##VIDEO ID:HSwQLhp3COM## just turned three in July were inard yesterday e e com but in then all this meeting to order it's six o'clock on the dot the New Jersey open public meetings law was enacted to ensure the right of the public to have advanced notice of and to attend the meetings of public bodies at which any business affecting their interests is discussed acted upon in accordance with the provisions of the act the east Rutherford board of education has caused notice of this meeting by having the date time and place thereof provided to the record and South bergenite newspapers to have published and posted in the vestibule of the burrow Hall and Public Library copies of agendas are available 48 hours prior to send meetings in the board of education office and are posted on the East retherford School website w www. erboe.net please stand for the flag salute and remain standing for a moment of silence in honor of the members of our Police Department fire department First Responders and our Armed Forces I pledge Al to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands one nation under God indivisible with liberty and justice for all call Mr Bas here miss Caruso is not present miss calling here miss Mena here Mr seini here miss shley here and Miss Luso here uh fire exits up front up front and to the left can we dooll call 6 603 Caro is present is 603 I miss Caruso H right here dedication all right uh School business administrators report Mr thank you madam president uh first item is the njsba workshop it is scheduled for October 21st through 24th so Monday afternoon until Thursday afternoon uh lodin has been already made for all board members as well as myself uh superintendent J Castro uh Mr coin as well as assistant superintendent Dr King Dobson uh we are already registered for the workshop Workshop it the DD will be from Tuesday to Thursday uh also they are encouraging board members to download their app so you can go ahead and download the app it's on the Play store or on iTunes apple apple yeah sorry person uh and this way you can go ahead you could browse what kind of uh workshops they have each and every day and you can also so uh save it it will remind you all that information so that information is UPC so next month we will be heading down to the workshop next item is the September report for buildings and grounds from our buildings and grounds supervisor and transportation Mr abat Shani districtwide operations updates uniform distribution we are pleased to announce that uniform shirts have been successfully distributed to our custodial maintenance staff ensuring that all staff members have the proper Attie not only promotes a unified appearance but also enhances professionalism across the district uh I don't know if the board members noticed but we did install more durable decorative garbage cans and various locations on campus as well as at McKenzie as part of our ongoing efforts to improve the Aesthetics and functionality of our facilities new decorative outdoor garbage cans have been purchased and installed across various locations these locations not only contribute to keeping our campuses clean but also enhance the overall visual appeal of the outdoor spaces custodia cleaning efforts our custodial teams have made significant strides in improving the quality of daily and evening cleaning their dedication is evident and we are seeing a noticeable Improvement in the cleanliness and maintenance of the facilities our staff is committed to continuing to support the staff as well as keep our schools Clean safe and welcoming for all next item ongoing maintenance work orders maintenance work orders have been handled promptly with a focus on addressing any issues that arise on a day-to-day basis our maintenance team is diligently working through the queue ensuring that school buildings and Equipment remain in optimal condition we appreciate their hard work and attention to detail and keeping our facilities running smoothly uh just to add on to that we have operations hero which has been tremendously helpful all the administrators have been trained on how to input a work order and at any time we could data on how many work orders are being inputed by location by needs and all that information so it's very it's very powerful it's very good and we are very happy with it uh op operation hero work order system we are excited to announce the successful implementation of the operations hero work order system across the district this new system allows for a more streamlined and efficient process in handling maintenance and operations requests enabling staff to prioritize and resolve issues more effectively with this new system in place we expect a significant Improvement in the timeliness of responses and the overall management of workorders okay now on to Transportation uh our updates new full-time bus driver we are pleased to welcome our new full uh time bus driver who has successfully completed her assigned routes with Excellence her transition has been smooth and she has demonstrated a strong commitment to ensuring the safety and punctuality of student transportation route optimization after reviewing feedback from parents and staff we have made several adjustments to our bus routes particularly in pickup and draft off times these changes have resulted in a more efficient and streamlined Transportation process reducing weight times and making it easier for students and parents alike our goal is to continue improving route efficiency while insuring safety and convenience and lastly ongoing recruitment for part-time drivers and AIDS uh the transportation department is continue its efforts to fill critical roles in including a part-time bus driver as well as part-time uh bus AIDS we are actively interviewing candidates and a hopeful that we will soon on board additional team members to further support our transportation services these new hires will help alleviate the workload on existing staff and ensure smooth operations as we move forward uh nothing for food services on to physical facilities pf1 is the approval of the monthly facilities calendar for October 2024 pf2 and pf3 are of bus and service agreement similar to what we had in 2324 pf2 is with carlat Board of Education and pf3 is with carlat East rord Board of Education otherwise we know as beon high school F1 is the approval of the bills list number one we do anticipate a second bills list for next week uh Mr Banker thank you very much for reviewing the bills list and uh and signing for us so we appreciate that uh approval of the payroll for August 2024 F3 approval of the financial report for August 2024 we are in Balance so I have to thank miss chazi and miss alaro for the continuous support and help uh to get these reports uh completed and submitted to the board in a timely manner approval of transfer reports uh we are where we need to be F5 approval to discard obsolete equipment uh uh just to be very specific this was an old printer that was housed uh right outside my office from my Administrative Assistant it just one day gave out thankfully we had a spare printer thank you uh so appreciate that so we were able to do that it is at no cost it has no value but we want to officially recognize it and have it on the as a resolution that we are discarding this equipment F6 is the appointment of the risk management Consultants agreement for the 2024 2025 school year we do this every year this is with Pia or World Insurance uh I did inform them that once the board approves it that the documents would be signed and submitted to them the following day F7 is the approval of providers for tuition and extraordinary Services contracts and agreements for the 2425 school year and that is for Bergen County Special Services as as well as for Bergen County Special Services The Brownstone school so one is for um home instruction Services while the other one is a tuition moving on and we will have some addenda mins there is a possibility it might be more so we're trying to be proactive so uh as I alluded to we will have a second bills list I don't know how long long it will be but I will let the board members know most likely we will send it out Monday so just to let everyone know that are Friday um we'll send it out as soon as we can on Monday uh f7a uh the reason that's an addendum is because by the time the agenda was sent out this was after the fact so f7a is approval of providers for tuition and extraordinary Services contract agreements for 2425 and this is for an outer District uh tuition to Windsor Learning Center and f8a is for a contract for in school nursing services this is just in case this is an emergency if we need a nurse and all of our nurses are out for some reason uh we do have a contract with this company so it is always good to have a contingency plan in place uh you know we'll we'll use it in an emergency basis but it's always good to have uh contingency plan just in case we need to contact this Nur nursing agency uh if we're in need of a nurse and that is it for my report there are any questions discussion any discussion discussions I'm sorry thank you m pres yes I just Mr L confirm there's oober so there's also a date issue there they switch as right being the day off the 14th and that's s still yes okay we'll fix that because this was um this was certainly sent out before the change made we'll make the notations so October 7th we're open October 14th closed but there is PD for staff correct Mr J Casper yes those for students yes correct what was the other date Miss 23r 23rd for the PTA meeting yeah two days and then or is it October okay 24 was it 21st and 24th open Bo convention yes yes yeah reservations are from Monday night with a checkout on Thursday yes 21st through the 24th yes thank you Miss PA you the Sy the yes yes much much better so the teacher put in work order right respond everything we didn't give the option to the teachers oh I was wondering because that was the kind the part where I was like oh it's working well okay so so what what the system we have in place is if there is there needs to be a work order the teacher will contact the main office and then the main office whether is the secretaries or the principal they've been trained on how to how to input a work order because sometimes I was a teacher Sometimes some it may not have to be a work order yeah you know like if you need a new garbage bag yeah it's not yeah do a formal process there you there you go so so that was the decision for this year if you need a new garbage bag because the sealing thinking then you need then we need to work with yes that's correct okay forget what said it is it's good that we check Che be sorry but we will certainly fix October 7th thank you Miss Manis so school is not closed on October 7th it's closed on October 14th 14th yes yes but this calendar went out before yes we approved that any other discussions okay thank you Mr marachi thank you madam president uh superintendent report Mr Jean C thank you Madame President so we will have the the September report we'll have the correct attendance uh again it changes from time to time um but we will have that for the board at the uh schedule regularly scheduled board meeting um underneath um the month of September we just got the isrs for our state uh test assessments for the parents that were sent out um so we have we have 60 days to get that out to the public so I will be presenting the um assessment scores at our October Board of Education meeting um I will try to get the presentation out ahead of the meeting so that you could see it sometimes we're working right to the the last day but if I can get that out quicker for all of you I promise I be that out faster than I have in the past um harassment intimidation and bullying we have right now thank goodness we have zero um hopefully it'll stay zero for the next week um the approval of our bus evacuation drill report um that will be on the agenda for your approval next week um when we went through our qack review this past year which we passed which we very proud of um they did make a recommendation that um that it's placed on the agenda separate um and that we have it for each individual school so we aligned that to what the recommendation was um there was no like hit or we lost any points for that at all but they just wanted to be cleaned up a little bit and that's what we did so you'll see that next next week when you approve that underneath um curriculum uh we have the approval of the nursing service plan that's annual for both V Lincoln and McKenzie school for the 24 25 school year um the board will be approving week of respect and the school violence awareness week which is already projected out on our electric um board outside and then the transportation request for carlstead one of the things that we did meet Mr vachi and I we met with crad incon is that our students come first our our our events come first and we do have availability then of course by all means we're partners and we will continue to help um our neighboring school districts um field trips are approval for C4 which are requested not many but for the 24 25 school year underneath curriculum um right now there's no other curriculum revisions at this point but if there are we will definitely be giving you the board all of those um suggestions and revision so you can look at those underneath Personnel um we have Kelly education substitute list which is our monthly one we that you approve um we'll have the final one for you it's already on there if there's any changes to it you'll get the new and improve one next week Personnel actions get that Personnel actions that are there here okay so um p21 P22 p23 um those we have one p23 is the Stage production for School play that's a sted position it's that the amount that's in there it's a contractual obligation that's there that we have that we align ourselves to we are hiring the part-time uh Power professionals and AIDS that you see there for P1 P2 um and then the appointment of a part-time certified ap4 so we're starting to add more that we need um that's out there one of the other things just to bring this up which is not on here I know there were some concerns about the size of our kindergarten classes I'm going to put that out there rip that Band-Aid right now so I know we were so concerned about that just keep in mind that we're waiting for the Pea funding for preschool which we could offset a lot of our costs that are there um so there is a potential that we will be putting art on a cart and open up another classroom um because with the numbers after 25 we have to have a par of professional that's in there so Mr Barrow and I and the administrative team are working on doing it what we had to do is we have put in place um just in case when we not if because when we get the PA funding we have 75 days to implement it so we have to have the the room and the spaces already once we get we can't wait right so we have to have that um so uh we did hear some of the teachers we met with some of the teachers regarding the the size some of the stuff had trickled up the first couple of days of school I was in those classrooms personally show my own eyes and ears so I can see what was going on hearing to hearing some of the the concerns um so we are addressing that so once we can finetune the paa we'll be moving and I'll be directing the board and what the next step will be okay so that's coming um let's see travel expenditures that travel so show travel we have our school boards Association which you'll see 3.1 which is the Atlantic City Convention there's a snap conference which is a security conference that we attend uh each year you'll see on there there's also um Bergen County meetings for round tables that administrators have as well as the Bergen County curriculum Consortium which we belong to thank goodness for that organization it's great it helps us fine-tune our curriculum and and update any of the curriculum adjustments that need to be made throughout the school year um also tier one behavioral interventions um that we have Dr King Dobson and uh Mr Wagner attending these we tend add manually there's no cost to the board on that but it's great to be in there so you know exactly what's going on again throughout the course of a school year um acceptance uh resignation of one of our staff members uh that you'll be approving at the um this evening I'm going to be asking the board to take action tonight on that resignation um because that's been pending so I'd like the board to take action on that Mr coin you're aware of that as well um community relations is the calendar change which I just I know trust um calini had mentioned as well as M Mana that's going to be the change there um thank you Miss shm who brought that to our attention just to align with the normal days that we have off which is the Columbus Day indigenous day so that it's align with our professional development that our parents are used to so thank you for bringing that to our attention and then we have some addendum items which is field trip uh request are are two there some Personnel actions under addendum let me just turn to that uh which is field trip for teen Arts Festival papal school and then our Thrills and thrills and thrills a mus a musical festival that we go to every single year and we compete uh with our band and course which is really nice um so that will take place um later on in the year so that's something that we do um and that really oh I do have some items for executive sessions some Personnel items that need to be discussed in executive session um as well as um some information regarding special education order that'll be an executive session that's all I have any discussion yes the uh the pre program I wasn't aware that it would such an impact on um our normal classroom say I guess losing losing the room for art is there more than just that or well we didn't we didn't lose any rooms because of paa it's the number of enrolled students that we have coming in from kindergarten like in the last week of school we had like 14 students register so we got slammed with kindergarten um because we are doing the Pea we're going to need another room for preschool and so it's the preschool expansion part of it would be we would lose one room but it's only for one year because the we're we're we're talking about uh possible movement or the grade level changes between LinkedIn bous and McKenzie school to reconfigure but it's super premature to put that out there that's something that we're thinking about that we still have to discuss as administrative team whatever happened to the places in like Yeah The partnership yes so Dr King yes yes yes Dr kson had reached out um to multiple places uh like montouri um the Y and a lot of the configurations did not meet the standard for preschool the the the amount of students per room is square footage and bathrooms so we tried that um there was one location that was but they was not available to us uh we we are still partners with those entities and we're hoping that maybe next year we could still visit that as a board and and try to use that um we just thought that was more efficient to keep it in District closer to where other students are instead of going busing then it becomes busting issues to get them to the why or get them to other places even though we're not po pooing that for lack of better words right but we're we're still we're still meeting with them and we still have ongoing communication with all those venues are fantastic all of our local preschools have been really I mean really nice but some of them can accommodate and the ones that can't accommodate it's just the the size so and that's why we had to utilize some of our kindergarten classrooms are bigger than others so we had a state visitation that came in from the state so that we would even to make sure because we have to we H had to hold up our pea application until the state comes out they loved our facilities they said it was enough rooms that's why we were able to house those students in those three classrooms question about that how many rooms be increased this year it would be three more we would open up this year we have how many last year two one two three and then um one gened full day and then we have prechool um half day two half days two half days they have not increased but if we get this PA we're g there's a waiting list of like over 30 parents that are looking to to take a position here put their child in the preschool but we don't have a room right now correct so that also correct correct considering as well correct yeah what are the kindergarten classes that's oh okay yeah yeah yeah so currently right now um we have two of the classrooms around 17 16 and 17 and the other one one is at 20 I have to get the right number for you just B it's around 20 I want to say 27 in one the other one's 28 two of the four so and the only reason why the other ones are lower is because of the number of students that are able to stay within the you know how many square footage that we have that we're Bound by okay that was going to be my question yeah two right so we because of the size these were these were these were ing classrooms to begin with yeah they were never right the only movement would be is that we would now make sure that we have another the the um art room the art room and the music room were potential now we potentially going to be used for these Early Elementary and Mr G do Kens need to have bathrooms in classrooms yes and they don't have bathrooms then we have to get a waiver that's signed out by the county which is a bathroom waiver that we would write to the um to the business administrator which is the county business administrator who then um we have a new County ba a new County Superintendent um Patrick Fletcher so Mr ludio have retired from that position um so we would we would have to apply for that Weaver in order for us to have an alternative classroom location for our in theart so because right now there is a kindergarten that does not have a bathroom am I correct uh they all they all do right now they all do am I missing [Music] one went up to the second floor something like that four is the uh one two three four I got to check the one I believe one does not but there's an alterate we have we have approval for that we wouldn't do it without an approval right and if you remember remember discussion that I had with the board over about a year ago I said that you know we were looking for an early learning we were trying to go to same not same my God same St Joe's um to to try to do that but that was something with the arch dasis it was a very big big ticket item there um but then I also said that there was possible land that would be sold be across the way from the um from the fields of McKenzie there could be some potential land to look at some expansion to open up mexic early Elementary because this is seems like the way it's going there are so many school districts that are taking advantage of this paa to offset the cost for free preschool um so it was it was a way to go I know parents have been very upset with the fact that we couldn't house their preschoolers because we have the room and then when we heard about that and then heard about no cost it was a win-win so the parents quite happy about that but and we're we're hoping to your point um Mr Banker is that it would be just a one-ear situation and then we have some ideas um as an administrative team which is again it's in its infancy stages right now want to put that out there and have to redact what I'm saying um but I will as we get closer to that I will assure you that the board will know about what the next step will be as we look to the 25 26 school year this it's a valid question you have a valid question right and to your point um man you're right you know we tried to do the least amount of disruption as we possibly can but we had no idea that we were going to get the influx of K in that we got that was like a we got blindsided on that so it seems like you know the the the um demographic that we did when we did the referendum it seems like we're trying getting closer and closer to those numbers um and now with new housing that's developed down by railroad Cafe is that railroad Cafe building along near Rush away from Rin field there's even more which is great you know more children we're happy right stay in business when we have a lot of students which is great um but you know it's just the facilities can we house it you know that's that's the issue be real yeah where they're pushing this thing by the same preschool those F been Dy if they get this rolled out to the entire State all of a sudden it's going to be pushed back taxpayers I hope guarante there's not enough money it's just it's a you know look entire state they're just not be a it's something to keep yeah it's be hard to go back and list to a conversation that just didn't stop at the board level we discussed this right Mr Raj at the at our at our administrative core and one of the questions that came up this is not considered a grant this is more considered Aid where now the state has to fund this we're putting all of this money right and then to burden the taxpayer on something that state decided okay we're not going to give you any more money that that's a major problem and we're gonna have school districts across the state having this same issue that you bring up and it's a valid point we've had this discussion and [Music] right what happens in a year if we don't find a place for these PR students because we are teing away from the elec essentially right now who knows that now a ESS sorry this year now we're going to have part part essentially so in a year we do not find a space to house these prek students then what are we doing well what ours are right well like we said we're still working with our partners that are out there um now that they know that but you know it's it's premature for us to you know say we definitely need this because we don't even know if we had the funding when we did our preliminary visits with these outer District places right um so once we know we have the funding and now they can plan accordingly we can go in and say look we have this number of students we definitely have the money this is what we're going to do um so it was like almost going a little bit blind but every school district I know Mr RI and his previous District had done the same thing like we try to get partners in this but now that we once we get the money we are going to look that this may be something where we have to look at our capital reserve we may have to look at you know um the acquiring of St Joe's some classrooms that because they have a whole school of but it comes with the price so if the board is willing to put that you know that money up we have space there is space we have to be willing to spend the money but again when we do that as a board it's ta dollar we have to be careful you know and be careful on what how we're spending it but it's we have to we we to answer your question which is an excellent question We are continuing to have those discussions Dr King doson and I will be continuing and we'll keep the board a breast of what's going on from month to month um and once we can solidify that we do have a place then of course we we want to return or back to the classroom our goal is to return um music you because our programs our Arts are great you know and we need that space so I'm with you 100% I want to replace that but we just got to wait it's just too premature for me to respond a definitive answer at this time a conflict obviously person this but I just want like a point of information so I don't want to kind of bad opinion but a lot of these places right I I was on the other end of this trying to find daycare um they do they by January they're booked right for the next year corre and and I mean we think about it they have kids from one year old or even earlier than one year that they anticipate flowing into would then be where we are at right and because of that because of those needs right they it's not like they're gonna have a full empty room tomorrow they might have a full empty room a year and a half from now if they if we are telling them hey we are going to basically guarantee income for right from from their perspective from the business perspective we have to we're tell them we're going to guarantee income not say next year we want we want to book it for 2025 or January 1st 2026 and I do agree with Tom through certain we want to kind of hedge against there's a there's a massive potential downside here right if we're acquiring if we're if we're space right if the rug does get pulled out and we all know yes in theory I hope that the state always wants this but a new Administration is going to come in 2025 right there's going to be at least a new cenor no matter what happens correct and with that may come changes so and we and also to your point uh which is valid like even when we have our three-year-olds and our four-year-olds we have to leave space in the preschool from from our three-year olds to graduate to foury olds and that limits the number of spaces we have in the four preschool four year olds right and then if remember too when we had this discussion at previous boards where we were looking at ways that we could you know um assist parents because we had so many parents year after year we are hearing in the board office that I we're a preschool here there's no preschool I'm spending so much money on daycare is there any way for us to try to find a way to bring preschool more preschool rooms so we're trying to do that we're trying to have some money and then the question the board had is even when we passed our budget for this school year we're trying to not go above the 2% cap as much as we can so this is another way for the board to be you know financially you know sound with trying to bring offset some costs we bring in paa money to offset the cost that we have in our general fund so I think we're doing yeah like we're trying to do we pay we have state taxes we should be getting some of it back that's using just saying like but we can we can reach out to some of these you know local businesses and say I'm not asking you about January right I'm asking you about september25 right because you know again we're talking about yeah we we' play one year three to four they're planning four years one year olds the four year olds so if we're opening this conversation now they may push back and say even September 2025 isn't realistic but you know now we're starting to talk about the F and and build these Partnerships and like like you said if if if if the funding stops or if there's a change then you know we're we're working with with thousands of people are not making long-term plan and you're right on the mark because it that's we're told like 25 26 they're populating in 26 27 you know it's just it's absolutely crazy this fun pay for maybe renting place there is very strict guidelines on what we can and cannot use the funds for um there's Staffing there are some there minor facility stuff correct in there um that but it's like you know parents teachers um nurse um uh surey I got to look I don't have in front of me but there's very specific things that we can and cannot use it for um so but it would offset costs of teacher salaries that we're paying out of our regular fund that now we could offset that cost so there are savings um there as well so it's just I thought that I thought that it covers any facility that we went to yeah I think I thought in the first it covers rent but if would need to do Capital Improvement Capital Improvement right there there very well if we went to St Joe's we would St we would have to that was a big downside why St Jon's was that they were like we want to rent it to you but we would need to do a bunch of capital Improvement on it and then and then and then in three years I'm like thank you for renovating our building we also had to check too into your point is manif um was like some of the classrooms that were smaller that we we reached out to paa to say hey look can we open the wall up and expand that as part of the Epic we were denied so we we did try like we didn't want to say okay let's disrupt the car like we tried to other ways that we can do it but then again with construction as we all know SS everything back as well too but we we are looking we are looking we hear you as a board you know we hear it we hear the parents um we heard it from all sides like you know we want to save money we want free preschool we want a preschool available for our children we're trying we we are trying I appreciate so anything that you hear you have any that you hear out there like bring it to our attention you know whatever please we're an open book so whatever you need I appreciate dialogue ums did not Che off yes uh let's see wait this December 30th I only have um December sorry October 30th October 30th one doesn't have the check oh mine is yeah one I no no no the second check yeah second one oh the second oh sorry I can't hear you say that okay okay and of that I'm sorry C4 children okay those um there there might be um student needs [Music] right C4 C4 which page um which no it's a c43 got Mr second grade and thir why you need a bus AR um can I interject I ask that question sometimes our students are not capable across the street and for safety reasons because I asked last year I'm like wait students from F want to think and once that was given I understand a good question good question yeah so just in case we need it it's [Music] there names on this one certain employed by the school she probably possible that AR they the Kelly the Kelly list right do they provide the list or we get a list we get the list from them yeah they provide yes also that are they employed they're in school with us theyy with us our school on this list that think we can remove there might there might be some what we also do is sometimes extendedly we can't find a placement we use Kelly Services to even though they're they work as a teacher here but it might be like an extended leave it might believe that they're not we're paying Kelly to have that we pay Kelly for their service for them to it's not like they're part of our staus person well one right now sticks out oh I see you're saying I don't know if there's somebody else that one I'm thinking of another person that's because of the a or whatever it is but that person yes got it yep yep yep yep I'm good no problem we'll take care of that pf2 pfal have better fire why do we not charge them that that we what is benef not Charing the best I understand our district sure I can answer that one point Mr the rest so we've had an agreement um nothing in writing but when we had our referendum and we had and we were displaced um as an administrative team like it was me um the ba the secretaries we had um utilize cost at public schools for no rent at all um they we were housed in their computer lab so it was more of a like an amicable kind of thing that we did um and at that time it was U Mr kok he was there he he assisted us with that um we it was just a more of a friendly thing that we did because they' done us favors back and forth and supported us that was really that's all I have unless you have something different so they reached out to us they have no buses so they reached out to us they asked we reached out to our insurance company they're part of the same insurance company so we're not worried about any type of Property and Casualty any type of liability and yes they do give us something we at first said no we will not charge you they insisted so we chargeing $200 a bus so we do charge and that's to cover the cost of fuel okay so on contract yeah usually it's it's during the day if it happens to be after school hours like Mr Jen Casper said we have an excellent relationship with them at first we didn't want to but they insisted their superintendent said no we want to give you something and so we came to an agreement uh Le to pay for the fuel for the bus so that was the agreement so we came up with a $200 per bus driver yes well there are they're our staff so it's during the school day it doesn't really cost us anything um if it does go past it we have asked we have a discussion whether we want to charge him for that it's never gotten to that point that we run around and we say listen it went past school hours will he pays the extra money they've even said to us uh in my conversations with their business offices if it ever goes with past um contractual hours they're willing to pay for the driver yeah they're so they're really great people to work with it's a great it's a great District welcome any other discussion okay thank you Mr Jean basro I just just have one other thing is there any possible way that the board could take action tonight on the June 20th we have everybody here so I was gonna bring that up I know we have two we have two conflicts right um was here June 20 and we're in September so but we have enough and then yeah a three yeah wow there was no other conflict I think we should vot you don't mind we want to do it before or after executive do it now because we forget oh do you need us to yeah we need to acation now too while we're doing both if we could that would be great yeah that one I'm not familiar with I'm familiar with the other one that we talked about with the bus sh um is that the resignation yeah oh I didn't realize that's the one so we want to acknowledge that right away yeah we could I mean yeah we can do that now yeah perfect so you would be moving I'm sorry so you would be moving um P4 and then you be moving the minutes okay right can I can we do it all yeah [Music] okay okay so at this time we're going to vote on the June 20th public session meeting minutes and the public executive session meeting minutes for June 20th can I second roll call Mr B thank you Miss Caruso yes Miss kie okay Miss Mana yes Mr seini yes shy Luso yes thank you yes okay [Music] and um upon the recommendation of the superintendent hereby group motion acceptance of resignation of Karen ridinger with regret effect September 6 second Banker yes Miss Caruso yes Miss colie yes Miss Mena yes Mr seini yes Miss Shenley yes and Miss larusa yes okay uh any old businesss any new business this is it thank you guys so much pleasw [Music] will miss you business I did [Music] thank you yes bar and her team did a great job and I don't know if I she well I'm bringing it up any so I just Wan I just W to thank you Mr verace Mr and I don't know how to say been my for many many years that on weekends and when school is not a session and school is shut down every time I pass out school now those Gates you're welcome it's only been how many years I think we resolved that issue in the winter winter time and watching the cameras there was certain people who weren't too happy with our decision but we had to do what was right for the district and to protect the district at all costs and I appreciate thatc entirely how much love going around today yes okay and I also would like to thank Mr Jean CASRO and the tech people yes for fixing theb I thank whoever was involved with that because now you can log into to each School find out who teaches what subject and not have to do a little scavenger hunt of your own right so if you want to know who teaches kindergarten or how many kindergarten classes we have you can now go in and it's organized very nicely so thank you appreciated so little things that make us happy yeah I just want to publicly thank dve Dave and so appreciate yes I appreciate it um any other new business okay um at this time I will open to the hearing of the citizens y single file line I see none I close to the hearing of the citizens um uh at this time I'll make a motion to adjourn to Executive session uh be it resolved that in accordance with Section Eight of the open public meetings act chapter 231 the board has the authority to adjourn to closed session to discuss matters pertaining to Legal Personnel negotiations attorney client privilege and or student matters said matters will be made available Upon A determination by the board that the disclosure of the minutes will not detrimentally affect any right or interest of the board the board expects to return to the business portion of the meeting in approximately well I think it's going to be somewhat quick I I would probably say say let's go with 45 minutes it's probably going to be longer than that but let's go with that the I'm going to fill the board in on negotiations but I don't even think I can fill the board in on negotiation you guys are conflicted so you guys are conflicted Anthony's the only person I would fill in and I can give him a call and fill him in we don't call me call me yeah so I don't even think I you know era I can't even really get into so um that doesn't make sense and the custodial ones is going to take a few minutes on I'm say I don't know you m anybody on the committee disagree I mean you know because we're gonna be filling nobody in essentially so yeah they will have I clicked it out anyway yeah he's not okay his wife's the teacher yeah oh yeah yeah for okay so we're not really going to be able to discuss it and de everybody yeah everybody except for Antonio he's only non- teer your wife is so you're all conflicted everybody's conflicted yeah I could sign Thea but right I can't listen to okay so I don't think it's gonna be super long it may be over that but I would say 4 and we are GNA take action on another item right so minut all right ready to go with 45 minutes I made a motion made a motion who second she just all in favor I any oppos 655 e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e I need a motion to return to regular order of business any oppose all right we have a walk-on resolution yeah so on July 25th um resolution P2 a.3 was a resolution uh to hire Tatiana Mitchell as a school bus driver subject to the submission of various confirming documentation physical exam and so forth and we're going to do a resolution tonight resending that resolution so I need somebody to move that and uh Second and take a vote so second roll call Mr Banker yes Miss peruso yes Miss call yes Miss Mena yes Mr seini yes Miss Shenley yes M Luso yes and all right that's all we yes that's it yes okay motion to adjourn so move all in favor I any opposed