##VIDEO ID:I## e e e e e e e e for e e e for for e for e e e e e e for for for e e e e e e e e e good evening welcome to a regular meeting of the East Windsor Regional School Board District Board of Education written advance notice that this meeting was provided at least 48 hours ago such notice provided the time to en location of this meeting and included the agenda to the extent it was known at the time notice of this meeting has been given in accordance with law minutes of this meeting are being kept by the board secretary and will be made available promptly to any member of the public requesting them from the board secretary at 25A Leen Lane heightstown New Jersey minutes will be provided at cost and in accordance with board policy are there any board members present who believe this meeting to be in violation of the open public meeting act there being none we may proceed in compliance with the fire code of the state of New Jersey I call your attention to the emergency exits for this room which are located in the back inside please stand for the pledge of allegion States item C please having read the materials received I move the agenda be approved as submitted second any questions hold the board please M Tri yes M Murphy yes M boli yes Mr weeks yes Miss Patel Miss alter yes Miss Kalia yes Miss laruso yes item D be it resolved that the East Windsor Regional School District May hold two closed sessions at this meeting these closed sessions concern Personnel level four grievance orisa MOA administrative introduction Suzanne akley emk assistant principal minutes of these closed sessions will be made available to the public when the need for confidentiality no longer exists second any questions pull the board please mrri yes Miss Murphy yes Miss boli yes Mr weeks yes Miss Patel yes Miss alter yes Miss colan yes Miss larusa yes um now we'll move on to item two presentations this is very exciting we have Maryann fredman from njsba with our strategic Plan update welcome Maran I make it red obviously you're going to be my clicker I am I am I was going to say I would be I would be proud to have you as my C I promise I can handle it okay so my name is Maryann Friedman I really from New Jersey school boards I really want to thank the board and Mr Daniels and the community and the staff um and students and parents for allowing us to come in and facilitate this process for you so I'm very pleased to give you the final plan so strategic planning what it does is it creates the district vision and mission for the district that can really allow all stakeholders to become part of that plan and encourages the stakeholders to also go out and support the plan and provide others to encourage the plan so that they can work together to provide to increase student achievement so if you've been to our strategic planning you're familiar with the waterfall effect what happens is that once the Strategic plan has been adopted by the board and it will all the things that are occurring in the board will fall and flow from the Strategic plan so your District goals which are annually set your board of ed goals annually set administrators goals building goals Department goals Department uh student growth objectives and then staff professional development plans all of that will Cascade down from the strategic planning goals and will increase ultimately student achievement for all students so these are the components of strategic planning the the pyramid um our strategic planning pyramid the commitment going up the side is the commitment of the Board of Education to not only have invited people in to participate in the plan but also to listen to what they have to say so the first meeting we had information from Mr Miller on the state of the district the state of the schools report and small groups identified strengths and challenges we then um every group report we did a gallery walk for that meeting and then identified common themes for strengths and challenges the second meeting was vision and initiatives we asked you to think about um you've been away from East Windsor for about five years you come back you stop at a WWA for gas you go in to get coffee and you see Time Magazine which miraculously is still in print five years from now and it has picture of East Windsor Schools on it it says schools that succeed what would you expect to see in addition to all of the great things you had learned about at the previous meeting that are going on what would you expect to see that would put you on the cover of Time Magazine so each small group came up with a vision and initiatives and then they reported out and we had each group report out that time so each small group reported out and then we did a common themes on that as well from that we identified five district goal areas they were very broad District goals and then at the next meeting we reviewed those goal areas and then we asked everybody to take a look at the strengths and challenges and the vision and initiatives to put together a goal statement and several objectives for each of the goal areas and that was accomplished once that was done everything was turned over to Mr Daniels as the superintendent for the he and the administrative team to work together to develop the action plans so what's included in your spirals are is the full plan including the action plans at the back the board president the superintendent and the ba get a binder so they can add things to as they as they go through and this strategic plan is somewhat of a fluid process because you'll be looking at different District goals that will be taken from there and District goals that you may have had you may want to incorporate those into the strategic planning goals and I believe your strategic planning goals are broad enough that you can do all of that within the strategic planning goals so again we had the state of the schools report in the presentation the first night identified strengths and challenges developed the vision and initiatives the next night develop the goal statements and objectives and then the action plans were developed by the superintendent administrative team tonight the plan is being delivered to the board the board will adopt the plan I don't know whether you'll do that tonight or at an upcoming meeting whatever you would prefer to do is is absolutely fine once you adopt once the board adopts the plan though excuse me you need to let me know so I can send you the pdf version of this final plan so it can go up on your website so everybody can follow along with it and then the action plans will be implemented by the administrative team and the superintendent and it really does provide a framework for your annual District goal setting so we had the planning meetings you had fabulous participation for these three planning meetings the first planning meeting was February 27th and there were 62 participants March 14th you had 54 and April 17th you had 41 participants and that included Board of Education members it included superintendent staff administrators ERS teachers students parents and community members who all volunteered their time to really put in the time and effort and their talent to develop this strategic plan and it really will guide the district over the next three to five years again I apologize for my voice I'm not sick I don't have covid it's that vocal cord thing that I have going on so your mission statement is through a safe inclusive learning experience that is grounded in best practices students in the East Windsor Regional School District will develop and strengthen academic social and emotional skills needed in order to be successful productive citizens and serving every child every day we will strive to increase achievement by challenging and supporting each student to reach his or her Highest Potential address the needs of the whole Child by ensuring all students feel healthy safe engaged supported and challenged with opportunities for social emotional learning and growth prepare all students with the skills and awareness necessary to activ contribute as productive local and Global Citizens and provide professional staff with the knowledge skills and resources necessary for highly effective delivery of instruction and programs so the five goal areas that were identified were student centered learning Staffing Community engagement facilities and finance and climate and culture in the first school area student centered learning the goal is to increase the academic achievement of all students through rigorous instruction as defined by increased collaboration real world application increased engagement and active inquiry this will be measured by utilizing multimodal assessment and challenging each student to perform and the objectives are stem to increase exposure to those Concepts and contents K through 12 achieve median growth uh student growth percentile of 60 in every subpopulation in ela English language arts math and the New Jersey learning student learning assessments and then 100% of staff will be trained to meet the needs of special education students ensuring appropriate placement student teacher ratio and support services are provided the second goal is Staffing and that's to ret recruit and retain staff who reflect the rich background of our student population objectives are we will recruit committ committed staff with the ability to be flexible adaptable and able to cater to the diverse needs of our students and we will place staff in areas of professional strength the third is Community engagement to develop and Foster lasting district-wide relationships that connect people of diverse backgrounds through every academic stage of life and the objectives are to design an Implement Universal preschool that utilizes Community Resources develop and Implement summer opportunities to bridge schools and invest in future connections develop Community Resources to immerse students and prepare students for their future interests and design and host districtwide community events to engage and include families and all aspects of school life the fourth area is facilities and finance to create a safe and secure learning environment while remaining fiscally responsible objectives are to upgrade educational athletic and health facilities to be more energy and cost efficient the second is to provide adequate dedicated faculty space for Early Childhood needs and education and to leverage technology to streamline District Operations and the fifth is culture climate cultivate an inclusive and respectful climate for all stakeholders that inspires and evalues diversity of thought and opinion the objectives are to foster a sense of belonging by increasing the level of participation in extracurriculars by 30% all levels of stakeholders follow a shared code of conduct administer a panorama survey twice a year to stakeholders at of all levels and increase the awareness and celebrate the varied cultures represented in the East wter Regional School District by infusing cultural learning into the curriculum so as you can see those are very lofty goals and objectives and I'm sure that you'll when you get a chance to look at the action plans you'll see that they go along with the information that was provided at each of the meetings this is what the action plan template looks like it will identify the goal area and the goal statement and the objective and then it will include major major activities for that particular objective who responsible board or staff what are the resources that we need which are usually time people or money and then what are the timelines for those remember everything can't happen in year one things will have to be paced over the next three to five years you will need to build resources for some of the things that are in the action plans so it may take a couple of years to to um achieve those to build those resources and then what are the indicators of success how will we know that each of those major activities have been accomplished so the next steps are that the board will review and then adopt the Strategic plan Administration implements the plan and updates on the progress towards completion will be available at board meetings on agenda items the annual state of the school state of the Strategic plan report which we encourage to be done once a year and the final plan again once it's been adopted by the board will be posted on the district website so everybody can follow along and I read these are your students and their wonderful kids and some of them participated in the program in the strategic planning process so I want to thank you for your time and talent everybody who attended I see some familiar faces in the audience so thank you for being there and this really will guide the district over the next three to five years so thank you so much to the board and to Mr Daniels for having us fac having and jsba facilitate this process any questions okay I'd like to just thank maranne okay all right double mic all right um just want to thank Maryann obviously for kind of guiding us through this process pretty um thanks to her I think it it felt um somewhat efficient and streamlined uh but yet meaningful obviously need to thank members of the community and staff for participating in those three UT sessions I thought the feedback was obviously valuable and it reflected the needs within the district Marian and I talked this week or last week actually last week and she mentioned it just now um the district currently has some core goals right that we've kind of leaned on as some foundational goals so there's a couple of those that um I'm going to recommend that we move into the Strategic plan in particular the um the goal that focuses on developing uh independent readers by grade three and obviously addressing um the achievement Gap with certain uh subp populations so I want to make sure that that is is evident uh in our plan as we move forward in an intentional way but um I think this enables us to have some clarity in terms of where we're going yes it enables us to Prior prioritize resources as we look three to five years ahead and uh it also enables us to have a sense of um a road map of sorts to ensure that um we're moving in the direction that we've intended and recognizing that there may be some challenges you know the the big challenge right now that I anticipate that I welcome though is the need to establish a preschool program a full day preschool program within our community uh we we we've hit some some roadblocks as it relates to facilities in terms of having the necessary facilities to do that in a grand scale but I'd like to think that we can um prioritize some resources to at least uh pilot that initiative uh in the near future so I I thank the board as well for uh supporting this initiative uh I think it enables us to have some clarity and some Focus as a District as we move forward so thank you Maran thank you have a great rest of the evening everybody let me just let me just add one other thing so so tonight the plan is not on the agenda for approval so I'm going to recommend that the board have an opportunity to process what we have we can revisit the discussion and we can talk because the one piece that we need to still do is to actually develop some one-year goals based on the action plans in the goal areas that has not being done yet uh it will be done in short order but I'm not looking for any approval tonight this is really just Maryann following up with us to provide us with an update regarding the process that we engaged in okay test test do you have Mark do you have any idea um timeline for when we would I'm going to try to draft of some proposed one-year goals for the by the next boort meeting all right um if we have no other questions we'll move on to the second presentation the NJ GPA update okayy quick ruction so each year recent years the Department of Education has required um high schools in New Jersey to administer an assessment to their uh 11th grade students to determine um their level of progress towards being a high school graduate that we believe will have some level of uh academic or postsecondary success so the state actually has become a little bit more efficient in terms of the turnaround in terms of that data uh districts have a 60-day window to to present the information to the Board of Education um so we got the data at the beginning of the summer so we find ourselves in a position to be able to share that tonight so I'm going to turn things over to the assistant superintendent for curriculum and assessment Miss Sandy small thanks Mark as Mark said this is one of the earliest times we receive this data which is nice to be able to give it prior to the year starting so that any adap adaptations that we want to do we're going to have the year to do it and not have to do it midstream so as Mark shared that the 11 this is an 11th grade test so all 11th grade students minus one subgroup takes this assessment um so moving forward what we're trying to look through is starting with the English language arts portion so the first slide that we have the data on is really coming through talking how we fared against the state in each of the demographic groups so I'm going to just draw your attention to the first two lines that say State and district and what you'll notice is that the average scale score it was 767 for the state the district was at a 770 and this is for ELA so we were slightly ahead of where the state was which is good but we still want to go much better like we're not happy just being equal to the state we always want to strive to be better but when you look at the percentage of our students in 11th grade who tested graduation ready the state was at 81.6% our district was at 86.1% and our next next slide we're going to be able to see where we were last year versus this year if you look at each of the demographic groups you will see each of them with the exception of Hispanic or Latino um were above the state average for graduation ready and then when you look at the economically disadvantage versus non-economically disadvantage that actually you may think that looks bad that actually is not a bad statistic when you're looking at 80% of our students who are economically disadvantaged are graduation ready that is high than we typically would do so that's a great stat so even though they're not meeting the state they're really close to where the state is you will see special ed at 74% again that is a great percentage grade for our special ed students I want to call call your attention to the they still considered elll when we're talking about multilingual Learners that number is lower one of the things I will say to you throughout the presentation is that for the multilingual Learners at the end of August or beginning of September we will run a presentation for Access testing so that every time we see the multilingual learner numbers we get into a little oh my God they're not learning sometimes the the assessments that we're giving aren't measuring what those students are learning in order to build them to the language Readiness the access test along with our internal data that talks about their L1 will help us see how they are progressing so I'm just going to just keep to ask you to keep that in the back of your mind our next slide is going to compare last year's data to this year's data so if we focus on the last two columns you will see the 2023 percentages versus 2024 percentages I'm sorry 2024 um grade level or graduation ready percentages what you will notice is that both the state and the district both are statistically equal in they both increase approximately one percentage points in graduation ready what I would go through and tell you to look through is look at the last column where have green where you have the black or African African-American population and those who register as other which are typically more than one um of the demographics that are in there you will see that those have risen greater than what where the state is so if you go through and say that the black and african-america were 88.9% they Rose to a 93.9% the other is a 50% to 100% that is I'll caution you because that can sometimes be that in one year it may only be four or five students another year may be 14 students so that number may be a little bit misleading in there um so just that you I caution you on that one but if you look at the average scale score which is your third column and the greens there you will see how each of our demographics were in relationship to the state and the overall District a scale score on that our next slide and this one's a little bit hard to read from where you are unless you're on your computer um what we tried to go through here is to look at the ELA levels versus the NJ GPA data so when we go through and on that very bottom it's a really small box so you didn't have to go back and forth I tried to put what the state and the district overall data was so that if you want to go back and forth for yourself you can do so but what we're going to notice here is we look at the total population versus the general population um split out with a special ed in the multilingual Learners you see a big discrepancy in graduation Readiness there then when you go into the levels with the AP and dual enrollment students they're at a 97.9% um graduation ready the honors students at a 95.8 academic we're struggling with our special ed which is already indicated up above our SEI and our standard level students the one thing I want to be able to address here is if you see the SEI that's our sheltered English instruction which is English for our multilingual Learners you'll see that 17 students did not assess and that's because in the state as a firste elll student you do not have to assess in the ELA assessment they have to test in math but they don't adult test in ela so that's where where that number is so high there then we try to go through and say okay well how does this fair with how students are going to be ready for college so sat gives what they call College and Career Readiness benchmarks and within those benchmarks what they say and that's a sliding scale which I have on the other thing and that's that's not going to be like something that's fixed in stone so as they go through and they look at their benchmarks they're going to say if students meet these benchmarks there's a 75% chance that students will earn a c or better in a first semester in this case for the ELA would be your History Literature social sciences or writing classes and for the SAT Math a see or better in a calculus pre-calculus calculus or college algebra class so that's where we can pair the SAT data in here so our next slide this is just where it talks to you about what they consider their benchmark scores in here for the PSAT 9 101 and then the SAT one of the things we're going to have limited sat data because many of our students take sat between Junior and senior year in the summer as well as in the first semester um or first quarter in senior year so when we come back to the levels versus the PSAT and sat what you're going to notice is very similarly to what the MJ GPA said is that 98% of our students who are in AP and dual enrollment are college ready and you're going to go through looking at that in all of those demographics in there so very similarly to what ngj GPA said the PSATs sat says that and then the last column is not does not have everything in because what I just shared not all of our students have taken the SAT already but just that you can see those students who have taken it where they're fairing at this point then we move over to math what you're going to see if you remember what the percentage was for NJ GPA ready for ELA is very much in contrast to the NJ GPA in math so in math the state is at 54.7% the district is at 56.5% so slightly above but nothing to be throwing a party about but we're moving in the right direction what you will see in this slide with demographics is that we have the Hispanic and Latinos that have fallen behind very similarly to ELA but we also have our black or African-American students that have fallen behind in math as well on this um assessment I'm sorry I'm going to go back to that so if you also look at your multilingual Learners all of those students are going to be in that population at that 6.5% of passing our next next slide when we compare from the spring of 2023 to the spring of 2024 this brings some hope to where we're looking so that the last slide you might be like oh my gosh what's happening what you're going to see is that the state has an overall decreased by 310 of a percentage point from last year this year in math our district increased by 5.6 percentage points so we're moving in the right direction we're not where we want to be we want to be much better than that but we're moving in the right direction what you will also noticed that so as we talked about sometimes you have to look at some of those smaller winds when you look at our Hispanic or Latino population they've increased 8.3 percentage points which is even greater than our overarching students are doing and then our black and African-American students who are still below the state they've increased more than 10 percentage points from last year so we are moving our populations in the right direction and then you will see wherever you see the green you're going to see where we are above the state and that's what we're looking at on this slide again the math we're going to do compare as levels the math is not as clean when we're looking at levels as Ela is because math students can be in a variety of courses in junior year they can be anywhere from Algebra 1 geometry Algebra 2 pre-calculus calculus or um multivariable so an AP Calculus so those honors those says honors classes if they're not in honors pre calculus then they're not they're just on level they're not above level so even though they're in there that's where that 70% of honors comes into play if those students are there um increasing and we'll see on the next slide um where we were from last year but that's where you're looking at in this slide I'm sorry I switched these around we did have a 23 versus 24 on that one and then what we want to talk about is what did we do this year to see any type of an increase so one of the things that we looked at is that students were invited to a test prep after school for this we had 59 invites in math only 14 students said yes and and attend it regularly Ela 45 students were invited 13 accepted and attended regularly of those students who accept it you will see where their pass rate is there the other thing that happened is this was not uh something that happened in every academic level class but there were some test prep um questions from NJ GPA that were Incorporated in academic level classes what we noticed is that those classes that did have some of those preps were those students who did um who were much more successful than those classes that were not so moving forward our plans for improvement are that any of our students who are approaching expectations will will be invited to retest in the fall that's one of the things the state has um given us the opportunity last year and this year for so those we're stillwaiting what our te what our testing windows are for the full for the uh coming school year but once we have them we will be inviting those students and that's usually the end of September beginning of October so that's pretty quick where that's not something that we have a couple months to prep for and then our and that's only for 12th graders who have either tested or who new to Country and things like that that are in there then our grade 11 students for the 2425 school year who show signs of Readiness but not quite there will be invited to again an after school test prep program with targeted assistance and then there will be embedded supports in all academic classes in ela and math for 11th grade students and that concludes and that's probably a record for me in presenting so those of you who have heard me over the years like holy cow I can't believe she's finished so questions I just uh want to confirm the uh comparing the 23 to 24 school year it would be different students completely right correct yeah so it's not the apples and oranges and this is one of those areas that we only can compare apples and oranges we can't compare the growth in there because it's a single test good um Paul can we put this on the for old business in case people have questions at the next meeting thanks Sandy moving on to item three superintendent report hey good evening everyone again uh just a few updates uh tonight um I'd like to begin actually just by highlighting some of our students we've uh engaged this summer and actually prior to now that this summer we did launch something uh as it relates to students and and having them engage in some work Readiness experience so we we um launched kind of a custodial intern program pay intern program and we kind of went through some recruitment for students that were interested in working during the summer so I'm definitely pleased that we had about about eight students who working with our studio crew throughout the summer uh with some real life work experiences I just want to give those students some acknowledgement tonight Rulo jamelo Braden kov kathern Lopez cillo Fabian Ramirez Valencia nise Rodriguez ATO Matthew Wilburn Aiden Wilton we also have uh some KidCare workers and we've been doing this prior to now but uh we also looking forward to this year where we have our high school students assisting um at our kitare after before and after school primarily after school with our high school students so as we look forward to the upcoming school year we've identified a cohort of students that will be working uh I just want to also acknowledge those students tonight we have Liz Beth Chasey uh sacr dto Paredes Michaela Hershman Ivy Loa Jama lores M quind diet Patel and Charlie Vance and as we've always done uh we've got a little bit of a summer Hiatus we've also engaged a student videographer uh for a number of things but board meetings being one of them so if you recall Jesse was our videographer for a number of years this year coming up we'll have Thomas RIS POI Thomas Thomas has helped us out before he'll be the uh consistent presence for the upcoming school year just want to give a moment just to highlight uh I would consider them our student employees uh written out loud uh is a program that we've U been connected with for the past few years in terms of promoting uh creativity and passion and a love of reading this summer we continue that process with some sessions throughout the summer um I think we're concluding a fifth session at this point we've had about we've had 252 participants um in total this summer and as you know at the conclusion of those sessions there's usually kind of a uh a book uh presentation component that acknowledges the hard work and collaboration of the students who participate in terms of Midsummer uh we'll be sending out a midsummer update um I'm going to say next week I believe right Le so we'll have some need know information for families within that update one thing that obviously is um at the top of mind at this time of the year for families and students will be the date when um you know elementary teacher assignments are posted as well as middle school and high school schedules for students as well as bus pass information so that information will be available at 9:00 am. uh on August 23rd and that'll be via the Genesis Parent Portal all right so August 23rd 9:00 a.m. uh K5 teacher assignments middle school high school schedules and bus passes uh in conclusion this evening I just want to uh welcome uh someone who's uh being recommended this evening for the emk assistant principal position name is Miss Suzanne akley Suzanne currently serves as a curriculum supervisor in Franklin School District um looking forward to her joining our team so I just wanted to give her a warm welcome this evening and with that said that concludes my report thank you does anyone have any questions did she say there were five written out loud sessions this summer and they're all are they all online virtual thanks um if there's no other questions we'll move on to item four first opportunity for board member comments is there any board member who wishes to speak or have a comment can I just say how amazing it is written out loud as five sessions how amazing um um also I had an opportunity to attend um the concert so there was a con so the uh kids the younger Learners had an opportunity to um participate in the summer program where they can play instruments and they had a concert so what they were able to accomplish in 12 days was amazing they played a few different songs and it was I blow I was blown away it was really nice and it was nice to see that the students were excited to go to school they were excited to play the instruments and uh the program was was just really nice um and then uh that's it thank you did any other board members have any comments Mr boli earlier you mentioned you went to the esy program oh yes I did thank you for reminding me I got an opport I got an opportunity to go to Walter SE black and and um gab actually invited me and it was nice you know what I was really Blown Away by the teachers the teachers were so excited to be there they were just so happy to be there and then the students could feel the compassion and then just the excitement of the teachers that the students were happy to be there and it was nice to see the um I didn't realize that there were different there was different levels of challenges and to see how the school was able to accommodate the different challenges but not just for the younger learners but it went all the way up to um some of the older children as well and then they also had um what I was really impressed with is one of the students from years past actually wants to be a teacher so they actually invited him this Summer to try out being a teacher so he was able to assist as far as like an assistant um so it was nice to see it was just it was just allaround a great experience and I can't wait to uh for everyone to be able to if you guys you know had the opportunity to to go and just to check out the program and then to see I got to see the mural uh which was really nice oh my God it was so intricate and then I got to see the garden that they have outside and the additions that they've added to the Garden um outside and then just to see the staff was just they were just so involved you know from the principal to to just everybody it was awesome it was really awesome to be there thank you thank you Jean yes I just wanted to picky back on Jean's comment about the concert um it I know we've done we've had band programs before but this was this was like a great expansion of that I think uh I I hope it's a it's a fixture I hope it doesn't go any and we offer that opportunity to to Rising middle schoolers in the future um and I think it was it was multiple classes right so um and anywhere we can deploy that kind of supplemental summer programming not as not as a a catchup but even just an opportunity for advancement yeah that's yeah I should have mentioned that it was it was uh as Elementary in middle school we didn't have any high school students in there we I was talking with Miss goal visual performing a supervisor we considering potentially expanding that next year as well but yeah the summer camp was definitely a huge success and in the quality of the student performances and also the commitment of them showing up every day was really noticeable and you have to put a lot of that down to our teachers who are enthusiastic and instilling a sense of um the love for music but clearly the um you know when you think of summer camps and was fun but there was obviously uh an element of seriousness in terms of the the quality of those perform es so um I definitely would like to make sure we support that moving forward you know it was nice to see with the concert the teachers actually joined in on the music so it was almost like a jam session so you saw some of the teachers got behind playing the different instruments and it was just really nice to see people doing what they love and also um being being engaging with the students and having the students also love to play there's uh no more I just wanted to follow up on my comments from the last meeting and see if there's any update on the Twilight program um update in terms of starting the program the only thing we were in the process of doing right now is establishing um I think I shared this the last meeting some some teacher support for identified students to begin um kind of piloting that program uh but not a grand scale launch but we are looking at having teachers providing some some unique support the students that we think fall under that umbrella of uh being uh overage under accredited and high school and then um and I'm just putting it back so we have it on our list that we need an answer tonight but some of the items were an update on the end of year STAR testing um and some information on Title One and who is qualified for that and so forth um and then any additional feedback on the curriculum software that we High I will get back to you want each of those items that's all things any other questions or comments um we'll move on first opportunity for public comment are there any members of the public who have a comment excuse me could you please uh hit the speaker so the red light comes on thank you all right J colon 38 Brook Drive um so I don't know if you have high schoolers but this comes out once a year the yearbook $90 you can have your own yeah $90 what do the kids do when they first get it they look for their picture right well if you flip over to the sports section you'll notice that every single sport except golf have a varsity and JV picture every other sport either this everyone's together and they have a group picture or they have a varsity and JV picture golf only has Varsity golf has 10 kids on the team six are on Varsity so four were excluded I asked the yearbook committee what happened because if you look through the book it's pretty much a template Varsity JV Varsity JV oh you get to golf there's only one what happened you mean to tell me somebody didn't recognize that somebody didn't notice that and the Yearbook committee tells me a couple different things they tell me oh the deadline is April 1st it's really hard to get those spring pictures in there well every other Spring sport is in there and they tell me oh um the kids put the book together so you know it is what it is but you have a committee you have a yearbook committee that oversees the kids that makes sure that this book comes out and includes varsity and JV for all the sports but they didn't and they're paid they're paid adults to do this but they didn't so you tell me they couldn't call down four kids from class and take a picture when they noticed that JV was missing they didn't they didn't bother so it's not because they didn't get a professional picture done they did I bought it it's not because there was just you know so many kids and he my kid actually was absent NOP it was just not of our JV picture I don't want to hear about how the district cares emotionally and socially how about each individual student because that tells me you don't how crummy is it for the JV to not even get a picture of it the only sport what message does that send to those kids that's not fair and there's nothing you can do about it now and there's nothing they could do once this came out in June 10 seconds please and the last thing I want to say is Paula and Karen thank you for speaking up and sticking with the board the public and the parents need to hear what you have to say we need to know for November because I believe there are four seats up for reelection and we need to know everything that goes on time please good evening my name is Bruce Kramer I also live at 30 at Brooklyn Drive I just wanted to follow up briefly on the situation with the yearbook look I totally get it you guys have a lot going on with strategic planning and budgets and capital planning um but the yearbook is a big deal for those kids and their sense of community and it is the first thing that they do when they get that is they open it up and they look where their picture is and then you get you open it up to the Athletics and you hear ww and your picture is not there and it says not included um it's just not cool and I totally understand that that yearbook is a student run project but there is adult oversight and those adults are the stewards of the experience that those kids could have um for a kid who had to be encouraged and pushed and even bribed a little bit to go out for a sport here it's just a really bad experience and it's just not inclusive and we're bringing it up here just because we did bring it up with the yearbook committee and the vendor and the athletic department and we got a lot of just kind of not a lot of accountability um I know some other parents feel the same way that we do that we're and it's it's just it's just disappointing and we could just do better next year thanks I just I'm gonna obviously I don't know what what happened but obviously I appreciate you sharing that tonight and um not to make this a conversation but did you talk to the high school administration in the process no I find all right well thank you for sharing your comments tonight and and obviously I agree with you in terms of any team that a a student participates on regardless of the level should be included in the yearbook so I just need to do some investigation Regarding why that occurred to ensure it won't happen again are there any other members of the public who have any comments if not we will move to Executive session we should be gone for about a half hour and then we'll come back for was the football team e e e e for e e e e e e e for e for e e e for e e e e e e e e e for e e e e e e e for e e e e e e e e e e for e e e e e e for for e e e e e for e e e e e for e for e e e e e e e for for e e e for e for e e e for e e e e e e e e e e for e e e for e if everyone could just please refresh your board docs I had to refresh the committee meeting dates it was outd okay the board's back in session um we will now move on to item six old business item a is committee meetings um hopefully everybody was able to refresh their screen to look at the dates for the upcoming committee meetings and to met today wellness and policy um we also have an item on here if anyone had any followup questions from Mr Rose special education update from the last meeting anybody have any questions or thoughts anyone just something on the finance committee just I won't be able to attend that meeting on the M she said I won't be at the um policy meeting on the 26th but I'll have the homework done will you be turning that in to someone virtu okay we have a spreadsheet we'll go into it oh that's right I was kidding anybody else I also will not be here on the 26th du travel I also will not be here August 26in no missing the policy Mee 26 is people still gives a SE as it right now yes yeah if anybody else has any travel plans for the 26th if you could just let Paul know so we'll know if we have um Karen you're looking you like you have you're going somewhere are you going somewhere well before you move on I just the the committee meeting um notes that Tina sent out on the curriculum committee are could we have a full board discussion on that maybe when she's we put that on the agenda for when she's here to discuss sure that as a full board yeah I mean we can't I don't want to discuss her notes if she's not here no that's why I said when maybe put on for next time she'll be here we could discuss it because since she sent it out you probably speak about it can we put that in I have a question I thought we talked about make maybe making the curriculum um like for all the board to attend well I understand it was brought up for a discussion but we never have a discussion I'm going to talk about that when we get to our policy committee meeting and then for the special ed are we done with the pop okay for the special education did we come up with dates on when we can go and visit the school remember for the board members to go to the to the school to see like to go to Walter SE black to see the program in action to visit uh programs within the school district Beyond esy oh yeah okay yeah we we'll um we'll put some dates out and put a brief description of what it is we can to visit okay thank you does anybody else have any um questions or comments on the special ed followup none okay second opportunity for board member comments um I guess anyone Jean did you wantan to so the wellness committee met today um and we talked about uh care soless overview so care soless is a mental health care coordination service that assists individuals in finding appropriate mental health care providers and services they handle inbound interact interactions and appointments to streamline access to care although we're experiencing a high in usage there is a drop off in use when compared with last year for example inbound interactions decreased from 864 for the school year 2022 to 23 to 42 uh for the school year 22324 a reduction of 4 52 interactions the one thing to note on that though I believe we talked about um that it's actually open to uh it's open to the public so it wasn't I believe right Dave it's open to the public so it's not just um when we're talking about the experiences it's not just students but it's also staff it's also community members it's the stakeholders as well it's not just for students all right so for threats and suicide assessments mostly low-level threats with a few moderate threats and no highle threats will reported which is awesome for a recers university Behavioral Health clinicians um which offers a range of mental health services including therapy Crisis Intervention and case management it supports students by providing access to prent professional Mental Health Resources and consultation with school staff um um the referrals increased from the school year 2022 to 23 it was at 147 but this past school year it was at 162 the high school did increase with referrals um and so did um Melvin H kreps uh the common issues though were uh depression and anxiety um and anxiety actually went up from 61 to 83 this past school year all right and then when we talk about the one thing I I did ask was um the therapy so they also have family therapy and I thought that was interesting but the family therapy is done in school um but it can also be done over the phone it's not done at the person's house and then when they find the um one of the best ways that they find issues is through go Guardian go Guardian like when like a student researches for something go Guardian catches that word and then sends it off and then you know notifies the counselors for them to um to get involved all right so during the school year uh twice in the school year once in October and then the um close to the end of the school year May June uh there was a survey uh 3 to five and 6 to 12 uh students were did the survey for grades three to five there was positive responses in student engagement and social emotional learning increased slightly compared to the previous year however there were some concerns regarding School climate particularly in feelings of uh safety and belonging for grades 6 through 12 there was a noticeable Improvement in students perceptions of their emotional regulation skills however challenges um persisted in the areas of peer relationships and overall School climate indicating that there is a need for targeted intervention but when they did the Sur the one thing with the results for the survey is the the students felt that they were really being supported by the teachers and then the final thing that we talked about was Vape sensors so Vape sensors are going to be deployed so have already actually been installed in the high school and they're going to be installed in the middle school before the school year begins and then once the Vape sensor senses that a student um has been vaping then it sends a notification to Administration and that way they can act on it um for where the sensors are there might not be like any visual but when the person comes out of the location where they're at then when they're like in a public area there are cameras and then they can pinpoint timing and know who is actually VAP and uh that's it any questions The Vape sensors are in all the bathrooms da are they in all the bathrooms are they the same brand as last year in the high school because we we we did two different things we we initially went with a different brand and then that wasn't a good model for us so we transitioned to Halo had some consultation with other school districts that have used it and it seems to be an effective model so we we uh piloted those at the end of last year and then we've expanded that so all high school bathrooms all middle school bathrooms will have so there won't be cameras in the bathrooms when they come out the bathrooms they'll able to see it I just want to make sure that was that was clear thank you I was just curious about the sensors I mean obviously everybody knows they're there but are they like are they big are they they're not huge um I mean obviously what we anticipate we're doing this more as a deterrent to be honest with you right um but they're not they're not huge but I think uh you know once we communicate with students and so forth I think they'll be looking for them right and we'll tell them them that every bathroom's going to have it so they're not huge but uh it looks like a sensor you on the ceiling and they're not easy to no you can't can't damage them know the bathrooms some issues that happen in the bathrooms property you know I'm so sorry I forgot to mentioned uh we talked about higher up higher up is a nonprofit organization that works with the school district in helping students um like Juniors and seniors find jobs and what they do is they have trainings in the schools and the trainings are actually paid through through Mercer County Community College they um help support the children I'm sorry the students and once the students have the trainings they also have uh programs that help them to using grants of course help them buy clothes like let's say they have a job at a law firm they help them buy clothes that way they can actually accept the job at the law firm and they help them um find jobs and get on their feet when they come out of high school Dave can you just clarify the students that that program is geared toward it's not all students is it thank you does anybody have any questions for Jan um does policy committee so in our policy committee meeting the first thing we did was we went over all of the policies on the agenda that were up for first reading um there was no concerns over the mandated policy for use of electronic communication and recording devices the board committee's policy I it's it it gives an option within the writing to have committee as a whole and I thought that would be a good board discussion because I think that there's a lot of Pros to doing committees as a whole because I feel like a lot of our committee meetings get cancelled and they're only an hour before um our board meetings and sometimes they're rushed so a committee as a whole since we already have two board meetings scheduled that we know we need to be here for on Mondays the first meeting could potentially be um a working meeting and then the second board meeting would be the take action so that would would of course have to be up for board discussion but this policy does allow the wording in it that we could decide that if we wanted to do that and I know we had mentioned possibly doing curriculum that way um I don't really know how that works if it's only one but I don't know how we would do that at a meeting but if I mean if we did one and we could try it out for a year um Mark said and we could always go back but anyway the policy allows that but I think we should think that think about it because we're I don't know was it just was it the whole policy committee who was on the policy like is that what you all decided no we just said we're going to have no right but all you were saying you I just wanted to see was that what was discussed with the whole policy committee well I brought it up and I and they we said that would be a good idea for a board discussion okay I wasn't sure everybody who's on who's on policy Colleen okay thank we we don't cancel our meeting just um the homework policy we were okay with all the wording in there um the only thing there was I had a concern about that the absence time frame for making up the work was not in it but we then looked and Mark said it's actually in the student handbook so we were that was okay it's it specifies what a reasonable amount of time was student use of vehicles on school grounds there was nothing wrong with um the wording in that um but I did bring up the the issue with Junior's parking and we're going to Mark's going to look into um how many spots are available with the High School administration because I know there was a little bit of parent push back there there could possibly be more spots than what the lottery allowed but nothing was wrong with the wording in that one um dress and grooming it they um purposely left it Loosely written so that the schools had the more freedom to put it in their handbook and the privately owned technology we don't have one so this was a good start Colleen um had some concerns and would like there to be more Community engagement in discussing that policy but this would be a good start because we don't have any yet getting teachers opinion student opinion parent opinions and then we moved on to the policy audit how we would address that and we decided we're going to start at zero and work our way through all of the policies in the handbook um so what we're doing is each policy member is taking a page front and back and we are going to have a working dock where we say whether we're going to remove it and eliminate it because it doesn't apply to us um if it's good or if it just needs revision so we have our first list that we're going to then come back and report back on our next policy meeting is August 26th so we're just going to work our way through the policy hook and then the last discussed was um a policy for AI because this is new and we don't have one Mr um Daniels is working with Administration team on discussing wording for an AI policy just policy committee since Colleen and Mike both won't be here did you guys want to reschedule that or are you fine with going forward on the 26th I think we're no I mean I'd be fine with missing it because um if that date works best with the others um because I I'll put in my notes anyway and I I'm able to look at other yeah same for me okay you have we have a defined goal for the 26 so I think and I both can thank you Karen are there any other board member comments I just have one um last meeting we I said that I had questions on one of the policies I hold off to this meeting because we had to end and it was just the eligibility of Resident non-resident students when it says um under 20 years of age is that 20 like the start of the school year or that's a student could come or if they turned 20 during the school year they're not eligible what was the specific question so is it so if someone is so if someone's birthday is like September 9th and they turned 20 September 9th but the St just started before that would they still be eligible I have to i' have to check let me check on that what what did the policy language say persons over five and under 20 years of age right so if you if you met meet that threshold then we we educate you you exceed 20 then no from the start but if someone came in we we've been dealing with some of that I mean we try to look at some Alternatives but the statute indicates it's a 5 to 20 Dynamic so I think you're saying if you turn 20 would we still would we still educate you is that really the question so is it 20 like start like you have to be under 20 at the first day of school I believe so but let me double check because I think if you come to us and you're 20 I have to check to see if we're obligated to still educate we might just because it's the the answer is no okay if if if you've re attained the age of 20 prior to the start of the school year you've aged out of the school district unless you're a special ed student in this case there's other age forister if you turn 20 during you're finally your most districts I'm aware of don't split hairs and I let you finish out the school year I don't think they kick you out right and then do we ever recertify eligibility I have read Freehold does it annually and then there was another there was a news article I forget which district it was somewhere in Central Jersey that they're now making I can't remember the sixth and nth or like two different grades every year recertify that their residents in the district no I don't believe so but I I'll I'll look into that I think at this point we're kind of dealing with situations on an individual basis if we believe there's some element of Suspicion regarding a residency but I don't think we have a formalized process to do it in Mass but I'll check with our try are there any other comments I had a question about if if it's okay about policy 5 uh 5514 the student use of vehicles um when it talks about juniors in good standing does that mean like good standing as far as academically or is that like discip like no disciplines what is the good standing could be both one one or both but then seniors they don't fall into that right so like if a senior you know is not doing well in school or what else say is parking is a privilege so there could be times where you may jeopardize that privilege depending on a decision that you would made um I wanted to bring up did you I just said thank you oh okay I just wanted to bring up um board retreat um I know that people had been reaching out you've been talking some of you were talking amongst yourselves about date um I only had three people email me and it looks like now we're going to have to wait until probably the fall um with schedules however if there are specific topics that you think would be useful um for a retreat if you want to um send an email that would be great um if there's no other board comments we'll move on to Second opportunity for public comments if there's anyone from the public who wishes to speak there being none we'll move on to item eight item eight mandated policies for first reading uh policy 5516 use of electronic communication and recording devices second did be second any questions pull the board please one second please right m yes M Murphy yes M boli yes Mr weeks yes Miss Patel yes Miss Salter yes Miss call yes it nine recommended policies for first lus did not vote I'm Sorry Miss L I'm sorry all the names dropped out of my voting so half I'm sorry Mr Russo yes yes I N recommended policies for first reading a bylaw 0155 board committees B policy 2330 homework C policy 5514 student use of vehicles on school grounds D policy 5511 dress and grooming e policy 2363 student use of privately owned technology second any questions I don't have a question I just wanted to State Karen had touched on this before I'm and I mentioned this in the policy meeting so I just wanted to be on the record for E the student use of privately owned technology I'm just going to vote no on that um because I I am glad that we have this policy that's not why I'm voting no I'm very glad we're having one we because we didn't have one the only reason I'm voting no is just I wish it went a step further I think the I would just personally and for the board would would want that um in terms of making sure that we privately owned technology remains away during in it says instruction time right now I would like that to go a step further and say the school day but we talked about it in the meeting I respect the decision why it's the way it is which is that's why I'm voting no so it's not you know against the policy just a more personal reason thank you any other questions hold the board please M Drake yes M Murphy yes no on E M boli yes Mr weeks yes M Patel yes Miss sulter yes Miss Kalia yes Miss larusa yes and wait Mark just has a comment yes let me just um on the on item before we go into this on item H approval of curriculum documents going to ask that the board uh we can just document that not asking for the board to approve grade K Ela the reason why is that grade one and grade K are duplicates so grade K is going to pull up the grade one rord so I'm asking the board when you're voting on those items just grade is grade 1 Ela grade 2 Ela grade one math grade 2 math grade k math no grade K Ela motion to approve routine items by exception having read the materials received I move that the board approve the routine agenda items as submitted a staffing 85 2024 B Moa Arisa 2022 through 2026 C sub rates ewsd 2024 25 D contract assistant superintendent e contract assistant superintendent HR F contract business administrator G Hib report from July 15 2024 H approval of curriculum documents I approval heightstown high school overnight cheerleading trip to Pine Forest cheerleading camp Chestnut Lake PA August 2024 J approved travel and related expenses virtual and in person KCA approval of submission uh fiscal year 2024 25 title one two three three immigrant and four L catapult learning LLC chapter 192 93 mwsd 20242 virtual remote learning plan N Out of District placement o Professional Services for students P Mercer County Technical School tuition agreement Q Transportation bid approval correction R parent Transportation contract 2024 25 school year s board minutes for July 15th 2024 T executive minutes for July ju 15th 24 2024 U report of the board secretary and financial report June 2024 V expense and transfer reports of school monies report for June 2024 W Bill list of August 5th 2024 any questions yes I I did um I just wanted to explain why I why I will be voting no for items D and F it has nothing to do with the people or their performance but more of the process um there was no finance committee meeting to discuss these contracts or to develop them and I just don't feel um I I feel like I have a fiscal responsibility to the taxpayers and I there was no discussion with our finance committee and I'm not okay with that um also the executive minutes on item T I don't know if the rest if you read them but I feel that they're a little bit too vague I feel like if you read the executive minutes there's not um they really can be applied to almost any other exact session except for two and I just feel like if we're if we're if it's ever opra those should have a little bit more detail than they do and we do state that when confidentiality is no longer an issue they could be released so I just feel that those should be a little bit um more detailed oh before you um since we have the board attorney did you have any is there any is there any um guidelines for executive minutes well it it's being appropriate to discuss out in public here the details of those and you haven't so we're not going to do that in terms of the format and how general or specific they need to be um you know our courts have held that executive session minutes do not have to be how detailed they need to be is really a matter of board up to the board to decide um I will tell you um some boards um have tried going into into great detail almost to the point of a Verbatim account um most of them that have tried have given it up because when you try to have anything that is too detailed particularly when it's a back and forth discussion you're not going to please anybody there's always going to be a complaint that it's either under inclusive or over inclusive or emphasized somebody's position over somebody else's position um executive session minutes need to be accurate in the sense that they can't be false or misleading so that if there is a description of a consensus that was reached or a topic that was discussed it can't be false but in terms of how specific it needs to be it's really up to the board um that's that's all the law has to say about it how general or specific you want to be in this particular case with these minutes is up to you but if there's going to be a discussion of what those minutes are going to look like in terms of specificity that in itself should be a closed session discussion other than just the general discussion of you know your feelings about generality or specificity in general that's a public session discussion and then my other question for you is um how is it determined when confidentiality no longer exists well there's just under 600 school districts in New Jersey and you're going to get about 700 different uh answers to that question um you know the law says that they should become public when the reason for confidentiality sides I don't know a single District that has somebody reviewing private session minutes each and every meeting and making a decision on a daily basis about when it's subsided or not what typically happens is that they're revealed when somebody makes a request and then when somebody makes a request for them typically what happens is that uh discussion's had perhaps with the board attorney if necessary determine whether there's a legitimate need for confidentiality that maybe that portions of the private session minutes no longer need to be confidential and other portions of the same minutes do so it's usually done in terms of what the Norms are it's usually done promptly when somebody makes a request I think a plausible reading of the what could be that somebody's supposed to be continually reviewing them and on our own without even being asked releasing them here and there I don't know anybody who does that but if you were to say to me is there app plausible reading of the statute that would say that's probably something Bo should be doing I couldn't really disagree with that it's just U somebody would have to be taking time out of their day job to be doing that um I just had a question on the curriculum being in executive content is there a reason we can't have them in public content because it's not approved that's all oh so they'll be posted once approved right well a version of the curriculum a smaller version of the curriculum we have it in public right now it's not it's not approved by the board and as you've talked about before people can access this own board public no I understand that but so when we if we approve it then it doesn't get boost like it's yeah we put we we put together a uh syllabus we put together a parent portal version parent version of it and but there's is there a reason why we can't put out the curriculum well we've talked about this before um we're putting out just a just a smaller version of the curriculum that's all just a condensed version parent guide that's really what it is and and the curriculum is still accessible of the parent request it we can definitely provide that but in terms of what the public viewing is it's a it's a parent guide so is there a reason though why we don't want one one of the reasons is that um one there's a lot of information contained within the curriculum in terms of resources and links it just aren't relevant for the average viewer who's who's going on to the website they're for teachers to use for their planning um there's also some aspects of the curriculum that that we want to preserve within the district from from an intellectual property standpoint and also the the curriculum can be cumbersome and it just we want it to be user friendly so for parents going on to see what their child's engaged in and the topics and the standards that are addressed and any necessary core resources or related resources we believe that the parent guide will suffice if the parent would like more of course we will provide that but we don't think it it it's um we don't think it it is a good use of having the entire document visible to the entire public beyond our school district so is the parent guide than just the curriculum with things taken out or is it a different document because I I know from last year my daughter's parent guides were just like the chapters topics well this year based on uh where we are there's a format that we're following for the parent guide that's really um par to the curriculum so it'll just be less dense but ultimately the standards and the topics and the units and how students are assessed will be consistent within those guys and those don't get approved by the board they they do but we have to do no no I understand I just just um and then the and I think I've asked this before and the answer is yes but the cheerleading chip it's $500 for like the student do we offer I mean that's a hefty fund for some families we offer any support if they can't we do so um I'm going to backtrack this we and the board supported this several years ago where we do have funds within the high school that we offset co-curricular and extracurricular experiences I have to double check on this because I agree with you uh obviously we don't want uh finances to prevent a student from participation I will commend the cheerleading team they're pretty um resourceful in terms of f fundraising so I'm not even sure if actually Stu individual students are paying that but um but I know that we have uh designed a process we are we're we're trying to be Equitable in terms of ensuring that um especially for like registration to certain competitions and some things associated with that we will offset those costs for for those teams so I will follow up uh with the uh athletic department to determine um the financial component related to that and then the Catapult is is this for East Windsor and heightstown residents that attends other schools in the carrier these are resources connected to non-public schools so we are we're obligated to provide these supports they the petty doesn't really accept it okay but but we're required to provide it got it and then as Karen stated I just did not have time to review the the contracts and the finances involved in it and so it's nothing against the individuals that the contracts represent it's just the financial aspect of it um um Paul I just had a question on uh V the transfer reports and the misappropriations I remember the auditor saying like that was one of the fact findings of the audit was a concern of the adjustments of the misappropriation of funds is that IM is that what some of these like what he's referring to like the the accounts is that what a misappropriation is is when you're taking it from one account and moving it to another is because I just see that a and I didn't yeah I went back is that what that I I saw your um your comment in the email um the other night I went actually went back because I didn't recall the auditor saying that so I went back and reviewed the video um one of the findings maybe this is what you're thinking of one of the findings in our audit was that at the end of the year we have to make a determination on open purchase orders and it goes into one of two categories so it's more of a matter of a presentation on the balance sheet so um it's a difference of an open ENC conference versus an accounts payable so that that was his comment had nothing to do I and and I understand what you're asking I would just be careful with the term misappropriation because that usually means something illegal right well that I think the auditor said but that's that was my so he did yeah he didn't mention anything about that so U maybe we can huddle after the meeting or another time to talk about that because I I went back and his presentation was very short I didn't catch him talking about that okay but he did talk about you know the classification of an open incumbrance vers accounts pay so maybe that's what you're thinking about maybe I just when he said that the funds were just I thought he said on that misappropriate I didn't know if that's what he like I was just concerned when I looked at this that certain categories didn't match up right so so that's a very good question actually if you want to take a look at the transfer report that's the other document and so we're actually allowed to to do transfers without County approval and we we've um if something were to come up and there were large unbudgeted things that really threw a lines out we would have to submit that to the county we did have a transfer I guess three four months ago uh dealing with facilities that we had to send down to the county but as of June 30th there were no other categories that had to be submitted because of large transfers so I think everything is appropriates within Norms accepted um by the state well at one point you very kindly gave about some very helpful information about reading these reports so I wonder if you want to do that again yeah I have them U they're on YouTube so I can definitely share those links to the board again yeah it's been a little that's been a couple years yeah they were really helpful I I can share that might help that's a good idea thank you are there any other questions yeah I had a question um on the contracts was the contracts attached to the email or anything I I just saw a letter do executive content the contracts they're in there any other questions hold the board please mrri yes except for T because I wasn't there for executive so that would be an interesting thank you m Murphy yes and then there's five abstain from a b d e and J it's abstain on a b d e and J yes thank you Mr boli yes but I I I'm sorry I think I might have misunderstood did Mark did you want us to to just um not approve uh grade K Ela right yes that's going to be T that's going to be table that's going to be table for tonight okay all right so then yes to everything Mr weeks approv all yes Miss Patel yes Miss alter no to d e f and T let call you Miss larusa for item a line 44 obain yes to everything else thank you there's no need for second executive session motion to adjourn have a good night