##VIDEO ID:MBihxdyCsqo## e e e e e e e e e it is September 9th um and we do have Quorum so I'll call this meeting to order our first order of business is approving our agenda for tonight do I have a motion to approve the agenda so move oh sorry is who is going to Second so who moved it Elliot Elliot okay and Karen seconded um we will now vote to approve the agenda all those in favor say I I anyone opposed our agenda is approved um Dr Stanley would you like to review the agenda for our board and Community absolutely we're excited to bring a start of the Year excellence and action to you we'll have hearing from uh members of the public um you'll review the consent agenda we have uh Ellers here to talk about the reissuance of some uh Capital notes and bonds uh we're going to get a great update about 2024 summer programming from Community Education strategic Partnerships Department um School Board is going to talk about their priorities their goals we have SE a few policies um to look at and then for Action um we'll also move to um the board will move to to act on that um possible refinancing um my superintendent's goals will come forward for final review and action and then we actually have a collective bargaining agreement that um has been ratified um leadership and committee updates and then my updates um important to note that there are a few items in the packet around information only thank you Dr Stanley um our next agenda item is excellence in action and tonight I believe we have a video about the first day of school or first days of school I should say so if someone wants to cue the video [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] that was great I know you've been out to almost all or every school yeah we we were able to get out to every school and it has been overall an incredible start to um the school year um there is just such a sense of excitement and um just finally moving beyond as as much as we possibly can the pandemic and it just feels good we are just level setting um back to a norm that we once had and it was just great we saw that within staff we saw that within kids whether it was early students in early childhood you know all the way up to our 12th graders and just really um proud of everyone and especially proud of our teachers and our administrators a lot went in to the school year kicking off uh in such a positive way um whether it was administrators whether it was coaches whether it was teachers teacher leaders um just all of the administrators working with all of the staff um including um Community Education so it's been a great year feels really good that's great thank you thank you to parents Educators for making it a great year so far um thank you U we're now going to move on to our hearings from members of the public um and thank you to anyone that's here to address the board when you sign in and ask to speak you acknowledge an understanding and adherence to board policy 206 which are Community comment guidelines pursuant to this policy each speaker has a maximum of 3 minutes to speak a clock on the screen will be a visual reminder of your time remaining and I will prompt you verbally if you're going over 3 minutes when those three minutes are up you must conclude your remarks this time is not designated to address items concerning specific staff or students and personal attacks by anyone at the podium are unacceptable if this happens you will be warned and if you persist you will no longer be able to continue your remarks any feedback about District employees needs to go to their respective site level leader the superintendent or be submitted in writing to the board the public comment period will be limited to 15 individuals per our updated protocols the school board will give first priority to Edina Public School students individuals who have children in the school district individuals who reside in the district or individuals who are employed by the district the school board will give second priority to individuals who wish to address a specific item that is on the agenda for that meeting if you're form was not filled out completely you are not eligible to be called to speak all efforts have been made to ensure multiple viewpoints are expressed and multiple individuals expressing the same Viewpoint or multiple people from the same organization should consider consolidating the remarks um finally during public comment period our role as a board is to listen but this is not the place for the board to resolve any concerns and as such no comments will be made from the board issues will potentially be referred to the superintendent for appropriate followup thank you for your cooperation and we do have one person that has um requested to address the board and um is Laura lucans here oh yeah sorry okay good all right hello my name is Laura lucans I'm an resident and a mother of three including a kindergartener and a second grader at Normandale I'll start with both a thank you and an apology first thank you this is far from the first school board meeting I've attended so I know your job hasn't been the easiest especially this year thank you for the way that you've shown up and kept the focus on our children now for my apology I'm here to talk about something that is not fun at all and I'm sorry because just talking about this topic has a strange effect it's going to make your head start itching um I'm here to talk about headlight my daughter attended kids club this summer she really enjoyed it and I found the program to be excellently run the only problem is that kids club became a hot bed for headlice I didn't realize this until late in the summer when my daughter got lice I took her to a lice clinic in Hopkins where the staff was incredulous at the number of children they had treated from Edina kids club we've never seen an outbreak like this they told me unfortunately lice carries such stigma that parents are often silent about it when I tell friends that we had lice this summer I hear the same response over and over we had it or we have it too we just didn't tell anyone this is how life spirals out of control it's not the fault of eps it's certainly not the fault of kids club but the problem has now reach such magnitude that it's your responsibility to act here's why lice isn't a health risk but it is highly disruptive and expensive trust me I spent hours combing and vacuuming and doing laundry my husband and I took time off work to take our family to a li Clinic we treating a family of five costs over $1,000 this is simply not feasible for many EPS families moreover that effort and expense does absolutely nothing to protect a kid from getting lice again and again if others in the community aren't doing their part the cycle can be never ending so please do something I haven't seen lice referenced in Communications leading up to the new school year or since here's how you can turn the tide create a sense of urgency and responsibility first establish urgency by communicating in direct unequivocal terms that Li the life situation is severe particularly at the elementary level then in gender a sense of community responsibility responsibility means parents actually report cases and there's so much more that you can do to facilitate this responsibility also means taking preventative steps like checking hair regularly wearing hair up applying a mint spray not sharing hats Etc families must encourage this at home and teachers and nurses can reinforce this at school our community is incredible and I know if we put our heads together oh no sorry wrong reference I know if we I know if we work together families can once again Embrace school as a place of learning rather than worrying about school as the source source of yet another case of headli thanks thank you um that was our La um only Community comment for the evening um we're now going to move on to our consent agenda is there anything anyone would like to remove from the consent agenda do I have a motion to approve the consent agenda so moved second all those in favor of approving the consent agenda say I I I anyone opposed the cons uh the consent agenda has been approved um on to our discussion items our first item is the intent to issue General obligation Capital notes and Facilities maintenance bonds series 2024a and I would like to welcome Director of Business Services M Woodard and jod zesa from Ellers as they come up I will um say you know to let the board know that um there have there was a conversation in the finance committee about this and then um Jody actually there were a couple of um members who were on vacation so Jody actually um came to another meeting to make sure that all um board members of the finance committee were um informed about it as well thanks for that additional context Dr Stanley um good evening chair allenberg members of the school board those in attendance tonight um in Live or virtually um as you know the school district routinely issues um General obligation bonds to supplement its pay as youo long-term facilities maintenance program this allows us to keep our district facilities in a good state of repair um we spend in excess of 10 million million per year doing this in order to minimize the impact on our taxpayers and also to continue to maintain our facilities at an accelerated rate we do issue those bonds to minimize the tax rate um something that has um become an opportunity for the school district during the recent interest mate interest rate Market rather um is the ability to refinance or refund some existing debt if you recall in the year 2015 the school district successfully passed a a voter approved referendum to construct facilities at the high school as well walls at the middle school to the tune of about $124 million the interest rate environment has become much more favorable in recent years and as such we have the opportunity to issue additional debt to repay the existing debt and pay the remaining principal and interest at a much lower rate thus creating a savings for taxpayers so it's a very exciting opportunity a member of our Municipal advisory team jod is here to present the details of that I would also like to add that part of this whole debt issuance also includes a capital note to finance our school bus replacement plan um that will allow us to both maintain our current cash reserves and to make those payments on a more pal palatable basis important to note that those bonds do not um represent any increase to taxpayers that are made against existing funding sources thank you merch good evening chair allenberg Dr Stanley members of the school board community members anyone listening I guess out there so um I have just a brief presentation and we did talk about this at the finance committee as well as the subsequent um meeting that Dr Stanley mentioned so I will highlight some of the information but certainly we'll have time to ask questions so as Mt mentioned um we have multiple purposes included in this data shoe so most often we have had a single purpose issue for the school district often it is your facilities maintenance bonds to take care of the projects that mert mentioned um when we knew we had the refunding opportunity though it made sense to kind of package all these together so that we can save on cost of issuance so that's the reason that we are recommending proceeding with the four uh purposes the largest share by far of course is the refunding component um there's an alternative facilities bond issue that we think we can capture some savings related to smaller uh bond issue and then the school building bonds from 2015 the upcoming facilities maintenance bond issue and then the capital notes so a little bit of information about refunding bonds so it's really the opportunity to uh reduce future Debt Service payments and levies similar to refinancing a mortgage um but you're not able to keep any savings for the district's budget you do need to pass those savings onto your taxpayers in the form of reduced Debt Service levies in the future we are always monitoring your District's debt to make sure that we're taking advantage of refunding opportunities when they come up we do provide semiannual reports to Dr Stanley and merch so this is these issues we've been watching for a while and talking about them and um finally it was time to come forward and have that more detailed conversation with the finance committee so a little bit about the existing bonds so that uh 2014a issue that I mentioned was issued under what was called the alternative facilities program at the time it's now the long-term facilities maintenance program and we issued just over six billion in bonds um all of that principle is still outstanding so we we would be refunding the um total amount that is outstanding um the savings really hasn't been sufficient to move forward with that as a single issue the call date was has already passed it was February 1st of 2024 but now that rates have come down a little bit combining with this other issue so that the cost of issuance are spread out and a little bit lower we are able to capture we think about $100,000 in savings on this issue uh let's see here did you oh here so this is the 2015 bonds that um Mt mentioned so the power amount at that time was just over 113 million uh that election was held on May 5th of 20 5 um financed a number of um improvements throughout the district I think majority of it at the high school if I remember correctly for security enhancements infrastructure improvements and Next Generation learning spaces is what was included in the ballot language back then so we still have 93,471 of those bonds assuming you close within 90 days of the call date the call date on these bonds is February 1st of 2025 so if we close anytime starting November 4th or later uh we can proceed with this issue this gives you a look at the savings for the two issues um the two refunding Bond components of the issue combined so we're looking at about $6.2 million in savings and uh we have about 20 to 25 basis points of kusher built in so so rates have um been fluctuating a bit we'll show you a couple charts that demonstrate that uh last week they came down a little bit today they ticked up just slightly so I think on Friday I was telling merch about 25 basis points and now we're probably in the 20 to 25 uh percent uh about a quarter of a point of cushion so um should we uh move forward with the savings today we'd likely be at 7.4 roughly or 7 7.4 to 7.7 in savings every um 10 basis points or 0.1% is a change of about $600,000 so if rates go up we don't capture as much savings if rates continue to go down then we would capture more savings the next uh chart shows you interest rate trends over the last year so you can see that uh rates went up over the uh fall last year and that would have been the time when we were first looking at that 2014 issue so of course it didn't make sense at that point in time but we've been kind of watching that we often get a dip in January every year and we talked a lot about that at both meetings the finance committee meeting and the follow-up meeting and then um you can kind of see how things have fluctuated since that point in time this chart just gives you uh same information a 20-year Trend so you can see the volatility over the years the um High rate uh the high point back in 2018 and then of course the low rate when rates were at historic lows for a while during uh the co period so a little bit more about the components so as merch mentioned um the facilities maintenance bonds um we coordinate the pro we coordinate that uh the bond proceeds that we receive along with your annual what the state of Minnesota calls the pay as you go levies to make sure we keep a nice level Debt Service tax rate along with your other capital and debt levies unless the voters approve an increase so that's always our goal to keep things nice and level it's not all components of your property tax levy but it's a good share of your overall tax levy so we're financing about 5.8 million in Project costs for fiscal year 26 and 27 um whereas the total costs that you approved over that period of time are about 25 million so the majority of your funding is coming from your annual payal levies and not from your Deb issuances this gives you you've seen this chart from us many times is how we monitor um the fact that we're trying to keep your taxes uh your tax rate nice and level you can see the existing debt and kind of the um blue Periwinkle sort of um uh bar chart bars of the chart and then the red is your Capital project Levy or your technology Levy that's voter approved uh the green is the payo general fund facilities maintenance Levy the hashed green is the future facilities maintenance bonds and that those dotted lines are the refunding savings that would be we would be able to capture and you can see there are some step Downs in the future um to provide some flexibility and capacity should you have some needs that you want to accomplish down the road the capital notes are not included on that schedule so these are U financing bus purchases but the debt payments as you pay those uh back overtime are made with existing resources so there's no additional tax impact associated with the Capital notes component of this debt issue uh it's tax neutral because you have a Debt Service Levy that's offset by a reduction in your general fund Levy and the proposed authorized amount for the capital notes is 1,525 we're hoping to finance 1,500,000 worth of buses and this gives you a picture of how the capital notes and what portion of your annual operating Capital that it commits uh over time we have it's scheduled to be repaid over an 8-year period which is the useful life that you use for your buses so a little bit about the timeline so tonight uh you will have a resolution for your consideration um to issue the bonds and we're pro providing our pre-sale report to you this evening we would um accept bids on the bonds assuming rates are still favorable at that point in time during the week of October 7th we're currently scheduled for October October 9th that Wednesday and then uh at your school board uh when you meet on October 22nd I know that's generally just a Schoolboard work session but we would add just a special a short special meeting component of that for you to uh approve or ratify the results of the bond sale and a little bit about what mer and Dr Stanley will be working on during that time frame so we gather a bunch of information for our preliminary official statement which is the prospectus that goes out to investors so they've been providing information for that we have a call then to go through the preliminary official statement and then importantly the rating call with Moody's and that's scheduled for the 20 both of those calls are scheduled already for the 23rd and then we would uh close on the bond so that we stay within that 90-day window that's required uh by federal law so the resolution that you have before you tonight is similar to what you've seen in the past for your bond issues it's an intent resolution with parameters so this allows us to move forward with the refunding bond process and the other components of the bond issue make sure that we get The Debt Service levies in your Levy report which was issued on Friday and still um mde is working on some changes and Corrections and they would get your debt service levies included in that report then and it also includes that parameter so we had a long conversations about the parameter and what level of savings might seem acceptable to the fin finance committee members and where we landed was uh in the resolution you'll see a true interest cost rate not to exceed 3.46 what that equates to then is a Debt Service future value Savings of about 5.2 million so we are kind of thinking somewhere in that5 U million do range seemed comfortable to the members everybody was supportive of moving forward with the transaction and kind of monitoring the market certainly if for some reason rates Spike up and we're not able to achieve that we will just um put the sale on hold which is fine and we'll proceed at a time when we feel like we can achieve that savings then so that's what we have happy to answer any questions about the overall information you also have a pre-sale report that gives some more details and then the uh resolution for your consideration tonight um any other context from the finance committee or comments um I think one of the questions that certainly came up um was the timing of all of this that you know we this really wasn't discussed prior to with the board um when this happened um those was one of my questions that I asked like help me understand why the timing is what it is um It's really because of looking at the interest rates and seeing what's happening and the fact that we can then capture this refunding mechanism on both the 2014 and the 2015 bonds um there's like a window of opportunity that has presented itself we would have done the facility maintenance ponds anyway um and this was an attempt to try to then pull together all of these four elements under one um issuance uh expense so it's kind of fortuitous in terms of being able to do this otherwise this wouldn't have come up in the manner that it did the challenge with the timing is that there's some the expression that was used in our discussion was take your winnings off the table meaning that we can book now Savings of at least 5.2 million assuming that the sale goes through at the minimum parameters that we've set it could be higher than that but 5.2 million up to 7 million depending on how it plays out that's a win for us it's a win for our taxpayers this is an opportunity where um volatility will still exist within this Marketplace especially with the election coming up and so on so forth that it was the recommendation of our experts that said this is the right opportunity to to jump on and let's take it um to reduce our tax um burden for our taxpayers so I just want to make sure all the board members knew that even though the seems short because we're getting a presentation now and we're going to be asked to take a resolution action on it um in the second part of tonight's meeting this is sort of a unique element from that and it's all about us saving money this would not be the type of pattern we would take if we were going to have to spend money or we were going to have higher expenses for something it would go through a much longer process but given that this is a savings opportunity that has a somewhat of a Time level on it um it was the recommendation of the of the team as well as to the finance committee and they did agree with this we should move forward with this program thank you director Birman um do other board members have questions or comments Barry thank you director bman for clarifying the timing aspect I was curious about that with the changing interest rate Factor um my question is this does seem like quite a good deal for savings for the district and taxpayers is there a downside that I'm not seeing really only if rates continue to similar to when you lacked your home mortgage right I mean um if rates then continued to decline and you could have captured more savings would be the um only downside um but at the call date February 1st 2025 generally you want to proceed by then so it would really just be over this next kind of six-month period of time that we'd be watching that and um like I said if they're you know if a week later rates go down um you yeah that's that would that would be the downside so very similar to when you lock into a home mortgage rate gaer thank you for this presentation and thank you for bringing this forward to us um I think just as we are talking about this I think this shows the fiduciary responsibility that this District takes to with our taxpayers money and so um you know as we think about future opportunities where we might need to go out and talk to the taxpayers about the needs that we have I think this really shows the responsibility um and how seriously we take this matter so I appr appreciate you bringing this opportunity to us and then um I think it's important to restate what I heard you say in the beginning which is yes we would save money but that money would not be coming back necessarily to the district but we'll be going back to taxpayers we've just been through budget reductions and so I think it's really important to just delineate for listeners that that is money going back in their pockets not necessarily coming back to the schools did I hear that correctly that's correct and that's important distinction between you know it's very different from a home mortgage right so in this case the district does not cannot keep the money for its budget needs to pass that along to the district's taxpayers in the form of reduced Debt Service levies so you can see clearly those you know little dotted lines on the bar chart that we showed you where that tax rate would come down then anything else great thank you thank you uh next for discussion items TW um is 2024 summer programming with our Community Education and strategic Partnerships program I'd like to invite up Dr an Marie Leland director of community engagement and strategic Partnerships and Dr Cheryl gunnis Community engagement and purpose learning supervisor welcome hello everybody thank you uh chair allenburg superintendent Dr Stanley and director um we are so happy to be here tonight I am Dr Amry Leland Community Education and strategic Partnerships director and next to me is Dr Cheryl gunnis our supervisor of community engagement and purpose learning so thank you for the opportunity to have us share about our 2024 programming delivered through our department it is exciting and um the presentation represents so many different facets of what we do in terms of age levels and opportunities it's early learning kids club enrichment and summer targeted services so Dr gunnis is going to walk us through the presentation it's going to be quantitative qualitative and Next Step ideas related to Summer programming thank you thank you I'm so excited to be here and to represent our department and all the work that we did so we'll start with just a few basic numbers about the program and then move on as you said to a little bit of qualitative um information so um we'll start with our youngest Learners um we transitioned to new leadership for the with the Early Learning Center this summer we welcomed Kim Isley as the new assistant director of community education focused on the Early Learning Center on July 1st and the summer The Early Learning Center hosted both um ECFE Early Childhood family education programs for two-year-olds as well as some preschool enrichment programs um you can see there that we had five course sections and about 71 enrollments in our ECFE program and then 130 enrollments and 94 unique users and about 15 summer enrichment programs some of the um popular camps there were Lego Camp the arrow tour preschool Edition um Paw Patrol and a Garden Club um a highlight for the Early Learning Center this summer was a partnership with udana with Hopkins Public Schools through achievement and integration called Ready Set kindergarten this twoe program was hosted here at the Early Learning Center and about 25 up and coming kindergarteners attended and learned about um taking a bus um keeping track of their own items zipping up their backpacks packing their folders friendship skills um and also some math and literacy moving on to kids Club um this program is now overseen by my colleague Julie gabrielson this summer we had nine weeks of programming 892 students were enrolled um in grades K through six an average of 22 almost 23,000 um hours of care every single week that involves 194 staff and three different building locations and I just wanted at this time to shout out to our buildings and grounds um Department who really helped us keep the buildings running smoothly and efficiently and for their constant communication and flexibility both with enrichment and the kids club program um especially while they're trying to keep those buildings running but also do all their summer cleaning so they really spectacular partners with us um so for some context you can see in terms of our contracts pre-co we were hovering in the 600 number we had a dip but still significant enrollment during the covid summer and now we're up to um let's see about 890 contracts for the past two summers so we feel like we might have been reaching our maximum capacity in terms of the number of spaces available to us to to be able to host the the um this all dayare program as far as highlights for kids club 92% of families reported that they would recommend the program to a friend um the family engagement surveys are always um very complimentary um noting that we're working hard to improve every single summer um and the field trips are a big highlight so in those nine weeks of programming we did 75 field trips um some of the favorites were troll hogen Valley Fair linkx Game and any and everything outside to do with water um also popular was a ninja course that visited all three of our summer sites so we kept kids busy um moving on to our youth enrichment program program which includes um halfday camps and classes for preschoolers through high school students um in this program we ran 11 weeks of programming 556 different course sections over 8,000 registrations and over 4,000 unique users um to run that program we add um 21 additional Summer Staff and work with over 92 independent contractors and we had programming happening at 14 different locations around this um Edina and another partner I would really like to call out and thank is our our colleagues in Department of media and Technology services so many of those stem programs rely on students having devices that they can log into where the apps are open and available them to you so that takes a lot of collaboration and patience and and Partnerships we appreciate that um the story is pretty similar as it was to Kids Club um where we have really doubled since in 2019 you can see that we were um well we had a dip but it was still significant even during the covid summer and now we've um with our 8,000 enrollments and 4,000 unique users we also feel like there we've really maximized our capacity um at least with if the current context that we have um as far as a few enrichment highlights our first Camp to fill was safe sitter that first section was full at 806 on February 13th which was six minutes after we opened um and eventually over 150 middle school students um participated in these safe sitter programs um safe sitter is a nationally recognized organization founded to prepare students for running their own business and building confidence through the lens of Babys city um our largest performance this summer was Finding Neo musical theater we had over 200 visitors um in epac for that performance the students um spent two weeks with rehearsals and choreography um and then similarly 75% of families rated our program nine or 10 out of 10 another 10% had suggestions for improvement which we take seriously so um we're feeling good about um our program on our family engagement survey this is one of my favorite quotes which was that my son woke up early got dressed and was ready to go every morning not usually excited about school he ended the week saying I think I'm going to like third grade so we really love to capture that enthusiasm and Propel students into the new school year volunteer experience is a huge portion of our summer program um we're very proud of that because we feel like volunteering not only provides a sense of belonging for students who are getting a little bit older but maybe not quite um old enough to work um it's also a form of career EXP exploration for them and we simply couldn't run the program without all of our volunteers so the summer we had 131 St student volunteers contributing nearly 5,000 hours of volunteering this summer which if you calculate it according to the National volunteer service rate is over $165,000 of value poured back into our students um High School volunteers many of them working on their letter and community service were placed in the Early Learning Center and Kids Club in our enrichment program a new this year we piloted a volunteer program for middle school students and those students worked in our um unified program and also our green superheroes of science team teachers program which I think you heard about at your last board meeting um here you'll see a huge uptick in our volunteer um hours and volunteers and that is based primarily on heavy volunteer involvement in our targeted Services um summer targeted Services program called excited which we'll hear a little bit more about um so in Community Education we're committed to helping each and every learner discover their possibilities and Thrive and for some students um financial assistance is important for them to access our summer programs so um thank you to give and go their partnership with Community Education um has allowed us to serve 187 students in 354 camps and over $65,000 of support um I would also like to shout out to Christa Phillips in the resource center who um coordinates all those scholarships and Al often provides additional complimentary resources to families who are reaching out about um scholarships and just a side note another thing we accomplished this summer is a new website for the diner Resource Center so I encourage you to check that out if you have a time and in addition to these programs we also helped 34 students attend um YMCA Gathering Pines Camp um a couple of highlights about the financial assistance is that we had a record number of high school students this summer um doing driver's ed and College and Career prep classes um 72% of the students who accessed this in this summer um did not use scholarships the year before so we feel like we're doing a lot of great Outreach with new families and making sure that everyone knows about um this benefit us to them and because of the funding um that we had available no student was turned away due to lack of funding so we had adequate resources this summer we'll quickly transition now to um a place to belong so um these are a set of programs that um and initiatives that we are working on to be sure that we're aligning our work to the Frameworks of public schools and um make sure that we're breaking down bar barriers and silos so as I've mentioned we are committed to providing um fertile environments for each and every student to discover their possibilities and Thrive um we consider ourselves a place to belong um we are defining belonging following cob and Crown Apple in their book um belonging through a culture of dignity as um belonging is the extent to which students feel appreciated validated accepted and treated fairly within an environment when students feel that they belong they aren't worried and distracted about being treated as a stereotype or a thin slice of their multi-dimensional identities instead they are confident that they are seen as a human being and a person of value so in the slides that follow we just wanted to highlight a few um examples of the unconditional belonging that we promote in our Community Education programming and that we see as The crucial Foundation to any sort of academic or other sorts of learning um that will follow for the young people that we serve so one example is our summer unified and inclusion programming this summer we offered 10 summer Community unified Community Education unified camps including cooking magic sensory team building theater together and fit and active we had 133 students participating both students who are typically developing and students with special needs um we are working hard to be the most inclusive Community Education Program in the state and so we work very closely with our colleagues in student Support Services um and the focus of our additional summer hiring that I talked about is really on um so that we can provide the inclusion extra support that students need to access all of our programs not only our UniFi programs and I think we're doing something right based on one of my favorite comments from um our parent survey which is um someone wrote I had two kids enrolled in the track Camp a special needs 12-year-old and a typical needs 9-year-old and both kids had a great time I appreciate how your staff was able to assist my special needs daughter so that she could participate and enjoy time with friends these opportunities haven't always been available when we lived in other areas thank you so much and so I do acknowledge that we have work to do um I think for next year we're going to be moving to a lottery system for our UniFi camps so that we can serve more um unique users in these high demand camps so um they're in demand and we're continually getting better another thing that I'm very proud of is that um as you know this summer our district welcomed a new multi-tiered systems of support coordinator Sarah hosm Mo and so our team worked with her very closely closely to understand and flesh out what mtss means in the context of Community Education and we are developing shared understanding and shared language and um best practices so that students can experience the same environments in Community Education as they experience um during the school time so thank you to them and one of the projects that we worked on was this activity planning guide so that we can share these foundations of belonging um with our own staff but also with independent contractors that we work with so this includes information about the district mission and vision and a port of well-rounded graduate but also the mtss framework um the basics of tools of cultural proficiency and um a pyramid of program quality so we're very excited about rolling this out and sharing that more widely um this was our second summer that Community Education has collaborated collaborated on summer targeted Serv Services programming so I wanted to thank um conquer's assistant principal Mark D young my partner in planning um targeted Services Program um let's see um so this summer to have sound this is not it's just going to be running as I just wanted to make sure everybody um so our targeted Services Program ran for two weeks in July and served 221 students in grades one through six who were invited by their teachers based on reading and math scores so we delivered over 8,000 instructional hours with 16 Edina teachers 21 you high school volunteers eight Middle School volunteers we served 326 free lunches and 122 bus pickups um so Innovations this year where we really double down on the idea of belonging as the foundation for future success is that we extend the program to be an all day program not just in the morning we had consecutive weeks now broken up by the 4th of July which we've had in the past and we found difficulty getting students to come back um we had social emotional learning lessons created by Sarah hillas Mo and taught by all the teachers and then we also um had enrichment camps taught all afternoon so each student got four different enrichment camps taught by 64 um uh 64 options some were taught by Dina teachers who got a chance to develop an enrichment program but we also worked with compass teaching artists and did things like Guerilla Haiku um Haitian dance we learned about the University of St Thomas Thomas's pollinator path and we worked at the Museum of Russian Art um other programs ranged from stem and knitting and a class about creating your own Intergalactic National Park and a stem Camp taught by the indomitable and Unstoppable Kathy rendelman from the Ed Ed fund so I wanted to thank her for that um we had huge volunteer involvement for that um 899 student volunteers and that twoe program alone it's just like $30,000 with a value and that program with all the moving movement with the enrichment camps really could not have happened with all those volunteers um I'm very proud of the family survey data we got 71 responses and 86% of families agreed they would recommend it um one quote was that my student loved going to excited every single day and that alone says everything you took summer school and made it exciting and fun and enjoyable so knowing that he was learning and couldn't wait to go to school each day and bubbled with excitement when I picked him up was a huge win for us so it was fun um career exploration so we welcomed our new uh career exploration coordinator Jessica Jessica mclennen on June 24th Jessica came to us from acheve Twin Cities and jumped right in this summer teaching um a targeted Services Camp about money and also um a summer enrichment career exploration camp for middle school students which involved visit from an a registered nurse a field trip to the Mall of America about business and marketing a field trip to an HVAC plant and a field trip to the Humane Society so we will definitely be revisiting that um Camp again um and then leadership development is my final topic you'll be glad to know so um as you know a key tenant and principal of Community Education is community involvement and specifically leadership development so we work hard every summer um making sure that we are providing leadership development so we've talked about the green superheroes of Science Program green crew Adventures was another Middle School student program um 35 students participated in week-long camps um learning about uh leave no Trace principles and then they spent a day working on um conservation projects at the Minnesota River Valley um Isaac Walton League chapter house um as far as um the use our youth skills training Grant we had 10 high school students who were um accepted into the Genesis works internship program so this summer they completed eight weeks of um skills training and now they have begun their paid internships um during the school year and an additional 10 students were accepted into the Step Up achiev Twin City summer internship program and experienced paid career experiences as well and then we're also providing um leadership experiences for our own Summer Staff they are often students who participate in our summer camp camps and then they became volunteers and then we hired them to help us run our program and we were also joined by two americore summer impact fellows this summer who helped us um support learning and engagement and help us build system capacity um so on the Winds of all that work we will be um continuing our mtss training and implementation um in late August the very talented Sarah hilos helped us train an additional 75 members of our staff on the basis of mtss um we're continuing to work on our um programming for middle school students and families can expect surveys to gather ideas and input in the next few weeks we'll continue to build out our um career exploration programs um and we're really going hard on making sure that the foundation of all our career exploration is really about authentic belonging and identity and purpose um and we will continue to manage that youth skills training Grant from the Minnesota Department of Labor and Industry and um final thing is we'll be um doing a deep dive into our adult programs which we continue to um try to rebuild coming back from covid so maybe you'll hear about that next yeah well thank you so much um she is undeniable commitment to our young people and we bring summer we bring our department brings summer right we really reach out and make sure our summer our community is engaged and that there's plenty of opportunities um she Dr gunis was able to Showcase her spinning skills you inherited your spinning wheel from your my mom your her mom and um that was such a fun class to peek in on and you did a beautiful job engaging students so Not only was she checking in regularly throughout the year with the summer with her team but she was also demonstrating some skills that she had and engaging students so I just want to end with I've gently maybe not gently sometimes pushed our team to really start digging into Data disaggregating that data trying to find out who are we serving and maybe who we could be serving so we are doing that more and more every day um it is just a pleasure to walk into the python coding class for our older Elementary and younger middle school students and realize that that's our graduate from Indina High School who's at Notre Dame now who came back to facilitate that programming for our students so it was really giving back to our community comes full circle so we get to see that all the time in what we do so thank you do board members have questions or comments director Gable wow I mean that's amazing when you look at those numbers 4,000 unique users that's pretty impressive and I was one of those parents on at 804 trying to get my kid into the babysitting class and you guys made it happen I think you may have opened extra sections I don't know but um the communication was phenomenal the traffic flow I mean that's managing a lot of unique users it yeah so I think your presentation speaks for itself it is job well done and it just keeps getting better and better each year like how you're expanding to middle school and volunteers you know volunteering and what little kid doesn't want to have a high schooler or a middle schooler helping out I know that's like having a superhero help out so thank you for all that you do it's great job Dr Birdman I would Echo that as well um I think it's almost like having as much as we possibly can of a good thing and trying to figure out how to spread it around as best as possible so really I have one question is that for the level of demand that we have for all of our programming of all things you just described both the summer kids club things like that um and I've heard you say it twice in several different examples that we're kind of at capacity of what we can from a building space and talent space and so on so forth I'm curious as to from from a board strategy perspective do you feel that if you had more space or capacity or something like that that you'd be able to fill it well she's got Wonder in her genius and I've got ideas invention so we are all about expanding our opportunities and and continuing to hear what's new and engaging but I know you have probably a more practical um response um I mean I we're striving for high quality right we have this like pyramid of program quality and we it's really important that we're not just offering anything and filling it up we're really trying to be responsive and co-creating the programming with our community and involving and changing and it's also it's um a huge responsibility like every time you add another student it's the layers of complexity of the safety and the traffic flow and um how much extra support we need and what nursing equ you know like what is the infrastructure available to help and so um I think it's finding that balance so yeah um well I appreciate that answer because I mean I wasn't necessarily advocating for more I just wanted but but I find that because of the success of the program and what you guys are doing in such an amazing way that when you have that type of success and you have such wonderful things that in and of itself drives Demand right it's it's it's not a chicken the egg it's kind of a a feeding onto itself kind of thing but we don't have unlimited capacity and so I think your answer just now was perfect in the sense of we have to be cautious of how do we continue to bring the level of quality and Excellence to the program while still trying to serve as many people as possible but that we might not necessarily always be able to serve every single person who wants an opportunity that there's some just upper limits that we have to that and I think that's just always important to frame for our community and we want to know the students and we want to connect with them and it's about that connecting and belonging and we don't want to lose like being able to know their names and greet them when we see them and make them feel authentically I really appreciate that response um I don't think we've quite leveraged the possibility of the older students and how do we involve the older students and really connecting them with the younger students I do feel like we still have room to grow there in terms of the belonging and connection so keep going director arum I just wanted to say thank you um my I have the unique experience of the fact that my daughter's in your programming and um she has been for the last couple years not program sorry I'm working for you all and um I she's come back and said the quality like the leadership and the training and everything has been phenomenal so it's been you know we talk about the experience of all the students and the and the kids but the uh the fact that the quality of the staff that you have in place when it comes to the leadership and training I just wanted to give you kudos for that too thank you for recognizing that that was one of the changes when uh we we had Cheryl take this new position as supervisor she oversees professional development for our department and knocked it out of the park this summer in terms of the training that we put together that she put together um for our staff and it was really well received yeah I appreciate that really seriously as I said we're all about growing leaders Dr man I just wanted to offer Kudos as well I all three of my kiddos were in different camps and they loved them all and uh just enjoyed the whole summer so I really appreciate you guys' work and and thank you for all the information it was great too thank you and thanks to our photographer K Kristen ban she puts together that entire slideshow on the video so great it's amazing thank you this was amazing thank you very much thanks thank you um we're going to move on to our school board priorities and um Karen do you want to walk through this sure all right thank you chair elenberg all right board you have seen this document um a couple of times and it is essentially the same document that came to you be at the August 20th work session with just a few changes based on your feedback so the first um in Priority One the beginning language um The Lang language was changed from establish and seek out development opportunities to Define board roles and identify development opportunities um it was at the work session it was decided that an ad hoc committee would be responsible for starting the work so that column is changed and the action steps for that priority are thus changed based on that ad hoc committee being the owner of that uh priority so um then two priority two and three are the same so no changes there uh priority four the only change there is under action steps there's a third bullet uh we added that Jen will bring recommendations on the cultural liaison representative role to the board at our June work session so uh that was the change for that one and then for the last one um we just changed the we added that last bullet point that the board will hold a work session to identify action steps the board will take to further their cultural responsive practice so I just wanted to call that out for you just it's hard to sometimes know what the changes were from last time you saw this so are there any questions that board members have or any edits that you want to make before this would come to you next time in October for Action I don't have a question or edit I just wanted to add on context for people that might not have been following along in the process that our goals this year look a little bit different than they have in Prior years and this was due to a long a long discussion that we had about um really what is the role of the board and um simplifying um some of our goals and clarifying for the community that um two of the most important things that we do are um governing and guiding our strategic plan which um our mission is um Student Success and student achievement and so that is our first goal is um doing our governance work and then our second or our priority um and then our second priority is around how effective are we at that and so um some of the um goals specifically under that um really operate around um leadership and our Effectiveness working as a board to support the first priority and so it's uh laid out a little bit differently than a couple of years before um so I just wanted to make sure the community understood the intent behind um the difference in formatting for this year thank you thank you very much any other board members have questions or things you want changed before this comes forward all right great well then we will see this same document in October for Action thank you and thanks for that additional context that's important thank you and thank you for your work on um doing these director gabler um and director arum um next we're going to move on to our policy review um by policy chair G thank you chair allenburg and I'm going to invite up uh Director D Hubert she is um the oneman show for all the policies this month all right I don't oh there we go chair allenburg perfect timing uh board directors and um our community members and colleagues I am here just to um go over the four policies today um quickly give you an overview and see if there's any questions that I can answer I'll start with 603 and 603 is curriculum and program review and development there are minor um minor edits to this one um it really highlights um the edits really highlight um making sure that we're in alignment with msba policy as well as legislation updates so one of the things that you'll see in here and then it transfers to some of the other policies tonight is that world's best Workforce has had a change in the title and I'm going to read it because it's a little bit of a mouthful and I'm not quite there yet in having it memorized but it's now comprehensive achievement and Civic Readiness um so that um the work as as far as we know will have some slight slight changes to it focusing on Future Ready which is some of the wording you'll see in the policy uh but the highlights in this policy are really just changing that title and aligning msba and that legislation are there any should I go over all of them or okay yeah any questions on that one board members do you have any questions on that Cher Ellenberg functionally for our district is there much you said there are a few differences but as far as how it impacts our district is there a difference in how this legislation and policy affects there's not and that's a great question because it really um is a great segue when we're ready to go there but to 616 in terms of the district um School District system accountability um we will still have uh the meetings throughout the year um in fact on the calendar already um individuals have been invited um we'll have the main goal that this is a a group of stakeholders that includes community members parents students um colleagues within the district across all levels just providing feedback on the areas of curriculum instruction and assessment that are happening within the district so functionally um as far as we know right now um MD has acknowledged that they're still working on all of the details and the updates but as far as we know right right now there's not a lot of change um I also did get a feedback right that we will be reporting on last year's world's best work for schools this year as we have and I don't know if that will change into the future in terms of reporting to the board and in the public in terms of that goal and we had a big discussion about that at the policy Committee in the fact that we don't have all the answers yet but they have essentially changed the name of it at least um and we're figuring out as Director D Hubert said about um how we will be we still have to report those things to the to the state so we'll be using that committee yeah and I think the title you know even though it's not rolling off my tongue quite yet really is the area of focus and and where the shift is comprehensive achievement and Civic Readiness so there is a highlight in some of the language that I've seen about U making sure that our students are lifelong Learners perect all right well then we will move on uh to policy 616 School District system accountability and 616 um really is a nice segue because 616 talks about what systems we have in place for the accountability in relation to our areas of instruction curriculum and assessment and that is the functionality of our new committee same Committee of world's West Workforce in terms of function but with the new title of comprehensive achievement and Civic readiness so there are in this policy also not a lot of updates most are a changing of that title and um making sure that we have all things in alignment with um msba and legislation updates there as well as I scroll through it one more time in front of me really it's title updates there primarily board members any questions or areas that you see Clarity on okay great this will this one will move forward then for Action uh moving on to policy 618 assessment grading reporting and student progress and this one director DC Hubert did a lot of heavy lifting on so I want to thank her specifically for this one yes thank you director GBL um I I do want to emphasize this when we did do a lot of collaboration um it was really important to have input from a lot of our administrators as well specifically as our Adina high school counselors on this policy um so so it had not been updated for quite a while and so there are a lot of changes throughout it that are primarily um are 100% just updating what we have as current practices and making sure that there's Clarity in alignment with a student handbook um specifically at the high school and so that is that's what you see in the changes throughout the policy um and I'm really happy to answer any specific questions that you have I don't have a a question I just um wanted to comment that I appreciate that you added the note about um Middle School grades for High School courses not go being factored into GPA um but the grade appearing in the transcript I think that clears up a lot of confusion that was maybe previously there so thank you yes thank you for that feedback um I had a question around um I guess like B and C um because they talk specific about I'm sorry sorry for that um so you increased the size so that I didn't know um around general statement of policy B and C and maybe it could be how we're defining but when we talk about grading policy does that apply to our elementary school students as well we did talk with our elementary principles about this and so there's some language that shifted because there's some developmentally appropriate things there that are different than at the secondary okay because this actually to me it reads very secondary focused where even when you're talking about relative to standards of the course um is it like course curriculum um I think when we say yes that's a good question I think when we're referring to course in the elementary we're like um that's like like a Content area so even though the kids aren't traveling from course to course they are um moving within class to class and as we continue to grow in integration across subject areas that's important but they still haveed classes okay because when I saw course and both of those B andc yes it felt very secondary is to me and um and then as well I was wondering additionally for B when we think about elementary school students um there's a lot of things that I mean we talk about like our care values and things that are part of our grading which to me was reflected a little bit in that second sentence about I'm sorry on C about effort attitude and behavior um and so I was just wondering it felt to me like we stripped out some of that stuff and I was wondering for elementary school students specifically um how are we going to grade them are we not going to grade them anymore on some of those things that aren't necessarily course curriculum specific but it has to do with um are you standing in line walking to the lunchroom are you um some of those other other skills that are softer skills that are developmentally appropriate that we're building in our elementary school students but aren't a subject matter yes and I think that's a great question that um our teachers still strive to have some concrete evidence um right that help them determine that I do understand what you're saying cherberg and I know um that that will be a a great our our our social emotional learning um team that's working right now um on really important work around those areas right I think that will be a great additional conversation as they dig deeper into that um and we can also look at it a little a little bit more in policy to to clarify things really important it does go back to your what's the difference between the elementary and secondary because it was really important that we um shift some of that language at the secondary that was the biggest thing that stood out to our secondary principles as they looked at it the first time so uh Director D Hubert can you help me remember at our elementary schools when it comes to our social emotional learning there are standards Norms that teachers are using to grade so it would be okay to say relative to the standards of a course because it's kind of I mean those things are embedded throughout the school day right there teachers are watching for those things but there is it's not just arbitrary like Karen can stand in line and Dan doesn't know how to stand in line or Dan knows how to stand in line Karen doesn't know how to stand in line yes you are accurate in terms of um yeah there are standards and I think that we need to continue to lean into adjusting those possibly with our curriculum review but in alignment with policy there are covered yes we do okay thank you so I might just suggest that as part of your definitions you add course in and Define for parents because from an Educator's perspective I think this makes sense from a parent student Layman perspective I don't know that the terminology makes sense if I was an elementary school parent and I read this I'm not necessarily thinking yes so I think if I would just suggest maybe explaining to people when we talk about course this is what we mean by course that's a great suggestion I was thinking of adding a class component within the content but I like that suggestion as well just for just for point of clarification on that recommendation are you are you saying that in section three which is where the definitions are listed that you'd maybe add a a spot there specific to that purpose okay thank thank you m I did sorry my other question was I was wondering if I could get an example of um what would be a variation in grading that the superintendent would approve we have this I was like you have this question it like for a specific student is it for no no it would be um so we did talk about this and an example I used was that um for for example at one point Highlands was very interested in a grant and they would have been applying a grant that aligned with Environmental Education and it would have shifted the standards slightly in in their Ela classes and so that that would be a approval by the superintendent we didn't pursue that um but if we did that would there'd be a slight change there for that period of time moved down it's still in there if you go down to D um 4 d four it's in blue because I thought this we this was a very similar conversation we had in the policy committee and it's still in there it's just in a different location I was just wondering thank you all right other questions board members because my daughter might it's a question that came up so if if we if we ever need to allow chair allenberg back on the policy committee I know whose spot she could take yours all right uh policy 620 our last one for this evening uh receiving course credit for learning okay this policy was also done in quite a bit of collaboration um with our secondary Administration um especially our high school administration and our high school counselors and so the edits that occur within here um really focus on ensuring Clarity for families the outside Reg ERS um and staff to inform practices so in this this policy as well we looked at the handbook um policy informs handbook um so we made decisions on policy but wanted to make sure that there was a high level of clarity across both and um get feedback from those that are um implementing the practices and they're building on a day-to-day basis so um are there most of what you'll see in there are changes to wording um the one that uh chair chair Barry um noted earlier is throughout this one as well in terms of what grades impact what classes and what grades impact a transcript um and lots of other edits in and high a lot of editing within the um appendixes you'll see because that's where the the practices were implemented um in Clarity we stripped out some wording because there was a lot of redundancy and that was back and forth with a lot of people to make land unclear I've said that word a lot so I'll see if there's any questions at this time I don't have a question I would only comment that in the policy committee because I did get into this conversation myself is that what was really impactful to my understanding was how the counselors in particular utilize this in their dealings with both the students and families as it relates to the credits and so on so forth I found that very useful given my own recent experience of looking at EHS um and how that process came to play so having our policy aligned to those practices and and arms the counselors with a very clear understanding what that was very important so I appreciated first that learning to myself but as why this policy is so important thank you director DC and Hubert for all your work oh sorry one tiny thing in appendix one towards the bottom you have parent Guardian signature and then you have parent phone and parent email we could just make that small change yes anything else yeah thank you all right I can't believe I didn't catch that all right these will come forward for Action at next month and thank you again for all the work and collaboration on this lots of great collaboration thank you okay we're going to move on to our action items for the evening um do I have a motion to approve the intent to issue General obligation Capital notes and Facilities maintenance bonds Series 2024a so moved is there a second second I would like to welcome back to the table Director of Finance and operations MK Woodard good evening Madam chair members of the school board um so you've had an opportunity to hear the details regarding the potential debt issuance earlier tonight as a reminder there are four purposes one to refund the 2014a facilities maintenance bonds two to refund the 2015a voter approved bonds uh those two items would be contingent on a true interest cost of 3.46% or lower um the third purpose would be to issue new facilities maintenance bonds and the fourth and final purpose would be to issue Capital notes and with that the recommended action is before you do board members have questions or comments and I just want to reiterate that this is saving taxpayers money absolutely those first two purposes would save um we think at least $5 million that would be the 3.46% we're quietly confident that we'll do a little bit better than that great and just to be clear it's the minimum we would save because if we couldn't save that 5.2 million it won't go through thank you thank you for clarifying that um we will now vote to approve the intend to issue General obligation Capital notes and Facilities maintenance bond series 2024a all those in favor say I I anyone opposed um the intent to issue General obligation Capital notes and Facilities maintenance bond series 2024a has been approved thank you director wooder um do I have a motion to approve the 2024 2025 superintendent goals so moved is there a second second uh Dr Stanley okay so uh my initial draft of my goals were brought to the board on July 23rd I received a feedback made some updates brought what is in front of you to the board on August 5th uh there was no further feedback for modification and so there before you for approval do board members have comments uh thank you for um putting in the uh comments that we had earlier I appreciate you modifying them and putting together the goals um for our board and for the community um with that um all those in favor of approving the 2024 2025 superintendent goal say I I anyone opposed the 2024 2025 superintendent goals are approved um we are um do I have a motion to approve the 2024 2026 collective bargaining agreement between Independent School District 273 and the Minnesota school School Employees Association PA professionals so moved is there a second second I'd like to welcome Director of Human Resources Sonia sailor and welcome back Director of Business Services sorry Director of Finance and operations M Woodard good evening chair allenburg Dr Stanley and members of the school board we we are pleased to announce that the Minnesota School Employees Association which is our pair of professionals um have ratified the tenative agreement that is before you for a new two-year collective bargaining agreement effective July 1 2024 um through June 30th of 2026 our PA professionals include our District's instructional assistance our educational Associates most of whom serve our students with special needs our security monitors and our technology assistant our negotiation teams um were collaboratively to reach a settlement that values the important work that our par professionals do and also respects the school board's Financial parameters I would like to commend our par professional negotiations team led by Jesus Romero Jenny Anderson Elizabeth Murdoch and Liz Rosenthal for their dedication to this important process um you have of course the financial highlights in your packet as well as the draft and um clean versions of the proposed agreement but to a few of the highlights include step inance advancement for our eligible employees in both years of the agreement including retroactive application to July 1 2024 an updated and reconfigured way scheduled to provide competitive wages in both years of the agreement as of January 1 2025 um The District's contribution towards health health insurance will be increased by $30 per month and there will be two additional paid holidays added as of the first year of the agreement they will actually take place um the first two days of spring break we um that is to ensure that that income is spread evenly over the year for our PA professional employees as well uh language is modified within the agreement to communicate Clarity align with past practices and provide consistency with other school district agreements two-year total package for this proposed agreement is 16,491 1199 which represents an increase of 1,633 $280 um using the Minnesota Schoolboard association's casting formula the 2year percentage increase is 10.99% this tentative agreement is within the authority provided to us um by the school board and as a result we seek your approval for this agreement do you have any questions board members questions seeing no questions or comments we'll now vote um to approve the 2024 2026 collective bargaining agreement between Independent School District 273 and the Minnesota School Employees Association par professionals all those in favor say I I anyone opposed um the 2024 2026 collective bargaining agreement between um Independent School District 273 and the MSA has been approved thank you that concludes our action items for tonight are there any um board leadership or committee updates director gaer um as the representa the board representative to 's give and go they had their gear swap uh yesterday and it was a wildly successful event um You probably have seen some pictures or maybe social media footage out there the when the doors opened yesterday morning the line was out the community center gym doors all the way wrapped around southvw um so it has words out it always amazes me that every year the people of Edina can find clean out their basements and continue to fill that gym full of things but um they don't have final numbers yet but it was a wildly successful event so yeah director Bergman I just had one quick comment um I shared this with Dr Stanley over the weekend um I was at the football game on Friday and I it was V visibly noticeable of all the new preparations and things we do to handle crowd control and student policies and all kind of stuff were very visible and I thought it was an incredibly successful evening not just on the field but in the stands as well and so I just wanted to say that I was pleased to see given what um we went through last year that the policies that we implemented for this year seemed to be working I think everyone's still had a good time and the middle schoolers stayed for the most part in control of themselves including my own middle schooler um but uh it was great so I just wanted to compliment that and we beat you Prairie I didn't have to say that but that was very nice yes so yay um I just wanted to point out um we put a lot of important information items in the packet sometimes that don't get talked about but I wanted to give kudos to our director of human resources that we have a 96% um Phil rate um and for our um I can't come up but for our subs I'm sorry I was four Subs which is amazing that is a big deal it's a big deal for our families our educators um so thank you for reporting on that I know the board asked for that and I appreciate it so um Dr Stanley do you have any updates yes I do so first of all indeed we did have a football game on Friday and I just have to say we won that football game mightily and it may have nothing to do with past places of employment that I'm so excited about that but um it was really great actually my colleague um in superintendent of Eden Prairie Jos Swanson actually came to the game with me and um that was really good until we scored like a couple of touchdowns and then he decided to sit on the other side so um that was really fun and I really appreciate that Michael because we had nearly 6,000 people in attendance at that football game and I could not have been and I shared this with Michael I could not have been more proud of just the efforts that Troy Stein um Paul pel and the high school administrative team have put together um to make certain that our football games are well monitored uh to make certain that you know there's a gate now for students to come in there's a gate for parents to go into um put in the protocols where our Our Guest teams and and their um cheerleading teams and participants you know they go through the other side and it's just really making a significant difference in the enjoyment I believe of of all participants you know I said um near the near the Middle School group and I had anywhere from a grandpa who was uh 70 something years old he said all the way to a dad of of a middle schooler and um it was just really fun to be able to cheer with them and to just see my team out there doing amazing things and so um thank you for that shout out I want to give them that shout out as well and then over the summer I I received a couple of compliments um actually three different parents emailed me just about the leadership of principal bass um over the summer and I I wanted to make certain that we just give him a verbal shot of that and you know really a summary of those um emails is that he radiates positivity he creates a fun learning atmosphere he provides consistent and thorough communication to parents and then he sets a Clear Tone and mission for the school and I could not agree with them more um principal bass's just uh focus on creating a strong culture and climate for students for families for staff at valie is just prominent and it's clear and I'm just really proud to have him as a member of our leadership team and then the other thing that I would like to show is um it's it's like so well known now that um CNN gives Valley View Middle School a shout out as well and so I'd like to um ask bston to play that for us now on the screen is awesome a powerlifter lifting our souls all right big congrats to our hashy word Wednesday winner Mrs Downs class from Central Columbia in Bloomsburg PA for submitting omnus an adjective meaning containing or including many items thanks for boosting our vocabulary today you all really brought it so many great words to choose from we're going to do it again next week our shout out today goes to Valley View Middle School in Edina Minnesota go Hornets see you right back here tomorrow lovely people I'm KY wire and we are CNN [Music] 10 so even CNN knows about the valie vibe and we are really excited about that um I shared earlier it's just been a great start to the school year you know um no no school system is completely perfect and we're just really excited about where we're at right now and kicking it off thank you thank you Dr Stanley before we adjourn um did you know that September is National School Board appreciation month I bet a lot of you did not know that and before we adjourn I would just like to thank my fellow school board members for your time and dedication to the work of you public schools and I I know I can be sarcastic but I genuinely um do thank you and um I know that our community appreciates the time and effort that you put in for everybody here in Idina Public Schools so thank you very much um and without another delay um do I have a motion to adjourn the meeting so moved is there a second second all those in favor of adjourning say I I anyone opposed the meeting is adjourned thank you e e e e e e e e