this one I'm opening up right yeah m as she gets up call this meeting of the East retherford Board of Education to order the New Jersey open public meetings law was enacted to ensure the right of the public to have advanced notice of and to attend the meeting of the public bodies at which any business affecting their interests is discussed or acted upon in accordance with the provisions of the act the Eastford board of education has caused notice of this meeting by having the date time and place thereof provided to the record and South Bergen night newspapers to have published and posted in the vestibule of the burrow Hall and Public Library copies of the agendas are available 48 hours prior to said meetings in the board of education office and are posted on the east Rutherford school website www. please stand for the flag salute and remain standing for a moment of silence in honor of a members of our Police Department fire department First Responders and Armed Forces I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands one nation under God indivisible liberty and justice for all roll call Mr B here miss Caruso here miss KY here miss Mena here Mr seini here miss shamley here miss laruso here uh fire exits to the front right and to the side to the left um at this time I'm going to open the floor up to uh Mr tanell and student councel good evening uh our National Junior Honor Society student representatives are here to deliver the monthly report for our schools to highlight some of the great things that are going on with our East Rutherford Wildcats tenzen say will read for f School kavish ganger will read for Lincoln School and Hannah alac will read for mcken school on March 11th njhs sixth and seventh grade members visited Lincoln School to promote a love of reading with the fourth graders the sixth and seventh graders read various Dr Seuss books to the fourth grade students it was an afternoon of smiles and laughter on March 20th njhs 8th grade students will visit McKenzie school to read their favorite books with the prek first and second graders the students will also be participating in a small reading activity to share their love of reading with the youngest wild cats on March 14th the eighth graders played against the erpd and erfd and basketball tournament at beckton Regional way to go eighth graders this week the eighth grade student will take the placement exams for math Ela Spanish and Science in their classrooms V school students will participate in spirit week from March 11th to 15th students will participate in class color day rock and roll Spirit day Pajama Day wear green day and dress to impress B school students will participate in various activities throughout the month to acknowledge women's History Month all faculty and staff members will Infuse various activities to their curriculum to honor the many women who have made a difference in the world March MMA Madness is underway in all of f school science classrooms the students are very excited about this activity and have been anxious to share their top picks with all of their teachers and peers thanks for doing this Mrs OK Conor Mrs Yang and Miss Rosalez this is the monthly report for Lincoln in collaboration with the eastw for Police Department the lead program is a partnership designed to raise awareness to the importance of a drug-free lifestyle to our fifth grade students while also building Community Partnerships with the local police department thank you to detective sergeants Alberta and Felton for their support read Across America week Lincoln St Lincoln School celebrated raw with a number of programs and initiatives in the building students experience a pre-recorded read AA from Senator Corey Booker participated in our second annual drop everything and read hour and later this month our national Elementary Honor Society members will be traveling to McKenzie school to conduct read aots with our younger wild cats World Seal day was held on March 9th and Lincoln School celebrated throughout the week by promoting positive affirmations conducting daily announcements and mindfulness activities over the course of each day our annual P Day Challenge is set for March 14 with students reciting as many digits of P to their classmates from memory the top three winners one per grade level third place overall select a teacher of their choosing to to get a whipped cream pie to the face on March 27th Melissa stra from high impact youth training Solutions LLC will present to her fourth and fifth grade on cyber bullying and Internet safety that same night Miss St will also present to our parents on supporting safe internet habits at home more details to follow but please save the day we would love to see you all there for this incredible opportunity this is the monthly report from Mackenzie McKenzie school is excited to announce that our prek program registration begins on March 1st to March 28th all of the information process in is in our website and was sent to sent out to all parents via Genesis blast website and social media within the District kindergarten registration information has been promoted and started please see our school website for registration information MacKenzie School will have wild cat Fridays for the rest of the month where staff and students will be wearing School Spirit Gear MacKenzie School welcomed guest readers during the month of March to celebrate the love of reading and to engage a school Community family members scheduled the time with their child's reader child's teacher to visit the classroom and read we also had many surprise gu guest staff readers please see the Twitter handle on the school website to see all the amazing activities that went on during these visits celebration of re Across America began March 4th school spirit week and days Monday through Friday the kindergarten concert is Wednesday March 20th at 9:30 a.m. kindergarten parents are invited to enjoy doors will open at approximately 9:15 a.m. to allow for facility setup beckon National Honor Society f honor F National Junior Honor Society and Lincoln National Elementary Honor will visit MacKenzie School to promote Literacy for read Across America the students will also be participating in a small reading activity to share their love of reading with the youngest wild cats celebrated women's history month within each classroom and throughout the school for the month of March McKenzie school Illustrated their school spirit by wearing green on St Patrick's Day wear green Friday wear green day on Friday March 15th Wildcat of the month recognition and Roar assembly to highlight positive student behavior and citizenship on behalf of the National Junior Honor Society we thank you for listening to our monthly report and we are looking forward to coming back next month with more of our school highlights thank you thank you very much just one uh thing Madam president so Mr tanel and I are working um on a possible acceptance uh by the State Board of Education acknowledging our Junior and Elementary Honor Society so our fingers are crossed so just keep us in your prayers uh and we will uh let you know right Mr Tel so so yeah so Mr Tel great job fingers cross all right so we're going to do things a little out of order because we are going to go into executive session first but before that I will open up to the public for any comments on agenda or non-agenda items um state your name address for the record address the board president each person wishing to speak will have five minutes each anyone wishing to speak will be given the opportunity to do so okay uh seeing no public comment oh no I said agenda and non-agenda items anything you wish because we're going to go into executive session first so specifically put it there I okay uh two things two things um number one uh the school buses come over here all all of them the two big ones the small one and the van come at 6:00 in the morning they sit with the engines idling until 10: after 7 from 6 6 until 10 after 7 okay number one it's against state law number two fuel is not cheap and many of the residents have complained the course they come to you know who and I'm also uh secondly the the sign goes off at 3:30 comes on at 5 it's one giant community community information morning something that's not accurate 8 o00 in the morning and it shuts down on before that before you go the break just stay a couple seconds I'll check it to make sure but okay but nevertheless it's it's on until 3:30 3:30 in the morning people who live across the street it's not only do they have the sign now bedroom on the first FL in the corner they have the buses now I'll check before you leave I'll check because I rightly so yeah yeah I mean after all they bedroom's 50 F feet away also people on uland and also people on Grove complaining about the lights which on all night sorry about that I didn't get to which lights the lights on the building the lights on the hallway in the back going down the stairs the lights on top of the roof between the stairwell and the building you've got some flood lights going this way and some fls going the opposite direction it shines in their room in their bedroom it shines in their living rooms I could ATT touched to that my backyard's lit up from those lights okay let me just want to just clar for clarification purpose when you say light you're talking about 3:00 am in the morning is the sign or the lights on the buildings one one is a sign until 3 a. second issue that I'm here okay in behalf of my number of people because that's my job is the other lights and also so the lights on the gym lights the gym you know they face Grove that's right up against the house you know on you in the Grove that Corner House yep y that's really not fair to be on like like that but with regards to this sign once again it's Community it's Community Information happy St Patrick's Day Happy Spring happy don't text and drive it's nothing to do with the school why isn't it this is a superintendent in your name principal and the name this is when the PTA meeting is this is where the school board is this is when we have off for school this is who's on the honor rooll that's the kind of stuff that should be on that sign not happy spring and happy St Patrick's Day and happy Thursday and happy red sock day and 14 times it flips with nothing that's of value that's all gentlemen ladies thank you thank you you I'm just leing okay uh any anybody else wishing to speak okay at this time I will close to the hearing of the citizens my okay at this time uh can I get a motion to adjourn to Executive session resolve that in accordance with Section 8 of the open public meetings Act chapter 231 the board has the authority to adjourn to close session to discuss matters pertaining to Legal Personnel negoti negotiations attorney client privilege and or student manners said matters will be made available upon the determination by the board that the discuss that the disclosure of the minutes will not detrimentally affect any right or interest of the board the board expects to return to the business portion of the meeting in approximately 30 minutes and we will be uh discussing Hib and attorney client uh Communications so moved second favor I any oppos no okay e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e at this time I will be extending executive session for another 30 minutes e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e Jo is that one good you want to S you and a motion to return to regular meeting so moves second all right at this time all in favor all in favor I any oppose okay 8:20 PM just trying to get this moving here she oh she came came we told her all right yeah was she because she asked how long it was gonna be all right she left uh School business administrator report Mr verace thank you madam president uh before I move on to my addendum items are there any question questions from my report from Thursday no okay so see there no uh no questions I will move on to the addendum items the first addendum item is the revision of the February 15 2024 public session uh meeting minutes are being revised and that is reflecting two items it was PF 3.1 and PF 3 3A 3A so the minutes are have been adjusted to reflect that that both of those resolution items were tabled from the February 15th public session meeting f1a is the approval of the bills list number one from March 2024 are there any questions about uh about the bills list no okay and my last addendum item is f5a adoption of the preliminary budget for the 2024 2025 school year so what the board will'll be voting on tonight is the local tax levy is 8,576 384 state aid equaling 1,340 277 Medicaid reimbursement $33,860 we are using budget and fund balance in the amount of $16,578.84 4,773 if you can just add how the rod Grant is uh reimbursing some of that oh yes so the rod Grant the majority of the money that we are withdrawing from capital reserve one is for the exterior door project at F the remaining is the total raw Grant is $685,000 that's the total we have to put forward that money and then the state or the the SDA will reimburse us 40% of that money so the SDA will reimburse us $274,200 185,900 for the two raw Grand projects would be $411,900 but in order to have these projects go forward one of the recom one of the requirements is that we have to put all the money up front okay and we go into special Revenue okay and just two more items and then I can give you the grant uh the total revenue from all sources uh from special Revenue fund 20 $366,000 and finally fund 40 the repayment of debt services in the amount of 2,251 195 so this is a grand total of your fund 10 20 and 40 24, 676 uh, I'm sorry $81 so it's 24, 676 81 are there any questions about the preliminary budget for 2425 okay all right that and that concludes my report Madame President thank you no questions all right superintendence report Mr Jean CASRO thank you Madame President so before us we have Mackenzie school at 381 students down two F 237 up three Lincoln School Down 2 156 a total of 774 students which is up one totally we had our March fire drills and security drills for the month of March uh we have two HIV investigations um that were discussed in our executive session um referendum closeout information uh which we are discussing right now uh regarding uh payoff of of our contractual obligation to doco uh let's see facilities special education report 136 students um total down one in District up one 121 students out District uh seven students in the area of addendum items we have one which is c1a approval of the carad public school request to borrow a bus East Rutherford school district for a student Bill trip um and cr3a is a revision to our school calendar for the 2425 school year uh which sorry 2324 school year which will be taking away two school days at the end of the school year so instead of the last day being June 19th it will be now June um 17th and just keeping in mind that Monday which is June 17th which is the last official day and the Friday and the Thursday of the week before are all single session days so we just moved everything up and that concludes my report any questions uh thank you Mr Jean CASRO otherwise we don't have okay uh there are no correspondences to the [Music] board adoption of Prior board meetings on the recommendation of the superintendent oh sorry uh upon the recommendation of the superintendent the board hereby approves the following meeting minutes uh February 8th 2024 work session meeting minutes February 8th 2024 work executive session meeting minutes February 15 2024 public executive session meeting minutes so moves again all in favor roll call yeah Mr Banker yes on February 8th um stain on February 15th okay so yes on February 8th and obstain on February 15th correct correct thank you Miss Caruso same here uh yes for February 8th and I have to abstain for February 15th okay thank you Miss Caruso Miss kie yes Miss Mena yes Mr segalini yes Miss Shenley stain from February 8th and yes to the 15th thank you and Miss laruso yes okay thank you superintendent resolutions upon the recommendation of the superintendent the board hereby approves motions S1 through S5 S1 approval of fire and emergency drill report S2 approval of enrollment report S3 approval of harassment into ation and bullying monthly report S4 resolution affirming the superintendent's decision relating to an alleged harassment intimidation and bullying incident reported dated January 5th 2024 S5 resolution affirming the superintendent's decision relating to an alleged harassment intimidation and bullying incident report dated February 8th 2024 so moved second roll call Mr Banker yes Miss Caruso yes Miss colie yes Miss Mana yes M seini yes Miss shamley yes and Miss laruso yes uh curriculum committee Miss shamley thank you Madame President upon the recommendation of the superintendent the board hereby approves motion C1 through C2 C1 approv approval of burrow of East wetherford request to borrow buses from the East Rutherford board of education for the summer Recreation program and C2 approval of student field trips and transportation requests for 2023 2024 school year as before you so moved well she's second yeah me second that's okay trying to be Mr Banker yes m Russo yes Miss KY yes Miss Mana yes bless bless you Mr segalini yes Miss shamley yes and Miss laruso yes concludes my report thank you uh personel committee Miss Kusa thank you madam president upon the recommendation of the superintendent the board hereby approves M motions P1 through P3 P1 to approve the Kelly's education substitute list P2 Personnel actions and P3 approval of travel expenditures second okay Mr B yes Miss Caruso yes Miss KY yes Miss Mana yes Mr sealine yes Miss shamley yes and Miss Luso yes and that ends my report Madam president uh physical facilities committee Mr segalini thank you Madame President upon the recommendation of the superintendent the board hereby approves motions pf1 through pf3 pf1 approval of monthly facilities calendar for March 2024 pf2 approval to amend resolution pf4 A2 as approved at the 928 2023 Boe meeting pf3 approval of District facilities District use of facilities as presented at the 215 2024 Board of Ed meeting as pf31 and pf3 A3 Mr Banker yes Miss Caruso yes Miss KY um yes to one and two and I'll recuse myself from pf3 okay recuse from pf3 okay thank you Miss Mana yes to pf1 and two and I also need to recuse from pf3 okay Mr segalini yes Miss shamley yes and Miss laruso uh yes to pf1 and PF recu from PF okay thank you thank you madam president that is our report uh community relations Miss colie thank you madam president upon the recommendation of the superintendent the board hereby approves motions cr1 through CR2 cr1 approve first reading of revised bylaws policies and regulations CR2 approval of sunshine notice for public budget hearing for the 2425 school year second call okay Mr Banker yes Miss carusso yes Miss colie yes Miss Mena yes Mr sealine yes Miss shamley yes and Miss laruso yes and that concludes my report uh technology committee not this month but soon right coming soon uh finance committee Mr Bank thank you madam president um it's gonna take me a minute because the page is missing on my agenda here and I can't log in for some reason yeah oh you oh never mind got it got it okay yeah yes they're running it as if it's double sided the public ones yeah this this happened two years ago where yeah there' be one as double-sided the printer only R yeah it's all single sided but yeah y okay upon the recommendation of the superintendent the board hereby approves motions F1 through f F10 F1 approval of bills list number one March 2024 F2 approval of February 2024 payroll F3 approval of financial reports for February 2024 F4 approval of transfers for month of February 2024 F5 adoption of preliminary budget for 2024 2025 school year F6 approval of contracted services with the South B Bergen jointure commission for the 2024 2025 school year F7 approval of joint Transportation agreement with the southb and jointure commission for the 2024 2025 school year f8 acceptance of donation from Exxon Mobile F9 acceptance of NJ doe emergent and capital maintenance needs Grant F10 approval to amend F fiscal year 24 idea preschool Grant amount I'll second and then I actually have a so f8 we always say it's like an acceptance for xon mobile it's actually from like a guy who owns three gas stations Le insert bus he owns a one on 17 and a couple other gas stations so I want to personally thank him for donating he donates every year um and when you say X on mobile we're like whatever we get a check no it's the small business owner in our in our town um that gives back so thank you love it Happ thank you did not realize that so thank you I didn't realize until I looked at the image I saw the card and I said wait yeah heer boss yeah yes yeah yeah so we have a you have a second okay go ahead okay Mr Banker yes Miss Caruso yes Miss colie yes Miss Mena yes Mr segalini yes Miss shamley yes and Miss laruso yes would you like to do the addendum items yeah you gotta do the addendum items he's like I wasn't ready vocally it's not that hard I promise okay pressure put on the spot thanks guys all right upon recommendation of the superintendent the board hereby approves the February 15 2024 public session meeting minutes revised and motion c1a cr3a f1a f5a c1a approval of carlat public schools request to borrow a bus from the East Rutherford board of education for a student field trip cr3a approve revised school calendar for the 2023 2024 school year f1a approval of bills list number one March 2024 and f5a adoption of preliminary budget for the 2024 to 2025 school year a second okay Mr bka yes Miss Caruso yes but I think I have to abstain from the agendum for February 15th yeah Tom you do too I think yeah for February the 15th yes yes that's a revised meeting minut yes so let's go back to you Mr Banker so you need to abstain from C1 a no I'm sorry C which one just the February 15th the minutes okay minutes as DOI yeah minutes Caruso yes to everything for yes okay Miss KY yes Miss Mana yes Miss shamley yes sorry Mr seini yes and M larusa yes that's I didn't fix any old business any new business I do Madam president so I know Mrs Russo was in touch with everyone regarding the CSA ofal um so what happened was because I tried to do Google dock last year but it was a disaster I think because some people couldn't find certain things so um what I did was I reached out to Matt Ali in SBA and what he did he's doing me a favor where not just me but he'll do a any superintendent but um to you can access the things that are in there now and then when I have the rest of the stuff which I should have by the end of March beginning right before spring break I should have the rest of it so he'll take it back off I'll upload all the stuff and then you'll get another email and then that's when you do the evalu because I could if once you say yes to it or no to it or value it then it's done so we'll see if that works hopefully that'll make it easier for everybody that's all I have all right at this time can I have a motion to adjourn so moved second all in favor I I anybody opposed thank you and good night