##VIDEO ID:DS5Lktqi8xo## e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e oober 2 during the month of October thank you to the DCA for helping to coordinate both picture day and the Book Fairs LOL School make a picture their schedule for December 13 for anyone who requires another opportunity the October Lincoln School monthly meeting introduced our Lincoln leaders program and reinforced expectation for all facets of wild cat Student Life students were educated regarding H law and a brain challenge included the assemblies to earn points towards Live school houses LK you School celebrated the week of respect with messages of kindness Home Room activities and a kindness challenge that all tied together to support the climate and culture missions of our building the ER fire department visited linol school to promote Fire Safety Week with our fourth and fifth grade students thank you to Fire Marshall Barnes and Miss G for our community outreach alongside our bra fire department for ensuring our safety School violence awareness week begins on October 21st different announcements messages activities and events will be thr to promote respect the community red red rden week begins on October 23rd and Lincoln School will again submit a photo into the national Red Ribbon photo contest programming will include student pledged to remain drug free to support healthy habits parents teer conferences take place on October per more information regard two clocks with time Avail parents will follow in the coming page schiek school guidance to buing prevention and respecting other teach and students please see our District web schol wild Cate mon recogniz character and great students oober 14 pain on a day in October hon awar on Thursday October 17 I thank you for the nurses for the month of October SCH T department on Thurday October 31st at 1:30 P.M [Music] numerous report from our students for some upcoming events for both honoret R have lot this year those us within the schools and out in the commun we look forward to coming back in the month of November and high more of thank you because believe me this is the the highlight of the meeting so thank you great job guys nice job all right so at this time I'm going to open to public comment um opening to public comments on any agenda item state your name address for the record address the board president each person wishing to speak will have five minutes each anyone wishing to speak will be given the opportunity to do so [Music] okay exactly seeing none I close uh to public comment uh committee reports um Mr V verra School business administrator there are just a couple items addendum items that I want to address first one is pf18 approval of the monthly facility calendar it was revised what was revised was the the addition of the Wildcat basketball team practice for the month of November as well as there was a change on November 14th with wck basketball instead of being at Lincoln they're not going to be at F gy for that day uh PF 2A was the approval of District use of facility application one of them was for the uh National Elementary Honor Society induction which is the reason for the move for uh Rec basketball to go over to fa on November 14th and the other application was for the use of Lincoln School gym for the Wild for the Wildcats basketball team practice f1a approval of bills list number two for October 2024 thank you Mr Banker once again for your support and the last one is f3a the approval to submit a comprehensive maintenance plan for 20 24 2025 this is something that all school districts we are we have to meet and we have to send this information into the county by November 15 so we want to be proactive in getting this on tonight's agenda instead of wait for November 14th okay any discussion okay uh Mr Jan CASRO superintendence report thank you madam president a lot of things on part my presentation Fe a lot of stuff going so I'm going to start with my report first real quickly and then there a couple of questions uh that I know some of the board members may have just regarding some of the activities going down at McKenzie and then I want to talk a little bit about um preschool expansion parent meeting that's going to be coming up and then lastly the test scores okay all right so U from MacKenzie School 370 students up four F school 240 staying steady at 240 Lincoln School up to 177 students a total of up six students 787 students uh all fire drills for the month of October except for one drill that has to still take place at Mr vard's building because he's away at Workshop um he will be taking care of that next week and that will take care of all of the um fire drills and security drills for the month of October um last week at the work session I discussed two HIV investigations I have one more um non-hib that will be discussed in the executive session later on uh let's move right along in the area of special education total number of students 131 students in District down one student in District 177 117 students down two and out of district is only five down one student out of District placements in the area of preschool So currently right now there was a notification that went out to all parents uh to register the registration actually ends tomorrow so it's important if our parents are listening please make sure that you are registered uh to apply for the preschool program uh and again last week that that had gone out uh just recently placed on the district website um there is a flyer which all of you have in front of you looks like this for the public and public can see it um but it is a flyer that's been placed on the district website um underneath uh parent Academy um right now parents don't know about it yet because it's in my hands but tomorrow there will be a Genesis blast that will go out to all parents in the district so I want to repeat that again it's an informational meeting which will take place on October Monday October 28th at 6: PM Zoom because we feel like we're getting most parents um exposure to parents via Zoom so um that will take place um they'll again Genesis PL will be going out um part of that presentation will be also the full reimbursement to those parents that have already put money forward for preschool uh that again will be fully refunded not not per month but from the beginning from the onset of the school year for whatever they uh put forth um parents will also receive not notification um regarding student placement so all parents will know about that November 18th if you um have a we're going from again like I said last last week we also said that um we had a waiting list so we're going to be going from that waiting list in order parents already know their number so they know where they are very ambitious about getting their child in um but you will they will be notified on November 8th and they will have 10 days to confirm placement if they do not confirm placement by November 18th we move on to the next number okay so it's really important I want to repeat that again November 8th parents will have to will be notified about placement into the program they will have 10 days to respond to the placement otherwise we need move on to the next name on the list um I know one of the board members couple board members have some questions regarding if you are part time part day or half day preschool it is not we are only full day so if you are part half day um you're not going to be eligible for the program so that means you would have to disenroll your child um and then unfortunately there's nothing else we can do with pea so it is full day preschool only again full day preschool only and parents will be in reimburse um even if they're exiting the program uh let just make sure I hit everything bulk furniture delivery was set for pea started coming in so I'd like to thank Mr uh abani who's been really working very um very hard was very hard it's been a lot of work on his end um also thanking Mr verrai for his assistance and Dr King Dobson for orchestrating that making sure that all in on time so we can get moving um one of the other things uh that we were talking about last time was um kindergarten because of the number of students that are enrolled in kindergarten is is so many uh is a good thing right more children it's great we love seeing children coming into our schools um but right now we are in the process of hiring that teacher which is on the agenda for approval this evening um so that will be coming your way for approval we just have to wait for background checks all those information that we normally do for any a new hire and we're hoping that we can get this off the ground by the middle of November that's what we're looking at right now middle of November uh parents will be notified by Mr Barrow uh regarding um when that will officially start um but that's where we are to bring down the numbers of uh kindergarten I know the board had some concerns which were concerns of mine as well so I I I definitely join in the concern that the board has regarding this placing art and music we tried to do the minimal amount of change uh but unfortunately we didn't think that we were going to have that many kindergarten students as well as we had to anticipate the receiving of the funds for pea so again I want to say this publicly it is temporary that we're displacing them that is our mission I know um Miss Mana you were discussing that I agree with you I couldn't agree with you more on that so we're trying to look at outside locations to house our pea classrooms um I want to thank um Miss Evans and the carlstead uh Team who've been working with us to try to find placements as well and sharing Personnel so again I couldn't be more happy with the carlstead public schools so thank you very much Miss Evans and your team uh let see if I just didn't miss anything else that's all I have on pea I just want if you don't mind Madam president can I just open up to the board there's any questions about paa or kindergarten that might be concerning I could try to answer for you if I haven't answered them already just want to give everybody time yeah yeah F how are we going to like how is it app are you talking about like Place separ separated how it's applied how we prevent anything from getting mixed together so I will answer part of that question and I'll give the rest to Mr Mr RI um so when we get the funding on that a lot of times people are saying we may say well where are we getting the money from where are we getting money for a new kindergarten teacher where there's no money in a budget where are we getting it from we have to remember that a lot of the money that's coming in from pea right is subsidizing the the salaries of current sitting teachers so that allows us some flexibility in that money so that we can utilize that for another section of kindergarten right can't use paa money for kindergarten but it's relieving some of that money of our general fund so that we can use that for kindergarten right so that's one thing um Mr verrai has mentioned that it has to be a total line item total account that's for pa8 do you want to just talk a little bit about that Mr R before I answer the last part of the question sure so what I want the public and for the board to know that this is not a grant this is Aid and so there are certain requirements so when we did submit the application there was a very detailed worksheet that we have to submit which is called a planning workbook and in there we deta how we were in terms of salaries like who was going to be there they wanted to know salaries they also wanted to know benefits uh there are required positions uh for example we also have teacher assistance there is like you have to have a super uh if I'm not mistake you have to have a supervisor instruction that's part of it you also have to have it was a CPS you also had to have uh uh what's called a PS CL coach and another position called a pic these are were these are requirements that just have to have these positions made available with within the preschool expansion 8 so all of these the salaries the benefits as well as the tell you right now as well as materials is being funded by the Pea there's FS funds this how separate it's separated by the account code so instead of like the general fund has an 11 this will be 20 almost like how we get idea how we get title when we had arp arp Esser so that's how we know the differentiation that this is fund 20 and not fund 11 and that the funds here are coming from the State and not being uh locally funded you're [Music] wel yes yes so it's excellent question so currently right now we have two gened preschool right so what's going to happen is one of the preschool teachers going to be coming out of that and become the coach right um so that would be pea money right and then we're hiring a new one which is also paa money so we'll have the three gened classrooms just keep in mind that there is 15 spots to each of the classrooms three being accommodated for special needs 12 a dozen for Gen Ed um uh students yep yes yep if we need a nurse custodial there's a whole there's very very specific um items that we can right off towards the Pea uh that's that's part of paa funding teacher assistant teacher assistant right I don't as of right now we don't because we have to get the list of who's going to be eligible that's what we're waiting for so once by November 18th so by the the board meeting is November 14 14 14 still know but I'll I'll call you don't say know I I'll a full point now J preschool who preschool no no not classroom student actual students h i can get the number for you how many students are we going to be able to bring in we're only adding one right so we're bringing in 15 and then probably 15 and like maybe one or two others so we don't have like 20 in a class right now where five of those kids are gonna have correct and the reason why remember we have five years to totally implement the process so if we open up additional classrooms even outside of the school district that would be another 15 another 15 another 15 correct plus special needs students possibly up to three correct yes ma'am regards to appointments I don't know um I I I think I don't know if time to bring it up I'll wait till wait get person I'm sorry I'm just trying to just I'm just looking for just one piece that oh there it is okay yeah I can try to answer it now I can try to answer now if to the pr it's in the it's one of the agend okay appointments okay that I'd like to take okay I don't know if I'm if should do it now or wait wait till you can wait until they we take a vote and then they table certain things just's personel chair yes she is you just don't have to move that issue okay so you just won't move it and there's no need to table it and yeah but even if it's under the addendum items they're under addendum because you're still the Personnel chair so it's your it's your motion no so I just won't no but she's the Personnel chair so she has control over that so she can just not moving right or if you're going to move those items just don't move that item okay and just one other thing while we're on personal I know Mr Veri had mentioned it but I just want to so that the board fully understands the coach is just not there's three pieces of the coach right there's three different titles that the one teacher coming out would be fulfilling um and that the salary would be based upon 50% 35% 15% of each one of those titles based upon how much work there is so for example it would be preschool instructional coach slash preschool intervention and referral specialist slash Community involvement parent specialist okay so that's like the official title it's just a lot of work that's in there and that's one person and then the other appointment would be early childhood supervisor so it's just like it's it would be a a supplemental contract because that other staff member is is is um aligned to other roles in the district which that that staff member will continue to do so one is where as the salary where the other one is a supplemental contract to the existing cell so that second person second person right so part of her salary would be part of public and then the supplemental part would then be part of be from the Pea money correct 6500 EA her entire salary is 100% in the general form now just just keep in mind and this is to you Mr Banker so just so you know gives you peace of mind okay when we're doing this whole thing with pea we are direct contact with our Auditors so we are watching they're watching how we do it when we do it advising what we need to do because again it's something new to the district and we want to make sure we that we are separating it and we know which is coming from which fund so I can assure you that we had that conversation Mr ver a question uh contact with Jeff Bliss so we've been in contact with Chris too okay so you know that we and if we and once we have it all break broken out we have no problem sitting we can just show you how it's broken out give you a little piece of okay that's what I was gonna ask could you give obviously I don't want like exact items or whatever just like like and break can be purchased what can be paid for just like can we each get a copy of that so absolutely because I feel like we asked the same question each meeting and I think we had it in front of us and broken de absolutely we' stop asking right now receiving tuition for all these students that were no longer going to be receiving so those funds that were probably offsetting the cost of that staff member is now being absorbed by PA so it's not like we're getting those additional funds now back in our budget because really the tuition was paid so we are required as part of being except having preschool expansion a that's one of direct Reis prerequisites we have to return any and all tuition that has I'm just saying we're not getting like this teacher salary that we're taking off the general fund that's go to paa but really the tuition was paid for it but it's but that's but you got to keep in mind that's Revenue I mean that's Revenue separate right right but I'm saying we're not we're no longer taking in that that's correct that's correct that's correct [Laughter] correct to our understanding unless you could answer it I believe it's the same throughout every year there's no increase Am I Wrong it it depends depends we would put in I actually did talk to Dr King doson I said can our request increase it all depends on every year when we submit our they'll tell us yes or no we're ining the rooms but we do have to submit uh budget to them and they would have to approve it yes so can it possibly increase every year yes if we keep adding more classrooms we add more but you have to also remember too when we front load everything we're that's the initial front loading of furniture and right so if we're not expanding then the furniture stays the same we're getting money that's when it's less money that's just Furniture we E mark it for something else and following question to that is this programs being instituted so once it's in place I guess we cannot turn anybody away that's my understanding long we have space right right as long as we have the space if we don't have the space of course right right and then and and one of the questions that you had which is a question for a lot of superintendents is like well what happens if the the he goes away right and what do we do we have to take that out of the general that would be just a disaster because there's so many districts that are being funded through paa that would be horrific I I I don't even want to think about it and my last question ISR do we have any preschool students that are out of I would don't not not that I'm aware of that I would check no just jet day J good question just exctly how much money we receiving how much money we receiving we are receiving $595,000 30 students turn away it's just I just wish we had the space you know it's just we're looking we're not giving up we're not giving up on the children we're just we're GNA try to find I know parents have been wanting this and we're g to try without trying to rock the Apple Court you know want to do so just one more question okay with just talking from experience here um with this uh pea right are we also looking into budgeting for more specialed preschool students that we may identify and have to possibly move to a self-contained class or you know something like that come up General paa is only for general education special education right but what I'm saying is again talking from experience from where I work yes um I between my three preschool disabled classes we get a handful of students that are moved from this pea into our classrooms and we've you know have to hire more AIDS maybe open up another preschool class disabled class like so I just want to make sure that that's on the radar Forward Thinking yes that could Happ absolutely sure any other discussion okay next part underneath um actions underneath allend Ms would be of course personnel which Mrs cuso we mentioned so we'll be moving those this evening which is pa2 p uh P2 I p2a p3a is expenditures that's um like to thank uh Dr sza over at beIN who's hosting the NJ a AI uh there's a lot of District administrators that going to be attending on uh October 29th uh Mr valard Mrs barali and I are going to be attending um we also have um p7 some Personnel items regarding retirement that are on there accepting a resignation um and that's all I have as new addendum items and then I have my presentation so okay start okay Yankee game huh apparently I'm bad luck sorry just okay all right so on the agenda evening we just went year and some of the recommendations us was to highlight student performance things that we're doing some visuals for not only the board but the public to see how great all the work that we've done together um so that's the first part the highl accomplish then we're going to go into District data presentation keep in mind this is last year 23 24 and then some intervention plans um that we are putting forward as a school district and thank you m president for telling me one thing that there was a glitch in one of them thank for you so I app so couple highlights that we're accomplishing is the national honel audience you work your team teachers so that's a really new thing that happened years ago last year was elementary so come a long way um started with a small number of students and it's expanding and expanding and expanding and saying how much more money he needs but it's always good this children and so thank you your team really great stuff happening there Elementary was started over at Lincoln School and trickles down to McKenzie because I know we have visitations that go down to McKenzie school and it's just great to see children in spes light up when they see other children working with them instead just the teachers all the time who do a nice job but I'm just it's nice to see children working with children so it it's just a pleasure our scene program um which is really great this is something that we did last year I definitely want to thank the Mr umachi and Mr abani and the maintenance team who actually put this together Dr King doson who is instrumental and applying for this and being able to use some of the funding that we received and this is this is great because I was able to compare it to the tomatoes that I have in myard children did a much better job than I did this year my tomatoes were just um and also Yang very instrumental with ghost peers and it's just amazing amazing some of the things that children were able to grow um and thaning the staff um that was behind all of this so again thank you talented program working with again some really great great items that we have here water flows talking about Anatomy there's so many things that they were able to do which is beyond what children are taught in the classroom and really expose them to higher level thinking decision making process here in each we had our debate team always great I think students always love to debate a great thing for them to do but it really takes them out of their comfor sometimes they're afraid to debate like something am I you know am I to aggressive no it's being assertive it's just a great thing so you know our teachers is teaching children how to debate safely calmly and respectfully and professionally those are things that we try to build here in our wild test student generalizing academic skills in our cbii program which is great so this has been wonderful to get to see all of our stakeholders in the district our community just to see a shop right and working in burgy K just so many different things laat and just like really absolent life skill that our children need and it's just a wonderful um exposure to not only to seeing our community as a whole excuse me but also expanding our and giving them some opportunities to get outside of the wall to our classroom so very proud of that the school district against stigma free um we have been noticing an influx in this just throughout even parents themselves parents students our teachers uh it's been a lot um prior to covid and then after covid postco um just children um really need that support uh emotionally and socially because that's our job as a school district to make sure that we're really developing the entire child so very proud of that I know um quite a few teachers are involved I know Miss is involved over there um and so many others so please excuse me if I didn't mention everybody I know Miss Been instrumental as well as teachers in all of the buildings so much appreciated this is one this was great and I have to thank personally councilman buer who brought this delight for us and had reached out to us and how we can bring the Giants here they recognize the beautiful facilities that we have here uh in East Rutherford um again thanks to taxpayers for allowing this referendum to go through um it's really it was great the children was so excited and I think that was even more I was excited Inc is great it was really a great experience for all and it was so organized really really organized it was just great so again thanks to um Mr gardi and Mrs bar who helped spirit head that with me uh Mr Rashi the business office to allow this to happen so again fantastic what can I say about Performing Arts I mean this is just a a huge Beacon of the E School District because not only do we educate academics but our Fine Arts which is great because here in eord we develop the whole child not every child and it's okay they're not College down but we we we really look at all children in all walks of life on how we can really hone in on their skills in their there there's so much uh in the arts for our children to learn and it just brings it to a whole new level so again all of our art teachers music music teachers again try the Detroit C there are so many teachers that are there to all of our teachers in the Arts so again thank you so much the work that you do with our children it's great and our children are really embracing the Arts athletic achievement again winning Awards third team third team whole leag very proud of this this is great so love it know it's very unique on how different they are on the court than they are in the classroom and you see the difference in our children and it's just great it just brings out this totally different personality it's just wonder I just I'm so privileged to be superintendent to see these children work so hard uh alongside of our teachers student councel Community engagement over F school there's a lot of things that we're doing uh again helping uh food hand trees always giving lemonade sand that we have right lemonade there's so many things that we doell you work with them as well natural Honor Society so again some really great things and what we're teaching children is value so giving back to the community making sure that you know we're here but we're here to give back and and it's just a great thing that not all children in the United States have the op have an education that we're able to provide our children very start so again thanks to all on that our educated professional development Institute teachers teaching teachers which is great in the beginning it was a few years doing this but it was very difficult it's hard for teachers to teach their their I know when I was doing that when I was a teacher it's pretty difficult you know it's pretty difficult but I have to tell you the teachers really have embraced professional development they're bringing what they're learning outside and one of the things since been superintendent is that we sending teachers out professionel and tering it and it's really nice to see the teachers um different El different light uh so again job there fin student council newspaper first edition of daily B um really really good um we've seen a lot of people putting students putting in their work robotics our Debate Club in there our faculty interviews again just seeing the children outside of the P wall just doing things that really interest them rid are always great uh again I don't have Mr I know Mr Barrow was in the dunk T at one point but it's just great to see how they could dunk their principal or their teachers to the wall it's great it was it was really nice and children just had a great great time um a lot of the school spirit days could not be completed without the the support of P how can I not say p is always there for us we love you thank you for all the work that you do with us and our teacher [Music] okay exit out so so we're talking about grade level that are being assessed and a lot of parents know this I want just walk through very quickly our third grade assessing Ela which Arts mathematics Linkin school both fourth grade and fifth grade have Ela and Mathematics with fifth grade in science okay so that's what we're doing there F School six seventh and eth Ela Math and Science in the e8th grade grade level so we're looking at regards in mathematics we're looking at five levels one two three four and five one two and three is approaching not yet met met and that approaching we are looking for four or five that means me standard expectation and exceeds okay so what we did was we took a step further last year and we started looking at individual um sub RPS and the county wants to full full together what does it entail that's what we're presenting today what the district is doing and I have to say we are we are moving nicely we still have a lot of work to do um but we're progressing nicely and that was one of the things that we looked at with pack on that we were not just looking at performance we were looking at achievement right on how growth and that's what's more important in the end game is the growth that we're seeing amongst our students from grade level to grade level so again science slightly different there's only four so it's 1 2 3 and four what do looking for we're looking at level three level four that's where we want to be we want to raise those numbers as high as we possibly can okay so what we look at is even though we're looking at level one two and three that's where we look for growth because even within the lower levels level one two and three we want to find some growth because that's going to help us identify the markers of where those children are and are showing growth if they're not showing in that growth then there's more intervention especially at the one two three level then one of the things that that we look at as Administration is our cust students those are students that are three just making four and that are four that just made four we don't want them to go backwards right so we're looking at those cust students and there are cust students within each of the levels so one to two two to three our main focus is three to four right we're trying to get them to 3 to four but we can't 3 to four our ones and twos are we so we're we look at all students and we to sure sure parents we look at all students and we're looking for growth within those categories so if you look here I like you look at level four 2024 and then meets and exceeds so remember meets and exceeds is four5 so you look at level four in ela math as and science we did really well we went above 56.7 53.6 6.9 now level five don't get nervous because it's red but that succeeds that's like the top of the top right so we were at last year 2023 level 5 24 we slightly di there and then 9.2 and 66 we dip there so just short parents on what we look at we look at deficient standards so board members on your your tables you'll see a packet byard right you'll see language ARS literacy and you'll see mathematics and what we do is we break it down this is one of the things that we did way back when and we continue to do is that the teachers are aware of where the children's efficient standards are we just can't say these teachers teach right they need directions it's like our students where are we where are the efficient standards where do teachers need to teach a little bit more where do we pull children into small group and work with those students that are struggling but yet not lose the top because you never want the top to start Plumbing right so those are some of the things that we do so um just so the public knows is that we look at these addition standards and then we identify the standard and what intervention we need to do to meet that and we share that with teachers at each one of the grade level that are being assessed okay so it's really important that we have that a road map for teachers who assist and any questions that they may have and they do right AR perfect administra aren perfect we try to do the best we possibly can but it's open up that collabor collaborat collaborative dialogue between our Educators and our administrators to assist now we look over at Fe which is 24 we're above the CH 78.6 59.7 33.5 am I happy yes am I static no we got to keep moving okay and teachers know that teach working hard trying to work with children we have lots of different abilities in the classroom and we have to meet the needs of all of our children while teaching the same learning objective okay so again that's El so now tested number of students that are tested now we get penalized if we do not have participation so I always say this publicly it is important even if parents please listen to me even if you don't want your child to take a sa test just let them take the test okay it's not going to hurt them right it just allows us to see where our children are to help them it's just more data sometimes parents are oh my goodness my child is better than be a sigma that they're not good it's not it's just giving parents more data on it and the school district is cized when we have low of low enrollment into a test right we have to have participation and that that's our student report card not student district report card so it's important you see uh this is Ela so like so we had niceic in 22 we' had a little less in 23 but then closed it so again this important please parents let them take the test how they do doesn't matter just let them take the um math again we have a lot of participation in 2022 23 a little less and then again more in 2324 my dream is to see it all good that we test all children to a system that's that's and science again we have a little less participation again it's not that just students not participating sometimes children may out for that test and didn't take part in that segment of the test right well there sometimes there the irregularity where something happens on the test and we have to pull the entire test can't do it or know can't leave the or get sick in the glass so there's a lot of there's a lot of factors that now at Ela science on the bottom Ela and we're going level four right and again we're looking at level four East R the green that's where we are look where we come from right again 56% no about half that's not good right we have to be above 75% that's what we want to be looking at that 80% takes time takes effort it's it's a lot of collaboration with parents parents being Partners it just doesn't end in the classroom with the teacher parents are working at night helping their children get where they need to be we are a group we are a family that's what we're looking to do because together we right together again here Ela Math and Science this is where ER meats and exceeds again in 7 78.6% 9.7 33.5% La Math and Science compar to other years now this is very busy it's very busy so what we are held accountable for is not just gr level but we break it down into sub groups okay so we couldn't get this is zero this is 22 550 we just could not get work percentage so it's 25% 50% 75% 100% okay and you could look along the S and we break it down to economically disadvantaged um students with disabilities s Latino Asian black African American white and multilingual learns so we break it there and then what we do is that's the data that we share because all the teachers know who they have in their classroom and who are the students that need more assistance and who we're looking at bands we're looking at the bands of the subgroups because again that's where we're held accountable for and there's a plan in place for all of those subgroups as we now you may see some colors not there because there may have not been that category tested that day or they signed their child out and they were unable to take test so there have a lot of different factors and we are only reporting out on the demographic of 10 or more students taking the test so if we had a group of white or only nine students that were taking it it's not not it's not hour it's 10 or more so that's some of the things so any the wait a minute there's there's no black in in in gr eight what's going on that that's that's a reason for V again this is number of students that are participating in our Ells right 65 and then eight in the 23 24 has exited the program so there are students that are able to exit if you are new to the the country right um you're your exam from testing for the first year then again we make sure that we're constantly working with them our ell teers are phenomenal they're working really hard but it's just not on the El right it's on all of us it's on the teachers it's on the administrator it's on me on the board on everybody right we're a group so we're trying to look at it and trying to make sure that we can bring that number down each year as we go and then so this is the set of those children that are most significant um cognitive disabilities that they have and again for each of the years it's been less than 10 so there's no no report uh that's on um just so you know 23 24 we do not have the ex numbers yet but because of Trends and where we are we believe that nus 10 will be so we're still waiting on the compation on that I put that in but that is just a projection based upon TR okay what are we going to do so in this area for ELA I'm I'm not for but this will be something that we will post on the district website so parents if they have some time they could look at it there's nothing to Hy we're very transparent you can see what we doing so we're looking at datadriven group right so this is where we differentiate instruction based upon each individual student levels we do this as a group in whole group instruction we also do it in small group instruction okay this is where we pull maybe those children that are deficient in a standard um maybe three four five times in the small group where children that are doing better than other children will be P maybe once a week right so there's a lot of things that we look at that staff Bing instuction right so we look more at the students that are significantly struggling and looking at more summarizing doing some more character analysis we're looking at um also making some compatibles right looking at you know some maybe the character skes that a lot of V diagrams there's a lot of things that the teacher use and that they have with their fingertips to try to have the children answer that skill formative assessments modeling and guidance so what we look at is where the teachers are spending a lot of time on modeling what the expectation is what the objective is right and then guiding students through breaking up into small groups asking those formative assessment questions and then finalizing with some kind more summ overall the visual and audio supports are great for those students um our teachers are using smartboards videos illustrations they do a lot of book walks to the elementary level as we been reading for our kindergarten first grade second grade um and again even in those grade levels there are different levels of students so different are in second grade you may have student that's the beginning of first grade right there's a lot there's a lot to look at and that's when you know we meet and the teachers meet uh with students right and and try to do the Benchmark assess to see where they are that's why the beginning of the school your teachers spending a good two weeks evaluating the children to see where their instructional level of teaching should be right we're not this is not one thing for us every child is the same and then cross-curricular integration that's where we're integrating where we're looking at Ela in science we're looking at in social studies we're looking in um other historical events and current current events that are going on that's what we look at pla we said differentiating instruction reading and writing andile learning and of course protocol type okay we do not teach to a test okay what we do is we teach to the type of questions that are on the test that our teachers are taking those types of questions and the format of question and implementing them in the classroom in their assess so that the child takes those form sewi some SE oh I've done this before I know I how to this I know what I'm doing right so it's just not content it's also how to take test is really mathematics very similar right so we're looking at integrated reviews and it's like where almost like very formative fortive like exit tickets War activities do now that we're doing um teaching from transfer teaching what children learned the day before moving into the new content that they're learning um using formative assessments key key topics um also collaborating one of the things that I don't know I used to find myself when I was teaching I do believe our teachers F this way um is that when you're learning from each other because certain teachers students have more strengths than others so it's nice to collaborate your team your colleagues and like you know I might not be so good at this and how are you do how can you help me but also having Educators be open to constructive P which always right but that's what we look to do um we're looking at more mathematical reasoning conceptual understanding um the bot there more visual represent diagrams more models because we have Learners that are just not auditory and we have tactile Learners we have more visual Learners and it's it's tough job tough job but again we're hoping that we can continue to move the district forward and lastly the science now this has not changed because across Suburban County we've seen that the the science is something that a lot of school districts are struggling in so what we're looking at is we're looking at njss right the science and engineering practices but one of the things that we look at is teacher teaching um looking at the in middle school right we're trying to try to find a way for us to use Rich language science language science that some scientists would use to evaluate right the things that synthesizing like that's what we're looking at and trying to use more Sly words right Sly words and using Ma and language arts in science because children may feel more comfortable with May comfortable with mathematic connection to the science I believe that's all I have yes are there any questions on the board M president any question sure I'll open up to board members first I have a question my question might be um layers depending on your answers okay from a document it's from okay so it's from this that you this that's why ask it prior to um so have we looked at the standards that were okay so first question in one of the slides you explained that you're talking to the testing grade levels are you only speaking to the testing grade levels or are we talking to Prior grade levels as well that's the question so even though we're testing student as gr level our teachers know that it's just not the teacher of that grade level that's being tested because what we do is we look at standards that wrap okay that start in kindergarten and move to first move to Second so that time they get to third grade the teachers are just polishing and and looking at it and trying to bre get Mastery of that standard so you answered my second question which was have we looked into the standards that we're not meeting if they go across other so thank it's funny that be looked at right I mean it' be a it would be a lot of% work but you know everything everything's layer each you know something you learn in first grade you build upon it in second grade you build upon it in third grade absolutely so thank your point one that teach feel comfortable knowing that they colleages of assis pressure welcome data a little bit um so when we look at the like fourth grade just for an example so we're looking at like year to year 22 23 24 do we ever ever take that and say okay third grade is took Ela in 22 now what is the fourth grade for to see are weing us last year right very so what we do is we we just don't track grade level students we also track students from grade level no grade level so we're seeing that fourth grade student in mathematics okay they're they swor this certain way right now we track that student in fifth grade and then in sixth grade and in seventh grade just to so to see if they're still meeting meeting the standard but we what happens is that will help us with the child on what they're able to do the other way when we look at just grade level then it's just focusing on teaching instruction right so we're trying to look at instruction and then we're also looking at the ability of the child to retain then right because I'm thinking like if a third grader if the scores are 20% and then the ne at at meeting standards and then the next year they're at 25% then you know cor and that's what we have to look at because yes the content getting hard but did they meet like saying the prerequisite in the grade before so that they can build on that the following year so we we look at that look at I'm sorry question H science sorry year no yeah no your um your last slide now I know we use uh it's not mystery Doug anymore it's Mystery Science right that's yes do we use any other science programs like what other what other supports do teachers have that could help we we follow standards that are in there and that we are pulling from a lot of different resources but we have Discovery we do have Discovery we do have prism we have other others but we also pull from there's other resources that the teacher will pull from as well it is my sign I so my my this again is a folded question I feel like scien is um in past years has not been as important and I use that not my thoughts um as math and Ela so there hasn't been a push for curriculum in science that's going to help with the testing so that I guess was my question you know what are we now doing that we're seeing that science obviously is not great and not just us it's fa question and one of the things that I know superintend we always battle with and try to figure out is is is it truly the content or is it the lack of readability and understanding vocabulary so we see across the board that children are having a difficult time because might be a reading or math because we'll have children that are having a difficult time with number facts so they may understand the process but if they don't know their number facts now we're you know what I'm saying so it's a we yes it's science content but it's also the readability of the problems that are there and then the numbers that are there it's it's a little bit of everything it's a mix but I also feel and it's not anything it's not this it's the state I understand that um science is also very hands on so when you're putting it into a test form where you want children to you know dissect the flower or do something like that that's not going to show on a test as it will be you know so and there are tools that they can move click and cut and it's not do okay now I'm anybody else oh anybody in the public no about the presentation microne just am I back because um in in appreciation of Mystery Science because I do actually love that program it does allow us to um provide those great Hands-On things and the it actually comes with all the materials which is such a lifesaver and actually it's like today we're um exploring this and here are all the things I write down to the seven paper clips and the 13 so I am appreciative of whoever is passing that along because um I believe that teachers are also being positively affected by I as students because it is fun and as someone who did not go to school to science General like of all the subject it's not my passion but now I'm like and's see so I really umate that that is still being provided okay then then answers other questions I will email you hands on right there does that end your report oh that ends my report yes happens to be we did our meeting on yesterday so we did the data yesterday on the meeting I was in a separate ta meeting that but um so we did work that and that's all the grades we didn't go like the third grade teacher didn't sit down with it all the teachers sat down with it so and we do that every year so it was something that we know and also again thank you for the support program aming yes you're welcome okay any discussion on anything on the superintendence report okaying on correspondence to members of the board none I apologize I'm not looking at my phone which well I am but my board docs is not working so it's okay I got it on my phone but I don't want anybody to think that I'm not paying attention to them but I'm using my phone as no computer right now um adoption of Prior board meeting minutes um upon the recommendation of the superintendent the board hereby approves the following meeting minutes September 19th uh 2024 work session meeting September 19th 20 24 work executive session meeting September 26 2024 public session meeting and September 26 2024 public executive meeting minutes yeah you thank you roll call Mr oh discussion no I just have a question yes did we put the student typically I know tell are they ready we don't put them into the minut we don't I believe to minutes only for bordon right yeah I mean you don't need a they're not minutes aren't a transcript so there can be a reference to them but I don't think you typically to see recitations Mr Banker yes Miss Caruso yes Miss KY yes Miss meta yes I September [Music] 26 926 executive okay anything else you good just the executive just the executive just s Miss Shenley yes and Miss Luso yes superintendent resoltion upon the recommendation of the superintendent the board hereby approves motions S1 through S3 S1 approval of fire and emergency drill report S2 approval of enrollment report S3 approvement of harassment intimidation and bullying monthly report any discussion roll call Mr B yes Miss Caruso yes Miss KY yes Miss Mena yes Mr Sanders yes Miss shamley yes and Miss larusa yes curriculum committee Miss thank you madam president on the recommendation of superintendent the board hereby approves motion C1 through C2 C1 approval of student field trips and transportation request for the 2024 2025 school year and C2 approval of After School academic Intervention Program for the 2024 2025 school any discussion oh sorry any discussion roll call m b yes M tusso yes Miss colie yes Miss Mena yes Mr Sanders yes Miss shley yes and Miss Luso yes thank you now I lost for do my AGA 22 okay uh person now committee M Caruso the recomendation of superintendent the board hereby approves motions P1 through P6 P1 approval of the KY education substitute list P2 Personnel actions B3 approval of travel expenditures B4 approval of the After School academic Intervention Program appointments for the 2024 2025 school year P5 acceptance of resignation notification for Christina Gonzalez and P6 approval of Mercedes Sero Fox siia quo and Catherine Martinez for translation of letters regarding school thank you any discussion yes just would like to wish Christina Gonzalez I know she resigned she's uh bre the fresh air we she will be missed andford and I appreciate all the work that she's done um in the school district and that's question what was what was her Ro here par she par any discussion I just thank you you're welcome roll call Mr Banker yes M Caruso yes Miss Callie yes Miss Mena yes Mr Sanders yes Miss shley yes and Miss L yes yes okay uh physical facilities Mr Sanders upon the recommendation of superintendent the board hereby approves motion pf1 pf1 approval month facility calendar November 202 second any discussion roll call M B yes Mr Russo yes M quy yes Miss meta yes M Sanders yes Miss Shenley yes and Miss Luso yes thank you uh community relations Miss collie1 dr1 waiting requirements for two readings and approving revised regulation number 544 honoring student achievement second any discuss question just a refresher that the board's moving two in one night and because we're adding the national Elementary Honor Society to it that's the only addition so it'll go into effect as of tomorrow roll call Mr Banker yes Miss Caruso yes Miss Callie yes Miss Mena yes Mr Sanders yes Miss shamley yes and Mr lusso yes thank you Tech technology is Mana oh yeah she reported out but Sheed out last month last week yeah she's fine do unless you want to okay uh finance committee Mr bka I tried recation [Music] superal any discussion yes okay roll call m b yes Miss Caruso yes Miss KY yes Miss Mena yes Mr Sanders yes Miss shamley yes and Miss yes okay thank you okay so we're gonna do the addendum items um upon the recommendation of the superintendent the board hereby approves motions c1a p2a p3a p7a wait one of1 just do the whole thing might as well not not moving it's not moving on it right now so let me go back to that okay so c1a p3a p7a p8 a pf1 a pf2 a f1a f3a second Erin Gina moved it in second sure so for example1 the fa found Revis in do we have to do it as two separate votes like original we never voted on the original was the the first one October and this one's November I'm just CU we need to vote on what Happ what happens is if there is a change the time between the work session and the official meeting we move it to addendum move it to addendum and not vote on the up to you I think it's just identify what the original calendar was and then the revisions and then it's so there's a change the board numbers know that there's a change but it's up to that really one item I mean I you know we can talk about this but I think you know another way to do this is just put a little star next to these and add them into the interior of the agenda too so you guys know which ones are new oh because of a star you know you're still going through them all sure you know within the committee and then the committee chairs would be repor putting out anyway do is difficult so we figure out that can be done easily or not but you I mean yeah I mean if you're just typing you could just add it to the end of whatever you're typing should be okay to do it that way right yeah put as is not gonna be a problem it be easy that's easy it's actually easier than doing a dum section so that would be great yeah it's fine I okay go ahead just the of Magie that was my go ahead yep I was gonna say go ahead no no I just what what was her same thing same thing anybody else I would like to do to P3 okay I want to do that the AI what you superintendent I know roll call Mr B yes Mr Russo yes M Callie yes Miss Mena yes Mr Sanders yes Miss Shenley yes and Miss laruso yes all except p2a we we just didn't move going discuss it y any old business any new business okay so I'm GNA yes the Fall Festival oh yeah yes the Fall Festival was very successful I thank everybody that volunteered to come and sit at the table and I got to speak to a couple of parents and some children who were very excited to do a school so it was a very POS interaction I don't know if anybody else oh yes conversation for the table that saysed year a lot of people don't know who we are for school district school district it's gonna be on the bills list [Laughter] no use Board of educ maybe not white black so dirty want bill is it the same size that would be on the bills list Mr B what what uh what number I'll take donations go yes no because I did not ever get a definite answer as to when it actually was so the Touch a Truck fall for all Touch a Truck we usually do a table but I never got a specific date and then it was like oh look here it is and yeah nope you know what table she okay so I'm gonna open to public content um opening public comments on any agenda or non-agenda items state your name address for the record address the board president pres each person wishing to speak will have five minutes each anyone wishing to speak will be given the opportunity to do so Kevin representing as of today we have8 members of our PTA this month we conducted our Scholastic Book Fair at the Lincoln School for both the Lincoln and pal students over 600 books were sold putting the books in the hands of our young readers and Learners and that amounts to over $5,00 worth of books which PT receiv 25% we had a Hard Box fundraiser this month uh we sold 60 boxes of cards PTA received $13 for each box uh we helped with the linoln back to school night on October 1st uh we had picture day at all three schools on October 3rd our eighth grade committee have hosted the pumpkin patch at the Fall Festival this past weekend and they sold out of their Pumpkins I'm still waiting to have the exact amount of sales uh but it was quite a big event um and our d and donate program picked off tonight at Panera Bread we saw lots of friends and neighbors there uh from 4 to 4 to 8:00 p.m. tonight and some of the staff said that this was one of the most well attended uh D and donate events they had so it was good to see that um some of our upcoming events as our big event for the fall is our trunker treat which will be hosted next Friday October 25th with the sword police department at the parking lot on Samy uh Samy Street and we have the Halloween parade at MacKenzie School that we will assist with uh as well as Mr Barrow asks us to be at the doors of the school at the beginning of the day to be sure that none of the students bringing candy to the school um will help with those activities on October 31st our next sign and donate event will be next month nove November 14th that's at the Texas Roadhouse and they've also allowed us to set up a table where we'll be selling some chocolate candy bars and pretzel rods um and we have a n and basa event which is a night of yoga bring your own bottle uh November 19th that's at the uh Community Center over on breand Avenue 21 and older only there please um and tickets are on sale now and then we also will host the Lincoln School Thanksgiving feast on November 27th uh that's a feast that we post for the fourth and fifth graders uh to kick off the Thanksgiving recess holiday um and then searly from PTA just as a parent I know as part of the preschool enrichment program we are dealing with the Arts and Music and I'm just happy to know that those programs will continue as they are uh because I know that's very important to our students education include music and arts and hope that we can find space for that soon I just want to see if everybody else anybody else okay um I just want to ask the board I asked Mr Jean CASRO and also this for you Mr Lions um if you're going to come every month to give a report I don't want to make you sit and wait through the whole meeting would you want to be added to the beginning of the agenda just like we do with the students giving their report okay thank you no problem or I'll have I'll have a representative okay does that sound good to everybody inad of okay I am gonna uh close the public comment seeing no other speakers um at this time we're going to adjourn to Executive session resolved that in accordance with Section Eight of the open public meetings act chapter 231 the board has the authority to adjourn to close session to discuss matters pertaining to Legal Personnel negotiations attorney client privilege Andor student matters send matters will be made available Upon A determination by the board that the disclosure of the minutes will not detrimentally affect any right or interests of the board the board expects to return to the business portion of the meeting in approximately I only have one it depends on how I have negotiations it's GNA be pretty quick with Personnel quick and I have HIV 45 minutes okay we're gonna have to take action when we go out so it's better to be better to under estimate and come back out and say we need more thoughts sounds good all right so 45 minutes motion to adjourn yeah and we will take action when we come out yes uh roll call bank yes Miss Caruso yes Miss colie yes Miss Mena yes Mr Sanders yes Miss shamley yes M Lusa yes see you in 45 minutes back I I have see I leave now everyone thank all right one e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e I think she knows a lot of people in town I don't know this is um presal [Music] so I think so but they don't know they know affiliation you are well they they probably do from a Facebook page oh oh oh yeah e e e e e e I need a motion to return to the regular order of business okay by any opposed okay so at this time I need a motion to where am I to move p2a Personnel [Music] actions any discussion roll call Mr B yes M peruso yes Miss colie yes Miss man yes Sanders yes Miss Shenley yes and Miss laruso yes okay I need a motion to adjourn second all in favor I any oppos oh yes a reminder that our next meeting is Thursday November 14th at 6: PM see you all down School