##VIDEO ID:Cq53d-um_9s## e e e e e e e e e e e e e and I call this meeting to order at 7 o'clock pm uh the New Jersey open public meetings law was enacted to ensure the right of the public to advance notice of and to attend the meeting of the public bodies at which any business affecting their interests is discussed or acted upon in accordance with the provisions of the act the east Rutherford board of education has caused notice of this meeting by having the date time in place thereof provided to the record and South tgan night newspapers to have published and posted in the vestibule of the Barrow Hall and public libraries copies of agendas are available 48 hours prior to said meetings in the board of education office and are posted on the east Rutherford school website www. erboe.net uh please stand for the flag salute and remain standing for a moment of silence I pledge aliance to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic which it stands one nation under God indivisible with liy and justice for all roll call Mr B Miss Caruso here miss KY here miss Mena here miss shamley here and Miss Luso here uh fire exits to the front and out to your left all right I'm going to suspend our normal um business for right now and we're going going to have our interviews for our vacant uh seat so what I'm going to do is I'm going to we're going to interview people in the order in which we received your letters and we're going to ask the other candidates to um where they go all right so I believe Miss Zer you got your your letter in first so you will be up first oh never wait wait Mr I think he was hold on all right you're here miss Sol you're here you're here yep we're gonna wait for Mr je okay vol yes so Mr vachi will be asking all the questions good evening Miss Soler if at any point you need me to repeat the question please do so not a problem okay okay all right okay first question Miss Soler what motivates you to want to become a board of education member I would say the children Str through mostly and probably you know normal Bo of Education buildings they run well okay thank thank you next question Miss Soler a member of the Board of Education requires a lot of time dedication and commitments do you feel that you can devote time out of your busy day to commit to this enormous responsibility if so how much time do you believe is needed as an involved board member okay yes I have lots of time as I going be re soon congratulations and let me tell you I know how much time it takes I would say you need eight hours within a month to dedicate to the board of bed because board bed members are supposed to be available whenever they're meting you get a phone call sometimes for quickie meeting or like that so obious say need at least eight hours a month dedicate thank you m the next question what do you see as the greatest challenge facing this school system I would say fiscal responsibility maintaining a balanced budget without drastic CS yet caring for the taxpayers next question misser can you describe your approach to fostering an inclusive and Equitable education environment for all students regardless of their background or abilities how would you work to ensure that this approach is implemented effectively throughout the school district um well equal support for all students um support according to individual needs Supply teachers with materials and support and um it needs to be diverse regarding the race gender or you know religion Etc um also needs to be accessible to be equal access for everyone thank you next question Miss how would you ensure transparency and accountability in the board's decision making processes easy keep the community involved that's important to always involve them um involved in meetings invite to meetings invite to events um honesty and trust all along way thank you next question what do you see as the board's role vers versus the administration's role in running the school system thank you this is a long question so if you need me to repeat it please uh Public Schools often have to enforce and vote on policies that are sensitive and controversial can you as a board member separate your personal opinion and or beliefs from your duty as a board member specifically when it comes to responding to public comments and social media how do you plan on supporting can you support a policy that you are not in favor of okay well any questions coming from like the media or from the public about things that are happening in the system should really be directed right to the superintendent you should not be answering questions on your own we've always been taught that um I would always support a policy especially if it was voted on and the majority rules obviously and it would need to be discussed for me to back it if it's discussed then good and right or wrong a vote is a vote and yes I would back it right right thank you Miss last question why are you are are you not running for the open three-year board position in November okay I am running for that position because I did not know that this position that's about it well thank you for your honesty um that's all the all the questions that I have they were the same questions that were shared with you unless Miss Soler has a question for the board [Music] members yes that's it that's it it was painless painless right thank you Miss Sol uh yes Mr J CASRO yes oh oh yeah no yeah you're right yeah you didn't say that was the last I don't think they return okay yeah I don't Mr V any how are you good well thank you for being here thank you for your interest in the vacant uh board position I did send you the questions ahead of time want to ask me the same questions if at any point you need me to repeat them just let me know and I will repeat them okay sure all right first question what motivates you to want to become a board of education member I now have a good M I now have a I have two kids I have a 5-year-old and a two-year-old I now have a 5-year-old at McKenzie so I'm newly and more personally uh invested in kind of the space that they live in and the education they receive and so um a friend had kind of mentioned see came available and uh my familiarity with kind of the Boe and how they act is limited and so I was like you know what I need to get more on top of this I was the president of my condo board for eight years um I like to be invested on the ground and so now you we've been you know maybe a month kindergarten I to kind of jump in okay thank you next question Mr vaugh a member of the Board of Education requires a lot of time dedication and commitment do you feel that you can devote time out of your busy day to commit to this enormous responsibility if so how much time do you believe is needed as an involved board member uh part A yes Part B again I I don't know I'm unfamiliar my gut says 5 to 10 hours old but I don't I that could be crazy I nothing is ever crazy thank you next question what do you see as the greatest challenge facing this school system I will speak to just a school in general because again this school we've lived here since 2017 but my personal boots andn experience has been for a few month um I would say maintaining a kids first education in the face of um uh uh Bad actors and false information making sure that we are focusing on kids education and the evolution of that um you know it's not just Math Science and arithmetic anymore right we there there are more things and uh I think uh maintaining a sense of progress in what kids need to know and should be knowing in a safe environment thank you next question can you describe your approach to fostering an inclusive and Equitable education environment for all students regardless of their background or abilities how would you work to ensure that this approach is implemented effectively throughout the school district um uh well so there's the Practical diversity of me and who I am and being a parent of a kid on the very very youngest uh portion of the school system um I'm also a gay man I have a husband and we have two kids so we're we family um so I'm just inherently a little bit diverse and then also my position is making sure that our focus on diversity is in celebration and not isolation um I know that's just a sounds like a linguistic difference but making sure that celebrating X is not including why from participating it's we're we're celebrating and so I think uh making it a positive experience is just that little twist of point of view could be really helpful thank you how would transparency and accountability in the board's decision-making processes again I apologize I don't know enough to probably speak to that however when I was cheating and looking at your website as we getting I noticed that like everything is posted to the weite that's pretty great I did not expect that um so unfortunately I don't have a cool answer for you well we app we appreciate your honesty next question Mr vau what do you see is the board's role versus the administration's role in running the school system I don't know a difference as far as it's um uh effect on the uh on the kind of legislative or policy side okay fair enough thank you next question is pretty long if you need me to repeat it please do so Public Schools often have to enforce and vote on policies that are sensitive and controversial can you as a board member separate your personal belief I'm sorry personal opinion and or beliefs from your duty as a board member specifically when it comes to responding to public comments and social media how do you plan on supporting and can you support a policy that you are not in favor of um I think the point of the question is can you avoid the Facebook trolling you know inflammatory stuff absolutely um however silencing descent I think I can't and I won't because I think descent is a is a wonderful part of the kind of legislative process obviously in a respectful way so I think if there was a public request for my point of view on something that I didn't support I would the honest truth is I I would explain my point of view as a means of transparency as per your previous um statement but there there's a Nuance take to that it's it's not blasting the the the groups and getting them face the fights with people I do think positive um descent strengthens the decision that was made right if it was a majority situation um it's important I think for people also in the community who maybe something has passed where they disagree with it to know that there are voices saying what they're like but why didn't they just say that that was said So my answer is yes there is a respectful kind of Lane to be I think in a position of U of leadership however I think the voice of the sense and respectful way is imperative thank you last question why are you or are you not running for the open three-year board position in November um all my ins answer to part A is yes I I would like to it's a strange I know this is a kind of strange situation um but because I am invested in this long term as per my children I my two-year-old will be in the system I assume in about two years my son's already in the system and I'm a big believer in like if you can participate in decision- making process it's far better for and so I'd love to have a long-term commitment to this we've lived here since 2017 I don't see that changing um so yes thank you Mr B that concludes our questions unless you have a question for the board members thank you so much thank you [Music] good evening Mr Sanders how are you good how are you yeah thank you for um for supplying for the vacing board positions we appreciate your your interest I I did email you the questions ahead of time and if at any time you need me to repeat the question just please do so just stop me and just say repeat that question and I'll gladly repeat the question for you okay thank you all right first question what motivates you to want to become a board of education member that's a good one obviously a very active individual in the community I always have been will continue to be share a lot about the town the growth of the Town stability of the town and certainly the fut of our town as a youth that go to our schools so that's important um I also am a proud father for beautiful kids that are in District you know one back one Ley as you may know one's actually a graming school in Fairfield you know which is autistic you know nonverbal um the beauty there is that the the board as well as the administration I think we're phenomenal the last 11 years of Our Lives to make sure that we found the right place for him so little bit of grateful so pay forward is something I've always done thank you next question a member of the Board of Education requires a lot of time dedication and commitment do you feel that you could devote time out of your busy day to commit to this enormous responsibility if so how much time do you believe is needed as an involved board member I I laugh when I read the question and I myself as anybody here ever coached 14 new softball um that was probably one of the biggest commit I made last year had a great time with students obviously in softball but that was that was phenomenal um I do sit on the planning board pre shuford and over the last year being involved there may have missed one meeting due to family vacation so when there's when there's a commitment to getting being present that that there's a value to being there I don't miss so once I commit I don't miss so again I think time is absent without value I'm here today because I see value in the board and time doesn't exist great thank you Mr Sanders next question what do you see as the greatest challenge facing this school system good one I've watched through the years of you know standards and testing standards and where we land against testing standards and I'm always hoping for up to the right and if my CEO is behind me right now that's all it enforces me every day to be greater and make sure the graph is going up into the right so I I would say that not being staus qu would be great you constantly showing progress within the town that would be what i' be looking for you know and I think there's some other stuff that gets deeper too real life scenarios you know listening to students listening to parents it's important to understand what children are what what the students are going through you I've got three different three in you know each other schools that are very different you know from the one that will always go prepared and will never go unprepared the other one that just has such confidence it's amazing that she just gets have done the other one the bowl in the china shop so I have different students kids that I need to figure out how to motivate educ um you know and then to watch them transition transition from McKenzie to Lincoln from Lincoln to F from F to becton are they ready for that transition and what are we thinking about to make sure that they're ready and my personal experience of this year is concerning watching that transition from F to to decin you know there are some students that are incredibly talented that were in apq classes and H classes that aren't in the many what's what why you know so those are questions that I'd like to ask and understand if is it preparation I'm certain it might not all be laziness right there could be some preparation of their Readiness for high school that might not be there those are some of the concerns that I see that challenge us to make sure that when these kids are ready for AP the work is exhausting I saw it over the summer but they're they're not to the point of where they're going to crumble right so those are some of the things I say that understand thank you Mr Sanders number four can you describe your approach to fostering an inclusive and equitable education environment for all students regardless of their background for abilities how would you work to ensure that this approach is implemented effectively throughout the school district well that's my life um you know obviously having my son which is just a beautiful individual within the school um we grew up with that so inclusivity and making sure that kids understood what different is versus you know what curiosity is right and making sure that everybody RS around that Curiosity we have always made him a present member in the community we have never got got a babysitter to watch him because I think there's a lot of learning that goes on when he's out in the public with these other students and they're not afraid or Furious or you know again all those things occur unfortunately you know with with children that are different learning levels whether it's a class that they're in or a physical element you know so that is my life you know we have worked really hard in making sure that he's raised up and you know I I'll I'll I remember the day you know there was not a dry eye when he walked across that stage of beetman to get his eth grade and I'm I'm grateful for the board for making that moment because it's one of the most important moments of my life so yes that is my life I understand it I understand what it can do and so yeah if you needed a board member that could focus on that particular segment and crush it just sit in front of you thank you next question how would you ensure transparency and accountability in the board's decision-making processes talk communication that is the toughest word for some people to understand understand but we got to be we got you got to get it out fast you got to understand what's coming back make sure it's a collective audience that understands what the thoughts are what what's coming up for the board what matters for the board taking in real impact information and again that comes from students to parents not just parents because I know they've got a loud of voice you know my family has a lot of voice you know but you know what's going on and so yes I think communication is probably the most important um and you know when you make that collective decision you stand behind it thank you next question what do you see as the board's role versus the administration's role in running the school system I mean that they're not the same there's policies and procedures that need to be built and of course there's Administration that need to execute on that right that's plainly what I see um you know again those decisions on the board I think are the challenging ones because we got to set the policy ahead of time um you know then we got to make sure that it's it's executed lawlessly so I think they just kind of land their own uh location but they both work thank you next question is pretty long if you need me to repeat it please feel free to ask Public Schools often have to enforce and vote on policies that are sensitive and controversial can you as a board member separate your personal opinion and or beliefs from your duty as a board member specifically when it comes to responding of public comments and social media how do you plan on supporting and can you support a policy but you are not in favor of yeah I do that in the planning board it can get pretty wild at times um and so yeah collectively you make a decision um and it's a board that has a voice right not an individual so not that's why there's a board it's not a dictatorship so that um but once that decision is made you get you get behind it right and I I'm not a fan of a meeting after the meeting and you know the meeting happens the meeting closes that's it we move forward and and you tow the line of the decision the board made it's not that secondary meeting that goes on that un undermines you know the the value of the board and what the board represents so yes 100% is the answer there I would say that collectively there's a looking around there's some pretty intelligent people here that can come with a pretty good decision I'll back 100% thank you last question why are you are you not running for the open three-year board position in November opportunity KN and I came to right that's kind of how I see it um that doesn't mean that I won't right so you know there's open seat position to be filled love to see what that seat looks like feel that out personally I've never been on a board of education certainly been on other boards and then based on that there's some decisions that need to be made for the future but again I'd love the opportunity to sit and see that Mr Sanders that was the last question do you have any questions for the board thank you so much for your interest appreciate it [Music] okay okay so what we're gonna do is we're going to adjourn to Executive session to discuss and hopefully come to a decision tonight and just so you know that if we do come to a decision tonight we will swear you in before we start our agenda and you will come and sit with us tonight if that's okay with with you all right so can I have a motion to adjourn okay all in favor I any oppose seven e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e I need a motion to return to the regular order of business second okay okay so we did come to a decision so at this time I need a motion to appoint a new board member for the vacant seat of trustee segalini president I motion to appoint Jeffrey Sanders to fill the vacant seat of trustee Antonio SE second roll call second sure miss yes Miss Caruso yes Miss Shenley yes Miss Mana yes Mr B yes and Miss laruso yes and I just want to say that the decision did not come easy we did have a lot of discussion and we did discuss everybody's benefits to the board um so I hope to see you guys come back for another try thank you and congratulations so you got Mr Sanders Mr Sanders hold to grab the mic so so the people at home people at home hear that work gotta hold it down yeah just hold it down yeah let me use this there goes make a sound I sorry I Jeffy Sanders swear I Jeff Sanders swear that I will support the Constitution of the United States constition United States and constition of the state of New Jersey constition and I will be true faith and Allegiance I will be true faith and algi to the to the government's established to the same the government EST United stes people people IES IES that I the qualifications by office and [Music] notal 19-1 191 nor disqualify due to conviction of a crime nor disqualify conviction of crime or offense listed off listed new JY stat [Music] 18-1 121 and willfully willfully and perform all the duties of that office perform all the DU of that office to [Music] the welcome congratulations [Music] sorry oh yes there you go [Music] sorry all right are we ready are you ready Mr sand all right uh committee reports um School business administrator report Mr verrai thank you Madame President uh first is the non-resolution item the New Jersey school boards Association Workshop is scheduled for October 21st to 24th which will be taking place at Atlantic City Convention Center uh I encourage and I recommend all board members to look at the plethora of workshops that are available each at every day uh I'll also encourage you to download the app I know I did so this way I can keep track of what classes I'm going to attend everyone receiv received a folder it contains all information hotel reservations the Jitney schedule also reimbursement form and any events that we are going to attend I have sent that by uh via Google invite uh calendar I'm sorry and that's about it for that and okay next is the buildings and grounds report uh from our buildings and grounds and transportation supervisor Mr bani our custodial cleaning efforts our custodial teams continue to make significant progress in enhancing the quality of both daily and evening cleaning their dedication is evident resulting in noticeable Improvement in the cleanliness and maintenance of our facilities we remain committed to supporting our custodial staff as they strive to maintain a clean safe and welcome environment for for ongoing maintenance work order uh maintenance work orders are being addressed properly and promptly with a strong emphasis on resolving day-to-day issues our maintenance team is diligently working through the queue to ensure that school buildings and Equipment remain in optimal condition we appreciate their hard work and attention to detail and keeping our facilities running smoothly uh the operations work operation here work order system is functioning effectively much better than last year when we were using brightly we just didn't use it and we were using pretty much a Google doc to do this so this is much better much more efficient and work orders are being addressed prly uh we did have fire alarm inspections have commenced uh ensuring compliance and safety across our facilities we did have our quarterly roof inspection and maintenance they've been conducted revealing minor repairs that are necessary we are currently awaiting a a quot for those necessary repairs employee evaluation this has to do with maintenance and custodians as well as Transportation six-month employee evaluations have been completed and distributed to all staff fostering a culture of feedback and growth safety train and all staff have successfully completed the safety Vector training reinforcing our commitment to a safe learning environment and now for Transportation uh we did have our quarterly bus inspections it did reveal that two of our vehicles needed minor repairs and they are being fixed at this time our new part-time bus driver is performing exceptionally well without any issues we also have a new part uh similarly the new part-time bus aate is also doing well contributing to contributing positively to our transportation effort also to let the board know we did recently hire an an additional part-time bus driver and Aid we are currently awaiting the necessary paperwork to finalize their on board and so again I want to publicly thank the board for their support and Mr Jen CASRO and also thank Mr batani for all the efforts to to ensure that our maintenance and custodians are where where they need to be where they need to focus their attention that we do have dedicated bus drivers so I'm thankful for that see next is deasio Food Service prepaid balances at the end of September 2024 is 93677 negative balances I just want to make the board aware this is for active students so yes unfortunately we do have quite a few families who have negative balances that do carry over and that is 96724 I do not have the monthly statement that shows if the Food Service program is running out a profit or at a deficit so once I get that I will report that out hopefully by the next meeting I'm happy to announce that the audit field work was completed by Lurch Vincy and right now we're just finalizing a few things and we did have a pre-exit conference meeting with the the two Auditors they were very happy with what they saw they we had discussions about what to do with surplus funds and we're confident that the board uh will be appreciative and and uh support what we what we want to do with the Surplus for physical facilities the approval of the monthly facilities calendar for November 2024 and then our two Finance items F1 approval of bills list number one for October 2024 thank you Mr Banker once again appreciate it and F2 approval of payroll for 2024 for September 2024 that concludes my report Madam president uh any discussions [Music] um superintendent report Mr Jean CASRO thank you madam president um at our next board meeting which is on the 17th presenting the October chronic absenteeism demographic report we're above the 90% threshold which is really good and we try to keep it above 90% as well as the demographic rate report um as well uh next next week we're going to be presenting the data from the New Jersey student learning assessment um that took place last spring uh I'll be providing that to the board um just finalizing a couple of things so I'll try to get that to you prior to the board meeting um but I will uh that will be presented next week in the area of uh superintendent resolutions we've had our fire drills and evacuation drills for the month of October we're finalizing those as well as the enrollment will be updated at that time uh and then we have uh harassment intimidation and bullying report we have two which I'm prepared to present to the board board won't take action until next week but I'm prepared to discuss that in executive session uh for those two um situations or two uh reports for the month of October uh nothing to report under the area of curriculum as well as nothing for technology um so I will keep the board AR breast of what's going on once I get the report from technology from Mr uh uh bardi thank you Personnel items we have the Kelly education substitute listing which the board usually approves every single month in the area of personnel actions oops okay so currently right now we just have home instruction one staff member came forward for one of our students that requires home instruction um area of uh Transportation expenditures we're looking at text which is contractually we're obligated to do that would be Mr verace myself and Mr bardi down in Atlantic City and then Mr valard going to the BC PSA principal Association there is a meeting that they have that he attends in Hack and Sack see what else we have here some Personnel items there are some denum items there will be an additional denim item for personnel actions uh in the process today of hiring a new administrative assistant to the superintendent since we got the papers from um Karen delinsky D board meeting so I'll presenting a new person there um you will see that as well as pea we were able to secure a supervisor for paa as well as coach um we're looking to uh bring about a teacher as well one teacher we do have two preschool teachers that are already on staff we looking to bring on an additional one so that'll be coming your way as well uh we have the academic uh tutoring program that we have I know miss cruso you ask me every year this rest coming out of this this code here uh which is the tutoring and we also have substitute I know one of the things that we had asked is we have separate the two from substitute and those that are tutoring um so those are the people that we'll be voting on for McKenzie fa and Lincoln School we did receive a resignation letter which will be acting on next week uh which is a resignation of Gonzalez with regret so she will be leaving us um and then p6a those are the two step members that step up for any kind of translation that we have um in the area of Spanish so that we have that um that's a paid not to not to exceed the, we haven't been able to utilized them in the past um but when we do they're on the agenda for approval and other than that there's no other resolutions but I do want to inform the board um I know a letter went out to parents regarding the Pea grant that we the aid that we received um there will be an informational meeting that will be coming very soon so there was a letter that went out to parents being a genest so those parents that were on the waiting list to let them know about that they need to register their child to make sure that they're registered online so when it starts we're able to hit the ground running as well as those parents that are not on the waiting list let them know that they can apply apply I attended a PTA meeting last night just to let parents know some of the questions that they had was um will the reimbursement take place the full reimbursement yes the full reimbursement will take place um and that'll be at the informational meeting as well and it is for general education the grant is for jened preschool students three-year-old foury old full day full day so it will be free preschool okay so we're looking to get this up and running uh the uh we need to have it done by December December we have 75 days to get it up and running um and with growing over the next five years so it's a really great thing for each brother for be weing for this for a long time that's all I have here any discussion [Music] a lot ofes but I do want to state that I think it's very important that we work to get and back in CL um [Music] yes that is the plan we have just one right now out um as truste board member uh MRSA had mentioned one of the things that we're looking to do is to try to you know we don't want to rock the card right we're trying to look at um other locations to house um currently we just had a meeting with the CED Public Schools um and they also received the the aid money as well so we're looking at other options um there is uh land options that are available there's buildings that are very close that we're looking at we're still continuing to look at the why uh we're looking at um other locations but again there's that that 950 square feet that we're we have to depend on um but we are looking because we we want to be able to exactly what you said not mess everything up but again one of the things is to get that free preschool and that's what we were looking to to do but yes we're trying to do that absolutely two quick questions um one how many additional students will we be able to bring in this school year on top of who's already here I believe I have to just check the number I don't have the exact number um I believe it's up to there's for every 15 children you're allowed three spaces for special education um so 15 right now but just don't quote me on that 100% I just have to check but I believe it's 15 but because we have to house the existing that we have right and then this just one extra class one extra classroom right and then for the students who are currently half day students do they is there a requirement that they're full day or they can stay half day and that's still I believe it's full it's full day for the requirement for to be prechool free would we have to be full full yep okay good question just want to ask question so this money that we receive 3K yes it's for this year only it's where're we're utilizing yes it's f is money so we get it every single year we get that money yes we will We Will and in the beginning just to keep in mind yes yes yes we are we are getting it we have it um the thing that's we don't have it yet but we are getting it um one of the things too that we're trying to do in the front in the beginning we're purchasing Furniture we're purchasing supplies so ultimately when we get all that money we're utilizing that and then ultimately you know we're going to be using that towards the program and trying to expand the program even outside of here and opening up additional classes because we have five years to bring it to full trans so we're trying to yeah we're trying to make it bigger and better so there again you know will we have more parents waiting you know there there could be that situation where we're waiting we're trying to open up additional classrooms so this money that we're receiving is guaranteed money as long as long as we meet the requirements set forth by the Department of Education every year yes it's not it's not um a grant they could just take away it's Aid just like how we get state aid yes that's the differ I'm sorry many 75 how manys are currently on 30 we not be able to get all 30 of those right but we don't want to open it up so quickly and then not be able to man it and manage it because it's a lot and we don't want to you know go too quick and then right and that's and that's one of the things in the letter that went out today that there'll be an informational meeting to give them a little bit more information on it we like I said at the PTA meeting I just don't want to put information out there and have to react it because it's incorrect so [Music] yep transition yes that will be in the informational part right yes no problem well my question was already answered because when you said it was for the Gen Ed I just wanted to make sure that there were special education spots available uh that's part that's part ofir and again I also just want to I speak from my own District we are opening up our 10th class this year we started during the pandemic and from what I can see the money is not going anywhere like you know so well just the eting yes right we're getting the it's pea so preschool right right yes absolutely I don't believe the state budget can afford to do c District So eventually if they [Music] that's what that's my always we don't have point right we don't know how long that option is going to be there to apply to apply for the paa we don't that could go away yes but once we're granted the money we believe it's here to St anybody else sure okay I just just have just one just one so Sanders congratulations so we just have to set up a time you can call me tomorrow because there's an orientation that you and I and Mr V have to go through so if we could make schedule that maybe right before the board meeting about an hour would be great just follow up with me you got it um any old business any new business um at this time I'll open to uh public com public comment opening to public comments on any agenda or a non-agenda items state your name address for the record address the board president each person wishing to speak will have five minutes each anyone wishing to speak will be given the opportunity to do so no okay seeing none I close to public comment um and at this time we're going to adjourn to Executive session resolve that in accordance with section8 of the open public meeting act chapter 231 the board has the authority to adjourn to close session to discuss matters pertaining to Legal Personnel negotiations attorney client privilege and or student matters said matters will be made available upon the determination by the board that the disclosure of the minutes will not detrimentally affect any right or interests of the board the board expects to return to the business portion of the meeting in approximately long for [Music] you we go with 40 minutes 45 45 45 I hear 45 only once no action and no action will be taken do we have a motion second roll call all in favor any oppos no okay 817 e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e I need a motion to return to the regular order of business all in favor iOS motion to adjourn second all in favor any oppos thank you folks we see you November November