how's everybody doing the regular council meeting for Tuesday July 23rd 2024 is called to order at 703 p.m. we're first going to have um a moment of start of meditation followed by the Pledge of Allegiance pledge Ali to the flag United States ofice thank you very much M cler please have a roll call pleas roll call Mayor Nickerson here vice mayor per will not be in today council person bbal pres council person life fo Ward will not be in today council person Martin presid also present for the record Janisha Kobe Village clerk chriso Village manager and the attorney I'm not sure if he's coming in or he's running late I think he's running late thank you very much Madam cler I appreciate it um right now is good and Welfare um because our attorney is running late I usually use the first good in welfare for agenda items only but we'll do good and Welfare all around right now um because our attorneys run running late so let's do good in welfare um all around and just get it out the way so if anybody wants to come up here and talk about anything at all anything at all you have uh about three minutes to do so you guys know I don't really keep time but you can come up say your name and address for the record and the floor is yours just come to use this podum right here oh did I did I not do that oh U Mo I'm trying to get through motion motion to approve the agenda move by uh uh council person bbon second by couns first Martin all in favor say I I all the F say nay hearing none agenda is approved uh sir you can come up now for good and Welfare I'm trying to get through this y hi this is Charles Winters 377 Northeast 85th Street El Portell uh I um have been at the request of some of my neighbors wanted to share some stuff with the council um my neighbors I'm talking about are the ones in Sherwood Forest that are around the mound we have um an issue that the um the area around the mall around the mound is degrading there's potholes being formed in the streets there the the surface itself is eroding and we have bald spots all over the mound where erosion is happening and that we're losing um property on the mound the mound is historic and it needs needs to make sure that it doesn't eventually wa with way to be ground level again I actually I brought some pictures very quickly um just to show you some of the uh just what should be grasp what um um you need to speak when you're on the mic because it's being recorded and she cannot hear you can you not so there's a a dozen pictures here of basically Bal spots all over the mound and the actual uh I guess road that goes around it um I'm driving through these potholes every day as I drive into my own home and I know my neighbors are as well because as I've had these discussions plenty with them uh now I do understand that growing grass underneath an oak tree is very very difficult and that there's oak trees all around the mound I also understand the oak tree roots destroy the ground but um recently I had code enforcement come to my own home right next to the mound and cite me for not growing grass and also cite me for the same exact deterioration of my own driveway that you see here on your uh city streets um I'd like the council uh to consider uh fixing the code uh we need to address it with your code enforcement meeting people and all those that are in charge of this to um have the same exact rules for our village as we do for our um citizens yeah um I agree everybody should follow the same should abide by the same rules let me say this really quickly um though as far as the mound goes with the grass so the mound um there's a lot about the mound that I think that uh what we need to do is like an education um Town Hall Madam manager Madam clerk so with the mound first of all like um in in for example and I'll get to the grass in a second but for example there's one part of the mound where there's some like flowers growing um if you're facing north they I think to the right to the east side of the mound like those shouldn't be there so so when this Administration started um we implemented like a archaeological dig program basically so they come out a couple times a year and what they told us was was that nobody should be on the mound anymore um that that nothing's allowed on the mound anymore so for us I don't even think we have permission now through the archaeological program to even go up there and replant grass uh anymore um it's a dig zone now and so it's now we have to abide by newer rules because it is historically protected now um to the fullest extent so we really can't even touch the M um nobody supposed to be on it anymore standing on it anymore of course parking or anything else so so as far as beautification of the mound we have to be really careful about that um as far as the street I I I agree with you when it comes to the street and I'm looking at these the problem is is that um these aren't potholes and and and I didn't give everyone the same photos okay okay oh so now everybody sees what I see the problem is is that these aren't necessarily potholes a lot of these are Street repair mhm which if there were potholes it'd be it'd be a little bit different because um potholes are easier to take care of because we can just bring people out they fill it up with the black you know um and then they they cover it up but when it's not deep enough to be considered a pothole then they put it into Street repair and Street repair would be something this is my mhm this is my own property and the exact same yeah degree that you say in the streets is on my own property and exact same thing exactly I'm being cited for it by the El portel government now I do plan on fixing it I don't think it's very fair that I have to fix something and you guys do not now I understand we don't have the money for this it's a very expensive thing uh there's for the street repair aspect for the street repair aspect I mean you could always Annex it to me and my four neighbors and we will take care of it and I will PVE it myself um but I don't think you guys are going to allow that yeah this is what I suggest you do because unfortunately the um code enforcement officer is not here today I know I have the code enforcement chair here um and he might want to speak on this but what I would say suggest that you do is exactly what you told us here like you don't think this is fair with the photos um I suggest you send an email um to the code enforcement officer the code enforcement chair uh chairperson bbom um and and manager you can CC me also and just send the photos say look you know this is what I'm being cited for this is what your own Street looks like I don't believe this is fair for these reasons this this this and that I spent I spent two hours with a code enforcement officer today in a meeting and and what came with that he says that we are required in Sherwood Forest to grow grass no matter what whether planted and seeded or something else now I can't grow grass I know you can't either because that green part of the hill is actually not grass they're weeds the entire Hill is filled with weeds I can put weeds in my front yard if that's allow but he told me I cannot plant any other plants there to take care of the lawn aspect of the sale it has to be grass and this is not possible but he says there's no way around it I have to go grass and every time it dies I have to reput Grass there in my front yard yeah I don't know like I said he's not here so he's not here to speak for himself but um oh he knew I was coming today so he was not going to show up yeah well I don't know but I know that we've never so so this this is this sometimes what happens we've never forced anybody and said you have to buy grass um but what happens a lot of times is that since people in certain areas can't grow grass then they'll put something else instead of the grass and what happens a lot of times is that that other item is not allowed per through the cold but we've never told anybody you have to buy grass and put grass down um there so he is saying that 100% I even showed pictures of my neighbor's property and said I'll put these plants here or these plants I'll put all these native plants that will fit and actually grow in that spot but grass doesn't grow he says no Miami day code states that you must have a lawn and the lawn is defined as grass what do you have there now I have uh mulch made from a tree on my property that died so it's naturally from that area what are you what are you being what are you being cited for the mulch I'm being excited because I do not have grass in my Swale mayor if I could um yeah um go ahead uh chair person aradin I know attorney together wants to say something then I'll come back and say something how you doing um so uh so this is another example of where our village has a unique situation and many parts of our code are defaulting to County right so uh from the top here in terms of the health of the mound I think for example it might be like over cleaning over Landscaping that is not allowed like detrus to settle on the mound over many many years and keep adding Mass to the mound and so with every heavy rain we're getting more material that washes away so it's my understanding that the village absolutely essentially has a mandate to look after not only the mountain but that area in general and so I uh don't believe we have anything in terms of signage or any type of restriction whatsoever in terms of actually accomplishing keeping anyone off of the mound I'm assuming people still go on the mound frequently um is that correct I've actually um sent him a few texts when people Park their cars on top of the top of the mound right and thank goodness you guys changed the sign out where you can out read it you need to put a sign on the other side because people and honestly I believe we would need some type of uh barrier even if it's you know a foot something or other specifically to keep wheel Vehicles off of or specifically motorized vehicles off the area but people in general so this needs to be um addressed certainly but um uh I definitely agree that it would be borderline I mean imposs insane because of the impossibility to require someone to grow anything honestly um that sounds maddening um and so if that's what our result is is in a we're trying to put more canopy in other parts of the village as well so there will be other parts of the village at some point that move away from grass and the sale because they have that now because they have full sun exposure right now and if the canopy increases in that you know part of the village then you're going to lose grass in that section too so I think the era of trying to um uh will Landscaping into existence might be over in the face of specifically climate change the increased rainfall we're getting um and the fact that that because of the what we do essentially is is is uh is clean too much so we're not allowing enough natural material to to repopulate the mound with mass right so um I sounds to me like the village is two steps behind on taking care of this area and um and and so that's my that's my take away from this and in terms of the um citations I'll certainly email the manager and uh and find out what recourse you know reviewed what happened in the magistration process looks like today is that right um and um and see what we can accomplish through that communication I think what's really important with the laws that have been applied in the past is they had an intended purpose and it is written inside of your laws the code enforcement of Miami date the purpose of the grass was to stop erosion by myself putting down the actual mulch my purpose was to stop erosion because I've had a lot of erosion because I've had nothing but sand it's not even soil it's sand um and then when the trees let down their leaves we have about half the foot of of of leaves every six months and uh doesn't allow obviously grass growther but also I've seen a lot of erosion I watched the mound in the last 10 years shrink from where it was when I first saw it that's right oh Madam manager Madam manager go ahead i' I'd like to because I can speak to those two items as well um just to piggyback with um what council person bbom said and you mayor Nickerson the um the Indian Mound we met this afternoon too and I appreciated you know your issues and I explained you know our frustration as well as we know the um Sherwood Forest is U uh designated an archaeological zone so no digging is allowed so signage would never be put up there because you can't dig a deep enough to put a sign in that would be sustainable there um The Village did with um the county archaeologist go door Todo and distribute it Flyers about what was allowed in that area but this was two years ago or maybe it was even more because I think it was before the pandemic I've been there 10 years and haven't received a flyer from an archaeologist well we also have the flyer on the Village website and it gives you a you know it's a Q&A it'll give you information but perhaps it's time for us to Circle back on that like mayor NR said and had just some meeting for those residents in the air because we also are asking people to help us make sure no people aren't on the mound aren't using it aren't you know because we need you know our local eyes on it as well to help us um enforce that it's a um no dig zone no planting those kinds of things so we'll work with you on that um in and sharing that information about the historic preservation of the mound um we have uh had some design done by a landscape architect for the mound uh it is very expensive and we just don't have those funds right now so we put that as well as the um Triangle Park that's in Sherwood Forest we put that on hold for now because you have to have an archaeologist present for every or any um construction or demolition or any work rated even planting for those two parks so those are on hold um until we can you know find some kind of funding to restore um in terms of the contiguous Landscaping the lawn we did have a i Sally I was ill and wasn't able to make the meeting but the planning and zoning committee on July 9th was presented a proposal from our urban planners for a code amendments in those code amendments one was asked um actually is number two to Define common law um because it is defined as lawn in the village and the code enforcement officer has been you using Miami day County's definition but it does not fit the El pel landscape you know it's not the reality of a lot of areas in the landscape of el pel so I know that that proposal was very expensive I think we'll have to try to figure out how to separate the other items we want out from that but it is something that we're dealing with in the administration continuously because we have some issues with flooding and landscape and growth on the East Side in other areas as well so you know I I I hate this has happened I know that Mr Simmons our code officer when he's called out on a complaint he has to respond and so when he came to your property on another matter he saw the other code violation in but code violations and was required to give you the courtesy notice so you're not in a citation at present but you got a courtesy notice so we're committed to try to fixing this issue and I know the council is too because they heard that um proposal but maybe what we need to do is find a less you know expensive format of making this code Amendment for the village but something that addresses our residents needs as well thank you turn go and just to follow up on with the manager says and she used the key words code Amendment so our code enforcement officer has to enforce the codes that we have but that doesn't mean we can't amend our code as the manager references to be more flexible in terms of our immediate situation it's not his fault he that's his job but working with the administration and we just need to be comprehensive about it we don't want to do it you know halfway but we need to come up with something that does reflect the realities of the current situation and that will give some more flexibility to the code enforcement officer that instead of saying it's got to be this one siiz fits all it's got to be lawn as uh the chair of Code Enforcement said we can come up with some Alternatives that are permissible in view of what the ongoing situation is the council can adopt that and amend the ordinance and then that's what the code enforcement officer would be enforcing and then this is a little out of my sphere but just in listening to the other discussion about the mound we can't put a sign on the mound but it it may be possible where it's not Mound is it something that we could put some kind of barrier that would prevent motorized vehicles from driving onto it um and and that way just you know outside theand itself but just not to allow a car or something to drive up there I mean it might be I don't know if that'll work for a motorcycle but at least we ought to be able to to do something that would keep a car from driving onto the premises would would that work no I don't think there's enough room so as soon as you get off the mound you're like in the street already yeah so um um but this is not much longer um one of these pictures that's my four-year-old she just turned four last week happy birthday snow there's a picture I just gave to him of one of the trees on the mound and you notice a gigantic branch is sitting next to the tree that branch is about 8 or 10 ft long it's been sitting there for a month we'll getan but the lawn guys that you have coming there to the actual Mound have just they just drive around the gigantic Branch they don't actually move it the notice the tree that it's on there do you see that holess inside the tree that hole is under the tree roots my daughter can crawl underneath that tree there's almost nothing holding that root tree up basically there's maybe two roots that go out one sneeze from a hurricane and that tree is on my house now this is understand a financial thing we're working on the the the uh the mound is a is a financial burden but once it falls on my house whose burden is it then what you don't know about that okay okay so yeah so I I mean you'll be talking to the manager um when it comes to anything things when it comes to the trees you know we have arborist we have individuals that go out there and look and see the health of the tree and see what can be done you know with the tree if it has to come down um I met the arborus and I pointed out the tree I showed them my own arborous report on the tree M they they said oh these trees all have holes inside of them that's normal that they only but half the roots are a road meaning the actual paved road is where the roots are supposed to be and so the half the roots have been cut off yeah there's a hole underneath it and it's only being held on by a few Roots into the mound yeah so we can have our Arbor go back out there um and you and a lot of people need to understand also is that when we do work with our Arbor is we also work with durm so it's not just like any old like arborist it's an arborist and we also work with durm so it's the most official Arbor that you can have so it's only official until it falls on my house I remember I've had two oak trees fall on my house in the last 10 years I'm very lucky yeah so we'll we'll get we we'll get somebody out there to look at that yeah and we we really appreciate you bringing it to our attention but in addition to that I do want to tell you the last Planning and Zoning meeting we spoke about a way to tackle those code amendments in a way that is also is financially feasible for the village but also tackles some of our uh more problematic areas and I know that we've heard from residents of Sherwood Forest that there are just a lot of things in that code that do not are not feasible for that area and I think the thought is to enumerate you guys out as it relates to some of those trickier issues so we're looking at it and I do think you should take some encouragement in the fact that this is a courtesy notice we're aware of the issues so you're aware we're aware but you're not currently being cited so if you could just be a little patient with us while we iron out those issues I think you'll be happy at the end of it okay that sounds nice and and you got you know you're you're here with uh you know the mayor and the two most important individuals for these items that everybody's talking about which is the chair of code enforcement and the chair of Planning and Zoning so between all this uh that's everything that you need yeah we'll figure it out but continue the lines of open communication we want to hear about the tree if you think it's an issue of course you have a little one we we want you to be here and and letting us know you don't have to wait for a council meeting to do that uh you can definitely send us emails and let us know as these issues arise because you're there every day you know what's going on and we can probably help you find an expeditious solution that doesn't require you waiting for a month to get in front of us so just send us an email when you can but these issues you've cited we've notated them uh are actively working on some I don't want to lie to you and make you think that this is a quick solution but it's something that we are looking at how to get those code amendments done um in a way that's financially feasible for the village okay and financially feasible for me too well I don't know about your pockets but I do know about the villages did you want to let me know something told me that I have to lay down sod and then after it dies I got to lay down again and I just have to do that for the rest of my life so I will say this I will say this uh so the manager said that it's a courtesy notice so I'm assuming that there's no active citations being lob well not yet yeah and and you're you're in this forum and you're speaking to everyone and we're all kind of saying hey we get where you're coming from and the intent of the village is not to nickel and dime anyone right and we understand that there's an issue as far as like some of these blanket policies and how they're executed based on area so if it were my guess I would think that you're probably not going to get a citation so your your pockets are safe on this one other ones I don't know you have a four-year-old there's a lot of things coming down the pipeline School daycare yeah all the things all the things I have a four-year-old as well yeah they I yeah I have a four and a 5-year-old but two wild boy so I don't know if she she'll tolerate them but yes she's wild okay I believe it so we should get them together but but no worries we we understand where you're coming from um and just work with us while we try to figure out the the the situation wonderful and and and write an email for like write an email about the tree if you haven't done so already write like write an email to um the manager um so that we can get moving on that stuff like we need the email we need the trail we need that official like those document trying to focus on the most important issue right now which is my own Pockets but I will write you an email yeah safety safety of snow is always a priority also so my my house has already survived two oak trees that were like 60t tall and like 80 ft wide falling on the house so I think this one falls on Will Survive just another roof it takes 5 years write an email so we can get started on that appreciate that thank you Mr W thank you very much who's next for good and Welfare you guys good and Welfare anybody for good and Welfare come up say your name and address for the record [Music] Merlin Brooks 400 Northeast 90th Street I must first say that I had some problems I called and I left messages for the mayor and the chief of police to see if I could get any help I'm sad to say that I was ignored by both I guess I do not pay taxes or I don't live here or it's not worth it anyway that's not my reason for being here now my reason for being here is of course another problem which s to prove again that I don't live here several years ago the village brought in an ordinance that because of the danger with these guns and stuff we were not supposed to have firecracker in the area on holidays it was terrible because I used to leave my house and go to a friend in Miami Shores because I live alone and I didn't know the difference of a gun to a firecracker and I was scared but finally you all came in with no firecracker around H day time well I'm here to tell you the 4th of July was ridiculous the 4th of July I was in my living room as usual and around 9:00 it started it was so bad that my very house when they go boom my house was shaken I believe that but as villagers we're entitled to know when you all change your rules I am not saying you can't do it because you all do whatever you want to do but if you do I think we are supposed to be informed so that we can know how to prepare and provide ourselves I kept calling I I called because I called but I didn't expect to get anyone no one answered I called downtown no one answered I wanted to know what was going on call you all no one answered I would suggest strongly suggest that when if and when you all change your rules we should be informed maybe others were but since I'm a nobody nobody informed me I was not told I have a neighbor right there when I spoke with her she also said she was not informed and she live in the other Block Please let us know since we have to plead I get a tax receipt so I do pay taxes and I'm demanding that when you all change your rules for whatever the reason be please notify us we are the reason you all are there if you don't know let me tell you thank you all right so I'm going to respond to a few of these things so first of all um with uh with Miss Brooks we'll talk about the firecrackers we'll talk about uh changing the rules so no rules have been changed um I've been on this uh Council for almost 15 years I do remember something about fireworks a few years back but I don't remember the exact language so I don't remember and I can't speak on if fireworks were outlawed I don't think that was the ordinance um I will look back and find the ordinance and get the right language for that but I do not I have I do not remember being voted on that fireworks are outlawed in eleral but I'll look but that's that's not true fireworks are not outlawed in elert as far as um me getting a phone call that was months ago so that had nothing to do with you didn't call me for Fourth of July no no okay that was months ago and so the reason why um a little while didn't get back to Miss Brooks for that was because going back years whenever Miss Brooks would call me I'd always be there it could be 12: midnight it could be 2: in the morning I answer the phone all of a sudden out of nowhere one day I get a voice message where she's cursing me out out of nowhere you better get your ass to my house house I pay taxes so once I got that message with her cursing me out I didn't respond that's absolutely correct in that message where she was using curse words I demand a meeting with you and the chief so so I respond to individuals that treat me with respect this is a place of business and if you speak to me disrespectfully I don't respond to that so that's how that goes anybody else for good in welfare all right hearing seeing none moving right along consent agenda do I have a motion to approve the consent agenda so moved moved by council person bbom do you have a second second by council person Martin all in favor say I I I all oppos say nay moving along to the resolution attorney G if you want to read that resolution to the record for us yes sir item G1 resolution a resolution of the Village Council of the village of eleral Miami day County Florida determining The Village's proposed millage rates as required by section 206 I'm sorry 2065 Florida Statutes and setting the date time and place of public hearings to to adopt the tentative and final millage rate and budget for fiscal year 20242 directing the village Clerk and the village manager to file this resolution with the Miami D County property appraiser authorizing The Village manager to change the budget hearing dates if necessary providing for incorporation of recitals and providing for an effective date and mayor we required to read the roadback rate into the record absolutely and we can say a budget hearing um dates also attorney G yes um if this let me see this here the roll back rate is the current roll back rate for the current year as computed pursuant to section 2.06 5 is 7.02 57 MS that's 7.0 $257 per ,000 of assessed property within the village based on a total taxable assessed valuation of 308 m737 677 the proposed millage rate is $1 18.14% more than the roll back rates the roll back rate and the schedule of hearings the first budget hearing is scheduled for September 9th 2024 that's a Monday day at 700 p.m. here at Village Hall and the second budget hearing is scheduled for Tuesday September 24th that's to adopt the first one is to adopt the proposed millage rate and tentative budget the second budget hearing is to adopt the final millage rate and final budget and that's scheduled for 6:50 p.m. on Tuesday September 24th prior to the next regular Village council meeting thank you very much there's no questions or comments from the council um he'll have a motion to approve before I make the motion um just for clarity sake um when reading the Declaration of roll back rate it can sound a little misleading like the rate is going to increase you know um uh uh we're talking about 0 Z here so I don't know if 8.3 was declared at any point while we were just speaking um but just so the residents are aware that where the mill rate is falling is 8.3 is that correct what's the what's the question the mill rate is 8.3 8.3 Mills yes yeah I just want to be clear because as we read through the Declaration of Pros Mills rate it can get muddled and sound confusing about what the result is so no it's 8.3 yeah mhm no we haven't raised we we would not raise taxes on the people thank you very much uh if I have no questions or comments do I have a motion to approve yes move moveed by counc person do I have a second second second by council person Martin do I have any questions for anybody out there you guys good all right Madam cler may I please have a roll call please roll call council person Martin yes council person bbom yes mayor Nickerson yes motion passes three To None thank you very much I appreciate that um um you guys see right there oh um I was going I was G to say you guys see right there my report Madame maner your report please okay well I'll be very brief my report is on the Village website but just quickly I will mention that um the uh El pel Police Department is um working um vigorously on the um speeding and traffic issues um uh that we have been facing over the past several months uh just this month they issue 371 traffic citations that's 1,588 year to date so um I think they're being very effective where we haven't had that in the past where we haven't had traffic enforcement at this level um but that's in U large part due to um man um uh Chief Mendes um identifying and securing some very um qualified um traffic uh officers in uh officer Chavez and officer sea um and uh outside of that um The Villages continues to work on all of our outstanding projects um we meet um with other members of the county I had a a very um productive uh working group meeting with other managers of Miami day County and um the county um chief operations officer and um County department directors on matters related to El protell and other municipalities but it was an opportunity for us to really be heard and and to um to work on issues related to Transportation traffic and what have you so I will be pursuing an inter agency agreement um per discussion with the um Department of Transportation and Public Works director um cleckley's um recommendations and advice and it's good to have those relationships as we move forward because as we all know we get stuck in that 311 cycle or just uh whoever's answering the phone and then you don't get the responses you need but we continue to build the relationships we need to advance our The Village's um interest uh for our residents um outside of that I invite everyone to please um attend the villages budget Workshop uh that will be held on um the first Tuesday yeah first Tuesday of the month of September that's September 3rd 2024 at 7:00 p.m. here at the Village Hall and if anyone has any questions or concerns please contact me directly I am accessible through email or phone call that concludes my report thank you very much Madam manager you guys see my report there um you all have my number my contact info if you have any questions just contact me attorney Geller you have any report nothing to report all right thank you very much I appreciate that this is the last good and Welfare um I just want to say um regardless with the the with the fireworks if there's an ordinance or not I know I don't think there's an or I'm pretty sure there's not an ordinance outlawing fireworks throughout all of Alti but if you all ever have any situation where there's noise and stuff like that just call us up like call me up you know and um I can get the police over there or call 911 you know because um even though for you know things like Fourth of July things like New Year's there's going to probably be fireworks even if they're coming from Miami Shores where you guys live right there on the border of Miami Shores um but if that's the case you know if there's things in your while you're in your home that are scaring you or making you you know that that making you feel fearful um you know you can always call me up for situations like that or call 911 we have wonderful officers like officer Ruez in the back right now smiling and uh we can send them right over there you know just to make sure that you guys are comfortable within your own homes um if there's no other good in welfare no I just second that sentiment um yeah definitely reach out if there is something that you you don't understand or that is making you scared cuz you should feel safe in your home absolutely 100% um you come up come up say your name and address again for the record and uh the floor is yours Marlin Brooks 400 Northeast 9th Street Miami Florida 33138 just to piggyback on what the gentleman was saying I also have the problem with trees now there is a tree that was plant it was not planted it just grew up next door to the neighbor's place but that tree now has become a pest because it has grown like crazy that tree let LED out some fine leaves that tree has forbidden grass to grow in my area there because it kills the grass that's number one number two that tree is hanging over my bedroom and it's huge now I don't know if you all I the only thing I'm hearing is when I report it oh just streats over your side that can't happen so I'm waiting for the hurricane because the hurricane is going to help me because if that limb falls on my bedroom there will will be problems that tree does not belong to me it belongs to the people next door whoever they are that's their responsibility I have no trees hanging over my house because I never intended to put trees near to my home I know the danger of having trees but whoever put the tree their trees they're responsible for that I am a senior I'm retired I don't think I ought to take my Social Security money to cut a tree that doesn't belong to me and I've shown that tree several times to the code enforcement officer he has not said anything but now I'm bringing it in the clear I took pictures of it the other day because I for I'm foreseeing trouble I would ask that you all take a look at it and tell me what ought to be done that's number one and number two with the grass and the mou what happen if people throw um things on your Mount and kill it because that's what happened to mine I planted grass in my swell I paid $250 for it to be done and it's almost dead now because somebody is throwing something on it and Skilling it and I just don't have the time nor the Constitution to be bothered with this because if somebody's trying to take care of their place I don't know why somebody would just try to disfigure what you're trying to do so I just thought I would bring that up to piggy back on what the gentleman said because my my swell is it the grass is almost dead and I'm not looking to plant anymore thank you thank you um yeah so the first thing I would just say is uh you know unfortunately um not everyone can be is a good neighbor you know sometimes I'm not saying that individual who Miss Miss Brooks might be referring to as a bad neighbor because I don't know the situation of what's going on over there right but um you know sometimes we don't all have neighbors that you know have our best interest um in in in mind unfortunately that's just the way it goes sometimes I so you know for whatever is happening to the grass and your swell uh you know I'm sorry that that's happening I don't know what's happening over there as far as the tree um usually this is how that that situation goes that's a civil issue between neighbors um in a perfect world you would hope that uh you know that when you go to your neighbor and you say hey like look at your tree it's kind of growing over you know the next time you're your your lawn servicemen are here when the next time you know your tree trim men are here can you just kind of send them and just like you maybe cut cut your part of your tree that's hanging over to my side and that's how I've always been with my neighbors and they're usually like yeah no problem like ohar that's that's that's no problem um but sometimes they they're not like that so the first thing I would um kind of ask is is have you going over to speak to them um and so that's usually the first step to go over and speak to them and just say hey like can you do this then if they refuse to do it like that it's kind of it kind of gets difficult from there because it's a civil issue in the past um myself manager Lou uh we have gone to different residences where there have been neighbors that were having these problems about trees you know directly and we you know we've gone to speak to the other neighbor and try to come to you know a middle ground between the two neighbors sometimes it works sometimes it doesn't um but you know it we'll find it in our schedule if you want us to Miss Brooks we can come out um to your property and we can you know go to your neighbor's property and talk to them for you and just see what they say we can we can do that we've done that before so we can do that all right so I'll call you okay I'll call you and we'll and we'll make that appointment all right okay anybody else you guys all right anybody else for good and Welfare out there you guys good okay seeing hearing none do I have a motion to adjourn so moved moved by council person Martin do I have a second second by council person bbom the uh meeting for Tuesday July 23rd 2024 is adjourned oh do all in favor say I I I I all the F say nay hearing none if it wasn't for you guys and the clerk I would have been mess up with uh with both good with the good and Welfare with the Mo agenda and everything um the the account meeting for Tuesday July 23rd 2024 is uh adjourned at 7:48 is that what it is you guys 7:48 good job you guys