##VIDEO ID:-ges5FrtEoo## cover Township committee is being videotaped for broadcast due to either T that may be held in close session pursuance of the New Jersey up and pudles meeting act there may be interruptions in the video taping of these proceedings this meeting will be aired by ehtv Channel 97 on September 19th very good thank you very much could everybody please stand for the Pledge of Allegiance Pledge Allegiance to the United States of America to the which it stands indivisible andice could I have a roll call please Joe C Faro here Ray Ellis here Paul Hudson yep William Pauls here Laur fmer I am here and the first thing I get to do tonight is to honor a very special person you didn't me here Miss Janice Hughes Janice looks like she's 29 but she's been here for 30 years so longer longer yeah you you were a part time when you started as a student yeah I was 16 she was 16 when she started here [Applause] so work the papers I know okay so what we're going to do is you and I are going to go to the Mr cafero is going to read something into the record well one thing interesting she's 16 and she's an electric bike now I caught her riding her bike one of our streets why they read this I'd like to invite your family to come up oh come on M boys they both here I see one oh there he is Mom that's better that's much better oh go a baby boy a listen our important our employees are very very important to us and they do an outstanding job and when I first got elected and came in she was the first person I saw when I came in she was a godsend to me and each and every one of us is when we started you know you kind of we were like GRE as you could get and she helped us every time we had a question and even guided us to do the right thing so we greatly greatly appreciate everything that she has done well thank you thank you Lord this year we have the distinct honor of recognizing Janice Hughes for an exceptional 30 years of service in the township of a harbor Mrs y began her journey with us as a participant in the high school Cooperative business education program which laid the foundation for a remarkable career after gradu graduation Janice joined us as a temporary employee and was officially hired full-time September 1st 1994 over the years Janice has been a pillar and yes she has of our community demonstrating unwavering de dedication and commitment in 1998 her contributions earned her a spot as a finalist for employee of the year this was just the beginning of a career marked by numerous achievements including being named employee of the Year in 2012 in ' 06 Janice took on the critical role of secretary to the township committee a position which solidified her reputation as a valued team member Janice's skills and dedication were further recognized in April of 2015 when she was promoted to Deputy Township Clerk a role that she continues to perform with Excellence one of Janice's significant contributions was her involvement in the team that updated Mo and modern modernized our Township wedge page I want to get off message for a moment because back then it was going to cost us somewhere between $5 and $220,000 to H hire a vendor to do that Janice and the team did it for free they just did it they're working here and in the end I believe there was uh one of the state universities had raided all of the all of the to all of the websites of all the municipal on municipalities in New Jersey and we ranked if and Janice you you'll know this better than I I believe we ranked in the top 15% so that that was a significant thing uh not only with the quality of work but the saving of funds so where are we one of uh so we recogn helping to keep our operations car and efficient Janice uses was not only dedicated employee but also an asset to the township government's operations always willing to assist fellow employees and go the extra mile to ensure our community's needs are met as we celebrate this Milestone we extend our heartfelt gratitude and appreciation to Janice for her exceptional service invaluable contributions over the past three decades your dedication and our hard work have made you a have made a lasting impact and we look forward to many more years working together Janice thank [Applause] you 30 years of fantastic service when you get the 60th award I think I think each like I said in the beginning each and every one of us oh you gratitud we all in first person to saw so you know you did a lot for all very proud of you and very I still can't believe you 30 years here well actually a little more than 30 years it's crazy did thaten Mom it's like but you sure you don't say anything anybody family want her husband used to be our police he was our last police so I got one question is a speed armor on your [Laughter] elri okay and you know my question who is my grandma she said I know you give her a hug for me but we just want to thank you and I know you just want to sit down [Applause] and you know what Jan's just so you know and I know you already know this tomorrow this will air on channel 97 I had to make something down she did not now the next thing we're going to do and I might as well just do it from right here and the trip pharoh is going to read a proclamation yes we have a wonderful group of athletes in the back who have made us so very proud you know it's been a couple years you keep making us very proud we just can't wait to see what you do next year but uh Joe would you like to read sure be honored this is the a Harvard Township 16 and under Allstar softball team whereas it is the dream and aspiration of every softball player to compete in the World Series and whereas the Egg Harbor Township 16 and under Allstar softball team worked hard as a team sacrificing their summer in pursuit of their dream and whereas the township 16 and you Allstar softball team won both the state 3 and Regional 60 championships securing their spot in the World Series tournament in Florence Alabama whereas the township 16 and under All-Star softball team showed an abundance of sportsmanship on and off the diamond receiving sportsmanship team award and whereas the f foll in members of the a harbard Township 16 and under Allstar softball team led by coaches Brett Struthers Joe vatello and Chris banelli I hope I pronounced that correctly are deserving the recognition for their athletic skills and dedication to the sport of softball which allowed them to realize every athletes dream of becoming a t uh a champion now therefore be it proclaimed that the mayor and Township Committee of agh Harbor Township County of Atlantic state of New Jersey wish to publicly recognize the a Harbor Township 16 and under Allstar softball team for their outstanding accomplishments and pride which they brought to their Hometown with their never give up attitude congratulations [Applause] ladies we would like to coach come down and introduce the players one at a time we're gonna have to introduce yourselves first so congratulations so I'm coach Brett I'm coach D coach Chris all right we'll start off we'll go from to the left where you have Madison [Applause] stickle Next Up Ja scri [Applause] can you tell us yeah most PA eron [Applause] alfield next up Macy strer seven [Applause] years next up we got joh W [Applause] Al next up we got Sophia viell [Applause] catcher next up we got Mia sne pitcher and short St [Applause] Next Up N matusa [Applause] catcher next rileyi Al [Applause] next up ni Cole Herman [Applause] Outfield next up gy Castro pitcher and [Applause] Ali next up S buo pitcher [Applause] and next up S uh special group of girls uh I know at the 16u level they had had an All-Star team in quite some time so I figured we give it a shot and kind of put a scrap group of girl together can half of you come over on this side so you can all get on overall I just thought it was a great group of girls we came from different parts of the town and you know different age levels and we had a little bit of magic fairy dust behind us where we went on a pretty good run I think 11 and0 run or 120 run which is pretty hard to do so um a lot of good hitting a lot of good pitching a lot of good fielding and we took it the distance so other than that you know it was a special group of girls in my opinion I think so too we're all very very proud of you it takes a lot of work to get as far as you did and a lot of teamwork and a lot of sacrifice now what what greater you want everybody's going who's going up to school the high school awesome I can't wait for the softball season in Spring oh yeah sorry hey mayor I have to apologize to these young ladies CU I go to the games but they got a pool pork sandwich at the refreshment I go get the sandwich and forget about the game I'm watch the game that's good food out there y'all keep up the good work that was a great tournament y had a couple weeks ago that tour that tournament was great we had back there thank so when when did spring season start April we also want to give a shout out to the parents because to get to this level there's a lot of parents taking taking all of you girls to the games making sure you eat making sure you get your homework done making sure that there's you know gas in the car and food on the table so we want to always want to thank the parents for all the involvement they have in your lives they they couldn't do it or we I shouldn't say it that way we couldn't do it you couldn't do it without them so thank you thank you very much and [Applause] Coach all right ladies tomorrow Channel 97 this will be on 7 o'cl tomorrow night so again and then we'll see you on the F on the screen right Joe how coach congratulations buddy congratulations any family members if they want to leave they can yeah send or you can stay for the meeting ladies you can leave if you want that's yeah I'm fine all right buddy all right care see you okay if anybody's here for softball would like to leave they are more than welcome to leave now or they're more than welcome to stay so either one works but we're going get moving all right ladies and gentlemen we're going to keep this going okay uh let's see here we have no ordinances for public hearing tonight no and we have no ordinance for introduction no we have resolutions 411 through and including 422 anybody have any questions on those seeing none can I have a motion you'll move uh roll call please Cafaro yes Ellis hotson Pauls yes fmer yes uh we have the I'm actually going to do the add-on first resolution 425 thank you uh roll call please cavaro yes Ellis hson yes Pauls yes fmer absolutely yes on that one uh we have our bill list resolution 423 authorizing payment of all bills can I have a motion please I'll make sure I'll second it thank you raro yes Ellis hson yes FS yes yes approvals uh can I have a motion to approve the monthly Department reports for the month of August 2024 make a motion I'll second it all in favor I I motion to approve the township committee meeting minutes for September 4th 2024 I'll second it all in favor I I let's see we're going to do um actually I think right now I'd like to bring up Reed's far hi hi so my name is Katie Mella I work for the state Agricultural Development Committee in Farmland preservation um we buy easements on farms to preserve them in perpetuity um as of um last year we preserved over 250,000 acres in the state of New Jersey and we'd like to add Reed's Farm to that list they came to me to apply um for preservation we don't usually work in Egg Harbor Township as far as I know this might be the biggest farm left in your Township it um and it seems to be an important part of um of the Town um so we um through our state acquisition program will pay for this easement 100% with State funds we're not asking for Township CER and we do all of the monitoring every year we'll send someone from my office out to to make sure they have not built um things that they are not supposed to build to build so we buy all of the non-agricultural development rights from the Farmland owners um so there's a existing house on the farm that can stay they can always replace that house um going through all of regular Municipal processes um but they cannot subdivide it and build 60 houses um like I think can be built there now um and we offer cost shares for deer fencing for irrigation that kind of thing to support the um kind of development of the farm into the future um how many acres include it 70ish 70 that's wonderful good mhm so we'll preserve basically all of that so Wonder Farmland preservation what can the property be used for agriculture it has to be open and available for agriculture so you're not required to farm it but you are required to keep it clear for farming into the future um and uh like I said you can build H you can build agricultural labor housing if that's something that is required for the operation you have to come to my board to prove it and then again do whatever the town requires um but you can build um agricultural structures barns green houses that kind of stuff that supports your um act operation question you can't they you don't allow it to go back to Forest right it has to stay open Meadow yeah that's the idea is that whatever is tillable as of the day of preservation it has to stay open and table there's we're going to have to come up with some um way to deal with that where there's kind of saltwater in inclusion on on farms I work mostly in Salem County so that's happening a lot more kind of on that Coast um but it has to stay open and available yes which is good because you have a creek there and it'll catch the silt and things of that nature yep for you know water quality yep what kind of activities can be held there can they hold events there private events or they can they can hold um so the the barn is in what we call um an exception area so our easement will not cover about an acre or two around the cafe part um so that that we don't pay for that area but it also doesn't have our restrictions on it so they can do whatever um they want to do in that area according to to us they again they have to follow Township state regulations all that um but we have a new law that passed I think two years ago called the special occasions events law so they can again apply to us to hold um it mostly is usually used for weddings on Vineyards and that kind of places with big beautiful old barns that kind of thing um but you can't build new buildings to hold these special occasion events um you can they have to be at least 5 years old by the time you apply to us for the permit and it's still limited to 26 events a year there's a a square footage limit and there's a uh person in attendance kind of limit okay and it's a it's a one-time payment to the land owner correct right but it's for perpetuity correct all right and if you have any operational questions they're here but they're here yeah just kind of it's more generic questions I think I've got go ahead got that property is both sides of the Spruce Avenue yep both both clear Fields down okay may that's the map I gave it C sent to may just you have extras there should have been oh yeah I see you go so when the state gets a direct easement application like this one we go to the county act development board um Atlantic County act development board has already approved the preservation of this farm and we go to a Township to make sure that they don't have any big plans for this property kind of planning wise um that they'd rather see this Farm used for certainly would and years 100 years down the road this will always be a farm and there's no way out of it once this this goes on as of right now there's no way out of it well that's true as of right now it'd be a major legislative change that would have to occur in order for um them to change you know 3,000 de of easements okay good that we have on farms could we have you guys come on off and just just say whatever you would like to say I know you've all worked very very hard and I know you're very proud of this so well our our dream I'm sorry why don't you introduce Bar cookie till Dave stabinsky and that's the name so five years ago the three of us started this journey and it's come to fruition everything that we dreamed about having here and our dream is to keep this going in perpetu it's our legm helping of the kids being a community Hub bringing Agriculture and and food Justice to the community we just given a grant by the state of New Jersey to supply food for Atlantic City for the next three years so our vegetables would be feeding kids Atlantic City we're aligned with so many schools in the area the Boys and Girls Club in Atlantic City comes out there we teach the kids about farming eating healthy so this is our Legacy you know everything that we're doing is for the community and you know the way we set the our bylaws up we get nothing from this we can't get a salary we can't even get burst our expenses this is purely out of our heart and this woman here has been instrumental and if it wasn't for her would never would have happen and we're so grateful if you could approve this because we need a resolution from you guys to let them move forward I would like to add one thing cook aside from from your talents as a restaurant door but um what I I'd like to add is if in the future if you can work with our a Harbor Township Nature Reserve committee to build a pollinator Garden a garden for butterflies and bees you know wild flowers and we're doing a couple of them right now over at the Nature Reserve we'd love to have one out there we would love to work with them but and we have that in our plans too wonderful because the more we get it's just you know we're just trying to create an ecosystem a balanced ecosystem so pollinator Gardens are great and I would love and that's what we're there for too just to work with the community in any way so if there's someone that I can connect with there I would love that we will definitely be in touch thank you with him perfect Mr I would like to know who make the pies you make the pies pie you had a pie work in Reed's form like I did at I retired don't ask me why I used to all produce to Newark for Wake Fern and pmark I think Bob and Billy probably looking down on this today would be pretty happy with what's occurred because they work so much they work like dogs over the years not the JN didn't and more Mar I went the high school and Maria um they worked hard too but I think as it's unfolded today I think they'd be very happy that it's there and like she said something about the deer deer fence I've seen a lot of deer in the field and I don't think it would have been there if Bob was that's all I'll say so I mean Lenny Good Luck Good Luck thank you yeah it was important to us to to keep that Heritage alive and that's why we named it Reed's Farm we didn't think that there could be a better name for it and even Mrs Reed too when when she was yeah yeah yeah the the the flowers would plant in front when we first started the farm that's in homage to Billy because Billy always had flowers in the front mhm well the other thing is I don't think you have you have any peacocks now we're talking about peacocks though he had peacocks yeah I that's another story not foru but the thing is um he had you know they would get loose and uh how he got them back to sprue quite interesting but I mean it's it's good to see you farm animals it's all good stuff mayor can I say something absolutely uh growing up in a Corp Township I spent a lot of years on re form really makes me feel happy that this is happening uh I go back one more generation to the father Ed I know him very well anytime my father used to pull over to the side he would come up and he always had a tomato to give me and I sat in the truck eating a tomato but I got some great memories of reef for very happy for you thank you thank you and it was a lot of hard work we know that cuz I remember the first first meeting we had I think Peter was still here yeah um it was a long time ago so yeah it's a long way to get here you're you're talking to a committee that uh my wife and I have been in Township for 39 years and we're the babies on this commit these guys go back 50 years 40 years 45 years you know so you got a lot of history here really but no but we just want to we need so you need a resolution from us yes okay so need we know that we will work on that and get that for you know going for the next meetings and yeah and I do want to thank Joe Docker with caring because without Karen and Joe we wouldn't have been able to get come on to where we are [Music] someone thanks you're welcome we're happy to participate we're happy we're able to fund their first acquisition and hopefully we'll transition Farm over to these guys you know forever which would be good now what how did Karen get get involved originally oh and I were talking one night oh that can be trouble right and uh we were looking for a spot for a couple of group homes and she was for farm so we thought you take two little pieces and then our folks that live in the uh group homes only disabled people help um at the farm to the extent that they're able she works develop the farm so that's that's what you see there now yeah two small homes big farm it's working well yeah that's wonderful that's wonderful it's absolutely wonderful we're very proud to have this in our town we were always proud of Reed's Farm I think every one of us up here had more corn and tomatoes watermelon and anything else that they had so it was corn was the best and corn and their Tomatoes I don't know how they got so many tomatoes on a plant that wasn't all that big but they were good they were good but no but yes we will work on the resolution get that done so we can get this done and how long once you get where's the state where is she how long once you get the resolution do they get to the next level The Next Step will be at ordering the appraisal so knowing that you support this um I'm just going to go ahead and start the process we have to work with caring um to kind of get the ducks in a row and then um you should get an offer by early next year um and it's a not a quick process it's like a year and a half twoyear process so we've already done a lot of the work before um before today so it shouldn't be uh too too long I mean our next meeting is October 2nd that resolution will be printed and have it on there then so that's great thank so so much well thank you for what you do out there thank you for thinking of the future our kids appreciate it yes thanks thank you [Music] I'm I'm going to put the general public before ours and leave our whenever you guys want to come out please call we will We love I want to show you there's so much we're doing and so much that's going to be happening in the next four or five years you'll love it it's good Senor thanks take thank you know remember me he does he he'll get it bod's best friend growing up all righty is there anybody in the public that would like to address the goverment body come on okay and then you'll be behind him just your name for the rug we're not going to put addresses outk for that uh James bear PES um I have two issues that that I'd like to address one is the intersection of Zion and Schoolhouse yes there's a stop sign that's that's posted entirely too high it's over 10 foot State RS said that the the stop sign should be between um 7' 8 and 8 FO 3 I believe well that works take a look at that yeah so that since we straightened out that intersection it it's difficult to see coming down east eastbound it's a very wooded Street and then it opens up into this big field and there's a lot of accidents there so I would suggest that maybe we could put one of the um solar powered flashing stop signs and or even paint stop ahead on the ground would be a big help those are good ideas okay especially the flashing lights yeah I think that would help a lot uh the second is I I'm sure you're aware that the uh L county has a a habit of going around and collecting political signs yes they take up you guys have money out in signs I have money out in signs so maybe you could give a call to Atlanta County and ask them to actually abide by the law and not pick up not use County resources to to break the law and pick up signs which are federally protected they all the the car wash signs and all the the power washing sign they leave those and they take all the the political sign they should only pick up signs or take signs down if they're in the sight triangle and if they're not which I'm sure you're not and what they do is they do bring him yeah the collection station I know that okay soig I got all that but all right um when they go onto private property to pick up a sign the County's uh policy is that they have 6 fet right away which they don't they have an easement to do work 6 feet and as long as the sign does not interfere with public thare it's kind of none of their business so I I would make a suggestion sure that you go to the commissioner meeting I have and I will okay because they control all that we can say this to them yeah it comes from that so I actually told the County Administrator that I would be filing criminal charges because he has instructed the county workers to take signs up illegally and that's conspiracy so I will and I will but if I could get you to make a call that would that would even help better we can talk to them absolutely okay um and can't promise you a single thing on that I know that for true thank you very much speaking of signs I know we all run for you know the different offices and stuff and we put our signs out I would just like for people who run for office especially like folks are seen signs last year or so for Schoolboard we should not have signs at a liquor store for school board I also seen signs at a cemetery please do not put signs in a cemetery the last thing a a family want to see when they burying their loved ones is some campaign sign so let's have a little class not saying you did it or who did it or I'm just saying in general let's have a little class and respect for our kids you know putting signs in liquor store let's have a little class and respect for my family that's GRE and GRE you know seeing us sign at a cemetery that I think that's as low as you can go but like I said not saying you I'm just saying all of us in general let's be conscious and aware of this I agree I've seen signs at veterans memorials right you know you know what I'm talking about yes you know and it's still signs from two years a year or two ago still in the cemetery MH you know and that's not right parent makes a candidate look bad the families don't want to see campaign sign thanks thank you sir yes your name for the record please Carlos the third the third this my first one I picked the township res Township resident yes yes yep 13year Township resident I got nothing on you guys but um uh first and foremost Miss Hughes congratulations 30 years amazing um so I'm just bringing a little attention to my street live on uh 30 Atlantic Avenue uh zoned commercially so with that being said Lafayette construction is there another concrete company is there big giant trucks go up and down the street all the time the street I've reached out multiple times now has the township reach back people have been good I am not complaining about the communication that's coming from eht's part they have been attentive they have uh reach back out to me but the street literally is starting to erode on both sides so if you have a giant truck here and me or my wife driving down the street uh you got to kind of either wait your turn or kind of get closer to the middle and I've noticed this is just could be me could be uh we're getting closer and closer because the the nature is starting to claim the side of the road back the side of the road is has multiple potholes potholes have been costing me money for years and I've been asking and asking and asking I don't know where it falls if it falls on the businesses or does it fall on the township it's a public road it's road so it would be on us right but where the actual okay say their parking lots meet like where where the world's meet and how they agree um being business and us right uh my street be it's a dead end people are always three-point turning in my driveway I've getting I've had to fill pothole after pothole I'm just a little tired of going in my pocket for rims tires it gets old after a while I've reached out multiple times I've just kind of reached my limit want to see if you guys could you know put yourself in my shoes I'm in a very small neighborhood people are literally if there have one renter one guy that's passed away skip God Rest his skull my my neighbor who's about to move down to Florida I'm like a Last of a Dying Breed on the Block so I'm like the only voice there so I have two little ones who love to go down the street now if you walk down my driveway look to the right nature is starting to claim back the road because there's been a roadblock put there cuz I did reach out to Eagle dumping that was happening at the end of a dead end because there's a giant solar field there and somebody I mean unloaded a mountain worth of stuff and then there City and I commend you for doing so put like a giant roadblock there like a piece of cement and yeah yeah so um that being said just uh if this the street could get some attention um it was brought to my awareness that there is a budget of streets that are getting chipped away but if it could just you know little 30 at Atlantic Avenue uh Atlantic and fire if it could get some attention it really needs some love between nature and the road just eroding and getting smaller Tom can we I he writing it down so I know yeah I have they're going to talk he'll talk to public works tomorrow and see I'll get them out there tomorrow take a look at it engineer thank him no problem I appreciate it thank you guys hey you know I I spoke to you earlier I said that pothole was a tough situation I bust four rims on my street and like I said I'm glad you came and brought it to their attention you know to our atten but U these potholes are just it's sad you know they they happy you yeah in the township uh GMS to and sh I'm in the same boat as you yeah yeah for sure um and the Township's been good they come in they do a little patch job but it's honestly it's the other things that are it's got to be widen back to work yeah yes sir absolutely I appreciate it guys thank you so much appreciate thank you for telling us thank you ma'am hi I'm um I was actually here two years ago with my husband what happened in two years yes um pretty soon he's working on it um so I had written a letter to you guys um we've faced a few hardships uh we started building in your Township and it we're still not in our house yet we were here 2 years ago um we had asked for a road vacancy two years ago and you guys had approved it um so if I can read my letter explaining everything that's going on all right my name is Bethany asins and I'm right to share this journey my husband and I have been on while building our family home in this beautiful Town nearly 2 years ago we brought bought a piece of property on Fernwood Avenue full of dreams of raising our little family here in Ed Carper Township we never imagine the twists and turns that process would take but we've held on to that Vision excited for the day that we could call it home I still remember the day my husband nervously stood before your committee asking for your help to vacate two paper roads so that we can meet piland's requirements and build our home I was in the audience 14 weeks pregnant at the time cheering him on and hoping for the best when you approved the vacation of the roads we were over the moon walking out of town hall that night with hearts full of excitement believing our dream was finally Within Reach fast forward to today our son is almost a year old and we're closer than ever to moving in but it's been a long road filled with many obstacles but this final hurdle has been especially tough we understand the Township's requirements who Place cban sidewalk but the additional unexpected cost to widen and repave the road has become a significant financial challenge we've received estimates and they've all come in around $30,000 far more than we anticipated and frankly a cost that we're struggling to cover to add to this challenge both neighboring properties on either side of ours currently don't have Curb sidewalk or a widen Road it leaves us wondering if there's any room or flexibility or assistance in how we can approach these improvements given the surrounding area with this in mind I'm writing to see if there's any possibility for some flexibility could we possibly place the curb and widen the road but perhaps forgo the sidewalk or maybe there's an option to make an in Loop payment to the township we're grateful for any guidance or assistance you might be able to offer as we try to overcome this last hurdle my mother always used to say a squeaky wheel gets the oil and so with her words echoing in my mind I feel compelled to ask for help we've come so far and we're so close to making this dream a reality for our family your support means the world to us thank you for your time and consideration good that was very good thank you I wrote it during nap time you don't have much quiet time sure um I think what we can do is talk about I think we need to talk to our engineer and take a look at the property is your address on that because I don't want to say it on the record just TR to not do that anymore printed some Google photos um I believe um this is our Builder too sure than want yes build trying to help could you give us your name please and go to the my name's Mike dare from Jersey St modular homes trying to help them get into their house and been building for 24 years and curb sidewalks I've seen it does happen not every town requires it but we're getting more and more this particular street I'm not sure because the planning I'm just trying to figure out the planning on ferwood for a mile on their side of the street there's two houses that have a sidewalk and a widened Road and all the rest of the houses have none on the other side there's a few sidewalks then it goes up to the one corner there's nothing goes to the other corner there's nothing for this Mile and I'm trying to figure out you know what what is the planning thought process on the street cuz it's not like it's a it's not like where you're going to walk around the street mainly and mostly I have never in 24 years had a town say you have to pay for white in a public Street that's that's surprised at that one I was surprised at that one too I'm like we met the engineer out there sidewalk I know but yeah that's we have that in I was shocked I'm like I never heard of that I mean because we were trying to get in a l of because there just didn't make sense there was not enough sidewalks or anything going on you know we were trying to get in a li of because they had done that in the past and then they came back and said no we're not doing that anymore and we're like and I'm just trying to album every way I can yeah we can Tom let's look into this uh is your phone number on on here I can write it down you please do you have a letter just write you know put it on the letter right here and then uh we'll put these two things with the letter and we'll into it thank you appreciate it thank you so much who am I and we'll take that we're going to put all this together I'll get everything I'll in touch thank oh can we can we meet the little guy oh absolutely oh yeah we we want him to speak what's his name his name Sawyer back calling back yeah hey look at that smile why did you talk to us you got my boat buddy two years yeah hello oh he ISE no B it's no bother what's up you for me buddy what's up you play football for you were bra Stars today oh you loved it and you jump jump jump at Bright Stars yeah yeah oh that's wonderful I tell all young folks who do you say three five kids when you have two kids they leave you all at the same time spread it apart have three to five and make sure one stay at home and they all come out want three more but we'll be in touch byebye bye is there anyone else that would like to address governing body see none can I have a motion to [Music] close all in favor I all in favor leave it in and then just wait okay uh Township committee reports Mr Pauls uh to the bridge on M Summers Point Road looking good last couple weeks yes uh last couple days I've been out there a couple times uh last thing in was guard rails yesterday or the day before striping still has to be done today was raining so I guess they cancel striping good news is we're days for that bridge open up so it's good news for all the residents there absolutely going to go back and talk to a couple of the houses that are near that bridge make sure everything's all right with them yeah you know and make sure they're happy because a lot of times things are on left not finished but they do the final punch list yet I don't believe so okay that's the next step just to get the punch list together but it really looks good at there good can't wait till that's open can't wait till that's open Mr Ellis I didn't get this that for the last couple months of accidents or uh in the township but I think we're doing a better job with police presence I see a lot of the police cars parked on the side and that'll slow people down a bit uh residents we had to continue to work on that I saw a bad accident yesterday Shore in front of shore m m um Shore mall so we just got to slow down and you know not be in a hurry off time and respect out the cars I hope so yeah I hope so 1100 accident 1190 something in since January and it was probably an additional 50 since the last couple months so we just got to observe the speed limits and you know just slow down you know Mr hson well just as I always mentioned the far department has been pretty bu but it's been pretty calm really but they're busy and yesterday at 2:30 that fire on the Pike I think everybody realized what kind of volume of traffic comes through over tangent because it was backed up they had shut down the backwards bike Cardiff was on the ball as usual uh and we took care of the problem but um we do back up traffic I think English Creek aenue from the pike up to Ocean Heights was gridlock the entire way but they shut the pike off and to hille the other night we had a banire on War Road um they lost a garage or a barn and and it's 2: in the morning and I'll tell you Bargain Town in skille they're on their game and we we're very fortunate to have our fary departments all five of them that work together so well excuse me quick can I give a shout out to our former School Board president in the house Mr galin hello sir stand up thank you for all the years of service on that school board and I have to say this Paul if you hear a Canon go off tomorrow morning at what time 8:00 8:00 it's a real Cannon but T off for veterans golf tmin is got 90 plus golfers it's a turnning out okay as long as the weather cooperates which I'm told it will it will it will Mr cfer yes thank you uh just uh real quick we had the um they had this BMX tournament in AC Harver Township over the weekend uh USA BMX and as well as the a Harbor Township BMX uh it was a tremendous event there was probably about 3,000 people hundreds of participants and they were represented from about 30 different states and actually two countries so it was um shout out to them uh great event we're proud that uh it was held here and hopefully it'll be back here in four or five years again that's an amazing Inc amazing operation um for me I want to read something into the record because um I was quoted saying something that wasn't quite the way it should have come out so I just want to correct that and then I might ask you to come up in a minute during our public meeting in on August 14th I stated the the township committee had never met with representatives from Atlantic Shores offshore wind I'd like to clarify that both Deputy uh May cero and I were present for a presentation an informational presentation that they gave to the Redevelopment advisory committee on February 6 I want to apologize for any confusion that that might have caused um and it's important to me and to all of us to mean transparency and accurate communication with our community if anyone has questions or concerns about the meeting please reach out to me or the office and we can let you know what happened but it was more of a just a presentation but we were there so saying we've never sat with them now really isn't true because we sat in the audience and listened so thank you for your understanding on that now tomorrow um if you were on English Creek Road from Wawa to shoppre from 10: until 1 or 1:30 2:00 there's going to be police training going on uh so there'll be people from the Sheriff's Office prosecutor's office our police department but they're doing a training exercise so we just want you to know there's nothing to be concerned about um this is training for our police officers and for the sheriff's officers and the prosecutor's office so anytime you see a lot of police cars in one spot everybody gets very concerned so we just want to make make sure everybody's that knows this well unfortunately this will be airing tomorrow night after it's done so it'll be over but if you know anybody or if anybody here gets phone calls just please tell them it's a police training exercise and chief I think that's probably all we need to say on that or uh yes basically uh after the event they'll disclose the nature of what was okay we yesterday I've seen that I've seen a great social media presence there there's signage yeah so there's you did all out so and the school does know correct schools know and it's not MTI it's multi- agency right yeah so good and that is all I have H mayor as we talked we've been talking with the New Jersey Transportation Department of Transportation about the route 40 drainage project out in West Atlantic City um they're going to have a public information center at our community center on Monday October 7th from 5: to 8:00 p.m. um anybody's encouraged to come out who wants to know about this project the uh they will be notifying anybody within 250 ft of the project the length they're doing about a mile of the road as well as we will have it noticed on our website and passed out at these meetings just so we can make everybody aware of what's going on so that's October 7th between 5:00 and 8:00 p.m. at our community center multi-purpose room can we do a press release for that do you think it's worth it oh yeah I think we should I really do because there's a lot of people that are going to want to know and anym you don't know where anybody gets your information where do they get their news from from all different sources so MH if we can do another one sure anything else that's all I have Mayor John nothing nothing for you do we have need for a close session no ma'am holy two in a row look at all of a smile all righty let's see here what do we have this is no close session well then you know I I just need one more motion yes can I have a motion to adjourn please I me I'll second it all in favor hi