##VIDEO ID:dpb3evK_xSY## e e e e e e e e e e my agenda yeah I did I forgot to I forgot to and I didn't print it out let me print it out you didn't no I didn't let me borrow just start it we'll load it till then all right sorry starting the work session of October 21st 2024 calling it to order at 6:02 p.m. please stand for the Pledge of Allegiance to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for it stands one nation under God indivisible with liberty and justice for all Madam clerk roll call please council member brusher here council member Coyle here council member Harris here council member Patel here council member PTI here council member poiner presid council member Schell okay Madame clerk uh please read the adequate noce adequate noce of this meeting is required by the open public meeting Act of 1975 has been provided by the annual notice sent to the home News Tribune Star Ledger Desi talk in news India times on December 12th 2023 and post it in main lobby Municipal complex on that same date all right moving on to oral petitions and remark uh starting with the uh starting out Joel bassoff am I on camera no oh Joel bassoff 17 Beach Lane Edison you recognized so first of all in the interest of full disclosure for anyone that might be watching the meeting uh on television or uh on YouTube um not wearing a mask um but I don't have a problem with anyone who does wear a mask and I'm not sure why anyone should have a problem with that so that raises my first question for the evening which is can we get uh some instruction as to what would be the case law that would authorize a presiding officer to eject someone for wearing a mask uh we've heard an opinion that that's within the discretion of the presiding officer but we haven't heard what the actual legal justification is for that uh and a question going along with that is why doesn't the ejection of people for simply wearing masks raise fears of litigation I know in other contexts uh the council has uh rationalized not taking certain steps for example uh not uh adopting an ordinance for a public Advocate because it could lead to litigation why not uh an even more powerful fear that that ejecting someone for wearing a mask could lead to costly litigation okay so that's one question I have uh another issue that raises questions is that I received the recent Edison Illuminator and I saw right at the beginning the mayor thanked five members of the council for supporting various projects uh around town which of course ignores uh two other members of the council now it's all well and good to recognize uh people for uh supporting a particular agenda but this is a taxpayer funded document and it starts to look an awful lot like taxpayer funded campaigning and this is problematic because with any issue particularly with spending issues it's legitimate for there to be differences of opinion and often those differences of opinion are principled so people have principled uh wellth thought out reasons for voting for an expenditure but members of the council also have wellth thought out principled reasons for voting against it and for a taxpayer funded document to only recognize one side of the issue uh makes it seem like the mayor is is just campaigning for only those who will blindly support him and ignoring the fact that it's a seven- member Council and it's actually perfectly legitimate for various viewpoints to be represented on the council so maybe in an effort to let the playing field uh I think the members of the public should thank councilman Richard Brasher and councilman AJ patil for questioning certain expenditures and voting no when in their principal judgment they believe that it it's contrary to the public interest and then going forward my question is do members of the council believe that those who oppose those expenditures somehow were were not principled and and should be ignored in a taxpayer funded document so that's my question there and a follow-up question to that is why should the public be happy with what amounts to a campaign document be being funded with taxpayer money um I have another question on the agenda um item 9B there's a $61,000 change order uh my question is why is that justified uh then I have a question about another item that's on the agenda Jackson Avenue widening uh I've been at several meetings and I've watched several meetings where people of that neighborhood have spoken adamantly against the widening of their street they do not want more truck traffic they do not want trucks closer to their front doors so on what basis is that still being considered does the council see itself as representing the residents of the town or more as representing the interests of the the logistics centers there is also an item about um the proposal for New Logistics centers on Whitman Avenue and I noticed a news report mentions that matachin has hired a lawyer uh this is on the border of matachin the Bor of matachin has hired a lawyer in opposition to this application so obviously Mutan is looking out for the interests of their resident who live near that proposal Joe which number was that um I'm talking about um there was an application it's not on the agenda but there was but there was an application for a new logis center on Whitman Avenue I'm not asking the council to weigh in on the merits of that that's before the planning board that's all very well and good but my point there is that the burrow of matachin has hired a lawyer to represent the interests of their residents who live in the vicinity of that project that's really the equivalent of a public Advocate now the people on the Edison side of Whitman Avenue in this particular case good for them they're not going to have to hire a lawyer to represent their interests the borrow of mouen is doing it for them but not everybody in mouen uh not everybody in Edison lives close to matachin and can count on another town looking out for their interests so the question there is do you think the mouin is wrong paying for lawyer to represent the interests of their citizens who could be negatively impacted by a new Logistics Center uh please explain why you think that matachin is wrong to do that and if you don't think that mouin is wrong then explain why the resident of Edison your time is up sorry all right so going on to the questions uh legal I'll ask you to answer the MK question so I provided the council with a detailed memorandum regarding our legal uh interest in the matter um because of the constant threats of litigation from the audience I'm not going to uh go into the specific legal Doctrine uh that I presented to the council however I will refer you to Grant versus Slattery um which is from the federal courts uh which does allow for the council president uh to uh enforce rules of decorum in order for the business of the council to continue um and for an orderly and proper council meeting to commence okay uh jumping on to the change order Sonia can you answer 9B sure um the change order is due to some um softening of that um Court um with the dirt there was Clay that was presented and so we've been resurfacing most of our court this is actually the first one that we've had this issue with and so therefore um as you know we are allowed a 20% uh differential for change orders uh through the local public contracts law this is about 5% so um we're asking the council to consider this so that we can move forward with the project okay uh in terms of Jackson AB any council member would like to speak to that council president Council po um first looking out for like the logistics Center my priority is the school followed by then the residents that live on there so to insinuate that Logistics centers or warehousing in the back is a focus of any member up here I think that's a falsehood that would be my only comment thank you yeah and I I would add to that that we do represent the town as a whole and there has been a lot of complaints from parents of that school and also the emergency issues when the morning traffic with safety is a cause of that issue and there's a reason why this issue was brought up to be changed government is slow and there's a reason why this has been needing to be done there needs to be something to be done at Jackson now and there are plenty of options presented unfortunately this is the best of those options I know it's not the perfect option not everyone is happy with it but this is the best of the option and that is why I believe we should move forward with it um that's Jackson now um in terms of oh you want okay Jackson yes on Jackson Avenue I actually listed it in my comments but as long as you're bringing it up um like I said I went out there I spoke to the residents the mayor actually took the time to go out the other day to Jackson Avenue um the and the residents asked a bunch of questions the mayor was supposed to get back to everybody of which I don't know if he got back to any of the residents because he didn't have a plan for any of the questions that they asked you know and and they're legitimate questions people wanted to know what you're going to do with the telephone polls and he said you know well we're and they said you going to put it on my property and they he said no we're not going to put it on your property so they said but then what are you going to do put it in the middle of the sidewalk and he said well he didn't know but he would get back to him on it um there was a lot of we don't know um you know and to say something like I'll tell you this the residents live there right that's their street to say that this is for the parents from the school this is prepost okay I I'll be honest with you if I was a mayor right I mean I'm an adult I'm older than our current mayor um but let's be real here why to put a sign out on Amboy Avenue right that just says please drop your students off on Amboy Avenue we have a police department here and we will make sure that your students your children will make it to the school unharmed okay because when I was a child we all walked to school I don't understand the premise or the thought of a parent that would need to drop their child off to a middle school I mean what is this saying about our school system that our children in Middle School can't actually they they can't get to school themselves that their parents have to drop them off at the door so so that the parents can get them to the door it's either for that or it's to make the truck traffic so the trucks can drive faster down Jackson Avenue it's it's one or the other those are the only two reasons why you'd want to widen Jackson Avenue and affect everybody's life that's lived there so I I personally it makes absolutely no sense um I've seen this body push through many um items on the agenda that the mayor feels that that are his items um I've spoken out against these items because I believe they're not rational they're not logical it's like my way or the highway um so yes that's probably why to your second question why I'm not on his uh flyer um that's there or maybe it was because I didn't vote for him to send out as political mailer anymore um you know we go to the attorney general for different things I'm keeping a list right because during his upcoming election I am going to list every law that I believe he's broken and ask why the Attorney General hasn't investigated him on these laws so you know moving forward yes I think we're going off tangent here but Jackson no it was about the flyer and about me not I was just trying to keep to the Jackson now and then we were going to move on to that okay I'll tell you what when we get to that one I'll come back to that okay all right in terms of the uh why is the matou in hiring to represent themselves because Unfortunately they don't represent themselves in Edison planning board Edison planning board has this own representation in Edison we represent the town the Township in Edison so if we have an issue with matachin planning board we would hire an opposition lawyer at least from my understanding because we wouldn't have representation in matachin we would have to hire an opposition we as a planning board represent Edison Township that we have Experts of our own that represents Edison so that that is why we don't have to hire an opposition for against ourselves um coun president yeah be oh go ahead okay on that same thing with mouin right what we just heard was if we had an issue I sat in this Council chamber where we had probably a hundred people that were asking about cannabis we've received hundreds of emails about cannabis that was opened up in Highland Park right on the Edison border but this mayor and this council did nothing to hire an attorney to go after that so just let's keep that on the record that uh where our mayor stands on it thank you okay uh counc U thank you council president just a comment in regards to that and I have to be prefaced because I'm on the plane board however um it's in front of the planning board which means that by definition it's within our zoning guidelines so if there's an issue with the zoning of that area then your proper recourse is really to come at this body because we're the ones that set zoning thank you council president um Council on the Jackson Avenue okay I don't want to go back and the same issues again but I'll give you a quick moment for the Jackson Avenue on record you know I did ask Administration to give us the documentation backup documentation I was told mayor's office has contacted residents which we know the meeting happened uh but there is nothing that came out from the brief of that meeting to this body because this body is the one who is going to vote up and down that particular resolution and if we don't have the information I don't know unless mayor thinks he has the VES to pass it which is upsetting to me personally and it is against the wish and the will of the Jackson Avenue residents so my request is before Wednesday hopefully you can provide the backup documentation how many residents attended how many were in favor how many were in against what's the resolution there and you can give me another data that talks about the uh the parents that have the concern about the traffic and I would you can uh you don't need to give me the name and address of the uh parent but at least you can tell how many parents are objecting to that but more than that this issue should have been discussed actually in the board of leaz on meeting where the police chip is there the fire chief is there the you know three members of the council are there and something has to be come out whether we should change the traffic pattern or some sort of a resolution and come to this body with that report not just take random decisions here so con my ask and expectation is by Wednesday we this body should have the report what happened in that meeting and what is the outcome before you we vote up and down thank you sir council president if I could just add in terms of answering uh councilman B's question so we are compiling all of the Q&A and that was what was promised to the residents so that may not happen by Wednesday because we are putting that together but you'll get that before the next council meeting of course it would be the will of the body to table this but our recommendation would be to table this because our promise was to provide that information to the residents thank you all right so I think that's a fair ask we'll table it we'll get the information and we'll make a decision moving on to The Eliminator council president just for Jackson Avenue yes I'm finding it to mute point I don't think there's the votes on the council to do it anyway but if we're going through this we could just going through this process but obviously I'm not in favor of widening or changing Jackson Avenue in any way I don't need to meet with the residents I know the answer of the residents who've come to me and called me on the phone I received a few phone calls um I know it's good for the community you know a lot of us live in the area we know the area school's been there for decades it's managed through many times of population and changes and it'll survive if it's a 180-day season that it has some issues so it be for the for the 30 minutes it happens I've stood down there multiple times during traffic and the traffic times of dropping off kids is very short it's a 25-minute window 30 minutes tops and it's over so I don't think making infrastructure improvements is necessary I'm open to listen to the council to see how this comes together but I'll be voting no I'm quite certain other members of the council will be voting no as well so and um that's pretty much where I stand with that thank you council president thank you Council M Coyle uh moving on to The Eliminator uh council president oh oh okay yes um this question actually speaks also to the ta to our tax bills that came and that was several months ago where the same thing had happened where the specific council members who voted yes were listed and then the NOS were listed and my reaction then as it is now is I was dismayed and very uncomfortable with that sure I voted yes and it was proud of my vote and still am proud of my vote but I don't think it's appropriate to put that in there I let I let the mayor know that I thought it was inappropriate that it was upsetting to me he held his ground that he thought it was it was important that the the public knew and I said public wants to know they can go back and watch Edison TV and see how people voted or go in into the minutes but um the fact I I got M as an Illuminator today I didn't even get a chance to thumb through it but it's even more disappointing that it's in there again today and I don't support that going forward thank you right uh councilman council president Council and okay thank you uh I also received the Illuminator not that I care much like many residents I spoke passionately about mailer uh mayor using taxpayers money for his propaganda not once multiple time and even I challenge this council members on this di to stand up and say no to this propaganda going back to the record of mayor josi he's on the record he never ever voted yes for any tax increase yet never in fact during the mayor debate he even said he will never vote for the budget increase yet he doesn't like the council member questioning him on his or spending and voting no so that shows the immaturity but that immaturity is taken to the next level using taxpayers money to send the mailer out not once not twice multiple time I have reached out to many residents resident do reach out why your name is missing and they know that who is truly serving on this Council di who are their voices and one of the resident came I think few uh meetings back and he said there is silent majority watching these Council meetings they know the facts they don't care what the mail or they are receiving from the mayor's office thank you council president thank you Council P Council Brer uh yeah I you know what I'm going to Echo my colleagues sentiment um I got called um somebody called me today I normally don't get the Illuminator for some reason it doesn't happen to come to 868 Grove Avenue um but I don't know that we've gotten a list is who we actually mail them to or anything like that but for some reason I don't get them all the time I've received one since I think he's become there um but what happens is people send me screenshots of it um to me it's just it's child dish it's the lack of experience um of the mayor that we have that's just my personal opinion of him okay which shows with how he runs his government here um with that being said it's next the council president council president and Council mcoy I'll be brief but I am kicking the can down the road here for decades there's been several mayors that have done the same thing they've all had their agencies and they promoted different things within that and they've also promoted who voted for their vision and their agenda and their budget um we also have plaques that are on walls that stand for those who supported a project or didn't support a project for instance the splash park I'm sure it voted 70 but if it voted 61 that person's name is still promoted on that project so people can sit here and complain but the right place to complain to is to file an ethic complaint in the state of New Jersey so your issue you have to understand that there's a gray area of what you care to talk about today and what you didn't care to talk about yesterday I'm not saying the the speaker in front of me but several people come here and have an opposition reason to speak against the Mayor Sam Joi we've had this propaganda for a long time that happens call it propaganda call it information it's happened before it's been going on for 25 years plus that we've been watching and it's been no different so to St something today about how he uses the Illuminator in objective is just your opinion but you really should just file a claim with the state of New Jersey for the ethics department and see what the outcome would be whether the money is being used inappropriately or not to sit here and complain at this body we don't have the jurisdiction to change that to begin with it's his administration it's his choice we can vote against the Illuminator not have information brought to the residents which would be foolish because residents enjoy the Luminator and I don't think you can find enough people that would say they don't want that I get calls I get emails people love the Illuminator to find out what's going on in town you can poster you can laugh all you want as a speaker but I agree I think you're wrong and I think I can find a handful of residents that would disagree you're welcome to count your people and bring them here when you want and and give it your all but in the same breath there are several members of the council that are not in that Illuminator today the one I received in and there's no difference I mean so for the one point he's talking about a vote none of us are in it for other reasons so I'm not sitting complaining about that and I didn't hear other members complain they're not in The Eliminator so call it what you wish but your choice is to go and file in the New Jersey ethics and make your complaint there and see if it's validated and received and see what the outcome would be thank you thank you councilman Co council president I would need to rebuttal what council Council my colleague said 20 years councilman how many times the residents have received The Eliminator none so let's not lie to the public yes there one time May lank did send a letter to your record he did mention who supported his budget because it was steep increasing budget I oppose that budget my Council colleague did support the budget in fact I know councilman uh K upos the budget so our two names were missing but that was one letter one it didn't go with the tax thing it was more of the one off the letter but this is a continuation month quarter or quarter so you you use the right word councilman propaganda yes the problem here is this Council controls the budget this is happening with our dime is the taxpayers dime if once once in a while I get it but if you look at all the roads they were paved mayor josi did send a letter to all of them and I question to this Council D you all we mute no one wants to stand up and say hey mayor you're wrong because there are certain people who just want to follow the train either they are up for election next year or they have Ambitions to go somewhere else but again there is a silent majority just remember people know who they who which C council member care for their taxes with that I will rest my case thank you sir all thank you president counc I'll be 10 seconds like I've mentioned before call your marketing social media call it the tax insert end of the day file it your complaint with the ethics of New Jersey thank you thank you Council MCO and as for me I believe The Eliminator serves a purpose it serves to inform the public for those that do not have the time to follow the council meetings uh the only time I would have a problem with it is if it misls the public to end saying that hey someone voted yes when they didn't vote Yes but I believe the public deserves to know how the council voted I understand there might be more nuance as to whether or not why they voted certain ways but unfortunately when you're putting a newsletter together the purpose of the newsletter is to be brief it's not to recreate the whole scenario so I believe it serves a purpose uh maybe it could be seen as propaganda but I think it's a good thing to have the knowledge passed on to the public as to what is going on in the council and that is it for that uh thank you Joel okay anybody else that would like to speak J ship Freeman oh uh you're recognized I think we're playing games with the public because we're already hiding everything and I'm not talking about this particular person that comes up and wear a mask but if your incompetence in leadership is hurting us okay like someone told me this morning they said well Joyce we're going to play we're going to guess who speaking by Voices and stuff and they say it's very distasteful that you have a person running the whole town oh it might go to litigation it might go to this other thing let me tell you something you need to be in my leadership class I will teach you how somebody looks for your Achilles Hill and when you react to it that that uh makes your leadership skill poor because you react to them you know and I think that I don't care what anybody says um Tom Lany mayor Tom Lany he did not play this childish game I in my in my uh taxpayer for two years in a row I get to see oh this one didn't vote for this this one didn't vote for that and then we're in the communicator that seems like to me like third and fourth grade stuff I'm a middle school and high school teacher that's third and fourth grade stuff okay guess what we're not going into fascism and all that they're entitled you're entitled to have a different opinion you don't have to agree with everything you're voting on 90% of his agenda but you're the enemy and you're voting on 90% of it there's something wrong with the person in a leadership position that acts that way okay I don't know if you done sniffed it or something went to your head and you're that ridiculous and you're that childish I like it when people ask questions I like it when people make you think more okay that's what's wrong with like I don't know that's what's wrong with what the town is going through don't we want to build knowledge in people don't we want to do critical thinking skills I think that's very important that well maybe we don't do that anymore maybe we'll just do uh uh you know that GPT chat and stuff like that we won't have the ability to critically think now you can do uh Ai and all the rest of that stuff but is that the type of Youth and the type of people that you want to be indoctrinated you go to the schools you indoctrinate and tell the kids or whoever doesn't agree with me all of a sudden they are communist something is wrong with them because they don't agree with me don't you see there's something wrong with that statement I you know and councilman Brer if you want my Illuminator you can have it I don't need it because I don't need someone that divides people up okay if if you got good leadership skills because I've been on tons of leadership committee if you're these two people don't agree with this particular topic this is what you do as a real leader you call them in you sit with them and say wait a minute if you can't do A and B can you at least do c you understand that when it comes to leadership it's sad to me that way and it's sad to me that the people of Jackson Avenue all right you're gonna have these trucks rushing down the street rushing down the street now on Main Street I've asked the Commissioners uh for signs that said don't block this driveway and there's a street coming out that the school buses they'll get hit that way nobody cares about that but I noticed when I moved there over 20 years ago it just a little bit but now I noticed was about 20 kids walking across the street going to soccer all right we're not doing the demographics we oh oh we'll just do all this stuff over here we'll take this from the the kids and we'll give it to the seniors all of a sudden a whole bunch of kids that came out of nowhere so I don't think we doing the demographics right I don't think people are actually seeing these young kids that's coming out with a soccer ball they don't need to be going across that Highway they need to like a little Cross or something that they can go across Main Street when they go back to the bat of playing soccer but I heard they probably won't have that soon because they're going to put pickle ball courts there so I don't know where they'll play all right my whole sad thing is about it is that we always we want to be so harsh we want to just kill the youth off but we don't want to do anything I want a press conference where they say look at the new facility we bought for the kids listen look at all the new programs we're doing for the Youth that's the kind of stuff I want being from the education system and I think this really disappoints me the most when people tell me they said oh y'all had a regular clown show oh yeah we had a clown show because if you act stubborn and you don't listen and you think your way is the right way no matter how p no matter how childish no matter how vindictive you won't win in this world you just won't win it's very important you know you can hide people and all that stuff but you know one thing the sad part is you're not really hurting us you're hurting you because it makes you seem like you're the most incompetent people ever and making almost $20,000 and you want to hide in the shadows it's sad thank you J uh next person is Paul fle you can come on up to the D uh you cannot it has to be one person you can you can speak after him that if that's okay with you okay thanks so just your name and your address and then I'll recognize you uh my name is Paul fle 13 Nottingham Road you're recognized um I've lived in Edison like a really long time um and uh I now live at Nottingham Road and and um my neighbor Lisa and I put together a petition to request the paving of Nottingham Road now um I lived here for 30 years the road has never been paved it's in terrible condition um it's um a thorough Fair which is used by people who cut through as opposed to driving up to Oak Tree Road so we get a lot of speeders um our neighborhood has changed to the extent that uh people like original owners and older people have left because their children are grown up as are mine and um new younger families are moving in so now we have a lot more children on the street that we should be concerned with um I guess the thing that got Lisa and I um interested in this was that we saw some streets nearby um like Fargo Court um Chandler Devin Peru Warwick uh all being paved when they have um uh much less um vehicular traffic than what we have and that didn't seem to make sense it and it it also seemed unfair um let's see what are our other points point we have a lot of walkers in our area my wife and I uh are both Walkers um I do it for my health and because I like my neighborhood and my wife does it you know for the same reason and we have uh children um there's no sidewalks also so that um we're obligated uh to walk in the street um there are uh patch jobs that have been applied where the road is in bad condition and um they don't do a very good job of it within about let's say half an hour the patch that was put down has been torn up by people driving through there so what's the point of that if anything it just um uh infuriates um my neighbors and and I to see all the now so now we have pebbles in the street where we didn't have any before um the road could use more lighting uh I'm um of two minds on this subject I think the lighting would add to our safety but it would also make it more difficult for me to um go outside and do stargazing so um I I could see the advantage to having that and that's ancillary to the idea of Paving the road uh speed bumps um um uh about 15 years ago I attended a meeting on the very subject of that and some were put in on Stevenville and that's nice and uh was a was a good idea but we could use one or two also and there again I'm not sure do I want a speed bump in front of my house where everybody's going to be slowing down I would accept it because for the general good even though for me it might not be uh the perfect thing um let's see something my colleague created a lot of notes here that I have a little trouble reading uh we didn't know where to go with this um so I created a change.org petition I don't know if any of you have seen it it's a very interesting process it took my verbiage and using AI that somebody me mentioned earlier spit out um some lingo which is a little high futin there were a couple grammatical errors that I had to correct um but um it got me involved in a process that uh I've never been here I mean I've lived here both uh on Nottingham Road Park Avenue and I lived in a garden apartment my kids all went to uh JP Stevens and all the schools here um and I've never been in this this Council chamber before and um outside of every other concern I have I'm I find it's very exciting to see democracy in action um and whatever disagreements you might have with each other I very much appreciate your service to this town and um I've seen some great things um recently in town um uh I know I'm being sort of wordy with this but I really love living in Edison uh there's a lot of great people my kids did exceptionally well in school that might be because my wife is so smart but um the um conveniences here the um the the intelligence there's there's a lot of um very good things in Edison and uh I'd like to see some more of that apply to um my particular Street Nottingham Road um let me uh apparently other petitions have been forwarded over the years as well and the inquiries seem to go nowhere um I don't know whether um there's someone to blame or not or if it's one of you uh please raise your hand right now Paul unfortunately your time is up so we can you cannot continue speaking uh but we will try to get you your answers now council president a couple of questions do we know where Nottingham is at on the paving list over the next couple of years so uh Council vice president what I did get a copy of the petition a couple weeks ago it was sent to engineering to take a look at that and to try to coordinate um various lists that we've put together so uh we are working on it okay and We'll advise the resident all right the other sorry the the other thing you asked about speed bumps and unfortunately this came out at the meeting we had on Jackson Avenue last week and they had asked about speed bumps as well Edison is phasing out speed bumps because it actually creates more of a hazard to cars if let's say you have an ice an icing situation or snow that's covering it and you don't you don't see the speed bump that it does a great deal of damage so from what from what we were told last week speed bumps are being phased out okay well I Paul Paul Paul unfortunately you're not allowed to speak You're you have there's everyone has six minutes and they're not allowed to speak after the six minutes because it's only fair so unfortunately there's no back and forth but we will try to continue the conversation Sonia can you just uh anybody else Council thank you uh I have been in that neighborhood multiple time in fact once upon a time I did recommend putting a stop sign on war Weck and Nottingham so that that pass through traffic slows up up the area that road specifically is really in bad shape that we all know in fact I had submitted back when mayor lank was in office 2021 2019 when I was in that neighborhood and 20202 years constant complain about that neighborhood and that's where you know I kind of recommended from the as a council person can you please put this road on the paving list but as you know there is a process it goes to engineering department they do their due diligence there is certain budget and they you know prioritize but I'm pretty sure this is beyond the I would say the ask or the residents are waiting beyond the their due time it's a high time that we should PVE this road and I completely agree with that thank you sir thank you Council P Council Brer yes uh Council vice president like she said it with the speed bumps when we go to uh when they go to snowplow the snowplows hit the speed bumps and they cause damage to the vehicles which that's why we're kind of phasing them out or looking to get rid of them um as far as the light um you know putting lighting up um being someone that grew up here in the town I don't look forward to additional lighting um I grew up here because it was a Suburban environment I believe we're turning more into a urban environment um which would force me to move to a place that's more Suburban in the future but I love Addison so I'm uh you know I'm not looking for traffic lights and I'm not looking for lights um when you talk about your your road and how you use change.org with the AI to help you um I was um told at the Jackson Avenue meeting that the municipality now is using AI to determine what roads are going to be paved and which one should be paved and and and this and and the mayor said that you know if anybody has any concerns you'll be able to then see that well your road isn't you know as good as this other Road or you know you'll be able to do that now I know that Jersey City actually had a list of roads where residents could go up and you could go look and then you could see who is above you and then you could drive to that road and then you'd go you know what yeah they should be done before our road um that's how Jersey City handled it with the AI um today in my points of discussion I'm going to be asking the business administrator to give me a list of all the AI roads so that I myself can go out and and walk around because you know we've all watched that Terminator movie right sometimes AI isn't so good um just to see whether it actually does work um because I I I don't know if it does or doesn't um I've been down your road um yes it's not the greatest um but we also do have many roads that are in similar shape but I do know that we do like Warwick a lot of the major roads like Warwick I live on Grove Avenue so a lot of your major roads happen to get paved more often um because there just more traffic on them you know and they end up getting uh I guess a lot more people complain about potholes um at that time so yeah once I look at the AI and Sonia maybe can get back to us with the paving list um you know we'll hope to have that robe put on on the list thank you thank you Council Brer anybody else okay that's for me uh Paul thank you for being here unfortunately we're not done you're done that's it that's it sorry what about my Carly but you you have to she she'll be next um but thank you for being here you know uh we love Edison too and that's why we're all here and I just want to point out councilman pointer implemented vitic when he was a council president here and he recommended uh this company that essentially when it it adds a camera to our trucks that are picking up garbage or Paving the roads and it analyzes every single road that you know our trucks drive on and it gives it a grading based on the AI and based on that I believe that is how our engineering department comes up with which roads to pave and stuff but not to say that your street does not need to be paved it should be paved if you feel that you know hasn't been paved in 30 years I think 30 years is the Max uh Sonia and I have noticed that some of the Q alerts um for potholes were put in the system so that that's something that I'll bring to the mayor's attention that there have been um citizens requests to fill in potholes in that area so I do acknowledge the fact that there was some some in there so I think we will be looking at but I will recognize your partner and then she can speak on to this as further council president uh Council MCO just point of order to your um meeting when when residents speak you usually have them sit down after their six minutes so it doesn't confuse the invite so I'm just not sure if you're going to go back to that or with this I know there's new people here and they have six minutes but it just confuses the audience that's true that's fair okay come on up thank you your name and address please my name is Lisa case Bish I'm at 31 notingham Road you're recognized thank you I did just want to acknowledge that several of our neighbors thought it was important enough to take their time tonight to come and support what um the petition um I would also say as an avid Walker I walk this neighborhood three times a day with my dog I will tell you that when they were paved last year none of these other streets Chandler Peru Devon not one of them was in bad condition as Nottingham Nottingham is in the worst condition because it is the through Street between planfield and Warwick so we all thought when you did that project okay Nottingham is is next we're waiting right it's the through Street they must be doing it the last so I respect that you want to have ai as part of your efficiency process process somebody actually needs to get on that road and walk it because these potholes are degrading almost immediately and I do want to note and I've let the township know I think it was you Mr pointer that I that responded to me or Mr Coyle but a friend of mine in December came to visit me at night dropped something off in front of my house walked out fell in the pothole outside my house and broke her nose and I can provide details for that to prove it so we have at least one Serious injury on the Block we have children on the Block I myself have twisted my ankles several times at night walking my dog I need to pay more attention but the road is pretty bad and I just want to make that clear thank you for Thank you Lisa and I think we have it in the notes son and we are going to be actively looking into Nottingham okay uh anybody else that would like to speak you can come up your name and address please Duran Roser um 21 Nottingham Road you recognized I've been living on Nottingham Road for 34 years um I drive into I did drive into Jersey City every day so I understand what you're talking about with Jersey City um I'm retired law enforcement I raised my two children on the Block there on Nottingham Road my mom passed away about 5 years ago she fell in front of my house and twisted her ankle she's 90 years old I have called called numerous times over the years to the engineers to the to the road department to Public Works and I have been told oh you're going to have to wait I never get an answer at the engineers which I understand completely because they're not there full-time I've never gotten an answer I've written a letter to the mayor on his um his email address and I get the patchwork job but the it is an absolute mess on that road absolutely a mess and it's dangerous council president Council Brer yeah I'd like to ask a question did they replace your gas lines and water lines on Nottingham no we have markings for the water lines right now in front of all our homes um okay and that just happened maybe about two months ago three months ago yeah right because we're repl they're replacing the gas lines and and maybe not the water mains but the uh the like your valves um or they putting meters in the street U because we didn't get our roads that didn't normally start until they started that like behind Grove now off of Livingston they just did that last year cuz they just got the uh the gas lines and upgraded them um if if Sonia could see if the engineer could check on the status of that because that will hold it up typically the township won't pave it if they're going to do the utility work if I may I've been complaining for years and including the engineering department and we have never gotten onto any list any list because I I watched the paving list there are no combined lists that we've ever seen we Nottingham Road has never been on it and I know I've complained at least four or five times every year no I I I mean I understand that but since the last Administration and this one the idea was for the utilities to put their utilities in the ground because if we pave them then the utility comes in and then we make them repay the whole Road um back to new um but it's typically our engineering department that would put the pressure on the utility and say listen we're going to pave this road and it makes them speed up the process of them upgrading your your uh utilities respectfully who puts the pressure on the engineering department though that would be the business administrator Years Years uh Sonia as far as I understand 30 years is the max of any road that we are forced to I'm there 34 this woman years on 55 years Miss Duran I agree with you we are we you are on we are in notice we completely understand and we hear you and we are going to be working on it okay but unfortunately like I said earlier government is a slow moving beast and we will get there but we will get it and we're going to make sure that you guys are taken care of thank you thank you council president Council um just a request to the administration if the markouts are for new waterline gas line and there will be repaving if we can coordinate with the utility um to do I don't know if you want to call it a tradeoff or such but because how ordinance is written if it has been over five years you only have to pave half of the road right so if there that's what's happened in the clar bar area where the utility is on one side of the road so only half of the road was being paid but if it's in such condition where the full Street needs to be maybe that can be coordinated to give and take so to say thank you council president thank you councilman pointer anybody else that would like to speak on hi Ron laugher 6 Nancy Circle you recognize okay um I amended some of my comments since I've been here um first regarding the Illuminator uh I agree with Joel that the purpose of that flyer is for the public and not for the IND individual interests of the administration um the council is a body it's made up of individual people and when the council passes something it's the body the same thing with the planning board the same thing with the zoning board we don't choose you know five members of the zoning board voted yes not the other three so the body is in charge and when the body approves the budget Council people should not be singled out publicly basically shamed for not voting for the budget for whatever their reasons are um regarding a council member uh mentioning to file an Ethics complaint he's complaining to you you guys hold the pur strings um for the Illuminator and the concern is being voiced to the body uh second regarding mouin hiring an attorney for a warehouse on Whitman um councilman Brer mentioned the Cannabis facility the retail facility on the border of Edison um Edison has a a th000 foot uh from a residential structure and from a school and yet Highland Park's cannabis facility was dissimilar to our ordinance and yet Edison did not do anything to uh defend our zoning laws in Highland Park um couple other issues um some of these might come out as statements but they are questions if you can respond uh I like to watch the council meetings um whether it's live or recorded um I don't like the fact that they're being deleted removed from YouTube I like to watch them on YouTube because it's easier to fast forward skip through and there are meetings selectively uh being deleted from that format uh is that coming from Council or is that coming from from elsewhere um so that's YouTube the camera angles uh we have multiple cameras here that the taxpayers paid for and why can't we use all the cameras that we paid for um The Masks is the township prepared to win if we are sued um for depriving res resents of their first amendment rights will we win uh or we will we be paying this out from taxpayer uh taxpayer funded uh payout to them uh regarding the AI technology and the roads uh for the potholes and the cracks how many of these do we currently own does Edison currently you know have paid for and own uh the electric messaging Signs regarding burglary uh I find it ironic that the zoning board uh regarding Billboards asked the applicants for an 8 minute flip time the applicants asked for a 8C flip time that the uh Federal Highway Association said is still acceptable and not hazardous and these things flip every three or four seconds uh I think think somebody should revisit that and make it a static message if we are to advertise that around town uh regarding the residents here from Nottingham uh and going to the six minutes to the four minutes uh that council is trying to hear less from the public they wrote a letter to the administration they sent a petition did anybody get back to them did they need to come here to this venue to repeat themselves in order to get an answer and this is why coming up here and having those minutes is important for the next people not me but the next people that have a concern whether it's good or bad that they're allowed to come up here spend six minutes run out of the six minutes and a spouse or a friend can take over this time so this is why this is important so did the administration get back to them via email via letter via phone call uh you know why do they need to be here today if they communicated what needed to be done thank you okay uh any council member would like to take them um council president councilman BR yes I I'd like to um just let we as far as the mass goes um I I watched the council meeting in sville I mean I guess kind of boring right councilman here watching councilman and in sville they they had a mask issue um the attorney uh told the council that um technically they can wear a mask um technically you know they can not give their name um technically that can all happen and the mayor of sville said something to the effect of um he didn't feel safe with someone wearing a mask so the only option was that the attorney told the body that if they didn't feel comfortable that they had cancel the council meeting and and they did they canceled the council meeting and then they just were in the newspaper um for having a special meeting to do the original meeting so I'm not sure what's going on in SVO but um it was the same um individuals that we have the come to our meeting uh for the same issue as far as um Nottingham um just so you guys all all know and a lot of people don't know taking care of your roads um is part of the administration and the mayor's responsibility and I tell everybody the same thing um our job is to approve funds and to create laws um the reason why all the residents come and they come to tell us is because you have no other Avenue right you've sent an email um you haven't gotten you know you you're at a point of frustration where you just need to be heard and you want the mayor to hear um and that message isn't being conveyed to him or he's ignoring it one or the other so I I thank you for coming here you know to to explain um yourselves to us hopefully I think they're going to move this forward and look into our utilities and everything else so that this road uh will get paved um yes I I really don't understand why we can't have the public on camera um somebody just texted me they said I don't mind seeing you on camera but really for the whole meeting you know can we look at the public and see who's speaking so I I think we should go back to the old format um I do understand you know when I when I watch the administration go to cut your minutes and and I watch everything that happens over and over it's about creating a veil okay not about transparency um our mayor used to sit up here in this dis and that's all he spoke about was uh transparency and then after that we have like turn off the lights to Edison Light and the Illuminator um the bulbs are dead they don't make uh they don't make them bulbs anymore uh that would be it for my answer is for Mr ller thank you uh councilman poter council president just to address the um whether we received a communication uh it's we put it on the agenda to acknowledge that we received it now that's not to say that maybe a response back may have been more appropriate um I apologize personally that I didn't reach out I um saw it on the agenda and I took that as the communication and so that would be just on that point I was UN told by that you wanted to be here so I wanted to make sure that we put it on the agenda and we hear from you because we want to hear from you so we made sure that we put it on the agenda Council pres thank you a question to Sonia you know in past we have always accommodated the situation like this you know if there is some road that we potentially missed quote unquote and really need it's in Despair and we should have a room at least 5% 10% to squeeze in into current schedule so I would ask on behalf of the resident if there is a possibility to add them into current schedule yeah actually must have read my mind um so that's something we'll look into in terms of if there are any leftover funds for Nottingham I so we we'll definitely look at that thank you and if you need any more funds this Council will be happy to approve thank you thank you Council U as for me oh counc poter uh thank you and I just want to address the uh the biotics and how that actually uh works it's not paid on it's not paid by a per device it's paid on a per um per distance that the program analyzes so it's I know it's not necessarily hey we have four iPhone that are recording it's based on the total mileage for El ORS thank you Council thank you Council poter and as for me I actually wanted some education uh from the legal department on the Highland Park I I understand that you know they put on that uh dispensary uh cannabis dispensary does Edison have any jurisdiction as to if we suit them can we win that case I don't know enough about that to give you a definitive answer and I would be hesitant to give you a definitive answer anyway um there are there are local ordinances that can come into play but there are cross-jurisdictional issues that would have to be examined more thoroughly to give you any kind of uh actual response to whether we could oppose something just because it violates our own ordinances um and the level or leg of success on that so if we say you can't have it within 1,000 ft of a school and their ordinance says you can't have it within 500 ft of a school and they build it on the border where it's 750 ft from our school can we fight that um you could certainly file a lawsuit but without knowing all of the details of it and without actually sitting down and looking at the likelihood of success especially when compared with the state regulations that you would then have to take into account I couldn't give you a yes or no right now now but I can certainly look into it if it's something you want me to look into u i mean if you can give me a brief answer because I am interested as to how would that play out because I maybe my it's my assumption and that's a wrong assum it's wrong to assume but I was always under the assumption that if a Highland Park has their own zoning laws and I I assume that it would be their laws that that will be followed within their those would generally control but things get things get fuzzy once you start talking about the the boundaries between two towns because you do have to send notices to people in the other town because they are affected by it so they do have certain rights and privileges it's why um okay uh it's why we had the whole conversation earlier about ouin hiring an attorney to oppose something on the border because there there are certain rights and privileges that you can get to um but again without the very specifics of the Highland application of what ordinances they're violating in and within our town I can't give you a better answer that and going forward if I let's say we as a town have an issue something along the line of the Cannabis what is the process to start the lawsuit I'll I'll put that together for you and I'll have a better answer for you thank you okay all right president coun on the same topic in fact the resident did show up and he spoke uh on the DI asking this Council to act and my request to this Council and the administration was to send a legal not notice to Highland Park not once twice there was an even email from the resident with a concern that the cannabis store in Highland Park is very close to their neighborhood and they were not happy in fact at that time I did ask our attorney to look into that matter how come they can do without the permission of Edison Township or did they communicate to this Township but we didn't fail or we fail through that communication and I don't know where the gaps are but but it's a high time to rehash because there will be neighboring town they will come back so again thank you for good toled yeah it's good to be knowledgeable anybody else that would like to speak thisa K I live on 23 notingham Road you recognize I didn't it's your first name Nisha Nisha okay if you can speak into the mic so we can hear you better thank you n thank you um I know the point about Paving Nottingham has been beaten to death and I think that's being being addressed I was concerned by your statement that speed bumps are being phased out and I would want to know what your alternative is because I've lived on Nottingham for 20 years and in that time Stephenville got some speed bumps and traffic does significantly slow down because of them otherwise stanville is a 50 to 60 M hour Highway if you know it uh same thing has happened on Warwick so Warwick used to be it's a cut through as everybody knows from Oak Tree to Stevenville and because of the two-p speed bumps traffic is now significantly slower and I'm also a night walker like many of my neighbors so this really helps us to have people slow down uh I had put in a request to the Town Township for having speed bumps added to Nottingham two or three months ago no response of course and now you're saying you're not going to do it for this snow plow issue I mean how much snow are we getting if you look at the amount of snow that we've been getting over the last few Winters I actually got rid of my snowblower because that's going away we are changing zones we've already become one zone warmer so I think that's a diminishing um problem but in addition my question is what is your alternative are you going to actually put a cop on my street to make sure there are people whizzing by at 50 and 60 M an hour on Nottingham because they're cutting through from planfield to Warwick and then to go to Oak Tree or Stephenville and without an alternative I don't think you can have a decision like we are phasing out speed bumps so you need some kind of response to us for how are you then going to control the speed of traffic on on Suburban streets where as my friends have said we have lots of small children and US residents walking thank you I understanda and just quick question for clarification when did those speed bumps come on Warwick and the other Street do you know I would say Warwick was seven eight years ago 78 maybe 10 years ago okay um and Stephenville was about the same time or a little bit earlier Okay so and I remember there was a significant issue on Warwick and it was discussed and there may have been Town Council discussions but I don't know more I I would like to ask the engineering because they are the ones that should be answering this question they will have the knowledge on it so Sonia can Brian if if you are done with your uh speaking time then I can take over and answer okay thank you you can have a seat uh Brian so the question is what are our Ultra Alternatives if speed bump is not it so there are when you do traffic homing it's on a case-by Case basis and you typically try to choose which scenario best fits what you are trying to achieve speed H humps are they have other issues Beyond just maintenance and um okay I think we're good so there's issues Beyond just maintenance and snow plowing concerns um some studies that have been performed by the national highway Association has also shown while it does decrease speed on the approaches to the speed humps you actually have an increased speed between the speed humps so then you're creating a higher density of speed humps and then we have drainage concerns and everything else the more current approach to traffic hming is to create friction and optical illusions so if it's a dead straightaway which I believe Nottingham is mostly a straightaway uh not really any curves you tend to want to narrow the street and make the driver feel like they're in an Alleyway which should cause them to slow down if there are curves there are optical illusions you can do with ticks along the side of the road and so forth um as we were talking tonight I've already emailed our uh Traffic Safety Division to see if they can put out signs and take some measurements for for us so we can see what the speeds actually are and try to find the best method of slowing traffic well thank you for being proactive Ryan uh I think that will be it I would assume that would be it that we will have to essentially evaluate the road and figure out what's entire classes on traffic Hing yeah um they tend to have to you want to apply them in entire neighborhoods when possible because once you do it on one road you're forcing the traffic onto another roadway and then it's just a trickle down effect okay so I think we can I I would assume there are plenty of roads on Oak Tree and uh in that neighborhood where there's a lot of cut throughs and maybe we can do an overall study and see how we can slow down the traffic that people want to cut through because I don't think that's what the residents want they want to make sure that the main people main traffic goes through the main roads right all right so thank you Brian you're welcome uh anybody else that would like to speak Anthony Damron uh 25 Wy I was looking up at your street it's pretty small Street just they should it shouldn't take a team of Engineers to to get out there and have it paved in my opinion so hopefully that gets paid for you guys soon um you know council president you you're actually whoever brought it up brought up a good point I was thinking about this you know our our town is so centrally located that I believe like our interests don't stop at our borders it doesn't so and come to think and maybe something for the attorney I don't I don't know the answer but I I always thought about this you know you look at a town like matachin which has grown 350% over the last 10 years and to leave matachin you got to you you touch Edison you have to on our soil right so that that that affects our town just as much whether it's our response time for our First Responders whatever it may be so does the township have or within its right I don't know maybe follow lawsuit where we could say hey mouin is liable to they should be paying for part of our roads they should be pay paying and forking over some of the costs for some of these projects I always thought that I'm not I don't know which there's we could probably go through a list but I I I think that the for them to build let's say I'm not just picking on them uh believe me but I'm just using them as an example because they are in the center of our town they build and build and build you know it's they are surrounded by us and I think it affects us it affects our interest as as residents here so um you know they have no problem setting an attorney to the planning board now I am not for the the the women a warehouse that that for another day but um that would be a disaster there but they send their lawyer here they have no problem doing that to us you know what I mean so I think it's something that we should consider not to be you know the size of our town and our interests so something to keep I don't know something to uh I just thought about thank you council president thank you Anthony and I think that is something we are thinking about and the legal is going to provide us with the memo to educate the council as to where our legal jurisdiction and where our options lie in this particular scene pressure yeah I I you know hearing about the traffic and this and that I I wish the public would just maybe do a little bit of research um and now I'm going to quote numbers right but the numbers are not actually accurate but they'll be close um I guess we all know that Woodbridge is the size of Edison um probably exactly um down to the residence down to the square miles it's about as close as you're going to come uh matachin is Tiny compared that it's and actually really really tiny but there was something published um in the paper just a little while ago that gave um a list of tickets per town right and mouin had something like four or 5,000 tickets that it gave um a year and Edison gave something like 8,000 tickets a year and Woodbridge gave like 34,000 tickets a year now now this is the same statistic that's been out for I I'm going to say 10 years 20 years it it's been quite a while um and I did bring it to the chief's attention um because I had questions about that when I seen that data um and he told me that you know we can't the chief of police cannot dictate that police officers Right tickets um that's been found to be like illegal um to do it as like a revenue Source um I think our attorney would agree with that correct um but here's the alarming part and and this is what I said to him but nobody could explain this to me so people in Woodbridge drive like radicals right speeding whatever they're doing then they drive into Edison all of a sudden they slow down they obey all our laws and then they drive into matachin and they drive radically again so it just defied kind of logic as to you know why we don't write those tickets but when I hear the residents come up over and over about enforcement right I I think it's more that it's not a coincidence um I think if there was more enforcement right we'd probably see happier residents um instead of having 8,000 tickets or 6,000 whatever we write and we had 36,000 um the mayor would probably end up having a couple million dollars in his budget and be able to do a 0% tax increase for the public um so you know I just think the public should be aware of it um because everybody has been coming up here talking about speeding and traffic and stuff like that um thank you council president thank you Council besser uh anybody else that would like to speak all right seeing none can close public portion and may I have a second second that's a motion by councilman Coyle second by Council vice president all in favor uh Council moving on to reports from all Council committees uh starting on my right councilman brusher uh none at this time sir uh councilman Coy council president I don't have anything in report but I did admire papan Park and all the great work there done by DPW and the townships Administration and I'm excited for the celebration of thewall and what's going on there no need to have a committee meeting to see what's happening just drive through there it's quite amazing and looking forward to this celebration thank you Council M Council vice president yes uh starting with human relations commission meeting was held on October 8th and um we welcomed a student liazon from Edison High School name of Brooklyn um we went over the vision statement and the vision statement is our vision is to cultivate a community in which every individual is embraced celebrated and empowered we strive for a society that recognizes and appreciates the richness of its diversity where people from all backgrounds culture and identities are treated with dignity and respect through education advocacy and collaboration we aim to Foster an environment that promotes understanding empathy and equality our vision is to build Bridges across differences eliminate prejudice and discrimination and create a community where everyone has equal opportunities to thrive the um discussion that we had included we started with forming subcommittees and uh fundraiser committee will have on it rashed Khan Mony matur and Rupal Patel school committee will be Elizabeth Conway and alen Arthur Library committee will be myself and Steve Nagel and uh Brooklyn the student Lees on discuss some issues that are currently happening in Edison High School um we uh we plan to have the next meeting on November 6 uh to and and at that meeting we'll bring donations for Hands of Hope and Charlie Maro Will Be Our Guest uh and that is it for the human relations commission Library board was held on the 7 last week um major points out of that meeting were that there is an RFP out for the North Edison Branch with a pre-bid meeting meeting for interested contractors on the 23rd of this month at 11: a.m. in the North Edison Branch Friends of the library book and Bak sale is on the 25th from 10: to 8 and the 26th from 10 to5 at the North Edison Branch with a preview for members of the friends on 1024 from 5 to8 and that is the end of my committee and commission reports thank you Council vice president Council none this time thank you councilman poter thank you council president um the subcommittee in regards to the rules and procedures of council met at the Wednesday meeting from the last um last Wednesday's meeting uh we are meeting again uh this upcoming Wednesday before thank you Council presid uh thank you councilman pointer uh as for me I attended U let me just pull up my notes open space uh in this chamber uh on October 10th and one of the issues that we wanted to pursue was the increasing in people that are biking and the ability to bike and one of the ideas that we had was as in in order to increase electric cars I know that we give out credits uh for any electric charging that the building provides uh so the idea was that if they can maintain let's say four paddle assist bikes for the building for the residents to use of that building we can give them a credit for a parking spot would that be something we can do uh I would have to to look into the logistics of that um my initial inclination is to say probably um but I would have to look into the details of it and and whether or not you can you're talking about giving them a credit against their required parking yes that may run into I would have to look into do it more closely but it may run into difficulties with zoning laws but the short answer is maybe okay so maybe can we add it to my discussion items for the next uh work session um and wanted to just point out some of the limitations we were thinking uh we were thinking that you know at Max it'll be three credits that they can get the first two credit being for every bike four bikes per credit and then the last one being worth around eight bikes per credit and they the building that you know wants those credit has to have either a bike path a sidewalk or a shed bike route to either a park a school or a place of shopping like a shopping center so it only only certain areas would qualify yeah because we don't want if there's no way to for someone to use those bikes and we don't have the infrastructure in place it doesn't uh it doesn't mean anything if they have those bikes and they're not no one's using it so if they have specific routes that would also increase uh incentive for the township to increase bike paths and walkability within our town um all right uh and the other condition that I was thinking of was that they must provide a report at the end of the year to essentially state that those bikes yeah substantiate that their bikes are maintained and then they are you know in use or whatever report of some sort like that so that was the the main conversation at open space committee uh we also discussed the update to the central app Park and you know what the tradeoffs will be uh but I am waiting on the updated path for Central AB or maybe I need to make a meeting is that what the situation is where's the limit on that okay so we'll set up a meeting with the engineering and move forward on that issue um moving on to points of Lights any council member with point of Lights counc Council P thank you to Administration and DPW for doing a wonderful job on papani Park it's looking good uh this week really starts the Diwali Festival it's a long Festival so whoever is celebrating is a festival of life it's one of the largest Festival that Indian American celebrate and we are a very diverse town so wish everyone a very very happy Diwali also reminder uh because Diwali is being celebrated with firecrackers Please be aware that we have friends pets especially as well as neighbors so be mindful when you celebrate thank you sir thank you Council P yes Council vice president yes um we uh had the trunker treat or I should say the public safety uh Public Safety Public Works Recreation did a wonderful job with Trunk or Treat on Saturday it was a beautiful day very very well attended and I would say the Highlight for me was seeing our chief of chief of police dressed in a clown in a clown outfit which would have been suitable for coming to the dis to to make a public comment he was uh he did a great Clown job um I also want to wish our Jewish friends a very happy and blessed sukot uh and uh councilman patil already mentioned devali and I guess happy Halloween as well thank you thank you Council vice president anybody else council president Council MCO just want to share the grand opening ribbon cutting of the recycling center that was taken care of by the administration DPW I think it was a grand slam uh I think there's been several residents that have come to this this Podium talking about how Woodbridge does it and obviously most of them know that we get things done around here and we do a lot more than Woodridge um I'm really excited I mean this was an opportunity that you can drive through and drop off a TV debris recycling if you want to get it out that moment out of your garage or out of your attic you can go down Pull up an a pickup truck present your license that you're a resident and get rid of something that's in your way so I thank you Administration the council for supporting this opportunity when we bought bought those dumpsters uh we remember that day and look at the use I think it's going to be convenient and the residents are going to love the convenience that's what it's about so thank you council president thank you Mayor Sam Joi thank you Council M coil um just as I like to mention uh Health items from time to time uh October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month um this is something that has affected friends of mine uh so with that I just want to bring attention to it um please schedule for mammograms and your yearly follow-ups uh it' be appreciated thank you council president thank you Council pointer as for me I also wanted to say congratulations to the DPW and all the Departments that hosted the trunk or treat it was a wonderful event my daughter had a wonderful time U and so did councilman pointers um and happy Halloween happy diw and happy saak good uh and I I also wanted to congratulate uh the DPW on the grand opening on the recycling I'm really excited I think that will serve the township well uh I also want to mention on October 18th over here in this chamber uh the government Governor Murphy came here to sign a new law that enforces tougher penalties for those convicted of invasions and burglaries and this was something pushed by our Mayor Sam josi and our Police Department chief Brian and I am glad that we got this done because this is essentially a gift to all new jerseyans to have a peace of mind and the peace of mind just makes the fluffiest of the pillows when you want to go to sleep because at the end of the day it's not just about the home invasion or the burglaries it's about the after effects and The Echoes and the feeling of being in invaded in your safe space uh and I'm hoping that this law will prevent even one um future home burglary that would be helpful um moving on council president councilman Coy I have to Echo the sentiments of what you mentioned um Mayor Sam Joe's initiative uh to increase uh the threat of harm in our communities and initiating being the first mayor to initiate this to the governor and he pushed hard with this Administration and I'm the support of this Council and look out of 534 municipalities in this state Edison was the first to push to make sure that crime mattered and harsher penalties were necessary so I truly applaud the administration this Council and Mayor Sam Joi for making it happen because it certainly was a rough road being the first to speak out and we had the support of the chief and we had the data and we knew what was right for Edison residents so thank you council president thank you councilman president councilman I mean Brer yes I mean I I first of all in reading the newspaper article it was resident in Edison that they thanked the governor um I could look her name up but uh she was the one that I think initiated it but what got me interested was um the data CU I I would have thought you know as we know right all I do is look at data I challenge anybody in Edison just to take just take a look at it and to see if going from five years to 10 years has any effect whatsoever um council president I know you look perplexed like it must but I'm asking every council member here and every resident to please just look at the data thank you Council thank you uh moving on to uh number seven from the business administration a through C any questions or comments from the council council president Council vice president yes on see what are the spe do we have specified the special projects uh for consulting services for this uh increase in the contract amount yes so so they're General Consulting so what they do is um there's some FEMA related Consulting that they provide to us um also we had some issues with our health care and some of our uh policies that we had alongside with some of our um not only healthc care but extra uh benefits plans that we were having issues with so there was a lot of um analysis being done and um helped to us so that was for those services so this is a general array of services that were provided to us okay thank you very much um anyone else on number seven uh Council vice president yes uh in regards to Item B um I know not I'm in favor of it but I'm just curious because we've had the same resolution come up a couple of times so is there a consideration of just having a larger not to exceed amount in in the future I think this may be a little bit different than previous ones I will double check to see what the other amounts were for for they were all they were all 50,000 increments and I'm not again not opposed to the expenditure but instead of having three 50,000 not to exceed resolutions if we can have if it's whether it's one 100,000 or one 150,000 because this may prow on the procurement process in return in terms of material that they may be looking for I understand I will take a look at that thank you thank you thank you uh Council vice president thank you anyone else for seven okay going on to eight from the Department of Finance a through G any questions okay um I actually had several um and it's about G the resolution best practice is inventory questionnaire um on question 10 which talks about the budget time frames it seems to me in looking at that that we have not been complying with those budget time frames and I'm wondering if moving forward that will change if we are going to be closer to those dates that are given yes okay yes it's Our intention to uh for the 2025 budget to do our our best to comply with the timeline the problem is uh trying to assemble there's so many data points of information that have to come together to put the budget together uh part of which also involves what's included in the governor's uh proposed budget which he doesn't give until U you know not long before the budget deadline comes up so those are challenges that we have and getting accurate estimates as best we can for our health benefits insurance so you put all those together those are some of the challenges we Face we try every year to get closer to it but get uh challenged by uh getting accurate information okay I hope we can move it up because it just seems like it's moving to later and later and I hope we can get it closer to the time frames that they give uh I also had a question on it mentioned on number 22 was about the the EV charger and we have the one charger as far as I can see that's in the parking lot as far as I know that charger has not been working for a long time I haven't tried it recently but um is there any update on if that is a functioning charger yeah if let let me have um uh roro come up and explain to you okay okay uh that charger what came through a grant through the county several years ago multiple years ago uh it's no longer supported by the vendor and we can't get parts for it I know the Administration has in their planning this year next year I know we're putting a new conduit for a whole bunch of uh EV Chargers not only there but throughout the town but you know the one or two that we have here there's one or two at the library they're they're passes like expected so in this in this um questionnaire uh it's indicated that we do have a charger now if you want to be technical we have a charger it just doesn't happen to work is is is that so I I'm just wondering is that accurately documented when they say yes we have a charger I wasn't part of that b best practice the the plan is to have it replaced so the question is whether we have one or not um we've answered this before on because we with best practices and we haven't gotten um additional uh questions on it whether it was operating or not um obviously it we have one whether you know the changes need to be made um which they are uh because the plan is not only to change the conduit but also surface to the parking lot so um they haven't questioned whether it is operable or not okay yeah I think it's um it's a little disingenuous to say yes we have a charger I mean again technically we do but it hasn't worked in in a long time uh the last one is um number 55 which is the transparency having to do with the minutes agendas uh committees and once again I know there have been a lot of complaints from residents about the unavailability of minutes or at least timely availability of minutes and also the fact that there are still committees and commissions that are are out of date and I'm wondering what's the what's the status with that I would defer to your governing body secretary uh so U I think this is I'm going to talk about it during the discussions is it okay if we discuss it during the discussion items say I'm sorry say again the committee issue I'm going to be discussing it during the discussion item okay okay all right okay that that'll be it for me thank you okay so moving on to number nine a through D any questions or comments from the council members um no he might ask the questions I'm gon to ask okay you know I think you know we we had a discussion on the uh Jackson Avenue is there a plan to table this resolution yes but I think we'll be doing it Wednesday right okay thank you uh any other questions or comments question counc um B uh Shore toop construction for the Edison courts $6,000 um do we are we giving it to them because we like them or is there a reason that that we're going to give them this 6 $6,000 that they deserve $60,000 I will have Roy answer this Ray I'm not 100% sure I understand your question the vendor the vendor for the project that was awarded the project when we bid it out with Shore toop construction they went to go ahead um there's again don't quote me on I think it's 10 12 different courts uh throughout town they went to start as they have started with as you could see um they're working all over town they went over to minv in the back court they went ahead to perform the work over there um they had issues so far the only Court um they had issues that uh the underneath the substrate wasn't holding up so it was going to be a Mill and pave or a partial reconstruction when they put the piece of equipment on it it started pumping we then went ahead and did test pits and I know probably the question is why wouldn't you take the test pits in advance and in 27 years of doing basketball and Tennis Courts I've never done a test pit and I've done probably a 100 1002 200 courts um in my tenure um basketball and tennis courts are typically something you don't do a test pit for a whole new Field construction I would say yeah maybe a known issue which we had checked with engineering to see if there was you know any notice of contamination or any issues or any red flags that we should be aware of over there the answer to that was no um so we did do some test pits it came back with a very clayy surface uh they provided a very detailed proposal on how to remediate that um and that's where we're at okay so so we could have done test pits but we didn't um but we could have but here's my my other question because I do know like soil right we could do a test pit um right where that table is and that could come up clean right but where this is it's not right for for different types of soil would that be a true statement or if I do one test bit in the middle of this room would you say the entire room is indicative of the same I think you're looking for a more scientific answer that should come for a licensed PE rather than from M okay um if you're looking for a generalized statement which I'm happy to provide but if you're looking for more scientific information um and let me start with the first one um yes you could have done test pits every road reconstruction you could do a test pit every Mill and pave of a road we're doing hundreds of them this year you could do a test pit the practicality of doing a test pit on a tennis court or on a basketball court is pretty much slim to none just it's not it's not an industry practice to do a test pit on court on on basketball or tennis courts um as far as soil and testing and and so on and so forth um there is a scientific methodology behind people that are much smarter than me and have different licenses that I do go methodically through that process uh we have a consultant engineer who goes ahead and works with uh various different companies to per to perform those that type of testing um so I would really defer you know in any more greater detail on that and the means and methodology really would need to be answered by someone other than me other than the fact of we get the results and as you've seen the results and we've shared results with you U we're looking for the bottom line and the bottom line is is uh do we have the ability or is the uh material that we may be using is it safe to use that's all we care about um in in any of the projects that we have done or that we or that I have been part of um that's the notification I believe that was provided to council already all right Sonia would do we have anybody that would be like um like a site civil engineer something somebody might know about any of that kind of stuff about soils a Consulting engineer we have several Engineers on we have a Consulting engineer so that if that answers your question well I mean is there anybody here that would know anything about soils uh we have a licensed engineer however um this would require uh more expert um advice I have a general question of somebody that might know about soils so I think we're talking about a difference of um perception in terms of how the project is managed um I understand and respect your opinion about doing borings no Sonia or bearings rather I'm using word I'm sorry I was just wondering I I thought maybe somebody here might have known a little something about soils and and how they could be and how when you do a boring right it could be they come up clean but but they're not in fact I think we had that issue that was brought to our ention for a previous change order so so here's where my question is um if the soil how big is this tennis court what are you putting in it's replacing what's existing there okay but how big is so it's two quarts two quarts how how big would that be about 80 by 80 or wallpark okay 80 by 80 and that mini BV property is like what 40 acres so my question is as opposed to a $60,000 change order why wouldn't you move it to a place where you had suitable soil within there that also works within the park that's there as opposed to as opposed to like we did with the the baseball field I think it was removing a bunch of soil that's no good so so I'm I'm happy to answer that question um and I'm not sure uh when the last time you up to mini mini bvl or maybe you frequent it maybe you know it you know like the back of your hand um that space there is pretty much locked up for the use meaning uh you have a playground area that's going to be a new playground um you have uh two different areas that are courts the one Court closest to the building is going to stay you could have gone ahead and wiped out wiped out a bunch of trees and then removed all the stumps and then had to fill that and then potentially build a court there possibility you have a soccer field that's there existing that's utilized you and then on the upper side you have a baseball field so um not to mention that our Trail Network all connects into the lower court and this other set of Court well I guess I guess where I go with it is every project right that we've done with soil with Fields um what I see are change orders right i' seen a half million dollar change order now a $60,000 change order and and so we don't go checking the soils here because you said right we typically don't but here in Edison it looks like you have a problem with a lot of the projects we're doing where where the soil is not suitable um there I mean I would have assumed that since it was an existing court that existing Court was built when way before my time as well as were as well as all of the courts in Edison and again we've gone ahead and like I said we we've gone ahead and probably remedied 10 already 12 already zero issue it's not and I think anybody in the industry would tell you doing test Pits on basketball courts and Tennis Courts is not something that's normally done in the industry it's a fact okay not not doing them just cost us $560,000 with the 500 mixing oranges and apples we're talking about you're you're conflating you're conflating well you're conflating a soccer field you're conflating a soccer field with hardcore surfaces the hard surface is there why didn't we just resurface over it I mean I mean that's your think coun okay no no let me just make my statement this is where this Administration right is just horrendous they don't take into account any Council people for their thoughts or what they're doing on anything what they do is they go and they rely just on one person right and then every project they have done has turned out to be a disaster with change orders they have to change orders so that would be a council president I I mean I'm just I'm here I'm a resident I'm paying taxes and what I see is just overspending on everything we do and I'm just getting frustrated I'm sorry thank you thank you Council Brer thank you Ray uh moving on to number 10 Department of Public Works uh any questions from a through e there are any comments um um people have asked about the no big contracts I guess but and I I've spoken to Sonia right um these are um we're going to classify them not as no bid because they were bid um by a cooperative my my question of the administration is and I'd like to have this by you know by tomorrow let's say so I could take a look at it there are multiple um cooperatives that we're signed up with I would like to see what fencing cost from those other cooperatives number one um I'd also like to see what we paid last year for fencing when we went out and and bid fencing um so if I can just get that you know for for tomorrow before a meeting on on Wednesday I'd appreciate it thank you sure council president I can certainly provide that information uh just for a point of clarification these are project these are through co-ops and state contracts they're all bid um so the terminology used no bid is not factual because they are Bid the state just does it and or the co-ops that we belong to okay thank you uh moving on to number number 11 council president coun move to 11 question on E Sonia the I think the first part or the first phase of this project is done this is the second phase right installing more uh the traffic control signs support Hardware that includes anything around the crosswalks or those things is this coming from the capital project is you're referring to 11a for sewer e oh still on 10 Tenny okay um cuz we had two parts in the capital board ordinance let me just look at the budget account number here do you have the certification of funds or you can let me know by uh we're just looking for the certification of funds that's supposed to be on here who can explain the account number here councilman this is like a lot of the other resolutions that we do um this is for multiple items to say we're going to use this Co-op and these are the different vendors and this is the dollar amount um that we may end up spending you this is a everye process we've probably got 10 of these whether it's Auto Parts or plow parts or signage um so it's not attached specifically to a operating budget or a capital budget it depends upon the time and what the need is that explains my question was only whether it is coming from the operating budget or the capital right it could be either or depending upon what the need is an example if for signage for signage we did all this wonderful um LED signs around the town we passed a capital budget specifically for that that came out of capital if we need to go buy 10 new street signs probably would come out of our operating budget as an example okay that that does concerns me again thank you for that answer that does concern me if you're not segregating what capital means in in terms of the resolution when we approve the funds the capital resolution needs to be separate from the operating and that's the classification I was looking for not mixing one thing in a bundle and say hey we might use part Capital part operating doesn't sounds good to me we'll have that for you um before Wednesday thank you thank you counc thank you councilman p uh moving on to number 11a any questions or comments all right seeing none moving on to number 12 a through e any questions or comments um council president counc bresser uh yes B um this is um to fill our air compressors for the fire department um I just have some questions about this what's the question well um if I wanted to fill tanks like my dive tanks or whatever right I could buy a machine for $4,500 my question would be how many how many firehouses do we have because you want to do the math and everybody else could have their individual ones um I guess I I found one of the one of the better ones that they have for sale for about $18,000 um this one here is $86,000 it's a high pressure one so that they could use a Cascade um like system and I don't know why we can't fill the compressors I mean why we can't fill the tanks with without a Cascade if we have the equipment right why do we need a Cascade system to set up um and is this just in one central location or cuz I was told we fill the bottles at at like one location then we bring them to others um so I'm not really sure you know well so when I look online for this you know and you see 18 Grand get you this topnotch thing and I see 86,000 it's just questionable uh Sonia is can someone answer that for us let me just bring in the deputy chief please okay thank you yes so yeah so first and foremost this is a it is a Cascade system it's a Cascade air compressor system it fills our SCBA balls which is what we use to breathe in idlh environments which are inherently dangerous life Hazard environments right fires ha mat situations Etc um I I don't know that you're going to find one for $118,000 but either way um the majority this is a grant that we received to to pay for this machine so um um right if it's getting paid by a grant yeah this is a that's on the rest of the uh you know the state um right I mean my real question was I noticed that they I know that they have smaller units um so they do and the pressure the reason why our pressure is so high is that's the our SCBA bottles are they're filled to 5,500 pounds so we need to be able to get to that and obviously above that to some extent to make sure that we're filling our bottles appropriately right and I I would just go in that I know they make smaller units so if they had if each Firehouse had the smaller unit that could fill individual tanks then you don't need the Cascade system you know to to bring it down um to do it but then every firehouse has it as opposed to trans expensive and then you know maintenance and everything on top of that so right now we'd have one at station two right down the street and this is actually going into station 7 uh down in R and Center wait uh RIT and Center yeah the one in uh the public safety center at station 7 do we open that we not at this time not yet but is it going to be open so are we going to have police there or is that like the substation on Oak Tree Road where we got the police thing and then no one's there only reason why ask is that no one's been in that substation in maritan Center in quite some time so we you hope to use it at some point uh right now we do have to put some Renovations into it um it's currently being using used as a training facility for both departments so it's it's currently active um and there are Vehicles there so we just need to put some work into it at the moment all right thank you I just wanted to ask Chief so it was 55,000 PSI for the compressor 55,00 6,000 6,000 PSI and our bottles are rated at 5500 so 5,500 okay thank you that's it for me uh anybody else with a question or a comment counc president just because I pulled up the model number online it is coming in at the 75 number that is in the backup documents okay thank you thank you uh moving on to number 13 for A and B any questions or comments um just you know we we talked about this the last meeting but really the question I I did ask Sonia um we didn't really go through the answer but the the only alarming thing in the audit report I mean I mean there's a few things right there's one that we're not fully funding or like our health plan kind of stuff right which is something I've been talking about and we had to take money out to pay for the health thing last year um that would really be the administration problem because it would take away from their budgeting right you'd have to pay the insurance because we're self-insured um so they would have to get the money from somewhere else that wouldn't be budgeted at the time like we did last year but the the alarming parts are there's there are I believe two items that are repeat items from like the year prior so when they the auditor makes a recommendation typically you put together an action plan you implement that action plan and and then what ends up happening are um it's corrected but over here it it wasn't corrected and it was picked up again so my question is is this just we're not going to pay attention attention to what the you know Auditor's recommendations are or no we certainly do and I appreciate you looking into uh some of this information that was provided um with regard to to the benefits so prior to this Administration and um it hasn't been my experience that we use Capital funding to cover um reserves for any sort of payout if you will um so when we looked at it and I looked at it I said we we certainly should not be doing that and uh charging future taxpayers money to do that so what we have been putting into reserves is money we did not as you know in these past two budget s put in for ordinance to um a capital Bond ordinance to to um subsidize that cost so that was one as far as the other repetitive recommendations I'm just going to pass this on to our finance director the other recommendation deals with uh posting to the general ledger on a timely basis it's not that it hadn't been done it's just that on a timely basis uh and that's a large part to the fact that we've been cleaning up a lot of issues on our books over the past two years uh and I can assure you that you will not see this comment again in the 2024 audit report um and just to one of the I don't mean to interrupt Ken uh one of the adjustments we have made was is having each department responsible to do deposits right there and then so they are going they are going through training they it's being scheduled um between our finance department and whoever is assigned in that department whether it's uh you know human resources or it's Planning and Zoning they will have a machine so that these deposits are made um on the spot rather than going through a chain of custody um through several departments so we don't find that being efficient and certainly our Auditors have made made mention of that and we can certainly streamline it with the the new technology okay the um and the insurance you you said something about we're going to put um how how are we going to handle the insurance we have been putting reserves in there oh so we're going to do it with reserves we're not going to do it with like any kind of bonding or swap swapping we're building up the reserve or correct okay so so that'll something that'll show up in our budget let's say next year um or you're just going to allocate part of your Reserves for that to cover that we've put money into reserves so we can I'll let you know what we have I think we've put in about half to 3/4 in yeah about three I think we put in three4 okay so far so we're we're looking to have a much healthier Reserve there so that the they're real like you know they're real uh snapshots of time rather than again uh charging future taxpayers right okay thank you very much council president Council thank you uh just on record you a question to Kan or if Sonia you want to respond the audit this audit is the sampling of some of the big Line atems This is not a full-blown audit for every single line atom of the budget is that correct in order such as this they do sampling they don't go through every single transaction okay now the bigger question is what happens to you know some of the line atom that are questionable for this Council but they are not covered under this audit what happens to that and I give the example right I'm looking for the audit per se of the trust fund that is very specific to the event I did ask about the record that are very specific to Mayor spending in state out State and those will not be audited because those are not big ticket atem but those are important to know you know what is happening to the funds so those line atems will not be covered under this audit correct okay thank you so what we are doing though in pursuant to your request councilman is we are preparing a report of any trust fund that has donation activity for 22 23 and 24 thank you thank you thank you uh moving on to number 14 from the council member of the planning board councilman pointer thank you council president um I took the recommendation from councilman brusher about two meetings ago about submitting the report to disperse for the council's review so that's what I did for this uh report and I asked the clerk to uh include that in the meeting minutes when it does come up for approval thank you council president thank you Council uh moving on to number 15 the communication the petition for the Nottingham Road was received and moving on to number 16 discussion items starting with my right councilman brusher uh well look at we've taken care of a lot of my items already during the meeting um warehouses right we took care of that uh Jackson Avenue we took care of the audit we took care of um the the council meetings I I put Council meetings on Zoom but there was a request that we no ify you know like our our live meetings and that um I I don't know that that's a bad idea for us to do it that's something like um at some point right there were some Council people that sat up here and they passed some kind of silly rule that council members have to give their questions for discussion items on a Wednesday it's the same sort of silly rule um just so that we're moving that forward that's basically saying like you know this body is looking to have our meetings live streamed um is where I'm where we're kind of going with that um the zoom was something that you know I'm hoping the administration is going to work on so we don't end up with the uh litigation um from somebody that can't make it here um like I seen the person that came to the meeting in the wheelchair I happen to watch a video on him um where it took two people for him to get out of a van you know by putting ramps up and stuff so that's not a reasonable access to here you know for him to need two people to come here so I think a reasonable accommodation would be a zoom for people with disabilities so I I hope the administration can you know look at that and get to the bottom of it um did we ever get anything on the reports on that shifting of the contaminated soil that my Council colleague brought up um because if we were moving the soil right then it should have been tested and we should have those test results can I get a copy of those sure all of the reports that we have on file were sent to councilman ptil I can certainly recirculate them to you yes if you can send them over to me um public Advocate ordinance I spoke to my colleague and we're going to set up a meeting before we we go through and post this um up date on threats um you know every time I I look around town I I hear about um burglaries break-ins um catalytic converters crime is just you know but but our mayor I see you know he takes the police on vacation with him everywhere he goes he has him standing in the rain as his personal bodyguard because as our chief said there were credible threats uh um I want to tell everybody a quick little story um on the board of education there was a threat and our police department at that time was actually able to track hidden IP addresses right to a child's home and the child thought that they could get away with it but through the use of Google um which our police department has access to and they'll help them so if there really are any threats I'd like to get an update as to um who our police department has caught that has threatened our mayor I mean being that a councilwoman in Sarahville was uh murdered executed um I would think that this would be important I think that it would be a very simple thing for them to track threats of an elected mayor in New Jersey um and I'd like an update to see like who they caught can we get that at some point I mean I would just defer to the police with regard to any reporting um the administration wouldn't have that so if the deputy chief could just speak on that councilman uh good evening everybody uh unfortunately right now I don't have any information I can give you at this time but I will speak to the Chief and one of us will get back to in reference to that question right I'd like to get how many how many people we've caught so far yes sir got it thank you now the next one I have the mayor's expenditures right and I I received the document that gave me expenditures um when I added up I come up to he gave us a $20,000 check postate it um yada yada yada but at the end of the day when I added everything up I came up to over $20,000 okay I wasn't sure if you were finished but I can oh no right so I'm looking at how come the mayor hasn't PID back the additional $725 plus any overtime that we had to cover for Manpower that was missing here at the time and also the credit card statements so what I did receive was some gas receipts right and that's really nice but I believe that I should be entitled to look at all of our credit card receipts for the month of August um from every credit card that we have I mean as a sitting councilman I'd like to see every credit card receipt um from the credit card statement so that I know that he didn't buy a Big Mac when he went into the gas station um you know on a taxpayer's dime so as far as our procurement card goes for the township um the mayor does not have access to that um nor do the officers that were traveling so that it's a gone through through the council and Council approves who's able to have the procurement card you during your bill list it's my understanding you get a copy of what is charged in its Bank of America okay so um that procurement card is very specific in terms of what is allowed to be charged to so any travel expenses are not allowed to be charged to a procurement card um so there's nothing in our statement I can certainly provide you a copy of that again um that was used during that time as far as the um expense report that I submitted to you uh in terms of the uh Personnel that was used the calculated overtime that's what was um calculated was about I want to say 6,800 and then added on to that was 400 and change of the receipts so that was what was um incurred during that trip if you will and so the what the mayor provided was above and beyond what the actual cost was to the township okay so let me ask you a question you you I have a gross number that the police off so the police officers were away for a week right can I get can why can't we get something that shows me that like what they got paid and and where I'm going with it is you're telling me it's the overtime right what about the straight time so uh let me just just go back and I believe the the chief also answered this in that there's special assignment and they are directed by the chief so uh as far as their assignment goes that's separate they're still employed by the township at anything outside of their working hours you're telling me that the chief is saying it's okay for the mayor to take police officers on vacation you didn't really just tell me that did you no I didn't actually I think those are your words oh no because you just told me the chief said that it was authorized it was a special detail the special detail is authorized to go on vacation to the DNC with the mayor because that's where he went I mean is this I I mean chief do I have to go and stand in front of Trenton with with attorney plin um because I will go do that this week councilman well first of all wouldn't uh dictate it as a vacation uh it was an assignment uh authorized through the chief's office uh any questions specific about that I would defer to him but I wouldn't categorize it as a vacation he went on a he went to a Democratic National Convention and you don't you wouldn't categorize that as a vacation that was what business I'm a Democrat Chief I'm a Democrat but you're telling me that the mayor can go to some political I event in Chicago and you actually can stand there or or our chief will come to my next meeting and actually say that the police were working and the mayor was working in Chicago at the convention don't tell me you would say that Chief maybe the other Chief's going to come up with that let's have him at the next meeting again sir I wouldn't categorize it as a vacation the residents do sir but I will defer to the Chief and if you have any filed questions I'll let him know yeah I I would bring I I'd like to see him here and just let the chief know that I will have people down in Trenton okay with signs asking for the Attorney General to investigate this okay and when I say investigate it investigate him you the ba everybody that was involved all right in this cover up that was a vacation that was not work our mayor we don't pay our mayor to go to Chicago to a Democratic National Convention and if it not work then it is a vacation sir I don't care how else you want to classify it maybe we can get uh Chief Bryant in here next meeting um I I'd love to see this I mean this when you talk about law enforcement and that badge you wear right this is important that badge stands for something but when we do this to the public it gives the public here everything everything has to be questioned at this point I mean if you if if you're telling me my chief is going to come here and tell me that he isn't classifying this as vacation that this is the work of the mayor to go to this okay I'm going to ask the chief I I can we have him here next week son I am just livid livid councilman he'll be here Wednesday thank you well I don't get to speak on Wednesday I only get to speak on work session maybe the next work session well we'll leave be here at next work session I want to do this publicly on the record that would be your counc thank you Council uh councilman Coy had to step away for a family emergency so uh moving on to council vice president yes uh We've covered Jackson Avenue we've covered Council meetings on Zoom uh with regard to Fon house the air quality testing I can just say I've gotten an answer generally that there are a lot of issues and um that uh they recommendations have been made for remediation and uh we'll see what uh what that brings and how long that takes but uh it's not sounding like that's going to be resolved anytime real soon um it was brought up about the Edison TV camera angles change and I I also am not happy about this I don't don't understand the point to it I do think that the public speakers should be given their due and should be and should be seen and I'm wondering at what point can we go back to the way it was I can certainly take your recommendations and comments back to um the administration can can anyone explain why this change was made what what the benefit was to this change again I would just reach out to the mayor and finally the North Edison Baseball parking lot which has um been in bad shape it's still in bad shape and do we have a time frame for when this can be finally at long last paved it is on this current Paving list for 24 so uh more than likely it'll be done in the spring okay thank you sure all right thank you Council Vice President we are we are four we are four councilman p y in fact I was the councilman at the end I I wanted to make the comment that please do not leave your ties because we are only barely four so till the end of this meeting uh let me start with my question glendel status you know where we stand in terms of litigation or anything have we made any progress we we bought the property as you know and um in order to prevent any warehouse from going there so there's no plans right now no I understand that there are no plans at this point in time but is there any status in terms of how far we are in the whether it's in litigation or any updates per se because we are paying $50,000 every single month because we bought the property and we are not using it again the the uh urgency of the residents was to prevent any warehouse as far as the litigation I would defer to councel um on providing an update uh probably in close session at some point I just need one one line of statement saying are we progressing or it is stand still I don't have an update for you I can get you one though okay please and and the reason I'm saying on record again you know there were multiple fundraisers done by mayor and especially glendel was brought up in the discussion for the Housing Development and that's the reason I'm asking status I heard that this was purchased under the open space money uh on an additional Bond money and hopefully that stays as an open space because the intent was not to let Warehouse be developed but not the residential definitely my second one is telton Community Center you know how far we are in the progress uh I heard renovation going on uh but is there anything Slater date like when it will be open um right now we're working on the exterior of the building because there's a lot of remediation work that needs to happen in on in the interior of the building so um uh work's being done um obviously not as fast as we'd like it um but the remediation needs to happen first and I'll get you an update as to that maybe next year q1 Q2 in any I hope next year yeah okay thank you the next one is this is a long standing I don't know where why this is falling through the crack and we are not really uh resolving this uh flooding issue uh I brought this up multiple times uh my former councilman uh Council colleague Bob D also was chasing this one after many many years we are still here you know Sonia can you give the update Steven will C Summer Street JP Stevens wending grou we spoke several times on this topic right but have we taken any any of these areas seriously to let's resolve this uh I'd just like to bring Brian up if if that's possible council president cuz we have enough studies done we have spent a lot money on engineering side we need to see things in action now so for Stevenville and Calvert I've been working with our attorney uh to solidify some of the easements that we originally thought were in place some apparently appear to never have been filed so I've been working with Mr northg grave um the attorney from his office that had been handling this when they were taking care of the easements is no longer there um and so we've been going through I've been pulling some from the county unfortunately um the county didn't actually record the easements in a way that's easily accessible so if I look up some of these properties even though I know we have easements and I have the copies of the easements in my file from Mr northgraves office you can't find it on the County website unless you have the actual uh instrument number so unless we send someone down to try to locate them in person physically which may or may not be possible depending on how they were filed there as well um we're having progress but slow progress on making sure that we have all of these so my firm doesn't have to duplicate efforts in trying to get some additional easements that should already exist um but some of them may not so that's what we've been working on for the last couple of weeks um with with Mr North Grave's cooperation the reason I'm saying this one is this is probably 10th year of this project and we have spent millions of dollar so I cannot not say it's been 10 years I've been in town 8 and I became and I started working on this roughly six and a lot of the downtime to my understanding has been for the Ean acquisition because that alone has been at least three years understood and that easen when you know attorney North gra was here I offered cuz I live in that neighborhood I offered and help if someone is not giv easement I will be happy to knock the door and talk to the owner cuz there is a significant impact to that neighborhood and if there is again I'm willing to volunteer if still that's a problem but we need to move really fast you know we if you just imagine that $34 million in Engineering Services that we paid what's the net worth as of today you might be working for last 6 years but I know for the fact that it's 10 this is my 10th year on the council from day one I'm chasing this project so that 3 million could have been 10 million today yeah the first step I need to to finish is figure out which ones don't actually have easements but if there are still issues with properties that don't have easements actually recorded more than happy to use your help sir okay the next one is Summer Street there's no ement required here I don't know where we stand CME had performed a study they issued a report last year um summar just paraphrasing the report the majority of their findings states that it's um residents should be installing back flows and so forth to prevent the flooding uh I need to read mind I know you read my mind I I I need to go through that report a little bit more to see what else can be done um for the next one JP Stevens and Grove I know we've been talking with DPW this is a much bigger lift uh this is something that would involve a large drainage study and with that would require D permitting um it's something that would have to get pushed into a capital project okay and how about Winding Brook I don't know if you visited Winding Brook I personally have not um I don't want to speak for DPW uh my conversations with several of the DPW superintendents is that they have been going through The Creeks behind Winding Brook and keeping it clear the reason I'm saying is because half of the backyard of some of the rent has been eroded because of the water flow okay that's a slightly different issue than I've been looking into we can look into the erosion aspect separately yeah and that's my next point is there water stream cleanup scheduling because this deal directly connects there so let's start the discuss on Winding Brook unless you want to answer the question or Sonia you want to answer the question I remember that we had established the we have established process to clean this water lines or the stream lines uh R was generous enough when the flooding happened especially on sh Parkway but I have not seen you know Winding Brook or even for that matter JP Steven on the radar of the cleanup I don't know you know again I would like to really see the record on the record that you know we are really cleaning those water lines sir I'm happy to send you all pictures of both facilities um Edison uh JB Stevens that area back there um is about as high profile as it gets um not GNA have that flood again at least not on my watch unless there's a uh you know a five inch rainstorm in an hour but I can tell you we're there three four times a year on that one Winding Brook I'll back here on but I know Jermaine and the guys in the road department have been uh Stellar going through the streams but I'll again I'm happy to text your pictures out of you know we we do a pretty decent job of documenting all that and I do have several pictures of that neighborhood and happy to continue that disc thank you for that next one is Kilmore Cricket field status you know just extending the conversation my colleague brought up here on the contamination Sonia thank you for sending that report but I'm looking at the end to end process saying when the soil was lifted from the papani park and dumped on the Kilmer I need bu truck that records how many trucks of soil was moved from one area to another area and the reason I'm saying is I if you look at you the uh P part the turf field that that expenses has 200 Mill $200,000 Plus on clearing cleaning the contamination so I don't know whether it was 10 20 ft all the way down but by the time the soil was already moved out from the field on the Kilmore so even though you said you submitted all the record but they are not complete in in the sense so what I'm looking is how many trucks in fact you know I should go at the license number of that truck what was the tonnage you know how many yards of soil we put in there and have we tested before putting that soil you know that's the report I'm looking not the after fact report and you don't have to give it me now you know you can communicate me through email there was also a letter followed um by that report from CME that I sent to you and I just sent it to councilman brusher this evening uh from CME regarding the um parameters of the testing and the soil there's a their their professional opinion in terms of the parameters of soil from when they picked it up to the transportation so they're looking at from all angles that that was my understanding from Sami I think you know if somebody from Sami needs to come to the podium and answer my question because when they picked up the sample it is a picked up from the Papi Park not from the Kilmer field that's the time I'm looking at the timing when the soil was lifted from Pap Park and went on the Kilmer just remember Kilmer is going to be used the field is going to be used by will be used by youths and we don't need a contaminated soil there even though hopefully it is not contaminated but I need the proof that it is not really contaminated the in terms of the status you know I know we have glorified I see the township symbol there it's really looking nice though I'm not happy with the elevation because I guarantee you the number of accident that are going to happen there the ball is going to roll right on the plane Field Avenue because that field is not going to be used by tennis one it will be used by the leather ball and who understand the cricket be ready that's going to be disaster the way it is done but looking good you know rpw did a good job on you know uh getting that beautified especially on the front side and hopefully those bushes stays there I saw the paving was done so that's another good thing uh but I'm more concerned about when it will be open and the actual usage and the accident that going to cause there uh can I get the tentative schedule when that field is going to be ready by next season hopefully March April May do we have any idea are you referring to I'm sorry can you repeat that again number e Kilmore Cricket field okay um let me just have Mr poro come up I I apologize can we get some rain I mean it's it's it's 10 to 15 degrees warmer in October than it normally is and for three months it hasn't rained we've seated we've airr we fertilized all I need is for you and the all of the Cricut people to pray for rain so I can germinate some seed but um I'm hoping we have uh and my roads guys and the rest of the department probably will not be too happy with me on this but I'm hoping we actually have a pretty decent snowy winter which you know will help get us a pop in the spring but I mean if you want documentation I'll give you you know a thousand bags on being fous of seed that we put up there and fertilizer and Morganite I mean if I could just get some rain and we've been trying to water it actually with the water truck but over you know two Cricket Fields is I mean that's like I don't want to use the expression in a public meaning but I'm sure you understand I mean we've been trying to do everything humanly possible um if we get the right weather if if we get some rain you'll be playing on it in the spring okay thank you and as I said like you know I have been to the field multiple times I know what the work has gone into that and I really appreciate my only the question is yes no hopefully it will be available during the next cricket season the next one Rider DPW area beautification you know lot R for you U I know Sonia you said it's through purchasing I think a month ago are we on track getting you're referring to the fencing tree fencing yeah trees to be planted along the fence step one is to replace the fencing which is on the docket for Wednesday's meeting y we've got to get that done first we'll see where we are at the end of the year as far as weather who knows uh we do have items bided out as far as trees you and I first talked about putting some trees up there but I've got to get the fencing done first I understand that but my understanding based on the answers I received we are getting there we will have the tree fencing because that neighborhood is not looking good say say one more time please no my understanding was we are not talking about metal fencing my understanding was the beautification and this is not the first time on my discussion agenda councilman you're we're doing a fencing around the facility facility on the neighbor side is a very high fencing that's going to have the green slots into it and then in front of that would be trees correct and that's the tree I'm questioning because I was told that during the fall we're going to plant the trees right but I've got to get the fencing in first which is on the docket for hopefully you'll vote for it wiste the scheduling is not my business you know again when you want to do metal fencing but trees are important fencing can be done any point in time trees cannot be planted any point in time so it's up to our priority you know how we choose we can choose the work and I was assured by this fall we're going to plant the trees right F fencing first then trees again I'm repeating my word I know you giving political answers today you know you could be a good politician I'm asking black and white will will will you be able to plan trees we we have trees that are on bid we have we have done all of the proper procurement we have to put the fence ing up depending upon when the fencing goes up and what the weather conditions are at that time will determine whether then we can then turn around and plant the trees okay so hopefully this will be done because this is not the first time I said this has been on my agenda many many times and I was assured you can go back to the recording I'll be happy to replay those recording for you no need in the in the fall and again we've gone through the procurement this is the time frame in which we could get the items procured and we will follow that process okay thank you and hopefully we'll we'll see the tree soon the next one Clara bartan M Avenue inner roads uh while I'm driving that side of the house uh the roads are not really good you know the utility company really you know cut through uh not just on amb but also in roads I don't think they followed our ordinance and I why we are not enforcing those ordinance because I remember this is less than five years we pav the road so what is the path forward are they going to credit and we're going to repave or they're going to repave these roads we'll take a look at the roads is there a specific Road outside of uh ambo have I think you know you you guys should have the list you know we have the AI you know software going and picking the trucks right you would know what treats are duck up in the whole clar Barton yeah well usually when someone brings up an issue if there's a specific area love to look into that as soon as possible have and we have the Traffic Unit on the ground we have the DPW on the ground I don't know you know you're asking councilman to go and give me the list of the area this is insane you know I would say that you know send someone who is Mr KY in your office to go and look at the neighborhood and find out all the streets and see that's a great suggestion we'll do that thank you thank you let's do our job you know rather than asking Council people the question next one the cwood grow traffic study you know I was told that uh not much can not much will be done that neighborhood and I think you know mayor was talking to the residents and they he said you know we need to do the traffic study I don't know we do we you know we have a police chief do we need a traffic study need to spend $50 $60,000 for the cal grow traffic so they're done internally I'm not sure what U money you're referring to it's by the way it's in social media you know it's I I I don't look at social media so I poize I mean that's not factual information other than opinion uh but as far as that the what we have done is a traffic study um as you mentioned the mayor did talk to Residents so we're putting all together the findings um some of them which are not appealing it talked about uh potential dividers I'm not sure if that's really the plan to go however we're putting all of that together unless the chief has anything specific other than what I've provided yeah before Chief says something you know I believe the traffic study was done while we put the stop signs you know we did a wonderful job in that neighborhood striping was done my understanding was traffic study was done and that's the reason we reduced the speed 25 M hour I don't know what else the traffic study needs to be done there well just so you're aware from a police perspective a traffic study from our perspective deals with speed and volume which we did and that was one of the contributing um things that was done leading up to the designation of that zone being 25 versus 35 anything over that is really out of the hands of the police department probably Falls more in an engineering purview um I I can't speak for engineering but I that's from a police perspective we've done what we can effectively do at that intersection okay so the question to engineering do have abilities in house to do the traffic study to be blunt I can't do it in house I don't have the manpow to do it uh I did receive uh responses back for quotations from two of the three firms I reached out to last week uh those are under review I don't have those numbers off the top of my head but I can get them for you for next uh for Wednesday do you know the bpark number I honestly don't remember I'm sorry it's not going to come free right it's going to be outsourced that work no it's definitely coming at a price uh we are going to be paying an engineering firm to do the work they're going to be doing a traffic study and seeing what the repercussions are of potential options on Grove whether or not it's elimination of a turning movement and how that would trickle down to affect the neighborhood that's that was all asked to be part of their pricing thank you and that goes back toia the way you answered saying it's an internal study what I what I told you it's going to cost you 50 60 $50,000 which you denied but it appears that now engineering department is not self-sufficient they need to go out and get the vendor to do the study so my question is can we get some clarity whether those bids or those contracts by next council meeting as uh Brian explained he'll get that to you on Wednesday okay thank you and I think the last item has been covered uh council meeting scheduling in Zoom uh I don't know why we cannot or we enable the comments on the YouTube you know distribution if that's going to be helpful someone from Administration can watch those meetings look at the questions probably you know have someone come to the podium and ask that question to this Council or this body uh including council president thank you Council thank you council president thank you councilman P councilman poter thank you council president I'm just going to ask my colleague to uh take a copy and pass down if if that's okay um but while he's doing that uh ordinances for consideration I'm going tie in my first one to the change order at minv uh last meeting I mentioned potentially codifying the requirements for environmental impact statements on applications before the land use boards in the environmental impact studies uh uh some of the specifications that they have to provide are actually information on soils so as an example to mini BV earlier in the year at 39 Progress Street there was an application that came accompanied with an environmental impact study and in that it specified that the soils in that area are type D type D soils um under the uh USG guidelines are clay type soils so we could use this information as long as this database and able we're able to query it appropriately but we could gather this information through our normal application processes and eventually use that to better our viid procurement process because if we were able to know that hey this application before that's 2,000 feet away from any BV specified that there are these types of soils we would have been at least made aware that that condition may may be here the second one uh if I could ask our legal I had sent an email in regards to um codifying in regards to invasive species uh this was brought up by a resident that had requested us updating our ordinance particularly on bamboo I expanded the thought in regards to invasive species I was just wondering if there was an update on on a review of that yep I am in the process of reviewing those uh there are some adjustments that have to be made uh there were some uh other Township matters that came up in the meantime that required immediate attention uh so it is actually open on my desktop I was looking at it today earlier just to see what I uh what I could do with at least the invasive species one um and then I can get to the other one as well so those are all being worked on you should have them ready for the next and I'm very well aware that I throw a lot at you guys so uh no issue on the delay on my end excuse me Council uh councilman porner what I would just um as part of the process is that um whatever department is in um is going to enforce this if we could just have them also review whatever ordinance that is being drafted uh whether it's planning zoning or Health Department um just so that we know and to anticipate what those potential issues could be and that's actually one of the items that I'm looking for the administration to help guide because it would be improper for me to say which one is more appropriate on this particular item so I'm hoping that in that review um that will be clarified so thank you thank you for your work on that um the last item and this is why I just distributed out to my Council colleagues um kind of ties in with the discussion with warehousing around the township a lot of the warehouses that we currently have are zoned Li light industrial those are in my opinion more appropriate at the raran center which is its own Center which is its own Zone rrd hel Park which is Li and and the and talage and the artery roads there those to me make sense based on the current environment for industrial parts or warehousing uh distribution facil I may mention at the last meeting though that there are other zones currently zoned Li that may not be as conducive to that those are the Silver Lake Area those are wood uh Woodbridge Avenue and Main Street and that would also be Jackson Avenue SL Amoy Avenue you may also add in Whitman Avenue as an area of consideration though based on the developments and such um a lot of those Parcels are pretty much taken up so I did not include that in here for me though one of the ways to tackle without taking away economic utility for those other areas um ridan talage and hel park to me an option is then just to rezone different areas around the township that are more conducive so what I have um before you is just a little study for the recommendation of rezoning the LI Zone um off of Amboy Avenue and Woodbridge to a transition zone that would allow for more residential opportunity protect the residents interest there though by removing warehousing as an allowable guideline and at the same time phrasing it in a way where the existing businesses that are there which are primarily contractor and Manufacturing businesses can remain intact and not be impeded upon so I I know I sent this to the administration for review I'm not expecting an immediate response I just wanted to um let my colleagues know that this is a suggestion that I have and I'm hoping that we can consider it that would be it council president thank you very much thank you Council pointer yes go ahead ounc conman you know thank you for doing the detailed study of and especially I was very keen on the the zone changes we have spent 2 and a half year on the master plan and I heard we had the experts were involved in building the masteral plan we spend good amount of money I don't know why some of the things that you are mentioning were missed in the master plan and now we are going back and you know redoing some of those things unless they are already in the master plan can I resp sure uh thank you um there are actually recommendations in the master plan in regards to what this is looking to achieve now the mode of how you actually achieve that it it's a matter of preference you can do an overlay Zone you can do an area in need of Rehabilitation or Redevelopment or you can do just a general zone change that's at least to my understanding this recommendation here is just taking um zone change approach but particular to what it furthers in regards to the master plan it recommends that the LI Zone actually reduces in size so in my thoughts is that one way to reduce is to reone certain areas that are currently zoned Ali understood and if I heard correctly and not to go back and forth council president the recommendation for the master plan were adopted or they were accepted and adopted so we are what we are doing is basically acting and changing the actual zones if this body decides that's that's what I'm recommending and hoping to have support in in doing and that would be furthering the uh recommendations of the master plan yes thank you con thank you councilman p and thank you councilman pointer uh as for me I don't think I have a lot of updates uh main thing let's start with the town committees uh as pointed out by Council Vice President we have a lot of committees that don't have meeting notes and a lot of uh committees that are active on paper but are actually not meeting and making an impact so one of the ideas council president we need to pause the meeting because the councilman left the eyes thank you sir thank you uh if he's in the chamber it still matters that's fine we have councilman come back I'm sorry okay with five okay all right so uh continuing my thought on the town committees uh the idea is that this is going to be a project where we would uh I would ask the Madam clerk to reach out to each committee and ask them to provide us with you know how many times they met in the last year if they have any hold on let me just pull up my notes on this sorry okay so the idea is that uh we would update these meeting notes on the website and that kind of leads me to my question to Sonia where is where are we along in the website with the new update it will go live on Friday Friday okay awesome so now that we have updated website the idea is to input the website with active information so if a resident would like to follow along with all the issues or any particular issues that they want to bring through the committee uh they can follow along in the minutes so uh with I was going to ask Madam clerk to reach out to individual chairs of each committees and ask them this questions how often have they met in last year how many members are actively attending and how many are you short of your ideal uh do we have any meeting notes and if they do I would like to use those meeting notes and update our website uh so that they we are up to do it at least with the information we have um I would also ask that if we can create a template uh that we can provide for the meeting notes as to we can capture the information we want so it's a standardized uh template and as when we update it everyone would have the same format and it'll be easier to follow along and uh uh and I think that that's a good start and then I'll work on it to continue further that it will be a project I'm hoping to have this done maybe in the next month or so so maybe added to the discussion on the next uh work session uh in terms of the uh pedestrian safety the jpnl did we get an update Council uh the Administration has provided me with some preliminary plans uh shared those with jcpnl and I am waiting on an update from them as to where they're at from their end um you know we knew that this was in dealing with PSG before we realize who actually owns the power lines or there might be some issues uh from their legal end of it regarding liability and things like that so that's I think where the holdup is um they do have a small team that they use apparently based out of Ohio um and so there's just been some there's been some delays with with Communications with them that there's not a whole lot we can do about other than just keep keep pushing uh just send another email I'll ask you to send another email at H works session um panon Central AB as we already discussed that uh the economic developer do we have an a new look are we looking for a new economic developer no uh is that something that the administration is thinking of doing or is there a particular reason as to why not um I can take it back to the mayor in terms of what his planning is as far as an economic developer I will have a conversation with the mayor on the economic development the Redevelopment agency and I'll report back uh any update on the bike study bike study uh Sonia so what specifically you're looking in terms of the bike study I know we discussed a couple of things um in terms of a trail if Brian if you're here can you update me on the status of that uh full map of Edison as to as so where we stand on that uh council president I'm aiming to get that to you I would say beginning to mid December okay uh we had lost a staff member so I got to pick up that as well okay that that sounds that's fine we'll wait for that um traffic study the stop set Inman and old Ron are we in communication with with the county in regards to that we are um we're still communicating with the county we have to get their uh approval from their engineering firm their Engineers uh which are looking at it and and um so far my understanding is that it's looking on a positive note to do something so uh we're they're doing all of their their due diligence in terms of the you know whatever traffic studies they need to do okay and do they give you a timeline by any chance or no no I figured that would be it um any update on the Harding app and Oak Tree Road I think that's the one that takes a long time okay I'll skip that one and I discuss the town committees well that's about it for me I will take a motion to adjourn motion to adjourn may I have a second second that's a motion by Council vice president second by councilman pointer all in favor this meeting adjourns at 8:53 charge me for