##VIDEO ID:-KZGJW8XFxY## and therefore we the board had to pick a board president it is Mrs Tama Gilbert Floyd so she will be acting as the board president uh just for this meeting thise just for this meeting so I would like to call the meeting to order on Wednesday January 3rd 2024 notice of this meeting was emailed to the press and the mainland Journal notice was also delivered that day to the a corpor Township Clerk and posted on the bulon board in township hall can we have roll call please Mrs bonjourno here Mr Del Bara Mrs Gilbert Floyd here miss Hyman here Mr Ireland here Mr Price Mr Price is here Mr sey here Mrs suvin and Mrs sloi here at this time we going have the flag salute United States stand one na God indivisible andice that Y at this time we have the superintendent report hey good evening everyone and got me on Welcome to our September meeting and welcomed it back to school it kind of happened just like that and uh we're we're two weeks in we're we're going strong but just want to back up a little bit let you know that our opening day districtwide went wonderful not a glitch um and we're very very proud of that and proud of everyone that participated from students to teachers to administrators um to staff to help us you know open nice nice and smooth with not many glitches um this year's theme is uh welcome DHT our future is now um we opened our district with um central office and the board got to see um that evening as well as the staff during the day um how we relate things to the Jetson where way back in the 1960s they're talking on cell phones and doing Zoom meets and all kinds of crazy things and we're doing that right now so we want to move into the future um we welcome the students back uh with open arms each year as you know I ride the bus and I do an elementary rout middle school route um and a high school out and it's just um amazing to uh to sit with kids and the excitement of the day the excitement of the parents um and just building relationships on that bus ride from their neighborhoods to to their school um it was really neat I learned um some some new lingo uh I got to see some new fashion uh but overall it was uh excitement uh through and through bus driver included so we had a great time so um the staff also experienced some professional learning days um with new staff orientation in August we have staff professional development the first two days uh that the the teachers came back um and then from there we really stress the importance of building relationship so we had PD on building relationships how we can do that with each other with our students um and we also had PK in kindergarten orientation during those days so we had a lot going on a lot of preparation uh for this year um but the message is uh to embrace our students first the importance is building relationships and I reminded teachers this week as I write to them every every week um the importance of getting to know your students and your students getting to know um you as a teacher building that respect because that carries through the year carries it through the year with the relationship the kids have but also it carries through the year for the teacher in terms of if they have to to speak to a child as they teaching a child or redirecting a child um that respect is established so a few pictures ask principles to send me a picture of um the first couple of days of school and this right here is was playall complex um all the students were outside and when the principal sentence she said wow looking at a photo like this is amazing to see how many students are under our roof um just K to three in that complex uh Davenport is a picture of the principal they won the spirits stick Spirit uh Davenport won the spirit stick in our opening pep rally uh Miller School students Alder students and staff Fernwood and the high school the collagea was sent over the great things that this was just in the first couple weeks of school all right so just to reemphasize it's the beginning of the gear a superintendent letting the the community and the Board of Education know our mission is Embrace engage educate and what that means is building relationships providing relevance providing rigor in our classrooms don't ask me what that is there we go so the first word um that we focus on is Embrace and these are um the areas of what this year we are focusing on on so faculty and staff was this is opening day told to embrace your students Embrace their knowledge their skills their attitudes their values the cultures that they have here and their student voice so the month of September our staff our teachers are building relationships with students and walking around it's a pleasure to see um students involved in team building activities students involved in Sharing who they are what their interests are um not only with their teacher but their classmat so lots of smiles uh some great ideas the teachers had um with the students and um it's very encouraging to see that relationships are being built so the next piece is the engage piece of our mission statement and we are providing students with relevance and the areas of technology is so important artificial intelligence how to use it when to use it who can use it real world learning experiences and critical thinking we get to educate educating students Hands-On learning relevant research we want our students to do relevant research not busy work um rigor and challenges behind the education that we provide here in aover Township a tiered support system opportunities for students focus on Career Aviation and kindness right our goals for this year will still um basically stay the same in terms of the areas of student achievement Literacy for all stream education social emotional learning a focus on student needs uh climate and culture um which we are spreading kindness throughout the district and a stakeholder Partnerships but we have a collect collective commitment to all students um each month I will present to the board what's going on under under the student achievement clim cultur takehold of Partnerships um a superintendent at the end of the year usually does that but I like to do it throughout the year so that you stay AB breast of what's going on so just want to set that tone let the public know that's what goes on this would be an example right and and I think this example is a great example because it combines student achievement the climate and culture and the Partnerships that was established here so we have a group of feachers um who made a connection with the Longport um beast Patrol and they took our communicative adaptive students on a surfing trip and that happened last year it happened again this year and it was a great day and it was awesome to see uh the teachers working with the students with students working with the lifeguards and having the ability to try out um sport of Surfing so they had a great time took a team picture there um and it was successful uh overall so our 2425 Focus just so you know uh Board of Education and public what I shared with um uh teachers and staff the first day is really nothing new it's just collecting everything and putting it in one spot so we have a framework to follow and it starts with what I just went over is our mission statement we'll move on to S um which is a framework and then from the sore um philosophy framework framework there are three branches all right so the first branch is um should have sore there but the first branch is curriculum instruction where we have a tier support system in place that's called mtss and all students would be in the green we in their classrooms they are providing education it could be differentiated instruction um and meeting to student needs and relevant education but if a child is struggling at that level then there's a tier two where there's a different level of supports going in uh a deeper laser-like focus on student situation um and maybe just have to do things different maybe there's some resources that have to be offered um and then the third tier being the smaller tier where it's really really drills in on a student needs uh with the irrs team with intervention referral services so that structure is in place it's been in place but it there's a real focus on it so overall with sore we are looking for the safety ownership and accountability and respect this is the framework and the vision that every classroom has uh every laboratory bus cafeteria gymnasium whatever it may be and it's teered towards each grade level so to understand to the importance of safety uh in our schools and that that's you know not only Safety and Security but safety as well is feeling for that our students have a place where they feel that they can come each and every day and feel comfortable and we have expectations that everyone knows for student Behavior this District wide one of the other tiers is Justin Renaissance it has to do with the climate and culture great things that go on each school has a theme this year but it all revolves around sore so you can see together we sore we have Camp sore sore entertainment sort of new adventures so on and so forth and each school has a different t-shirt and emblem that they logo that they made over the summer they pushed out um and it's exciting to students um they they use we're going to have themes each month that will revolve around their school theme and this the theme of sore um and character words this is a logo for standall fly high where we say no to bullying all right um which again was one of our tiers it's one of our initiatives um that we will be folling each and every month there'll be activities that are going on uh for the students and teachers in schools and we will keep you posted on that right this is a no no um You probably read in in the paper or online however you get your information heard it on the news that schools are Banning cell phones we have a policy that there are no cell phones um cell phones I think kind of creeped in because it's teacher directed and at a point we didn't have um the Chromebooks and we needed give the kids a chance and opportunity to do some research um with using technology however every kid has Chromebook there's no need for the cell phones the cell phones have been interfering in instruction they've interfering in safety drills um and they're contributing to uh HIV they're also contributing to uh videotaping situations that you know then they add things to it and it's enhanced so we're not the only school um and there's States who have banned it um but we're at the point where right now where we are we do not feel that cell phones are are necessary in our schools and I I sent a letter out to the parents if parents feel they need to contact to their students during the day feel free to call send a letter um you know our our administrations our secretarial staff will be sure to promptly get in touch with your child send the message to them so oops I'd like to introduce to you our new sorry don't want to make you dizzy our Board of Education student reps and these young folks right here are excited and a little little nervous about tonight but don't relax it's all it's all good so we have Osa nby right and Marcus sereo did I say that right Marcus SAR so welcome and um you are you know student board members and you'll have an opportunity to share uh all that you've collected over the last couple weeks that's going on with with the public and the board all right so welcome and uh feel comfortable thank you to our community stakeholders Asbury Methodist Church Ami Atlanticare for donating um Stu school supplies VFW and local auxiliary 898 as well um their Their donation went to Davenport um our EHT Rec Department who um we form a great partnership with and uh we support each other community Food Bank of New Jersey bam summer book drive over $668 uh worth of reading materials for students and again the Longport be Beach Patrol ehtpd for especially helping us the first couple days of school with with traffic and wowwa for serving our students and staff I mean our teachers and staff that free coffee for the month of September it's almost done so get it while you can um School Community reminders and updates we still have back to school nights that we are um holding hosting all the Fernwood September 18th the high school and Eagle the 19th and then we have Miller school next week on the 26th uh if any folks need to register for free and reduced lunch is a reminder to do so as soon as possible and we have job opportunities for anyone interested in talents sub uh substitutes and bus drivers I I encourage all to make sure you check out our website on our district website you can go to each individual school and I highly recommend that you check out the district newsletter which each week um there's a message and we we you know you'll get information as to what's going on at each school but if you scroll down there's links over here um down here somewhere right here we can click on each school and see what's going on there so I really encourage that you uh stay tuned to that District newsletter each week for updates so some pushes um from from Administration here this Saturday September 21st please join us at 11: to 3:00 over at the high school we have our annual community um EHT Festival where there's going to be lots of food trucks this year um activities for students and we are showcasing um this wonderful School District in every shape way and form also we this month we are celebrating on Friday September 27th the Hispano hante um 25th anniversary celebration we've had this program in our school district for 25 years it's an awesome program you know why it's awesome because it's relev to the the native uh Spanish speaking students so um come celebrate with us on Friday September 28th also here's a partnership that we established with the rec department and the um mun Municipal Alliance as well as the greater Atlantic partnership and it's let's talk drug awareness and prevention Workshop so parents what to look for all right what's going on with these kids from you see a picture and setup of of their bedroom what's going on with what going on maybe with that you don't know about social media um and possible use of drugs so they're going to present starts at 7 no 6 o'clock I'm sorry and it's a com It's a combination of police department the School District employees uh recovery professionals and community members so it should be a great night and uh hope to see you there Flyers will be handed out to the students and we will be showcasing this up until that point this just came in today our United our UNIF IED um program um is one of five programs in the cape Atlantic league and on November 2nd they will be hosting in conjunction with the other schools a 5K run and walk um in Ocean City so if you run or walk and want to support the cause um because with the unified program um it's going to need some more financial support a plug for our our transportation department definitely need bus drivers AIDS and substitutes so if you know someone um I spent the morning on the bus it's it's a great job get to see kids get the Comm to see the community get to get school kids to school safe um and I end that with and what I sent to the staff and and the teachers the best wishes for a healthy and happy school year and we will be soaring with pride this year so that's my report um I will show you the video um but for the most part that's how we opened up and that's where we are the first two weeks of school always like to give a visual [Music] Give Me One Reason Why You Look so Sad a Heart Like Yours wasn't made for B give me your hand I'll P you give me some and iar you every I'll be close we made to be in love ter upon you and me made from love baby you know it's a matter I can't stand when you feel like that baby you know when ites to love I got time and that's time enough every night be so close night and you know you and me made to be in love let them us you and [Music] me you all I ever need look my you see you and me make [Music] love [Music] [Applause] Alon okay so as you can see the visual lots of smiles lots of great things going on already in a haror Township School District and I'm very proud to say that uh you know everybody's smiling things are going good and I feel good about that so with that said we're going to move on to a presentation from our facilities Department Mr Smith do you want to kick it off or did I say enough uh no we have uh with us tonight Mr woodro director of facilities and Mr Wayne H Hol our construction coordinator uh they're going to go through a presentation to kind of show off some of the projects that were completed over the summer uh everything was completed substantially completed by the start of school uh these guys and their whole staff put a lot of hard work a lot of hours in uh a lot of Fridays a lot of weekends uh so they did a great job uh and they're going to show off some of their accomplishments first I would like to uh thank the Ward and Dr brusio and Mr Smith for uh providing the resources for the facilities Department to this for providing the resources for the facilities Department to move forward with these uh important and much needed projects um as you as you uh know these projects take months sometimes years to plan design engineer procure and get it squeezed into the very short summer months so uh it takes a team effort to do that i' would also like to thank Mr halt for keeping these projects on on track in the entire facility's team that were a big support on a lot of these internal projects this summer keep them all moving along we're going to go through a real quick slideshow I'm going to go through about half of them and then Mr H will finish it off this is the new um playground at the high school for the preschool students that's been completed and they are currently using it uh this was a renovation to the slay Ball Elementary kitchen uh this section had a dishwasher set up and everything for 15 years it hadn't been used so we renovated that it's now the new prep area for the uh expansion space at the parking toown preschool so they can prepare the food there for the additional students a new fire alarm systems installed at slay Ball Elementary School uh modified doors over at M school for easier uh staff access to bathrooms uh redid the entire uh gym floor at Alder uh new bleachers are coming and new wall pads they were delayed so we have to do that the first week in November uh High School awing removed all the old lockers that hadn't been used for years um tore up the floor put in all new flooring redid the walls uh now I know that Jackie is going to be doing some decoration over there to uh neaten it up uh High School library remodel um our staff put a lot of time in moving all the books all the shelves taking everything out of there put in new flooring new shelves uh reinstalled some of the original shelves that was a pretty big project in house as well as contracted Services uh Davenport gym a new floor was put in that was the original floor it was air had some water damage over many years pulled that out put in a a new syn new synthetic floor uh we're also working on some exterior repairs uh as time as we're working through that right now as you saw the uh sleigh ball Swift slay ball complex stack parking has been uh up and running and uh it's working out very very well all the cars are off the street the cars are backed up on Ocean Ocean Heights very very safe and everybody everybody seems to love it and I will turn these over to Mr Hal all right good evening everyone uh like Mr woodro said I want to thank everyone for your support also want to thank the building principes the building staff the teachers as we develop these projects you know we try to get input from them to make the space as usable as it can be for for their needs so they were uh very helpful I'll be real quick uh showing you some of the great things we did the uh athletic and training office got a makeover we actually uh constructed some new space for their needs there so uh that that came out well uh the Esports Arena huge project uh came out great not much into video games but it looks really cool and I'm sure they will have uh have endless amounts of uh enjoyment with that there's another shot of it the greenhouse uh that's a project that's been in the pipeline for quite some time uh it's almost finished we're we're close to the Finish Line caught a couple bumps in the road on that one but uh everything seemed to be worked out um I know uh talking with u Mr valard they have some some great ideas for that space so they're super excited for it there's another shot of it the pool column repair that one was a that one was a doozy as you can see it was very much needed um we pulled that project off in ahead of schedule actually and it and it went very well as good as any of us can expect that was a great team effort with the contractor that we had the design professionals they did a great job on that the uh bus parking lot uh another huge Improvement I know uh you know that's going to save on a lot of wear and tear on the buses keep everything cleaner neater I know uh Miss Fischer and her staff were were patiently awaiting that Improvement there it is finished uh Fernwood underground drainage repair as you can see uh the material has met its lifespan it's it's failing on us we have a we have a plan moving forward uh the area we did at Fernwood was the area where the buses come in so to to try to alleviate any impact on transportation we wanted to get that done over the summer just a finished finished shot of that there we go the EIP update uh that's a project that we've had in works for quite some time it's there's a lot of light fixtures in the district there's a lot of uh moving Parts this particular one is the gym um really came out nice I know Mr rutage and Miss karuno have some great ideas the lighting has some really cool features in it so I would suggest catching a basketball game because it's going to look great and uh just a few of the uh upcoming projects we we have uh moving forward go ahead Madam chair are you taking questions now are we going to hold them um I think we Dr had a comment no I just want to say thank you to uh Curtis and Wayne and your staff um for being on top of the projects getting the projects uh going getting staying there dating night with them actually and finishing them and um I want to thank the board for supporting the ideas and recommendations that we had for improvements and expansions so without your approval it couldn't happen but I think everything looks great and uh thank you guys so much appreciate any more questions or comments yeah I just have a question um back on the high school Greenhouse project that is completely done right it's not completely done the structure standing we have utility connections expected in another 10 days maybe 2 weeks oh so it should be finished up within the next couple of weeks yes okay just confirming that then all right thank you that's all that completes the superintendent report I have a motion to approve minutes minute items 4.1 through 4.2 yes I'll second that Mrs bonjourno yes Mrs Gilbert Floyd yes Miss Hyman yes Mr Ireland yes Mr Price yes Mr sepy yes and Mrs slog yes at this time we're going to have our student representative report um good evening all we just wanted to thank um the board and Mrs karuno for giving us this opportunity to get involved in the community like this and we're just going to give a couple highlights about the different schools throughout the district starting with the starting with the slay ball Swift complex on Wednesday September 4th the slay ball Swift staff chalked the sidewalks creating a cheery and pretty atmosphere to welcome the incoming and retur students and hi everyone my name is marus Sarah and I'm happy to be here tonight so starting moving on to Davenport so Davenport is fortunate enough to have a local vff auxiliaries um partnership and it's led by Deborah Beal and Ellen rush so they've been continuing to support the school Community for decades and recently um this month they delivered an assortment of school supplies to Davenport to help the schools have a good start to the year you know just be prepared and send all that positive energy to to the students okay then at Miller School Musical interest was cultivated the fifth grade Miller students were encouraged to try new instruments and get involved at their school by Dr kadetsky and Mr Isaacson who demonstrated a variety of instruments for them and then also at Miller Miss hunt who is the gifted and talented teacher at the school she actually has a garden of milkweed plants and she usually attracts a lot of Monarch butterflies in the caterpillars so miss Andrew took advantage of this special opportunity and she actually collected some of the caterpillars and brought them into the classroom to kind of teach students about you know the life cycle of butterflies and just bring the outside world into the classroom so right now the caterpillars are under Crysis form and they should be hatching soon and hopefully we can send them off um after their 3,000 M journey to Mexico so we're looking forward to that then at Alder a couple of fun activities took place the sore program is in full swing at Alder students got the opportunity to cash in their sore tickets to enjoy lunch outside also hula hooping took place all around the cafeteria adding some extra fun to the students's Lunch Period and next week Alder will be hosting their first spirit week and then moving on to Fernwood so this past summer Mr jisso um actually led a trip with some students to New York City where they were able to watch Aladdin on Broadway and it's actually really helpful for the students because this year at Fernwood they're doing Aladdin Junior as their musical so this will hopefully help the students see what professionals are doing kind of apply that to their own um activity so this week they had their auditions and there was also a chance for other students to sign up for stage crew where they can learn about you know lighting and how to direct people and help um partner with the stem Club to build the sets for the musical so it's very interactive for the school to get everybody involved okay next the high school the wingman program at the high school is a group of upstanding Juniors and seniors who ensure that the high school students especially the freshmen feel welcome and accustomed to the big and bustling environment on Monday August 26th the wingman LED freshmen around the school during freshman orientation the wingman have been directing students around the school and starting at the beginning of October they will be going into the Freshman study halls to give their advice about the different aspects of the high school experience and then additionally at the high school um this year we've actually started a few new classes so this actually includes yeah right here so this includes we have a new Latin American um studies class where we go over Latin American history additionally AP African-American studies was offered this year and other courses such as intro to computers an intro to gaming design and and these new clubs have actually been very successful and really involved in the community already so for Latin American studies it's actually Hispanic hers month it just started recently so in our class we're planning to partner with Eagle News to create an advertisement to bring awareness to Hispanic characters one so it's a big thing for us and then for AP African-American studies um today was Constitution Day so AP African-American studies along with the honors classes they partnered with um AP Gov and we had like um deep conversations about how the Constitution intersects with race and the relationship between the two and what they really represent and bring to this country so we just had those deep discussions really bringing our in-classroom discussions to the outside world and kind of merging our classes together and then additionally um these past few months I've been working with Dr Shriner and we've been forming our partnership with this nonprofit organization called Hispanics inspiring um students performance and achievement so essentially this nonprofit organization it's based in New Jersey and its goal is to help support Hispanic and Latino students to achieve higher education and be supported throughout their High School career so me and um Dr Sher we've been in communication with the CEOs and event coordinators throughout this summer and actually we going to we're going to have a guest speaker next week on Thursday for students to have the opportunity to get introduced to this program and begin to support our students moving forward throughout the school year so it's big thing at the school and that's all we have for our highlights thank you for listening thank you so much for our student Representatives I just saw Miss kugo sitting up there smiling and beaming from ear to ear and we're all proud of you did an excellent job both of you glad to have you this portion of the meeting is our uh public comment for agenda items only the board values and welcomes comments and opinions from residents this meeting will now be open to the public com public comments 3 minutes per person on agenda items only if you have questions that pertain to litigation student or Personnel items please see the superintendent after the meeting as the board does not discuss these matters in public depending on the nature and complexity of your questions the board secretary may ask you to contact may ask for your contact information so that someone can get back to you with a response at as a reminder this is a public meeting and all comments should be appropriate for public for a public setting and made in a respectful manner please come to the podium and state your full name and address and the button is right on the bottom of the microphone that you can push so we can hear you the buttons right on it on the the first mic yep I okay I don't know if this is what I'm supposed to be saying at here I've never been to a meeting before but so if I'm not supposed to be saying this just tell me not to okay um I so I would just say you have to say your name for the record and this would be the time if you have a question about something on the agenda this would be the time to speak if you have a question about something that's not on the agenda we have a second public comment section where you can speak at that time okay oh never mind I'll be at the second one okay no no no comments all right we're moving on to finance and operations we have a committee report okay so uh Mr solivan asked me to read the committee report uh this evening so our uh meeting was September 10th 6 PM uh me board members in attendance Miss Hyman Mrs Sullivan Mrs salagi administrators attending Dr gucho and myself uh under transportation we discussed the opening of school and there were some delays and hiccups but overall the first week of school has been good uh we also discussed a potential partnership uh with a vendor that may be able to help us recruit bus drivers and bus AIDS we're still working on that uh under Food Services uh the department was well prepared for the opening of school uh the staff was ready to kick off the seconde free breakfast for the students uh under facilities uh we discussed the five new fields of the high school uh that kind of gotten off to Rocky start work working with the uh Township Recreation Department uh working on possible remediation plans as well uh we also discussed all the summer projects that were substantially completed uh noted that so's Department would complete a presentation at tonight's board meeting uh under the business office uh the committee noted the many donations on the agenda for acceptance I'm happy to see such support from the community uh we also discussed that testing has been completed for the AO radio upgrade and the system is working extremely well uh we reviewed several items on the agenda for approval including the monthly reports various tuition Transportation contracts added District home instruction contracts Professional Services agreements and a change order for the high school exterior metal panel project uh lastly the committee discussed steps the business office is taking to prepare for the 2526 budget development process our next meeting will be October 8th 6 p.m. at the board office if any questions reach out to Mrs Sullivan or myself thank you Mr Smith I need a motion to approve um item number 8.2 Mr Price I'll make that motion second any discussion Mrs bonjourno yes Mrs Gilbert Floyd yes Miss Hyman yes Mr Ireland yes Mr Price yes Mr sepy yes and Mrs sloi yes I need a motion to approve items 8.3 through 8.16 motion Ireland Mr Price I'll second that motion Mrs bonjourno yes Mrs Gilbert Floyd yes Miss Hyman yes Mr Ireland yes Mr Price yes Mr sephy yes and Mrs logi yes all righty we going to curriculum Miss uh Moss did you have anything for curriculum M my um for our report our meeting was held on September 10th at 700 p.m. the meeting lasted 30 minutes in attendance was Mr delarka Mrs Gilbert Floyd Miss Heyman and Miss Mrs salagi uh administrators attending was Dr gerio and Miss moss and then uh the committee reviewed agenda agenda items field trips professional development the renewal for ciee scholarships participation and seal of biliteracy programs administrative internships and provider partnership contracts the revised curriculum was also discussed again the committee was updated on the njsla and dlm release scores this past week and there will be a public presentation at the October meeting as well as a deeper conversation at our next committee committee meeting the committee reviewed Grant acceptance and implementation of the those resources of bam books donation and NJ cap presentations for families and students Dr guio shared with the committee a partnership with e HT Municipal Alliance on workshops that she discussed in her superintendence report and it's being held at the community center in October around the important topics regarding drugs and Vapes um the talk and Escape The Vape at our next meeting we'll continue curriculum discussions and go over the NJ SLA reports the next meeting will be held on October 8th at the central office at 700 p.m. thank you thank you Miss Bono no discussion everybody's good all right I need a motion to approve items uh 9.2 through 9.6 so made second Mrs bonjourno yes Mrs Gilbert Floyd yes Miss Hyman yes Mr Ireland yes Mr Price yes Mr sepy yes and Mrs sloy yes yes joined us okay Mr suan just joined us just for those men have heard at this time we're going to have our policy committee report um Mr West do you have anything I do not miss wood okay Mr Ireland thank you ma'am so I'm going going to give our policy committee report we it was held on Tuesday September 10th at 5:00 p.m. um the length of the meeting was 55 minutes board members I attended were myself Mr Price Miss Heyman and Miss salagi administrators that attended were Dr guio and Mr West others was Miss Amy Halo uh subjects that were discussed was regulation 5600 code of conduct policy 7510 use of facilities policy 5511 eligibility of Resident and non-resident students policy 9160 public attendance at school events policy 61 uh 91 excuse me policy 9161 crowd control the conclusions that were reached where regulation 5600 code of conduct was re reviewed and discussed by the committee the committee would like to meet with the chief of the police at the next policy meeting in October to discuss Communications with the police department regarding code of conduct violations however in the meantime the committee is recommending a minor change to regulation tonight to revise the consequences for for possession of a communication device regulation 5600 is up for one reading tonight waiting board approval we will continue to discuss this regulation at our next meeting policy 7510 use of facilities was reviewed and discussed by the committee the committee agreed to add language that payment for facilities should be made in advance if the business office agrees to reduce Township Recreation fees for Stadium turf and offer possible waiver of rental fee language to the policy policy 7510 is out for one reading tonight and waiting board approval policy 5511 eligibility of Resident and non-resident students was reviewed and discussed by the committee the committee changed this policy based upon a new law that prohibits nonresident non-tuition students from attending the district absent an exception in the law policy 5511 is up for one reading tonight and waiting board approval policy 9160 public attendance at school events was reviewed and discussed by the committee the committee agreed to merge policy 9160 with policy 9161 crowd control creating one policy policy 6 9160 is up for two readings and waiting board approval policy 9161 crowd control was reviewed and discussed by the committee the committee agreed to abolish 9161 policy 961 is up for two readings and waiting board approval our next meeting is October 8th at 5:00 p.m. uh possible uh topics to discuss at the the next meeting is our 5600 that uh previously mentioned Mr West that's all I have do did I mess anything up no thank you Mr Aro thank you Mrs uh Gilbert Floyd um that's all I have um Madame chair I would just like to make a comment I'm sorry M uh Gilbert FL can I just add one more to the policy thing I'm sorry Mr Price just so that before there's communication so uh regulation 5600 code of conduct um we are going to discuss about adding the 550 for I AP plan into that um that was brought up previous meetings and uh we did discuss it in our in in our committee we just are going to bring it up next meeting so that we can approve it thank you Mr irand Mr Price yeah I would just like to comment that we being on policy we we have spent a lot of time on the 5600 code of conduct a lot of time and uh I'm looking forward to sitting down with the chief of police and having some more discussions on some of the um regulations under that policy and as far as the 70 policy 7510 use of facilities spent a lot of time on that too and I think there's going to be some uh some positive changes on that as well and we're looking forward to uh Contin continuing with so that's all that that's my comments thank you anyone else next we have uh Personnel report Mrs go report we need a u motion to approve the policy section all right I almost skipped it all right so I can I have a motion to approve 10.2 through 10.8 motion Ireland Mr Price I'll second Mrs bonjourno I'm gonna abstain from uh 10.5 and yes to the rest Mrs Gil Floyd yes M hman yes Mr Ireland yes Mr Price yes Mr sepy yes Mrs Sullivan yes and Mrs slag yes now we'll have our Personnel report Dr Charlton I do not have anything Miss skillbert Floyd thank you okay thank you Dr Charlton underneath new business um I'm going to for which oh the motion for news 11 okay 11.2 through 11.7 have a motion Mr Price I'll second Mrs bonjourno yes Mrs Gil Floyd yes Miss Hyman yes Mr Ireland yes Mr Price yes Mr sepy yes Mrs Sullivan yes and Mrs slavi yes and next we have a new business I want to refer to Sure Miss Amy okay so there's one item under new business 12.1 and we would like to add a second item so when you're doing your motion 12.1 would be the ARP safer term plan which you have to do under the law and we're asking you to add a 12.2 which would be a motion to deny the residency matter as discussed in the residency appeal hearing and executive session tonight so I'm making a motion to approve 12.1 and 12.2 and 12.2 motion Ireland second Mrs bonjourno yes Mrs Gilbert Floyd yes Miss hman yes Mr Ireland yes Mr Price yes Mr sepy yes Mrs Sullivan yes and Mrs sloy yes administrative monthly reports so the next item would be the public comment oh the public comment okay excuse me this Gilbert Floyd before we get to public comment uh I think in error we skipped over 11.9 introduction of new hires I think we have one in the audience Dr Gucci okay thank you so we have no new hires not in the audience tonight so we would normally acknowledge them but they're not here all right so now we can go to public com all right and do I need to read the statement again yes okay all right so at this time we're going to open up the public comment and refer to the statement that I read earlier in reference to um when you come up for your public comments so do we have any public comments hi my name is Joan Ross and I live in aor Township for a long long time I also am a subtitute teacher at HT I do mostly preschool first to maybe third so I've been here for like seven years um my concern was when my grandson had to register for the school um they were so backed up there were like 75 people ahead of me and he was coming he was in egg over Township all his life but he went to mland then he came back here so they weren't able to get him in right away and I understand why because there were so many um students before him trying to get in so my concern was I was talking on you know you go on Facebook and you talk to the people on Facebook and so far nobody was nobody met me here I'm the only one here but they're supposed to meet me here and talk about it but that's okay yeah okay I'm I'm here um my concern was they we're so backed up and what I was trying to present was when it's time for um registration and you have all these kids trying to come in do you need extra help like do you need some type of help like maybe volunteers or um CU I would volunteer or come in and and do some paperwork or something because they were so backed up and they were so nice Miss guga was very nice to me she tried to help me and um I think her name was Kathy navarez I think that was her name everyone was so great they were just trying to get Mason ticketing quickly but that was my concern was there anything any of us can do um to alleviate that big mess that they have at the end of the year I mean at the end and end of August no so this is typically public comment so if you have any other comments please say them otherwise if there's a response um the board president would Direct the uh response we can take your information okay and your contact information someone can give you a call back yeah just to discuss your concerns that is my concern okay okay thank you all right thanks for coming out okay any other public comments no all right all right a motion to adour the meeting oh oh I'm sorry I would have I apologize we have any question or discussions or anything from board members uh yeah I do have something I just want to briefly I know it's been a long night but I just wanted to comment on a few things in regards to New Jersey school boards Association um there's a couple of important things coming up um there are um there's going to be a summit of false Summit coming up on on Tuesday October 1st and it's a comprehensive one-day event designed to provide school board members administrators and human resource professionals with essential updates and insights on the latest developments in labor relations so that's something we might want to take a look at I'd refer you back to the school boards Association uh site and of course we don't want to forget about um Workshop um 2024 make sure everybody um is is aware and is is um can attend or plan to attend the first or October 21st the week of October 21st um for the um Workshop 2024 in Atlantic City and I know that we're all registered um Mr Smith I think we got an email from somebody that verified that so I'm looking forward to it and I just want to to put that out there because Now's the Time to put in for time off or whatever you'd like to do if you can attend I think it's a great event and uh a few other things too I would refer you back to the page uh but I'm not going to get into um everything tonight so I just wanted to mention that and I appreciate um your time and um a good night to everybody thank you thank you Mr Price for your um shared information and when it's been extend a special thank you to our board members even in their illness they still made sure they were here to be a part of the meeting so we appreciate appreciate all of you for that and I'm asking for a motion to adjourn the meeting I'll make Mr Price I'll make that motion to a jurn second thank you