##VIDEO ID:RUYwekI1bRY## like to welcome everybody to the regular schedule council meeting for on November 21st of 2024 order this meeting has been properly advertised and posted in accordance with public law 75 chapter 231 I have a roll call please yeah mayor Jim Petty will not be attending tonight atan Clark here Dash here Galloway here he here pessie here timers here right here and Rich here have a motion to approve the minutes from October 17th moved second all in favor Iain obain I thank you all right anybody from public uh have any comments on agenda items Zing once twice all right mayor is not here for a report Council committee chair reports we'll move to uh so we're still currently in negotiations with the PBA waiting to hear back from them uh regarding our counter offer uh that's for finance re development code enforcement don't have anything personnel and ethics I have nothing moving into safety councilman Den safy I have nothing councilwoman he Public Public Works Highway Public Works is busy doing their thing Leaf clean up very busy time of year um they were running a couple guys shorts due to um some injuries and jury duty but they're getting it all done with you know what they're running on and they're going to soon start decorating the Avenue for the holidays thank you uh councilwoman anones you on councilman right utility no councilwoman Clark license ordinance uh nothing for license and ordinance and nothing for Schoolboard all right councilman Timbers L use Aaron Haven nothing to report thank you uh Jackie anything for J no uh rotary councilwoman has uh the only thing that I have is that excuse me the last day for the Don box in the um in the vesu out here is the 29th of this month so if anyone has any donations whether it be hats scarves jackets um please donate them before the 29th or on the 29th it can be as well and the only other thing that I wanted to um ask is if there's anyone from the public that would like to be a part of the rotary It's a Wonderful Club it's it's great they do so much for our town if anyone would like to be a part of it please contact me we're looking for others I'm the only one in Egg Harbor everybody else is from maze Landing so please thank you that's all I have councilman Gallow sustainable yeah I have several things here um first of all sustainable EHC was awarded BR certification on Tuesday at the um sustain Bill sustainable Jersey luncheon at the league of municipalities uh we had a fair good fair amount of points we were at the top of the list for bronze uh and if we obtain 100 more points by next year's deadline we can get silver which would be phenomenal um also we there's a resolution on the agenda to apply for the climate change vulner vulnerability assessment technical assistance program uh it's a free program um sustainable Jersey provides technical assistance um the information that will be um garnered from this process it's about a year-long process will be incorporated into the master plan um I I'm sure Ryan's done some of the leg work on some of this stuff already uh it don't include things like um um heat flooding and Wildfire risks and also include a buildout analysis and such things like that um so um also oh I have oh I'll report that later uh that's all I have for sustainable thank you uh Chief please report some numbers first from 1017 to today we had one aggravated assault one uh four burglaries two simple assaults 11 thefts 28 motor vehicle accidents ohly four pedestrian stops 24 traffic stops total of 21 summonses issued two DUI arrests for a total of eight arrests five bus business alarms five residental alarms 131 crime prevention activities one criminal mischief call 20 domestics 46 EMS calls 7 Firearms IDs applications 24 follow-ups 440 property checks 21 public service calls unfortunately one of those motor vehicle accidents was a fedal motor vehicle accident um a young resident a 26y Old Gentleman um was involved in the accident on Thursday morning and unfortunately SI injuries on Monday um so that's all very sad and uh you know it takes a toll not only on the family who of course is suffering tremendous loss but also on all the First Responders who have to go out and deal with those things um upcoming stuff um tomorrow morning I know that over the last few Council meetings I have spoken to you of about the jenile Justice Commission and issues that have been going on with har Fields there is a hearing in front of Judge Lee tomorrow morning um to address some of the issues so that has been progress with that um one of the very important things is that uh the commission has mandated that other juvenile facilities uh accept the offenders from Atlanta County when Harbor Fields is at its cap we were having issues previously where nobody was willing to take the juvenile offenders now the commission has man that there needs to be a place for them to go if harborfields is capped so that takes a lot of string off of municipalities who are not designed to hold juveniles for more than six hours which is legally as long as we can um so we had that I was the winner one of the winners of the Scarecrow selfie uh contest um that money will go to providing food for our Public Works and police officers who are working at the Christmas parade so um we're here that night and you know it can get a little bit chilly out there so going to get them some food so that way we can at least be cold with full stomachs um H we have the winter Bazar coming up which is always a fun thing um I'm sure Karen you talk more about that um we did yesterday have a community cares event in Lincoln Park where we did give out food that was prepared by ply along with clothing and um New Jersey courts were on hand to help with any expungement issues or any other questions that they have about this court issue anyone had um as well as New Jersey State Police operation rise was providing n can to everybody um we do get a lot of lack or resistance from people to take Nan I would recommend and I personally carry Nan and my personal vehicle and my police cars there's so much stuff out there that you don't know if you're going to touch anything that has been contaminated with pentanyl so it's better to be safe andari we do have free Narcan to distribute for anybody who is interested so there's that um council president Richie you said that the PDA did not send over a response to counter proposal is that correct I have not gotten anything from our attorney whether they have or they have not okay all right um but yeah that's about all I have for now I do want to stress that the upcoming uh season is full of festivities Uber and lft are our friends please do not drink and drive so so that everybody can celebrate happily um and safely with their families and of course any of our responders who are working on those holidays hit me up well I'll feed you um but all I have any questions I do I I have a question about the Naran um is there an expiration on that because I like I have it at home that I always keep keep it but does it expire after a couple years I am not an authority on that but I think that um when and doubt try it you know you know so but I me I can of course get you some more if you need but I don't know there there's an expiration date on there I don't know that it ever loses efficacy I okay short answer I don't know and did we get any Grant funds for uh beefed up patrols around the holidays um yes there is the I believe this is clicket or ticket season so that is a campaign that will run from December 2nd through January 1st I believe yeah so yeah okay thank my question was on uh the fentanyl it's that potent that if you touch it you can get oh well I wasn't aware of that and unfortunately there is a new strain of fentanyl or something similar to fentanyl that is apparently Mar the rockone um resistant so thank you and it's that affected by like the changing temperatures in the car like right now it's getting cold so I'm sure it's going to be like freezing temperatures inside of cars or like over the summer I don't okay I'm not a pharmacist I do not I I'm going to said I'm going to go ahead and Hazard a guess we have in our card okay and we had not yet had anything that was not proven effective all right I'll be by after I mean well I won't be there so is somebody there to get it out okay yes okay on to a half of your note um Shop with a cop are they taking donations yet and what is the cut off date because I always forget and I don't this year Mar pen just ask me about that and I completely forgot Angela was handling that um they will always take donations okay so I will send out an email with any information tomorrow morning all right and it's just check written out to shop for a Cop Shop with the cop um shop with the hero yes sorry my we're heroes too more so than some others see you're running buildings haven't you though I've seen you run into buildings yes your run in backyards but that's another story no when Gavin fell in the pool yes remember that yes yes um but yes I was information about sh Heroes the hero we got it um yeah I'm not sure if that's made out pal or not but I will that all that information I will get okay perfect thank you ma'am all right how we doing with staff horribly absolutely horribly um as I think I mentioned the last uh meeting two people left because of monetary reasons um and that is a trend that may likely continue um so so yeah I mean fortunately you know everybody has been you know I didn't make some modifications to the schedule to minimize the overtime um you know which to to thein of some of our guys um but but yeah so we did that and everybody's been stepping up and um you know really making sure that we all are still providing quality service and you know make sure I mean I picked up some shifts you know just because if some of our guys are working too much my go home I'll be the street now I heard our application process was very difficult the application process is it's it's civil service for a small Department like this is kind of the vein of our existence you know um fortunately we do have uh loopholes that we can go through um which allows us to do direct hires however in the last round when the applicants did appli there were seven applicants only one of which followed through with everything that so you know and he is slated to go ahead and go through the site and physical and and everything that's involved with that um fortunately the civil service exam results are coming out next week um so that makes it a little bit easier because that way we don't have to go through any loot pools and fortunately we have had some interest from other fully certified officers who want to come over who are on that list currently so that will minimize the amount of time that we have to spend on actually training them it'll be a modified field training program because uh the few that are fully certified have already been on the street for a few years or some them for quite a few years um so it's just about getting them activated with Egg Harbor City ory policies and procedures how many officers do we have right now 13 we're budgeted for 17 um so yeah it's and I mean that's including me so I mean I am technically not in the patrol rotation so so yeah so so in the past with the loow numbers that we have we've explored and had support from outsound uh out side agencies are we exploring those routes yet so everywhere is kind of blow St um Sheriff oonu has reached out and said you know whatever you need any kind of assistance that you need um we're willing to do that uh we can go down that route that's something that I would have to discuss with the mayor as the head of the police department um but yeah that's something that we can do what's the morale is that going to help the morale I mean wait I I think that it would be beneficial to have fresh faces um it all depends on on the work ethic you know I I don't want to say you know if we get folks who don't really Mees your Vibe or don't really work I don't know that you know it may just be seen as dead weight fortunately we previously had Sheriff's officers here they've been phenomenal um so but I do know that they're going through processes as well and you know going through the same struggles that most municipalities and and County agencies are going through with finding qualified candidates is there something that you would recommend for her to do um we could we would definitely appreciate the assistance if it's not the same structure that it was before where they were actually here reporting directly here um even in terms of you know just uh assistance with targeted traffic enforcement or something like that so um some sort of hybrid of what it was before I don't want to necessarily take on the responsibility of a as Sheriff Lon he said you know a lot of the folks who are at Sheriff's Department have not really done much on like in the street policing so I don't necessarily want to take on and have our officers have the responsibility of training officers who aren't ours um but if we can get some assistance with traffic and and things of that sort that would be help okay anybody be in agreement or disagreement with us reaching out in the meantime more help better no we'll probably need it for this Festival you would think you know the festivals and I and I have to say you know between between us and Public Works um Public Works has been amazing with Manning uh some of the intersections for our parades um you know both in terms of vehicles and and just a people um you know like our last one we had Keith Jake and um Tyler you know and and you know they're great you know that gave them a that be here do this it was great um and we've been doing that for the last few parat so it's been it's been super helpful I mean you know o will have to take into account his overtime thing o overtime budget they are a nine to- five agency primarily so you know a lot of stuff that we would need assistance with and support with is not during those those hours so um it's definitely something that we can explore with with him um you know between him and and chief oonu um we have a very good working relationship we are actually uh planning a tabletop exercise to make sure that we are adequately prepared to deal with any issues at harbard Fields since harborfields is technically under their purview as the Atlantic County Sheriff's department but since we're the first respond so um so relationship and I know that Sher would be more than will to kind of assistance all right yeah I mean it sounds like unofficially without any kind of Vote or motion or whatever it sounds like we're all in Greens that the phone call be made to get some assistance in here until we can get these new hires on the street because that's even looking probably what a 3 to six month window even with them being trained um no I I'm hoping to have the two that are already trained if with the um Civil Service results coming out as soon as we have them scheduled for their physical and for their um for their psych with the background they have already been preparing their stuff okay so you know um and we've done a little bit of leg work on that so we are prepared for them to get that list request the list do the certification have them send their letters and so I'm hoping to have them um on the street on January 1 they're not going to be fully okay to be by themselves but because they are fully trained it's modified fto it's a lot more about just the like I said our policies procedures and then I'm you know I'm hoping that navigating around in har city is not too different diffult pretty much a square so so excuse me what we just voted on basically or agreed on it's just a temporary thing up until January 1 or it's just something to sit you know it's like um kind of whatever uh Odon do sherff who was willing to do you know it's like until we can get we do have one officer who will be going on military leave in January month so you know so I don't want to put a definitive time frame on the assistance and you know technically it's we have quite a few County RADS here so they can roll around here whether we want them here or not um so you know um but yeah I'm sure they' be more than willing to assist and I know that sheriff Odon you would welcome you know them actually having some more on the Street Experience dealing with the other than bonding or just dealing with support issues and to be clear there was no vote there is no vote on record where majority said yeah more help the better kind of thing so we would like for that phone called to be made for the assistance to our Police Department in the meantime I'm good anybody else have anything I will give him a call thank you please keep us updated Happy Thanksgiving same to you tell the guys if they make it after to my house they can find it i' be happy to be uh Jody so we got some best practice checklist discussion huh do this don't do this all right we're good um this is just an annual thing that the state requires um it has a few different categories competencies um controls some of it is informational only they're just trying to gather information on things that they're working on um you need to have a minimum score of 35 to not have any of your final state aid payment withheld we had a score of 42 so we were well above any minimum amount that was required um and we actually really had a score of 36 there was one question but I was not able to get the answer to in time when it was due so I put no because I knew we were over and we didn't need it so her on the side of caution turns out we actually have the have um done what one of them it was asking so um anybody has any questions not I said copy so submitted any questions you have anything else no thank you thank you Jackie you have anything all Ryan I buch on the agenda I'll them first just update um so first is we Liverpool bra for $230 which is almost everything they still have to go out and do striping we got a price of like 3200 bucks so there'll be an additional 3200 Clos out but you know we would we're Clos to that one and just about um next thing that's on the agenda is the tennis courts and b ball courts um I didn't wasn't really involved in designing anything but tell buy and details to contract so um they have a change on right now when you took off the base material the asphalt is even biger than so um we want be able to graving quarts towards Buffalo Avenue there drage there um but there was not quite enough material left to be able to grade it that way so um the change ERS for additional material be able to raise it up a little bit and have the entire court raid towards Buffalo Avenue which will help nebor drainage and the adjacent fuel with all that um so I definitely think it's a worthwhile investment um and obviously contract so I think it makes sense as a change um next thing I have is uh City Hall hbac upgrades so we're start evaluating sort what is the best option for the system replacement um pretty much all the systems have been patched up whatever but their original building just build um so it's well pasted time tol that um I I know right now the way the system is set up you can run heat or cold so in November when it's 75 degrees outside um I was here lots of windows open and fans blowing and it was not a comfortable mind so hope we fix them um next is Arch green I know Karen's here so I won't go too much in that but um it's out to bid right now states are due November 26 a lot of interest from contract just L people have reached out um so I think I'm going to isue a clarication probably tomorrow just to answer a couple question questions that there's some confusion on some things but it's all in the documents that just need to you know understand it I guess so that's moving along um Municipal Building Ada improvements we got $400,000 from DCA to make Ada improvements here a ramp up to De replacing all your door handles all your service counters fleets uh tax city clerk building um so it's it's a lot of little stuff spread through the building oh and the bathrooms be full bu bathrooms the bathrooms ran are they doing something with these entry draw coming into here or are they already compant they were getting replac but I don't I don't remember that for sure and what about the front doors will they have the push button automatic open yeah so yeah it's with the exception of the bathrooms it's just a lot of little stuff the police uh entrance there's only steps so ramp there um the parking space out on this side is not fully compliant the route coming in um so it's it's a lot of design spread of you know over a lot of those things so that's on um the next one is um a plant surprise I guess I'll say um normally you can get funding for water and for sewer but there's almost never funding for stor management stor infrastructure um ibank got money through uh the federal government the bipar infrastructure act and um had very interests like people just were not applying for whatever reason so they kind of opened it up and their water quality program now includes storm water management so um for tier one municipalities uh and tier 2 municipalities they are offering principal forgiveness meaning you go through the whole process you borrow it only close the loan they just wipe it off the books immediately um a Corp city is a tier one municipality in the ranking system you guys qualify for $3 million so we uh but the caveat is we have to scope out a project survey it design it bid it and award it by June 30th so uh I already met with Keith last week and went through the signal infrastructure map the good part is you have a little over eight miles of old solar infrastructure and just about 500 inless of manuals combined um so it's pretty easy for us to we have a GIS map W so it's pretty easy just to grab everything put together estimate scope it out um so that the Mee P was really to try make sure we address all the problem areas first and then we'll just keep going and see how far we can get with $3 million um the funding covers all soft costs um the only thing that will be out of pocket for the city is the cost for B Bond Council to establish the bond for the project so like a couple thousand bucks for $3 million yeah so the proposal we have on I pretty much called Jody and said like we need to start now because this is a lot of work to do a really short period of time um you know how how much can we get to just get started I'm going to have a survey cout probably next week even though the project wouldn't be fully scoped um just so we can get making progress and make sure we hit our June award B um so there will be a full design proposal once we have the full scope um and have the whole project figured out but this was essentially for us to scope it out and get out there and start surveying and get moving now um you know we'll be back with a full design just getting started so how far do you think it'll go uh great question um I'm I'm figuring it's going to be like $70,000 in intersection and then the pipes in between um VAR a lot um because some some intersection intersection the pipes on 15 Ines some it's um 36 so for those very tremendously and changes with the depth too of course your smallest pipes your shest pipes SW are carrying FL so um I don't know at this point but um I assume we're going to get a lot of Aro Street and bethoven Street repaved to be done as parties um because obviously when you do a stor infrastructure there's no way to you know mold under you got access it all in service so we're going to rip up the intersections and they need to fully restore them and then we back and talk about the connector pieces is only 150 ft to intersection so it doesn't make sense to like fully paid this and then just have a trench and fully paid and have a trench so we'll we'll IR details with them but um we get a lot strongr place and a lot of intersections in addition to that when I spoke to Ryan well when Ryan spoke to me about it it was also discussed that they will work in conjunction with New Jersey American water yes as far as they scheduling what they're going to be replacing so we're not piggybacking or doing one and they come in and tear up and redo kind of stuff yeah so as soon as we have it choked out and have the areas identified the the next step will be to send over to Year American to see if they can accelerate some of their main replacement and we have to the contract awarded by June 30th but we don't have to let because I get struct in July so if they tell me okay you know we'll figure it out we'll do this water main um it'll be done by September that's fine we can just start our contract then um but for now at least this is FY 25 funding they expect to have the same level of funding for FY 26 so over the next years we should be able to get $6 Million worth the stor infrastructure that's fabulous I was so happy to see this on the agenda all the other towns are doing it for their you storm water and well honestly most of them the the program the way it's split up um it's storm water or I'm sorry it's it's sewer and water and you can only really max out in one category so if we had had if we still had the water and sewer systems we'd probably wouldl place it Water and Sewer but because we don't we can shift all of that money to SW and could you apply for companion grants to do the roads afterwards the paving yeah I mean we we can try to utilize this as matching funds for other things but um for this year it's probably that's probably too optimistic given the timeline for FY 26 fact when I met with Keith there was a couple things he was like yeah we should do this and replace this Alpha I was like that means aent we're not do that so we we made a specific FY 26 list of like that's but that need a so um we we'll sort of figure that one out I think I think trying to utilize that matching funds for FY 26 probably makes a lot more sense just Brian is this where um where it when it rains a lot where the water just um it just compiles and it doesn't go down the you know down through the train because I know Beethoven is really bad so on arago street and on bethoven Street you have um large storm water collection systems so some of them discharge to various points of the creek Creeks I should say where they cross um large sections of it go down to eth Terrace okay there is a 42 inch Pike that goes all the way from the White Horse Pike and discharges on the other side Deer Street it actually crosses under the football field a manhole underneath the breachers um and so a lot of a lot a significant part of the system all leads to that pipe um and most of it was insted in like the 30s so it's all vitrified clay pipe there's some brick man holes with like no bottom just dirt um so it's all stuff that has been a problem I mean in my years with the city we have had numerous emergencies where it was like okay there's a sinkhole in front of this Inlet like we have to replace it right now and end up spending like 40 Grand replacing one Inlet instead of doing half the intersection you um well that's I know on Buffalo and burger it's collapsing yeah went over there and fixed it once twice I think that made the list St Fran and beov and is is collects a lot of water right there too in San Francisco that one actually discharges right there's a stream crossing right through that yep um so yeah it's it's yeah you know it's a lot of money to do a lot of work need to figure out exactly what we're going to do and put it so that's normally we try to scope out the whole thing and then get design we don't have that kind of time so um last couple things are just updates uh buffle Avenue we are done with design we expect to be able to submit to uh do to get approval to bid it um in December um State a announcements you guys got $229,100 for um D Street from Brandon Baltimore and the section of Camp Street from Brandon in like blocks I remember exactly what it was so it was a lot less than we asked for uh so we'll have to figure out what scope we want to accomplish with that wait can you repeat the T Street again uh it's D from Bry to Baltimore is the that's what I thought you said right yep and then the other one was Camp Brandon it's in like two and a half three blocks terminates like a yeah say but it might be yeah um we asked for like 560,000 and we got 2 okay so um but it was there's multiple I don't know exactly how their ranking system works but you and like five other municipalities got 229 uh a couple other municipalities got like 190 something so it it's clearly a tier system in some Manner and um last thing I have is um we are planning to read advertised for the ground Mount solar system for a PPA agreement um for the Part City Hall um so we're requesting updated bills and all that so we can put the RP out um so we can try to get that award excuse me Ryan that that goes where yeah next to peace program Park still they're still doing that be yeah pretty much right next to the parking lot on the other side of the building only usable part of the park what's that flat surface the only part PE par the only solar I was going to say how come it's in right there to do it on the roof and the roof is nearing or at the end of its useful life and um the orientation of the roof leads to very inefficient panel placement so you can cover the roof with panels but they're all pointing like Southeast or Southwest um so you're you're what you actually get out of them is not nearly as good so when we talked to the people who scoped it out they said look we can do it and it will still make some Financial sense for you but you won't re nearly the same benefit as if you do a ground Mount system um do not agree with it there I don't think it's good for the CH I mean there's there's kid children that go there people that walk past there it's going to be right next to the sidewalk right it's on the grass part that we it would need to be fenced in and there is there's already a fence there that I think will probably just get pushed out a little bit um honestly I'd have to see where the the installed fence is on play but I remember when we looked at it it wasn't the whole area they can service the whole building with it was like two rows or two and a half rows of pounds um so I mean can we can look through proposals we get um but yeah and you can't do well any kind of overhead it's a lot more expensive is that what it is expensive on this side they don't make sense because you have the trees along the street you have to take all of the trees on both down um so yeah that that really leads you to the roof or there and the roof was and how about for the police can you put it in the um the parking lot for the police there's no there's no trees there right you could do a portion of it over the police lot um but you have to address height the taller your system is the more expensive it is and I know there's a couple of like high clearance vehicles that are parked over there so we'd have to make sure that we left some space for that but ni it's not it's not possible said it wasn't going to be that big anyway right and that extends that length so I mean that was one of the rows or or made up half of the rows you know it might reduce the yeah I think it would be good for you know for them be better over there and it would free up that area and leave have another question what about Pine lands approving it uh since it's so close to Wetlands so typically solar systems do not require Pine lands approval because the disturbance is so minimal um and there's intervening development in that area because we're already it's already Park there's already um the shed the parking and all that stuff um I mean I'll reach out to them to make sure but typically when I've contacted them in the past um they they've not had an issue what about histor preservation because of the it's designated as a Hisar Landmark so a portion of the park is and I know that the roundhouse is across the street so we' have to make sure that we're outside of the RS of that would doesn't make sense to go to like the Rotary Park and now open land there and R so um for solar to be tied to a facility it has to be on the same partial PL it can't be across the street okay we tried years ago to um move forward with what's called a remote net meter project where you have multiple sites and you put more solar at one site than you actually are using there and you sort of offset your electricity somewhere else right um Atlantic ex Electric's rules for that program are that they average the meter usage um between the two sites okay so what we looked at was the transit hub and here except the transit Hub has like three lights no usage right and then you're building here so we had to average those so essentially all you could do is half of the minist building you only half the minist building that like three4 of the roofs right okay um so yeah and we tried um it was there Public Works building and Firehouse yes the firehouse um so we tried to remote that met year with for sites and it just could not come up with way okay thank sure so will you let us know what you come up with if you're able to do the um the police yeah so we when we put on RP it's it's very different from most of the time what we we put out we we produce plans and specs and we have everything all spelled out we say you here's where it's GNA go here's how big it's gonna be the wiring panels Etc when you do a solar Ry especially for a PPA you just kind of say here's our usage here's our space give me a proposal for what you can do and how much you'd be willing to what the weate would be um so they make their money in tax credits and srex and stuff like that um and you get a reduced electrical weate and then after 15 years they just turn the system over to you to so you're telling me that they tell us where they're going to put it they give you a proposal and then you can work with them and say no we don't want that we want this okay um so yeah so you'll come back and forth we'll be back and forth yeah exactly it becomes negotiation of like okay we think this is you're on the right track here but we want it to be over here we want it to be whatever so you have um a lot more flexibility frankly because if I prepare plans and specs and we go out you just get a fixed number or whatever if we when you go through the RFP process um once you start negotiating with people you have the ability to say like all right what about this and make work have a number for it and say like all right well that makes sense or it doesn't okay you can sort of move things around see what works best for you okay thank you Kim Kim just out of curiosity why do you feel would' be more beneficial for the police department and not in that small section of Peace R Park what's the benefit to the police department I think the the benefit to the police department would be at least they would have it it would work twofold they'd have some cover and um in that spot it's already taken up it's parking locked whereas the the spot that we're talking about to me people walk up the sidewalk I mean to me it's they have P not picnics but different events are held there they just help some you know yeah they have the Arbor Day there different things held there to me you're already using the police parking lot as a parking lot so you're not going to be changing anything there you know what I mean I was just wondering what you what why you said it would be more beneficial what your reasoning was yeah that's why thank you and I had one other question when is uh was there a roof inspection done anytime recently or no but um I went back and we replaced it in the M the late 90s I think it was 97 yeah um and it's either a 25 or 30y year roof we are approaching 30 year um and when we R feated last time we provided that information um and the feedback we got was we're not putting the system on unless you because we'll have to take it off in a couple years the longer we wait to do fix the roof the more expensive it's going to be so if we could get now at a at a more reasonable cost it would be better for the taxpayers yeah I mean yeah it's not going to be free that's for sure um it's a fairly large roof it is a shingle group um but you'd have to strip it down and start over um I you're going to be easily couple hundred 200 two 300,000 I would think has a Flor so okay thanks what else you got um that can be it nor um I called them because I wanted to have an update for this meeting and they said well we looked at the last submission dat and your 30 days is the 25th so you'll have something this is Sunday or Saturday um so they said you should expect something either the Friday right before or Monday or Tuesday after great so when you guys sh me an email yes pleas soon as I get response anything on the bike the bike path for C pad all the way out to The One Lake sorry yeah no not that I have heard nothing okay well I I'm not acely working on it it's you know somebody else um I have not been summoned to any meetings for that lately all right and anything on the electric going into the campground so we are waiting for bills um myself my electrical engineer went out there and we talked to uh Dave the guy operat theground Dave Ben so we spoke to him and we said okay well you know we're going to need to request bills and he said well I pay the bill so I'm going to have to get them um for municipalities they make it nice and easy they give us s like an all portal and send us a summary and all that he said he contacted him and I said they won't give him to digital they have to give him paper PS so um he was waiting to get scans of the paper copies that he received for the bills so that we can sizeer and when do you remember when you spoke to him two and a half three weeks ago because I I was out there like on a Tuesday and then a Thursday okay CU see in Florida now so maybe we can casy shoot him and so considering the fact he pays for him it's still City owned land yes we can't superseded him to get these records so whoever the account holder whoever the account's name is in that's New Jersey American will or I'm sorry new electric will communicate with if your name is not on the bill there okay well make note of that for next year that um the city is a secondary on the account if possible yeah I I was kind of surprised the account wasn't your name you paid for it like you it's set up that's what I said they gave us online access all the time said I called and spoke to two people and they said we have to give you hard cop get you don't know I'll ask now that you put that on record good they watching our meeting so you want me to have Casey email him about the hard copies I when we were going to do that process I got a cell phone number so I could try texting him and call him tomorrow okay perfect do that just because we don't want to keep dragging our feet and then it fall into yeah season again because that goes quick oh yeah no I don't tell you um that's the so the other project that's active out at the campground is that ADA access um I went to the league municipalities floor specifically so I could go see all the products that are the mats uh the mat systems um so they're movie mat is like the one that everybody knows is heard of there are there's at least one direct competitor um so we are getting ready to submit the P application with all their technical data from both companies to see to make sure we did clear both um so that we can try to get our our pil permit to do that accessible path and then the bathrooms there we have um a concept that I need to go over with somebody um to Pi a pth forward for what we're going to do with the bathrooms there so I don't you're those bathrooms but they're a little tight so I mean if we there my choice no I'm sure there's currently two um stalls or one stall in a Ural in men um it like barely fits one to be any so we got to talk about um you know how we want to reconfigure that and can it be just one one bathroom yeah it can we could remove move the one uh toilet or one stall in each and just turn it into a single user bathroom um but I don't want to just do that and then find out oh the campg really needs all those stalls um so you're talking about the where they shower and stuff in in the campground out by the the building or near the and then there's the bathroom yeah so those that bathroom building um that's that's where we're talk so part of our funding for the path the Ada access around the lake was to make uh those bathrooms ADA Compliant and there's no way he two stalls make an Ada compant um so we either need to keep those how they are and create an ADA Bathroom in between them is what is currently the storage area which has its owns side of complications but is positive um and then we would have to create another inclosed storage space that has a sof sync it's a requirement in have bathrooms um or we can take the two facilities that we have and just convert them into single user then they would look bu obviously pi and everything um but then shape wise sizewise grab bars all that they would be pday compliant um but obviously somebody on the SC tell me it's okay to go from two Sal but then we still have to have Porta poot out there like we do nowy season right that's that's what I was advised that that those are not the only facilities we have Port poies off set the volume right so case you know I would recommend just replacing them in in kind and just having a single user at each one and that way you don't have to worry about you know trying to build additional space or whatever because all that estimates the cost significantly and we applied for the grant that was not really what we were so um I suggest we go that way but I canie concept we have four different concepts of how you can do it so somebody want to go over that show it to you and then just pick a direction and go Ryan do you have an idea of how much a bathroom would cost like a single would cost just out of curiosity I think we had a 100,000 to redo both bathrooms to be fully compliant um it would be new sink new toilets new Plumbing um new lighting handle fixtures doors yeah it's it's a lot um you know you think like oh just it's a pretty plain bathroom we do it but right there's a lot that goes into it um if we were have to add additional building space or any that I you could very easily double that clost okay so because at the uh League of municipalities they had these restrooms I don't know if you happen to see them did you see them oh my goodness it was amazing did you fantastic wow yes oh yeah I said oh my goodness did you I havean themselves everything I mean it's it's unbelievable also one on t the other day where the toilet actually went inside and a new toilet came any other questions for Ryan yeah where where are you um thinking that Moby mats will go um well so I had this discussion with the other vend teally that's the brand name so the portable Ada accessible walkway materials um will go all the way from the other side of the lake across both spillways in between the trees and the um sorry wall face of the dam there and then over to the beach to the snack stand and then over to the baths so it's and uh we would also install I think it's three maybe four ada8 parking stalls on concrete pad um near like when you you're coming in you sort of pull make that right hand turn into a big dirt parking lot there um but it has to be away from the trees a bit because of the grading um but we will install four or five 88 parking stalls on a concrete pad um that are L 1,000 ft and then the um portable Ada accessible material will go from that to everything else so essentially someone wheelchair dis building be able to come park on the concrete pad and use that M taxes pretty much cool good anybody else thanks Ryan appreciate it you had a lot have anything Angela yes I I'd like two have yes I think on not y so we have two lots out on the industrial park which back in 1993 were looks like sold for very little money buy the city to um specific entities so these two Deeds had heed restrictions in them and what I call a reverter CL the deed restrictions provided for basically development of the two lots within a period of time and if they were developed great if not the Lots theoretically would revert back to the city which means the city would theoretically own them the development did not take place but the deed still contain these conditions and the reverter CL so now the seller wants to sell the two lots to a buyer um the attorney for the buyer contacted me a couple of months ago because there's what is called the cloud on title because of this reverter clause and the conditions the title company won't ensure the title unless the conditions and the reverter are removed so um he reached out to me and asked if the city would be willing to remove the conditions and the reverter clause and I had him send me the Deeds I had him send me everything you had including the resolutions turns out there were no resolutions done in 1993 all we could find were minutes reflecting this particular act we do have the Deeds I pulled the deeds and indeed they do have the reverter and the conditions what what are the conditions the conditions were that he was to go to the planning board go to the Pine lands have a structure put up in about 18 months on both okay so it was you're supposed to build on it yeah development so what does this new buyer intend to do with these properties um I don't know with specificity maybe Mr emmer can talk to that if he knows he represent the seller not the you have the seller yeah all that being said we basically have four ways to go on this request you can sit and do nothing nothing's been done since 1993 which is 31 years so the C can still sit and do nothing the second thing you can do is you can file I can file F title action for the properties and that's really the only way to clean up the title and AC Quiet Title action the court will decide what the city gets what the city does not get if the buyer gets anything etc etc that takes a bit of time and a bit of money the third thing you could do is you could pass a resolution today if you like and basically remove the condition and remove the reverter cause which would then essentially allow the seller to sell the properties the title company has indicated a willingness to do it that way and remove the cloud on title or finally you can ask the seller and or the buyer to spend some money to the city to clean up the reverter Clause because theoretically it does have some kind of interest in this proct um those are all the options without doing anything this buyer will not be able to sell this these two pieces of prop so I'd like to guidance tell me what your thoughts are if you're interested not interested I just tell who the buyers are who the people are should be able to yeah the names of your companies I'd like to know if it's going to go to somebody who's just going to sit on these lots for another third year so the buyer the buyer is a well established business in the town is Costa Marine he wants to expand his he wants to expand his operations um as far as warehousing and just um uh fabrication and production y so he's he's going to add on to his building and he needs that yes he needs these two properties to expand in business essentially I think it's probably a good idea for these right now they're sitting there done anything them it's see see them improve that's the whole idea absolutely and the reason those reverters were not enforced was because at the time the city had no money to buy them back motion put in there for a reason theoretically if I believe if something had been done 31 years ago you wouldn't need qu title action right now you need app title action because it's been 31 years court has to determine what rights the city has if Now angel how many of these other lots that are sitting out there have this clause in them also because I've asked this question over the last nine years probably a thousand times and nobody ever had an answer back on April 28 2021 I did a review all the these that were out there okay the two of the properties l 7 and8 on block 103 were the wasin property they had rever Clauses but we sold those we got those back we sold those um there are these two and then there are there's another one W 102 W two the rest even though they were supposed to have reverter Clauses there were not some of the Deeds somehow don't even exist though there are minut saying there were Deeds find any these can I ask you um were any of these prior to the industrial park being set there because I've spoken to the president of the and he basically said that these properties were purchased prior they Tom prior to the industrial park I know they were purchased in 199 July of 1993 okay when did the Industrial yeah I'm not sure either about that time yeah right around that time time that these two came in and the other is also 93 who's the seller Tom Tom Tom AI well Rose Ley is the seller R Rose CNL CNL company LLC is the seller and cl Marine Holdings or the buyers propos seller so uh before something else that's interesting though about the is that theoretically the City transferred the property to the industrial commission and the industrial commission was to issue the Deeds but the Deeds are in the name of the city which is good thing now he gives the city the opportunity sure deal with that so Jackie like let the record show that councilman Mason made a motion um to remove the conditions counil what did you say 15 minutes ago sorry Ma wave the fees to remove the conditions remove the conditions you mean not W remove the conditions they should pay remove the conditions of the rever yes so the motion would be the the resolution prepare resolution to remove all the conditions and the rever Clause to allow the property to be now is there a fee on that with the with them picking up that expense so is there a fee to the tital company to do that there's comp no okay there's no fee to the city whatsoever so there's no fee to the buyer or the seller yeah so that's the best option okay Mr Kaa has developed so much in this city that you know it's that I I I'm very confident that that's not g to be something that's just going to sit there you know for undeveloped I agree next1 does anybody have any other questions or comments or would like to motion on any of the other three options all right at this time we had a second by councilwoman Clark I believe right have a roll call please ten no okay Clark yes Ash yes gway yes T yes Tessie yes Timbers no R yes and Richie yes thank you very much I'll prepare the resolution and I give it to for um the next thing I have is number 36 the resolution for Mr sacker um Mr as you remember early in this year February and March we gave Mr stacker an extension on his agreement of sale to purchase property the lot that he's going to buy for the mo picture theater so I reached out to Mr Sher to see how he was doing because the agreement um needed to be completed by November 30th Mr sacker is moving along very well he's done a feasibility feasibility study through the pine lands he's done a bunch of studies that the pine lands are required in fact I think he's almost through with that process he expects to gain Pine L approval hopefully by the end of this year which would mean that he's ready to buy the property um early next year or we're talking January maybe February and then we're good to go so in order to safeguard that whole Redevelopment and um the agreement I prepared this resolution to extend his time for April we now going forward you remember we got that million dollar Grant going forward we have to provide plans to them by early next year we have to get descriptions for all the properties through the end of year I think they're going to do for next year we need to prepare Deeds for next year in order to for this um project to be fully completed by next year not by next year but through next year with the next three four five six months of next year so he can break round so he can break round right and he's talking about breaking next year so I do think he may be on target at least we'll be close to it yeah 6 but I would think next calendar right and so we need to work with the state to get our money for the million doll infrastructure that we're going to get early next year we hope January February March we're basically waiting on him to give us a a plan a good plan we can submit to the state to get so what what's the source of that grant that million dollar Grant I believe it was an Eda Grant Ed specifically for infrastructure improvements that's right I remember all things to have one other thing I want to mention um I'm working with Mr stacker because he has a um a venture capitalist out of California out of LA and he's been sending all kinds of requests that he gets more money which is a good thing so I've been sending him all kinds of documents in order for him to get more money to put up some better better site material on the project yeah just to offer some I'm sure that there are people who are still in very skeptical we talk to a lot of different people we through a lot of different things out there this guy has spent hundreds of thousands of dollars on this project is very serious about moving it forward so um you're on the C Bo have a very very large development project starting out there and he has millions coming in y that he could lose well it's a huge risk for him right now but the way he looks at it he's been in the industry he sees that the industry is just continuing to grow and live milon Services I prod my own content and they have to produce it somewhere and you know his experience is wait six months to b a studio the type that he's trying to Y so he sees the demand yeah so are we completely done with pin lands with this they're okay with that animal that's not out there or is these studies are just wrapping up um from what I understand they had addressed all the other requirements really just waiting for tudies to confirm that there's no species that um so as far as I'm aware everything else has been pretty well sorted out I haven't seen a final plan Set uh they should be submitted to the planning board rela to see soon as they have a p really because we can't hear it the board doesn't have jurisdiction to hear it until he has a p certificate file and um you know essentially he's compliant with their their rules so um but yeah I know that they're there I've seen as correspond with the commission some of the issues they raised and whatever so he's close yeah he's close he's pretty CL he calls me every week and he discuss it because it's important for me to find out to you what's going on moving forward yeah he close Okay moving along 37 I have a resolution to authorize a public scale for 1500 Li so this came about because a resident wrote to the mayor and Council requesting that he would like to purchase this particular lot so this particular lot has um retention Basin on it and it's also Wetlands so I prepared the resolution um there are no joining owners to this property even though it's really not a buildable lot but the most important thing is that it has a retention Bas on it so after discussions with Ryan he doesn't recommend that we could sell it yeah I don't know we believe so I mean that pretty much care of 37 we could remove it I have a motion to remove it okay so is it is it we shouldn't we can't or there's a possibility with a survey done upon the sale by the new own I believe that you could subdivide off the Bas in portion but my understanding on the story management Rule and and law is that you once you've accepted uh responsibility C base in which the city dat after was constructed um you have to operate it in maintain it as long as the development that requires it to exist is still there well alls are still there they're not going anywhere so that Basin is going to have to be there and you're GNA have to continue to be responsible for it and how you do that when you don't know the property is not very problem so um I believe that you could subdivide a portion of the lot off um it would not available lot it would just be um you know an adjacent lot for another lot so I don't know that it require I I don't believe it require the same level Pines approval you're just cutting it up into two non-usable lots um so I do think that you could subdivide the Bas portion off and sell the remaining portion but you know see why does this person lot he wants to fish in retention base no no no he don't want to fish um no I mean there was an email sent that was premature saying why he wanted it but that's false so um back to the retention Pond from what I understand it's just a flat piece of land correct that would have to be sub subdivided all yeah it's a it's a wooded portion that's I mean I'm not GNA say it's flat but it's reasonably flat the Bas portion drops you know down five or six feet yeah it's very clear where you know where the Basin is hard to out understand but yeah the remaining portion of it is reason okay so if you want to subdivide I into subdivision for it can we put a can we put a um a AA on the sale that it would be at the new owner's responsibility to have it subdivided and their cost no what's a guesstimate at the cost of subdividing 2500 3,000 somewhere probably yeah about that and what were we what were we asking for the property well the auction would start at 22,000 and if if no one bids on it at 22,000 or more then it would go revert back to the offer that was made and the opportunity would be given to that individual to purchase it and what was the offer that was made uh I believe 8,000 8,000 and we're putting in 22 okay so 000 was the offer the assessment is 22 that's what the resolution reflects the minimum bid of 22 it can be anything you want really right now is this going to be done before or after like would we have to subdivide it first and then put it up for auction okay you have to subdivided first create two dots one with the basin um which we keep and then the other one get sold so if it's assess 22 maybe now the assessment will be 10 or something that would that's what you so choose the if once it's subdivided the uppland area is there a contiguous owner there is it just no contiguous owners on this parcel at all put it off for public you have a DI mention on that 600 by 150 it's the whole block we would subdivide off the Bas in portion but right now the lot is the block yeah about two acres yeah and do you know how much this person is at like how much of that lot they're asking for for for the sub division whatever's not the I would say there's probably hund the basin's a really weird shape fact that I had the aerial up it's it's this goofy shape because this is a Wetlands buffer and this is Wetlands buffer so we just kind of snuck it in between um so the the block limit comes down to about here let's say so it would be this portion here this ption you have to keep triangle rest of it it's probably I know an acre and a quarter here and like something like and this won't affect any roads or any future subdivisions for the um it's adjacent to it's on the wetlands wets buer side of the project so it's I just don't understand why he would want to why he would want to buy it if it's been like this the whole while you know oh oh okay all right makes sense does he want the street too paper Street no no there's actually utilities so there's no utilities there's no getting around other than the city paying for the sub that's right you'd like table it and then think about it you do it next month if you I make a motion to table it second um all in favor of table in for next meeting I I I any NS we can be table to next so moving on to ordinance number 38 so this is another request fromer who wants to buy 441 to 451 L um the ass value of those three LS is $42,000 now these are just Wetlands these aren't buildable Lots they not conforming Lots but the difference is we have two adjoining homeowners for these Lots because we're not conforming lots and we need to do an ordinance offering these properties to the adjoining homeowners first if the joining homeowners want it or somebody bids on it then they get it if they don't then we could do another public auction or whoever else would like the property this is a twostep how do we set the price for what we offer to the adjacent property I CH B it it's very low the property is very low isn't it isn't it that one that's all overgrown and yeah I don't know right around the corner right it's arguably and why do they want it yeah not well he's talking about building on it but I don't think's on that so Ryan Kenny should he should he be notified of this [Music] okay interested um you want it sold this is a twostep process you need to sell it inside there's a date for the for the sale sometime in January and like I said if two a joining owner two a joining owners don't want it then you have to choose um another sale date probably March that's another um open t okay any other questions regarding that one I do that is the property that the people were maintaining it they said that they would maintain it is there some wasn't there something uh regarding that Iain okay he wants to clear it okay he wants to clear it clear it can he do that no okay could we table this please yes please sure motion table 38 I'll make a motion second second on table 38 have a second I'll second all in favor Hi and then the only thing left is the public hearing on your day for the construction site we have thank you very much thank you this Adams sorry for the hour and 15 minute wait we had a lot to discuss as you heard try I'll take your time we're here all night the year's coming to an end I just wanted to give everybody an update on what np's been doing all year on like I'm I live here too anybody who lives here sees Philadelphia Avenue doesn't think I've been doing anything all year because we've been dealing with a lot of red tape but now that we hit November we're ready to get stuff done things are going to St happening you're going to see lots of contractors on the street it's going to be really great now that I said that don't make a liar out of me right for so um one of the main things is the MPP has always sponsored all the events on the Avenue um the food truck festival the Fall Festival the winter Bazaar they've all turned out to be amazing events at the winter Bazaar last year we had people from Atco all the way to Longport coming to Ed Carver City so um and the whole purpose of the economic development doing these events is to bring people into town so they see what we have and they want to come back and believe it or not we had such a great turnout last year at our events surrounding towns are repeating what we did which kind of gets me a little right but um we expect it to be really big um 2025 is the last year of the MPP Grant because it was a five-year Grant with 2025 coming some of the events we're going to continue to do some of the sponsorships but I think we're going to pull back a little bit on those amounts so that the EDC can kind of have a feel for what they're going to be up against with that remaining funds of next year we hope to sponsor a lot of the events in the archway green once it opens your movie Nights your concerts in the park your Art in the Park your yoga all those kind of things are things that the MPP would love to pick up and host for next year um one of the other things we tried to do this year is the electricity on the Avenue trees part of my mouth but it looks awful right now all the all the outlets are broken they're hanging they're this so that after a whole year of talking and trying to figure out what to do there was some back and forth we met with sustainable and their professional and it was decided to disconnect the electric access Al together cut them wires and just bury them um we did meet with the electrician last week and we are going to install two outlets on the holes in the middle each block 100 200 300 we'll have two accessible electric Outlets God forbid we need them for anything I want locks on them right because that's what's going to happen again right it will not affect the Christmas lights at all they're powered from the top of the poles so cutting this electricity at the bottom really won't make a difference um um first respond Memorial one of the good things about having a lot of Council on MPS that you've already seen all this this is a proposed picture of what I would like the memorial to be if you look at it though they just threw a picture on here I've reached out to the historical society and we'll put a picture of EDG Harbor City on it um if you want to pass it around and look at it I did meet with um Jim Peterson today to try and keep the work local and he actually is hoping to get a price that's a lot cheaper than the original price it is black granite um so there's a lot right we're trying um my sad news for that Memorial is we will buy it this year however it takes six months to come in there's a lot of shipping problems and anyone in that industry is having problems with it so ideally we're looking for the end of May or June to have unveiling and I know um kapoo wanted to join with us and do a first responder brunch at the dedication and you know invite everybody in that way um next Archway green the archway green is one of my I just can't wait for this to happen and I know I I appreciate your patience with me because I've been a pain um Pine lands was hard it was very hard we combined the construction of the arch with the archway green put our bid out and a day late but we're going with it right we got a lot of interest which I was surprised and very happy to hear um so those bids should be open Tuesday I believe 26 and then that actually sets us back to December's council meeting to award that contract which is a bummer but I've been patient so far right well not really but good so the archway green the the back part will be hard parking but not paved that was one of the stipulations from Pine lands um we wound up very well with the Wastewater right we didn't have to have them big water access spots yeah we we have to do any Stormer management because we didn't create any new regulated M vehical service guys are informal music for parking now we continue to do that if we would have paid it we would have had to do store management for the entire site which there's nowhere to go next to a contaminated site fill out the lowest end of the site so there's no good options for so we did um also speak with the electrician about putting the panel box in am I right yeah so we're going to have the panel box built and then all they have to do is hook into it and when all the electricities run from the contractor that gets the bid boom boom boom done um it is I mean it seems like as soon as we get the contract awarded and somebody's on it it's going to get moving and it should be moving quick so that's very very very exciting I know there's lot been a lot of talk about why are we doing another Park this is just going to be a loer Zone again in that space there's not much you can do because of the contamination in the old building so we're making the most of it and the hope is that we do make the most of it we use this space you you see how much we use Philadelphia Avenue for events and things and that can be you know another thing one of the things we discuss um Keith and I as we talk because Keith would love to bring the car shits back right we're struggling getting the car shows but you could put cars along Philadelphia Avenue and have the event in the park so you don't have to close the street right you know what I me like there's the possibilities for this spot are endless um so I'm very very very excited about that um the last thing the MPP is doing which is another very big excitement but no one knows because we haven't seen anything yet which is going they promised me two weeks we're going to see stuff happen the um advancing the Avenue the storefront originally our goal was 10 buildings this year let me thinking seven seven in progress right now I'm so excited about that I did print um pictures out there is a board over there for you to look at on what these buildings will look like um a lot of that red tape was how to use the funds without exceeding limits long story short we wound up getting around that we partnered with the Economic Development Corporation to make those funds possible I have best construction and afd construction um coming to town to do the painting and some of the construction Cosmetics that have to be fixed thank you RIT is got everything in motion it's just Cindy William has been great trying to reach out to these people and get them on board with the same ideas uh it's been a very long like pulling teeth I love Captain but the hope is that once these buildings start seeing movement we're going to get another 10 and another 10 and another 10 I was I was very happy that we got as many as we did um and lastly again this is the end of the fourth year of the grant so 2 will be the last year of the MPP Grant speaking to a few of the local towns and and I I always hate to compare ourselves to Hamilton but I'm going to do that again this time Hamilton started out 20 years ago as an MPP town when the MPP ended they became Main Street America now they're their own Corporation in their main street hamton so I reached I asked Jody I asked Stefan Triad reached out to DCA about the possibility of making EG Harver City a Main Street America town after the grant is over and what I've found is the two piggy back off of each other so most towns start with one and end up with the other and vice versa um so we're hoping hoping to get some good news back on that in the beginning of 2025 and then we can keep going after the MVP Grand ends you know because once you see this movement start you hate to lose all funding yeah sure you know and I would love to open up the MPP advancing the avenue to the residential buildings next year but um it's just a matter of who's G to let you who's going to let you spend money on their building you know but the council's been wonderful supporting me with this the community has been absolutely wonderful so we're very excited I thank all of you for helping me out and standing by me with this um before I do sit down the winter bizaar is December 7th the event runs from 4: to 8 the Mar's Tree Lighting will kick off about 6:45 Santa will be arriving about 7:30 it's a lot of times I just threw at you the main one to remember is the road should be closing somewhere around 1 or two o'clock um so that will be happening we have the a larger ice skating rank snow globes the Christmas train lots of lots of great things this year and we did get food trucks to help with feeding the crowd um and lastly the Christmas Parade December 21st Christmas parade lineup is at five step off is at six um we'll go the same route as last year down Claudius all the way past Rittenberg to AR going back um we have S on the fire truck at the end we have tons of people already signed up for this um just making Christmas awesome and I that's all thank you good good job yes thank you J thank thank you so much um I had a question for Ryan regarding the electric in that box on the corner they're disconnecting the electric and I hear the box is like really in bad shape well it's it's the boxes that are mounted in the trees um no I they're saying that inside of the elect and if I watch this the main electric panel where all the electric feeds into it's not in bad shape but apparently it was programmed all these years ago and you never know which switch is going to which that was basically what he was saying the other day not that the panel's in bad shape it's just trying to figure out where all the electric is funnel through yeah well I'm just concerned about the uh EV charging station that's going to go there and if there's if that's going to cost us money to do that because so I believe when Jerry talked the electrician they were talking about just doing a separate service and a separate panel anyway um because really the panel for too far away well no it's it's full um so you have well they're disconnecting all that electric well they're disconnecting terminations um each one of those feeds two sets of outs the ones the base of the tree and the ones like up the pole um so I get rid of I'll check back I have the plans for when we we did it but I don't think that we broke them up to be like true receptical P receptical I think they're they're kind of grouped together so the circuit are s the AC um well could you look at that just to make sure that there's no Kinks when we want if there's a whole bunch that are true receptacles that are now going to go away then yeah that would three up space and we can use utilize the existing P oh good all right okay any other questions for Mrs Adam you know what I do have one question Karen Karen could you tell me were we putting them we're not putting them back on the tree right the receptacles we're putting them in the ground now on the so the but I mean the ones that are coming back so for the two outlets that will be in the middle of each block right um tell me what they called you know the black pole with the light on the top oh yes oh okay all right thanks all right perfect thanks it's good it's a good spot all right moving into the next 40 items all right so motion to approve number 14 anyone use of the egg haror City Lake scouting America Jersey Shore Council conduct Derby the 17th through 19th of next year and uh called Scout camp August 4th through to 8th motion second all in favor I thank you 15 resolution to renew Statewide Insurance Fund uh January 1st of next year through to January 1st of 28th I make a motion second all right roll call please not on Clark yes Dash yes Galloway yes Heist yes hessie yes Timbers yes yes and Richie yes 16 resolution adopting government records Council public records requests form question yes is this a new form or it's a new form okay may I have a motion all in favor I 17 17 is a resolution for change order I previously discussed about Li po Avenue if there's no other further comments or questions have motion roll call CL yes Dash yes gway yes Heist yes pessie yes timers yes yes right yeah and Richie yes 18 change order previously spoken upon for Keystone Sports construction I make a motion second roll call Clark yes Dash yes Galloway yes Heist yes hessie yes timers yes yes and Richie yes number 19 is another change order number two for Keystone sport construction approv you spoken upon may have a motion I make a motion second roll call please Clark yes Dash yes gway yes he yes hessie yes timers Yes W yes and Richie yes 20 is a resolution to authorize uh city engineer to prepare bid specs for City Hall Haack upgrades any questions comments I have a motion roll call Clark yes Dash yes gway yes he yes pessie yes yes right yes Richie yes 21's a resolution authorized in city engineer prepare Archway green final design bid and construction phase Services second all right yes Dash yes yes yes hessy yes timers yes right Richie yes 22 is a resolution authorizing engineer to prepare Municipal Building Ada improvements second second roll call please Clark yes Dash yes G yes Heist yes pessie yes H yes right yes 23 resolution for preliminary cost for expenses for that storm water infrastructure improvements so moved see 45,000 second second roll call Clark yes Dash yes gallway yes he yes pessie yes Timbers yes right yes mie yes 24 authorizing city engineer to prepare New Jersey I Bank store water Improvement Grant application and Design Services motion motion second second roll call please yep yes yes yes yesie yes Timbers yes right yes and Richie yes 25s of resolution for Budget transfers any questions roll call or no sorry motion motion second roll call all right Clark yes Dash yes Galloway yes he yes pessie yes Timbers yes yeah and Richie yes resolution for online auction to sell Surplus property on minated could enforcement cars questions I I question could we save one of these cars and get them wrapped with um for the parades and stuff I don't know if they're mechanically they don't run I'm not saying they don't run I don't know if it would be beneficial for a city to retain them for we can get four guys to push because somebody has a contact to get the uh was it the hero campaign right W it so no maybe the new one all right cool all right a nice really nice looks like you know I have a question about the the cards there's only one car isn't there and the truck truck all right thank all right motion Mo second roll call Par yes bash yes gway yes he yes pessie yes ERS yes yes yes resolution to refund e City municipal L use application feeing ESR for Mr Benjamin rizley Jr in the amount of $600 any questions yeah I have a question sure um did we normally give back um application fees no we probably shouldn't accept it in the first place because he applied for something that he wasn't entitled to get but it was scheduled and it was before the board and then he he he turned them down well wasn't it wasn't a no vote it was a determination that what he applied for he was not eligible for so we shouldn't have accepted fees in the first place I make no expenditure motion by councilman right second uh roll call please Clark yes Dash yes Galloway yes he yes pessie yes Timbers yes R yes and Richie yes resolution for rock salt purchases through County Co-op any questions have a motion make a motion uh second second roll call please Clark yes Dash yes G yes yes pessie yes Timbers yes yes and Richie yes resolution chapter 159 leafing out education grant any questions or comments I have a motion motion second roll call Clark yes Jos yes G yes he yes pessie yes Timbers yes yes number 30 I actually have a question about this sorry everyone uh there's a match of 30 on this yeah sorry yes which hopefully we will mostly be using from the um the small business loan that we're reallocating from Co that we couldn't use that we got through that County Grant okay trying to use that to basically pay for the Bal as much as should cover hopefully the balance of National Fitness because that's like a 65 to 70% match right 30,000 on 50,000 thought was 125 all together was the whole project was 125 right it's was like 150 to 200 depending what like how much you do right and everything so we're hoping we have about 125 or so in the other small business grant that we're hopefully going to be able to use so hopefully we will not really have to spend any actual like our match will be a different Grant as our match okay so the cost for the city will be minimal if not anything yes okay and now do we have a a a not a lineup but an idea of like Community Partners we would reach out to if it if it comes to you need to get any other uh contribution to it um probably I mean there I know there's like Atlanta care and herizon and like all other I'm not sure because it's so specific through this National Fitness campaign so but they had like some brands that they you know what I mean we could always ask okay okay all right uh yeah so resolution National Fitness campaign Grant support acceptance $50,000 may have a motion sub Mo second second roll call please Clark yes Ash yes gway yes he yes pie you can pass I'm gonna pass thanks timers yes right y Richie yes back to hessie yes yes doesn't matter all right uh 31 resolution authorizing sustainable Jersey climate vulnerability assessment technical assistant application any questions all right uh motion motion second roll call please Clark yes Dash yes Galloway yes Heist yes pessie yes Timbers yes R yes and Richie yes uh 32 is a resolution and canel grants any questions motion all right second I'll second roll call Clark yes Das yes gway yes yes pessy yes Timbers yes R yep and Richie yes want me slow down you good we're we're good uh 33 is a resolution to cancel Municipal tax lean tax s certificate 12 of 2002 any questions regarding this yes can someone explain that one question um what was the question could could it be explained I'm not sure what it's for yeah I read it earlier uh Joe do you remember what it's for which thing are we the tax3 the tax Lan I think it was a preemptive tax Lan that was commit was um transaction yeah what was it yeah it says uh it was made an error and preemptively sold something taxes were paid on oh that's what it was there was like two lots that were combined and for some reason in the system it never got like combined the right way okay so there should have never been issued because there shouldn't really been on a separate block and okay thank you all right uh may have a motion I moved second second roll call please Clark yes Dash yes G yes Heist yes pessie yes Timbers yes and Richie yes 34 is a resolution 100% disabled veteran property tax exemp exemption uh case 23 of7 refund fourth quarter uh any questions may have a motion so mov second roll call Clark yes Dash yes gway yes Heist yes pessie yes Timbers yes yes and Richie yes 35 resolution approved tax exempt status by our tax assessor for 231 Philadelphia Avenue any questions make a motion second second roll call 35 35 No One hungry okay all right ready CLK th% yes Dash absolutely Galloway yes Heist % yes pessie yes Timbers yes 5,000 yes uh I think I was second yeah I think councilman right was first yep was there overachiever over there 36 is a resolution approving a Second Amendment to the agreement of sale between Atlantic motion picture studios anded by Jonathan SAR in the city of EG Harbor SP spoken on earlier any further questions or comments make motion second roll call please okay CL yes cash yes Galloway yes he yes pessie yes Timbers yes yes Richie yes motion to table 37 move second second all in favor I to table 38 make a motion second second all in favor I all right number 39 the public hearing for ordinance 12 of 24 repealing the city of a municipal code chapter 1789 construction sites adopting a new chapter 1789 titled safe construction work sites within the city of EDG haror may I have a motion to open the public make motion all in favor open I anybody from the public like to speak on ordinance number 12 of this year going once going twice motion to close public second all in favor to close I have a motion to adopt roll call please clar yes Dash yes Galloway a th% yes py yes Timbers yes yes and Richie yes I have a motion to advertise and hand to Gazette on the 27th of this second second all in favor hi and the bill list anybody want to make a motion so move second roll call yes Dash yes Galloway yesie yes timers yes yes and now I will open it up for count final Council Council comments I'll start with hey it's been a pleasure sorry took an hour and 45 minutes we had a lot to discuss and Happy Thanksgiving to everyone um with that I'll go to councilwoman Heist um first I want to say congratulations to No One hungry they have worked very very hard on what they have achieved if you haven't stopped by the building to see it please do it's absolutely amazing what they've done on donations from the public it it's it's amazing um and then I want to say Happy Thanksgiving to everyone please safe and remember like the um Chief said Uber is our friend don't drink and drve HC I'd like to commend Karen Adams for all of our hard work as NPP coordinator and I'll thank everyone who worked so hard in the NPP program uh it's it's great seeing the uh progress I'm very excited to see the uh buildings get painted and and looking nicer all right councilman R uh nothing just Happy Thanksgiving to everybody and uh hope the holidays to be safe uh councilman Timbers just want to say Happy Thanksgiving to everybody that's it thank you uh councilwoman Hy I also want to say Happy Thanksgiving and hopefully I'll see everybody at the tree lighting in witer Bazaar thank you Council Park uh Happy Thanksgiving to everyone also congratulations to No One hungry um just another side note they do have a Spanish interpreter there on Tuesdays and Thursdays um so see in no hry see and Council M yes uh well course I want to wish everybody a Happy Thanksgiving and congrat ulate no I'm hungry because they they do do a great job and I also want to announce that we did receive a commitment from a local Foundation to fund the replacement of the peace Pilgrim statue and um we'll meet tomorrow Keith at 1:30 with the artist at at um the public works yard to look at the Statue to see if it can be recast it's in a couple pieces she's going to have to decide if it if it can actually be done so I'm really excited it that so and I'll let you know who it is later and um I forgot it that's it thank you all right this time I open on public anybody from public want to come up and speak to here earlier to speak one the resolutions but I missed them my couple minutes I guess for um one was the the pick Awards that's are they in the budget you have a budget for allowance for that we received the grant that's but the grants for construction and for the and if I could finish it's Al the proceed the proceeds from the sale of the water treatment facility is I believe being used towards that okay so we were like 260,000 what it was minus the 75,000 for the grant Jing that it just taxpayers are going to pay for the change right okay that um resolution 36 how much do we sell at prop has wait 36 or 37 oh no got Med Leaf guy here there was um by the mayor one of the land use meetings has been here for two meetings tell you I know he's upset about it I know that there's people that want to sue the city if they do go ahead and do a third dispensary so just a little heads up I would suggest you bring your bring those individuals to the land use board meetings and have them stress their concerns I heard the president's very open-minded anybody else from the public come on up Sir the resolation how is is approved or is going to be approved or how it is what's that approved for for that third dispensary as we as we told you last meeting right you came here last meeting yes we were caught off we were caught by surprise every last person sitting up here that I can probably speak upon um we even received a formal request yeah so I think it was being adliv and spoken prematurely about uh because it does have to come back to this Council not a council is changing next year so things might change can't can't guarantee anything today or tomorrow um I would be against it because at the end of the day you're taking the proceeds of two dispensaries essentially Addam the third is not that the city is going to be getting more uh income with the tax revenue that you as the dispensary have to pay the city is more or that saying all right well if a million dollars is getting being being made by YouTu now it's a million dollars being made between the three because you're not going to have more people coming in town just to go to you or them you're gonna have the same people going to all three of you and the 2% is GNA be still 2% on a million dollars So at the end of the day it's simple math if some can't understand simple math I can't really I can leave the horse to water but I can't make them drink it you know at one time we had like five or six liquor light liquor stores in town and they all competed so you know saying that there's only room for a certain amount of business does State too States and approval of council for a third but exactly like we're saying to be fair to the new ones come the ones that are just being established to be fair let them get established before we put another one in it and take take the food out of their M that that example was I think poor no it wasn't because now you're going to flood a mile and a half stretch of the White Horse Pike with three dispensaries what sense does that make you got five do that nobody said they were definitely doing it a mile and a half stretch so are we going to continue to flood this municipality with these kind of things or are we actually going to bring in businesses to get away from the aura that this town already has okay well it did go to the planning board and the planning board did approve the site plan to build a building there which isn't there now building a building fine well it was for can it was for cannabis and that was at the beginning of the year that was at the beginning of the year and and in all and in all fairness we approved two two locations and people invested a lot of money understanding that there's only going to be two and it would be terribly unfair for us to had a third or a four after they've already invested so much money so I would absolutely be against the and the fact that we turned many people away who came wanting to add other ones and we told them no we were only I think we're inviting a lawsuit if we if we go down that right yep also Council that they they approved that application when they came and we approved the resolution that they should go forward and try to get their state license we approved the letter of support for that yeah that's it then coming in town thank you yeah good luck with everything anybody else from the public who want I like to speak I like speak on Zoom who's that on it's Mike Sheridan hi everyone how you all doing um Happy Thanksgiving to you all uh I did want to give a nice big shout out to Keith Adams and the Public Works crew I'm over at shayer grave I meant to uh join in September and October but kids activities and never got to do it uh Keith crew was a huge help with the shayer grave restoration I would not have been able to do it without his help and his crew they did it over they they went above and beyond to get that uh that gra site up to where it looks like today they put in the retaining wall they helped out with leveling it out basically the benches were installed by them too so I just want to give a real big public shout out to Keith and his crew and also to Annette and Jody and everyone else on on Council who helped support the project I don't know if anyone's been out to check it out but it's pretty cool it looks really good I I enjoy sitting out at the benches and I'm just glad we're able to restore that great soon to where it's at today so that's all I had and once again wish you all Happy Thanksgiving thanks Thanksgiving all right anybody else from the public once twice motion toj all favor