##VIDEO ID:EO6iF_LqsWM## the light's got to be off on here right should be a lit up right so I gotta light e e e e e e e e sorry this meeting to order at 6:02 PM the New Jersey open public meetings law was enacted to ensure the right of the public to have advanced notice of and to attend the meetings of bodies at which any business affecting their interests is discussed or acted upon in accordance with the provisions of the act the East retherford board of education has caused notice of this meeting by having the date time and place thereof provided to the record of the South bergenite newspapers to have published and posted on the vest in the vestibule of the burrow Hall and Public Library copies of agendas are available 48 hours prior to said me meeting in Board of Education are posted on the east Rutherford school website www.bo e.net please stand for the flag salute and remain standing for a moment of silence in honor of the members of our Police Department fire department First Responders and our Armed Forces I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which one nation under God indivisible with liy and justice for all Mr Banker here Mr here Mr PA here M Bena here Mr Sanders here miss shimley here and Mr lusso here uh fire exits located to your left or out the front um will invite Mr tanel and his National Junior Honor Society students to give an update of what's happening in our schools okay we are back with our monthly report delivered by our students andent looking forward leadership this performance great work wild great performance thank you to together thank you our soci teachers will be providing students with less around Native American month of November all students on October 29th the November loln School month test to the pillar of students of and group of students also presented on sharing their personal holiday experiences andot the inclus inclusivity of all commun theal elementary ceremony place on November 14th honoring the effs anding of 19 gr wild period War closes on November 15th with report C du to be released to families on November Thanksgiving feast school will be held on November 27th our annual Winter Wonderland spirit week and Performing our celebrations are stated for the week of December 16th the annualday holiday we de9 Curr for December Wednesday and we the color of your favorite fruit vegetable daying Behavior All and making good healthy body respect in included where BL where love where JY respect andace on October 7 Miss went all bathroom and the two months have focused on Tuesday and Wednesday activities mind moments problem solving activities Friday number 15 third talented student and pre students at 9:30 a.m. in for each grade school have Wild for the rest of mon and an add section of kindergarten will be in place for the week of November 18th all parents and students part of Tuesday than you Administration team facy staff and parents cooperation patient and there any questions of our district and for to De with happy holidays from thank you because believe me this is the highlight of our night as well so thank you for coming uh so at this time I'm going to open to public comment opening public comments on any agenda or non-agenda items state your name address for the record address the board president each person wishing to speak we'll have five minutes anyone wishing to speak will give the opportunity to do so no okay seeing none I close to public comment uh committee reports School business administrator Mr verace thank you madam president I want to start off my my report with the buildings and grounds report from Mr B shy our custodial team continues to demonstrate a strong commitment to enhancing the quality of both daily and evening cleaning operations their hard work is reflected in the noticeable improvements and cleansing and overall facility maintenance we are dedicated to supporting our custodio staff as they ensure our schools remain Clean safe and welcom in environments for students staff and visitors our ongoing work maintenance work order which is actively addressing work orders with a focus on resolving routine issues efficiently each task is being managed promptly ensuring that our school buildings and Equipment remain in top condition we are grateful for the team's continued attention to detail and their dedication to keeping our facilities in optimal working order on to McKenzie school specifically room 103 which is now our preschool which has now become a preschool classroom the classroom in 103 has undergone significant preparations for its upcoming use all existing classroom Furniture was removed and new Furnishings were installed as required additionally in the art room all tables and chairs were dismantled sorted and replaced with appropriate items from Storage these were carefully placed according to the to a pre-established layout plan now on to some transportation department updates uh we regret to inform you that we have received a resignation of one of our part-time bus drivers which is resolution P4 recruit efforts are underway to fild a vacancy as quickly as possible to ensure uh continuity of service um I can speak Mr Jen Casper we do have a candidate and that gentleman is in the process of completing all the paperwork and we look forward to welcomeing on board hopefully by next month uh bus repairs a few bus repairs have been completed ensuring that our Fleet remains in good working condition regular maintenance continues to be a priority to minimize service disruption we appreciate the continued support of the board and the community as we work to maintain and improve the district's facilities and transportation services now on to the Food Service report for mashi for October 2024 our prepaid balances at the end of October 2024 is 9,922 22 negative balances at the end at the month end I just want to make the board aware this is not just for this school year it's for prior school years as well is $1,825 15 I do also want to report out on the profit and loss uh has been been one of my biggest tasks as well as my department that the food service program become profitable it was profitable last year so I just want to let the board know we are making progress as compared to last year so for October 2023 we were in the red by almost $166,000 I'll say it again we were in in the red by $166,000 October of 2023 October of 2024 we are in the red but only by $1,100 so there's been a lot of work I I have to thank my office I have to thank uh Mr Rico from mashos and her staff for really working together with the business office to ensure that the food service program is profitable for the district so I do have to thank her uh pf1 approval of the m facility calendar for octo I'm sorry December 2024 pf2 is the submission of the health and safety evaluation of school buildings checklist statement of assurance for school year 2425 this is uh something we have to do every year uh I want to thank Mr bani our buildings and ground supervisor for ensuring that uh the checklists were completed for each building in a timely and thorough manner ef3 approval of District use of facilities this was a recent application it is for Lincoln school on November 26 for the volleyball game and the found St and I think that's the staff for students sche November 26th now on to finance F1 approval of the financial reports for September 2024 uh everything is in order uh our Treasurer uh gave us the thumbs up uh F2 approval the transfer report of September 2024 we are where we need to be F3 approval of bills list number one for November 2024 I did send an email out there were two checks that we had to void so I did have I did send that email out to let the board know that there was an adjustment to the bills list after Friday I hope everyone is able to see that pf4 approval of payroll for October 2024 F5 is the approval of providers for tuition extraordinary Services contract and agreements for the 2425 school year this is a contract for a teacher of the def as well as sorry as well as home instructions for Bergen County Special Services F6 it's that time of year uh that we start thinking about the budget for next year for 2526 so this is the preliminary proposed budget calendar for the 2526 school year F7 is to approve and accept the amended Elementary and secondary Education Act the esa funds I want to touch upon that briefly the reason why we're amending it is that we were allowed by the county office and the state to carry over funds from fiscal year 24 to fiscal year 25 so we were able to carry over in total $52,599 um title one we carried over 2,928 title two we were able to carry over $16 16,31 title three we were able to carry over $4,160 and title four we were able to carry over $10,000 so those are additional funds that were we were unable to expend last uh in fiscal year 24 but we were allowed to carry them over 25 and we do have a plan moving forward to ensure that the carryover amounts are not as great or hopefully zero so we don't have to carry it over next year uh f8 is the approval to decommission and dispose of equipment so this was when I first came into the district I was made aware about the uh PA system in McKenzie and I had asked can we possibly go another year with the way the system was I was told no not really so it was brought to my attention that the system even though it was disconnected it was still there the system still has value you but when I did uh speak to the company they they said it's you you really you could try to sell it but you really won't get anything out of it because it's it's at the end of its life and it's not working properly and we were told that you probably won't get any takers on this so we did replace it with a brand new system so it's working good right SRA it's working good over there thank goodness and F9 this is the approval the Roth we do have this um this was based on my Round Table meeting that I attended with the Bergen County Bas uh that we attended that it was advised that we have this uh resolution for anyone that we have a raw 403b and a raw 457b that we have this on record that if at if at any point we are ever questioned if we're not in compliance was there a resolution put forth by the board that they approve it so uh after attending that very informative meeting I spoke to Mr Jen CASRO and he's he gave me the thumbs up he says yes definitely put it on there just so ensure that we are in compliance and that is it for my report Madam president any discussion for PS3 the facilities use we need to reapo the November calendar this just no you're just approving this because you already have approved in November 2024 and I did ask Miss Baron and I did check myself that the this date is on the revised November 2224 facilities calendar yes thank you thank you okay thank you thank you so as part of my report turn it over to M president Russo to provide um a recognition to one of our board members that left us earlier there he is left left left the position didn't leave us physically but be very clear oh my goodness a quick this quick we did it quick quick Mr seini or Antonio it's very formal sorry your contributions to the east Rutherford school district have been invaluable and your absence has undoubtedly been felt by all um you exemplified inspiring leadership exercising wisdom and integrity in service to the children of East Rutherford on behalf of the entire District I extend our heartfelt gratitude to your dedication and tireless efforts to ensure the effective and efficient operation of our schools your commitment has left a lasting positive impact on our educational Community while it is bitter sweet to see you leave I am confident that you will bring the same Excellence to to your new role as Eastford councilman and we wish you success in the next chapter of your public service babies don't care she's happy she stopped oh she stopped crying yeah grab the mic it's on thank you all taking the tri with me right I'm so grateful for the people that make up this board for Maria you br Debbie and Aon for teaching me right over the past few years for always guiding me Gina we came in about the same time went through this ride together right and I you guys make the board je you're gonna be a great asset to the board I cannot wait to see you're such an improv of the old guy the best move I ever made Administration thank you guys always for being there for always putting kids first for you know listening to crazy ideas arguing amongst ourselves but always trying to make the right decision what we thought was right for the better of the district I'm so grateful each every one of you please don't forget about me is not happy he is not happy he is not happy okay so to continue with my report we have McKenzie school 367 students down three F School 239 down 1 Lincoln School staying steady at 177 we have 783 students fire drill and security drills took place for the month of November I'm proud to announce no HIV investigation for this month yet across my desk that's always a good thing um again really working hard to make sure that our students are doing the right thing all the time uh couple of quick little things I know it was mentioned with our students uh we do have our um the the paa program is scheduled for December 18th that's we're we're we're looking at um and we are also looking at our kindergarten our kindergarten to be starting which I have my date here which was mentioned I just want to make sure I got the right date which is scheduled for where am I there we are uh the week of November 18th that'll be the new session um all parents and students who are part of the transition were informed on November 12th um and again this is something that we've been working on I want to thank Mr Barrow and his team our teachers and the board for allowing us to open up another section I know parents are thrilled about that because our numbers were quite large um so again thank you to all especially um Mr rachi and Mr abani who was really instrumental in getting that new classroom up and running and furnished so um really really nice job there uh right over okay special education business total number of students 129 students in District 117 students um out of District are seven students parent survey for the east Rutherford school district cohort 19 participated in a special education parent survey that we sent out so we get some Vital Information from our population of parents uh Dr King doson will be attending a mandatory technology assistance program which he did on November 13th and that was just learning more about the district's obligation and provid providing a survey to the team to the to the staff uh to the parents sorry Handle With Care training took place early early November uh the dlm 1% participation which was good at CST meeting which was held on November 5th um Dr King doson and her team reviewed the team members the do uh I'm sorry reviewed with the team members the denj doe uh guidance that came out on dlms County update so the following was shared with the special education directors uh across the county there was service coordinators that discussed uh the process over the next 22 to 27 months trying to cover uh encourage private related Services through insurance companies uh five to six months before this a student or child turns three years old to hold a transition meeting representatives from the school district were present um see reading intervention services um CST met with u Miss Danielle Reed and Wilson Reading interventionist uh to do some wraparound support for our students in our intervention reading program we also had a student safety data team which was currently takes place and we actually report out um from September to December and that will be coming up at our December Board of Education meeting in the area of curriculum uh we are attended a gifted and talented best practice seminar uh with Mrs BL of McKenzie school nice job on the November 12 12 uh we met with the World Language coaches to discuss recent updates to the World Language curriculum and pacing guides we also attended mandatory paa sessions to gain better insight and requirements um and you'll see on the board agenda this evening three other resolutions that needed to be approved that we just found out from Early Education like two days ago um and then I had yesterday to review it in one day and get it onto the agenda because it has to be approved by tomorrow they don't really give us much time um so that's why those extra things were placed on the agenda just one thing for the board members to do I remember last board meeting we were talking about how sometimes the agenda items can confuse where we're at so we tried something a little different like we did in the past we made it yellow so for the public you see anything yellow that's not a warning to the public that's just letting the St the Board of Education members know that from last week when we sent out the uh board agenda these were added features to the agenda so that the board knows what they're approving okay so just just want to make sure people that that's not a warning sign it's not a hurricane coming or so it's there um and that's all I have for the evening from my report any discussion thank you Mr Jean CPR no problem um correspondents to the board none and we're just since we're doing both meetings together we'll go through the agenda and as usual okay adoption of Prior board meeting minutes um upon the recommendation of the superintendent the board hereby approves the following meeting minutes October 10th 2024 work session meeting minutes October 10 2024 work SE work executive session meeting minutes uh numbers one and two October 17th 2024 public session meeting minutes October 17th 2024 public executive meeting minutes roll call DEA yes Miss Caruso yes Miss colie yes Miss Mana yeah Mr Sanders yes same from October 10th thank you m yes and Miss laruso yes superintendent resolutions upon the recommendation of the superintendent the board hereby approves motions S1 through S6 S1 approval of fire and emergency drill report S2 approval of enrollment report S3 approval of harassment intimidation and bullying monthly report S4 resolution affirming the superintendent's decision relating to an alleged harassment intimidation and bullying incident report dated October 1st 2024 S5 resolution affirming the superintendent's decision relating to an alleged harassment intimidation and bullying incident report dated October 1st 20124 S6 resolution affirming the superintendent's decision Rel relating to an alleged harassment intimidation and bullying incident report dated October 4th 2024 second any discussions roll call B yes Miss Kusa yes Miss colie yes Miss Mana yes Mr Sanders yes M shamley yes and Mr Russo yes yes uh curriculum committee Miss sh C1 C4 C1 approval of student field trips and transportation request the 2024 2025 school year C2 approval of the Early Childhood district contact information for the 2025 2026 threeyear preschool program plan and annual update C3 approval of the 252 2025 2026 threee preschool program plan and annual update D County andc for approval of the statement of insurance for the 2025 2026 threeyear preschool program plan and annual dates as I just session okay roll call yes Miss peruso yes Miss colie yes Miss Mena yes Mr Sanders yes Miss shamley yes and Miss laruso yes thank you uh Personnel committee Miss peruso recommendation superintendent of schools hereby approve motions P1 approve the Kelly education substitute list on P2 I'd like to table uh let table all P2 approv Trav expenditures acceptance ofation of Ken P6 accept of retirement notification forend with regation he approval of the after scho acention program appointment for the24 2025 year9 acceptation sorry we can ask that exact Personnel but I can tell you who they are yes okay no their positions their positions yes yes Madam president just so you know any kind of personnel matters uh need be any any anybody that's involved in a Personnel was raced accordingly so in executive session the board can feel free to speak about any specific person that was already R so I could assure you that people were raced okay perfect thankk you any discussion okay so roll call but it's for P1 P3 P4 P5 P6 p7 p8 and P9 Mr Banker yes Mr Caruso yes M Callie yes Miss Mena yes Mr Sanders yes Miss Shenley yes and Miss Luso yes and that ends my report Madam president thank you uh physical facilities committee Mr Sanders yes thank M president upon the recommendations of superintendent the board hereby motion1 pf3 PF one approval of monthly facility calendar 24 pf2 approval submission of the health and safety evaluation of school building checkl statement of assurance for school year and3 second any discussion roll call yes misso yes Miss Callie yes to pf1 and pf2 but because they're PTA I'm GNA myself3 yes to BF onef PF thank you Miss Mena Mr Sanders yes mle yes and M yes thank you uh Community Relations Committee Miss Callie tonight we don't have any resolution but I just wanted to read Mr the president of the to share some updates beight so he asked I just share okay thank you all right so um the PTA is at 189 members Department the PTA hosted the annual treat on October 25th 22 trumps were decorated and give out treats and thank you to all who participated the PTA provided 100 treat BS drinks uh and snacks extra candy and DJ uh PTA sold Pizza donated from Master Pizza and cret and the um there was vendor there from Candy and they do know the um the teachers union also donated some candy as well for us to utilize for that um the eth grade committee hosted their first F dance for on Halloween the event was well attended um and no behavioral issues were reced decorated the KY school for Halloween and they also helped with morning arrivals and parade organization pastor parents help teachers with Communications and room management is needed for Halloween celebrations um the GCA held a greeting box fundraiser and the cards have arrived and most have been distributed the Wildcat Spirit Weare holiday sale is active until December 10th and happening tonight actually until 10 p.m if you haven't gotten dinner yet head over to Texas Roadhouse and um the PTA is there selling candy bars and chocolate covered pretzels and I believe if you show tell them you're with the of proed comes back to us um upcoming on Tuesday night the November 19th is youo and Vasa native wine and yoga um November 27th is the Lincoln School Thanksgiving feast and then um I believe it's December 6 is the EAS bird uh tree lighting and the P day will host a table with holiday giveaway trinkets for the children and they'll have sales of candy bars and chocolate covered tels and they will also be raffling off a wild cat swag bag um so that the up and that my discussion Miss if you can send that email to Mr Bari so that we have it for minutes thank you thank you Miss colie uh technology committee Miss Mena also do not have any resolutions have update technology information security program continues to proactively evaluate all appropriate Technologies to ensure the safety and security of our data information systems planning schedu meance and improvements for the 25 2425 school years ongoing including meeting our Consultants to sched scans anding protols are continuing to be updated to security district and being scheduled to evaluate the current structured with 2425 School continuation of theual techology to support techology prams the district all will the use and damage agreement in order to use and take possession of District home technology the district has added P Central and pay servicing provider for the and parents are encouraged to create accounts for all district Financial not already done so the district continues to use gen to share and collect data from families through the forums portal to allow for efficient and feverless Communications fors are updated annually to allow for new information the district continues to evaluate varying technology platforms to help support productivity efficiency and instruction within the district and lastly the district continues to evaluate quc of the procedures related to appropriate Technologies to help support productivity efficiency and construction that concludes any discussion thank you m uh finance committee Mr Bank thank you madam president turn upon the recommendation superintendent the board hereby approves motion F1 recomend F1 approval se24 two approval of transer report September 2024 three approval of number one 2024 at pay 2024 at five approval from providers extraordinary service contact 20242 scho year approval preliminary budget propos approval to of equipment F9 approval of for 3B any discussion all right roll call Mr B yes Miss peruso yes Miss Callie yes Miss meta yes sress yes Miss Shenley yes and Miss L yes my report thank you um any old business any new business at this time I will reopen to public comments opening public comments on any agenda or non-agenda item state your name and address for the record address the board president each person wishing to speak will have five minutes each anyone wishing to speak will be given the opportunity to do so seeing none I close um the hearing of the citizens um at this time we will adjourn to Executive session to discuss Personnel negation negotiations anything else action will be and action will be so be it resolved that in cour with Section 8 of the open public meetings act chapter 231 the board has the authority to adjourn to close session to discuss matters pertaining to Legal Personnel negotiations attorney client privilege and or student matters s matters will be made available upon determination by the board that uh the disclosure of the minutes will not detrimentally affect any right or interest of the board the board expects to return to the business portion of the meeting and approximately 45 yeah all right we'll be back in 45 minutes and action will be taken e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e yeah I saw that what was that motion to return to regular order of business second roll call all in favor all right we're GNA come back to Personnel committee Miss Caruso thank you mation super p21 p23 and 2.5 p p2.1 p2.2 oh I miss one out of but there still it's not just1 I know start that's okay p2.1 p2.2 P 2.3 and p2.5 so second any discussion roll call Mr B yes Miss Caruso yes Miss Callie yes all but I'm gonna reuse myself from P 2.3 p23 thank you Miss Mana yes Mr Sanders yes Miss shley yes and Miss laruso yes shy all right uh upon the recommendation of the superintendent board hereby approves resolution authorizing and approving a memorandum of agreement between the East Board of Education and the international Union of operating engineers local 68- 68 A- 68b A- C second any discussion one N1 okay N1 Erin just say it's N1 it's item N1 it's a negotiation one thank you roll call DEA yes Miss Caruso yes Miss C yes Miss Mena yes Mr Sanders yes Miss shimley yes and Miss laruso yes pass 70 one on my sorry um at this time we need a a motion to adjourn oh oh the board meeting oh yes one sorry one last thing next month are we doing one meeting or two and just real quick so the the Auditors will be presenting the status the financial status of the district they only could make the 12th so if we're going to do with we're going to do one it would be the 12th I'm asking the board to do otherwise we would have to do the financial January January not at the reor but the the actual board meeting itself at the end of the month or we just have one on the 12th and bang everything out that me yes a correct he can only make it December 12th he only can make it December 12 right but then we wouldn't have to discuss the agenda items that would already be discussed because we would do that December 5th and then we could just really focus on the audit on the 12th so we're GNA keep both meetings then in December yes she anybody else want be here well she won't be here on the 12th you won't I got check the 5ifth but I could have Sharon cover everybody do one meeting in December and then hold a financial in January yeah why you do the fifth and then wait the fifth or the fourth do the fth so you can be here yeah and then do the financials in January and next the 12 okay so the only thing is we don't know the dates in January so Madame President should we the three of us have a conversation about dates for January oh or maybe possibly 2025 you just do January well once we put it well it's gonna have to be approved at the reward it's gonna have to be approved at the reward all the dates for 2025 okay right so I'm I mean the three of us could talk and then we and Tom and we could send it out just to get everybody's feedback just I started something in Google sheet I shared it with Mr Jen Casper like possible conflicts possible days off vacation stuff like that right um so right now we're having one December 5th yes de six o'clock anyone else so December 5th is 6 o'clock so December 5th six o'clock and then we're doing the financial review okay January yes because it's filed the calendar year no we'll get it done we'll get it I mean we've done it last time in January the one time when it was I believe it's I believe it's 60 days yeah I mean once we know January dates and to prove that the reorg meeting yeah that stressful for you guys to Crunch in in a shorter period of time if you have 60 days January would be fine fine yeah we'll just let them know it's it would be the best at 12th but it's done before the calendar year is over but it's okay so the board makes a decision we don't that's up to you guys I really don't care I yeah me too I have the fifth and the 12th calendar I will do anything I just don't want so all right but they so we're gonna do the audit on the 12th then on the 12th and then the 5th is our work session our work session perfect okay sounds good at six o'cl at six o'clock got it yes yes so December 5th 6 o'clock December 12th 6 o' motion uh meeting motion to adjourn give it any OPP no a meeting