##VIDEO ID:MYURVicw368## the um village Alber budget workshop for the 2024 2025 fiscal year is called to order at 6 34 p.m. 33 33 p.m. let's have a moment of silent meditation Follow by Pledge of Allegiance pledge aliance to the flag of United States of America to the repblic for it stands one nation God indivisible and justice for all all right may I have a roll call please Madam roll call Mayor Nickerson here vice mayor Pella here council person bbom present life reward is not here and council person Martin will not be in today also present for the record Janisha Kobe Village clerk ISR Village manager you havek you very much appreciate it um approval of the agenda do you have a motion to approve so moved moved by council person irban do you have a second second second by vice mayor parella all favor say I I I say nay hearing none good and Welfare um this is the time when resident can come and talk about anything on the budget but we go page I go Page by Page and you'll be able to come up and say your ask questions and stuff during the process so you'll have that chance also so don't worry about that um moving on to the agenda items we're going straight into the budget all right so this is the budget you guys everybody has it pull it out we're going to go Page by page I'm just going to ask like I always do um as we get to the page are there any questions or comments for that particular page okay so we're going to open it we're going to turn we see the first page the table of contents we see the second page the elected officials appointed officials department heads we see the next page this is a summary um the summary is just the summary are there any questions comments about the summary page um more of the information that you're going to be looking for comes in the breakdown of the actual pages in the department uh Mr Winters you have the you good you are make sure you have a copy I don't have a cop you don't is there one yeah it should be it should be with the agenda that went went out uh oh it's S no problem all right um no questions and comments for the summary page um we have the tax increase page do we have any questions or comments from the tax in increase page well go ahead for the summary page the question is well I guess as we go through um all the pages but it what it caught me is not having anything on reserve over here has a little dot I don't know what that means um but um there's any reason why that nothing has been put in uh reserves where are we at and the summary page under the category total sources total expans and total is not a category title yeah reserves and balances is is uh reserves and balances 38,000 yeah reserves and balance is 38,000 yep expenditure but that's all all over expenditures and expenses uh right on top so reserves on the bottom has nothing no it has it's 38,000 if you look at the um even though we're going to get there if you look at the uh the public uh page public affairs no no no no no no no no works it's page 11 if you look at page 11 under contingencies okay at the bottom on page 11 you see the 3272 23 that's res that's reserves it's the same thing yeah all right and public works and under Public Works where it says contingencies we we we just put it under there um it's always been under there we just when we first had the res we just put it under there okay because we don't have a we just didn't have a department to throw it into so that's kind of how it works all right now um any any reasons why the Reser has s got up uh manager or is it you uh mayor that has the answer for that uh either one we both we both work together either either one um well the reason why is because we had two hits um which is the main reason why we had two hits that came uh in the final hour um and one and they both can't be denied and so one was uh our insurance our insurance for Vis Al toes going up $50,000 um almost immediately so that that that so what's going to happen is instead of taking from this fiscal year so we can continue to have a balanced budget we're going to take it from uh next fiscal year that's for the building that's for yes that's for the building yeah general liability cyber liability Auto liability um Auto auto physical damage property coverage um all that so and that's 50,000 and the other one that can't be avoided um we got this on August 20th and this is Coastal the garbage they're going up almost $330,000 and so to keep this budget e like Balan we're taking these out of next budget next year's budget so in that right there you're talking about 80,000 yeah yeah yeah over 880,000 how is it possible for Coastal budget to go up they that's their thing they're like we're going up on our prices like I thought we had a three-year contract with we do we do we do have a contract but in the contract um it doesn't say say that we we're almost done with the contract I think we have one more year to go we do but I I can um they have the right to do the um the increase it's a CPI increase um that is alloted CPI increase all of um contracts that's basically that's more for um to dump the the waste probably because there's not in Dural anymore but they have to go I don't know no it's an opportunity for them to raise rates because it's within a contract for them to do so so they're taking the opportunity in the last year to do it so that mean um they're going to they're going to look at all all the news the latest CPI numbers that came out and they're going to use that to notify an increase in fact I believe those numbers came out just at the end of July or at the beginning of August it took them probably two weeks to put it together and send us a notice saying we're take advantage of the CPI and raising the rate absolutely so that's the reason why um is it working now oh okay sorry all right I can talk close to it that's fine yeah so that's the reason why you don't need to adjust I'll adjust myself yeah yeah so that's the reason why are we good but I will that's fine it's a microphone that's fine we won't have we won't have these problems uh next year because moving forward we do have that we're going to be replacing the audio board which has so should have been replaced a year ago so these problems will be going away so that's that that is in the budget so so there you go so but um so I want to I want to see about the summary page he asked about the reserve that was the reserves there there any more questions on the summary page on the summary page no that that was actually my question as well okay we go the summary page you guys do you you guys have any questions you guys look if you have any questions about anything you stop me okay and I'll explain anything you want me to explain I got you don't worry about it no problems all right good to see you um the next page is the tax page page um that's pretty straightforward yeah my only my only comment on this is I feel like it's necessary every time we talk about this page to yeah we don't raise taxes we've never raised tax right to clarify what the actual title of this page is so notice of proposed tax base increase or something to that effect um I know let's see I'll just try and did that fix anything a little bit right okay right so plug it unplugged have you unplugged itug get back in sir okay so um the title of this page being not as a proposed tax increase uh every year is confusing um it sounds like we're increasing the tax rate we are not we are in the tax base has increased um so I just always feel it necessary to clarify that the reason and the reason why increases every year is because the the the U assess value goes up on the on the property um property values on the say um part of it and day County does it every year so they can get collect more money so yeah and and vice May P explain explain please um how you know quickly explain how uh a lot of people think that with the taxes that elow gets like all the taxes from the properties and and let them know like like we get a very small amount of those tax yeah if you look at the tax bill you see the El Portal operating taxes and it's out of $6,000 only 1800 now is that a percentage uh Mr um Harry is is a certain percentage that they do as an operating is that correct out of a total tax amount only the operating uh tax amount comes to alal or yes that's uh that's based on the millage rate so sorry the millage rate is the amount uh that the village receives is based off our millage rate exactly but they's say um I pay $6,000 in sell in in property taxes right what you're trying to say is out of that I I was I'm trying to establish what is the percentage is it is it there is there a percentage that they calculate or I'm not I'd have to get back to you on that I don't know if it's a fixed percentage that they that uh a one two% that they did they they sent you know that they set as a operating as expense for elportal I'm not 100% certain on that but I believe so I I don't know the exact percentage is but I could definitely get back to you on that okay sounds good thanks yeah yeah we were just establishing the fact that a lot of people just think that all the taxes from from the properties come to Elbert Elbert actually getes a really small amount of taxes compared to what goes out to the county and other places and believe it or not there's probably about 20% of houses that don't pay uh taxes taxes to Al portal because of how old the um owners of the house um you know the ownership of the house over 30 years so they taxes they're paying $3,000 in taxes nothing comes for to our portal AB so that's a big we need to have those houses move yeah on um the only other thing on the on the tax page uh just a really quick clarification um this is just for you know official purposes it says here that the the next which is the first budget hearing the date and the time is Monday it's this upcoming Monday day or next Monday on September 9th um 7 p.m. but it says on the bottom it say a final decision on the adopted budget increase and the budget will be made at this meeting that's not the final decision next Monday um we have two budget hearings next Monday is the first budget hearing at 7 the the final one or the second budget hearing is right before um our council meeting which is Tuesday September 24th it will be Tuesday September 24th and that's at 6:45 p.m. um so that so right here where it says the It's the final decision it's not next Monday it's not the final decision so just want to clarify that it's uh 6:45 the the second budget hearing is is assessment okay special assessment is 6:45 second budget hearing 650 full Council I mean regular council meeting 7 o' all right all right so the next page you all is the revenue page this should be the page that makes everybody very happy uh revenue is where things come in and don't go out okay um so I don't know what questions we really have about this page but this is a page that should make everybody smile are there any questions or comments about the revenue page all right hearing now let's go to the to the council page on the council page you guys um look over it let me know if you have any questions or comments all right am I hearing none can we move on from the council page Council page never changed you guys the same as it's always been um there's been no increases there's a lot of uh receipts that haven't that I haven't submitted yet for a particular purpose if you guys know in the past I've always paid for my traveling per DM out of pocket um last year um was the first year when I was like if you guys remember I told you guys on the DI I said look you guys I pay every year for my traveling per de I like next year I'm probably which is this year I'm probably going to like you know submit my receipts I still have all my receipts because I just want to make sure because sometimes um things come in in in the end right before October 1st that's unforeseen if something comes in in the end that's unforeseen like you know in a week or something like that I'll just pay the 5,000 out of my pocket again like I always do um if not like you know a couple weeks before the end of the budget uh season I'll turn my receipts in um for the first time ever so that's the only reason why you see the zero next to the 5,000 because I have my receipts just waiting I'll eat the cost if something comes in that the village needs um in between that time so that's kind of how that goes uh if there not any more questions on the council we can go ahead and go to the administration and finance page and you guys let me know your questions and comments mindly questions are just just um regarding the double digit increases um what uh L was you talking about council person well actually let me start with the first one executive salary is at 8% um how many Sal this is just a manager salary is that right that that would be the manager gu okay so we're looking at an 8% increase from this past year to the next year is that I mean I'm yeah yes so the the manager and clerk um in their contracts they have the five and the three well and let me let's let's talk about that because it has the five and three it's um 3% is the um Cola right because of living and up to 5% Merit based on the performance and the review forms and these and that now it is not the lawyer is not here but I don't think it's it says up to 5% it doesn't have to be the full 5% plus the three um so again uh I go I go through uh the different municipalities and um yeah Miami Shores got their 8% increase on their um proposed eight increase on the manager salary which it will compare to this one over here 145,000 but it's a bigger city they have a $23 million budget um so it's a bigger city it has more departments it has a lot more to do that our one person Department kind of thing um kind of government um entity and um the biscan uh part for example and I just had a time to do compare those two cuz working in retail I had no time uh over the long weekend to review we just got these on Friday just as everybody else to review and and go over it so B K Park got a um 5% Inc 6% increase and on their manager's salary so it's you know whether the contract they have is identical or not to what we have over here with a manager um might not be uh but again I think going all the way up to 8% is always uh you know I don't I mean I'm always comfortable with 5% um and um and and and it's not only based on performances and stuff but it's also the budget that we have and the size of the community you know the Departments is baged and and whatever is not as big as a as as other cities last year I said it you know most of the Cities I checked like about 7 to 10 cities around uh South Florida and they were all you know from 3 to 5% no you know out of the ones I checked I didn't see no 8% increase on those salaries so that's my uh that's my view on um the the executive uh salary also pres for the record um council person Mike forward yeah I'll let the M jump in but um I just want to kind of point out that you know this is according to contracts right so maybe other places they don't have the same contracts that we have here as a first thing I would say secondly though that um you know if if there's a reason why because you know like you said if it's you know up to up to 8% or whatever um up to five up to the three C up to five but so up to 8% total in total so you know but but if there's a reason why you feel like she she she her performance was beneath the five then that's your right you can say like hey I didn't like the way she did this or but you have to be you know detailed about what's the performance that she didn't meet up to in your mind right I don't like the way she she failed at D she failed because in my mind she hasn't in my mind I think our village is is grown our V is like been transformed and therefore when I look at it there's no deficiency where I say oh this right here she failed at this right here she failed at this right here she failed at but if you feel like there's something that she failed at you can go ahead and say it Vice May right now yeah I don't think that's what he's that's not my um because I can we can see down and go by especially now when I was going around and you know collecting uh you know talking to people there are a lot of U uh you know like uh deficiencies in the department and in almost every department and they concern a lot about a lot of people and when it came to court enforcement when it came to building when it came to a lot of other stuff so and that all falls into the manager's category because she is the one or the manager is the one you know in charge of that and um so I'm not basing it on that I'm basing it on the on the size of the our both our budget and our city I mean before below $100,000 a% didn't sound crazy you know it was fair because it was a low paid um kind of salary but now jumping into 130 now 145 and 150 it's a lot you know giv you know that is and it's more I don't want to say setting a precedent because it's not such a thing it's it's everything is like negotiable and um but it's more like a a trend and we cannot be like just you know um I feel it like it's just because it's there so 8% it is um think we have to be a little more conscious when it comes to the budget because it's us taxpayers and uh when I don't see much on the coming to our revenues is kind of like a little concerning um you know um and again um I'm not only looking at and I'm my point of view as also taxpayer of this community is you know I looked at everything and it's just not that line of 145,000 but between the two salaries and the and the retirement and health insurance and and all of that which is part of the whole package we're paying $300,000 LS so it's um it's not just 145 it's all combined uh we you know it's um when I see other municipalities I compare us to bisc park and only because they kind of have this the same budget uh amount and um and it's kind of same thing they all get the only Revenue they get is from Mostly from property um property taxes and um you know the pro the the the manager of the of the municipality is uh municipalities salary is $100,000 and then we're paying $45,000 over I think um you know if if we keep increasing um I don't see the benefit of having one person I don't not the benefit but I don't see one person doing a lot more because it's getting $150 $160,000 even though it might you know um deserve it um but if we think about it and then we try to like um cut it back or cut it down however it is and have a manager and assistant manager that could actually um work you know um on different things and not just having one person in charge of they might not be you know it's hard to do a lot of task and one and I understand that um it's um it's my only uh my only concern thank you vice mayor all right so couple I appreciate that um first I would say in bisc park bisc park um not only has um the highest millage rate you know in uh in Miami day County but also their ma their manager who I met because I met when they were going through the hiring process he just came from I think Kansas or Kentucky or something like that he's in his first year right at bisc Park his first year so you know if he was in his man manager what year are you in in Elber five seven if he was in the seventh year I guarantee you wouldn't be at $100,000 in this G par at all like he started out his first year at $100,000 right right and he's not not even from Florida didn't he know anything about Florida didn't know anything about municipalities here didn't know anything about managing in Mii day County had no contacts in mi day counting nothing he started out and he hasn't even been there a full year I remember when you guys you guys know I meet with these may I remember me and mayor grth went to lunch with my son N Style and sat there and went through the resumes and I helped him choose who he I thought was the best and it was Chris who's at bisc Park um that's all I would say about that the second thing I would say though is that and I understand what counc IR was starting to say all right so so so a couple ways of looking at this so it's that yeah I understand you're saying well you know it's not that she did anything wrong or that she's deficient in any category per se but and the first thing that was brought up was but you know we're a small municipality therefore we have to look at it to where we have to cap these salaries off according to our Municipal I guess size but unfortunately we can redo these or we can look into these but unfortunately the the contract doesn't say up to a 5% increase keep in mind the size of municipality it says up to 5% increase based on performance so the argument of well we're just a small municipality that doesn't abide with the contract is based on performance so so therefore it has to be she's deficient in this performance therefore she doesn't deserve the 5 percent because that's what contract States based on performance it states based on performance so it has to be viewed through performance only not through size or not through it has to be viewed through performance because that's what it's based on per contract well if I may I may I mean it's just I know it's different because I'm come from a private sector I'm also a manager uh for a corporation so and um even though my performance performance in my reviews are out of 20 out of 20 or 15 out of 20 you know the increases are not necessarily to the top of the max of the of the of that increase um percentage so you can get across the board the manager can get qualified for you know five points out of every category but and you know and not necessarily um it's got to be um the increase you know could be all the way to the Max and that's that's just my point of view no I understand I understand understand what you're saying I think I think we have to look at I think that a lot of things um I'm sorry mad I'll let you jump in in a second but I think that a lot of things um we have to really look at is the stuff that I think gets done all the time on a day-by-day basis when I'm here working with the manager that I just think that people just I think take for granted and just you know it just happens and so everything from you know last week when I'm when it's when it's 7:38 p.m. I'm getting phone calls from residents because a huge tree fell across what was that 87th Street late in the afternoon and blocking traffic on both sides and me and the manager are there and we're on the phone with this and and we're and and and the the the tree cutting place is closed so we have to use her private numbers to get the tree cutting people come out in the middle of the night to cut back the tree stuff out of the road because nobody could pass on either side when this tree fell I think things like for example the manager just sent out a um a email recently about a speed bump you all have no idea what we had to go through with that to get that speed bump put in the county if you as you guys know have been denying us a speed bump theme and this also not only ties in with the manager but goes with my my travel prdm and stuff like that and the things that I do because we were there the residents I had block meetings about the speeding that was happening on the streets and if you right now if you go and drive down 86 Street in between North Mii Avenue Northeast 2 we put our first speed bump in we have more coming the state and the county would not allow us to put those speed bumps in I contacted another mayor who then we went through and looked back in some history and found some old documentation about an inter agreement the manager then jumps on this is all within like a 30 minute period matter manager jumps on her contacts and through her contacts we bypass part of the interlocal agreement because in certain ways like the state the county they don't kind of keep up with each other and this is that we found like our wiggle room through to put down the speed bump because we had like six cats die in like a month and people were talking about kids almost got hit but we're doing that like in real time so things I think a lot of time things just show up people are like oh that's nice like that's just that's just the way it happens no like you guys will see like behind the scenes the way she works and the way her and I have to work to make all this stuff happen just like that so I would just say if you guys don't feel like it's 8% then what do you feel like her performance is what's the percentage if you feel like it's 0% just a three like what what's the percent Mr Mayor counc person my apology for being late um got a few things going on in the family I'm kind of with um perella I'm also with the manager if we going to do these kind of things we should have a special meeting because this is the wrong time to be trying to talk about what we see in paper um vice mayor right vice mayor has a good point if you all recall last year I had the same concern why in the world are we looking at numbers growing so high and yet we got so many things that need to be done here in the village having been where the manager is right now I want a salary increase every year and I got it what it is is the is the main issue right now we may lose her ultimately but we cannot deny that she has not been doing a good job it just seems like an awful lot $30,000 I never got $30,000 in one year and I was Deputy city manager of larger cities and a small City by the size of this one so I think we need to we need to have a better time to talk about these things because I cannot deny that the manager is not available whenever I call or come by I cannot deny that I will not deny that I will not deny that we have lights now and not a a bland looking cloudy place when it got time to paint this place we hadn't thought about it the manager did when we decided that we need to cut some of those bushes in there we didn't think about that the manager did so I I can't I can't disagree with Pella but I think sometimes we need to talk to the manager cuz if she's going to leave us it wouldn't be it wouldn't even be nothing this is no kind of salary for people that are um in larger cities but we in a little bitty city and I would rather she leave under her terms than leave because we didn't do right by and she will get pared we do send her the conference and she does go so this is this is like we should have been talking about this kind of stuff long before the date of when we going to when we going to present it just doesn't seem fair M and when I saw it I was like all the time in my life I never had a$ 30,000 or $35,000 increase in my salary never let 11000 okay I'm saying what I never had okay the 11,106 minus 145 no 134 plusus 145 oh okay well whatever the numbers are if we going to have this kind of discussion let's done let's have it through the year I've seen and read every report mayor that the manager sent back busy and is not ABC stuff she is busy she does not have an assistant by this time with this kind of money she should have had an assistant and whenever I need her I can say she answers the phone I can say that and not only does she take me to the route that I'm trying to get to but she also tells me what's coming next in this Village yes we could use a paint job outside yes yes yes a lot of things but no no no we should have had this mid midterm from now on if I had to make a motion I'd say midterm to when the contract when the budget comes up is coming up we need to be talking about these kind of things not right now when expectations are high and um my colleague here bringing common sense to the to the council May that's all right well let me let me just say one more thing and I'm g go to man manager and I'll come back to you fine I have because I if I could just 30 seconds go ahead go ahead go ahead so that was not my intention at all in terms of uh in terms of triggering quite that discussion um I just wanted to clarify based on what we had discussed last year what the 8% was comprised of I'm going to have the same questions about the top line of most departments just largely for clarification like for example I remember the discussion we've had with Mr tfel about that uh was a six and a quarter um and then um uh you know looking at nominal like the bank service fees I do have a question about why the bank service fee is higher when the balance is lower just out of General curiosity it's not a huge dollar amount we're talking about $22,000 here but curious um uh uh so um I'm satisfied with the explanation of the 8% um and I do believe that Dr Life at Ward is correct that somewhere in the mid year I do believe we should have reviews for the three chartered positions so that this would yeah so I I so um so in absence of a review process then I understand why the I mean essentially there's no contest um for that 5% so I mean I think I said this last year until the council's doing annual reviews of the three chared positions and this is going to be the position we're essentially going to be in well let me just say this I think that the review should happen either a week ago or right now this is a workshop this is where you work the budget if you look on it it says Village Council proposed proposed proposed if we meet in the middle of the year to say what is the manager like like what like how good has she been she could be great until the middle of the year and then after she gets her great um her great review say well hell the hell with this I know I'm I'm I'm good already let me let me start taking days off from work let me start coming in late so you can't you can't put somebody in the middle of the year and review them for a yearly budget you have to wait till the year is over or almost over and say how did they do this year now that it's all in my mind now that the year has passed not that the year has ended now I can really really do the really like a good accommodation for how I review them so I think it no I think it's nonsense that we would review somebody in the middle of the year for how they operate for a year that makes absolutely no sense so you must have never mer for County uh uh public sector cuz I always had a review in the midye so then how so then after the midy year is over so all right so you review the midy year and you're great and then you take a month off afterwards do you still are you still good for that yearly review because the review is already in it's already in submitted for that year so just tell me what 5% look like and I'll be fine tell me what 6% whatever everybody getting just tell me what it is and I'll be fine but yes a mid year is usually what what usually happens because we shouldn't be up in here right now talking about what kind of money is this you know the little bitty city so what she does a good job so what it's the work we're talking about right now is is is annual budget Workshop we are working towards something we're not trying to eliminate anything but it's totally unfair if we had problems with that we should have said something because last year was when we first saw the what first $100,000 given it up to the manager this the first time we saw it okay now it's $35,000 I never got $ 35,000 but so what I ended up being hired at a very high salary too so you know come on we got to cut some cake here sometime we just can't keep building cuz otherwise she could be anywhere she want especially if the salary is like this in a little bitty city like she can go wherever she wants I'm not looking for the manager to go anywhere but if it if it were I and you don't give me $145,000 I bet you not next one I have I bet you I have 60 but I don't know I don't know what the what the issue is we did not we did not do a uh you know we we could have done a what do we used to do we used to do uh speak speak your piece on a Saturday or something we having a special meeting on so on so on so everybody got a chance to say what they needed to say what this don't say that anymore that's exactly what this is no this is not the buget anual exactly what this is the budget workshop and it used to be held on the SAT it's been held on the Saturday before this time it's a Tuesday night because Tuesday night's usually our government night so I said let's put it on Tuesday night cuz people are used to coming on Tuesday night you can argue with me all you want but it's the truth not and another thing you said was annual yes annual yearly how can you put something out for a half a year on somebody that's going for it so so half a year when we meet we're supposed to say okay so the annual raise for the maner is going to be this based on a half of a year of an evaluation that makes absolutely no sense nobody said that I said if we could find a way to have mental ground in the mid session that's what I said don't don't put things in myou you said you said this should not be done now this should have been done earlier we should have we should have did it at a midyear that's what you said uhhuh for this but we're not how do we do a midyear evaluation for something for an annual yearly budget that makes abs absolutely no sense Robert Rules of Order point of order I'm just saying I'm not looking to debate I'm just saying consider the fact that mid year the manager gives a report every month yes she is busy my dear colleague yes she is busy but so am I my taxes keep going up and I can't hardly pay it I'm retired so if I was going to be all a nut I'll be talking about somebody come and help me pay my taxes since I really don't work anymore but I'm not there I'm where she used I'm where the manager where I am the manager is where I used to be so you know this this not when we saw this number I'm with you Pella when I saw this number I went oh my God I nobody never gave me no $35,000 and I work for cities bigger than this I'm with you but but but it it's it's there it's 145 Grand we didn't say nothing before now we didn't get a chance to say nothing before now because we weren't doing the budget Workshop before we don't have to be in the budget Workshop we just simply have to say we're going to be talking about things related to so and so and it's a public meeting and therefore nobody's surprised we already know what we already know the the the the value of the manager we already know the value of everybody else that's on this thing but right now what we're doing is we're we're we're minimizing the fact that we didn't do anything before and $30,000 again I never got a $30,000 raise and I I worked in cities much bigger than this who got a $30,000 raise it's it's 11,000 11,000 okay for this year okay we're going to do the was almost 30,000 increase because was right from previous years but she talking about this year right yes what is it two years ago was 91,000 then it went up 34 that's right because of the previous year Wen increased yes because uh it was like I owe you kind the previous years weren't increased it wasn't that's right so if we going to tell the story tell the whole story so um what's I'm sorry I have a question in regards to the you know before we used to have a midye uh budget review um but why is the workshop being done I I also feel a little you know because it's it's at the end we have to do everything from beginning to end within uh September right because in October is the the the year so why not in July why not do the workshop in July sometimes uh in August even though it's a government re recess some cities had their workshops on in also August not to have a backto back pressure of you know discussing this last minute and again even if is the last minute you can make a motion right now and say well I motion 6% instead of 8% exactly I motion 5% or whatever percentage let me all right so the manager been waiting to talk but let me let me answer your question though Vice man Pella because this is something that all you all and see like this is the thing you can't have it both ways so everybody talks about we're a small community we're a small village we're a small village because we are a small village then we need to have the most accurate of what we have to work with if we have this stuff in June in July what did I just say in the beginning of the um meeting August uh we got this August 15th $50,000 insurance we got this August 20th $30,000 we don't Wile R so so that was August that was August 15th and August 20th so if we would have had this in July if we would have had this mid year and said oh she's doing wonderful let's give her the whatever whatever whatever and this would have been 100,000 instead of 50,000 and this would have been 80,000 instead of 30 ,000 then we would have got here now and been like man we're like in the in the like we like we're under we don't have a balanced budget for the first time in Elber history but hey we had a mid year and we promised her that we would give her the whole thing because back then we had the money but this comes in later and since Elbert to doesn't have the leeway and the cushion we have to wait to get to the end to then figure out okay what do we have to work with exactly then we know what we have to work with then we know how much money we have to work with Madam manager well I kind of hate to go after all of that but I will say um I appreciate the confidence um given to me by um mayor Nickerson and by council person Li board and even by you know council person or I I have to say that you know um I have uh worked here uh I started at 85,000 I worked at that salary for a few years and um you know comparing to other municipalities I will bring to your attention their cont contracts um I'm still the lowest paid um Municipal manager in all of Miami day County you look at those contracts you will see that there are things such as living expenses moving expenses they uh they give them new tires every year the car allowance is significantly higher I mean there's a lot of things that go into these so let's I if you you know want to just compare the number I'm still low but if you really want to get a good um idea about what other managers make also look at those contracts also they're have assistant managers and other department figure we're one person departments I don't have an assistant they have administrative staff we don't even have that so there are costs that will come with that and I can I'm sure that you know I won't be here forever and you'll replace me at some point [Music] and it will have to be comparable I I'm I'm sure you won't go back to 85,000 so I think there is a value that you get with me I mean I I think I deserve you know the increase and I I hope you think that that's that's why I do work the way I do I try to you know to accommodate um all of our residents and and what I want to you know uh do is ensure that this is not just operated the way it was when I got here as a small town we are real municipal government and we're running a such I I remember having this discussion with you Dr Lightfoot Ward about you keep saying we're small no we're where is as big as we can be and we're going to be as comparable as any other municipal government that's the way I'm I'm you know pursuing uh the development of the administration and I got good people for a change you know it's tough to get that as well to give them salaries that would keep them and retain them and not just have people who are you know using this as a revolving door because they don't you know have any other options so they'll take the lower salary I'm trying to make it a good place to work we don't have the highest salaries but we have a good work environment and I really trust the team we have I'm working with them the best we can so I hope that has a value to you that's all what do you all suggest if you don't want want the 145 683 what's the amount you guys suggest Mr may I said we go with where we are right now and stop it because it's just yeah there's no way to that there's no way to disvalue the manager there there's no way to do do that but with the with the with the notice tonight that the increases won't be like they have been in the past I think Pella has a good thought there's this there a there's a there's a turntable on this thing and I think he has a good good point we can't just keep doing that type of thing when we don't know what's coming up what's our Reserve fund look like I'm sitting here always looking for a reserve fund I never see what the reserve fund reserves negative total EXP expenditures and expenses I don't see the reserve fund it's just me it's just me but I'm just saying for the benefit of everything benefit of everything we will not minimize you manager we will not will not minimize you but but there are things that need to be done that we could use this money otherwise but right now since we ain't talked about it give it to her let's let's keep going let's just keep and I don't I'm sorry to interrupt and I don't either I mean uh you know trying to minimize the work and whatever especially we've been working together with the parks and it's a big it's been a huge you know believe it or not it's even though things hasn't been done it's a lot of like you know meetings and getting together a lot of work a lot of researches and a lot of things that you know come into place just to do one little thing in the government that is crazy uh it's not about that it's about you know just the what I said at the beginning just uh the m is there a motion on the floor no there's not a motion this is a workshop um if we're going to move from executive salaries let's move down uh to the next thing uh council person bbom you had brought up which is Bank service fees just yeah just to understand why there was an increase in bank service fees if the agreement with the bank hasn't changed I would actually uh say say that I I believe the actually the agreement fees did actually increase we are processing a lot more uh checks as well uh so there additional fees okay so this is outside of yeah this has not this is outside of the debt this is this is this is day-to-day operations day today operations Bank fees from uh the operating rep from the operating account very good yeah the debts being paid down uh accordingly uh Pro the agreement um what's the next thing anybody wants to look at you guys looking I was looking at a few little um lines over here um uh the post uh um postage repair maintenance um Self Storage Rental uh office supply $113,000 that's a lot uh water cooler rental $7,500 all totaling um $33,000 um there's any way on those lines that you we can actually uh machinery and equipment um also um $5,000 um and other current charges um $7,500 what is um what are those so basically lines yeah if you could just you WRA up quite a few go one by one uh Vice May 30 300 right does this what's the first one you want you want him to clarify well um repair and maintenance right $2500 so what is that what is that okay so the numbers that you see there is a budget so we're budgeting $2,500 it's not again so if you look at the actual amount year to date the actual your date is only a thousand I don't have I mean I I can get you the information I don't have that in front of me at the moment but understand I think the number that you rattled you mentioned was 33,000 um I believe most if not all of them were under Budget on those particular items again so these are budgeted items uh budget expenses we're for we're trying to forecast what the expenses are going to be uh come 12 months from now uh so again yeah I see that Mach machinery and equipment 5,000 year today is $1,800 but what is that what does that entail what what machines what what equipment the mostly office equipment computers uh desks chairs uh stuff like that anything over $250 okay I see and the office supply supplies uh $113,000 so that yeah that's uh an increase again uh with the cost of where we are today with Society obviously there's an increase in cost you know things are costing 23% more than they were you know a few years ago um again it's a budgeted number uh trying to look at where we are historically and trying to project where we think we're going in the in the future budgeted 9,000 last year unfortunately we looks like we're going to be a little bit under so again we're just trying to project a more accurate number uh as what we think it's going to be for next year yeah I think a lot of people um you just always keep in mind you guys what you see as far as like what's requested I mean not Sal salaries definitely are going but like when you see these other line items what's requested is what's projected it's not like we have to spend it it's not like we're going to get to the end of next year and be like how much we got left let's go spend it it's not like that it's what projected so we need the budget for it so we just cover it because it's better to be on that side than to be on this side of it and to be at like a shortfall you know so just because it's budgeted we're just trying to cover it doesn't mean that we're going to like use all of it all right Mr Mayor yes then with that said U only 80 only $80 was spent on Education and Training right we still budgetting in for 3,000 only 1,858 for machinery and equipment yet we're still trying to budget it for 5,000 the boat is not riding right the boat is is definitely not it's not a float the way it should be so with with what what what's going on there said um looking at it from my perspective from the person that doesn't have to pay the bills just have to make the motions um we only did 8,000 I mean I could do this all night but I don't want to be here all night I got things to think about 888888 and the department is requesting 13 when we barely got to the nine but I understand that office supplies have gone up ridiculously and we we if we keep looking at it you keep seeing what the increases may or may not be we went from just jumping around contracted accountant 80,000 the fiscal year was 66 then we going to 855 but we only only did what the budget adopted 80,000 uh the CR contracted accountant only did 66,000 but we're taking it up to 85 Grand I would imagine that it had more to do with um no these are year today these are the budgeted numbers okay he's he's corrected my my era um but it does say Department requested a certain amount the budget adopted in 24 is what we're here today for or we're doing 25 CU if we're doing 25 go look over it again and see that most of these numbers are fair yeah most of them are fair a few of them not might need to be brushed off a little bit but most of them are fair thank you that's that's my that's my concern thank you thank you council person life for award I would just like to say um as you guys know uh this upcoming year um the manager becomes the the the president of the entire manager association of Miami day County congratulations and so she's going to be having to do a lot more with the Education and Training this is a huge and very uh debonaire organization um it's in charge of all of the managers in Miami day County um just want to say and they gave us a shout out for the first time time ever in Miami day County History next year I become the president of all the elected officials in Miami day County so this be the first time in in Elbert in in in the history in the history of Mi day County where in the same municipality you have a president of all the managers and the president of all the elected officials throughout Mi day County at the same time in the same year and that's going to happen um we get sworn in a month apart um about a month apart I guess sworn in June I think you're like a couple weeks apart probably so I don't know yet when when you're this was all a surprise to me too I was just alerted by Richard Cooper with the league like oh you know you're going to be the president and so but yeah it has been a u um a it's a huge Boom for elportal and um it is um unprecedented of course and it will also be the first time that a manager has been the president of the management association so I'm I'm happy that my um you know other managers have that kind of confidence in in me and I'm you know happy to serve and and that does also you know play into a lot of the benefit that comes to El Pell in terms of resources that we get um those relationships are critical as mayor's made his relationships very um critical to to Our Success too I appreciate that man I'm manager so I understand exactly what you're saying I agree with you uh council person like foot Ward um with what you're saying about these uh you know the requested uh amounts but for that Education and Training I know that's definitely going up from 80 do um when she becomes the uh the head of that organization she's going to have to so um is there anybody else any other questions or comments for the administration and finance you guys or can we move on to Planning and Zoning yeah I do have one final comment it's just a comment um take care look listen if you guys need anything at all contact me Jobe can you give them my card way can you get my grab my two of my cards from the front of the thing contact me contact I know I know you know how to find me but I always like just give them out just just in case well they already have mine I'm glad to see all right you guys take care all right cler job is gonna give you guys real quick on the way up all right so let's move on to Planning and Zoning you guys Mr winter you have any questions you good okay um Planning and Zoning might have a question here guys go ahead I'm planning zoning mhm um yeah I suppose [Music] um maybe Madam manager could you just illustrate the The Divide in stacks on these two Consultants desks um yes okay well as you can see the first one is PL Serbia and um that uh we're we're looking to increase in um from their 40,000 which is their contracted amount we would and have that with the addition of um their uh work for the code amendments I did um speak with uh council person Martin who's you know we all know we need to get code amendments but I think the the fee was too high so I spoke with plac Serbia they said they can do half in the new fiscal year and the next half in then in or 40% in the 60% and then 40% and then 40% will be in our next in F school year 26 because it does take time so that's why there will be a 20 $20,000 increase because that represents that um amount from the um proposal they they provided about the code amendments that they will do in addition to the things that they do for us um already which is you know the development um uh the uh comprehensive um plan you know the things that they already contracted to do in terms of Cino group well they're working overtime as you see um we've got so much happening and so many items coming to you on uh from for Planning and Zoning because El Pell is a hot market and everybody wants to do something outside of the code so uh and and they also have a a portion of the zoning that's what they do Zoning for serious planning so zoning um will also be dealing with the new you know the annexed area so they're they're um contracted with with us um to um work uh at a level that will not exceed $99,000 a year that's what we contracted with them to do a year and a half ago but we didn't properly um um put that in into place and that's why it it's over because it was they came in in March so it only allotted for half a year and not a whole year so the entire year is the 9,000 so that's where where it is now okay thank you anyone else you guys hearing none let's move on to I'm sorry I'm Sor go ahead that contract $108,000 um is that um the revenue that we have to upset this amount is that from uh building through building with the planning zoning or is it that Revenue comes back to the Village there this actually if you go I mean why for us to pay the one uh $18,000 108 that amount that comes from it pays for itself like the the the work that they do is that generated by all the applications that we get is that it um I wouldn't say it covers the full amount but uh it does generate some Revenue we do Char we do charge for a uh zoning a planning review Planning and Zoning review okay it's a flat $300 fee uh for every Planning and Zoning review um so if you actually if you wanted to look at the revenue you to see where was uh where it was reflected it's reflected in the uh general f if you go to the general fund Revenue um in the middle that towards the middle of the pl it's called Planning and Zoning review we had budgeted 20,000 uh year uh year to day through July we were at 16,200 and we're projecting 25,000 for next year okay for Planning and Zoning no for planning and Zone review so the question was uh the manager was um actually uh by the time we were trying to contract and and and and divide planning and zoning and Zoning from uh from plus servia right because they were basically doing both things and they didn't want to keep doing it so it was to contract cordino to do just zoning residential zoning right right and bovia will do like the commercial part of it and stuff well they do planning so they those are a little bit different like they're doing site plan reviews and all this stuff but um what uh plac Serbia is doing is comprehensive plan they are doing the street plans that we commission for the resiliency those type of things so they're more on how we develop as a city and that's what PL Serbia is doing um zoning cordino is just getting these homes these Lots these right applications process now based on the U you know because I know that was one of the um actually canel uh Martin's uh requirements uh or request was to actually do like a meet year review and see whether it was worth it or not for us to have a contract with cordino and plus to have two Planning and Zoning um Consultants per se um is it something that you see as worth I I don't know I I wasn't in that meeting because I ill um for for that Planning and Zoning but I did speak with her after that's how I know she has to pursue it so let me uh look into that because I I don't know I don't know the answer to that and this is the first I'm hearing of it so I'd like to kind of think about it but I do know plac Serbia would not be interested in doing something right so then but I know cordino has the capacity to do it right I don't know what it would call so let me look so it's it for 108 is it worth it and the amount of application that we have is it you know I think they're they're worth it um you know I I do but I I want to look and see if they do planning and I can come up but it would not be for this um fiscal year only because I would have to then ask them for a proposal and go through that whole process okay than all right um we good on that page you guys I'm going to go to the next uh Village clerk yes so um and Village clerk same question question is the 10.67% uh increase just to understand what comprised the 10.67% increase okay so one thing with the village clerk um so you also you you do have the uh she in her contract is a 5% Cola her Cola is 5% automatically in her contract um her increase is 3% so it's she has eight also and I'll explain the rest of it her increase is 3% um and it's it's 3% you know based on her evaluation I mean based on her performance and stuff like that um as far as the 10% so what ended up happening was was that uh this year so we if we look at her I don't know if it's if projected so if we look at her projected she she's going yes so so she's going to end up over this year because we didn't account for vacations her vacation time that she had in her contract that we have to pay her that wasn't accounted for when we budgeted last year that wasn't accounted for so when I saw that when I caught that um this year then we had to you know we had to we have to increase it we have to count that for next year we have to count that in there um because otherwise we won't be budgeting correctly so I'm just trying to budget correctly so so that's that's where that comes from that's the extra 2% you see almost 3% so it won't be so next year it won't be like a 10% it would just be you know at least five if not eight anybody else you and that 83 also comes a little bit under she should it's with her thing is probably going to be like 85 it should be 859 or something it should be if it was done correctly um sorry hav if no one else has another question I have another question no go ahead go ahead uh the line item for Municipal elections MH um so that is for November is that right yeah so that's for November um there may also be some more on there because we have one individual who currently is not qualified um her uh signatures are in dispute we have an attorney our attorney trying to talk to election Department to see if he can do something about it um but we might have to have another special election on top of that for an individual do we know what that cost would be it would be at least the same but we wouldn't even be piggybacking on a regular election so it'd be much more um you're probably talking about closer to to 18 20,000 if we have to have a special election because that individual's uh the individual signatures are not uh qualified right now so it doesn't matter if it's like one seat or two seats or three seats in a special election that's going to be the cost of the special election I'm not sure M mam clerk does it matter how many seats or is it just because they have to do the special election so as of now we're going to have an election due to that we have two qualified candidates for the same seat so that would be 15,000 this is a separate issue that we're trying to um I'm trying to get the legal opinion of the attorney to see if we're going to have to have a special election if we have a special election it's on our own but we have something um peculiar this year because the elections department is changing and it's become a different position now so everything in the election departments will be different we will not be able being at that this particular um situation does have to have an election we can be looking at anything from 25 to $30,000 to hold us our own election apart from the 15 for this current election that there's two candidates in the same seat so remember you guys that um that for the first time uh ever we have uh super supervisor of elections election um so so they're going to be coming in they're going to be changing things this after November right so this before we have a special election so a lot of things are going to change over um price and costing and stuff like that especially depending on who wins that election seat um I don't know why the supervisor of elections is a partisan seat but there's a republican supervisor of elections candidate and a democratic supervisor of election democr candidate which I think is absolutely ridiculous because then why would you put somebody superv of Elections when they're partisan and they're part of either political party that to me looks like down the line is going to be chaotic but I don't know it's it's government they do what they want to do um any other questions with the village clerk uh Department you guys Yes again uh line uh um uh machinery and equipment again um year today doesn't show that it's been nothing has been spent and then we have $5,500 in there and what kind of like um and is it the same is is that for it cancels um discretion computers and equipment and stuff or is it what is it what is that amount I didn't I didn't input that oh okay um what are those uh what's that what are those $5,500 for uh I assume it must have been an error because that was not Mr um Harry i f there's maybe we should keep it at 25 here like is there a reason why we're putting it up to 5,000 it just could be a typo I mean I have to look up my notes but we going to change it so we could change that back to 25 we'll look at that and see okay well we I mean cons so in the admin budget I was going to make a final comment just to say that overall increase of the budget is only at 5.32% something like that um the overall increase of the Planning and Zoning is much larger because of the consultancy uh scenario the clerk we're at 11.36 uh of other the things we discussed so but maybe instead of putting it back to 2500 I mean I would I would propose putting it a 3,000 I mean for the same logic that the CFO was outlining for other outline items um uh I you know know um whatever you guys want let me know what you guys want I'll make the note and we'll make the change what do you guys want it seems like kind of a contingency budget as there's nothing used from this last year in it however I mean one computer is already going to pretty much Max that out if that ends up being the scenario or whatever the other equipment might be so Ian I'll just I'll propose a nominal increase for a similar fashion is outlined by the CFO to 3,000 you want 3,000 Vice May P yeah you good with that council person like for you good with 3,000 that's fine all right 3,000 any other questions on the political Department I'm hearing none flip over public affairs so let me explain public affairs the same explanation I gave last year you guys um and ladies excuse what did you sayward and ladies oh well yeah men G gentlemen and men and women women and gentlemen men and women ladies and gentlemen um so the promotion activities where you guys see the 20,000 that's the state of the village but it's always offset on the revenue side um with the sponsorships that I bring in unfortunately and I said this also last year um the way budgets work you can't offset it I wish you could cuz then it would look beautiful but you can't offset your revenues from what you brought what you spent um budget wise so it's so if you look at it the year to dates is 20,000 um but I also brought I brought in actually more in sponsorships um on the revenue side so but it was the same thing last year it was the same exact thing last year that happened so [Music] you have any questions about public affairs before we flip over hearing none yes yeah come come come for for for what what um public affairs or is it from before can can you wait until so let let me go let me go in order right now I'm a police if you have police do that and then we get to the end you can we'll we'll bring you back all right to do whatever you want to ask about yeah okay so let me let me just deal with the police the police budget right now and then we go like that and then anything that you don't on a particular thing when you come up at the end you ask all those all right yeah yeah or anything all right I got you no problem no problem all right so police budget you guys okay yes so my first question is about what's going on at the topic so uh our major major Harrison is no longer with us um so and we're not replacing with another major so that's not happening okay so we're just pushing um that work basically on to the Chief and you know he just has to step up and work a little bit harder and that's just what it is because in the end I you know we decided I we save much more money that way so so but we we did get an increase of 28% from 75,000 to 96,000 yeah well he's he's picking up a lot of the things the major used to do you know the major by himself was 60 something thousand and he was yeah it was 100 yeah it was 141 the chief was uh 75,000 and the the chief was at 81 he got a cost of living increase from the last two years so he was at 81,000 but yes there is a there is a a jump um due to some savings and some need for us to retain good Le ership I mean I I know the major left a money was a big issue yeah he left money several proposals were made by the major and the chief about salary increases um he wasn't satisfied he moved on we wanted to keep our chief um he certainly didn't get his request but we wanted to give him something um to show good faith and so this is our number and and the executive salaries within the police department are outside of the PBA negotiation is that right okay and now they're getting paid more it's just fair yes so any other questions on the police uh budget um I do have a few uh I see uh workers compensation going up to $40,000 workers comp Harry on the police um yeah that relates to the what you were referring to uh the late bill that we received in August um every year we do a review with insurance and so that's just an insurance increase is what that is that's strictly that's what it is that sounds right based on what my experience in the last four months has been with the insurance line as well as the uh workman's compensation line right they one double over here also insurance is that is that the the insurance for life insurance it's all the it's liability as well as uh liability okay we just can't Outlaw we just cannot Outlaw racketeering and elportal or else no insurance company will be able to service what's what's the next line item uh vice mayor other current charges office supply operating supplies those are $27,000 well the other current charg is at 6,000 it's already at 5,600 do you want to know what that is BAS operating Supply is 15 and operating Supply is 15 yeah it was 15 last year so it looks like it's coming up under eight right so so you're thinking they're budgeted what it's budgeted too high you're saying I don't know what is that for operating Supply what does that entail those supplies relate to uh items that he needs for his officers on the field in the field cones gloves um any other items that he might need I'll let the manager answer and it's also you know we've increased our um ticketing so those things too and they it's for their field work got it and because we have more in the field you yeah we're doing a lot more field work now we want to make sure we have enough for them because we're also you know increasing our um roster you know we are also you know two full times Mr Mayor counc pres we went from how many officers to how many matter managers well count them we count them I mean we can break it down but we presently have eight full-time officers but um we're budgeted at nine we need to have two more yeah and let me say we have much more because what's not being said a reason why the chief's doing a wonderful wonderful wonderful wonderful job and this is what I'm saying what I talk earlier about behind the scenes a lot of stuff that we just like the manager and I just put together we bring to the Chief and the chief has his ideas and it it just works perfectly we have before we used to have Reserve officers MH that acted like reserve officers we have Reserve officers I have active duty that off they're just like full you you would you cannot tell they're not fulltime oh we have captains that are reserves that are here eight nine 10 hours a day on the weekends they're on call when I call them at midnight when I call them at 2: in the morning and they're Reserve officers so we're saving money from eler tow because we're using Reserve officers but we we we we kind of like give that morale and they're working just as hard as the full-time officers but they reserves absolutely amazing and uh and yeah just like Vice May Pella said there there is wild like you would never know their reserves so um so so it's the amount of full-time officers counc person life war that we have it doesn't tell the story of just how much we're doing right now how big we really are so tell me lion item I'm trying to find myself where Reserve officers are well they aren't pay they aren't compensating that's the point I'm trying to make not she asked where they where's their line item they don't have one they don't have one right so why why tell us all of that we we talking about money right now because I'm because we're getting free work from officers who are captains who work just as good or better than the officers that we have hired as officers that's why that's important because you ask how many officers we have and I'm trying to show the picture of the police dep Department then I hired and paid so the the the information was irrelevant they're not it's not irrelevant we're getting free work from them you can yell all you want to it's not irrelevant did you pay them no that's the point yeah you didn't pay them so well speaking of payment let's just hope that your um your signatures that are not qualified come through because that was going to be another 20,00 to the village for a special election so anybody else for the police department um you have any questions machinery and equipment again um uh from 25,000 to a budget at 885,000 what were what exactly um um that is uh the sorry can I I'll do it that's right so I will tell you vice mayor Corella so it it's over budget in the year to date only because we're still awaiting a reimbursement for um this uh also includes um the fee that it costs for the new vehicle um for chief Mendes he got a um we got a grant uh for the pickup truck for a high water vehicle and um so that's $40,000 $50,000 I'm sorry we're expecting to come back to us within it's just as you know we haven't gotten it yet but so if you remove that it's it's you know remove remove the 50,000 you're still at 40 but they do again more staff you know um they they just need uh the equipment okay okay perfect thanks thank you very much anybody else for aign item Police Department how you guys doing out there you good come say your address name address for hello Charles Winters 377 Northeast 85th Street Al portel um if you guys didn't see in the news recently they came back with some uh something from the 2019 UPS driver that was shot during a uh a Chase and cores and yeah and they just found out that the bullets that H hit the the pedestrians and hit the guy were actually from police they were actually none of the bullets hit the people were actually from actual bad guys um so a question for the police budget is do we have bullets somewhere in here where police can go and train with their guns and always keep themselves working on them so they're always going to fire straight if we ever have that kind of situation yeah so we so if you look at Education and Training it's part of education and train prob it's second from the thing and you bullets invest is like three up from that but we have education so one of the things that um not bullets though for like in the field but bullets to bring home and go to the range so so under Education and Training so and one of the things that manager myself wanted to do years ago when you know when I first became mayor we said we wanted to have one of the most trained um police departments in Miami day County and we actually do and so not only do we have as a matter of fact we have these things called these D Daniel Defense guns and we were the first ones in the State of Florida to have them and that's important because not only are these guns the most state-of-the-art guns and we got them with no taxpayer dollars um we got them through a grant but not only are these guns um state-ofthe-art guns but they come with like a protection because of the technology of the guns and things like that and they all our entire department has been trained on those guns multiple times they go into multiple trainings about with those guns so everything Education and Training we training and education is one of the things that we we hold at the um the highest level so is that taken from the grants at all or no yeah so the training and stuff a lot of it does come from um you know other payments but some of it does come out the budget though thank you all right anybody else ly item Police Department lipping it over code enforcement any questions questions comments yeah same question with the Top Line 10% M manager yeah just a simple just a simple I didn't hear it yeah just a simple explanation of why um I I mean I certainly support why it's a different um 10% why why said 10% because he I will say this um so mid year um I gave him a 5% increase based on performance but also generating more revenue for the department and the need to keep him in place um you know it's Again difficult to keep a good staffer uh but I'm trying to give him whatever resources we can but I also recognize that his um diligence has um made it a more productive department and I gave him that mid year so then this would be another 5% from that so it it's not 10% all the once it was five six months ago and now this very good thank you thank you welcome any other Li item questions you guys um sorry um Madam manager on the on the part-time on the on the new gal she's uh very nice to met her the other day um uh are there's a set number of hours that that she's at part time is it yes yes she's here on a temporary basis uh it's three months uh and it's um $22,000 not toed 20,000 so she's an hourly she's paid the hour she works and and she typically works like a 10hour two days a week okay so um uh well so we only have her for three months because we're trying to make sure we're not you know overstepping we want to see if there's you know um if if she can assist Mr Simmons in getting the department all set up if there's a need and we have the funds perhaps we'll offer her an opportunity but she does work somewhere else full-time as a code officer so um to get a you know we need a code officer not just someone trying to learn it it seems like we do like having her here though we like she's very very good than anyone else for call hearing seeing none go for C no okay um hearing seeing none let move on to public work any questions or comments take your time look over for a couple minutes yeah my question on Public Works Madam manager is the increase in the repair and maintenance of Village Hall from 25 up to 60 is that enough I mean I know it's not the short answer is no but I mean but I mean I'm just curious how you arrived at 60 and not 100 basically I I think we're just trying to balance and try to work with the numbers we have something that might be possible see what we can do this year and try again next year okay and look at the year to date uh council person okay so the year to date influenced that okay okay so we anticipate roughly the same amount of work next year as what we did this year yes more probably right maybe probably more but we we we have more projects that we're still you know to do ramp we still have to do I would propose we increase that budget I throw another 10 I know it's going to the CFO is probably going to be like okay where am I going to find the 10,000 from but I would propose we increase that by 10,000 let just keep it 60 for now council person IR okay I'll bring it up again at the next one I'll bring it up again please do so now the contractual Services Al 45 was that um I'm sorry uh Contract Services old was uh an extra spans of uh $4,050 was that was for the um the handyman's work is that the handyman's work this okay I'm sorry one moment we'll get back to you on that okay I I thought it was one thing but he's pulling out some information I'll get back to you vice mayor okay so we'll come back to that any other question um questions to comments line items for the um yeah I will I'll say it just because we're here I will say say it um so I'm a conservationist uh I'm a tree hugger um but I think that we should dump the recycling budget and lead the nation and canceling our recycling contract based on what we know about the complete and total waste that recycling is at this point in time we tried for 40 years it's a failed experiment um it is not the impetus of the consumer to fix this problem and I 100% in favor of 100% eliminating our recycling budget uh you know the only thing I would say to that you know not coming down on either side I hear you Council her bomb is I don't know how all right so definitely for this upcoming year we wouldn't be able to do it right because we're in the contract right we're in the contract now so that would mean so maybe you know we need to do then maybe we need to um include council person Herb in part of the negotiation when we negotiate a new contract because I don't know how we they they would separate I think I don't know how they're going to I don't know how they can justify what it is that they're charging be based on what actually is eligible for recycling and most of what used to be eligible for recycling no longer is because the third world country we dumped it on got wise and said you know what never mind no thank you we're not doing anything with it anyway well I I can also um offer this the recycling that that's a contract we have with Miami day County we uh for our residents that that's not ours we don't uh have that with Coastal we only have Solid Waste but it's just that they provide coal picks it up right we have to do that has has oped out already okay okay all right yeah I I would I would uh I I will be diplomatic and calm and clear in my in my thoughts but I would love to be part of those discussions you know maybe with the first step um council person or M I usually go every month to the uh the uh commission meetings at the government center I go every month maybe you should come with me next go get get on the list and say okay yeah I've spoken to okay yeah maybe I'll let you know I'll keep in touch with you okay sounds great no problem and U and um I do have a question I think you said it at the beginning uh Mr Mayor but just to clarify about the contingencies um budget adoped 73,000 proposed 32,000 yeah and that's what um those two things that came in there's also um part of a grant um um that came in that we got critical facilities Grant and uh we have to pay a certain amount on it and that should kick in like next year and that that also kind of came out of the contingencies it's not it wasn't too much but uh that came out of contingencies also so yeah so that's the reason why on the same line Adam I have a question about how we are able to bolster that so any unused revenues from current fiscal year for are any of those unrealized or I'm sorry unused revenues like for example we're talking about a machine uh budget that may not be used fully is anything like that that's left unused eligible to be put into the contingency budget of the next fiscal year is I would say not necessarily council president so so I know what you're asking and it's kind of we so not necessarily because of the things that that have been coming in last minute in the way first of all second of all second of all we're looking at some of those line items like we you guys were discussing before to where we're still trying to project to keep it for next year so now if we were so if we were to be like stringent and we were to say okay you know this year we only use 8,000 of the 12,000 or something like that let's take that 3,000 throw it in contingencies this line item let's take 2,000 throw it Inc this line item we only use let's take you know 4,000 thr into contingencies we would probably we could grow the contingencies tens of thousands of dollars just by doing that now that would only mean that next year once those line items that we're projecting that will reach that point once they get to that point or get past that point we'll have to go into contingencies to pay but then what will happen is when we're here next year you guys are going to be like well why the hell is this is is is is is 20% over why is this one 50% over why is this one y'all didn't even budget right it's like yeah because we were we we went right to the edge and through everything else contingency to make it look better you see what I'm saying so either way you do it but this is the more I think like honest way to be like I'd rather look at a lower contingencies so that I know in my mind we don't have money to play with and then leave the space and the cushion of anything budgeted in the line item so that we know it's there if we need it so it's you know there's two ways to look at it okay and then from the I think CFO is going to talk about it from an accounting perspective yeah for an accounting perspective I I I fully understand the the attention to detail and trying to focus you know laser focus on the individual line item but I go back to my original comment uh you know before that we're trying to project an expense you know 12 months from now all right so it's kind of hard to point and say okay this number is going to be this you know unless you contract everything out right it's I don't want to say pie in the sky right you have an idea but you again so to me I kind of look at it on a totality uh rather you know uh focusing on the indiv IND individual line item but you know when coming to when you're looking at your perspective like you mentioned I look at it more on a totality basis because again you're trying to project something that's 12 months out from now which is almost hard to do sometimes right so I guess what I'm asking is from the so the fiscal year that's ending we're in the final month of the present fiscal year right so my My ultimate question was if there's any so as that budget is closed out any surpluses with those what happens to the surpluses I guess my is really my question it's kind of use it or lose it sorry I don't know no go ahead go ahead go ahead go ahead it's more so use it or lose it uh you two year I think it was two years ago I look at my notes uh we were able to take some funds and uh um increase the reserves getting back to council life forward's comment question before um you know there is a possibility to do that um you could I mean we could try to do that increase it and restrict it it just it's going to affect the current Year's budget um again so an individual line basis it may work out right let's earmark $10,000 more of unused expense but in a totality uh the numbers might not work um just looking at the Public Works number right we budget 71,000 year to date through July is just using round number 600,000 right a 10 10-month run rate that's $60,000 a month right so projected 720 right not ideal right hopefully it won't get that high but to my point right in a totality right it's not we're not there you know where we want to be as far as being able to earmark certain line items um for future for future uh you know F CH fut sorry Future Okay if that makes sense it helps to okay were you able to locate the $44,000 um from all services or you I thought you were looking for it all I'm sorry I was looking for it I was I don't have my notes with me I apologize I I did look at my notes and it was as I thought it's for the handyman service so J who you've met many times vice mayor Pella when you come here when I'm here he's usually walking around really quiet um with glasses on he's fixing all type of stuff helped out real big with the bathroom um you've seen you see you've seen them because you've been here when I've been didn't know he was yeah you just didn't know who he was yeah okay and uh I have another question on these operating supplies it was um um budgeted for 3500 year today is 8,200 and budgeted again for next year 3,500 so is that uh uh an unexpected um expans uh manager I I I have to look at my notes but I believe uh we filled that position in the beginning of the fiscal year so there was uh you know a lot of startup cost like we'll call it of getting him situated ready in in the office um so now that he's in place I don't think that we should those expenses it's to get the Department in a place where he could work uh and do some things himself so it would be like the you know the organization um that's in the public works closet here is to get the office in a state where he could work so it's to it it was for that and those are expenses we aren't expecting to have to pay again next year so that's why it was just to get the Department set up okay thank you any other questions and comments for Public Works say your name address for the record Flor is yours uh good evening uh my name is Warner Dreer 486 Northeast 87 street so I'm looking here at the public works and just want to find out which of the line items are we considering for uh Road repair such as uh um potholes resurfacing I know we have the CIT monies so I want to see definitely here at least in the Sherwood Force area you know repayment or wherever wherever we need no so we just want to find out how much money do we do we have for the upcoming fiscal year um and if you can tell me that please so CIT is on page 14 oh so we have to wait for yeah so I'm going I'm going Page by Page okay it's not part of the Public Works stuff no no the stuff that we use for CIT funds we have this it come out the C page I I heard your question so that we get answer when we get to all right if I can add CIT funds are restricted funds and have to be used specifically for transportation and Transit so it's its own special fund so all the revenue and expenses are recorded separately from the general fund what uh we're reviewing right now is the general fund yeah okay so back to my question then where would we get the monies for like the road repay where uh just to clarify your statement are we getting that monies from the CIT or somewhere else then the like potholes and Road repairs I just want to make sure how much money we have for the upcoming fiscal year for Road repairs I'm not sure if you've driven around our village you know we have some you know maintenance on our road work so it's important that we at least the residents know where we're putting that budget if let me jump in before you jump in so so Cit there's two different um um like categories in CIT one's for like transportation and stuff like that but one you can use for Road repair and things like that and and Ro so what we're doing is and I understand what you're saying uh uh council person um or council person I'm just saying Mr Drea you're a former council person Drea um yeah what we're do and so the the problem is a lot of times with with road work in a way potholes um are even better than smaller dents in the road because smaller dents in the road takes the full Road repair um that is a a little bit more expensive than filling poth holes um so we're trying to get all you know you know if I have my wish I do all short Forest you know what I mean but that takes a lot of Road repair like for example um maner and I we did if you there's certain parts of sh Forest like if you walk down past the um the the Native American burial mound in front of Adam Simon's house if you walk over there now there's a whole area that was it was just eroded and messed up and now it's all filled in and he's thankful and things like that and there's other little Parts but there's but when when you walk through sh forest and the roads are just so bad and there kind like little indentions like it's not it's like you know this deep and this deep for that we have to do that entire Road it's just so much more costly so that's what taking a longer time for something like that as far as CIT um um CFO to toel the the revenue that we have what's available in CIT I think that's what he's asking so I'm being very explicit I want to find out how much money do we have for the upcoming Road repairs $91,000 in C money $91,000 projected right I guess or line um um page 14 yeah I'm looking at four uh um CIT s tax revenue Transportation [Music] 91,000 I'm sorry uh I see here uh okay 91,000 yeah 91,000 are you are we saying that we have 91,000 for upcoming pothole refills and potential resurfacing of Roads so what I answer it this way so uh total CTT funds is $13,750 as it show on the budget um 8020 split uh you get the 91,000 22 that's how you get to the 91,000 and the 22750 um utilities eat a portion of each one of those line items and then you're left with the $7,750 so to answer your question uh right now that's the amount that's being allocated uh for um Transportation uh we and I'll I guess I'll leave that to the manager she can discuss iter I'd like to add to that we did a road survey that comes from that as well and right for the traffic study also came from the C so it's not just for Road repair it's for transportation and that means Road repair um the traffic study the road diet all of the projects that we have going on now so this is what we're using for that so as a resident great that we have all this uh surveys out there all projects but I'm more focused again I'm being very explicit on how much do we I I I I see the total bucket right it falls into many different sub umbrella projects but how much money do we have explicitly for Road repairs explicitly right um do we have that breakdown at this time if not are we prepared we don't have that information at this time okay so if I come here and say maybe in six months hey um Council M manager we have some potholes out there some resurfacing uh are can we use some of the money right now because you know I don't want can I can I answer okay so we do have um we do an annual pothole repair okay we are we just contracted based on something that happened over on the West Side to so the total um contract is for for it was $4,700 for the pothole repair so that's going to happen with these fiscal year funds so for next fiscal year depending on what that inventory is going to be that we'll fix potholes but we can't do Road repair because we can't afford it the 91,000 cover but we can do certain projects we'll try for that we've had them priced out and we'll continue to do that and fix where we can yeah like we're fixing potholes coming up in the next like week in the next few right we're just waiting for because they could couldn't start the repair for the ones that were on the inventory because of the rain ex exactly but that's that's what I was trying to explain the problem with show Forest that's why I said it was really big and we really did a lot to even fill that whole Space where Adam Simon's house was um that he had been complaining about but the problem with short Forest is that the indentions are not that large and that's not potholes and they won't come to fill like a uh one in or two inch indention they won't do that they consider that road repair and we just don't have have the money to cover Road repair because you're talking about you know putting a whole new black Road in and it just can't be that little area because it's not large enough it's not considered a pothole it's just a bad dilemma that we're dealing with so but we have money to do surveys to do the traffic survey TR the traffic study yeah other priorities it's it's is it a matter of priation or is it just a matter of it's too expensive for us it's so yeah so when we when we price out we priced out when we looked at everything um when I came in we priced out everything Road repairs and we looked at all the different Road repairs and then we well first we went to them we like look we need to fill these spaces that's how we kind of came to them and then we looked at the companies and there was more than one company they were like because we first start out with three companies we had to do the three companies we picked the one we choose but they started off with well we can well those are potholes all three companies said those are potholes we can do we can do the roll repair but that cost this and there was hundreds of we were like well Jesus Christ we can't just just a little part A Part by the Sherwood Forest uh Park which is Mo Mo mostly uh Drive drive-thru it's not you know it's just that they they had already made a pole on this on the on the sand not even the road and just to repair that was like $24,000 or something like that it's um you know it's like I said with the budget we have and remember we weren having uh you don't have much funds in the CC CIT money because we weren't getting those funds uh because of audits and whatever that was backlog uh with that so the money that we've had coming in to the CIT uh it money we have done like uh this is the second round of uh butthole um no oh third time right the third round it's about the third this third time we fixed a few and you know the West side and coming uh here to the you know doing some on the east side but um again it's um like mayor Nicholson said just to repair their co- roaded roads which are you like 2 in in in you know inds that had you know come off Through The Years those roads you have to do like the whole block and then it's thousands of dollars you know and how much is one one block that's just one I think we had I don't know from years ago we had a whole resurfacing uh work Road repair and it was over $20 million $20 million or something like that if I'm not don't quote me on that but it was something like that for just one block for the whole Community remember when you guys were doing the the septic to sewer project with Pon that was also part of the a project with the resurfacing of the roads for what I understand and uh so it's cost was $2 million for septic but $2 million for the whole resurfacing of the whole village I think it's available I don't know if I'm I'm just saying um for potholes we're going to keep moving on that and I'm I'm uh I've been on top of that actually um unfortunately you have to be driving around I'm not the one driving around all the time to um we have Public Works um doing that but yeah we just have a list now about seven locations that's been identified to do that like I understand this road over here the the bricks are coming off you know few times they were they recently repaired as well Northeast third I think so but I don't know about the funds that we had available for uh potholes I don't know what that is right now it reflects uh $77,000 uh but for sure we're going to have um you know some repairs done with whatever whatever whatever money is it's it's it's available there MH if that answers some of your questions you know it's like no at least for the Pooles I'm sorry go ahead Christian Madam manager I was also going to say that you know sometimes priorities come up such as we were deal having you know speeding has been a big issue in the village for years um we had to do a traffic St you know so these things were priorities too and then the um we got the speed limit lowered and so that was a big problem from this Council to to have this lowering of the speed limit to put the signs up and so that was accomplished through these funds as well so it it's I and it's not a lot of money that we're working with but we're trying to maximize our our you know effects for for the use and so the potholes at this point are what we can do and um we do have enough uh you know I did take the proposal over to our our CFO to ensure we had enough funding to uh to get those project the potholes for this year done and you know that's that's the concern definitely if you guys can allocate just for this upcoming fiscal year you some mone's for the absolutely I think we definitely should continue the road whatever Road repair we can afford each year so we did this again this year we've done it for the last two years and we'll continue thank you thank you I'd also like to comment if you don't mind I used to be a part of CIT yes I highly recommend you go to some of their meetings you'd be surprised the impact that what you're saying right now hit them in the face they are going to look at us differently there was a time yeah let's go you and I tell me when the next meeting is I'm not there anymore I can't do two of them at the same time how do we find out about the meetings the you simply call the CIT oh you're going to give me the number then all I don't have it now okay but here's my card okay you can call me I have your number all right very good and and really it's an organization that most people like yourself they don't they don't don't even they've never even seen how we work and it's very all it is about the money yeah where we going to put it the next time so I'd be pleased to have you come back when then and tell us what what you but it would be good we go with a our Representatives that's why we the um the vill you know you know the voters elect representatives to represent us in those meetings at the CIT so if you're the person who used to go I would definitely would like to understand who's the person who's going to this c i was part of it I was part of the 16 membership yeah I I would definitely talk uh make myself available if whoever the person is from the council who attends this meetings I'll definitely make myself but um I don't know if there's such a person right now in the council well I know who they are they know who I am been there I was there a long time that's why we elect our Representatives exactly to represent us at those meetings not the representative tell us to go to that meeting and tell them they're going to be wor your representative so I just want to make sure that I have that understanding here protocol is always interesting yeah thank you but I don't have an answer it's all right thank you very much Mr J appreciate it um anybody else with public works or you moving on to building department Revenue you guys oh do you want to yeah yeah I think you uh wanted to say something about the street repair Charles Winters 377 Northeast 85th uh so sir um a few weeks ago uh Mr Dreer Andrea Mr Dreer Mr Dreer a few weeks ago I came to the council um and I brought pictures of all of the roads in Sherwood Forest and I showed them the damage that was done to the house and right after that I also showed them the notice I got from our own code enforcement citing my driveway which was the exact same condition as the road in front of my of the house I went to engineers and actually I found there's new technology it's called perap patch you basically you pour it in between those little layers and it when you drive over it it doesn't stick the tires and it automatically creates a new road you do not need to pay $100,000 to fix the road I did my entire driveway for $28 it's amazing technology and you guys can budget that's p e r ma a Perma patch yeah so maybe we should she's writing it down right now the man is writing down so we can ask the individual that we use because we do have somebody that won the contract off the three bids right so that's the individual who won the contract so we have to use them we can ask them if they if they know about that and they they use that yeah okay all right thank you very much Mr win appreciate it all right so you guys ready to move to building department all right building department check it out talk to me I'm just curious why we are keeping at the same uh projection of 233 500 when we exceeded that this year again just forecasting what the year is going to be we know that it's pretty much zero neutral right so whatever we budget doesn't matter really doesn't matter it's going to be expensed out thatway for the most part yeah that's the building this pays for so I mean this year I mean it might be the same you know but it pays for itself but this year here um you know it's been active you see our pnz meetings how many people we have on our pnz meetings and the one that's coming up in October is going to be even more okay now now I'm remembering the contract discussions with uh cap go regarding how all those okay exactly got is I'm caught back up again we're in an active year right now so okay very good yes any other questions or comments for this uh budget page Building Department okay hearing seeing none what about uh Transportation fund any questions or comments transferred in uh the $119,800 transferred in what what is that that would come from the reserve uh from this uh transportation fun uh wner Dreer 486 Northeast 87 Street uh on that note that there's a CIT uh meeting mayor if if definitely if you need the residents out there um appreciate it the voice out there um whoever I'm not sure do we have a because she brings a good idea right maybe showing our faces there I definitely I'll go but definitely uh we need somebody I I you know partner up with maybe the manager or one of the year of the council so we can get our voices out there and uh maybe bring such idea such as uh I forgot your I mean hopefully no I I I Winters Winter's idea and see what's out there new technology and you know definitely I agree I agree you know I I you know I'm I'm I'm down for whatever I'm not I don't want to step on anybody's shoes I think that you know if uh if council person like for Ward was there and she knows the people there and she discussed with me recently um called me about going Going Places more um you know I think she'd be the perfect one there since she knows the people she knows the players um she knows the names they're familiar with her she knows the ins and outs so you know sorry I'm on line here and it looks like the CIT is having their budget uh I guess one of us to get back with you I thank you very much Mr Dre I'll no we'll go counc person go ahead counc IR I think you were saying uh well uh no I was just saying I um I found their schedule uh the cit's meeting schedule okay um online with a pretty quick search um I think I searched CIT Miami Dade uh schedule 2024 and it popped up like uh in pretty short I do have one final question on the um on this page number 13 uh so that is for tree trimming um we budgeted 30 we spent 67 I take no issue with that um I do believe that these patterns we've seen in years past recent years I'm sorry um of like just increased rainfall I mean everything we we're getting a lot more rain uh it seems um and so I would would think that the tree tream budget might need to stay up around 67 where we spent this year um I'm just curious of anybody's thoughts on that no I hear you uh council president you make a great point I think that 50 for now you know I think 50 is a good starting point um the reason why it is what it is right now year to date is because the storms that we had and because of the storms that we had especially on the west side we get a lot of trees that fall over there and so those are things that we just that are unbudgeted um but they have to come out and they have to clear the road and they have to you know whatever with the trees and so that's why it is what it is um I guess we're I guess council person herbon we're trying to be positive for next year and and and and kind of send out positive vibes that we're not going to have the same type of year we had this year next year um well we're well I'm going to knock on wood we're but uh but uh as far as trees falling down as far as how much we things like that it's it's just an incredibly valuable service that goes towards mitigation of any issues in event of any type of a storm so I would just add that I mean if you look at the Top Line you see there's not enough Revenue to support the expense to begin with right so any line any any number you want to increase it sure we can increase it we just have to bring it in from the reserves to offset it okay fair enough if we assuming that we hit that expense and I'd like to add too that um The Village has seen an unprecedented amount of large trees coming down over this past year 18 months uh to the last 12 months it's been amazing and just you know you know on Friday night we had the tree come down on 87th Street which I mean these are Big you know trees we're not expecting this and this goes beyond our you know our usual little tree trimming and maintenance from time to time and so those are emergency situations where we have to call out the arborus and have that removed as quickly as you know as as possible like I said was after hours so manager were running around trying to do that we're we're addressing that um we also uh didn't do the planting um this last last year due to a contractor's failure from the county side and so um yeah we we really need to look at how we can um make our trees more sustainable because they're growing uh but we don't want to lose them so we'll continue to look at that and uh I'm hopeful that we can address uh the planting actually we've talked to Mr um Rubio as well as um one from Serbia about the way the trees need to be planted moving forward in the swes because that could help with the whole um drainage but also ensuring they don't you know get topheavy and then fall down like they've been doing all right anybody else for this uh particular page tree trimmy you want you want a question about tree trimmy you go come on come on come on Charles winter is 377 Northeast 85th Street um so I'm the lucky person El Portal that's had two trees fall in their house I've had to have one remove because it was Hollow six feet into the ground there's a wonderful video on YouTube about this tree that was basically going to kill someone in the next sneeze uh I had an arborist come out to my house this week because I had half of a tree fall over for this last week or two weeks ago um big trunk maybe 85 ft long so tree kind of like split and so the arborist came out to my house and he told me that most of the trees I have in my house are basically so paper thin that they're going to be falling especially one the one that just fell over so I said well you know they're the same thickness as the ones on the mound because I'm in front of the mound he says well look at that mound see there's nothing supported that tree that's going to fall over in the next sneeze too basically uh we He pointed out about five or six trees on the mound that are basically dying and I know my arborus is different from your arborist but he says that once we start losing one tree the other trees are that are blocking it that trees was blocking from another one they're just going to start making room and they'll just start falling like crazy and we have a lot of sick trees in oal and especially in Sherwood Forest a lot of termites all these these trees are just riddled with them and I know you guys have it in the budget for a little bit more for the tree trimming but I'm letting you know that sometime in the next few years you're going to see a lot of trees coming down because you're going to stop having blockages from hurricanes so um manager Al um and myself we we'll have the arborist go out there and look at the trees you know so that we can because we don't because safety is the number one issue um now what I will say is you know I might need your help to talk to your neighbors for me because the last time we brought down a sick tree the people in in Ser Forest wanted me to run out of they tried to run me out of town with torches I had to hold um a lot of people just don't know what's going on I had to hold four different meetings here in village hall four different town halls on a Sunday afternoons with the same exact residents in Sherwood Forest for all four different times there was one month four meetings every Sunday here in sh here in Village Hall um cler Jobe knows um with these residents and every meeting and I understand you know emotion were yeah you were there they were upset but um yeah it was just the tree was sick so if we bring down any of those trees Mr Winters they want try to chase me down bis came with a torch you got to help me out I was the only one there trying to explain you were trying to explain yes you were these are danger if you have someone die because of a tree we're going to have more publicity about someone dying because of a tree not being maintained than one being brought down because it was not maintained properly yeah so that's something for the attorney to talk about all right thank you very much Mr win all all right you guys are we good here on the transportation page we can go to the next page uh CIT we kind of went over CIT I don't know if um there's any extra questions about CIT go ahead go ahead uh coun life for Ward I said I'm just glad we still getting the money cuz I mean they got the money I'm just glad we're still getting it shs yeah there's a lot you know I I'm not even gonna say nothing well hell I'm G say something you know there's a lot um that that we're still fixing you guys um we don't have to go too deep into the woods on this but you know we always keep a smile on our face Madam manager we're always positive about things but um CFO Tomi we're not exactly up to getting the 100 % of the funds that we're supposed to get um you don't have to go too much in detail but we're just but but understand that under the last CFO before CFO to Feld and how we were and how we were left from the last Administration like the how we were left or whatever um I mean almost my first what would you say Harry almost my first couple years maybe I was getting those letters I still have them I kept them I look at them sometimes I was getting those letters every month that was saying that the state wasn't sending us the money because of the um Audits and stuff they just weren't so this so you know how we were talking about earlier how we only get a small percentage and the rest goes to like other place so the state was like we're for years and so now um ask Harry to speak but I'm doing all the speaking now I'm suming up Harry so now what we're trying to do and this another thing you guys I say behind the scenes we're trying to do so much now we're trying to retroactively get the money that we missed all those years so we've been working with on a budget not even a full budget by far we've been missing money so we're still able to do these things in new new Police Department New this that's what I'm saying um a lot of people just don't understand what you know the manager does what I do and what things like that on a daily basis just what we work with and how we like just pull magic out of the air yeah we're really down and we're we're trying to get those those funds back from the years we missed because our audits were all messed up when I first came in so you don't gotta say anything Harry I got it um anyway any so we were good with CIT funds so we can go to storm storm Revenue was next right storm storm fund Revenue um any questions on this Harry Christie okay counc pres KN for award I said I think you can move on think we can let's flip over parks and wreck fund Revenue the last Pista check came recently yeah yeah the the 366 yes 366 on okay so that those phones are completed for the for the first project the first Kista project for the first project about the last funds that came in from the first project developers fee this last fee last Fe yes we got that last week and it was 366 366 6666 six yes that was the final payment from the final payment yes so uh the total fund was going to be what 1.1 yes but remember and so we transferred 300 was it 350 250 250 okay and so where's the rest of the money the money currently is sitting in the bank so what I'll just so what you see here in the budget is an there's over $800,000 sitting in the bank okay so think of that as that being the reserve right okay got it so for that specifically for that use okay sorry talking about for for Parks and Recreation for parks and yeah the the for the so let me the trust all right so let me explain real quick Let Me Explain real quick to you guys okay so and this's another thing um kind of where I was explaining before when it comes to um government budgets unfortunately you can't offset like you can't like there's a revenue side and there's a budget side so even though like when you look at public affairs um that was for my state of the Village um you see there's some like $20,000 there or something like that um but I brought in more in sponsorships but you can't offset it it just doesn't work like that in the budget or whatever um so yeah so there's so so the 800,000 or whatever sitting in on the revenue side but it's but it's two things with that it's on the revenue side and it's for specifically um like green space reuse or whatever that's for that now I'm not gonna put the cart before the horse now there's another project coming in um that we've negotiated for that but we're doing that we're not going to we're not going to hold that money down for only green space reuse because we're like for example Mr Warner Dreer former council person Dreer if we had that money maybe we could do something with Street repair but because it's loaded for only green space reuse it's just sitting there right um but we do we are going to be doing some Park renovation and things like that we're going to give the kids a new Tot Lot and stuff like that so that's going to be going there but myself and manager Lou we work really really hard for this uh rivr restaurant and and the riverfront property that's coming up that um it's not restricted like that so we can do things for the community I mean and this is just another thing and you know I know that you know I don't say these things too much but this is just another example and another detail on how we're really making lemonade out of lemons like where we have this $800,000 we can't touch it for anything where we have the state not giving us our our money for over two years but we're still able to do these things and put this up and do this and this make this look nice and fill this and do this and we're just I mean if we if we were able to have all the money we were supposed to get and be able to have access to all the money like this place would be Beyond you know so but we're May doing what we can may I add to that mayor nerson um we have not finished um working on the developers agreement for the launch so we don't know if it will how it will be restricted if it will be but it is our goal to not have it restricted hard right but it has not been fully um negotiated or finalized so we don't know just yet but it's our hope that we can have uh use uh for those funds that would benefit the village uh for for the so many the long list of things we need so they going through a lot of paperwork um that being said is there anything else for parks and wreck you guys all right uh council person Dre former council person Dre come up in with your uh your list of items my name is Warner Dreer 486 Northeast 87th street so um just wanted to get a a quick update on on the FEMA right what's the outstanding loan um and then I'm looking from there if we can I I know every year we have a uh renewal on the loan right which is a variable interest only um um it's been open since 2018 I think or 2019 and um wanted to see if we could somehow budget some uh percentage of the outstanding balance of that loan maybe to start contributing if we haven't started contributing to the actual uh principle right uh just to start yeah at a point yeah just to answer your question uh we it's actually happening as we speak uh the new agreement that was signed uh last year let me back up a little second so in 2023 um right around the time the new agreement was put in place we did receive additional funding from FEMA which reduced the loan balance um which in turn reduced our monthly payment uh from I think approximately was 3,300 to 20 What Now 26 at 2800 and we are shaving roughly $2,000 a month off the principal um with each payment so what's the outstanding balance right now sorry thank you uh the outstanding balance as of uh June 30th was 136,000 okay so we received about because last time I heard the outstanding balance was about 700k so did rece about 500k from FEMA approximately 450,000 from FEMA and the rest is a reduction on principal with all the payments that we've made okay so that's great news then yeah do we expect any upcoming uh payments from FEMA unfortunately not everything uh that to my knowledge has been closed out but we do have in the budget uh obviously the note so to 30 $30,000 a year is allocated I'm sorry 30 yeah $330,000 a year is allocated um for payment of the note but that's just on the interest only right no principal and interest oh principal so it's changed the term since since okay okay after the audits were done after the a we were able to get a regular loan oh so it's a regular loan okay and how long is that Lo loan for five years five years for that 130 yeah so we're paying it down um again it's $2,600 a month roughly uh 2,000 going principal gotcha no that's great that's great to hear because that was one one of my main concerns that we were just paying the uh interest only so no we luckily we were able to change that with the additional funding and also you know with the uh strength of you know the the finances here you know get becoming a Little Bit Stronger year after year great all right great thanks for that yeah thank you very much council person former council person Dre I appreciate you and we'll be in touch about that CIT stuff yeah yeah for sure 100% appreciate that um any last questions or comments from the council or the audience um yes yes all right take care take care um yes I actually need the turnaround for the budget with the updates tomorrow because I need to send it out tomorrow because we have a meeting on Monday so the deadline for the budget updates is tomorrow sorry it's short notice but it is what it is no problem yeah I only have I we only have a couple changes I have them here Harry I'll give you mine Perfect all right okay any any last any other questions or comments from the council or the audience hearing or seeing and seeing none do I have uh uh motion to adjourn not yet yet okay go ahead council person life for award before we adjourn I need to let everyone know that those of you that know that I I had surgery on my shoulder a couple of years ago I am going back into surgery with midt it's going to be a 4H hour operation to restore my left shoulder I make this announcement because if I don't I'll forget um um because it's a serious operation I didn't realize how much but it's not because the operations because of my age and how I responded last time so those of you that know the worth of prayer uh we're going into mer major surgery this mid Monon and I would appreciate it very much absolutely thank you absolutely thank you very much council person like award um any other last questions or comments for the council do I have a motion to adjourn you do do I have a second second mooved by Council Le for w second by vice mayor Pella all in favor say I I I all oppos say nay hearing none the uh budget workshop for fiscal year 2024 2025 is on for 20 2025 for for for tues 852 is 852 okay is adjourned at 8:52 8:53 p.m. there you go