##VIDEO ID:P7Dp-QH401o## the first budget hearing for uh the fiscal year 2024 2025 is called to order at 7:00 p.m. going to stand for a moment toide meditation followed by the Pledge of Allegiance you very much mayor CL have roll call Mayor Nickerson here vice mayor pel here council person like fo Ward also present for the record Janice chobi Village clerk Chao Village manager Joseph Geller um village attorney and CFO T thank you very much have a motion to approve the agenda move by counc person life award you have a second second by Vice May Pell all in favor say I iose say nay hearing none moving on good and Welfare um you guys will have a chance to come up and talk about the budget when we get to the budget itself anyway so when we do the resolution all right that being said um let's go to the uh first resolution resolution uh F1 adoption of avalor tax rate mayor item F1 resolution number 2023-2024 25 a resolution of the mayor and Village Council of the village of elel Florida Miami day County Florida adopt adopting it says final that'll be for next time adopting the preliminary yeah tentative tentative the tentative leving of adum taxes of 83000 Ms which is more than the roll back rate of 73290 Ms by 13.25% for the village of eleral of Miami day County for fiscal year 20242 providing for incorporation of recitals providing for an effective date and this is first reading mayor thank you very much first reading um uh do I have any questions or comments if I don't can I have a motion to approve resolution F1 mayor uh just for the record um per the statute we have read into the record the roll back rate the percentage increase and the tentative uh millage rate which will be final as of the next meeting absolutely do I have a motion to approve resolution F1 so move move by vice mayor Pella do have a second second second by council person life do you have any questions or comments about F1 I do go ahead uh are we on the right course yeah we're on the right course based on what we can see tonight is there stabilization there somewhere we are stable not only stable but we haven't um raised taxes ever in uh our Administration that I like like that to be for the record so everybody would know that and the fact that it is what it is right now now uh I can I can I can lean on cost of living yes yes that's all thank you very much any other questions or comments I have a motion to have a second Madam cman please have a roll call I I did no roll call council person l f Ward yes council person oh vice mayor Pella yes mayor nerson yes motion passes three thank you very much he didn't hear we're on the second Madame clerk if you I don't know if you noticed on the um on the resolutions that the names are uh the names and the titles are a little yeah I don't do the resolutions that would be with the attorney and the numbers also correct that's what you're talking about vice mayor uhuh the numbers the year the no no no no I'm sorry no no just the ORD of the Roll Call right yeah point of order we are on roll call uh we just had council person also president for the record council person bbom yes now you can vote if you want all right um can he vote no he had already pass no he's already passed okay resol hear say I didn't hear okay we already did it sorry resol resolution F2 we want to read that into the record Okay resolution F2 adoption of the budget for fiscal year 20242 resolution of the mayor and Village Council of the village of elow Florida Miami day County Florida adopting and approving the annual operating budget of 4,877 215 for fiscal year 20242 providing for incorporation of recitals providing for an effective date thank you very much I know um manager Al would like to say something to the record yes I would thank you very much mayor Nickerson I just wanted to um um clarify something I stated at our workshop last week um we were discussing um staff um increases and staff raises based on Cola and I if there was some confusion or I didn't develop that um what my statement was it was that all staff uh who have received um the salary increases re receive them based on performance um we do not uh uh do uh Revenue generation as a a means of uh you know paying our employees um we just wouldn't be able to do that and that's not legal but we are um increasing those salaries based on Merit um B based on them developing themselves professionally and their Department for um for their um I guess dedication to decreasing the backlog of cases and creating efficiencies within the department that um have been cost-saving in in some respects but also um again efficiencies that are helping us utilize the technology the best we can so I just wanted to to put that out on the record and make sure that you know I was clear about um the statement made about staff increases thank you thank you very much Madam manager appreciate it um this resolution you guys is about the budget uh anybody to start with the audience anybody well let's start with you guys you guys have any questions or comments about the budget we had the workshop councel can we hear from them first mayor so that's what I'm going to go to them uh next I didn't know if you guys had any last questions or comments but I will go to them and open it up to you all uh questions comments about the budget come up say your name and address for the record come up say your name and address for the record you're good my name is Eric Strickland 268 Northeast 85th Street my question is about Transportation fund expenses specifically tree trimming and no sidewalk or Street repair in this budget i' like a clarification on the tree trimming budget uh why it's not specific to RightWay and and why there's no sidewalker Street repairs in the budget all right so as far as the um tree trimming I mean we we only trim right away we don't go into people's yards and trim within people's yards we could add right away uh R to the to the line item if you want to want see if it was consistent with the past budgets where it said R TR we could do that there no problem we could we could put a little Dash in that and add r W he's trying to say that the tree trimming is not specific enough it doesn't say right away but we only but we don't go on people's yards and and trim trees we only trim right away but we could add R to the line absolutely thank you so that doesn't cover any parks or other properties not the trail that's just for the for the tree trimming that does all right so you're talking about encompassing the RightWay of the hurricane preparation tree trimming that also encompasses when trees um also fall that also incompasses when trees also fall um that that that encompasses all those type of things like for example a couple weeks ago we had a tree a full tree fall down on 87th street that would Encompass that line item also okay so it'll be consistent with the past yeah yeah be consistent with the past Street sidewalk repair all right so for Street repair um for those type of things Street repair is just very expensive we do do uh pothole um we fill potholes every year we're about to do ours this year again um the largest potholes a lot of them started on the west were on the west side so we started to hit those up first um as far as Street repair Street repair is just really expensive as a matter of fact uh I was on a meeting this morning um with uh commiss county commissioner hardman's office about Street repair of short force and so that uh that happened this morning it's just it's really expensive because we just don't have the full funding to repair all the all the streets but Sher Forest is the the area that we know the streets are the most deteriorated so that's the focus that we're going to have when it comes to Street repair so what what's the budget for this year maybe I have an old copy yeah so we have 91,000 um full in uh in those funds but I think 40% of those funds are for transportation I believe it's it's 20% Transportation or Transit 80% for transportation and that 80% would cover any uh sidewalks or tree maintenance in the right way anything related to um the maintenance of our roads and that's where we get our funding for the pothole repairs and anything that comes up so can it be broken out consistent with the past year budgets can can it be broken out consistent with the past budgets I I I don't understand broken out in what way would you mean Street and sidewalk repair is an account number as shown in previous budgets this year the the version I have it says $44,000 in contracted salaries $30,000 in tree trimming okay we can ask our yes we can look into it our CFO is I'll be more than I happy to look into that for you what year are you specifically looking at 2020 2021 20 22 should have changed in 2023 it's no longer separated all right I'll take a look at it what is the contracted salaries for under transportation fund expenses 44,000 that is Personnel the director of Public Works that we have here for the village Sal allely work on Transportation I'm sorry they exclusively work on Transportation or do they work on I'll let the manager speak on behalf of that is our Public Works exclusive work on Transportation he wants to know what the $44,000 contracted salaries is so right under um our uh funding for um CIT a portion of that can go for Public Works salary so that is um up that portion yeah I'm not on the CIT page I'm on the transportation fund Revenue expenses page page 13 M yes CIT is 14 there's there's no contract employee on that that was I'm sorry that was another misstatement there the contracted s this is the uh Revenue that comes in from the local uh gas tax and of which some of the salaries for the public works director who handles the work who handles the streets repairs roads and work uh streets and the roads uh we allocate a portion of his salary to this particular fund the rest of his salary is allocated to the general fund so $44,000 is allocated to Transportation funds there's no Street repair and $330,000 of tree trimming what percentage of that is all of that person's time is allocated to Street repair roughly I'm not sure I understand what what percentage of what sir you said you allocated a percentage of personnel's time to Street repair and the budget amount is 44,000 is it's the public it's uh this uh 30 I believe I have to look at my notes but I believe it's 30 it's either 35 or 40% is allocated of the salaries allocated to this particular line it and they oversee in this budget tree triming that's the only other expense as well as the roads and streets of the village there's no expense for roads or sidewalk in the budget it's just tree trimming I understand sir so we can always add light items but I'm asking if you're adding any money for street or sidewalk repair next year I guess that's a decision that we'd have to we can I'll let I'll talk to the mayor and and and the and the manager about okay we could obviously figure it out we have this is the first reading of a budget so if we want to reallocate the funds we can we are limited I'm just asking the question I understand that I'm saying and these These are we had meetings throughout the last couple months to go over the budget and this is what was determined you're raising questions that um were not discussed so again if this is something that you're raising and we want to review uh it's defitely I'm asking you sir while you're allocating $44,000 of salary to oversee $30,000 of contract work that's what your budget says the $44,000 is for Mr Mr Simpson yes and Mr and and and Mohan it's for Mohan it's for our Public Works director and our Public Works coordinator all right and it was just the we allocated a certain amount from a certain fund for the salary and the other comes from another to make the whole that is the item for public works I'm sorry to interrupt which is on it works the $81,000 for contractor salaries that is correct all right so try so my questions were on Transportation fund expenses thanks for answering them thank you all right did you get the answers that you or or are you did you not get the answers that you were looking for I think I got a good idea you good all right all right I was going to try to clarify a little bit more um do you have my you have my card or my information no no all just the same question okay all right I was going to say if you have any more uh clarification that you need you can contact me if I remember um you were at the FIU walk and talk right for the was that you that was you that was there that day for the FIU for the resiliency walk and talk when you walk to theend a lot of yeah yeah all right so uh we'll get you my card if you have any questions you can contact me and I think I can more in detail kind of explain to you I think I kind of know where you were going with that all right yeah all right so um anybody else with any with any questions about the budget yeah no you need to contact me because I see I see what you're I see what you're saying is more detailed that hi good good evening my name is Warner Dreer uh 486 Northeast 87 street so uh just had a couple of observations here um and recommendations I did send emails to the council hopefully you guys had a chance to uh read them so the first uh it's regarding line items um my recommendation is for adding line items for uh salaried employees for vacation time and overt over uh time uh for the two positions uh uh the idea is that that will help us have accountability what's being paid off by vacation time year-over year and it will serve as a tracking mechanism so the recommendation is for adding to the administration and finance uh section the vacation line item and the other one would be for the Department Village clerk uh pach 7 uh there we would have uh vacation and also overtime so that's my first notation so I'm not sure if you guys want to perfect yeah no that is um something that I raised that concern last year on the meeting budget meeting that it should be um um breakdown break break it down yeah so I guess again okay very much on that um the second item right it's regarding uh this past weekend I I think the gentleman touch upon a point very key Point here about the streets um I went over just rode my bike for maybe about 10 minutes here in the sherro forest area right um they' sent out a document with PDF file with more than 55 pictures just randomly riding my bike of areas different areas where we need road maintenance or repair right so I was here at the last meeting I volunteer my time to whenever there's a CIT meeting or any Miami day meeting I'll go over there the intent of sending you this PDF file with the pictures is for you guys to utilize in any upcoming Miami date meeting I'll make myself available but uh um definitely we need there the the fing repair our our streets um and not just in short Force but there's also 89 Street there some minor areas so just that's my second point there so I think we all agree that the entire almost the entirety no I can't hear me this better there we go I got it let's try that see uh I just want to say that we discussed for I think a few years now that the entirety of the village in terms of roads and sidewalks is uh outdated in in need of uh a lot right so um it's right now just search of funding it's we have the plans in fact we have I mean we have a we have uh one of the most uh Advanced uh Street plans uh in the county I think because of the work that the urban planners have done it's strictly a matter of funding so um I don't think there's any debate about the need for uh considerable amount of uh Street resurfacing repair redesign even uh um we're in all in search of funding right now yeah you're right I I don't think so but there's been a lot of surveys a lot of studies and we're at a point that we need to execute that's where I and since we're in the FY 2024 25 budget I would like to ask the council if we could use that as a priority and also the village manager as a priority to start you know we we've been done so many studies we know there's an issue right but so we yeah we're getting a point the studies had nothing to do with um uh Street redesign uh so the priority uh was is remains pedestrian and uh for both motorized and non-motorized travel throughout the village essentially okay so uh those studies were done specifically so that we could petition the county to allow us to lower the speed limits which we have now been successful in doing um honestly in large part to the managers efforts and so um so the result of those studies actually warranted a massive win in our ability to lower the speed limits in the village which is a start to getting to where we need to be in terms of pedestrian bicycle uh uh safety as well as you know the fluidity of the motorized traffic moving uh the you know prohibition of uh people from outside the village using the village as a cut through um and maintaining maintaining the flow of traffic on the on the main throughways again the disruption of Miami new bridge being a significant disruption for a very long period of time now which I think we see is almost close to completion they look so close so um so again uh in terms of the need for Street repair and sidewalk like the addition of sidewalks and then the sidewalk repair for existing sidewalks um uh you know like a budget of $91,000 gets us not even started so I mean uh so that is why the priority then goes to okay uh uh I mean we are in triage so also remember um uh you know we barely survived the catastrophe the financial catastrophe that followed Irma right so in terms of salaries as well uh we are still playing catch-up a little bit in terms of contracted agreements in terms of uh back paying money's owed so um I agree that the clarification of those adding those line items um will help uh uh delineate all of those issues that right now are essentially uh verbal as far far as the residents are concerned no and I'll make myself available for whatever meetings um you need for the residents to show up and uh and bring those concerns regarding the street repair hopefully we get some funding right I mean honestly uh you know of any upcoming I'll just say the santis has been our biggest uh hurdle in terms of accomplishing anything to that degree I'm curious to um mayor I would even uh say maybe the uh the the railway um who knows there might be something in there if we can illustrate that uh Improvement of these roads would would increase the you know overall uh safety of people traversing their wi away it's a it could be a long shot I don't know but in the in theory I know they've had quite a bit of fatalities in the past four years or so and uh I think the work going on right now at 79th Street illustrates that they are uh you know still essentially catching up to where they need to be in terms of U having everything uh operating properly for the safety of anybody traversing uh the railroad tracks and so who knows there might might even be something it wouldn't be for the whole village but maybe something for 87th street or you know even uh what have you so I think that might be worth the discussion if may may I also add um as uh council person bbom stated we um our urban planners just conducted a resilient streets um master plan they presented it or he presented it to um the planning and zoning committee and it's to be coming up on the September um Council agenda so that may be an opportunity to to see what they're presenting and because the master plan just like our storm water and our septic just through all those things these are our guides to what we can afford as time goes on in 2019 we did have our engineer do an a survey of the village to see what road repairs would cost and it was well out of our price range um so and we we do have that if you'd like to see it but again that was prices from 2019 that was over $2 million so we um did conduct a a a hot hole repair on uh September 9th that repaired uh nine of the ones that were on our um inventory Street repair is not Poole repair so as you know Mr drer so um you know those are things we will address as we can is there a quick um idea here I know we have a lobbyist firm contracted for the upcoming year is it something we could prioritize as far as the uh the request to tah has perhaps uh based on showing some of the evidence that I not sure if my evidence helps out but maybe having them priortize some request for funding from Tallahasse just an idea I'm just throwing some idea absolutely infrastructure and as a matter of fact the the increase and density increase on the cista even though it's in the an next area it it brings up the population so through the ID fund Cit funding we might get an increase in those funds to then do some mayor repairs but yeah okay sorry mayor yeah I correct yeah right absolutely Council life award I know attorney Geller had his hand up B I'll defer to the councilwoman though having been on the CIT you really have to there is a process and it doesn't it's like an annual thing you have to be engaged the public has to be engaged I'm no longer on the CIT but while I was there the public has to be involved and your comments would be ideal ideal to the CIT because that's where the money is going to come citizen independent Transportation trust is more likely to uh facilitate us because when I was there it was like hey guys I know we doing over over here how about these little bitty Villages right here and I happen to live in one so so you're on You're On Target but I I U I encourage you to go to C the Citizens Independent Transportation trust meetings yeah yeah this is where I'm going to need your guidance though ever been to a c CIT meeting right um that's why I come first level here right for maybe partner up with you seems you probably know a little bit how the process used to work how we can engage with the CIT um but the intent here is just to maybe just have this conversation a trigger maybe we get the uh the manager the manager to we talk to the uh um whatam call him the uh Tallahasse uh folks maybe we could try the CIT having your great experience here um I'll partner up with you or with the mayor or even with the manager you know that's the intent I brought I created that P file with more than 55 pictures hopefully you got the chance to look at them I haven't seen them um but I send it to all of you guys we go I'll make myself available but I need your guidance I I cannot just show up there they're probably goingon to say mayor Nickerson or so one of your council members needs to be I'll go with you I'll go with you they'll know me I'll go with you let's do it yeah let me know when and I'll and we we go there definitely here's what we're going to do since I'm retired and you're still working yes Citizens Independent transportation is on the web so just just Citizens Independent transport notice if we're independent we don't take we don't take nothing from nobody citizens we just simply go and ask for it Citizens Independent Transportation trust is readily available on the web and right now I don't know who the president is okay or the chair is at right now but um you have my number yes you will tonight you have my email I sent you all the pictures and with my number I have an old computer I you have an old computer so you don't open emails yes but they don't open up all the time manager do we still give uh uh laptops we got our laptop computer no it's just that the laptop in and of itself is not um what I use I use mine because I know what it look okay so that's one that one's on me I'll take that one okay I'll take that one but that's that's not the issue right here the issue is face to face I know the CIT let me know when the next meeting is and I'll definitely join you all right that's that's that's a fair that's a fair thing that's an agreement that's a fair thing you have my card my personal card do if it's the same one yeah the same defitely I like your spirit I really do yeah I just want to keep that uh moment them I just want to you guys be um energized uh still care for the village right I I see there's a lot of good work done uh but let's keep it moving it's the right time to make goals with the fy2 24 25 so um definitely thank you yeah appreciate you much it's all good it is all good right all right uh yeah that's uh pretty much it from my side um um so um yeah go ahead just let me add that the CIT option is a very good option and I certainly encourage that former Council Andrea and working with council member at lifeford Ward um you can do a lot with CIT I do want to put one little note of caution about talahasse we have very good lobbyists and typically you know the manager the mayor members of the council go up there and work their hearts out but it Tallahassee is not a kind Place particularly to places in South Florida and sometimes all the logic information and persuasion in the world is just not enough to move people who are decision makers in Tallahassee they you know you know have their own agendas and they're difficult sometimes to navigate and they don't always make sense so I'm not saying it's not a good place to try but anything you can get done within the confines of Miami Dave county is much more reliable than counting on something coming from cassee but still worth the effort that's why we have the lob they're very good LOB absolutely absolutely absolutely had a a really good meeting with uh commissioner hardman's office this morning myself and the manager and uh really told them we're talking about our list of uh of asss the first thing that we told them was that um Street repair has risen on our list and we told them specifically uh Shard Forest Park as a matter of fact on this text right here with Keon hardman's office I put she said uh she said what's the actual she said what's the actual location we're going to send somebody out this was uh Miss Augustin said we're going to send somebody out to um see how much that location would would would cost and I put uh Street Road repair shood Forest Northeast 85th Street and 86th Street between Northeast 2 Avenue and Village Hall and she said thank you very much we'll send somebody out to monitor that area and we'll get back to to you so so you know so hopefully we can you know we'll be with that too so hopefully you know between all these different avenues that we're attacking it from um it'll come through you know we we we care about Street repair um as the manager just said uh in 2019 um when we priced it out it was it was $2 million or slightly over $2 million um so it's not like we don't care about it it's just that we don't have the funding and I think a lot of people a lot of times get confused about Street repair and about potholes and so a lot of times people see things and um they'll just say like well that's that's super small I mean the Street's here and then there's like a little indention like this big and things like that but they don't look at it like that they look at it as potholes it's just that immediate area um but they look at where you have a street where it may be a small indention along the side of the street or a couple little craters in the middle of the street that are really small um they don't look at that as a pothole they say okay for something like that we have to pave that entire Street or that entire area of the street and that cost a lot more money so that's the reason why um any other questions or comments from the audience okay than you may thank you very much I appreciate it thank you very much always council person Drea it's all good um any last questions or comments from the council I already have a motion I already have a second Madam clerk might please have a roll call please roll call council person L fo Ward yes council person bbon yes vice mayor Pella yes mayor Nickerson yes motion passes for thank you very much yes come on up good and Welfare we have good in welfare come on I just want to be accurate here does the motion get approved with the request to add the GL codes for the manager and the clerk to specify the salary and the PTO of course of course but that that that that would be in that would be like in like like like moving forward right for like all this year that would be like moving forward all this year and you know so it' be ready for all this year into next year um for the current budget that we're looking at that looks at the because the only year to date we have is this current year right and so we weren't going to did you want us to look at the current year what what I'm requesting is we're reviewing this budget right based on what I see here I'm requesting that the specifically The Village administrative uh there be an additional line item for specifically for vacation right added to the existing proposal here uh the is just to keep track right corre for and we all agreed to that but we didn't know if we needed a motion to add those line items instead of just saying yeah yeah we can add them that's that's what I want to be clear before we approve that's what I thought we were going to do for second hearing have the you it's the same thing the money is not being moved it's just to add the line items um about vacas and PTO and stuff like that correct we we could definitely add the light item but just so that everybody understands hold up I um as far as Finance Administration there is no overtime everybody's a salaried employee so there is no overtime so adding the line item is just going to show zero um as it relates to vacation we can break out the vacation but please understand I'm I'm sure we all understand that it's the cost the total cost is the same right so the vacation day is just replacing a work day so it's just reallocating I guess the expense from one line item to a separate line item the total expense is going to be the same just are allocation and and the intent is uh there's uh tracking for prior budgets uh I know there's uh some other budget in 2022 23 there was some more granular on on different departments but that that I still request I just want to make clear that that's where I'm at all right well all right May if May if I could I mean at this point it sounds like the CFO is under I listen noticed that it's going to be a request at the second hearing so I mean so I work on be I work for the manager and for you guys if if if you guys if that if that's what the request is then so be it we'll have it ready for the second hearing but I don't I'm essentially saying that's there is no request but it seems obvious that there will be a request for that information at the second hearing um but I'm of the opinion that that uh that that specific request is not part of what was just moved correct that's why I came back um if the numbers are identical then what you could do would be to just include an explanatory footnote that states that the above number which is the same number includes both regular time and uh allocated vacation time and just do it as an explanatory footnote is that possible Mr CFA absolutely and that way because you're not actually changing numbers right you're just trying to clarify and you can do that basically by adding an explanatory footnote that includes what's being covered so that there is no confusion and that way your your numbers don't actually they're not changing but you are making the point that councilman drer was making so that somebody looking at it can understand and and you're explaining it's an explanatory footnote and I think it gets you where he's looking to go and still doesn't require an actual amendment to your budget because you're not changing numbers I actually I'm being very explicit adding a not an explan an explanation because that gets lost I'm being explicit to break it down by a GL code a unique creation of uh whatever GL code would be for the PTO for the uh Administration one and then for the clerk budget there will be a GL code created for vacation and another new GL code created for the overtime that is the the motion I'm not looking for and I apologize um I'm not looking for an explanation because what happens is years go by then oh did I take vacation well here's how much we have a GL code year today planed and and there's proper tracking done at least in that way so that's what I'm looking for that and mayor clarify my opinion I want to be clear that I was offering one possible way to do it uh I wasn't saying that's the only way it could be done um that of course is up to to the council and if you want to actually instruct staff to make some other correction presentation allocation that's certainly within the council's ability to direct uh mine was just one possible explanation uh uh method of of getting that done thank you for the clarification if if I may also just want to add um PTO is being tracked on a bi-weekly basis we do have ADP and ADP uh currently does track um all the acrs as well as all of the uh issuances of of sick pay vacation pay or any other types of pay that the employee asks for so that is being tracked on a regular basis can't speak for what happened in the past but you know we once we started with ADP um everything's been uh being tracked uh on a biweekly basis no thanks for that explanation so can I ask uh uh can I ask uh request here can I ask for the council to bring somebody from the council to bring a motion to add a GL code for uh instruct uh not because I I I apologize I just want to be clear of my request right I did send out an email right uh to to the council as well I didn't copy you mam manager um but I just want to be clear with the intent of the request and I apologize I I want to be just clear here to bring you up when uh so can I ask request somebody from the council make a motion I to I would be willing to make a motion if it would be possible uh I'll find out if it is in a second but I just want to make a comment before I would make that motion um so I just want to for clarification that we're on the same page uh if this paraphrase is correct let me know um so I'll just start by saying my favorite Saint is doubting Thomas uh he went to heaven okay he's a Saint all right it's my favorite Saint doubting Thomas so in the spirit of what I believe resident is saying is that's fine but prove it that transparency is that's I mean that is something I think that is owed as much as possible in any circumstance to the residents anytime there is an availability to be any more transparent then I think it would you know uh behoove us to do that um and so they I'll just leave it might understanding that correctly at least that yeah so back to thank you council person Anders um back to my request for bringing up a motion we're bring Mo I just want to make sure we have everything that you want counc so you talking about regular pay vacation holiday pay PTO sick pay um overtime thank you okay where applicable yeah and creating a a go code code yes okay so you guys have that so we have uh six different things so can we can we bring the motion though right now um to the council I just add to motion you want to add to his motion okay you he can say just come up here he step he can step to the side real quick and you can come say your name address for the record just stay right there for a second more you could say it you could sir you can say it and then we can add two from what you from what you say fine I just want to make sure so I I think the intention would to add all contingent contract liabilities as well as a Gil item okay you could add that to the list so I'd also want to be clear you said yeah yeah we'd add the hurricane prep right away can that be part of the motion and sidewalk Street and sidewalk repair in the budget even if it's a zero just so we can see since 2019 it hasn't been funded by the council or mayor including the sh all right okay okay no problem um so yes that'll be added as an amended to the motion yeah so uh I'm sorry um there's no guarantees yet whatever the council wishes I can do if they want me to add into individual line items again not no no harm no foul it's not going to change the overall budget uh it's just reclassifications of some line items um and speaking with the attorney I believe correct me if I'm wrong we've already approved the budget so any modifications the from the first hearing will have to be highlighted when we go through the second budget again makes no difference to me I'll make whatever necessary changes need to be made uh just want to put the full disclosure out there to everybody so what what it everybody knows what it entails now making modifications okay um the gentleman would like to add to the budget align item for uh Street repair and sidewalks even if it's zero he wants to line items for Street repair and sidewalk consistent with the 2020 budget if I can just get in in writing I mean there's a lot of requests going on so if somebody could just put it all down maybe a public record request or just or give it to me so that I have it and I'll be more than happy to make whatever changes are necessary okay for the record I'll I'll hand him what we're looking for in writing mayor just to be clear any you don't need to have something written in advance for the council to approve the request for a change for second reading directed to the manager and the CFO however whatever vote you take to direct that should be reduced to writing which the clerk and I can collaborate on and then signed it is in effect a resolution even though it was not presented in advance so it's fine to vote to make some change in the presentation even if it doesn't mean the actual numbers are being changed if you choose to do that it's within the authority of the council to vote to direct the manager and the CFO to make that change but not to be redundant but we will have to reduce whatever you vote to writing so there is a record of it which the manager and the CFO can rely upon in making any changes that you direct Okay so we've already voted the budget we voted Bud budget through all right so um as far as motions to add certain line items to the budget okay the first thing and and let me just as ask ask me uh ask you something uh sir so when you consider potholes and things like that you don't consider that uh Street repair so I'm just asking that the budget be itemized consistent with 2020 I don't I don't know what you call a pothole or Street repair you haven't explained it um or if you have an explanation but it's not in the budget there is none there is no pothole or Street repair on your budget okay the line items been removed we'd like it returned because it's a major issue the neighbors are talking about it and it just looks like it's been removed I don't know who removed it or why all right all right so we'll add that to it and I thought I did explain uh Street I mean potholes compared to Street repair and how they explained it um there there's no expenditure I'm sorry so there's no expenditure last year reported yeah so all we have is your your verbal explanation but you said I didn't but you said there's no clarification on what was what's considered a pothole and what's considered Street repair what was spent on September 9th how many dollars for the repairs we spent $5,000 for potholes now if you consider poth Street repair because it it is repairing the street the people that where we do fill up the potholes they're very happy about that street repair but some people don't consider poth Street repair so it just depends F CIT fund now you're saying that you want that out and you want to we'll do that a line it for potholes SL Street repair we'll do that we'll do a line item for potho Street repair um CFO Tabo can that be done which also the signs s the after the traffic study all the street signs throughout the village we had to pay for and that was another 20 to $30,000 that came out of the cat funding so that's why we kind of like like hold on the street repairs like Pooles and stuff to you know see how much money we were going to need from that CIT funding for to um for the street signs so after that was done then the last um pothole repairs which the mayor is referring to the 5,000 and change 4,000 and change was just recently done now I see where you are asking for a street uh for a um uh a line item for that but it's um that is being deducted from the CIT fund C CIT fundings no no it's shown separately in past budgets currently the CIT budget says utilities are those the street signs utilities as an expenditure I don't know the manager will have to ask that or the c or contingent that what was the question I'm sorry just so I can make sure we have those line items in there 2020 the 2020 budget yeah okay so you said all right no I'm saying show me the 20 it oh the 2020 budget he has that's what I'm that's what I'm asking for I didn't know you had to give it to him that's what I'm asking is the 2020 budget page 14 he's asking what's included in utilities can you just show the repairs the utility line item is the fpnl related fees what I'm trying page 14 I'm on page 14 utilities and contingencies and you want another line item to show I just had asked that it be consistent with the 2019 budget which is shown through have 2020 here not 2019 sir all right sorry sir so you want a line item I'm trying to figure out your line so so we get them so you want a line item for for Street repair a line item for potholes a line item for the request was to be consistent with the past budget I've given that to the finance manager I can okay well look I don't have me so I was trying that's what I was trying to figure out that's all no problem it's not a bad thing it's a good thing just's bring it back bring it back thank you sir mayor why are you reading it just seems like we just need to bring the line item back that's all it was there before you can bring it back yes I understand but I want to bring back the correct line item that's all that's what I'm saying and so and what we should probably do is instead of even Street and sidewalk repair um we should probably keep it together I'm trying to see if we should even keep it together or pull it apart and hurricane prep and uh and right away trimming do you want that just like it is here hurricane prep and rway trimming do you or do you want hurricane prep to be different than rway trimming sir I just asked that it' be broken out similar with past budgets because it was zeroed out after this bu we can't see what's being spent where it's being labeled as other things I understand I understand but I just want to be I just want exactly I'm looking for exactly what you want because right now just says tree trimming in in this current budget right here on the on the 2020 budget says hurricane prep and ride over Road trimming do you want hurricane prep and R Road tming just just like it is here or do you want like it is in the past just like it is here all thank you very much we're just asking how much money is being spent on the streets this year and it's not in current form or match the past form and it seems like Public's work salaries are overallocated to the budget which currently leaves zero doar for any repair it's unclear all right I understand all right so you have your motion there's a motion on the table then not yet not yet okay no sorry all right nobody's motioned it um Everybody uh understand what we're talking about regular pay vacation pay holiday pay PTO sick pay overtime okay so those are uh what's that six different things now for for the manager and the clerk budget yes for the manager and the clerk's budgetable yeah all six of those things for the manager and the clerk's budget for these line items so we have six for the manager and clerk budg Clerk's budget regular pay vacation pay holiday pay PTO sick pay overtime we have um two for the for the special Rue going with Street repair side and sidewalk repair we'll put those together Street repair and sidewalk repair for a line item hurricane prep and RightWay trimmy R trimmy for the second line item okay CFO toell attorney Geller for those line items to be added to the budget is it okay to take just a motion or do I need a resolution a motion in this case is effectively a resolution it was not written in advance because no one talked about it in advance but the motion does not is not adding them to the budget you've already voted to adopt the budget on first reading but you can direct the manager and CFO to prepare an amendment to the first reading budget for consideration at the second public hearing and if it is introduced voted on and adopted it would amend what you've passed on first reading it is in effect a resolution and as I indicated earlier if you vote to direct that by motion to direct the preparation of an amendment to be considered on second reading then the clerk and I will need to collaborate in reducing that to writing so that the directions to the manager and the CFO are clear so that you get what you're asking for to be presented at the second hearing as an amendment to the budget approved on first reading um for these to add these extra line items do I have a motion so moved as outlined by the mayor and illustrated by the attorney thank you very much do have a second second a second um Madam cour please have a roll call roll call council person Martin I mean I'm sorry council person leford Ward yes council person bbon no vice mayor Pella yes mayor Nickerson yes motion passes three thank you very much anybody else for uh any further good and Welfare quick question so hopefully we'll have the mo uh a document from the clerk and composed with the uh attorney on the specific items for consideration in the second reading is from what I understood yeah I think there'll be so what there'll be there'll be line items added to like the budget showing these uh particular sub like categories B yeah the motion is the direction to have that prepared but what has been as far as the budget is concerned that sits at where we were exactly at the previous motion which is unfortunate because that's why I stood up here I requested those two items right and I think there was an agreement even from you person Enders uh and it's unfortunate that you so I would like to understand why the difference in in the motion why because it was an understanding to be going forward I'll just cut to the chase it was understanding that for the next fiscal year and beyond that that's how we would operate it that's that's where I was operating from the request was was clear but uh so that's it that's my that's my answer why did you vote no for the motion uh I'm just curious because um uh I so I couldn't be 100% I wasn't unanimous with the full list of items that was being requested that's the short answer there was there anyone in particular one uh I was in the initial discussion of the the two chartered positions um and those uh delineations within the uh you know salaries PTO time off all of that was where I was at the addition with Without Really opportunity to assess it out regarding the uh Public Works issues um is essentially why arrived at no okay not that I disagreed with any of the discussion simply that I was prepared to agree to the initial uh discussion regarding the charter positions thanks for clarifying that I appreciate it of course thank you very much coun person I hope I did not offend anybody here it's just we want to we all have thick skin we've been through a lot yeah and I I didn't mean to offend you uh Madame I was giving him a message um you're not new to this you've been here before you've left you know how this runs they're not new to the thing you can public request at any point any of that stuff that you're asking no I'm not public requesting anything I'm just saying you're giving the directives to the council what to do that's your that's your yeah you when it comes to I was telling the I just wanted for him to focus on on the attention so that's why I call back I know I'm not running the meetings thank you very much former council person Drea um anybody else for good and Welfare you guys it's my my daughter's 12th birthday all right I'm going get you out of here let me just say for the record uh Madam manager that when I when we first came in and this Administration first uh took over Madam manager we had um as far as sidewalks and Street repair um we had from the congresswoman foro Wilson you guys all know that we the hat and see this is why I tell residents to contact me um my card I put in all my flyer packets so my information is everywhere everybody has my contact information is because a lot of times things happen behind the scenes M manager that we don't want to say out loud so that we don't ruin relationships Madam manager but then since residents don't want to contact me um so I can tell them what's going on um we had $840,000 allocated from Washington DC through congresswoman Fredrico Wilson's office for Street repair and sidewalk repair for the village for this side 87th Street going back and congresswoman fra Wilson who wears the hats after we allocated that money and they said it was coming to us they killed that project and moved that money and we fought hard for that money hard for our project now I wouldn't want to say that out aloud but if I don't then residents think we're not doing anything or we're not trying to go for anything or we're not going to was DC or we're not going to Tallahasse we're not fighting hard which we are which I am now that being the case me saying this out loud in the public Arena congresswoman Wilson will probably be upset by this and it'll probably hurt this relationship but if I don't say it then you have residents standing up here saying you guys aren't doing anything you guys aren't doing anything you guys aren't doing anything you guys aren't doing anything but we do a lot and we allocate a lot of money okay thank you very much do I have a motion to adjourn so move move by council person life fooot Ward and the second by is that council person herbon yes all in favor say I I all opposed say nay hearing none the uh first budget hearing for Tuesday September 9th is adjourned at 8:02 p.m.