##VIDEO ID:uYsNj5-Os3Q## okayy good evening and welcome this is the November 4th meeting of the school committee call a meeting to order at 502 this meeting is being both audio and video recorded tonight I would ask that everyone please rise for the Pledge of Allegiance I pledge allegiance to the FL un States of America and to the Republic for which it stands one nation God IND liy and justice for all okay roll call Samantha please anas secretary Pamela Blair assistant superintendent for business Sarah trilo Gordon Smith superintendent of schools Gregory Thompson Antella Rella William stur Heather Brown director of curriculum Manuel Garcia student representative okay up for approval are minutes from October 21st I'd take a motion please move to approve the October 21st 2024 regular session meeting minutes motion made by Sarah second by antel discussion all in favor say I I I those oppos nay that motion carries 5 thank you Samantha committee and subcommittee communication Sarah would you like to start I don't think I have any yet um oh I visited the high school it last week Greg we visited we visited with Gordon as well um and it was great to get into some classrooms um it was just a really nice visit excellent William no report at this time okay Amy I just wanted to share that I'll be attending the Statewide conference this coming weekend as the delegate representation for E meow the weather looks nice too that's it thank I me least this right yeah Wednesday looks good so yeah okay it's close Emanuel uh girls field hockey W western Mass for the second time this uh in a row and big kids little kids Nursery went trick-or tring around uh the superintendent's office last week did you get some candy as a big kid I did not get any c there a big fat bowl of candy in that corner on your way out I didn't help the guided the little guys around super fun yeah thank you okay moving right along we have opportunity for visitors to address the committee seeing none this evening we will continue with our agenda we have the superintendent's report building smart go presentation okay we have our entire leadership team here this evening and each building's going to give a presentation before we do that and she doesn't know I'm going to formally introduce her but uh we haven't had a chance to welcome and formally introduce Jenny Sullivan who is our new director of um student support services so to put you on the spot Jenny actually we did that three weeks ago when you started so thank you for being here but uh each building is ready to go you have in your folders um the presentations on paper and we'll get them up on the screens and we'll invite mebrook to start us off Miss Lo is getting ready I'm not picking up on Q just next slide Biden is the assistant principal and this is our first time on that side of the table a [Music] okay so under support child first and foremost we're continuing our focus on chronic absenteeism which is consistent both across the state and District um we did make some significant gains last year in our chronic absenteeism rate and you can see by the graph up there that we've shown consistent Improvement in this area over the past three years with a reduction from 27.4% chronically absent to 18 .4 down to eight last year um so our hope is to continue that work because we're still not going back to the pre pandemic rate which hovered around 5% annually so our goal this year is to really try to bring that a little bit closer and down towards six% by the end of the this year some of the challenges that we continue to face in this area are things like family vacations and sporting events um was sitting in the office just a couple weeks ago and had a large number number of students out for a couple of days for a hockey tournament so things like that do impact our attendance which is a little bit harder for us to control and impact and um I actually just had a conversation with a family last week about this because they had a vacation scheduled which they scheduled over a year ago and then for really expecting a death in the family unfortunately and their child came down with pneumonia and boom 15 absences by um so even though those vacations don't seem like a whole lot there's often unexpected things that then add in on top of that so um one of the proactive things that we did this year was to move some of our deadlines and dates for things a little bit earlier in the school year and started off with sending a letter home to families in October which highlighted the attendance policy and why we're focusing on chronic absenteeism yes all families have the code of conduct no I'm not under any delusion to think that do the entire thing thing so the family letter that we sent highlighted aspects of the policy as it relates to attendance for the district we also started printing our monthly attendance reports and sending home a monthly letter which is essentially a shortened version of that very long letter that I sent home in October and it highlights the policy as well as their child's attendance rate and so that'll begin going home this week we're working on printing those I don't have data to show you from last year because we started it a little bit later do think we're in a better place though because last year on December 1st we sent home 100 letters for students with five or more absences and this year on November four first we're only so less than half of that with just a month difference in the timeline track we also started our referrals to the care a little bit earlier last year we did not start those until January and we referred five students and this year we started it on November 1st and I have referred four students to the carep coordinator um for 10 or more absences um these are actions that we're continuing they're not new actions from last year but I feel like they had a pretty significant effect on our attendance with that 10% reduction and I think that starting them earlier is going to show even more of an impact so I didn't see need to add any new action steps just really continuing that focus and um interestingly enough the four students that were referring this early in the year are kindergarten so they wouldn't have heard this messaging last year so this is kind of new for them and when looking at the attendance rates across the state the two grade levels that are the most um significant in The Chronic absenteeism are kindergarten and upper grades in high school so I thought that was interesting as well I'm moving my SL Forward Thinking okay so and continuing and supporting the whole child our goal is to support the whole Child by creating a safe and inclusive environment where students feel valued and ready to learn so um as Mrs Loi shared with you in the past they've seen significant increases in students with um social emotional challenges in the early Elementary level and to help respond to this more proactively we partnered with um River Valley counseling added a social emotional learning program and this year with your support a third um school counselor so in addition to those changes um to better identify student strengths areas of need we decided to Pilot the Desa which is deo student strengths assessment um it's Unique because it's a strengths based assessment that aligns um well it focuses on students positive qualities instead of their weaknesses which helps create a more positive view of their social emotional growth um it helps teachers shift their mindset and recognize and build on the students unique strengths so we're trying to promote more engagement and success in the classroom with this it's our Hope by utilizing this screener that we'll be able to proide provide more targeted support to the students and make sure they're ready to learn in all aspects classroom next slide please okay so here is the desk old school overview and you can see that 9% scored need for instruction 76 scored in the typical range and 15 scored in the strength range so this is our tool for assessing the skills the teachers um will use the Desa mini as a universal screener and they do that three times a year and um for students who score in the needs for instruction then this the teachers will administer a more in-depth Desa 2.0 assessment this allows us to pinpoint specific areas of growth provide more individualized support to those students so October was the first time they did this assessment and used the whole program and the tool um and it was our first opportunity as a team to review the data and look at which reports are going to be the most helpful and effective for us so it'll be interesting to see how that data evolves once the teachers get to know their students a little better once they learn how to use a program and once we have more practice um looking at the data and the tools itself the next slide please okay so this is a 2.0 so if a student scored in the needs category the teacher would then administer the 2.0 and get a more specific um score on the different competencies that you can see at the bottom let me make sure I'm on the right um so students will receive tier one support through C classroom practices using Second Step which you're familiar with social skills lessons uh with the counselors and the addition of the third counselor has allowed us to expand those lessons and supports and providing um additional classroom lessons at each grade level it's great we have one counselor assigned to each grade level adessa 2.0 results will guide us into um identifying which students can benefit from additional support and for the higher level of need we can provide tiered support from um small group lessons through the counselors and then even referrals to River Valley counseling you can go to the next slide so this is an example of lessons from Desa that teachers will have access to um they're tailored to specific social emotional skills identified through the Desa they can look at their classroom and identify um which lessons they think would be the most meanful for their classrooms or small groups of students so for example if you want to look at responsible decisionmaking you can easily access that and you can see this one's on um this is for compromising with others responsible decision-making so it tells you about the time how much time it would take for a lesson a description of the lesson and why it works you can click on download and you get a very detailed Lon and there's multiple choices that um all right so our goal is to create a schoolwide culture that supports every student social emotional well-being we know that if we do not um support the student social emotional needs it will directly impact their ability to access curcular any engaging in the classroom last is the addition of the Rel ated classroom training which I um explained to you guys a little bit last year but it's a scientifically based approach to co-regulation so not just helping the students regulate themselves but the teachers regulating themselves in order to better better regulate the students it's a seata sensory and poly Bagel informed approach to teaching and last spring we had three teachers trained well three staff members trained um one is our school counselor one is an occupational therapist and one is a classroom teacher which I think is a pretty Dynamic conver um combination of Staff particularly for this because of the scientific background in this it's all based in counseling and occupational therapy so it was very intentional that we chose those staff members to be part of the training group and then to incorporate a classroom teacher for the te perspective we got a little bit of a jump start on this during our August PD and we provided three hours of initial training at that time I felt it was really important to provide it during August PD because it's the singular time in the school year we have our entire faculty together and I thought it was important for our pair of professionals and everyone in the building to hear that same message um we provided an additional 45 minute session during September PD and we're going to continue revisiting this throughout the school year we have sessions scheduled for the November and January full days as well as during our April faculty meeting in addition to that I purchased the guide books for this for every staff member and Mr Hudson and I collaborated on an El LEF Grant to purchase actual materials to build that kits to give to each of the classrooms so that they would have some of the tools to do the activities so we were very grateful to Elie for funding that and happy to get all of the material um the other bullet points I won't touch I will just touch on briefly but Kate already mentioned that we've added a third counselor in departmentalized bit better um in addition to being able to provide Second Step we're now able to expand that and use Desa and kind of in the moment things that arise to provide additional lessons um for example we had one of our counselors in second grade recently F focusing on safe play at recess because we were noticing a lot of things coming up at recess time so that third counsel allows us to better address some of these actively and in addition to that the very last bullet down there is that I created a flex Block in the schedule this year which will allow teachers among other things to be able to implement some of those lessons from the Desa to better support students soci FAL needs based on their classroom moving into teaching and learning in line with the district goals um we are hopeful that 55% of our students in grades kada 2 will reach typical growth in I ready 31% of our students reached that in uh the 2023 24 school year so this is a big stretch for us if you could go to the next slide we didn't we don't have um gr data to show you right now because we've only ministered one assessment and you need at least two so we popped up our um itic results just to kind of give you a quick dipstick as to where we were in the spring of last year as compared to the fall it's pretty comparable if you notice in the top graph that lighter bar there is our fall data the top bar is where we ended and the very bottom of the um slide is our current data so the 15% of our students in the fall are at or above grade level as compared to 18% from last year um in the fall of this year we have 133% score scoring two or more grade levels below whereas last year we had 177% and this is mathematics this is from corre sorry um are we doing differently this year in order to help achieve that 55% grow the biggest change that we're making is really to restructure our common planning time and to use this to work in teams to dive deeper into this data so during common planning time which is being led by our coaches this year they are focusing primarily on um working with teachers around pacing diving deeper into the content of the lesson and using student centered activities to deepen engagement understanding we're also looking a little bit differently during this time at how we approach looking at data in the past The Home Room teachers would look at their data and then the administrators and coach would meet with the RTI teachers to look at the data and determine who is being picked up for intervention this year we combined that all together we've done an elongated Comm planning time Block it's basically a double block of times and we pulled the entire group together so our common planing time's a little bit different at metal Brook than the other schools because we have such a big team we have eight teachers at every grade level whereas other schools have fewer and can free them off all at once for us we can't um so we have two CPT teams an A and A B team at every grade so what we did was we combined The A Team the B Team our RTI staff our coaches and our administrators all into one big meeting we looked at the data together and used protocols to group students into um groups based on their needs and then talked about which groups the classroom teachers were going to work on focusing on intervening within the course and which groups were going to be pulled for intervention and it made the process a lot more transparent for Home Room teachers to really see for intervention and why we're picking them up because they were there in part discussion and it allows the interventionist to then provide some feedback to the grade level teachers around how they can better support students as well that was probably one of the biggest trying to drive this work forward with how we're looking at data and how we're utilizing our common planning time sorry on that side the number of students assessed versus the total number of students is that school on the bottom is because we um in the fall that we don't administer kindergarten yet gotta that's what you're seeing there so kindergarten their first Administration happens in December okay we're still teaching them how to line up to use the bathroom very basic stuff at that point okay so you can see as part of our um reading or Ela goal we are excited to implement the eighth edition of Dibbles Dynamic indicators of Bas early literacy skills we selected this tool because it is approved by desie as an early dyslexia screener and it's a valid tool um to identify potential risk factors for dyslexia in students um this assessment is a part is our is part of our approach to early identification and um allowing us to detect students who need interventions soon or sooner than later dibles where we place I ready for this year with assessments scheduled three times annually and opportunities to progress monitor students in between so we've scheduled data meetings at Renee I won't say too much but it was pretty similar as we worked with the teachers the coaches to look at the data and form groups based on their scores can skip to the next slide so here's a look at first grade um and this looks different than I ready so I won't go too much into it but um core scores indicate the performance level of students at grade level strategic scores are assigned to students who are at risk of falling behind their peers and intention scores identify students who are significantly at risk and need intervention um some of the subtests you can see are letter naming fluency um which is quickly identifying letters nonsense word fluency reading madeup words oral reading fluency reading a short passage allowed to evaluate um accuracy and fluency and the areas you can see on the areas where we're targeting in first grade which subtests and then if you skip to the next slide oh sorry go back one thing the second grade these are the subtests they're getting and you can see on the bottom they're in including maze for a comprehension assessment so this will provide teachers with valuable information about specific areas of needs um where a student needs targeted support and allow them to tailor their instruction accordingly so during to Common planning time teachers will work with the coaches to analyze this data they'll be placed in the small groups like we said um collaboratively and this is this grid on this slide it is one example of a quadrant approach to organize students by instructional needs and focus area so quickly together they can see anyone who scored in the red would be in a foundational skills group um anyone in red and yellow could be in phic awareness ofic group or if they need a fluency group or vocabulary comprehension so again this is what we did during those data meetings to start those targeted groups and get interventions going as soon as possible um at that point so when we're progress monitoring we'll stop and Che their um if they're sorry if the students aren't progressing as expected we'll make changes as needed or explore different interventions and then um I think that's that's pretty much it with I'm very excited undering to show you what our newground is looking like wait I have a question about the other slide sorry how you said that they're doing this in common planning time how often are they able to meet in their in time groups are once a week okay for about technically it's 45 minutes but by the time they drop the kids off as specials and it ends up cutting into the groups where we did the looking at the data and really getting into it with a larger group yeah I provided coverage for the teachers in order to make it an extended period of time so we had an hour and a half to meet to really dive into that data deeper and look at it by class and that's once a week for our teachers because they they were seeing each other's data during that that time um so you can be a little bit vulnerable to put yourself out in the plate like that are they are they still doing that once a week or is it they're doing the once a week for 45 minutes and then after each round of assessment we're doing those the 90 minute and is it always facilitated by the coach you have there are a couple that are not coach facilitated the teams can do different things um but it's off of basically a kind of a menu different things that those are um a couple times within each part of the year what we did in order to provide them a more targeted focus is a team it might be it switches by grade level but the A Team might be meeting with math for the first half of the year and the team meeting with literacy and then they flip so that they can really dive into one subject area deeply and then get that later in the school year the data meetings we did for both literacy and math for the entire grade level all right and then for the the dipples between the first grade and the second grade are there any connections between how first grade is scoring and the red or the yellow to some of the larger bands of yellow and readed in second grade in order to help Target like specific types of um skills like I'm not sure like what all those codes mean but seeing like Ma at 36% in second grade is there something that's showing up in the red in first grade that's connected to students not showing that 36% so the maze is only done um is it later in the year in first grade that we're doing it second grade just second grade but like the so for like nonsense word fluencies um for um letter sounds and then the blending if they're not getting the blending then that will relate to their score and the whole when the word read correctly is that what you mean so then that would there's things in first grade are already kind of showing up as an area of concern that even though this is the first year of this assessment linked to the second grade bigger bands of red and then how do you prioritize that in first so like you were saying if I may jump in just the the word targeting the accuracy first and then if kids are accurate the the automaticity right the fluency and so that's happening both in their tier one foundations class but also the interventions and then like um they were both saying the fluency and vocabulary and comprehension are things that the teachers can also handle during either the flex block or during tier one instruction thank you now back to M now um I went out there one week and there was like one little blou pull up and I'm was super excited I went back to take a picture and it like the playground had lost my eyes and it was really cool to watch out there and actually coming to life I didn't want to get too close because it was under construction at the time and wasn't wearing a hard hat or anything but I was snooping around out there um and it came together really quite quickly so it looks to me with the exception of possibly the swing set that everything was in as of last week when I took this picture and reaching out to the company they are planning on working on foring Place rubber this week and the fencing within the next week or two so with I would say by Thanksgiving great the fence the Rubber and everything should be in which is very exciting um from there really it's just grass establishment in the play area because there is a 45 by 90 play area included as well and then I'm going to work with those to install the little Free Library that we bought for that area to relocate picnic tables in there and then work on purchasing a shed for recess equipment so I can't wait to see that um in action I'm not sure what we're going to do in terms of opening it um I need to talk to the company about whether or not I have to keep the kids off the new Leed grass and for how long I might do sort of like a soft opening I was think get the kids out there to play and then let them seed and maybe let the grass grow after that so that's where we're at with the playground which remains part of our goals and then um another piece of our inclusive supportive culture and climate it's a focus on diversity equity and in the past we had held character assemblies throughout the school year Focus like kindness and gratitude and love and um kind of stepped away from that with covid doing big assemblies and are just starting to back we're gonna do them with a little bit of a Twist and not just have them be character assem but also be on celebrating diversity and treating others with kindness and respect and uh last spring I was on my couch having coffee one morning just mind andly social media upon the gentleman that I am bringing in in a few weeks for our first presenter and the more I dove down into who he is as a person and what he does the more I knew I had to bring him to met Brook um his name is five fingers and he is a graphic street artist uh he is basically a reformed graffiti tager who decided he needed to do something a little bit more positive in me ful with his life after getting himself into a little bit of trouble tacking dings and he has done a lot for his community um he's based out of Norwalk Connecticut he is an incredibly talented artist and also now a children's book author and has written the book love more than ever a beautiful Art Space for his community down in Norwalk which he offers free art classes to the local community and he is the founder of the love m and I'm going to use his words to sum this up because he says it better than I can of more than ever is a small gorilla street art attempting to shift the Paradigm from hate and bigotry to acceptance we must spread love and kindness we must protect and sweet fight against every discriminatory act committed All In The Name of Love I have ordered the books for the classrooms this is always going to be reading the book in library the week before and then five will be joining us to share his personal story he's going going to do three gr level assemblies walk the kids through creating a digital mural which he will then use to come up with a mural for our school and come back and paint a mural in the entryway of our school that we focused on both neob Brook and diversity equity and inclusion so he's coming to us on November 22nd I will send you all the date you're more than welcome to stop in and see him um and this will be the first of what I hope to be four assemblies over the course of the school year though some of them may be a little bit more Grassroots because come at any small expense and I'm really excited to have him come join us collaborating and working with him so that is all we have you have any questions from met Brook no yeah thank you thank you next up we have Mr Martin and Maple Shade hello everybody good evening um all right uh to begin in terms of attendance and support child um I'm G to get into attendance in a little bit as part of the accountability data but this is a snapshot from Panorama um taken at the end of last week um as you can see we are currently beating our attendance goals um always a good thing um just to remind everyone on what the attendance plan is for Maple Shade utilizing the Panorama uh platform at the end of every month I'm able to run a report based on the students who are being identified as uh critical in terms of attendance and allows me to be able to reach out to the parents and I keep a spreadsheet in order to figure out and and um you know keep track of who I've reached out to you know what this students um circumstances are and then if I have to continue about um what next steps um I am taking um so as of right now uh we're in good shape and uh you know every month I will continue to go back into this in order to figure out what our next steps are okay um in terms of teaching and learning break down the uh mcast accountability results um that came out in uh in September um and it's a source of real Pride for all of us over at Maple Shade um I'm very very proud of all the hard that went into last year um as uh demonstrated by uh these scores which we which we'll get to um but this is a result of an entire years worth of hard work um from all of our teachers who are doing the heavy lift of implementing uh the the curriculum all of our students who are demonstrating um you know growth and demonstrating a productive struggle um and all of our parents who are you know supporting our little school that could so um this is a screenshot from the security portal um stating that you know we hit you know 69% substantial progress towards targets um and that Maple Shade Elementary School was one of three um percent of schools in the Commonwealth to be classified as a school of recognition um for a number of reasons that I will get to um starting in the next slide so um the 69% is uh it's great it's great but it is a combination of two years worth of data and if you're able to look at uh these two back to back we have 2024 compared to 2023 and you're going to be able to see the specific ways in which U Maple Shade uh really grew over the last year so um in 20203 uh you know our annual Criterion referenced Target percentage was 41% um and we made a significant jump um in 2024 to um to 80 what it 80 88% oh my God I gotta gota see Dr gallerani my cheaters oh boy okay all right so at 88% um which is it's fantastic um I mean these These are incredibly strong numbers um because of the percentage of possible points if you look in 2023 we're at 11% um and this year we are at 89 9% so um our students were were really working hard and um we can see the evidence of that um Within These these numbers okay so overall um I'm going to break down the these accountability scores um by content area and by demographic to really celebrate you know what we saw so I already spoke about the fact that we're currently sitting at 69% across the two years um but we saw 46 um uh increase on progress towards Improvement targets from 2023 to 2024 in terms of ela um you know we we got three out of four points in achievement so just to take it back a second on the accountability data you know you get points based on achievement you get points based on uh growth and you get points based on attendance so in terms of ela for our achievement uh we got three out of four points which was a three-point increase since last year we had a three out of four point um three out of four points in growth which is a one point uh increase since last year in terms of growth and meeting the goals set for us all students that umbrella of all students in the building met the target um and we had high growth um for all students our lowest performing students exceeded the Target that was set for them and they demonstrated growth our high needs students improved um and their typical growth was high our low lowincome students uh continued to improve and they demonstrated high growth our elll students met their target our students with disabilities met their target and demonstrated growth our Hispanic and Latino students met their Target and they demonstrated high growth and our white students met the Target and demonstrated high growth as well so we're very very proud of our uh Ela scores um know for transparency W and wisdom curriculum is a very challenging curriculum um for our students it's demonstrating the growth that we're looking at but this this is a testament to our teachers who are working diligently to to um you know make our students feel comfortable in being uncomfortable while learning and pushing themselves through this and then there's math math which um many times gets the uh the short end of the stick um but here this is this is truly incredible um we got four out of four points in achievement know which was a four-point increase um since last year um we had a three out of four points in growth um again which we that was a three-point increase since last year all of our students all of our students exceeded their target and demonstrated high growth our lowest performing students exceeded their target and had high growth our high needs students improved and demonstrated high growth our lowincome students met their target and demonstrated high growth our El students improved our students with abilities met their target demonstrated High Hispanic Latino students exceeded Target and um demonstrated high growth and I really want to shout that out because this demographic um has underperformed historically on the mcast test so they made great they made great gains um last year and our white students exceeded Target um and demonstrated high growth as well so for science again um we had a fourpoint increase last year from zero to four students exceeded Target our high needs low income and students with disabilities all improved our white students exceeded Target so in terms of the content areas our students showed up and they showed off um and we're very very proud of all the hard work that they did from a demographics standpoint if you look at these percentage numbers again it's another way of being able to look at the celebratory nature of you know what our students were able to do last year our low-income students increased from 11% to 61% um our high needs students from 11% to 53 our students with disabilities moved to 63% um our Hispanic um Latino students went from 15% to 86% which is massive and then our white students went from 9% to 89% um so from a demographic standpoint um our students did some significant work so we're very very proud of it um but it doesn't mean that we're just going to you know Coast on our Laurels I mean there's still a lot of work to be done um and right now for this year the focus is uh the fidelius implementation of the the curriculum for both Ela and math um that combined with maintaining pacing um to ensure that you know all students regardless of their home rooms um in in either building or receiving U you know consistent curriculum um so all of our in ela all of our teachers will continue to implement uh wi and wisdom with Fidelity um and the the next bullet points um actually speak for both um Ela and for math so the the goal here for this year is to continually Shore up and focus on um tiered one instruction how to get better at tiered one how to get better at tier one so our teachers um communicate regularly with our department chairs and once a month uh collaborate with the other department chairs both within the building um and at Mountain View as well with Heather Brown um to discuss what they're seeing in the classrooms discuss what the challenges are discuss what's working in order to come to some sort of consensus that if there is a need to shorten any lessons or um make any necessarily changes it's vetted in a structured um meeting with everyone at the table okay so that is the the work that's being done for um for the the tiered one instruction uh however if students need additional support um they're always eligible for reading intervention we looked at um you know the I ready Diagnostic and we're able to to um you know work with the teachers to get their feedback and our um our reading specialist to see if uh that student is eligible for uh further intervention um in in math um everything that I just said also pertains to math as well um in the in the past we've had ST math as a supplemental resource for our students last year we were able to meet our ST Math goals it's very student friendly um it's very kid based it's very very fun um and there's incentives that are built in around it this year we have added centers as well um game play for our students um to help supplement and support here we have two supports um for students in math and this year um is the first year that we have had um a math intervention built into the the school day so we're very very proud of that so looking at the I ready diagnostic we were able to identify the students that needed more support and then utilizing um tools within the bridges Intervention Program we were able to narrow it down to which of the students within each Home Room would really benefit this that similarly um and they meet uh with um for 45 uh minutes a week for additional intervention um and so this is going to be on top of the after school um supports that we have traditionally put um in place before um but I'm very proud of the fact that that this year we finally have um math intervention system in the day and then for science our teachers currently utilize Mystery Science um uh the the second bullet um is actually a typo um new teachers are about to be trained on Project Lead the Way um to support um the the Project Lead the Way um uh lessons um we have new robotic kits um that have been supplied to the building so we're always thinking about new ways to engage our students with science in the case of the after school options is there a particular cohort of students that you are looking to have enrolled in the after school options for tutoring based on either I ready data classroom performance data or mcast data all the above um I want to sit down um so I'll be forming a um an instructional leadership meeting uh committee um that's something that is is going to be up and running soon um so I'll be collaborating with them about what their recommendations are what they are seeing from their students in the classroom um and having uh different different data sets to be able to look at including the the teacher recommendations is going to be very very helpful so and then are there Cycles so does it focus on Ela for a portion does it focus on a different cohort of students for math do students receive both for the after school yes um I'm looking of if possible um both l ly and math um but I'm going to work this out with um with my teachers to see exactly what we can get um you know up and running um but no to have both would be would be key um okay all right so I I at the beginning of the presentation I talked about where we are um in terms of attendance So currently we are we're okay um and the only area that we were knocked um we we took a ding on with theity data were were two demographics that I'm keeping eye on and these are the areas in which we last year which was our lowest performing students and our students with disabilities in terms of of their attendance so I'm going to continue to to to monitor all of our students and I'm going to continue the the Outreach um that I have been doing but using the uh information from power school I have the names of the students who fall under those particular categories and I'm keeping an eye currently as of the the latest Panorama um report the students um that make up these demographics are not demonstrating um critical need for attendance so right now we are okay if that changes then um we put in whatever supports um need to be put in place support them and and them okay um so for I ready um right now in terms of uh teaching and learning where we are um here are our you know current uh I ready reading scores um and if you go to the next slide these are math scores which are very comparable to God bless you very comparable to what we saw um for Diagnostic one last year at this time and if we move to the proficiency again this is very similar to what we saw last year so if this holds um then you know we will have similar Su next year however based on the fact that we um working to um you know increase the the implementation um and the productive struggle of our students within the tiered one instruction I I do believe that we are going to see um higher growth um next year but I am very curious to see what our second diagnostic will bring um and that will give us um time to be able to you know course correct and then provide any significant next steps for students based on what we're seeing on the second diagnostic are there structures in place between now and the time of the second diagnostic to progress monitor just thinking about there's a ton to celebrate in terms of accomplishments last year but as you mentioned these um projected proficiency percentages are similar to to last year's and for the mcast results about 41% um of students at Maple Shade met or exceeded expectations in ela and about 46 did so in math and almost 60% did so in science but that still means there's almost another 50% who did not meet State expectations so are there mechanisms to progress monitor between um the first Diagnostic and the second diagnostic to help catch students before we get to that next diagnostic yeah absolutely so we have um this year we're we're really focusing on the implementation of the The Trackers in um in in the content areas and that allows our teachers to be able to a microscopic lens really be able to determine how the students are doing in their in their classroom um and then again going back to the communication piece across the grade levels with the Department shares if we are seeing um common commonalities from class to class to class that's not a it's not a student issue that's not a teacher issue it is it's a larger issue that then we would be able to bring to um a district level to see you know what we can do um so that is in place um and you know we're we're looking at the trackers um and you know then there's always just from an individual student standpoint you know we have our act meetings so if students are struggling um able to to get them specifically you know whatever it is that that they need um going back back to what you asked you know earlier we do want to be able to utilize um the data that we're seeing um in order to help inform who is going to be eligible for after school supports um So currently we have 22 students in Reading intervention we have 20 students in math intervention um all students are engaging in math centers and ST Math um we have our focused CPT meetings um either with our math coach um or Heather um to help lead the conversation around instruction um and we're utilizing I ready data along with um trackers in foundations wit and wisdom math all right in terms of um an inclusive environment uh this is one of the the things that I I believe in and it's important to me that all students feel seen safe and supported um and we do this through a number of ways um I don't know if if everyone here has seen it's it's old now but um it's very powerful it's the uh Rita Pearson Ted talk every child needs a champion um it's something that I live by um and it's something that uh my teachers um they exhibit on a daily basis so there isn't a student in the building that has fall through the cracks doesn't have someone there to to Champion them and support them and I think that that's beginning to really pay um pay off so what this slide is is based on this Falls Panorama uh results um from the SE survey as well as the results from the spring um and the numbers are the number of questions in which the demographics listed um self-reported more positive than the East Long Meadow average um which to me is um a source of of Celebration and indication that our students are um feeling seen they are feeling safe they are feeling supported um yeah so in terms of supporting relationships um you know these are really strong numbers that um from the adults in the building the adults at home and the student in in the building their peers that um our kids have someone you know they have someone whether it is a friend whether it is a a you know family member whether it's one of us at the school that they can count on um School climate um you know right here uh that second one 87% feel like I'm a part of a community at my school you know this is something that we work hard at with our Rainbow Club with our bipac group with our culture corner um you know making sure that you know students who celebrate Ramadan have a safe space during their time of observation and you know teaching um the the other students within the community about you know why um you know some of our students won't be in the cafeteria and what this means for our students to be able to to be recognized um who they are and what their beliefs are and and so I want to see that number to to continue to grow oh school safety um um you know this these are these are really strong numbers um you know and though I've been the target of bullying this year you know I want that to be zero or 100% it would be 100% right so it's 82% responded positively meaning they were not the target of bullying yes okay yeah so it's it's not 8% has been um but you know I I want to shrink that as much as possible but at the very least it's good to know that the students themselves are recognizing that even though they might have seen bullying or what they believe is bullying which could also just be negative um social interaction with a peer and not you know technical bullying they do recognize that as an organization um we're not having it and uh that we are you know um trying to prevent it as much as we possibly can that's allowing our students to feel safe um you know the these positive feelings you know these an area for growth for us certainly want students to feel excited I want them to feel happy I want them to feel loved and I want them to feel safe so um this is something that I'm going to continue to monitor as we go along and then here the the the percentages that I I really want to shout and the 93 giving up is it that you will keep on trying and when you get stuck while something new in class How likely are you to try it a different way so this speaks to you know I've already mentioned productive strug um uh you know this this presentation you know we're we're we're building within our students the capacity to keep trying even when the gets hard this is culture this is you know every day when we say that we are made in the shade that we strive to be hardworking actively engaged determined to succeed and empathetic in all that we do build into the values of our schol it's something that we celebrate monthly with our academic adventuring Awards student get shouted out to to help me on the announcements for being you know demonstrating uh what it means to be made in the shade um so the fact that our students are self-reporting that they are living by these qualities um goes hand inand with the successes that we saw on the mcast tests I think that's it questions you deliberately assign a staff member to each student as a um you said they all have someone to go to is that no it's just every student naturally feels as though someone's looking out yeah great yeah awesome thank you thank you we [Music] have starting with child uh our goal says that by creating a saing Equitable and inclusive learning environment in which students deal value connected and ready to learn we will see an increase daily attendance and a reduction in chronic absenteeism Mountain View students will also also show an increased sense of community and belonging as reported in annual wellness and climate surveys so our current uh thank you to Frank Paige he showed us how to pull this chart at the top from power school so as of last Thursday our overall attendance average is 97.2% um we if you look at the chart below um this is our accountability data from last year where we exceeded the target um in every area um yep mine looks a little different on my page not sure why um the one I printed from Jesse has it said exceeded Target for all groups so I'm not sure happen with that chart but um we did exceed all of our targets and um our attendance rate was 2.9% last year for all students uh for chronic absenteeism uh proactively feel that if we make our school a welcoming safe and happy environment students will want to come to school so we purposefully engage students in a variety of ways inside the classrooms and throughout the school such as engaging curricular extension activities monthly spirit days Friday dance parties uh lunch groups with the counselors which is very popular uh different contests that we have going on in the building in participation extracurricular my Friday dance party last week was share If I Could Turn Back Time um because of the time change but I had to explain it to most of the students um reactive steps um we currently have 17 students out of the 291 enrolled who are considered uh by des's um atrics to be chronically absent which at this point in the year would be about five or more absences Mountain View parents are good at calling or emailing us to tell us when their kids will be out but if we have a student out more than a couple of consecutive days without a call from the parent we reach out to find out what's going on uh we have had some health issues this year again we're battling several cases of pneumonia which is how we ended the school year last year um we actually had a child hospitalized with it um and was out for quite a while as the other principles have said vacations are issue hockey tournaments um I actually have a third grader who self reports to me just so you know I'm gonna be out next Friday because I have another hockey tournament um so they know they're supposed to be there but you know they are participating in something that important to them so um I'm happy to say that there have been no absences due to truancy or School refusal um and regardless of whether or not if we've heard from parents when a child has been out a lot we send home a letter detailing the total days absent and tardy along with the report cards so we make sure to alert parents to the total at that time uh next slide um also as part of our goal of supporting the whole child we collect analyze and act upon student responses to multiple surveys regarding climate culture safety and engagement this slide shows the breakdown of the Panorama survey results from the first Administration that we've given this year our two lowest percentages on the survey were in the positive and challenging feelings categories um the I was watching Connor's presentation and his questions and responses were almost identical with excited um being usually a lower percentage um it's the statement actually says um this week um how often someone has been excited to go to school I maybe if it was phrased different I don't know but um we always review all of this data unfortunately um Panorama doesn't allow us to disaggregate by student as easily as we can with some of our other surveys um but we can see the percentages for each question so we address those topics um during Second Step lessons morning Community circles and lunch groups with the counselors um we also you look at the data from Sabers and our own School designed surveys at the mtss principal advisory committee meetings which happen once a month after school we have both of our counselors a teacher from each grade level a specialist and a pair of professional on that committee and then then we come up with a plan to address each area where we aren't meeting our own expectations and at some of our monthly staff meetings we work in small groups to develop ideas to address those areas slide uh this is our second goal teaching and learning Mountain View staff we utilize high quality instructional materials and instruction rooted in Universal Design for Learning culturally sustaining pedagogy to show student academic growth and increased achievement so this slide shows our current accountability data from uh last year's mcast we made moderate progress toward targets our Target P percentage last year 44% and this year it is 52% Mountain View was able to show progress in math achievement earning two points versus zero points last year and science achievement earning Four Points versus zero points last year as far as growth in math we earned three points this year which is the same as last year and we earned two points in English language arts um and then we have the four points for the absenteeism indicator the next three slides will show our mcast performance level by grade level so starting with grade three 45% of mountain views third third graders met or exceeded expectations in ela in 52% met or exceeded in math although we'd like them to be higher we did outperform the state at 42% in ela and 45% in math um the next slide is grade four we had our lowest scores in grade four so looking um at the question that Sarah you asked Connor about after school mcast um the question will be after looking at a combination of I ready data and mcast whether we want to focus our um extra instruction after school on these students who are currently our fifth grade um fifth graders or do we want to spread it out between all three grade levels so that's something we'll have to look at um a little bit more since it's we're only the beginning of November I'd like to wait for some more data before we make that decision we definitely need to work on our fourth grade performance on mcass um we did not outperform the state at at the grade four level so um in the past looking back grade four has historically always been a lower performing grade level than the others I'm not sure why I've never been able to explain um but the good news is that by fifth grade we always do see a jump um which you will see next so in fifth grade grade 50% of our fifth graders met or exceeded expectations in ela and 57% met or exceeded in math in science we had 66% of students meeting or exceeding expectations and we significantly outperformed the state who had 38% in ela 40% in math and 44% in science there differences in how teachers are planning and preparing for those three subject areas just looking at Ela where there weren't necessarily any points earned for um the achievement on mcast two for math but then all four for science there are a difference in how they're planning or a difference in the experiences that they're putting in front of kids to kind of speak to going from none to achieving all of the points I was concerned about that also so I looked back we've never received points in ela at Mountain um because I was trying to find a reason why there was such a significant jump in the math and the science because no they plan together they teach you know I'm in the classrooms almost every day when you're walking from room to room you're seeing the same lessons happening you're seeing the same materials used so it's really hard to explain I I can't explain why um Ela is going up like the math and the science so that's a question about for the after school do we want to focus a lot of our after school um prep on Ela rather than math yeah that's what I was going to ask is there some kind of plan to Target Ela there Ela has new curriculum as well yeah we've been using they're both new but the math we've been using longer yeah a mountain view um in particular the fourth grade um all piloted illustrative math even before the rest of the school it was optional that year um so that's why you know and they're using um I forget the name of it now so someone's goingon to have to help but the we had a lot of PD last year in the hang the uh standing whiteboard um what's that called thinking classroom yes um all of our teachers are using that they I it in Action a lot um so and also surprisingly we have more support for students who are struggling in Reading than we do in math I mean we have a math interventionist now but we didn't for a long time and we have a reading interventionist we have a reading tutor for the you know really struggling kids um we have more teachers um trained in Orton Gillingham than we've ever had before so it's really it it's hard to figure out it's hard to pinpoint where the problem is I think it was s was it 75% of grade four either partially met or did not meet expectations out of 100 Kids yep it's hard to pinpoint they get common planning time or yes so we have a Comm one common planning time every week level and the math codes um goes at least once a month but you have to remember that they have to plan for all right four subjects so she definitely is there with each grade level at least once a month if not more um and then Heather comes for the common planning time for wit and wisdom so yeah at those common planning times is there anything you're noticing in terms of friends I mean those are just like 75 kids out of 100 is quite a bit in fourth grade I think you know it's I have to say across the board Pains of learning a new curriculum and internalizing a new curriculum does take time and um you know trying to do both a new reading and a new math curriculum at the same time um and I think people felt more comfortable with math so now we're kind of upping the the uh really trying to internalize the writing I'm sorry the wit and wisdom specifically but the foundations we've had uh it's a little more straightforward um and of course that happens in third grade not in fourth grade um we have talked about uh possibly bringing Sy Phonics work to fourth grade in the meantime as we you know trying to fill some gaps um and it's definitely a different way of teaching reading and writing and so for example one of the professional development options tomorrow for three to five is is why wh and wisdom writing is designed the way it is and helping teachers to understand and then and plan that way um so personally I think it's just it's a big shift um and then the fourth grade um did decide um in both schools to do alternative modules last year um because some of the Whitten wisdom even responded to this that some of the books were pretty heavy duty in terms of what kids you know were expected to emotionally process and the one thing that I have to say about fourth grade is that they just recently came up with actual uh unit plans and lesson plans for those alternative modules last year they were really kind of left to their own to kind of fill in the gaps um so hopefully this year with more structured curriculum around the those new modules I think it will be better is the I ready showing any particular domain in Reading that's of particular concern is it phonics is it vocabulary is it high frequency words informational literature even the the mcast data analysis mcast our teachers given time app to maybe pinpoint standards or we're falling short on or yes they are given time to do that um I can tell you I didn't put up the specific reading or math data by um strand but the phonics and um it's always the comprehension is the problem it's not the phonics um and vocabulary as much comprehension and of course you can't have comprehension unless you're reading accurately and fluently so um and you know we also only started bringing in uh you know a more systematic explicit phonics curriculum a few years ago and so the three to five are also kind of catching up with kiddos who um might have needed that kind of explicit instruction who because we didn't have that curriculum at the time might not have gotten it so a lot of different factors the third grade team is very happy with foundations and very happy that they um and they really love the program so hopefully that will translit so this is our I ready data and uh we had a slight de decline in the green and yellow areas from last fall but of course they're also um student um we also the projected proficiency is 30% the no there's no change in math really from last last year to this year and the projected proficiency is 44% but on a positive note last year our projected Proficiency in Reading was 35 and our actual proficiency was 40 and it was 38 in math um and now and it was actually 51 so um we did make more of a gain than showed in the projected proficiency um our goal this year is to have 65% of students reach their typical growth in Reading um on I ready we had 52% reach typical growth last year and 55% reach typical growth in math last year we had 44% reach typical growth um all Mountain View teachers are following the pacing guides and teaching curriculum um with Fidelity as Conor mentioned before and they're also meeting together with their colleagues from Maple Shade they are keeping track of their data through various trackers for reading and math and looking at the data during the common planning times and the monthly after school curriculum meetings our math coach goes as I said before to the common planning time at least once a month I rotate through each gr grade level at the monthly curriculum meetings and I attend common planning time when it's possible the mtss team also looks at individual data during the monthly meeting and the ACT team of course looks at individual data when meeting about specific students recommended by teachers so um inclusive and supportive culture and climate by celebrating our diversity and creating an inclusive culture where all student staff and community members feel belong you will see an increased sense of community for all steps we have or will take to meet this goal our first halfday professional development was spent with developmental designs if you remember they were the group that we worked with during covid um and that's where morning Community Circle model comes from and we spent the time focusing on empowering language because it was only a two-hour professional development so we had to limit it to one area uh tomorrow we were are going to have teacher-led professional development on the regulated classroom which a lot of my teachers attend attended last year but not everyone so tomorrow everyone will be involved in that training we teach Second Step curriculum to all students and I am teaching fourth grade second step this year because of the change in Amy pelic schedule she used to teach it so um I volunteered to teach fourth grade this year I'm actually loving being back in the classroom um and we are having a good time with it um we Implement climate building programs such as start with hello have our Spirit Squad who plans a lot of events including this Friday we are having our V annual Veterans Day celebration where we actually have we have a speaker every year that's a veteran we have one of our former students coming to speak as the veteran this year um he was not at Mountain View while I was there but G say how former I missed him by a couple years I think um so we also host and community events such as the drama club which if you haven't heard will be Alice and Wonderland this year we have the PTO staff versus staff kickball game the talent show and a family movie night which we do with Maple Shade uh we will be administering the Panorama and saber surveys to students three times and then we do a school-based survey at the end of the year for the students the families and the staff we review all this data at the Mt advisory meeting and we develop a plan to improve in areas where it's needed so um what you see on the screen is the average of the school day survey results for the common questions asked of students families and staff so there were more questions on each survey but these were the question that they all had in common and these are the uh scores of those questions average together between the three groups um so it makes me happy that 97% are happy to be at Mountain View and feel welcome that 98% feel safe is uh a really big deal and that students have a trusted adult 92% so um that question of course was asked to the parents do your does your child feel like they have a trusted adult so um we had 121 families respond which is about half of the families uh 43 out of 50 staff and all of our students um we were able to disate some of the data from the responses um we had 92% or above positive responses on 11 out of the 12 questions for students um so we will work on the area that talks about how our actions negatively positively affect one another on the staff survey we had 88% or above positive responses on 15 out of 16 questions the one question that was lower than that was Mountain View is clean and wellmaintained and the comments reflected that this was due to the conditions of the old modulars where we currently have our enrichment classroom and a meeting space for IEP me meetings which most if not all of you have seen so uh you understand that and on the family surveys we had 95% or above positive responses on 11 out of 12 questions and the biggest uh well the lowest was 88% responded positively and my child and I are kept aware about their academic and behavioral progress so we talked about this at our mtss meeting in September and we realized that um after after looking at more of our data that last year was our first year using power school and last year more than half of our families did not register for data access to power school so the steps we've taken to remedy this issue are uh we mailed home a registration packet in August with the class placement letter so they could sign up if they hadn't and our school secretary recently went through the contact management section to make sure at least one family member had data access we found that seven families did not so we did significantly reduce from about half um but what we did is we sent home instructions for signing up again and since then two more families have uh signed up so we're down to five families that don't have access to Power School um I'm not able to share the Sabers Administration uh excuse me the Sabers data because we just closed that on Friday day so we haven't had time to analyze the results that's it thank you you thank you El thank you any well we have a ways to go do you have homework you want to get off you're welcome to leave if you yeah you got you're welcome on the way out too up we have uh vir hey good evening everybody all right so we'll jump right into it um supporting the whole child we obious have a goal around attendance and there's no way other than say this is the biggest challenge at the middle school level is uh with attendants so a lot of our plan this year is crafted around what we want to do about our attendance numbers um in the action steps are based on some of the lessons we learned last year we want to build on what we did well a lot of effort that went into this we want to make sure that it's going to be effective effort this year with a few steps so you know our mini attendance team does a great job of of reaching out to families when students are absent tracking the you know the reason for the absence what steps we've taken so far um we have our Champions that that meet with kids they form individual contracts with them to encourage them to come to school you know we really step that up this year we're even knocking on some doors this year which is always fun um to try and make sure that uh kids are getting school and that we know what the family needs to help get their child to school um but last year particularly in the second half of the year because we started off really well with our attendance um things got a little more difficult later in the year and I had to meet with several families was some kind of eye openening things that we saw that we learned about how many families are kind of at a loss uh with how to get their their kid to school and I think I reported at the midcycle that a large chunk of our attendance was there was a mental health component tied to it kids experience anxiety some school refusal and we had some students marked absent that next never ever set foot in our building the entire year um so trying to get people matched up with the services that they need to to help address this really something we we learned a lot about that uh last year that we're going to you know work with this year um so we also want to recognize the kids that are doing a good job coming to school we had some perfect attendance stuff we did quarterly to recognize kids that are doing the right thing we want to increase that this year we're doing it monthly along with certificates so kids don't depend on luck of the draw to get recognized for their their good attendance um and we're going to continue to incentivize it through our fun events giving kids free attendance if they have or free admittance if they have good attendance numbers um but what we've done kind of like metal brok because we've reached out uh a lot earlier to our district care coordinator Maggie Martin to get some assistance and working with these families with agencies therapy whatever they might need to help get their kid to school because it really was eye openening how many parents were saying I don't know what to do my child doesn't want to get out of bed they don't want to come to school uh they don't want to be here on time so we're dealing with a lot that this year we're trying to get ahead of that um so this goes again Beyond just apathy or kids attending sporting events or going on vacations there's a strong mental health component that we want to get out in front of and we're trying to get on that early this year and getting kids matched up with the services that they need so our letters have already gone out you've heard a lot about the letters that go out telling kids where they fall within the state requirements for chronic absenteeism we sent out 34 and quarter one last year this year we're up to 44 but we are balancing that out because our number of students that had perfect attendance for quarter 1 was 116 which is almost double what we had last year at this time so I think that we're making some inroads and it's something that we want to continue to build on go to the next slide so a big part of this is trying to figure out um why kids aren't coming to school we want them to be connected and engaged when they're in school we think that's really going to impact our attendance so we're fortunate enough to have that Weekly uh long advisory on Thursday mornings where we have 30 minutes to focus on some education with the kids and last year looking at our Panorama numbers and thinking about attendance and what was keeping kids out we really decided that we wanted to have a focus late in the year on community what the birin community was all about and what it meant to be a birchin citizen what your responsibilities were to each other to yourself to being part of the fabric that makes up our community um so I think we we continued those lessons this year and you're going to see some good results in our Panorama about how kids are feeling about being part of our community but we want to expand that so our abar group anti-bias anti-racist committee uh we're starting focus groups we're looking at different individual groups of children to focus on their burin experience to see what is it like for you on a daily basis in school what do you enjoy what's been challenging we want to take that day improvements we've done things like this in the past with focus groups on bipo students but it was more of an exit survey for eighth grade students that were leaving the building we want to be a little more proactive with that why don't we do something for the kids while we have them we want to expand our reach with the uh different Graphics of students that we're looking at see what is the bersin experience like from the perspective and then we can take some action steps that hopefully get kids feeling more engaged in even greater sense of that Community which is going to increase their attendance at school so so far we are at 96.2% average daily attendance which is pretty good we want to keep that number up high especially as we get to the depressing dark at 4:30 time of the year where're attendance tends to take a bit of a dip so we want to keep that going I we recognized where we have we had some shortcomings last year and we're trying to get out in front of that this year and it goes beyond the students to you know supporting families as well all right y I'm advance go ahead all right so um in continuing with supporting the whole child we want to make sure that we're helping teachers recognize some of the barriers that some of our students are having um a lot of our kids are coming to us with greater needs um but the good thing is that we are still able to help them grow significantly so if you take a look at the chart um in our student growth percentage um basically we're at the typical growth high level for our Ela um um our Ela content um in our classes and with math we're only seven percentage points away from typical growth high so we're showing a lot of growth but that doesn't mean that you know we're all done we still have a lot um of room to help students with their achievement and so we realized well let's tap into our teachers and really help them identify what are some barriers for like student achievement um they're growing high but where are they getting stuck and so that's where the coaches come into play like we um brought in last year we got a lot of good traction with that really good feedback from our Ela um and our Math teachers teachers excuse me um and their relationship and engagement with our coaches but this year we're expanding it to all of our teachers and so we've offered approaches to all content areas and um so particularly science and social studies in addition to ELA and math will contining the coaching cycle um just to refresh your memory about that it's typically um the coach will meet with the teacher prior to a cycle they'll identify a focus um or an area that they want support from the particular coach and then over a two week time period the coach will work with that teacher um it can involve you know some collaborative lesson planning some co- teing just some observation and feedback um data analysis you whatever the teacher is asking for so this year we had we've already had um our Ela literacy coach acem me work with one of our science teachers um to really improve writing so one of the barriers that was identified was the students are struggling writing across the curriculum and particularly in the science you know they're they're looking at their they're analyzing their data but are they explaining it in a way that makes sense um and so the coach was working with the teacher um and the writing significantly improved so we saw some samples of that in one of our leadership meetings which was really really exciting um our math coach is also going more in into more of the sixth grade classrooms and also working with some of the eighth grade teachers in their enrichment time you know frame of the day um and one of the barriers that were ident ified were the problem with fractions a lot of students are struggling with fractions and so um the math coach is going to be working with um those teachers to help um you know support students around you know fractions and using some of her a avmr experience um and expertise as well so we're really excited about just the whole coaching model um and we'll continue to push that but now not just for ELA math but for all teachers um this is the some data that um Steve mentioned about how our students are feeling in terms of the way that they're being supported so overall 91% of our students feel that they have supportive relationships and in particular um when you ask a question do you have a teacher or another adult from school who you can count on to help you no matter what 85% of those students said yes they do so we're really happy to see that of course we want it to be higher even um and we'll just continue to work with students in advisory program um just tapping into students throughout the day um and finding ways for teachers to connect with students on multiple levels even if they're not the that particular teacher of the student um in terms of school climate we have some you know really good numbers here 90% of our community felt that they are part of the community and we are doing a lot of things to help them feel that way um you know where're from even you know new students who come to the district we host hosting new student breakfast and checking in making sure that they're feeling heard and families are are feeling supported you know the surveys that we do throughout the year um lots of conversations and activities in our long advisory and social emotional um lessons that tap into community building and just relationships um and 93% of our students feel that our school is inclusive of all backgrounds and identities so we really are proud of that um especially like with our after school club and offerings we really try to make them as diverse as possible and really even try to ask students what would you like to see you know let's make it happen if we can you know we can someone to support that and sponsor it as an adult um kids are really involved in in lots of diverse um offerings that reflect their personal identities and we even tap into them at our leadership at the leadership level you know we've tapped into let's say our pride club and asked them for feedback what what's you know what would what do you what's missing in our school that would help to your you know you feel more supported um what would you like the school to know about you know some you know we've had at one point what do they have us talk about like pronouns and naming and all these different things like so just education you know just really tapping into what helps students feel that their identities are validated and supported throughout the year so we're really happy with that but we're continuing to work on okay so we're shifting into teaching and learning here and at burin we are big subscribers to the idea that a rising tide lifts all boats so we put a lot of time and effort into our intervention programs look at our I ready data we look at mcast data we look at classroom observations and we meet every quarter to try and plan out what our interventions are going to look like which students are in need of intervention you know for that particular quarter um so over the years we've added you know gone just beyond a tier 2 intervention to tier three intervention as well we have Orton Gillingham in reading and we introduced avmr math last year um so we want and you can see we had some excellent results with our students that were our lowest performers we had typical grow high for both Ela and math so our programs are making impact with those kids they are improving Target in ela with the Improvement there so we want to continue to Tinker with those programs to make sure they're meeting the needs of the students that are in front of us because these are different kids every single year you know and I attended an excellent um professional development Miss trulio lash tier about the importance of also making sure that your tier two and tier three interventions align with the tier one instruction can't be doing these things in isolation or you're not going to see the results you want so our big push this year is to try to align the interventions with what's going on in the tier one classrooms so we're making big use especially in tier two of I ready prerequisite reports which are fantastic so if the tier one teacher in the regular reading or math classroom is about to teach a certain standard already allows our inter intervention is to see what skills are the students who are struggling going to need back build to access that um instruction in the tier one classroom so that's going to be a hopefully a big game Cher for us this year we keep those numbers growth numbers High we need to keep those growth numbers High because like so junga said our kids are coming in a little bit behind where they've been in previous years so if we're going to hit those achievement targets we got to hit typical growth High every year we're going to push those where we want them to be so we'll keep looking at those programs tweaking them as necessary for the kids that are in front of us making good use of those prerequisite reports and I think we're going to see the growth numbers that we need pushing more kids towards their stretch growth and just their typical growth all right so looking here you can see that still State we're proud of the progress we're making there even though kids are coming in with some significant needs we're still growing them staying ahead of the state in all of our content areas which is important and good we want to continue that number and get everybody towards meeting expectations proficient we go to the next slide you can see where we stand for this year um as far as our ey ready performance goes um so this one is for reading and it's kind of interesting this year is that we're kind of um heavy on the ends we've got kids that are proficient and then we have a lot of kids in the red and not as much in the middle for reading so obviously our goal is going to be to grow the green and shrink the red to put it uh very simply um but we're going to have our work cut out for us this year because we have more kids in the red than we have had in the past to start the year uh projected proficiency they're projecting this at 49% which is down from last year so we're really going to have to work on those tier programs to get those kids caught up so that we can get to the levels we want to be somewhat similar in math we're a little bit better performance place in math we had a great growth year in math projected proficiency is actually going to be ahead of what it was last year by five percentage points we want to continue to shrink that red and grow that green and our intervention programs are going to be the key to doing that is there anything particular with eth grade English language arts that's happening in day-to-day instruction and seventh grade math because percentage of students are exceeding expectations in both seventh grade math and 8th grade ELA significantly higher other grade levels yeah well we have some very strong veteran teachers at those levels which certainly helps they've been doing you know their curriculum for for a long time they've got a very good understanding of the standards and how to map it out um we also made really good use last year something we want to um continue to this year of using Mastery checks to inform our instruction at that level it's something we're really growing into with sixth graders so when we think we've taught a standard we can test it through our already on a single standard heavily mcast aligned to how they test right down to Tech enhanced questions and sometimes it gives us a very different look at what we thought was a student level of understanding based on the grades the teacher we're giving them versus what this program says so we always follow that up with a data meeting we talk about the implications what do we need to do do we need to go back and retach so as a practice that was pretty well entrenched in the areas you just met last year and I think we saw the dividends of that and uh we're expanding it a lot more to sixth grade this year in fact next Thursday I'll be at their first data meeting of the Year about their I ready Mastery check and I think it's going to help Drive the scores in the direction that we want thank you har on what and really what are we doing to um increase inch achievement for all really utilizing our our programs right now um and all of the tools that they provide um so again following up with those I ready Diagnostics and those Mastery checks which are quarterly um and then our coaches as well as myself and um Steve will be going to those data meetings with the teachers and really just supporting them as they figure out what does this mean what should we do in response to this data um which students are responding to some of the initiatives that we're you you know putting in place um and what are some of our next steps going forward right now we're also undergoing an Ela curriculum review we're in the process of selecting some high quality instructional materials so that we can have a new Ela curriculum um the teachers are currently piloting units between two um high quality instructional material um materials that they selected we kind of are in this full process for a full year and by the end of this year we should select a new Ela curriculum for sixth seventh and eth grade that all the of the teachers have bought into and are um are supportive of should also really help our aligning of the tier one curriculum with our interventions because right now teachers have a lot of freedom so having something that's a little bit more structured and paced out will help our intervention is align what they're doing with what's going on in the tier one classrooms and of course we want to recognize the students need more you know they have already passed all of their lessons that I already has Pro been able to provide um at the grade level that it goes up to and they need some more support um and extension actually um so we are creating an enrichment class like we did last year to really push L and math skills we have our steam teacher coordinating this um and so she has a background in like toed um programming and curriculum and content so we're really excited about that and students enjoyed that that enrichment you know they're not just sitting there bored I'm done whatnot but now they're we're really activities um and then in terms of professional development our staff is really um engaged in PD that's aimed at looking at improving instruction you know let's go back to the basics what does good instruction look like from the planning part you know Point um to the actual lessons to you know the assessments what does that look like just really revisiting the instructional block from beginning to end what does it mean to write a quality objective or uh lesson objective you know what does that mean to work back from the standard what does it mean to get kids activated in learning like Basics that we realized everyone came in you know is in our school and they're coming in from different points and we need to the same page with expectations and we want to see what that looks like but at a at a really high quality level um and then in terms of co- teing um some of our stud our teachers attended a training this summer but now every core teacher and every special education liaison was able to um attend a half day training on co- teing so um right now we are really really excited they all they were able to get their feet wet in terms of the concept and the practice of C- teaching um we're working on developing common terminology and language sharing best practices um and we'll start to F some upcoming learning walks around co- teing what it looks like what it feels like all of those things and really getting the feedback and just just improving it you know this is this is new for all of us um um and then lastly we're really really excited because we just ch well we're getting ready to Charter our first chapter of National Junior Honor Society we will be inducting 40 eighth graders um we're really really excited about that and so we are figuring out different ways to tap into this new chapter of leadership and also tapping into the National Honor Society students at the high school to provide some additional toing students um to ser students in need and other ways to support just overall achievement in our building but really really excited about that right and for inclusive sportive culture and climate I already kind of alluded to a little bit about the work we're doing with our abar committee about getting more student voice out there in school to hopefully increase the numbers around engagement and school climate it's something we want students feel like they have some happening in the building and that's going to drive a lot of our Improvement you know and some else that I hadn't got to mention to is being inclusive with our our culture and our climate is we're making a big shift this year too with our students in our Learning Center um who are it's a sub- separate program so many of these kids will come to burland and go their entire School career without having a four class with their regular red peers so we're looking to get a lot more inclusive and also we think it's going to help Drive their uh academic achievement if they are in classes with some of their peers so in science and social studies they are going out into inclusive classrooms that are being co-taught with their Learning Center teacher sometimes we have up to five adults in the room when you put the Paras in there and support their learning and the feedback we've gotten so far we'll have to wait on the academic numbers we just finished quarter one but the students themselves are elated being included being part of the big class getting to do all the things with the labs because this includes also our students in our life skills program who are participating to the best of their ability as well so it's it's it's wonderful if you to go in and see it um see all those kids working together learning to work with people from different abil levels and seeing how all the staff can come together to support them so inclusion is a big thing about what we do we want to get that is every nook and cranny of burland Park and I think we've seen it early in our Panorama survey results and we think it's also going to extend to our academic results as well okay questions for us all right thank you appreciate it we have outlined here tonight in a lot of the action steps as work that we did last year and you'll see that reflected as I uh in the slides as I go through uh tonight's presentation so um the first uh action step connected to supporting the whole child uh is connected to attendance we spent a lot of time last year taking a targeted approach um you know to addressing chronic ABS anism um you know across all grades across all demographics uh we we saw significant decreases in chronic z um across the school uh so in 2023 we had a 17.9% capm rate last year for all students we were sitting at 5.4 which was um a huge negative uh net 12.5% change um we're ecstatic with that um there's obviously still areas where we want to see growth uh we still have um certain demographics that are when it comes to Chronic absenteeism so if you're looking at some of our high knees population uh our low-income population our special education population you still see those three areas um uh with a double digit percentage uh of chronic aism rate and that's really going to be um as we um you know continue to make sure that our kids are in school because obviously everybody knows there's direct correlation between Student Success and student uh so just continuing some of the work that we did last year with our attendance team and also our Administration Tak a coordinated and targeted approach between balancing support for our students when when they might have um those identified issues like you heard some of was talking about around um you know some U physical ailments or uh you know some uh um anxiety whatever it might be that's keeping them from coming into school but also balancing that with uh with accountability we have found that um kids do respond when you hold so um I think when pandemic hit we we definitely lean hard into the support piece but we're also finding uh the accountability piece is also uh big driving force to keep kids in high school so um so we really balanced that this year uh and um if you jump to the next slide we're continuing kids in school on a regular basis so right now we have 97% attendance rate at the high school uh that means basically 732 out of 754 students on average are in school every day we have about 20 kids absent um on any given day that's that's a really good um number to be at that means about five kids per grade so I'm really happy with these numbers that we're seeing just continue sucess uh so second part of supporting the whole child I'm going to turn the FL over to G to talk to you about um some of this stuff that we're doing around the freshman team and also the Contin uh work we're doing there by layering in a sophomore team this year as well so our action step last year was around creating the supports for freshmen and this year we just took that and we've expanded on that and and so um basically we have expanded by um adding a second freshman team and we also have added a Cort of students in sopt who are sophomores uh who needed additional support as they moved in to their second year of high school so last year we figured out what was working really well with the freshman team and then we also saw some things that we would need to you know improve on for this year and so if you look at the slide you know Frank has has alluded to the CCH and nonch students on the team and so one thing we realized didn't work last year that when students were transitioning back to the high school from CC in the morning if they were going into an academic class during that lunch block they were missing a chunk of instruction so this year by having them on a separate team from the other freshmen who are not ctec students um they're transitioning into a foundations block which has been very helpful so they're not missing direct instruction and um they're they're with the teachers from their team they can move students around to help with some of the support during that block and so it just seems like it's not hitting them as hard academically because they're not missing the instructional piece that in the past um the other thing is the freshman team from last year did identify that other cohort of students who needed additional support going into sophomore year looking at their grades looking at the EXL um and of course you know there had been the mcast data from 8th grade um and then of course now we have the um the data from last year's science mcast um so those students were put onto a team and they have a math and English teacher in common and they're getting in the layered support as well uh and they also have mcast prep as part of the support that they're receiving during the school day just really not only addresses some academic needs but it also is addressing some of the social emotional needs um and the team time that these the people on this uh on the freshman and sophomore teams uh it's really helping them because they're able to work together they're collaborating they're planning um they're able to bring in um counselors when needed they're able to address issues that surround maybe attendance achievement uh behaviors they can call parents in during that time so it just gives them some flexibility in terms of planning with code teachers in the special ed inclusion inclusion classrooms and also collaborating with one another and figuring out how they can best support the students that working within those groups um so we would like to build on this uh keep moving forward obviously the whole goal is to make progress with the lowest performing students and we feel that we have been making those gains we want to continue using all the data that we're Gathering um from the support and intervention work and then use that to uh push the students and then um hopefully you know we can still uh offer two teams next year uh the hope is that we won't need a large sophomore team moving forward and we'll just be able to give that targeted support to the students who need it most most all right um so shifting to the goal around teaching and learning um obviously we do have uh those teams in place for the Freshman sophomores um those are built around those common set of teach for math science English and social studies um but when it comes to um a lot of the work that we're doing this year around uh our accountability data we are focusing uh hard on math and Ela um I think last year just to highlight some of the numbers that we saw uh and some of the work that we did both I think there's a number of pieces that I think we can credit this to uh but around some of the work that was done with the teams um around uh some of the co- teaching models um that we uh implemented with our special education staff and our core content staff um and uh some of the PD that we did connected to the math uh math department um and just shifting a couple years back away from the semester based courses to the full year courses uh we we saw the gains in our uh student scores that we've been we've been hoping and you know honestly yearning for so um what was great last year is across the board in in math science in English we saw uh us pretty much exceeding all Target stay set forth um but what was really um exciting to me is that our students with disabilities in our lowest bless you so our students with um disabilities and also those performing students and all three content areas made most significant gains when it comes to uh comparing them to all students um so that was really exciting to see uh we celebrated this as a staff back in October when these numbers came out um because uh you know our staff should be recognized for the hard work that they put in get the kids where they're at um but there's obviously work to do um you know I think there's still gains we want to see we want to start continue to closing that gap between our our L performing students and that that whole demographic um We are continuing that work with um running thatl diagnostic three times a year to screen students um and uh the data from those diagn ICS are being used at the uh individual level for students where the I Exel does build that skill plan uh that is being addressed both in the also in the classes where students have foundations um so uh we're also see it being utilized um classroom level when teachers are identifying areas where like whole classes might be um demonstrating weaknesses proficiencies and in certain skills uh and um the the uh the next department meeting uh I'm going to be meeting with the English and the math department to just talk through and show them the different ways of analyzing the uh the EXL data for um forther content areas um question no you been sorry I do have a question but not right this second so we do have um um structures in place to support our students and talked about we also have that added layer that we've added the sophomore year where we have that targeted approach for uh demographic students that was identified at the end of last year who might need that additional support going into the sophomore year to make sure that they are prepared for this year's mcast regardless of what 10 retest when does Wednesday next week yeah this week so well the the grade 10 retest yes so this week Wednesday Thursday for English and next Tuesday Wednesday for math okay because there were roughly 30 perent of the English language arts and science um did not meet expectations in 40% so is that for all of them sitting no so um students who failed is that what we're talking we had about I think eight or nine in in English and eight or nine in in I was around 14 for math I don't know who did not meet right right yeah so um so we did run an mcast boot camp for the last couple of weeks for students for ELA um which finished up on Friday ma it overlapped math which had theirs last week and continued into this week um those was running after school with our mcast prep teachers they were the ones who were um overseeing so each so Ela had I believe five sessions and we also have five sessions running math prepare those students for the uh for the test because obviously right now those kids are all they're all Juniors were there any specific trends that can then be funneled back into the 9th grade work to get ahead of it for 10th grade like were there any specific standards that were um at those individual student levels or are we talking schoolwide both I mean if the kids are sitting for the retest was there something that was across Ela or math and then from the previous year to help feed that structure that you're building between nine and 10 so when you break it down by I don't have the information in front of me but if you break down by standard um we did for the most part in both math and Ela exceed the state average in um in the majority of our our uh our strands um where we're always closer to the state average but still above is always in our writing and that's always an area we want to improve I do know um going into the uh November retest for English they did have a um focus on the writing with those students uh what's nice is when those fortunately those students do fail we also do get also their uh the raw data and the responses so the teacher were even able to share with them uh the essays that they wrote back in the spring walk through with them why they were scored the way they were get them to reflect on that and you know talking about strategies they can do to into this test is writing something that's being cycled into that n9th grade cohort that I forget what you call it specifically presentations course yes like is that like a specific Focus then when they're working there since it's something that has been historical in terms of yeah yeah so the focus is is the old way of teaching writing with the old mcast test where it was that five paragraph essay we've shifted away from that and worked on um a lot of strategies that align to the new mcast test um so synthes synthesis of information when it comes to taking two sources combining into one um and the new curriculum that they're going to be using is all about yeah Does Odell does Focus heavily on actual evidence uh utilization of non-fiction sources which I will say a lot of our curriculum was pretty fiction heavy um so we we have shifted a lot towards uh fiction Works in t classes uh so just continuing that as I said before we definitely still have work to do uh so uh this is just some information from our Excel September um uh if you look at the strands where um sh our students are are well and where they might be uh demonstrating weaknesses on the ELA side uh we did see a lot of strength just that one area of Grimmer mechanics was uh was below uh grade level grade n um in math overall there there's definitely a lot of work to do you do see that our students were strongest Ro which is of course are either they're continuing to take at the high school level um but a number of those different strands things like geometry you still see as weakness part of that we're we're assuming as a school is due to the fact that the kids take geometry sophore years so they're not fully into it yet we're hoping to see growth um significantly in uh in those strands of math going from the fall diagnostic into the January the one it says like 500 does that mean like fifth grade then is there are there opportunities then within math classes if we're seeing students come out at geometry around fifth grade and even fractions around seventh and data statistics and probability around fourth which I don't quite understand because that's not taught into sixth grade but um how are kids getting access to manipulatives because if geometry is a very very manipulative heavy and vocabulary heavy cont or strand so are there materials within the ninth grade math blocks to support the conceptual understanding of fractions and geometry especially if kids are demonstrating gaps going back to fifth grade so that first question you talked geometry and the use of manipulatives um that that is a class where we have two really strong geometry teachers who um use a lot of manipulatives to go through the content uh second part uh I was confused how they're placing students in fourth grade on data statistics and probability must just be on the data side because stats and probability don't hit until middle school no but just how they're using manipulatives and their knowledge base around fractions in Geometry going back to grades five and six like their knowledge of those standards to be able to backfill any areas of concern at the ninth grade level so just to hit on the class that has a lot of use of manipul or geometry class I I don't see it a ton in uh in our algebra courses to to be fully candid um you know but uh teachers we just ran this Diagnostic and um we are sitting down in the next month to go through this information identify the different strands where um we're seeing weaknesses and where we might have to um make adjustments based on where our students are deficient so uh because obviously all all six of these strands that you see up here um are uh tested on the MCAS you know so we have to make sure that those kids get up to Great level when um talk about the inclusive and supportive culture and climate we're using the same data points that we used last year uh we see a a slight increase among our students um feeling that they're a part of our community um we're striving for both of those numbers to be above 90% And we think that the leverage Point here is is really working with our our families and digging in deeper with our students um I think we're already seeing some fruits of that labor so for example we have a senior function at the beginning of the year they first year we involved parents into it um prior to that in previous years it was a group of students that just would text each other in in half or maybe even less of the grade level would appear and we would complaints throughout the day that they students didn't know about it you know nobody told me I didn't I wasn't aware of this so we we started working with our parents they planned the event with us they hosted the event for us and the sentiment from the students was in completely different there was this sense of togetherness there was um this Aura of appreciation and so you know we've we've had now two events that parents have planned with us and implemented with us we had a group of a dozen parents setting up our Junior and senior semi-formal uh they planned with us leading up to it and and make sure that we were including um we had parents of a from a wide variety um of of demographics all walks of life and they were making sure that their students and their students friends were felt included in that event and we also got um great feedback from students from a survey after that dance and so you know getting parents involved is has really changed the the climate and the culture of those events um and then handing students more voice is helping them feel like they're more part of our community and so a great example of that is our Juniors received a survey this earlier this year talk about uh field trips that they might want to take historically we've gone to Pine null with our Juniors um late in in the year and so um I collected all of their ideas and S sifted through them and provided them three options Pine being one of the three is in last place currently you know so the kids are telling us what we've always offered them isn't helping them feel like they belong to our community and so um the other options are are Far and Away leading I know the woo game is a contender um so there's a lot of things that we're trying to do to help these students feel that a you know they are part of our community but that that Community is one that they're proud of and so we really are just hanging our head on this Spartan Nation Mantra and making sure that all of our kids see them see themselves inside of that Mantra so um that's that's our work in this area I think we're good thank you thank you thank you to all of you thank you everyone for coming tonight much appreciated SL later good night everybody night night thank you next item our discussion of policy khb um advertising on School District property okay thank you in your packets you have um this is a continuation of our discussion from last meeting regarding school policy or committee policy khp which is advertising on School District policy or School District property excuse me and um we had a a pretty um Lively and in-depth discussion regarding um how we do this but also stay true to the school's Mission and um certainly the school's code of conduct um and so the committee had asked me to look at um other districts where policy allow this to happen uh and so doing some research both in the lpvc but also with some of the online database at the mass school Mass Association of school committees um two specific follow teams came into play both of which I've included um in your packet one was from the Acton boxboro school district and the other one was from the West Springfield School District um I shared both of these policies not only with the chair and vice chair but I also had a chance on Friday to discuss them with um our attorney for the school district and um our attorney was feeling better about how these policies were specifically written recognizing things such as um codes of conduct Mission goals and so forth of what um districts basically align themselves with and all also that as you take a look um things such as the school committee not recognizing the fact that advertising on school property then becomes a public form if you will because the policy specifically is written recognizing the fact that it's not the same as public forums where freedom of speech take over um so the chair had asked me when presenting this to um the chair and vice chair in our jend evening to take a shot at creating a draft and so that is what follows in your packet original policy khp which is a relatively short policy then draft policy khp that takes um into account both some elements of the act and boxboro policy and then a lot of the elements that are found in the West Springfield policy and then in addition to that adding the um the actual rules and regulations or procedures which is kb- R um I won't read through the entire unless you would like me to on the entire policy and procedures but um some of the highlights I just gave you on khp the policy itself which is a little bit longer than the current policy and then the procedures going to um some incredible specifics and one of which is where the school committee would um even allow this to happen in terms of advertising should they allow a specific group to advertise um and right now really the only designated area that we have ever really talked about is the the fencing of the DS athletic that certainly can be amended as you see um in letter b at such other locations as deemed appropriate by a vote of the East Long school committee basically the policy draft and the procedures bring all the authority back to school committee the one thing I would um offer uh for further discussion and review is that the West Springfield policy is set um in such a way that they were looking to advertise as a way of raising money for athletics I don't know if the school committee is interested in doing that for the high school I know that some of the groups that have come before us um have been Rec groups that are raising money for those specific recck groups that's a discussion I think that still needs to take place all you because that's not something that um the school system has ever done using advertising as way to revenue therefore given that that's a discussion we haven't had I didn't put in the actual contract contract is geared um if you look at West Springfields around uh specifically looking to raise money and what Banner if you will what size Banner to purchase thank you for doing that this makes a lot more sense to me seeing what school district doing based on our conversation last time I left confused I won't lie I very confused about the fact that we didn't seem to have any you know authority over what was being advertised so this brings some perspective so thank you I think in our discussion with the attorney it gets to the the specific language where you're saying this is not a public um where anything goes it really is designated the control by the school committee so groups would still have to come before you to put anything up whether that be the high school schools um uh within the district or the rec department um under the exemptions and exceptions on the third page of theing policy rules and regulations it's specific to talking about public service announcements or announcements of events directly related to Services of the eow public schools or eam Meow Town departments so I know currently we have signs up outside of East Long Meadow on school property so with those then have to also come before us okay so like if there's events in summers or long metal then those would not be included in this is SE those should be seeking approval with this policy um what the school committee wants to do with something such as um the e leaf Spartan sprint that would be something that you could be discussed and is that added as an an exemption or an exception that's up well I think when they put in their petition to use anything maybe that could also be included in that as well like they're able to put up some signs at the sites yes y so that it's consistent because it true and you can certainly do that and many districts do in terms of use of facilities if the the actual event is not taking place on school grounds though then you wouldn't be able to include that because they wouldn't be applying to use school grounds they have such as a school no they have last place uh at the Depot this year but then if they wanted to put the advertisement in the sign up for it at the schools they would have to come before they would if unless we' put them in put that in there and then oh that made me think of something else it was Elie that even pertain to like wreck programs like I noticed even driving into the parking lot here sitting up for basketball that kind of so that's what we're trying to capture with number two um the other policies had something similar so since we we are very much aligned with the recreation department in town um and in other policies and even in building use we give them first um right of refusal so to speak if if the schools are not using something the first um chance to use it goes to the rec department I was capturing it there in number two that's something the school committee does not want to do then we should probably revise that no I I mean for me I think that makes sense because I think the amount of times folks would have to come back right to us over the course of a year for those types of would be quite a few every year yeah but I do think it it got confusing because we had groups that came before us where I think the committee was thinking this is a one-time request and the group petitioning was thinking this is now forever correct even though they they were realizing that they had to take it down at the end of the contest they thought well next year when we have a contest or next week when we have a contest we can put it back up yes um and so I think there was confusion in that understood but when it's an outside outside of town Department's entity even if they've donated money um that they still should come before you and if they come before us and ask for the duration of their season that's something that they could ask or they have to come before us every single game um I don't believe if we're not going with the contract or we were going to change the use of facilities we can it's the school commit prerogative be up to us yeah to revise that currently we don't have anything reflecting that other than the original policy um I mean maybe it could there be some kind of maybe document that they fill out or Springfield had a sample one um it's it's their um but it goes around you have to revise it so if we're not looking to use this as a a revenue generator for the school department then we probably should revise them but they do they have a contract I think that would be nice document I doed um so does that mean then for the fireworks and for the road Club concert series that they then would also have to come here with their banners they won't because they won't have the fireworks here because of the construction project what about the concerts um concerts are also going to have to due to the construction project look for another I believe another uh venue at least for the next few years okay yeah but that does end up being one of our schools by chance they would still have to they would need to come here okay and actually they did the Rotary Club every year always came before to ask about the concert series and um for fireworks asking for permission to hang banners thanking their their sponsors um and then for the advertising policy rules and regulations I think the only other location where folks have typically hung things would be the birchland Park softball fields because I don't think there's any other fencing no's not the s so I don't know if that's just a spot that we would want to consider adding rather than there's no real other what do you mean adding because right now it says currently designated facilities for the placement of commercial messages and AD advertisements are as follows along the fencing of the E elhs athletic field so saying the only other fencing that would be an a location would be the burchin Park softball diamonds there's none at Maple Shade there's none at Mountain View and there's none at metal Brook where you could fix something the only two struct fence structures are a high school and birchland um so we could we could add a b if you will a along the fencing the athletic field b along the bpms softball fields and then C at such locations as de other locations as appropriate by a vote of the East Long school committee because that's where I think like C would become if EF wanted to put a sign up ahead of the Spartan sprint in the driveway of Maple Shade in the driveway of Mountain View like those are different locations that we wouldn't be able to identify ahead of time right couldn't we just say East longw Public School athletic fields so that it covers everywhere you could um but there aren't uh great options at uh the the elementary schools I know but it's yeah I mean it's still all covered yeah new effects going around the new playground like it's just I mean I get adverti the new I'm just saying yeah that maybe to be more General might be easier down the road yeah yeah that's what I'm thinking um I can revise this and um bring back uh a revised contract if you will that maybe is added to our I don't know that you want to add it to the use of building because not every time a group uses the building they may not be asking us to right to advertise just attached to this without the revenue piece um did Mr McGee have any opinion on generating Revenue through the only time that um we've ever encountered that in terms of discussion it's been high school booster groups asking us which they still they have the opportunity to do those are separate accounts aren't they right totally yeah right and they have discretion over how those booster club funds are spent correct as do the rec right but this would be more to say like if if the athletic department through like the high school wanted to create a fundraising opportunity for its account that they could then kind of would that cause I hav't I can't speak for Mr McGee but I do know it it um takes a lot of management right um having been a part of it quite a few years ago as the principal of llo high school when we started to venture into that and we as a school at the time was very thankful that central office took that over so I'm just guessing that Mr McGee may have that same right I would um concern because in addition to his regular duties he then would be managing sponsors and you also have to then similar to that contract um if it's annual then you have to make sure that the um groups are updated annually and they're told okay these signs are coming down and that become somewhat of a management um nightmare nightmare I mean I would hate to say like sorry know if it's something that he thinks is potential Revenue source that can support the athletic teams here I can say that um I also I mean I can certainly ask him the question I'm not speak I can say that it's it's not a significant Revenue Source having seen it done for a few years in llow it didn't make or break um programs okay um it didn't make enough money to say oh my gosh wow this is really incredible we're now able to do all this for these teams okay all right then we need to wait to vote on this until you make the revisions I would um okay if everyone's comfortable I'll make the revisions from the discussion that we've had here I'll bring back um a contract of sorts so that groups have something to submit and um certainly people can they'll also give me an opportunity to send it again we spoke in person to the attorney he happened to be here on another matter U and so I gave him all the policies and he was feeling better about the the um examples that I had given him okay so and masc Sample policies has language relative to as so okay so I will um bring that back yes meeting in that policy you know we have like the procedure part should we have something in there then and forgive me if I've missed it that describes how then those groups get on our agenda oh we can that can be cont that might be something that they might not know right so like if we want if that's the expectation then our procedures is don't we have like a policy but then the procedure yeah it in there yeah like then that should reflect what they need to do what they need to do and the timeline by which we would expect them to do it so that understand so that they really understand like we're not asking you can't ask us for tomor before and you can't come kind of like the field trips like you can't come yeah three days before you're trying to leave the state like there might not be right opportunity for that so really thinking about a timeline do they get in contact with the superintendent do they get in contact with the chair like who is to become the point of contact for getting on the agenda does it go through Donna does it go through person in charge that way there there's no guest work and the people it probably draft something I think it probably makes sense for them to come through the central office in order to get an agenda and so it really would be the time frame we're asking okay contact central office by such and such a time okay and so get on an agenda so the school committee has the opportunity to approve this or at least discuss it and then decide right and like what we would want to see like do we want to see um proofs what are those called samples of what they're trying to hang because we don't want them to print something that then they spend money on that then we're like well no you can't hang that like and like those types of details because that would be important I feel like all right um next item superintendent educator plan okay in your packets uh I have provided all of you uh now that we've gotten through all the presentations smle presentations um uh educator plan that uh is for the next year and certainly as we discussed last year can carried over into um accountability results and conversations that we had as we did this year and basically it's adopting all of the District goals Excuse me while also looking and updating at the um Desi accountability targets as well as um bringing into um some individual practice goals and also highlighting some of the things that we're doing um in terms of professional development you heard a lot of what the schools were talking about tomorrow we have a professional development day um for the district we're using the morning of both professional development days to make sure that we have a district through line if you will around the work is doing on the whole child uh and we're working specifically with Dr Jessica peppel who um is a diversity Equity inclusion belonging director and coordinator um has done professional development um in this area specifically and recently with the lower Pioneer Valley educational collaborative so she's working with our leadership team um over a series of um days and weeks if you will uh we have I think five hours of coaching for the leadership team five hours of prep while also doing some uh keynote work with us starting tomorrow and then again in January and uh the two hours we've had with her so far as as a leadership team have been um really impressive and so we're excited about that work to um then we're also and you heard this reference um Le in Meadow Brook's presentation continuing the work around the radio classroom and that's District last year was more of an option uh during our professional development days but we saw that there was a significant interest um both in the first November day and then again in the January day and it was across grade levels which was really impressive it wasn't just the elementary just the secondary group so again year we are able to work with the regulated classroom and get um building trainers trained so that all five buildings have trainers build and and in the late morning tomorrow go more specific building curriculum support uh in the afternoon this plan is in accordance with wishes like to make a motion I um sorry I move to approve the superintendent educator plan for the 2425 Academic Year as presented okay I have a second second any further discussion I just want want to thank superintendent Smith again for keeping data at the Forefront of his educator plan I think that just sets the tone for the district that data is Paramount and that we're here to work in in service of student achievement so I appreciate the fact that that is the first goal and that there are metrics in it specific to each of the schools and mcast targets thank you and you actually heard in all the presentations how much and precise they're getting at it which is nice to see those in favor say I I I that carries for zero zero thank you and if Miss Brown to bring this last item this will be for the evening be quick last item thank you Miss Brown appreciate you staying I know that you're not feeling well I'm gonna go quick all righty all right okay um so we wanted to give you further update on the construction project and then at the end of the slides um with all the slides showing you some of the updates that are recently happening which is really exciting um let you know about ceremony that we're planning for later this month which is November 22nd so this obviously is where we are uh although the grounds have changed considerably this brown if you can go to the next slide um this is where we hope to be in a few years and then this uh some of the really great progress uh moments that we've seen Miss Brown if you can uh flip through we're going to go fast so this is uh the footprint of the new building which is really exciting to see I believe this is a drone shot and so for the first time it's going from something that you've seen on just uh some of our posters uh to actually seeing it dug into the ground in the back here slide this is you'll see a series of slides here where they're getting very specific and putting the footings or preparing to put the footings in for d-wing one acemic Wings more of the footings don't did you go out there and take these pictures I did not I have been out there but I I did not take the pictures these are far better than I can do um so this just gives you how extensive as you bring these things and uh prepare the foundation sensive it becomes so is that like where the baseball field was this is now further back towards where the um drainage is um towards the stadiums just over to the right of this okay okay yeah here keep going gotcha okay this gives you a little bit of the the intense work they're doing a little bit more of that the plans while we're out plans I have them too starting the foundation for the walls exciting uh that gives just gives you a look at um this is actually out of order if you will but it gives you a look um to the question you asked Mr Julio um sort of where this is located yeah so this is now looking back at the existing cafeteria and this is as they're flattening that whole area to get ready to outline the building and begin that Foundation behind because that's the baseball field right there right back behind it right perfect I wanted to give all of you as well as anybody might be still watching at home um watch at home later uh with the recording sure they're all watching where we're located but also it gives me the opportunity to invite all of you to um oh actually one more slide there it is okay great um sorry my slide slide sorry I was looking up I'm behind on my slides on my computer um Friday November 22nd at 9:30 that's the bre breaking ceremony and um it's going to be a little bit um brief I guess would be the best way to put it uh brevity is going to be sort of the theme although we will have because um msba wants to make sure that we're bringing in not only msba officials but also State officials who all supported this this work so we will have um State reps and State and local officials there the the big celebratory ceremony obviously is the ribbon cutting and we get a few more years down the road but groundbreaking is important because you see where we've gotten to and you also know how much work it took to get just to this just to he it's it's a lot of work years years of work so um if you put in your calendars and you can make it and join us November 22nd at 9:30 um we are putting together a form groundbreaking should we plans be here at uh early would be better and then here most likely it's gonna take place question I well I don't know at central office yes that would be okay yeah we will probably breed everybody up front and then we walk back okay to where the construction site is happening good was quick for me yeah it was the record I'll add that to my plan already all right so that concludes our meeting um I moved to a journ uh so moved second second second oh second by William hi that's unanimously we are Jour yes we're