read the sign but it's it's not that bright white light that they have now it's more the kind of yellow out light and it looks more cohesive with the building itself I I'll take a pi I'll I'll go for a walk let's do that I I will just I I will just point out that when we were discussing locations Rob felt that something in the site you know could potentially have a little bit more or maybe viewed a little bit more positively than something directly out by the road so it just um you know again that's just something that we had discussed during the during the meeting I also was thinking about that too because it seems like the consensus here has been well it's it's for the community it need by the RO got be on the road just just so we're clear on the direction there this we like there right are we imagining two signs then in the same general location are we imagining incorporating the two together wants to be integrated somewhere otherwise it looks like a mistake I just want to be sure we're all talking about the same thing to redesign this one this will be redesigned and how does that look is that historically how you do them it is a good looking sign you historically combine them we have we have yes okay um I I think like right now right we have one in another town working on right now where it's integrated you still want the solid real readable lettering um so I think what worries me a little bit is the scale of that street view and not having the sign get so big that it's overwhelming you know so trying to do both is be the challenge so it probably be a little bit bigger than this but I want to keep from getting and then we would still need a variance on the size as well right for sure don't you think which again is another why do we have it set at 20 square feet if don't really mean that to keep big Gody signs off the streight line I mean we're gonna make right now know and that's ours it's different you're trying to you know I'm Co I just don't want to be hypocritical and I don't want es meow to be Las Vegas trip that's all besides from the Chase Bank that's got purple legs yeah I mean because we didn't we didn't we didn't do enough to stop it they made it look like any of the other CH banks that don't look like that sound could be glowing and we don't that's all but I think there's value in it so I'm up for the discussion I don't mind talking about it I appreciate it so you want to we keep it in the plan I'll have some conversations also yeah in the plan and push it towards the street on the street right Street integrated it with the integrated can we put that sign at the other entrance or by like the C Michael's parking lot yeah have a foundation and steel permit yeah putting it down there you'd be putting I don't have a full building to the drawing if you guys put something on the documents that becomes part of a permit set isn't that immediately going to get kicked because they're going to say you don't no we would apply we would apply for the variance at the same time and the so you mean we we'll we'll go ahead and request that variance and that'll go through the process we just want to be sure that the cost of the sign is anticipated in the in the scope of work um and we won't actually be finalizing the installation of that for some time so it gives us time to to remove it but we don't want to change our minds down the road and add it as soon as you have a rendering can you send it our way so we can have discussions with the town side just to show them what we're thinking is that something we could create yeah visual would be good yeah I think I think what we are Eric gonna have to do is also take a little bit a look at the different um lettering Technologies because that changes fairly quickly and I I think in some ways we want to be absolutely sure we get you the right one dor you're right to say that we don't want to blast the neighbors out I think so you've got the right Focus I believe yeah that was my other thought too is you know the one on the top it's there it's there it's going to last and the light one there is going to have to be upgrades moving forward it might not be for 10 or 20 we're going to have to think about how is that going to happen where is that funding going to get from and what's it going to look like because things are moving this fast right now in terms of anything electronic anyways I'll send you a picture of the one I like so so just to bring this back full circle so the it sounds like Greg Tom you're going to have some disc discussions um potentially with the planning board so what we've done for now is since this is not in the project scope per se is that we've written this in to capture the cost um in the in the 90% set we've written this in um so the cost is captured um but I don't know that you would want to show this on a site plan until you actually go for that variance and get it you know what I'm saying it's it's fine to include the cost but I wouldn't show something that doesn't comply with zoning yeah on the drawing set right now right right I'm just thinking like when we go for full permit that's a month from now we're gonna have to acknowledge in that application if we're requesting a variance on that and provide some information on that I I would think you could do that afterward because again the the the projectes site plan approval so that is what you're getting a build building permit for but you you could you know this can be its own I would think th Tom maybe you correct me if I'm wrong but this should be able to be its own application I I would think yeah well I mean we we we would be amending the site plan so I mean at some point the sign location has to show up on the plan there's nothing to there's nothing to deny we can talk we'll figure okay yeah I think in order to get the variance you need to have this located right yeah yeah and we're need they'll need the design as well so yeah we're going to need it all Eric you had one more topic if did not give you a slide was that's okay the scoreboard field that was just about the question about um interface between the Press Box and the scoreboard we are uh a little bit unclear the direction is that we're obviously keeping the scoreboard we're transitioning to a new Press Box and we are unclear on whether or not the technology that's currently in place that controls scoreboard can easily just be moved into the new Press Box or if that needs to be replaced you keep in the existing scoreboard saying correct Eric yeah at the main at the stadium yep should painted or something yeah like pink now yeah yeah um so there was a you know note about about whether that's a wireless interface or replace so it's wireless so then it shouldn't be difficult to relocate that I guess we bring out the the panel whenever we have a game we just pack it up and put it away when we we're done so right it's just power cat six you plug them into it do you know thought it was fiber is there a fiber to that yeah Mac would know because yeah I I don't remember it's been a while sorry unug and use it Jamie yeah so it is Wireless all you need to do okay use the stadium can also be used in the gyms so if it's wireless and movable then we don't have to worry about it too much as as long as you have that any which we are running fiber we just wanted to make sure there was nothing that needed to be salvaged but it sounds like that Fontaine doesn't need to worry about salvaging that equipment say no because you have it you bring it to every game anyways right so verify I don't think there's any like you go into that Press Box when there's not a game just Bo you pick up great do we have scoreboards at baseball and softball yes or only yes correct from the stadium how many baseball is also one for the gym one one Eric the question is um scoreboard for cl baseball yes Bas one one I think pretty sure right s sorry I can't hear the say scoreboard baseball and softball then you got one in one correct correct yeah varsity baseball Varsity Softball each have their own scoreboard I mean those could be the new stuff yeah well it shouldn't happen in the new because Ming so far away from where the stadium is you're on the footprint of new bu one one St CR baseball the two that would have new business I'm sorry were you guys done done yes inless I think there's a committee question then canopies yes uh Beth you regarding the you're all gonna groan when I say this but I'm asking because it's a thing um so I was wondering because I I noticed that they have them over at the church on Westward and where I am right now there's a couple leaks in the roof and guess where the leaks in the roof are so here we go is would it be possible and get more bang for our bucks if we put hate to say it solar canopies over part of the student parking so it's not right in front of the school it's off to the side and maybe it would take up less space to get the same number of panels on that we did it like in the center run I know it ruins the Landscaping I know it looks horrible instead of instead of on the roof and then we're not there's not more holes in the roof if there's situation with that we're not removing it I I know we have to put the work into the school to have it be solar ready the roof but if we could do that on the side I have no clue I know they're doing it now um at Lennox and I it could just be a ridiculous amount of money but what is the thought process behind that would we be allowed to do it is it just gonna be way more money or could it just be easier because we could put up I don't know how many square feet of um arrays you're going to get up there but could we get that many square feet in a lesser space on the ground over parking and that's me putting solar panels out in public and I hate that so I'm willing I feel that that is where they belong better than yeah your courage is noted over T yeah unfortunately the bottom blank Ben mentioned this we had everybody check in on it I mean even originally the reason why we didn't advocate for that is the cost of the steel and concrete support that is significant I know I saw going up over there and hotv so it's very expensive yeah plus we have to update the site plan aware of that and I know it just you know um okay because I thought like well if the church can handle that which I'm sure somebody's invested in that and partly the church is probably doing that because they don't want to retrofit their roof to support all of that PV so in a retrofit situation you're offering to look that or if you have lots and lots and lots of resources and you just want to get every square inch of your s to the degree you can because it would certainly generate I I thought you might be looking to add to the system this way which would generate more electricity but no it would isn't there currently to do that and and ground mounted would be more expensive than the roof met that we already have in okay also a more challenging maintenance agreement yeah kids parking in there and and all the other things that you've worried about it would probably reduce parking we looked at it and thought a little bit about what impact it would have on parking all right appreciate hey I love you talking about solar be welcome to make a dollar on this one don't want to see it maybe we get a solar panel that has the messages that Frank wants to send it's honestly a winwin you know and then there's no variance because it's a panel right thinking that is that it for the new business it anyone else show of hands jumping up and down no all right is there a motion to adjourn I'll make that motion it's crucial all right I'm a yes yes page yes yes yes Mr Thompson yes Mr chrisan yes M Collins yes and Mr quinby yes