##VIDEO ID:d4sKKhuH3i8## farther west hello happy New Year like joest and then everybody oh you're GNA do that later it's it's here let's go like call to the flag of the United States of America and to the repic for which it stands one nation under God indivisible with liy and justice for all good evening everyone this is the reorganization meeting of the AC corver City municipal land use board and in compliance with the open public meetings act adequate notice of this meeting was provided by posting on the city hall bulletin board and by notification to our newspapers of record and I asked Donna to please make this announcement part of the public record yes uh let's do a roll call now Donna please mayor Patty here Mr Timbers here Mr G here Mr Peterson here Mr Walker here Mr moleno Michael McKenna here Mrs Torres here Mr brick here Mr Dennis pres Dennis McKenna Mrs Keener pres and Mrs hessie uh Ryan Macwan here Carol goloff and secretary here thank you Donna uh we're going to have a mes swearing in show uh if we could uh please bring forward George Frick Ed Dennis uh John G Stephanie Keener uh is Carl also Carl Timbers you all just can they do it from the sheet Carol they can they just need to stand up okay everyone raise your right hand I I do solemnly swear do swear that I will support the Constitution of the United States that I will support the Constitution of the United States and the constitution of the state of New Jersey and the constitution of the state of New Jersey that I will bear true faith and allegiance that I will bear true algi to the same and the governments to the same and the governments establish in the United States established in the United States and in this state and in this state under the authority of the people under the authority of the people and that I will faithfully and I will faithfully impartially impartially and justly and justly perform all of the duties perform all the duties of the office of of the office of planning board member planning board member of the city of well wall it's actually planed where you how do you call it her name yes L juice in EG Harbor City in a Harbor City saying city of a harbor which is wrong City according to the best of my ability according to the best my and you may add so help me God so help me God congratulations thank you hurt thank you everyone did send it to you much I don't know what to do okay you want to email it to me legal counsil that's what it's like yeah the legal council the board has met and uh we decided to uh stay with our same professionals that we have okay both engineering and legal coun U motion for U go off make a motion second second roll call Donna please Marin Petty yes Mr Timbers yes Mr G yes Mr Peterson yes Mr Walker yes Michael McKenna yes Mrs Torres yes Mr frck yes thank you very much okay you're welcome thank you Carol we appreciate your expertise ia uh motion for Ryan McGowan R&V I'll make a motion second uh roll call Donna please mayor Jim Patty yes Mr Timbers yes Mr G yes Mr Peterson yes Mr Walker yes Michael McKenna yes Mrs Torres yes Mr Frick yes okay election board officers uh chair I'd like to make a motion for Jack Peterson for chair second any other nominations all in favor please say I all I proposed thank you ladies and gentlemen co-chair Walker second all in favor please say I I anyone opposed motion is carried thank you congratulations Todd uh secretary nominate Donna second nefle all in favor please say I I anyone opposed motion is carried thank you um meeting dates as published do I need to read these Don into the record or it's the third Tuesday I I do uh I'm not going to read them it's it's on the agenda and it'll be part of part of the minutes okay suffice to say it's the third Tuesday of each month uh newspapers of record uh motion on the existing I make a motion we keep the same notices that's Atlantic City Press Hamilton Gazette and official a Carver City Facebook page motion second second all in favor please say I I anyone oppose excuse me Thee I think I did you did okay uh appr minutes meeting December 17 don't move all in favor please say anyone opposed no resolutions new business old Business Council report quick meeting under 10 minutes public comments anyone from the public wish to speak at this time do the two new members want to come up here and look down and see what it's like you're supposed to be sitting up here uh any comments questions from the board motion to adjourn all in favor please say I I folks thank you for giving your on this board meeting oh told you it gets better does Ed have a name plate still that she's like she's like see I did happy okay I got you thanks you picture last Happy New Year to you how are you well see I thought that that lot went around I thought it went all the I know where theek