##VIDEO ID:TxN5sDjZw4c## States America liy and justice for all all the meeting to order this meeting has been properly advertised and posted in accordance with public law 75 chapter 231 roll call please mayor Petty Here at here Clark here Dash here Galloway here Heist here hessie here timber here Wright will not be here tonight Richie he will be arriving later okay we need a motion to approve the minutes for the November 21st 2024 meeting second any questions or comments roll call all in favor any opposed all right public comment does anyone in the public have any comment on any of the agenda items only excluding items listed on the agenda for public comment anyone here have any comments anyone online did I have to open that did I need a okay all right mayor's report okay so the Lloyd wiberg tree light and Lloyd wiberg winter bizar was awesome and I thank everybody who was involved for that um Karen's here tonight and she was responsible for the bizarre part of it and it was really a great great great evening um a lot of people showed up and I think Galloway Township is now copying us right and they say that flatter the best form of flattery is you know imitation right imitating yep they could have so that went well and the parade is this Saturday starts at 6 o' and starts on the 500 block of Philadelphia Avenue in Claudius and we'll go down to arago turn right and then go on Liverpool back to City Hall and anything else I have to report um I think Ryan's going to cover it in his report so wishing everybody a Merry Christmas and happy New Year that's all I have thank you thanks mayor council committee chair reports um I will start Public Works um Keith is there anything do you have anything no then there's nothing to report councilman Dash monthly report for safety councilwoman Clark nothing to report councilman I'm sorry I am just just losing my mind Timbers oh nothing or for uh um there was one item on the on the land use board um but I believe Ryan will discuss that okay councilwoman Galloway nothing to report councilwoman anones sign report and councilwoman hessie uh the only thing I want to say is I'd like to thank everyone on behalf of the rotary for all their donations the uh the cat donations that they made and there was there was two parts to it the first donation went to the um refit which was um it's project refit and it's basically Hurricane Relief and the second part went to the um the Rescue Mission in Atlantic City and that's all I have thank you thank you um Marcel is not here no I can I was gonna say may you have a report um I do not have a report uh the chief unfortunately had a um accident she was she slipped down her back steps and was concussed so she is resting at home and she'll have a report in January thank you CFO report J nothing city clerk's report nothing Trifecta Ryan Engineers report do no go ahead so on the agenda final change order for $3,000 for 1 300 blocks that was just for the striping quantities um so we be able to close that one out um the tennis courts and pickle ball courts um the contractor will be doing dat pay looks like the first week of January up certifications that finally sorted out um he sort of said that we might not be able to get surface material right away so have to come back in the spring um I I replyed back I said I think that would be our preference because you're going to have to regrade the site a little bit if there's differential s we get some spots that end up settling out after you do base pain and we'll have some time to correct them a couple months for it to settle out and then the foundations can be at the grade of the base instead of all the way at the surface you won't have a concrete pad the op so it'll be a clean get some time to you know there issues them pop up so I think that's how they proceed just wait for confirmation from them uh the city hall Ada upgrades we were just here the other day taking measurements um going over the the clerk's office tax office counter building department counter um there's actually a counter that doesn't get used in what is the copy and breake Loom sort of so we're just going to eliminate that one because it doesn't need to be there we can build some more storage in there um because you just leave it shut all the time they be modify the court space here um the one question I do have is um there's a bullet group class that you guys did a number of years ago for the former Court window um do you want us to lower the court window or elited because it work it's not at an ADA Compliant height and with too but we can work on that um so if there's any Prospect of being Court in the future though you probably want it lowered so that it's still there you to start from scratch if you decide to start Ryan I think that Grant's I think that Grant's going to be kind of tight with everything we want to do um it maybe I mean I for that specifically you already have everything so lowering it wouldn't be too bad but um well I would say if there's I would suggest that if there's money there in the grant to do that then do it but don't neglect something else that might be better serving the community always do that as an alterntive or something like that um that's you know like said I don't need you answer this second but at some point you direction of what we want to do there well why don't we get some direction now so we can move it along because we're the time's ticking on that Grant yeah we're we're doing the design for for everything else thoughts I would think it'd be better to modify so Ed compliant rather than complete now we have the option because replacing the Bold prooof class later is going to be a sh yeah like that P all right maybe we'll do that as an alternate bid so if there's enough funds in the project you know that um AR green that's on to be awarded um a little weird in that we are not awarding to the low bidder because they missed um sub submission of electrical subcontractor um which is a required submission as a non weavable fault in bid so I spoke to the contractor about it I he was very Frank with what happened um it was broken up cold in people and it just they got missed so um the the only other option is to throp bids or award to the next low bidder uh which is Max Walker option they actually had given a quote initially um it was just too high to award in the first place so um our recommendation is to award to Maxwell it's like 12 ,000 more than what the low bid was um but you potentially lose $50,000 of grant funding it didn't afford it by the end of this year so rather pay 12 more than 50 absolutely um else ibank funding um for your your store job um was kind of to start the physical or the the online application today uh we have a full scope developed estimates um it's like 13 blocks I think it is U most of it along B stream um so I I'll bring in like a project location map uh for the next meeting just so everyone can get good good that I all problem areas um and we're literally starting at Buffalo that that large Advanced pipe and running all the way down to like 14 Terrace um so it's it's a big a big stretch be big Improvement Ryan can I ask you just to speak up a little bit yeah I haven't gotten my thank you um the four and 500 blocks of Buffalo Avenue um we need to just sort of go over the the sidewalk limits with the city um we have identified everything it's like tripping Hazard and sort of needs to be replaced so um just would like to finalize that and let PS and get do approved the bid project um for new orans Avenue I did almost literally everything I could except drive up there um to try to get confirmation uh on that project I called them last week and left a message I called them two days ago left a message I called them three times today couldn't get anybody um we met our last submission almost eight weeks ago and still Haven anything back they're supposed to get back in 30 days so uh unfortunately I don't I don't have anything affirmative um the last word I had was that um it appeared because I I talked to someone who was not in the technical it it appear that they were starting to draft um AAL but that's that's all I got nobody can hear solar we were not able to get advertising time so we'll be advertising for January that would be just over here at Municipal and then um lastly the Brownfield Redevelopment area um we're still waiting to hear back from DP but um we got some information that things are looking positive so that be a big wi the city I don't know which of the two or both but uh either way lot of funding try to get the landfill area andite area redeveloped so that's it okay thank you I question any word on um progress with the EV charging stations no I I he's looking over it but I'm kind of the one like him more it I heard back from one of the um Co-op vendors he said he should hopefully have some pricing for me next week and then the other one I'm waiting to hear back from and then I actually contacted a third one um this week that I'm said that they will provide a quota as well so but that one's not really like throw a co-op or anything so kind of depending how theirs come in I'll have to you know figure that out but the other two are thr through a co-op so once we have that we can kind of make a decision one way or the other I have a feeling we'll be able to do two of the of the crise you you have a preference where besides Philadelphia Avenue where else Philadelphia those are the most public spots that we had been considering when we put in the application but there's also some workplace Ed charging grants out there so that might be an option more for City Hall if we or do City Hall next year if we get more funding but I think the public ones we should focus on in the more public areas that's much more where you have people walking or parking for other reasons very cool thank you your question to remind me of something about the campground electrical upgrades um we finally got not detailed bills but enough information to figure out um that we need to request an additional service from Electric um if you go out there there's a poll with a single transform um it's a 400 in transform and um it's not really it's not anywhere near enough to support we have now upates so um we're starting to prepare the engineering side to submit a service application to either uh upgrade the service to add another Transformer to the pole or to to upgrade to an underground service and then you be able to feed it from there across to the panels and everything you not have to do that overhead which I'm sure is pain all trees everything and with March campus going in yeah right that's we're trying to put 50 amp services in um and yeah out now so we really need another Transformer like I said whether it's round Mount or Mount um so nice SE that as quickly as we can okay one other thing uh could you get me a contact Atlantic City Electric for the vegetation Management Department I the number I got is not a good one so I think I have one I'll okay because I wanted to know when we're on their schedule next about like tree trimming yeah yeah I can get you okay I think it goes every three years I think I just talked to Gary about that so it should be coming up soon yeah ran uh Crusaders the the um upgrades to the snack stand yeah I met with um I met with Mason to go over a concept I'm sorry can I interject is there any way you can take the microphone so everybody in the audience can hear you because I don't know if anybody could everybody here yeah okay behind okay that would be nice thank you um so yeah for C I met with Mason to go over the scope um we didn't really have any good base plans uh for the Crusaders field surprisingly okay um we had bits and pieces so we're we're trying to put together the base plan um so that we can send it up and schedule a preact meeting with the commission um because I am just hoping they're not going to blow us up for some past violations sitting out there um so but we want to try to make sure we have it as accurately documented as we can before we to that prea okay so yeah close awesome thank you good all right we're going to pause a second and let him up and I'm gonna move on yeah we're 12 all right awesome I apologize for my tardiness my son had his uh Christmas concer at school today and I was not going to miss it so uh I just want to say where is the liveliness up here it's Christmas time and everyone should say let's go it was in our checkbook I got as as you're G to get out of me all right thank you if you could let the record show that I'm here at 7:16 I appreciate it and we are where on number 12 12 Angela hi how you doing I'm well so what do you got for us so first I wish to congratulate the incoming member the council the mayor Miss hessie I uh hope all goes well for you thank you um secondly I wish everyone a Merry Christmas and happy New Year that's it nobody has me that's amazing thank you all right let's see moving on to 13 so we have motion to approve e harer City Economic Development 2025 events food truck festival which we have scheduled for the 9th of August the family Fall Festival which is scheduled for the 11th of October the Lloyd wiberg winter Bazaar scheduled for the 6th of December and then a city event to egg haror City Christmas on the Avenue parade for the 20th of December all events in 25 I have a motion to approve make a motion second all in favor any n all right number 14 is a resolution appointing fund commissioner Meg Steve and Alternate Jody Khan for year 20125 any questions or comments I have a motion move second roll call please atoni yes Clark yes Dash yes Galloway yes ice yes hessie yes Timbers yes Richie yes number 15 is a resolution to resent petty cash fund for Utility Fund any questions or comments we have a motion motion second roll call please atan yes slark yes Dash yes Galloway yes Heist yes hessie yes Timbers yes Richie yes 16 is a resolution authorizing the sale of city property and the dollar amount 7,500 816 838 Hamburg Avenue BL 807 L5 any questions or comments I have a question sure are there any plans for building on this property at this time do you know Galloway now I don't know it's being sold to Mr freck who's ajining property owner right don't know what he'd like to do with it okay I believe it's because it's it leads right to a driveway more or less of his preex the existing property that he owns so he just wants to purchase that so there's no conflict in the future all right thank you yep uh any other questions may have uh motion move second second roll call please at yes Clark yesh yes G yes Heist yes pessy yes Timbers yes Richie yes 17 is a resolution for Budget transfers any questions Jody can ask or answer I'm sorry any questions may have a motion second roll call please Anoni yes Clark yes stash yes gay yes Heist py Timbers Richie yes 18 resolution to refund short beverage performance bond upon verification of Maintenance Bond uh any questions or comments I do sure um my question is um I know they put down for the uh performance bond the 267 uh the there's still the maintenance guarantee is that Ryan were you was that you who had said that yeah there's a um 15% of the original performance bond is the made spot so did keep that or no yeah that's that's a two-year guarantee so a performance fond is in place so that if the developer starts and tears the whole site apart and then goes bankrupt you have money to go and like fix the sidewalk and do that kind of stuff um and then the maintenance bond is there so that if something happens it's only 15% but once it's all built they figure not all of it's going to fall apart so it's just there to cover there's a small issue and they were to go back that so my question to you is are they holding back the 33 33 00 how does that work I don't know how they posted it typically they'll post a performance bond you'll pay a company to provide a bond to City that's what they did for the bond I have a feeling the maintenance guantee will probably depit who does who makes this decision yeah they they post the bond with the city either be cash Bond or they fly B when the amounts low they usually just want to post cash and then take their money back a couple years later it's because if they have to buy a bond there's like a minimum cost usually it's like 1,500 bucks so they don't want to throw away when they could just put 3,300 here and then take it back to your later right okay all right thank you sure any other questions have motion make a motion second roll call please Anon yes Clark yes J yes Galloway yes he yes hessie yes Timbers yes Richie yes 19 is a resolution of refund Verizon for overpayment of taxes any questions could someone I do I have a question could someone explain um that to me they overpaid their taxes and we're refunding it to them where is it for what's the property used to be um have aop the resolution no it's 9999 9999 thean City Verizon one so the utilities there's like a special way like the property taxes are calculated if they serve a certain out of the population and I don't handle this this is something through the assessor FL tax collect but I'll do my best to explain how it works so there is a portion that the utilities like they would call it property taxes I guess it was some type of tax that went through their tax it was build through the tax bills if they have at least 51% of the population uses their services back in 2000 we've actually been sitting on this money for like 10 years so back in 2015 our threshold fell below the 51% so they have not since 2015 paid it happened in the they had already you know how you kind of get your bills in advance they had already paid the first two quarters worth so it's basically been sitting as a liability on our books that we owe that back to them so this they I guess they finally someone in their figured out that they were kind of owed all this money so thank you it just that it said property so it just kind of sounded like I know it wasn't the Verizon property on Philadelphia not 9999 thank you any other questions motion make a motion second second second roll call please ATT yes Clark yes Dash yes Galloway yes Heist yes Tessie yes Timbers yes Richie yes 20 is the resolution for chapter 159 year five of the neighborhood preservation program any questions comments have a motion so mooved second roll call please yes Clark yes D Gallow heie Timbers Richie yes wants a resolution to award the archway Green Park improvement contract any questions or comments may have a motion make a motion second second call please yes Clark yes yes Galloway yes yes yes yes yes two resolution change order number two for fiscal year 23 New Jersey Department of Transportation reconstruction Liverpool Avenue as built quantities any questions or comments is is this up or down it's up we had a the other chamber was like 29 all right thank you all right may I have a motion make a motion second second thank you roll call please atan yes Clark yes Dash yes Galloway yes Heist yes hessie yes timers yes Rich yes uh 23 I do have a question are these the way they're listed on there are they primary secondary or just they are the two just the two they they're on a rotation gotta uh resolution to approve e City Towing contractor for year 2025 any questions or comments awarded the foreman auto body and Highway Towing recovery all right I have a motion I make a motion second second yes Clark yes Dash yes Galloway yes yes yes Timbers yes Richie yes 24 is a resolution the refund to Eber City utility customer over payment in the amount of 24 $246 any questions I have a motion motion second second R call please at yes Clark yes J yes Galloway Heist yes yes yes yes 25 resolution to refund refund property tax overpayment 2115 Philadelphia Avenue $2,456 81 any questions or comments May a motion make a motion second second roll call please at yes Clark yesh Galloway yes he yes pessie yes Timbers yes yes and last resolution of the night authorized end the year authorized uh 2025 20 through 20 end of 2027 PBA contract what questions and comments are there regarding this I just have one thing to add that there minor Corrections needed on page 16 okay regarding numbers don't dve yeah that's fine that's an easy switch that's not changing anything no significance of contract any other questions comments regarding this all right may have a motion move second by councilwoman Anoni oke call Anoni yes Clark yes Dash yes Galloway yes Heist yes hessie yes Timbers yes Richie yes and who would like to make a motion to pay the DS so move second second roll call please yes Clark yes yes Galloway yes yes pessie yes timers yes Richie yes mayor the floor is yours for any last comments of the year I don't really have anything other than that I hope to see everyone at the Christmas parade uh Saturday it's going to be really chilly so dress warm um and our reorganization meeting is uh January 2nd and we do have two other Council meetings in January the 9th and the what thank 23rd so hope everybody continues to come out that's all thank you thank you I'm g go a little bit different this um time uh councilman timers uh I would just like to say merry Christmas and a happy holiday season uh to everyone um uh looking forward to next year uh I know everyone probably looking up in the sky seeing drones don't know what's going on um I don't I don't add um I don't think it's too much of an issue um so I would tell people don't worry unless there's something to worry about and uh enjoy your holiday Carl can I say one thing to that yes um I was at the Coalition um luncheon today and we were briefed by the FBI agent in North Jersey and he said you don't have to worry it's Santa Claus and his elves we're trying out a new SL a sleigh for next year with improvements that's official coun G I just want to wish everybody a happy holidays and a healthy New Year and uh I won't worry about the drones either they're just drones and just the people who are driving the drones they're the ones that have to be careful so thank you councilwoman anthon see I just want to thank everybody for the opportunity to be up here um and I want to wish everybody a Merry Christmas Happy New Year stay safe um make sure that you're enjoying your time with your family because it goes really fast thank you councilwoman Hy I just want to wish everybody a happy and safe holiday season and I'll see you in the new year thanks thank you Council M clar uh Merry Christmas Happy New Year pH pH and happy Hanukkah and to my right hand man councilman Dash I have two things um I'd like to thank Casey for all of her hard work on the council these past few these past years Casey's one of the hardest working wom we know balancing a full-time job being an outstanding mother to two boys and all their volunteer work for the kids in our community while serving as a council person in the city sitting up here is not easy I'd like to commend Casey for all of her dedication and hardworking serving the residents of a city she truly is amazing person I would also like to thank Joe Joe Richie personally for all of his hard work over the past six years he and I have very different personalities but we share our commitment to serving others in our community I would like to thank him for working so hard to represent both city employees and residents in a manner that best serves our community I would like to thank him for his projects like the bike giveaway the code distribution I would like to thank him for the countless hours he spent negotiating with the PBA the teamsters and some of our other very important city employees on to come all the contracts that best serve everyone's interest I'm very proud to have been his right hand side throughout his terms as council president I greatly appreciate him being so accepting in My Views when we disagree I very much value our friendship and I'll certainly miss working cancel this year thanks sir appreciate it to my leftand lady my big sister you mean I gotta follow that um I just want to say thank you Casey for everything you've done you've worked very very hard and I think you've learned a lot and you know it's a it's an experience that you will always hold near and dear to your heart Joe you came in like a freight train you were tearing down walls but you calmed down you slowed down and you actually became likable in many different ways the book I want to thank you for all you did all your hard hard work I want to thank you for the confidence and the faith you put in the people up here and I want to wish you and your family a restful year spend some extra time with those boys as for everyone else merry Christmas happy Hanukkah joyous K Quanza be safe and enjoy your families thank you thank you um so I'm gonna close it out uh it's been fun I've been humbled made a lot of good friendships burnt some bridges but bridges are meant to be burnt anyway um and it it it was definitely a learning experience the the relationships I've built Meg Jackie doing Keith Marcel Chief I'm sorry um I sincerely sincerely um I'm thankful for it you ladies and Guy um you guys did a hell of a job you came it was it was a situation that needed true leadership and morale boosting and I think I'm hoping that over the past four years we've we've gotten you and St your employees to where you should be and with the future in front of you um to Steve Donna Casey ingred Angelo when he was Sting up here Robin sitting up in heaven um you guys are a great team I couldn't have asked for anything more uh I love you like family I'm gonna not miss you because I will be in that audience probably more often than people would want me to be um but it's um it's been a pleasure to represent to represent the residents of this town um definitely been a pleasure Ryan I'm not going to forget you yes Angela not GNA forget you and the only thing I can ask for is that eyes have been opened to the professionals that we have been appointing for the past four years and I hope to God they come back because they're doing this city pure Justice with the way they represent and how hard they work for this city so I'm G to say this one last thing is never goodbye so till next time so with that I will open to the public for any final comments M 314 Ergo Street I just want to thank all the outgoing council members for all the hard work and everything you've done for listening ears and working hands and welcoming the new people coming in fresh ideas I'm looking forward to uh some some excitement talking about excitement you know some new things and I'm just so happy with the way the city's going you guys just do a lot of hard work I'm sure a lot of uncounted hours in the background and you know things that you've had to do that are not not like noticed publicly and just want to thank everybody for working so hard for the city we love the city and I'm so glad for all the ground that we've been making and all the progress we've been making and uh it's just a pleasure living in a haror city and it's a pleasure having such dedicated uh board members so thank you very much all of you thank you thank you anyone else from the public what going twice and with that have motion to adjourn the last meeting of 2025 or 24 sorry I'm already looking for second merry Christmas happy New Year been a pleasure