##VIDEO ID:5-tWGrFoWfA## thought I was going to miss the Phillies game tonight but they took care of meeting good evening ladies and gentlemen you please rise for the Pledge of Allegiance Pledge of the United States of America and to the repblic for it stands one nation indivisible [Music] evening folks this is the October 15 2024 meeting of the municipal land use board and in compliance with the open public meetings act adequate notice of this meeting was provided by posting on the city hall bulletin board and by notification to our newspapers of record and I ask R to please make this announcement part of that record yes and Don if you would a roll call please mayor J Patty here Mr Timbers Mr Peterson here Mr Walker here Mr Bard here Michael McKennon here Mr mullo here Mr Keener here Carol Cola here Ryan M here and secretary here um we have minutes of September 177 meeting make a motion second second all in favor please say I I anyone oppos motion is carried thank you uh new business application 20244 Shore real estate 1225 White Horse Pike uh variance relief good evening Mr chairman mayor members of the board my name is mikae lario I'm an attorney at the firm of dmat Davis and Goldstein um here this evening on behalf of the applicant Shore real estate 1 LLC this is an application concerning property at 1225 White Horse Pike it's block 619 lot 11.02 it's proper in the HC Highway commercial Zone uh I'm sure many on this board may recall the applicant was before you in April of 2022 for the uh preliminary final major site plan application with variance relief in connection with the Demolition of an existing liquor store and residence and the construction of a new liquor store and residence that application was unanimously approved the building's currently under construction they're they're looking to open shortly and really the application before you tonight is bulk variance relief associated with minor changes to that approved sign plan and essentially when the applicant was before this board in April 2022 they sought approvals for a projecting sign from the building something that was almost perpendicular to the building that extended towards the White Horse Pike um what they are looking to do now is get rid of that projecting sign and in its place propose a freestanding identification sign what's interesting although the site is in the highway commercial Zone individual stores it's not envisioned that they they can have these freestanding identification signs it's in your ordinance commercial multi-tenant commercial sites are where fre identification signs are permitted not individual stores so we require variance relief for the size the height and the setback of this proposed freestanding sign but as you'll hear our our professionals testimony tonight we're actually very much in conform with what would otherwise be accepted If This Were a multi-tenant uh commercial building both as to area as to height there's a slight deviation as to the setback from the White Horse Pike that we'll speak more to but ultimately this is a sign that is very in keeping with what your ordinance envisions being along the White Horse Pike again as to size uh height Etc that really is the nature of the application before you it's a very straightforward application um again just seeking both variants relief no changes to the operation or any of the site improvements that were previously approved Mike what did you say was the only thing that they need a variance for so setback if technically it's area height and setback right but if it were a multi it would only be the setback from the White Horse Pike and then there's 12 Paris there is that side street so it would be from both of those thanks with me this evening I have the project engineer S schaer I have a representative of the applicant Dave neany and I have a representative of the signed contractor David Finch in case there's any questions as to the specific sign itself Mr chairman I can have everyone sworn in together or as they appear individually please okay so Andy start do you swear that everything you offered tonight would be the truth absolutely oh oh understood um and we can start with you certainly so I know you've appeared before this board sh I can have recognize are you sure if you could I think starting with the site just briefly just so everyone's familiar with with where we're talking all right as M lar said so we're sandwiched between 12 ter White Horse pight and S San Francisco Avenue which was the object of a number of variances I think we had to get on the site plan because we have three frontes which left us a little bit hamstrung in terms of finding a place to build any kind of building so we we got through that originally we were proposing a a sideway Sandwich Board type sign if you will at an angle sticking out from the building each face I believe was 20 ft each um and it was in my mind at that point in time replacing a freestanding sign because we didn't necessarily have an easy place to put one so it's been reau and we are proposing a sign NE light pole is um a 40 squ ft double-sided in internally illuminated which is very common up and down the White Horse Pike including other businesses that are single businesses with the free staining sign too not that that makes it o to us but it's common in this neighborhood to have a freeing sign both for multi-tenant buildings as well as single tenant buildings and the size I believe is on the smaller side in keeping especially when you consider the Dollar General which is a little CAD corner across the street from us which is much larger than the 40 s ft if this was a multi-tenant commercial space we would be able to have a sign of 50 square F feet I believe correct okay so we're actually below what we otherwise would be again we're trying to keep it balanc to the size of the site which isn't large so okay and then that 40 squ feet is the sign area the sign height is um 16 16 ft and again you need to part of the reason for that you need to maintain clearance below it in case somebody walks underneath it okay and the ordinance would otherwise permit for a multi I think it's 30 35 ft right a little we a little lower than that okay um it also requires it to be internally illuminated and you mentioned that this is internally illuminated and it also requires certain landscaping around the base can you speak to that which we already included Landscaping as part of the site plan approval I I hope it's in um but it's due to be in very surely if not okay now there is a requirement the sign be set back 20 ft from the road Frontage can you speak a little bit as where the sign will be and we are proposing 12 ft to the front edge of the sign um I've just learned tonight uh that a utility pole was place about 4 ft closer to the road right in 12 ter so we're probably going to entertain the idea of pushing that sign back a couple more feet to probably make it 14 ft rather than 12 ft so that the n fold doesn't block the view of the sign so all right um so again we mentioned that we required variances for the the area the height and and the setback from the the street frontages right can you speak a little bit as to again the positive criteria what we're advancing coming to so it it is common for this neighborhood if you're looking for a business uh to look and see the free St signs as a way to see it now the building does have an existing uh small front sign and side sign that were building mounted but it really could use more and I I I agree with the applicant that replacing I'll call them the Sandwich Board signs is going to make that more consistent with the other businesses in the area so as far as a negative I don't see any negative impact to the site because we are are all in a fairly well-developed commercial district and as far as a positive again um what in spite whatever the speed limit may be marked traffic moves at a fairly good clip along here and the larger signs that are consistent in your eye view with the other signs in the neighborhood I believe is very important from a public safety standpoint it'll help promote safe and efficient traffic that's correct yes now just so the board's clear I think the existing signs right now are indicated on the Frontage here and then there's one over the entrance correct now we were originally approved in 2022 to have a sign on that side of the building right as well as the sandwich board one okay and as part of this application we're not no longer proposing that instead we're going to move that the free stand sign will serve that purpose so the total sign package actually offers a lessening of the SP footage of signage but I believe a better and safer more focused in terms of free St sign where any what's that street on the top 12 okay thanks Mr chairman if there's any question questions for Mr schaer that any questions from the board that looks good we our original intent was to replace this light pole with a heavier pull and leave the light on top of it but since we've learned about this telephone pole I think we're going to put a separate pull and push it back at least two more feet so what should the resolution read the resolution should be 14 ft 14 ft from the right and perhaps we may push it back a little further uh once we get a definitive location for the sign so 14 ft or more correct 14 ft minimum is what we're asking for got it or 20 is required St from just you had an opportunity to review Mr mallin's review memo prior of this meeting I did and I have no objection to any of the [Music] comments chairman again unless there's any questions members of the board um I do have uh Mr NE Danny here and Mr Finch to speak if there's any specific questions from operation or the sign itself I have a question uh we were notified by a resident across the street across San Francisco Avenue that one of the lights in the parking lot that's closer to the sidewalk on the San Francisco side is shining into her bedroom okay we we certainly will address that the site plan originally um approved does require sight uh lighting Shades put on Shields put on so we will certainly good that's great thank you for how great will that sign be will she have a complaint about that's on the other side forun on the other side the residence we're talking about is here on the oppos side correct so you must have known about that no oh okay but I I do know that the original cine calls were seiling on the lights yeah and lot of times the shielding on lights while you can predict some of that you're going to miss some of it and need to come back and add some the property is beautiful you done a good job I I agree with that any other questions from the board just a comment the the the tree on San Francisco Avenue that is right out almost to the White Horse Pike uh I'm sure they would frown upon some people would frown upon you taking it down but it obscures the view of the building when you're coming down Route 30 Bad you you ought to consider trimming that thing way back because it would open up the whole front of that building and change the whole view coming down the like an inch off the ground back yeah or grass on top of it no other questions from the board make a motion we anyone from the public wish to comment on this application what reg report I mean it's a I I I know that they have to be here but it's a sign well we've all been around town a long time there was a freestanding sign there the entire existence of the old liquor store I'm glad you brought that point up I didn't forget that Harbor Liquors to have a big water sign F the ship in the bot in fact I think the setback on that time was probably negative it was and it had a large planer around it that wound up getting destroyed by cars trying to get I know the applicant I have many conversations about that you want to just replace can't this is a better location stay out way traffic we pull back by motion KN that Brian and the public haven't had a chance I'm a little over zealous tonight R show your record do you have anything to add with no I mean notless everybody has any other questions actually the one question I do have is um it stated a 6 inch thickness on the 5 in pole is that you think that's the accur something's probably wrong with that so okay so might the sign might be a foot thick or so but it shouldn't impact anything that was that was really I think they answered all the other questions answer okay no no public comment on this application John did you want to I'd like to make a motion we approve second roll call please Mar Petty yes no oh Sor we the zoning board tonight sorry [Music] am I allowed to sit up here huh am I allowed to sit up here Mr timers your counc so Mr timers can't vote either Mr Peterson yes Mr Walker yes Mr vard yes Mike McKennon yes Mr moleno yes Mr ker yes thank you thank thank you good luck nice project thank you I'll take this opportunity to thank you everyone you know been City been helpful support you best city in atan County I everybody's very helpful grand opening on Saturday right Grand open want each and everyone to Myers you please please do come your I asked you know want mayor please you know ribon cutting ceremony a invitation ran most helpful Ryan you every tired of my phone calls thank you thank you I just made it sh it was there forever yeah it was okay no old business is there a council report public comments this is Rachel's first planning board meeting as a married woman congratulations you're still smiling smile you should be on your honeymoon oh I was gone for two weeks uh oh that mean the retainer is going to go up I would like to make one comment a couple comments though we do have um the Fall Festival on Saturday and a lot of stuff going on on Saturday the veterans breakfast is on Saturday if you're not connected on the official Egg Harbor City Facebook page that has this seal on it um you should be because that's what tells you everything that's going on we got a lot of stuff coming up and I also um spoke to the uh je Jeff angelone from the uh Wawa property and they are seemingly ready to pursue um the marijuana distribution if if Council approves it and Ryan we talked about that and I believe um it would require something we I think we as a group approved that yeah it would require um an update to the Redevelopment plan and Council to permit an additional retail license in the HC Z on that property um so I think council is going to take that up shortly so hopefully we'll have that um coming coming on board soon and we have a a Chinese restaurant opening which you guys saw on Philadelphia Avenue and there's something else opening but I can train the train yes thank you a train uh Museum right the club I think yeah model train model TR platform display so that's good stuff and that that's all I have think what's the name of the Facebook page there's a whole bunch of different it's just the official egg haror City Facebook page I'll show you what it looks like I'm see I CLI it it looks like this carol see it it's kind of hard to find because was set up originally as a business and not a political organization I could try to send you a link thank you mayor U any public comment comments from any board members motion to adjourn second all in favor please say I thank you folks oh you know what you can do go on EDG Harbor city.org okay and there's a link to it click that you should be able to get to there's Facebook Instagram and also YouTube you know what I am a member of is the city Historical Society those pictures are they awesome aren't they they're from the old news news and somebody has access to those old pap all right