##VIDEO ID:e7O8boDuUbs## an all right like to thank everyone for coming out to September 19th 2024 regular schedu council meeting tonight's a very uh exciting night we have two presentation well one presentation and one promotion happening so with that uh call to order this meeting has been properly advertised and posted in accordance with public law 75 chapter 231 may have a roll call please may Penny here at teni here Clark here Dash here Galloway I am here he present pass here timers default here Richie here have motion to approve the minutes from August 15th make a motion all in favor any needs all right anybody from the public have any comments on agenda items only once twice all right mayor the floor is yours for your first presentation well good evening everyone it's so nice to see everybody out tonight um first and foremost uh which has been a very long time coming our citizen of the Year word okay so years ago the kuas club used to have their annual citizen of the Year work and unfortunately due to a lack of volunteers anymore they couldn't do it anymore so I have picked that up to do every year it's usually done in the fall so this year's citizen of the Year award goes to George unfortunately George could not be here tonight to some health issues but we do have some family members and whoever would like to come up please come up Absolutely I'll it so I first met when I left with City Council in 2006 and I worked very closely with them on a lot of projects I don't know if a man that has you know worked as hard as she has for so long for the citizens of a Harvard some things that I remember are um used to do the cleanups all the time he always CLE up he that's been along somebody else in his room and um he also his his life passion was to renovate the Buffalo out the playground which looks looked the same since I was in kindergarten there and finally one year we were able to do it and we now have Kaboom play bre that was the driving force on that it was a wonderful Community effort we did a lot of fundraising we did a lot of meetings and now it is officially known as the George Memorial playground so also he was very involved in kre I mean Kanis he SED the Kanis club or kre club inar I'm sorry it's been a while um so lots of good stuff he was always involved in his school was always at the Sprite school doing stuff with the kids wonderful board school board and I have all that on here so I just say a couple things that I personally remember about whereas Geor Mor and his wife hary Lou settled in harber city where they five children George James Frank William and L whereas throughout his entire life George was committed to serving his family community and County he is a veteran of the Korean War and a former member of the following organizations a haror City Board of Education a haror city's zoning board Boy Scouts of americais as the president P also as the president and more more over he was the founder of the cedar heat bu and of the beat new g bug bring up grades program at the Charles elri Elementary School whereas George has always worked hard to maintain and approve Rec Memorial playground was built and many improvements were made to Le Memorial Field whereas in addition George fa Faithfully participated in many Citywide events including the Dare Olympics the annual Citywide cleanup parades and various other celebrations whereas throughout his tenure as Juan's President George was not eligible to be fully recognized and honored for his many accomplishments and years of service to his commun as such the residents city council and I would like to do so now therefore be it resolv I Dr Lisa jetti mayor of a Harper city named George a Harper City's 2024 citizen of year and Proclaim this day September 19th George Mor day in a city all the stuff that need to get done I [Music] nobody I don't need a microphone I just uh wanted to read a letter here that was written to George and this will say everything in the letter you know what George is all about uh I wanted to let you know how thankful I am for you allowing me in your world of giving in community involvement you have shown me how to give back and to get involved in common good of our community although I do more I know without you done less when I was younger I really did not see or appreciate what it means to become Civic to be involved and help and donate time and effort to a cause is truly a generous trait that you have taught me I watched from a distance how organized and conscientious you were you made sure that the things we were doing were so important and a priv you put the community ahead of yourself this unselfishness is god-given and you exemplify this profoundly as I get older and see the impact you have had and feel the gratefulness of having been a part of your foresight and civic pride I need to let you know how for you have been the kids of a haror my kids my family and me sometimes it is not how much you give but how you give it and how much you care you truly are an inspiration to me uh for all that you have done and the way that you have done it I wish we could do more to let the city of a haror know what a giant you were in the recreational educational and Community you were the key and key R so I'd like to say that was written by Dan MC on the board of kre and he wrote that to George so ending so today we the community and kre members congratulate you George on being the citizen of the Year 2024 and we are to truly thank and appreciate you for all that You' have done and for the use of a Harver City yeah you know I was involed and all the prre members are all here standing in the back involved in so many projects that over the years years our president and basically you know he would come up with the project he'd lead us into the jobs that we had to do and he was instrumental in what you see there today that's why playr was dedicated in his name we had fet projects we put roots on the bab rotth dugouts we put Roots new construction up the little leag field uh redid the building made store Pro Geor biggest accomplish was playgr and he was so proud that playground and when we got it done he just was thrilled to death about that and that's why we had dedication for George and dedicated the playground his name so I just like to say thanks to the moral family and thank you George God bless you I next the next event we have is a commotion and iseen Captain Z probably the most important thing to do is get this paperwork wax the car [Music] I state your name I car you somly swear swear that I will support the Constitution that I will support the Constitution of the United States of the United States and the constitution of and the constitution of state of New Jersey the state of New Jersey that I will bear true faith that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same and allegiance to the same and the governments established and the governments established in the united states in the United States and in the stat and in the state under the authority of the people under the authority of the people and that I will Faithfully partially and partially and justly perform and justly perform all the duties of all the duties of City according to the best of my ability to dep and I know the laundry this is Zach's favorite part I'm G to keep it short because I know to be here it has been amazing um it has been an amazing journey over the last 16 years we started the academy together um and I feel honored to have worked beside Zach for this entire time he's an asset to the community um being not only in the volunteer fire department uh from longer than he's been police officer but also being an integral part of the police department you really is strong silent backbone of the department as a crisis negotiator um as a an ARS investigator and as the unsung hero I would just like to take this time to thank Zach for all these years of service and to congratulate him on very very well Ser I just want to um thank the mayor May thank the chief thank all counsel thank all my family and friends and coworkers for you know believeing me and all the support is so on August 26 the EG har City Police Department was right on August 26 the egg Harver City Police Department was notified that an armed robbery suspect was in route from Atlantic City by the train station 2 a City chief Captain Zack Perna officer Dar Fonville Brian entered the train and took the man into custody the man was in possession of a loaded handgun and was placed under arrest now I may have not I may have not gotten all those details that that the news release said so you can f me in on that but let's think about what happened these guys went on a train that but they went in job do so that story before I have to say I was just in I was just peripheral I was outside of the train these guys really did um handle have potentially been devastating for both uh people on the train and the City of EG Harbor and for themselves um and and did their jobs really really amazingly and fortunately we were able to Bill and FNA specifically were able to subdue the subject um without any harm to him anybody on the train or themselves so it's really commendable and then to have it all pwned off on us by Atlantic City and Transit Police even though it was not really our issue we still handled it um because we citizens City so with that I have and Leadership present each chief forc mention leadership team for extracting an armed criminal from the Train on August 26 [Music] 2024 officer fville certificate of recognition for bravery present to officer D darl Bondville extracting of an armed terminal from the Train on August 2624 the city fly with the certificate of recognition for bravery present to officer Brian McKenna for extracting criminal from the Train on August 26 2024 at the a haror city train oh the chief had requested that she read her report after this go you can foro your report go out and enjoy than I turned it on no they're all one I turn them Ang we're g to be deal with noise for a little bit that's okay with you I'm not read off the typical numbers like that but I did want to address one thing that has been reoccurring here in the city regarding Harbor Fields um had few incidents at Harbor Fields um one incident was a viant situation where there was a a resident or an inmate that was injured because he was throwing Furniture our officers and off town have to respond building help um the riot another incident following a barric subject where they were holding a hostage um this has been a continuing issue with uh the jenile Justice Commission not properly Staffing um Harbor fields and is creating an issue I have had multiple meetings with the sheriff's department whose purview it actually is it is County run building um or County owned building which is run by the djc the Juvenile Justice uh commission um with the Atlanta County prosecutor's office the sheriff's department um the county executive mayor Jan Betty has written letters to the county executive and the County Administration um expressing dismay over what is going on there um in my estimation it's only a matter of time before there is an escape if things continue that way so I just wanted to let everybody know that we are actively working on finding a solution I know that the director of the public safety director from the county uh uh Fedor has been meeting with the county architect to see if there is a way to have an Annex on the acjf um the Atlantic County Justice Facility it's just in its infancy um I have expressed very emphatically that I think that most of council would not be in favor of expanding Harbor Fields considering it is in a residential area um it has been a tax on us as a police department because it is in our jurisdiction but I just wanted to make everybody aware of what's going on there is a mandatory meeting that the prosecutor has called for all of the police Chiefs in the county to go to on Monday um because there have been issues with uh and this is throughout the state uh not accepting juveniles in various places they don't have the Staffing to accept the juveniles so it's at the point where if a juvenil is placed on a warrant and you know it takes a lot for a juvenile to be placed on a warrant there's no place to put them um so I just wanted to make Council aware that that's what's going on behind the scenes that we are actively looking at it um and and trying to address the situation as best as we can I have um you know I'm in constant contact with the County prosecutor with the Sheriff's Department um and then we do have the support of our neighboring jurisdictions in the event that something does happen um we're planning I did speak to Chief oonu from the sheriff department he is the chief sworn law enforcement officer there um we are going to be doing an exercise uh just to go over and make sure that we are all fully prepared in the event of an escape um so that will be upcoming but I just wanted to make everybody aware of that because you know it's right in our backyard it's an issue um and we are adjus so that's enj your night all right moving on uh Mary your report yes uh a while back L Shaw our tax collector had uh sent me a contact for Santander Bank to see if they were interested in possibly the Ocean First Bank I reached out to the gentleman and unfortunately they are not pursuing any building any banks or opening any banks and I'm sure you guys watch the news you see that's a trend all over the state of New Jersey and other states no banks so unfortunately nothing there um the S Jonathan satcher the uh Tower site project is going along well um he did send some pictures of some architectural designs that he had which are very impressive I believe Ryan and I if you saw that email we're GNA meet them meet with them next week to get some um discussion with the de and a few others to try to get a grant to clean up the landfill for him that would be very helpful so keep me posted on that um I applied for a the New Jersey American water grant for the fire department um and we did receive it we received $2,500 unfortunately the $2,500 will only buy three radios so but every little bit helps and you all have seen the email today or text message from Karen Adams that I received a letter from the uh Pinel lands from director Chuck Horner and they have approved the lot on Philadelphia Avenue for the park and I'm sure Ryan will talk more about that and that's all I have all right thank you uh moving in chair committee uh committee chair reports so Finance Redevelopment we had a finance meeting we're currently in negotiations with the PBA we're sending a c early the mid next week and the the counter and to meet with their legal and their shop steward to further the negotiations and hopefully come to a resolution prior to the year end code enforcement there's been some issues but they're being addressed immediately which is great um by our code enforcement we started a year off rough um but they're continue to move in in the right direction with that we also discussed at the finance committee meeting that Meg if you could read vertise a full-time code enforcement officer um moving forward uh we want to get that back we want to get that read advertised and hopefully get that person hired and in place prior to your end uh I think that's pretty much it with those two uh councilman D anything for safety nothing for safety uh councilwoman Heist Public Works nothing uh councilman Anon see property Parks playgrounds and School Board um property parks and playgrounds is gonna have a meeting I'm hoping sometime in October I'll send an email uh just to do uh the season end of the leak wrap up and try to touch Bas with Dave Ben from the campground um just about how this last summer went um and then looking forward to the next season so I'll reach out to everybody via email know and get some dates that work for everybody and then board education had a meeting last week board ofed is forming a um well the school is forming a Special Education team uh and looking for parents to be a part of it so if there's anybody that wants to be involved in helping out with increasing special education um increasing the community involvement with special education with the schools uh they are looking for community members that want to be involved they can reach out to the school directly and then we'll get you hooked up with when the next meeting is going to be that's all I have thank you Council right Anthony uh Council Clark license ordinance uh we are scheduled to have an ordinance meeting on September 25th at 6:30 okay thank you councilman Timber not here beg anything with you no uh councilwoman asie roing I just want to reiterate the cat Drive is going on and we have a box out in the War uh it's going on until November 1st so which just gently used um coats hats gloves um that's all I have on that and the other thing is the holoween parade if anybody is would like to be in the Halloween parade all of the information is on Facebook site as well as on bover City's website all I have thank you councilwoman Galloway sustainable yeah I have several things here the um I was able to attend the polygon microplastics containment uh pilot project at the acua last week um they they're um they formed a company and created these silicone like they're like fingers almost excuse me that will uh extract microplastics from the water that has been already been treated and before it's discharged into the ocean and it was really impressive to see these um Princeton grad uat it was a graduate program um it was their the thesis and so forth so it was really good and uh I I discussed it with our Green Team and we're supporting an ordinance that would require contractors to um use containment uh procedures to prevent microplastics from getting into the ground into the storm water system and which eventually you know gets out into the ocean so if we collect collaborate you know with our storm water and our waste water uh we can clean up the planet a little bit um New Jersey American water has a bottle Filling Station Grant available it's a simple form I think Jody you you have copies of that yeah actually have Brian and I were just talking about it well I checked with kyre I thought we thought kyre would be the best spot for it but they're they don't think it's the prog location just so I was wondering if there's another location where we can can get it maybe here at City Hall City H or theor right where we took that great yeah that would be great us that we could support that with getting the reusable water bottles that they can use to with the sustainable City I don't know we have any left remember we bought we got some years ago well they're in your office if you have um what else here um anyone interested in learning about Arbor culture is invited to um attend this New Jersey state shade tree Federation conference in Atlantic City it's October 17th and 18th uh we've received a small Grant from the state of New Jersey to pay the fees which are considerable um so if anybody's interested just let me know uh we're getting ready to submit our list of attendees to the state uh for approval um what else U the we engaged our arborist recently and he drove around town we looked at several spots um he reviewed the 300 blocks of Liverpool Avenue and sent a report to U the engineer uh where any trees that are removed were required to replace one for one and uh we're also planning a full tree planting project on the 400 and 500 blocks of Cincinnati Avenue which is Barron Wasteland land of there's like two trees on the 500 block so uh the Arbors came up with a nice um mix of trees that were we're looking at installing and uh the other thing that we're working on regarding the tree Grant is to conduct a uh comprehensive tree inventory and software a companion software program that'll go along with it where uh the contractors and the city employees Engineers anybody who does anything with a tree if we get requests from residents uh can keep this inventory updated and you know publish work orders and so forth so it'll be really good and we're working to get bids on the those uh the package software and the inventory package and next week we have at least one member here of our Green Team um our our meeting next week will have to be rescheduled because I Haven worked that day so we'll have another meeting another date and I think that's it all right thank you thank you Joe do you have anything um I just wanted um Council there we had I think we briefly talked sent out an email about the National Fitness campaign the application if interested f for next year is due October 1st so we want to have try and apply they did find um the Green Acres Grant they believe will be a good Grant we can use to supplement the balance there is a 30,000 match City would have to put up so applying doesn't really lock us if we're not absolutely like stuck doing anything but obviously that would you know be the first step is doing the application but I just wanted Council to know all the requirement so um if it's something we want to move forward with it is due pretty soon we want to do a motion what would the grant pay for it would pay for um the equipment for the um Studio yeah so uh application by October 1st what's the award date time frame um it would be sometime in 2025 kind of like it wouldn't really be if you're applying now for the 2025 for a what's the cost for trying and to apply 15 7 1750 any thoughts comments person I think it's a great idea you should apply for anyone else good idea we need it all right anybody I'll make that motion c will call please atan yes Clark yes stash yes Galloway yes Heist yes pessie can I just ask how much is match again the minimum match is 30,000 30,000 the grant range from 30 to 70,000 and then the minimum match 30 and for the balance however the sit is there a location for this facility it's a Rotary Park where Park where're at a vote right now so can we continue with the vote see yes right yes Richie yes anything else for everything oh I just also wanted to to slight Council know that the resolution we did at the last meeting to apply to the um local Finance board for our c laer um application so was localed last weekend all right thank you may you have anything I do not all right Ryan miss you bu one planned absence and one unplanned absence not a lot of fun glad to be back um so I'll just go over a couple things um if you haven't driven by excuse me we started uh reconstruction of Liverpool Avenue the one in 300 blocks that started last Thursday I believe uh they distributed door hangers they started the curve uh in 300 block on the South Side so they're kind of working back down the street um for the 4500 blocks Buffalo we are uh that we got dot funding for that um we are we completed the survey we're doing the design now I just walked it today with the junior staff who's doing the design um the Brownfield Redevelopment applications all went in um and I believe you guys had the presentation from Mr day um so I know that he he discussed hsrf applications um which are grant funding to do investigations in site and the advice I've kind of always given you guys is there's plenty of money for the investigations but there's not a lot for cleanup and that's the expensive part potentially um so it sounds like he has the ability to bring a developer to the table who would help you know offset those costs I did get one that request presentation but I have send me the information if you want me to share that yeah via email yeah that's fine it was another one just like that okay um but yeah I mean that's that's the key is partnering with someone who has Financial ability to you know lessen that burden with whatever you find um Capital landfill is never free um you know even if things are ideal it's it's still Lan I have a question on that yeah if we partner with somebody like that do they have a right to tell us what we do with the land once it's cleaned up because he mentioned something about a solar field but then he mentioned something about the credits of that solar field going to his company not coming back to the city or the residence so that is way I understood it what helps or that that's what makes the projects financially viable for them um they're able to finance it up front cover the costs and then make it back over time um they don't they can't dictate terms to you I mean it's it's a negotiation up front you guys agree to well how are we going to proceed and everyone agrees to the terms and then you move on from there um obviously if you do the investigation part you find out it's you know way worse than you thought or way better frankly um I would think you renegotiate those terms but um yeah they can't just dictate to you okay um yeah you you would move with the Redevelopment project and partner with them and then the Brownfield designat un if the city where to get that just opens additional funding opportunities uh the cap percent for funding you can get so it's would be very helpful we did submit for two of them one is the Gateway site which is the Acme site and the site across the street and Pa Castro site they full the gas station there um I think it's a total like eight Lots there and then the industrial park um the known landfill and then some other unconfirmed landfills all through the site um so we'll see how that comes back in I have a question uh as far as the solar field if he were to get that and get the money going back to his business do we get taxes on a solar field how does that work you generally do um he would have to negotiate a tax abatement if he wanted to leave the tax burden of the site it's not a huge rateable but it is a taxable site because it would be a in theory it would be a for-profit um Power generated facility okay so it's not a public utility it's not U it's like a pump station where you're not doing very much at all it would be something but it would wouldn't be a huge just a land basically yeah yeah well and I realistically with a project like that you're looking to relieve the city of the long-term burden of whatever the landfill cleanup is um you know to be Frank if you can get out of a land clean up without owing anything what else it's not going to be a big money maker but if you can break even you're doing really great um so you know we'll see um we've done a bunch of HSR applications for the city over years for NU sets um so you know we're certainly familiar with the process and we we'll get Mr David see what his thoughts are but his ability to bring in a developer is really the key to it someone who understands the process and is engaged in most of the time you talk to somebody we say oh we want to bring in on this landfill site we're going to need you to help pay for the cleanup and they want nothing to do with it um so bringing in somebody who is informed um and you know has done it before is is a good first thing and Ryan wouldn't that serve to um make those lots that we now can't sell sellable for now it depends on how the cleanup is workr if we were to delineate it and find that it's you know a very thin layer that's spread out we can excavate it and reclaim it then yes um to build on top of a landfill is generally not financially viable I mean is this a large scale project you know something like Bata is built on top of the landfill but but I think there were some buildable sites out there that we couldn't there there are a couple there a couple there are a couple that are not sellable because the waste is not clearly deleted okay so this process would at minimum identify the extents and then even if it said okay well these two are definitely not maybe three others we would have you know Clarity okay so so yeah there's that um the AR green projects which the mayor mentioned already um we just got a letter from Finance today which said they will recommend it for approval at the October 11th meeting which means it'll get voted on then and then it gets voted on again in November so we'll have a permit in November but kind so CL and also Gary and I have been working diligently to get the electric company to put in the poll yes that's needed there for light so yeah if they could set that before we have to put in service requests um that will defer cost with city um so we I know ke's not here I didn't have a chance to catch up with him but I know he was trying to quotes to see uh where the arch itself would come in uh whether we would break that out separately and then do the site um as its own project or just bid it all together um you know they're very different types of work but if it's all going to be the bid threshold I'll just bid it as one and do it as a single project um so I I'll have to talk to him to see where the quotes came in then um I think that's all I had is like real active stuff at the move um I have to follow up on the New Orleans Avenue subdivision um I it is my now my goal to get that before the end of this year thanks because that is driving me insan we get back writing recording um so yeah I will do everything in my power to make sure we have that by the end of this year because this do we ever um was it Pine you had to go to regarding the expansion of the Crusader stand yes so I need to meet with Mason still um as you know I've been a little jammed up um so I have an architectural like sketch I guess for what you want to do with the stand um so we need to come up with like the overall site development okay um I know from what I understand you guys might want to get away from the permanent bathrooms in the building so I may have quties out there well no we don't want to get rid of the bathroom I mean we use them because they have different functions that they use right but we I don't use them during football season just because yeah I'm the one that's got to clean it every 10 minutes um so we get but during like practice during the summer I open them up you know and then you know I think when flag football and stuff's out there different fun like smaller functions yeah smaller when the schools out there they use it for like their field days and stuff we open up the B for them all right well then maybe um maybe we try to get a little like pad for the porta potty so that they're something like that connect them to the pad things like that correct um but yeah I'll I'll try to catch up to the next week or to yeah that's fine something on paper get a try to I figured we can we the fence is up and scoreboard is up so that we can get rolling like pretty much after school you know after the season gets over it gives us whole winter to yeah you plan it out and spring exactly yeah uh the other thing is I know this is you are actually Jody upgrading the electric at C where are we at with that so we owe you a design proposal we're trying to do as much as we can under the current um Grant fund for the Ada accessibility we're trying to roll in as much as we can with that um but we still will do a separate proposal once we have some additional information for L El okay so I'll try to get that out um Bill Edwards is still the guy to go to for everything and we pressed a price from him for something L years ago the projects now been done for six months and like still well you know Bill's retired he was supposed to come back part time but Gary Gary doesn't think he's really um involved as much so he is we keep every time we ask for something we keep getting directed to him because we U we just m on the second phase bill will get it done he will he's stressed a little bit but he is stressed they're all stressed yes but yeah so we will once I have the information we need from him so better understand that's so anything else that we're missing that was in the processes anybody I don't know if this is right and the Deer Street property um we put it up bit a while back nobody bit on it then there were several people who expressed interest in buying it so I asked each one to give us a notice of pricing there was a higher price um and he said yes he was interested I sent several emails called them still said he was interested haven't heard from him in two months so we could either put it at to bid again don't really need to do the public can since we bid it once the public can just come in and give us pricing for it and then we try again so how do we get that out there um there's the paper or we could adver just something to kind of bring it back up to relevance you don't have to bid it paper all the bidding process again there as a notice that was yeah George um we could go through George we um in the past you know we've gone through Mr brick for sales and properties are there any continuous owners that might be interested no well we did the resolution you know that's what the resolution's for anybody interested listen for never put in with Mr frck we always just waiting on private people to come in and try to buy it so if you want we can list it with Mr Frick you put it I definitely do that I had to refus myself from but if do that resolution so uh motion by councilman right and second by I second uh councilwoman anony the roll call on that please atesi yes Clark yes Dash yes Galloway yes he yes pessie yes right yes Richie have seen we'll send it off to Mr fr to see how we do he's been very successful in the past but sound not yet thank you nobody has anything else for Ryan Angela okay so as as you all know we've had some trouble with the Hamington Municipal Court in dispensation of our code tickets so I wrote to the Hamilton Court and I told them basically we were going to seek um court services elsewhere and then uh basically I got lot of calls from everyone I'm all upset about it and so we've been going back and forth and ultimately uh just yesterday or today I forget but um yesterday okay so the court finally agreed to give us the following with all the things I basically requested the first most important thing is we're going to get a dedicated core uh code enforcement debt at least once a month probably be Tuesday and that's not just for us it's all for the other municipalities because everybody's complaining but nobody asked for a dedicated day so I told them the Central Court is going to implement a dedicated day Atlantic City was implementing a dedicated code day so now we got one too secondly the ANS weren't being sent to Jody on an expedited basis so I request that they be sent once a month so hopefully they apply and thirdly I asked for more Personnel so fortunately they got on the stick and they just hired a new clerk which is a good start I know it's expensive but they need folks over there so I put all that in writing I sent it off now we're good at least for 2025 and our contract is for 10 years the first two years years were embedded we had to stay with them for two years that was up and so that's why I looked into the next year and so next year we could revisit it we could decide if it's productive if it's going well um if not we'll try again I also looked at Galloway and Hamilton uh both of which are now with the Central Court so there wasn't much I could do with them and the other option was the Central Court which is was a lot more expensive so for now I think this will work out well for the city and I hope that the code enforcement to day is productive that's it thank you thank you all right moving on to the first resolution to approve the accumulated accumulated absences for officer Matthew Rex in the amount of $849.99 any questions or comments I have a motion move second roll call please that's yes Clark yes yes Galloway yes pessie yes right yes Richie yes resolution approving the agreement with ag City Board of Education for school resource officer any questions or comments yes sure how how will this work it's the just a renewal there's no change or anything like that we've been providing he's technically a employee of the police department but the school reimburses for okay any got a questions motion make a motion roll call at yes Clark Dash yes Galloway yes Heist yes pessy yes Wright yes Richie yes resolution chapter 159 local Recreation Improvement Grant $78,000 I believe this is for the Reconstruction of the tennis and pickleball cours correct y any questions comments may have a motion second roll call atoni yes Clark yes Dash yes Galloway yes he yes pessie yes right yes Richie yes number 19 resolution chapter 159 njbpu energy Implement implementation grant for $128,000 any questions or comments you have a question sure did we get a contract from them not yet no but I just want to be ready we got the award like we know the amount so at least this way we don't be in the budget and be able to any other questions a motion so move to Second roll call atan yes Clark yes Dash Galloway yes he yes pessie yes r yes Richie yes 20 resolution authorize a refund of a duplicate payment of a plumbing permit fee of $182 any question may have a motion make a motion second roll call yes Clark yes Dash yes Galloway yes Heist yes hessie yes right Richie yes 21's a resolution for a refund over payment duplicate uh property third quarter taxes about of $600 any question Mo have a motion make a motion any a roll call yes Sark yes Dash yes Galloway Heist yes pessy yes yes Richie yes number 22 is a resolution to renew liquor licenses July 1st 24 through June 30th of 25 lary retail consumption for the Wrangler license and ta liquor license LLC any questions or comments yes sure um the Wrangler is that y Catherine yes and ta is uh 327 Cincinnati Avenues we'll just a pocket license I believe it without looking I think it used to be the license from lobbies lobbies no I think it was the original one that was at the V all right um there's a the Eda came up with a new program they have a uh they're offering up to $100,000 50% of the purchase price for liquor licenses for for small businesses to buy liquor licenses right in once right so I'll send you the information we have the information that the attorney looked into it and we're still waiting for guidance from the attorney general it's supposed to the applications are on a rolling basis and it'll start in 2025 yeah so but I think you have to be in business for a year before you can apply but these two Li we looked it up they couldn't act on any of them because they're 1239 rulings that were already approved by the state to get Grant of the time wasn't that what we that until that expires right the Attorney General's office is still looking at the the legislation because they were unaware of it when got passed and so they said Hold Tight you know as soon as we look into it that was what February so we're still holding tight and hopefully by the end of the year we'll get some guidance yeah be great to let people know that that exists because might encourage some development it would yeah I agree all right any other questions may have a motion move all right all favor any need all right moving on 23 anybody like to make a mo right roll call right yes yes slark yes sash yes Galloway yes he yes pessie yes right yes Richie yes mayor the floors for your uh any last comments just to let you know that tomorrow is the uh Fall Festival Cedar Creek it's $5 the information is available on the official Egg Harbor City Facebook page and the varsity day is Saturday football starts at one o'clock and you should try to scan and get get your uh fast to get in there I I think that's they're still doing that everything there's no more the people yeah and that's all I have thank you thank he I have nothing Dash like to just congratulate Captain Zack first motion uh our G for her Exemplar work and the officers well right uh just let everything everybody know uh caders games have officially been on the road um taxi is one1 p is one1 JB's one1 Varsity is 2 and0 correction p is one0 and one oh yeah that's right1 one and one yeah um we take one on egg har Township this uh Saturday nship U hopefully uh I'm out a little Victorious I mean know not should definitely come out with a W and uh dve also I mean d i mean they played them in Jam Mar they H gonna be the game of the night um both undefeated um both Got Talent on both sides so uh it's going to be a heck of a game you guys want to come see a good youth game Saturday night might be Township so other than that uh that's pretty much it we're back home next week because sir thank you sir councilwoman anones um some of you know but every year I go to the Susan be com walk and I work the medical tents for them uh this year the medical staff was taken aside and we were asked to bring back to our communities our friends our jobs and any platform they have to remind people that um breast cancer is more than the color pink it's more than awareness it's making sure that you're going to get tested it's making sure that you're getting those resources that you need um it's one in eight for women a little less for men but everybody in this room knows somebody love somebody is somebody that has breast cancer so I just wanted to take a moment to use my platform to remind everybody to get their tests to remind their loved ones to go get their tests and if you need help with resources please let me know I am connected with Susan Boman and also with at Medical Imaging and I can help you whether you're insured or uninsured find some place to go get the testing that you need to make sure that you are catching it as early as possible because early inection is key thank you Council hassie uh I just wanted to say that there will be a drawing for uh for the Philadelphia Avenue Palm Trees um it will be held on September 244th right here at 1:00 uh The Palms will be dropped off on the 25th or the 26th uh they there'll be a phone call made prior and um we'll be putting the um B moms in and Michael will be he's he's our guy he takes out all the um all the Planters takes everything out of there and he's like really good at it so thank you Michael for doing that and um that's all I have to say oh and the drawing there's a box over at the at the clerk's office and um there's a little form to fill out with your name your phone number and your address so that way we will be able to call you and be able to drop them off that's all I have thank you Council in M clar um the Crusaders will be having their third annual trunk Retreat um fundraiser on Saturday October 12th from 6:00 to 8:00 pm at Crusaders field um you can get in contact with me if you'd like to set up a trunk we're always looking and we're always growing I think last year we had about 250 children showed up show up which was Triple what we had our first year um so we're always looking for more trunks we're looking for Comm uh community outreach and anyone to come in everyone is invited um and you can either email us at mean green Crusaders gmail.com or uh excuse me reach out to us through our mean green booster club on Facebook or Crusaders uh Facebook page thank you councilwoman G I just remind anybody who has any events going on in the month of October to please get me the information for the newsletter and I wanted to congratulate Zack bur on his promotion it's a big one and the members thank you to the members of the police department who are out there protecting us every day and doing heroic things lately so thank you that's it thank you before I turn it over to the public um I just want to say something so life comes at us really fast and we really need to cherish the moments that we have on a daily basis last week there was a devastating loss to the youth football Community um in our in our neighboring towns um if you guys didn't know football coach lwes life an 8-year-old football player lost his life all I can say is as a father as a first responder um that's something I never want to experience I can only imagine the emotions running through the individuals that had to experience so just take it day by day slow your lives down there's nothing that important in life to have to rush that much for something that tragic to happen seriously um and I'm saying that more so as a father than anything else so uh just keep those individuals in your prayers because it it really was devastating throughout the football Community within the communities so um to end on a good note congratulations to uh old Cathy Perna well deserved to the guy on males and females on Police Department you guys do a hell of a job so with that and we'll turn it over to the public anybody here from the public have any comments my name is Mark emmer I have AAL office forever I've been asked to appear today on behalf of Ray barier who is the president of the Kate a the Kate Atlantic model railro club they're looking to relocate one of their model train exhibits in a city and he would have been here today or you in the letter right not so he asked if I would do this on dist have what he wrote is here A Car City Council Members my name is R Bar I am retired 30 years veteran of the Summers Point Police Department I am the President of the cape Atlantic Model Railroad Club I was hoping to meet everyone in person so I could introduce myself and give you a short presentation about our model train exhibit however firir agent has prevented me from doing that so I'm hoping this letter will suppli in my absence our model train Club has been in existence for over 13 years we are a 501c3 nonprofit organization that currently do not have a permanent year round home our club is hoping the council members small business owners and citizens of aover city will welcome a new exciting interactive model train display with their Community for all to enjoy we are currently looking to lease a commercial property located to 244 Philadelphia Avenue for those of you don't know that was lind's office rent at office before we truly believe our club can bring value to your downtown area by bringing visitors from the Tri State area to your community our club is community oriented and work closely with our military veterans as an outre program as well as with the local Arc organizations when our organization is in summers point we work closely with the Summers Point Police Department the Summers Point P program faest celebration Summers Point School District where we organized field trips for their students our club also participated in collecting toys at Christmas time for the Wyatt Hopkins new Christmas to over the past three years we have operated an extremely popular secondary train model display at the K County Park up today's State youve drawn over 880,000 visitors during that time over the same period of time our club has operated an additional large holiday mod model train display at mcnorton Garden Center in Summer's point where we attracted 10,000 visitors with literally no publicity other than our own Facebook page the exhibit has 10 train buns the subway stration three trolleys excuse me 47 interactive push buts we also have a scavenger hunt for our visitors to complete which Drew over 900 participants the last two sessions both exhibits are free to the public and the only revenue generated for the club is from private donations unfortunately mcnorton closed their doors at the end of July 2024 and the club has no location to entertain the public with our large 16 by 25 ft interactive model train display our club consists of 20 of 33 members consisting of retired School teachers military veterans police officers Union electricians and Carpenters as well as retired railroad workers we would be open three to four days a week for four to five hours per day during the holiday season starting Halloween week through New Year's during our hours of operation three to four club members be on location at all times we expect no more than 18 visitors at one time during the off season we would open display sparingly to special run days based on the school district the city special events schedule in conclusion our club can guarantee these things to the community of a caror city our members will have outstanding community relations with your citizens local charities small businesses and the school district and your community would monetarily benefit significantly during the holid day season based on the foot tra our display would generate I appreciate your time and consideration this matter and hope I address necessary issues we our display I I met with these guys and saw the operation they have in Richmond I mean it's pretty it's pretty pretty impressive they're going to lease the building so even though they're 5501 C3 the city doesn't lose a tax base the city still the building still taxable and still pays taxes I personally don't see any downside to it they draw a lot lot of people that normally wouldn't be here and they're going to bring they work with the schools they work with all of the youth organizations um the thing that I would ask that I'm asking as as a as as a businessman here is that they're a 501c3 they have very little money they do everything off of donations they came in for some applications to the city already and I think it's like 2300 the city's charging them already in fees to come in I don't know if the city can wave them little bit of fees $300 to the city is nothing $300 $300 to a nonprofit make makes a giant giant difference it would be a welcoming way for for the city to say welcome to aor City that's fine we can't wave the state fees I'm sure talk when we waved is the zoning I don't know if there zoning I saw talking to see one was $125 one was7 because that's our fee the other fees are the construction right you could wave your fees right have in the p i mean yes that's up to council yeah I mean I think it would be a nice I mean first I think we need to see what the fees are well they well he wants to be in by October yeah I mean they're coming tomorrow to pay I know I mean I'm just well we they come in and they could pay the fees and then we could look at the fees and then next reimburse yeah we can reimburse if necessary I don't know if the construction officer reviewed the you know I think once you see once you see the operation you know each one and what they said to me what I thought was real cool was he said I'm Ray said I'm going to come down and I'm going to walk the street and meet all the business people and tell them if they want to give us uh their business cards if they want to give us menus they're going to set up an area in there to display everything from all the business people in the city so when new people come in to visit they can see here's a place I can eat here's a place I can go do this here's a place I can again I don't I don't see no downside so he asked me to bring that to you I'm sure when he gets a chance he'll come here personally and meet with you guys but which building was itd Lind it it years and years ago correct me if I'm wrong it was dor box it was it was dor box who owns that good who owns it Tom Tom a I've actually seen their display numerous times in songs it's an awesome display and it's interactive with the kids I don't have any issue with us waving fees and if the city can't wave the fees I'm sure a bunch of us be happy kick in and help with thank you very much on their beh y thanks anybody else from the public once y on twice second second any n everyone have a good night