all right you guys how we looking looking good shout out to um full moon the regular council meeting for Tuesday March 26 2024 is called to order at 7:07 p.m. let's first have a moment of silent meditation followed by the Pledge of Allegiance pledge allegiance to the flag States Amer I know that we don't have our clerk here tonight unfortunately um and I know that the manager this is uh not what she's be supposed to be doing she's our manager not our clerk but she's such a kind individual Madam manager can you can you please do roll call for us it's my pleasure you know we always like to advance the business of the village anytime I can but I just want to make sure we're doing things appropriate to the Charter all right so a roll call um council person Darry Martin um is out um this evening due to bement council person Anna Lightfoot ward council person Anders Zer bom present vice mayor Lewis parella here and mayor Omar Nickerson here okay um you have a quorum mayor Nickerson also present for the record is um village attorney Joseph Geller and myself Christia Aloo Village manager we also are joined by our zoning um Department Scarlet Hammond and our building official Mr Pedro Martinez thank you very much Madam manager I appreciate it SL clerk for the day thank you very much for wearing those two hats I really appreciate it um do I have a motion to approve the agenda move by council person life award do you have a second second second by council person Urban volte say I I I'm oppos say nay hearing none next is good and Welfare this is the first good and Welfare um anybody have anything to talk about according to what's on this particular agenda you can come up and say your name and address you have three minutes and the floor is yours there will be another good and Ware at the end where you can talk about anything at all and throughout the agenda every agenda item you can stand up and speak on that agenda item seeing none for good and well for consent agenda do I have a motion to approve the consent agenda so moved moved by council person irban do I have a second second by vice mayor Pella all favor say I I I say nay hearing none the first thing is the um resolution G1 attorney Geller do you have that in front of you sir item G1 um designation of green reuse area resolution of the mayor and Village Council of elpto Florida Miami D County Florida making certain fin ings and designating the real property located at 8300 8316 8356 and 8358 Northeast Fourth Place El pel Florida 33138 identified by Miami day County folio number 18- 3207 02015 as further identified by the map in the attached exhibit a as the launch green reuse area P pursuant to section 37680 Florida Statutes of Florida's Brownfield redevelopment act for the purpose of environmental Rehabilitation job creation and promoting economic Redevelopment authorizing The Village Court to notify the Florida Department of Environmental Protection ofs said designation and providing for an effective date and for all other purposes thank you very much I appreciate this is oddly it is a resol resolution but it requires two readings absolutely first reading mayor and public here absolutely thank you very very much um this is wonderful you all this is uh the another step in the direction of Economic Development um a new development um that will be within eleral and uh it will be bringing our Riverfront Restaurant that we are so excited so that's going to be wonderful you guys um do I have any questions or comments from the council good stuff hearing none do I have any questions or comments from the audience we'll open it for audience is a public hearing at 7:11 p.m. do I have a any questions or comments from the audience about this item looking forward to a wonderful development more steps coming soon I'm closing the public hearing at 7:1 p.m. do I have any last questions or comments from the council before I ask for a vote no we're good um do I have a motion to approve resolution G1 move by Council person light foot W do I have a second second by vice mayor Pella I know we don't have our clerk today no you're good it's no sorry it's no sorry we understand you're doing double duty we appreciate it this is for resolution G1 mam manager no you're good no apologies resolution apolog resolution G1 um we're doing roll call okay yes yes uh council person like put Ward okay uh council person bbal yes okay vice mayor parala mayor Nickerson yes motion passes forward zero thank you very much I appreciate that moving on to um ordinance G2 yes coun a comment was a long time coming we finally here yes thank you very much counc person life forward absolutely we really appreciate it uh great things happen in now for to G2 is ordinance first reading amending the form base code lot coverage attorney yes sir an ordinance of the village of Al Florida amending the form-based code chapter 24 zoning and Land Development code appendix B form-based code article 10 definitions and terms lot coverage providing for findings providing for conditions providing for appeal providing for violation of conditions providing for incorporation of recital providing for severability providing for scriveners errors providing for conflict providing for inclusion into the code providing for an effective date and that's first reading mayor and I do want to thank uh Miss Hammond for all the work that she and cord yeah I'm gonna have Miss Hammond come up on this you guys come up Miss Hamond please um representing the cordino group and so U Miss ham is going to go into you know a little bit more detail on this but basically kind of what this uh pretty much uh sums sums or comes down to or what the sum of this is way this sums up is that um so there's a there's kind of like ambiguity when it comes to lock coverage and so eler toow you know in our in our code we say that a certain percentage of your lot you know um has to be uh green Greenery or Green Space the problem is is that with the loot coverage we're trying to figure out and we're going to decide we're trying to figure out if the lock coverage should include the driveway or not because if your loot coverage includes your driveway then if you want to put for example a second driveway let's say if you don't have the space you want to put a second driveway you may not be able to because if the lock coverage includes your the the original driveway then the percentage of Green Space you need might already be to the T right to the Limit but if we say that the lock coverage doesn't include the driveway then you may have enough enough Green Space to where you can put a second driveway all right so that's kind of like so we're trying to figure out just what uh lock coverage will include okay in more detail Miss Hamond if you want to kind of break it down thank you the um as you may recall um this was brought before you as a discussion item at the um last planning and zoning board meeting and um really um just really given the overall intent is to um change the code so that we can provide a little bit more consistency um for homeowners especially and also for design professionals that are drafting up these site plans and and and you know looking at what should be considered when they um when they're looking at how to fit the the driveway and um other you know different things that people want you know in you know just to you know have a nice backyard kind of thing um so right now um we have um 40% is the total lot coverage that the code allows and um we've given you um a few examples in the staff report of how some of the design professionals have you know use some of the um I'll say maybe they've been a little bit creative on how they describe um what their structures and and their coverage are in order to um kind of create a little B more flexibility for themselves as to how um the lock coverage has been counted so what we're proposing is adding this language that it will make it more clear um that really any surface that's covering the ground and not allowing water to pass through is going to be considered lot coverage that's really the intent and um just to note um it might be necessary um to look at this a little bit closer in the future is 40% still the right lot coverage amount or we maybe um we may be a little bit come to you again and might need a little bit more flexibility in that number just to um you know account for other things that people may want to do with their um patios and um driveways and those kind of things and um but then again we also want to make sure to balance with um considerations for storm water issues that are you know CommunityWide so that's what we're trying to strike a balance with not allowing um people to have the the ability to interpret the code to their advantage to some you know almost entirely Paving over their back yards and and um and then driveways that you know you know are big and then it just kind of there there it just snowballs a little bit so that's what we're trying to figure out is a way to add language that will make it more um straightforward and we're we're proposing that really the word impervious is added and that that is going to cover really anything that is covering your your your property so that's the intent and it's just um you know definitely open um for for your discussion and I'm here to answer any questions questions or comments from the council uh just a comment or I guess discussion I guess um so in the language um as far as structures goes like uncovered wood decks pools and trellises right so um I think it's a little bit what we're talking about is Crown cover ultimately we're talking about how much of the lot is covered by something that will not allow specifically storm water to pass through correct so I think a lot of people think that these rules are perhaps for aesthetic reasons or because of like an HOA type of mentality you know what I mean when in reality the reason for this necessity is flood mitigation right so um so it won't if we don't do this now an insurance compan is going to be requ requiring municipalities to do this um or else they won't do business in those municipalities anymore in the future uh and I will just say this and and uh hopefully this will temper the the feelings about this particular issue tonight because what I see on the horizon is uh with the water table Rising um I expect that there would be a recommendation from planners that no more swimming pools be allowed at some point in the near future because dropping like the what we're talking about here in terms of ground uh covering the lot right so you put a concrete deck in the backyard you have a a wide concrete uh driveway in the front you're taking away square footage uh you know a chunk at a time and that increases the amount of rain water that goes into the streets or into your neighbor's property or somewhere else and uh and it creates uh pooling laking all of those effects that go along with uh I think we got three and a half inches in less than 36 hours just in in this past week I've got a rain gauge it fills up pretty quickly these days so wow um uh so so having said that um you know digging into the ground 8 feet at a time to put in a pool uh across the entire County will have an effect on raising the the water table uh this is already happened in other municipalities for other reasons in the past we know this to be the case so I think it's a bit of a challenge because we're trying to parse a nuanced subject here because what we're talking about is flood mitigation but the consequence is I can't put what I want on my property and when in reality you can but there but there is going to be an additional cost in terms of a permeable driveway versus a traditional concrete driveway so so there in lies the problem so uh so there you go my two cents thank you council person bbom anybody else from the council council person M for award uh I read this with much interest my property doesn't flood properties on my street flood and they roll that way I'm the last I'm the first one on the corner or the last one depends on who's reading the the globe I don't have that problem but I have seen it where concrete um has has made made the reason for this absolutely right it's it's it's a it's a it's a basic science where if water can't go through it's got to go somewhere it's got to go somewhere with with this in mind did we see this before or did something happen because sometimes the village does flood so no this suggestion is not based on a specific flood event if you will it's it's based on um um just really trying to um get to a better way that we can um communicate with homeowners and design professionals that are submitting these site plans and you know we've got some new construction coming through so that you know that is you know an opportunity for people to if they interpret this so one of the the changes we're also suggesting is to clarify what's meant by deck that make it a wooden deck because that makes sense because water can flow through wooden deck but if somebody were to interpret a deck as any you know any substance any anything that they consider their deck maybe a marble deck or um you know pavers where that's not the same thing so that's kind of what we're trying to to really get get at a better defition so that we can we can have it so that it's people can still enjoy their yards and and have you know have a nice livable area but it's not going to impact as much as um if they interpret deck in in a different way last but not least since we're doing um septic to septic to sewer what's the impact there also they're going to dig up the road they're going to run into a lot of um challenges definitely county is doing seped toour this won't um have an impact no I don't I don't see that as a a an issue that we're looking at um storm water um and just you know individual properties and not NE um on the sewer system got to dig it up I'm talking about the reality of digging it up putting the tube putting the pipes in and it's in front of my house and that's going to either Elevate the road or my property is going to be lower one way or the other I'm more concerned about the impact it's going to have on uh how do you say properties that been here since the beginning of time yeah so um in our analysis we didn't go into that type of of but you know you understand where I'm going yes all right yeah we did I'll leave it for another day okay no problem thank you all right anybody else from the council just a quick comment go ahead yeah not not to throw another wrench but um so just to put on your radar to be thinking about because what I you said when you said pavers this um made me think that uh I do believe that at some point in the near future we're going to have an argument essentially over what counts as permeable sure um specifically in regards to driveways specifically in regards to driveways that are mostly concrete with thin strips of green and then you know but if you watch them get built it's all concrete there's nothing permeable at all under those services and so um so I believe that might be the next thing to put on yeah absolutely and and I have dealt with that in other cities we we have ways where they can um people you know developers and homeowners can submit spec sheets and they they they actually do um give you the percentage and um there you know if we want to in the future and we start getting a lot of these you know yeah so I think if we want to get out ahead we can kind of yeah we can look at that and and and see that you know hey if if there's an allowable small percentage of of a paer driveway that that we could we could live with right then make a kind of an exception for because I think this language is very helpful it's going to iron out the wrinkles and and help you know uh make things more efficient in terms of the communication between all the parties involved that you're talking about right yeah thank you and so but the consequence of that be where's the next bottleneck going to happen and where I see that happening is p p pavers and driveways yeah we've already thought about that yeah and we we we've have experience with other cities so we can we can come to with other suggestions thank you council person irban anybody else um anybody from the audience you guys about this lot coverage any questions comments all right hearing seeing none um do I have a motion to approve uh ordinance uh G2 first reading meing the form based code for lot coverage move by council person life forward do you have a second I'll second second by council person bbom all I mean allv Madam um manager if you can I please have a roll call okay yes you may council person ward council person bbom yes vice mayor Pella and mayor Nickerson yes motion passes for Z thank you very much thank you very much Miss Hammond appreciate it um moving on you guys agenda item 188 Northwest 89th Street discussion and possible item if I can have the um the homeowners come up please good evening everyone good evening good evening how you doing say your name address for the record uh dney mayard property address 188 Northwest 89 Street okay thank you very much so um you're here because to close out your uh your property you have um some outstanding payments yes some reinspection fees that's needed to be paid in order to call Out Inspections to get the finals done and you don't feel like you should pay the the the final reinspection fees yes that's correct um besides the hardship it was a time lapse that we went through and getting the finals done and the time lapse was Era done on I feel like done on you guys behalf and we endured it and we got through it and we hear now what's that this uh let me have do I have a motion for recess motion by vice mayor Pella do you have a second for motion for recess yeah second second by counc person all say I I all the post say nay hearing none we're recessed for 7:29 p.m. the regular council meeting for Tuesday March 26 2024 is called back to order at 7:32 p.m. all right you guys okay so you were saying um you felt that uh you shouldn't pay it because you felt that that it was the villager's fault yes MH um basically um when we did something I guess a mistake on our fault you know there was a consequence for it so I'm just saying that you guys did something wrong on on your behalf if you guys could just help and do a courtesy as far as to just help with the reinspection fee is not much uh especially opposed to what we had to deal with with the mistake that you guys cost us and what was that mistake um you guys gave us approved plans to go ahead and um to build on our uh home and then after you gave us a stop order because you said you guys forgot to tell us to go through zoning first so you so you said that we gave you approval to build uh and you built without permits no no no I buil with approved permits from you all mhm so I had approved permits from you guys and then uh a year later almost a year later you guys gave me a stop order a red tag and the reason for the red tag is because you guys said we made a mistake and approve your plans prior to having you go into zoning first okay so the building department approved your plans without zoning correct approving your plans correct all right um uh Mr Martinez uh do you what's what's what do you recall about this situation yes I understand that happened that we we found out the a variance was needed because the project was too big it was an addition to a house and the addition was too big um so the variance would have been gone through before or after so he the time really the time would have been the same um he applied they applied for the variant they could still continue pulling the permits which they didn't for for their fence and some and the driveway um the fence the permit for the fence was not pulled was built without a permit that could have continued mhm and and it was not done um so the variance really does not take time from the whole project because it would have been taken at the beginning or almost towards the end when it was called through I'm sorry not to cut you off but I beg the differ um your stop red tag stop all our projects that we had going on we even had a pull that you guys stopped we were not able to do anything anything so cuz you just it sound like you said the variant were able to continue and we were still able to work on other parts of the project is what you're saying no I'm saying it did not stop the the revision the revie review of permits what you were pending you had I think you had the driveway per permit pending you had the fence permit pending and that wouldn't stop the review and approve of those permits would have not stopped now the variant would have stopped the constructions at the beginning anyways no that's what I'm saying that's exactly what same the same time lapsed would have happened at the beginning you would have started later with the variance at the beginning or you finished a little later cuz you had to go through a variance no the anyway the time lapse in the beginning would have had us prepared to know that we have to go through a variance before we could even start construction and that would have a whole different budget because the fact that we had to stop okay excuse me excuse me to interrupt you're a developer right you're wearing a a development U company you're it's not the first house right yes it's not the first municipality you go and build a house to flip it right well this is actually our first project that we did in your city yes in in our city yes okay but not in the county actually in the county from what we've done yes cuz we do a Fix and Flip where just Renovations so do you know does any other municipality have you go through a variance after just to the fact that you remodeling excuse me let me talk that um you adding more than 50 % to the property yes okay what was the question repeat do you know did any other municipalities yes require for a con con contractor construction uh site that's been constructed or built more than 50% of the existing structure or dwelling to go through a variance uh process every celebrity is different no the whole County that's the isn't that the requirement for the county I am not sure if it's the entire County but anyway no matter if it was only here that is published rule it's a public knowledge and it in its due diligence from the developer and the architect to read the municipal code and and interpret it at the time of application so that that is supposed to be known law is supposed to be known by everybody Mr Mr Gill would would say that and that's kind of almost the entire world okay cuz the house double size the house was a barely 1100 sare footage and it went to the new addition was 1,200 what's what's left to be owed what how much do we have left to be owed what's open we have some reinspection fees and um also some other permit costs um that's that's old so you have the the re inspection fees the reinspection are like 75 7 80 bucks I believe 0 yes and then you have um some permit fees uh per yes from a fence or a door I mean I I believe all together it should be uh less uh less than um maybe 500 bucks I believe no the fence the fence permit is because it was done without a permit it's double fee so it's 1520 and 60 $1,520 okay so we have we have um we have the fees we have the the 7575 or 8080 and then we have the 15 2060 yes and the driveway was also to build without a permit double fee 955 52 and so I was with vice mayor Vice May Pell was kind of getting it so he's trying to say when you go into or or if you guys are used to building Properties or or developing Properties or redeveloping properties um do you have you guys done before where you develop a property to this extent Beyond 50% where the home now is 50% no sir this was our first project and I will hope the city of alportel would uh so this is your but this is your first project period anywhere to this capacity yes so this your first project going from a certain size to 50% larger yes okay and so but being in this industry I think what vice mayor Pell is acting being in this industry you you had no knowledge that for things like that you would have to go through a variance process I I have a lot of experience with the city and permitting and that's what I'm saying is that when you get to the city and you do your permanent application the city directs you on exactly what you need and not need to do because they're the ones that have the rules and regulations for you to tell you hey this what you need to do if you want to get this done so you're saying that when you came here and when you went through the process since they didn't tell you about the variance process process in the beginning that the building department the building department overlooked it and therefore you didn't know corre and now you feel like you're being held up from completing and closing this out because you found out later that there was a variance process for that property sort of uh to go a little bit further because of that like I said it cost us a financial hardship and distress now what I'm saying is that what do youan what do you mean by the financial hardship in because the time lapse that he's speaking of and that's what I was trying to explain earlier the time lapse came during the actual time in construction see when you have your construction loans it it it's is different phases than how you pay from a soft cost to a hard cost so had we knew that we had to go through a variance we wouldn't be in the midst of paying the actual bid uh project the building cuz we're actually building so for us to stop during the process of building it cost us uh almost I think 10K a month for the loan that we had because we actually had a buildable loan where we were supposed to be done with the whole project within a certain time period so the 3 to four months that we had the time lapse that Pedro was speaking of it was during Prime Time Of Us building it it wasn't prior so had it been prior that makes a whole different ball game because we're not into paying 10 grand a month for a loan because we're anticipating to be in and out okay and Pedro they have is is it 75 or is it 80 $75 but it for the final mechanical inspection final plumbing and that was in in in this is a problem because this was due in in January 4th so are you is it more now then it's going to be no no no it's the same fee the same fee but the financial cost is so high and you're almost three months later still arguing about $150 it's very difficult to understand yeah it is very difficult you could have the house sold you could have a contract already I've been trying to get and we could get all resoled that uh to speak about this and that's another thing that's frustrating exactly what you said you know I had to go through all this to get it in front of the board meeting when I asked you guys politely hey can you guys just uh wave the fee so I can go ahead I explain to you we cannot wave fees so that's why we here now yeah I I cannot W that's why we he now so we have I paid 30 grand a month guys three for three months because of the time lapse that we're speaking up it was 10,000 a month we had to pay that's not a little bit of money to pay because you guys decided to not tell us in the beginning that we should go do a variance first that's all you guys had to do at that time when I submitted the application to you guys all you had to say is Sir you you have to do a variance first and not approve our plans and if you did not approve our plans would not be moving forward to be paying 10,000 a month for 3 months because of that so we're talking about 7575 $1,520 60 M Martinez and 955 955 52 yes plus the additional fees that I those those are just extra penalties that you guys are have because of the fence not being closed out or after the fact being built without a permit the fence and the driveway built without a permit and not being there not leaving the plans and the door open for the inspectors what about what about 125 for the uh certificate of reoccupancy certificate of occupany at the end has to be prepared it Tak some time they have to read the plans and put square footage and everything s to the property of uh yeah to to county of appraisement and you're so you're asking to have everything waved all of that yeah I think that's fair depending on the money that we had to pay for to for the time lapse I think that's that's not even that's not 10% of what we had to endure for those three months so you're talking about $2,761 72 total more or like that I mean not more or less that's what it is what is this 150 this 150 is that that's that that was that's what the the he wanted waved originally correct yes the 150 okay but he's talking about now $2,761 72 so I see on this side he's saying that this should be approved and we should wave this fee because since the building Department didn't tell them about the variance in the beginning they lost a lot of money or spent a lot of money that they didn't have to and therefore we should eat this the argument from the other side is that um the variance could have been done after the fact or whatever so it didn't really stop them it was necessary no matter what it was so it didn't stop them from doing what they could have done so that's not true sir when they gave us a stop order you cannot say that I'm sorry um mayor it's hard for him he's contradicting himself if he's saying he's saying the permanent application was able to move forward but workwise constructionwise we had a stop order so how do you say you move forward when you're in the middle of building working and you stop it you're not moving forward at that point all right do you have any questions or comments from the council my comment counc person like my comment is What's the total we talking about 27,000 2700 $ 27617 two let me see that something like 61 12 and you want all that waved yes I think yeah that would be a good gesture for the city for all that we've been through especially that I ask at the beginning it's a yes or no question yes ma'am yes' okay even though you owed 75 for reinspection fees you want that why would you do that if you owed that for reinspection I haven't even gotten down to 1,520 I'm confused about the 7575 and then once all completed a FIA 125 will be due for creation of the certificate of occupancy which you did not also you did not also get right so I'm looking at it like this mayor the the 7575 come to 150 125 is um he's already admitted to that one my let's let's do this amicably $1,520 uh60 includes code enforcement fines and permit fees that is not the total which um my colleague here showed me that it's actually 27612 that just yeah the whole thing is 2000 2561 if you do I mean common sense is often times not common but this is very common the fence was built without a permit you have not denied that okay so why would I not find that a penalty of 1,520 when you don't even you admit that you did not have a permit for that mayor I'm making the suggestion that the man to be released from the O of the 75751 125 but he has to pay that $1,520 and some cents can I tell you okay about the hold on hold on okay I got permission to speak yes ma' and with that speaking without you keep going I'm I'm more interested in us finding a amicable way of looking looking at this rather than just simply throwing in the towel do you know how many people that's probably going to do the same thing when they see this if we don't address it properly and you have not denied that you built um without a permit the 1,526 is due that's what I'm talking about the rest of it that that'll be the vote of the council that's what I want to address I able to address that okay again with the fence permit we had a JC working with us and they the ones who told us that you don't have a fence permit even the driveway permit we thought all that was considered with the general uh a GC or building permit or something and they say no it's separate so and from the soon as they told us that we needed a fence permit and a driveway permit we pulled it immediately now far as doing the work because we still have to go and fix the fence we haven't been able to complete a defense because we have stop water and then we addressed the defense issue and um I believe uh I can't remember with a nice lady name U Miss Lou I believe she said that she was going to help with the fence uh when we had a meeting here and we spoke about it and you said he was going to help with the fence of fees not to worry about it I wouldn't have been able to adjust fees um sir you met with me you met with the mayor you met with our building official you me with Planning and Zoning we had a huge meeting with you and went over dates and this was more than three months ago several it was almost a year ago and we outlined everything that you needed to do and everything we were going to do and we thought we were working well with you we were that's so I don't know where this fell apart three months ago for you well yeah may I say something please yes you still don't have a fence permit so we cannot inspect it we submitted a fence permit to you guys it's it's been submitted was it pay said it's a bided but did you pay the fee because I have to pay the inspector to go there we have to pay the inspector his car and everything to go and inspect you did not get the permit you have to pay for the per you submit one is one thing it's the other thing is to pay for the the fense permit wasn't paid for is that what you're saying it's not paid for has not been paid for and the driver either because if I were you in your place I have them approved I have a house for sale of $1.65 million I get those permits and I everything closed today so I can put it on the market it is on the market but I I'm not running against the clock for closing later yeah so and you don't have the permit yet the property's on the market for $1,649 yeah 997 997 there's also uh counc person life foot War along with the 1,520 for the fence there's the driveway right beneath it the 955 52 right so the applications approved by the perit has not been paid for therefore we not we have not been able to inspect see I have to say something see because it's funny you have all these uh investors now um home flippers whatever you're going to call it um with these all these llc's which they dissolve after they sell the house so nobody else is responsible but the new owner so I guess a lot of them have tried to cut corners and get away with stuff not saying that's your it might be your case but when I did my house seven years ago first time um home buyer after having a condo condo you don't have to do anything um but and I came to the Village to pull out permits I knew as a homeowner bu uh you know contractor that all the other uh permits for fans and driveways and possibly pools or whatever were sub permits that the master permit was only for the dwelling for the main construction of the house so now you get all these investors and trying to play like if you excuse my language dumb and say oh I didn't know I needed this permit oh I didn't know I needed this permit so it's kind of like you know uh trying to play you and and and there's no reason for that um the code is there when you as a contractor or as a builder should do like uh Mr um U Martinez said the you do diligence and and and find out what is it by law what is allow and what it what is request from the the specific or particular municipality so it's an unfortunate situation but I'm aware that we're not supposed to even um I mean wave any fees by law or I mean the permit fees or and all of that that would that would lend itself for me to run my own my own shop with my friends and wave their fees let let me understand okay this is where I went with it okay from my understanding um the reinspection uh is because we called for an inspection fee and we wasn't there it was due to me speaking to someone but that's fine and because we wasn't there we have to pay a reinspection fee correct correct correct correct that's correct we came we came down to the city we came down to the city believe that's correct hold on you're saying if only the property had been left open and available the inp could have been done without them being present we need the plans and the and the permit plans and the permit if the plans and the permit were there they would not have they would not have had to have physically been there no yeah I just want to make sure and could have this is part because part of what he's saying is the plans were there but but part of what he's saying is do I like you're saying this is a problem because I physically was not there but I just want to be clear that what you needed to get that done was the plans the permit and access to the proper access to the work right which is inside the house that that was there but that was there if that's the case we had the plans and a permit there we wasn't there exactly but you're saying that you're able to do it I didn't even know that we have the plans and the um permits there yeah but okay you guys so where we're at right now soit that's but this is important I didn't even know that this is information that you say to do your due diligence to know so you don't play dumb so I I'm learning and I appreciate that so you're saying that if you have your and permit there you know you don't physically have to be there to to do an inspection and that was the case for us most people would leave somebody because we need to leave the front door open no we're not saying most people we're saying that if you have the plans and perit and access on plans permits and access to the work so inside the house somebody needs to be able to go in the house so why did we have to uh have a reinspection fee if we have plans and permit there he's saying he's saying because the door was locked basically it's three plans permits access and you didn't have the access it happens all the time we have to pay the inspector when he goes there his time his car everything now Mr Martinez um you also the the building department is not making um the the property owner uh to open walls or you know making sure all that work was done not even that you're not even making them destroy the house to just to make sure that all the work was done we did permits and they expected it expected the pling and all of that the inspector goes there permit this wasn't a job done without permit excuse me excuse me sir inspector goes there at final to make sure the vaes are correctly installed the holes in the W are covered so verman don't get into the house is small little details at the end to make sure everything's work I understand but through the process it was after the fact that you guys went and inspect said everything and everything was F mechanical INSP it happened to me I I was building the driveway and um I called for a final inspection when the inspector got there he said no but you need to fill out the gaps you need to see what material you putting in there so I had to come and pay for their inspection $50 was at that time four years five years ago um it happens I mean when you're not uh informed all the way you know little things could happen and we must proceed the same way with everybody be fair yeah okay you guys so um so we're at $2,761 72 that's what's oldow um so we either have to make a decision where we want to you know have them pay what is old and full or there could be certain deductions for example council person light foot Ward said that she would want to deduct the reinspection fees and the certificate of occupancy that comes to $275 being deducted that would leave him to pay $2,486 instead of $2,761 Mayor I don't when we had to stop order when you guys refer to the fence again we're going back to the fence we Wen even able to get an inspection Pedro is saying that the application did get processed yes but as far as work being done we would not be able to call for an inspection so again we're being penalized for a stop violation that you guys CA and then you're penalizing us for it because we wouldn't be able to call for an inspection for the fence because we still haven't got the variants approved I understand I understand what you're saying um let me just go down this really quickly and I'm going to open it up to the um to the residents and then we'll come back to the council so we're at $2,761 72 you guys we can either um say that he should pay that as a whole what's remaining or we can deduct from that um if we go with council person like foot WS plan and we're talking about him paying um $275 less that would be him paying $2,486 72 we have that um just the in reinspection and the certificate of occupancy is $275 if we wanted to wave all the permit and code enforcement funds and things like that and just make him pay the the reinspection and the certificate occupancy that would be $275 his his view is that he shouldn't pay any of the $2,761 72 I'm opening up to the audience anybody come up say come up say your name and address for the record and let us know how you doing say your name address for J my is what 113 West 105 what's your last name j um Junior um the problem is I don't should pay due to the fact that like he like he mentioned I'm sorry I don't remember his name not we not everyone have the same rules I understand might statey but not everybody so when you come with where we're trusting the zoning department or the building department to give us the the layout you can't stop us in the middle and tell us oops that's what you guys did we made a mistake and we have to suffer as well we just looking for some account accountability with everyone cuz we stopped I mean we can't even walk with the property it was literally no don't come so now no don't come and then when we come here we cool with Frank with everybody he's like please guys just stop order so I don't really I'm not knowledgeable what you're saying because we couldn't even touch anything lights go on neighbors want to know everybody want to know because it's a stop order so we're just looking to be fair 27 and then plus what do you'll say 10,000 per month just waiting on the meeting and the meeting I'm sorry took another months to do to I say three months to be honest if we look at the Timeline honestly this is a six month delay and if we could really if we break up the timeline P you should have it there it's not a six Monon delay three months we six month delay 10K a month this cost us a lot more financial you said you said something about oh did they go looking W sir there was we got everything permitted they came and check off everything yes it's just one day oh finals oh sorry guys you can't make finals cuz and everybody's just looking at us like that's not cool we we got to finals so yes all the back walls all the lines everything framing mechanical everybody came every day yes so how we know we doing something wrong when they came every day for 8 n months so now we're finished can we get finals oh sorry guys you guys got to go through six months of this and I'm talking about we emailed everyone that we could have every day we harass they know us very well it's not about being petty what is it come on this we really had to pay 10,000 fixing flip loans and we had to stop so we could even get what was spending back cuz there's no way we could have showed them oh yeah this permit was passed cuz we came to the city building and they told us sorry our fault we forgot to tell you and we didn't come do anything but went through the process it's all all right let me jump in here appreciate that let me jump in here real quick um let me address the the meeting situation um really quickly so first of all earlier uh we were talking about meeting so February 23rd is the first time I got involved in this situation that's when you wrote um to Clerk jacobe and this was going into the council meeting last month right which was after February 23rd it was that next week so this is Friday so you know our meetings are Tuesday so on Friday um around 12m where we myself and and and clerk jacobe we're doing the agenda usually starting Tuesday we usually finish it around Thursday so on Friday you wrote to clerk jacobe hi this is what you wrote I'm CC this is the first thing I I ever heard about this like I knew about it it says hi this is you you say hi I'm requesting to speak at the hearing as I was told that my request needs to go before the board please add me to the meeting thank you and a good faith cooperation with you all I appreciate that so when I saw that on Friday afternoon when the meeting's already done I didn't even know what it was about you see what I'm saying so I there's no way I could even put it first of all the agenda was done secondly there's no way I could put it on the agenda because I didn't even know so as soon as I saw that I called clerk jacobe I said I said your niece I was like I was like Jobe what is this about and she was like I don't know mayor I said well how how am I supposed to add when I don't know what to add you know so when you say that you've been waiting all these months um for a meeting and and things like that the last time the first time I heard heard about it was Friday February 23rd right before last month's meeting and with that with that email which you know I appreciate you sending it I had no idea what was going on but with that email it was too much ambiguity to me for me to even move on it you know hi I'm I'm requesting to speak at the hearing as I was told that my request needs to go in front of the board please add me to the meeting thank you and in good faith cooperation with you information that I received so so I didn't even know what it's about so that's why last month when you came I said well reach out and I'll I'll definitely have you on this month which is what I did so that's kind of how that went um are we hearing no more from the audience okay you want to come yeah you have to come up if you want to speak just come up say your name and address for the record and the floor is yours my brother just come say your name address for the record how you doing good to see you hello guys sorry my name is Eric uh I'm a leader and uh it seems to me say say your full name address okay Eric uh 311 Northeast C6 street that good okay uh it seems to me like uh like whose job is it to give the right information it's the city's job so if he came through the city to get the right information and then he learns that that's not a factual information I don't even understand why this guy is being provoked because I see like like I I put myself in his place and I would be like having a hard time to just calm myself down I I sympathize with you that's all I want to say thank you thank you very much appreciate that um anybody else from the audience come up say your name and address for the record the floor is yours hello my name is Thomas pum 205 Northeast 86 Street um in service of not just you know the circumstances being discussed here but for the betterment of the community going forward I have a few points I'd like to share as um I'm also going through a home renovation so I have worked very closely with the village and through the villages uh building and planning and zoning uh officials which is facilitated through cap government um and I have to say there's many errors and miscommunication and delays um repeatedly over and over um that you do really have to you know be on top of it uh continuously um and there is a lot of uh in in my case smaller mistakes that were not taught by uh the Planning and Zoning people in terms of not reading documents correctly whatnot um that delays the process more and more and more um as I have heard this conversation unfold um to me it doesn't seem so adequate to um you know reduce fees that exist and and that are on the books to compensate for errors that the village or building department or cap government created um it actually sounds more like a lawsuit um coming at the process um and I have an open question in regards to with the fees and even potential uh lawsuit when it comes to the process with uh building or Planning and Zoning or any of these um services that we have outsourced to a cap government or pilot or uh cordino group or plur or other entities um how does the village treat that um because I think in some respect it's not just the village coffers when we're talking about this $27 number but I uh I would assume that part of that uh if not the bulk of it is then being passed along to this private for for-profit company cap government and others um who are not making the process easy and facilitating it for the the villagers in a really you know outstanding way so you're asking if if there's a lawsuit and if we ever get sued over something like this will the money that's coming out of that be then moved over to cap government or for Serbia or whoever made the mistake who collects the so the $2,700 whatever fee where does that money go um I you know is it correct that's what percentage of that is going directly to government and then in case of a lawsuit um you know who are the name named parties is it Village of elportal and for in this instance cap government LLC or whatever their entity structure is um or what would that actually look like um you know if I was in a situation and I was losing $30,000 or more because of uh something that should have been caught uh before I would be talking to attorneys to represent me um and going through that angle yeah okay so in this in these fees there's the the permit um fee but then there's some code enforcement fees permit fees and anything having to do with building it goes right back to building so 100% of that will go right back to cap government as far as the permit fees um Cod enforcement would the Cod enforcement portion that comes to the Village of eler toow um as far as who you would sue attorney yellin chiming on this but when you're doing a lawsuit you sue whoever your lawyer feel should be sued okay you can go ahead and turn your get like for example if I if I want to sue a um you know if I want to sue a uh a company where I slipped and fell in their organization let's say you know I don't want to say any company's name on record but if I want to sue that company I would probably sue you know my lawyer might tell me to Sue that company but also Sue whoever the cleanup company is also who messed up the floors or left them too waxy or whatever but that's kind of up to like that per your personal counsel when you're doing lawsuit they try they usually try to go for everyone that could be named in that lawsuit attorney Geller well I mean you said it exactly right mayor somebody brings a lawsuit uh they sue who they want to sue it's not a case where the village would be bringing the lawsuit um if the village brought the lawsuit we would decide who we were going to sue but you know if uh the individual decides to sue he can sue uh whoever he wants to he could sue us he could sue cap he could sue uh pretty much anybody The Village uh does you know maintain insurance for this kind of thing that's one of the things we belong to the league of cities for and we have their insurance so they would be responsible for defending us it's not necessarily going to be an expense for the village of alel other than if there was a depending on the nature of how the case ended it could even if it's adverse to us typically that's what we have insurance for let me just say um and Mr Martinez said it I mean the the village is never perfect no government no group of human beings is perfect and sometimes mistakes can be made but the law is for instance if you build um a building and this happened on Miami Beach they built a building they had permits but somehow the building was not designed to the uh ADA Compliant and it wasn't noticed till final inspection the build building was built but that doesn't mean that if a mistake was made that that doesn't mean that you get to ignore the codes if if there's a mistake so be it but that's why people hire competent professionals to assist them that are supposed to also know the law that's why people hire Architects that's why we require architectural plans and Engineering plans now that's not to say that the village doesn't have the ability to wave or reduce some of these fines and fees you have the ability to do that you're you're empowered to do that but buildings have to be built subject to inspection subject to all the the rules so that they're safe and the number one issue is are they safe and you can't say well we can have this building be in any shape we want because oops a mistake was made it has to be fixed and it has to be conformed thank you very much sorry ju just to clarify so I'm specifically talking about the village and us being aware of where our limit of liability is when we are Outsourcing and paying and trusting these for-profit companies who just collect the fees and it goes straight to you know their for-profit company um you know how we're treating that and what the balance is between um you know the the builders and residents here and um you know the the process I agree that there should be accountability um and some ability to you know how does that occur um yeah yeah understand I understand what you're saying Mr P it's just until a lawsuit comes we don't know because sometimes you know um I'll just this is the last thing I'll say about that sometimes let's say for example and this is hypothetical right but sometimes if someone was to if a mistake was made let's say you know by a cap government or something like that hypothetically if someone was to sue let's say the village elert and let's say the village elert would lose then the village elert could turn around and Sue cap government you know for you know for the re so it it just depends you know just depends where ultim it could come out of cap government at the at the end even if somebody was just to sue us first you know what I mean so yeah I just want to point out that there's uh you know dis between obviously like what y'all are doing here as officials and then a reminder that again most of our services are Outsource contracted ab and we need a way as Builders or residents to really get good quality responses and answers and be set up for Success instead of continuously being denied and having long periods of time of that denial and then reaching out reaching out reaching out to get clarification and that you know again adding more and more time yeah no I understand thank you very much Mr pul appreciate it y Mr Mayor can I say something of course um as building officials and inspectors we all have our own personal license and and and our job is to make sure everything's done according to the law and most of all safe like in in your case sir we have to make sure your house is been rebuilt in a safe manner so if you PL don't no no no but I'm in your case somebody everybody we have to make sure that houses we built safely we don't know who's going to live there or not and by the way that does have to excuse me no no no nothing to do with that but that's our goal that's Our obligation so in this particular case I could have been done the Cowardly thing and look the other side hope nobody catches it and then the future owner gets the problem we had to bring It Forward because that is the law we have to comply with the law no matter what and and that is Our obligation we have to be transparent and fair to everybody um some people have better projects and they go smoothly and they have better Engineers better professionals helping them and they get a better product when I was working as a contractor I had good teams of engineers in some places and bad ones and and with the bad ones it took me double triple time to finish because my professionals were not that good so I tried to stay with the other but that's the nature of the building construction B but I needed to say that no thank you very much Mr Martinez appreciate that um anybody else from the audience you guys I turn it back to the council no we're good all right coming back to the council okay so guys where we left off so um the full amount of what's quote unquote old is $2,761 72 um we could either wave it all or we could which is what he uh the client wants to do um or we could say that he should pay all of that that remaining cost to $2,761 .72 cents uh council person light foot Ward made a suggestion to wave the um the reinspection fees and certificate of occupancy that would bring it down uh less uh $275 therefore the amount that he the client would have to pay is $2,400 instead of 2,700 it would be $24 8672 cents um there's also the case where we want to wave all the permit fees and a code enforcement fees but just keep the reinspection fees and certificate of occupancy then the client would pay $275 do I have a suggestion from anyone on the council that we can make a motion on mayor yes counc person life forward it it is very clear says fence was built without permit nothing else said anything that negative it talks about what's do it talks about reinspection fees the only reason I tried to provide for a compromise is because that's old reinspection is old period both of them but that's not the that's not the real deal building something without a permit that should never be that's why I stopped there and the fee for 125 due creation of the certificate of occupancy in good conscious sir if you know you didn't pay for the certificate of occupancy that would be yours to to come in and say I I'll also include the 125 I'll make sure it gets paid that's it we're through but the think that we can just allow a situation at this stage of the of the game allow a situation to go untested just because we're a little bitty city someone's already tried that Ma I don't uhuh I'm still talking and and I'm trying to provide for a reasonable um medium that's good a reasonable medium but the think you're going to let you're going to be without harm to the Village come on man we trying to make a trying to make sense of this and have we known before before all of this it was the fence was built with without a permit the rest of it says something that that is UN un just just not okay just not he does his job he brings information to us that's what's old I'm not concerned about that I'm concerned about fence was built without a permit yes ma'am the fence wasn't bent without permit on purpose it was we had a a lot of permits in master subs and everything like I said when they informed us that hey you also need a separate permit for fence we went and submitted the fence permit we had it was a whole new renovation as you can hear we added a bigger house that was there before so we wasn't trying to sneak behind the bush to say hey let's do this without a permit we pulled all our permits every permit that needed to be pulled was pulled and when it wasn't pulled the moment the building told us hey you need this permit we pulled it right away we wasn't hiding it this was something was doing secretly but it was already built it was built in the fact that's what I'm explaining to you it was a lot of construction going on man was a whole renovation being done so everything was being done at one time it wasn't like this this this everything was being done at one time one full gut job so everything was happening all at one time during the process they noticed the fence the driveway they say hey you guys need this because we um we see it you don't have it we pulled it right then and there all this work was being done simultaneously it wasn't like separately this was all being done at the same time but You' already built the fence all right yes and that's when they explained to us and we pulled the the fence per but to just to acknowledge what you're saying and I do agree with you the bottom line is you're saying that we bu we build the fence without a permit true I'm saying and now because of that you're saying that we need to pay this fee correct that's the only one I agree now this is exactly what the council is saying because we build the fence without the permit it should be an accountability I agree what is the city of V vision of aort accountability for costing us 3 to 6 months because they gave us a stop order after the fact we submitted we came to you guys correctly with everything we gave it to you guys you guys approved it not only you approved that every time we called for an inspection you came out and you expected Mechanical plumbing electrical everything until we get to finals then you give us a stop order so what is your accountability for the village of airport toown to cause that what is you saying is your accountability for that since you want me to pay the fence what is your accountability for that for the building to give us the approved plans to go ahead and do us to do what we needed to do and then gave us a stop order a year later and then caused us 3 to 6 months delay because of the variance what is that accountability that's all I need to know please that's all I'm asking at a previous uh Planning and Zoning meeting you were approved for something correct what was that driveway approved for the driveway and after the fact and that was an after Thea driveway wasn't so the driveway was already done and we still approved it for you didn't we yeah that's after it's called an after effect of permit that's that's what we and we and we had to approve it after after the fact because normally it would be approved before the fact correct yes and that was an outrageously risky thing for the village to do because it opens the door for other so so that's one example of how the village how the village lived up to and Fest up to that's when we're speaking of since this guy brought up all the cities all cities most of the time when you do a job and you have to pull a permit after the fact that's what most cities do is approve it after the fact that's something common that's not common because usually people do it in the in the correct order therefore there's not an after the fact so I remember when that came before planning and zoning and it was done incorrectly and it had to come it had to come to us for that particular purpose I just want to give that you're right you're right no it's all it's all understand what you're saying I'll take that that's true I do acknowledge that I want it's always good to find it's always good to find common it's always good to find common common ground my brother we're going to see if we going to help you out all right so you guys so so so just the the last thing that I need to know um council person light foot Ward so you're saying that we wave the reinspection fees and certificate of occupancy or just the reinspection fees the re the inspection fees as well as uh complete a 125 certificate occupy okay so then those two and let's go home okay W wave wave that so then it would be 526 it would be two that would be 24486 how are you doing your math that's what we're made that's what we're how are you doing your math so you one number you have 2,761 do. 72 would be the full total all right what do you have as your full toal fence was built without a permit $1,520 60 I'm not concern concerned about the rest of it just that one thing he has to pay So you you're not concerned about the driveway the driveway in and of itself I'm I'm not showing a number here I'm showing I'm copying Mr Geller help me 955 it says includes it says do this it includes code enforcement fines and permanent fees so that 152 uh does not cover that okay I see it now my apologies okay that that would be an increased number yes it would be so what we be talking about is $2,486 72 that's right all right is it really 72 150 115 20 60 plus 955 52 that doesn't look right can I ask um Miss Lou opinion about the fence well hold on a minute we trying to work something through well it's minus $10 it's- 10 cent it was is minus uh $10 because I had the beginning 80 and 80 instead of 75 and 75 oh well that's not so take it down $10 um um May 1520 60 plus 955 52 those are the two numbers I'm talking about that's it 15260 mhm plus 955 52 pay that and we go home 24762 yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah what that's what you have 2476 12 you can drop the 12 if you like or leave it you guys if you dro the come on you guys you dropped the just dro the 60 cents and the 52 cents all right okay do I have another suggestion can I ask a question yes sir uh when you came to um ask for the per say your name say your name address again do I have to say it again yes yes uh Eric mon 311 or6 Street okay uh when you came to ask for the permits did you ask about the fence and the did did they know of the scope of the project and what you needed to do was that like clear I to them we just submitted our plans to them um I don't know to what degree if if the scope was clear to them um I'm I'm not I'm not sure to be honest I know that the plans that we drew everything we said we were going to do we had it on the plans and um that includes the fence I don't was the fence on there P do you know it wasn't on there right on our original is that why we had to do it yeah but the fence is not approved there it's it's a separate permit it has its own inspections that's why the question is the question is was the fence included in the original plan the master the side plan yes not the details of it yes the side plan shows where the fence will go the the fence itself is not approved in the permit okay so yes so if he came to the city to understand what he needed to do to comply to the laws and there wasn't explicitly told he wasn't told that he needed that permit and that happened to me because when I moved to this city I came here to ask which permits I needed and I nobody told me I needed an alarm permit and I came from a condo so one day the alarm goes on and we don't have a permit and I I need to pay $100 and I thought I thought that was totally unfair because I there was the first thing I did I came to the city and I asked which permits I needed and I wasn't told that and I paid for lots of other permits that I was told so if that was on the plans and he buil the the fence up to code and he tried to correct correct it right away I don't actually think he made the mistake I mean this is Sir um that's why we actually approved the the driveway because even though it was done without a permit it was built up to code it was 7% over the lot coverage but being the size of the lot and the size of the and the driveway doesn't look massive it looks you know um ording to the to the to the property so that's why the approval was granted but nobody here has a magic ball to know the intentions of the owner whether they're going to build a pool just with a master permit or put a fence or put a a driveway though that's why there there sub permits to do all of that not just the master permit so it's it's that's all there is there's nobody's fault but the one that's actually building the house or doing the the buildup and and may for your for your question I'm sorry may I just also add we did have a very inclusive meeting I think some things were done improperly initially and it brought us all together maybe about a year ago where we all sat down for at least two and a half hours and went through it step by step with um the gentleman here so that's why when I said I thought we were all on schedule where did it fall off the rails because we laid out everybody's responsibility and what was was expected and required so this is why it's we're later down the road now and now it's falling apart and I don't I'm we're trying to decipher that right but with regards to your question we still don't know if it was built up to code because the permit was not pulled we have not been able to inspect it inspector will go there and see they use the proper materials to build it he will check the post to make sure the concrete goes all the way to the bottom because sometimes people put a little dab of concrete on top and everything's loose and and some other little details that that the inspector has to check he has not been able to do it because he doesn't have a permit yet let I ask a question to uh where the money that you pay for the for those fees go building department yeah 100% goes to the building department uh because it seems just that uh like in his case like the when you it's really like a a situation that happened to lots of our friends and and homeowners they start a renovation and uh when they have to stop in the middle of the renovation it's very costly everybody knows that and uh I don't think it's unreasonable that he's here pleading and explaining the situation I think that we could uh I suggested find a I don't know a friendly solution but uh it's it's too expensive the you know like the it's it's too much it's I think he has a point this is my personal point of view and uh thanks for listening to me thank you very much you all appreciate it all right so so here we are you guys so we have the full amount uh C person life foot W just to so we're on the same page the amount you're talking about is $2,476 12 75 $75 let's take the change off okay all right $75 and no change that's right okay okay all right so you guys we have the full $2,761 we have um the amount that you know in lie of the reinspection fees and certificate occupancy that's the uh council person light foot Ward plan that's $2,475 um we also have if you guys just wanted to make him pay the permit the fence permit that's $1,520 if you just wanted him to pay the driveway driveway permanent fees that's $955 if you just want him to pay the reinspection fees and certificate of occupany that's $275 we have a I move to support Dr lfot Ward's proposal okay so $2,475 so your motion council person bbom is that um the client pays $2,475 yes okay do I have a second for council person bomb's motion second second um by council person light foot wward madam manager man please have a roll call yes absolutely council person L foot Ward yes uh council person urbon yes Vice May carella mayor Nickerson no okay the motion passes three to one all right so you have to pay the 2,400 um $2,475 thank you you just a quick question ma'am you was ad me about me paying the 15 and the driver which I get but you not ad me about me paying the 10,000 month that y gave me a time lapse that was due from you guys or however it works and I had to come out 30 to 60k you think that's equivalent of 1526 you want to tell me and not 56 yeah what I I hear what you I hear what you're saying I hear you're saying thank you Mr Martinez I hear what you're saying um but you know this is what it is with the 20475 you always have the option of um you know seeking of seeking in the lawsuit yeah absolutely it's all good all right um next we're moving on to the manager report ma Madame manager your report please okay thank you very much um lots of things happening this spring Happy Spring everyone Alber um the M day County Water and Sewer Department began a sewer line project here in El Pell it's brand new um something that we weren't even aware of until we saw some um Road uh some roads being blocked off but we're happy to um have this finally coming to El protell we understand there's a new project I'm sorry excuse me cor okay um so that okay thank you thank you so just beyond the radar that we have a road closure at 87th Street and Northwest Second uh it's supposed to be for one week we're told by Mii day County um but uh they're uh conr constructing a force main uh line there U that will start or will kick off the septic to sewer conversion uh this is going to be a multi-year um process as I understand funding is coming in um um tranches but um that is a good start so we're happy to have that the unfortunate side of that is it closed down our nature trail the El Pell nature trail is closed down because it's um being utilized by this with this project so we'll keep keep um all of our residents posted and I did put an information um worksheet on or I'm sorry information sheet on the Village website for your um just so you can get a little information about the project and we're meeting with the county tomorrow um commissioner hardman's office will be um spearheading that so that we can get more information and pass that along to our residents um FPL uh finished its LED light uh conversion project in the village of el portel so all of our lights are now all of the FPL owned lights um we have 151 LPL owned and operated street lights and they are all at 3,000 Kelvin which is the warm yellow light um that is to help us with our um we are a bird sanctuary and Tree City and and we like our our um Community to look um P pictures even in the evening um while still providing safety so um that conversion has been completed this month and we're excited for that and if there are any outages please uh continue to report them to fpl um as well as to the Village if you if you need that assistance because we'll we'll do the reporting as well and um also FPL will be conducting its annual Village Wide um vegetation maintenance so they'll be going around cutting um um vegetation from their lines only so um just be you know mindful that that's what they'll be out there doing um the cista rental development is well on its way it's uh any day now going to be receiving its certificate of occupancy so expect some new residents some new neighbors on our annexed area um starting U we're hopeful for April and um I I think they're well on the way and as you know they came before the council tonight um to have a green reuse um um dedication um for their new project so lots of things are happening on the annex area which which is here on 83rd in biscan U Boulevard um some way that we can all work together we mentioned this I know council person bbom um mentioned this tonight and uh the vice mayor has worked on this and the mayor has worked on this extensively resilient uh resiliency in the village of el pel we are having a community workshop on April 9th here in the Village Hall I'm putting that out to you all it's on the Village website but I I really encourage you to come but also participate there's a QR code here um for you to take a survey to talk about what you are experiencing on the village swes and streets that's you know the the part that you were to maintain as residence but it's owned by The Village but you know parking is of issue you know growing um sod is also a problem in some areas the root systems from trees so we want to really address you know um this need for the village we also have flooding and Street erosion so those are um things we really want to um plan for as we develop this resilient streets and swells um master plan and that will also um um amend our uh existing storm water master plan so we're we're looking toward the future and we need your help so um April 9th 6:30 to 8:30 here in the village hall and we want to hear from residents and also you're able to do the survey before the um meeting as well as after but we'd like to get as many people to weigh in before so that we can use that information in the meeting but you're always able to to access that so um please look out for that um that flyer and please attend if you can the family siiz uh ada8 compliant restroom in the village of el protel Tot Lot is finally ready we got our certificate of occupancy today thank you Mr Martinez finally uh we got it so the ramp is Ada comp everything is ready and um and set to go um we will in the time being until we um are able to get a a um security door with um maybe um a code entry we have the key that will be here in the Village Hall so parents can you or visitors can utilize that by coming to the Village uh front door and then we'll um give them the key and then we'll check it out and try to figure that out until we can get the keypad in but it will be available and and we're really happy to finally have it cuz that's been been a long time coming and again going back to we thought this would take a month at most this is only 150 square feet project and it took almost a year to get this bathroom built I mean wow but it's it's here and we will have a ribbon cutting or something we have to do something to celebrate that bathroom um but so speaking of parks as I said the nature trail is closed until further notice um the upside is hopefully we'll be getting a brand new nature trail once the project is finished at uh someone else's expense not ours because um the the county did Commander that that spot and I understand that the county owns the that nature trail because it's considered a a play street so it's um actually belongs to the Department of Transportation and Public Works we are um required to maintain it as a park but they do have the right to come in and do so they are and I'm sure they're going to restore it and make it better than ever and uh just finally I'm going to wrap up with just giving you an update on the um C7 Canal Bridge or the you know the bridge at North Miami Avenue according to the county it continues the work and the manhole and drainage pipes on the south side of the bridge um are being installed and uh worked on and they are doing some preparation work for the bridge deck while the pipe crew finishes their work so um I know that uh we have the representatives from county commissioner hardman's office here and they said that they would do the best they can to Champion our our village in this respect because we've had a lot of um traffic issues and cut-throughs and so many problems with that um that area and it's it's uh taken way too long but I'm hopeful that your projected completion dates are upon us that concludes my report and if anyone ever has any questions please feel free to reach out to me directly thank you thank you very much Madam manager about her report about her report or just in general no good while she's coming to the the podium mayor yes kolina Serano 389 nor East 80 89 Street you mention in the report that we're going from SE from septi to se so that's new yeah yes we just found it and in fact I wrote to you last week I think you got information before I got it unfortunately the county I guess reached out to the residents but they didn't reach out to the municipality to tell us that this project was starting and so that's why I mentioned that we just found out yesterday and so you were right and I was going to follow up with you so so for new property that going to build a septic we should wait just for the SE and how long may say that well for that I I do not know but I think you should go ahead and proceed with the septic tank and I know that's you know unfortunate because but new SE tank cost at least 10,000 yes they are um so what will be you know the the advice we don't know and it's a county project and they are putting in just a force main line so that's not something that can be accessed by residents at this time so we're still waiting on our project that we were you know working with M day um County to um start and on the west side as well and that project hasn't come on so any ideas about timeline no idea I'm so sorry madam manager it might be with the revelation of this what this project is is a necessary component to then build out the sewer system so this is a necessary it's actually the the end piece of the sewer system and with that connection then projects can begin to essentially start connecting to that piece so I imagine that with this question there's probably going to be a lot of rumors and you know confusion about what is happening so um so we might be uh looking to have a town hall again just as an update to the residents of what the status of septic tour is because I know a lot of residents are figuring out do I plan on continuing to maintain my septic system or am I at the ver verge of being able to get sewer which will have a cost do I put my money into maintaining my septic or save it for being prepared to hook up the sewer right so this is the calculus that every that everyone's dealing with right now so we might we might need to do some something in terms of getting clear information um out to Residents so that they're not jumping the jumping the gun on them I appreciate it because we are just some parts of this Village it might be almost 10 years right before that's exactly what we want to know so with this project that's occurring right now that timeline will begin to come into Focus okay the timeline is not in Focus right now not even for not even for the priority which is Northeast Second Avenue which is the commercial Corridor that timeline's not even in Focus yet even though we know that's going to be the first component that gets done so with this project happening the overall timeline will begin to come into Focus but we're not yeah yeah it's still very abstract in terms of timeline right this this project that started that you knew more about um this is just connecting North uh the city of Miami to El portel through the canal but there's nothing else that's going to come from that but it's a start so like the like uh council person bbom said I mean it's necessary to get all of these pieces in in place but I we don't have a time line because funding isn't there and we're still waiting for County um go ahead and I know they aren't able to do any work with us until they secure all the funding I'm sorry I do have more questions but I don't know if that like than to ask I have more questions or but I don't know it's not the good welfare mic we have a good we still have good and Welfare coming up right yeah all right let me just straighten this all out so so at the end we have a good and Welfare you can talk about anything at all so right now I was just seeing if anybody had any questions about specifically about the manager's report um council person life forward yes about the manager's report the nature trail you know there's portions of that nature trail that floods on Horseman side I hope that this construction I've not been out there talking okay we we'll see that CU it's rained in the last two and they should be able to see that there's um there is a tendency for the water from the HSE man to come into the trail that's why you see it the way it is sometimes and that whole area that in itself is what I'm more concerned about because just to fix the trip just to do what they're doing for flooding that to me should be included that while the M nature trail was built perfect as time went on we realized that water that kept flowing from the from the school continued to flow yes it exactly it went down and so I'm concerned about that and if they don't know that that's happening they should have known in the last few days because it rained good right it rained incredibly over the weekend so I think they do but I'll make sure they know that too when we discuss when we have our post construction meeting yeah I I I love the trail I'm right down the street from us we just can't we just can't pass the buck on that uh water activity because right behind the nature trail is the row of residential property so okay thank you mayor thank you very much I appreciate any other questions for the about the manager report hearing seeing none um just want to say really quickly you guys that uh you know a good thing about it is with the sep the sewer um you know the first phase we're looking to start on the West side let me say that um we already have uh the money for the pumping station um shout out to Mayor LaVine Cava remember this at The Ballot Box shout out to commissioner Hardman um so we that first phase of our sub sewer is going to be paid for by the county um and that's because of our relationship with mayor line Cava um with you know the resiliency Department with Debbie grinder with all of them over there so uh they're giving us millions and millions and millions of dollars all right because uh you know under the Administration you know we have those connections and I'm all over the county and myself and manager were're always in these meetings and we built these relationships so uh it's paying off and saving our taxpayers a lot of money that being said you guys see my report the mayor's report there um there's some stuff that's missing but I don't know we'll see about that next month um I don't know man clerk jacobe left off some things I think she was in a rush it's all good uh attorney Geller any reports yeah just one thing um just the continuing Saga in tasse so they passed the terrible short-term rental bill but it's not clear whether the governor's actually going to sign it there's a lot of pressure on the governor to veto the bill um I mean it's like a little bit frankly damned if you do and damned if you don't the existing law was not strong for municipalities to exercise control most people think that the the new law would be worse in terms of that but I mean it it's not like you know it's not like one from column a one from column B it's complicated there are a lot of Provisions in the new law some of them aren't bad some are terrible but regardless of that uh I I don't think he's hanging on hour every word to make his decision and he has I think it's 15 days from when they transmit this to him but sometimes those things aren't transmitted for weeks we're very much on hold to see what law we're operating under at this point with the delay that's already taking place honestly I can't assure the council that we're going to know in time to prepare our agenda for the next meeting that's frustrating but that's the reality so that's where we are with short-term rentals there's going to be a law the old one or the new one and we must comply with it we just have no choice about it and so we we just don't know this point thank you that's that concludes my report nobody else has sued us and we haven't Su anybody thank you very much any uh questions or comments for attorney Geller's report the state legislature in Tallahassee has it passed the new law it's gotten through both houses a lot of times one house will pass it the other pass it a little different and it doesn't get done but they agreed so the legis collectively House and Senate have passed it but it only becomes a law U the governor has to choose whether he's going to sign it or veto it there is some provision if he chooses to let it become law without his signature um but that gets to the same place it's just so right now we're waiting to see what the governor is going to do and whether the new law is going to go into effect or if the governor were to block the law that passed this here we would be operating under the law as it existed before this session of the legisl thank you very much any other questions or comments for attorney Geller hearing seeing none now we're moving on to good and Welfare this is the time where anybody can come to talk about anything at all but first I'm going to start with commissioner hardman's office y'all are here y'all looking Dapper you know what I'm saying y'all looking ni y'all kind of matching like you got turquo you got the dark blue you know I see I like them shoes too Miss Augustine I see you doing it can y'all come up and just uh you know say what's up from uh County Commissioner Hardman we appreciate him and appreciate sending two of his top Representatives I'm talking about top of the top y'all gonna be together come to this one if y'all gonna stand together come to this one so he can get the camera angle he can he can get y'all real good you can get the shoes and everything I appreciate y'all good evening everyone I am Rosy Augustine Jean Lewis this is my coworker Marcus Barfield he's the district coordinator I am the intergovernmental welfare coordinator with county commissioner Keon Hardman it is our pleasure to always be here um with the Village Council our report for this month is that um commissioner Hardman is hosting or is has a Keon Hardman small business grant that is opened it opened last week um Monday Monday and it closes next week Monday the 1st and it is for four profit businesses in our District 3 area throughout Mii day County so that includes City of Miami unincorporated areas such as Brownsville's elportal as well as Miami Shores so if you were four profit business with six well 10 less than 10 employees you could qualify the application is on our website is on our Instagram easy access it's really straightforward there's a um QR code that you could look up and it just gives you the details and if you have any questions um or need further information you can always call our office 305 636 2331 305 636 2331 manager Lou definitely gave our our North Miami Bridge update there's nothing more that we could ask um or we would add um the contractor very is staying up to date with our office and letting us know so the the manager's report was accurate as a today if something else has changed we'll definitely share with the manager and as well with the village so that you guys are aware um manager Lou was correct as well that we do have a meeting with wasd um about the septic to sewer project that is going to um be occurring near airport to through elport to help the residents of District 3 yes um there is portions of it that's going to help the unincorporated area which is east of um my of the village but there the plan is to complete is to eventually get to elport tow or to go through elport tow we'll have additional details so I don't want to speculate as the timeline the mayor was absolutely correct that we don't have the forecast and I'm not uncomfortable or we're uncomfortable sharing today that it'll be done in a year you know government so we're trying to keep everybody's feet to the fire but we will keep you guys very updated um note toote what's going on thank you so very much any questions for the council persons the vice mayor or the mayor you know thank you guys thank you very much I appreciate it and tell commissioner Hardman we appreciate it sending his very best over here to us two of them not just one they said two Jesus Christ um good and Welfare anyone can come up and talk about anything at all come up and say your name address for the record and the floor is yours caralina 389 noreast 89 Street I just wanted to know if there is any plans for repaving some of the streets in Portal or not because there are some streets that are full of hols yeah what okay full of holes like potholes yeah or or bad streets and B and terrible stre okay so so so potholes we've done two phases so far have we done three thought we did two so we've done three phases so far and so potholes if if there's a pothole that you know about um email us and let us know where because we'll we can do the potholes easily pretty easily um they're not cheap but we we have the funds we can do the potholes pretty easily as far as full Street coverage repair I know that other individuals have brought that up also um that's a lot more expensive and it's just we just have to get the money for it as far as full Street repair I mean what what Street in particular are you think street especially 89 Street and also enter here to the of Port it's terrible okay well this one right here is when they did that they did the work uh that was recently and so we'll speak to the district's office about that that was recently when they did that work um in the probably in the past like eight months or seven eight months that's when they did that work and they just didn't when they finished they just didn't re-repair the street correctly so that's yeah reservice correctly so that's what that is as far as you mean 89 Street like the Northeast 89 Street like east of from Northeast to I think it's Northwest of First Avenue whatever yeah that street that piece of the street is terrible condition so 89th Street is at North Miami Avenue to Northwest First Avenue North more to theeast more to the Northeast by this side almost every day but they're not it's just roing you know okay yeah so the so so to answer your question um it's been a long time there is there is intention on doing it potholes we can do pretty quickly as far as full Road repair we we do have intention on doing it but it's just a financial issue but we're going for money all the time if we get the money to do it we will do it and so it's on our radar selling s homes with you know High volumes and all those things taxes the C we still don't have the funds to do that okay I understand but but we're we're always getting more funds in because it's I mean I'm saying that because I think it's important for all the community to have a very you know beautiful city the with P you're trying to push the tree project there are streets that need more Street to make the city you know better place of course so um I think you know I I justed that out so to consider it or to plan for finance whatever you guys we we're already planning for council person yes there so there is a um there is a resilient streets master plan for essentially the entire Village to um honestly completely redo almost every street um but that will that finality will most likely coincide with uh portions of the storm water uh plan that's taking place because streets will be torn up for that which means streets will have to be replaced for that and so that's an opportunity to replace a street that's already going to be replaced right and then additionally when the septic to the Sewer project comes through as sewer goes through those areas again that's an opportunity to redo the street under the new plan um so again with timelines that plan exists but it has not yet come to full fruition in terms of coming in front of the council and voting on it and saying yes is what we're going to do but even though that hasn't happened yet that plan is still moving forward that is where the council is trying to go uh the plan is actively being worked on and will be presented to the council so um it's not that's not fully abstract it is a plan that's coming into realization um there is no timeline on that but again it would coincide with those two other larger infrastructure projects in the meantime um uh it would would be I mean we we have we're looking for Grants we're talking to Tallahassee we're talking to the county anywhere we would be be able to get funding to redo streets we're looking for it um and so it is an active top priority uh throughout the village yeah and the other one is the tree project that was canel that we have been you know talking about since two years since two years the three project that's something that you know that I you know Christie brought that up to me I think it was two years that it was approved and it was cancelled and that the tree project no it's the budget we have the funds we just didn't have the contractor because it was a matched Grant from Mii day County and so because of that we have to wait for them to release that um contractor who hasn't performed but we have always had the funds but we it's a match Grant it's not um so it's going to happen or it's going to happen yeah it's going to happen we're going to do it it's just it's been two years we haven't had those trees planted it's coming Miss Sado your tree is going to come I promise you but um to speak about the streets again we don't have the budget for that we did a um a streets um analysis for re um renovation uh in 2019 it's on our Village website and in 2019 it would cost us $6 million to do that now it's 20124 and things are different I'm sure it's going to be a lot more but we just don't have those funds to re um to renovate our roads so it's going to have to be in phases and it's going to have to be with our resiliency plan so I I said we're going to have this meeting on April 9th that's part of it it swes in streets we're going to talk about ways we can if anything what can we do about the flooding in certain areas French drains versus permeable Paving in certain areas all of that's going to be addressed there too so please come because also the trees that's a part of the whole swell system that's supposed to help with the the um drainage and the flooding um but we have to also now plant in a different way that we've planted before because then those root systems um I mean we've had some issues but we're um planting in the right way so we want to do it the appropriate way so please come and and also go on the survey and and fill that in but U we are doing the uh streets master plan swes master plan and then we just have to then provide that as we request funding because that's what you know every time we go to request grants and and funding from Tallahassee whatever they're always asking where's your plan or are you shovel ready what do you you know what do you have so um that's where we need our residents to weigh in for us so please show up thank you thank you very much anybody else good in welfare and I've got one thing too mayor all right would I need to say my name once again absolutely okay Eric 311 Northeast 36 Street hi guys uh so um speaking of one thing that helps I think it's propagation you know like uh our our house like uh we aim to make it a very uh Lush Forest we live in shwood Forest so it's it's like really green I do a lot of propagation and propagation really helps so we don't have any problem with drainage so maybe uh we could start a you know like a propagation uh we could start propagating together you know like a some sort of a initiative in which we could we could do that because uh it actually helps I see that my neighbors houses uh they they'll soak in my house the plants will just drain the water so it's amazing uh I did love the survey that we had to answer there were great suggestions in that and I I'd love to work with you guys if you have any um plans on U writing rants for historical or preservation or you know like I'm very interested in that so if if you know of any grants mayor uh by the way thank you so much when our tree fell it were the best um and uh if you have any grants that you know of and you need uh handson we can all uh you know uh take part in that I wanted to say that thank you thank you very much we'll definitely keep you on speed dial my brother thank you very much we reach out to you if possible um anybody else good and Welfare before we're out of here yes you can come right here you you can say your name address for the record say your full name your address my name is Enrique 311 Northeast 86 Street so I had three points one is security wise I think the rail crossing here is very bad I mean I I love to bike and the rail hold that we have here in 87 when we need to cross it's you literally have to go over with the cars right and I imagine for sometimes I walk through two and and it's risky I mean there is hes and you have to pass on the other side whose responsibility would would be to create a more safer environment I and I think all this area is very walkable and biking and this is really a safe issue in my op are you specifically coming talking about coming off of off of bis G crossing any any sides I mean it's terrible there is no no space for walking or bike yeah so um Council Ur was talking about how we're doing resilient streets and things like that um myself and manager Lou have been working on this uh for a while with Northeast second we were starting off with Northeast Second because we wanted to make it more walkable because for for various reasons but if you if you kind of notice once you get to Miami Shores it's much more walkable it's much more of a downtown feel it's much more it's much more like that so my manager we've been in numerous meetings um with that about Northeast Second now you're talking about the Village Wide more or less he's talking about just the railroad crossing just after the just the railroad crossing right here right here so okay all right so you're basically saying where a railroad crossing is like there's no sidewalk there's no you kind of have to go in the street and then no bike no sidewalk like dangerous right like I was I was under the impression that construction company was coming back and the reason they left the street that way was because they were going to be tearing it up again in a matter of a few days yeah but I think he he means just in general uh council person urbom that he's just saying like as you're walking across the street right there where a railroad is there's no sidewalker anything so you have to walk into the street the sidewalk disappears from the south side and reappears on the North side do you have to cross from south to North and then there's no uh markings in the street itself and then in addition to that because the side the way the Sidewalk Ends when you're traveling west right here on the south side yeah it's all knotted up and gnarly so anybody like in a wheelchair or any type of uh limited Mobility uh is going to have difficulty traversing that and then again they experience the same thing once they cross the tracks right over here to the north side picking up the sidewalk where it re you know commits and then there's there's even an incline that I think is probably too much for a lot of people probably for some elderly people that little incline right down there yeah so yeah but but uh Count's responsibility okay can we do anything as a village to force them to because I think we're going to have an accent there at some I was just I was just going to say I was just going to say so so you know we'll start to reach out about that because there's two things so so there's the county which we have two other wonderful Representatives here but there's the county but there's also um the the the train track so it's the federal um Fe is FEC FEC so it's the FEC also so we have to get permission from them also so you know government move moves as slow as possible but you have we have two or more governmental entities is even even worse but um but yes so we'll start to jump on that we appreciate you bringing that to our pushing bright line I mean there could move fast and it's in there interest that there is no accidents on their railroads at the same yeah we we definitely don't want any of those accidents um but yeah so we'll start to we'll start to go go after that all right we'll start to go after that just concerning the BS as I said I bike and for me it's always a little bit stressing yeah but looking the overall idea of Tranquility that we have I think it's a big problem that we have no absolutely absolutely and I I really didn't really think about it you're the first person to bring it up to us um so we'll start to kind of inquire about that come more to but our our our responsibility to bring such no I understand I understand yeah and I really never think I I walk all the time I just never thought about it and two other suggestions that I have is I I've seen in myurs they have those public bike fixing stations I don't know if you have seen the you can pump and and again I mean I live in in Sher force and I think it's a great area I see a lot of people use in this area and I'm super happy to see that people use the city overall but I think it would be such a nice adding if you had a it's low Tech it's low Tech too it's just a simple kind of yeah simple tools it's fix it there is no stalling or anything yeah they have like they have like 15 or 20 different things hanging from it like they have like two tools hanging from that particular yeah yeah yeah and everything and and also brings the idea that we are a very B safe and healthy Community Ro course of course of course and the second suggestion is composting I think I've seen in Miami Beach they have public composting areas where the communities can bring composting together and rather than doing in my house if I had something that is a community it's composting project I would love to so we so we looked at composting in the past and we don't have a location in elport to where we' be able to do it what we do have is a company um that essentially I don't know if you see them around the pink buckets but you can essentially uh collect your compost and they will come and collect it and then it uh is used on farms in uh the Redlands it's like a Cooperative um so there is at least one organization that there is an option at least to to feel like you're accomplishing something uh with your compost even though we don't have like a community uh composting directly in ortel we look we we we tried to figure out a spot to get it done locally and it just it just wasn't possible so we were lucky enough to find a company that does offer service in Miami day County um that is responsive uh with being able to compost so there is no no ER that we could imagine the compos place in so I mean the problem about the compost of course you have to drive and then it's pollution aggregated to the compost it's not ideal in terms of ecological transaction right well it's actually the um the elportal is already one of the smallest Footprints as far as municipality goes in the county um almost every available lot in the village is uh privately owned it's not it's not public land um so then when it comes down to what our options as the Village are um they're technically non-existent so um that's how we arrived at uh you know we like I believe we found this company invited them into the village just to you know they were trying to uh launch their company here in the county um and so uh that was the solution that we essentially arrived at uh if we can have information about the compl I haven't seen but I would love to realize and if there is any chance for any private also new uh things being built in a port to dedicate an area for local composting I think great we would our trees would love and for sure we would be even better on the footprints which I think it's an ideal scenario for us right let me give a quick quick quick update about that so um a while ago uh it actually started from the chairperson of the resiliency and sustainability task force Elizabeth F Carpenter who's um the executive director and the head lawyer for the ever Law Center she goes right there in Sher forest and um she brought uh myself and manager Alou um a composting uh company which is what council president irban was talking about compost for life and so myself manager Lou um we so Miami day County doesn't have and I think even South Florida doesn't have a municipality where it's a full compost program so we we were going to be the first that's what council person IR was talking about we will be the the first in Miami day County and I believe in South Florida south of Orlando or something like that um but we didn't want to have because for example you all pay for you know your your garbage services your Waste Services it wasn't going to be that expensive but it would have to be the same way to where every household whether they compost it or not it would be a a cost and so just like with the um Trash Services the waist Services they would come around I think it was like once a week or something like that and they were going to pick up compost from everybody who put it outside in that pink bucket that council president Iran was talking about you just put it out in front and everybody was gonna come the amount of money that every household would have to pay was it was significant right now something waste is something that everybody's brought into compost is not something that everybody's brought into so I was like my man was like and this going to be we going to get some heat for this because there's going to be a whole bunch of people like I don't even know what compost is why am I paying now an extra cost for something that I don't even use so then we were close we were like 75% close to getting that Grant I mean we worked on it so hard for months and at the end we just didn't get it so it's not over we're still trying there's also a new company that's now coming into the mix um the Miami Herold just did a special on her just did an article on her about two months ago they call her the compost Queen she's also in Homestead and she has a company also and she I spoke to her she's willing to give us a better price so we're so we're still working on it all right and and I really want to be I really want to go down as the First full municipality that does composting that's really a goal of mine um amongst other things that we've accomplished under this Administration we appreciate you guys for there you go thank you for but but I would really would prefer a community composting because I think it's about learning to the the composting situation inste educational it's not about someone taking care of you I understand this brings value for a propaganda way just say but the people are not really educated around H I understand what you're saying and that might be the direction to go in if we can't get you know what we're looking for as far as the Grant and everything for everybody we just want like the way I was thinking about it was you know we just want posting to be done as much as possible so we just understood that if you make it to where they come into the person's house it's going to be you know much more convenient for everybody and I think then we would have a higher percentage of people that would be um participating in it that's all but I understand what you're saying cost and there is also CO2 related to the composing because it's a private company so sure it balance I got you I got you all right we'll look into all options thank you very much anybody else uh good and Welfare come and say your name address for the record and uh the floor is yours y hi again uh Thomas pum 205 Northeast 86 Street um I have a couple points my first one um and I'm glad that the commissioner's office is um here because it might be relevant to your work um the light rail Transit stop that originally was planned for 79th Street and then somehow that got kicked off the table and now it's just a little Hades stop and then North Miami um what are our local Representatives here at the Village at the district level doing to advocate for our area not to be skipped over have we written a letter to the decision makers um you know what what has been done to date and what uh more is possible um that maybe is planned or is on the table in order to um you know see uh a stop in in this area which was originally part of the plan um and as I'm sure most everyone's familiar at some point was taken off yeah you want to go to your second question you want the answer to that one first no yeah that's please go ahead okay um I'll have them fill in for some but so there there hasn't been a letter written now there's been a couple of things there's been meetings um with myself manager Alo representatives from North Bay Village and the owners of the um shopping plaza right there on 79th because I wanted to we wanted to bring in business you know people that that you know own that place because for them to advocate for us would even be even more power so we've had a lot of internal meetings um we've also spoke to individuals in in the county uh regarding this and we've had a couple of um Lively discussions because to us it didn't make any sense and when you look at the map to me it makes absolutely no sense that it's it's it's 62nd Street and then it's like biscan and like 150 is it's I forgot is FIU it's like the yes the FIU bisc and so you look at that and then when you look at 79th that connects North Bay Village that's eler tow that's Miami Shores why wouldn't you want to do 79th so so we've had those discussions and and we've had um internal meetings here um and we're going to kind of go with the united front like that with the business owners and the the ones we've been discussing with and we're still going to continue that fight and we're kind of in the organization aspect with that and that's why we're having those internal meetings before we go out for like aack yeah totally makes sense but what's sort of I guess the plan moving forward right because I I I don't know what their timeline is but they already made a decision that was maybe I don't know six months or so told no and they told us CU we don't have the density well the density would come if you would just do something with the lot because there will be people living there and they told us somebody from the past messed up they yeah and so the former um elected official um did not if couldn't be the way that person wanted it then that person did not put it in this area did not push to have it put in the area and let it be moved to another area so there have been some political issues like mayor said some intern things that kind of uh that are forcing us to have this uphill battle but I'm always asking I I asked because I had a CIT um presentation to give about eler telling what we're doing in transit and part of my presentation was well if we had a Transit stop here then we could have more Transit you know we could do something that would help with our our residents and also um you know alleviate some of the traffic in this area and it it benefits North Bay Village El Pell Miami Shores you know City of Miami whereas you know something in Little Haiti do you know we've got this big glut of residents who don't get to utilize that um and we've got 79th Street that's you know north and south east and west so that we we're pushing for it but I think um those plans are already in the works and we're we've got an uphill battle unless we get some people on that um lot yeah so H how can we either as residents or again more of a united front how how can we apply any pressure who do we apply that to is that something the our district is advocating on our have for um how does that work exactly yeah so I'm going to be sensitive here um we do have the district go go go over there so there's there's thing we're almost there and there's things that's happening um in these private meetings there's a lot of stuff politically I can't just say in a public meeting call me up or text me meetings aren't open to public right now no those meetings AR open to public yeah those are intergovernmental those are intergovernmental but we're almost there we're just we're just getting the final details out before we come out with all the players and officially with the letters and things you're talking about okay but call me up and I I'll give you the inside information uh I'm not sure we'll talk about that another time I'll give you my C you can contact me we'll have uh the district three representative kind of say what they can thank you mayor again Rosy Austine Jean Lewis intergovernmental Affairs coordinator Marcus Barfield district coordinator for County Commissioner Keon Hardman District 3 your statement as in what is the county or your elected officials doing I have to say that commissioner Hardman we clearly remember on a meeting when this was being presented um to the um to the elected officials he mentioned verbally said to the staff what about 79th Street you you know and in addition to that asking without stopping the current plan because like you're saying this was years in the making this was a this was many many years prior to his arrival what would be the best plan to include 79 street that would some way they can figure out how to include 79 streat without stopping the track that's their projected on right now so commissioner Hardman is clearly aware the need and the Gap that's between North Miami if you want to call it North Miami Beach on bis game Boulevard well yeah on the railroad track on 159th and that the next stop would be 62nd Street still in District 3 but we understand that there's a gap between our our municipalities elport to Miami Shores and then you're entering the city of Miami so he is aware of that the village feel free to continue to petition you can write a letter to the commissioner's office he could use that as well and talking to the administration specifically um to our dtpw director um director cluley which he verbally had made the comment on the Das I'll give you the notes and the time and if it's not the D I'll give you the meeting time but I remember the commissioner clearly saying to staff what about 79th Street for an additional stop not to reduce what we have on 62nd Street or the next stops over but how do we also include the connectivity between our municipalities so mayor I'll be more than happy to provide council person the information just one extra piece of ammunition in that discussion is um 79th Street is beach access so North Bay Village Normandy Isles North Beach like South Beach mid Beach North Beach right surfs side all those communities would be uh mass and it would take it would take pressure off of other points of beach access further south like MacArthur the Julie tutle the Venetian and uh whatever they come up with in terms of the inter modal you know the the Mover whatever to the beach so 79th Street would be critical taking some of that pressure off as well um and then also so I think so that would be my argument be yeah your comment is received I again commissioner Hardman specifically asked for 79 street without disrupting the current pathway the the current project but for future dates let's see if we could add 79 Street to that I'll get you further detail I'll give the village further detail and then they can communicate to you you can stay in contact with our office for such so if I understand correct so far it's just sort of been talking in in internal meetings and not yet like creating a for how to get that the the plan is the plan is already but but the the plan that's being done in the internal meetings is also going to come to fruition as far as moving moving ahead and the plan is a sales pitch to add the the the plan is a sales pitch to addendum to an existing plan right that is the most important part is the it's the acts for the is to add 79th Street to whatever to what has been already presented to the public okay even though it was already taken off so it was taken off and then there was an amendment to put it back on is what I understand no there's no am there's no Amendment there's an effort to get it reintroduced to the plan there is an there is an effort to to to to make the point that this is that this is not just a simple ask but also a true benefit to the overall plan it is a sales pitch and it is high stakes and that's where we're at okay so it's not like there was ever a vote at like a county level or anything about which stops okay yeah I know a lot of people are interested in this so I know we can get a lot more engagement to to push for it yeah um to the manager's point about traffic as well I mean even being in a low density right now and so many vacant uh businesses as well even on Second Avenue there uh or sorry biscan uh Boulevard um between you know uh 89th Street to 79th Street also on Second Avenue tons of traffic all the time with the current density um so imagine you obviously it's going to take many years to to get something um with you know whether or not we get our stop or not um but yeah everyone knows the traffic situation as well yeah you're good what's the second thing um so my second uh question is is uh code enforcement meetings um So currently uh when is the next one scheduled for um on the um Village website right now it just says to be determined and this right now is the last week of the first quarter um of the year um so I just like to know when when that meeting is taking place the next code enforcement committee meeting would be most likely the next time that the planning and zoning committee meetings and that would be the same evening so uh yeah most like yeah most likely be in the second week of April I don't want to I don't want to commit to a date but the second or third week of April this yearning is on the idea is that it happens earlier in the month so that if any business needs to get done for the um General council meeting it can be noted and advertised and everything else so typically the committee meetings will happen in the in week one or week two of a month but but there's nothing on the calendar right now for the first week of April so most likely in all likelihood that would take place the second week of April on Tuesday okay um awesome and then is the code enforcement commit meeting separate from Planning and Zoning or is it back to back correct okay because I was at the last planning and zoning and I don't believe we had a they don't yeah they don't meet every single time together but that's way that's the way it will it will occur that way at the next planet and Zoning meeting okay great yep or or the evening of the next planet yeah there you go better said yeah he's he's a code enforcement chair so he He he'll schedule it whenever yeah you thank you anybody else good and Welfare yeah I'll make it quick oh yes that's right council person VV oh sorry I won't skip you Dr Le War go ahead I just I just want to mention a couple of things that's coming up it's a long ways off but it I'll keep doing this until someone hears it um you everyone knows about the village streets and swell survey on April 9th of uh on Tuesday here at the village call 6:30 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. also the AL pel general election candidate qualifying date is in August for those of you that that that um interested in being a candidate um last but not least um I was giving something about a tuition free public charter school came to my came to my attention was brought to my attention at sports leadership Arts management and it will be at the 542 Northwest 12th Avenue in Miami of course 33136 uh sounds interesting anybody that's um listening can go www.s slammiami docomo things that happened for those of you that are not older than I am that that allowed for leadership training as a part of the school and this is a tuition free public charter charter school so if anybody's looking at uh developmental uh um how do you say that developmental um not Sports necessarily but leadership Arts come uh give me a call I'll I'll be happy to give you a copy of this tuition free public charter school last but not least did I said anything about the qualifying candidates you did I did okay mayor I'm finished all right thank you very much council person life forward um Council um yeah so uh I know there was a lot of uh emotions earlier um I'm a very emotional person I typically wear my emotions on my sleeve um and I just want to say this about um about the relationship between the village and the building department and and the residents and specifically um specifically businesses that interact with our building department so most of you know I say it all the time I came from the restaurant business 25 years started in the kitchens dishwasher in fact and so um you know a couple different times over those 25 years I tried to get out of the restaurants um one of those times I found myself as a new car salesman up in Coral Springs and I was less than 90 days in in my new job made it out of the restaurants and the 2008 Market crashed happened I'm standing on the showroom floor of a new car dealership watching the stock market plummet and um listening to co-workers of mine who were part of the problem they were overextended in real estate Investments um multi-unit properties and things like this um and so uh in all of that uh I found myself back in the restaurants and it's fine I've I I have a passionate love affair with hospitality so um so I'm quite happy uh in that realm but I did find myself back in the restaurants again so that was a 2008 market crash um a few years later I was working on a property in North Beach and uh and uh they announced basically that the property was part of the Layman Brothers uh liquidation bankruptcy deal okay so 2008 coming back to bite me again um all upper management at that property started leaving immediately um the property was like a sinking ship uh and everyone scattered uh out ahead of the imminent sale of uh of that property right and it's just been fascinating to me over the years as someone who's worked so long in the restaurant business um I've never heard of one occurrence ever anywhere in the history of business on Earth that a restaurant has ever been bailed out uh I come from an industry uh that is largely ignored invisible and uh almost every single worker in it is a marginalized person and so I have a a difficult time uh uh squaring how it is that uh this concept that um a business is owed uh anything at all uh for essentially uh failure is beyond me it really really just baffles my mind and I wish he was still here to hear these words because hopefully he'd take them as a word of encouragement in a couple of years the young man who was here earlier is going to see this as a as a a speed bump in his career he's on his he's going he's about to sell a $1.7 million property that I mean I have an idea of what he paid for and I can look it up certainly um but uh but but understand understand this um anyone going into business the impetus is on that person to have it right uh I come from an industry with a over 90% mortality in the first three years so while I am a deeply empathetic person usually to a fault when it comes to um social issues and uh being a citizen and being a neighbor uh I do not understand why any business anywhere on this planet would ever be given a bailout for anything um it is a risk it is a risk and it is on the business owner to do the diligence it is a risk and so it is just so unbelievable when these huge companies are propped up and supported and obviously this person tonight was not part of some huge company it's just a he's just a regular person trying to you know make some things happen for himself in the world right um so it's not like there's any any malice there whatsoever it's it's simply it comes down to an issue of miscommunication but but um um I don't want there to be any confusion that it you know as as we sitting on the counsel are are callously uh disregarding uh the plight of of any Resident that's that's not the issue um I hope that the residents could glean from that back and forth specifically with council person uh vice mayor perella and and the resident um there has been an exceptional amount of diligence uh with that issue specifically and I will just say this as a final point there were no receipts whatsoever brought tonight okay nobody brought receipts and that in and of itself is telling so if there were receipts to be had then I have no doubt that we'd be sitting here staring at a whole bunch of receipts and so that for me was my own personal reason for supporting Dr Life Awards decision in that matter but I I I try not to miss an opportunity as someone who sits in front of a microphone like this to say um it just baffles my mind that we worship business when when business has given us nothing but birth defs and cancer is just mindboggling to me so there you go thank you very much council person ER bomb anybody else good in welfare before we close out good all right um hearing none do I have a motion to adjourn move by council person life for award do I have a second second by C person bbom all in favor say I I all oppos say nay hearing none the regular council meeting for Tuesday March 26 2024 is adjourned At 9:34 p.m. thank you very much everybody