##VIDEO ID:dnH4RxLArNM## the United States of America and to the rep for it stands one nation godible with andice for this meeting has been properly advertised and posted in accordance with public law 75 chapter 231 we're going to have the oath of office of the newly elected officials and reelected official the first would be mayor Jim py sworn in by State Assembly woman Andrea Catz I name swear orir that I will support theti of the United States United States New Jersey New Jersey that I will bear true faith and allegiance that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same to the same and the government's established in the United States and the government's established in the United States and in the state and in the state under the authority of the people under the authority of the people and that I will faithfully and that I will faithfully impartially and justly impartially andj perform all the duties of Mayor perform all the duties of Mayor according to the best of my abilities according to the best of my abilities congratulations uh next we'll swear in Richard s doy as councilman I'm new at this me too to meet you as well don't forget to raise your right hand and did it wrong the last time you hold that Mary okay I say your name Richard dogen do solemnly swear or affirm I do solemnly swear that I will support the Constitution of the United States I will support the Constitution of the United States and the Constitution of the state of New Jersey and the Constitution of United New Jersey and that I will bear true faith and Allegiance I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same to the same and the government's established in and the government's established in the United States and in this state in the United States and State under the authority of the people under the authority of the people and that I will faithfully and partially justly I will partially and justly perform all the duties of the office perform all the duties of the office of City Council of city council according to the best of my ability according to the best of my ability you're next we're figuring this out as we go it's fine [Music] next we'll be War Al the Al and the government established and government's established the United States and in the state in the United States and in the state under the authority of the people under the author from the people and that I will Faithfully just and partially and justly I will faithfully and partially and justly perform all the duties of the office perform all the duties of the office city council city council according to the best of my ability according to the best of my ability conratulations and next Joseph kenor junr will be swor I take your name I Joseph A J do solemnly swear or affirm solemnly swear our Firs that I will support the Constitution that I will support the Constitution of the United States of the United United States and the constitution of the state of New Jersey and the constitution of the state of New Jersey and that I will bear true faith and Allegiance and I will bear true faith and allegiance to the Saint to the Saint and the government's established and the government's established with the United States and in this state the United States and in this state under the authority of the people under the authority of the people and that I will Faithfully I will faithfully impartially and justly impartially unjustly perform all the duties perform all the duties of the office of City Council of the office of city council according to the conratulations thank you all for very this is the first time I've sworn anyone into office so I apologize if I wasn't as smooth or I didn't have it memorized like some of my colleagues do um but it just shows the importance of Elections here today that we're all here today this is thetion of democracy right this is what we all do um and so just GL that we can celebrate democracy like this it's it's a good time so thank you guys for bearing with me tonight congratulations to everyone on all the hard work that you do for your constituents every day um local government is I think the hardest SL of government everybody knows who you are um they know who their mayor is um a lot of times people have no idea who their State Assembly woman is so um hear about it and you're you communicate with us so I'm very very grateful for all the work that you do and I'm glad I could here today to celebrate them thank you than you thank you for coming want some on your La do you want it on your no I'm not cold would you like lead us in prayer thank you congratulations want certainly oh Lord thank you for these elected officials that you have called to serve your people here in Egg Harbor City please give them your grace and the wisdom that they need as they begin this new year with their deliberations so that this city will be one where there is freedom for all people less poverty thank you for their commitment to you oh Lord give them all they need and all this we ask in the name of your son Our Savior Jesus Christ Our Lord amen am I don't think you need it but you can certainly use it say can see so [Music] BL stripes and bright stones [Music] so [Music] big S he we gonna have roll call Mayor and Petty Here Clark here D here doy here G here Heist here hessie here Keener here Timbers here right okay we're going to have a a motion for council president is there a motion for council president I'd like to nominate Joseph kener Jr I'll second it are there any other motions on the floor yes I'd like to nominate ingred nevas Clark I'll second it okay I will do a roll call and you can say the name of the person you would like this is for council president Clark Clark Dash Clark doy deer Galloway deer Heist Clark hessie kener kerer Timbers ker five to three ker is council president thank you I'm going to turn the meeting over to K for pro okay well thank you all I appreciate the confidence and the support from all of you to uh give me this position for tonight okay now I'll call for a motion for president protemp I'll make a motion Carl Timbers I'll second I'll make a motion Donna Heist I'll second okay a motion has been made for Carl Timbers there a second for did you second it yeah uh and one for Donna Heist and second it I'll do a roll call the name Heist or H Clark Heist Dash Heist doy timers Galloway Timbers Heist Heist pessy Timbers Keener Timbers Timbers five Timbers three councilman right just V make a note that councilman right just entered M over here okay the next is a resolution to appoint uh City attorney have a motion I nominate Parker McCay second I nominate C and Costigan second that okay any other motions okay me roll call same way Clark cigan andan dashan and cigan Doby Parker MCC Galloway Parker McCay Heist C and Costigan hessie Parker and McCay hener Parker McCay Timbers Parker right C five for Mar McKay is been appointed City like to introduce Chris Orlando from Parker McKay come up Chris please just want to introduce yourself for a minute I'm sure for everybody who hav't me um CH partment okay I look forward to working with everybody make sure everybody gets C cont information here to work with everybody so and I look forward you thank you thank you thank you okay number eight um resolution to adopt the rules and regulations so Robert's Rules of I have a motion so moved second moved by Dash timers motions been made in seconded all in favor opposed I have it Okay resolution to name the newspapers for advertising the Atlantic City Press and The hamton Gazette you have a motion motion second uh any other all okay all in favor opposed I okay a resolution for the council meeting dates have a motion I'll make a motion second motion made seconded all in favor opposed I have just a a quick note on the meetings uh we did set out the whole year on a calendar that I'll send to you on email and uh there's some that are um we could have it or might not it depends on the month so okay uh number 11 is resolution for the 2025 cash management plan I make a motion second motions been made seconded question on the motion all in favor opposed i7 a number 12 resolution for the interest rate tax motion don't move second motion made and seconded question on a motion no questions all in favor I opposed I have it um resolution for interest rate for the utility make a motion second motion made in second any questions we need that I was Wonder okay all in favor I I opposed resolution passes okay number 14 resolution authorizing Accelerated Tax sale for 2 2025 second motion made and seconded any questions all in favor I opposed resolution passes number 15 authorizing tax assessor for making Corrections so moved second motion made in seconded any questions all in favor I opposed resolution passes number 16 cancellation of property tax overpayments for delinquents less than $10 make a motion second motion made in second any questions all in favor opposed resolution passes number 17 carryover Municipal all fees from 2024 unless Changed by Council motion motion second questions all in favor I opposed resolution passes number 15 or 18 starting to get BL um public agency compliant officer Meg steep have a motion sove motion made executive all in favor opposed number 19 there housing officer Meg steeve second all those in favor opposed resolution passes resolution for special events Atlantic County roadway Atlanta County to be named additional Ur motion second motion made and seconded all in favor opposed resolution passes number 21 resolution to authorize city clerk to approve Bingo and raffle applications submitted in a corber city by qualified nonprofit organizations licensed by the state New Jersey legalized games of chance Control Commission motion second motion made seconded all in favor opposed I have it uh number 22 resolution granting tax assessor the right to approve pilot abatement applications M motion second motion made seconded all in favor all post number 23 that approves um number 23 temporary budget motion second second motion being seconded BR call Clark yes Dash yes Doby yes Galloway yes Heist yes hessie yes keer yes Timbers yes right yes number 24 20 25 salary resolution for non-bargaining personnel motion second motion made in second in roll call Clark yes Dash yes doy yes Galloway yes Heist yes pessie yes Keener yes Timbers yes right yes okay for a professional appointments will all be by roll call so number 25 is to appoint our auditor there a motion Bowman and Company second I motion Ford Scott and Associates second motion maid seconded for Bowman and also for Ford Scott so roll call the same way right yes Clark Ford Scott dash Ford Scott doy Bowman Galloway Bowman Heist Ford Scott hessie Bowman ker Bowman Timbers Bowman right Bowman six Bowman three for okay number 26 resolution to appoint labor attorney motion I motion blay donu and Weinberg second motion made in seconded roll call um Clark uh Lany Don and lber dash blany Don there's only one do blany Don G yes he yes Lany Keener yes Timbers yes right yes Okay resolution for development attorney motion Parker McKay second motion maid and seconded roll call any other motions roll call Clark yes Dash yes doy yes Galloway yes Heist yes hessie yes Keener yes Timbers yes right yes okay number 28 app Point Bond Council motion Parker McKay second any other motions roll call Clark yes Dash yes doy yes Galloway yes Heist yes pessy yes keer yes Timbers yes right yes number 29 resolution to appoint forclosure attorney motion uh Damon Tiner second motion made for Damon Tiner any other motions yes I motion Mar mararo Law LLC a second okay motion made for Maro and also for D time so br Maro Dash Maro doy Galloway Tiner Heist Maro hessie Tiner Keener Tiner Timbers Tiner right Tiner number 30 appoint city engineer I'm sorry yes sorry Sor jumped ahead uh number 30 appoint city engineer motion I make a motion to appoint runnington vernett second motion made in seconded any other motions roll call Clark yes Dash yes doy yes Gallow yes Heist yes hessie yes keeners yes timers that was Tim right yes number 31 appoint city planner motion I make a motion second to to appoint mington and ver for planning motion made in secutive any other motions roll call Clark yes Dash yes doy yes Galloway yes K yes pessie yes Keener yes Timbers yes right yes number 32 appoint risk management consulting motion uh di austino agency second motion made in second and any other motions yes I'm motion hardenberg Insurance Group second motion made in second for hardenberg roll call the the other way um Clark hardenberg Dash hardenberg doy deuso Galloway de austino Heist hardenberg hessie Diago Keener Diago Timbers Dio right heo okay great number 33 um appoint Health Management Consultant motion I make a motion to appoint Brown and Brown for Health Management second second motion made seconded any other motions yes I motion hardenberg Insurance Group I'll second motion made second for hardenberg roll call Clark hardenberg Dash hardenberg doy Brown and Brown G Brown and Brown Heist hardenberg hessie Brown and Brown hener Brown and Brown timers Brown and Brown right Brown and Brown Brown and Brown will be Health Management Consultant okay number 34 Point Grant consultant motion I make a motion to point second motion made and seconded any other motions roll call Clark yes Dash yes doy yes Galloway yes Heist yes pessie yeser yes Timbers yes right yes that's unanimous right yes I'm okay uh number 35 appoint arborous consultant motion Jerome bararia second motion made and second it any other motions roll call Clark yes Dash yes doy yes Galloway yes Heist yes pessie yes hener yes Timbers yes right yes all in favor okay uh number 36 motion to advertise resolutions on January January 8th 2025 some moved second motion made in seconded all in favor oos does that have to be that have to be okay uh number 37 appoint registar Meg Steve 2025 to 2027 make a motion motion made in seconded all in favor I opposed I have it next steeve you got the job couple more here number 38 resolution to appoint Deputy regist Jack Jack willim young 2025 to 2027 so moved second motion made in second are all in favor I opposed you have the job to resolution to appoint Deputy municipal clerk Jack Willen young 2025 to 2027 motion second motion made exective all in favor iOS okay um number 40 resolution to hire temporary part-time Public Works manager and authorized contract second motion made and second it is question on a motion I have a question okay I'm just wondering where we came with up with the hourly rate for that part-time position that was great that when the committee met with him that what committee met with him it was um May Finance members Finance members from 2024 no being on the finance committee Yes again you know yes but it was done in 2024 where were the 2024 committee members when you were interviewing this person for this position being being it was done in 24 I'm also on the finance was on the finance committee just was just the three why wasn't it done through Finance or Public Works isn't that the way it's supposed to be done legally if you're interviewing for a position in a public works position being we are a committee run City Chris legal opinion um the 2024 Finance I not show one one was the interview state just like last week in 2024 we didn't lose our position till midnight of 31 I think ultimately the mayor and Council people that rest Council who to vote who to vote for make a recommendation I motion or not the council that's not answering my question my question is why was it why was the interview done with 2025 F 2024 and no other 2024 finance committee or Public Work committee members why was it just the mayor and one I think the the question was whether they had the authority to do that my answer was yes well how was scheduled and what the person scheduled and obviously I wasn't here but it was okay well you're going to meet with him tomorrow right yes but this is being approved Finance I was on Finance in 2024 so was I and that's what I'm asking because he was met with in 2024 so if it was done the opposite and you weren't included in and it was at $85 an hour you would have a question on it also I'm just questioning because I have that right to question certainly I guess the question is why were we excluded from that conversation well it wasn't my suggestion so maybe you well if it was a business we don't have a business administrator so I received the application I imediately scheduled an interview um we didn't really appoint him at that point in time and I did send the contract out to everyone I forget Monday Tuesday for them to review and I haven't heard anything back from any of the finance people at all and then I scheduled another meeting on Friday for anybody who wants to come as long as we're in with a sunshine um law and Donna was the only one that responded that's because you scheduled them at the last minute in the middle of the day and a working day well it was actually Tuesday I think and the meeting was Friday yeah yeah I need more than a couple days to take off the day work the question is why weren't we brought into the conversation as the fact that we don't have a business administrator I just did the interview and they just happened to be here that's all and you know Joe's elected he was um elected you know but not appointed not appointed and then that's on finance committee she she asked to go so I was just planning on doing it myself and then sending out the information I certainly can't hire him myself but I can interview him myself just to add something to this I would say that um this is the same guy that we just appointed as our arist so my understanding is that he already Works councilwoman Galloway who knew him and recommended him for arboris uh when we heard that our Public Works uh superintendent had re resigned that she recommended this guy so that's where that came from but other than that and you all received his resume which you can see he has extensive background in government he's been in administ that's not I'm not questioning I'm not questioning his ability to the job I'm questioning the county uh Park system so he's got a lot of credentials he's not a fly by night he's my turn I'm not questioning his ability to do the job that's not not my question my question is why if it was done in 2024 and it was done with committee members it should have been the committee members of 2024 or in my opinion it should have been held over and done in 2025 with the new committee members whoever they may be well the pay I think is what you're questioning and we would we weren't paying him in 2024 I don't think the pay is what you're questioning I'm questioning where you came I questioned how you came to the pay and was told that it was done by so then the next logical question is well who was the committee being the 2024 finance committee members were not there they were nette just Steve me and Joe Richie actually I would say this is more of a public works um committee okay that should I was the chair of Public Works I was not included in it in that either way so it's either way I was excluded well I think it at this point in time whatever happened happened and maybe it should have been handled differently and it wasn't uh however we're at a point now where uh our Public Works director is leaving and we were looking for somebody to we are looking for somebody to oversee that department while we're looking to hire a full-timer for that so it's a temporary position a month maybe two and uh this guy comes highly qualified as far as his experience from what I've seen and when we do do the round of interviews which we've already gotten how many applications make four six six of course the Committees could be include on that it could be finance and Redevelopment or it could be public works or it could be both thank you I I appreciate explanation this is just a temporary position because with the holidays that were involved when I got the resignation from Keith or Meg did was was a very small window so I acted hastily maybe two hastily but I jumped on it because I didn't want to leave the city without Supervision in public works because we have snowstorms coming up we have all kinds of things coming up and I you know I that's I'll take responsibility for it appreciate that thank you okay any other questions okay there's a motion made and seconded roll call Par no dash no Doby yes Galloway yes Heist no hassie yes Keener yes Timbers yes right yes okay um Council appointments or you just gave me that can you pass these out that way these are committees I'll give them is this a resolution or no no are just yeah we'll be so when you have reaction please pass it back okay uh entertain a motion to approve these committees once you get a chance motion second motion made and seconded can we just have a second because this is the first we're seeing and if that possible yeah this is I don't even know do we need a motion for this resolution to for Council committees Council committees yeah it's just yeah if you don't if it's a council action okay I'm confused Carl you and I have the same color close it's close here Jack there's only a certain amount of colors in the rainbow yeah worst purple green they call it green thank you anybody else question all right we have a motion made in second all in favor oppos I off okay mayor's appointments okay so um NCI Sergeant Matt Landini utility committee right doy Dash Cemetery Board of Trustees Marie Johns Egg Harbor City municipal land use board mayor's representative Stefan Keener Egg Harbor um mun M Municipal official John G fireman uh board class four member George brick alternate one class one or class four rather Dennis McKenna alternate to class for Ed Dennis the NPP members and I will remind everyone that the NPP is also run by the EDC um so I get to appoint U members and Karen Mak her suggestions and Karen suggested her appointments to that committee so the total committee will be Karen Adams Grant coordinator the mayor Joseph Keener Jr Kim hessie nette gallay Mark ammer businessman Steve Petros businessman and also Keith molo he's not on the list but I did add him and for the EDC side of it we have Chris Costa the president Keith Adams the vice president chief chief of police treasur and that does it for the I guess my apps so is it customary to not have the comments at the end or yes yes okay motion to adjourn motion second second motion made in second all in favor I oppos oh yeah after this we're headed over to the Firehouse restaurant onia Avenue it's uh cash food and cash B if you would like to attend I didn't know