##VIDEO ID:-67PW10dwdE## soon as everyone States stand naice 32 minutes like to welcome everyone the regular scheduled EG city council meeting October 17th 2024 part of order this meeting has been properly advertised and posted in accordance with public law 75 chapter 231 may I have a roll call please mayor Jim Petty will not be here tonight she has a family obligation uh atoni here Clark here Dash here miss Galloway will not be here miss Heist here miss hessie will not be here either Mr Timbers here Mr Wright here and Mr here have a motion to approve the minutes from September 19th all in favor all right at this time open up to the public any comments regarding agenda items only excluding items listed for public hearings on once question regarding the agenda yes sure step on up St your KNE [Music] my name is Bill stum is this on yes yes what was your first name bill bill bill stum I'm from tuckaho New Jersey and I'm a member of the Surf Rider Foundation I'm the co-chair and we're here in support of the um safe construction work sites ordinance uh we've gotten ordinances passed in five other municipalities around the state so far and uh we think it's important because it's um not only bad for the health of the people creating the dust but it's also bad for the environment and um I handed out a few things we have up there I'm not the person that is the prime mover for this it's Steve ji who wanted to be here today but um he's in some meeting in morgate but he's he's watching now anyway we think it's really important and we're really supporting this and I know you're going to introduce the ordinance and then it gets voted on in a few weeks or something we'll have a public meeting regarding it and then hopefully by December meeting it should go until for January 1 okay yeah so I hope you pass it thank you yes sir thank you for your time anybody else from the public once twice all right hello can I say something absolutely hi I I am Steve jaeki from marate and I really firmly believe in this ordinance to give you some background on it um our Tech our technology seems to outpace what we um with our new our technolog is outpacing our laws and procedures that really protect us from harmful products that are being put out there um I've witnessed a lot of this plastic uh contaminants that's from the construction going on and if you know that we have a lot of construction going on and they're just blowing it around all over the place and it's not really doing the neighbors and other people uh justice so I tried to contact some of the companies for guidelines and what I got was that clean up and proper disposal is the responsibility of the contractor and I researched some things on oia and they are mostly concerned with the safety of the workers but not the environment but when we see these kind of products and it's not just plastic it's it's about uh fiberglass and concrete dust and stuff that is going on to neighboring properties and going could be going into their Gardens which they may be eating from so we really believe that this is very important that municipalities start to pass ordinance that are really going to protect the people and the public so if you have any questions I'll be happy to answer them for you not at this time uh when we get to it it's number 18 on the agenda so that time if there's any questions uh you may be addressed with them okay well thank you yep anybody else from the public all right uh anybody have a mayor's report nope awesome all right moving on to council committee chair reports I'll start with finance and R development so we've had several meetings over the past month regarding a couple situations one being our superintendent of Public Works which is on the agenda um where is it resolution number 13 uh when we get to that we'll speak in more detail if there's any questions for that also we are in currently in contract negotiation with the PBA and that should be forwarded to them if it hasn't already been our Council counter proposal from the city regarding what they were asking for uh with that code enforcement code enforcement still moving forward um from what I understand they're out there on the streets they're doing their job um as I said before they got the tools and Necessities they need to continue to do and uh enhance their job performance uh so with that I'll move in to safety councilman Dash safety nson report for safety councilwoman Heist public works yeah Public Works has been busy um out at the lake picnic tables um winterizing all the piping in the the concession stand making sure everything is where it needs to be in the um bathrooms on the far side they're taking care of that so that's ready for when the weather gets cold um I know they're start they they haven't started they are starting leaf pickup around town so check the website and see what day your block is going to be for Le Le pickup um and Mr Adams and Jake one of our um workers were was at a tree some kind of I'm gonna say tree rally I don't know what it was tree training over in Atlantic City today that so they spent their day over there learning about the trees and all the stuff that is being going to go into place so and that's all I have thank you councilwoman Anon see property Parks playgrounds uh for property parks and playgrounds we had uh the end of season Lake meeting last Tuesday ingred and myself um were a part of it along with then from the campgrounds uh a couple things were to discuss that I wanted to bring up tonight uh they wanted us to come up with an agreement for the Pavilion ventil with the badges last season they never raised their rates so what occurred was people were renting the Pavilion with the badges that are included and then just going over swim not even using the Pavilion she they want to come up with a fair price uh ingred is going to bring that up in meeting when we discuss the badge prices again and then we're going to get those prices back to Dave so that he can advertise those and raise them accordingly for next year um which seems there uh we received our third payment from the campgrounds uh that was put in uh this week and then Dave and jeie advised that they believe that they have the contract through 2026 which contradicts what Angela had advised me so I talked to Angela she's going to triple check we're going to make sure we're all on the same page to get that information back to them um they also expressed which is opposite of what they said at the beginning of the Season that they want to potentially continue their contract at the end of the current contract I did request that they advise us once they make up their mind because they do need to have adequate knowledge so that we can plan for the future for the campground and that's all I have Casey do you have a total of what the third payment was um it's in my email from J and do we have a a Leake report financing Lake report or no I was not given the final report no worries on the final payment was made in two checks one was for $100 and the other one was for $2,334 and some kind of sense over there and then I have nothing for school board to name okay thank you thank you councilman right you nope Council Clark uh license ordinance to report councilman timers Lane use and Ain hin uh nothing for Aaron P however uh the land use board did meet on October uh 17th and uh they discussed I 17 15 and uh they discussed a variance uh for sure real estate one that's at 1225 White Horse Pike the uh new canals liquor they're going to put up a sign similar to what you see over at the Dollar General Just A Sign you can see it on on the Route 30 uh it was approved by the board anything else no may discuss it so it was brought to my attention I don't know if it was that meeting or a different meeting uh regarding a third retail license for cannabis was there a comment me regarding that so um Ryan will probably discuss it uh when we when we did the ordinance originally it was for two um retail operations however there was the possibility of one being done under um I think it was Redevelopment law and um if that is to move forward that would need to be approved uh by Council okay yeah my understanding is that the redeveloper for the partial be approaching Council to request a thir retail license for his revelop okay that's all right I'm just wondering where that comment came from because I don't think anybody s on this St up here knew of that so I found that and the fact that we've had many people come in here wanting a license and we've turned them away and now we have somebody coming wanting a license and we're going to accept it that doesn't seem like it's well we're not going to accept it it has to go in front right it has to go in front of us but still that's you know yeah we have to be fair across the board yeah so thank you sir nothing else thank you appreciate it uh hey Meg you have I mean Jackie you have anything I got Jackie all right that concludes the committee chair reports uh moving on to Chief of Police how you doing been a while huh a month yes numbers for you from 919 10 17 we've had three veries two assaults two stolen Motor Vehicles nine nine nine to motor vehicle accidents three pedestrian stops 32 traffic stops um well that's not right I don't know why the numberers not right we've have much more uh it said that we had five traffic citations issu we've had many more than that um seven arrests including DUIs eight business alarms one residential alarms 160 crime invention activities four perom uh calls nine domestics 36s calls 11 Firearms ID applications 14 follow-ups 40 487 property checks and 14 public service call um I know that there were many more traffic stops because we did participate in the um Ser pull over initiative um it's a state Grant uh by the uh T highway safety um you participate in that will will be participating in theion of the clicker ticket at the beginning of December um so I'm sorry don't num for Recs but there were quite a few issues um other things we have been laying off on training some because right now we are going through some staffing issues that we did have two folks leave that we discussed last time we are in the process of doing background um uh checks on a few different people and unfortunately because we our civil service we have to wait for our civil service list I know that there are a few people who are already fully certified who are off who will be on the list so that way we can hire them um otherwise anybody on the list or any direct hires that we have to do we have to send them through an academy so that's at least another six months to six to nine months before we can have anybody under um but everybody stepping up and we doing their part to make sure those operations are continuing the way that they should and providing the best services that we can um that being said we have curtailed some of the training sum just so that we can have people on the roads one thing that we did do Captain Perna arranged a stop the lead training for everybody in the department um talking specifically about tourniquet use um wounded care packaging and that kind of thing um so we are putting together I had uh Bill Klein who did the uh the training he gave me a list of in first individual first a school the officers um and then basic stuff that we should have in terms of first aid supplies so um we're going to be coming up with kits for that to into each of the individual vehicles and for the officers to have um we participated in the Cedar Creek High School Fall Festival uh each year um Chief s brone from the Hamilton Township Police Department and I we go out there uh we get a hayride wagon thing I don't know how to describe it um put to The Back Bar truck and then while there festivities going on the parking lot we do a nice little cic ride through the fields and the wood down there so that's always a big hit we always had very very long line for that um so we did that um Ms bike race came through um not as much traffic as usual because it was a rainy weekend and they did change grou some so we no longer have a stop here in a haror city um other than that I don't know if angel can talk about this or if we can talk about this the uh last time I was here I talked about Harbor fields and the jenile Justice committee um that next morning just briefly yeah the county and uh the county to include the sheriff's department the atlan County prosecutor's office and the um Public Safety yeah Public Safety um they filed a lawsuit against the Juvenile Justice Commission um for I believe breach of contract and then just not providing the service that they're supposed to um the Atlanta County Chiefs of Police Association sign a letter of support of that uh and there will be upcoming hearings um in front of Judge blee in the next upcoming months to address the issues that we're dealing with there um again a lot of has to do with just not being able to house or the juile Justice Commission not holding up their end of the bargain or the contract in terms of accepting juveniles who have been placed on warrants um we had a situation yesterday where there was a juvenile who was arrested and uh unfortunately the sheriff's department did have to keep him overnight because none of the juvenile uh justice facilities would accept him or so they they did not have room for so this is an ongoing issue and uh that's what we lawsuit there was out so there's some moving on um other than that upcoming things this Saturday we have our family Fall Festival that the EDC puts on from 3:00 to 6: p.m. on 100 block Philadelphia Avenue anybody who moves on 100 block there will be parking restrictions starting early in the morning and the road will be closed down at 1:00 so at least find alternate roots but that's pretty much all uh regarding the hiring we have an established list already or they in a testing cycle um they just did a test uh we exhausted the list uh that we had so um and that was through I think that was at all of it not just eger City but County and state as well um so we don't have anyone on our list currently who did not either continue on with the process or decline to continue at that point in time so um I believe the next list is supposed to come out either end November or December okay so next one question any any other questions for chief no but can you please extend our gratitude to all your men and women who are working very hard to keep our streets safe and covering the shifts that aren't theirs but they're willing to take over we do appreciate it thank you thank you too thank you all right uh Jody's not present tonight there's nothing pending really for CFO report um I did jump to Jackie by mistake I know you have not so Ryan the floor is yours sure just a couple quick updates Liverpool Avenue we're getting fairly close we're hoping to be done next two weeks um I'm just waiting for an answer from the contractor as whether it'll be paid for Halloween because that's the ideal scenario um so just waiting for an answer back I'll pass that off I get it um Buffalo Avenue the four 500 blocks we are pretty much done with the design we should be getting that out to do in the next week or two um and then we'll bid it this winter trying to start probably in February or March because they're not going to be able to PVE it um anywhere between you know November and and February uh and then the the last thing that's really active is the Ada improvements at Lake the got the um DCA funding for um we have the site layout pretty much done we're hoping to get a Pelin application in next like couple weeks um and we'll we'll sort of you know get a draft plan in and get that reviewed by you guys too I know that's uh an area you guys have a lot of interest in the campground um so we'll make sure we Draft plans in and make sure everybody's on the same page before we get too far okay regarding the electric upgrade and all that stuff yeah well the the electric upgrades is is part but the um the thing we need a permit for for the P lands is um we got the funding for an ADA Compliant path going around the full side of the lake so uh some Ada parking spaces over um near like where you pull into the dirt parking lot over near the fence Ada accessible rout into where the beach area is to the concession stand to the bathrooms and then an ADA route that takes you over the two little Bridges where the spillways are over to the other side right yes in that was there anything included from the campground to the beach yeah so we we have a section that sort of extends out to the beach and that that's the kind of stuff we need to talk through it's like where does it makes sense to end that path so and what type what type of materials to use for the path so so because of the complications with the pine lands we're looking at um a perious like essentially it's designed originally as like a temporary mat type material kind of like what you see at the beach yeah but we'll have to we'll have to install it in a manner that is considered permanent in order for it to be eligible to the funding so what they don't want is to buy a bunch of this temporary stuff and you put it down and you just pick it up and go put in your football field or something so um we'll have to devise a way to make it a permanent installation but we had to come up with something that wouldn't count as disturbance or impervious coverage which was definitely a challenge but I found something so um I actually have a sample of it from um the leag municipalities meeting a couple years ago just coincidentally we grabbed a piece some of other clients us it in other places um so I can bring a sample of like the type of material we're talking about so you guys can look at it and get hands on it um but that's so it's like what you see in the Wildwoods um yeah I mean there's there's a bunch of different variations but whatever we do is going to have to be very poor so we have the version that I have the sample that I have is like a almost like an extruded plastic material that's like fine fibers and it's it's um like molded on the ends and it's pours you know you pour a cup of water just fly right through right um but yeah we need to come up with something where we weren't disturbing the soil we weren't regrading we weren't doing anything we're just putting something down on top so that's what we came up with awesome thank you y I got a four more four more questions for you all right what we got starting with Liverpool and chief maybe you have Insight is a parade root part of Liverpool that's being resurfaced so it was um a member of council reached out to me and said that it is normally part of the route would they be done by the 27th and I I got a no from the contractor so the route is being um changed from what I understand okay so I actually talked to one of maybe I need talk to the contract directly each night they open the road and don't have it as closed there like people can drive on it so you know moving the the way that was recommended were to require doubling amount of people and double amount of vehicles which we just can't can't do so um I recommended that we keep the outet the way it is I said that I would be in in contact with the contractors to see exactly where they are with that because right now it's just compacted dirt and I'm like you know so yeah but yeah I don't think it's I gotta definitely would not be paid for so yeah I mean best case scenario there won't be PS in fromont of the cutter line or anything like that just be dirt at best dirt don't hurtt me if you don't mind it'll be open yeah I I think um we obviously we get them to like clean it up and pay extra attention before they close up you know I ding it the other day and I mean it was Tuesday night and it was so so yeah so I mean I I'll definitely reach after them mid end week to be like listen make sure that you know everything is kind of coetic before the end of the week but it's going to be a Sunday so so yeah so so the route should remain the same okay uh regarding the solar field project where we at with that the solar with um the potential to redeveloper or like no no one we started like three years ago oh the one to do the RFP here yeah yeah are we are we definitely doing ground Mount over there I think that's what the general consensus was okay we we will'll update the RFP and get it back to you guys to get authorized to go back out okay and uh norleans Avenue I know you said it but just so everybody else knows another what's two years now we are anticipating having approval by December so that like that's what I said last meeting was my goal to close that out before the end of the year because have drove on way more than it should have okay and then uh councilman right I don't know if you spoke with Ryan regarding the expansion con we're beet Thursday yeah we're on calendar for next Thursday cool now I have two questions sure the bike path from the lake to the city I've been asked numerous times um where is that in the process I told my answer was it was tied up in what type of material we were using um and then there was an endangered something another out there you know yeah so we we passed along all the endangered species studies that we had in the area to see me like a while ago um there were some discrepancies because there multiple projects going on in the same area at the same time time so there were some discrepancies with like Wetlands was flagged One Way by one company and a different way by a different company like finlands was not happy about that um there were issues with the county um and water quality PS recently changed their rules so their water quality requirements are incredibly difficult to meet especially when you're near Wetlands because now you have to filter um any runoff through two facilities which I like it's hard enough to get one and now you got to get it drained into one and then drain it into another from there so we have to filter the water that normally just runs off the road into the lake anyway without a bike pin basically pretty much okay um I understand that this like the fifth year yeah we just talked about the other day it's year five for that project yeah I mean I've gotten pulled into a couple meetings with the county and with the pons like try to help but we haven't had any involvement with sign or any of that CME is still moving along um but yeah the last meeting we had the last meeting I was involved with was probably three months ago and it was with the county and it was when um the city said that we have the equipment and we could maintain this path if it was constructed with porest asphalt um because the CME came up with that as their potential solution so that you can filter it through the Porsche pavement and then have a subsurface infiltration facility which is just be Stone in the ground um next to it so the county said well that's great but we don't have the equipment to clean that if you install it and we're not going to go out and buy a vacuum truck just so we can clean that uh so I talked to Keith we got a model number we did some research his fact truck can clean the Porsche pavement so um you know we sort of said look if the county is willing to accept that we can clean it and and it will be fine so we passed that along to CME hopefully they resubmitting the commission with that approach by now but I haven't I haven't se so at what point is the funding going to run out for this project well the weird part is do is paying for the design since you went to the design assistance route so as far as I know they're going to continue to extend the construction funding because they're providing the design fund okay um so I'm I'm not aware of the funding being in danger but okay I had one resident asked me is there any place the residents can call to put pressure on them to get this moving and I said I do not know that I mean you could write a letter to council and we can forward it to the finance commission that would be the the path I would advise um and we can forward it to C so that they're aware that it's something that the city really does care about and wants to see advance but yeah unfortunately there's not much I can do my last question is you know what it is the bridge at the lake so the bridge design is the other project that I was referencing that is still being designed by French brillo and what I understand it is budgeted for the County's 2026 fiscal year so I believe it should get replaced not this upcoming year but the year after I I'm not aware of any permitting issues they had I did see on one with one meeting with them like 18 months ago um they were having some issues dealing with water quality shocker um but I think they were able to work through that in combination with bike P okay so I think that's all sorted out all right thank you yep anybody else rning he's here he was here last yeah I missed a couple we're good thank you thank you ran appreciate it uh Angela okay so the first thing is is um there's an an addition to the agenda the resolution to place the $850,000 Grant in the budget for Tre and then we have the memorandum of agreement with Keith Adams the highlights are basically a four-year agreement and along with the salary increases Mr Adams will now be the supervisor of the code enforcement office so he's taking on essentially another job and in page four five and six of the agreement you'll find all his duties and responsibilities for both jobs um the ordinance which is number 18 that I believe is a uh necessary ordinance it talks about controlling dust and trash and plastic contaminants and it's applicable to all contractors who work within the city um it's good for the environment it's good for people it's good for us so I recommend you consider that um as far as the lawsuit yes the um the county filed the lawsuit against the Juvenile Justice and the state of New Jersey so essentially they would do their jobs we filed a position statement which is just shy of an intervention in the lawsuit the judge B is the judge on that and judge ble said um issued an order that position statements were accepted so I filed one on behalf of the city because the harbor field is within the city and I cited all the numerous violations and all the numerous events that our police officers have to face on a daily basis because the state can't do their job and along with that the judge set a scheduling order um I suppose there'll be argument in order to show cause which means it will be held on an emergent basis sometime in the future um and I don't know what will happen I know some folks are intervening some of the other counties are doing formal intervention in the lawsuit I didn't see need for that because that's kind of expensive I'd have to file another complaint blah blah blah and so this will serve the purpose of the city in a better wayon and as soon as we have anything else to report on that we will but otherwise I do believe State and Juvenile Justice will eventually do their job they will be forced to do their job um I think that's it anyone have any questions the bowling alley oh the bowling alley well it's an ongoing saga it was heard it was not heard in September they had Co at the court it got pushed what a nice convenience yes right so it got pushed to October they had argument on both the administrative warrant get this and the citations then the judge wanted briefs from the prosecutor and the attorney for Ben and now it's being heard first week in November November 6 I believe what court is this being held in now Atlantic City that's where it is I spoke to the code enforcer I spoke to Steve and I asked him to follow new citations because the citations are getting stale since we been pushed off for so long by asked him to review take more photos file new citations I directed him to file the citations in hamton and we'll see if they keep it if they shift it I don't know there's no conflict now the other case was resolved that was the conflict because there was the planning board member U blah blah blah that was the conflict that's why it got shifted to West Kate May got shifted to Atlantic City and now there's no conflict so maybe these new violations will tread better than the old thank you anybody yeah and speaking of time in court did they get back to you that now they're going to feel a little more yeah as a matter of fact they uh they became better in any ways um for lack of a better word so they they hired a person okay they are having a special day just for code enforcement issues so they're not lumped into the general um they're providing Foy updates to Jody on an expedited basis because before they weren't providing them at all right so now she's getting them every three months or so okay and they said if we have any further issues that I'm to reach out to them but they they were conducive okay AES thank you all right anyone else thank you all right moving on to number 13 the resolution uh prev previously spoken upon by Angela rarden our superintendent of Public Works to authorize the city of a har to enter into an amend the memorandum of agreement with Mr Keith Adam uh are there any further comments or questions regarding what has transpired over the past month with this situation uh question with the code enforcement yes we were just we were um talking about uh possibly getting another person does this affect that or no okay all any other questions yeah is this a stien or is it a salary increase salary increase what what is that salary increase so from right now he is at he's at this current year he's at 899 and some change um he asked for to open it up to extend it to a fouryear initially he came at us he wanted to go right to 120 uh we negotiated where next year he's going to get two two increases to to Total the amount which is don't quote me on these numbers but January 1st will'll be getting around 5400 and then July 1st 5400 which will bring up to 100 even and then from there I believe he goes to do you have the numbers of yes I do yeah if you could I'm sorry so he goes to 100 by December 31st of 25 he goes to 165 by December 31st to 26 he goes to 1 13 by the end of December 31st 27 and 120 where he end up on December 31st of 202 and the re the reason to elaborate just a little bit more uh he was offered a lucrative position and salary in a Private Industry work environment um and we came to the conclusion with the quality of work that he does for this city and the leadership that he portrays being in the role he is in and the changes that he has made uh in our current day and time it's hard to find individuals like him with those qualities uh so this is why we came to this conclusion to do this with him and he's also picking up picking up additional responsibilities yes how much is he being compensated for the additional responsibilities there's no dollar amount set on that it was encompassed in him more or less agreeing to yes I will take oversight of code enforcement and more or less put the systems in place and things like that to reflect what this agreement is showing okay and with that does he still receive his I think it's a stifen to be the superintendent of Public Works does he receed that in addition to the salary no there's no but also as supervisor of Code Enforcement as part of his duty since we are having some trouble with people going to court I put in this part of in Duty that if if the general persons cannot go to court he'd be mandated to go to court and that takes a whole day out of this time as you know any other questions regarding if not may have a motion make motion I second that all right I have a roll call please okay atoni yes Clark yes Dash yes pist yes Timbers timers yes right yes and Richie yes number 14 is a re reolution resolution for uh wave rental and cleaning fee for the use of Lincoln Park for community outreach South Jersey family medical centers any questions or comments regarding this all right if not May have a motion roll call please Ani yes Clark yes Dash yes Heist yes Timbers yes right yes and Richie yes 15 is authorizing a refund of the 2024 Egger City Lake concession stand operator security and excess electricity deposit any questions and comments may have a motion so move second roll call please atoni yes Clark yes Dash yes Heist yes Timbers yes right yeah and Richie yes and number 16 before we do actual number 16 we have to do the resolution that's to add on right right all right um can you review what that language is again I'm sorry um you have it there but off the top of my head it's a resolution sure it's the resolution requesting approval of item of Revenue and appropriation of the $850,000 um to be placed into the budget from the leafing App Management Grant thank you any uh further questions or comments regarding it just to clarify this is $850,000 Grant in addition to the million dollar any other questions or comments may have a motion second roll call please atesi yes Clark yes Dash yes Heist yes Timbers yes right yep and Richie yes and then number 16 is to award the tree inventory tree assessment contract any questions or comments I have a motion so move second roll call that's ni yes Clark yes Dash yes Heist yes Timbers yes right yeah and yes 17 is resolution for 100% disabled veteran property tax exemption any questions or comments motion please motion second roll call teni yes Clark yes Dash yes Heist yes Timbers yes R yes and Richie yes and number 18 is to introduce that ordinance previously spoken upon regarding uh chapter 178-179 titled safe construction work sites within the city of Egg Harbor any further questions or comments regarding this I have a quick question no you're good um is this just contractors or would this be homeowners as well just contractors okay thank you Cil right um yeah I mean the touch faist I do this for a little uh dealing with the ASAC products pober glass all that stuff on a daily basis um I know what our company take up to respect for one for the neighbors for two for the environment I mean we make sure that our Grinders have bags on them like fire us when we are cutting AAC we usually have usually don't have access to a vacuum but we usually put a trash can connected to a to a vent Pike that will you know drop the debris into a trash can that we can properly dispose of and a dumpster or something um we try not to blow any of the stuff into the streets sweep it up and put the majority of it in the trash bag you know suppos over properly um but you do see a lot of contractors that get paress and blow this stuff around I mean you see some flber glass companies that just go out there and start grinding and stuff's all over the place I mean you just we get a lot of it in the summertime when people are out there trying to enjoy their vacation and you're out there grinding firass and you you know you know it's all that we them the CH death you know it's you see it so I mean even being in this business I do support this this ordinance and I think it'll be a good thing that and hopefully a lot of the towns will start following in and going with thank you thank you sir I agree I agree with everything cman right said it's only only positives to this ordinance there are no negatives so any other comments or questions regarding all right now have a motion to introduce I'll make motion all in favor any names all right right may have a motion to advertise a notice of introduction in the Hamilton Gazette on October 23rd uh for a public hearing on November 21st all favor I any need all right moving on to the bills house my right like to make a motion sir R call please yes Clark yes Dash yes Heist yes Timbers yes R yes and Richie yes all right I'll open up to council for any final comments uh councilwoman Heist um just I want to just wish everybody a happy Halloween please be safe on Halloween make sure you are aware of where the little ones are they get very excited they run into the street they run down the street just please if you're out in your car be aware of where they are and my other thing is don't forget to go out and vote your vote is your voice so if you want to have something to do with what happens in the city please go out and vote thank you Council M Dash yeah I just like to remind everyone that it's getting dark a lot earlier now um it's a good idea if you can keep your porch light on it makes it saf for people walking down the street makes it easier for our police officers to see what's going on as well so get P light on LED bulbs it's inexpensive to run so it's definitely helpful thanks that's all I got councilman right uh just real quick um I mean if you don't know then you really got to make our re City but Varsity is um on a real uh hair right now for football um so with that being said we are about 95% sure that we're going to be home field throughout the playoffs um with that being said we going have to reach out to the ambulance so again for those two games or at least one for now and um also with Keith to get Public Works just shoot him an email yeah I am yeah but I'm waiting until Sunday to make sure it's 100% I mean we got to take care of business assembly first to make it official but it's about 95% sure and with that being said Well taxi has their own taxal but peew and JV will follow um so they will be at least home with us the first round if they also win and we win then they'll continue uh staying home with us if we happen to Varsity happens to lose and pee and JB win then they can get brandish Dolph and go wherever the next seat is that they listen let's still a clean sweet man that's what we're hoping that's what we're hoping for um so but we got to take care of business on Sunday some point against the sharks um and then I'll know better Sunday night but most likely uh we'll be home throughout the playoffs exciting time yes really happy for you away games are so much better to crack open those be yeah got one one me right now yep anything else no oh and uh Monday nights don't forget uh 7 to 8:00 is still open gym at Community School um and then hopefully once football decides to get over um we'll be in full basketball mood and try outs for travel and direct basketball signs are starting also you can U look us up on our Facebook page and um see if we sign up these and stuff like that other than that it gu about it thank you sir councilman timers uh just to uh help Mason out because he forgot um uh the city of a haror city and Cedar Creek were uh national news this past week uh because of football the melol brothers one plays for Arizona the other plays for Green Bay uh their teams met and the two brothers face each other for the first time and the announcers love the fact that they both went to Cedar Creek um one other thing is one of my uh friends has let me know that uh people are back out pulling on car handles so uh when you guys go home make sure you lock your cars broke councilwoman Anon said basketball signups are coming up and we're going to start those this Saturday at the Fall Fest so if you come to the Fall Fest booth that we have you can do your ref basketball sign up it's a $50 for ref basketball and that's kindergarten through fourth grade uh signups for those will continue in the stand when the concession stand is open or there's certain Monday nights and that's all on the Facebook page and you can talk to coach Mason coach Dan you can reach out to me need any additional information c m CLK and continuing with the CR um just want to thank everyone who came out and participated in our trunk Retreat our third annual trunk Retreat um we are hoping that next year is going to be bigger this year wasn't as big as year before but the kids had fun and that's all that really mattered um thanking to the volunteers the Cedar Creek he PE Club also no one hungry egg haror city um that they donated the bags for the children um so they could do their trun or-treating and uh that's it awesome so uh I'd like to Echo everything that y'all said but y'all did forget one thing about tomorrow night what going to Cedar Creek Cedar Creek is uh has welcome the Crusaders out there to escort them onto the field so if you're free come on out watch a good game uh should be fun yes access tickets to Cedar Creek it's $5 for adults $3 for students zero it's free for senior citizens um charge for the Crusaders no charge for crusaders Go free but the parents are bring the kids they have to purchase their tickets and also Cedar Creek is in need of volunteers for the concession stand in Grill so if you one is available it would be great exciting time in their city with youth youth football right now so please come out support all levels those kids love seeing everybody out there they really do so with that I'll turn it over to public anyone here have any comments for want to come up [Music] goly one thing I just want to say I'm happy to see what you did for Keith good worker anytime you need him he comes over takes care of you that's good one thing I'm not happy about was during the meeting that they had land use meeting the mayor brought up that they were moving forward with the the additional retail and I know that show back there isn't Happ about it either and so I I used to be four more but we haven't seen what these guys are doing yet that benefits the city so to bring another one and I I stood up here and was for the forming one but that was shot down but now you another one that's going to come in so you go against what your ordinance is and you got to see what happens first before you bring another one on so thank you and addition to that as I stated earlier uh pretty much nobody sitting up here right now knew anything about that so it caught us all off guard even our city engineer knew nothing about it city solicitor soer or our clerk let's put it this way everybody s in this room didn't know nothing about it so uh it was sad to hear something like that and then uh have to you know take the position we're taking one day so anybody else from the public have any comments I had a question when we went to the audience it was said that for the first five years there would be only two license and now suddenly something comes up and being very honest we have put lot of money in this and there's less margin compared to if you hear it around uh there's no tax deduction if you arew with the federal you know all that what we do it it just goes with no tax benefit to us neither neither NE our security guard neither our rent nothing no utility bills it's lot of hard work on our end to put it at the end right now I work six days to fulfill all the bills when we started it was very hard now suddenly someone just comes open another we we would be screwed even they would be screwed on their part so I think so the cons meeting need to see like you know how it goes for at least four five years then something can come up and decide you know and that's why we agreed on what we agreed on in that ordinance right like President Richie said like we were all blindsided I just found out about 656 yeah so speaking PX to none of us knew not one person in this room knew so we don't know where it came from thank you thank you for your time anyone else from public going once go second all favor any don't forget the 36 on Philadelphia Avenue