this government meeting is brought to you by eastw works and our local cable subscribers good evening welcome to the samton City Council meetings for Wednesday May 15 the meeting tonight is being recorded and broadcast by eastampton media on CH Channel 193 and live streaming on their web page Ison cons our participant in this meeting are gathering hybrid and the order extended until March 2025 which allow us to do so I remind both the member of the city council and the public participating in remote remain mute until recognized by the city council president also for the member of the public please remove your camera for the direction of this meeting unless you are participating in the public speak time of the public hearing thank you this meeting is now called to order Barbara Connie Dam here Salem Derby or Gomez JP kazinski Tom Peak here Brad Riley here Tamara Smith here Jason JT Terrell here and Owen Zer here uh the place of Allegiance at the moment on silence oh to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands Nation God indivisible Liberty Justice for All I will work [Music] [Music] thank you excuse me um I will take a motion to approve the minute of May 1st 2024 so moved second I have a motion and a second to approve the minutes of May 1st 2024 any further discussion see none Barbara County hi Salem Derby Omar Gomez JP kazinski hi Tom Peak hi Brad Riley hi Tamar Smith hi JT Terell I ower yes motion passes Poli speak time this is the opportunity for the public to address any concern or questions to the council we are not allowed to answer um for any any topic that is not listed as a public hearing I will give you 3 minutes please state your name and address for the record and let's start my name is Mariam Manera 359 Main Street and I'm really glad to be here I want to say as a premise that I have been stopped in the street after appearing in City Council meetings public speak and told that I only live in East Hampton because I can't afford Northampton and I want to say that in 2006 I uh when I moved decided to move out here from Cambridge I chose East Hampton because it was not Northampton and what I want to say is really from the heart so I hope I don't hurt anybody's feelings I always have felt that the Pledge of Allegiance was super was a superficial rallying call around ill thought through and superficial conceptions of what country and Civic Allegiance means kind of like what H Hallmark has done to some of our most important holidays more Mar marketing than substance but until councelor denim read us a more complete history of the origins of the Pledge of Allegiance and of the men who wrote it I actually had no idea of the extent of racism xenophobia and misogyny that went into it and so I was astounded when the counselors who heard this simply seemed to turn a blind eye and deaf ear to what they had just heard and voted willy-nilly to continue using it at the start of each meeting I think we are better than that and I think as a city city we can do better than that I think we should have a pledge of allegiance one that reflects our True Values as a city just in the 18 years I've lived here we have declared ourselves a welcoming City embracing and not rejecting immigrants declared our rejection of nuclear weapons and reaffirmed our membership in Mayors for peace called for peace in Ukraine declared ourselves against all forms of discrimination declared ourselves against anti-Semitism specifically called for a ceasefire in Gaza and there are other resolutions and ordinances that have expressed our values as residents of East Hampton and of the United States I believe we should have a pledge of allegiance to these values and reaffirm this Allegiance at every meeting I offer to work with anyone who would like to craft this pledge and bring it back to the city council for consideration and implementation thank you thank you anyone else anyone else participating remote see none communication from elected officials boards and committees any City councilor have anything for tonight please say yes maor Communications not here corresponding from the president of the vice president vice president you have something you say yes gu now report from comites see um Finance cons Peak thank you Mr President um we have met a number of times since we last came here to go over our budget um the uh city council was um excuse me my hours are killing me um uh uh we were uh able to vote uh unanimously to recommend the uh the whole budget to uh the uh Council on our Monday meeting so I guess we didn't have we already set a public so we should do that for now for the next meeting right corre y June 5th June 5th okay so I will make a motion uh to set a public hearing uh for the fy2 municipal budget for uh June 5th at 6:15 p.m. in these Chambers Che I have a mo a second to schedule public hearing for the budget of 2025 at our next meeting June 5th at 6:15 at the chambers any further discussion see on Barbara Salem Derby hi Omar Gomez hi JP kazinski Tom Peak hi Riley Tamara Smith hi JT Terell hi Owen Zer yes Connie denam I U we also um will be meeting to discuss a bunch of the Appropriations in our new business uh next week at uh 5:00 p.m um that's the uh sorry 22nd at 5:00 p.m. um and uh the we also have a whole bunch of things on our agenda which we're going to be talking about in approximately uh 8 minutes uh so thank you C Peak um Public Safety cons s thank you Mr President please we met yesterday for a site visit up please hear you very well I'll speak it to the microphone can you hear me now the Public Safety Committee of the East Hampton City Council how much more time do we have met uh yesterday uh we had a we had a site visit at the corner of Union and Main Streets to review uh some no parking signs that are currently under discussion for either Amendment uh or removal um and then met back at 6:45 in room one um after reviewing the signs that were out on the street and Consulting our current traffic rules in order we uh proposed a couple things uh one there's a parking uh a No Parking sign on Union Street with the exception of Sundays from 8: a.m. to 1:00 p.m. that's right after you turn on to Union from Main Street um and due to the limitations of the roadway there we determined that that should be no parking at all time that was recommended to the council to Z um there's another sign on me Main Street if you're traveling Westerly from the corner of uh Main and Union uh and that is six or so spaces um as Main Street joins up with Park Street near the library that is no parking at any time except from Sundays from 8: to 1: and realizing how parking is at a premium in the city um and that those spaces could be used at all times we made a recommendation uh unanimously to z uh to remove the uh to make that parking at all times um that is what we will be bringing forward to the uh public hearing which was previously scheduled for our next meeting in June uh but due to uh a number of other items on the agenda and so as not to uh encumber the agenda too much I would recommend that this time that um are we meeting on juneth when are weeting 20th on the 20th uh that uh that meeting be moved to um the public heing the public hearing be moved to uh our meeting on the 20th at 6:15 so I'll make a motion at this time to move the public hearing which was previously scheduled for June 5th to June 20th at 6:15 these Chambers uh to amend the traffic rules in order second I have a motion on a second to move the public hearing a previous schedule for June 5th to June 20th uh 615 at the chers any further discussion see you I'm Barbara Omar Gomez JP kazinski Tom Peak hi Brad Riley hi Tamara Smith hi JT Terrell hi hi con denim hi Salem Derby hi Moes uh we also noted during this discussion that uh it is helpful that we will be reviewing all the traffic rules and orders as there are a number of signs both no Park and otherwise as well as traffic parents are not uh adequately documented and we will continue to dive into that item which continues to be on our agenda um I will uh we should be meeting again on June 11th at 6: p.m um and um we'll get to uh our agenda items at that time I think that's that's all I got Mr President I tried to get room number one I'm assuming yes well to be determined probably room number one okay and uh thus concludes thank you uh appointments councel Riley um do we want to pass it to her yeah do you are you do you have everything in front of you councelor Smith coun Smith perfect thank you I do yes okay so uh the appointment subcommittee met on the 13th to consider the mayil appointment of Cindy speir with a term expiration date of 12:31 26 um just as a background um Miss Barry is an expo Gallery member um she's a local artist and she teaches at the hill Chown Cooperative Charter School um in East Hampton we voted um two to zero to move the consideration of the appointment of Cindy spir with this term expiration at 12312 to the full Council so I would i' like to make a motion yes okay I'd like to make a motion to move the appointment of Cindy spey with a term expiration of 12 3126 to the full Council second I have a motion on a second to approve the appointment of Cindy Sperry um any further discussion see you n Barbara JP kazinski hi Tom Peak hi Brad Riley I Tamara Smith hi JT Terell hi Owen zeret hi Connie Denham hi s Derby Omar Gomez hi passes and this concludes um consor Riley we have to extend one of the items meeting um give me just a second I've got it right thank you C Smith uh this is for the request review process yeah okay um so in the form of a motion I'd like a 90-day extension uh to um review the mayoral and city council appointment process second I have a motion on a seconds to extend this item for 90 days any further discussion see on Barbara Tom Peak hi Riley hi Tamara Smith hi JT Terrell hi Owen zeret hi Connie Denham hi Salem Derby hi Omar Gomez JP kazin passes and the next meeting will be um so we have a peculiar schedule um because of how many Wednesdays there are in this month um so it will be um on Monday June 3rd at 6: p.m. in conference room 2 which is right here behind city council chambers and thus concludes thank you C Derby Mr President I move to open the public hearing second I have a second to open the public hearing any further discussion see none Barbara Brad Riley hi Tamara Smith I JT Terell i Owen zarett hi Connie denim hi Salem Derby Omar Gomez JP kazinski Tom PE hi [Music] Mo thank you Mr President um all right we have a whole bunch of Appropriations here uh the first uh few we have uh concern the uh fire department uh so the first one is an appropriation of $1 197,50 uh from free cash uh to fund a uh variety of uh firefighter uh fire department items including fire department overtime full-time supervisory full-time uh clerical uh Captain's grade fire medical fire uniforms Fire Equipment fire education training uh the uh finance committee did uh vote to recommend uh this appropriation uh three to zero uh I could go through the details but it might be best to given all the things if if anyone has any questions to just have our our fire chief uh maybe say a couple words about it Chief noris here good evening everyone um again when we met with the finance committee last week in regards to uh these items here basically a lot of it Revol D around the fire department overtime and when you look at the fire department overtime typically over the last 5 years we average around anywhere from $220,000 to $235,000 a year for overtime and when you talk about overtime in particular again there's really two driving factors that um affect that over time and those two factors are injuries and also family medical leave both of which are hard to predict in plan for um in terms of um stop gaps measures that we put in place in terms of managing that overtime to the best of our abilities we have over the last three years now used the training officer position um that's at a captain rank so in the event the captain is out during the day shift that training Captain slides over to cover that at no overtime the other thing we did and it happened this year as well back in the fall time was we had two people slated to go to the mass fire academy back in November at that time we had multiple people out on fing medical leave and injuries so in order to manage the shift Staffing we deferred those two spots and didn't send them until February um so those are the driving factors in terms of your overtime and how we're trying to do Cost Containment um at the administrative and operational level questions on anything does any cons have any questions to the chief right I just want to make a comment um seeing the um the overtime I see that number is going lower U compared to all the years right usually we when when we have a request usually is is is a lot of money um thank you thank you for thank you for doing your job and saving people's money at the end it's people's money and I appreciate that you're doing a really good job trying to keep those numbers really low thank you yeah anyone from the public want to participate in this appropriation have have any comments or questions anyone from participating remote have any comments see you now go through a peak all right uh I'll uh make this in in the form of a motion uh request is hereby made for approval of the following appropriation amount requested $1 197,50 to be transferred from free cash to be transferred to fire department overtime $90,000 full-time uh secret uh full-time supervisory $11,500 full-time clerical uh $3,400 Captain's grade $20,500 fire medical $6,000 fire uniforms $9,000 Fire Equipment $ 46,600 fire education/training uh $10,000 the amount requested will be used for the following purposes fire department overtime cover contractual costs for minimum shift Staffing fire department supervis uh full-time supervisory uh cover increases for contract renewals full-time clerical cover increases for contract change Captain's grade uh cost incurred for firefighters working out of grade during uh injury of captains fire medical cost for on boarding new firefighters uh for medical evaluations fire uniforms cost for onboarding new firefighters for uniforms Fire Equipment excuse me uh cost for purchasing new protective clothing for five new firefighters and annual service for scbas hose laders aerial truck and extinguishers uh fire education uh contractual requirements for reimbursement of personnel for tuition I have a motion on a second for the supplement approvation $19,050 for the fire Pur services medical uniform equipment education any further discussion see none Barbara Tamara Smith I JT Terell i Owen zeret yes County denim Salem Derby Omar Gomez JP kazinski Tom Peak Brad Riley hi [Music] motion okay so the next one is uh $60,500 from free cash uh this is uh covering ambulance overtime emergency ambulance supplies and miscellaneous Technical Services um so the ambulance uh overtime and emergency is mostly it covers uh contractual call backs when there's a a call that has to go to West Hampton we have an agreement with them uh ambulance supplies as I think we've all been briefed by the chief on a couple of occasions there's I would suspect a little bit of price scouching but in any case uh for one reason or another the prices for a lot of these things gloves and and whatnot have uh been going up uh quite a bit recently and uh miscellaneous Technical Services um this is the for the EMS there's a billing company that collects the revenue when when we uh have the ambulances come out and uh ultimately we get that Revenue but it doesn't go straight back to the fire department and the fire department has to pay their bills so it just sort of we have to pay it now even though we're going to get the revenue they collected uh Chief did I miss anything oh great Chief you do you want to add something else about the supplies I know that the glove are expensive but I don't think the glove cost $30,000 can you please explain a little bit better what kind of supplies we're buying with this yeah absolutely well when you look at EMS supplies in terms of the ambulance service and the requirements of our ambulance license in particular um I always when I talk about this I talk about soft supplies and hard supplies soft supplies are your disposable supplies hard supplies are the ones that get reused for um recurring calls the mattresses on the stretchers um the cables on the cardic monitors things like that this $30,000 is mostly going towards your soft supplies or disposables also when you talk about supplies it's not just a fire chief or eastampton fire department saying that it would be nice to have these supplies on the ambulance we have a list that's given out by the state that's a requirement when they come to inspect our ambulance those supplies have to be there or we get deficiencies and they could shut our ambulance license down literally um so that's the $30,000 is to replenish those ongoing supplies this year that line in was funded at $25,000 which is just over about a third of our actual need every year um so a lot of that money based on our vendors um is going to get used up real fast and I'm happy to entertain any other questions to help provide a better understanding about that cinski as we're talking about it that when you when the ambulance goes to the hospital and the use supplies on the way to the hospital pick up somebody and bring we do we take supplies from the hospital and pay the hospital how does that all all work legally you can't pay the hospital the hospital rep replenishes basically like your IV needles in some intubation tubes and that's it um over the years based on the financial constraints not only that municipalities are seeing but even private for-profit institutions um they've cut back dramatically on what they used to give to Services 20 25 years ago any other conselor I do have a question why we paying the EMS billing company from revenue collected for EMS it was no part of the budget from last year or or no so the line them for third um for your contractual Services um we have a thirdparty bill in company it's Cal medical bill and not of Sutton Mass we have a 5-year contract with them we pay them 2.99% of what we actually collect in Revenue all the revenue for EMS goes into the general fund and right now our revenues that we're anticipating and projecting for this year are higher than initially initially projected so I I always I kind of joke um that with that line in particular although it's you know we always try to contain cost that's a good one to see going because you know more revenu is actually coming in um and to kind of close that one out right now if our projections hold true um we're going to be right around 1.5 million this year and if you look back four years ago was at $700,000 thank you any coun any questions anyone from the public have any questions or comments about these Appropriations anyone participating [Music] remote see none control Peak thank you Chief all right and I'll make this request in the form of a motion uh request is hereby made for approval of the following appropriation amount requested $60,500 to be transferred from free cash to be transferred to ambulance overtime emergency $14,500 ambulance supplies $30,000 miscellaneous Technical Services $166,000 the amount requested will be used for the following purpose ambulance overtime emergency costs to cover contractual EMS callbacks in West Hampton uh ambulance supplies cost to purchase required equipment and supplies uh based on em on dph license and miscellaneous Technical Services uh cost to pay EMS billing company for Revenue collected for EMS second I have a motion a second for the suppl appropriation of $60,500 for the ambulance over time supplies and Technical Services any further discussion see on Barbara JT Terell hi Owen zaret hi Cony Denham hi Salem Derby Omar Gomez JP gazinski Tom Peak hi Brad Riley hi Tamara Smith I motion passes PE um okay so uh the next uh appropriation is uh $33,000 uh from free cash uh for uh an injured on duty uh fire medical expense um and this is basically an an old bill um I know we we' we've had a bunch of these in the past where uh there was a an expense uh from the fiscal year 23 uh cycle and the billing occurred uh after the fiscal year closed so uh they weren't able to use uh those funds like budget funds to cover it cuz it's an old bill so we're just going to have to uh use free cash and this is a thing that happens um you know pretty often just cuz often bills will come a couple months later so something happens at the end of the fiscal year um it's just a thing that can happen any cons have any questions comments see none Chief you want to add something else or no anyone from the public have any questions or coming I see Emily yeah hi how are you um so I'll speak on behalf of the chief for this because this more comes out of um the HR department than it does the actual fire department so when we have someone who was injured on duty back a prior fiscal year just one second can you please introduce your oh I'm sorry I'm Emily Russo I'm the Human Resources Director thank you yeah so when um we have someone who was out un injured on duty from a prior year they can still incur medical expenses into the current existing year um we do we have a $10,000 deductible for our injured on duty health insurance and then after that we typically pay out a pocket and get reimbursed from the insurance company but that money then goes into general fund so we do get reimbursed for these expenses at this time but thank you Emily y anyone from the public anyone from the public participating remote see none cons Peak all right I'll make this in the form of a motion request is hereby made for approval of the following appropriation amount requested $33,000 to be transferred from free cash to be transferred to in Ed on duty uh fire medical expense $33,000 the amount requested will be used for the following purpose uh cover remaining fire injured on duty medical expenses from FY 23 billing incurred after fiscal year closing second I have a motion on a second for the supplemental appropriation of $33,000 for the fiscal year 2023 for injur and Duty medical expenses any further discussion see none Barbara Owen zeret hi Connie Den hi Salem Derby hi Omar Gomez hi JP kazinski Tom Peak hi Brad Riley I Tamar Smith I JT Terell [Music] I okay so this next one is uh a uh $ 32,4 75 appropriation uh for various uh items uh related to the police department and and uh I think we have someone from the Department here who can explain it in a bit more detail but basically with uh retirements and resignations and general attrition um there was some uh payout of benefits but there was also people who had to be hired and when they were hired they had to uh be you know medically screened they had to be trained they had to get equipment and then they had to go to the academy and while they're in the academy they can't be working a shift so we had to do uh there there had to be uh uh overtime expenses to cover those uh to cover those shifts uh while those people were in academy and it all just uh so across these various line items it added up to uh the $312,000 that we see here so if there's any Cindy and officer Alexander good evening everyone so the request for please introduce yourself I'm sorry about that my name is Eric Alexander I'm a lieutenant with the police department thank you so the request uh in the amount of$ 32,4 uh $99.75 is to cover costs um for expenses uh for the following the first is unforeseen contractual payouts um due to the attrition of four different officers a captain and and three officers um comp time vacation time and uh sick time expenses is uh for $ [Music] 59,94182 June of this year and that is in the amount of $25,995 um the third is overtime SP uh expenses and that is unanticipated overtime expenses due the attrition of those four officers uh the delays in hiring of four replacement officers The Filling of Beats for two officers attending the police academy one officer on light duty and minimal special officers available to work due to the police uh Reform Bill and post requirements um and that is in the amount of $19,200 and finally the the fourth is um as councelor Peak had had mentioned U Police Academy tuition uniforms equipment medical and psychological exams um and those cost for five uh new full-time officers and that um total is $182.92 thank you any con I have any questions or comments I do have one um if you don't know the answer Cindy probably will know all right first thank you for representing the police department here I know the police chief is in training I'm pretty sure right yes um the we know why we have two appropriation for incentive is that because wasn't completely funded by the last fiscal year we have two lines they have police education incentive it's $22,000 and 22,000 and the other one is the EMT incentive um usually that is part of the budget and at least the budget uh run out of money because we didn't fund it completely is maybe that's the reason I think that would be a question for Cindy you have uh education incentive yes I believe that is part of the wage realignment for the supervisor increase we had to factor the additional increase into that as well okay okay that makes sense um any other councelors anyone from the public have any comments or questions [Music] Danielle hi I'm Danielle oan I think I have a bad connection I would love to hear more details more specifics about the wage realignment sorry I live in Precinct 3 I apologize um could you please give us more specifics about like wage realignment with what and in comparison to what um and I wonder if those numbers can be be made available to the public thank you uh sure if if I'm not mistaken the the at least some of the police officers uh entered into a new Union contract this year so I think when we're talking about realignment what we mean is uh the realignment with their salaries with what they should be under this new Union contract y anyone else see cons PE okay request is hereby made for approval this is in the form of a motion uh request is hereby made uh for approval of the following appropriation amount requested $312,400 75 to be transferred uh from uh free cash to be transferred to police base pay [Music] $96,900 police education incentive $ 22,38 one19 police EMT incentive uh $632 4.93 police holiday pay uh $472 763 police sick leave $ 36,2 19241 police unused vacation $1 19,21 1872 police medical expense $2,467 police uniform expense 9,489 police Education and Training 6, $400 the amount requested will be used for the following purpose uh to cover the cost of the constra contractual payouts uh for the retirement of Captain William Kelly and the resignation of three officers to cover the cost of the Sergeant's wage uh wage increase uh Slash new contract effective 88 uh 23 to cover a shortfall in fy2 for uh overtime as a result of two officers in the police academy the attrition of four officers and minimal special officers available um due to post uh and the wage increase of the new Sergeant's contract and to cover the cost of tuition medical uh exams and uniforms slashgear for two new hires that are attending the police academy and the cost of medical exams and uniform SL gear uh for an additional three new hires okay I have a motion on a second for the supplement appropriation of $312,450 with $75 cents for the police Personnel Services and expenses any further discussion see on Barbara Connie denim hi Salem Derby hi Omar Gomez hi JP kazinski Tom Peak hi Brad Riley hi Tamara Smith hi JT Terell hi Z yes motion passes cons okay so uh this one is uh uh a two it's a it's an appropriation for two items uh related to the IT department um so uh the first uh thing is it it uh $ 28,3 45 for uh two cyber security monitoring and protection systems and fire department software conversion uh these were unanticipated costs um and then the uh I I think uh Our IT director is here who could can give a little bit of the The Narrative around it but then the the other one is uh $7,995 for a replacement of a copier for City Hall H now the issue there uh is that there was a piece that broke and there was going to be a very very long time to get a replacement part for it so they purchased a new one and then once that replacement part did come uh they repaired the old printer and moved it down to the assessor's office since they used the old one or they Ed the printer a lot anyway so now we have two functioning printers but we otherwise would have been without a printer for a very long time so um and my understanding on the uh I to jump back to the it things uh the cyber security and monitoring systems uh these were systems that uh at the start of the budget year uh the IT department were was not aware were options for us but once they became clear they were just so they were the IT director saw them as so Superior that wanted to move on that really quick to minimize the odds of us getting compromised or hacked or anything um and then the fire department software conversion uh just ended up costing a bit more than they than they thought so uh if there's any questions uh Dr kort is is here uh but that's what I got car do you want to add something no that's exactly correct so um the fire department is moving now to a cloudbased um interface moving out of ambir pro and the cost is a little bit higher of what we paid for ambir Pro and that was um unanticipated that we move so quickly even though it's a positive that we are moving now to a same system where fire and EMS are in the same system the ambulances can now connect on their computers and respond and have all the data available to them in one place and synchronized with our C and our dispatch um there was also some a little bit of an issue with our AMU Pro contract where we needed to keep some records for over a year and extract those records so we even though we moved out of that old system we needed to remain paying two systems because we need to keep records of that data until we can move them so that was unanticipated we didn't anticipate spending around $10,000 for that move but it happened even though it's a positive move um for the Cyber sec uh we just became aware of that um of this service provided by the center of Internet Security that is a a program that was funded originally to support election security by the by the federal government and now has been extended to support the states and the local and the municipalities because we know we are targets and it's happening and it's happening again and again that ransoms are being collected so they're helping us stay up to date and they're helping us keep that expertise and and monitoring so if you can see here for $166,000 a year which is which is a big amount for for our it budget we now have the ability to control our Network 247 by experts we couldn't hire an expert in cyber security for that amount of money and then a little bit more for um $2500 $2400 we we it internally can see with their tools what's happening on our Network so we have more control so that's the big the big um part of our um appropriation request and the other piece is the replacement for that copier that is so fundamental for us we copy and scan and stand and print constantly and when that machine was down for two weeks we would not knowing because of the the the supply chain collapse that happened when that piece was going to be available to us we just needed to move forward and buy a new one um and and is is is is working beautiful and the old one that actually was going to expire on there on on its lease is now being used by the collectors that print a lot of bals so it's this being reused and it's not being wasted but it's again an expense that we didn't anticipate to have thank you any councelors have any questions or comments anyone from the public have any questions or comment about this appreciation anyone participating remote see none console Peak all right I'll make this in the form request in the form of a motion uh request is hereby made for approval of the following appropriation amount requested $35,988 45 to be transferred from free cash to be transferred to uh software yearly maintenance $ 28,34 equipment $7,995 uh the amount request will be used for the following purpose uh to uh cyber security for the the cyber security and monitoring and Protection Systems investing in an IDs that monitors all Network traffic uh is crucial for security and safeguarding against a substantial Financial cost associated with cyber attacks uh fire department software conversion unanticipated cost uh rationale Fire EMS moved to the eso cloud-based platform and the implementation process was higher than estimated uh they also needed to access SL license uh needed access license to the old Ambu Pro platform and replacement copier for City Hall rationale the main copier at City Hall required replacement because of a crucial part from ubm that was in definitely back order leaving us without a clear timeline for repair to ensure office operations remained uninterrupted we had to proceed with purchasing a new copier second have a motion second for the supplementation of 35,000 998 with 45 for the it call cyber security system sofware and replacement copier any further discussion see none Barbara Salem Derby hi Omar gome JP kazinski Tom Peak hi Brad Riley hi Tamar Smith hi JT Terell hi Owen Zer Connie Den hi motion bues control Peak okay the next appropriation is $115,000 to purchase two Ford on F150 hybrid trucks for the parks department um from the conversations that we had my understanding um is that the current Park Department is is here okay cool well joh can can elaborate on this if you have any questions but my understanding is that the the two the two parks apartment trucks were in very bad shape um and were very very old and very inefficient and so the purchase of two new ones um is uh probably necessary on a number of levels and that these should given the level of use that they get these should hopefully last uh for a very long time Mr Mason do you want to add something sure um yeah the one of these will go towards the cemetery forem and his vehicle was taken off the road by motor repair um when it becomes to a safety issue um they weren't working on it any longer and and they pulled it off the road so our foran has been without a vehicle um for about five months now um the second one will replace another one that um is coming off the road as well um that is um suffering dearly um we are aligning with the city's focus on looking at hybrids um so the F-150 hybrids um fit with the city's model that we're moving forward with um and these will definitely go to good use we we we get a lot of life out of our vehicles and uh um you know the cemetery one was actually DPW handy down um so to to see a new vehicle and there couple new vehicles in the fleet will go a long way thank you thank you Mr Mason any consor have any comments or questions consel just a question both for clarification of of the items as well as for the public um we do have as the Director had stated uh the city in terms of their general direction but also via ordinance has a directive to obtain the most fuele efficient vehicle available commercially for the city uh on requests with exceptions or exemptions depending on um again availability or if a certain higher fuel efficient vehicle doesn't meet the needs of our demands of the request um so in this specific case there's the Ford F-150 Lightning um and um I I it's just important probably that the public understand why that wasn't requested and why the hybrid was requested instead so that's I guess a question either to uh the the the finance chair or to the director Mr Mason do you want to answer that yeah we were looking at availability like I said we've been um five six months um without vehicles um so um we actually have one of these hybrids is already in hoio and the other ones in transit um I've been staying in contact with Mark hot for throughout the process um and they've been been very patient with us um to get these vehicles loaded for us thank [Music] you any other coun anyone from the public have any questions or comment about this [Music] appropriation back like a year just trying to get the side can you please state your name and address for the record doine thin 13 33 Ferry Street eastampton um my concern about hybrid trucks is the safety and um are these things that I've ever had any fires um then I also would like to know what the replacement costs of the batteries for them are and also what kind kind of a I know you said what kind of a truck is on here but for $55,000 each that doesn't seem like a a whole lot of money for the amount that trucks that I'm familiar with are costing Mr you want to answer or I I can't speak to the safety of the vehicles um I I'm not an expert on vehicle safety uh but yeah I'm not I don't know that I have an answer maybe joh Mr Mason do you want to answer yeah um these aren't these aren't plug-in hybrids um these are um gas powered hybrid so there's no battery placement cost um on that um so safety is not really concerned and for municipalities we receive these are a discount we receive um State pricing so the average person off the street is not going to get the same deal a municipality does based on state contracts that municipalities um work up with the state and and local businesses thank you that answers my questions thank you anyone else PE all right I'll make this request in the form of a motion request is hereby made for approval of the following appropriation uh amount requested uh $115,000 to be transferred from Capital stabilization $115,000 to be transferred to uh purchase of two Ford F-150 hybrid trucks uh the amount requested will be used for the following purpose Purchase to Ford 150 hybrid trucks these vehicles will replace vehicles that have already been removed from the road for safety reasons second second for the suppl approvation of $115,000 to purchase two ford1 F-150 hybrid trucks any further discussion cons just a just just a point I just I I appreciate the um efforts that um director Mason put into making sure that public employees aren't using their own personal vehicles for City work so I just want to acknowledge that as a concern for why I am um supporting this but also appreciate the fact that we're trying to meet um uh guidelines around the city's fuel efficiency but that is a a big concern that I think that we should be thinking about is city employees not using their personal vehicles for City work so that's all I want to say thank you councelor any other conselor bar celor s oh I was just going to say as a followup to my question earlier Mr President I think one of the one of the reasons that this makes sense just for the public again the the electric trucks are probably a year out on order so there wouldn't be one readily available so that would be my inference as to why this makes more of a more sense so good to vote yes thank you uh Barbara um Omar Gomez hi JP kazinski Tom Peak hi Brad Riley hi Tamar Smith hi JT Terrell i Owen Zer yes Connie Denham I Salem Derby IES PE all right our next appropriation is uh a $455,000 appropriation from free cash to City Medicare um it's to cover uh the city's share of uh the or the cover the Medicare matching share from City to the IRS um I think our Treasurer just here if there's any uh questions about that I think it just a little estimate thing hi C treasure um last year when the budget was done the Medicare was based on the pay plan at the time the pay plan was re-evaluated during the budget time so it was a short this year any cons have any questions comments no anyone from the public have any questions or comment about this appreciation anyone remote see none cons P thank you all right I'll make this request in the form of a motion uh request is hereby made for the approval of the following appropriation uh amount requested $45,000 to be transferred from free cash to be transferred to City Medicare $45,000 the amount requested will be used for the following purpose this appropriation will be used to cover the Medicare matching share paid to the city or paid by the city to the IRS for employees for the rest of the fiscal year there will not be enough in the budget to current currently cover us second I have a motion on a seconds to supplement appropiation for $45,000 for the fiscal year 2024 City Medicare cost any further discussion see none Barbara JP gazinski hi Tom Peak hi Brad Riley hi Tamar Smith hi JT Terell hi Owen Zer hi tny Denham hi Salem Derby Omar g i motion uh thank you then our next appropriation is $7,000 appropriation also from free cash to City payroll processing and school payroll processing uh I think this is a pretty similar situation uh but Jessica if you'd like to expand on that at all feel free yeah kind of the same thing as the Medicare it was during the budget time that it was planned for and then the Harper's um payral Services fees went up on July 1st thank you any counil have any questions comments see none anyone from the public have any questions or comments about these supplemental appropriation anyone remote see none cons Peak I'll make this in the form of a motion request is hereby made for the approval of the following appropriation amount requested $7,000 to be transferred from free cash to be transferred to City payroll processing $4,000 School payer roll processing $3,000 the amount request will be used for the following purpose this appropriation will be used to cover the cost of payroll processing for the city for the rest of the fiscal year uh there will not be enough in the budget currently to cover it second I have a motion on a second for the supplement provision of $7,000 for the fiscal year 2024 City bayro processing cost any further discussion see none Barbara Tom Peak hi Brad Riley hi Tamar Smith I think she's she dropped she left y okay um JT Terell hi Owen zarett yes Johny denam hi Salem Derby Omar Gomez JP kazinski yes our next appropriation is a $117,000 appropriation from free cash to school uh liability uh to cover uh some unanticipated remaining School liability premium expenses for the fiscal year uh my understanding uh Emily might uh Emily Russ our director might want to speak to this in more detail but my understanding is that it's effectively estimated every year and it maybe sometimes comes in a little higher low and Emily yeah so um again Emily Russo Human Resources Director so every year we can kind of guesstimate um what our premium is going to be and last year we had the new school added mid year to our Insurance liability because prior to it being completed it was under the instruction or the construction company so once we took that liability on it was hard to calculate for this fiscal year what the expense was going to be so we fell a little bit short in our calculations thank you any celor have any questions or comments see you know I I have one but it's not about uh why we're doing this I my question is going to be how much we have in free cash after all these Appropriations if anyone knows I the balance yeah [Music] uh he Patel City auditor um after all these appropriation we will have 2,846 19080 thank you hael most welcome anyone from the public have any questions or comments about this appropriation anyone participating remote see none cons Peak I'll make this request in the form of a motion request is hereby made for approval of the following appropriation amount requested $117,000 to be transferred from free cash to be transferred to school liability the amount requested will be used for the the following purpose cover unanticipated remaining School liability premium expense for the fiscal for fiscal year 2024 second I have a motion and a second for the supplemental appropriation of $177,000 for the fiscal year 2024 School liability Premier expenses any further discussion see none those one in favor any against abstention Tamar is gone G is not here no he's not here thank you I just into the habit of the call I know thank you celor but just motion passes cons PE okay so this next appropriation is one that we have been doing for a while now uh it's $600,000 to the tax rate stabilization fund um so basically the idea here is that we're taking some free cash and using it to pay uh down uh you know the the to to to help uh cover money that otherwise would have had to be raised by taxpayers to help pay uh for the new school so um it means that everyone's tax bills goes down just a little bit I mean you spread 600,000 across all the tax Parcels in the city it's it's not huge but it helps a little bit and uh it's something that the mayor's been doing for uh some time and is continuing to do here anyone from the city before consors have something else to add Halle you don't want to add anything I guess not nope I'm all set all right thank you any consor have any questions or comments cons s um do we know roughly how how much this might impact individual tax bills and also how did we arrive at this number was it somewhat formulaic or was it well we have X amount of money available so we can just put this into tax stabilization like how did we arrive at at the $600,000 figure right um well I don't want to speak for the mayor um I my my guess is that it's something where you're sort of working backwards saying here's the free cash we have and then here's the free cash needs and but I think that this is approximately it's been something this is about the order of magnitude that I believe it's been for the last few years so uh well Hal might correct me there you done um well and then in terms of the I I uh it would be tough to figure out what it would mean for the average taxpayer I mean I think the one thing about it is that the way it's set up like I think if you have a very large tax bill you probably are going to benefit a bit more from this than if you have a very small tax bill so I'm figuring out what you mean to even buy the average taxpayer is probably a little bit uh tricky but um yeah well if you were your yeah if uh by councilor quin's calculations it's probably about $75 or Lor just one second I'm sorry yes he pel City auditor um when free cash got certified um I I sit with mayor to discuss what to put into the stabilization account um it's around I also sit with her and the internal Finance team to determine um during the budget season what would be the best support we can do big picture financially that's where these numbers are brainstormed and discussed and that's what we put forward on the budget and into this account thank you Riley um yeah so I guess the question that I have because I I do remember this every time we've done supplemental Appropriations I I've seen a similar um dollar amount so I guess my question maybe if you can answer it councelor Peak if not um for the auditor is if we were to continue on this trend of continuing to put money towards this do we have any idea on how how much time we save on the back end like does that question make sense you uh I I can try I I don't know that it saves us any time and because I I think that what it's doing is that the amount that we would be paying goes down like the amount that we would be paying that year goes down but the amount of years that we will be paying is the same rather than that we're sort of paying it down faster in service of the people of the future which is another way that it could be done but that my understanding is that what we are doing is we're reducing the amount due this year so it doesn't reflect affect timeline okay understood thank you any any other questions Hal just want to add to this this tax rate stabilization account is for debt exclusion which we took on the debt which was taken on um um middle school or k28 school and every year it varies because pre cash is one time money and that's why it varies year to year we can be putting this much amount this year but that not that might not be the case next year it all goes with what comes out as a final free cash number thank you any other conselor see not anyone from the public have any questions or comments about this appropriation anyone participating remote have any questions or comments see none CC Peak all right I'll make this in the form of a motion request is hereby made for approval of the following appropriation amount requested $600,000 to be transferred from free cash to be transferred to tax rate stabilization the amount requested will be used for the following purpose to fund the tax rate stabilization to help reduce the impact of debt exclusions on the tax rate second I have a motion on a second for the supplemental prop of $600,000 for the tax rate stabilization funds any further discussion see none those one in favor I any against exension motion passes cons peak one more uh so uh the final uh appropriation is $115,000 to be transferred from free cash to uh legal uh I think those of you who who have been with me on the council for a few years know this used to be a much more common thing you legal bills are obviously very difficult to anticipate at uh you don't often know going into a legal situation even what something's going to cost let alone how many legal situations you might end up in in a given year so it's difficult uh when we had uh the finance meeting the mayor did talk a bit and I know that she's reported this uh here uh as well that there are some uh best practices that that they've been implementing around working legal costs say into grants so that uh so that they can they can do like cover some of that there and not spend this down quite as quickly so uh I do think I I did credit the mayor at the time for uh the fact that it's been a while since we've seen one of these and it used to be every like when when I started and when a couple of my colleagues started it felt like it was every few months there was oh the Le we we out of legal money again so sort of like you were crediting the fire department for that like I do think that there's been some some progress there that's worth noting but uh with the various things especially I think around around uh Union Street and all the sort of legal costs associated with with that and other big projects uh we are we're going to need $115,000 I guess to make the legal budget whole for the rest of the fiscal year any celor have any questions or comments see none anyone from the public have any questions or com about this appreciation anyone remote see n PE all right request is hereby made for approval the following appropriation amount requested $115,000 to be transferred from free cash to be transferred to Legal the amount requested will be used for the following purpose legal cost build for fy4 second I have a motion on a second to for the supplement appropriation of $115,000 for the fiscal year 2024 legal cost any further discussion seeing none those one in favor any against exstension motion passes cons thank you Mr President uh we have a supplemental appropriation request for $100,000 uh from Capital stabilization uh to go to The Parson Ferry project uh this request is to cover uh legal cost surveys and potential land taking uh if in the project that would ultimately result in a number of infrastructure improvements uh moving a retaining wall improving sidewalks and adding crosswalks this item is actually part of some items that are going to come after the public hearing um the city is um is intending to apply for a grant uh from the new uh Housing Works program uh which would bring approximately $5 million of infrastructure improvements to the city uh we have this appropriation request we have some easement requests coming up and we have a letter of Port they'll also be coming up uh the Housing Works uh Grant will cover a number of things sewer lines parking retaining walls I mentioned there will be a bike path connecting uh Ferry Street to the manhand rail trail as well as being able to address this Troublesome intersection which abuts the Ferry Street property there's been a lot of conversations about this recently from residents and this portion of the project probably costs around $1.5 million give or take uh the grant itself does not cover certain costs and those being certain legal fees um surveillance surveying costs appraisals of land because ultimately in order to move that retaining wall we would need to take Land by imminent domain um and so these funds are obviously important for the the roles that they'll serve but they're also critical to the grant themselves because in order to apply for the grant we have to demonstrate that we have the funds available to do certain things that the grant would allow us to do which such as taking land specifically additionally it obviously also demonstrates a commitment to the project overall um these are conservative estimates if we don't use any of this money it goes back to the city if we need to use more which it sounds like that's not necessarily would be the case we'd have to request additional Appropriations I'll also add here as a footnote that this is not an approval by the city council to take Land by imminent domain that would have to come later on in the project um as noted this is coming from the capital stabilization account we had one other item in the public hearings tonight that was the uh Park trucks that we approved for $115,000 from Capital stabilization uh that being approved and if this $100,000 is approved that would leave us with 3,659 9655 in that in that uh account so there's there's plenty of money there um Mr Jeff bag uh who's a consultant I believe is that you is that you Mr B I've only met him a couple times he's a consultant hired by the city on this project he was um very helpful at the committee level to inform us along with director nutman and Mike Meson who's in charge of the ferry uh um development to inform us about this um so I would I would recommend that he be allowed to to give some input the property committee approved this uh 30 to recommend to the full Council um that's all for now Mr President yeah Mr nman do you want to add something U excellent explanation councelor Zar appreciate that you introduce yourself thank you y Greg nutman director of Public Works um councilor Zar did a great job explaining kind of the ins and outs of this whole effort here and we really have a great opport Unity to work with the private developer on Ferry Street to put a real strong Grant application together and hopefully address the issue with the the line of sight coming from Parsons on to Ferry we've been working on that since I think we uh about the fall of 2020 and it's been it's been a problem you know years prior so um this funding being made available just just helps make our Grant application look that much stronger so appreciate the council um helping us move this forward thank you anyone for and the public have any questions or comments dolphine thuan again 133 Fairy Street and I have multiple concerns about um this $100,000 and is is it a done deal that's my first question make all the questions and then we're going to answer all of them okay so I'm concerned about taking land I'm concerned about the process this is the I I keep up pretty much on what's going on in town but this is the first time that I ever saw in print that there was going to be um something to do with Parsons and Fairy Street and when did this project start who was involved was the um the general public invited to be part of this I'm very very concerned we have the bike path currently going behind our house that works out really nice where is this going to go from where to where um there's Al there's several different accesses to the current bike path and I'm not clear on where it's going from and can you I can't even imagine the traffic um that is going to be the congestion if you're going to add um additional ways for bicycles and Walkers to go and take away from the width of the current Street which is very narrow to begin with that's it any that's the that's what I want to know thank [Music] you um so I'll answer as best I can within the confines of the h well we have Mr nman here too if he want to add something else oh go ahead first I mean what I could say within the confines of what we're here to approve is that we're not approving a project per se we're approving funds to do things such as evaluate the project surveying fees legal fees and have money available if we if we are able to go ahead with a project that involves imminent domain and taking a property um that's again to be able to qualify and show good faith to apply for this grant um in terms of uh the infrastructure um the DPW director would probably be best to to answer that I could give it a a good shot but I think he's here so I'll lean on him um and in terms of the bike path connector that will be discussed in a future item regarding the easements but will say is that that just bisects the Ferry Street development um for between Ferry Street and the bike path and doesn't really affect anything else but other than that Mr presid I would recommend that the the DPW directors here who can give a much better informed answer than I can other than that Mr nutman yep uh Greg nutman again director of Public Works so the main concern the main problem I guess I would say with the intersection at Parson and fair is that the retaining wall is is stru line of sight looking down Ferry Street as you're coming off of Parson so what the what we'll be evaluating with this funding and if we were able to get be successful in our Mass Works Grant or Housing Works Grant I'm sorry uh would be relocating that wall moving it back approximately 8 feet and making it taller to achieve the proper line of sight that's necessary to enter Ferry Street from Parson so it really takes care of a um it really will eliminate a lot of the a lot of people's concerns about how hard it is to see oncoming traffic when you come off of Parson on Ferry furthermore it'll actually um allow for the road to be wider wider sidewalk um believe we have a raised crosswalk in the plans and RFB at um the intersection with parsonson Ferry and improvements all the way down to about Emerald Place so um we're not necessarily you know the improvements we're going to make aren't going to really increase traffic or really they're just going to make traffic move through the area and a better better than it is now so um the private development occurring there on the opposite side of fairy just creates an excellent opportunity for us to um build a strong Grant application and if if you have further questions feel free to reach out to the DPW office tomorrow I'd be happy to um show you show you a little bit more about what we're what we're doing but that's basically the the gist of it thank you Greg anyone else from the public so the DPW has a preliminary map I I would uh con with Mr nman if you have more questions you should contact DPW office tomorrow or as soon as possible but if I could just Omar if you don't mind if I if I add we have been working on this since 2020 uh in conjunction with the planning department it was a improvements of that intersection we discussed multiple times at Board of Public Works meetings over the past few years thank [Music] you anyone else so I'd like to know the board of Public Works is there are there meetings published um we are discussing something that is not related to their meeting so I would recommend you to go to the web page or call to the City Hall tomorrow and you will get all the info about about those meetings okay from my understanding if there's do you have any other questions because I because it's supposed to be 3 minutes and I told you to make all the questions before so that way we can answer all of them I will allow you to make another question I would like to make another a statement make a statement from my understanding there has been markings placed on Fairy Street that are indicating um different alternatives to this um bike path or whatever you want to call it for this project are there have has there been any preliminaries done towards this even though you are asking for money now Greg yep um so we entered into a um contract with VHB a a traffic consulting firm back in 2020 and looked at multiple different Avenues to resolve the line of sight issue at at Parsons and Ferry I'm not 100% sure what you're referring to as a bike path um this there will be you know wider sidewalk but not no extension of the rail trail or anything like that associated with this with this grant um application that will happen in the public in the public way so like I said if you feel free to call the DPW tomorrow and I'd be uh happy to show you talk to you a little bit more about um what our efforts have included over there thank you thank you Greg anyone else that answerers some of my questions anyone else seeing none cons s uh thank you Mr President um at this time I'd like to make a a motion to appropriate the sum of $100,000 from Capital stabilization uh to The Parson of Ferry intersection process $100,000 to make traffic and pedestrian safety improvements on Ferry Street between the intersections with Parson Street and Emerald Place the amount requested will be used for the following purpose to assist with legal cost survey work and eminent domain takings second I have a second for the supplemental appropriation of $100,000 for the part 30 Street traffic and pedestrian improvements any further discussion see none those one in favor I any against exstension motion passes I will take a motion to close public hearing so move I have a motion and a second to close public hearing any further discussion see none those one in favor I against extension motion passes uh because we have some items related to this in property I will take the property committee report right now thank you Mr President um again at the same meeting uh for the item that we discussed above uh there were two other items that I'd like to bring to the council's attention now for votes um the first um is an amendment to the uh existing reciprocal easements uh on the uh parcel noted as number eight um Ean area 8 uh is the public may or may not know but I I'll explain now we approved a number of easements reciprocal easements to the Ferry Street parcel back in 2019 uh that was for the purpose of establishing Public Access uh and City access for a variety of reasons parking uh we had mentioned the bike path extension um other public amenities um in the meantime um the proposal for the building on that parcel uh has slightly changed and the building the proposed building is actually uh go plant is being requested to be moved easterly uh subsequently we need to now go back and further delineate all the potential uh reciprocal easements that would be utilized on in that specific area uh again best known as easement number eight um additionally this ties back back into the Housing Works grant that we're discussing in order to apply for that and to ask for money for certain uh public amenities again such as parking bike racks um pedestrian access Etc um it needs to be clear uh in the application what are considered public areas and what are considered private areas um so we met uh the easement area in question both old and new again were're available in the packet we discussed that um um our consultant Jeff bag was there to explain that um and we uh after review uh we voted uh 30 to recommend to the full Council um uh again Mr Bag is here if you'd like to ask him any questions Mr President any coun I have any questions uh okay um I will make a motion uh I move that the city council amend the existing agreement In Perpetual Grant of easement dated April 1st 2021 Buy in between the city of East Hampton and one industrial loss LLC by deleting the description of easement area 8 and replacing it with a new Ean area 8 as shown in the First Amendment to agreement and Perpetual Grant of easement which was reviewed and approved by the city solicitor and the city council property committee and presented to the city council at its May 1st 2024 meeting second have a M second to amend the eement of 113 Street project any further discussion see none those are in favor I any against abstention motion passes consar and finally Mr President um in in association with the the the the items that we just discussed relative to this development and the application for the Housing Works Grant there is a letter of support that was drafted to to be recommended from the city council um that was sent out earlier this week we basically it summarizes the scope of the proposed project which includes 90 affordable units upgrades to pedestrian Vehicle Safety um adjacent to and within the complex itself summarizes previous financial outlays and grants made available uh we made a very small uh Amendment uh in committee which basically just better reflects the potential 90 units uh in context of what the city had done with affordable housing prior uh and uh the letter that was emailed to the uh committee to the council which I'm happy to read into record if you'd like me to Mr President was approved by the uh property committee 30 please do read it for the benefit of the public would you like me to make this in the form of a motion please do in the form of a motion I would ask the city council accept the following letter of support the East Tampa City Council strongly supports the request for the city's 2024 housing work Grant which will support the creation of 90 affordable units and upgrade pedestrian safety pedestrian Vehicle Safety immediately adjacent to the project the Redevelopment of one Fairy Street is a transformational project for the city and this funding will enable the completion of a multi-year public private partnership to revitalize a 7 acre abandoned Mill complex into a vibrant area with market rate and affordable housing the city council has demonstrated a strong commitment to this project 2018 supported the application an award of $3.9 million from Mass works or infrastructure to support the initial renovation of building three and building 5 as well as the construction of a new roundabout prominade along lower Mill Pond and pedestrian safety improvements in 2020 appropriation of 46,000 from can cannabis stabilization to begin designing a solution to the dangerous intersection at Parsons and Ferry Street 2020 approval of a 121a agreement with the project developer to provide tax stability for the large and complex project 2024 appropriation of $100,000 from the community preservation act in support of site preparation work along with the CPA committee's commit to a further to fund another $400,000 from CPA over the next two fiscal years to support the development team's application for affordable housing credits and 2024 appropriation of $100,000 for legal fees and Associate imminent domain takings necessary to fix the problem intersection at Parson of Ferry Street in addition the city council has supported other efforts in the surrounding neighborhood including the recent Award of $1.1 million from cdbg to design significant infrastructure upgrades in the adjacent City new city neighborhood Hood a $175,000 Grant from Mass development to design enhance pedestrian of veh vehicle safety improvements to the adjacent thriving Pleasant Street Mills and a 34500 $34,500 MVP grant for slope restoration green infrastructure streetcape and pedestrian safety improvements on Emerald Place this Housing Works funding will result in the creation of 96 new units in East Hampton 90 of which will be affordable and will improve a long identified dangerous section of part and Ferry Streets these units will be the first large scale edition of new affordable housing units in East Hampton since 2015 we urge the Housing Works program to fund this tremendous shovel ready project together East hampon and the executive office of Housing and livable communities can demonstrate how this funding can be used to create new housing units I have a motion on seconds to uh to approve the letter of support any further discussion Cel Riley um yeah I just wanted to um say thank you on behalf of all of my neighbors um I live over in this community um right across from St Bridget cemetery and I just know that the neighborhood that I live in and uh the adjacent streets in New City have it feels at times that they've been long forgotten um by everyone else in the city of East Hampton so to see this kind of revitalization happening and while also making our streets safer um is a true Testament to taking care of the entire city so I just wanted to say on behalf of all of the residents that live in that neighborhood um thank you all for agreeing to do this thank you any other consor s um I just wanted to just point out for the public that projects like this and applications like this are the result of an effort of a lot of people working together um I I've mentioned a few times I really want to consult thank you thank our consultant Mr Bag um who's demonstrated a extraordinary commitment to East Hampton um prior to including this project and proposal we heard from our director of DPW earlier we have really an amazing uh public private partnership with one industrial LS uh Mr mishon has shown an incredible commitment to taking what was just a few years ago a pile of rubble and starting to develop uh the Street project and now committing to 90 affordable units I think is exquisite I just wanted to neglected before I apologize Mr President if I may I just wanted to give a very special thanks to our auditor uh halel Patel I've never done appropriation before and I appreciate that she set time aside to sit down and explain to me the the process as well as how the money how we where the money comes from and how we make these determinations um and again thank you to all the people who put their efforts into it there was a letter from the mayor as well and you know we're doing our part now as a city council to uh to ask for this very important close to $5 million of funding so thank you thank you any other conselor see none those want in favor I any against exension motion passes cons um I do we do not have anything else on our agenda so thus concludes thank you don't have meeting scheduled either right now thank you cons ordinance thank you Mr President um so the ordinance committee has continued to have good conversation around the municipal opt-in specialized code uh we had um city employees as well as um representatives from the doar at our last meeting as well as a uh builder for the um the school reuse um you know the ReUse um the contractor I guess who's going to be doing that work uh had a good conversation about impact uh it seems as though there is limited impact on the uh projects around um affordable housing that is in regards to buildings that already exist so those structures that already exist so there'll be limited impact on that there will be some impact on uh new buildings but that continues to be kind of the underlying question of what we're trying to understand in terms of cost impact um but there are a variety of different ways that uh the um Main Street project can reach a passive house which is what they're interested in whether it's all all electric or whether it is a a a mixed energy mixed fuel use uh or um mixed fuel design um so we're going to have yet another uh conversation we are trying to speak reach other builders to discuss uh General impact so we can really try to have an understand understanding of actual cost impact of that um I think the the biggest it seems to be um the biggest impact may be on private development um and so that's we're just trying to understand that before we make any decision um around adoption of of the um specialized code um the other thing that we have discussed and we went over was the purchase of fuel efficient vehicles Municipal uh for municipal use um we had a again good conversation we made one uh working with our conservation agent we made an amendment um to the uh vehicle procurement prioritization we expect expanded currently the first one is battery electric vehicle uh and we expanded that to include uh zero emission Vehicles so that that could take into consideration uh any new uh technology that may uh impact that including hydrogen powered vehicles so U there is that uh amendment that has been made we voted 3 to Zer to adopt it um and I will need to make a a public hearing um so move that we have a public hearing for uh June 20th um to be able to uh review um the ordinance change Sor a mo second to the ordinance change uh for a public hearing June 20th at 6:15 and the chambers any further discussion see none those are in favor any against abstention buzzes great and uh we are still working on the temporary moratorium um chair um ginski and I still need to connect on that we are still trying Outreach to local farmers to see the impact that that's going to have on them so that's just um that's just that particular process of trying to kind of do our due diligence to to outreach to folks um and then our next meeting is going to be Tuesday May 2th 1st Room 1 at 6:00 p.m. thank you and that's everything that our committee has to offer Council today thank you I would take a one minute recess okay because um I have ADHD and I cannot concentrate so I need I need one minute break okay sorry thank you everybody a thank you um we going continuing with the committee reports we have rules cons Kinski uh Mr President uh The Rules Committee just wanted to report that we will be meeting tomorrow night uh Thursday at 6:30 in room 1 to discuss rank Choice voting we're B moving that I think you're in B oh I apologize it is room B thank you Barbara uh so glad you're here uh rank Choice voting to I think we're pretty much ready to I think move on that and get that we'll be making a decision this rather not to send back to the attorney the information for final approval this concludes thank you and the agenda say room B but uh our our clerk is going to going to find out if that room is going to be available yeah CPA who had room one may not be meeting so it may not be so so we would Mr President we would prefer to be in room one okay and therefore would post a note on B for anyone who didn't get the word yep that's conclude this conclud thank you coun Kinski no business uh Mr Vice President uh thank you Mr President uh the first one I'm going to pass over to councelor Peak which is a request for immediate action to establish an opioid settlement account okay um yeah just as a decide there was a really interesting um special about opioid settlement account funds on uh Last Week Tonight uh just like a couple days ago so uh anyway um so I move pursuant to the provisions of Massachusetts General Law chapter 44 section 53 Clause 4 uh for approval uh to be hereby given to establish an account for the purpose of receiving funds designated for the opioid settlement second I have a motion and a seconds to establish an opioid sement account and further discussion just one question for clarification um so does this does this create the framework for us to receive funding should money come or or has it already been established that there are people within East Hampton that are entitled to compens ation for this I can it's right here the the city of East Hampton is entitled okay to compensation as part of the the the massive settlements that are going to be coming in over the next I believe 18 years okay and so this is just a place for those to go yep perfect thank you cons Derby I would just say it's similar to The Tobacco settlements that happened in the '90s any other conselor those one in favor you have to ask if anyone objects conc I do have a question uh Kinski just a question that those funds in order to come out of the opio settlement account have to go through city council is that correct what was a question do they have to go through city council go through city council for for for release of those funds or are they spent by the various departments or the mayor without Council further approval you going know the answer I I believe um that the answer well hael knows I just believe but I believe they do I believe that they would need to go to council but thought hega Patel City auditor um we have been receiving op funds um I think it's since last year we've been receiving it do just came out um with the bulletin um which is 2023-the or appropriation to be approved before spending there is a strictor regulation where uh we have to submit the reports to the state um and we all we city has a portal to submit that so this won't need further um appropriation request through to go through the city council once we establish this account right now what's happening with this These funds it's going to the free cash so it's going to general fund once we establish I would get a authority to redirect These funds directly into this revolving account Kinski president since this is the one time we vote on this and it won't be coming back to us in the future I would further request a followup of how much money do we anticipate to be in this account both this year and over time are we talking $5,000 are we talking 150 $300,000 or more hey is there a projection over the 18 years let's going next um I do not have this information but City Treasurer Jessica Heber is keeping track of it so I would say um she would be the right person to ask this question um but I don't have that information I can tell you what we collected um last year or so far yeah please be before that Hal I um in in our package we if we approve this account tonight we already have one of the appropriation is going to be take that money it's going to be $15 9,520 with. 71 that we will be moving to that account if we approve to establish this account uh Hal yes so 2023 that's what we collected uh we collected 59520 um $52.70 because it closed to free cash and once we establish this account I would be able to move this money into that account 2024 as of uh I would say as of April we have collected 156,157 [Music] to I think uh with this being an item for immediate consideration it's for immediate consideration if none of us object and I am going to have to uh send I I I want to send this to finance you want to send to finance yeah but I I'm going to withdraw my motion at this time and the reason for this as much as I really appreciate all the hard work that the city puts into it these funds like I said I was just watching something about this like two nights ago these funds Nationwide have been misused in a lot of places they've been spent in ways that they shouldn't be spent and if we're not going to get another look at how these funds are being used before they are spent if there's no further appropriation coming from uh if this doesn't isn't subject to say an interde departmental transfer then I need a better understanding of how I basically what I need is I need an ironclad assurance that these funds are going to be going to the people who been harmed by the poor by the horrible horrible criminal behavior of these companies uh before and not going to for instance uh infrastructure or law enforcement or anything like that which are all worthy things that deserve money but these funds are to specifically help the people who were harmed by this and I I need to see uh just I feel like I'd be remiss in my duties as Finance chair if I approve approved a revolving fund that the city council will will not have any oversight over without having an understanding of the plan uh for how those funds are going to go to help the people who have been harmed that's just where I am and I'm I'm wew the motion so I will withdraw my motion who made this second I did I withdraw my second withdraw the second um I have a question that I would like Mr Kinski I would like to suggest that uh someone perhaps hle investigate a couple of things and that is the possibility of language that we would put into the approval which would restrict the funds in some way such that they would come back to the council for our approval before release it may be the standard practice but do we have the authority to make that type of revolving account so I would ask that that be researched and reported back to us I will so I will take a motion to move to a committee so much second I have a motion and a seconds to move to establish an OP settlement account to the finance committee any further discussion see now for those all in favor any against abstention motion passes Mr Vice President thank you Mr President um we have some uh appointments to send to the appointment subcommittee we have have a city council presidential appointment for Steven de s uh to licensing board with an expiration of June 3rd 2030 I move that that be sent to the uh appointment committee second I have a motion on a seconds to move the Steven um to the appointments committee any further discussion seeing none those want in favor hi any against exension motion passes uh we also have uh three mayoral appointments uh Carol Smith to Cherry funds committee 1231 2026 Paul Davis National W Pond committee 1231 2024 and Chelsea Blazer to Affordable fair housing 1231 2026 I move that those be sent to the appointment committee second I have a motion on a seconds to move those three appointments to the appointments committee any further discussion see none those all in favor I any against exstension motion passes uh just for the record we are now moving one of the um appointments requested by the mayor I'm pretty sure the mayor is going to withdraw that appointment as soon as possible that's the reason we are now moving it to the appointments committee Mr Vice President um so we have um a couple uh motions related to um the public library uh to support a State Building Grant application and so oh before um uh Conor Derby read the Motions for uh for to support the library U because again I'm asking to the Cel for uh immediate consider consideration I want to ask before we go to the discussion if anyone is against that see you on now Mr Vice President uh so I have uh two motions here um and so the first one is uh I moved to give permission to the East Hampton Public Library to apply for accept and expend State Grant funds um and the City of East Hampton strongly supports East Hampton public libraries application to the 20232 24 mblc construction Grant Round We believe that new library building will provide a valuable benefit to our community and City leadership intends to be a strong partner to the Public Library Association of East Hampton through every step of the anticipated project East Hampton is a thriving City and needs a modern fully accessible Library motion second I have a motion on a second to allow the library to apply for those gr any further discussion see none those are in favor I any against exstension Mo passes Mr VI president the second one is I move to appropriate local funding for the planning and design phase the local funding referred to a maximum match of $100,000 would be provided by the East Hampton Public Library from fundraising and or the endowment second I have a motion on a second to support the library again any further discussion see none those those one in favor any against exstension motion passes and I will turn it over to councelor Peak for an inter departmental transfer and a lot of supplemental Appropriations all right let's start with the inter departmental transfer uh request is hereby made this is a a first reading on all of these um and uh I'm can I just do this to send these all to finances of one big block yeah I uh conselor I would recommend to do that and the second one is to the in the same motion to schedule a public hearing and schedule okay so I'm going to make a motion for all of these transfers and Appropriations to move them to the finance committee and to schedule a public hearing for what's that the orun 5th June 5th yeah schedule yeah okay so here is wait should you say did you say second after I do have motion yet you made a motion yeah and then I'm going to read them all as in the form of a motion okay I thought you were read you were only that would be yeah all right okay moving things a lot here they go request is hereby made for approval of the following appropriation amount requested $20,000 to be transferred from veterans cash benefits $20,000 to be transferred to vso salary $155,000 care sold and sale $2,800 professional Technical Services $500 Education and Training $100 membership and sips and dues $600 instate travel $11,000 the amount requested will be used for the following purpose veterans department needs for current fiscal year the rest of these are supplemental Appropriations uh request is hereby made for the follow uh uh for approval of the following appropriation amount requested $ 37,5 40.67 to be transferred from free cash to be transferred to fy21 covid-19 vaccine the amount requested will be used for the following purpose to cover Grant deficits request is hereby made for the following appropriation amount request requested $6,6 4221 to be transferred from free cash to be transferred to building operations uh the amount requested will be used for the following purpose building operations has absorbed maintenance responsibilities for the three former elementary schools and the former Town lodging facility at 75 Oliver Street we are requesting $ 6,642 21 to cover expenses associated with the maintenance of these properties for y 2024 the majority of this funding has gone to minimal heating for the formal uh former schools in order to keep their fire sprinkler systems active uh and maintain their current interior condition request is hereby made for the following appropriation amount requested $287,000 uh to be transferred from Capital stabilization account to be transferred to FY 24 FEMA 21 FPS LED sign Grant $112,000 FY 24 FEMA 22 afg Brush Truck Grant $115,000 FY 24 FEMA 22 afg SCBA Grant $160,000 the amount requested will be used for the following purpose costs will cover matching amounts for three Federal Homeland Security grants for Capital Improvement projects request is hereby made for approval of the following appropriation amount requested $ 595275 40 to be transferred from free cash to be transferred to uh PT inspe part-time inspection gas plumbing wire $2,400 temporary positions regular $7,850 to be uh the amount requested will be used for the following purpose uh the budget was changed to $50 per inspection from monthly stipend and budget line was not adjusted to reflect these change this change uh request is hereby made for the fall uh uh for the approval of the following appropriation amount requested $200,000 to be transferred from free cash to be uh transferred to snow uh rentals $50,000 snow miscellaneous Services $115,000 small tools $7,000 snow repair $7,000 School plowing $30,000 snow chemical $8 ,000 salt $71,000 travel and meals $2,000 the amount requested will be used for the following purpose the Department of Public Works has experienced a shortfall of $200,000 in the snow and ice removal budget for FY 24 we are requesting funds be transferred from free cash to cover this deficit request is hereby made for approval of the following appropriation amount requested 8,000 to be transferred from free cash to be transferred to trash Municipal $2,000 trash schools $6,000 the amount requested will be used for the following purpose due to cost increases for trash disposable at Municipal and school buildings we have experienced a shortfall in trash uh disposal budget in the trash disposal budget we are requesting $8,000 to fund these expenses for the remainder of FY 2024 uh request is here by made for approval of the following appropriation uh to be TR uh the amount requested $ 29,185 to be transferred from uh it doesn't actually say I think it's free cash [Music] um I mean we have that account number yeah okay I'm just going to read the account number 00 1.1 1451 584 2023 29,00 uh $188,500 Public Safety site impove improvements uh matter request will use for the following purpose redim remaining funds for other safety complex it needs needs request is hereby made for approval of the following appropriation amount requested $23,000 to be transferred from free cash to be transferred to street light uh the amount requested will be used for the following purpose reallocated solar credits that have led to a deficit in the city street Pro streetlight account we are requesting $23,000 to be transferred to cover these expenses for the remainder of FY 2024 request is hereby made for the following appropriation amount requested $147,000 to be transferred from Enterprise retain earnings to be transferred to water the amount requested will be used for the following purpose energy electricity prices have increased in FY 2024 and solar credits are no longer being applied to certain city electricity accounts as such we are requesting $147,000 to be transferred from Enterprise retained earnings to cover this shortfall request is hereby made for the approval of the following appropriation amount requested $122,000 to be transferred from free cash to be transferred to building operations the amount requested will be used for the following purpose uh unexpected HVAC system repairs were encountered in at City Hall and the public safety complex in 2020 or FY 24 we are requesting $12,000 to fund these expenses request is hereby made uh for the approval of excuse me one second the following appropriation amount requested $364,000 to be transferred from Enterprise retained earnings $364,000 to be transferred to Wastewater energy electricity $124,000 Wastewater Professional Services $220,000 wastewater treatment plant chemicals $20,000 the amount requested uh will be used for the following purpose due to circumstances outside of our control energy electricity chemical and necessary Professional Service prices uh in parentheses sludge disposal have increased in FY 2024 as such we are requesting uh $364,000 be transferred from enti aain earnings to cover this shortfall request is hereby made for the following appropriation amount requested $44,000 to be transferred from free cash to be transferred to recycling the amount requested will be used for the following purpose hazardous waste disposal prices have increased in FY 2024 as such we are requesting $4,000 to be transferred from free cash to cover the shortfall request is hereby made for the for approval of the following appropriation amount requested $110,000 to be transferred from free cash to be transferred to fuel the amount request will be used for the following purpose we have experienced a shortfall in the FY 24 budget for fuel for the city vehicle Fleet and heating oil we are requesting $110,000 to be transferred from free cash to the city fuel account to finish out the fiscal year uh this account pays for All City vehicles not just DPW uh request is hereby made for the following appropriation amount requested $2,581 6 uh to be transferred from Capital stabilization $2,581 6 to be transferred to fy20 covid-19 FEMA Grant $120,500 $2,581 6 the amount requested will be used for the following purpose to cover Grant get deficits uh request is hereby made for the approval of the following appropriation amount requested $9,800 to be transferred from Capital stabilization to be transferred to COA ad hoc building committee the amount request will be used for the following purpose to develop a report for the mayor and the Council on Aging including expenses for consultation for research and facilitation survey software postage printing mailing and meeting supplies requests hereby made for approval of the following appropriation amount requested $115,000 to be transferred from free cash to be transferred to planning Professional Services the amount requestor will be used for the following purpose Consulting work during planning director transition point of information Mr President uh I appreciate all the work that goes into preparing these however just to keep things transparent for the public I think it's important that we not identify our transfers by line item I have the answer yeah you have the answer excellent that's my point because it would be very untransparent and I'm not sure it would meet all the criteria thank you second first yes we discuss that's correct I have a motion and a seconds to schedule a public hearing uh December uh June 5th 615 and for one transfer and 17 appropiation and for the discussion to to the finance committee and to send it to the finance committee thank you to the clerk to remind me that I do have an answer uh about the approvation 9,188 with f cents basically that's not an appropriation that is redirecting REM remaining funds from the safety complex it that's that's why they don't have an um uh from free cash or any other um account is because they're basically redirecting some funds thank you for the clarification any further discussion cons well done CHP any other councelors those want in favor any against exstension motion passes I will take thank you second those in favor any against exstension motion passes please stay with us that we have to sign a lot of stuff thank you everybody interrupt you e