this government meeting is brought to you by eastw works and our local cable subscribers I'm going to go ahead and call the meeting to order and have us roll call in and then I will give an update about myself chairing here tonight Laura is um out for a work situation um all right mayor lelle here Linda Marquee here Eric AET here Ben hery here Sam Hunter here uh Char Scott is not here and Megan Harvey is here okay um so uh we are I'm going to hit record on this because we have a backup recording that happens on here okay so we are recording on Google meets and we are also live streaming um with East Hampton media and I think those are my two Tech announcements uh I'm chairing tonight Laura Scott is at a work situation and she couldn't be here um so I'm temporary chair or whatever the word is for that and we have Linda Marquee as temporary secretary for the evening um all right and I will ask myself if there's any correspondence to report now um and we do have a couple of pieces of correspondents to report which is that we um received a letter from concerned parents sent from um a small group of parents that were then that my understanding is um and then they drafted it and then they talked to other parents and uh it signed by uh I think the last time we looked at it it was at something like 82 signatures um and the letter is about um discipline uh issues at the Mountain View School um concerns around programming in the elementary school and middle school grades at Mountain View um and sort of just some general concerns about unmet needs um with some specific action steps um requested in that letter uh we also received uh three follow-up emails from parents uh who signed that who are part of the original 82 that um just added some additional clarification removing um their support for the letter um in the couple of days after that I don't have any other correspondence to report did anyone receive any other correspondence okay uh I also have have no gifts to report oh yeah nothing tonight all right um so with that I will um go ahead and share my screen and we can get an update from our student rep Piper bar hi hello let me see if I can get this up can can I just are we doing going to do public speak um after I'm just looking at the agenda yes I so we don't have the student rep usually we put it in the announcements up front and I just it's not in there but yes I'll do public comment afterwards thank you yes good clarification okay all righty so in science and our or yeah in science we're doing mutations and evolution in math we're doing the Pythagorean the um in Civics we're doing the Bill of Rights and the week before break I think we watched Hamilton because we were learning about stuff and in ela we're learning about the Holocaust but we're doing mcast practice right now because we had that today and then in art we're doing papier-mâché masks in music we're doing guitars gym we're doing pickle ball steam we're making tiny houses and in Health we're doing smoking and vaping and my next slide I just said that mcast was very tiring and we have our next I think it's math is in May and science too and then I have a countdown for how many days until school fair enough I love that today last day yeah all right thank you you have a good day you too thank you Piper all right um that was hilarious right so we are now uh to the point of our agenda where I'm going to open up the floor for public comment um we'll follow our general rules for this for so we'll take people who are in the room um there are none of the public in the room but if anyone comes while this minute is open um you have three minutes please tell us who you are and uh your relation to the school uh if you would are online you can use the hand rais feature and again three minutes and tell us who you are and we are not able to respond but we are listening and taking notes so 605 and the floor is open for public comments I won't make a wait a full 60 seconds seeing that there are none in the room last chance Last Call for any folks who are joining us remotely all right and it is now 6:06 I'm closing public speak and I will turn over the update to our superintendent oh good evening uh I just want to give you an update on on some of the great things that are happening here in East Public Schools uh one of the exciting things is that the We the People group um did go to Washington DC there were 48 states that were representative there each state uh could have two teams and U ma Massachusetts had one team uh and we came in 10th in the nation so that is like the most you know amazing feat for students here uh to compete it's you know they have been practicing all year um myself and Mr Beria both had the great opportunity of being judges for practicing uh for them and to go and to listen to what they had to say and you know I actually wish that I knew a constitution in the Bill of Rights as well as they do they know it as well as any state legislator Senator I mean they could be a lawyer and they're still still in high school so I did did talk to a lot of the students today asked like you know what is that like like you've gone you've worked so hard all year um they met with Congressman Neil he came here he did a session with them they also met with him in in Washington DC so I was wondering like I I are you wishing that it was still continuing and the most amazing responses from uh students were uh no I'm already made plans you know I'm going to be a mentor next for the new students because you only can particip in this program once you can't stay so I'm going to be a mentor I'm going to go to an education College be a teacher and I'm going to lead uh we the people uh to also participate in this program I probably won't stay in Massachusetts because I don't want to compete against e Hampton they said but we want to partner with these Hampton and we want to you know practice together uh so this has really had a really lifelong effect on these students you know their confidence their ability to handle themselves they'll be able to think um to watch the news I had a conversation with them like when you watch the news and you read what's happening in our country and around the world and you know and also what's happening you know directly in Congress what do you think and they say I always think about what they're saying how do it reflected really and what the frame is of our constitution wanted for our country and to think you know we're talking to you know students that are in the 11th and 12th grade for them to have that frame of mind and see how far they came from when they started that class to they have now it it's really a lot to say the teacher Kelly Brown is there it's really a lot to say about their families themselves um the the school system here and um all the mentors for this program the second uh thing I want to talk about is uh we are meeting on May 1st with other districts around here um to do the final um arrangements for our UMass Early College course that will be offered next year at eastampton high school um it's going to be a Sociology class uh it there'll be UMass credit for it uh the students are also going to be able to be involved a lot of activities with UMass they'll bring them on campus they'll invite them to different events and we're partnering with two other districts also because you need a certain number so we need to fill up a full class of students so we do meet uh on May 1 we'll also include our guidance uh counselors and our the principal of the high school in that uh so that's exciting that finally you know where you mass in this area is going to offer for the first time in early college class and we're going to be on the ground floor of that that's great uh we did get the ST Math grant for uh kindergarten through grade 8 uh mostly the focus is K through six uh that's a grant offered by the 1 18 Foundation uh it's uh the program itself is $30,000 a year per School however with the grant it's only $3,000 uh it is an amazing program it's a computer program it does not replace math curriculum It's The End right so all kids go on it uh it it teaches them to conceptualize math and to know why things happen the way they do and across the country has been shown to bring great increase in math scores so really happy that we got the grant um the staff uh you have to have a champion the champion um is in the elementary school so uh tomorrow all stmath programs uh in Massachusetts are going to be in Worcester at the DCU Center uh as they kick off being invited to get involved in this very important program uh also next week the uh play Chicago is here it's at the high school it's uh it's a great play uh you can go online and buy tickets and uh the students would you know really appreciate that uh there's also an opportunity to sign up to help backstage they're looking for backstage for help Mr Evans and I will be the backstage help on Friday as so if you'd like to join us uh be you know moving around a few things and sitting with the kids as you know they go in and off the stage so we're looking forward to that uh the students also just returned from a great uh trip from France uh it's really wonderful be able to travel and uh Miss Mingo did a really great job with them they saw a lot of things uh they went to the beach of Normandy they took sand from there you know they got to look at that site which was you know very important and something that the students themselves realize being there they're in a very special place so I guess next year they're they're off to Panama uh so there's a another great trip and great opportunity for our students and the final thing is that we are going to have with the people in may present so they can give you a slideshow and also miss mangle's class is going to give us a slideshow too sometime in May and I just really want to formally um thank the mayor for her support of our budget um we we know that everywhere around us all through the state uh people are really um suffering because of the inflation rate in the budget and had had to make Cuts in their staff and we have not had to make cuts and so uh we're looking forward working with the mayor and also um the city council as they just you know go through the rest of the budget process uh but we feel great that we have a solid budget we're going to be able to run a really strong school system again next year and uh that we can celebrate that we we're not we didn't have to lay one person off thank you thank you um I'll Echo um that thanks from the finance subcommittee and from the entire school committee to our director of Business Services Nick berer and to Mayor lelle and to our admin and our superintendent just um we feel really proud that we're not going to be in a position that so many other districts have are in that we don't have two compositions that we are going to be able to keep level services and focus on growth and all these exciting you know new college credit opportunities and all this kind of stuff so um you know this is it's not the beginning it's an ongoing process but we're it's onwards and I think we're all really excited for that and just thank you for that support and thank you for all the hard work did you want have an update around the gym floor that you wanted to give uh did you want to say anything about the gym Flor Mr has okay our business director will we'll go ahead and do it before we all got too happy all right how detailed do you want me to get here what do we know about the gym floor and what do we not know about the gym floor I don't think we know anything ass we don't know anything boy all right well I don't know a couple of months ago uh our facilities director noticed that there was some water trickling essentially from a wall uh near where the gy was um not knowing where it came from of course he did some investigating um ended up having to cut into a block wall and found um in two separate occasions uh elbow joints which you know forgive my lack of Plumbing expertise here but um they seem to be defective um they were leaking within the wall there's no reason for them to be leaking other than probably manufactured defect which school oh the high school I'm sorry it's okay clarification yeah yeah just one okay so um so anyway they're in the middle of a a block wall there's no reason they should be leaking it's not nobody can hit them there's no animals in there that you know uh earthquake didn't do anything cuz this happened beforehand so you know um unfortunately because of where these things were located like the leak wasn't noticed until water started traveling pretty far um and was essentially going under the gym floor um causing uh a portion of the floorida essentially Buckle um and you know become really a safety hazard I mean it just started like in the entryway of the gym um so you know we brought in some fans and you know dehumidifiers and things to you know hope like maybe we can stop the spread of it or or correct it even um but it it kept spread spring to about I'd say a quarter of the gym so we had um somebody from the insurance company come and evaluate and you know we're in the process of putting a claim in um to replace what needs to be replaced to the floor um pretty sizable project because the um you know they're going to have to repaint the whole thing and refinish it afterwards or else it's going to it's going to you know look like you got two separate floors in there um as well as replacing the boards and doing any kind of remediation work for whatever they find underneath the boards once they tear them up so um we're in the as I said in the process of submitting a a claim um I believe with the knowledge I have at this point it will be covered um so we would just have to pay a deductible for for that but um it's about I guess about $125,000 project um so we're we're very thankful um you know should that be covered so um anyway meanwhile uh last week during April vacation week another defective elbow uh was found in another portion of the building um so it seems like we've got a pattern here um unfortunately lot there there's got to be probably hundreds of these things buried in the walls and they start leaking you're not going to find it until water is somewhere where it shouldn't be um so we're going to certainly continue to monitor this and um you know pursue avenues for corrective action should that be necessary dang can I to say the sad thing is that they're in the concrete wall so you have to be able to get the concrete out we're very fortunate that we have Larry uh because he's done that work himself so he's been able to get into the wall and actually do that work that would have cost us a lot more if we didn't have him for sure absolutely big shout out to Larry for this one Larry right just so as we're going to go up really just feeling good about the budget and then just going think about the gym FL it's how how it goes has all that work been scheduled for the summer or because we're still in the like estimates and figuring it out yeah we're still in that phase I mean the target is Cly the summer um so it doesn't disrupt Athletics and use of the you know gymnasium for academics and stuff so um I haven't received an update in over a week on where we are with that so I would think probably soon I'll hear something but I can touch base with Larry as well I was actually also I was going to ask about that is it affecting Athletics or or gym periods or anything I mean to right now not terribly because you know sports are generally Outdoors at this time of the year um it does have an impact on PE classes you know they just can't use a portion of the gym because I mean you could trip and fall if you've actually went and looked at it you'd be like oh yeah um so yeah there's an impact in that sense they're making it work and you know they will for the remainder of the year but the the target is certainly to get it done in the summer and have a nice new floor ready to go for volleyball season next year and you said that the second elbow the second elbow joint was also in the gym the first two were were in the wall connecting the gym to like where the locker rooms are and then the other one was in a different portion of the building so I mean I I'm not an expert in this stuff but I I got to think there's got to be some defect with the yeah the the elbows themselves I mean it's I I don't think it's the way they were installed because there's no way the same person installed all of those throughout the whole building I mean I I I I don't believe that that would be possible um I I think the product itself is you know there's something going on there or maybe the epoxy that was used or whatever I you know that's going to be for somebody with a different degree than me to figure out but um we will uh you know as I said we'll pursue action if if needed you know if this continues to be a a thing cuz you know we can't have parts of a 13-year-old building continue to to be you know breaking like this all the time L it happened after basketball season was over yes yeah we were work yeah we got lucky in a bunch of ways actually we did I'm lucky yeah um any other are there any questions for super intendent before we officially move on to the business update and we just go back to our director of Business Services all right you're up again all right well I don't really have an official update I generally only do that once a month um but I I would like to take this opportunity to um to thank mayor L Chappelle for her support of the school budget um you know I I know folks who work in each department you know they will fiercely advocate for their Department during the budgeting process and you know all of us no matter what department we work in can certainly have a myopic view um from time to time um and it's it's mayor L Chapelle that has to balance all of this and put it together into a balanced package that can be presented um to the city council um you know both responsibly and that meets the needs of the city so that's a lot um to do because there's a lot of departments within the city and um the school ask this year was larger than normal as we've said many times and um I just I very much appreciate the support um of the budget for next year um so we can meet the needs of our [Music] kids happy to do it anything else no right all right um we're going to move along to school committee uh discussion and updates from our subcommittees do we have an update from the policy subcommittee other than the readings we're going to do in a little bit uh no other than we are meeting again uh on Friday morning wonderful um there is I'll ask the finance chair if there's any updates are there any updates from Finance no sorry bad joke I'm I'm the chair of Finance there are no updates from I know I thought it was good I thought there are no updates from the finance committee we've just we put in a ton we put in a ton of meetings and um you know ran the superintendent and our director of Business Services through it and now this has been a little break for the finance committee so thank you again from the finance subcommittee thank you to the mayor um and do we have a CES update I don't we don't have a CES update I think um the next meeting I think is not until the end of the month so okay that moves us along to action items and I'll put our policy uh sub chair plus sub committee chair in charge of uh making the motions and then um these are second readings so Sam will make the motion someone will second it and then we can discuss it Sam will explain the policy to us and update us on things around that and then we can vote or yes and um from the previous meeting there was one um policy which is not which we didn't end up doing a first reading of and that is not included in this um but otherwise everything else seems to be here and the I see that the name of the school is also accurate in these which is great great all right so uh we'll start with um the the one the first one bhe um which is use of electronic messaging by school committee members I move to do the second reading of this policy I need a second second okay it's either Linda or Ben um uh any discussion can you do you want me to summarize them as we go through again yeah we do res summarize you don't go into as much detail if it's a second read are there any changes from the last time we talk there are no changes from the last time we talked about it and just for the public um actually this is a really important one for the public to understand um basically uh these are some um expectations for school committee members and the way that they're going to use electronic messaging uh both with each other and with um others um essentially um we we still have a uh open meeting law um according to open meeting L there's four of us involved in an exchange um that's considered a quorum and it's considered a meeting so uh we can't be um uh talking about uh matters before the school committee uh amongst ourselves without uh being a public meeting and that goes for electronic uh conversations as well which um in Practical terms this means like we can't all edit a Google Document together um so so if you think about the way that like Modern Life Works and the way that you like you are used to collaborating with people um a lot of those Avenues are not available to us so just um that's why sometimes things seem a little slow and clunky is because we have to do a lot of the work have to do all the work in public um additionally um we we can only message each other when it comes to um things that aren't related to school committee such as housekeeping P purposes you know as making sure that people know when a meeting is um we can we're allowed to do that but we can't talk about um items that might come before the committee or that have come before the committee um and then um also anytime anybody from the public um uh messages us uh you know that is that can be considered a public record even if it's sent to our personal Facebook accounts or if it's sent to our personal cell phone numbers or our personal email addresses so just bear in mind uh when you're talking with us um you're talking with public officials um and um this is not the one that this does not this is not the one that involves um social media as much but we can get into that in a little bit is that a good summary a great summary any questions or discussion all right um the absence of uh our people here usual people here I'll just do a roll call vote uh Ben hery hi Eric yet hi um Linda Mary Hi Sam Hunter hi mayor lelle hi and Megan Harvey I all right so our um next one is ehaa uh District security relating to technology um and I motion to do a second reading of uh this policy second excellent uh so this is um so this basically is a uh this is a new policy we didn't have a policy like this on the books before um and this is from masc um as the previous one was new and also from masc um and basically this is just um uh a kind of a a blanket statement regarding um the security that you can expect when using uh technology um in our school district um and we have to make sure that we balance student privacy and uh Personnel privacy uh and make sure that we um kind of keep our um keep everything as secure as possible um and that we um that we should be uh what's this oh yeah we have to uh maintain District data uh District data protection system um for sensitive District information as well um this is all stuff by the way that we are I believe when we talked about this in policy subcommittee this is all stuff that is pretty much already being done in our district it's now just we have an official policy for it um as written by masc so or we will if we pass this right right thank you any discussion all right we'll go ahead forever Ben hery hi Eric ayette hi i l Marquee I Sam Hunter I may Chappelle I and Megan Harvey I motion passes all right the next one is um jic CJ uh which is student use of technology in schools and I motion to uh uh do a second reading of this policy second all right that was Ben that was Ben so um so this is a very broad policy um about the use of Technology by students um and and basically it is saying that um part of our job in the public schools is to teach students how to use technology appropriately um and successfully um there is a digital there is a digital use form or there will be a digital use form I believe there already is that students have to sign and agree to um and that's developed by the superintendent and the director of Technology um and uh any that form also has to be signed by a parent or Guardian for students under the age of 18 and that will uh outline to them um what is considered acceptable uh use of technology in our schools um and there's no expectation students have no expectation of privacy in the use of District digital resources which includes you know if we're giving out um if we're letting them use laptops or computers or other technology um and it also does apply to our uh our internet service or Wi-Fi um in the school district so um and that is pretty standard for those of you who um work in kind of a modern office setting this is pretty um expected in the workplace so it's a norm that we're teaching students uh that will be relevant to them um as adults as well and uh it does say that failure to abide by District policies and procedures uh are met can be met with consequences again this is a very very broad policy and then what happens is that our our um Administration in our buildings um kind of add their own practices on top of that so if you look in the um School handbooks for um both of the schools you'll see uh kind of various expectations for students around use of technology which includes but isn't limited to personal devices like cell phones and also includes um School devices as well so all of that is already in there it's already compliant with this um this is just a new policy as written by masc so any other questions or anything on that just the guard rails really yeah it just it's just we have to have it on the books um we haven't had it in the past so F disc question or questions all right we'll go to the vote Ben hery uh Ben hery I um Eric IAD I uh Linda Marquee Hi Sam Hunter I and mayor lelle I Megan Harvey I motion passes all right so the next one and I've only got I've got two left so appreciate everybody's patience um the next one is um KDC um and the title of this is community use of digital resources um and and I motion uh to do a second reading of this uh policy second excellent was bad um so uh essentially this is just saying um again we're going to um the superintendent and the director of Technology um together we'll determine um who from the public uh from the community can access which um equipment or software or um uh wireless internet access um in this school buildings um and basically anybody who is using those uh devices or that service uh has to agree to the district's uh policies and procedures regarding responsible use um that before logging onto Wi-Fi uh guests have to accept the district's digital use form and the superintendent or the design can revoke um that access for anybody at any time um and again this is very uh very standard it's just not something that we have had um as an official policy but it is a practice that we've been observing um and anybody who's ever logged into our uh Wi-Fi had to click that little box saying that you're going to follow all the rules um and uh so that's uh that's that great any discussion all right Ben hery uh Ben hery I Eric g i Linda Marquee Hi Sam Hunter I mayor L Chappelle Hi Megan Harvey I motion passes all right and so this last one is um it's file KDC B um it is titled District website and social media um and I uh motion to do a second reading of this policy I'll second that all right thank you Ben um so for uh for this policy uh is um pertains to both our websites and our social media presences and also our use of social media um so essentially uh it's saying that East Hampton Public Schools is going to maintain a district website um and um some school soci media accounts it doesn't say on what uh platforms because um this is a policy that's supposed to last for longer than 6 months which is how long some of these platforms stick around um all of the online platforms that are representing the school are going to be operated by District staff uh acting in their professional capacities um one of the things that uh is a really important note in this that we um determined we were going to have to um kind of make sure is follow through on is that all of our um social media sites or websites have to have comment turned off um because it's uh just because of equity of access essentially um and you know just this isn't explicitly stated in this but this is the same reason why you know school committee members can't actually interact with members of the public online in our official capacity either because if one person can um can get access to you that way and not everybody else um it's really unfair or if you have to join a certain social media platform in order to have your questions answered that's really unfair uh to the community so um so that's one one thing you might uh notice that um we don't participate as much online now that we're in these official roles and uh that is one of the reasons why um additionally uh it specifies that unauthorized use of the district or the school name is prohibited um and that you know the there's a high priority that should be placed on platforms being accessible frequently updated and userfriendly um so you know we're going to continue to look at our presences our website and then also our social media presences to make sure that we're um that those sites are accessible user friendly frequently updated everything on there is current um we've got the right names for people so that when people need to use our website to um to find the names of certain administrators or um or teachers or whatever they're able to do that um so we're uh um it's a it's a work in progress at all times because these things need to be continuously updated but um so we've got the policy now but again this is uh this is in line with our previous practice uh beforehand we just didn't have it written down is there uh a plan for the website I thought I heard someone saying that maybe it's going to be we heard it yeah maybe it's going to be revised or revamped or redesigned I don't know if that's true or not so there's something with the website uh next time we can actually have uh Justin come and actually explain yeah that' be great yes I think that would be great actually because I think um you know I know that uh we're required to put certain things on the website for desie and um and then there's also certain things that community members expect to find on the website and there are certain places where things have to go and I think it would be helpful I don't really know a whole lot about it but I do know that it gets it there is a lot on any school district website and it can be a lot to sift through to find what you're looking for if you're a parent especially if you're a parent and you're like I just need to find out like when Ela night is you know and you're like on the website like trying to sift through all this stuff so I would actually really love that cuz I would love to hear a little more about what goes into that um and so and maybe we can can um give some feedback as well that would be great and and through the chi we also invite Jean Libby because she does the social media that's connected to the website if we can have both here I think that would be great yeah and so anybody who's listening to this you know if you if you have kind of thoughts about that I'd love to hear them feel free to email me um yeah Andy everyone would you like it to be great question I might defer that answer uh in case chair Laura Scott has I think we should check with Laura scheme of what happens when not scheme plan plan but yeah no I think this would be a cool thing to get more information on um it's always been something that I've been interested in learning more about so I'm guessing it would be a couple meetings out um and that would be great it'll be on the agenda come to public speak email us in advance what are the pain points on the website what can make easy and also like what's working really well what's working really well should we not touch absolutely don't yeah tell us what you don't want us what what should should be left alone um sometimes um I find anyway when changes are made to websites that I go to a lot um sometimes I get mad about it because I can't find what I need so um so yeah that would be that would be helpful feedback to get okay great um and that's all I got for policy so we we'll have some more and and this this like kind of batch was all from uh MC's December 2023 update um but they did do like a pretty massive policy uh handbook update a couple of years ago which um we had a lot of other stuff going on in the district at that point but I mean like the the newsletter of it it's like 50 policies that have been changed so I'm going to go through a lot of those are just removing and consolidating policies so I'm going to go through and I'm going to check with masc and see if we actually do have to do them all one by one or if there's some other way to do it because a lot of it is really just taking stuff out that either doesn't apply anymore or is um not um not you know is is repetitive so I I don't know that we should need to go through this whole process for every single one of them but I'll check with masc and see what they say so thank you any further discussion on this one Ben hery hi Eric Gat hi Linda Marquee Hi Sam Hunter hi mayor lelle Hi Megan Harvey I motion passes uh we have one last action it item on here which is a motion to accept a one-year unpaid leave of absence request from Alexander Alvarez um a math teacher at East Hampton High School do you want to give us any background I made the motion do I have a second second me and Ben Sam got it any background well just basically that uh his they have children that are in their transition grades and so um his wife took this year and so he's going to take next year um it's so they can support their children as they go to those years of grades that have a lot of transition challenges he'll be back in a year excellent I'm any discussion questions all righty hi Eric cette Hi l Marquee Hi Sam Hunter hi mayor L Chapelle hi Meg Harvey I best of luck all right um we don't have any uh other spot on our agenda but if there is any other I'd be happy to hear your other no other other well I did see there was sorry I've got my pages all backwards there is another I did see a um just a piece of Correspondence that was in here about the Veterans Day um oh I believe what is this oh no for Memorial Day um being invited to the Memorial Day Parade on Monday May 27th um and I am going to make an effort to do that so oh yes okay yes thank you there's information here uh for people to follow up with about that if anybody else is interested but um okay this is the Veterans Council of East Hampton has invited really everyone it looks like us our organization the community to participate in the annual Memorial Day parade and ceremony on Monday May 27th um and there is a series of um a schedule of events so parade participants are gathering at 10: and then the parade will start at 10:30 and go down Clark Street and Cottage Street and pacin there's a whole Loop and then end at the Veteran War memorials um and then there will be a ceremony and then a complimentary lunch afterwards if any to Mar as a member of school committee um yeah I was going to go turn out if we if you guys would any anybody else be interested in March in that as a member of school committee so I think I would like to I check the calendar so we have a information about um who to get in touch with Tom or Jim if we're going to do it and I would say we can um maybe each member consider it and then get in touch and let them know if you no I think that would be great and information is in the packet I'm excited that that's happening again my son will be excited about it too great and thank you for the invitation my sorry for the oversight and no it's um there's a lot going on yeah speaking of parades the Hampshire pride parade is coming up and was also asked about whether or not we could or wanted to participate in that yeah which Pride the Hampshire Pride Hampshire Pride okay that's uh I want to say the third or fth um yeah it's the Saturday of the first weekend of May June 1st is no May of May yeah it's always May around here so the college students can go and I think there is a contingent from uh Mountain View School I thought there was Maring there is yeah and so we can also consider school committee yeah that sounds great I would love to I have to go to Kentucky that weekend but um you guys all have fun with that you go in the JY huh no those members will also let folks know I think there's information about that that has been i' at least seen it posted on social media related to the contingent Marching In The Pride um so we can get more information is perhaps in okay so Mountain View so all the schools received about yeah um others not on the agenda and this is a specific action by members of the school committee so I would table it we'll table it we'll we'll discuss uh in a future meeting when it is on the agenda um all right so we have just say that tomorrow is Secretary Appreciation day administrative uh appreciation day so I just want to thank all the secretaries and administrative assistant for the work they do every year for this District yeah thank you yes I very much appreciate um how cool they are when I call and frantically say that I forgot something for my son and I'm bring in their like very reasonable and understanding and don't make me feel bad about how disorganized I am at all all right we have upcoming meetings regular session on 5:14 528 and 611 there are other um meetings that can be located on the um City website if there's are specific negotiation or executive sessions which start an open session um and with that I will entertain a motion to adjourn are we adj are we adjourning or are we going back into executive session that's a great question we may have the agenda would indicate not there is no there is no executive session okay so so we'll adjourn okay cool we adjourning yep all right motion to adjourn then I'll second all right Ben hery Ben hery good night Eric cette good night Linda Marquee good night Sam Hunter good night Chelle good night I can har you good nights who was the second on that e