good evening everyone welcome to the regular meeting of the East Windsor Regional School District Board of Ed education written advance notice of this meeting was provided at least 48 hours ago such notice provided the time date and location of this meeting and included the agenda to the extent it was known at the time notice of this meeting has been given in accordance with law minutes of this meeting are being kept by the board secretary and will be made available promptly to any board to any member of the public requesting them from the board secretary at 25A Leon Lane heightstown New Jersey minutes will be provided at cost and with board policy are there any board members present who believe this meeting to be in violation of the open public meeting act there being none we may proceed in compliance with the fire code of the state of New Jersey I call your attention to the emergency exits for this room which are located in the front off to the right here and then off to the left over there please stand for the flag the Pledge of Allegiance I pledge Al flag of the United States of America and to the for it stands na item C having read the materials received I move the agenda be approved as submitted second please pull the board M Drake yes Miss Murphy yes M boli yes Mr weeks yes Miss Patel yes Miss Lans yes item D be it resolved that the East Windor Regional School District May hold two closed sessions at this meeting these closed sessions concern Personnel administrative introduction Hib report of May 8th 2024 administrator update and superintended evaluation minutes of these closed sessions will will be made available to the public when the need for confidentiality no longer exists any questions please pull the board Miss Drake yes Miss Murphy yes Miss boli yes Mr weeks yes Miss Patel yes Miss Lans yes we will now move on to the student representative report thank you we'd like to start by saying that we have finally reached the time of year where we are able to share our College decisions with you all it has been a long and stressful process but the class of 2024 is ready to share their future plans with everyone I am happy to announce that I will be attending Temple University in the fall with a major of Kinesiology and a minor in Psychology I will be attending the University of Southern California in the th with a major of international relations and journalism on a pre-law track as a presidential scholar in the coming weeks you will notice that the class of 2024's Instagram page will be slowly announcing everyone's future plans we have already seen commitments to a number of colleges as well as plans to enter the Air Force and army you can continue to follow that account as more students are posted each day we wanted to take a moment to highlight our varsity baseball team who have had their best season in years their record was pled in an article by The Trentonian which covers High School sports in the area they are currently one of the best in the CBC and we wish them nothing but success as they finish out the season as for other sports programs heighton will be hosting guest speaker Mike gatley this Thursday evening who will be sharing information for parents and student athletes hoping to play at the Collegiate level this is an extremely helpful resource we are glad to have as a process of becoming an NCAA athlete can be stressful and difficult to understand we to many aspiring student athletes there over the last two weeks the students in the advanced placement courses took their exams for their respective classes we would like to mention that all of the exams were conducted with efficiency and made extremely easy to understand for each student starting Friday sophomores and juniors have been completing NJ SLA testing to determine their Proficiency in science with NJ curriculum standards testing has been running smoothly and we hope to see it continue into the next two days as well last Wednesday senior class took a trip to the Hudson River to celebrate the annual senior Cruise where students had a lovely dinner and dance Flo while overlooking the city skyline our seniors had a lot of fun and were excited to continue this tradition from the past years we were unsure if the weather would cooperate as it was a bit rainy earlier in the day but thankfully we were able to enjoy ourselves on the outer and inner de to give students something to look forward to as they are in the midst of testing season we have begun planning for ramb Boozle which is student council's biggest end of year event that will take place June 6 it will be a little different this year with less of a structure and more activities for students to participate in there will be food trucks as always Inflatables the annual soccer tournament and much more classes will run on a halfday schedule with students being dismissed to the turf at noon they will then be able to partake in the various activities we have set up until the regular dismissal time of 2:10 at which point students will be able to head home on the bus those that wish to remain until 3 p.m. May do so but the event will complete at that time our winner will also be receiving their prize that afternoon with a special SE section of the event reserved solely for their grade on June 7th we will be having our senior prom at Battleground Country Club after a prominade at the high school students purchase their tickets last week and are looking forward eagly to participating in their last prom following senior prom the HHS parents Association and after prom committee will be hosting after prom at the high school where students will have the chance to participate in many fun bu activities and games we would like to extend a huge thank you to the after prom committee and parents Association for their help in the process the HHS stage will be quite active in the upcoming weeks as students take the stage for multiple performances our drama club will be hosting their 1X on May 31st of 7 p.m. featuring three student written and produced plays tickets will be on sale soon for $5 so be sure to keep an eye out for them additionally our school's South Asian club or soft will be hosting their annual performance celebrating South Asian culture on June 8th at 6:30 and and June 9th at 1:30 p.m. tickets will be available for $6 and will be on sale soon be sure to come to these amazing events as the end of the year rapidly approaches we have initiated the process of selecting our class and student council officers for the next school year student council applications were due today with interviews being held this Thursday the 23rd the interviews will be conducted by our student council advisers Miss McDougall and Miss blanford as well as the current stud stent student body President we hope to introduce you all to next year's board Representatives at the next meeting class Council applications are due Friday and applicants will begin campaigning the following week the elections will be held during an activity period on June 11th and we will know those results by the end of that week we are very excited to see who will be representing our student body in the upcoming year and know that they will do a great job that concludes our report for tonight thank you very much thank you so much for that great information and congratulations on University the wonderful amazing University so I wish you the best of luck but we'll see you next month um are there any questions no okay so uh next we will have a scop training update presentation that's um our regarding our district Focus goal number three all right so I just quickly set the stage uh good evening everyone this is an update regarding our thir Focus goal uh it is surrounding um some structured uh professional development opportunities that we wanted to make sure that we kind of embedded intentionally to ensure that our teachers had the necessary support to meet the needs of our multilingual Learners um a lot of tonight's overview will be focused on the scop approach which is a research based approach uh the two individuals I'm going to introduce right now we'll kind of get into that in more depth so I have miss Monica Fano 612 bilingual low language ESL supervisor along with Miss Andy small our assistant superintendent for curriculum and with that I'll I'll turn it over them thanks Mark so as Mark said we're going to just give you a overview of what we've done thus far with some training and what we will be doing in the near future so first thing is people say well what is scop so scop is just shortened for sheltered instruction observational protocol and really what that is is a research-based instructional model that has been proven effective in the United States so that is how we so every time we talk we're gonna say SC up instead of having to go through that whole um Series so we started last summer in August with training eight building administrators and 12 supervisors and we brought savis who is pretty much one of the big companies that deals with the scup training and they came in they trained the administrators it was a one-day training which was really a truncated training for what we were able to do for teachers but during this training the administrators were able to get a little bit of an in-depth study as to what we were going to be training our teachers on because we want to make sure our administrators know what it is they're going to be looking at in order to be able to help support and Coach our teachers so we thought it important to be able to bring this to our administrators before we went to our teachers so right after we trained our administrators we had three three-day workshops for our teachers and the way these workshops are broken down is our middle school and high school had the bulk of our teachers that we needed to train so they had train three-day training in October and another three-day training in November for two different groups and this consisted of ESL teachers along with the shelter teachers so our sheltered classes in our 612 are math science and social studies for the most part it is a gened teacher in there with an ESL teacher as support this year because of our numbers we did have some J teachers riding solo with this training that happened and then in December we trained our K5 staff and our K5 staff that was trained were our bilingual teachers our ESL teachers some special ed teachers and our two interventionists in the elementary so for a total of 84 teachers were e e e e e e e e it has to be active verbs so that therefore it's measurable when we get into language objectives same thing they need to be written clearly and simple there should be active verbs that are measurable again oral and in writing one of the things that the teachers were a little confused about is well then what is the difference between a content and a language objective so Monica was very easy easily able to say to them here's all you need to know a Content objective is the what the language objective is the how when Monica said that the teachers were like oh so it's something that they already do but they weren't doing it intentionally and that was what the whole gist behind this was is to make sure that when we plan our content and language objective it was intentional because then we would have our best chance of succeeding and having our students succeed so this leads to building background uh New Jersey changed the terminology of how we identify our multilingual Learners instead of calling them ESL students or students with limited um English proficiency we're now calling them multilingual Learners because we're coming they're coming with an asset instead of a deficit so it's something that we wanted to highlight here and scop definitely brings that to the table because during building background we're what they know about the world about their culture what they've learned in education from their countries and they're bringing it into the beginning of the lesson we're focusing them in by having open discussions asking them questions to engage them in discussion about the topics and through that we are engaging them we're focusing them we're pre-teaching content vocabulary to get them started and we're teaching them Roots prefixes bases of the words to help with the language these lead to strategies that they talked about during the um our trainer was really good at highlighting three of the main um ways to build background with the words in vocabulary using cognates there's a lot of Spanish cognates out there that you can use AC Closs to ex there's also word walls meaningful word walls so pre- teing eight to 10 words um before you get into the chapter having them posted so students can then use them through lessons and collaboration with their classmates and cor graphic organizer which is um how we identify the words using an image uh a student family definition not one you get from Google but one that the students can understand and then using the word in a sentence he also highlighted many strategies throughout our um three-day workshops um cognitive is the process of manipulating the activities um we're doing that by looking at Key vocabulary we're building the back we're using graphic organizers we're getting them ready to look at visuals and discuss then it moves on to the metacognitive this is where we get our students thinking here they're starting to ask questions they're generating ideas they're inferring we use often with scop use the kwl chart it's a graphic organizer to use in the beginning of delivering a lesson you're asking the students what they know which is the k those lists then you preview the book or the text or watch the video and then you ask them what do you want to know this is them creating their questions and then after they've read synthesized they're going to go back and identify what they want so that's a big one then it goes into the language learning strategies here they're developing they're skimming they're scanning they're able to paraphrase by using the strategies that they've learned throughout the lessons um and using prefixes and suffixes to help with the language and the paraphrasing so I said Dem Monica that as we go through this if you read through this and you know anything about when students learn how to read all of this is very similar to what are our English students do and how our English students do it so this isn't anything new it's simply a matter of us now doing best practices with our multilingual Learners so all of this should be very F familiar with that and then we already used the gradual releasee model in District uh but it's also used throughout scop um so we we decided to to highlight that today um it does promote high order thinking we are avoiding questions yes no answers we want the the students to expand upon their answers and to do that with the various levels uh there are different strategies that we use we can use word Banks we can use sentence starters sentence frames to help them uh guide uh to using the language um let's see that think alouds are a big one is to get students thinking talking collaborating really want them to use the language that they're learning so this is a way that we can get them involved then comprehensible input uh so this is making the information that we're giving them comprehensible to them it's meeting them where they are and then building them up so we're not going to give them let's say an esl1 student a Shakespearean novel but we'll find an adapted version of fora to help them understand the concepts and me the standards so we are also practicing the four domains and we want to cross off four domains uh throughout our lessons we are rephrasing uh rereading helping students understand what's in front of them we're using visuals and real life scenarios so we often talk about the four language domains and I just realized that we never even shared with you what those four language are because it's something so normal for us and as soon as we say it you're say oh that makes sense is really reading writing speaking and listening so whenever we talk about the four language domains that's what we're referring to so when we're talking about our language objectives that's what we're asking our teachers to do is to focus on one of those language domains and then it just leads to practice and application so now we're asking the students to incorporate the strategies that they're learning in the classroom um in their their objectiv meeting the goal so that could be through uh partner work individual practice it could be through product based learning um so the language is alive it's experienced it's it's it's active in the classroom so that's we just tried to give it to you in a nutshell what we went through with our teachers and then what we want to do is just pretty much talk about next steps so we trained 84 teachers now what we have um many more teachers so what we are looking to do is to do some more mini trainings rather than three-day workshops so doing um like a condensed version like we did with the administrators for all Any teacher who is interested so we plan right now to have two sessions in the end of June and then three sessions in August where we will have a um a scop trainer come in to be able to talk about the eight components focusing on learning content objectives um and being able to go through giving our teachers some time to be able to plan help coach them things like that because one of the things that we are hoping for the 2425 school year is that along with our content objective the language objective would be embedded in all of our um lesson plans then we were looking at what else can we do this summer for our teachers who have been trained to be able to help expand their learning and to help support them in some of the areas that they may still be struggling with or things that they've tried this year that they want to be able to help one another with so this is just a little bit of um tasting of some of the PD sessions that will be run this summer for our teachers I know we pretty much went through a really quick way of doing it but anybody have any questions that we can answer for you um thank you first um for going back to the very first slide it said that this the SC model was proven effective in the US uh I'm just wondering if we can get more information about scop like how old it is um how many districts use it in the nation call a great question so I can get all of that information for you we we tried to condense it but I can absolutely get all that um this is like a proven thing it's been going on for years we're a little late to the game but we realize we had to do something to be able to help our things but absolutely I can get that for thank you and the other question um I'm wondering if this model is replacing any model that we had previously used or is it more of a brand new not replacing anything so throughout the last 15 20 years we've done some training in fabric um but we've never had a model that we can say to teachers here's how it's all laid out it's like you know we talk about sometimes we do PDS that are drive by PDS hey here's good now let's go to the next one here's another one let's go so what we're trying to do is something that systematically can be building on that we work through with um teacher by teer to be able to help build their knowledge so that as a district we're focused in the same direction instead of all of these little things here and there so it's not new where it's not replacing it's trying to be focused so that we can all be talking the same language so regardless if you're if a child has you in third grade and then me in seventh grade they're hearing that same message and they're having the same training that's what we're trying trying to do here thank you um uh so so far 84 teachers have gone through the training and are we projecting I know we have more more training coming up over the summer is the goal to have this be districtwide to some degree for every for every person and instructor level yes yes the goal would be is to be able to have every one of our teachers trained I know that's idealistic in the summer I'd love to say hey we may have 10 sessions and we can get every teacher trained that's not that's idealistic on my part um realistically if we can have 80% of our teachers trained by September we can work on the next 20% we just need to see how many teachers are available this summer to be trained and then find out what we have to do throughout the year so I'd love to say Hey by September one every teacher has the training that's not realistic but our goal is by the end of the year that every teacher will have some type of a training with this and that you know we talk about you know we have um some PDS and training throughout the year this is something that we want to see work throughout the year and it's not just the one and done and what kind of feedback are you getting from the 84 folks that have already gone through the training yeah so a lot of them have really um flown away with it I mean going into going through the targeted walkthroughs um they're using a lot of the strategies that were used during the three days um a lot of them feel that they're able to reach their students um especially the lower levels who come in like across content so ma one of them science it's helping them uh with the skills and strategies they need to sort of meet the students where they are and the other thing that we have seen throughout is that some of these strategies are things that teachers have used but that wasn't with the intention to be able to affect change so now they're able to do intentionally planning so that to see some of these things happening so they've done Four Corners they've done all this but now it's with that focus with making sure they have a language objective in mind and that's good teaching whether it is a multilingual learner or is an English um learner only so we're trying to be able to show that this isn't just about our multilingual Learners these are good practices that we're trying to put in for that so we've gotten a lot of positive feedback um because they really feel that they already do some of this now they're just um rushing up or polishing if you will and just just piy back off of that I feel like it also sort of ignited some teachers um right reinvigorated their passion for doing fun collaborative things in the classroom um we we forgot to mention but we also purchased some supplies for them to use so chart paper markers um timers a bunch of different things that they could use after the training um so I feel that they're really EMB and I think the other thing um Mike as you're talking about when you asked that question is this is something our teachers have asked for please give us some strategies to be able to help support the Learners and the various Learners in our classrooms so I think they were just so open because they really wanted to be able to do what's right by our students so thank you okay Sandy I think you actually just answered my question my question was going to be um being that this is for multi language Learners um does that mean that the classroom is does that mean that the teacher is not just teaching to the to those students but to all the so it's like the classroom has a mix of the English only and then the multi and then the teacher is teaching all of them but using those skills to better teach the multilingual Learners so Jean so good question so really what it is some of this most of these strategies are good for all students so I'll give you an example one of the things that they talk about the speaking and listening so whether Monica was a multilingual learner and I was a monol linguistic learner if you're the teacher and you're asking us to write a sentence about the Civil War to share with our partner my role would be is to sit here and listen to Monica and provide feedback to her and then Monica stand there and listen to what I said to provide feedback so what we're doing is we're basically having our students being able to create a writing piece listen to their partner as well as speaking so we're getting all those language domains and all of that is good for all students so some of our shy students who don't want to speak in front of the class can speak a oneon-one you can speak to a small group so what our teachers are finding is that there are some benefits for all students in here all right thank you so much s um hi thank you so much um for the presentation so moving forward it sounds like this is something that we are interested and embedding into best practices throughout you know the district and throughout you know all the all teaching so is this are these skills that you're going to be looking for even if the teachers don't take part in the training are you going to be looking for these skills when you're evaluating so what this is one of the things these are our little baby steps that we're trying to do so this past year as we made sure so we if you say we have a targeted or um audience when we do central office ad central office meetings and for that meeting Any teacher Who Was Not absent that day did get a taste of the language objective and the content objective so then the supervisors and the building administrators asked them to then put one in their lesson plans and then we were able to work through it so we're not going to ask a teacher to do something that we haven't provided some training for so if someone is doesn't have the training we're going to find ways to train them to make sure they understand it because there's nothing worse than asking be do asking someone to do something that doesn't make sense to them it's not going to be done right so our goal is going back to what Mike asked is to train everyone so that it does make sense you do need some buyin so that they understand what the reasoning is behind this so then when we do ask for these things um that it makes sense so I'm not going to say to you this year right in the evaluation this is going to be like we want to make sure that we are building teachers to be able to do what's right for students I meant in the future right so going forward this is part of best practices East Windor Regional School District and this is you know and we're doing this with intention you know okay thank you any other questions thank you Sandy thank you very much okay next we will hear from hear the superintendent report from Mr Daniels okay good evening everyone um thank you again to Sandy and Monica so just in terms of the the training and they shared it quite eloquently but I think that obviously we know that we need to provide support to teachers to meet the needs of students we want to make sure it's done in somewhat of a systemic way uh and it's not determined by any individual but collectively kind of an approach the district is adopted so I think that the feedback just in terms of popping into the training earlier this year teachers were obviously engaged they they thought it was worthwhile I think part of the tradeoff I'll be completely honest was that some teachers are having difficulty leaving their classrooms for 3 days in a row um but we thought the the you know the support that they would receive was was just that valuable so I think the content um makes sense I think that you know we're not looking to Hard Sell It we think it's something that just is in line with what what students need and we we're hoping that as we move forward uh it enables our teachers to feel like they have a greater sense of efficacy in terms of meeting the needs of our multilingual Learners who come with the skill set uh we just have to leverage it and maximize it so looking forward to to continuing to embed that uh into the culture of our school district just want to come back to our student Representatives just for a moment I do this periodically so I do want to congratulate our amazing student Representatives uh for finalizing their college decisions for next year uh I have no doubt that you'll be successful as you transition just hope you represent the district well uh as you as you move to Temple which is not too far and then we I heard USC which is which is kind of far both institions uh wish you continued success hard to believe there's only one more meeting you probably can't wait you're probably like you know what let me get this last meeting over with so we do have one more board meeting uh June 10th um I'm hoping you can attend that last meeting right uh we do want to provide a small token of appreciation for your service to the school district on that evening uh and hopefully we'll be passing the Baton in terms of the individuals who will be replacing you uh for the upcoming schol I think you you've set quite a high bar and definitely appreciate your service to to the district this year thank you for that um we'll talk a little bit about an administrative recommendation so tonight um talk about the periel juw school principal position I'm I'm pleased to share that on tonight's agenda we do have a recommendation for the principal um that obviously will be the position becomes available after Mr dis retires next month after his uh successful career within the school district uh so after completing a pretty rigorous uh interview process uh for the past few months uh Mrs Jasmine Allen has emerged as the educational leader who we believe has the appropriate disposition experience and skills uh needed to nurture and navigate the continued educational journey of the Perry L Drew School uh Mrs Allen currently serves as the principal of Bedwell Elementary School in the Somerset Hills Regional School District uh she also previously served as an assistant principal in Monclair a data coach and a fourth and fifth grade teacher in the eastar school district so pleased that she's here tonight and the board will have an opportunity to meet with her during executive session sh sack update exciting things here so I recently share with the board I've been sharing I guess over the past few months in terms of um the three-year cycle that all school districts of New Jersey participate in um really a self assessment of sorts and it's a huge amount of compliance um connected to a school district providing um information evidence within five key areas those areas are instruction and program fiscal management governance operations and Personnel so if you recall uh the Merc the Mercer County's uh executive superintendent and his team um had an inperson it kind of had a a combination of things virtual and iners um monitoring I guess I can call it where we uh had to initially upload uh quite a few items they then engaged in the process of reviewing those items they then met with us in person to kind of discuss a few things also look at a few items in person um and um you know fortunately this only occurs every three years so the goal ultimately for every school district is to be placed on in each of those five areas uh the expectation is that a school district receives a score of at at least 80% in each of those areas uh fortunately I'm pleased to announce that our school district did achieve that um all kind of there's a few layers in terms of criteria but but ultimately a lot of its compliance outside of the instruction and program uh area that's that's a com of factors and there's obviously some student growth tied to that so for instruction and program we were replaced at 82% fiscal management we received an 84% scoring governance we received an 89% operations we received 95% and Personnel we received 100% so since we've satisfied the 80% threshold um you know our school district the East Windsor Regional School District has been determined be a high performing District therefore the acting Commissioner of Education will recommend to the State Board of Education that the district be certified as providing thorough and efficient system of education for a period of three years until the next review cycle so um positive uh feedback positive news I will say that this is really a testament to the commitment of our our dedicated staff our Administration and obviously the Board of Education fast forwarding to June 10th I referenced a little while ago regarding our student Representatives just a couple of um kind of highlights for that meeting so we do have our retiree recognition uh during that meeting we're in the process of identifying who will be confirmed to attend uh as you know we'll have our principles and folks who are in supervisory roles um sharing testimony on thanking those individuals for their service to the school district we also have a followup um presentation we had a focus goal three tonight we actually initially was scheduled to do these at the last meeting few things got a little little confusing so we're going to have our uh Focus goal two uh update connected to equity audit recommendations and next steps for the school district uh that will uh be the presentation for the June 10th Mee just to highlight a couple of um you know spring concerts you know what a wonderful time of the year just uh left the auditorium here at the high school where we had G our fourth and fifth grade band perform so what is concert season iwi the clock I the beginning of the month um I had the opportunity to attend the Melbourne H crebs middle school I believe that was the sixth grade band and orchestra concert pack house excellent performances uh definitely want to commend our music teachers obviously at each of our schools and um our amazing students I've talked about the level of participation that we' contined to have within the school district and it's um I think it's something that clearly that you know the Arts component within our district is something that I'm proud of so uh kudos to the the middle school students and staff last week I had the opportunity to attend here at the high school uh the perel Drew schools concert I believe I saw the fifth grade um band and chorus that night um excellent performances great level of in terms of students quality of performance and obviously it's great to see such a huge crowd hence while we were in the High School auditorium for Elementary School concerts right I think that's a testament to the growth of our program um tonight as I said I just had a brief opportunity to to jump into to gnrs concert our fifth fourth and fifth grade uh tomorrow night they have fourth and fifth grade chorus here at the high school in yorum G&R and then later this week we have our high school band uh bring us on Wednesday and then on Thursday we have an art show on choir combination concert here for the high school as well so I would definitely encourage those watching listening here to try to Avail yourselves to at least see a portion of of the performances but um definitely want to thank all of our music educators across the school district I mentioned I believe that the last meeting that we did get the best community uh best music Community award again and I think it's like I said it speaks volumes in terms of the level of um enthusiasm motivation commitment talent and a large part of that I owe to our music educators under the leadership of uh Mr Li goal our supervisor of visual performing I'm G to uh close tonight um this is kind of old news now so I kind of lost my thunder on this but I wanted to share at when we were scheduled the meet last week it was on the heels of teacher appreciation week and and many of you who are tagged to social media probably saw this already so it's kind of like old but like me but what I'm going to share I'm going to share it tonight just because I think it it it captures you know I'm going to talk about briefly one teacher one student but I do think it it highlights and illustrates the impact that all of our Educators have within the school district whether they're teaching prek through 12th grade so um you know came across a short video I'm not going to play it tonight but it was a high school alumnist Natalie Ortega Natalie is a current member of the Broadway musical Wicked um and they had a night or evening uh connected to teacher appreciation and um you know I guess members of the cast were able to invite um you know an educator someone who had impact in their lives so she invited a high school a current High School teacher uh Mr Bill camp who for those of you that know him obviously he's a social studies teacher but he also is heavily involved in our theater program she had indicated that I think she had he hadn't taught her he wasn't connected to her as a teacher for about 12 years so this is you know she's been out of school for for several years um but there was a small clip there where she was on stage and she she really talked about um the significant impact that Mr camps had on her and the belief that he had in her I just thought that Wasing Amazing Story amazing uh way to say thank you and appreciate his impact but as I said um you know he's very humble individual but I do believe that that shows the impact that our Educators here in our school district have and I just wanted to to highlight that and if you haven't seen it uh find it it's it's a great moving clip and I think as I said it's a testament to the impact of the teachers here in our school district so with that said that concludes my report thank you thank you Mark any questions um one comment I guess first seeing the Natalie clip is great I also want to um mention at the very end the the captions didn't get it correct but she did shout out another teacher from Heights toown um Mrs kather aneni um she passed a few years ago but she made the music department what it is today um so just to give her a shout out too um the question uh for the upcoming um retiree um celebration at our next meeting I'm thinking back to last year I think we only recognized the teachers who were able to actually appear I'm wondering if we can give a shout out to even those who can't be there um just to recognize everyone who's retiring I think the way we've done it in the past the folks who are not here we do mention their name I'm not sure we read the testimonial are you advocating for us to read the testimonial even if they don't attend um I see Tina shaking her head yes I wasn't going to say I me I don't I don't have I don't have a I was just hoping for a shout out because I don't remember it being even a shout out last year but I'm not maybe I'm misremembering but I mean I can go to the tape Jesse I'm G to roll that tape all right I think but I think typically we do we do acknowledge the folks who are not in attendance but I think you know what because there so much happening it may get overshadowed so make sure it's highlighted appropriately any other questions okay so um first opportunity for public comment any members from the public thank you Ed hman highstone High School parents Association um June 7th big day at the high school senior prom after prom party um we are starting that morning with a presentation uh called after the fire um I was able to work with Chad Reed fire marshal for Heights D burrow and Mr Vincent uh to bring Alvaro yanos and Shan Simmons two of the survivors of the SE and hallf Fire to the high school um they are motivational speakers they do a presentation um situational awareness uh directed at high school seniors um going to college explaining their experience um it's very emotional uh intense presentation um hopefully the students will get a lot out of it um but I'd like if any of you are available please come and check it out uh it will be first thing in the morning cuz the seniors have someplace else to be later on that morning um also uh later that day I invite you all to come out and check out our after prom party uh if you are unable to help us set up or work it I invite you to come out about 10 o'clock and at least see what we have done um it is always a phenomenal transformation that we turn this building into um and lastly I just wanted to thank you all I know we only got one more meeting left and I'm not 100% sure I'm going to make it because I got a senior Car Parade I got to take care of for the music boosters um but I want to thank you for indulging me for the last three years coming up here and speaking before you and throwing all kinds of information at you and speaking my mind um it's been a honor and a pleasure working with all of you working with everybody within the district working with then um it's been a great experience I've loved every minute of it and uh hopefully made positive impact on the students the staff and the district thank you yeah I was just going to say a couple of words there Ed you walked away from the podium but I just wanted to um it sounds like you're leaving us Ed I'm not sure you you you graduating where you going you're graduating okay so I just want to say on behalf of the board I think um you know uh Ed you you've been since I've been here for 5 years you've been um here probably more than me so you're a staple um in in the district in high school uh I you know when I'm stopping by events at different hours of the evening I tend to bump into you so uh your commitment is second to none and uh the last compliment I I think I shared with you was last week when I was here for the the uh perial Drew concert and I was just commending you and your your team for how you uh showed the teachers here at the high school a week's worth I don't want to say this right now because some of the other schools might get a little envious but the level of um appreciation that that you shared with the teachers here that was that was quite impressive so definitely um view you as kind of like a staple of the community and um hopefully you won't be going very far but definitely thank you for for all of your your service and selfishness that you you continue to exhibit so definitely appreciate um having the opportunity to to work with you I second added thank you very much for everything I'm sorry that I haven't personally worked with you one onone to my crazy health issues that prevented me from volunteering yet I will not yet but thank you for everything and I wish you the best of luck um does anyone else have any you got me per like all we're going to miss you oh there any other public comments well I I I also wanted to second that I'm going to miss you i' we've seen you at every event when I've been at every musical and every event it's it's been a pleasure and I wish we could like stand up and clap for him but I know it's probably not allowed but thank you for everything one last chance or any other public comments okay there being none um we are going to move into EX executive session now we do have a number of items to discuss so we'll probably be back in about 45 about 45 minutes um and then maybe a little bit less but we'll see you in a little bit thank you e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e okay we are back in session um it seems like Jean has to stepped out what is our protocol for that can we continue or should we wait we're still good right now with a okay very good just I don't I know I think she's coming back but she's just yeah a personal yeah okay um okay so we will move on to number item seven old business um at the moment we have all of our future committee meetings listed on there and nothing else um just wanted to make some comments here when Nicole return returns um she and I will be speaking about our board retreat um and starting our board self- evaluation um so I wanted to kind of get a you can reach out outside of the meeting too but is there a preference for the retreat to take place at the end of the July 15th meeting um or during a special meeting do we want to hold a special meeting for just specifically the board retreat I think we've done it both ways in the past I know my preferences but I'd like to he everyone else's preference July 15th I won't be here um it has to be July 15th it does not it does not and it's going to be on School site again or will be going yes it will be on site so you can email Nicole and I individually I just wanted to put it in your brains to start thinking about that um okay and also maybe like to I would actually like to put a placeholder here for our next meeting to um have a discussion again about possibly making that curriculum committee a committee of a whole um and then can we add sop on here just in case there's any follow-up questions for our next meeting um any other thoughts and questions in this area what do you mean by curriculum as po I'm sorry instead of having an a committee of four in in the in the in the side room we would all business as a committee of a whole here at the table and there's pros and cons to both so and that would be effective we would have a discussion no effect of anything this is just a throwing it out there thought like let's have a talk about this to see what works best for the board and administration and the district thank you Mark I just want to add that the uh the next policy committee meeting is scheduled for June 3D originally we had a board meeting on June 3rd but we changed the calendar so there's no board meeting that day I just want to make sure that that's okay June 3rd in terms of I can reach out I actually have some policies that I'm going to share with the committee in advance of that meeting uh just some drafts for you the review but I just wanted to make sure people understood that June 3rd is not a board meeting night all right thanks for pointing that out I missed that okay so done with that so second opportunity for board member comments okay there's none um our second opportunity for public comments no members of the public here to speak so we will move on to oh Jean's walking back Jean I'll hop back for just a moment did you have any other additional board member comments okay so then we will move on to item 10 item 10 motion to approve routine items by exception having read the materials received I move that the board approve the routine agenda items as submitted a staffing 52024 B HIV report from April 29th 2024 C approve amendment 2 of FY 2023 24a ES EA Title One and title three D approve travel and related expenses virtual and in person e approve new field trip site for upcoming trip F approve heighton high school overnight trip to Atlanta Georgia May 2024 G technology recycling batch number 47 rum Enterprises H extended school year program I out of District placement J Professional Services for students okay taxx Levy payment schedule for 20242 vehicle maintenance proposal 20242 Transportation agreement with u SC mcsssd e c NJ and M O EC n tuition rates for non-resident students o tuition agreement for Rosevelt bur 2024 2025 P all Student Bus evacuation drills Q resolution authorizing the use of State contract and Cooperative purchasing programs for FY 20242 R approval of proprietary providers s approval of Professional Services for 2024 25 school year T Co-op purchases oops VI transportation V board minutes for April 29th 2024 W report of the board secretary and financial report March 2024 X expense and transfer reports of school M's report for March 2024 y Bill list of May 13 2024 any questions sorry sorry that's my bad second any questions I had a um under o this is with the tuition agreement with revelt under that resolution number three there was a reference to an under overpayment and a $250 amount can we clarify what that means y problem I should have given you a heads up yeah it says um page two so it's it's resolution number three both parties agree that when the actual tuition costs per student are finalized any under or overpay of the tuition that interestingly enough the board um over the past I would say four years um has not gone back and charged Roosevelt um I've done a calculation to kind of true up if you will so basically what we do is we have an estimated tuition cost and then at the end we get a certified tuition rate and then at the end we should settle up you know either way either we owe them or they owe us um about four years ago the board made a decision not to enforce that part um considering you know that Rosevelt is just about out of business so over that that period of time we have not raised our tuition rates and we have not gone back to um do that calculation okay so pretty much that is qu thank you thank you okay and then X I just had a question um sometimes I don't always look at all the details on these but the facilities acquisition and Construction Services for the transfer report there's no reason for the transfer do we know what the reason for the transfer is um if you want to give me a second yeah there there was a transfer we had um it went out of facilities a couple of our projects came in under budget and then we had to transfer one second uh so we did some transfers out of our facility projects into our equipment line of 473,000 if you remember a couple meetings ago we did approve quite a bit uh the board approved the buildings and grounds equipment particularly three trucks a new Bobcat a front end loader and a bucket truck okay so that th those transfers that's were result of that all right thank you for clarifying no problem and we had to send that off to the county and we did get County approvement for that any other [Music] questions um pull the board Miss Drake yes Miss Murphy yes abstain from a just line 22 thank you Miss Bry yes Mr weeks yes Miss Patel yes Miss Lance um abstain on 10 D from just the line item regarding myself and yes to all others thank you okay we are now going to move into a second exe exe executive session to discuss the CSA evaluation there's no action to be taken after this so we will end the public session here and adjourned immediately after our discussion thank you