##VIDEO ID:ImEdseg9n_M## e e e e good evening ladies and gentlemen and board members uh good evening board members it is 7 o'clock uh December 2nd um we do have a quorum so I will call this meeting to order um the first agenda item tonight is to approve our agenda do I have a motion to tonight to approve tonight's uh board agenda so move is there a second second we will now vote to approve our agenda all those in favor say I I anyone opposed tonight's agenda is approved um Dr Stanley would you please review tonight's agenda for us in the community absolutely we are really excited to recognize our boys cross country Champions they'll be here tonight and then we also have an excellence in action um really talking about some great things that are happening in our middle schools um we are going to go into recess for two public hearing items truth and Taxation and achievement and integration um board will come come back into regular meeting um we'll have hearing from the members of the public several consent agenda items we have quite a few discussion items um a legislative action committee platform update which our students are here to present to us um our fiveyear financial forecast um a proposal that I have related to um enhanced process for our Berg update we're going to hear about our secondary uh courses for English language arts two twoyear recommendations secondary courses General change recommendations quite a few international travel trips uh policies and then for Action we have the certification of our property taxes payable 2025 quite a few policies for action and then we have uh leadership committee updates thank you Dr Stanley um next um I am super excited to invite um Troy Stein here and he's going to help us recognize our boys cross country state champions congratulations to our team we have our coaches and a lot of our teammates here and we're really honored to have you here tonight so I'll turn it over to assistant uh principal Troy Stein good evening uh can you hear is this working we'll try this again all right we'll try it one more time I just want to make sure that it's getting on the audio on the stream but uh uh Troy Stein here and I'm assistant principal uh director of activities and this is certainly a highlight to come here this evening uh certainly um to be here in front of the board uh board chair elenberg Dr Stanley superintendent appreciate you having us if I could get the cross country team and uh coaches to come on up here with me and what yeah what I would uh love to uh acknowledge is is it is extremely difficult uh to be a student athlete at Edina to to uh maintain the the academics that these young men are uh striving to achieve but also the Excellence and Athletics that they accomplished uh this fall uh I know it's a time commitment of a huge amount and these uh these student athletes have really done a tremendous job of that so I'd like you to um to meet them and if our athletes could introduce El first name last name grade uh if you're a senior talk about some future plans if you have them made and uh if not talk about a memorable experience uh from this fall season uh my name's Isaac corv Shadow I'm a freshman I think my most memorable experience was learning from all these guys and yeah hi my name is Roco Hawthorne I'm a freshman and uh one of my favorite experiences was the morning practice with the team uh my name is Ben Bodwin I'm a senior um and I'm planning to major in biology at either the University of Minnesota or Iowa I'm Zach Danielson I'm a senior I plan on stud studying computer science I don't know where yet but my favorite uh part of the season was just watching all the hard work and everything past four years coming together to win the state champ my name is Ray Anderson I'm a senior and one of my favorite parts of the season was coming to practice every day and just work with these guys and eventually uh reaching our final goal at the end of the season uh my name is Kevin ibeck I'm a senior uh besides winning a state championship my favorite memory of probably my high school career is just being with these guys and developing the chemistry and family that we've truly developed yeah I'm Jay harder and I'll be running for the University of Minnesota tracking cross country next year and I'm a senior so I'm toor I'm a senior and next year I'm playing golf at the University of Minnesota my name is sand Ro I'm a junior I think memory ofon probably run hi I'm Jamie Kirkpatrick um this is my 23rd year coaching Bo cross country Edie D um winning is always a lot of fun but uh this group has been exceptionally fun to be around because they're so close and um and have so much care for each other and so that's been especially meaningful with with this group so really proud of them I'm Tom Gus I'm Jamie's assistant was really a memorable year in a lot of ways I think one of the things I'll remember was just kind of uh trying to hang on to the tail end of the pack going out for runs with these guys every day and uh watching them develop as as people as well asers all right let's give them all a round of applause [Applause] uh thank you for coming and I want to just acknowledge uh everything they talked about was about teammates was about striving to be their best about improving and that's a tribute to their focus and attention on what's really important but also a tribute to our coaches who do a tremendous job of just talking about growth and getting better and improving and obviously we all want to win at the end uh but it doesn't always happen and having that focus and continuing to grow and and uh um trying to meet Perfection you never meet it but trying to is is really important so with that uh uh let's tighten up and if the board could stand up behind them and let's get a group picture con that was great um I love having our student athletes here um especially one of them mentioned they like enjoyed practicing in the morning which I think is a testament to their commitment to their sport um getting up before school starts um but thank you uh Troy Stein for bringing our cross country state champions here um now we're going to move on to our other um great news which is our excellence and action feature and tonight our excellence in action is going to feature the belonging flexes at Southview and tonight's presentation will focus on the South viiew Early Learning Flex where students from South viiew come to the Early Learning Center to play with prechool students we're joined today by Mart oberly a math teacher at Southview Elena Zapata a preschool teacher at the Early Learning Center and Britney Armstrong who is another preschool teacher at the Early Learning Center and I will let you introduce our fabulous friends that you brought along who might be staying up a little bit past their bedtimes I can't tell so yes thank you for having us um I think we'll just start by sharing a little bit about why we why we are doing this partnership this year and last year and then we're going to have each of our Learners introduce themselves and we um have some representatives from Southview who weren't able to make it so we'll talk about how you can hear their voices as well so we are excited to share with you a bit about this partnership between South viiew and the Early Learning Center and whoops there we go we would love to start just by grounding in the why the reason we really established this relationship between the two schools is to create opportunities for Learners to feel a sense of belonging and to grow their their sense of belonging and we ground ourselves in the work from cob and Crown apple and Define belonging as the extent to which people feel appreciated validated accepted and treated fairly within an environment belonging isn't just a nice sentiment it's a need that is hardwired into human beings and at the middle level we know that a lot of the work our Learners are doing is developing their social brains so they're working to answer three main questions do I fit in what do I have to offer and how do I belong and what we've noticed is that this partnership has really afforded our Learners an opportunity to answer that middle question what do I have to offer they leave this experience feeling proud recognizing that they're leaders in our community that they're helpers and what I love is this picture really captures the energy they bring back to South viiew Middle School leave uh just with an extreme sense of Pride so I'm going to turn it over to my colleagues at the Early Learning Center to share their perspective and then we're going to have our Young Learners introduce themselves and tell us a little bit about what this has meant to them I think it just stays hello um I'm Elena Zapata sherik I'm one of the all day Forest teachers at the Edina Early Learning Center um mared approached me in the spring of 202 3 and to have her middle schoolers just come and read and for the afternoon and we saw this magic happened with these older Learners with our youngest Learners in the district and we thought well why not keep it going and so in the fall of last year um we partnered again and created these belonging buddies these Hornet helpers um Middle School buddies as they're referred to as from our our little one and once a month they came to the dragonfly classroom or we would venture all the way across the parking lot over to middle the middle school and we spent an hour of really meaningful learning and creating and exploring and it was nearly impossible to say the words like we've got five more minutes like it's time to go and The Reluctant size and begs we'd get from not just our preschoolers but the middle schoolers like wait wait like 10 more minutes like we need to finish our game we want to keep working on our project and it was just it was so special and every day in between if anyone's been in a preschool classroom was our Middle School buddies coming back and they knew they felt loved and cared for when their buddies came and it was just a really special relationship that formed between the two groups and it was magical and inspiring and didn't think from just that one little visit of readers in the spring now we have over 90 middle schoolers coming once a month to the Early Learning Center in seven different classrooms spending an hour of their Flex time where they could choose to do anything and they choose to come to us so hi my name is Britney arm strong I also teach all day downstairs at the Early Learning Center um I'm just going to be brief and Echo everything Elena said but just add a little bit from my classroom um my students look forward to the big kids coming they don't quite understand middle school yet um but they beg for them to come they beg for them to stay um and I just wanted to share a quick story about one of my students in my classroom and how this partnership with the middle school has built confidence and belonging in my own room um one of my students is very shy and is working on his speech at school um and that can make him slow to join in the fun and worry that he won't be included or won't have much to offer and his buddy has been so supportive and so kind and welcoming just this last time they were here um I saw him run to the door and start talking immediately when his buddy came in um and invite him to show him his cubby in our classroom um which might sound silly but offering something that he want was proud PR to show was such an attribute to the middle schoolers and what they are offering our classroom um and my kids have just shown a lot of sense of community within our own Edina schools um they asked the first time after they came do you think that they will invite us to our classroom again and that was such a silly way to ask that um but really they were asking you know were we welcoming were we kind were we safe and they wanted to talk about um how they acted and if I thought the middle schoolers would come back to join us because they had had such a fun time um so I think it's really also helping set expectations in our classroom and they're starting to learn how we invite people into our classroom um and how people want to come visit and support us when we do that um so the middle schoolers have been warm inclusive and so supportive of all my students of all needs um and I'm just so lucky to be part of it thank you okay you can introduce yourself hi my name is El I'm 5 years old and what I like about shop for my buddies to come they do lots of crafts and they're very fun and me and my buddy goes to gymnastics together and it's called Tags will you make sure you press the button I just want to make sure the microphone yeah you get the special microphone is thank you awesome there we go um thank you for having us and we'll just close by sharing some podcasts that we have at South View that showcase some of these experiences including when our middle schoolers in interviewed their preschool buddies in that top link so thank you again oh my goodness before you guys leave the table I have to tell our littlest Learners How brave you are to come and speak at the board table I know when I was an adult and I came to speak to the board I was used to be scared and so I'm so impressed by all of you guys so thank you for coming tonight and staying up past your bedtime and waiting and speaking to us about this amazing program thank you oh would you like to come up here and T take your picture in front of the board yes okay it's hard to follow that up but we're going to move on with our truth and Taxation hearing [Laughter] um every year the state of Minnesota um requires um each board to have a truth and Taxation hearing and a world's best Workforce which is now has a new name um and we will be doing our achievement and integration hearing and so I'm going to be putting the board in recess in one minute knowing that this hearing is actually for the public for um them to have an opportunity to review um the board's taxes and um I will now turn it over to M Woodard our Director of Finance and operations and the board will now officially go into recess e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e hose board holiday letter so given um that removal um is there anything else that anyone um from the board would like to remove from our consent agenda um hearing nothing else um we will now vote to approve the consent agenda with the um board holiday letter removed all those in favor say I I anyone opposed oh I didn't have anyone I didn't have anyone motion so moved do I have a motion to vote on our consent agenda Michael so moved um is there a second second Elliot motioned and Michael moot we will now vote on our consent agenda all those in favor say I I anyone opposed thank you our consent agenda is approved um onto our discussion items which these lovely students from M High School have sat so patiently for the last hour or four our first discussion item is our Lac platform and I will turn it over to um our board members that are on the Lac Dan Erman Barry to introduce um our guest that we have here tonight you all can head up to the table well we're excited for um this year's legislative session um and so we've been working on this platform um in conjunction with several other um administrative uh Personnel from midina as well as um Consulting with some of the other um associations and groups around the state and so um many of these are probably pretty similar to what we've seen over the last couple of years years um we hope to kind of continue on some of the momentum we've had over the past couple years and Cheryl and I have been kind of working with this great group of students here as well as about there's about 20 students um in total on the Lac and so these three have uh worked out well from their schedule purposes to help us out tonight so I'll turn it over to them and they can uh kind of introduce themselves their their year and then kind of walk through the platform and the priorities uh so my name is George ret and I'm a senior at Ed high school I'm H sain and I'm a sophomore at Adina high school and I'm Mina barava I'm a senior at Adina high school and ises our slide show up thank you bon and Evan uh so starting off with our legislative priorities we have five of them uh so number one is to stabilize education financing uh our second is to increase mental health support for students and staff we want to ensure safe modern and or safe sustainable and modern school facilities we want to address educational Workforce shortages and we want to increase support for special education and uh multilingual Learners uh so our first priority is stabilizing education financing and as part of that we want to increase the formula allowance from or over we want to increase it by 3% over the current in fiscal year 2025 or 26 and 27 we want to increase our local optional revenue from $724 to $957 per pupil to recover the ground that we lost to inflation and then we also want to link that formula uh to inflation uh we also want to provide funding to cover the state mandated cost of Minnesota unemployment programs uh go going on still on the first priority we want to provide additional funding and time for teacher training and curriculum to ensure a successful implementation of the read act and we want to increase the operating referendum local option and Debt Service levies in the Omnibus tax bill to reduce taxpayer and education funding disparities uh and then also we are trying to push for no unfunded mandates to be introduced um our second priority is mental health supports for both students and staff and on that we want to provide funding to hire additional support staff and develop programming resources to address the mental health needs of students and staff we also want to increase the Statewide capacity to provide for intensive Mental Health Services for Children and Youth experiencing Mental Health crisis the third priority is to ensure safe sustainable and modern School facilities and relating to that we want to increase the safe schools levy and state aid to allow school districts and Intermediate School Districts to address and fund um 21st century brick and mortar plus cyber security needs we also want to remove the per pupil limit and expand allowable uses of long-term facilities Revenue to allow school districts and Intermediate School Districts to enhance safety and sustainability through security modifications Remodeling and addition to existing buildings okay and then our fourth priority is addressing educator Workforce shortages so regarding the shortages of teacher and col teachers of color and just the general teacher shortage we want to strengthen programs such as the grow your own um and other teacher apprenticeship programs and specifically also focusing on teacher lenser so maintaining that and expanding those Pathways um and then not just our core teachers but also substitute teachers school bus drivers par professionals and other staff just really making sure that we remove barriers and provide incentives to grow those areas um our fifth priority is increased support for special education and multilingual Learners uh specifically reducing the cross subsidies between special education and the multilingual learner programs um as well as enacting efforts to find solutions that address the shortage of once again special education per support throughout the Minnesota districts and specifically focusing on fully funding the idea act and that's our platform thank you all uh any questions from the the board um I I just wanted to make a comment um I really appreciated uh when you talked about school facilities in your priority 3 how you emphasized that all the priorities that you have listed there and the actions you want to take are are not only for the school district but also for intermediate school districts um I'm the Adina representative for Intermediate School District 287 and one of the challenges for intermediate school districts they have even less Financial opportunities to be able to do things and so combining both what we want to do for e d School District but also for an intermediate that we participate in is incredibly important so I just wanted to acknowledge that and appreciate that thank you for being here tonight I know for three high schoolers you have a lot of other things that you could be doing so thanks for taking your time and also thanks for um to all the other students that serve on the Lac and give their time I saw so many things in here that um are so important for the day-to-day and and when students are able to lend their voice to the reason why mental health is important or why having teachers of color are important um I think it really speaks to the legislators who are making those decisions so thank you for Lending your voice to that and I look forward to to kind of seeing this even more flushed out with um some of the graphics or some of the um numbers that help us tell the story because anybody that isn't on the inside of Education might be like well these look like great things but it's when you hear the statistic about how many school counselors there are for every number large number of students that people say really that's how many kids one school counselor is in charge of that that starts to tell the story and so like as we think about how we tell this as we go out and and you utilize us as board members um those numbers I think will be really key to helping us help people understand why these are things that we think are important to fund in education so thank you I don't have a question I just wanted to um thank our board members and Paul and our students and also comment that I just think you guys did an outstanding job of being broad but very specific at the same time and I think it's probably one of the better platforms that I've seen I was like check check check you probably mentioned every single thing that I think is a huge priority to advocate for and I just really appreciate your effort so thank you very much and I wanted to thank the students for presenting as well um the other part about it too is any board members who may have questions of any of the LA members of the students if you want student Voice or or firsters um experiences and whatnot um I think all of the of the student board members would be accessible to anybody if they had any questions because um one thing we learned on the legislator tour um they are the best presenters of the actual activities and an effect and impact of all this stuff and so if um you have questions along the line between now and you know the end of the session or the start of the session please feel free to reach out to us and we can we can coordinate all that because um they are an amazing group of kids so thank you thank you thank you so much thank you um we're going to move on to our next discussion item which is our uh fiscal year 2026 through 2030 Financial forecast um and welcome back up Director of Finance and operations smt Woodard I looks a bit odd um good evening chair allenberg members of the school board Dr Stanley um we are here to present our updated 5-year Financial forecast so fiscal years 2026 through 2030 we spent the last few um several weeks and and months rather wrapping up our fiscal year 2024 audit unfortunately the final reports are not um ready for presentation tonight however um we do have a you know an understanding of what the figures are going to be um so it's an appropriate time for us to update our forecast with some actual numbers from the prior FIS schal year and and display those for for the school board so the the agenda for tonight is to review the the methodology behind the forecast um so kind of go through the philosophy that I use and and my mindset going into producing the forecast and we'll talk about some of the revenue assumptions that we have some that are actual um at this point and will be made actual later tonight when we certify our property tax levy for fiscal year 26 um we'll talk about some of our expenditure assumptions and then ultimately what that means for fund balance um this year and the the subsequent five years so number one we'll go through our forecasting methodology so we use something here um known as incremental budgeting so what that in basic terms means is we'll take our our current budget and we'll go through every single line item and we'll add some sort of inflationary adjustment based on the best information that we have available at the time um that's a somewhat conservative um approach to budgeting um it might lead to some inefficiencies because you might be inflating budgets that otherwise um should be eliminated or adjusted um however it's kind of the starting point that most school districts use um because From Any Given year to year uh school district is likely not going to be adjusting its operations to a material degree so again we'll assume that the operations um which basically means staff um 80% of our costs as we mentioned earlier our staff will be the same um in all years of the forecast um also we've um taken a pretty conservative approach on our enrollment um we're only adding the enrollment that is coming with the growth both that Countryside to the expansion of that facility for um Spanish dual language immersion programming and then we're going to assume that none of the other schools are actually adding any students so that's going to um suppress our revenues while inflating the expenditures of course for the purposes of this forecast the base year is actually last school year which again we now have our final figures for last school year um so it's important to kind of um set the context regarding um our future years based on this base year so that first column is our budgeted um revenue and expenditure for last school year as you can see we budgeted about $14.2 million in expenditures we actually came in at 154.32 % more Revenue than we had budgeted for um which of course goes to our fund balance uh the primary variances there are in interest revenues um interest rates remained higher for longer and and actually continue into this school year as well and so we generated upwards of a million dollars more than we anticipated that we would also uh we typically take a conservative view on special education um revenues those are not based on a per pupil funding source or funding formula rather but rather the expens expenditures that were um incurred last year the state will then re uh reimburse you in the subsequent school year um so you don't know your exact final special education Revenue until kind of March of the next school year um and so our revenues in that in that category also exceeded our budget also last school year was the first year that that cross subsidy went from 6.43% to the 44% so some good Revenue growth in the special education area overall um we added about $6 million to our general fund fund balance not all of that went to the unassigned portion some of that does go to the restricted fund balances as per state law um however our budgeted 5.9% assumption on unassigned fund balance which was below the school board's policy and we actually do exceed that and we're coming in at about 7.4 um so good news our expenditures were exactly where we thought they would be um we budgeted conservative conservatively on revenues and those conservative assumptions did bear fruit and so we did overperform there um so good news to reset our base year in a stronger financial position so there are some areas that can that can affect um whether or not these forecasts are accurate so 5 years from now U when you say m you were off by you know 8% in this area you know that's that's true I'm going to be off I can guarantee you that um that's because things change right now we're operating based on the information that we have and we'll constantly update this as new and better information becomes available ailable um these four areas are some of the areas that we will see changes the primary one is legislative action which is um a good timing because of our legislative action committee just presented um so this is a funding year the state as you know funds school districts on a biannual basis um the um the odd year being a funding year so fiscal year 26 which starts on July 1st 25 will be the first year of new funding so any additional Appropriations above and beyond what we project now um will simply go to the fun balance and then we'll we'll readjust our operations based upon that figure there might be changes to property taxes that hasn't occurred in recent years however there is um a lot of uh I guess legislative capacity and advocacy for tying some of those formulas to inflation um that may happen this BM it might happen in subsequent Bia and so we'll adjust accordingly if and when that happens um unfunded or the Vogue term now is underfunded mandates um may come up this legislative session or in a policy year as well and so those can affect some of our assumptions I don't think anybody was predicting that school term unemployment would be an ongoing cost um the Paid Family Medical Leave is also going to be an additional cost and those are things that we'll have to adjust our operations to and those may continue to happen macroeconomic changes things that nobody can expect in terms of um heightened hyperinflation as a result of global pandemics um labor market challenges that we continue to see uh those things create additional expenditures for school districts um the big one is enrollment changes 90% of our funding um that we can use to instruct students comes from the students that we serve um there won't be a state or a demographer anywhere in the state that's going to predict there will be more school aged children in henpen County over the next 5 10 15 years and so that might create an impact for e as of now we continue to be kind of a destination district and we're able to have robust enrollment as a result um however we at some stage there's um simply going to be not enough students to go around and so we'll have to adjust our operations at that point time and then much like fiscal year 24 overperformed um if we over or underperform in the current fiscal year that will then inform all future um fiscal years we won't obviously have those final figures until this point next year so um we'll then reset the 5year forecast again this time next year Revenue assumptions apologies for the formatting issue there seems to be a slight deviation from maybe Google sheets to to what we're presenting here um so the basic education formula um again funds about 43% of our general fund operations um we know for a fact um that that's going to go up by more than 2% for next school year um the state did um past that being tied to inflation at this point in time it's calculated at about 2.53% um so we've gone ahead and booked that as our assumption for next school year in all future years we've tied that to 2% um that's probably as conservative as we can get as that's the the cap or the floor rather that's built into legislation now um it's highly unlikely that it will be at that 2% however I think this is a funding source that we want to be as conservative as we can because it is our our largest funding source and if we um are overly optimistic on how much money we're going to get here and we align our operations to that and and for some reason that doesn't come through um then we're going to have some grave structural issues um unfortunately in the news there are a number of school districts some close to here um which were a little bit too optimistic on their revenue and now they're having you know some some major issues which is which is not something that you want to see and something that we want to avoid at all costs any so the table at the bottom there you see the the formula it's basically our our pupil unit so um a grade kindergarten through sixth grade student will count as one a grade 7 through 12 will count as 1.2 that's why those 9450 figures are about a thousand greater than the number of students We Serve by a headcount that number multiplied by the per per pup Revenue amount derives our basic education Aid so that first year fiscal year 26 is 2.53% again fiscal year 27 through 30 are 2% and you can see the incremental revenue increas is ranging from 2 million um to about 1.5 million um you also notice that beginning in fiscal year 2028 I flattened off the enrollment and have not added any growth um fiscal year 2028 is when we should have all 12 sections of the um Spanish dual language immersion um operating at that site again the infamous basic per puple adjusted for inflation versus the actual Revenue that we received um the green dotted line on the bottom is the 2% on average we received over the last 20 years culminating with $ 7281 versus the red line which is about 8637 um don't have my glasses today but that's about $12.8 million of additional Revenue that we otherwise would have received um hopefully additional funds above and beyond that inflation that's been built in finally for fiscal year 26 is approved by the state um but again that Gap does exist and it's not closing the second most important um Revenue source for this school district and most school districts in the area is the voter approved operating referendum functions the same way as your basic per pupil so this funds your basic core operations that you would expect a school district to offer um the cap on that for fiscal year 26 is 2266 or 2267 or so dollars um our operating referendum um that you'll approve for next school year tonight is about $2,263 so virtually at the cap just short by about four $4 per student um future increases I've built in are averaging about 2.57% um the range being from 2.39 to about 3% um the state of Minnesota offer something called The Ref referendum phase out um calculation or formula and they kind of give you a predicted five years and that's what I've use for the for the basis of our forecast and we'll of course update that each time that they run an update for us um this is a a much smaller um Revenue Source in our basic education Aid um so we won't be quite as conservative here as on that other formula um additional revenues of about $700,000 in the first couple years ending with about just under 600 ,000 in the final year so again These funds um can be used for any purpose that the board deems fit the final Revenue source that I'll present upon tonight is the capital projects Levy otherwise known as the tech Levy again this one is a simple voter approved tax rate multiplied by the next tax capacity of the school district um so for next school year we already know that it's going to be about $9.2 million an 8.36% increase over the prior year um since I've been in the school district um so for three lovey Cycles already um I've been using a moving three-year average to predict the growth of the tax base which has been um fairly accurate if I must say um however with um inflation and property growth kind of coming back down to to normaly since the the um heighten years of the pandemic I've reverted to more of a 3% year-over-year increase to add some conservatism um to this calculation again this funding source is used to fund um our non-instructional our instructional um software and technology devices throughout the district as well as all of our technology staff and also the infrastructure um that people may not actually see um before I move on to expenditures I will say that on all the other Revenue sources have just maintained flat Revenue so um anywhere from a 0o to 1% increase um to maintain some conservativism um those other funding sources are much smaller in nature um so being conservative there isn't going to um derail us from from offering some of the services that we do in terms of the forecast looking like we need to to make containments so the school district has a chart of accounts that includes um roughly 15,000 different um accounting combinations and as part of this exercise we kind of take every single one of those and we put it into a database and then um we tweak those based on some of the information that we have again we're going to include the same number of full-time equivalents and all of our different bargaining units um that we're that we're Staffing this year and we're going to keep those for all five years of the forecast um we're assuming that no additional or new initiatives are added to the school district at this point because again um none of those have been approved by the board so I don't have any insight as to whether that will or will not happen and also on the salaries I'm kind of doing a best estimate here um ultimately salaries are determined by board parameters um some of those are already in place for next next school year um so I'm able to um more reliably estimate what those staff will cost next year versus this year um for but for those staff whose um contracts end on June 30th 2025 um I'm kind of using a a combination of um my best guest labor market um historical Trends Etc to forecast those out um for next year and Beyond same with Supply purchases service purchases Etc your statutory benefits are um directly derived from um the salaries because those are percentage base so those are a little bit easier to predict um liability insurance has been um some very big increases over the last few years 36% two years ago about 18% last year that was pre um Tampa Bay and some of those hurricanes um anything that happens in other parts of the country that cause um pressure on insurance um that will trickle down to to other parts of the country as we go to to increase or renew our liability insurance so I'm expecting another um pretty big increase for fiscal year 26 um and that will start to decrease hopefully in the outer years things such as utilities um supplies purchase services are kind of based on um the historical Trends all that culminates with something called f and balance which is the year-over-year residual value so the difference between our revenues and expenditures um basically the district's equity um many believe that it's the district's most important Financial metric um after enrollment uh most likely um it's a a measure of the district's Financial stability our an ability to meet our ongoing obligations and have enough cash in the bank to do so our ability to invest funds that aren't being used for cash flow purposes to gain extra revenue for the school district um insurance against uncertainty so there might be un underfunded or unfunded mandates um that come um as part of the legislative session um so our fund balance can help mitigate the impacts of that um there might be times when school is out of session um for health healthcare related reasons um our fund balance will allow us to continue to pay staff until those matters are resolved um creditworthiness is also a major uh or fund balance is a major portion of credit worthiness as you all know the district has probably maintained a AAA credit rating since 2010 fund balance is a major component of um the rating agency analysis and and when they assign those and what that means is we'll get the most favorable terms for our borrowing um so um District residents can be um assured that when we do issue additional debt it will be at the lowest rates and when we go to refinance our debt those will also be at the lowest rates which is which is great and then finally strategic planning if the school board deems that we need to make a one-time purchase to um initiate or start a a new a new program um having funds set aside to do that and not have to um contain or cut from other areas of the budget and is ant option that's available should you have a robust fund balance available so always important to have a nice fund balance District policy dictates a 6 to 10% unassigned fund balance obviously we have more than just the unassigned fund balance in total um we're looking at about a 177% fund balance as of today um which is slightly lower than some of our peers but I'm starting to actually gain ground on many of them so we're in a a better place than we otherwise would have been um but still some work to do and this is sort of the rough year-over-year of what all those um what all those assumptions and and and and numbers look like over time one thing I did mention in terms of a factor that might lead to to variances to the budget is actual performance in fiscal year 25 you'll notice actually in our revenues it's fairly flat from 24 to 25 that's because our actual performance in in 24 was better than expected and since 25 was based on a more conservative 24 you can expect that 25 will be revised at some point this school year um to reflect a little bit more revenue and then that will then inform future years as well um but this provides um some directionality for you and kind of the trajectory um there's no imminent need for us to do a Cost Containment we've kind of done our our process over the last two years which is kind of providing this um longer on-ramp before we have to look at doing containments again if all of these conservative assumptions do come through um we're looking at um containments definitely needed in fiscal year 27 for fiscal year 28 27 there is a decline but we we do end up that year above our unassigned fund balance policy and then all other years of course look worse and worse um so when I first got here I think this chart kind of looked in the red after one or two years and so our our Burg process of the last two years as well as overperforming on some of those revenues having our conservatism come in um come in favorable um has given us a longer on-ramp um so we're I'm still in that game of musical chairs perhaps the music is just slowing down slightly any questions board members what questions comments do you have for director wooder director bman um thank you very much for the wonderful presentation as always um one thing that your presentation did not include with because it wasn't meant to but I just always want to take this opportunity to remind everyone that how much does federal aid contribute to our uh fund balance or to our operating Revenue yeah at most about about 2% yeah I think the last time I saw it was like 1.57% um from that standpoint um and what is mostly that money geared towards so about 50% of our federal funds are going towards special education so it works out to about between1 to $1.4 million um out of about $27 million okay because I know that I've had people in the community talk you know ask me about what are the impact with potential in the future 2025 and beyond for the Department of Education funding from that standpoint what does it mean so on so forth whatever it is I just want to remind the public that well yes any cut to any part of the budget is not um advisable nor um something that we wish for um that I want to keep it in perspective that those funds are fairly small when you look at the entire picture of how we operate the district absolutely um you know we're making up the difference locally here so thank you director arum just one quick question about the property piece of it where you said you were going back to a 3% was that historically what it was before Co or was it or is that even more conservative than what it was pre prior Co between 3 to 5% okay um per year I think over the last six years we might we might have been averaging closer to 6% um so maybe I'm a little bit more conservative um than we need to be um as you'll recall from our um bond refunding that we recently did a member of our Municipal advisory team from ERS um kind of brought forward a chart that shows how our debt functions against our property taxes over time and the conservative approach that they used was to build enough 3% as well so we're kind of aligning to their their forecast as well thanks y I have two questions one is regarding the um 2% increase in the general fund from the state how confident are we that that will not go away and be rescinded by the legislature that is a very interesting question um before I started in the profession and actually a number of years into it um a number of my colleagues and mentors would say that you know each year they would actually budget a zero or a 1% um the fact that it's now written into law has kind of changed the philosophy there and we are more comfortable at going to that 2% I think it would take um something pretty extraordinary at the legisl legislature to get both sides to agree that that needs to be repealed um but yeah you're absolutely right it could it could go away at you know any moment because I've to your point I've never been a part of a budget that has higher than a 1% increase so I understand as part of law it also still makes me nervous um and so I just wanted to make sure that we're comfortable that even though it's law in the law I still I'm still anxious about it so and that we're it's conservative um I don't see it changing it still makes me anxious so I just wanted to ask the question um and then my second one I add for context each percent for D is about um $691 or so thousand um so we that to go to zero you know we'd be out about 1.3 $1.4 million which is significant but something that our fund balance would allow us to weather and the off chance that that does occur okay thank you um my second question was around the you had mentioned the UN underfunded mandates for a couple of things you mentioned like the um paid FMLA and um the other I forget thank you the unemployment um are in your um estimates or what you've built in there do you feel like we've built in a robust enough estimate um we've only had a little bit of time to look at how much that could possibly cost our district um so I just wanted to ask about those specific new ex specific new expenses for our district great question so I'll start with the school term unemployment which is something that's already in place today um so last school year um we spent about $247,000 on that this school year it's been about $347,000 so it is increasing um I will say that though to date the state has paid every cent of that for now out of that $40 million pot um my guess is that would be fully exhausted by the end of summer of 2025 but again today we've received reimbursement in terms of being conservative I've budgeted those expenditures but I did not budget the revenue so for fiscal year 2024 part of the over performance was that we spent $247,000 I assumed that we would get zero we got $247,000 so I've maintained that same Cadence in the the out years for paid family medical leave um that was actually revised last legislative session upwards to 88% of your gross payroll school districts will be responsible for at least half of that so 0.44% um I've actually built in a little bit more than 0 44% and assume no Aid on that as well perfect I just wanted to see how you had un budgeted for that and I absolutely agree we should budget as much as possible assuming we'll get um a minimum amount to nothing from the state so thank you for doing that I appreciate it that those are my questions oh I just wanted to comment this presentation all ties in really nicely to our legislative action platform and if there are any community members who are watching and want to get involved it is a budgeting year we're going to spend from January till the end of session advocating for money for our school district and all public school districts so if anyone wants to get involved contact Dan or myself and we will find a way to get you involved thank you director Barry anything else thank you very much this was great information I appreciate it uh we're going to move on to our proposed enhanced brrg process and Dr Stanley thanks and um thanks director Woodard uh the information they provided is really helpful for and and directly related to um what I'm going to present to you so you remember for the past three years actually I think for over a decade long before I came I think really it started with Kendricks I quite honestly started the burg process and for the past three years I've been continuing with the burg process which is um budget reduction reallocation or Revenue generation that's what Berg stands for and for the past three years I've been holding meetings at schools M and I go out and we hold meetings at schools and uh we just have not had a lot of people come to the meetings and so we're looking for an alternative way to engage the public um at a higher level we saw last year although we held the Berg meetings we held a virtual session um we surveyed staff uh we surveyed families we did see that when it came to the administration's final proposal um community members were not informed in the way that we needed them to be informed and so we're looking for an alternative way to inform now I've been going out this year and uh speaking with PTO so when uh PTO invite me out each year um I have different presentations and this year I've really focused on school finance and just doing the basic presentation that uh M and I provided last year and during the burg sessions um there's been strong response to that and we even know that at PTO meetings there may be six S 8 10 maximum and so we still need an alternative way to reach a greater number of individuals so um I put together a proposal here for how we could engage more Community moving to more of a a task force Focus that is really intentional recruiting 50 to 70 community members that have a variety of backgrounds um we would use very similar to a World Cafe model where um individuals would be placed in small consistent groups so they're working with one another um looking at different budget reports that Mt would provide um really receiving information and and just developing a sound and and deeper understanding of school Finance overall um those small groups using in accordian process you think about in cordium and it goes in and out and so using that accordian process the small groups would come back together as whole groups really be able to share out the information um that they are capturing just to make sure that we can really leverage all of the expertise that's in the room um really using a concerted effort to recruit stakeholders that represent uh all of our student communities and then um making certain that we have staff parents and Guardians students uh members of the board Finance committee community members Business Leaders Administration I sit on chamber board we have several individuals on chamber board that are um Business Leaders in the finance area and I think it would be really important to have those multiple perspectives that are in the room there um and then being intentional this would be an application process and so being intentional that we are looking for members with strong Finance background strong School Finance background um data analysis problem solving and um Communications so you wouldn't have to have those and um we really want uh a group of individuals that have that strong background so we're asking we would ask for task force members to commit to up to five meetings between January and June which is a little bit different than saying hey come to Cornelia for a Berg meeting on you know Tuesday night and again this is a commitment of really building the capacity of our community um to understand as best as possible the complexity of school Finance there is no other experience like that um really connecting this task force to everything that we have many things that we have in our strategic plan um one of our strategic PR priorities is to develop leadership this develops leadership throughout our community one of our strategic priorities is to engage Community again we were engaging Community but we were not engaging enough people um to really make a difference to get information out um and an outcome of the an outcome of this group is that they would um develop a set of berg options remember Berg is budget reduction reallocation or Revenue generation so options that align with all of those that can be more deeply analyzed for viability um bringing it back internal um and then having those vetted by a greater set of stakeholders and so um what we would be asking for what I would be asking for is that um a member of each one of those smaller teams would be willing to host a meeting at Starbucks at Caribou at you know within the community um and within the neighborhood to invite individuals that they know I have this thing that I always said uh when I'm working with PLC parent leadership councel I always say I need you to go out and share this with 20 other individuals if we have 50 individuals and we shared that with 20 individuals that would be a thousand more people that we would be able to engage in the community again they would be well trained for this they would be provided with the materials the slide decks all of those pieces and they would have gone through this training themselves so that they would be well equipped with the experience to be able to present to their neighbors and um Martin and I cabinet team would be able to provide them with any supports that they need so I did put together um a timeline there a timeline for the tasks um we have as as merch shared we we went through um a really uous and I I think it's fair to say painful um budget reduction process last year and those budget reductions have put us in a budget reductions coupled with interest um that we accured and things like that have put us in the position where we are not going to be bringing forth a formal set of um Berg items for FY 26 so this gives us a much longer onramp as we start to look at FY 27 and that would allow us to be able to have those recommend recommendations for FY 27 this isn't for FY 26 for FY 27 um to the school board for um review and and eventual approval um September through November of 2025 um that allows the board to have engaged through Administration many many community members to um SN their information to um really educate the community on a greater level around school finance and um gives us a lot of time um gives the board a lot of time well before the typical time that we would have uh recommendations to the board which is usually you know February or March so what I did with this plan is uh I have a key communicators group of about 33 people and I set this plan out to them to get feedback from them you know to figure out what are does this even make sense and um uh used thought exchange for a formal traditional survey and what I've done is I've taken a summary of what that information um shared overall an overall summary really I I'd like you to look at this as a VIN diagram but in a rectangular form um to see there you know um and and then I've use that that feedback and embedded that into the plan to make the plan um more amable for our community so with that information I am open for your initial reactions director man I think it's a great idea um from talking a little bit about it before um I've worked in a different capacity with the district where they did a a similar thing um during and they had a big budget cut kind of coming and it worked as far as to give the community a lot of ownership and just kind of um I think reduce some of the shock that comes up I think that was what happened um with us last time with with maybe some of our I'm not to put my words in the community's mouth but I feel like there was um a lot of surprise and and and and like you had said you guys had so many meetings and we just didn't get the engagement that we would um have hoped but and and this model is a heavy lift for staff no doubt about it in the sense that um it's a lot of bringing people along that maybe don't have that background right to the begin or even if you have a finance background it's a whole lot different than than School Finance or if you have a business background it's a whole lot different than um School District Finance um one thing that I and and and being the task force of public meetings which I think is great um one thing that can happen is you know misinformation makes its way around the world before the truth gets out of bed and one thing I've noticed is we have an Engaged community and people may hear a rumor and go oh the school board did this and it was something that maybe we talked about or maybe a task force had talked about um one suggestion take or leave um certainly is have maybe communication staff whether it's in you know the buzz or just a um an online post saying oh the task force met here were some key takeaways they had not necessarily minutes but kind of you know more of a a narrative just for when there are those moments on say Facebook when there's a person who may not know the entire story of something happened saying oh the school board decided they're going to charge for busing and it was like well no they talked about it oh this task force just discussed that um where sometimes there'll be a person that wants to um spread the right information can just provide that link and say well actually no this is um the district has a post about what that is and um know Som that helps some it doesn't but I think that also helps for people that maybe want to read something quick where um you know we can make things visible online but people aren't going to maybe necessarily watch the whole meeting or that sort of thing but uh otherwise I think it's a it's it's a great idea as far as just getting more ownership and getting people more into the um into the process and like I said and thank you for for staff for taking on because it is it is a heavy lift bringing that many people back um back into the process and and to go forward with it but uh otherwise I think it's a it's a it's a great idea director arum uh just a couple questions um are there other districts that are doing something similar to this with the same size and scope and then um and then well uh Al ask the second question after you yeah I don't know that I've come across any that are doing the same size and scope I'd say probably the closest is um I can't remember the name of the district but out in the state of Washington they are a much larger District than we are they had some 35,000 students um and they did choose to go in the form of a task force they were in the position at that time where they were having to make millions of dollars of reductions um 145 million and so um they chose to um engage similarly but not exactly the same okay thanks um and then the other question I had was um or comment actually was you know I think one of the things that we miss sometimes not intentionally but unintentionally is like the the prek um factors and a lot of these decisions that we're going to make you know are going to impact incoming things so if we expand that Community member definition and make an intentional effort to get some of the young families that are in U you know preschools and some of our Partnerships in preschools and stuff I think it might be good because having them that's a very um viral communication Network to say the least amongst that group of people and then one other note I saw there was something about in The Common Ground piece about um a community to vote on did was there any like context about what the vote part portion of that was at all like was it just a opinion vote within the within the groups or was there something more structured yeah so the context for that is that um we were using the irod model when we would go out to Berg meetings and we were asking for feedback for ideas what are some ideas that you might have for reductions for Revenue Generation Um not a lot of people got into reallocation and they said that that was just too too much ambiguity ambiguity and that they just felt like they did not have enough information in order to give options out there to even vote on you know that's really what it was and so that's why um I know that in this process we are going to have to engage community members um to the point where they are going to be given indepth greater in-depth information about um items that are within our budget and comparisons right we we we ran comparisons we brought comparisons to the finance committee around the areas that actually surfaced I mean the areas really did surface through Berg and through the um through the surveys that we did and um this will really allow us to work with a group of individuals who will really be able to dig in and analyze the information um so they can better understand it and have the comparables and everything for other districts and for districts that are truly comparable to us that was a fascinating question that um Michael asked about federal funds and um when we're looking looking at districts that are truly comparable to us um we need to look at District size how many students they have we we need to look at the size of their schools we need to look at how many schools they have we need to look at um funding that they get through compensatory education we need to look at funding that um they are receiving that we just we don't have access to that and often times we're just not not comparing Apples to Apples and so I'm really working to identify what are those districts that are truly are comparables and they might not be in the southwest Metro Eden Prairie is completely different from us minaka and and Wisa have many more children than we have in our schools and so um really being able to get them that information so that they can truly come up with options that are viable that then we bring out um for greater community members to not necessarily vote on but certainly give their feedback on um so that when the time comes and we need we Administration need to take all of that information digest it and bring a recommendation um to the board that we have sufficient engagement yeah I think that's great because I you know I attended most of the bird meetings last time and there was for sure an element of people were interested in one topic or or something like that and they that would dominate a lot of the conversation and so I think that having a standard kind of information pack of um packet of information would be good to go through it thanks director gaer um going off of that that comment about the voting thank you for setting that up because at first when I read this it gave me a little bit of pause because I thought we were going to have the community voting on things and I didn't want it to necessarily set us up in an inequity situation where the people that were on the committee said well we voted on this and then the board voted it down and so thanks for explaining it as such that it would be there'd be a lot of context given to them um and it would it wouldn't necessarily be a voting process because when I first read that I thought uh oh that could set us up for now that is summary of the feedback that I received on the process that doesn't mean aren Community Meers orun like right yeah so I think going into it with the understanding that that it's a great resource um and some people might want to vote on these things and maybe it's looks a little different than that um overall I love this this is the enhanced process that I was hoping we could get to um after going through last year and um so thank you for the work that went into this and the thought process behind this um I did have a couple questions um is are staff in a separate task force than community members no staff would be included on that task force however I do believe you'll notice in January 2025 well first of all I did list St staff in that list and then you'll notice um in January of 2025 I did list that we would hold staff meetings I think it is still important for us to go out to buildings during a scheduled staff meeting and still present to them individually because um you know staff staff includes teachers but it's way more than teachers right and so really making sure that we're able to engage as many staff members as possible as well but did include staff great on the task force as well okay so it's a both and that's great yeah um and then just a question in terms of the timeline so when when the recommendations come back to the board or the feedback would come in May of 2025 School Board would discuss options in August 2025 and then there'd be final bird recommendations and our decision in September through November would the idea be that this assuming this goes well this would be a the burg process that would happen every year that we would need to go through this or would this Garner enough possible ideas that we might find that we it gives us some information for a couple of years to cycle through do you have any thoughts on that yes okay no like that's my answer yes it's a bothan okay you know I mean we could could generate a list of 10 options that you know maybe we don't have to go through all 10 of those because they're going to get us to the point where it would be a whatever million doll reduction or maybe there's only three and we're going to have to come back and dig deeper so um for sure for 2027 though okay thank you can I ask a followup question it's along those same lines but when those recommendations are brought to the board I guess is there the possibility that a recommendation could come to the board that says I think the district should study this issue knowing it might take longer than the time frame allotted um because my only concern is the amount of um internal resources from a financial perspective it could potentially take to analyze these options and bring them to the board and if there's something that could potentially be a a a good idea but might take uh more comprehensive study would that be something that um we'll keep it on the list here's three short-term intermediate and two things that seemed like good ideas but I think of like the bus the bus payment thing that wasn't really viable for short term but we'll look at this but it's going to take us a 18-month process so is that something that could come out of this or is this more looking at here are things that we we want to be a list of things that we could tangibly walk through for the upcoming process so there's that stage where I talk about really analyzing um the recommendations for their viability and that that would be in in my mind that would be what you're talking about and it may take longer now um Mar can you tell me where we would be at in FY 27 again a negative yeah yeah so negative um 6.56% so we would I mean we are going to have to make some reductions there will certainly be other reductions that we can analyze and say well maybe that'll be 18 months out these would be for items that we would be bringing to you that are viable um realistic realistic does not mean that there isn't stress and tension realistic just means it's something that we know that we can do at that time and there may be other things that we have to um evaluate for a longer period of time down the road so again yes yeah okay thank you what yeah one thing I would just love us to get ahead of is um our ability to study things more longer term things that could have large Financial impact but we cannot feed we cannot study them in our shortened budgetary time frame and I just I want I don't want um this process or really any process to preclude us from doing any of that and so I just wanted to ask about that thank you uh director man I know you had your light on earlier so I say um Dan the the the district that I had when IID covered Rochester that would have been 0809 they did it and they were at that time the seventh largest District in the state we 23rd right Dina is 23rd yeah I think definitely not in the top 15 yeah I think I want to say I think we're 23rd but so they they were cutting at that point um 8.5 million out of 155 but then the group and it was about 50 people from the community and then they recommended like 10 or 11 million so in the board had wiggle room to kind of see and then the board kind of obviously had the autonomy to do uh do whatever but it and it was a process yeah I mean they were uh not you know in Minnesota same kind of thing they had done it at least so um thanks for that director Birdman um thank you for the effort on this and mapping out this is again what we've been talking about and I'm glad we're finally here uh getting to the discussion part of where we want to go with it um there's a couple thoughts that i' I had when I read it and things I took away from last year's process and how I want to look forward it goes to the heart a little bit about of our finance 101 um in in our in our education of of Community member stakeholders what I tried to emphasize during the Berg process last time was not everything is an equal that on the revenue side of the equation some things you could do fairly easily like raise a fee or whatever it is assuming everyone wanted to go along with that and there's other things we that you could do but are very hard to do or have a very limited impact meaning the weighted average of their impact to the bottom line is smaller I would want to make sure that as we're discussing options as we're ideating on different things whatever it's really important that we get people tuned in to not only what is possible but what is the weighted element of it both on the revenue side of the few options that may or may not come out of that but especially on the expense side because not all expenses are the same um we want to get to a dollar amount that's the goal but different things have different weighted impacts to what we looked at and so I want to make sure it's not that I don't think the administration doesn't understand I think the administration explicitly understands that I don't think the community members I don't think all stakeholders that are involved with this may get that today and so whatever we do with this process however big it is however much this task force is doing and so on so forth It's critically important people understand that weighted average component second part we talked about this Berg process a lot there were a lot of ideas that came out during the burg process from community members when people came and spoke to us they championed different things so that are literally not possible possible for us to do it's not legally possible for us to there's no mechanism for us to do that or it's literally prevented by law for us to change something from a referendum or whatever it might be it's critically important that we have an established set of facts so when people are then doing their ideation they don't violate those facts that will keep us in the boundary um and I'm not saying that in a negative way hopefully my tone I'm not coming AC not coming across in a negative way but in order for the process to work there are just some absolute truths that people have to abide by and I can't sort of articulate that enough I think we do a wonderful job on our financing 101 presentations I think that's a core thing and the more we can disseminate that out to more people that's awesome but it has to include this understanding people walk away from any presentations or multiple presentations and they still don't get that then the level of Engagement that we're seeking in this process will not succeed in my opinion so that's on that part of the core establishment there the next part was um in the application process where you you kind of emphasized or the team emphasized what are kind of the backgrounds and so on so forth that are that are needed what I would say is that while we see this on the finance committee where we have our community members who have a financial background and they can understand this in some sort which is really critically important but what I also think is important kind of go to your I don't you call these people your communicators your key communicators thank you key communicators are people who have an ability right to articulate the things that are challenging that are complex or whatever is in more simple simplified ways to get more people to engage with that I love that focus and so whatever you've done with those key communicators how do we in our application process how do we do people fulfill that need in doing I think that's part of your goal I'm just trying to reemphasize that I think that's another critical success factor in making this work is that whether they have Financial background or not well that would be great in my opinion what'll be even more important is can they be a key Communicator in articulating the complexities of these things we just talked about but in a way that is consumable by the different the diverse people of stakeholders that we're going to be communicating with that to me will be critically important um and then lastly when we talk about stakeholders and Erica asked about this about as far as the staff and so and so forth what I'm hopeful for is that our own staff if they understand the parameters of okay in this area we need to find 5% of savings that's the fact what is the best way in which that could be through what if they can find better efficiencies if they can find a different way of working out like we had to the media specialist had to do that right we kind of gave them a contract that says okay here's how many uh full-time employees we now are allocating to this component now please figure out how you're best going to achieve the goals that we then have for making that happen they weren't able to say well I still need another half of FTE or another one FTE to make this work no this is what you have if you had this as your assumption what would then be the result that you would then look at I'm not saying I would expect that for everything but my hope is is that the staff will be able to bring their level of knowledge and expertise to certain things to say okay here's what we could do in um providing options for that purpose because I think some community members if you're a parent and you have a middle schooler or so on so forth whatever you might ask them well do you want to pay more in fees or do you want to maybe not have this offering or whatever might be that's one that's certainly one way we can do that but I think the staff will have a little bit better way of like okay in their current operation if they needed to be 5% more efficient what can what would they do that's their their task is what you know it's not about finding administrative Cuts it's actually in the operational components what can we do with that that's my Hope anyway I don't know if that's just a complete fantasy of mine but that's what I would hope to see as a component of this process if that can happen great if it can't I understand but I think that's important for the for the success of what the goal of this is um and I just want to know what else can we do to support what this is because I'm so glad we're starting it at at the time that we're starting it at because it gives us a longer ramp to work with this and really lean into people but we also then me to make sure we keep people in the boundary cuz some people say oh well can just kind of push it down the line we can you know Kick the Can down the road the whole point of this entire process is there is no kicking the can anywhere else we have to pick up the can and solve it and I would only encourage all of us that as we go through this process as we talk about whatever we all have to have our own language well established to make sure we're all saying the same thing along those lines because I think any mixed messaging that we have at the board board level and the administrative level can undermine what we're trying to accomplish with the community so I would challenge all of us to make sure that we're very clear about what our facts are and what our what our things are around that and I have all the comments in the world that we can do that um I really do um I just think we need to now we have a little bit more time to get on to that ramp can we stick to that thank you Dr Barry did you have any uh I don't have much to add I think it's a great idea I'm really excited about it um I think the more we can educate people on how School financing works the better um it just works in our favor all the way around and if we can have those people then be ambassadors for public school financing I think that's fantastic so I'm very excited about this I have every confidence that when this gets going we will train the community members well so they will understand the parameters of the law and um I think it'll be great great thank you Dr Stanley I appreciate putting this together for the board and the community um we're going to move on to our secondary um course English secondary courses for English language arts um year to recommendations and we have director of teaching and learning jod D St Hubert okay thank you good evening chair allenberg Dr Stanley and board members um the this uh report in front of you today for secondary courses English language arts was discussed at our last board Workshop um we have proposals for our second year of the ELA curriculum review and um there are no changes um from what we discussed at the board Workshop so if there are any questions I'd be Happ answer happy to answer them board members questions comments director Gaper thank you uh Director D Hubert um I had a quick question about the AP Capstone courses M do you know uh it sounds like it's presented students take AP seminar and AP research do you know if they have to take both of them or if they could take one year and then something else but if they take both of them it sounds like they get this certain designation yes um I'm 99% sure that they do not have to take both of them that they can take them as separate classes but as you're indicating just as you're indicating that they take them together there can be a separate designation with that I will confirm that and make sure that's accurate when we bring it back for Action okay because that sounds like a really engaging course I'm sure there'll be a lot of or several students I would like to take that uh my second question when we look at our College reading and Readiness nine course um and this is not really I know we're looking at new course proposals but I know it's been discussed over time about um looking at how that course is working if it's meeting the needs of our students and then if what are ways that we can also support our 10th 11th and 12th grade students that we see might need some more interventions um yeah I'm just curious about how that and now is not the time for that but that English n how that course is is going what what sort of metrics we're seeing from that but also if we're if we are seeing the need for a 10 11 and 12 reading support class yeah so I think a really good time for us to give you updates on how that um college readiness in nth grade is going is when we do our CLP updates um I do know that currently they're waiting on winter data um so probably in January I will be getting a little bit of an up I will be getting an update Based on data on our students in currently in that class and then now we have longitudinal data that we can evaluate a little bit more closely so um a lot of of work right now is going on around MN mtss and tier 2 and tier three and how that's connecting and accelerating learning throughout tier you know TI the whole system um so we can continue to bring updates in that format as well um there is currently a college um Readiness uh class in grade 10 it was something that we were able to offer very um last minute in the spring because of some phased retirement Staffing and um some Creative Solutions in meeting the needs of the students at the secondary however um most likely by January when we go to action I'll be able to know if that will'll be able to continue next year I we're really close to um getting some next steps on that in terms of Staffing and support and we also need to H look at how that works right as a collective system from our ninth graders to our 10th graders and other interventions that might be needed perfect thank you I didn't I don't see anything from other board members uh so I just wanted to comment uh to thank you and your team that's worked on this and our um language arts Educators up at the high school um watching this progress over the last few years has uh it's really been amazing um not just the amount of effort but the impact to what we're offering at the high school it's just amazing um our Educators your team's ability to um really move the needle on what we're offering all students up at the high school um no matter if they're um needing a little bit of support um if they want to push themselves if they belong in an AP class the breadth of classes that we're offering um this is now year two so um really in reinvigorating what we're offering um at some of the other levels um it's just really inspiring and I hope people are paying attention to this and to the work that you guys are doing um because it's really great work so thank you yeah I appreciate that and I just want to emphasize that I could not be more impressed and more proud of the team of e um High School teachers and the ELA Department all of our high school teachers but specifically in this review and the work that they're doing um they have really dedicated a lot of time intentionality commitment and it is inspiring they inspire me on a a daily basis truly so thank you for noting that thank you thank you um so we're going to move off of um language or specific course changes onto General change recommendations yes so the general change recommendations were also discussed at our board Workshop in um it was just on 1119 so just recently there were a couple of things there was one thing specifically um I outlined at the workshop I outlined kind of the flow of the report and noted why we have so many different sections it really starts with taking us through the additional classes that were submitted um by our middle school and secondary staff and a reminder that they submit those to their Administration before they even come to teaching and learning so it's an important part of the process and then we also added a pretty long section on name changes just so that we're making sure that we're making the process or what's in the registration cataloges and booklets um align closely for our students when they are actually registering and there is cohesion and Clarity there and then at the end there's um a couple of opportunities to look at some change in course descriptions and drops um but the one thing that I specifically followed up when was finding out if the fax um in relation to the unified fax is a required course at our middle school and what I learned I have to find My Notes now I know um is in sixth grade it is an elective in e8th grade it's an elective and then in seventh it's pair it's like one of the exploratory requirements so fax is specifically paired in seventh grade throughout the year so um I think we still have a little bit of work to do and how we put it in the like the team that's presenting it and the administration that I've worked with specifically wants to leave it a little open right now is where we designate it so there's flexibility to meet the needs of the students but but that does answer that question yes are there other questions Dr gabler I didn't have a question but since this is um we discussed this at the work session and you teed this up great but I think it'd be helpful for anyone listening can you speak a little bit about the middle school science decision with the compacting so people can hear that yep absolutely um so the middle school science has our compacted pathway where students are currently um leaving fifth grade and entering into a compacted experience that's a sixth and seventh compacted so that they are in physical Earth in eth grade um both Valley View and South viw teachers as well as as as Administration talked about um having all of the sixth graders at our middle schools have the same science experience so they get their feet under them in a middle school environment and we offer some Flex differentiation and opportunities for extension in sixth grade and then we can help those students and families make a decision that is more likely more informed for them for seventh grade and that that is the year that seventh and eth will be compacted so that students can still take the physical Earth um requirement in in eth grade so a slight switch in that but thank you for bringing that to our attention great thank you for that and just like you said it doesn't if anybody hears that and is concerned that their child won't be able to accelerate like they can now it's the same pathway it just looks a little different that very absolutely it gives our sixth graders a chance to get acclimated to a new environment and make some more informed decisions about what's best for them anything else oh sorry director Barry um I just had a question so personal finan is now a requirement um which cohort of students is this now a requirement for who does it start with yep it's our current nth graders we'll be required for them to take an either 10th 11th or 12th grade and everybody after yes yes that's good good point okay thank you um I believe you're still up for international travel yes I am so we have our international travel experiences they were brought to board workshop for discussion also on the 19th of November there are five high school proposals one middle school and one Elementary um there were a couple um things that I did follow up with that I just want to point out um in the China experience we made sure that there was an addition of administrator on that noted for um our chaperon and experience and then there was a question about the malta experience and noted that um some students might be going with diving certification and others would get it there and there is no cost differentiation for that so um the way it's set up there's opportunities to work um around that at the same costs and and um are there other questions or comments about any of these experiences doesn't look like it okay thank you Director D Hubert yes thank you um we're going to move on to our policy uh discussion I'll turn it over to policy chair gabler thank you all right uh first I'm going to invite up uh assistant superintendent Nate swansson who is going to talk to us about policy 504 student dress and appearance good evening Madam chair members of the board Dr Stanley uh I have policy 504 um I just want to say something just general but I don't usually do this with policy but I just want you to know this policy is a really great policy I have read in my career a lot of um policy 504s and um I was particularly impressed with this policy specifically because of the attachment of appendix one um in it which um when this type of um thing is dealt with in schools that's typically where it goes sideways is in how you go about addressing student dress and appearance in the school and what Idina has done so well is laid out how to do it and maintain Dignity of of our students um so I just as a general statement it's a really good policy it was reviewed by principles and um the content of it is largely unchanged a couple of Minor Details um was that we added principal or their design so principles weren't the sole decision maker um the way this plays out in schools oftentimes an administrative Dean or assistant principal would also be involved in this um so with that uh there weren't a lot of substantive changes what questions do you have I have a question yeah on c um I just had it right in front of me and then I lost it again six any item that obscures conceals the face except religious as religious observ OB oh my gosh observance including but not limited to masks face paint or grooming how um as a school district do we reconcile that statement against students wearing um face masks due to covid C6 and then I'll continue my statement with how do we also honor students that need slash want to wear a face mask for health reasons and those that we have seen wear them for the purpose of obscuring their face it's a good question it's a good question I do not have that answer and it may be something that needs to be specifically addressed in the policy may I ask how that would be handled today regardless of what said in the policy I'm just curious as to the application in the in the building kids wearing face masks yeah um I can't specifically speak for every principle but I can tell you what I think is that no one would care that a student is wearing a face mask you're talking for health purposes so yes so the I guess the question here is is that clearly a medical or what would appear to be like a medical face mask that falls under one but the policy as it's written today is really meant not meant to penalize somebody for that even though we don't say that this why we might need to edit it but it's more if someone was wearing a hockey mask which I think that that falls under masks okay on here so a hockey mask a Halloween mask or something like that okay that would fall under there so is it then the issue of the definition of mask that's the issue or is it we need to clarify in with covid now having been here we just need need to clarify and put um medical face masks in there okay thank you chair allenburg would that is that what you were getting at that was what I was getting at I think and I would love the policy committee to talk about um do we have any concerns and maybe we don't are there any concerns about giving um students license to wear medical face masks for if they're wearing them for the purpose of obscuring their face which is what this relates to as opposed for a health reason and there's very little our Administration can do about that but if there are incidents disciplinary in idence and something like this happens um I would love to I would love to better understand from an Administration perspective um could they anticipate a need for us to clarify a stance on that specific issue does that student was wearing a face mask a CO face mask and they were vaping behind it and we knew that but they were that's an example of possibility of or we have we have our camera system and if we see a student doing something and we know that they had that on their face for the purpose of obscuring their face which is why we actually have it in policy but because it's a medical face mask and now it's a really tricky situation and I don't know that we have the answer nor that we can do something about it but I I felt it would be neglectful if I didn't ask the question yeah I think there is something to clarify in about the medical face masks and I the what you just described and what director gabler just talked about doesn't really concern me as a former principal um just because the way that typically would play out is you would just go and tell a student I need you to take your mask off I saw you doing a b and c and it would naturally resolve itself um but I I do think that the medical face mask part is an important um piece to be added haven't thought about how to add that but I will thank you sorry director man well I think goal number four under three says prevent students from wearing clothing or accessories that are lwd vulgar obscene offensive defamatory profane Advocate violence or harassment against others are likely to cause substantial disruption or material interference dot then that mask or that item that they're wearing would I think fall under that where it no longer is a medical mask it's something that's causing A disruption I think we'd be fine but I think it's important to put in the little sentence about distinguishing a medical mask mask or what have you but board members any other comments on this okay so this one will come back to policy committee and we'll just add a little part maybe right there at um um C6 about medical face masks being allowed okay so you'll see this again in January all right thank you all right next up we have I think we're gonna let uh director reming come up and speak to us about a couple of these policies and um director reming let's have you talk let's have you start with 518 do not attempt resuscitation okay so for policy um 518 changes are made in our recommendation to this policy um and it's based upon the district's acceptance of do not resuscitate orders previously our policy provided for the district to accept these orders and then prepare procedures for emergencies that align um with do not resuscitate orders um this policy was unique to Edina and not in alignment with msba model policy or that of neighboring districts the policy committee is recommending changes to the policy that align with the msba model policy and also the legal advice from our district council these changes reflect that a school district's primary mission is education and that we will provide emergency care and assistance when a student is undergoing a medical emergency and contact emergency medical s um Services through 911 and that the parent will also notify the parent as soon as possible of um medical emergencies so that they can proceed in the way that they would board me Members questions about that okay great then this will move forward for Action in January uh then uh would you please speak to us about 607 which is coming back to us this was the policy that we briefly looked at in November and then it's back to you you you received an email from an twice um once in November and once in December showing you the side byid so um director reming would you talk walk us through this one thanks um so as you may remember um policy 607 is around special accommodations and services for students with 504 plans and this is a policy that um we recommended that it be um sunsetted because it's duplicative when considering what policy 521 um States based upon student disability non-discrimination is part of the policy committee meeting we went through kind of line by line and made sure that there was nothing unique to this policy that needed to remain and because there wasn't that's um the basis for our recommendation to Sunset it board members questions Cherry elenberg I'm you green lights oh there's there's three green lights though so I thought someone else wanted to talk no nobody else up there oh oh okay sorry um so I agree that they're uh very similar policies I guess my question is if you look at the purpose by for which why we have series 600 policies and the purpose behind series 500 policies they're two distinct purposes we have series 600 policies in order to describe the educational offerings and policies behind the educational offerings that we have in Indina Public Schools series 500 policies are more around um what do we need to tell our students from a policy perspective um my devil's advocate and what I would like to push back on is that I don't I would argue we should not necessarily sunset this policy but rewrite it I think that in our educational offering and if you look at the purpose of policy 607 it says that as a school district we want to provide a full range of special accommodations and services for students with special needs including those in Section 504 um if I were a parent of a student that had a 504 and I wanted to look to a policy to explain from an educational perspective um what do we offer how do I access these Services what is our process for that I think that should be housed in this policy and I think a lot of what we have in this policy does not address that and does talk about the non-discrimination I think the non-discrimination policy should remain there and talk about non-discrimination policy but I'm a little concerned that by sunsetting any content about what we offer from an educational perspective for students that have uh 504 or need accommodations that fall in between that policy about IEP and the policy about all other students that were um there's a gap there director reming do you want to speak to that or yeah so when I look at the purpose of a section 54 um plan for a student it's really a non-is non-discriminatory plan for us to able to put things in place for them versus a program I think of being more around special education and services in that way and so um we wouldn't have 504 classes or 504 specific programming for the student and so I get what you're saying you want to have it so that you're able to see that for students but I still think that it's appropriate that it could be um that it could be under the student piece because it really is accommodations to specific students rather than a specific program for students with 504s I guess my question is if we Sunset 607 chair allenburg do you then feel that even though it's 607 today doesn't really address what you just said are you suggesting that then there's nothing in policy that it that kind of gets to the heart of what your concern is and that's why we would then need to add or modify the language of 607 to address that cuz that's what I'm I'm trying to understand the difference here from what jod just said because I I hear what your concern is and I want to be engaged with that I guess I'm not I'm not connecting the dot of we don't have a policy at all that does what you're asking for and therefore we need to do something with that and maybe this is the vehicle to do which is maybe what you're asking is that what you're asking well if you look at a lot of our series 600 policies they talk about um I just um the type of Library materials we have um we obviously talk about special education which we should talk about special education alternative programs and services for kids that um need another alternative program and service and so I guess um I absolutely understand um the legal reason why uh a 504 plan is a status that a student has and so therefore it makes sense to for a certain reason for it to be a 50 uh the 500 series um I guess if as a board we wanted to only have the one policy and have it in the student section then I would argue that we should expand the title of the policy so we're not just talking about student non-discrimination because um or student disability non-discrimination um because if I'm a parent and I have a student that I'm trying to figure out how to get them services I don't have any obvious place in our policy manual to look to there's no place that says 504 in any of the titles of these policies and I think that's what I'm trying to avoid our our policies serve a purpose to tell our families about um legal issues but they also serve a purpose for us to tell families what we want to tell them about what we offer and so how do we find the balance between those two how do we find the balance between those two things and I'm not wetted to either one of them but I just wanted to bring up that I think that um we need to make sure that we're not um uh neglecting this population and that they are able to access the policy easily um and understand any help that they might need for that status so I think that that makes sense as far as um parents with 504s maybe would not understand that it's a non-discriminatory protection for their student and so maybe wouldn't be able to find the policy I do think that um changing the title if um the board is looking for a middle ground is something that um would make sense versus I think that the programming for a 504 student um would be the general education programming and so I I still believe that it it makes sense for us to Sunset the statute but I think that um adding 504 to the title could serve the purpose that you're looking for so if we change the title of that student disability non-descript non-discrimination um do we have an idea of students with special needs in Section 504 yeah something like that um you know we had a little bit of this discussion not quite this discussion at our board meeting and it or at our policy meeting and we kind of talked about where if you are a parent who's curious about a 504 what you do and knowing you know just to S I was doing that right here I think there's some room where we could add some of that because when you put 504 into the search engine of our website it doesn't give you much and maybe linking some of these policies um might be helpful and some of the the data here is out of date too so just um I think there's maybe some spots where we can kind of help because if they're looking in policy but they're also just more than likely they're going to the website and looking for that information um but yeah we can is does the board is the board as a whole okay with us changing the title of this policy director remine are you okay with that does that make sense okay all right does that sound like that would be a good middle ground okay all right let's go ahead and do that um can we make that change and still bring this forward for Action in January is everyone okay with that okay so okay that's what we'll plan to do with this one then thank you can I make one qualifying question do we ever write notes down for when we when the policy committee and these types of discussions where we make that type of change do we document that somewhere in the comment I mean I know we resolve it but do we keep a version of because I'm just thinking a year from now three years from now whenever this comes back up or whatever it is where's the historical reference that this is why we did what we did is that captured in any way sure answer no and honestly this was the conversation that we had about this because we figured that somewhere along the way something happened in a past policy that caused us to have these which is why I asked her I asked jod to actually go to our legal counsel who are well versed in our policies and well versed specifically in policies related to um service of either students with special education IPS or 504 and we received that advice that they were duplicative and that we really needed to Sunset the one um because somewhere along the way somebody had a conversation that was at the table the committee table and said we need da da da so maybe the future chair of the policy committee um may want to look at a process around that quick question sorry uh can I jump back to 518 quick sure um just one comment it says parent and guardian throughout the piece of it you know a common term within a lot of the medical directives is Healthcare agent so there's other people that are kind of above and beyond um that may not be a parent or a guardian um do we want to add that as uh somebody that's consulted or that has the authority to communicate with jeez so what the so the policy says that the parent or Guardian would have the ability to give the order to the person so what we could just change it then to the healthcare agent the only thing is we wouldn't be able to necessarily communicate with the healthc care agent we might have to be able to take information from that agent right like um a directive from that agent or no well we wouldn't be able to take what we'd be saying is that if someone asks us if we can take their um their order um do not attempt resuscitation what we would do is give them a copy have the policy and let them know that we're unable to do it and so that would be um I guess if a healthcare agent gave that to us we would still be able to do it because we wouldn't be disclosing any information we would just share this is our policy which says we don't do that um if an emergency happened and we called and we said we did CPR that you know the student has been transported to the hospital um we would only be able to communicate with the parent or Guardian unless they did a release of information allowing us to communicate with the healthcare agent at that point um typically in schools it's it's parent or Guardian fulfills that role and so the healthcare agent would likely be the guardian um or we probably wouldn't have access to be able to talk to the healthcare agent so they couldn't they couldn't make the claim in that situation that they're you know if they come in and wave the medical directive and say I'm their Healthcare agent that wouldn't be something that we would have to um share with them yeah I don't think so because in schools are really not providing um you know Medical Care as much as we are just making sure that their health needs are met so that they can um be in school and have and be able to be present here and make progress but um we're just really not in the business of Health Care providing here and so I think parent or Guardian fulfills the language that we would need for these purposes okay thanks thanks for that question okay thank you director remsing uh next up we are going to discuss policy 613 graduation requirements and I will invite uh Director D St Hubert to join us thank you Vice chair Gambler I am here tonight to look at 613 the updates in 613 are really specific and reflecting of the recent legislation changes to personal finance as well as the board action in relation to this um new state requirement um so throughout the policy you'll see additions um that are specifically adding personal finance under definitions um on the first page and then going to the appendix um there are certain points where personal finances added and then noting the um question earlier from director Barry we have the 43 um credits changing to 44 in terms of earning them for graduation and that's starting with the class of 2028 so that's just consistent language throughout I also want to note um a cross reference in policy 601 there does need to be an adjustment to reflect 44 graduation requirements there instead of 43 um so we'll need to um just circle back to that the um 601 reference yeah um it is there as a cross reference and that policy is not up for review but it should reflect the 44 credits required for graduation thank you it was a great catch yes board members any questions on 6113 fabulous thank you for this work on this this is nice to have this one done okay and then our last one for this evening for discussion I will invite uh director Leland up to talk about 628 Student Activities programs thank you so much I really appreciate that now you can all hear me uh so Student Activities programs policy 628 not many substantive changes whatsoever a lot of cleanup in terms of language uh a couple of things wanting to Troy Stein is a big part of this policy as well so he was able to uh connect with us around the um Minnesota State High School league information so we did add on 3D under definitions that we do renew our membership on an annual basis um the other piece I wanted to point out as well under sorry I'm for D was uh under coaches and advisers that we just making sure that we're doubling back with all of our um volunteer policies and crosswalking and making sure that if a policy reference is something about a volunteer that it's referring back to our volunteer handbook and and um policy so just making sure that that's all aligned so that was one of the things that we focused on and the next one was under 5f so we wanted to make sure that our two middle schools uh have the activities that are not run by Community Education or the activities office on their website so for example now South viw has under their student life section an activities list so it's just a link um to the to all of the activities that students have to do other than that that's it unless I'm missing anything director gaer no that the big question that the reason this came back you'll notice it was dat just previously reviewed last year is because of that question about middle schools and who who's the owner of that so I really appreciate your work on this and I the principles who waited on where to house that information and you'll notice it's hopefully nice and clear for parents who are looking for activities for their middle schoolers so board members any questions on this policy one quick question um the the section you're talking about with the volunteers piece of it does that apply to like the independent contractors um who are uh like an example like a rugby club for example that's not a a sanctioned mshsl program but there are coaches and advisers in that in that piece of but they're not volunteers um if it fits within our co-curricular or extracurricular activities if it falls under that yes they are subject to the grid that is found in the policy um 911 am I right is that number right okay um yes but if they fall with it so that example that you're giving me the rugby I don't I don't exactly know um I think it falls under but okay yeah yeah okay I would think anything that falls within anything that school sanctioned is going to crosswalk with that policy okay y yep all right seeing no questions then this will come forward for Action in January thank you so much thank you back to you thank you policy committee um we are now going to move to our action items do I have a motion to approve the certification of property taxes taxes payable in 2025 so moved is there a second second I'd like to welcome back director Woodard to talk to us about property taxes in 2025 good evening chair alberg members of the school board Dr Stanley and we've had our truth and Taxation meeting this evening and the administration now recommends that you you certify um property taxes um leviable in 2025 which of course will fund a portion of the fiscal year 26 operations in the amount of 75,4 165.7 a 4.88% increase over the prior year and again establishing a portion of our budget for next school year the recommended action is before you board members do you have questions or comments for director Woodard uh hearing none we will now vote um to um all those in favor of approving the certification of property taxes payable in 2025 say I I anyone opposed um the certification of property taxes payable in 2025 is approved thank you um do I have a motion to approve policies 501 502 516 605 608 and 636 so moved is there a second second director gaer board members this slate of policies before you have you saw them in uh November they were up for discussion there are no changes based on our discussion in November so they are ready for action questions or comments we will now vote to approve policies 501 502 516 605 608 and 636 all those in favor say I I anyone opposed um the policies are approved um are there any board leadership or committee updates from board members hearing none I'll I'll turn it over to Dr Stanley to see if you have any superintendent updates well this is just the time of year where um we start to have lots of conf uh concerts and I would um invite everybody in the community to attend the winter Jubilee which is being held on Saturday September 14th I hear that tickets are just flying out of the computers and um there's a concert at 400 p.m. and later in the evening so go I'm going at 4 so go do you know what is It's s 7 that's why I said I'm not quite sure but it is a later one and so you can go online um to the website it is going to be a fantastic concert it's one of my favorites um that I go to every year so um just really encourage the community to come out and support our students and it's at 700 p.m. so at 4 and 7 p.m. thank you for that Elliot and um you it'll be fantastic um you just won't be disappointed at all that that means it's time oh there we go it's time to adjourn um do I have a motion to adjourn the meeting so move second um all those in favor of adjourning say I I anyone oppose the meeting is adjourned thank you e e e e e e for