##VIDEO ID:whC9khyWoik## e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e for [Music] [Music] and support Lincoln School Community Wilding on the horizon September 11 s school those as well as countless on September 11 2001 National his haage month began on September 15 and staff have been working to integrate Val content into their programing our Bann the main Cate contrib all [Music] [Music] on to number third and fourth the start of the year with the teachers attending professional development workshop and preparing the classroom for the student arrival on September 5th M students school students and staff were red white and blue in honor of P day which was on 911 on September 25th mcken School pre to third had an imp back to school night parents were able to attend and meet the children's teachers it was a 7 p.m. start and there were two classroom session there was also a general assembly at 7:35 p.m. followed by a second of sessions doors opened at 6:30 for access to the PTA book fair on the stage and in the gym only McKenzie school will celebrate Hispanic heritage Italian ameran and polish Aman months there will be various classroom activi in read LS mcken school will begin the gold ticket program for a positive behavior support program and regularize students of the most school will have wild Friday for the rest of the month where staff and students will be wearing school year of their favorite footall September 23d to 25th was mencken's fall book thank you to all PTA parents for volunteering monly report than you to our three student representatives and we're looking forward to seeing them at our [Music] thank you and it sounds like all three schools had an excellent start to their school year and I can't wait to hear what you guys do for the rest of the school year thank you [Laughter] School business administrators report uh Mr vachi thank you madam president uh tonight I'm going to be talking about the two addendum items pf1 a approval use of facilities we received an application from the East Rutherford Police Department to utilize Lincoln school on November 7th and 8th uh schools are closed due to the njaa Convention as well as December 23rd and 30th to conduct various drills within the school f1a I'm sorry f1a is also is approval of bills list number two thank you Mr Banker as always we also have there's also another uh agreement or I'm sorry request for school facilities and is for foul school it's not there Dan is it's not there should be should be f1a ef1a okay my apologies the other application is for fou school for dances on October 25th February 14th April 25th and May 30th from 6:30 to 10:30 at F school so those were the two requests for use of facilities and then we had the bills list number two and that concludes my report Adam president any discussions just to the pf1 calendar I saw the date was start from October 7th now October 14th shows half day Asos to Che it'll be yes it's a full day off we'll make that correction full day off um for students with staff pdre correct got it oh on the facility okay great sure thank you anything else Poli doesn't really matter it's not involved right which one is it it's the use of facilities for the police department they're using it for doesn't involve your husband directly well he'd be there yeah I don't I don't know about fine anybody any other discussion all right thank you Mr verrai a superintendence report Mr Jean Castro thank you madam president our student enrollment to date aty school is 366 up 12 students fou school 240 students up three linkoln School seen the biggest increase of 19 students overall uh 34 plus students um out of that 34 plus students about 12 of them 12 to 13 uh were at kindergarten so we had a huge number uh towards the end of the summer um with more Wildcats so we're quite excited to have more Wildcats join us um but we're at 781 fire drills for the month of September uh New Jersey fire drills and security drills mandated were conducted within the first 15 days of school the beginning of the school year um everything went well there um harassment intimidation and bullying report for the month of September proud to say that there are no investigations at this time um at the October Board of Education meeting we'll be presenting the New Jersey student learning standards sorry the SLA um which is the state assessment scores in math language arts and science as well as our dlm results um so stay tuned for that that'll be coming at our October regular board meeting preschool Aid expansion pending approval we're just wait for the approval on that um I spoke at both back to school nights I'll be speaking again at Lincoln School back to school night next week um once we get that the funding on that we have 75 days to implement it plans have already been set on how we're going to implement it I would like to thank my total administrative team and the teachers for their cooperation um and this is something I know parents have been waiting for is that free preschool so it's coming just patience um and we have over five years to expand the entire program all the way out long range facility plans currently right now over at um there's a couple of things that are going to be happening here in the district one is a new roof um over the building that we are currently in right now as well as a small extension to McKenzie school as well as exterior doors at foul school um taxpayers may be asking why are we doing more construction um that was to try to keep the cost down with the original referendum to try to keep it as low as we possibly could with also addressing some of the um ailments that the facility had in all the three buildings see in the area of special education we have a total of 132 students plus up two students in District 119 and six out of District students that's been pretty steady with no students going out of District to date child study team staff met discussing the pdps and sgo for the for the 2425 school year spoke about the njsla data and special education student status as well as semi we discussed leave replacements for occupational therapists DM assessments and preparation for the 2425 school year their annual Handle With Care training took place uh and streamlining uh information presented in our IEPs case managers worked and worked on their related service rosters um we also met uh in the area of curriculum we spoke about preliminary interviews for uh two new preschool hires contingent upon the Pea funding which doesn't come from the the actual uh general fund but comes from the money that we receive from the aid uh I attended um as well as Dr King Dobson uh Bergen County Roundtable for uh District administrators for superintendents we also um we're also looking at lesson plan structure and checking the checking of lesson plan Fe feedback being able to streamline streamline that a little bit for our our our teaching staff uh we put together our observation schedule for the 2425 school year for our district administrators also met with our district coaches um as well as preparing for our school visitation and that was all I have at this time any discussion right thank you Mr J Cas brro um at this time I will open to the hearing of the citizens um opening public comments on any agenda items state your name address for the record address the board president each person wishing to speak will have five minutes each anyone wishing to speak will be given the opportunity to do so this is agenda items I up okay just got to hold it down oh there you go just wanted to confirm we had a uh of the P request from last meeting Beed in tonight's discussion we only you only voted on one meeting for the September meeting and the October the rest ofe the October days right yes yes thank you any on agenda items only I seeing no one else I will close the hearing of the citizens uh correspondents to the board we had numerous this month uh one from the Eastford fire um from fire department Shu company one um from Miss gagas from Miss dolma and a letter from trustee former trustee sagini um adoption of Prior board meeting minutes upon the recommendation of the superintendent the board hereby approves the following Boe meeting minutes August 22nd 2024 public session meeting minutes August 22nd 2024 public executive session meeting minutes second roll call Mr Banker yes Miss kuso yes Miss KY yes Miss Mana yes Miss chamley yes Miss laruso yes uh superintendent res oh yes so notice so you're abstaining from the August 22nd public session meeting minutes and public minutes okay so is that a yes obain no superintendent resolutions upon the recommendation of the superintendent the board hereby approves motion S1 through S4 S1 approval of fire and emergency drill report S2 approval of enrollment report S3 approval of harassment intimidation and bullying monthly report S4 approval of the school bus emergency evacuation drill drill report for the 2024 2025 school year second roll call Mr B yes Miss Caruso yes Miss KY yes Miss men Miss shamley yes Miss Luso yes uh personel committee Miss carusa what curriculum sorry sorry sorry curriculum committee Miss shley thank you m fin recommendation of the superintendent board hereby approves motions C1 through C4 C one approval of nursing service plans for the F School Lincoln School and Mackenzie school for the 2024 2025 school year C2 approve the week of respect October 7th 2024 through October 11th 2024 and school violence awareness week which is October 21st 2024 through October 25th 2024 C3 approval of transation requests from the pro public school and C4 approval of student field trips and transportation T of 2024 2025 school year thank you any discussion roll call Mr Banker yes Mr Russo yes Miss colie yes Miss meta Miss Shenley yes Miss larusa yes thank you now Personnel committee Miss Caruso [Music] thank super attend the board hereby approves P1 approval of the Kelly education substitute list P2 Personnel acting P3 approval of travel expenditures and P4 the acceptance of resignation of paren ringer with regret any discussion roll call Mr Banker Miss Caruso yes Miss colie yes Miss Mena yes Miss shamley yes Miss laruso yes thank you uh physical facilities committee Mr B [Music] oh godes the motions1 PF PF one approval faity calendar 204 PF two approval agre bus [Music] serviceseducation board ofeducation for 20242 school year Bus Services Board of Education any discussion roll call Mr Banker yes Miss kuso yes Miss Callie yes Miss Mana yes Miss shamley yes Miss laruso yes uh Community Relations Committee uh Miss fall on the recommendation of superintendent the board hereby approves motion C1 appr revise school calendar in4 second any discussion roll call Mr B yes Miss Caruso yes Miss KY yes Miss Mana yes Miss Shenley yes and Miss Luso yes thank you uh finance committee Mr bka thank you madam president on the recommendation of the superintendent the board hereby includes the following motions F1 F F1 approval of bills list number one September 2024 F two approval of August 2024 payall F three approval of financial report for august24 at four approval of transfer report for August 2024 at five approval to equipment F six approval of Risk Management Consultant AG 2024 school year F7 approval for providers for tuition extraordinary Services contracts and AG for 2024 school year and approv for a contract for eacho nursing for [Music] the any discussion roll call Mr B yes Miss Caruso yes Miss kie yes Miss meta yes Miss shamley yes and Miss laruso yes addendum items upon the recommendation of the superintendent the board oh wait wait sorry miss Nana do you have a technology report is it really messes me up that it's not on here even though she has no resolutions all appropriate Technologies to ensure the safety and security of our data information system planning of scheduled maintenance and improvements for the 2425 school year is ongoing e rate purchasing for the 2425 school year is on going to support the technology infastructure across the district with the start of the fal year being pass work to fulfill components of the plan has commenced the 2425 school year continuation of the annual Technology support technology programs within the district all students District satisfied along technology the district has added P School essential as human servicing providers parents are encouraged to create account for all distri if they have not already done student device dist distribution has begun for students who havei have been created and Department continues to send notices to [Music] thees findes must be resolved prior to receiving District own technology the district continues to use J to share and collect data through to allow for efficient for not inform toate technology platforms to help support prod efficiency and instruction within the district and lastly the district continues to evaluate qualities and procedures will to appropriate technology to help support productivity efficiency and instruction any discussion yes okay it used to be we could put it on there's just no resolutions for it we could put it on with no business it would help me not forget put it on as a title with no new no new business or or no action that's fine you got it thank you um I have to say I do like that all the fees are on paceful it makes it much easier to you're welcome up to welcome thank you Miss shy appreciate that no letters for you only for I'll send you a text message all right addendum items upon the recommendation of the superintendent the board hereby approves the following motions c4a p2a p3a p p5a p6a pf1 a c r2a f1a c4a approval of student field trips and transportation requests for the 2024 2025 school year p2a Personnel actions p3a approval of travel expenditures p5a acceptance of resignation from Adriatic C MH um p6a acceptance of retirement uh Karen delinsky pf1 a approval of District use of facilities applications cr2a approval to approval to post for the vacancy of the East retherford Board of Education unexpired member seat just a note to anybody that wants to apply all information will be on the OE website um f1a approval of bills list number two for September 2024 second any discussion uh I would like to comment so with the acceptance of resignation for C ringer on the resignation of Adriatic um Sela definitely going to be missed but one very dear to my heart is my Administrative Assistant uh Karen delinsky she is it's bit her sweet I'm happy for her to move on enjoy her family and her grandchildren um she's been nothing but the best someone I could depend on knowledgeable uh team player I just can't say enough about Ken Linsky and I wish her well she'll be with us until the end of January thank you to the board for assisting me with that as we transition a new person once person comes we collecting resumes right now so congratulations like um I've known Karen for many years Karen delinsky and I personally inv miss her she's been a wonderful asset to the district um they're going to be tough shoes to fill I have to say she's she's just the best that that the district is very long time and I also W to it's fitter sweet to accept the resignation of Antonio S I can't say enough about this young man who has just been he's such an asset to this Bo um we all know that here um and you out there if you know Antonio he's he's just been the best and I I can't say more than and our loss is the council te thank you any well since you started I saved that for you Maria chair of personnel that's why I didn't say it I didn't want to take that away from you yes M will definitely be missed her absence will be felt in the district um and along with that trustee segalini you know what started here as you know a board ofed relationship I think turned into a bunch of great friendships um and I am sad to see you leave here okay but I know that you're going to do great things on the council and now you get to work with the better larus so so congratulations and best of luck just one comment that I'm hoping that the council is hearing us but it would be great if you were liaison between the school districts and the burrow just intent mailer a mayor any other discussions okay roll calls Mr Banker yes Miss Caruso yes Miss kie yes but I'm gonna rep myself from pf1 a.2 pf12 okay Miss Mana yes M shley uh yes but I going to do the same as Jillian and I need to refuse my from pf12 as well okay re is from pf1 18.2 yes to everything else and Miss Lusa yes any old business any new business I do have one thing that I want to ask of the board members since it is our board goal to be more present in the community and to attend uh more school functions and more Community functions we do have the Fall Festival coming up that we usually get a table at so I am requesting that if possible that we all try to take a shift um it doesn't have to be all day you know an hour you know just to be there be present so all right thank you anybody else I was just gonna say I mean I've attended both spouse and K back to scho night they were both very well attended it thought everyone did a great job it was really nice to see um the teachers and excitement and um so just kudos to all the staff for making that happen it's great thank you um at this time I will will reopen the hearing of the citizens to any agenda or non-agenda items state your name address for the record address the board president each person wishing to speak will have five minutes anyone wishing to speak will be given the opportunity to do so Antonio SE S as in Sam G as in George a yes I just need your address Mr J I think you're already minute I saiding st Mar construction all the things in between I build the friendship with all of you because of all the long hours you put in all the hard work you put in right your dedication to the students but also to the of this town it's un matched okay and right Alex you guys also have led us in a great Direction personally and helped keep keep us on the right path so I just want to say thank you again for all the time and um yeah it is a lot of work I just want to say it's a lot of hard effort and with h sight these decisions look very obvious but the time I just want again the time and effort you all put in to make decisions and the painstaking work you do to make when there arey answers I just thank you [Music] again it's not a golden ticket but it's a silver ticket ever golden never you 16 was that a two two well good thing she was your teacher stre you [Music] for first and foremost I want to thank M president for emailing me the findings to my many questions I initially have had from the May July meetings although I appreciate that the board and administration have made a thorough review of the situation I still in all that my questions were not answered with just a simple yes or no it's going to be redundant but the questions are did you notify the parents that the children Race 2 through four did not receive BSA Services since the newly appointed teacher in 2023 was pulled out of Title One to cover another class the email I received by president stated the following moving forward the district has put safe guards in place to ensure that parents are promptly notifi if similar circumstances arise in the future therefore I can assume the answer to the question I POS is no you did not notify the parents of this lapse just a response with a yes or no would have sufficed I also ask where did the funds go the assistant superintendent indicated that $80,000 went back to local funds so why wasn't a BSI teacher hired the email stated that quote the district was actively looking for a teacher if in fact Administration was actively looking to fill the position why wasn't it posted as anticipated or replacement position for a year and a half since I retired I knew of four individuals who looking for a job but nothing ever posted the email also indicated quote that classroom teachers provided increased small group instruction within the classroom utilizing the academic Intervention Program according to our curriculum teachers always included small group struction new lesson plans I have been in touch with many of the staff members and no one has been approached with this increased small group instruction and if they increased this small group instruction to accommodate BSI students where the teachers held responsible to log in the monthly minutes and monthly roster to our assistant superintendent this was one of the pertinent questions I had during the a board meeting were those two documents St mandated yes or no the assistant superintendent did say during her 40 minute presentation at the jward meeting that she needed these documents for her reports and that's fine I never turned down anyone who asked me to be something extra I don't mind doing the work but be truthful of why I had to do it in retrosp M ask why are they making such a big deal about stage before I had access to Genesis as an administrator I had to go around to eight teachers to get monthly grades updated reading levels and more but that's another concern from another time since I only time to speak likewise the assistant superintendent e access all information need to help with these state reports this information was completed by the ESI teachers that included Title One Elementary student information worksheet Title One Elementary individual student children plan and more these documents had to be handed into the child study team by the end of September the beginning of October of every school year Additionally the email stated that quot there was a brief introduction of services again this was a colleague who had a medical issue and was out for a brief period this Individual Services own kwart in first grade students the second third fourth graders did not have a brief Interruption they were not serviced by a BSI teacher for a year and a half since I retired with all this said and done please don't try and insult my intelligence by trying to circumvent the fact that these students didn't get proper Services they were entitled to yes I'm aware of the school program s instruction etc etc that doesn't justify with the parental letter states which is as follow your child is selected to participate in East one program during the regular school day m s these programs will give your child supplemental instruction and subjects noted below at this point I just want to Clear My Name by saying that I do not appreciate being out for spreading thisinformation I just State the facts I was waiting for some kind of apology for insinuating that I am a liar I do not want to keep coming back and reading same scenario I feel slighted because I deserve the same respect as any other citizen that comes forth with questions that need a direct answer instead I received the blanket sat thank you for your time and I hope we have a wonderful 2425 school year thank you for your comments they're duly noted thank you thank you for your time anybody else hello was the PTA just a quick update on our September and October activities so far the PTA has 142 members 65 of which are teachers and staff in September we hosted the teacher welcome breakfast we also set up back to school signage welcome back signs at off schools we hosted our first PTA meeting we assembled and distributed 850 of our wild holders for our students through through the teachers we participated in the F and back to SCH nights with our huge success we have a membership table there as well we hosted the slir which was our largest one to date 900 books put in the hands of our young readers $7,300 of books were sold $11,000 was paid for program to Scholastic e wallet where parents can put the money on the on their account through the computer and students don't have to cash to the school $40 was paid out to the schic uh schic dollars account that PTA holds and that was to all set the children came a $5 bill and had to pay 523 of tax we could all that rather than denying your child book reach our own Pockets um and online Sal for the book will be available October 6 and that can be found on our website um for October we're getting a new fundraiser reading card boxes that run from October 1st and 12 we'll be participating in leak School back to school night we'll be assisting with and coordinated the picture day which will be on October 3rd uh we will be setting up and running a Scholastic prepare for the Lincoln and F School students that will run from October 7th to October 11th uh with the E grade committee you host the pumpkin patch at the Fall Festival that will onun October 11th to 13th we're going to be getting a new program called D and Don where people can go to local restaurants and the portion of the proceeds will get returned to the PTA our first one will be October 17th 17 and the each other for Police Department we will host our annual trunet that will be on October 25th Friday ranking of Sunday the 27th and we'll also assist that the mity school with the Halloween parade and any other parties and activities that go on there as well as if needed at and the day thank you thank you lots of exciting stuff happening thank you anybody else yes my name is St t s e r i n g d o l n a and my address is 377 seal Avenue Eastford J 0773 um so I have request to film in front of somebody any of the schools around here it's for a short film that I'm do I'm be L producer for it um as part of my job it be constraint multiple has so it'll be you know um we seeing the budget as well as location manager finding different locations and um being on between the producers and whoever we um using the locations from and so we're filming this movie the short film from October 3 to October 6 in each other and couple different places one in how New Jersey so we're looking to film on Sunday October 6 somewhere around either The Bu school or B or or back to high school um majority of our shoes will be Sly con to the drop off and the but our shots will be super tight that like only I just want to stop because we're gonna ask you to come into our executive session um to come and speak to us about this um so we can get more specific details um so um if you want to hold off and when we go into executive session I will have you come and speak to us then okay yep we have it yep anybody else okay see none I close the hearing of the citizens um Mr Coen you wanted to see yes I just want to address M president and board on the title one and the basic skills uh issue so the issues that were raised uh were referred to our office um the the board has provided responses on the issues which you know were reviewed by my office as well um the issues raised don't necessarily warrant a yes or no answer and the board has provided pretty detailed responses on the issues um the board also has made Mr Gan cro available uh to address and fill in any gaps or clarifications that have warranted that has been a standing invitation by Mr Gian CASRO for months I think uh so the board has been very transparent on this uh it's referred through my office as far as the propriety the use of the funds um and uh so the board has really made itself available made Mr Gan CASRO available uh to address any clarifications that are warranted the other thing is um it's difficult to address certain things when the source of the information is not identified so that's like a problem obviously it would be much better suited uh for Mr Gan CASRO to address these issues oneon-one uh with Miss gagas if she chooses to come in and meet with Mr Mr Jean CASRO the other thing we've done because there's you know issues of us not being truthful or somehow not using the title One funds appropriately uh we referred this whole issue uh and the correspondence and so forth up to the county superintendent okay so we can't be more transparent than saying if someone's saying we have an issue here we'll refer to the state of New Jersey Department of Education via the county superintendent so he's aware of the accusations and our responses okay I don't know how much more transparent or how much better we can deal with this issue okay but I want the board and the president and everybody to be satisfied this is being looked at and has been dealt with and we've invited the county superintendent to review this so I just want to make that clear thank you thank you um at this time we will uh have a mo what have ex yeah yeah yeah uh to go into executive session resolved that in accordance with section8 of the open public meetings act chapter 231 the board has the authority to adjourn to closed session to discuss matters pertaining to Legal Personnel negotiations attorney client privilege and or student matters said matters will be made available upon the de determination by the board that the disclosure of the minutes will not detrimentally affect any right or interest of the board the board expects to return to the business portion of the meeting and approximately you don't have any fil I have nothing something maybe 30 minutes yeah it's not it's not a lot so go 40 minutes Jesus what are we saying 30 minutes 30 minutes no okay two minutes that's okay so we'll be back in a half hour e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e okay you're on need a motion to return to regular [Music] business roll call Mr Banker yes Miss Caruso yes Miss colie yeah Miss Mana is sorry miss shamley and miss yes and we have a walk on resolution um pf2 a upon the recommendation of the superintendent approval of District use of facilities application uh for the PTA meeting dates do you have those do you want me to read the dates or I don't think it was 2425 school year okay for the 2425 school year so second any discussion R DEA M Kus so yes Miss paie uh Miss Shenley yes yeah Mr W yes motion to adjourn second