##VIDEO ID:ul_Y6F61URY## e e e e e e e John walking in joh is not here yet we do have still got a little got the presentation a busy room presentation for what this so we have e well yes this is in a way better location here wow the podium isn't 40t away yeah no no no you don't have to do this I sign Santa we're good all right everybody ready to go all right uh we're going to bring the December 23rd combined meeting to order at 6:05 p.m. a GI please stand for the Pledge of Allegiance candy flag of the United States of America and to the repu for it stands one nation God indivisible liy and justice for all Madam clerk roll call please council member brusher council member coil here here council member Harris here council member Patel here council member PTI here council member pointer present council member Schell all right Madam clerk please read the adequate notice adequate notice that this meeting as required by the open public meeting Act of 1975 has been provided by the annual notice sent to the home News tribun St ler and Desi talk on December 12th 2023 and post main lobby missal complex on that same date thank you uh good evening everyone uh As We Gather here today I have come to a conclusion at the term at my term as a council president I'm struck by a simple truth no one truly knows how to do this job or any job for that matter until they're doing it you step into this role with ideals plans and a sense of purpose but the real lessons come through experience and you learn on the job Often by trial and error we are after all only human and to be human is to make mistakes it's through these mistakes and the courage to face them honestly that we grow adapt and improve my journey has been no different there were moments I stumbled and times when a decision didn't unfold as I had envisioned but every step of the way I was Guided by the commitment to serve this community with integrity and heart reflecting on the progress we have made together I'm immensely proud of all the things we have accomplished we have made extraordinary strides in expanding our bike paths we have been granted two grants that are on the uh resol on resolutions are on on it tonight our our Parks have undergone improvements and enhanced more enhancement than ever before including addition of a brand new Splash Water Park a vibrant space that has quickly become the favorite for families and children we have invested in infrastructure improvements at an unprecedented scale and with more Road surfacing completed in the past 3 years than ever before for our senior citizens we have expanded services in the meaningful ways the Mr Fixit program now provides free minor home repair and our enhanced transportation service ensure seniors can reach their vital destinations in town safely sorry we have invested in um we ended the internet Monopoly in town bringing Comcast exfinity to as a competition a move that Fosters both Innovation and affordability for residents Public Safety has been a Cornerstone of our progress by hiring the highest number of officers in 18 years 199 officers in total we booler the safety of our streets additionally uh we have Advocate uh Mayor Sam Joi has advocated for New Jersey cranville a transformative piece of legislation that has passed by both Senate and assembly and signing to law by Governor Murphy right here in Edison and finally we have established the art commission which I hope will transform our town to be more cultural and enhance uh uh create a platform for our local artists and ensure creativity creativity as a permanent seat at the table but work is far from over and the Baton will soon pass to the next council president and with it the responsibility and the opportunity of lead leadership to my successor I offered this piece of advice move quickly and decisively and above all be mindful of unintended consequences the ripple effect of leadership are real and the careful consideration can often prevent regret leadership is a privilege and it's also a profound responsibility but I also have no doubt that this Council and this community will continue to rise to the occasion facing the challenges of creativity collaboration and resilience uh moving on to number uh actually we are going to be removing uh one of the resolution which is resolution 717 from tonight's agenda which is the resolution appointing pal kabya and rinky Singh to the library board you removing that yes we are removing that and we will move on to number five which is the presentation by our veterans committee good evening good evening uh my name is Susan Delan and I am one of the newest members of the Veterans Memorial committee and I wanted to welcome our veterans here tonight um because uh when I took this volunteer position um I did it because I am the daughter of a veteran I am the daughter-in-law of a veteran I am the mother of an active Marine I am the sister um I'm the sister of a veteran sister-in-law of a veteran and I feel that this is my way of being able to honor our veterans and make sure that they are recognized the way that they should be uh so I have a presentation for you and I have to explain that part of it it's a little bit of a Hybrid part of it is actually the original presentation that was created by three uh JP Stevens students class of 2021 and I actually invited all three of them to come uh they they were not able to be here tonight but I would like them to be able to here oh are you here oh you are here I'm so sorry from you okay good they're here come on up um because this is really something that they spearheaded um it kind of laid dormant for a little while and if you advance the slide um it was originally um mayor Lany who commissioned this um and by the time uh May Joi got involved um he basically explained that there is an entire process that needs to go through like a bidding process and I guess the the project kind of got pushed aside a little bit and I was determined that that was not going to happen any longer now I will tell you that as part of this Veterans Memorial committee um I decided to go around Edison to find uh all of the veterans memorials the parks that I could find I think I'm up to 11 or 12 now and my my goal is that every single Memorial and every single Park will be refurbished cleaned um brought up to the beautiful standards it should be to be able to honor our veterans uh the best way possible so this is not the first I mean this is the first but this will not be the last time that you're going to see me just letting you know okay so if you advance the slide what you'll see is most of the colored slides are part of the original presentation and we kept them um the way they were even though at this point in time the pricing structure for a lot of them is is old I mean this is even three four years ago U prices have changed quite a bit um but we wanted to honor the original presentation um so if you take a look at slide and I believe you all should have copies of the presentation and there are extra copies of the presentation in the on the back table there if anybody in the audience would like one C pres before you go forward there is an echo we are not able to clearly hear I can hear the vibration in the sound if you can please give the mic because there are residents who are watching television they should be able to hear that clearly okay all right I'll slow it down a little bit too maybe that'll help um so we have the uh very first Veterans Memorial Park which is on the corner of 27 and Stony Road um when we had uh Memorial Day and we actually went there to honor uh our veterans and uh it needs a little bit of work and it needs a lot of updating um so the young ladies actually had um created a lighting presentation um and a slab to be placed in the park itself um phase one would be the electrical work and I'm hoping that that kind of stuff would be able to be done inh house to be honest with you I'm not 100% sure what the bidding process includes because I know we have Department of Public Works employees who may be doing part of this work and we also have stuff that we would have to to uh have outside biders come in and work on um but their Vision was to um to landscape to add um Granite footstones that represent the different um Wars that uh We've encountered and to add seating through benches uh you'll see that the design uh the monument design includes one slab and six placards we actually have this six placards already um the slab is I believe done and it's at the Fabricators we just don't have it here in Edison I think it's in Jersey City okay um there's a sketch of uh the monument now you'll notice that right now there are six flags flag poles we have to add a flag pole because there actually is a new branch of the military called space force um and it needs to be recognized and it will probably need to be recognized in other parks and memorials in the future as well right now obviously space force has not been part of an an official Skirmish so we don't have a granite slab for that yet I'm hoping we never will but unfortunately I don't have much control over that um so if we continue on through the presentation we have lighting um right now the lighting is about $2400 per light but again this is 2021 pricing um and a lot of it depends on the available power there at the park um I have to say it was so easy to create most of this presentation because those girls did a fantastic job they really did um we also would like to be able to um add I'll let you finish that okay the next slide actually talks about um different kinds of lighting cycles that are available there are two different options and we also have the opportunity for landscaping um if you were at the park at Memorial Day you know that this this is something that we're sorely in need of um I do have a page toward the back of the presentation that talks about um uh whether or not Edison has any kind of a gardening club or a Horticultural club that would be able to give uh recommendations on different kinds of plants that would serve this Memorial um well I'd like to get uh another club inest Ed in this Memorial um we also have different kinds of seating and one of the uh previous sketches actually shows where in the park uh we would have available seating I don't think it's uh appropriate for people to have to sit on the the Brick walkway uh walls in order to be able to sit down okay here's the the then the next slide which is slide number 13 actually gives a SketchUp of the seating and this is where the next slide which is slide number 14 is where we start talking about the costs now I will tell you I am not a construction um person so um some of this has been um altered some of these prices have been altered to recognize um uh prices today as opposed to what they would have been four years ago um there would be a three days of excavation there would be some cement work um we would need to set the stones that would be the six gret markers plus the slab um we would also need electrical um if you've gone to the Memorial Park and I hope you have you've noticed that it's uh it needs some work there's defin some repair that's needed in the park uh there's some bricks that are actually missing some are loose um the fountain was not running the last time I was there and I'm not sure um certainly it was probably because it was fall but I'm hoping that that you know that all is functional but if it's not that would be something we'd have to figure in we would have to add the additional flag pole for space force um the next page page 16 uh we would need to seed if you take a look especially just before you rise up to where the the fountain is uh there's a desperate need of landscaping there um now for replacement of flags I have um uh undetermined because to be honest with you I'm not sure if there are official flags that need to be flown there I'm not sure if different uh military organizations donate Flags I I really wasn't sure but I did take a trip to to the uh recruiting center that's on Route One just down the street from Stony Road and um ask them you know what they do and they told me that they had never really been invited to anything in Edison as far as um the veterans were um concerned but they would be delighted to be part as much as they could of the process so I think that that would be a wonderful thing to be able to get them involved as well and of course on the bottom of that page the park benches uh final costs we have a subtotal of about uh $50,000 uh the overhead fees and the architectural fees at about $122,000 for an approximate cost of about 65,000 now um we were told that county commissioner tomorrow would be willing to uh meet us halfway and I think that between let's say 35 to 40,000 and of course that's an you know an underestimate because you know even getting a kitchen done just because you budgeted doesn't necessarily mean that's what the cost is going to be um but for let's say 35 to $40,000 I think this is an amazing way to honor our veterans and I'm I'm kind of almost embarrassed that we haven't started this sooner but um uh I think that this will probably be the biggest of the projects and I think $40,000 is nothing compared to what some of our veterans have experienced and I think it's a wonderful way to honor them now the last page has uh different considerations that I kind of felt needed to be discussed uh the first one I just mentioned the County Commission will match Edison's funding um and and I will have to be talked through the bid process because I've never done anything like that before but I was uh told that there is a tree fund and that the tree fund is um probably going to help uh make up what we need to make up that the 50% that we would be flitting um now number four I don't know if you can answer this but I know at one time Edison had an architect who was on retainer I'm not sure if we still still have an architect on retainer and if if he is on retainer how that alters that line item as far as the budget is concerned um I don't know about the replacement of flags I don't know if this is something that has to be done annually if it's done right before Memorial Day or if it's you know if it's something that's you know up upon condition um uh let's see I think I mentioned number seven and number eight space force uh um and number nine I mentioned as well now what I did not add to this presentation as far as the budget is concerned are future considerations that the ladies um really went above and beyond um they wanted to create storyboards to actually bring the memorial to life and they also thought to add some kind of a gazebo um to the project in the future so those would be things that we would have to come back and revisit as far as the budget is concerned however um this is a pretty good overview of what we're planning to do what we'd like to do and what we're hoping that you will assist us in doing um and uh is there anybody who has any questions for me I I will open up to the council if anybody had any comments or questions council president Council pointer I just more along the um the a comment aspect I'm sure the environmental commission would like to provide input of potential plants um and if there is going to be utilization from the tree fund since they kind of oversee that just to um coordinate with them as well okay can you get me in touch with somebody that I can absolutely perfect thank you anybody else council president pres I just want to thank Susan I want to thank you so much for your sphere heading all of this and it looks like you've got a great team behind you Nami and Zena thank you so much for your vision with all of this um absolutely we have we have such a large presence of veterans in this community and they deserve nothing less than what you have put down here and so I I really want to do everything I can to help see this Vision come to to reality thank you so much so welcome thank you uh anybody else Council presid Council thank you San for spearing this presentation and thank you JP St students who came up with the first proposal I know this was in 2021 we are ending 2024 it's sad to see that we didn't make any progress uh I think $60,000 or for that matter $100,000 is not a big deal okay I'll put $100,000 down absolutely if you look at $50,000 if count is going to pay the $50,000 which is one1 month interest that we play we are paying for the Glendale property yeah without use and this 50,000 is nothing for the veterans for your service to this nation absolutely there is no price tag there is no price tag that can be put in to honor our veterans and I think this Council uh should work towards budget in not 50 but full $100,000 for the next year's budget to bring this project to the reality let's not dream let's commit to make it as the reality other thing I would say that you know we have good talent pool in Edison if we can the way our JP St student volunteer to come up with the the concept of this project I'm pretty sure we have many Engineers architect who will come for forward and we can save quite a good amount of money yes we have many landscapers we have many certified electricians in this town and just for the service to the veterans just to honor them I'm pretty sure if we do some Outreach we will get more volunteers and not to stop at one project but we can go to the another another part and continue focusing on improving and giving back to the V again thank you and for all the the veterans thank you for coming MH y thank you so much than you and showing your support uh just one second Let's uh finish the you want to make a I'm on the committee also uh I'm Brian Shrek also on the veterans committee I am a veteran um we ask Sue to do this because she's not a veteran to show that it's not just veterans want this but with the tree fund does it even need to go in the budget our we've been explained that the tree fund is earmarked for Parks so it doesn't even need to go into the budget next year the council can just vote on it and that's what we'd like because budgets we know what happens in budgets sit here and six months we're still waiting for a budget to pass and then everything else um that 100,000 we would love that take it um and again it's a dollar um Charlie Tamara commissioner Tamara has spoken with me multiple times and he said dollar for dollar the county can do this but they cannot do anything until yeah you sitting there and he was the one that also approached us saying the tree fund because when he was a councilman in this town that's what that was used for so what we really like is to not wait another six eight 10 months and before we know it we're the girls are graduating college and moving on that it's a project that they started we'd like them to see it so our our goal is to have the council vote the treef fund money and not have to wait for a budget we've we've waited a long time and things got put on hold and put on hold and this is our goal absolutely counc want me to answer the question sure yeah uh triund definitely you know this Council can always adopt a resolution but from the budget standpoint of view we don't have to wait for six month to year if where the council president this Council if we push for the resolution to commit $100,000 and this can be pro rated month on Monon basis can be contributed towards your fund so we can really start that process early on we don't have to wait for the budget approval at the end of the year thank you I've lived in this town a long time my entire life and I've seen budgets go for months on and before we but that's our goal we really need our goal was to have this done Veterans Day of 21 22 Veterans Day of 22 and that never happened Veterans Day of 24 is gone um it would be great to have it for Memorial Day we understand it may not but at least Veterans Day of 25 to have that Park up and running the way it should be the way that these girls went out of their way and did it absolutely it's long overdue and um that's our goal thank you council president Council uh just want to offer um one suggestion possibly one clarification um because I understand the trying to get things uh done expeditiously and I'm not trying to put a damper on on the overall feel for it but just to be honest about it um anything over I think it's 445 in terms of any type of contract like we have to go through a certain bitting process by law usually in regards to funds that come from the county are they come as reimbursable uh funds so we have to allocate that first and then then it gets um reimbursed so that kind of adds time to it and I know that's not what you want to hear uh additionally earlier this year we did modify the tree fund ordinance because of certain concerns so I would just I know what the ordinance previously stated in regards to certain allocations I would just make sure that um still in line with how the current language reads because there was an adjustment made uh in terms of potential cost savings we authorized replacement of benches along Amboy Avenue which are like the iron rot uh benches uh if they have not been replaced yet um maybe we can salvage a couple of those to put in at the uh Memorial Park uh as a way to reduce costs and refurbish uh older materials so thank you council president thank you Council pointer I just want to say great job counc for the student the college students back there that are getting their master's degree now but thank you for the time very creative work I remember when this was done on the council in your first presentation beautiful work you should include an invoice to your favorite charity well as for me I want to thank you Susan again for the presentation thank you all the Veterans for being here and thank you mea Nami and z hope this has been a great experience and you learned something from this project and I do support it 100% And I agree wholeheartedly with what councilman pel said but I would do want to add that for 100,000 I want that gazebo in there because if we add the Gazebo it will create a a third space for people to hang out and it will become a more useful space for everybody and maybe nice weather people can go there that money that we do it uh I did ask what we ask for is to do everything but the Gazebo basically and the story story book you give us that money that gazebo run with it so I asked legal counsel if I can do a resolution to start the process right now but he did say no because all money expenditures does come from the administration so but I will publicly uh Sonia may I yes thank you um we don't necessarily need to wait for the tree fund I'm sure we can grapple some um for example Recreation uh Capital Bond ordinance or something like that that to do it what I would like is your plan so I could work with both our DPW our engineering team to put together um a bid if you will with all of your plans and if they have any suggestions so if you could provide that to me we can get that out uh sometime in January perfect okay can can we add the Gazebo to that plan yes we will okay and I would also like to say can we use open space Fund in this particular project Sonia can we use open space Fund in this project for this project because it is an open space if we have the Gaz it is but we do we we did plan for um cleaning up our public spaces including parks and and so this would fall under that so um I was just a sidebar with uh Mr der Roberts about having a healthy Capital Bond ordinance under Recreation funds so we that's how I think and I would suggest to pay for something like this okay and would this be eligible for for Grants if we include the Gazebo which includes public space I can certainly search there to see if there are any grants um again we this would be an upfront cost of the township so if the county would want to reimburse us certainly I know the county does have a um Recreation Grant out there they do it on a yearly basis um we could and we've tried to apply we've been successful a couple of times so we could look into that um but I don't think to your point council president and the presenters the the funding is there and we'll be glad to provide that okay so I look forward to this by Memorial day we'll put the bids together in January and have that out all right well I we're hoping Merry Christmas I hope this comes true this wish comes through guys thank you thank you so [Applause] much all right uh moving on to number six resolution of recognition uh Madam clerk uh please read the resolution whereas the lion meets the Lions meet of local communities in the world every day because they share a core brief belief to serve their Community whereas allons Lions have a dynamic history founded in 1917 we are been best known for fighting blindness but also volunte for many different kinds of community projects that include caring for environment feeding the hungry and eating seniors and the disabled whereas Meno Park Lions Club is a nonprofit organization established in Edison on September 23rd 2014 with the intentions of serving the community for Youth Empowerment family health awareness and hunger the year 2024 is a milestone that calls for the celebration of the 10th anniversary of the club whereas during the last 10 years the Meno Park lions Club established Two Lions Clubs NJ Fitness Lions Club and NJ artist Lions and the two Leo clubs whereas Meno Park Lions Club chapter member Vara Nik nyak served a District Governor during the lion year 21 to 22 whereas the Meno Park liance Club started the initiative breakfast with Santa in 2014 and continue as the main fundraising signature project for both the club the Meno Park Lions understands several fun raising projects like the love peace and Harmony art competition for the Youth and the sir wathon and the proceeds are donated towards the children child cancer funds whereas the Meno Park Lions Club conduct Zumba for diabetes awareness every year and it's recognized as at the international level whereas the Meno Park Lions Club donates winter jackets schools School stationery to underprivileged Residents and food items to the shelter homes in Edison the club also tries to help individuals with special required needs for medical help as well all right thank you madam clerk uh this will be open to the public if anybody has any this is yes if any comments all right seeing none may I get a uh motion oh sorry council president let me just remind the public that this is uh any comments with regard to the Lions only only to the lines okay uh I believe the speaker has now said he would not like to speak on this so now can I get a motion to adopt motion to adopt second all right that's motion by councilman Patel second by councilman uh Council vice president uh this will open to any Council comments anybody that would like to speak okay all right uh council president trying to defer over um I'm very familiar with the U with the lines for better words uh not only here but across the across the state and elsewhere um the community engagement that they offer is a extremely valuable to the residents to uh just the community at large so in in short thank you for your service to the community it's greatly appreciated thank you any anybody [Applause] else uh as for me Lon Club was one of the Charities that reached out to me to help uh refugees that came over from overseas and they needed help getting jobs and they were helping them get jobs get them situated and Empower them to essentially live a a better life in America is including getting them a car so they can drive around uh and I believe they do great things help settle families and anything else that the community needs and I think I'm glad to have Lions Club in Edison and thank you Council bringing this forward thank you Council all right uh Council P will present the I didn't oh sorry oh yeah let's do the roll call First council member Co council member Harris yes council member P yes council member pointer yes council president Patel yes I think we have the the Lions president Vera Nik and the entire crew of men Lions just to give information about the Lions is the world's largest humanitarian organization with 1.4 Millions Plus members 400 plus clubs across the world in 200 plus countries and menop Par Line This is the 10th year and this is the the resolution or a proclamation to acknowledge the service that this club is providing ing not just for Edison but across state of New Jersey again thank you for your commitment I have been part of many of the event I myself is Lion of Edison Visionary Club this is another club within Edison we have a different intent behind these clubs especially medo Park lion club which is involved in very sensitive topics whether it is H donating Halloween costumes for underprivileged kids winter clothing or Zumba for diabetic patients or SAR wakon for breast cancer and many more you know I can name few but many many more again congratulations for this big milestone and keep up the good job and hopefully you'll be here on 15th and 20th of uh your Club anniversary thank you thank you for your service and we have Council vice president acknowledging and awarding the proclamation you can come in all should be want them to speak yes yeah all the council members please join [Music] us we would love you MERS in thank you and where she want to say something think about your club or anyone from yeah first of all I'm very very thankful for this recognization this club started in 2014 with the vision of Youth Empowerment and families health and we are keep continuing this program and with the help of Edison Township we would really like to go more 10 20 why not 100 years right it's a community service and we are very very thankful for this recognization once again thank thank you so much thank you and congratulations to all of you thank you okay all right moving on to number seven review of minutes any comments or questions council president I will be abstaining as I was not here that day yeah okay uh moving on to each departments any question uh moving on to number eight uh just 8B appointment on planning board uh any questions or comments moving on to number nine a through G any questions or comments council president on a uh this grant is from the this the old Grand or new grand I believe this is during the corona vir virus uh csfr funds was this something that was supposed to be in 2021 2022 or this is a because we are no longer in pandemic this is current this is current but this is under csfr so that's what my the question was we still are eligible to apply yes we have an award letter indicating that we would get the funds so when was this awarded just just in the last month last month thank you thank you council president okay any questions or comments beside that all right I think altogether we have 2.5 million right Sonia for ambf yes okay so I think that's a good amount to start and I think this would definitely help out with the infrastructure and the drainage that we need improvements on council president Council um in regards to the grants for the bypass I just wanted to say thank you for your consistency in pushing for that um I know no one here can really hasn't seen what those plans are but how it will connect um combining those two how they would connect uh Edison High School pretty much through Central Avenue um I think it's going to be fantastic for the uh for the residents thank you counc president I have a question on G yes these are all the 2025 Professional Services bundled under one resolution I believe it's right we've done it that way yes so we we to under one resolution for all the professionals because to my knowledge the the first meeting of January we put probably several dozens of resolution awarding the different contracts and services to uh the different vendors so I don't know how come this is a routine practice so we're being uh we're doing our due diligence and being uh doing it at when we're supposed to we should actually award these prior to the beginning of the year so that all of our contracts are up to date I understand that but you just said that this is our routine work I think we do that the first meeting of every year but contary you said we we are doing this every single year which I don't recollect think the legal Council has some uh councilman if I may add though your meeting is not I understand until January 6th is that correct yes uh I believe what the administration is attempting to do is make sure that contracts run from January 1 through December 31st of of the Year this voting tonight will ensure that that happens if we wait till the six we will have lapsed on on some of our professional contracts therefore this is a preempted decision on the part of the administration to make sure that we do not have any laps in any of the Professional Services to be provided I I 200% I agree there shouldn't be any laps my question is what the answer I got that this is how we do this is not how we do we always have a separate resolution for every single contract I remember whether it's an attorney service for the council for the mayor for any engineering service it is a separate resolution and that happens in the first week of if it is a reor newly elected officials we do it on the 1st January and that's why there is no lapse my question is not on that my question is on the procedure itself we could have 10 resolution I'm okay with that but saying that this is how we do it that's a bad practice I I I I understand you councilman I understand your concerns I think it if I'll say from a legal standpoint the administration can present its Professionals in any form it can either be done in some places it's done separated in some places it's together it is the prerogative of the administration to present it you that I think you you would rather have it broken up and that's certainly a right of counsel however it's the right of the administration to present it in this way to you I understand Administration can bundle everything in one resolution and call for the party the meeting is over I'm not questioning about that the question is I may not be comfortable on voting some of those resolution uh some of those contracts and that that's a problem right we are boxing in saying hey either approve everything or disapprove everything you have the option to split anything out that you don't want to there are probably two dozen but I mean just saying if you want to if you're not comfortable with voting for certain things you can you can certainly you need a a motion in a second in order to remove any item from the resolution again and then a vote obviously a vote in the affirmative I understand that but again this is the question of full transparency honesty and transparency and the good governance and this is where my objection is I don't have objection in approving or disapproving because we have the votes to approve it my question is about the transparency and hence and I'm not happy with the way this is being presented to this Council thank you Council thank thank you thank you Council Patel uh council president Council I I would offer if uh the councilman would like to table this I will support that because this is for the period of April 1st 2025 to March 31st 2026 so we already have based on previous extensions up until March 31st already covered so I don't see that we are actually in laps uh coming at the next meeting with with the same thing if the councilman would like to do a bit more of a deeper dive in terms of the uh uh particularly some of the newer vendors that are on there I agree and con I did read that from April but I thought there are maybe some of those vendors are from April and rest are from January 1st so I will leave it to if it is everybody's from April I would prefer and again hear me out this agenda was sent at 445 or 5:00 on Friday we are on Monday and this is more than a million dollar contant contract we are talking about which is very unfair to any council member to go through this and approve this thing in one shot thank you sir I I can answer to councilman po Pointer's question as far as legal services are concerned yes you are correct I cannot speak to all the other professionals listed perhaps Sonia has some more information on that and whether anything's going to lapse in January as far as legal though you you are correct Council I I did cross reference the list compared to what we authorized last year um so I I I understand what you are mentioning but even if that is true my understanding is that we have approved those Services until March 31st of 2025 based on previous extensions I I'll accept your representation that thank you right um anybody else that would like to make a comment all right for me the B and C I'm really proud of uh open space that has pursued this and I'm glad that we were able to get these grants uh this will allow a kid from JP Stevens actually for kids to get to JP Stevens safely and also if a kid who's at JP Stevens wants to go to the papani park or anybody that's at Central uh AB wants to get to papani park or to uh Edison High they'll have a safe path to get there so I think this is a great addition to the town in terms of Mobility uh for those who do not have access to a car uh um moving on to number 10 from Department of Finance a through G any questions or comments uh council president councilman pointer uh for 10e if I could ask uh Joan question thank you and this is more of a a refresher on my end um after fiscal year 2025 do the assessed values go back to what they previously were or is the new assessed value what goes uh in the subsequent years there is normally a freeze act which would freeze an assessment from the Judgment for two years afterwards okay um it is it is stated on page four I mean item number four of the stipulation so that assessment will stay in place for 26 and 27 as well thank you council president thank you thank president I have a question one more so for E the settlement is only so 21 2021 2022 2023 2024 is no longer a valid one settlement is for 2025 that's correct correct my question on F now is this the FedEx property yes it is okay I'm surprised that you know 201 178 it's a pure warehouse distribution facility if you look at the pricing in 2017 the warehouse was roughly 8085 a square ft today it is $170 Square ft so I'm surprised the business of FedEx has went up the prices of the W warehouses are doubled not tripled yet we are trying to give the tax break not only that this FedEx facility does bring a lot of truck traffic on the residential neighborhood including 27 so I'm surprised that you know we are settling uh settling with this entity and not pulling them in a court well Mr councilman ptil if I can bring to your attention the settlement is just for for 2016 and to that effect it's only for the two months of the added assessment so there is no settlement going forward they are actually withdrawing all subsequent years so it is by our due diligence and recognizing that the values have gone up that we stood our ground and we able to achieve just a twomon of withdrawal of an added assessment due to um issues that arose 2016 I was not here and so um it had to deal with how the valuation was placed prior to me getting here doesn't this cross our fiveyear timeline 2016 we are in seventh year eighth year of settlement and what is the question is a five year we have the threshold right to go back five years and no there is no threshold to go back so I'm not sure what you're referencing the FedEx filed an appeal um for the added assessment that was placed in 2016 and every subsequent year since then so it's not something that we can go back retroactive if that's what you're asking only my question is typically we go not typically by rule we go five years until last five years to settle if there is anything left out not necessarily it's just the way it's negotiate negotiated we were trying we you know this is one of the longest ones that's taken place but it's because of um the timeline at the court um negotiation efforts between the two parties so um it yes I do agree it has taken long but I believe that this is the best settlement for the township and are we paying the interest as well on that no we are not if we pay within 60 days as the judgment and this is probably the last one in outstanding one from yes thank you thank you council president thank you um moving on to number 11 from Department of Health a a through C any questions or comments right moving on to number 12 from the Department of planning and Engineering a through e any questions or comments council president uh councilman pointer uh item e normally at least in my understanding when we get a Redevelopment plan there is backup document or there's a document that has the study that shows the how it got to an area in need of whether it's Rehabilitation or Redevelopment and then the Redevelopment plan uh has additional information such as uh what type of both V both guidelines there will be what type of permitted prohibited uses uh how does it relate to the master plan and other uh other plans surrounding the uh the township um I did not see that document so I'm wondering if that is available son so I went back and I don't have that that's not hasn't been done yet from my understanding um so what we provided to you were the concept and that's what we currently have uh council president then when it comes I'll motion this to be table thank you council president counc council president I have question on D sure know probably attorney can answer is this the same property uh that the attorney came to this Podium and question about halting the his concept uh that he wanted to go through the the project I think it was some bakery project uh I don't know how it went through back and forth it's more than a year now uh on this project do we know the timeline when this because May did send a letter you know addressing that is this achievement saying he was able to attract the bakery which was totally wrong Township was sued in fact that attorney came in here present his plan and why Township was not cooperating so I I don't know where this is heading you know are we giving a tough time for the red veler pushing back on the timelines or is this coming very quickly because this property is won there for years and years and hopefully this moves forward so my question is what is the timeline that we are looking for uh this project getting finally approved in the planning board so council president if you could um I your your statement I'm not following necessarily nor um it may be correct in that the letter stated that there there was quite a lot of blight in that area and the initiative from this Administration was to clean up that area which was in fact done um it then had to go back to the planning board for this Redevelopment um to take place so uh if our attorney has anything to add to that no that's absolutely it we're this is part this Redevelopment is is uh I would say the second to last step in a long Redevelopment process from the designation of the area in need of Redevelopment to the adoption of a plan and now a developer who's willing to effectuate that plan after this step the last step will be site plan which we'll go back to the planning board but we cannot do that step until this Council takes the step of designating a redeveloper with with a with a Redevelopment agreement underst you my my question is you know how fast this is moving this is crawling not moving fast and to answer Sonia your question is the attorney was in the audience who raised the red flag saying I'm not getting the cooperation I will have to go to the court if you don't allow me he presented even the plan what he would like to build or his client would like to build so taking the credit for something somebody presented is not the right thing uh but I will defer it for the rest of the con thank you council president thank you Council than counc president Council m co if I remember correctly this property has sat since I met Cheryl in 1992 again Council councilman I respect the order of process but we all know we've sat in this Council for 9 years it's in a pretty good State we force the hand of the Builder to do something if something's being done we never like lawsuits or process but I think I knew Cheryl she didn't even have kids maybe just so 1992 till today a lot something's being done so I'm happy we're moving forward and something's happening with that corner thank you thank you Council MCO yes I was going to say that that lot had a really really broken down building for 30 years so I'm glad we're moving forward and we are taking care of the blight in this town and creating something useful uh moving on to number 13 13 a through C any questions or comments yes council president um the the resolution about the purchasing rock salt uh I wanted to find out what kind of surpluses we have on hand since we had relatively mild wins the last two years and uh that would just help to know if we're enhancing the supply we already have so is there any anyone who can speak to that Sony I can speak that we're our full capacity we so it's pretty full we're obviously getting into that time where we're going to be using and as I mentioned to you before um one bad storm is about $50,000 so um this will this will help us keep up with any potential storms okay all right thank you and Sonia this is going to be purchased as you need it right or is this going to be lumsum as we need it okay because we make sure that we're out full capacity at all times okay and uh moving on council president uh councilman poter thank you uh in regards to Item B resolution 737 on the Edison courts phase three I'm happy to see the improvements um I would just ask if it doesn't upset anything from the bidding process uh the original engineering spec for the Oak Crest swim uh Club Park uh had for the basetball court and the tennis court but these plans show for pickle ball courts instead of the tennis court so I would just like to ask if we are able to convert that back to the tennis court and possibly Implement pickle balls as a uh a subset of the overall different colors yeah so council president I completely understand your um suggestion however this late in the game um we wouldn't be able to go out to bid again to redesign this um what I would like to do is whoever the um vendor is we can certainly discuss um any sort of potential changes that wouldn't so much deviate from what we need to potentially award tonight okay sorry and and if I was unclear on that that that's more the route that I was trying to so yeah I think I agree with councilman pointer we should approve this but uh looking forward if we have a pickle Court I think maybe just add an addendum to add lines for the tenants court is basically the same thing but it will allow multiple people to use a for various things and just um sorry council president just because of the um from the actual bid itself compared to the second lowest bid this is actually a significantly less so I don't think we would have a an issue in the sense of that if there was an addendum in this capacity that it would have affected anything else I mean this bid is about 300,000 less than the the next one which is great in the overall sense thank you council president okay uh moving on to number 14 a through C any questions or comments conation on B yes this art supplies and handicraft I believe you know this is for ABC program right yes correct is there a way that we can work with the board of and have the shared service type of agreement because this is same thing probably they are doing for their uh school system so it will be helpful because I don't see any vendor from Edison or for that matter close by midle County most of them are from outside I understand it's a bidding process but it will be helpful we start collaborating with Board of aid for the Shar services on this thank you council president thank you p uh if we can bring that up at the next uh Le on meeting maybe we can get something started y thank you uh moving on to number 15 a through C any questions or comments all right seeing n moving on to number 16 for the chief of fire a through e any questions or comments CC pres C yes this elow Sab payment you know we are contributing ,000 per person this is for recognizing the service for the the length of service right yes are they happy with this with the length of service the $1,000 a year so what this is is a um statutorily and the attorney can correct me if I'm wrong um is based on what the state allows us to to make a payment um one of the things that I just want to highlight I actually talked to counc poter about was that the cost the cola did go up so if it is the will of the council to increase to that Cola which is I believe is 1150 um again at that moment if that's so you wish um when we were provided with this resolution it only reflected the $1,000 I would prefer to give more because it's a good thing to do for us understood thank you council president thank you councilman pel anybody any questions council president um poter yeah I just wanted to reiterate because I I did look at the statute is uh up to a Max of 1,150 but uh that is something that I would be in favor of as well thank you council president and council is there a way that we can modify this today on this resolution just changing the amount from 12,000 to 1150 multiplied by 12 uh is that something we can do today you can amend yes you can amend sure thank you Council po just because I I looked into it um how it was done previously it was originally set by ordinance at $500 uh then there was a resolution to actually allow for the the low set payments to be increased to the Thousand so I think from a procedural standpoint I understand uh the the overall point but I think procedurally we would actually have to have a resolution stating that we are allowing that max contribution to go from the th to the 1150 um okay I understand that you know we need ordinance but then I would not put the cap I would say anything that is approved as col should be backed in into that increase rather than fixing the amount thank you I think we can this is based on ordinance 1576 d207 so we can update that ordinance down the road and to take care of that uh moving on 15 15 uh just do 15 okay moving on to number 17 uh a any questions or comments All Right Moving uh something we're moving on to the regular portion of our meeting uh I I get a motion to approved a the approval of minutes motion to approve have a second second that's motion by councilman Patel second by councilman poter all in favor I abstain from I noted she she hasn't noted okay okay uh moving on to number 19 may I get an approval motion to approve the volunteer firefighters motion to approve second that's motion by councilman Patel second by Council vice president all in favor right uh moving on to number uh 20 which is the public comments on the resolutions this will now open up uh this will open up the public to speak on only the resolutions 711 to 754 minus 717 anybody that would like to speak on the resolutions only Joel bass off Beach Lane okay four minutes to uh address 42 resolutions um Okay resolution 737 regarding Edison courts it's over a million doll um can we just get an explanation as to what that's all about I just um there's no way of telling from the resolution whether that's reasonable or excessive um resolution 745 um for vehicle purchase I noticed that it seems that at each meeting of the council there's an appropriation for uh one or more vehicle purchases so the question arises do we have a spreadsheet that that shows um the total vehicle inventory and and the primary users of the vehicle mileage expected useful life because the question would be uh would it make more sense instead of these vehicle purchases on an ad hoc peace meal basis if there's some comprehensive plan to replace the vehicles and and maybe uh get a better price for both purchases and then resolutions 725 726 and 727 for veterinary services um obviously there's no begrudging services for the the animals but it's $385,000 so the question is are we still servicing other municipalities and are we getting if we are are we getting adequate revenue from those municipalities to fairly defay the costs of providing the services to the animals and then I also had a question as did councilman patil on resolution 724 Professional Services I added it up it's almost $1.9 million and it seems that it might make sense to divide the question and scrutinize those vendors and uh payments more carefully y okay 42 resolutions in less than four minutes it worked this time thank you um anybody else that would have any questions or comments on on the resolutions I'll answer at the end Jo sh Freeman Edison New Jersey okay I hope we do get some answers on the end because sometimes we really don't um I want to know about the refund I want to know about the hydrant meter the positive refund about the hydrants what what number is that 713 713 okay uh what's your question on the hydrant refund I want to know about the hydrant what area is that in that we're refunding on the hydrants because I heard they were having problems with hydrants okay let me keep going because you know you got me cut I'm tuck on time okay and then I would like to know about um is 718 is that the funds for the um for the Jackson Avenue or whatever that the tenant that the people didn't want and I want to know about 722 resolution authorizing the use of competitive Contracting for health programs for seniors I want to know if that's a line budget ad item or whatever I forgot to bring my I got a bunch of senior stuff I got to bring to you what other neighborhoods get uh 724 resolution awarding contracts to various firms for a professional service now you know suppose I don't you know what are the names of the firm what what other the firms are they the same firms for last year or we slipped a couple of our friends in uh 7:30 uh the resolution uh about the um about the stouton community center because we heard all the talking all these newspaper articles about how this was going to be a cheap deal and now it's 65,000 just to remove a couple of things so I would like to know how that ties in with the amount of money 3.7 or whatever we were supposed to use for that and uh the resolution for the contract for the Edison courts phase three me I think it's ridiculous for us to have this many pickle ball course because it's a fad right now and tenis and stuff we are not thinking about our youth and our youth have more tennis court and this should have been more carefully thought out when we were doing these pickle ball courts CU I go to other neighborhoods they have the tennis and they have the pickle ball court so when the goes they'll still have stuff number 746 uh how much what how much Furniture are they buying for what for $ 66,9 se1 for Department of Public Safety are they doing the whole building I hope they doing the whole building for that amount of money but I just want to know know and oh and the resolution authorizing the transfer of funds for a current fund I I I don't I don't understand how we take money and move it around and play with it so if you can give me some good information on that too thank you okay thank you anybody else any questions or comments Charlie I think you've been recognized good evening Council Charlie Caville from New Brunswick editor New Brunswick today you recogn next Charlie thanks um I hope you can answer some of these questions in real time the 9g is uh various firms can you tell me how many of these contracts are for Mr mello's firm all question questions are answered at the end okay so if I have a followup you'll call me back up or no you won't be called back up okay why is that it's that's the practice Here Charlie okay I mean I've been here before sometimes I can get the answers all the questions are asked and then they're and they're answered at the end of the public comment session it's it's for the benefit of the public that we keep it moving that's why yeah I really don't think it is for the benefit of the public at least that's not how it works out and I know that you know the time we've spent going back and forth you could have just answered the question by now so I wish you would have done that um I'd also like to know the value of the contracts for Mr mello's firm uh that are that are in this you know packed into this uh Mega resolution um and I would also like to ask about the transfers of funds this is uh 10g I'd like to know how much is for police overtime and I'd like to know what the driving factors are that uh have led to essentially you know Edison PD having to do this transfer um I don't what the budget is for overtime but I'd be very curious to see uh I think it's a significant amount in here and I wish you could just answer my questions now since I have two and a half minutes and I might have some follow-ups could you just answer now real quickly certainly not I believe the council president's the one who makes the call so I already established that all will be answered at the end I know and at the last meeting to be fair you made the public wait hours to get answers to the questions and I don't think that served anyone that that actually made it more adversarial if you had just engaged in dialogue in real time with your residents and with concerned citizens who come here I don't see uh what the harm would be in that and I understand you got other business going on so you're not even really paying attention to what I'm saying right now I'm following you Charlie I'm speaking to the council sir I understand you're their lawyer you're on you're on here to get a big contract but I'm here speaking to the elected officials and I'd like to be able to engage stage and I'd like for you to explain why Edison PD is uh in need of this transfer and uh you know how many contracts you're you're uh uh have on your agenda for rown Coughlin Mello I got the answers I will answer them at the end thank you at the end of this public comment at the end of what at the end of the year at the end of public comments okay so you'll answer Mr Bass off's question M chip Freeman's questions and my questions as soon as the last speaker wraps up here yes correct okay well I'll just use my remaining time to note that I think that dialogue is good and uh these meetings would go more smoothly and you would have uh better relations with your public if you engage with them in real time and you know look them in the eye when they're talking to you and uh you know answer questions when they're asked if you if you have the answer it's one thing to say we need time to get the answer if you have the answer you should give the answer right away because then we're all more informed and then the next speaker has that information when they come up or I have my final 30 seconds where I can respond to your response it seems like the changes made at these meetings are changes that are stifling public comment that are um Charlie it's not a change it's always been this way you haven't been here but that's the way it's been done i' I've been coming here I've been coming here for quite a while and haven't no you might not have been at those meetings uh but yeah Mr Burns was here and uh yeah i' I've spoken before sometimes I get the answers right away and that's always better when it happens so and the change I'm talking about you changed the four minutes you got rid the rebuttal it's shameful speaker time has elapsed thank you all right anybody else have any questions I Elizabeth Conway 20 nether with circle I just have one question regarding R 754 754 uh the resolution authorizing the transfer of funds for current fund uh are we um allowed to know what is going from where to where yes you'll tell me at the end yes uh you recognized thank you am I recognized uh name and address no thank you all right you recognize thank you um through the chair to Margo and councilman AJ patil I would I would like just like you guys extend the time put a resolution to put six minutes because it's not that many people here today you know two extra minutes for each person it's not a big deal um 10g I'm just surprised that you're you're not even putting the the amount uh 10 what resolution number is that 10g you're not even putting the amount are are these uh what what resolution number is that 754 okay 10g um is that for all those cups that were here for those two days that you have to pay pay them all off for threats that never existed um is that what it's for how much is it because it it should say the amount right here why doesn't it say the amount 400,000 and you guys aren't going to tell us for what because of your negligence okay um the vehicle are we purchasing an extra extra vehicle because Sam uh Mayor Sam josi crash crashed the LA last one allegedly drunk into a female right around the corner is that is that what this resolution is for to buy a new vehicle that Mayor Sam Joi crashed crashed when he was possibly drunk and then the investigation wasn't even over and then a police officer drove a vehicle to the scene and allowed Sam to get in a different township we going drive if we want to stick to 745 your what I'm trying to say if the police officers you know if a Township employee crashes a vehicle the police officers now to charge him he should have been charged under ordinance he should have been tested Sam Jo you're more than welcome to talk about resolution 745 but I think you're going off on a tangent here so I would ask you to stay on top I as a taxpayer I feel uncomfortable giving more money for another vehicle because if someone going to get drunk again and crash that one so until you know Coughlin Law Firm um getting more contracts when Sam josi was a councilman he tried to transfer the library funds over to BCB bank which is a bank owned by Coughlin law firm and I I just think there's too much conflict of interest that that you guys shouldn't even should be removed out of here and um she knows she knows oh yeah okay I'm just looking for another resolution but I'll talk to myself while I do that yeah I just hope you guys put it six minutes resolution Cher Patel did councilman AJ uh did councilman uh or Mayor Sam josi did he crash that vehicle was he drunk when he crashed going off of the resolutions are we order are we ordering another vehicle because the last one was crashed into a female and you are going out of no I'm asking the question to come back and about seconds I'm asking this is this vehicle to replace the last vehicle that Mayor Sam Joi crashed into into an innocent byy standard the speaker's out of order I'm asking is it are we buying this vehicle because the mayor crashed the other vehicle into civilian and now this town is facing a lawsuit it's it's a yes or no your silence speaks volumes and I S I'm thinking yeah you're buying another vehicle because Sam Joi crashed last one while he was drunk and that is and police allowed him to get away didn't test him and then gave him another vehicle to drive away thank you my speaker time has elapsed okay anybody else that have the questions or comments on the resolutions only horrible to watch the lawyer run this meeting it's happened every why is the lawyer running the meeting every time uh sir you guys are not recognized please if you keep talking I will have to give you a warning Rob Kento 61 meow Road um I think it was uh resolution 731 it's the 1810 or 20 uh Route 27 property I just want to point out yes Joe's right that property's been vacant since gez before I had a driver's license but you know the whole story isn't told you know if if if you're like me and you look at every property deed in town and what's going on you know that the person who purchased that purchased it during Co so they didn't own the property for 30 years so I just want to point that out he is a resident so we should make clear that he purchased it recently and then the town went after him so here we are thank you thank you any questions or comments on resolutions close portion I may I have a second second that's motion by councilman Coy second by Council vice president all in favor I all right anybody would like to counc president actually the questions any questions that anybody would like to answer to answer from uh sure so let me first take care of the two there was a question on 754 of transfer funds uh if you guys do not have access there's a folder that has essentially this piece that has all the information as to where the fund is uh who has that folder oh it's all the way in the back over there so you are more than welcome to look at it it has exact details of where it's going it's also on the website The Madam clerk just informed me that it has all the details as to where it's going from uh same thing with 724 which is the contracts uh again we didn't list individual stuff because again there's this one two three uh pages of contracts so if you have if you want to look into further details all of that information is in the back there and you can look at it it's available on the website you can also go on website and look at it if you're looking for more details on that particular topics anybody else that would like to answer questions Council appointer sure council president uh thank you um in regards to the hydr meter deposit refund uh they they give a $5,000 security deposit I forget the overall purpose for it but when they return the meter the balance minus any escros get refunded back so that's what um that particular one is that's 713 um the Amboy Avenue revitalization program uh this is different I might have accidentally it's not Jackson 718 is not Jackson it's not Jackson Avenue this is specifically for Amboy Avenue the the Main Street whether it's the pavers drainage uh General infrastructure on Amway Avenue so this is separate from Jackson on that point I also wanted to add that uh it it's in addition to 1.5 million so altogether we have 2.5 million for ambo app project so that's great thing and it will also help with creating our sidewalks to be ADA compliance so that will make it easier for someone who cannot uh the health programs and for the senior citizens um son you had provided backup as to what that may include and it's quite elaborate it's not just like Health in the sense of like going to a doctor it's mental health it's physical health it's um uh preventative health so it's kind of all encompassing uh and this would be coming from the opioid funds if I'm not mistaken correct correct so part of procedurally we have to go to council uh in order to go through the competitive bidding process so the resolution is for you to allow us to be able to go out and um get bids Sonia this essentially doesn't do anything in terms of spending it just opens up our options right correct we have to go out to Bid And so this is what this opens up so um two resolutions one for mental health um and then the other one for Senior Services which we thought were uh Prime um subject matters for us to uh provide to our community and this is all coming for opioid money not Township expenditures okay all right do you want to continue uh thank you council president uh professionals Services there are some that are added on some that were removed from a a total not to exceed amount though it is equal to what we had authorized from the last uh year-over-year so that total amount in the sense of a not to exceed standpoint is the same based on my recollection likewise on the uh the veter veterinary services um this is uh the not to exed amount is actually a little bit less than what was authorized over the past year um I think think by like 20,000 and these three vendors have serviced our animal shelter for and the animals for a couple years now if I recall and there was also a question of do we still uh service other towns and are we I know we I think we updated the amounts to equate so we're not losing money on this yes uh that'll be presented to the council at the next meeting I was working on getting the final numbers so right now we're just going to service um Highland Park in matachin which are directly uh adjacent to us which makes a lot more sense um from um just a practical standpoint so we did adjust those numbers so that there is no shortfall um in those and that will be presented to you in the next couple weeks thank you counc thank you um the purchase for the Chev Chevrolet Silverado that's for the Department of recreation and because of the uh events that we have started to um set up throughout the year it's supposed to help move larger equipment and council president if I could just add um we do have an asset um management if you will of all of our vehicles and their life cycle um this just happens to be one that Recreation is in need of but all of our vehicles do have a life cycle to them and we do work with that list I know councilman brusher has brought it up at uh several meetings and I've provided that list to him uh most recently specific to the fire department yes uh that I was going to point that out continue and then the last one in regards to transfer funds um from the curent fund specifically on the police overtime uh what we have normally allocated um is about 1.1 and in the past we've actually expanded about 1.6 uh so when you in when you include this into the total of it it's actually less what we've expended on that line item in the uh in the past what I think the Administration has done differently this year is that instead of it being um the overall like Hey we're transferring from uh business administrator to police they are actually breaking down the individual line item which I I do appreciate on that front correct and we are um under two about 200,000 and overtime and expenses for police go Circle back on that there was police overtime can we was a question as to what led to that factor of increase so there's variable factors obviously there people who um have you know scheduled PTO and things like that um there emergency work that happens so uh under the uh contract that we have with PBA and SOA where you know there's a requirement that if they are working outside of their hours or their outside schedules we are required to pay over time thank you anything else you want to add council po okay that's it I think there's a couple that you missed uh the one on 730 uh which was the $65,000 uh the lead as best those and lead based uh can we tie can we talk about as to what's the total funding of it and how does that look sure so because of the age of the building uh we are required to do a speis remediation remediation and so this is this is why it's coming to the council in order for us to get that done to start working on the interior of the building as you know we've been working on the exterior of the building so um so this is the next step exactly exactly and we do look forward to as an Administration to provide the special needs programming at that building that's what it will in part be dedicated to okay and then there was another question on the the Edison courts phase three do you have the resolution 737 uh council president the the next lowest bid and sorry I accidentally overlaps on that one um then the next lowest bid was about 250,000 over that amount and um I have it right here uh there were six bids received the overall projects uh for two new Fen in pickle ball Courts at Hill Park refurbishing two existing Courts at linquist Park uh that's basketball and Tennis uh Edison Woods installation of one new tennis court basketball court and one pickle ball court oakrest swim club which we had me mentioned the existing basketball court and the pickle ball courts May Street uh this is um essentially resurfacing the basketball court and capestro Park which is uh uh resurfacing and improving the two basketball courts there and I think we covered all the questions I think we covered all right moving on uh I I I to acknowledge Christo there was a question with regard to the law firm and I can certainly answer that so there's one contract and that's for Township attorney and also they work as labor Council so they would work um again as they have in the last three years that I've been here um to do those two functions okay thank you uh moving on to uh anybody hold on back all right so anybody would like to pull anything for a separate vote counc Council 719 720 724 hopefully we can table this one uh 730 730 73 okay anything else council president councilman pointer um sorry I'm just trying to find what number uh he pulled 719 720 724 and 7:30 7 what 7:30 all right Council pointer sorry thank you uh 732 and um 740 through 745 four council president 7533 753 and councilman punt right give me one second let's numbers again make sure I got them all okay so we have pulled 719 720 724 730 that's why councilman pel and then 7:32 740 741 7 to 744 actually so 740 to 744 have been pulled by councilman pointer and then councilman Coyle has pulled 753 right so consent agenda is going to be I'm just going to say 711 through 754 minus 79 720 724 7:30 732 740 741 742 743 744 and 753 all right may I get a motion to president just to correct 7117 is not on the agenda correct yes it's not that's already corre thank you motion to approve second so that's a motion to approve uh by councilman Patel and second by uh Council vice president uh Madame clerk roll call please council member Coyle yes council member Harris yes council member ptil yes council member pointer yes council president Patel yes and we'll just start on order uh councilman Patel 71 1972 do you want to do it together I'll I'll go it together uh 719 720 thank you council president for your consistent follow up on uh this bike path very happy to see uh something coming up it's I believe you know these are the state grants you know thank you to uh our senator Pat Dagan assemblyman kenek as well as assemblyman stle Stanley for their support and your vision and hopefully we can execute this project as soon as we receive the money thank you again good job on that thank you Council p and you want to you want motion to approve 79 7 okay to approve second all right that's motion by councilman Patel and second by uh Council vice president this is for 719 and 7 correct council member po council member Coy yes council member Harris yes council member ptil yes council member pointer yes council president Patel yes all right uh Council until I'll let you take 724 730 the reason I'm not comfortable is first the timing and the clubbing all of those as well you know I did see the name of the vendor who were supposed to recover the money because it caused the change order uh and you can watch it on recording Council recording so that's the reason my ask is to table this ordinance so that you know we can resolution so that we can get into the details of all the vendors we will have enough time to W out whether that particular vendor or vendors are really uh not good and we can split those uh contract thank you Council any other council members for 724 uh I'll second it and offline any comments oh comments sorry um just in general the what in followup to what you just mentioned I can elaborate more because I had similar questions my bad uh so the second motion by Council Patel second by councilman poter this to table right this is table um can we establish a date say for the January 8th meeting okay I think January motion table to January 8th okay councilman Co councilman Co voting motion to yes table council member Harris yes council member P yes council member pointer yes council president Batel yes all right 7:30 Council Council pres you know again thank you this is very important that finally you know we started the indoor work but is this my question is is this the final lead based type of work or any contamination or anything that matters in inside is that the last one before we start anything so only the question is are we going to be once we do this is going to cover all the whole property is there anything else that we're missing this is for the entire property for the Asus cleanup thank you council president I move the motion to approve this all right that's a motion to approve may I have a second second all right that's motion by councilman Patel second by Council vice president Madam CL roll call please council member Coyle yes council member Harris yes council member pil yes council member pointer yes council president Patel yes all right moving on to councilman pointer 732 uh I would just like to move motion to table this to the January 8th meeting um because again my understanding is that usually there's a an actual a different form of the Redevelopment plan I appreciate the administration getting me the uh schematics of what could potentially go there uh but from a process standpoint uh I'm familiar of seeing the actual documented plan so do you want to put a timeline I'm not sure Sonia when do you think would you have it by January 8th um I can certainly try and if I don't then I will let you know I'll communicate with you that we don't have it I would say let's not put a date because uh if we put it for that date then it'll come back and then we'll have to so let's just leave it off the table and they'll bring it when they're ready as your councel I would recommend that as well I think if unless we have a date certain like their Professional Services I would recommend that we just uh table it and the administration will bring it back when the documents are prepared I'm fine with that that's perfect thank you sec all right so that's motion by Council pointer second by councilman pel Madam cler roll call please council member coil yes council member Harris yes council member ptil yes council member pointer yes councel president Batel yes okay uh 740 to 44 do you want to do it together or separate yeah together um I'm just me being my self uh my daughter is in the program so like I don't want it to be viewed as anything I don't think there's an actual conflict but that's the reason I'm just going to abstain from that okay okay so you're okay just because my daughter's in so to approve motion to approve any second second so that's motion to approve by councilman patle second by Council vice president Madam CL roll call please council member coil yes council member Harris yes council member ptil yes council member pointer council president Patel yes all right and the last one councilman coil 753 uh I just wanted to thank William Thomas for being reappointed uh back on to the Housing Authority he's been a great member and a part of the community in the north Ed section for decades once a great athlete back in the day and inspiration to the community so I'm happy to see him get reappointed and I thank those who've supported him in the past and I'm looking forward to voting yes for this thank you all right thank you uh may I get a motion to approve motion to approve I have a second second that's a motion to approve by Council M Coyle second by Council vice president Madam clerk roll call please council member Coyle yes council member Harris yes council member P yes council member app pointer yes council president Patel yes okay uh moving on to I think that's care that business moving on to number 22 uh this will now open the public from the public list where is that and I do want to recognize assemblyman Joe Danielson that's who's in the public uh the assembly man 17th District all right uh starting off with the Joel bass off uh where is Joel he's okay uh Edward Grimes good evening Council Edward Lefty Grimes with sativa cross.org we're a 501c3 here in New Jersey f for cannabis patients rights and the rights of the disabled I um I want to talk about a few things that I saw the last meeting that really upset me and I'm trying really hard to be calm and not freak out I I know what would Jesus do would he turn your other cheek or would he turn the tables and I really feel like tables because uh what I saw the last two meetings was absolutely disgusting how the disabled were treated uh I believe it's a title two violation I believe if you look up title two of the Ada there's a uh a process for changing you actually took away disability access we don't have the Quorum oh yes we have I'm sorry we have we've lost the Quorum um can we stop his time yeah can you please stop wait wait wait okay okay we lost a quorum yes yes yes we no longer have a quorum if you could just wait one second sure thank you well this is awkward can I start over now I lost my flow and sorry yeah I really lost my place when I was speaking too can can we restore some of his time is it possible to restore some of his his violation of your own ordinance it would be in violation I I don't even know where I left off would you be in violation of keep hating the people free speech I I don't even know what to say now uh Council vice president perhaps it recess is in order want to recess for five minutes I guess we can't even yeah the sorry M madam cler if we could restore the time I mean I'm Sor no if we could keep the clock running excuse me thank you no thank you all right so what I saw the last two meetings was absolutely disgusting uh title two violation you took away disability access and you guys are the last Bastion for our disability access for disabled people you guys if the mayor gives you a bad order to the police chief the police chief has to stand up and say hey this is an unconstitutional order I'm not going to do that I'm not going to send a bunch of sick disabled people Disabled Vets up 100t incline with no railings and no lights that's what happened last time and it was very upsetting to see that poor man in the wheelchair force himself up that that ramp I'd like to see some of you get in the wheelchair and go up that ramp I really would because that was absolutely disgusting um that that is not an acceptable ramp uh it is an incline it's a half a mountain over there and our disable vets deserve better you have uh the police I'm really upset you had 40 cops here and I I I I I really liked some of the cops here but you had 40 cops here and you always say see something say something not one officer said hey hey look what we're doing to these disabled people look what we're doing we're making them suffer more than they have to why are we putting the last last we should be putting the last first but you you you said I'm not sure I'm not maybe you guys were looking out the window laughing I don't even know but that's the kind of energy disabled people think that able people have because we all think the world's laughing at us because they are a lot of people are laughing at us and they're bullying us we don't like being bullied and we'll stand up to any bully that was disgusting so I went to my uh my church on Sunday and I was really stressed out over this whole situation here because this means a lot to me the reason why I'm here on this Earth is from God to do this kind of stuff because God God gave me this this time I don't work anymore I'm disabled I could be home sitting down smoking a bong but I'd rather be here fighting for disabled rights this is more important and this is why I'm here that's why your boss gave me that award because I fight for disa people and I think Craig Coughlin should get involved and and fix some of the problems here you got no button working in the police station the button to get out of the building doesn't work this whole mess here and the fact that you had officers put in a bad position to violate to to a human rights violation that was a human rights violation it was absolutely disgusting so when I went to church I was all stressed out and I said you know what let me go relax for a while and I went and and sure enough when I pulled in there was a a trailer in a and a Porton parked in a disabled spot and I was like H so I had to miss a couple of worship songs and deal with that and um and a lot of times you'll see that people Park uh plow the snow in this winter you see people plowing snow and disabled parking spots so look out for that as well I hope this [Music] works this is called what the hell pel what the hell pel you turned your Council into a circus what the hell pel you came this close to Banning burkas what the hell P tell you made a one-legged girl go up an incline what the hell P tell Edison thinks you've lost your mind what the hell P tell what the hell pel what the hell pel you burn this down to the ground what the hell P tell what the hell pel what the hell pel the town turn red your shed the bed what the hell pel thank you speaker time is up Sir if you can turn off the music thanks thank you SS that's what the first am sounds like uh kisto really thank you am I recognized you're recognized okay you're not showing the public the last time you guys took took a vote that you were going to show the public Edison TV is not doing its job Maro you said I'm sorry Christo I don't mean to interrupt you but you interrupting me through the chair to council view you on TV CST through the chair to councilwoman you guys don't answer questions until the end through the chair of the councilwoman Margo you said on Facebook several times that you were going to push forward a resolution to put the uh meeting minutes back to six you haven't done so you haven't even spoke up on it to try to do it during the resolutions so that that's what's going on here uh councilman Patel I'm not even going to call you council president um you know what I'm just going to call you Mr Patel so Mr Patel um your disgrace apology that you gave at the start of the meeting Sam Joi threw you under the bus now you're trying to cover up for Sam Joi that he had you guys do uncon try to pass uncons unconstitutional rules laws to Target me to Target one man um they should put you in federal prison for doing that yeah you you looking at the time but they should put you in federal prison for doing that um absolutely disgusting all the police officers refused the dis disabled people to come in that just speaks volumes to their character the nazil likee atmosphere that we have here in Edison New Jersey I just follow orders those are my orders good job good job um but again I think your scumbag councilman Patel you had men with guns constantly remove me for doing my constitutionally protected activity one time councilman pointer called the fake point of order just because I said the ba shouldn't get a Race So that just goes to show you um you you guys were just targeting me and you guys kept getting away with it because people out in the public kept on allowing it until they didn't allow it anymore so you ban the American flag it just shows how stupid you are you're you're supposed to be a councilman in the United States of America and here you go you you ban the American flag A Real Genius you are and you go up there saying oh well it's it's okay I broke federal law that's what you say because it's a process it's a learning experience if you don't know how to do the job resign you just admitted at the start of the meeting you don't know how to do your job because you're an idiot you removed people you made this town look like like the biggest Nazis the only thing I'm ashamed of is there we go you see you see Coyle he's uh recording again you made this town look like the biggest Nazis um and the only thing I'm ashamed of I KN I know you and and mayor josi are scumbags and are just going to keep doing what you're doing I'm more ashamed with Edis and police because I really believed that you guys would have put a stop to it at some point but again Internal Affairs didn't even I I went to Internal Affairs I complain to Internal Affairs and and you know what they do they Gaslight you they they they say how can you put us in this pos position just do what you're supposed to do even if it's unlawful even if they're bullying you it's my fault it's my fault for do for that that's how your Police Department treats the residents um still not one IIA report that I ever did is finished they're waiting for me to uh be charged falsely unlawfully so this way they don't have to do their IIA complaints they can just claim I was guilty why in 3 years not one of my IIA complaints was done uh through the Char Chief Brian why in three years not one of my IIA complaints was done why wasn't my IA complaint for the Predator catcher case done you're a piece of speaker time uh Leroy truth hello everyone uh name and address please ler right truth ler right truth investigations my YouTube Channel leri Truth investigations be recognized and over there is Chief Tom Bryan and unfortunately your scumbag now why would I say that I revealed a couple weeks ago that I interviewed a woman who alleges that Mayor Sam Joi annally raped her I put this video on YouTube I was told that art saell has a private investigator investigating me trying to expose me to get me to stop now ironically I posted a video about a week ago that highlighted this police department and it highlighted a phenomenal police officer who at a Board of Education meeting a few years ago when he was told Point Blank by the president of the Board of Education to remove a man from the meeting for saying something the president didn't like a police officer I think his name was officer out he point blank refused and he protected that man's constitutional rights I was blown away because my channel is dedicated to to exposing investigating and exposing corrupt Mayors and investigating and exposing police officers who violate our rights and celebrating those who support them now that video that I posted to celebrate the police department here got almost a quarter million views in the last week people are celebrating all over the world officer Stout I called you this past Friday I left a message you did not get back to me I wanted to hear the feedback of all the people who may have called in to celebrate officer Stout however case in point this is the reality of many in the police department officer contarus right here I showed him the video I said hey see this video where I celebrate good police officers because I do like the Union City police officers in New Jersey they're awesome overall however you know what officer contras said I said if one of you violate our rights and tell him to remove us or arrest us if we say something you don't like I said would you also do what officer Stout did and this is the culture of Mr Chief Tom Bryan he says no I'm recently off probation my family comes first I said your family comes first over protecting our consti rights that's what we what's wrong here so you know if you want to have a conversation I will be happy to talk with you and to do first amendment training to change his attitude and lastly with a little bit of time here the mayor was accused of anally raping an Edison woman this was on the Edison New Jersey taxpayers Facebook as a mother I am Absolut absolutely disgusted and horrified by the conversation I had with my daughter who is in sixth grade she came to me after watching a video about a survivor of Mayor Sam Joi and her struggles with the serious heinous allegations against him the video was deeply disturbing and my daughter asked me how was it possible for a man like that to stay at a prison and since you've taken two minutes of our time away today by showah hands how many of you after two weeks say it is wrong for a man to rape a woman in Edison New Jersey show it clear hands council president point of stop talking I'm talking there's no there's no reason he should be doing the survey surve mayor not engage my time back I want 30 seconds back you will not sir 30 seconds you will not lawyers stop talking I want 30 seconds back you will not sir how many of you are willing to investigate do a surveys here sir too late Margo Harris good job you were the only one with courage here and you uped me your time is up time is up your time is up and I want I want my 30 seconds back sir your time is up if you he interrupted me take this as a warning if you continue I will have you removed please sit down do it okay let's just give the 30 seconds the time is up sir I would PR violation of our ordinance he interrupted me I was speak officers please remove him I was speaking now this is your opportunity to stand down council president I pref he interrupted me I want my 30 seconds back will sit down get your hands off me get your hands off me I can have 30 seconds left sit down may I get a motion for a 5 minute Rec down Stand Down motion to recess may have a second all in favor Cole said I get 30 seconds back meeting stands in recess for five minutes see these are the piece of garbage cops here that will do unconstitutional things to a free man stop I'm trying to help you out here just relax for a second okay it's all right this is e e e e e e e e e back as councilman Coy had all right may I get a motion to reconvene motion to reconvene I have a motion to reconvene by councilman uh Council vice president may I have a second to uh councilman pointer this motion reconvenes at uh not 8:05 p.m. May I get a motion motion to adjourn motion to adjourn may I have a second second that's a motion to adjourn by back councilman pointer all in favor look at the carded at 8:05 the meeting you are a shame you are a e e e e e e e e e