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the back for the national anthem join the choir [Applause] good afternoon class of 2024 staff family and friends I want to give a special thank you to my dad Mansour Kazi and my mom CRA Kazi if there's one thing that they taught me it was that education is the key to success everything I do is aimed at seeing a smile on their faces and making them proud I also want to give a shout out to my sister zoa brother Amish and cousins J Hiba Rima Rima and kishmish for making these years the best that they could be thank you all for loving me unconditionally and supporting me throughout these years I couldn't have done this without you please be sure to let your family and friends know how much you love them tonight now may everyone please remove your hats and rise for the Pledge of Allegiance and remain standing for a national anthem I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands one nation under God indivisible with liberty and justice for all and for the last time always remember with Edison High you're guaranteed to fly thank you please remain standing performing our national anthem by the chamber singers under the direction of Mr Joshua lisar [Music] [Applause] still [Music] [Music] [Applause] thank you please be seated [Applause] at this time Orchestra members Orchestra members please report to the back of the rack Orchestra members please report to the back of the rack I'm waiting on some Jersey Mike scholarship money Doc before I say that I'd like to give special thanks to the Edison High School band for performing the processional and recessional tonight under the direction of Mr mark din niola Mr Derek dilman Mr Michael oir [Applause] all right and now we have prior to us doing the pledge of allegiance was Isha Kazi that's our morning announcer but we also have our morning sports announcer Elisa onor free to the Mike for a final Edison High Sports update for the year round of [Applause] applause get good afternoon class of 2024 my name is Alisa onofre and I was given the opportunity to be your sports announcer this [Applause] year yes I was the one that messed up your names or even gave up and gave it to Mr Ross to read I deeply apologize if that was you thanks to Mr Ross in this chance and now you're last sports report cheer is their fifth backtack state champ football beats JP for the 10th time in a row basketball beats JP for the city of the lights volleyball beats state champ ranked St Joe's and JP and JP tennis is a backto back undefeated white division champ and almost beat JP tennis is our back-to-back undefeated white division champ and almost BJP too and all EHS won over 10 division champs all school year great job good luck to those playing in college and closing I would like to thank my parents did it class of 2024 [Applause] thank you and before I begin I just want to start with a brief uh moment of silence for all those we've lost at this year and for all those still suffering from sickness violence and War across the world and to reflect on all of the things that we have grateful for have to be grateful for so a quick moment of silence thank you thanks go out to Dr Dr aldarelli central office staff Board of Education members the entire staff and family at EHS the entire Edison Community all of our grounds and custodial that help put this together our security that always keeps us safe special thanks to those retirees with over 175 years of experience miss ketto miss conell miss Downey Miss Mitchell and Miss Sher extra special thanks to the person who has been my right hand for so much of my time on the boulevard of the Eagles Miss Cindy Bower bage mesami enjoy taking Brooklyn and the boys to school class of 24 congratulations I was never sure what to make of you guys escaping middle school during the vid a lot of wins some losses and so much growth and so much learning this year one of my favorite assign di that I saw as going around the school was an EHS meme contest the memes were complaining about Hall sweeps no air conditioning the freezeway four hours of Eagle Pride Mondays Fridays the usual gripes but social media style in one graduate Julian Enriquez compared me during class meetings to Dom tetto from The Fast and the Furious movie franchise so channeling my intervent diesel let me say what's real is family so I'm starting my speech sharing how on June 21st 29 years ago I added to my family on a hot graduation day like this my beautiful daughter marinaa happy birthday pink I am most grateful for the time I spend with you and your brother now Mr Toretto also said that the most important thing will always be the people in this room while it's true you'll soon be scattered across the country and across the various Ruckers campuses hopefully the people in this large room can be the foundation on your flight to Greatness the people in the room and not just your fellow graduates on the floor your friends or Associates but up in the stands your family the teachers the coaches the Board of Ed the administrators that help you get to this stepping stone but always always remember most important also the people that may not be physically in this room but had a hand in your growth whether it's beloved family members who passed on former teachers and principles or any kind of a mentor all of whom you hold close to you no matter where you are and you try to apply the life lessons they taught you there are also the people in this room class of 24 always remember for the last four years you've been what's great about Edison High now you'll be what's great about the world salute me Familia it is now my pleasure to recognize our salutatorian for the class of 2024 Mr Eduardo Nunes [Applause] good afternoon everybody before we get started let me tell you something about myself I have a terrible poker face right now for instance you can probably tell that I'm all kinds of nervous when my mom asked if I was out rate lighting my bike she can see right through my sweating facade then as I sat up on senior Awards night and managing to keep my expression uncertain of what I had received multiple teachers would describe my expression as a wilting flower who would have thought that I would be up here speaking to you all today truly one of the best Honors that I could have received while transparency might not be an outright Advantage it certainly isn't an implicit weakness either authenticity I believe is a great quality and honesty with yourself and your feelings is important to your success in the world yet there's a fine line between humility and self-deprecation throughout the trials and tribulations of high school I've learned that not only are you your biggest friend but you are your biggest enemy it's so easy to take the negativity that others throw your way and wallow and self-pity and doubt but you need to understand that the one who criticizes and treats yourself the harshest is no one other than yourself the hardest thing to do I believe is to take Life by your own hands and grow from your experiences we've all come from different situations felt the weights of our own regret and we have all endured hardship in these last four years at the nest but the beautiful thing about life is that life keeps going you continue to learn and improve no matter what and with that understanding I've learned to confront the hardships and the road ahead ultimately the best relationship you can have is the one with yourself so remember to treat yourself right take a walk down the greenway read Matteo's walk come over to LA Fitness or even take a dip at the local pool once you've learned to enjoy your company I wholeheartedly believe that you will enjoy the company of others let me just fix my hat one second at this time there are a couple of people that I would like to thank first the Board of Education who worked to maintain a rigorous environment for students to thrive to the countless teachers that I have met throughout the years and to my counselor Mrs Rotella thank you thank you for your in excuse me thank you for invigorating me to push forward to my friends Sebastian Gonzalez and John Marcelo as well as everybody that I've accompanied me throughout the last four years thank you for all the great memories and here's to many more and lastly [Laughter] and I have hope I've made you proud and to the class remember to support yourselves every step of the way thank you at this time this time we will have the orchestra performed Ry by buy by Claude Dey [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] for [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] all [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] I [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] w thank you and welcome back Miss militia and thanks to Mr lisar and Mr Valdez for helping to hold the fort at this time it gives me great pride to introduce our valedictorian for the class of 2024 a great feat to come in first out of such a talented class Mr Atara inadar will continue his studies at NJIT in a seven-year bamd program czy class of 2024 I'm happy to see all of us at the rack on this auspicious occasion I know it's a cliche to get sentimental about school in a speech like this but I think the occasion warrants such reminiscing let's face facts we spent we spent a lot of time at the nest four years 36 weeks a year 35 hours a week that that's at least 5,040 hours and those hours were a mly of emotions and experiences such as tiring when waking up too early and going home late for clubs sports or work only to do it all over again and and again and again we frustrating we have to lock in just to get through busy work or to get through a dredge of five tests in one day or heartbreaking when you studied the hardest you ever did and still failed or where you ended up fighting with a friend for way too long over something really too stupid to fight about but also amazing hilarious like creating an inside joke with your friends that never fails to make you laugh like my stupid nickname off of some guy off LinkedIn baba but and also joyous like watching a club you ran Blossom or winning a huge game and now that it's all coming to an end make sure to stay in touch with that special group of people you made these memories with as we all disperse into this big strange unknown remember the teachers who really connected with you remember remember the random life lessons that you learned from that special history teacher Dr Nasser if he's here English teacher shout out Frey or that special Sports Mentor Coach K and Coach B I'll be back next year to see the golf team remember the lessons these people have been kind enough to share so you won't have to learn them the hard way yourself and no matter what you did take the lessons about teamwork and dedication commitment and Leadership and take them Beyond High School apply these skills forward and this forward looks different for everybody here for some it's college for others it's trade school or the military for more it's straight to the workforce but no matter where we're going I want to put three ideas out there first thing make sure you live for yourself I want you to think back to elementary school when the world was just the same 20 kids in your class then in Middle School our world suddenly got bigger with more kids from different and foreign Elementary places then it got bigger again in high school and it's only going to keep getting bigger As you move on in life being surrounded by so many people so many people seeming more seemingly more talented than you and better than you is intimidating but that's okay do things anyways and do them for yourself our paths are different do not Chase where another person's path may lead but for your own and leave a trail a little wisdom I stole from Dr Nasser number two have big dreams and small goals have your long dreams in your head and write them down but from there figure out your short-term goals and figure out what what you should be doing right now dreams are big they're unwieldly they're imprecise analyze those dreams and figure out the specifics that you need to develop what skills do you need what connections do you need write all that down and then this is the hard part but also the most important part make sure you do those little steps work the job do the workouts do the drills make your connections build your knowledge and grow into the person who reaches that dream in the end and the third thing I want to leave on I want to leave on a little bit of a lighter note here is that it's never that deep a lot of the times as we get older setbacks seem more grave and severe and the reality is that life is rarely unfixable and failures are often more temporary detours rather than dead ends and if you still find yourself obsessing ask yourself how does this issue on I'm facing affect LeBron's Legacy and the answer a critical indicator of for insignificance is that it can't and Joe Jokes Aside this insignificance is actually a good thing it's a reason to take things more light keep things more easy and keep things more cool now before I wrap up I'd like to take a moment to thank my parents for both their unwavering support and the intangible and innumerable things they've done for me I'd like to thank all of my teachers for doing one of the most important jobs guiding and inspiring all of you guys the adults of tomorrow and I'd like to thank the principal Vice principals office staff everyone at the Board of Education support staff it really does take a village and to end I know I joke that our irrelevance to LeBron's Legacy shows our insignificance but to flip that LeBron can't do anything to affect our legacies either only you can do that so whoever life leads you just leave a good one behind [Applause] at this time if we could have the Acappella singers to and the chamers to the um Choir in the back please [Applause] okay please enjoy another musical selection I will fly by James eeken III performed by acella choir again under Mr listen [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] because I know I will not be afraid because I know hope I will not be alone because I know one of will I [Music] will above the sorrow and watch them disaar my dances with tomorrows without longing without [Applause] [Music] in the cirle the [Music] [Applause] CLE willerer [Applause] linger linger [Music] lingeries will love all love I will give with all my will all and will that will not die that will not die that will not die not [Applause] andad in [Music] [Music] myle the final song is the beginning is the next beginning is I will fly I will fly will [Applause] forgot to mention we had the lyrics in the program also with the words to our spoken word today the student all the places the different colleges the students are going the awards that they got of course with the names and in the back we got a great word search some tic-tac-toe [Applause] next we are lucky enough to have a spoken word performance by our poet laurate Miss Simone Banks she will be performing immortality by Rudy [Applause] Francisco hello class of 2024 before I'd like to start I'd like to give a big thanks to my family who's here some came from Maryland especially to my mom and to my grandparents who unfortunately can't be here with me right now but everything I do every every single word this is all for them so I hope you enjoy I want to write a poem but I wanted to say what you're thinking I want to patch up the holes when your boat start sinking I want to write that one OFA kind poem that free your mind poem that I like how you made that rhyme poem that can I hear that last line that is if you don't mind poem I want to write that so heartfelt I think I know him poem that this is so tight I got to go find all my friends so that I can show them poem I want to write about everything I ever wanted to be I want to write a poem so beautiful that my parents might actually start to agree I want to write about you about me about us about everything from cars and trains to riding the bus to the trailer and Trust the mistakes and heartaches I want to talk about what I first learned to drive and I was so scared to let my foot off of the break I want to talk about about battles about wars about victories and losses ethnic cleansing genocide and lws penetrated by burning crosses that burn down churches I want to write two poems for everyone who has ever been told that they were worthless I want my metaphors and symboles to part ocean rivers and seas and I want to write love poems so sweet that the ink on the paper retracts honeybees I want to speak the unspoken and I want to face everything in our world that's broken I want to be the one that performs the heck maneuver as soon as our society starts choking I want my words of inspiration to inspire somebody else to be inspirational I want the motivation in my voice to motivate somebody else to be motivational I want my phrases to be published documented and quoted I want people to recite my work 10 years from now and have critics say that was cool but it wasn't nearly as good as when they first wrote it and I want my husbands to thank my poems for the heart that they stole and I know that this this is just some Shameless attempt to petrify my soul but you know what honestly I really don't want to be forgotten I don't need Fame I don't need Fortune I just want people to know what I stood for and why I came I refused to die a mere occupant of the earth a John Doe yet another faceless man out there with no name I refuse to be just some other man I want to walk for centuries and leave my footprints in the sand for the world to see I want to be cremated into ashes of Rhymes and poetry I'm just feeling like one day they going to love me you know I don't really share my emotions too often but poetry will allow me to die with my heart on my sleeve they never saw me coming but I'mma make sure they grieve when I leave thank you Clash of 2024 [Applause] thank you s I'd now like to introduce Mr Buro Patel president of the board ofe for some brief remarks welcome it is so challenging after that performance that Blockbuster performance but we can just try welcome everyone to Edison High School graduation all the families faculty all the friends to this excitement commencement ceremony exciting commencement ceremony of 2024 I told you it's so challenging after that what you are achieving today is the symbol of your work creativity determination imagination and immeasurable potential you each bring your own set of experiences perspectives accomplishments and challenges yes we will never forget that this is the freshman year class of the covid pandemic era yet you all worked hard you all thrived you went through challenges and succeeded and look here you are the friendships that you all have made the bonds that you have created will nourish you as you go to college and Beyond I congratulate all of you and your families and friends because like Aura said it takes a village we are proud of you all and you all have our 100% support I myself come from a background deeply rooted in volunteering and community service hence today I ask you for a small favor give back to your Alma matter there are countless ways you can help Addison High School future graduate students and Addison Public School District and I hope I can count on all of you to help them Thrive the best that they can be are the Eagles willing to give me back let's hear from you thank you so much very much appreciate that this is your day I'm incredibly proud of all of you it's a Bittersweet moment but I wish you all the best apologies for all the inconvenience caused during your school years especially their conditioning and overcrowding and we'll we'll work on fixing that lots of prayers for you all wishing you lots of success let's go Eagles thank [Applause] you thank you Mr Patel I thought he was going to say eagles fly but you know then I got a little I got a little scared there for the next uh graduation at this time thank you again I would like to introduce our superintendent of schools Dr Edward aldarelli to present the class of 2024 to our Board of Education good afternoon graduates oh come on we're almost at the Finish Line good afternoon graduates this is it yeah this is this is Showtime this is game day today right so I I can't tell you what an honor and privilege it is to stand before you to here today um to witness firsthand your success I I know I speak for everybody in this Arena when I tell you that we are filled with immense Pride as we reflect on everything that you've accomplished you've shown grit resilience determination in tackling all the demands that this wonderful school district has set before you you've achieved so much in your coursework you've anticipated in everything that we've had to offer and your contributions and work ethic are one of the many reasons that Edison High School has such an outstanding reputation be assured that today though is not about celebrating your past it's about looking towards your future and as you move forward I can assure you you're going to be faced with some pretty difficult challenges especially in this everchanging Society you're going to need to make your own choices along the way with the help of your parents your family your loved ones and your friends but I'm confident that you're up to that task and I know that each of you has the ability to make a lasting impact on society and accomplish anything that you set your minds to so as you enter this next chapter in your life I challenge you to the following stick to your beliefs those are the things that have landed you here at this very moment in this arena for these principles will serve you no matter what your path or your course and lastly I want to express my sincere thanks to your parents and your loved ones and your family members how about a round of applause for them how about to your teachers and your administrators and your friends and all of the staff that and the individuals that have made this moment right now possible and they've supported you yeah absolutely you should all applaud yourselves they have all supported you through this academic Journey their influence has been the foundation of your success and I know that they enjoy that they join me in admiring and celebrating everything that you've done and are going to do so if as you leave the rack today know this you can do anything you set your mind to so I challenge you to do this aim high take risks and never lose sight of what's important to you so congratulations and best of luck in all that you do all right and and now for the good part now for the good part are you ready here we go members of the Board of Education I duly certify to you that the class of 2024 has completed all of the local and state requirements to receive the distinction of being graduates of Edison High School ladies and gentlemen I present to you the Edison High class of 2024 [Applause] congratulations now our the advisers of the class of 2024 one of the advisers of the class of 24 Miss Heath will begin with the presentation of the diplomas to the graduates ready Muhammed ibraim Amar Muhammad Abdullah Avery an Abrams Ron aaria Brian adames Jacob adames Ahmad ramish Adell Matthew Anthony Atkins canar adya Camilo Andre Aguilar espaa mustajab Ahad Delila ther alabora Jennifer Alfaro Miranda nanana Ali taek daon Allen Carol Mariana Alonzo Rowan alter s alter Alexa Diane altamirano Julio Jose Alvarez Christian Matthew aan Haley Marie aan daia [Applause] Ambrose Norine aona dilia andrees Destiny Andrews anusia Anil Jaden ANM I'm sorry ANM Julia Antonio Noah aroyo jeria Assad AR usra Dania aim Zara unther ker jotham un enza Ava Austin pronita Isa Steven AA Leah Moren Babel Nim Bader Jessica bangora runme bunod Sai namish bizar Teresita Bell Jose beretto Martinez and my son Jacob Jackson Appleman I'm sorry Jackson Appleman Juliana Benevides Angelina babay Remy Andrew baa dwick bascar om bot nasif buan cha B [Music] Kamar Bob Desmond Joe Lewis bodison Dy bump Jada Marie bonds Amy boslet Brady boslet tah dearion Boyce Gavin Raphael Bronco Jose Brantley Sebastian Bravo samama bramfield Laray Brooks Isaiah Jordan Brown Caitlyn butchko Elise Jayla bulock Sky ban Aaron Cabrera Ava [Music] Canela Sebastian cardello Aiden Carter Matthew Castro marukin Dan Thomas Setta Dylan Nim Challenger Owen Chan Hamilton Charlemagne Victoria Lee Charles Robel chy Ron Chan Andy Chen Ethan Chen how long Chen Jeffrey Chen Jala Chen Ryan Chen Hannah Chong Noel chipoco Reva Christie Anella Marie Clemente leis and anonio Cliff Laura clunis Malachi kofields [Applause] Mary Elizabeth Conway Briana Lee Cortez Thomas Crawford Zoe Von Crawford Brian Cruz Christa vinoa quas Rachel an quisan Dev kaik delwa Alysa rienne Dantes sha Richie darkshade Clark Anushka Das Ria Dada Kyla Davis Elon amelo Davis pavz epher dwit Haley Sky Dawson Jaden Dela [Applause] Barrera Kyle Del Rosario Kyle Del Cruz Rowan May Dela Cruz Alamar Delmas elif de Mercy PR dearu kushagra D prv di Rion pavy Dro Brian defrenza caric doni tin [Music] dong meline Donner archet do Kobe Emmanuel Julian Enriquez Shiloh esto Juliana Faria ybe Fano Nish Feliz Jaden Fernandez Pauline mananquil Fernandez Aiden galatius when gal Mia Garcia Leilani gasbar Joseph Michael gahi Donnie Shri gar gelsea go Donald Lee [Music] McDaniel Devin mcginness J Medina manvi Meta rahil Meta Matthew [Music] mechanic Elizabeth Grace melinger Amanda Christine Mendes Crystal Adriana Mendes Espinosa [Applause] Anthony Matthew Meyer Michael William miklos R Mirza Stephen James middleman Ria Modi Abdul Rahman Muhammad Aisha Fazal Ahmed Mohammad Mohammad Mohammad Sophia Molina Jazelle Montalvo Adib mored Katarina mukus Alexis muha Jake meller Mason [Applause] Murphy Ariba Nadim ressa Naim Dro nag Paul Angelie Naik ridy Nar hemza Nasser Emmanuel Navaro chizy [Applause] n Anthony Yan Mohammad niaz Haley no [Applause] M Aiden [Applause] nent Benjamin [Applause] Odo Alexander Oak Alexandra okam Olana femi omoni Alysa Rose osades Gideon oo Daniel oana Beckham U Theo ULU kamuku gold ozumba Leila masaki palaos Coronado Everett Jose pantalan Michael veto Papa Andrew Papo anatha venada ragavan paravasu Haley Peri IA Parisa Emily sohun Miguel Angel Pastrana Arya Patel Dro Patel Dia Patel hate Patel Gia Patel Kushi pel kurton pel Krishna pel Raina Patel Ria R Patel Shu H Patel Tanisha a Patel Tulsi Pat [Applause] vidy PTO yashi [Applause] Patel Skyler pavick Matthew Enrique pazmino Christine Pierce Vincent Matthew Pella Kayla Pena ingren Pena [Applause] perala Christina persad Elena Magdalene Petroski gor Petro Genevie pigeon Nicole PKA Julie Wayan pen Leah marara pan Stephy Naomi Michelle Pinto Mall Paulo Lucas pittinger Julie Rose Pondel Isabella Rose [Music] poita Evelyn Rose Posner Anika praos Paige joli Pua Elijah Mike Rago Josiah sha Rago nille Ry ashic [Applause] Rajiv arvan Ramesh GMO estan Ramirez Johanna Bernie Kumar Natalie Regal Justin Michael Andre Reed zames Destiny [Applause] Roso Anthony Richardson Shan Roberts Leila Robinson alaka Elis roacha [Applause] rurn Kenneth [Music] [Applause] Rodriguez Rachel Carolina Rodriguez Sarai Rodriguez Andres Rodriguez tenorio Michael roas a aen rolon micaa Ariana Rooks Kalia Barbara [Applause] Rosenfield Caitlyn is altina Rowdy Michael William rowdy [Applause] Ariel fabrio Godoy Haro DC goil Ian James Gomes Kevin Gonzalo Diana Gonzalez shinz Santiago Gonzalez Sebastian Gonzalez Faith Grace Granado Kimora Amaya green Madison Lee Greer Joseline Giana gross Daniela wardo Sai deac ganti aan Tahir ghoul nashit Gupta Jason Reginal gut laureli meline Hagins Christopher Joseph Hartman Bula Ricky Harvey Aaj Hassan sujud mahamed Osman Hassan Alexis Hernandez Anthony Hernandez David Alejandro Hernandez Devin Ian Hernandez [Applause] CI [Applause] Hernandez quer Alshon [Applause] haward Justice Dior Sharice Dar IAT [Applause] Hicks Dalvin David idalgo Destiny Faith Alexandra holder [Music] Sarah [Music] ham the twins simron Hussein and snea Hussein Alisia [Applause] Hudson siia Simone Hunter Jeremy Hutchins J Hutchinson a [Music] shakina hamna ibran Amelia innocenti kadira Ismael Lila Jackson Esther marama Jaffa Mii Jamal Muhammad Savannah Carol James Vanessa [Applause] Janowski Ava Jimenez Isadora jimnez Tomas jimnez Zari Johnson Callie Jones Amy joose somia Joi ashni kavi jaia kle Amar kapadia lakmi kava sarum kakar Tanisha kareim rianka kupi Puja qara Rahul kug aror Carr Kabir kazim RZA Kennedy Maha Khan Reas Khan Sabha Khan Zera Khan Maximus Geor Jord [Applause] kajon Julia Kim Denita Kingsley Samir Kirkland Abby not svi Cody somri centi Zachary kinet Clarissa Coons Jenna labadessa Thomas lagdameo Jay laus Anthony Lamont Jenia Langan Alexander John Lang Jimmy Lee Kate LEL Jonathan Lee Orlando Luis Leon Leonard Lim Belinda Lima David [Applause] Lyn Aaliyah Lloyd Casey Beni laugher Brian Lopez Luna Sophia Lopez Monica Alexandra Lopez Digby Gustavo Lopez Aguilar Marco Sebastian rabelas Lorenzo dearis maseda beran Alysa Masa nto Jack David McMahon Giana Carmela matalone Amaya [Applause] Madison Emily Magnuson Adia mahadin cim Malik Sonica Mander Mason John manolopoulos um mansuri John pakache Marcelo Cyrus Nicor marmo Haley Rose [Applause] Martin Kyle Martin marzes Martinez Salazar lesie Martinez [Applause] Perez Luke mad chaitan mapu Michael Damian Ruiz [Music] Roberto anel [Applause] sedra Xavier Anthony sabados Abdullah sahid tarang samudra nailla Samuel Brian Andres Sanchez Raina Cassidy sangan Chu Adriana Santana Justin Santana Lola Santana errera Luis santiso kayn Santos yasen Santos Vargas Bishop sakar Anthony s Kyle [Music] Scott asan sha G sha Chris Sha shaza Sha she Sha siia sha Muhammed Taha mujahid Shake Divia Shamu garaj Shelly sha adad Doan Shu nura nades Sid [Applause] Janiah Simmons harome ran sing man rup sing Amaya speaks Swati sasen Martina [Applause] steni Leah Stein LOF [Applause] Taylor stellingworth [Applause] [Music] Michael Sue Sarai [Applause] swazo gamari tabalo rashab tetti Manor toah here Benjamin takach BBY tamboli Rea Tasia Chelsea Taylor Dyan tile mom elani lenise [Applause] Terell rahas terrari Dominic Tisdale Yash toari Raquel Teo Garcia ramulo toban [Applause] Ramirez Alexander Tolentino Gian Lynn Torres [Applause] siia Travis Melanie Trejo Isabella trobliger [Applause] Matthew Tano dukha tagi Haley Marie valderama [Applause] Olivia Valdez Sophia Valdez arson Marie [Applause] valario Lauren Nicole van valkenberg Dylan farazi [Music] Harry [Music] FAS Riley Vasquez Vel Gabriela Vasquez Tes Maya [Applause] vard ised Velasquez Dolores Skyler Ventura Sebastian Matias Vera Ian Vera faab haa vickram Bruno voso Cordova Samantha Sophia Villa Fernanda villanua Brian vas Brian Scott Vincent Eko Wong Hayden Joseph Waters Claudia AI wedy charell May Wells [Applause] chavolin Janice Wells Jeffrey westye Kai Wiggum Xander Whitaker Samantha Marie Williams Reginald Woodson Aiden wer Serenity Celeste Wright Allison C Kimmy suet Shu junan Yang venar yanala Amy Yen Samuel sabala Iman Zur Adrien zapala [Applause] now it is my honor to present the graduates from our final group Dr Ellie Dr alderi if you would help me do the honors now for our VIPs we're going to give a little bit more information and Shout them out so the first person that we're going to give it to is our valedictorian aara inamar aara was a kid quiz ball vice president Science Olympiad president all sorts of elementary school he would most like to thank his parents he's going to NJIT big round of applause at tarva our number two Eduardo Nunes staying right here at ruer civil engineering service was in Aces to Aven and being a great kid in attendance he would like to most thank Papa Dios [Applause] number three Simone Banks going to Bowie State University Service was in her Public School speaking she wants to thank her mom and her late grandparents number four our announcer Isa Kazi going to ruter for biology she was the Pledge in the morning announcer Deca District's PSA president wants to thank her dad and mom and God all right our sports announcer Alisa Anor free she's already got one year of MCC down she's going there to finish her Associates in biocam our morning announc she wants to thank her parents and the staff let's go next to sushan balar Raman going to Texas A&M from our STEM Academy model un Secretary General wants to be thank his teachers and his parents next up ashitosh bahora going to Ruckers compai Finance AA National English Honor Society wants to thank parents friends and teachers next up one of the twins Rihanna Bose University of Illinois sh Urbana mechanical engineering president of the art Club art and illustrator editor of the Eagles Eye backstage for peacock member of Unicef wants to thank her parents and her twin sister next up going to ruter parth gandi going into aerospace engineering president of the chess club and actually advisor chalis of the school orchestra quizbowl STEM Academy thanks his parents students friends and his extended family Steven who going to ruter Honors College for finance VP at a chess club Deca National English Honor Society Society FR stem wants to thank his parents and Friends another STEM Academy student je Jag tab going to the University of Maryland College Park for computer science and machine learning varsity swim Captain wind on Sample saxophone quiz bowl and being a normal stem kid got a thank his parents counselors Deanie Hoy and Nasser next up augustia caligara going to Georgia Tech as a stamp scholar biotech computer engineer quiz ball president National Science ball president Science Olympiad math team wants to thank Miss crudy sing parents and Friends next up Vincent Lea going to the University of Chicago studying mathematics editor of the Eagles Eye Deca Chinese Culture Club Esports stem wants to thank Miss Harris's calculus teacher and friends and parents madav Mandela getting his chords at the last second also going to Georgia Tech aerospace engineering stem math team captain model un director General Science Olympiad Tech intern each and every one of his friends is who he wants to thank Anana pande going to ruter University for computer science and data science a double major Orchestra peacock Society stem and Art Club wants to thank family friends teachers and her dog let's go for Vara pisula Desh Trinity College Dublin University dual ba Neuroscience Science Olympiad stem Honor Society triam guitar Ensemble wants to thank her parents her little sister her teachers special mention to the guitar Ensemble Mr J ranga mayi pully going to perue for artificial intelligence she's been in Stam and FC CLA she wants to thank her parents and her cat saman Tech route going to rers University of engineering Computer Engineering STEM Academy EHS Esports quiz Bowl Battle of the books state champ Honor Society for math wants to thank his sister shika Samara saravanan saravanan biomed engineering at ruer stem peacock Society dancer Spanish National Honor Society would like to thank her family O'Neal Shaw going to Indiana University Kelly School of business finance STEM Academy Science robotics Esports Deca National Honor Society volleyball wants to thank mom dad rean his friends and Miss sing esan shett another person going to Indiana University School of Kelly Finance computer science DEC co-president model un Varsity tennis captain and we've got want to like to thank Tanya Tanisha Mom Dad Miss fry grandma grandpa Miss Singh and Miss Tierney Alvin woo University of Maryland College Park compiz cyber security STEM Academy co-president Deca base two in the chambers choir wants to thank his parents and Miss Tierney all right now we get to the executive board from the class of 24 Miss kadisha Kareem from ruter University studying psychology co-chair secretary for art Honor Society board member for the French Club M member of national French Society want to thank mom dad sister and brother for supporting her through the high school years kosa Patel going to Indiana University finance class Council board member since freshman year rotary board member Tech intern decco sto finalist NHS Varsity tennis and golf wants to thank Dei mom and dad and next up another Executive Board member from the senior class Madison zukaro going down to the University of Miami for biochemistry and nutrition president of rotary Library Council co-chair student council class of 24 Council girls golf Captain manager of Robotics Quiz Bow like to thank Mama F Mima family Miss Singh and her best friend Sana sanana sorry all right getting into here we have Rika Bose NHS Treasurer by president of the art Club layout editor for the eagles eye going to University of Illinois Urbana she wants to thank her sister parents friends and teachers Doha aifi yeah going here to ruer she's undecided she's the class treasur MSA president staff writer for the Eagles ey Spanish National Honor Society wants to thank haar khabba a her parents and all her beautiful friends all right moving on to the student council you got a student I think it's Shri Hari Ary sentto Kumar he's going to Indiana University for finance student council treasur Decker co-president wants to thank mom dad and his brother all right moving on to Ox katri NHS secretary two-year drum major Tri and president NHS we've got Mom Dad uncle aunt and deie and Mr dilman thanks to you Jessica L secretary to class of 24 is going to Rucker Pharmacy class Council four-year Orchestra member cross country captain wants to thank mom dad sister and especially her dog buddy thanks buddy all right next goes up is VI kudah High student council secretary University of Illinois orbana champagne compai Varsity soccer Captain varsity volleyball student council MHS FHS mbhs all of those letters once thank his little brother vhan all right we have now miss suhani Choy NHS vice president bruers University csai four-year band member section leader National Spanish Honor Society English Honor Society wants to thank her family especially her parents and sister sanana raes class of 24 vice president going here ruter biomed on a Premed track Thank You dror choir librarian class Council vice president p Society theater French so much Deca wants to thank her mom dad and her brother all right student council vice president Muhammad abduli going to Case Western Reserve for biomed and Neuroscience s student council vice president varsity volleyball Captain vars City soccer FCCLA Medal winner MSA wants to thank his sister namra and omo all right our National Honor Society president let's give it up for May Kim going to Duke un Unity on a chemistry Premed track stem student Varsity Softball class Council French Club president Honor Society president English Honor Society rotary so many honor societies wants to thank her mom her brother Ryan and friends all right we're getting to the last two let's give it up for first we've got adua going to the University of Toronto for Global Health she is the heart and soul behind our film club president of the film Club photo editor for the Eagles Eye Rotary Club co-chair and your class of 24 president she wants to thank everybody in the world especially her mom yay moms all right and last up we have charvey P manini going to ruter Business School New Brunswick for finance General stco president Latin club secretary tennis decco finalist NBS Honor Society Latin Honor Society headed the extracurricular president Council she would most like to thank God family and her friends big round of applause for the graduates of 2024 I'd now I'd like to have charvey our student council president address the class ladies and gentlemen distinguished guests faculty parents in The Amazing class of 2024 it is a great honor and a privilege to stand before you today as your student council president and as a member of this graduating class first and foremost I want to take a moment to express my utmost respect love and gratitude for the most important people in my life my Umma my nana and my AKA my mom she she never gave me any idea that I couldn't do whatever I wanted to do or be whomever I wanted to do be she filled her house with laughter and love despite the challenges my mom was facing she never failed to wake up early to make me a homecook meal every single day for 12 years I am forever grateful for the woman who prioritized my health over her own my dad's wisdom guidance and terrible dad jokes have shaped me into who I am today he worked countless hours to provide for a family to make sure I'm happy in all my endows your belief in me has been unshakable and both of your support throughout my academic career has been a guide poost and lastly to my sister thank you for being my partner in crime my enemy and always a shoulder to lean on I can always count on you to hold my secrets you are my forever best friend and I wouldn't be here without you I'll never forget the days I came into your room crying over a college rejection a low grade or just overwhelmed with stress and your words will forever carry on with me even though I don't say it much I love you all and you are my heroes now let's talk about the elephant in the room covid-19 we started our freshman year with visions of camaraderie and liveby classrooms but suddenly Zoom became our best friend and chat GPT became our secret weapon for tackling assignments we were cre we were greeted with zoom classes awkward breakout rooms and the occasional unflattering camera angle point more our ceilings than our faces who could have predicted that our high school Journey would be filled with a constant struggle to mute ourselves but you know what we made it through we became experts in navigating the mute button Masters our virtual presentations and connoisseurs of the sorry my wife as acing up today excuse and skillfully using chat TBT and paraphraser dcom for all our assignments the skills we' acquired during this time are undoubtly unique and they will serve us well into the next chapter of our life lives we formed unbreakable bonds shared Unforgettable memory and support each other through the ups and downs the different events we took part in in our four years have created Everlasting memories from Secret senior light games to prom let us remember the strength we've shown the perseverance we've demonstrated and the power of our Collective Spirit we have proven time and time that we can overcome any OB school and will continue to do so in the future now as you prepare to toss our graduation caps into the air let us embrace the unknown with open arms let us remember the friendships we forged the knowledge we've gained and the moments that have shaped us and let us never forget the incredible support we received from our family friends and teachers whove guided us on this journey but before I leave the stage I want to leave you all with one thing even if you weren't listening throughout these last three minutes I want you listen to this as we step into the next chapter of Our Lives it is important to remember that stress is inevitable it often feels like no one else is worried or stressed but these challenges are Universal stress has shaped me into who I am today from crying in my fifth grade classroom for not making its honors math has been a memory that has successfully motivated me to work harder life will present challenges and pressures but we must approach them with the Curiosity and openness of a child Embrace each experience with a fresh perspective and a sense of wonder believe in your ability to overcome obstacles for you you can achieve anything as long as you are not your own enemy let stress be a motivator and not a barrier and always maintain faith in yourself and as every speaker has done in the past it is only tradition for me to follow and leave you with a quote as Venus Williams has said you have to make sure you believe in yourself even when no one else does as that's what makes you the real winner so class of 2024 as real winners let's go out there and show the world we're made of let's take what we've learned inside and outside the virtual classroom to make make a difference congratulations my fellow graduates here's the future fill with love laughter and success thank you and let's celebrate this extraordinary achievement [Applause] together at this time I'd like to call adua the senior class president to address her class with the closing address all right before I start this final address I wanted to do something I know that taking photos on stage may seem a little played out but seeing as I asked everyone over the past three years hey do you guys want to take a photo I thought it was only fitting if I got in one as well so for the last time I in high school do you guys want to take a photo here the [Music] back all right thank you so much char hope none of you blinked good afternoon everyone I would like to thank the support system of family friends and esteemed faculty who nurtured the class which I am so honored to represent today the Edison High School class of 2024 today I stand before you as a byproduct of my mom who by raising two children on her own taught me through example a person's true capability to achieve any goal they set their mind to though while I was brought up to be self-reliant I feel that my most meaningful SU successes were achieved alongside the encouragement of my peers I come from a very small family I know three family members over seven continents and that's it however despite coming from what'll probably be an incredibly intriguing 23 in me report I've never felt alone my time in Edison High School has exemplified the significance of tight-knit communities in the grand scheme of the bigger picture see when I took a photography sophomore year I fear that it kept me as a shell of a person living life by capturing everyone else's back then I fail to note how lucky I was to witness the similarities between such a variety of different groups and how they LED their lives from the athletes present at football semifinals junior year to the model un delegates as nishman many of you have discovered your Niche and devoted your skills to uplifting your respective communities and if you don't feel that you resonate with a particular click I can attest that the most meaningful Community is the one that you create for yourself the joy in each Victory by the individual is best celebrated with the people who care the most about them if I can be fully transparent with you all I feel that the contents of this speech is not as welld developed as I had hoped it could be however I hope that the immense love that I wrote it with is evident because I wrote it with my friends in mind in the grand scheme of my life I am the bigger picture I exist as a mosaic of the people around me all their indirect teachings about perseverance compassion and loyalty at the risk of jeopardizing my speech of hopefully not being cliche free I would like to thank all the stud to be graduates present today Mr Ross says it best you are what's great about Edison High School may you all continue to lead your lives with the same passion and integrity that you've channel into your accomplishments today thank you for giving me this chance to express my gratitude and congratulations to the class of 2024 and I'll Now call charvey to join me in the final ceremony all right class please rise [Applause] [Music] please join us in the Turning of the tassel to signify that you are now graduate let's hear one last cheer for the class of 2024 [Applause] my [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] the [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music]