okay hello and good morning this is the July 1st meeting of the school committee 2024 call the meeting to order 8:15 the meeting is being both audio and videotaped we going buy all the formalities uh first order of business we have the approval the FY 24 end of year transfers unless anybody had anybody to say does anybody have any Communications no good okay go ahead please okay um in your packet did everybody receive their electronic packet okay yes uh you see on the top of the sheet um areas where we had money that could be transferred at the end of the year to take care of areas that are um dealing with some deficits so from the top we had uh Legal Services um unit a teacher salaries pair of professionals a little bit in professional development and then the medical therapeutic staff um Legal Services is always somewhat of a um roll the dice whether you're going to have money there or not um but teachers andair professionals we had um a number of leaves that went to unpaid uh this year and then inair professionals um unfortunately there's always uh a percentage that um is somewhat of a revolving door and so so we weren't always fully staffed um that's getting better so I'm hoping that that's not always a an area where there's uh money left over uh and then the medical therapeutic staff um that also was challenging to fill this year um for some of our um neediest students uh and so we we've been doing more through agency um getting more help through agencies than uh hiring um people people at will and then we transferred into things such as um staff software um contracted Services substitutes curricular materials instructional software special education Transportation which is always a big one and then Athletics and maintenance of the building overall is 297784 that was transferred uh into those accounts and you see how uh at how much excuse me was um put into each area questions from the committee that maintenance a building was a specific project you where we're going that yeah um 25,000 all okay any other questions if go ahead SAR no I said no n have uh then we we would go to uh uh for motion to accept since the transfers have already been moved I would say accept would be the right word so a motion to accept the transfer I make a motion to accept the fy2 24 end ofe transfers motion Me by Amy second second by Kate any other discussion all in favor say I I I those oppose they that carries 5 Z thank you okay thank you very much Sor second in enough K yeah we have the um New three-year contract for the E Public School Food Services uh that we've discussed previously in executive session if there are any other further discussion on that I would entertain a motion to approve that make a motion to approve the new three-year contract for the elps Food Services motion made by Amy second second by Antonella any other discussion all say I hi those POs n that carries 5 to zero thank you I'll let them know they'll be excited and um that leads us to a final piece of business reorganization of the school committee and of subcommittees so wait we didn't where's the other one should have two sheets there for subcommittees but where's the committee that's what we're calling that yeah okay uh and I'm going to turn the meeting over to the superintendent which is traditionally done for this subjects take it away Gordon thank you Mr Thompson um so at this point we're looking for nominations for chair for the new fiscal year I would like to nominate grg Thompson okay so second who is that Kate Sarah Sarah okay let see okay all right and are you accepting of the nomination okay are there any other nominations okay hearing none any discussion okay then uh all in favor please say I I I right any Nays okay and no extensions that's passes 5- Z oh actually I'm sorry I'm supposed to do a roll call though let me start that again M trulo yes okay M rilla yes Miss lien yes Miss denta yes and Mr Thompson yes okay so that's 5- Z and I'll turn the meeting back over to Mr Thompson thank you Gordon I'm back okay with that why not right Iain motions congrats for the trophy Cas uh I would entain motions it's the same trophy as last year though yeah I'll be scratching another date looking for nominations for vice chair please I nominate anthonella as Vice chair nomination has been made is there a second on the nomination second seconded by Kate any uh would you accept the nomination anel yes I accept it any discussion on that no any other nominations for vice chair hearing none we'll vote on the nomination for anthill all in favor we'll roll call Kate yes Sarah yes Anella yes Amy yes and I'm yes as well that carries 5 to zero congratulations yay [Music] [Laughter] you're in for a lot of fun I'm excited um then we have uh school committee uh roles and responsibilities we have the subcommittees uh to review most of us have uh subcommittees we have one that we certainly to talk about the collaborative representative and then uh certainly open it up for discussion on other committees that folks would like to drop or that they would like to potentially pick up discussion who wants the collaborative I think that one meets once a month right yeah and uh they are struggling um I think to get quorums so it's probably important that we have someone who who can do that when does that meet Sarah when is that usually was Wednesday nights it's by night with my kids it's like at six o'clock I don't want to do it sorry I was going to do it but I can't I wish I could come was online I Gordon I think you asked last time but they can't offer us like a zoom option um I did ask last time they they didn't have it um last year I don't know if they're considering it for this year I can certainly check share it right I mean it's just no I also asked that they they wouldn't allow us to share it's just a huge commitment like it's be it's on like a second School literally is a second it is a second how long does it go Sarah those me didn't go they can actually be they can yeah yeah I go um every three months to the other one and and they've offered Zoom before because we went in person twice but they offered zoom and it was fine so I mean they can just do that that that makes everyone's probably everyone because even for my committee the corporation one they're struggling to get people yeah all right I'll put my name on it why not we'll see if they kick me out next sir you're following in uh good footsteps you get would be the first time yeah you bet any other discussion on any other committees folks want to get off or get on to or stay the same going once going twice got it half do with mine okay yeah so I would inate a motion to approve the reorganization including the one change to the collaborative representative I make a motion to accept the reorganization of the school committee including the change for the um collaborative representative motion made by Amy second second by Anella any other discussion all in favor say I I I those oppos nay that carries 5 to zero as well well and I think that bring this to the end of our meet sh does okay Fourth of July are going to see everybody there you're good super fun with that I understand a motion to a jerk motion motion made by Amy sure s second by Anella yeah all in favor say I I those oppos nay that carries 5 to zero thank you we are J to