##VIDEO ID:hEJCm7QTcuk## e all right starting the regular meeting of September 25th to order uh please stand for the Pledge of Allegiance IED ALG to the flag the UN United States of America to The Republic it stands Nation God indivisible with liy and justice for all Madam clerk roll call please council member brusher present council member here council member Harris here council member Patel here council member ptil here council member pointer pres council member schmuel here all right Madam clerk please read the adequate notice adequate notice of this meeting is required by the open public meeting Act of 1975 has been provided by the annual notice sent to the home News Tribune Star Ledger Desi talk and news India times on December 12th 2023 and post main lobby Municipal complex on that same date thank you madam clerk so good evening everybody uh brief reminder as we begin when a speaker is recognized it is their time to share and our time to listen if you disagree with their Viewpoint please wait until you are recognized to share your perspective and we will afford you the same courtesy of being heard if this respectful process is not followed I will be compelled to issue a warning with the gel should any further disruption occur you may be asked to leave so we can maintain order and continue with the township business efficiently some changes to be noted uh first of all the jazz festival has been moved to mini B will it should be taking place currently um and I believe we are removing resolution r575 from the agenda okay and and now I would like to uh highlight few agenda items we will be discussing today we will be making our neighborhood safer by supporting resolution R 584 providing radios for our new and current uh police vehicles and we will also be applying for a grant under resolution 574 to the league of municipalities and mayor's Wellness campaign for mental health initiatives um and now moving on to uh hold on to the approval of minutes number five may I have a motion to approve motion to approve may I have a second I'll second all right all in favor I I and I would like to yield the floor to councilman pointer thank you council president regards to ordinance 2233 I'm going to ask this body to table the ordinance and my reason is pretty simple while I disagree that we absolutely have to follow based on State Statute 2- 2.17 Item B in regards to forming the subcommittee I believe should be followed and as a matter of principle I believe it should be followed so with that I would ask this body to consider tbling the ordinance forming the subcommittee with taking into consideration the minutes and all the items that are brought forth at Monday's meeting in addition to any others that council members may feel may be of interest to consider to have the subcommittee review and come back with its findings and any of those recommendations brought forth back in the form of ordinance council president before you move the motion to table I need to make a comment if you allow me uh sure can we do it after the second so that we have a motion and then we'll have a second and then we can do comments so then councilman might consider not to table M comment oh okay okay but we can still do it after the second because we you then you'll end up doing the roll call no we will have comments after the second the motion to table has been made we have to have a second I would like to motion the table yes second council president I think attorney now we have a second I asked the councilman he said he would like to make the motion so I didn't hear the word I would like to motion I would like to move the motion to table this particular ordinance he only give the remark for the consideration so please listen carefully follow the process that's the reason when uh council president said I would like to second I said before this happens I would like to make the comment and that's the reason I'm I'm sorry I thought I was I thought that was a motion but go ahead thank you uh thank you councilman for considering at least the forming the committee but this committee will be only good if there are the proponent and the opponent of this ordinance are part of that subcommittee if you're going to form the subcommittee with all yes votes then technically you are kicking can down the road and there will not be any tangible impact to this ordinance so may ask to councilman who is proposing to table and the council president please consider the members who do not wish to support this ordinance to be part of that subcommittee thank you sir thank you counil m now may I have a motion to table as it was not recognized as such earlier uh just a point of clarification because I know technically with the table there would be the motion for the subcommittee for foration that would be done so first the motion sorry yeah first you would make the motion to the table right the the subject of the motion needs to be a very clear motion to table a secondary motion would then be made if that motion passes to form the subcommittee um that would be the proper order to do things um with that I will move to motion ordinance 22 33-20 24 right I have a motion on the table by councilman pointer may I have a second I enthusiastically second all right and I have a second by council wice president uh any comments okay may I have roll call council member brusher yes to table council member coil yes to table council member Harris yes to table council member ptil yes to table council member pointer yes to table council member schmuel yes council president Patel yes uh now we want a motion to motion to form a subcommittee do we have to list the members now I am hoping that it will be chaired by councilman pointer and I would like to include Council vice president as she is the opponent and councilman sh as another member so may I have a motion to form a subcommittee motion to form a subcommittee all right so motion by Council vice president second by councilman ptil any comments all right Madame clerk roll call please council member brusher yes for the committee council member Quil yes council member Harris yes council member yes council member app pointer yes council member schmuel yes council president Patel yes okay okay so ordinance 2233 is table and we have a subcommittee formed to discuss uh that particular change and any other recommendations by any other council members that wish to uh inquire with the sub commmittee committee is um chaired by John pointer Po and Margo Harris okay just want to make sure I got it right thank you council president of course uh so that part's done we got that part all right continuing on to the unfinished business Madam clerk please read ordinance 2234 an ordinance amending the Amboy Avenue Redevelopment plan by modifying s several sections in the overlay District pursuant to provisions of njsa 48 colon2 a-7 okay uh this port uh ordinance 2234 is open to the public if anybody would like to make a comment all right seeing none motion to close the public portion motion to close may I have a second oh one second so does someone want to speak you can come thank you recognized yeah your name and address please artificial intelligence uh location The Matrix you are recognized thank you ordinance two two point of order youis what are you Whispering sir you are not recognized please point of order is to discuss the procedures it is not to discuss ex session what are you talking about you're Whispering public meeting it's public meeting uh please uh pause his time point of order point of order I calling it the council member asked me a question with respect to the procedure to allow um what is currently occurring uh it was a three- sentence question that responded with a yes I'd like to know about it i' I'd like to know about it yeah I just want to make it clear again thank you I have some patience here my only the humble request is when I said this on Monday when speaker is on the Das talking please pay attention to no discussion among ourself or no discussion with attorney and also attorney should be talking thank you okay uh you can unpause this time you're recognized thank thank you so much thank you so much I appreciate that councilman ptil um back to ordinance dot two two 34- 2024 how much time do I have Marina five minutes good an ordinance amending the Amboy Avenue Redevelopment plan by modifying sections in the overlay District pursuant to provisions of n dot j dot s dot a DOT 40 a 12 a d S period how much time do I have left and I'm I'm against this whole I'm against this whole ordinance I'm against everything having to do with the Clara Barton section if I see something an ordinance or any resolution for Amoy Avenue or anything having to do with clar Bart and I say give them nothing they're they're stealing all the resources from this town and uh I don't want them to have a Redevelopment plan I don't want want them to have a plan that says they can build four story buildings um we can just leave the plan as it is right now and through the chair to the lawyer are we going to have to spend an attorney are we going to have to pay an attorney to come up with a new Redevelopment plan do you want an answer now or do you want to wait until your time has uh out yeah we're going to pay an attorney or no and then I I I'll move on from there is there any attorney costs associated with this ordinance I do not know specifically do not know specifically well I don't I don't like it I I think it's rather strange you guys some people up there want to build four-story buildings in clar Barton and all of a sudden we're making new Redevelopment plans um I don't I don't like that I think something's fishy going on so anything having to do with clar Barton especially this ordinance o do 22 34 I'm against it and um yeah how much time do I have left Marina two and a half minutes two and a half minutes I still have two and a half minutes that's beautiful and yeah the question of the council president council president do you see any reason for this ordinance to go through I have I given my reason in the past you gave your reason in the past I haven't heard that reason would you like to tell me that reasoning and for all the people that haven't heard that reasoning before would you like to let us know what that might be no no okay so you want to do something in secret but you want me to be okay with it that's exactly why I'm not okay with this ordinance because you're not being transparent you're acting rather fishy about it and all I did was ask you one one is there one reason that you have for this Ordinance one good reason I mean do you think it'll benefit clar Barton in any way thank you Qui through the chair to councilman Joe who Joe Cole You're a part of Amboy Avenue everything that goes on in Amboy Avenue has something to do with you how much time do I have left Mara minute and a half minute and a half um yeah that could be why Joe's recording at this moment in time because it's he wants to record it's an important thing for am booy Avenue he's from am booy Avenue normally he only records though when normally he only records though when there the cops are about to jump on me so I find it I got my my red alert red flag all so yeah um what was the warning one minute warning okay so yeah I'm against this I'm against this with my whole life force every atom in my body okay the atoms within the atom which that's even smaller than the atom itself is against this ordinance 100% And I through the chair to councilman Brasher councilman Brasher are the Adams in your body against this ordinance they're against um so yeah in my last question since I still have time left you know any council person can can answer this do they think there there'll be any thank you artificial intelligence uh anybody else that would like to speak all right may I have a motion to close the public portion motion to close public portion all right that's motion by Council vice president second by Council M pel uh all in favor I I all right any Council comments council president yes um this ordinance I do not support at all and I'll give you some short reasons why and as we just spoke about this ordinance prior to this about reserving the 4 minute six minute rule we're going into subcommittee um it's only fair to go as deep onto a marketing plan foran boy Avy as we would for the Public's right to speak um I think uh members of this Council worked very hard in a very short period on this but I'd have to say it was worked in a silo it was worked in uh for the people for the few people who came here for them to be happy and we just missed a lot of points that need to be done as professional uh with other professionals to make sure we broaden our scope to make this ordinance complete once and forever and and I each one of you know my personal feelings of it and uh I spent 30 plus years on this blog trying to improve it uh to make it beautiful uh from code enforcement to vandalism to Graffiti to uh planting to to helping Market the block uh I understand those who may not want a four-story building but are we to listen to everyone we're not uh are we listen to a few absolutely and did we seek to involve other professionals and the answer is no we didn't we didn't get involved with with any other the professionals to rewrite this ordinance or to cover some areas where may may not have seen unforeseen or foreseen we did it once over we were pushing this through and if this is passed obviously I will support this Council and their are choices I do not support this ordinance at all because we have a once in a lifetime change right now to to make it right and we're not doing that we're just pleasing a few in the public one resident who lives directly behind the steart troop your stand who's upset and he's res to be he doesn't want a building in front of in you know in front of his house but when he chose to move there it that's a choice you make I mean you have a lot of alternates in Edison when you choose to buy a home if you choose to buy a home behind a steuart's root beer stand Diner expect to smell the St trash expect to have parking issues it's a normal part of life where you move you move by a train station you're going to hear the train but and I'm not saying that person has not brought up other ideas that are good but the fact is it's started from a personal point and it's carried to a a very few amount of people and it has not broughten its scope to the entire Community nor has it been diverse at all we haven't included those who can't afford a place we haven't included anybody from the college area we have incl included a lot of factions of people and I'm sad that we're just not waiting to do it right and what is the rush I mean today the votes are here on the council with or without my support why not wait to do it right and and I'm going to keep it short what this Council chooses to do they can but no one on this St has worked harder on this on this block and carried for more of this block two of us three of us live in the area and and they both know the time and patience I put into the area and I just care but people choose great but is it going to be a marketing change what is going to change by passing this today nothing is going to change right we've built two buildings in 30 years and we may have a third we have one that's been approved for two years hasn't even uh put a shell on the ground Fox and fox has an approval seven years ago maybe 10 years ago did not break ground ever so I think there's a lot of parts to this ordinance that has not been thought out properly with professionals and I'm saddened for that and we're rushing for the few who show up to microphone to change an entire community and we did not weigh the entire Community thank you thank you Council M coil council president Council vice president I wholeheartedly support this ordinance and I'm not sure what councilman Coyle would Define as a few people because I have heard from more than a few people from the clar Barton section and while this is not a perfect ordinance they are to use my favorite phrase again they willing to to accept the that the fact that the that the perfect is not the enemy of the good and they want this codified sooner than later they are in a hurry to get this codified before more development continues to take place so for that reason I am wholeheartedly in favor of this ordinance I will be voting yes thank you Council vice president Council P thank you council president I respect the opinion of my Council colleague but I wholeheartedly agree with my Council vice president this is not few people I think you know this topic specifically of Clara Barton has been discussed eight eight plus months there were several meetings with the neighborhood there are several meetings internally there were several phone calls in fact one of the uh in one council meeting I did ask Mr Bell to clarify if the master plan which was just adopted is in consistent with the this ordinance he said yes so if the master plan is adopted I don't know what is the hesitation to comply and to you know move forward with this ordinance again is the word is perfect absolutely not and councilman we are on the Das for long time uh we all know that it's 8 plus years we are waiting for the Redevelopment happening in clabon section we are at the peak of the real estate market yet there is no moment there is no development in Clara Barton that shows that neighborhood is really not there for four plus story uh buildings so let's let's respect the opinion of the resident let's respect the opinion of the neighborhood and move forward again you know I'll be open to update this ordinance down the line but let's adopt what the ask is from the clarton resident and hence I'll be supporting this ordinance thank you sir thank you Council Patel any other council members um yes uh I mean I agree with my colleagues um actually all my colleagues up here on this um even my councilman next to me um when we talk about that area and not bringing everybody in um what we're doing today is we're doing this because the residents um didn't want to have four stories um and and this is not giving the residents what they ask for I know it was presented at as kind of like a little give and take on both sides but if we look at this from a child like my granddaughter who's 8 years old and if I were to take her down to claraa Barton and she were to count and I tell her it's three and a half stories my granddaughter is going to go Papa it's not three and a half stories there's four stories and and that's coming from a child's perspective coming from you know an adult perspective I guess we could call it three and a half so to me this is still four stories um the the whole area I I do have problems with the development plan that we have um councilman pointer sent me um some information so I could look at it and try and decipher it and it almost almost looks like a giant spot zone so that's where I agree with my councilman coil that that I think it's not right but being that no one's developing it when it was two stories and no one's developing it when it's four stories I don't think it really matters if we actually modify it at this point um because the residents care about it and the residents don't want to see four stories so because of that um the residents no always support what they're looking for in their communities and their area so I'll be voting yes on this thank you thank you councilman brusher councilman po pointer thank you council president um I know some of my colleagues disagree on the assessment of three and a half and 40 ft and the differences I respectfully disagree I first moved into Edison I lived on 8 Orange Street I lived on the second floor and outside of that I had a deck I was able to go outside enjoy fresh air so to me that half story does have benefits for people like me who were introduced into Edison based on that type of uh style home from there I moved to Amboy Avenue my address was actually 835 Amboy Avenue so I'm not sure how many other people on the DI here can actually say their physical address was Amboy Avenue but there I lived right next to the firehouse and I lived on the second floor with a half story above and that half story above provided me the office space that I needed that helped my professional development so I know some people will view that as hey the height is still 40t but the differences between the half story and the full story um I believe are extremely beneficial to the overall density that could occur on Amboy Avenue in terms of the sub subcommittee being formed versus not to reiterate my point before changing Council protocol is written specifically in our ordinance it does not State anything about having to have a subcommittee for any other legislation that we put forward to me that is a distinction um in regards to not bringing everyone in respectfully a Redevelopment plan how we normally do it is specific to a certain lot this is an entire Avenue so what may fit at a 200 foot wide block may not fit on 100 foot wide may not work on a 50ft wide so if we are going to have more appropriate development then yes I do believe we should be more specific on individual lots and then let the businesses and the Commerce say hey this doesn't work what you think what did you consider this the modifications that are included um to me set up the right environment for development and truthfully if these were the guidelines that were in place in 2016 and this council at that time had listen to the suggestions of the residents in my opinion a cellos building would have actually been developed lot to lot instead of ending up being subdivided as it was which was not the intention of the Redevelopment plan I've taken consideration from businesses I've taken consideration from residents I've I've worked diligently and researching every zoning block on Amboy Avenue and it is in my heart of hearts that this is the proper environment moving forward for the for Amboy Avenue thank you council president thank you Council pointer any other council members I seeing n council president councilman coil I just can't help to Echo a comment from my Council vice president and again I only say what's a fact I'm quite certain people spoke to people but most of the people spoke to were 50 years plus and that's not fair to not include other others a part of this that's a fact if you can provide me the list of who you spoke to I'm open to it any day but when you Circle a bunch of round tables of senior citizens who don't want any change that's not enough and yes they matter senior citizens matter to be a part of this those 50 plus matter but tell me who you spoke to under 50 that's going to be part of seeing this change right very few and this is being this is being mentioned today it's being changed today for the few who came to this room okay no one went down to Camelot where there's a 224 unit building and asked anybody there what do you think because I met with people from that area and they'd like to see some changes the facts are the fact you listen to the people who don't want it okay and that's it and if you can provide me that list Council vice president who you spoke to I open to see that list but it's the same list that one of our residents has it's a list of everybody who's 50 plus okay and it does not include everyone so I leave it there and just prove any factual statement to me thank you thank you Council m co uh Madame clerk roll call please oh sorry uh I thought we did all right can I get a motion to adopt motion to adopt second all right motion by Council vice president second by councilman pointer and I will take roll call council member brusher yes council member no council member Harris yes council member ptil yes council member poiner yes council member schmuel no council president Patel yes okay uh moving on to the Clos session uh may I get a motion to go into the Clos session motion to go into Clos session may I have a second close session second all right uh that's motion by councilman pointer second by councilman pel all in favor all all right this Council will continue after we finish the close session I won make you drink the e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e all right may I have a motion to return from closed session motion to return from close session may I have a second all right that's motion by Council vice president second by councilman Patel on all in favor I all right the motion the council has returned to session uh moving on to number eight new business proposed ordinance for public hearing set down for Wednesday October 9th Madam clerk please read ordinance 2235 an ordinance amending chapter 37 entitled zoning section 61.3 entitled outdoor lighting of the code of the tant of Edison may I have a motion to introduce counc yes I move this order be passed on first reading published according to law for further conation and public hearing set down for Wednesday October 9 2024 second all right that's motion by councilman pel second by Council vice president any Council comments all right seeing none Madame clerk roll call please council member Brasher yes council member coil no council member Harris yes council member ptil yes council member pointer yes council member shimel yes council president Patel yes all right moving on to ordinance 2236 Madame clerk please read the ordinance an ordinance repealing ordinance 22 d 2 2215 d224 and restoring chapter 17 to its pre-amendment state okay uh I will leave it to the council as to what they would like to do with this ordinance if they want to introduce table it till November uh up to you guys uh I'd move this ordinance to be passed on the first reading published according to law for further consideration and public hearing set down for October 9th may I have a second okay so this motion fails may I have another motion either table can we do get a motion to table right yeah yes okay motion to table may I have a second I'll second all right that's a motion to table by councilman Patel second by councilman pointer Madam clerk roll call please oh council do you should probably set a date for sorry you should probably set a date for this on the motion to table so that you actually have uh I don't know the exact date in the council meeting that you want to put it to October 9 2024 to table you just two weeks y two weeks okay so here October 22nd 23d each October 9th they chose October 9th so October 9th we're going to motion to table this to October 9th and we have a second nice all right uh Madame Clark roll call please oh actually do we get comments on the table or no table okay Madam CL motion for table is without discussion Okay C council member brusher yes yes you said yes council member Cole yes council member Harris yes council member PTI yes council member pointer yes council member schmell yes council president Patel yes so it is tabled to October 9th yes all right uh just to before we open it up to the public comments on the resolutions uh remember resolution 575 is removed from the agenda uh now it council president okay so point of clarification I just want to make sure so that is the uh the Alzheimer's yes all right thank you okay so this will be open to the public to speak on any of the proposed resolution anybody that would like to speak J ship uh you're recognized um 576 on the Jackson ay Rehabilitation Center because I spoke the people and I were in different meetings and stuff with them before I just wanted to know um if the people who live on that street do not want their street widening they don't want all these trucks coming up their street why are we pushing forward with this and part two if we're so interested in rehabbing we should do Grove Avenue that leads to the hospital and other places I think that a bigger priority than Jackson Avenue I just don't understand why we're doing this if the residents are against it so because they tell them it makes it feel like nobody cares about anything they say so why bother even coming so I guess you'll get a lesser crowd after a while thank you okay uh I will Council pointer would you like to uh discuss it now or do you want to wait till later um it's published time okay that's fine uh artificial intelligence you recognized thank you okay I'm against every single one of these resolutions every single one of them except r57 one reappointment of Gary price as Municipal Court Judge Gary price was a fair judge um thanks to judge price I beat my beat the Predator catcher case and uh he didn't harass me and give me a hard time as many others wanted him to do um through the chair to uh councilman Richard Brasher point of order Council councilman Quil is speaking and and and it's a public I want to know what he's speaking about during the Public's time I can't be secretive but through the chair the councilman Brasher um in regards for judge price I'm happy that we're going to reappoint judge price but I I I want to see him as the head of the court I don't want judge the to be the head of the court I don't think we should just stop at bringing judge price back I think we should reappoint his original position when he was the head of the Edison court and uh yeah so how much time do I have left God bless uh Judge Gary Price judge Gary price is the reason why I'm able to use social media again because he dismissed that case that Edison police department did against me and um yeah God bless judge price long life to judge price every adom in my body loves judge price not in a pedy way but in a brotherly way um so yeah how much time do I have left on I three and a half minutes so this Township filed maliciously falsified police reports in order to maliciously prosecute me and at the end judge price threw it all away he said not in his courtroom so I'm very very happy about that I don't know why why they dropped the charges of the child Predators first though it seems United States of America child Predators get a lot of leniency point of order I'm I'm talking about I'm talking about um in regards to R 571 and uh judge price and how he dropped my case and uh how the township dealt with the charges that were put on me so yeah you guys falsified uh maliciously falsified police reports in order to maliciously prosecute me and Judge Gary Price had the Integrity to dismiss that case do you hear that through the through the chair to deputy chief D Dash so the very same news articles in which you helped slander my name all these years judge price dismissed the case and it wasn't just only because there was no victim and it wasn't just because the complaintant didn't show up the cop was never going to show up so that was their way to save face not allowing it to go to trial they just dismissed it and how much time do I have left two minutes two minutes God bless Judge Gary Price God bless his whole family God bless his whole ancestral line um and yeah through the Char of councilman Brer I I I really you think we need to if we can't remove judge Thea at this moment she's the head of the Edison Court we should at least put judge price someone with more experience more integrity and uh doesn't have a conflict of interest when trying cases but yeah is there any other judges on this on this list just judges Gary Price how much time do I have left minute and 17 seconds minute and 17 seconds so yeah through the chair to uh deputy chief dudash so thanks to Judge Gary Price nobody in the state of New Jersey nobody in the world can no longer slander me with the HIIT piece that you did and that Suzanne Russell spread all about everyone knows knows case got dismissed he wasn't supposed to dismiss it this soon but he dismissed it I do got my rights back as as you can all see and uh yep I know many people on the council along with Mayor Sam josi are part of the conspiracy and judge price helped alleviate some of that burden John's dying to call a point of order he's he's waiting for it um how much time do I have left seconds 17 seconds 7 Seconds 7 Seconds it bothers you that you got to listen to me for six minutes it bothers you doesn't it thank you anybody else that would like to speak on the resolutions Octor Nasser Pleasant having you you're recognized I don't really have much to say um we know that I live on Amboy Avenue I have listened to the Jackson Avenue people speak and we have heard even on Monday that uh there was one resident that came here and um she was actually able to use a rebuttal so I was happy about that um they do not want that to happen I heard many of you on the Das also agree that this shouldn't happen so I'm hoping that you will vote no on on this U I think that the idea that she has is a one one way is a good idea but I do know that there may be potential issues with the trucks I think that if we go ahead and widen it there will be speeding um it's again it's only for a short time frame that uh this issue exists so I don't know that we should be spending money on that particular area I think that I've heard that Grove Avenue might actually be a better place or there are plenty of other places that might be a better place I think the better idea would be to try to figure out how we can get rid of the trucks from that area thank you thank you anybody else that would like to speak on the ordinance res I'm sorry resolution sorry resolutions all right uh seeing none may I get a motion to close the public portion motion to close the public portion may I have a second second that's a motion by councilman Coy second by Council vice president all in favor I okay uh anything to pull for a separate vote from any council members council president yes um five 65 um I I need to have removed from that um any payments to Vision media um until we get well I'll talk about it later and 576 576 okay and anybody else council president I was going to also pull 576 okay so we have 565 by councilman brusher and r576 by councilman brusher and councilman pointer uh so the consent agenda will be 566 through 574 577 to 586 may I get a motion to accept the consent agenda motion to accept the consent agenda second that's a motion by councilman AJ pel second by Council vice president Madam clerk roll call please council member brusher this is for everything but the two yes council member Coyle yes council member Harris yes council member ptil yes council member pointer yes council member schmuel yes council president Patel yes okay so starting to uh with resolution 565 Council meser yes 565 our dispersements we had this um you know I call it political mail or whatever it was that my Council colleague brought up um that went out that said uh we're Paving your 200 roads and five Council people did it right but I believe those roads were the ones that actually seven Council people voted to do it um so I think it's misinformation I believe it's it's politics I think it's using taxpayer funds for politics um so I don't want to authorize any payments moving forward to Vision media until we get all the answers that my Council colleague asked for from from the administration so I'd like to just vote no on Vision media any any of their payments um that's that's my ask I just want to clarify with legal I think there might be a way to do that I think this was the discussion we were having the other night um where uh councilman ptil uh specified that we can in fact remove specific dispersements from the the list um but I'm getting a headshake from the business administrator that we can't do that it's my understanding you can't remove one item from the bill list the past multiple times and in fact the current the current mayor himself has pulled this so if he if his administration is saying he cannot then what he did was wrong I'm not speaking for him for myself but if that is incorrect I again I've I've been here for nine months so I don't have the history on that uh if that is within the council procedures and something that the council has done in the past I think that they can do so okay council president yeah Council M I just want the council to keep in mind I understand the purpose of moving forward but those who are on the bill List have already completed their work so we're by not paying this bill it's a bill that's for services that were rendered already I just want to make I understand the the condition or my colleague wants but the services have been provided thank you council president Council you know do you agree with the letter that that was distributed on Monday do you agree spending taxpayers money on the letter that were distributed on this Council I'm not here to debate about your do you agree yes or no not I'm not going to sit here and debate I'm just clarifying the work's been completed anything we pull it's work that was completed I understand that but justifying one letter over six months worth of work and to pull an entire bill that's your opinion I'm not saying you can't do this I'm just clarifying work's been completed if you pull anything that's on the list it's work that's been completed it's not paid than okay uh so what can we do in this case well council president quick question though too um with this councilman Quil said that that the work was done right but I think councilman batile asked for a list of all of this um at our Monday night's meeting I don't know did you receive a list and a breakdown so so typically when Council people in before this Council got elected okay in the prior councils and councilman Co was part of that when a councilman requested information and was not did not receive the information it was a customary courtesy for the other council members to support them in like voting no right until the administration can get that information to them um Council Co Council Co was here for years for that so I I know it's been a past practice of ours but that's a courtesy amongst Council people let just ask the council as to how we can approach this what you're effectively asking to do is amend the resolution on the floor to remove uh the payments to Vision media um prior to voting on the uh the dispersements that's effectively what you're asking to do so so can we get the motion as such a motion to amend the resolution um to remove those payments to Vision media prior to voting on The Resolution uh counc presser would you like to motion that Madam clerk would you specifically know tell them the language that has to be said just so because you've done this before yeah I think what has been done before we remove that one item on the bill list and approve the the rest of the bill list because you don't want to hold up those people so if you only want to hold up one am I correct yeah that's we so what we're going to do is we're going to we're going to council appointed sorry I I I don't want believe we're going to um you want to approve the bill list without Vision media take them off the bill list should be paid until he gets his information yes okay what I was trying to say vote for can we separate the vote and vote for the bill list and then yes sear it's called the division of the question any resolution that's before as we had the opportunity to take specific items from that and move it to a set resolution so my opinion would be to separate those two line items um which I that's what I see at least um have that as a separate resolution and vote on the remaining of the dispersements how you number that I'm not sure but that to me is at least the process we can just can we okay so based on based on past practices based on what your your recollection of what occurs is in councilman pointers um recommendation for a division of the question the motion would be to uh essentially approve the bill list except except for or without Vision media payments those Vision media payments would become the subject of a separate resolution for consideration in voting um as it's divides the question right vote yes or no on that separate resolution so that would get a new number for the resolutions and that would have to be drawn up by the clerk after the meeting okay so that's that's like way too confusing I'm I'm can I just if I'm wrong please can't correct me council president I think my colleague wants to do a vote removing the meeting company from the bill list that's what's on the floor and that's the motion if that motion fails we're then going to vote for the full Bill list I'm thinking that could be the councilman poter then we're done if it so rather than we have have to create a resolution that's fine if that's okay uh counselor that's fine sorry I was running through it in the event that that passed okay so so you want to take the motion to remove to Vision media from the bill list yes council president motion on the table counc oh I was going to make a comment on it but on the dispersement if that's okay uh if you want you're more than welcome to um I understand what my colleague is saying the payments that are here are for April and August I asked my colleague when the mailer went out that was May June and July so these months that are before us aren't within that particular item uh in my understanding in regards to what they do relates to the newsletter and the online emails not Direct Communications from from the mayor I believe that there's a separate um position under Communications that handles that I may be inaccurate but that's my understanding and that those communication bills would be under a separate line item so that's why I'm not in favor of that but yeah I think there's some confusion um councilman poter the the real Point here right is that we have certain objections is something that happened um we believe it to be Vision media that information the ba was going to get to councilman PTI the point is that councilman ptil did not get the information yet and that's the reason to to hold this now you could be correct it could be somebody else but if we would have received that information right we would have known right he would have known and we would probably be okay um and maybe we just would have voted no on that so that that's really the the point here is you know when the when a a council person um you know asks for information on a Monday and they don't get it on a Wednesday right that's that's the main issue that that became the main issue right now I mean moving forward you know we're going to talk about the mayor and him spending Township money on his political campaign right a multiple things it's going to be something that's going to come up over next year but but for right now this is just like a procedural thing because my Council colleague didn't receive the information yet Council M brusher I would ask you to motion to separate out uh resolution hold on 565 565 to remove Vision media remove Vision media and then I will need a second for that council president before he makes that motion I just want a clarification yes so I'll know how to vote on this this is a vote for services rendered previously services rendered now future services so they already did the work they're looking to get paid and councilman brusher wants to Bar them from getting paid and use this as a leverage got it no all right Council I I wouldn't go that route that's not the case this Council has an we control this body controls the spending in a town not the mayor we own the budget the council owns the budget so before doing before spending anything this has to come to this body and this body has to approve this is about the dispersement in the sense the services render which is your right but if something has done wrong then we need to put the break for the future for that purpose we need that information before releasing the payment so ask is just defer this for the subsequent month or maybe subsequent council meeting we are not saying don't pay for the services rendered but let's get the detail of what the services are rendered under those two line items that you see in the disbursement report and maybe next council meeting once we get all the information we release the payment so this body can again come back and say hey we pay for it it's not there we not say don't pay stop the discussion at this point and I will take a motion so do you have a motion to make I yes I have a motion to um pull 565 and pull out Vision media onto a separate resolution and we will vote on 565 without that that's my motion all right that's a motion by councilman brusher to clarification it's yes to pull no to not pull what is yeah it is yes no that is not the motion that councilman brusher made councilman brusher made the motion to pull Vision media from 565 and place it onto a separate resolution after that so so everyone's clear after that we would still have to have a motion to accept 565 without Vision media and then we would have to have a motion to vote on Vision media resolution to pay them or not assuming that councilman brusher motion passes so right now the motion that has been made if you vote Yes then the vision media payments will be removed from 565 for a separate vote so council president if if if we vote Yes to separate that part of the dispersement when would we be voting on a new resolution right after it will be a new resolution R 587 if we pass this resolution okay all right so that's a motion by councilman Council uh councilman Rich Brer to separate from resolution 565 the vision media do I have a second second all right and then a second by Council inat um Madam cler roll call please council member brusher yes council member coil no council member Harris no council member PTI yes council member poiner yes council member schmel no counc president Patel no one two three for NOS okay and so that fails uh can I get a motion to approve resolution 565 motion to I'm confused so the bill list didn't pass at all no no no that was not what the motion was about the motion was to separate the vision media from resolution 565 and that was seconded by councilman Patel and that failed now we are going to vote on resolution only separated it's got nothing to do with the rest so now we're just voting on r565 as is so may I get a motion to accept resolution 565 motion to approve may I have a second second all right so that's a motion by coun Council vice president second by councilman pointer approve the whole bill list yeah 565 okay and Madam CL roll call please council member brusher no council member coil yes council member Harris yes council member ptil no council member pointer yes my water council member schmuel yes council president Patel yes uh so now there is no separ all right councilman uh pressure there's no separate vote no we're done approve moving on to resolution 576 I believe yes uh can I let councilman pointer take the lead on this one yes all right thank you council president thank you uh councilman Brer uh I'm actually asking that this resolution be tabled for tonight um my reasoning to me is simple I made a commitment to the residents last year that when this grant comes back up if it were that I would notify them that they would be notified of any action that this Council takes because of the scope of work that's involved let me be honest I understand the concern in regards to whing the street in my opinion the current condition of the street and the curbs on on the properties that widening is going to happen regardless or not I've seen it I've actually seen houses that have pushed over so that they can move their car already over to provide safety and if you go down ja Avenue on the left hand side immediately there there's not even grass on the RightWay it's just straight pavement um but with that said it is important for us as a body as an Administration as a Township to have these communications with the residents so my request uh to council president was that we utilize our communication funds in the Council budget to send out a notice to the residents that this is up for consideration now I did speak with the mayor earlier and he is sending out a mailer with the grant information on it so that every resident on Jackson Avenue is aware of the proposed work I think that is what's fair to get proper feedback from the residents it's right for us as a body to communicate with the residents and with that that is why I'm asking that this be pulled um from tonight's vote and I guess table to the next uh meeting on October 9th thank you councilman pointer um Sonia sure I just wanted to um confirm councilman Pointer's uh sentiment on this and he is correct in that I think it would be appropriate we do a mailer and I appreciate working with him on that so we'll communicate and send you um exactly what we're going to supply to the resident so that you are aware along to the council so so that you know what information is being provided to the resident so thank you thank you I appreciate that so with that said I I'm hoping I can get a moot thank you Council pres but what I heard on Monday night Sonia you said you have taken the feedback from the residents and the parents and that's the reason this is on the agenda what I have yes and I have the documentation to support it but councilman poers point is uh valid and that we send out a a letter to all residents right do you mind sharing you know I will fully support in pulling this because we need to hear resident but I want what you said Monday night I need the backup that you received the feedback from the residents I would like to see who you spoke from where you got the feedback and let's Val that so that you know we can cross check that absolutely yeah thank you right thank you counc Brer yes um if anybody watched Monday night's meeting it was apparent that that no one notified the residents um so what I did was I promised to go out and speak to the residents I went out and I walked on every house on Jackson Avenue I spoke to people if I didn't speak to them I left my card I asked them to call me um people did call um out of that I I want to let the council know and the administration what their feelings are they said a council person did come by a year ago or so told him that they were going to do something didn't specify what would be done never came back the council or Administration never notified them they told I told them that it's it's not the council's job this is the mayor 's job to go out to the residents and explain to these residents what's going on um us as Council people this is not what our job is but but it's something that we do to try and help the mayor um there in the survey that I did there was one I'm going to call it an abstain um that person is renting and she's moving there were three yeses that they would like to see the street widened there were 14 NOS do not widen the street what they told me was they wanted to know what was wrong with the elected officials in Edison what they specifically told me three people was you're going to widen our street you're going to make the trucks drive faster and the one gentleman as we said this the truck was driving down the street at 40 m an hour and everybody knows Jackson it's tiny Road he goes and then after you go spend 5 or 10 million doll to move all the telephone poles and move all of the water services and replace the curbs and then build up the road so it can handle the support of the trucks after you guys spend all of this money you understand we're going to come to your council chambers and tell you that the traffic on this road is going too fast and you move the trucks closer to our house with that said they said we have poor communication and the other thing that they were very disappointed in was our enforcement they said that this Township has laws but we don't enforce the laws they appreciate our Police Department because when they call and they say that we have Speeders um they do send out a Traffic Unit and that does happen the part that bothers them the most is that they call every few months to the police department to tell them that people are speeding and they'd like to know why our Police Department can't have this on a regular basis a weekly basis a monthly basis where they go all the time to do enforcement down there at different times and it it's a valid question um and they would like to hear and he'd like the elected officials to hear what their actually looking for so they do want their street done they do want curbs they'd like their sidewalks done they'd like trees replant it they'd like it to look nicer that's 100% they don't want the trucks closer to their home and that was the main takeaway out of the 14 people that said I don't want the street widened the people up towards the corner had a concern that the restaurant we wouldn't take part of their property and then we would take double the amount from the people across the street because there's a restaurant on the corner that's probably 5 ft from the street so if you take 2T away um the Ferraro's restaurant I think has almost like a drive up window that you could pull up and get it out their window so so there were there was that takeaway that that they've spoken to our elected officials and we don't listen to them what we did was we created a traffic study and said make the road wider and that's not what the people were asking for except for the three and out of the three just let everybody know one yes and one no came from the same house right husband said yes wife said absolutely no we have children and we have pets um that's my report on this council president thank you thank you for that councilman BR counc president Council I just want to make um just one statement because I'm the one that met with the residents last year councilwoman ship Freeman you were at the meeting as well and I think you can attest that I stayed at length reviewed all the items regarding what was being proposed and spoke with the residents directly so to say that a council member went out and didn't speak specifics I I just I disagree thank you council president council president just real quick councilman Porter I I didn't make this up um I'd ask you to go over there you can go through the residence and you can say did anybody say that you know I came out here and then I never came back and communicated what we were doing here and all of a sudden you guys are doing something if you ask the residents that that's what they're going to tell you their disappointment was that we did this and we didn't go back to them that's what their disappointment was let's I will take a motion to table as that's what they if someone wants a motion to table I will take a motion to table and I'll take a second motion to table may I have a second second I got a motion from councilman AJ pel second by councilman pointer uh Madame clerk uh do you want a specific date do you want to table this too two weeks yeah same two weeks 9th October 9th October 9th okay so we're Mo motion to table this to October 9th and the second by councilman pointer Madam cler roll call please council member brusher uh yes to table council member Coyle no to table council member Harris yes to table council member ptil yes to table council member poiner yes council member schmuel yes council president Patel yes so that uh resolution 576 is tabled to October 9th mov on to number 11 communication may I have a motion to can I get a motion to accept can I get a motion to accept the communication motion to accept the communication may I have a second second that's a motion by councilman patle second by councilman pointer all in favor I all right moving to number 12 oral petitions and remark going from the list uh first up Walter stoo W through social 2118 Oak Tree Road you're recognized I'm going to speak about the ordinance that you just uh Ted tonight I object to this ordinance that reduces the time the public can speak at a c council meeting from 6 minutes to 4 minutes the council should reject this ordinance I went to my first council meeting in 1986 to see why the township was selling so much Township own land for development I do not recall if there was any limits to the Public's comment then the meeting started at 8 there was no cable TV coverage to find out what happened you had to go and read the three newspapers that covered the meeting the council work sessions were held in the back room at a conference taable with six seats for the public on the side the public did not get to speak and did not to get to know what was on the agenda until that meeting and the mayor would attend both the council meeting and the work session at the Times the meetings were not well attended people like Jane Talman D buger and others from the League of Women Voters along with Carl kovat attended these meetings and got to speak and maybe around election day a few Republicans would show up and speak more people began to attend and speak in 1988 with overdevelopment and increasing taxes activating the people over the next 10 years the council meetings were a hot bed of the discussion over local issues meetings full of interesting give and take from both political parties as the control of the council Chang changed hands questions were asked answers were given issues were raised and situations exposed people spoke a number of times on different issues at the meetings and sometimes the meetings went to midnight during that time period the Watchdogs of the communities attended and spoke out at Council planning board zoning board Library board and Housing Authority meetings in the 1990s the cable TV started covering the meetings and the council changed the time to 700 p.m. in the 2000s they added the sign in sheet limited speakers from speaking more than once and created a comment period during the work session that was held in the now being held in the council chambers since 1986 I've seen thousands of people speak before this Council and only a handful abused the opportunity most of those people were not trained public speakers and needed six minutes to present their comments or concerns or issues before the council there were also issues and ordinance that come before the council that will take more than six minutes to comment on the council is going to be reviewing and adopting the new zoning ordance to implement the new goals of the master plan this may be over a hundred changes and it'll be hard enough to comment on six minutes never mind in four imagine a grandmother speaking about a zoning change that will affect SE her house and the nebor and her neighborhood and getting cut off at 4 minutes while the next speaker will be a high-priced lawyer for a developer with his comments will he get cut off at four minutes too over the years many council members started out as resident speaking at these minutes at these meetings many using their full six minutes the ordinance only limits public comment not Council comment over the years I have seen many council members drone on and on about subjects beating so many dead horses that we could have a whole herd of them if the problem is a few people monopolizing the time six minutes presenting preventing others from staying and speaking then the council can remove the sign in sheet and have the council president use a discretion on who speaks first the council also could position a clock so the speakers could see how much time they had the New York Times recently reported that 58% of the ballot races in our country have no opposition on the ballot and question whether our democracy is declining efforts by political forces to limit public comment and participation also has a negative effect on our democracy thank you thank you [Applause] all Arthur milstein Arthur milstein for comto Road you you recognized I so I've been here a couple times about the sidewalks in the town um so I um someone that at the last meeting they mentioned that they need to get legal uh comments about it so my question is what's going on with it because when I had problems five years ago I got a notice on my door because my neighbor complained said fix it 30 days now I almost flip my son and I do what the town said I did all the proof I did the surveying and now nothing's happening I know there's American Disabilities Act where uh it needs to be maintained for for that and I see the ramps to go up on the sidewalks but I haven't seen anyone in a wheelchair you as the sidewalks they're always in the street it's not safe um now I watched the work session from last night and I saw there was three options but those three options seem like that it's for new sidewalks not for existing sidewalks so I'm trying to get clarification on that and then you mentioned about the survey to prioritize um excuse me uh to prioritize what needs to be done but it seems like that is for uh the homeowner has to pay it what is prioritizing homeowner pays it there's no priority they just have to pay it so I'm trying to figure out what's going to uh happen with this thank you author I think so of other question here is why are we not site citing residents that don't have an appropriate sidewalk so we do site folks what uh um we did get um his suggestions with regard to some of the sidewalks That Was Then submitted to our staff certainly follow up on those particular items but I think the conversation we had on Monday was about the larger picture of what the initiative is looking like I which would affect some of I think and he understands that that the conversation we had on the work session was about the larger picture but I think his concern specifically is to he has a particular spot that his child almost tripped in and he wants to ensure that the sidewalks that he walks on are safe and I believe in our ordinance calls for citations for yeah that's what I'm just asking for because the town told me just where you walk sight down so I sighted from my house in on comto up to the little playground near the train station and then to CVS just and then around my block so I just cited each house I took photos where you can trip so and I I gave the photos the addresses so you don't need to do a survey I've already done the survey for that so it's just go to these houses it doesn't cost the town a penny because it's not the the town's payment go to the go to resident put a thing on the door saying fix your sidewalk it's dangerous that's all anyone needs to do and it's it's dangerous I mean I agree if my son was 16 months old if I if I didn't have a tight grip on the stroller he would have face pled on the sidewalk and it'd be a different story then so I agree thank you for bringing this up and uh Sonia please follow up on this thank you okay uh next person artificial intelligence that's the name my programmer gave me thank you thank you uh your address The Matrix you're recognized thank you so the chair to councilman Brasher councilman Brasher I don't I really don't understand why it matters if if services are rendered the police officers also rendered their services and they're going to get paid a different way if uh Vision media marketing is should be getting paid through Sam josi's election fund I I I really don't understand why why none of them separated the the bill I I don't think they know the difference between what Sam josi's election fund supposed to pay for and what the Township's supposed to pay for so I'm I'm a little bit disgusted at that it just seems to me Sam Joi has new people in his pocket um in regards to the speaking time you you guys already tried to tried to do this one time before in fact the last time you guys did this through the CH of councilman Brash the last time they did this Mayor Sam josi put it up on his Facebook page he insinuated two people made racist and sexist remarks they never made Suzanne Russell then ran with that false narrative and a lot of residents were pretty angry at me and started threatening my life so that all because of you guys um Sam Joi wants to remove the minute time because it's election season he doesn't want to be criticized and let's just call let's call a spade a spade but I want to talk about how much time do I have left four minutes I want to talk about my my my new religion okay and I want to I want to talk about the treatment that I have received since the new religion um they're violating my my rights they're harassing me every time the council president unlawfully removes me from from in this room the police think they have the right to trespass me from the the complete Police property you saw the video you saw the video completely illegal to refuse to take my IIA complaint on police property no no less and then they threaten me with arrest if I stay on police property to make make a report so one day someone's someone's going to die and I'm going to need police assistance and they're going to say no we can't assist you because this guy is running a meeting at that moment in time I'm a little bit disgusted in that how much time do I have left three minutes three minutes um you don't respect the First Amendment you don't obviously you don't respect people's religion um to the lawyer I'm going to speak to the lawyer now I did the first Tor claim I'm going to do the second Tor claim the third Tor claim the fourth Tor claim today's no doubt going to be the fifth Tor claim um let's bump it up to 150,000 through the chair of the councilman bresser if if each incident's going to be between 25 to $30,000 and that's minimum let's bump it up to $150,000 how much time do I have left two and a half minutes so I want to advertise my religion out there for anyone that that might want to join my religion the lawyer said yesterday to AJ AJ Benz it's your First Amendment right to advertise something even like a text uh uh travel business so I want to I want to promote my religion anybody can become a part of it it only requires one thing to buy a mask okay and to put the how much time do I have left two minutes all it requires you to do is to buy this mask right here and and to put it on and before I put on this mask I through the chair to councilman Brasher a few years ago governor Murphy talked about flattening the curve and and people are starting to get covid again so that's why I wear another reason why I wear the mask and sometimes I get really scared of germs okay and when that happens I just mask up please pause his time no I I unpause my time unpause my time yeah question for please I am I kick them out KCK this person AI out based on the mask again the the determination that was made by this council is that when he approaches the podium and he addresses the council right uh he cannot be wearing a costume mask during that time the health and safety mask that he purports to wear is fine that's why he claims to wear this uh once you begin removing him from the council chambers that is when every other rationale under the sun came out so uh if as a matter of decorum you believe that uh it is disrespectful to the council for him to continuously Dawn a costumed mask in order to address this Council that's your prerogative as the chair to make that determination once again it would be a warning uh it would be a forfeiture of time and then it would be removal if he refuses to concede the point at that point council president just point order um the attorney said that that this Council sorry I I misspoke I apologize Mr counc bresser um it wasn't me I know that I'm on it that's that's acknowledged okay uh you can continue as long as you have the mask off if you put on the mask I will so is it the council or not I'm confused you can continue as time your there's a rule or there's not a rle um from now on uh Marina please do not pause my time losan vers Rivier it's illegal to pause time if my time ever gets paused again I'm I I don't want to put you in my tour claim but I'm going to have to put you in my tour claim um you said how much time do I have left 11 seconds you said that that the council approved it he said no council approved it at the end of the day I just want everyone want to know if you want to join my religion a brand new religion speak one minute you just have to do this and it helps reduce pause this time you will have to remove your mask if you want to continue law I will have to ask you to Rel still going I can't get through the mask I'm sorry um sir please sit down this is what protects me is my time still going Marena so as long as my time's still gone I'm going to continue speaking um now that the officers approach me this mask helps because they might have the covid germs they're touching people all day you're asking me to leave all right uh sorry about that let's continue l rador uh sir before you are recognized I will ask you to remove your mask uh point of order what is the law uh we just discussed can you state the Jersey Law please the Jersey law that states I can't wear a mask in a public meeting you've been given a request by the council president as a matter of the Quorum he is requested that you not wear a costume mask while addressing the council it is a matter of respect for the council it's an unlawful order it's against the sunshine act and I'd like to you to State the order you Township Fratney you should know that this is illegal what do they pay you for okay uh all right well I'll take off the mask I have no problem with taking off the mask here you go you know want everybody to know you're a commi because I'm talking about you first of all you took away disabled rights for disabled vets you no longer have this is a ridiculous thing that you have done to Disabled Vets you've taken away Zoom access for disabled vets what kind of Kami Pinko does that was it you was it you was it you was it you the township attorney how do you allow your town to get sued for for losing dis for losing disabled access for disabled vets for 19 months you gave access to sick and dis to sick and disabled SEC sir please pause this time I want my time to stop so the reason why I'm calling on point of order in the California case I forget the gentleman's name when he protested the war they made it clear that you can protest test the entire body a direct attack or a direct mention for a specific individual that is not permissible now that same applies from the board of education online school online Council meetings online everything and you gave it to disabled people for 19 months you gave it to disabled people then you took it away I want to know why you took it away a lot of the councils tell me oh we have we have no money we have no Zoom uh access we don't have this well you have all of it why did you take away Zoom access for disabled vets you wouldn't even have this Council if it wasn't for disabled vets fighting for your right to be ignorant and ableist Mr Patel ableist you know what ableism is how would you like it if you lost your legs in a war and you were in a deathbed at home and you couldn't and they took away your access how would you feel you'd want people like me fighting for your rights but you don't care about the disabled if you did you'd have zoom access for the disabled you don't they get zero minutes they don't get six minutes they don't get four minutes they get zero Disabled Vets get nothing NADA Bukis how do you feel about that that Disabled Vets don't have time if your Council that you've locked them out of your Council how do you feel about that you good with that you cool is all good bro you ever fight in a war you don't look like you fought in a war War how about you how about you no anybody here fighting a war no I can see why I can see why you took away access for the disabled vets because you don't care you have no empathy I'm calling each one of you out each one of you McCrae bresler K Cole I can't read your name Patel I'm not going to call it you Mr Patel you're actually I think you're a good egg I have a feeling you're a good egg but the rest of you you allowed this to happen you allowed Disabled Vets to lose their access you all are culpable all of you and 68% of Jesus's Miracles were for the disabled any Christians up there 68% of Jesus's Miracles were for the disabled think about that and think about that when you read Ephesians 612 we are in a struggle not against blood and flesh but against the authorities against the powers in this dark world that's you that's you hurting disabled people hurting the sick and dying hurting cancer patients in their deathbeds that's who you're hurting sick what kind of a disgusting human takes away rights for the disabled you you you you you you you you you you and you and you whoever else is in here and and uh Joshy wherever you are Joshy this disgusting display of humanity and ableism disability rights are human rights disability rights are human rights how much time do I have disability rights are human rights disability rights are human rights can we get it from the back disability rights are human rights everybody disability rights are human rights disability rights are human rights disability rights are human rights can I get it from the front disability rights are human rights disability rights are human rights disability rights are human rights disability rights are human rights disability rights are human rights disability rights are human rights disability rights are human rights disability rights or human rights disability rights or human rights disability rights or human rights why do you hate our vets Mr Patel why do you hate our vets why do you hate our vets why I'd like to just sit up here and stare at you for for another minute and let you think about what I just told you I hope it sinks in I hope it sinks in maybe it won't with you but maybe some of you might sink in maybe it maybe it know event maybe you know somebody with cancer maybe you know somebody who's suffering right now in a wheelchair and maybe you might change your mind maybe you're a Christian you're like gee maybe he made some sense maybe Yeshua did 68% is the right number GE I just looked it up whoa how about that how about that disability rights are human rights disability rights are human rights disability rights are human rights how much time disability rights are human rights disability rights are human rights spent to councils all over this state and a lot of you guys are getting sued for this so and you don't pay for it the township attorney is not going to pay for it you're all going to pay for it you're all going to pay for it all the towns that are getting sued you're all going to pay for it and you're goingon to blame you for not doing your job what do you do all day Mr attorney you're gonna allow your town to get sued for a zoom access something you could do in two seconds really why'd you take it away in the first place Kami pinkos that's who treats people better than you Kami pinkos I'm disgusted disgusting display of humanity disability rights are human rights disability rights are human rights disability rights and human rights thank you counc president councilman uh we have one more person and then does the public speak and then we can discuss is that okay um okay I thought we did them we're doing them all together and then if you want that's fine you can well because you know what the the gentleman made it valid Point um we all hear before Co right we we never did anything online um but covid proved that there is an ability for us to do a zoom access and I I do support our veterans but I don't want to say I think we want to do this for our veterans um it should be more than the veterans it's it's if people do have the disabilities that they cannot make it to this Council body um I know we have have some some older um residents in the town and they have trouble walking and getting here um but allowing you know people that have disabilities to participate in a zoom thing should be like a no-brainer it should be able to be set up before our next meeting um and and I'd like to move that somehow we ask the administration to be able to to do this you know on a zoom basis we could probably put them up on a camera you know like up on the screen when they're talking um so that you know we could see and hear what they have to say I think we have the subcommittee being formed and I think that would be a good discussion item for them to come back and figure out a sub committee council president could you just point of order the ba is being disturbed by resid can we thank you thank you Council MCO the submit committee for the changes to the council decorum and what we just formed right what what I'm saying here this this is I I actually believe that if we don't do this um because I I've watched building owners in the city um lose a lot of lawsuits because you didn't give access to people with disabilities um so I would really propose that we don't wait for a committee like like I always say committees are a great place where good ideas go to die but what we do is we ask the administration just to put this through on a zoom um and bet through you know anybody that that has a disability I mean don't get me wrong if you're able bod and you don't want to come I might even say I understand having the people come but anybody that can't walk you know um we have a resident that doesn't come here and I know she's very active um it's because some days it's more difficult to walk you know to get up here so I'd like to ask the administration if they could do this and and open up a zoom for it um to be a simple advertisement we just post it and then they just have to have that Zoom set up we and we did this during Co I agree Council P thank you council president I wholeheartedly agree but just want to comment sir I'm the first lieutenant in Civil Air Patrol which is an auxilary branch of Air Force so I do care the veterans I also volunteer my time in the veterans homes and I know how it feels so I I fully agree that you know we should enable the uh the zoom access so that anyone and everyone would like to participate in the process of democracy I call this the Democracy should get the access to this not only the council but all the meetings planning zoning library and everything so that this government everyone knows that this government is operating in full and fair fairness and you can see when you come in this Council chamber I ask for the information if I don't get it that's a transparency so let's join the hands and make sure that you know we this Council or this body takes the consideration of of the community at large and give the access to everyone thank you sir thank you councilman pel anybody else all right uh moving on to Brett Baker Brett Baker Addison New Jersey you're recognized thank you kind sir uh I was going to stand before you all in very carefully crafted five men 42 second speech that I practiced with my wife and six-year-old son twice today in two hours uh then I came in and found out you guys Ted the the speaking Orin and so instead I'll off the cuff a little bit here with with sincere gratitude what I heard tonight and and the motion to table from councilman pointer is a recognition that the council has rules and rules need to be followed and I think just following rules is just a sort of a cool neat thing to do in general um since we're all on publicly stating I support veterans I support disabled rights my wife is at home and has been rocking my my almost three-year-old daughter for like two hours trying to get her to bed because I was here so it's not just abled body people who can come to meetings it's abled body people who can't come to meetings um uh because I made a choice to to to to skip out on dinner with my family I made a choice to miss bedtime with my family to come to these meetings and it was a I don't think it was a luxury I think it was an access that I think democracy gives us to access our elected officials uh by any means necessary um that was uh a it's weird to say it a positive byproduct of Co um there were some Zoom meetings that were for lack of a better word crap shows um but I think access is important and I think it's worth looking at I agree with urgency uh I don't think it's just because somebody just stood here and screamed I do think it's indicative though of what I what I've kind of noted instead of speaking for five minutes and 42 seconds about about the ordinance 22233 is sort of what feels like a constant state of being behind the eightball uh that um this body seems to have via the administration a couple points of note um I I I just I'm I'm shocked at how much work it took to make 2233 get tabled like I just am shocked that the the the rule modifications weren't aware I can appreciate advisory opinions um but even that just like the teeth pulling to be like well the lawyer did give us an advisory opinion like that should have been square one but we have rules we respect our residents um I but like the big one that I just kind of want to like add live here a little bit is um I'm I'm sort of growing tired of listening to Council meetings on YouTube so a zoom meeting would be helpful and and like literally almost cutting off my finger while cooking dinner which I'll admit I got to be more careful with my knives but like there's a growing trend of just disdain council president might be the word not not you I'm just addressing because I'm addressing the but I'm addressing you that you know I I just I'm flored to hear through the council president councilman PTI that that the request for the bill list for this Media Company wasn't provided like I've worked for nonprofits I've worked for schools like if if we're paying an invoice that invoice has to be you're you're charging me $5,000 it needs to be a line item invoice this body has a fiduciary responsibility to monitor that invoice and I I wholeheartedly love and appre sorry sorry counc McCoy did I coun mcco it's a repeated pattern man it's still happening I'm just gonna use my time to just publicly recognized right coun Co it is he is recognized so anyways I fully recognize the points made around services rendered I just think that that the the points made by councilman Brer through Council council president and councilman B are valid in that if there are valid questions about what the township is spending its money on this body needs to look at it and I just think it's a valid question to ask I don't think we should be behind the eightball on it um I I think this Jackson Avenue flyer is right to send out uh to the residents but again I just I'm shocked it took the work of councilman uh pointer to push the administration to do it so I I would encourage this body this body to to really work to find why the administration is so far behind the eightball on so many things and I mean that out of the utmost respect like I running a t of 100,000 people I I don't dispute is not an easy thing but there's a lot of really smart people here here here and I just I've been listening to meetings lately and just we just feel behind the aall and I will admit we're behind the aall because there's some distracting things happening but um so I just want to like really push that I I just think that uh but I came tonight ordinance 2233 glad I got tabled I I I applaud the move to go to subcommittee I would encourage the subcommittee to seek resident input um I think an amicable solution is every council member nominates one or two people to join the subcommittee to share these opinions there are a lot of opinions in this room that come regularly we might not like them we might like them but I think everybody deserves to be heard and so three people while I respect the three people the council council president chose uh and respect those opinions I think there's a way to bring everybody together um and get there and that's just sort of my my last charge uh of of what was a 5 minute and 42 second speech uh was to just find ways to get people thank you so much Marina um so great seeing you two weeks in a row um to find ways to encourage people to to communicate more to to feel validated when they come to feel appreciated when they come um to feel heard to feel understood and for the sake of my my next 40 seconds just you know to encourage people like me to want to keep coming you know to find a way to how do we have productive and rigorous dialogues without getting yelled at by members of council um to not get distracted by members of council to be respected by members of counil and and I I hear you respect is a two-way street um but as a voter I get to hold you all accountable unfortunately because I voted for you and you guys pay the bills um as as evidenced right you have the fiduciary responsibility to pay the bills I uh anybody else that would like to speak Diana joffy 86 Laurel Hollow Court you're recognized a tough act to follow back there um it's been a lot of negative comments tonight a lot of emotion I just got up here to uh say that I I missed the ordinance about the sight line on Inman Avenue and ren Road I wanted to thank you you uh to the administration to the council whoever was responsible for getting it done that uh those Hedges are down right Sonia yes uh I can finally look over and see there's still hedges in the back but at least there's a there's site and it's much safer than it was so I just want to say appreciate the work and uh that's it thank you very much and thank you Diana any anybody else that would like to speak i' just like to make a state name and address please uh sir name and address please I'm answering you I'm sorry sir can can I get the name and address well I never give my name and I never give my address uh you've recognized I'm speaking well I never give my name and I never give my address I don't want to be dealing with the madness the road I live on the part of town I from is it even this one is he rich is he scum I'm just here to drop bombs and shoot missiles a corrupt government officials I'll be taking names creating change what the heck you might be writing me a couple checks you think I ain't serious I'm Delirious you're the ones Whose actions are a fairness what's his name we don't know will put me down as good citizen or put me down as John [Music] Doe you don't need my name and you don't need my address you don't need to know any of my status how dare you pry and always try all the time government trying to take what mind can you make sense of this how this information personal and sensitive and I'm never going to exchange the fourth to excise that's my first amendment [Music] [Laughter] well I never give my name and I never give my address I don't want to be dealing with the madness the road to live on the part of town am I from is it even this one is he Rich he SC I'm just here to drop bombs and shoot missiles and corrupt government officials I'll be taking names change what the heck you might be writing me a couple check think I ain't serious who I'm delious you're the ones who his actions on a fair is what you we don't know put me down as good citizen or put me down his [Laughter] joho and I never give my name and I never give my address I never give my name and I never give my address one more time [Music] [Music] [Music] thank you for that wonderful performance anybody else that would like to speak I think that's the first that was a first don't worry name and address please NE Circle you're recognized okay uh one one concern I have is I guess last last last school year I came up here talked about people parking on along uh wood uh John Adams Middle School in that in the curve section of road to pick up their children uh Council arranged for us sign to be put up I came here last week uh last council meeting a f sign was put up after that I it worked before I hope I and I hope it worked again but now that sign has been removed I was just wondering if the Town Council can arrange to have that sign put back up again just to alleviate a safety hazard by people having to go cross the double yellow line on uh new over Road second okay my second uh concern that I've talked about uh by liken it to uh Rope A Dope with Mohammad Ali I've talked about I brought the issue of cricket play at John Adams Middle School as I said months ago it hit my car I've learned from a Township employee that Cricket is not it's not an approved field to play cricket however this town allows that to happen perpetuating the people playing there it's going to become like hey let's meet up again at John Adams run the risk of Boss hitting people's car nothing is done council member pointer had told me he was going to he was going to look into he was going to champion this for me I've heard nothing after our first email exchange where I sent em where I sent the email that I sent to the Chief and the mayor and council member Pati I hav heard nothing about it I'm looking for some some closure on this because then I don't have to come and sit here at through this meeting unless there's something and something else comes up so I I you know first of all I'd like to see that electronic uh billboard sign put back up at John Adams and secondly I'd like to see this issue of cricket play at John Adams resolved and and put to bed thank you uh just real quick the electric billboard sign uh what what does what was that sign in regards to the no parking sign okay all right thank you so for the council president just to answer the question you know is there a way the township can send email to board of education to let them know cuz we really are not going there right but if we the formal communication goes out to the board not at the board but to superent saying they need to monitor the field to make sure they don't allow or maybe put the signage there no Cricket allowed just and I know you weren't at at this particular meeting um I did bring you know superintendent was in the meeting I personally don't know how else I can try to assist in my capacity here gentleman's brought it up I brought it up in the Board of Education meeting uh for me personally I apologize sir if my followup was not um as thorough I do apologize about that I'm just kind of at a stand still now if I'm being honest thank you council president council president thank you Council Council pressure yes I'm I'm going to I I'd like to ask the uh the chief if if there's a way possible it it's a reoccurring theme right I heard them from people on Jackson Avenue uh I've heard it from the resident right here in our chamber and I heard it from a resident about uh New Brunswick and Ethel but but they're not the only places that that I want to say so what happens is they've and they've all told me the same thing when they when they call your department your department is um ve very active and you get right on it and and you do make a difference during that enforcement time um I I don't know how long you've worked here in Edison right I don't know when your career started um but I i' I I'd like to um I'd like to say that back in 1980 right um when I started driving our police department at that time took a different approach they didn't wait till the resident complained what they did was by me there was a patrol car that would sit you never knew what time in palansky park it's called now it was called Oak Grove I think back then and they would sit at the bottom of the hill waiting for cars to come down the hill fast now you didn't know could be there on Tuesday at 3: could be there Wednesday at at 10 right it was and I don't know what that was called if they were stationed there or maybe that's just where they had their lunch I I don't know what it was but what would happen would be there would be nobody speeding past my home on Grove because you were terrified to what was going to happen in the park CU you didn't know who was there ever so so we don't have speeding um back then but now what I noticed on Grove is um Everybody drives 45 mil an hour maybe 50 um but it's not just my street so I'm not calling about my street I'm talking about the residents that just complained and what they're they've all asked is that you just put this on a regular schedule for enforcement and not have to wait for them to call is there a way that we have the manpower to to do this Mr President if I may yes so to answer your question yes and sometimes no how about that so we have we have streets that are reoccurring that we have a regular um traffic enforcement because we get complaints on a regular basis then there are other streets that pop up occasionally that we do some enforcement like you said we respond we put extra officers out there we write some summonses and the issue quells for a while and then at some point you know we have to go back almost like a maintenance situation yes all right so to to answer your question we do a little of both okay uh the gentleman that was just up there uh talking about new over road we have been working constantly with John Adams Middle School on that particular problem I can certainly get the VMS board placed back up there again um but we have been in constant contact with John Adams working with their security staff there as well as our Traffic Unit to keep the problem at day right now that that's where I'm going I'm looking for this to be more of a giant maintenance thing for you not for you to do sometimes or partially but for you to do this until it is quelled like I'll tell you what I don't think people drove over 25 milph coming down Grove Avenue in that house till probably somewhere around the '90s and and then the way the enforcement happened was different they no longer sat in that Park so when everybody knows they're not sitting in the park right you just you inherently use speed um so so what I'm looking at right is where these areas are if it can you just do it on a regular basis and can we try this for a year with the problem areas we have well again we get complaints l literally almost daily in regards to speeding so it's not like we get one and then we can address that one you know they come in and almost on a regular basis so we're constantly jumping from location to location excuse me some we have to P spend more time on because you know we know based on experience and we've been doing this a long time that some areas are are more in need than others and like I said some we can put some um quick enforcement kind of quell the problem for a while and then have to do some maintenance so it really depends on the street I can't broad base you know the entire town but I can tell you depending on the street you know some are getting more attention than others because they're more of a problem there than others right and and I think that's how you should you know do it you I mean I'm we leave it up to you um to come up with the formula but where I'm going is that I keep on hearing it's the same thing that I hear from all the residents they all think our police department does a great job they all think you guys are wonderful I haven't had one complaint okay and if there was certainly are very appreciative of that you know I would tell you if it if it was um they would just like that proactive approach where they no longer have to call because they find that frustrating because they say they know they know like Jackson Avenue A lot of people there all told me they know and they we spend a lot of time on Jackson Avenue working with the residents working with the school to try to come up with a plan that makes sense to help you know especially during those peak times of pickup and drop off so we have had a lot of contact in that particular neighborhood especially along Jacks can can you get us a copy of um what you've done over there on I know you have a record of that sure I'll I'll talk to the Traffic Unit and I can get you some information thank you Chief thank you thank you uh anybody else that would like to speak after announc OCT naster Pleasant Avenue I really shouldn't be here um there's lots of times where I shouldn't be at some of these meetings um it's actually the legal anniversary the 10 year of me and my wife but it was important for me to come here but I wanted to apologize for coming late I've been kind of burning the candle on both ends I went to a Bo meeting before I was also then trying to craft what I was going to say to that ordinance from 6 to four minutes because it was coming out very angry and I didn't really like it um thankfully I didn't have to say anything and it was somewhere around six minutes or whatever I was going to speak loud long um and fast on that one um what I want to do is I want to thank I was going to actually leave but um I thought i' owed you the courtesy of thanking the people that helped finally get the three and a half story um ordinance passed so thank you I'm going to start off with councilman councilwoman Harris councilman uh Brasher Council and Patel Pati and pointer I thought and uh I think I got it ready I thought we're going to get maybe another vote uh from when I watched on Monday but you know what it worked out anyways um I want to talk about a couple things um we heard some things from councilman Cole about me sharing a list of the people that I spoke to I am under no obligation to go ahead and share that and it doesn't make any difference right now the ordinance pass that's water under the bridge right now um he made some points about the people that come and express their opinions being 50 years old and they're resistant to change I don't know what the ages of people are I am not 50 years old might be getting close there to hear might say that I am 50 but you know what I'm not but I'm I'm assuming that councilman coil is older than me but um you know he's resistant to change too he doesn't want to have Amboy Avenue change he wants to stay to the 2016 ordinance that he was a council member he didn't even vote for it so I'm just very confused about what's going on there we want to move forward John pointer spent a long time putting something together um I think it'll work I think we have to do a lot more in talking to the people that we talked to we discovered that there was a Redevelopment agency that we can go ahead and work with we can go ahead and talk when we're talking to the mayor he said that we can go ahead and through bonds we could go ahead and take over properties and we could go ahead and develop the locations as we want so there are different Pathways to make Amboy Avenue um a more viable community and good for the businesses and for the general public uh the other thing that I wanted to um bring up was that councilman Coral always says that you know there's only some people that are coming in the audience here and talking about one Viewpoint at the same point as somebody who's a Chamber of Commerce and somebody who's a counsilman he is welcome to bring his audience that he wants to but for 10 months we didn't see that so I I don't understand what's the point on bringing that issue up every single time all this is a moot point though but I just can't sit there anymore and keep listening to this um it just doesn't make sense to me um I wish that we could rebut the council sometimes because sometimes I speak or residents speak at the back there we heard it on I heard it on Monday um that um or maybe it was a different day May it was uh September 9th that somebody made some comments and then some on the council said that they were saying something completely different than what they've said I've also said some things and maybe you forget what I say or you misheard something that I said and and sometimes just kind of a waste of time if you're not talking about what we talked about um at the boa candidate night tonight I talked about sidewalks something that I brought up many months ago you likely will get them somebody will probably communicate with you guys to talk about the sidewalks that I told you about with Gloria and also with um C Avenue um I was curious about why we keep getting the agendas very late today came out about maybe 12:50 one o'clock I feel like that in order for us to try to stay to six minutes or four minutes I'm sorry if that's what you want us to go to we need to be able to understand what is on the agenda otherwise we're kind of you know just trying to talk while we're up here because we haven't had time to prepare and that's just something that continues to happen if you can speak on that I know that uh councilman pointer you said I think you said something about maybe we can try to get the discussion items in sooner or something like that speaking of discussion items I thought that the whole intent of discussion items was to allow you to have time to go ahead and research the issues I know what councilwoman Harris she had asked legal about the mask speaking about the masks I just feel like maybe just let them talk I mean Christo had like a minute left and we made a big deal about it we probably spent like three minutes on that just let him say his peace the more attention you give to people we seem to have new characters or I feel like I had to pay I should have paid a mission to come today so I don't really know what's going on but it's seeming like the way that we're going is not working out we're we're going in a way direction that I don't think that is working for us um I have things scattered all around here I'm just going to see if there's anything else thank you if there's anything else that I want to talk about um and I think that's really it again thank you so much for the work that you have done and oh the thing I wanted to say was this I apologize for being late but it didn't seemed like it mattered I didn't have to say a word and it still passed so that just shows you the momentum of the movement that the Clara Barn residents had thank you thank you out there uh anybody else that would like to speak momentum of senior okay makes you look like Sant JY sh Freeman you recognize listen after seeing this this whole show tonight and they asked me and people keep asking me every place I go why' you get thrown out I said I say all I say was grown men and I'm like watching this whole thing so that's just this is something else is it's just ridiculous at this point that's why everybody think this is a show because you don't put the right efforts in it I like him I went to the board Ed debate tonight was very good very good and very concise and everybody answered their questions they didn't ramble going back and forth and I do want to say uh about John pointer when he was there at the meeting and Jackson or they held his feet to the fire they held his feet they didn't take no mercy on him they they jumped him the whole time so I can say we were at the meeting and with the Jackson Avenue I was on that with the school system and I know enough to talk about it being at the different meetings and stuff with the people and I'm like on Amboy Avenue if you worried about stuff get rid of those bump outs if you really want people downtown get rid of the bump outs because that's what if one car is there because of those bump outs you you're stuck for like 10 15 minutes okay and don't let a fire come up you know don't let another truck get on fire then you like there for about two days that's how that that comes across um I'm still um I would like if it be possible to have the on the trucks on Joel Street I would like to have the site plan and the Hazardous review plan so that if something was to happen there that would be major something would come out of that and um as I think they were talking about 564 I think um they were talking about the information that we get we get information and I don't blame people that are up here on the council like I don't blame councilman Brasher and I don't mind blame councilman ptil for not supporting maale that goes out against them every time you know they send all these negative things out I I think it's childish and Petty coming from the administration but I think his childish and Petty but they'll send all this negative stuff out them but they won't say anything about the two of them being there for the P Mia when we talking about veterans you don't you don't get that positive this stuff in the mail so all everybody gets is negative stuff negative stuff about you you know what I mean and the thing is most of the time 97% of the stuff you go along with and different constituents are telling me they're tired of that type of mail being sent out with our taxpayer money all right we don't we don't need your election stuff and all your stuff moving it we don't need that and we don't need you to denigrate other council members because everybody's here and everybody's working just be we can respectfully disagree with people like somebody he was talking about before Walter stoal the people used to get $6,000 for the year and they used to sit here at 12:00 midnight they would sit here and the people up on the council would say guess what I respectfully disagree with you but you're entitled to your opinion they never looked at anybody indifferently no matter what Walk of Life they came from or anything and this is the type of counsil and the type of uh sidow we're getting you're getting all that you know what I mean that's what you get you reflect when you do stuff negatively negative people come back you know just like they said before yeah he knew that in the last minute all he had to do is put the mask on and they y'all would go Harry carry he knew that that's why he he's waiting now just for that whole show I'm like you're grown-ups grownups like stop stop stop falling for stuff like that I mean I've been in school with students like that and they behave better you know you put too much emphasis on negative stuff and all I say is stop using my tax money sending out mail talking negatively about other council members just because they don't agree with you on a particular item and with the four minutes is 6 minutes I'm like if I'm the teacher in the classroom and this one kid is talking I got to punish the whole class because I can't handle one child no something's really wrong with that thank you thank you anybody else that would oh uh can I get a motion to extend the time motion to extend the meeting a half hour to 10:30 second that's a motion by councilman pointer to extend to 10:30 second back councilman P to extend the meeting to 11 10:30 when we make it 11 we can extend it later all right there's a motion uh all in favor I right all right uh anybody else that to speak good evening everyone name and address please hasham Sani delv Drive Edison New Jersey hisam Sani yeah yes delb Drive Right delb Drive first time I'm addressing the council thank you for indulging me um I had originally come here to add my voice to object to ordinance 22 uh 2233 and uh found out I was a little late that it's been tabled uh I'm coming up on my 12th year of citizensh ship in America prior to that it was a 15E slog becoming trying to become a citizen and uh the day I became a citizen uh this country became home for me but Edison has been home for me for 30 years and uh though you may not see me here all at every meeting uh I do try to watch as much as I can on on YouTube uh I've come to respect uh a lot of the council for the love they show for this town which I feel definitely and uh I would just like to encourage uh everyone myself included to always keep the township the betterment of the Township in the Forefront uh sometimes things become murky and gray I'm a big believer in clear communication the better Township can communicate with its residents I think better work can get done uh in that Spirit uh I would also like to include a request that Township agendas uh should not just be showing up on the day of the meeting uh not just the town the town counil but the residents should be aware of what's going to be discussed at the meeting so if there able to carve out the time to attend and voice their concerns uh I think it would be better for everyone and I think you might get a better attendance out of it also uh in addition to that uh I would like to bring up what I think is a severe lapse in judgment I've Just Seen A brand new traffic light come up at the junction of Oak Tree Road and Warwick and for some reason uh the junction of uh Harding Avenue and Oak Tree seems to be less important uh I live very close to Harding Avenue I see those cars racing down that hill all the time how difficult it's become ever since that uh development open up right on the corner uh I really feel there is a need a more urgent need for a traffic light at that Junction so I'd like to find out what the decision was that made people choose or whoever the powers that be choose Warwick over Harding um slightly better comment I'd like to make is I really must commend whoever is in charge of recording and putting up the council meetings on YouTube for doing an excellent job uh it's really makes it easier for residents to be aware of what's going on uh there is a silent majority out there that does care and that does watch and that does vote so uh that being said uh we're here to get heard and hopefully get resolutions to what the problems are for this Township uh I also want to just thank what I say are the unsung heroes which are the regular residents that show up to the meetings uh we appre appreciate you being here it makes a difference and uh on my part I will try to uh attend more regularly it would help again if we could have the agendas in advance so we can plan these things uh thank you for the time and uh yes let's work together to get this town up and better thank you thank you HH counil president Council thank you just want to make a quick comment on the agendas for anyone that's interested I know that we technically have two meetings but outside of the one ordinance today generally it's the same item so you can always look to the MonDay meetings agenda because on a Wednesday regular session they're pretty much the the same um for the work session meetings on Mondays those are usually put online for Friday so just so for your reference thank you council president thank you Council pointer anybody else council president Council Brer yes I I just want wanted to when you talked about the lights um I I just wanted to let you know and and um councilman Co or councilman PTI could probably comment but I believe the one on Warwick was probably talked about doing and put up to do probably seven years ago or better um they are doing something on Harding but it's at the beginning stages I think we approved grant money for design work because they right because of a bridge with the railroad tracks it it it made it more complicated um and I assume that that will be done um probably going with the timeline seven to eight more years from now um is when that'll actually happen for whatever reason lights seem to take a long time that be it thank you for that name and address please corl zberman through the chair the pressure you recognized wa before your time before 80 in the 60s and 70 you know who used the park over there number one Chief Bryan's dad Danny Miller Lou la plager many guys you leave your camera alone right you pick on me enough for the last three years the Trapper guys we got today are great don't get me wrong they're good guys but would we got like George fock back again sedo building ketto even they only work one day a week we're can make a lot of money I retired 90 days ago everybody took notice I'm getting calls we got signs up all over the place but I'm not going any further because I couldn't do my job for three years I was borred from my area I would take up this conversation at another meeting another time because of one person one person and what did the town doing about it nothing why do you know I was Bor yes you do Mr Patel knew I was B he knew I was Bor Tommy Bryan knew I was B he borred me right there this guy right there b me for doing my job on July 7th of 21 and I will bring my lry for that day the next day I got bed by Pat Cole because him and him had buddies and my wife asked him a question on the phone one day he hung up on her and my wife said I I die in bed she said he bought you since July 7 last year when I pass away I do not want him at the funeral of the services that's why he wasn't at my retirement party two months ago he put me through hell for three years don't go to the me You' be fired how you feel like it that you was my shoes you wouldn't like it I left this town clean on June 30th clean with no signs look at it now are we in new Elizabeth I was the cheapest paying inspector in this building I couldn't get a s because go to him go ahead keep laughing Joe laugh because you know it's true you're not a man enough with the rooming house and everything else I know a lot and I had enough any comments John you knew I was B and John you know you was poisoned by him to me that's why you don't talk to me or annoy me and a lot of other people ony Avenue I was told don't talk to he's a piece of this been building for three years guys three years but I did my job I'm speaking the truth I was accusing in this being in the yard of the chambers accused it was a guy in the neighborhood complaining to me about rats in the neighborhood they DED to play in the Chinese place I said no go behind the coffee house look in the yard you go all rats running around I got a picture of a rat in the fence Dead from the chambers to the coffee house then he put my name up in this meeting oh I was in the yard you're falsifying you're accusing me I was in the yard the neighbor who just gave the owner of the wood Brewery a trophy at the Pines Mountain two months ago wasn't that fix I know a lot attorney one minute I ain't been up for three years I got more than one minute I'm my first out he's why hope I have to go home and have a heart attack tonight but I died eight years ago I came back strong longer I was gone I had 240 heartbeat before they lost me eight years ago last week my blood pressure right now is 115 over 70 you know anything about blood pressure I'm in damn good shape for my age man people throws foggy think about Le out this old man I ain't no Trump I had a real job I was a union for 25 years I had 75 vending machines I had a hot dog truck and R for 32 years he you know he at down there all the time for free and a lot thank you sir your time is up sir I ain't spoke for three years I'm 74 years old I understand we can take this offline if you would like but your time is up you will have to St step down sir if you continue I was what chose for up I didn't do if you continue I'll have to ask you to remove please sit down you can continue you are one person that don't want have me to be removed please sit down thank you council president for your time Council yes to our attorney all right uh um sir you cannot continue talking sir officers respect your ERS I respect it but I also respect the decorum of the chambers officers please uh all right council president to our attorney pressure um like like I said um in the back room there are certain people that don't know Edison don't know our history right and you happen to be one of them we have a lot of new Council people here that that don't know um but the other day when I made a comment about um our DPW employees and whether they should get paid to be here or not get paid and you said you were more concerned right more concerned about like an intimidation where they feel that they have to be here this is probably an example of exactly what I was talking about this individual here retired so he remained silent now that he retired truth comes out so when you said you were deeply concerned maybe you should start looking into this is what I'm saying um and that's why I brought it up to you the other day I wanted it on the record right and um whatever happens in the future we know that I brought it to Michael's attention and what happens happens at the end of the day either you protect us or you don't um but I'd just like you to just take notice that that was a former employee of the Town um thank you council president thank you councilman Brer uh councilman just want to you know point out you know Carl you have been you were always great to this Council and to the resident of the town uh I personally value your contribution while you are working for the town I never felt that uh you know again lot many things might be going in a clar bon section I not aware of that but to me personally you are very good guy so thank you for your service to the town sir you cannot talk sir sir officer point officer if if he talks actually can you just please remove him because I gave him plenty of warnings already I'm sorry uh anyone else that would like to speak council president Council Co it's fair I just make comment um first I want to say the resident who came up here um I think it was in the late 90s we helped create the job that he had and he did a fabulous job at it that's all I could say he was picking up signs in the neighborhood and he did a great job thank you you good evening name five Jennifer Court what was the name sorry Hassan Shazad Hass okay you recognized um so I mean my friend here already talked about um the Harding Avenue light um and I mean one of the council members made a comment about taking six to seven years to to get the light I mean this intersection is dangerous I mean um it's not like a a nice to have light it's a necessity um if you guys don't believe me uh try like I invite you to come there like around 5:00 p.m. and try to make a left turn on average if you guys like um make it like lesser than 5 minutes you know I'll take you out for dinner but it's hold I may take C let him finish but it's impossible and um I mean I don't know how many of you have actually seen that uh place but it's like a blind spot after the the hill and I don't know what our drivers are thinking like you know there's like a promised land on the other side or something or they want to shoot like an 80s shot where like you know a car jumps over the hill and somebody's trying to take a uh video underneath the car but I mean they're like exceeding 40 50 mil uh at that blind spot and not only the left turn like the right turn is impossible at times so you know there's a dire need uh for a light there if you don't put a light there there're going to be accidents if not already you know i' I've at least seen one or two uh minor ones but you know God forbid uh for serious accidents um the second issue um you know it's more directed to the to the deputy um so a couple of months ago I had some interaction with your um front-end staff like you know the people who deal with like police certificates um at your office uh the front end like uh the front desk staff so um my mother-in-law needed like a police slor certificate um and it's it was like a requirement from the USC you know her naturalization ceremony was spending because she needed like a character certificate from all the municipalities or the local bodies that she's kind of lived in uh in The Last 5 Years so we were able to arrange her um character certificate from like uh you know New York police division but we couldn't get it through through you guys and uh we were told that since she did not have like a formal ID um she was not considered the resident of Edison even though she had lived here for like 2 three years she had filed like federal and state taxes here you know she had like an insurance on the address where she was living here in Addison but since she did not have like a formal um state ID New Jersey ID so they did not you know the Addison uh Township doesn't consider her as a resident um and I understand you know there are princip like procedures and uh rules in place for the front desk people to kind of refer to but I mean there are Corner cases where those rules don't apply as such or you you come across a case where like you know it's not obvious my only concern is like uh we went there a couple of times and we agreed to what you know you have like uh like a pamphlet which says like if you're not a resident then you only get the character certificate from the state of New Jersey but um the way they deal with you is you know I mean they don't even want to give you a chance um they didn't even tell us like okay you know come back we'll discuss it internally we'll discuss with it with somebody else with our supervisor or something but I mean both times they were hostile like you know you interact with them I mean I'm not a police professional but like you know I mean they are so as as a normal resident at least you know like uh they owe me this courtesy to at least kind of talk to me like in a courteous Manner and not be like hostile like I mean I'm I'm not asking for anything illegal or or or that but you know so it's just like those two interactions that me and my wife had were like very hostile like you know in terms of your staff so maybe if they can get like a better like training in public interaction and being like you know slightly kind of like more compassionate with people would really appreciate it Mr President if I may yes I'd be more than happy to talk to you offline uh specifically about the issues you had and I'm assuming this is to our records Bureau is that correct police records and I'd be happy to speak to Captain gerba who heads up that area and hopefully we can come to some resolution but I'd be happy to talk to you more offline sure sure okay yeah I mean the issue is now resolved it kind of delayed our um our process by a few weeks you know but we were able to resolve it like through that other Federal body like you know we we just told them as such but uh you know just like I mean it's not like I don't want to pinpoint like a certain individual at your office but just take a general suggestion well listen I can't guarantee you that we were able to help you with your documentation because I'm not you know actually U familiar with what you're asking for however uh it concerns me when you're saying about you know that you you felt that you were treated somewhat hostile so that I'm going to certainly look into and that's why I'd like to talk to you further about that as far as the specific document you were looking for I can't say if we were able to help you with that or not I don't know understand you know I understand like you know there might be certain rules and regulations where you can't issue that document you know I I respect that but like you know to turn down somebody you can also do it like you know in in a more civil way and not like you know kind of give a Vibe where you're just you know there's like a face off I mean it doesn't need to be that way I understand completely thank you I appreciate it thank you thank you Council thank you anybody else would like to speak okay can I get a motion to close the public portion motion to close the public portion I have a second all right the motion by councilman Carl second by councilman Patel all in favor hi before we motion to yes all right before we motion to adjourn I we do have a birthday in the house so I would ask the council to join us and sing happy birthday it's on three one two three happy birthday to you happy birthday to you happy birthday Council m muel happy birthday to you congratulations awesome thank you all right I have a motion on the table everybody please sit down motion on the table motion to adjourn motion to adjourn a second second all right motion to adjourn by councilman Patel second by councilman brusher all in favor I and this meeting has ended at 1023 p.m. for