first order of business is the approval of the meeting minutes from March 28th do we have a motion I move to approve U meeting minutes for March 2024 second have a we have a second questions concerns comments we have any members online Macky do we have any uh committee members online Kim oh okay all right so then we do have to do a roll call okay seeing no comments okay she probably be happy to get off if come back we'll go roll call Mr crucial yes sir all right I'm a yes M Blair yes I don't think Mr Paige is online yet so uh Miss Brown uh I was absent Miss Hill yes M Marin voucher yes BR is absent Miss laar I was absent you want to abstain yes Mr Thompson yes Mr Christensen yes M Collins yes and Mr grimy yes M habit NE moving on to public participation I don't believe we had anybody online or remote I think they were all designers Victoria all right ter you got anything you want to say uh not yet okay then we'll close that portion Jonathan floor is yours um I believe we were gonna is there a schedule slide which I can't read Rich do you have a I do have a copy can you go through it or where would you like to start at the top oh where we are right now right wait a second pass it over I'll do it oh uh line item 123 early bid package number one the enabling so far we have uh gags on board correct for the site work and just yesterday Griffin Electric submitted the low bid for the electrical package contract is working on that if it's not already been put in the mail so we'll get that into works and gags is gagle or DUI corre making sure Jimmy you said gags at the number Griffin's slightly below uh they're both slightly below from what was advertised so you guys G to send a subcontractor recommendation letters uh we asked Ben how he wanted to roll with that I think he was waiting to talk to you yeah typically that's what we do and I would like you especially for the early packages compare the bid price versus what was carried in an estimate so we know that we're in track okay if there's a save or overage or whatever and the next package to go out Jamie is what ep2 yeah Erp 2 which is uh the entire site concrete steel low gray waterproofing elevator and then some electrical equipment material yeah what's the DAT on Rich uh 25th are you guys tracking another oh yeah I know that date for a reason on July all right the uh line item 12 124 is 60% csat 624 is the due date correct all for that y uh I'll just head on a few of them here um line item 125 the cost E Yeah cost estimate reconciliation running out till uh 717 and then the line item 126 is the commissioning agents comments on the 60% drawings and that runs down to 75 so that doesn't give them a lot of time basically only 10 days well they'll get the package when we issue the estimators okay so they'll have time that'll buy them a little more time but who we using now uh it's who was assigned to us commissioning agent which is assigns it right yeah was it FST okay we just had them at the swan DeBerry and they excellent yeah they were very good uh I'll just add one more here Lane item 127 the team's response to the commissioning agents comments that's due the middle of July so that will be quick um pretty much it everything runs on is there a date there where we start the enabl and work the construction work June 17th June 17th package June 17th is when you got mobilized to site and showing a presence Friday Monday could be Saturday even better we're not afraid you want to come in Friday at 5 that's fine too Frank said no we already asked yeah but he's not here have said Friday at two and the plan is to wrap up all this enabling work by August September 15th hour fence line end of August outside of the construction F any other dates anyone's interested in off of this find printed schedule do we need to review the logistics plan at all for the summer work is that um we have those slides in our portion to run through them real quick thank you but it's all it hasn't changed yeah but there's no question it's just here's what no just a reminder of here's what's going on just for the the board that's about it nothing else only thing the I I ran into this recently with elevators we never get responses on fil sub bids from elevators they just don't do that I'm sure you guys are aware of that yeah um last time I talked to the attorney general we had to advertise twice and then we had to bid it and then we could sign it to the CM so this may take a little while to get through but we'll get through it yeah that seems me they used to used to get one bid and then you basically have the option to rebid it or go with them but then now their new thing is they nobody bids it so so I know ultimately we'll end up assigning it to you but process we have to go yeah anything else on schedule I don't think so no's got a question oh I'm sorry not on not on schedule but just while um we're in scansa update um so everyone knows we're working with Frank paage and Gordon to and fontin to provide a uh student and parent memo before the end of school to help them know what to expect um this summer and then coming up into the fall so that's going to include the logistic plans that Fontaine will go over later in the meeting and answer some questions that we've been hearing from um community members and um also we're working on monthly construction updates and uh working with Ryan to figure out how to get that posted to the website um on a regular basis so we're working out those details right now and also revitalizing the project website um to bring us more into what folks want to see for the construction phase yeah Vic is there any discussion about community outreach separate from the website like is it going to be any email blast or anything like that that lets people know what's going on on a regular basis yeah that's what I think we're hoping the construction updates the monthly construction updates can accomplish right now we're kind of deciding if we should use maybe um if we should use MailChimp and and have it be a sign up um where folks get those email directly to them or if we are alerting them where to find it on the website and post it also on the the district Facebook so we're trying to figure that out right now um but it'd be great I think if it could go directly to those who um who sign who register to get those um and also we can set up a um an email distribution with the butters um so that that they're getting any notices that for um anything that impacts the neighborhoods um the surrounding neighborhood so we're we're working out those details excellent thank you design update update so uh kind of broken into three parts so first uh Eric will take us through some site updates um since we've last met um we have a PV presentation from George Martin from Len Consulting who's joining us via Zoom um and then Jill and I will go through some focusing more on the interior of design and uh programming updates but uh I'll pass it off to Eric to start Eric manges landscape architect with smma so just a quick overview of what we're going to discuss uh go through a quick site plan update uh talk about uh some updates to the front entry Plaza uh some coordination that's been done on the Spartan walkway and monuments discussion uh take a couple images of the pedestrian bridge that's being proposed at the front of the school over the bio retention uh get a little bit more into the prek playground uh and some quick images uh just to show you progress on the Arts sciences and outdoor dining uh and then to discuss um an item that came up about some additional student traffic control measures uh we can discuss to see how the committee feels about those and then um wrap up with just a couple of quick updates on the storm water management next slide so since last time we met in the month of May uh and I maybe it was at the end of April too we completed test testing my memory that's I think I might have been able to do it actually uh so we completed site plan review um there were a series of comments from DPW we're working to address right now and I'll get into those a little bit as we go through the slides then we had a separate meeting on just kind of discussing maintenance including snow storage and uh the parking lot configuration things of that nature that's sort of an ongoing piece that we're going to keep working on as we move forward uh we had a meeting with rose and Dan on the Spartan walkway and the memorials and some changes to kind of what was originally proposed came out of that which is uh that was very very helpful um and a thank you to uh Fontaine who went out with a drone and actually got some high resolution images of the existing pa pattern we show you an image of that so that was that was a super big help um and then take a look uh just just an update uh we had a meeting yesterday on both the Press Box and the irrigations so some feedback came back from that so we're going to get back in touch with the consultant that we're working with on the Press Box design and then the irrigation uh design consultant has some uh marching orders in terms of progressing those plans for the 60% is there an issue with the Press Box is that no okay um really it was more of just a review of the interior and um we got some good feedback about how the there's two rooms in it and how those should be separate who should be allocated in each room and I think that was the biggest question that came out of it and then some questions from elcat about screens visibility and filming so we're going to package all those questions up and send them out to the consultant on Monday so that'll give them a couple weeks to get back to us for that and they've been very responsive um proposed site plan this is an updated rendering not a lot to report on the broad nature of the the site plan I would say two of the bigger items that affected storm water is for maintenance purposes the per able pavers in the parking areas have been removed and replaced with just uh asphalt like the rest of the drives those um and then we're working through the impact storm waterwise to that so we've got some solutions to that but we're still we'll still still working on that and then uh one of the comments that we had received was removing a number of the sort of bump out landscape island in the parking lots at the ends of the parking rows and just replacing them with striping we've Incorporated already into the plan and we've worked with Bruce basically so that we were fully on board and he was on board with which ones were coming out and which ones needed to stay mostly for storm water management and traffic management um so again it it breaks out what it did it result in was we added Force parking spaces to the faculty and staff parking lot Frank was excited about just because it gives a little bit more capacity for the for the staff The Faculty um other than that there's not a not a whole heck of a lot has changed on this so I don't think we need to spend too too much time on that next slide so now we're enlar just go to an enlargement here and you can see um so we'll kind of walk through these areas but uh one of the most notable changes you can see the Spartan walkway up there the uh the result of the meeting and we'll get into a another slide in a minute on this is to effectively with some very very minor changes um to recreate what is out there today um short of a few items and I'll get into to those in a little bit but you can see um school bus and parent drop off haven't changed really um you can see we did add a bio retention area in the staff parking lot right in that Center median you'll notice there's no trees in there and we're still working through that but when we removed the pavers that was one of the ways of offsetting the additional impervious surface was to create a bio retention so um and again we're still working through that uh and then we'll go into the individual areas you can see the we've updated The Sciences ter the dining Terrace a little bit and the Arts Terrace is a little bit still in flux so I'm not going to spend too much time on that today so one of the first things we wanted to talk about there was a lot of discussion about the number of ballards and maintenance and things like that at the parent and Bus drop off so what we've done is we've replaced before everywhere you see highlighted was flush curb which is shown in green and what we did was we have revived particularly the school bus drop off we've replaced 400 linear feet of flush curb and ballards with vertical curb and that allowed us to remove about almost four to 39 ballards from the from the school bus drop off so the way it'll work now is in the morning when school buses are doing more of a rolling drop off there's still going to be a flush area at the school bus drop off that can accommodate six school buses for the students to get off and then the in the afternoon the the school buses can still use that entire Loop it'll still support 14 school buses we just didn't necessarily think that we needed a flush condition to serve all 14 buses anymore so that that allowed us to get rid of quite a bit quite a number of ballards um I actually have a question about like the Bus drop off so I take the bus in the morning to school and uh my bus but we get there first um however I've been I've been on a bus been late a couple times I noticed that like students are always standing outside the school like they don't go inside the school and sit in the cafeteria or anything like at britland is there going to be like shelter for these students in case of like rain when they're standing outside or is that like more of a question I should be asking staff when the school opens in terms of outside there's there there are not going to be any canopies outside other than at the front door there will be a canopy at the pool building that I suppose people could stand under and there will be a uh a canopy at the entrance to the main School building that people could stand under but there's not going to be one of those long linear canopies like you see I guess my question is kind of like do you know if people are still planning like stashing students outside before school starts operational question yeah that will be a question we'll have to answer as we get closer to opening the school it's a good question though all right thank you yeah Staffing inside earlier um so that's just an update uh just wanted to give everyone an update that we have cut back on the number of ballards and sort of simplified that next slide okay so the um just an update on The Monuments so you can see on the left are some of the monuments that we have we have documented um the Spartan logo placket the and the Spartan walkway the monument sign as you enter it the two benches uh the Don Joe Gary plaque which is under that uh red leaf maple sort of behind the Spartan walk and um the for Cher way sign so all of these have been documented all of them will be reinstalled you could see again thanks to Fontaine these awesome drone images and this is just one of many that they sent us including some videos that you can see we've actually started to go through the process of documenting the pattern layout pattern um so that we can recreate it in its new location so that was a super big helpful and that's all the engraved bricks that are out there now uh one recommendation we would give the school and the committee going forward since this has been documented now is to maybe not install anymore at this time simply because if they may not get picked up and and we wouldn't want to see them you know missed or something and and their their location missed so start a new program with a new new school early adopters yes and I'm sorry ER are you keeping the same bricks that are not engraved they'll be reused is that the plan no no all new bricks except for the engraved ones correct oh correct and when we met with rose it was very clear each of those bricks needs to go back exactly where it was so we have we are drafting that patio up down to every joint of every brick thanks to these photographs to make sure that we can plug those back in exactly where they are now in the new location so it's a that'll be that'll be a enlargement detail next slide um so this is just a little bit of an update on the Spartan walkway so when we when we met with rose the desire was again to recreate it now there are a couple of things out there um the the walls as you walk in those masonry unit walls those were were deemed not to be critical um to the design of the Spartan walkway according to Rose those we probably will not replace because we want to keep it a little bit more open as as people walk in uh another thing is the plantings around it were not deemed critical but but what was critical is to have something with interest all year round and that'll be our responsibility to create a border planting that provides that opportuni for people people to take pictures right with a nice backdrop that'll be something that we need to look at in the as we develop the planting plan but you can see what we've done here um right now the existing patio has three bump outs for benches and what was discussed out in the field was that eliminate those bump outs for the benches and and actually enlarge it by a few the patio by a few rows of bricks so that in the future if more benches were donated you would be able to locate them around the perimeter of the space and not be beholden to those just those few bench nooks and it'll make maintaining the area around the P around the Spartan walkway a little bit easier so you can see we picked that location on that main pedestrian uh spine from Maple Street into the main entry Plaza and um I just Gordon maybe you could speak to but it seemed Rose was pleased with that and that that location um was a good bet to move forward with she was very happy with so excellent uh this is an image of what we're thinking right now for the bridge so we've listened to the comments about maintenance there's no wood on this bridge it's a weathered steel uh truss Bridge uh with concrete abutments and a concrete deck that's about the scale in terms of width that it would be uh and again it it uh we think of the Redstone we like that weathered steel look uh we think that'll look nice with the brick of the school and this is what we cross that bio retention area from the staff lot to the main what is the width uh it'll be I think it's six feet clear so two wait okay correct yeah something like that you really want to make sure that if necessary two wheelchairs could pass and six feet seems to be that uh that that width what's a spanner uh 56 feet right now is what we're planning so no um the no Central support it it would just be from abutment to abutment in the budget right now right pension area yep the water any F there's a bridge in The Bu okay it's long Jamie you don't seem sure like where pedestrian St Bridge across is there like a stream or something back one yeah we can go back one it's so it's right where um yeah thank you Christian um okay yeah it's right there so there's going to be a bio retention area for storm water collection oh cool and um so that it's going to cross it um okay that look cool yep but it's not the only way to get to the front entry yeah yeah if it was we could make it a mo Frank would like retention I thought about a draw bridge but I didn't think there you go or a toll bridge um so these are just some images of of you know that I the bridge idea what are your plans for doing in there because you know I know like for instance I know like in East Hampton the elementary school they put uh Stones mostly it was like a stone kind of sort of thing it look really pretty but I think the kids first day of school of course picking up the stones guys are older than that but so what we are planning to do is we wanted to take this bio retention area and sort of evoke the uh the Redstone Quarry Motif so it is for maintenance purposes it's going to be planted with a seed mix like a um a wetland uh wild native grass seed mix there's usually some wild flowers in there too that's going to be the predominant cover that only gets mowed maybe once a year um so no shrubs and no trees within it because that makes maintenance a nightmare so it's just going to be that herbaceous seed mix and then we're hoping to get redstone boulders to place sporadically around the perimeter of it to again give it almost like that you know uh long since pass Cory feel to it um yeah nothing if if they can pick these things up then power to them but and Eric is there any lighting when you cross the bridge at night is there any lighting to they'll be yeah we're working on that there will be lighting that it's it's not going to be Lighting on the bridge itself but it'll be lighting that comes from the parking lot and from that Entrance Drive that adequately illuminated yeah good question we make sure that appropriate distribution um the prek play area we just we we'd like to take the opportunity to reach back out to Wanita um if if the committee's good with this idea that we had a lot of thoughts about this area initially uh in schematic design we went through a ve process so right now what is proposed for this play area it's 1100 square feet roughly uh we're looking at resilient rubber play playground protective surfacing uh in in the ho of that enclosure and then right now we're proposing a black vinyl coated chain link fence around it with two gates so that uh you know there's two points of access that can be controlled by the staff of course and then we're looking at a Wanita had requested a shed a 6 by8 shed so we're looking at something something steel loone maintenance protect protects whatever's in there from the elements and and you know we'll try to find something that maybe has the similar color to the metal panning metal paneling on the on the building so currently it just some precedent images those aren't the exact products it's just to give you an idea of what's possible we're we were pondering maybe doing some kind of like mounding of that rubber surfacing that the kids can play on within the enclosure and and we were thinking maybe we'd just reach out to Wanita and ask her if it's would she prefer something mounted in there or would she just prefer it flat so it can be just used for whatever the program was that poured in place or the rubber tiles poured in place PED in place yeah uh well if it's a mound we would typically do that over like binus um if it's flat then we can do that just over Crush Stone so that it's fully permeable it it just depends on the treatment in there um yep so so I mean if the committee is okay with this then this is sort of the direction we would be no no play equipment because again that that was veed out so there's no play equipment proposed in there just the shed when it comes to the shed let's make sure it's reasonably robust y those things get beat to death and it's that's going inside the play area yeah what'll happen you can see the yellow asterisk is where that shed would be um just sort of tucked out of the way and the idea is that the shed would be on a concrete pad there's going to be a concrete edge around to hold the rubber surface in place and the concrete Edge is what we set the fence in and that fence will just come right up to the shed and end at the shed and then and then you'll have the shed a small point on this section here I know this is the bathrooms that we're going to allow access for the fields can we put signage to that effect let people know that there are restrooms at that door does that make sense I don't know without being tacky I suppose so we're going to have them we might as well tell people where they are could be building mounted yeah yeah okay we put it in our [Laughter] cart and then that's that's completely secluded right Christian that that works as we intended right so we can close off the doors in the hallways uh just some you know some imagery you know as you arrive you could sort the largest image is sort of the entrance main entrance to the school so you can see sort of that bridge coming across the Redstone Boulders and that herbaceous seat mix we'll have trees around the the bio retention area again to give it that feel you know that feel that we're looking for and then uh you can see the flush drop off with because we reduce the number of ballards um we're going to go back to probably like a a steel Ballard with a stainless steel sleeve uh which will look look very nice in front of the school we've done those before uh and and they have a very nice clean Sleek look to them and then you can see we've done um we we made a modification to the seat walls in the front entrance so originally we had discussed having curved like almost half moon or half circle shaped seat walls they were a little bit big and they really didn't respond to the architecture and the architecture has more of a sped look it's got more angular and geometric looks to it and then I think too about like sandstone and how it's typically carved and it's usually got angle points and it's more geometric so we went with seat walls that are that'll have like an open they'll still be create these Nooks for groups of students to sit in but instead of being round they'll be more almost like if um you you took it took the hat off of a trapezoid right and it'll just open up like this so instead of round we're just going with a geometric um we're still keeping the round shapes right now in the science's Outdoor Learning space you can see that there's still a shade structure there uh you can see the outdoor dining Commons also with a shade structure and um and then uh the stadium seating in the Arts area there the double the double ring yeah the idea the idea is that we'll have two seat walls and one will maybe be six inches lower than the other so it'll performances and yeah that's G be fantastic great yeah and just that minor variation in the height of the seat walls Yep this is just an enlarger this is a more so the one on the right I would say than the one on the left but this is sort of the shade structure we're looking at um again very simple galvanized steel simple maintenance but will still function to provide shade uh in that dining Commons you know with with some with seating under it and it'll also be the same piece similar that would be used in The science's Outdoor Learning space where there'll be an outdoor spot where kids can sit on the seat walls in the Sciences spot there also be this sort of second layer where kids can work underneath that shade structure we just had to keep it a little bit further away from the greenhouse so we weren't shading the greenhouse the L or fo uh that's real wood but it's it's it's minimized it's it's the steel ones we weren't thrilled with what we had seen for the slats we felt of all the places this might be one place that you know the wood's typically pretty durable and but has a lifespan 20 years 15 roughly I don't know the lifespan off the top of my head I could I could get you that information B parkage less than steel what material is it uh e or some kind of eay right yeah it's usually it's usually hardwood of some kind I'm not I can't recall exactly what this one is but we can find that out for you will there be any Outlets like kind of close to the building like where a little covered area for the eating is or out in any of these their Chromebooks are never charged and like so when they if they do out for class and chrome book's not charged they can be like we plug it in will there be anything like that so um there will be there'll be electrical outlet and WiFi um and I believe we're doing um like hose spigot hookups in the Art Space The Sciences space and the dining space not in the front Plaza because we we I think we had discussed that wasn't as desirable as in those Outdoor Learning and dining spaces all right thank you and that'll be further coordinated as we finalize the design never charged look in so and then U question had come up so um principal Frank page had asked about he's online now oh great uh he had asked about um potentially adding um a few Gates uh to control student traffic so the first two call your attention to is from the student lot the idea is that when this when the school but it's a good point when the school buses are yet to be released Frank was concerned about students trying to get in front of the buses and leave before they do and rather than having somebody go out and set up cones every day or have someone stand in the road and and hold students students at Bay the idea was that before dismissal those two gates could be closed and once the school buses are released a staff member could go out there open those Gates and then the students would be free to use it and so that's why we sort of set them in because it's more about keeping students from leaving via those two points of access until they're supposed to then it is about people getting in um they can leave through the other correcto right yeah the intent was that before the school buses leave the parents would or the students would go out towards the main you know the new horseshoe we'll call it y swing gate or retractable yeah you can see right there because of the width it would be a double Leaf uh galvanized steel swing gate um very simple low maintenance and each there would be keeper posts to keep those leaes open most of the time and locked open in an open position when when they're not closed and that's just an example um the other one that Frank had asked about was potentially a gate at the entrance to the service drive and Frank's concern was that if student students may try to park when they're coming in in the morning may try to park down by the pool entrance the rear pool entrance or in the areas where the there you know you would think the custodial staff kitchen staff might park in the back there so the idea was to add a gate that could be closed until the most of the students were in and then that could be opened so I guess the what the design team just needs direction from the committee on is all three gates you know you know one or more of the gates we just need to know which ones uh the committee would prefer to install if any they're going to be manual not electrified man manual yes that third one I'm the most concerned about for Access for swimmers early morning for early morning deliveries I'd hate to have a custodian have to run out there every time somebody wants to get through I understand the concern about students but maybe we could just create the culture not staff come in early allow them to park there we've tried to create that culture it's easy for me to say is there a student number I mean spaces are not numbered right now right I mean there are other ways I think there's a line yeah assign parking SP assign parking spaces and assigned staff spaces so for those staff that are parking off of that drive right that it's clearly marked I guess there's other ways to control it but that's yes at to there's a culture they don't want to get to more than once I'm just saying if you had those two first two gates closed really they would have to come in the Bus Loop entrance right to get to the service entrance yes in the morning they're gon have to come in the Bus Loop anyway custodian or food service if they wanted to get to the side parking there they would have to come in through the student SLB entr yeah the only time my understanding the only time that those two at the student lot would be closed is during afternoon dismissal just to prevent them from cutting in front of the buses that's because you want them to have access both ways correct gotcha it seems like the gates give you flexibility to then make those decision them as you see fit right but it will be a question gates are open all the time we have you guys want me to chime in on my thoughts on this one sure he knows yeah those Gates were more only going to be used in the afternoon to make sure that the buses exit the campus without having to deal with the students trying to get in front of them just because we have to make sure those buses go over to birchland um for their dismissal as well um obviously we we dismissed with the two of them uh in the morning we wouldn't have that issue because our buses are typically cleared from the Horseshoe by about 7:05 which is typically much before the majority of our students arrive to school um so they would only be closed in the afternoon to make sure that the buses get over to burgelin my only concern would be the human element about having somebody out there to close them and open I mean obviously I'm it so I want everything to be electrified but from his phone G take a shot I can just tell you that the kids will try to beat the buses if that opportunity is provided what about that third one though Frank to the pool that one's not a deal breaker for me it was more a recommendation to try to limit that area just I'll tell you that if you have spots close to the building people will try to take advantage of spots that are closer to the building than ones that are farther away and it could be kids it could be staff um we deal with both issues now so I do agree I can't hurt can we pick it Frank you sure should well you're not going to know necessarily if it's a student or it's a you go in the pool and say who's who's we they have been right you always G to add this after it's not yeah that's that one's not the that's not a deal breaker for me it's more it's making sure that we can manage dismissal in a manageable way you know the the one down there if it doesn't get added it's not the end of the world yeah yeah okay so there's only two right add add the two add the two at the parking lot and not the third one okay right okay that's that's thank you uh and then leave this slide ER are we gonna talk about concession building today two slides thank you I didn't see in the list so sorry oh actually I'm glad Greg stopped me though because we did um based on the safety security meeting we added two more of those gates at either end of the emergency access going around the back of the school that was that was requested um so we're we've added those back in again they're going to be manual they're just going to be like these um be the same design on the loop around the building yeah yep just to keep people out of there they're not supposed to police and fire and DPW up Keys correct plan yes and school obviously elri yeah same same concern they'll get open it and just stay open forever like we used to have a gate back here and then it just stayed open Forever Until It just got removed we put a gate at parage Park and that just stayed open forever electrified gates are considerably more expensive Y for the outskirts though like what you're talking about the the ones that are further back in terms of control for well they shouldn't ever be opened again anyways so I guess never mind you know and the only reason that that's supposed to be used no there's no electrified Gates um those were originally proposed again V they they were removed in the ve process and but when desire came out um I did not attend that but my understanding was that the Emanual gate was sufficient uh back in those areas those won't be open unless there's an emergencies from my or you know um I I don't even recall that those Gates being open was a maintenance topic other than snow plowing I I suppose emergency in snow plowing excuse me I should take that back so and they're wide enough for that snow P yeah it'll be they're going to be they're probably going to be simil width to this because between the the permeable pavement back there and the or the porous asphalt pavement back there and the reinforced Turf back there just to keep the pavement down um it's it's 20 feet wide which is fire code for for emergency access so the gates leave so so it's double 10 yep and uh just a quick update so again we're working through based on the changes that have been made to the site plan with the parking lots and the driveways uh We've added that biofilter sale that you can see in yellow in the staff parking lot in the center there is that dip is that recessed yes minor minor uh yeah once again once a year once a year because it's not it's not going to be a grass mix um in the it's not going to be a lawn grass mix it's going to be a bior retention you know uh you know Wetland detention Basin yeah Wild the FR of the building no but we need it yeah storm water it's it's we have to offset the flowers wild flowers in there than like just grass usually the mixes come with a combination of both it's just the the the concern with a wildf flower mix that we found is it usually takes a couple years to get established and a lot can happen in two years waiting for that to get established so the mixes they typically have some wild flowers in them and and sometimes those seats propagate themselves over time but we'd want to get a a quick establishment of species um and we'll go through the the mix and the species in that what is the maintenance requirements in these usually usually an annual mowing um in a bio retention area because some of them are designed with mulch but we're not doing that here we're not proposing like a mulch bed like some of them are we're doing it with a seed mix um on purpose right intentional intentional weeds is okay yeah deter kids from trying to walk through it too it's a little higher yeah you so there are some questions on concessions and especially the view from uh where you're selling tickets and where you're providing food uh to the field um and so seeing it in the context of the site plan is a little bit more helpful we're a little bit restricted on exactly where this concessions building can go in terms of proximity to the parking and then also for emergency access for ambulances Etc through those Double Gates so we're doing the best we can with angling it so that um we have viewed to both um but both ticketing and food um sales would be at the kind of Northern end and then you have a throughway hallway in between those two um and then the men's and women's rooms uh to the South so did that help did you say the comment was view from the like you got like watching the game while you're at the concession stand if if you're if your parent selling the burgers easy thing to do you can you see oh because the parents are ones to work it yeah right you want to get parents to work it let them see the game we want to see that yeah you know we can't move that hallway Christian right next to the window the food window move the hallway bathroom hallway to to the food in the food window I know it's Central I get it it's like where else do you put it but mentioned it's like putting the bathroom door in the kitchen you did so all the people walking in out of the bathroom are like right here as a morar in my cheeseburger which is fine but if you know one of those things you want to split it long way I want to like outside or those people are all going to the bathroom like I would like kind of up here on this side be on whichever side you want be on that side because that's the view choose I'm gonna choose the side you want woman you want the woman's room I would like that door where that arrow is not there yeah I don't know what to do okay Christian uh you can close that door and make people close that door can we do that I would prefer that when you're running the burger stand you can do that I know I'm saying it like change it but if you put the women's room back here the men's and women's room back there and just did concession so they had to go to the back to use the bathrooms then you don't see the door at all or is that just like a headache you're like I I know just yeah I think it's gonna end up being more of a hassle hindrance and Hassle and then you have people congregating back there and rizing yes that's going to be tight back there because you have a six foot height fence and um it's going to be tight back there TI what it's only about 5et with wise Y is it 5et enough well it's enough but in just in terms of if everybody was going back there whatever we can move on I'm gonna do I don't love it but make the thank you slide out don't love it okay good switch it over to George George you able to yeah hey audio is working okay you can hear me fantastic all right cool um so yeah George Martin with Ellen Consulting um talking about PV uh basically this is showing our kind of current layout um where we tried to optimize the the PV um layout to you know get as much basically KW up there as as possible you know there's coordination with some rooftop mechanical equipment and some different elevations of roofs so this takes in account like potential shading Etc um and with this layout we were to get we were able to get a th8 470 watt panels which is uh equivalent to about 473 KW DC um which can produce about 460,000 kwh per year which you know based we would want to model this for the actual usage of the building but it's probably about 20% and and could be upwards of 30% based on um how how the building operates so um yeah probably next slide this is I don't know if anybody really has any questions about the the layout but move forward here sorry Gordon keep going one more yeah and one more thank you yeah I cannot see is that in Focus or maybe not for me why what's wrong any questions on the PV layout first on the overall roof plan um there's a small note down there we were just talking about that so um Len Consulting is is our PV uh consultant on this and we were just talking yesterday with SM as well um think there is an opportunity especially on the south side of the building over the greenhouse there's a small storage area to the left of it which has a slope roof again pointing almost to South that seems like a perfect area to put a few panels as almost like a educational display of sorts right so now kids from the south can see that right there over the greenhouse um we're also thinking about potentially putting a few over the locker rooms they wouldn't be visible from the ground but they would be visible from students on the second floor of that classroom Wing um so a little bit so that and then of course we've got you know displays in the building so it won't be a secret that there's PV but we're trying to kind of balance what we saw as two competing you know try to keep them up on the roof where they're most efficient um but also have them visible to the to the students so Christian with given that constraint are we effectively maxed out with the amount of panels we could put up there no I I think right now we've kind of well George you can chime in here too but we're we're we're kind of trying to hit that 440 kilowatt because that's what we had in the DD cost estimate um and so I think there is an opportunity for a little bit more on the building here and what's not shown here at all are any on the pool structure so that's another opportunity if you know there is funding for that or the downer District want to head that direction broadly speaking is that something that we would want to max out as much as we can with I imagine we are maxing it well you just said we're not we Max the budget out right correct yes not the square footage I don't think we took in consideration um Ira rebates so um the 30% noted on yeah so can we gain another 30% same cost George is gonna talk about that momentarily yeah there all right should I continue then yeah so I mean sorry back sorry back here a little bit yeah so you got obviously can read this but uh um you know part of the design was utilizing high efficiency panels to to kind of maximize our output if possible um we typically like to use the sunny boy outdoor inverse which is in the design uh we like them because you don't have to put they can be outdoors and you don't have to you know use internal space and then uh the ballasted system um for mounting these panels also means no roof penetrations um and minimal roof penetrations obviously you have some main conduits that have to go down um into the building but uh you know you don't have penetrations at at each inverter um so you know I think it's a very cost- effective installation when if you ever have to replace these which you will and at some point the inverters you know simple crane up to the roof um and yeah I mean they allow for monitoring so you can educationally you can have a build up a kind of a dashboard if you want in the school um or or on the on the website to show what you're producing um and yeah we it talks about inflation reduction act so now you know with the elective pay option um you can uh the school would be reimbursed it would be after the installation so you'd have to cover the cost um when it's put online You' get that 30% elective pay back to you so it's there and then I mean technically I guess you could use that money to then fund another round of PV if you wanted to if you only had a certain budget right now you know what I mean so we could always provide Provisions for future and once you get that elective pay you could use that again for additional solar technically but there's ways to play with that um that money does that make sense grg it but we would not do it that way if we're going to do the 30% we do it all at once but yeah but I'm sorry George yeah that's totally opt that's totally you can definitely do that I was just saying if you only had the the 450k budget um KW budget then you could technically just keep that budget provide Provisions for the future and then once you get that credit for the 450k You' actually then use that credit to pay for the additional percentage if that makes any sense it I think the issue would be the time that it takes to get the credit right that's really the issue because if we got it back in time to use it on the project we could but you're saying we wouldn't yeah you have to the thing has to be inline the system has to be inline so oh I would figure a year after you operational so we would have to come up with another $150,000 to realize it later after the Project's done well not even come up with it but but Al I would certainly make the provisions for additional don't no make the provisions whether it's a switch gear conduits or whatever you know so you can add it in the future we could have all the roof penetrations in then if it's just a BAL baled installed system it's I want call it easy but not it's just that in conductors yeah right did did we see how much the estimated payback on these the percentage of energy created uh do we know that 30% yeah the current system the 450 yeah I mean a rough cost based on like if you get the inflation reduction act it's it's going to be like five years so it's a pretty so George my question is how much of the energy that this building is going to use will be generated by the PB roughly yeah I mean I think we're we're thinking is 20 20% plus okay and so another third we get another five to 7% is something yeah if we didn't on the third okay thank you okay I had a question I've been boning this now for months and months and months I'm not anti-solar panels at all I don't know how I feel about us owning them I know everybody wants to own them I get it I understand but my concern is all the even though there'll be fewer holes in the roof and penetrations I'm concerned about recycling these things removing these things replacing these things liability with these things all of the Hidden costs that we are not seeing and I had asked if we could and maybe doing it if if I could know what is the long-term 15 20 30 year cost to us to replace these things they're not even recyclable at this point so I guess I'm just hoping that at some point I'll get this information because I think we should have it before we choose whether we rent out our roof and have them be in charge of all the problems that might ensue or not and it could be a really bad idea but unless we have those that that dollar amount and we know what we're doing I mean where are we putting these things in 15 years when they how much is that going to cost I know there's going to be contingency for whatever but are we going to have enough for it and I feel like we just don't know enough because all of your concerns best and hopefully similar to your roof you're gonna have to replace your roof in 20 years or 30 years whatever the case may be I don't know but to hear okay just I can I can shed some light on that everybody that's you's got some of the information up here all right so and this is actually I I made some calls just to get a better understanding of exactly what this is but so we just so you guys know we operate three solar rays we have a 2.2 megawatt we have 150kw and then we have a 60kw so I've two of those rays are 10 years or 11 years old now and just from an operational standpoint like I'm not in the Solar technically the Solar Development business but I've I've spent $ thousand dollar over on all those arrays in the last 13 years and that was for a firmware update on one of the inverters so just throwing that out there um so you said $1,000 over 13 years yes and we have free free arays so that's that's why I promote this technology and like obviously that's not a lot of money for operational or maintenance clearly right I mean one other thing to consider Beth would be if you enter into an agreement with a a solar partner are they even around in 20 years right now people companies are entering in leaving the space yeah rapid the whole thing is scary I think it's good but it's scary there's I I know the school I'm in right now they put like two solar panels up and guess where all of the leaks are in the roof right now so I I hear that and people in their mind in this town are thinking we're building a whole brand new school because we have a leaky roof so as soon as and that's where my my little bit of trepidacious comes it's like yeah we need to do this I understand that but I also just don't you know um okay that's fine I'm done so yeah and just let me continue on some of this stuff too so I did find a um there's a company actually in California that sends old panels um overseas for use on other projects all expired panels and it's $2 a panel is what it costs for that um recycling if you will um if you actually just get rid of them right now it looks like it's about 23 bucks it says we said 30 here but I actually you got better data and it was actually 23 bucks a module um so you can kind of do the math there um when we do this when I've done this from the beginning there wasn't really any information on how to dispose these things so when we've initially did our arrise I just have set aside 3% of production per year and put in account so that after 25 30 years there's money available for that um but that's how I've typically dealt with it but again as more of these are installed I think there's just going to be better ways of getting recycling these that you know we don't know but all we can say is what we know now and that is 24 23 to 24 bucks a pen of and that's what it cost to dispose of those um Soh what else we got here yeah I mean so as I mean again we own these things we've owned one we've owned one or three for 11 years so I'm just telling you what my experience is and and and I it's been very very positive um in that sense so thank you good thanks and then again I don't know why these were formatted like this oh my God just a battery storage keep yeah keep going keep going oh my God thank so this is B okay so yeah so um you know I know there was some discussion of battery storage systems we've we've done some battery storage for the National Guard and a hotel in those instances like the hotel we actually had a fire pump so it was actually acting as our generator um in National Guard again it's for really emergency power instances uh batteries are expensive so unless there's a real big reason why you if you have like unreliable power or there's a demand control response that you can get really compensated really well from the grit from the utility you know I don't our recommendation is probably doesn't make a lot of sense to to Sol this um these systems but not saying you can't it's just you know it would be better invest there be a better investment for with something else like solar or um basic most likely just solar more solar somewhere um but that's but again we can design any anything it's just I don't think it's a good use of funds unless there's a big benefit that we are not aware of um to have the storage so we've made space um outside near the Transformer to make sure that future battery storage could happen as we were thinking about it originally before really talking to Ellen about this and then also once we started really evaluating you know we thought well could we have a battery storage instead of a generator right we have a big diesel generator no way so uh yeah someday down the road if you if you need not yet not yet use battery packs for elevators what are negative implications with National Grid uh not having control no that the the permitting process can take a lot longer with a battery storage component to the PV system right is it safe to say we're also going to Mass Save incentives with the solar so it's beyond just um Ira I think the Mass Save is more focused on building performance than the PV specifically I'd have to look into that yeah with these credits that are being returned in the town obviously that funding is msba money we'd have to give it back how does that work no used to yeah they changed it because it could be considerable money if we're talking 150 already for the solar but that'll come back to the town and go to the general fund and use that as the town deems they don't contribute to the solar right at all correct it's the okay yeah sour the last I looked Mass Save doesn't have the benefits the kickback for the panels it's a federal tax write off so it wouldn't necessarily help us out great any other questions on PB so Dave and Jamie and Daniel this has to be bid as part of the electrical files to bed work right same P better the whole the whole scope pH yeah how does that look from perspective in terms of experience with I don't think it's a problem I mean okay my last three jobs yeah the nice thing about doing it while you're building the job it with the you know we put two panels up and now we have leaks you you build it with the building so like everything is a little more organic than punching it all down later um so like right now we're getting ready the the roof manufacturer if they know you're doing solar panels they they do a pre Manu or a pre solar install inspection and then they do a post before they give you your warranty so you don't have those problems when you do it all kind of organically at the same time so they'll warranty the seam the get the hole is that what yeah so like any penetration in their roof is their Roof System okay we put it in all at the same time at the time we're we're all good to go okay it's a little bit of extra paperwork because you're putting a solar and it's an extra inspection expand makes sense then do yeah so if you put in a vein of if if you do a a limited system now with chance of future expansion putting like that you know a couple conduits up there for that future expansion makes sense to do now because it's pretty short money but how much capacity do we have do we know in terms of relative to this we double it do we know I don't think we can double it but we can look into that yeah just we have an idea what we're looking at for sure yeah I don't think double it okay Jamie Garden variety filed sub electrician has no problem putting the p in doing all the work that goes with he used to squawk about it but it's become so prevalent now par graphy at all or is it it's probably would be paragraph but most of the they have the option but they generally sell perform so I have again in the last the last three projects the electrical sub has just done it themselves so they work with a vendor that you know sells all the equipment they basically design it with them buy it and then their electricians just install it cu the like a fire alarm yeah the racking system is pretty slick like where it's it's literally they design all that they tell you how many put bricks to put in each thing you lay down all that metal you put the bricks down and then you just run the panels and you connect them it's it's kind of plug and play at this point with how far the Technologies come so so that that being said we just have to be cognizant of the sole source if you it as open specs so Beth had to leave but she's concerned about the Aesthetics of the TV we're okay with are we putting Shields up or in the front or we're the way it is I think you if you're on Maple you might barely be able to see it so they're back of them though at a nine degree angle so they're very shallow on those ballasted systems um and for the majority of our building we have a little bit of a parit above the roof so the only place I could think you might be able to see them is on top of that Central spine but that's pretty high up there so it's certainly not good like I don't mind seeing she just had that concern so totally that sounds that's why we were excited about having it on the south side over that greenhous because that's that's really our only single story roof that sloped where you could see it sure when it's happening to on the south side which is great yeah very cool oh I was looking for that picture that's what you're talking about right yes exactly exactly and you have you'll have clearances around the roof Edge anyway for emergency personnel and all that so it's it's not like the panel is going to be right up against the edge of your roof have we made Provisions for um tie off points for people who may have to get that they work on it yeah typically yeah include that in our designs good great thank you George thanks George thanks sure um so here you're very familiar with our colored Plans by now we've been making a few updates at this point we're mostly in coordination and detailing but there were a few areas that got some some changes we wanted to bring and share today so some changes around admin band and chorus Auditorium some of the lab spaces and then we're going to going to show you actually a walk through through some of the main spaces of the building so you'll get to see the spine in the cafeteria and media center so awing is is the place we had kind of the most uh revisions we had a number of meetings with staff and faculty and that's what informed some of these conversations starting to look at how the spaces are really used um along kind of the top and West Side left side there um has some some swaps we moved where the bathrooms were in the district offices um so they're a little further away from the admin desk and we um brought storage closer we moved the kitchen so now the kitchen space will be a little bit bigger and shared between school admin and the district offices so that's a kind of a shared space now welcome Frank um we updated mail and time based on Frank's input to kind of reconfigure that space and then it got um some walls shuffled around to better accommodate the the office space in those areas so a little a little bit of of massaging there and hopefully work the conference room was is that how big is the conference room in the corner call I think it's like 360 square feet and that would mean sorry compared to this size yeah this the wall l did you count the files already Ryan no just guessing got sorry yeah sorry your spells for is there we okay great go ahead to the next one so we have some zoomed in plans for Bandon chorus had one of the bigger reconfigurations we shifted the space around a bit to better um account for you know band and chorus don't actually need exactly the same amount of space so band room is now a little bit bigger course is a little smaller we had a kind of a generic Ensemble room but that's now going to be the keyboard room which is a specific knck Force has cool um we uh you can see kind of the image on the left we've been uh developing the ceiling more so we're looking at the step ceiling which allows it to step up to the clear story Windows while still concealing the mechanical that's running above there mechanical up there to conceal um so and getting into the details there with the ceiling and we've had conversations with our acoustic designer so making sure we have the right percentage of reflective and absorptive material things like that what is that space to the left of the band room where the display cases are is that a separate so that is um connected to the band room with an opening that's music storage so it's the big storage for um you know all the instruments but then they're also display cases because we know that there's a lot of um Awards and trophies trophies for the whole District the town or just for um music for music okay and yeah to that point do we have a trophy case for the that to replace this one in the main hallway outside the gym we do have trophy cases we have over by the gy someone had asked me that that that exists yeah okay thank you so a question on uh Hall of Fame oh that one too Hall of Fame we can you know there's a number on the north side of the gym we have quite a few display cases built in there and then there's some on the um by the kind of PE entrance as well yeah and probably go through those and refresh those too or not so aium can I chime in just quick um Greg was talking about the Hall of Fame I have had some preliminary conversations with them about potentially reducing the amount of space that they currently utilized at the school um because I I don't foresee their current approach of having those individualized plaque plaques for each member um being the same approach in the new building just want to put that out there no that's good that makes sense all right so Auditorium has gotten a lot of development um uh some more design on the brainium and again talking with Acoustics and the theater designer we've been working on improving sight lines from the control room um and designing that ceiling it's changed since the last time we showed um a rendering so these wood panels have to are to intended to you know reflect the sound specifically to to suit the space um that pink purple thing in the back is called a a Cyclorama which is a word I learned which is this very um fine white material that can catch the light and it's used for um scenes and then also it can change color and it's this very nice back drop for the stage so it's going to be a nice element there um we've also been working on maximizing the amount of seating in in the auditorium and so I think right now we're about at 500 so if you go to the next slide so Jill that's all wood that we're looking at yes on the ceiling that's wood and the sides are wood yeah so here are some studies that the theater designer did for how this stage can be used for both coral and um orchestral performances combined so you see in the back you have the the coral um risers so by doing it in this configuration we're able to reduce the size of the pit and bring some more seating in at the front and this this kind of setup is actually the way that all kind of professional and collegate level um mixed ensembles are set up with the chorus behind the so this is you know if you were to continue on this is the way it would be arrange so just to give you a sense you can fit a lot on that stage the way it is so we feel pretty comfortable bringing those seating that seat those seats up and getting that extra seating in there we're going to purchase the stands Jill yeah course it'll be part included okay great have um has a ro teacher seen that it's pretty cool um we have had conversations with them I don't know if they've seen this particular setup so we can make sure to share that when we need to share of a new um band room anyway so we'll include that with that okay any more on that yeah no we can go ahead so in um this is the e-wing kind of that West academic Wing two two levels I just wanted to call out the stem lab which is on the second floor and the graphics Studio which is on the first floor those are the purple spaces so here you know the the shape the plan hasn't changed a ton but we've been doing a lot of kind of refinement um adding in workspaces in in both of these actually a pretty substantial workbench and stem um places for they have a number of 3D printers so getting that all mocked up um mobile workstations we're starting to look at furniture so where you'd have um built-in shelving or Furniture shelving things like that so stem is going to have a lot of flexible storage a lot of workspace and then their robotics field off to the side which will be a very neat space and then in the the graphic Studio that's Now set up so it can have um 24 computer workstations so the students can be doing computer work we also have the counter for Hands-On work then the printing room off to the side which has a laser cutter and the um the hydraulic paper cutter and the vinyl cutter um large plotter those we've added another door we've also added a sink so but that extra door off the main hallway should make it easier for art teachers to use or to make it a really interdisciplinary space so it's not just controlled from the one the one side so do we currently own all those machines yeah some of them the school already has we're bringing in designing for that and then I think some of them are new I'm not sure it'll be fully furnished with all the Machin okay great um Labs again this is just getting more into the details of the case work um getting all of the you know what's Furniture what's built in worked out um getting our ceilings designed so you know you can see in the rendering there's going to be a Unistrut in all of the lab so you'll have cool down um hords and um anyways just to give you a sense of what these are starting to look like I think they're starting to come together but it's a lot of little pieces to be kind ofed I'll talk a little bit about the gem so um we've been talking to Kevin and trying to bounce back some ideas which has been super helpful so um this is early on usually we're doing this process well to be frank sometimes we're doing this process during construction so it's helpful to be uh uh doing this nice and early s figuring out uh this all has lots of implications with what's going on at the ceiling of the gym right because we have uh six different basketball hoops that all need to fold up uh we have a batting cage that needs to get stashed somewhere up above um and so wrestling mat wrestling mats are going to be in alt PE okay not in the main gym space but looking a little bit at how we want to organize it so we bounc some ideas back and forth Kevin was interested in kind of simplifying the line work so that's what you see here so you have a main um basketball court in Black uh with Spartans and East Long Meadow and um again all this can change going forward but helpful to get an idea of just kind of like amount of paint and and how we're going to lay that out uh and a main volleyball court shown in white um again running running East West the dash line at the top this the the floor plan right now is showing all of the bleach stacked against that Northern wall those will come all the way out to that dashed line that's about 7 feet off of the off of the basketball court when those are fully extended um and then you've got your practice courts on the side as well as practice volleyball court you'll have a center um uh net divider so you can um lower that while the two practice courts you know have a little bit more isolation uh between the two practice courts um so just trying to get a feel for for all of that space main bleachers only on one side different from what we have now on both sides correct bleachers on the other side for teams no bleachers space for benches and those are openings to the hallway down here um so this will feel quite open on the kind of south side of the gym will teams fit there yes okay that's the intention that's the intention okay great and now if you wouldn't mind switching to that other uh Okay so we've been working on a on a walk through of the uh of the Interiors in particular it's really helpful for us because this is truly what we're seeing inside of our 3D model our Revit model um and so we're able to look at materials we're also able to see when a pipe is you know sticking into your head as you walk through that door um so we're going through a lot of those coordination issues but we want to clean this up just a little bit more but then I think also would be great to show this to the public um and really kind of get people excited about you know what they can expect for the inside of the building so um yeah Gordon I think if you just want to run it so we're just coming in the front entrance now um admins on your right uh this is the central spine um with the teaching stair up on the left um thinking a lot about kind of robust materials in this area um and then now we're taking a right into the auditorium ums so there's that image that you just saw from before um but just a little bit more enlivened up so you're going under the media center right now in the cafeteria and then opening to this two-story space uh with really nice filtered daylight coming in from the south um coming up the main stair here uh classroom wing on each side of you will'll head to the um Eastern classroom Wing uh very quickly running through the building l so all of the classroom doors are inset into in that ceramic tile on each side um so it kind of you know enlivens that uh Junction and also a nice uh sturdy surface um and just kind of you know helps identify those little inlets where the classroom doors are this is where you'll have clear story light coming down from above and then this nice large opening down to the first floor as well um and uh a little bit of room on the side here for for uh breakout spaces and you can see we've started to put in things like uh interactive TVs on some of the walls right are the railings glass or metal the railings are metal um and we're thinking in that specific area uh higher than than code minimum just to you know give us a little bit more peace of mind uh this is the media center um and we're going a little quickly we can head back if we need to but and now we're H going down the central stair here and I think we'll uh yeah oops oh Gordon when you say a little bit higher in the rails we we've run into this problem with a couple projects where the rails were low and there was concern that people were gonna jump over and stuff so the 42 is the code minimum and that's you know feels pretty good we were looking at 48 to start with just yeah yeah we we'll feel quite a bit better um this guy runs fast so yeah right so guidance is on our left um and nurse is further down on our left so we're gonna have all these windows in the into these spaces yeah these are demonstrated you see is what you get in the guidance conference room as well yes there we had um we were just talking about the other day and where we were going to be Shades onor window for sure not a confidential thing it open but yeah but we we're talking specifically we had kind of large glass into the nurse waiting and guidance waiting and that was requested to let's have those go away or up high a little more privacy oh high are the ceilings we were walking just felt like they were coming so in the corridors about 96 it's pretty it's pretty tall where yeah it part of it is it in that view it looks pretty long I mean I think this was really cool don't get me wrong but we are that's something that we've noticed and we're going to try to have a few moments at least okay pop up a bit to break that and variety was there a demand for the lockers on the second floor yes what was that for in particular so so we have for students it's for students so we have about um two 200 I think spaces for um student lockers so that was just something we heard pretty consistently when we met with students was that nobody uses lockers now because they're too small but a lot of people were interested in having them if they were bigger and centrally located so we're compromising and having some available for students who want them yeah so lockers are like not a required thing it's only like if you're staying in that hway for like all day it would be if you don't have a locker you can carry your backpack around the idea would be if you wanted a locker you could probably check one out or they don't wear coat they wear shirs in the winter no coats around the backpacks that was the end of the design update ni fly nice fly through or walk through excuse meun through [Laughter] thank you it's that right it's a YouTube you don't want it to be too long so you speed it up social media informing everything exactly have we drowned on long enough the tough act to follow yeah but it's all good news so it should be pretty straightforward yeah so uh we already touched on the early release packages we touched on the enabling package all that stuff I don't really have a whole lot to say if there's no the only one I want to highlight here is that we are trying to force you all to have a meeting on July 23d uh which is a Tuesday and this is all to orchestrate when that estimate happens when that reconciled estimate is finished uh School billing committee approval of the 60% final documents did we submitting to the msba on the 25th and having the early release packages going out to 26 and did you need a meeting on June 20th or no I think we were talking about that potentially just being an SLT meeting I don't know if we need a whole building July 23rd though right July SBC are we we're setting that three o' if you guys are up for it that would be great I mean we might as well set it I think right yeah Christian what's the second item because at the top it says 60% to jwa and then down below it say 60% documents to jwa some yeah so this is when uh right this is very complicated so uh we're getting the 60% cost estimate stuff from our Consultants on the 19th we deliver it to the estimators on the 24th that's the cost estimate set fontaine's actually going to use that cost estimate set to start getting some bid numbers but then the full the final 60% package to the msba is due to us on the 22 we deliver it to the msba on the 25th got it Tuesday July 23rd Tuesday July 23rd we should have the results of that 60% cost estimating process for that meeting does that work for everybody says it has to what else can I add to this slide well I mean it is helpful if people can you know come in Zoom you know what I mean if they need to there a vacation yeah what time we take 3M does that work Mr Macky works for me gotta be retired yeah right you want to zoom in zoom in okay all right so after you've seen the beautiful building we're going to put a road in super but this is essentially what we've been working with uh the team on kind of putting together for that mailer that we talked about uh for both the students and the abuts just kind of giving everybody an idea of what's going on this summer it's a just a cleaned up picture of what we reviewed in the past meeting so I'm not going to bore everybody with all the details unless there's any questions specifically on there was some push back from the butters on that road right uh they don't like it is the push back but I to to fit all the needs that we're trying to fit between the school between non-school related events the only way to keep that soccer field is that road goes there which what your what day uh does this mean for us Park all the parking in the front in for all of this is starting on June 17th um so it'll basically be it's not going to you know we're not going to be tearing all the trees out on the 17th but probably within a week we'll start doing work up front in that horseshoe area and we're we're scheduling a meeting with Gordon and Frank and a couple other people on the team just to kind of go through in more baby steps of what the schedule's going to look like so they can get that to the staff so we don't have to move everybody up front on the 17th 18th is fine correct yeah it's it's going to be like a slow roll as much as I want it to look like The Money Pit and have just 100 people show up and start slamming stuff in it's gonna be a fence guy you know it's gonna be a lot of you know surveyors fence guys um but within probably the next week is when you'll start seeing trees coming down uh some trimming in the back happening so it cled off that front horseshoe completely existing uh yes yeah but it sounds like central office parking too right yes yes okay I just have some PDS so as soon as I know so I can tell people where to go sorry we stuck on your reference still on your movie reference up here a good that was pretty impressive so that road are you gonna is that gonna have fence and scrim on it too or yes so like where number five is where you real close to the neighbors or so that area will basically be scrimmed on the both sides are you guys looking to do a custom scrim or just I am yeah I'm sure you've seen custom scrim right we don't want to put graphics on it and try to get people on the neighbor's yard yeah work with you guys design incorporating if there's like a school you know slogan or something some renderings and stuff we'll do that you know in the visible areas yeah but just for pure dust control and everything around that five we'll just have the typical you know Green scrim is that paved the road yeah now does traffic go in and out of that all day long or is there like a specific time where you once we get on like once we get up and running on the actual building it'll be all day but we'll have blackout hours based on the the and arrival times that I got in passing as I was driving through the neighborhood yeah so we we'll establish we have something laid out now I forget what it is but we we basically bracket the arrival and the dismissal time so we don't have construction traffic when all that's happening otherwise they can expect to hear trucks okay yeah what's the utter concern that one elbow that's kind of close to the fence the question that came up at planning is basically why is the road so close to our property um and it really was driven by we we can't put it right next to the building because of just emergency access so the only other place to put it would take out that soccer field which we've been trying hard to save um for all the programs here um and then there was some other concerns kind of too that we went through in all of our phasing so it was purely a couldn't this be pushed over more and we gave them the feedback we're working with a lot of different interests and this was the best place you know to put it then some of them were concerned it was a permanent Road um but we let them know that it should only be there for about two years and then it'll be a beautiful baseball field so or less yeah no penalty for finishing early yeah in the country nice I like it let's say that that kind of the the Horseshoe the real impact on everybody you know school-wise is is that work in that horseshoe area um will maintain access to the to the main entrance and it'll just be kind of a constant communication of what's going on there with people still occupying the building over the summer um and then the next slide kind of shows the first day of school I believe yeah so the the Bus Loop really doesn't change from what it is now um sort of the staff should be able to all shift over to where that number two is including the the district office people from the back and then you can kind of turn the old parking area into primarily student parking and we'll sort of retreat into our fence line there ER Ras your line never erasing that how aggressive is the summer work that Line's 20 years old this summer pretty aggressive I'll give it like an eight pretty much where they are finishing or I'm I'm curious how much we're rolling the dice on this time I assume we're buying dates so yeah the way we phased it is really the the return to school everything outside of our fence line like has to be done right like we can't be messing around done yeah the some of the utility relocation that's part of the enabling package that's going to happen inside our fence is GNA we have that going through like September I know it because it was one we didn't want to put a constraint that didn't have to be put on the sitey you know there's no point when we're separating the site to be screaming you know and rushing to get that work that's inside of our fence line done during a busy summer already are you all set with swift plan already or so we the draft um gag DUI went over we started the noi yeah gagi submitted the noi so it should be by the 14th we should get approval back is it 30 or 15 day 10 10 really um and they use the draft Swip that we had for that oops when do do the tennis courts go to three so if you go back to the previous slide our goal is to keep the tennis courts um number two tennis courts main office access number three the stadium and number one that's the primary entrance all that we're going to try and keep available to the school School in the community for the summer okay um and then number six we're hoping to work to locate that the Bandstand for um the sum in a location where we can still do some of the utilities in that area during the summer but always having it available on Wednesday when we need it um and then they'll stay online for the fall the the rear three courts will pretty much come offline in June when we start start putting fence up okay I think it said and then there was a uh a request or came up somewhere about the lighting for the court that's going to remain online we think that's doable with just the research we did but now that we have an electrician on board we'll be able to confirm whether it's yay or nay with what we're doing I mean but our our intent if if we could keep lighting yeah the um we did uh Kevin's done some incredible work um and he can go to double sessions he's got us booked um where we can for the first two weeks of the tennis season which will be first ever um where weather won't bother him because we'll have three Courts at the nfield tennis club and three Courts at the llo tennis club um so we have the best in shape in those first two weeks we've ever had um and until have transportation he's already done that and he's priced out um going basically running those three courts the way we would run basketball through the gym um so we're looking at about $1,951 but the lighting would be key yeah so that that's how we we wrote it essentially they're going to be removing the lights for the rear quarts and then leaving those lights up and once we get him on board and start really investigating how all that's really wired we'll figure out that's going to take but we'll have daylight savings yeah helpful but if we had the lighting that' be great too um am I accurate in that uh so we're looking at 19,000 just to sort of put that whole public discussion out in front of us temporary court is 100,000 we we looked at two temporary courts based off of a sketch from the design team yeah and with the striping and everything and it was basically like 260 ,000 for the two we're about 7% so okay yeah and they can't use them 260,000 can't use for games my correct I mean for matches sorry my bad that was me yeah um and 19 19,000 almost 20,000 we could do that a couple seasons and not even get close to the 260 how are you funding the 19,000 is that a project cost no your operational yes we GNA figure that out fireworks set get that set hopefully think out of fireworks nice I keep getting part of the demo some blasting so so that answers our question so we'll go forward with with this plan to make sure that tenis team's taken care of and then work on the other teams that will get affected as we get to the different stages yeah and on the firework side we we sort of laid out uh a phased fence install with the sight guy so essentially the the perimeter fence will go up first and then he'll sort of dial that back a little bit so that area where number five is the that road may be scratched in but we won't have the fence along the road in so people can still wander freely we won't have people trying to climb the fence because it's a open spot to watch fireworks um and then after the fireworks we'll basically remobilize the fence guy and kind of put everything together the way we need it for the end of the summer and then with the the concerts here once we start the 17th our goal is just have the side guys is going to lay out where the utilities need to go there and if we could possibly cheat that stage sort of towards the parking lot like 10 15 feet that might be very good for us because it we we can basically put the our fence right behind where the stage is and work on our utilities and not have to Temp stuff out keep moving yeah while we're doing that next July no fireworks there fireworks what's the plan there Ryan I'm resigning after this okay I know the feel yeah it out maybe brown farm with McGee nice that yeah he's done a nice job he always does a nice job Jamie is that it you good that's it all right thank you good reference to money pet thank you sh long sh long Tom Hanks can't go wrong all right so next agenda item is designes for change order approval I don't you want to touch this one so we've done this on several projects where um the school building committee uh will delegate authorization to one two three people to approve change orders wona is a good example they delegated to to the superintendent they had authority to approve up to $100,000 on change orders and anything over that they'd have to you know come back to the full spbc so don't report out every SBC meeting what was approved and financial status but it's very cumbersome if we have to come to the full SBC every time we just in terms of process so anything that's coming to whoever is yeah deciding you guys have already scrubed you guys are like yeah so they'll come it's done they'll come to us we'll vet them and then we'll present them to whoever this subcommittee is um is what we've done in the past yeah so I think it's all legal I mean you get you need to appoint a com subcommittee and vote on it but that's just our perspective that's a similar process to what we've seen on other msba jobs where you know we're going to be as Jamie said this summer every month throughout this project we're going to be moving quickly needing to give direction to subcontractors and needing to make sure that we have the faith of the subcontractors that when we give them direction to do something it's been vetted and their money will get you know approved and paid in timely fashion so having some smaller intention of people this group would probably have to meet once a week right at least no oh yeah I mean we have during the job we'll have change order review every week yeah that's I'm designes yeah it'll probably be an ongoing thing yeah threshold yeah I mean and we've also seen another thing that we've seen that works well is that like if it's change orders that are going to be changed to you know the contract Su per se it'll be treated like that oftentimes when we set up you know a CM job we'll have allowances and holds that are essentially designated for work that we know is going to take place but is not able to be Quantified at bidday so sometimes we've set it up where if it's an allowance or hold that that you know basically can be prove between the OPM and the money for that hold is essentially already marked um that's the way that we've seen where it can even work better because once we kind of approved that bucket the daytoday oversight of drawing down that is just assuming that we're not asking to increase the budget for that bucket right so that's does that happen sometimes an increase in the bucket it does sometimes more often than not it'll be you know say that we have a bucket for like a you know soil issues or something early on and we don't expend that we'll transfer that money to a risk as further down the road um so we'll kind more moving of the buckets I see yes understanded it back it to your point it does as the project goes through anything that's not spent the allowances the holds the change orders goes 100% back to the town There's No shared savings there's no incentive for us to keep money there and till the end so but we shouldn't anticipate much of that correct I think within the within the budget that we're going as we go through the project and we're 20% done 30% done 40% done that's where we can report on our exposure and those types of things because we've seen to the conversations here things like sad things like that you're getting toward the fence at the as you get towards the end of the project if that money is unlikely to be used in the scope right we're going to you know report what we think about that so the town can make decisions on how they want to allocate it a good example is to Barry you know the changes were minimal 0.5% and you know halfway through the job the City of Springfield decided they want to add a half million dollar garage yeah storage and we were able to fund that from monies within the budget okay which is how we're gonna fund the side but um to Gordon's point the design team is gonna be presentent you know they're they're a party at the table for any change order so we'll handle that they're weekly meetings with the CM and the architech and us want to go about we need a vote or Tom you got any thoughts yeah no I I I just I think this is sort of our commitment to the being expeditious like the whole team is sort of committed to us that they're going to move as fast as we want them to move we need to keep up and we can't do it as an entire group so however everybody whatever the suggestion is if it's one person up to a point and then a smaller group up to another point and then I mean a Monumental change would obviously take all of our sort of opinion and input and vote probably but it's time for all of us collectively to sort of designate and get out of the way so that the project can move because it it's time for it to move um and that's why I want it on the agenda just so we could could I don't know if we're there right this second but um as long as everybody feels the same way I think we need to we need to sort of we're gonna be there real soon so why seize the moment right make that commitment to them that we're we're ready too to to keep the ball rolling that that that's what I think well I I do think that you should nominate I don't care how big the is you know two three whatever you want and vote on it um yeah part of the minutes Gordon Steve Tom but Tom and Gordon but and it makes sense to include Greg Greg school committee I thought we were trying to be officient it is took shot on camera areally gonna occur during the day whenever we decide to the o mean is going to be so um are they'll probably make we'll work around your schedule Steve but yeah so whoever can physically attend or yeah I mean I'd like to have input in it so in yeah I can be he's here every day so that' probably be good so would it make sense to if there's three is it is it a quorum like is it just one of the three people all three have don't you do four and then you have if three are always available you're you're set right yeah I just our experience is that it's going to I mean it's going to be every you know we have the OAC Thursdays at noon no I know it's every week one and you're sitting through especially like you know if we're sitting through the reviews we go through each page by Page line by line This is attending the OAC meetings no it's like a change order like a change order review meeting I would think that would happen every two weeks Max no you gotta do it every week look at Jamie what's the typical to every day depends but you got to do it every like one person from that group can approve anything under 50 and then you need the the full four majority of the four to do I I think we should just decide collectively why would why would we like what decision is he going to make and then which one is he G to make and then which one am I you know just you know they're saying that there's a lot more that are lower instead having to get everybody I think if you can't make it then we all agree that well the other three are going to decide cool if you can make it then you get to vote if that's cool everybody down I I can be available pretty Frank still in do it makes sense to have a lower lower tier as in when it doesn't even really require input you this is sort of just uh as the as the ocean flows so to speak uh and just have a quick sign off and then but do you know what I'm saying like some of the smaller things that may happen on a dayto day and we're trying to SC I mean I mean I I agree we've gotten smaller but we still have a quarter of this committee now that has to get together and make this decision I I personally would love it if you just gave the authority to steveen and he can seek um you know if he has questions or I guess that's what I was getting at was you know we have a we have a building committee for Westcom and the executive director has a order up to a certain amount then the building can committee is the next amount then this whole committee is the full amount so the building chair who luckily for us is super talented in this area particularly uh could make these decisions by himself quickly up to a certain dollar amount that that would be my suggestion so if you want TI it maybe it's Steve is up to 50,000 and then uh the full committee has up to 100 and then beyond that we have to come back to the full group I said sorry it to 50 250 and then whatever else and honestly if we're back in this full group asking for approval something has gone catastrophically wrong right corre we found a bunch of money and it's like hey let's go build another artificial per field or you whatever it may be so up to 50 artificial side field this four some some three of this four to 250 and then after 250 is the entire second I think Ryan likes it yeah makes sense that reasonable right so Tom you made the motion there are gonna be a lot of yes I will make that a motion officially Ryan seconded it second who were the who were the full four for the minutes I really uh Gordon stepen Gregory Thomas I was gonna go with the four horsemen but tomato tomorrow sence think does that make sense yeah much sense and we can always we can tweak it as if we have to adjust we adjust yeah I I think your point is going keep everybody moving have a consistent flow for the subs and everybody yep great and to that end and John for you guys in particular but for everybody else on this team if it's not working if it if the process is stumbling raise your hand right away don't wait think it's gonna get better because it won't let's just fix it as fast as we can so will you let us know Frank needs to be part of this later on could we do another Vote or something yeah because he's he's not on yeah just in case I mean I'm sure he doesn't want to go to a lot of meetings but I'm sure his input would be important for the larger group can you let us know of any change orders that happen so that we're in the loop absolutely okay this is sort of we mentioned this at SLT as well if you guys have things that we need to know and we need to do like meet on July 23rd just say it and we'll do it because everybody is committed as committed as you are so whatever we need to do we'll all do we'll keep communicating and and we're going to knock this thing out of the park I think yeah I mean we should also add that see how fast we ran through that walkthrough that's what I'm talking about that was me I had the camera I had a GoPro on irrespective of dollar value if there is something that gets put forward that has a material effect on what the building looks like feels like functions like then that should be a bigger discussion right that shouldn't be one person or three people saying yeah we're gonna take out all the labs yeah right so you know just so there's some comfort you know the idea isn't take the AXS to it the idea is keep going build what we designed awesome all right so a motion you have a second you had some discussion any further discussion Kathy are you good I'm fine okay all right crucial see right I'm a yes is Blair yes Paige has left the oh I'm still here yes oh hey there he is should we ask him right now do you want to be part of was that you volunteering Frank do we see your hand up I'm sorry Frank I did not raise my hand for that but I'm a good soldier so you just tell me to be part of it I will we'll bring you in as needed how's that works for me guys all right thank you Mr Paige Miss Brown yes Miss Hill yes's not here miss Lavar left Johnson M Christensen yes Miss Collins still on y all right she said yes y okay and Mr grimy yes okay yes is have it it would appear That's the agenda any new business any new business remote looks like a definitive no right new business in the room Danielle nothing nothing I see you got the columns out from under that um overhang well played I didn't do that I kind to throw you B take credit anybody else good bad IND different thank you maybe UI and Christen can chat for a minute after sure closing down sorry sorry is there a motion to so moved seconded okay any concerns ran none or can we all just say sometimes ruls over